Types of Tests

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Types of tests

1. Written tests
Written tests are tests that are administered on paper or on a computer. A test taker who takes a written test could respond to specific items by writing or typing within a given space of the test or on a separate form or document. In some tests; where knowledge of many constants or technical terms is required to effectively answer questions, like Chemistry or Biology - the test developer may allow every test taker to bring with them a cheat sheet. A test developer's choice of which style or format to use when developing a written test is usually arbitrary given that there is no single invariant standard for testing. Be that as it may, certain test styles and format have become more widely used than others. Below is a list of those formats of test items that are widely used by educators and test developers to construct paper or computer-based tests. As a result, these tests may consist of only one type of test item format (e.g., multiple choice test, essay test) or may have a combination of different test item formats (e.g., a test that has multiple choice and essay items). a. Multiple choice In a test that has items formatted as multiple choice questions, a candidate would be given a number of set answers for each question, and the candidate must choose which answer or group of answers is correct. There are two families of multiple choice questions. The first family is known as the True/False question and it requires a test taker to choose all answers that are appropriate. The second family is known as One-BestAnswer question and it requires a test taker to answer only one from a list of answers. There are several reasons to using multiple choice questions in tests. In terms of administration, multiple choice questions usually requires less time for test takers to answer, are easy to score and grade, provide greater coverage of material, allows for a wide range of difficulty, and can easily diagnose a test taker's difficulty with certain

concepts. As an educational tool, multiple choice items test many levels of learning as well as a test taker's ability to integrate information, and it provides feedback to the test taker about why distractors were wrong and why correct answers were right. Nevertheless, there are difficulties associated with the use of multiple choice questions. In administrative terms, multiple choice items that are effective usually take a great time to construct. As an educational tool, multiple choice items do not allow test takers to demonstrate knowledge beyond the choices provided and may even encourage guessing or approximation due to the presence of at least one correct answer. For instance a test taker might not work out explicitly that , but knowing that

, they would choose an answer close to 48. Moreover, test takers may misinterpret these items and in the process, perceive these items to be tricky or picky. Finally, multiple choice items do not test a test taker's attitudes towards learning because correct responses can be easily faked. Example : Multiple Choice Directions: Read each question and their corresponding answers
carefully and completely. Choose the answer that best fits the question. Please circle the appropriate letter. 1. Which of the following was an effect of the War of 1812? A. increased national pride C. a weaker federal judiciary B. a halt to all trade with Britain D. increased discord in party politics

2. The steam engine was important because it allowed people to A. combine all steps of textile manufacturing C. open more factories & travel westD. use interchangeable parts 3. President Polk thought that acquiring Oregon, Texas, California, and New Mexico was A. an unwise political move C. a move that would lead to an unnecessary war B. a good way to extend slavery D. the nations manifest destiny B. grow cotton in the North

b. Alternative response True/False questions present candidates with a binary choice - a statement is either true or false. This method presents problems, as depending on the number of questions, a significant number of candidates could get 100% just by guesswork, and should on average get 50%. Example : Directions: Read each question carefully. For each question, eliminate as many incorrect options as possible using the strategies described in this Idea Sheet. Mark the option that you determine is the correct answer. 1. Laws do nothing to diminish discrimination. True___ False___ 2. Patients should not ask doctors questions because this develops poor relationships between doctors and patients. True___ False___ 3. Categorization involves placing a word in several contexts in order to remember it. True___ False___

c. Matching type A matching item is an item that provides a defined term and requires a test taker is to match identifying characteristic to the correct term. Example: Directions: On the line next to each children's book in Column A print the letter of the animal or insect in column B that is a main character in that book. Each animal or insect in Column B can be used only once. Column A Column B 1. Charlotte's Web 2. Winnie the Pooh 3. Black Beauty 4. Tarzan 5. Pinocchio 6. Bambi A. Bear B. Chimpanzee C. Cricket D. Deer E. Horse F. Pig

d. Completion type A fill-in-the-blank item provides a test taker with identifying characteristics and requires the test taker to recall the correct term. There are two types of fill-in-the-blank tests. The easier version provides a word bank of possible words that will fill in the blanks. For some exams all words in the word bank are exactly once. If a teacher wanted to create a test of medium difficulty, they would provide a test with a word bank, but some words may be used more than once and others not at all. The hardest variety of such a test is a fill-in-the-blank test in which no word bank is provided at all. This generally requires a higher level of understanding and memory than a multiple choice test. Because of this, fill-in-the-blank tests [with no word bank] are often feared by students. Example:
Instructions: Read the following passage. One word is missing from each of the spaces. Write one suitable word in each space. All words should be grammatically correct, including use of capital letters, and spelled correctly.

Disaster in India More than 7,000 people died within a matter (1)_______________ days when toxic gas leaked (2)________________ a chemical plant in Bhopal, India. The leak began late at (3)________________ and continued for several hours unnoticed. Since (4)________________, exposure to the toxins created by the leak (5)_______________ resulted in the deaths of a further 15,000 people. Many more are sick and (6)_____________ to live normal lives as they have mysterious illnesses related to (7)________gas. The whole area (8)_______________affected by the disaster, livestock, crops, water and of (9)____________the people living around the chemical plant from which the leak came. Many were workers at the plant. Despite trying (10)__________get compensation for the disaster, the people (11)________________seen no real attempt to compensate them. The company involved, UCC, has publicly denied all responsibility for the leak and the resulting damage. No-one has (12)________________ been held responsible. Finding out what happened is (13)________________difficult. Was it a failure

(14)_______________the machinery, the monitoring equipment, safety procedures or simply human error? The investigation (15)_______________ the time failed to come up with an (16)________________and now it is probably impossible to get to the truth. What is clear (17)_______________ that the villagers have to travel for at least two (18)________________ to get clean water and (19)________________still suffering 21 years after the accident (20)_______________.

e. Essay Items such as short answer or essay typically require a test taker to write a response to fulfill the requirements of the item. In administrative terms, essay items take less time to construct. As an assessment tool, essay items can test complex learning objectives as well as processes used to answer the question. The items can also provide a more realistic and generalizable task for test. Finally, these items make it difficult for test takers to guess the correct answers and require test takers to demonstrate their writing skills as well as correct spelling and grammar. The difficulties with essay items are primarily administrative. For one, these items take more time for test takers to answer. When these questions are answered, the answers themselves are usually poorly written because test takers may not have time to organize and proofread their answers. In turn, it takes more time to score or grade these items. When these items are being scored or graded, the grading process itself becomes subjective as non-test related information may influence the process. Thus, considerable effort is required to minimize the subjectivity of the grading process. Finally, as an assessment tool, essay questions may potentially be unreliable in assessing the entire content of a subject matter. Example: Instructions to Students Select one of the prompts for your essay. Write the number of the prompt on the top of the first page of your essay. Write a well-organized essay in which you clearly respond to the question or direction that is presented in the prompt. Be sure to follow the accepted

rules of standard English sentence structure, usage, spelling, and punctuation, and to use appropriate diction and style. Maintain legible handwriting. You may use a pen if you wish, but avoid messy cross-outs. Allow yourself time to proofread your essay. For the essay topic you choose, state your individual thesis or position clearly. Use specific information and examples from your studies to support your position. Provide a final paragraph to conclude or close your essay.

Sample Essay Prompts


Throughout the novel, Bless Me, Ultima, the central character has several dreams, pleasant and unpleasant. In a well-organized essay, select two or three of the important dreams, point out the context they occur in, and discuss how they affect the readers understanding of character and situation. One central feature of Darwins theory was an emphasis on the process of gradual change. Explain why modern developments, such as sympatry and punctuated equilibrium pose a challenge to the traditional view of Darwinism.



Compare and contrast the varying approaches to the problem of taxonomy. Is one method a more accurate method of classifying organisms? Provide specific details and examples from the USAD Super QuizTM Resource Guide to support your conclusion.

f. Mathematical questions Most mathematics questions, or calculation questions from subjects such as chemistry, physics or economics employ a style which does not fall in to any of the above categories, although some papers, notably the Maths Challenge papers in the United Kingdom employ multiple choice. Instead, most mathematics questions state a mathematical problem or exercise that requires a student to write a freehand response. Marks are given more for the steps taken than for the correct answer. If the question has multiple parts, later parts may use answers from previous sections, and marks may be granted if an earlier incorrect answer was used but the correct method was followed, and an answer which is correct (given the incorrect input) is returned.

Higher level mathematical papers may include variations on true/false, where the candidate is given a statement and asked to verify its validity by direct proof or stating a counterexample. Example: DIRECTIONS: Solve each problem, then choose the correct answer by circling the corresponding answer option. Do not linger over problems that take too much time. Solve as many as you can; then return to the others in the time you have left for this test. 1. 43 + (5 3)2 = ? A. 042 B. 128 C. 289 D. 337 E. 481 2. At 1:00 p.m. a car leaves St. Louis for Chicago, traveling at a constant speed of 65 miles per hour. At 2:00 p.m. a truck leaves Chicago for St. Louis, traveling at a constant speed of 55 miles per hour. If it is a 305-mile drive between St. Louis and Chicago, at what time will the car and truck pass each other? A. 2:30 p.m. B. 3:00 p.m. C. 4:00 p.m. D. 4:30 p.m. E. 5:00 p.m.

3. Physical fitness tests

A physical fitness test is a test designed to measure physical strength, agility, and endurance. They are commonly employed in educational institutions as part of the physical education curriculum, in medicine as part of diagnostic testing, and as eligibility requirements in fields that focus on physical ability such as military or police.

Throughout the 20th century, scientific evidence emerged demonstrating the usefulness of strength training and aerobic exercise in maintaining overall health, and more agencies began to incorporate standardized fitness testing. In the United States, the President's Council on Youth Fitness was established in 1956 as a way to encourage and monitor fitness in schoolchildren. Common tests include timed running or the multi-stage fitness test, and numbers of push-ups, sit-ups/abdominal crunches and pull-ups that the individual can perform. More specialised tests may be used to test ability to perform a particular job or role.

4. Performance tests
A performance test is an assessment that requires an examinee to actually perform a task or activity, rather than simply answering questions referring to specific parts. The purpose is to ensure greater fidelity to what is being tested. An example is a behind-the-wheel driving test to obtain a driver's license. Rather than only answering simple multiple-choice items regarding the driving of an automobile, a student is required to actually drive one while being evaluated. Performance tests are commonly used in workplace and professional applications, such as professional certification and licensure. When used for personnel selection, the tests might be referred to as a work sample. A licensure example would be cosmetologists being required to demonstrate a haircut or manicure on a live person. The Group-Bourdon test is one of a number of psychometric tests which trainee train drivers in the UK are required to pass. Some performance tests are simulations. For instance, the assessment to become certified as an ophthalmic technician includes two components, a multiple-choice examination and a computerized skill simulation. The examinee must demonstrate the ability to complete seven tasks commonly performed on the job, such as retinoscopy that are simulated on a computer.

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