Our Firm Foundation

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The document discusses the spiritual condition of the church being lukewarm and in need of revival according to Revelation 3:14-21. It also warns that while the work has grown in size, it has declined in spirituality. Ellen White gives warnings about the work deteriorating if members do not make efforts to correct errors and cleanse themselves from sin.

The spiritual condition of the church is revealed as being lukewarm, wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked according to Revelation 3:14-21.

Ellen White warns that while the work has grown in extent and facilities, it has waned in piety. She states that if no efforts are made by God's people to correct wrongs and cleanse themselves from sin, the refreshing will not come and the work will deteriorate.

The Seventh-day Sabbath

Christ Our Righteousness

The Non-Immortality of the Soul

The Immutable Law of God

The Three Angels Messages

Volume 17, Number 1



The Sanctuary

January 2002


Are We Prepared?

uddenly, without warning, our

world has changed: September
11, 2001, is now spoken of as a
day of infamy. To the leaders,
pastors, and laity, I ask, How will
we respond to this crisis? The
spiritual condition of our church is
clearly revealed in Revelation 3:14
21. Because thou sayest, I am rich,
and increased with goods, and have
need of nothing; and knowest not
that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and
naked. Verse 17.
During all the years the church
has been boasting of her progress
and prosperity in increased members, facilities, institutions and
worldwide mission enterprises, the
Lord through the Spirit of Prophecy
has been rebuking the members of
the church for their sins and
backslidings: for the loss of their first
love which has resulted in
lukewarmness and spiritual poverty.
The reproof has not been understood
or appreciated by those under the
Laodicean deception, and, therefore,
the Testimonies have been practically set aside and by many, virtually rejected. Not being able to
understand the manifest contradiction between the attitude of the
church and the prophetic agency of
the movement through whom God
speaks, the tendency has been to
question the authority of the latter
and conclude that Gods prophet
was altogether too pessimistic.
Here is the reason for the
Laodicean deception. The church
has mistaken material prosperity for
spiritual progress and as evidence of
the presence of God and the favor of
Heaven. The purpose of the
Laodicean message is to correct this
false impression and to show that

God reckons genuine prosperity

from the viewpoint of spiritual life
and growth. Material prosperity
will, of course, follow the presence
and blessing of God as in apostolic
days, but it is the result and not the
cause of the divine favor. The
history of many ancient and modern
false religious movements proves
that material prosperity of itself is
meaningless. To learn this lesson is
one of the greatest needs of Advent
people, for on it depends our eternal
Over twelve million souls are
recorded on our church books, but
the question we must ask ourselves
now is: How many understand the
conditions and requirements for
salvationtrusting in the merits of
Christs sacrifice while obeying all
known truth without a single
Listen to a warning from God by
our prophet Ellen White: The work
has been extended so that it now
covers a large territory, and the
number of believers has increased.
Still there is a great deficiency, for a
larger work might have been accomplished had the same missionary
spirit been manifested as in earlier
days. Without this spirit the laborer
will only mar and deface the cause
of God. The work is really retrograding instead of advancing as God
designs it should. Our present
numbers and the extent of our work
are not to be compared with what
they were in the beginning. We
should consider what might have
been done had every worker
consecrated himself, in soul, body,
and spirit, to God as he should
have done. Testimonies, vol. 6, 420.
(All emphasis supplied unless
otherwise noted.) But in some

respects the work has deteriorated.

While it has grown in extent and
facilities, it has waned in piety.
Testimonies, vol. 7, 217.
I was shown that if Gods
people make no efforts on their part,
but wait for the refreshing to come
upon them and remove their wrongs
and correct their errors; if they depend
upon that to cleanse them from
filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and
fit them to engage in the loud cry of
the third angel, they will be found
wanting. The refreshing or power of
God comes only on those who have
prepared themselves for it by doing
the work which God bids them,
namely, cleansing themselves from all
filthiness of the flesh and spirit,
perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
Testimonies, vol. 1, 619.
Those who are waiting for the
latter rain to prepare their characters
for heaven will be lost. There will
come a time very soon when God
will no longer answer the prayers of
those remaining in the condition of
Laodicea; they will be spewed out:
To those who are indifferent at this
time Christs warning is: Because
thou art lukewarm, and neither cold
nor hot, I will spue thee out of my
mouth. Revelation 3:16. The figure
of being spewed out of His mouth
means that He cannot offer up your
prayers or your expressions of love
to God. He cannot endorse your
teaching of His Word or your spiritual
work in anywise. He cannot present
your religious exercises with the
request that grace be given you.
Testimonies, vol. 6, 408.
We pray that this special edition of
Our Firm Foundation will help our dear
peoplelaity and pastorsprepare
for eternity. May God now bless and
help each seeker for truth. !

Our Firm Foundation

table of contents
Volume 17, Number 1

It is the mission of Hope International

and the editors of Our Firm Foundation to
clearly present Christ and His truth. The
days that yet remain of this world are
few, and what we do we must do quickly.
We must boldly proclaim the historic
truths of Adventism that place us on so
firm a foundation in the midst of this
troubled world.


Executive Editor: Ron Spear

Administrative Editor: Bill Humeniuk
Managing Editor: Harvey Steck
Layout & Design: Kevin Patterson
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Volume 17, Number 1

That Moment of Terrorism

Russell Standish
What meaning did the atrocities of September 11,
2001, have for Seventh-day Adventists?

The Beginning of Sorrows

Bill Humeniuk
Now is the time to prepare and get ready for what is

The Laodicean Church

Ellen G. White
Are we willing to see our true conditionand to
accept the remedy?

Curse Ye Meroz
Ron Spear
Shall we come up to the help of the Lord, that He may
cut His work short in righteousness?

The First Beast of Revelation 13

Colin Standish
How many apocalyptic symbols in the Bible refer to
the same end-time power, and who is that power?

The Times of Trouble

Ralph Larson
Multitudes have no more understanding of these
important truths than if they had never been revealed.

News Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
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January 2002

The Garden of the Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


New York City
8:45 A.M.
September 11, 2001.

hat meaning did that

moment of terrorism have
for Seventh-day Adventists?
The facts surrounding the terrorist
attacks on New York City are well
known. The tragedy has been detailed
over all forms of media and in all the
nations of the earth. We, too, feel a
deep sorrow for the bereaved. Murder
is always a tragedy.
Our hearts go out especially to
the loved ones of the Seventh-day
Adventists killed in the attack on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and to the wife and loved ones
of the co-pilot, who was married to a
Seventh-day Adventist, and who
died in the United Airlines crash in
Pennsylvania caused by terrorist
action. He frequently attended
church with his wife.
Beyond this natural sorrow, we
must look for the implications of
these terrible events and their
consequences in the light of prophetic utterances. It is crucial that
we know the time in which we live:
But ye, brethren, are not in dark-

ness, that that day should overtake

you as a thief. Ye are all the children
of light, and the children of the day:
we are not of the night, nor of
darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:45.
Clearly, Satannot God
inspired these vicious atrocities.
However, God has a purpose in
permitting these calamities to occur.
They are one of His means of calling
men and women to their senses.
Last Day Events, 28.
Surely, it is time, time long overdue,
to prepare our souls in Gods power
to serve Him wholeheartedly.

Sister Whites Prophecy

A large number of Seventh-day
Adventists have been directed to
study the remarkable fulfillment of a
prophecy enunciated by Sister White
in 1904. It is found in Testimonies,
vol. 9, 1117. Since some recipients
in third-world countries do not
possess this book, and since many
around the world have read only the
small portion found in the book Last
Day Events, I will quote a larger
portion of this prophecy from
Testimonies, vol. 9, pages 12 and 13:
Justice standeth afar off: for
truth is fallen in the street, and

equity cannot enter. Isaiah 59:14. In

the great cities there are multitudes
living in poverty and wretchedness,
well-nigh destitute of food, shelter,
and clothing; while in the same
cities are those who have more than
heart could wish for, who live
luxuriously, spending their money
on richly furnished houses, on
personal adornment, or worse still,
upon the gratification of sensual
appetites, upon liquor, tobacco, and
other things that destroy the powers
of the brain, unbalance the mind,
and debase the soul. The cries of
starving humanity are coming up
before God, while by every species of
oppression and extortion men are
piling up colossal fortunes.
On one occasion, when in New
York City, I was in the night season
called upon to behold buildings
rising story after story toward
heaven. These buildings were
warranted to be fireproof, and they
were erected to glorify their owners
and builders. Higher and still higher
these buildings rose, and in them
the most costly material was used.
Those to whom these buildings
belonged were not asking themselves: How can we best glorify

Our Firm Foundation

Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Russell Standish

God? The Lord was not in their

I thought: Oh, that those who
are thus investing their means could
see their course as God sees it! They
are piling up magnificent buildings,
but how foolish in the sight of the
Ruler of the universe is their planning and devising. They are not
studying with all the powers of
heart and mind how they may
glorify God. They have lost sight of
this, the first duty of man.
As these lofty buildings went
up, the owners rejoiced with ambitious pride that they had money to
use in gratifying self and provoking
the envy of their neighbors. Much of
the money that they thus invested
had been obtained through exaction,
through grinding down the poor.
They forgot that in heaven an
account of every business transaction is kept; every unjust deal, every
fraudulent act, is there recorded. The
time is coming when in their fraud
and insolence men will reach a
point that the Lord will not permit
them to pass, and they will learn
that there is a limit to the forbearance of Jehovah.
The scene that next passed before
me was an alarm of fire. Men looked
at the lofty and supposedly fire-proof
buildings and said: They are perfectly
safe. But these buildings were
consumed as if made of pitch. The fire
engines could do nothing to stay the
destruction. The firemen were unable
to operate the engines.
I am instructed that when the
Lords time comes, should no change
have taken place in the hearts of
proud, ambitious human beings, men
will find that the Hand that had been
strong to save will be strong to
destroy. No earthly power can stay
the Hand of God. No material can be
used in the erection of buildings that
will preserve them from destruction
when Gods appointed time comes to
send retribution on men for their
disregard of His law and for their
selfish ambition.
The entire prophecy merits
careful study. Many have not
noticed that the chapter heading is:
The Last Crisis. Whether Sister
White selected the title or not, I do

Volume 17, Number 1

not know, but surely the subsequent

consequences of that terrorist attack
are ominous.
Let us examine some of the early

1. Rapid Declaration of War

President Bush rapidly declared
war against an enemy which is as
elusive as it is evilterrorism. Of
course, many times before, nations
have declared war on terrorism. Yet

What we have learned, however,

is just how rapidly nations of
various faiths on every continent
can be marshaled into a united
alliance to do the will of the United
States when an impediment to
security and prosperity is identified.
This fact confirms to the devout
student of Scripture that everything
is in place for the United States to
exert its prophesied role in end-time

What we have learned is just how rapidly nations of various

faiths on every continent can be marshaled into a united
alliance to do the will of the United States.

this was different. It went far beyond

the call for stricter security measures.
In times of crisis, national leaders
need cool heads in order that wise
decisions can be made. This declaration of war, made the day after the
attack, (reported in The Australian,
September 13, 2001), was supported
by all but one member of Congress.
The President received 24 standing
ovations during his speech on the
matter to the joint session of Congress, and the opinion polls showed
that 70% of Americans supported
the declaration of war. Sidney Daily
Telegraph, September 19, 2001.

2. Worldwide Support of
United States Foreshadows
Revelation 13
The incredible speed with which
the nations of the world rallied
around the American banner was an
eye opener to students of Revelation
13. In this crisis, the United States
demonstrated that its word is almost
law throughout the world. Saudi
Arabia and the United Arab Emirates severed diplomatic relations
with Afghanistan. Nations long
thought to be hostile to America
such as China and Russiajoined
the coalition for war. We do not
know at this time, of course, whether
this worldwide crisis will eventually
culminate in the Sunday law and
the universal death decree.

3. Financial Boycott Supported

When President Bush, understandably, commanded American
financial institutions to cease all
dealings with terrorists and their
organizations (Melbourne Age,
September 26, 2001), he did not
request the financial organizations of
other nations of the world to follow
suit; he made it clear that any of
them that did not comply would be
cut off from all business with the
worlds largest economythe
United States. The following day, the
Group of Seventhe richest nations
of the worldcomplied.
Revelation 13:17 foretells of a
worldwide economic boycott against
faithful Sabbathkeepers. Once more,
I emphasize that we do not know
whether our present crisis will
eventually generate this prophesied
event, but we have learned how the
United States can effectively exert
control over international fiscal
policiessurely a prerequisite for
the introduction of an economic
boycott of the faithful followers of
Christ when the United States is
thus disposed.
The Australian of September 26,
2001, noted that President Bushs
order broadens the Treasury
Departments authority to penalize
uncooperative foreign banks. It also
reported the following threat of the

White House spokesman, Ari

Fleischer: The signal being sent is:
if you (foreign financial institutions)
dont (cease dealing with the
finances of terrorists), were prepared to take action against your
financial interests.

4. Liberty Jeopardized
Another alarming consequence of
the terrorist acts against New York
City and Washington, D.C., has been
the sentiment that Americans are

executive order (EO 13223) calling

the Ready Reserves of the Armed
Forces to active duty.
For constitutional attorney
William J. Olson, alarm bells started
ringing: This is just the beginning,
he told World Net Daily. I am certain
that the proclamation and executive
order by the president are the first of
a series of executive orders that are
likely to be issued as the administration identifies the powers it wants to

Liberty and security are not mutually incompatible. However,

governments typically remove liberties on the pretext that the
measure is essential for national survival.

determined to try [to win the war]

even if it means sacrifice and loss of
civil liberties. Melbourne Age,
September 19, 2001.
Many are stating that if America
wants full liberty, then it cannot
expect security. If it desires security,
then the citizens must be prepared
to forfeit some of their liberties.
Attorney General John Ashcroft
said the Justice Department would
ask Congress for greater power to
detain non-US citizens (and) wiretap
telephone calls. Australian, September 18, 2001. Certainly this is a
serious breach of civil liberties.
The World Net Daily, September
27, 2001, warned: With Congress
hotly debating whether to grant
sweeping police powers to federal
law enforcement agencies in the
name of combating terrorism, two
attorneys who have studied presidential directives in depth are
concerned that civil liberties will
take a beating from the executive
branch as well as from the legislativeand no one would realize it
until it was too late.
On September 14 President
Bush, responding to the terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon three days earlier,
issued a proclamation declaring a
state of national emergency and
reinforced it the same day with an

Liberty and security are not

mutually incompatible. However,
governments typically remove
liberties on the pretext that the
measure is essential for national
survival in times of peril; unthinking
citizens frequently accept these
measures. Many Germans, when
their prosperity was ruined in the
late 1920s and early 1930s, accepted
Adolf Hitlers abrogation of many
liberties in return for his promise of
prosperity and national greatness.
As a consequence, a massive war
ensued; millions lost their lives, and
German cities were reduced to

A Prototype of Revelation 13
In examining the four matters
discussed above, we can discern a
prototype of the events prophesied
in Revelation 13:1517. Of course,
these events are not the fulfillment of
that prophecy, but they do demonstrate the astounding rapidity with
which America can obtain the
acquiescence of most of the nations
of the worldirrespective of the
religion of their citizensto her
policies and plans when a serious
threat to security and prosperity is
identified around the world.
In the past we have imagined
that the enforcement of the Sunday
law by the United States would take

a considerable amount of time to be

adopted by other nations. However,
now we can discern that the final
movements could really be rapid ones
and that many nations may adopt
those laws in a matter of a few days, if
urged to do so by the United States.
Let us review, in the light of the
New York City tragedy, the divinely
set forth scenario of the withdrawal
of religious liberty, economic boycott,
and the introduction of the death
decree: In accidents and calamities
by sea and land, in great conflagrations, in fierce tornadoes and terrific
hailstorms, in tempests, floods,
cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes, in every place and in a
thousand forms, Satan is exercising
his power. He sweeps away the
ripening harvest, and famine and
distress follow. He imparts to the air
a deadly taint, and thousands
perish by the pestilence. These
visitations are to become more and
more frequent and disastrous.
Destruction will be upon both man
and beast. The Great Controversy,
What will be the response to this
terrible carnage when nations are
destroyed economically, and many
lives are lost?
And then the great deceiver will
persuade men that those who serve
God are causing these evils. The
class that have provoked the displeasure of Heaven will charge all
their troubles upon those whose
obedience to Gods commandments
is a perpetual reproof to transgressors. It will be declared that men are
offending God by the violation of the
Sunday sabbath; that this sin has
brought calamities which will not
cease until Sunday observance shall
be strictly enforced; and that those
who present the claims of the fourth
commandment, thus destroying
reverence for Sunday, are troublers
of the people, preventing their
restoration to divine favor and
temporal prosperity. Ibid., 590.
In his video, Prophecy and the New
Times (1997), Ted Flynn, the Roman
Catholic devotee of Mary, reported
that in an apparition Mary stated
that terrible disasters were about to
strike America. She stated that

Our Firm Foundation

they were the result of sin and that

the only solution was for Americans
to return to God. The solution
offered was to close all shops on
Sunday; to ban sporting events on
Sunday, to attend Mass and Confession, and to say the Rosary.
Make no mistake about it, such
deceptions of Satan will play a
pivotal role in turning secular
mankind to religion. But they will
not sanctify the soul. Yet a religious
zeal will ensue. How easily this will
generate Sunday laws as a perceived
means of regaining divine favor!
Such religious zealots, unsanctified
in heart, will not hesitate to persecute faithful Sabbathkeepers in a
vain effort to restore security and
The legal precedents have
already been set. The Supreme Court
of the United States ruled in 1961,
by an eight-to-one decision, that
Sunday laws do not violate the First
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,
which guarantees religious liberty.
(See Warren Johns, Dateline Sunday,
USA, Pacific Press 1967, 119159.)
Furthermore, in 1990 the Supreme
Court, by a five-to-four majority vote,
in the case Smith versus the State of
Oregon, went far beyond the case
and declared that when religious
rights clash with the governments
need for uniform rules, the court will
side with the government. Los
Angeles Times, April 18, 1990.
All is ready for the fulfillment of
Revelation 13:1517.

End-time Prophecies
The terrorist attacks on New
York City and Washington, D.C.,
have demonstrated how fragile are
our own security and well-being. It
has also highlighted the remarkable
reliability of Sister Whites prophetic
utterances. At a time when the
greatest attacks have been leveled
against the veracity of the Spirit of
Prophecy within our own church,
God has dramatically reminded us
of how accurate were His revelations to His servant. To ignore this
lesson would be to imperil our own
salvation. The quotation from
Testimonies, vol. 9, 1213, was far
from an isolated one.

Volume 17, Number 1

My youngest son, James, is

Director of Legislative Affairs in the
General Conference. His post involves
liaising with members of the U.S.
House of Representatives, the Senate,
and White House aides. He and
Lincoln Steed, the editor of Liberty
Magazine, were studying the prophecies of Sister White together, as their
offices are located next to each other.
They were puzzled by a Spirit of
Prophecy statement which reads: In
the night I was, I thought, in a room
but not in my own house. I was in a
city, where I knew not, and I heard
expression after expression. I rose up
quickly in bed, and saw from my
window large balls of fire. Jetting out

Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of

wars. Nation shall rise against
nation, and kingdom against
kingdom: and there shall be famines,
and pestilences, and earthquakes, in
divers places. All these are the
beginning of sorrows. Matthew
24:68. While these prophecies
received a partial fulfillment at the
destruction of Jerusalem, they have a
more direct application to the last
days. Testimonies, vol. 5, 753.
Sister White saw the conditions
of today with great accuracy: The
nations are in unrest. Times of
perplexity are upon us. Mens
hearts are failing them for fear of
the things that are coming upon

Mens hearts are failing them for fear of the things that are
coming upon the earth. But those who believe in God will
hear His voice amid the storm, saying, It is I; be not afraid.

were sparks, in the form of arrows,

and buildings were being consumed,
and in a very few minutes the entire
block of buildings was falling and
the screeching and mournful groans
came distinctly to my ears. Manuscript Releases, vol. 11, 361.
Since both men felt that the term
expression after expression did
not make a lot of sense, and since
this was a diary entry, Lincoln
requested that the White Estate
reexamine Sister Whites handwriting. It was found that her words
had been accidentally mistranscribed. Sister White was in her late
70s when she wrote that statement,
and her handwriting was no longer
perfectly clear. She had actually
written explosion after explosion.
I am sure that that phrase will be
corrected in future editions of her
books and in future CD-ROMs. How
clearly God revealed the last-day
events to His servant!
We present four further statements by Sister White which are
relevant to the New York tragedy:
Christ, upon the Mount of Olives,
rehearsed the fearful judgments that
were to precede His second coming:

the earth. But those who believe in

God will hear His voice amid the
storm, saying, It is I; be not
afraid. Last Day Events, 19.
The plagues of God are already
falling upon the earth, sweeping
away the most costly structures as if
by a breath of fire from Heaven. Will
not these judgments bring professing
Christians to their senses? God
permits them to come that the world
may take heed, that sinners may be
afraid and tremble before Him.
Ibid., 28.
Men will continue to erect
expensive buildings, costing millions of money. Special attention
will be called to their architectural
beauty and the firmness and solidity
with which they are constructed, but
the Lord has instructed me that
despite the unusual firmness and
expensive display, these buildings
will share the fate of the temple in
Jerusalem. Ibid., 112.

Worse Times Coming

Even worse times are ahead:
The tempest is coming, and we

Continued on page 30

The Beginning
of Sorrows

make spiritual preparations, by

Gods grace, as I never have before.
I want to review with you some
counsel and some scenes that were
shown to Ellen White by the Holy
Spirit for Gods people in these final
hours: The scenes which are soon
to crowd upon us would at the last
come very suddenly and swiftly, as
represented in the words of Scripture: The day of the Lord so cometh
as a thief in the night.
1 Thessalonians 5:2. . . .
I was shown that many of our own
people were asleep in their sins. . . .
I beheld the fearful scenes that lie
just before us; I was alarmed at the
outlook. Selected Messages, book 3,
Romans 13:11 says, Knowing
the time, that now it is high time to
awake out of sleep: for now is our
salvation nearer than when we
believed. As I reviewed the fearful
scenes that have transpired in the
last few months, and the actions
taken by our government, I, too, was
alarmed at the outlook. Are you? Or
are you asleep? Are we still living
the same today as we did yesterday?
Unless you arise to a higher,
holier state in your religious life, you
will not be ready for the appearing of
our Lord. Testimonies, vol. 5, 717.
Only those who have been diligent
students of the Scriptures and who
have received the love of the truth
will be shielded from the powerful

delusion that takes the world

captive. The Great Controversy, 625.
Pray, my brethren, pray as you
have never prayed before. We are not
prepared for the Lords coming. We
need to make thorough work for
eternity. The Seventh-day Adventist
Bible Commentary, vol. 4, 1173.
Those who place themselves
under Gods control, to be led and
guided by Him, will catch the steady
tread of the events ordained by Him
to take place. Testimonies, vol. 7, 14.
However, as these events are
unfolding, remember they are only
the beginning of sorrows. This is
the hour to prepare for much greater
eventssuch as the latter rain, and
the close of probation. God is giving
His people a wake-up call: Prepare,
for I love you. I want you to join Me
for eternity. Listen to the Holy
Spirit in the following quotations:
In A.D. 70 not one Christian
perished in the destruction of
Jerusalem. Christ had given His
disciples warning, and all who
believed His words watched for the
promised sign. The Great Controversy, 30. (You can read about this
sign in Luke 21:2021.)
Ellen White stated: I saw that
we should not put off the coming of
the Lord. Said the angel: Prepare,
prepare, for what is coming upon the
earth. Maranatha, 97.
Prepare! Prepare! should be
sounded in the ears of the people.

Our Firm Foundation

Photo: PhotoDisc

n Matthew 24:3, the disciples

questioned Jesus about the signs
of His coming. At that time Jesus
described some of those signs:
deceptions, wars and rumors of
wars, famines, pestilences, and
earthquakes. Then Jesus said, But
the end is not yet. . . . All these are
the beginning of sorrows. Verses 6, 8.
See also Mark 13:59, Luke 21:812.
(All emphasis supplied unless
otherwise noted.) Luke brings out in
verse 11: Fearful sights and great
signs shall there be from heaven. I
trust that you will read these
scriptural passages prayerfully,
seriously, and watchfully, for the
end of all things is at hand.
1 Peter 4:7.
Recently, for the first time, I
realized that things are no longer
the same in our world, in our
beloved church, or in my own life.
Henceforth, changes will occur
whether we like it or not; therefore,
changes must occur in my own
lifein all of our livesin order to
prepare for the end, which will
bring translation to Gods faithful
people, the 144,000.
In times past I regularly cleared
security at my hometown airport in
Louisville, Kentucky, within two or
three minutes, but the other day it
took me 25 minutes! Had things
changed?You better believe they
had! That really made me think
seriously about my life, resolving to

Bill Humeniuk

For the great day of Gods wrath is

coming. . . . Preachers and people
who believe the third angels
message should set a holy, lively
example. Their conversation and
actions should show that they are
looking for the appearing of the great
God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Manuscript Releases, vol. 9, 197.
God has revealed what is to
take place in the last days, that His
people may be prepared to stand
against the tempest of opposition
and wrath. Testimonies, vol. 5, 452.
The work of the people of God
is to prepare for the events of the
future, which will soon come upon
them with blinding force. Country
Living, 10.
But now time is almost finished,
and what we have been years
learning, they [those converts among
the last to embrace the truth] will
have to learn in a few months.
Early Writings, 67. What an exciting
time to be alive! By Gods grace may
we be ready for what is coming
upon this world with blinding force!

As you read this special issue, will

life continue to be the same for you, or
will you study, pray, work, and watch
as never before to be prepared?
Remember, not one Christian perished
in Jerusalem. Why?They were
prepared, and they fled in a moments
notice as events began to unfold. Read
about it in The Great Controversy, 17

is very near. Gods people should be

preparing for what is to break upon
the world as an overwhelming
surprise. Child Guidance, 555.
I see the necessity of making
haste to get all things ready for the
crisis. Country Living, 21.
Get ready, get ready, get ready.
Early Writings, 119.

What an exciting time to be alive! By Gods grace may

we be ready for what is coming upon this world with
blinding force!

38, in the chapter entitled, The

Destruction of Jerusalem. That
chapter alone should stir our hearts to
Transgression has almost
reached its limit. Confusion fills the
world, and a great terror is soon to
come upon human beings. The end

My dear people, the cry of the

Holy Spirit is appealing to this final
generation of Gods people: Prepare
and get ready! What are you and I
doing at this late hour as events
unfold, as warning after warning is
given? By Gods grace prepare; I
plead with you to prepare. !

Background Photo: PhotoDisc

Winter Convocation, February 7-10:

Prepare to Meet Thy God
We feel the urgency to have a Winter Convocation here at Hope for the first time ever! The
barn, which is fully heated, has been cleaned out
and will be ready to hold 150 people.
Do you feel the urgency? Come and join with
Gods people.
Calvin Dence, who served as a missionary in
South America for many years, will be our guest
speaker on the topic of health and natural remedies. Also speaking will be Ron Spear, Bill
Humeniuk, and several other Hope International staff. This is a must for all of Gods people!
Some rooms on campus are available for $20
a day, plus $5 for each additional person. They
are on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you have
an R.V., we have room for you to park, but no
service hook-ups. A motel is available in
Eatonville with rooms at a special, reduced rate
Volume 17, Number 1

of one queen bed (up to 2 people) for $47 per night,

or two queen beds (up to 4 people) for $55 per
Call us to make a reservation, and ask for Gwen
Feb. 7, Thursday 7:00 p.m.
Feb. 8, Friday
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Feb. 9, Sabbath 9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Feb. 10, Sunday 9:00 a.m.

John Korponay
Jesse Ramirez
Calvin Dence
Harvey Steck
Calvin Dence
Calvin Dence
Ron Spear
Calvin Dence
Bill Humeniuk
Calvin Dence
Calvin Dence


September 11 Triggers Ominous Effects

Wall of Separation of Church
and State Damaged
News Item: Despite Supreme
Court guidelines that say mandatory
prayer cannot be conducted at
public schools, some students,
teachers and administrators around
the nation have momentarily
bypassed constitutional concerns,
praying openly at assemblies, in
classrooms and at sporting events,
asking God for support and protection. . . .
But this revival has not gone
uncontested. . . .
According to Barry Lynn, who
heads the Washington-based
Americans United for Separation of
Church and State: I do think that
some schools are considering
patriotism and religion the same
thing, acting as if you cannot be
patriotic unless you are also conventionally religious, he said. That is a
major fallacy. . . .
Former California Rep. William
F. Dannemeyer, who leads Americans for Voluntary School Prayer,
strongly disagrees. The heightened
spiritual awareness fuels his call for
a constitutional amendment to
restore prayer in schools. He says
the time couldnt be better for
congressional leadership from both
parties to respond. The Washington
Times, October 8, 2001.

Heightened Religious Interest

News Items: Many churches
and mosques were swamped after
Sept. 11. . . . Jim Cymbala, pastor of
the Brooklyn Tabernacle, described
the Sunday following the attacks
this way: We put people in the
lobby, the overflow areas, the choir
risers. The lines were down the
block. Clergy countrywide had
similar experiences. Sixty percent of
all Americans attended some kind of
memorial, and Bible sales rose 27%.
However, the new impulse isnt


sticking with everyone. Gallup polls

taken Sept. 21 and 22 suggested that
weekend church and synagogue
attendance rose only 6% (compared
with, say, 20% after President
Kennedy was shot). . . .
On Sept. 22, as Attorney
General John Ashcroft warned that
Boston might be attacked next,
15,000 Christians knelt on the
asphalt of City Hall Plaza in a
display of Christian repentance. . . .
Many conservative Christians are
speculating about the Apocalypse,
and sales of the apocalyptic book
series Left Behind are booming.
Time, October 8, 2001.
Speaking of the churches that
were open in the largely closed
down area of Chicagos central city,
Those buildings were packed
churches that ordinarily saw about
150 worshipers now fit over 700.
Memorial services and interfaith
vigils marked every towns mourning. . . . Media outlets covered
religion as less of a trend than a
necessity. . . . After the attacks, all
services became interfaith. National
Catholic Register, September 30October 6, 2001.

Americans Willing to Give Up

Some Civil Liberties

Religious Leaders Call for

National Repentance

News Item: A United Nations

expert has urged the development of
agreed principles to respond to the
growing trend in religious extremism, according to a report released
today at UN Headquarters in New
The report of the Special
Rapporteur on freedom of religion or
belief, Abdelfattah Amor, documents
an increase in extremism affecting
all religions, whether Islam, Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism. . . .
Responding to this trend, the
Special Rapporteur recommends that
in the face of this ever-growing and
all pervasive menace to peace that
breaks up society and poses a
particular threat to vulnerable
groups (women and minorities), the
international community should

News Item: An appeal has

been issued to pastors and leaders
from a wide array of ministry and
denominational heads for American
Christians to repent in the light of
the Sept. 11 terrorism attacks. They
say the tragedy is a reflection of the
countrys crumbling foundation
and that we need to plead with
God to forgive us.
Signers of the statement include
Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for
Christ), James Dobson (Focus on the
Family), Thomas Trask (Assemblies
of God) and Pat Robertson (Christian Broadcasting Network, CBN).
ReligionToday.com, September 24,

News Item: Of those surveyed

[in a statewide poll by The Dallas
Morning News], 37 percent said they
would forgo a lot of their personal
freedoms and 41 percent would curb
some of their freedoms. About 14
percent would give up a little
freedom to boost their safety. About
7 percent would not give up any
freedoms, according to the survey.
DallasNews.com, September 18, 2001.

Prejudice Fuels Violence in

News Item: The Council on
American-Islamic Relations counts
more than 600 incidents since Sept.
11 victimizing people thought to be
Arab or Muslim, including four
murders, 45 people assaulted and 60
mosques attacked. Thousands were
intimidated into not going to work,
their mosques, their schools. Time,
October 1, 2001.

Report Given to UN Urges

Agreed Response to Religious

Our Firm Foundation

react firmly, combating it in particular through the elaboration and

adoption of a baseline of commonly
accepted rules and principles of
conduct and behaviour towards
religious extremism. UN News,
October 4, 2001.

Religion Blamed for Sept. 11

News Item: The founder of the
United Religious Initiative, a movement that seeks to become the
dominant religious voice at the UN,
blamed religion for the September 11
terrorist attacks on New York and
At a Wednesday meeting at the
UN Church Center, the Episcopal
Bishop of San Francisco, William E.
Swing, asserted that the hijackers
did not hold a corrupted version of
Islam because religionsall religionsare guilty of fostering
terrorism. There is a lot of terror and
violence in a lot of scripture. There
has to be a critique of that. We have
to hold the religions feet to the fire
for the violence and terror within
them. CWNews.com, October 12,

A Mixture of Patriotism and

News Item: The American flag
has replaced the cross as the most
visible symbol in many churches
across the country since the Sept. 11
terrorists attacks, according to the
Dallas, Texas, News. This hasnt set
well with some Christians, who say
faith transcends nationality so the
flag has no place in sanctuaries.
However, others say the show of
patriotism is a much-needed comfort. ReligionToday.com, October 15,

End-Time Perspective
September the 11th, and the
weeks following that day, demonstrate and remind us how quickly
the world around us can change.
We are reminded that the closing
scenes will be rapid ones. How
quickly the wall of separation of
church and state can be breached
and the Constitution set aside!

Volume 17, Number 1

A national emergency can

quickly turn many to seek spiritual
answers. Unfortunately, the apostate
churches will be largely appealed to
for these answers, and they will
comfort the people with a mixture of
truth and errorthereby strengthening their influence among the
Today religious leaders are
proclaiming that if the nation
repents of its sins, Gods blessings
and protection will be returned to it.
In the future, a similar cry will be
raised up, and a Sunday law will be
proclaimed as a way to help bring the
nation back to an allegiance to God.
Today, without the promptings
of leaders, some Americans are
venting their anger upon innocent
Moslems, and even those who
appear to be Moslems. There will
come a day when the leaders will
help foment and direct the anger of
the people against Gods commandment-keeping people, who will be
blamed for the nations crisis.
At present, how willing is the
nation to give up some of its constitutional freedoms in exchange for
greater security! Tomorrow how
easily the constitutional protections
will be removed that would prevent
this country from speaking like a
dragon, setting up an image to the
beast, and persecuting Gods
Sabbathkeeping people! See Revelation 13:1117.
Today it is more easily seen how
tomorrow the United States will be
the driving power behind the
worldwide worship of the beast and
the persecution of those who will
not accept its mark. It is easy to see
the significance of the United
Nations organizations potential role
in these closing scenes.
I pray that Gods professed
people will view these recent
dramatic events as a wake-up call
demonstrating how easily these
scenes can be changed and become
the final closing ones. May our
allegiance to God be strengthened
today in preparation for the day
when it will be considered patriotic
to join in the persecution of Gods
faithful remnant people. !

Project USA is
a call to awaken
America with the
law of God. Here
at Hope International we are
forward. The law
of God will be the
final issue for the
whole world.
We have been
instructed that newspapers are one
of the channels that we are to use to
reach people with Gods last
warning: Men will misrepresent the
doctrines we believe and teach as
Bible truth, and it is necessary that
wise plans should be laid to secure
the privilege of inserting articles into
the secular papers; for this will be a
means of awakening souls to see the
truth. Evangelism, 129.
You have probably seen the
above newspaper advertisement in
our November-December 2001
Newsletter. To date, we have placed
the ad in over 1.5 million newspapers, and more than 250 people
have responded with requests for a
free copy of the book Final Conflict
(selected chapters from The Great
Controversy), Bible studies, or other
materials. Praise the Lord!
What a privilege to place Gods
law in the secular papers of the
world! Soon it will be too late.
Time is very short, and all that is
to be done must be done quickly.
Testimonies, vol. 5, 573.
Please help us saturate and
awaken America with this glorious
message in 2002!
Help sponsor an ad today by
sending your donation to Hope
International marked Project
USA. Please call us if you would
like to sponsor an ad in your area,
or if you would like us to mail you
a copy of the ad. !



This testimony, written over 100

years ago, we believe applies to the
church today. This is the only counsel,
if taken to heart, that will arouse our
church from fatal and carnal security,
and cause a true revival of the faith.
The Editors

he message to the church of

the Laodiceans is a startling
denunciation, and is applicable to the people of God at the
present time.
And unto the angel of the church
of the Laodiceans write: These things
saith the Amen, the faithful and true
witness, the beginning of the creation
of God; I know thy works, that thou
art neither cold nor hot: I would thou
wert cold or hot. So then because thou
art lukewarm, and neither cold nor


hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and
increased with goods, and have need
of nothing; and knowest not that thou
art wretched, and miserable, and poor,
and blind, and naked. Revelation
The Lord here shows us that
the message to be borne to His
people by ministers whom He has
called to warn the people is not a
peace-and-safety message. It is not
merely theoretical, but practical in
every particular. The people of God
are represented in the message to
the Laodiceans as in a position of
carnal security. They are at ease,
believing themselves to be in an
exalted condition of spiritual
attainments. Because thou sayest,
I am rich, and increased with

Ellen G. White
goods, and have need of nothing;
and knowest not that thou art
wretched, and miserable, and poor,
and blind, and naked.
What greater deception can
come upon human minds than a
confidence that they are right
when they are all wrong! The
message of the True Witness finds
the people of God in a sad deception, yet honest in that deception.
They know not that their condition
is deplorable in the sight of God.
While those addressed are flattering themselves that they are in an
exalted spiritual condition, the
message of the True Witness
breaks their security by the startling denunciation of their true
condition of spiritual blindness,
poverty, and wretchedness. The

Our Firm Foundation

Composition: Kevin H. Patterson; Angels: Joe Maniscalco

I would thou wert cold or hot

testimony, so cutting and severe,

cannot be a mistake, for it is the
True Witness who speaks, and His
testimony must be correct.
It is difficult for those who feel
secure in their attainments, and
who believe themselves to be rich
in spiritual knowledge, to receive
the message which declares that
they are deceived and in need of
every spiritual grace. The
unsanctified heart is deceitful
above all things, and desperately
wicked. Jeremiah 17:9. I was
shown that many are flattering
themselves that they are good
Christians, who have not a ray of
light from Jesus. They have not a
living experience for themselves in
the divine life. They need a deep
and thorough work of self-abasement before God before they will
feel their true need of earnest,
persevering effort to secure the
precious graces of the Spirit.
God leads His people on step
by step. The Christian life is a
constant battle and a march. There
is no rest from the warfare. It is by
constant, unceasing effort that we
maintain the victory over the
temptations of Satan. As a people
we are triumphing in the clearness
and strength of the truth. We are
fully sustained in our positions by
an overwhelming amount of plain
Scriptural testimony. But we are
very much wanting in Bible
humility, patience, faith, love, selfdenial, watchfulness, and the spirit
of sacrifice. We need to cultivate
Bible holiness. Sin prevails among
the people of God. The plain
message of rebuke to the
Laodiceans is not received. Many
cling to their doubts and their
darling sins while they are in so
great a deception as to talk and
feel that they are in need of nothing. They think the testimony of
the Spirit of God in reproof is
uncalled for or that it does not
mean them. Such are in the greatest need of the grace of God and
spiritual discernment that they
may discover their deficiency in
spiritual knowledge. They lack
almost every qualification necessary to perfect Christian character.

Volume 17, Number 1

They have not a practical knowledge of Bible truth, which leads to

lowliness of life and a conformity
of their will to the will of Christ.
They are not living in obedience to
all Gods requirements.
It is not enough to merely
profess to believe the truth. All the
soldiers of the cross of Christ
virtually obligate themselves to
enter the crusade against the
adversary of souls, to condemn
wrong and sustain righteousness.
But the message of the True
Witness reveals the fact that a
terrible deception is upon our

God and which will give clear

discernment of spiritual things and
detect sin. These attainments are
more precious than the gold of
I have been shown that the
greatest reason why the people of
God are now found in this state of
spiritual blindness is that they will
not receive correction. Many have
despised the reproofs and warnings given them. The True Witness
condemns the lukewarm condition
of the people of God, which gives
Satan great power over them in
this waiting, watching time. The

I have been shown that unbelief in the Testimonies of

warning, encouragement, and reproof is shutting away
the light from Gods people.

people, which makes it necessary

to come to them with warnings, to
break their spiritual slumber, and
arouse them to decided action.
In my last vision I was shown
that even this decided message of
the True Witness had not accomplished the design of God. The
people slumber on in their sins.
They continue to declare themselves rich and having need of
nothing. Many inquire: Why are all
these reproofs given? Why do the
Testimonies continually charge us
with backsliding and with grievous sins? We love the truth; we are
prospering; we are in no need of
these Testimonies of warning and
reproof. But let these murmurers
see their hearts and compare their
lives with the practical teachings
of the Bible, let them humble their
souls before God, let the grace of
God illuminate the darkness, and
the scales will fall from their eyes,
and they will realize their true
spiritual poverty and wretchedness. They will feel the necessity of
buying gold, which is pure faith
and love; white raiment, which is a
spotless character made pure in
the blood of their dear Redeemer;
and eyesalve, which is the grace of

selfish, the proud, and the lovers of

sin are ever assailed with doubts.
Satan has ability to suggest doubts
and to devise objections to the
pointed testimony that God sends,
and many think it a virtue, a mark
of intelligence in them, to be
unbelieving and to question and
quibble. Those who desire to doubt
will have plenty of room. God does
not propose to remove all occasion
for unbelief. He gives evidence,
which must be carefully investigated with a humble mind and a
teachable spirit, and all should
decide from the weight of evidence.
Eternal life is of infinite value
and will cost us all that we have. I
was shown that we do not place a
proper estimate upon eternal
things. Everything worth possessing, even in this world, must be
secured by effort, and sometimes
by most painful sacrifice. And this
is merely to obtain a perishable
treasure. Shall we be less willing to
endure conflict and toil, and to
make earnest efforts and great
sacrifices, to obtain a treasure
which is of infinite value, and a
life which will measure with that
of the Infinite? Can heaven cost us
too much?


Faith and love are golden treasures, elements that are greatly
wanting among Gods people. I have
been shown that unbelief in the
Testimonies of warning, encouragement, and reproof is shutting away
the light from Gods people. Unbelief
is closing their eyes so that they are
ignorant of their true condition. The
True Witness thus describes their
blindness: And knowest not that
thou art wretched, and miserable, and
poor, and blind, and naked.

Some young men start out with

no real sense of the exalted character
of the work. They have no privations, hardships, or severe conflicts
to meet, which would call for the
exercise of faith. They do not
cultivate practical self-denial and
cherish a spirit of sacrifice. Some are
becoming proud and lifted up, and
have no real burden of the work
upon them. The True Witness
speaks to these ministers: Be
zealous therefore, and repent.

Very many feel impatient and jealous because they are

frequently disturbed with warnings and reproofs which
keep their sins before them.

Faith in the soon coming of

Christ is waning. My Lord delayeth
his coming is not only said in the
heart, but expressed in words and
most decidedly in works. Stupidity
in this watching time is sealing the
senses of Gods people as to the
signs of the times. The terrible
iniquity which abounds calls for the
greatest diligence and for the living
testimony, to keep sin out of the
church. Faith has been decreasing to
a fearful degree, and it is only by
exercise that it can increase.
In the rise of the third angels
message those who engaged in the
work of God had something to
venture; they had sacrifices to make.
They started this work in poverty
and suffered the greatest deprivations and reproach. They met
determined opposition, which drove
them to God in their necessity and
kept their faith alive. Our present
plan of systematic benevolence
amply sustains our ministers, and
there is no want and no call for the
exercise of faith as to a support.
Those who start out now to preach
the truth have nothing to venture.
They have no risks to run, no
special sacrifices to make. The
system of truth is made ready to
their hand, and publications are
provided for them, vindicating the
truths they advance.


Revelation 3:19. Some of them are so

lifted up in pride that they are really a
hindrance and a curse to the precious
cause of God. They do not exert a
saving influence upon others. These
men need to be thoroughly converted
to God themselves and sanctified by
the truths they present to others.
Very many feel impatient and
jealous because they are frequently
disturbed with warnings and
reproofs which keep their sins before
them. Says the True Witness: I
know thy works. The motives, the
purposes, the unbelief, the suspicions and jealousies may be hid
from men, but not from Christ. The
True Witness comes as a counselor:
I counsel thee to buy of me gold
tried in the fire, that thou mayest be
rich; and white raiment, that thou
mayest be clothed, and that the
shame of thy nakedness do not
appear; and anoint thine eyes with
eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As
many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Behold, I stand at the door, and
knock: if any man hear my voice,
and open the door, I will come in to
him, and will sup with him, and he
with me. To him that overcometh
will I grant to sit with me in my
throne, even as I also overcame, and
am set down with my Father in his
throne. Revelation 3:1821.

Those who are reproved by the

Spirit of God should not rise up
against the humble instrument. It is
God, and not an erring mortal, who
has spoken to save them from ruin.
Those who despise the warning will
be left in blindness to become selfdeceived. But those who heed it, and
zealously go about the work of
separating their sins from them in
order to have the needed graces, will
be opening the door of their hearts
that the dear Saviour may come in
and dwell with them. This class you
will ever find in perfect harmony with
the testimony of the Spirit of God.
Ministers who are preaching
present truth should not neglect the
solemn message to the Laodiceans.
The testimony of the True Witness is
not a smooth message. The Lord
does not say to them, You are about
right; you have borne chastisement
and reproof that you never deserved;
you have been unnecessarily
discouraged by severity; you are not
guilty of the wrongs and sins for
which you have been reproved.
The True Witness declares that
when you suppose you are really in
a good condition of prosperity you
are in need of everything. It is not
enough for ministers to present
theoretical subjects; they should also
present those subjects which are
practical. They need to study the
practical lessons that Christ gave
His disciples and make a close
application of the same to their own
souls and to the people. Because
Christ bears this rebuking testimony,
shall we suppose that He is destitute of tender love to His people?
Oh, no! He who died to redeem man
from death, loves with a divine love,
and those whom He loves He
rebukes. As many as I love, I
rebuke and chasten. But many will
not receive the message that Heaven
in mercy sends them. They cannot
endure to be told of their neglect of
duty and of their wrongs, their
selfishness, their pride and love of
the world.
I was shown that God has laid
upon my husband and me a special
work, to bear a plain testimony to
His people, and to cry aloud and
spare not, to show the people their

Our Firm Foundation

transgressions and the house of

Israel their sins. But there is a class
who will not receive the message of
reproof, and they raise their hands
to shield those whom God would
reprove and correct. These are ever
found sympathizing with those
whom God would make to feel their
true poverty.
The word of the Lord, spoken
through His servants, is received by
many with questionings and fears.
And many will defer their obedience
to the warning and reproofs given,
waiting till every shadow of uncertainty is removed from their minds.
The unbelief that demands perfect
knowledge will never yield to the
evidence that God is pleased to give.
He requires of His people faith that
rests upon the weight of evidence,
not upon perfect knowledge. Those
followers of Christ who accept the
light that God sends them must obey
the voice of God speaking to them
when there are many other voices
crying out against it. It requires
discernment to distinguish the voice
of God.
Those who will not act when the
Lord calls upon them, but who wait
for more certain evidence and more
favorable opportunities, will walk in
darkness, for the light will be
withdrawn. The evidence given one
day, if rejected, may never be
Many are tempted in regard to
our work and are calling it in
question. Some, in their tempted
condition, charge the difficulties and
perplexities of the people of God to
the Testimonies of reproof that we
have given them. They think the
trouble is with the ones who bear
the message of warning, who point
out the sins of the people and
correct their errors. Many are
deceived by the adversary of souls.
They think that the labors of Brother
and Sister White would be acceptable if they were not continually
condemning wrong and reproving
sin. I was shown that God has laid
this work upon us, and when we
are hindered from meeting with His
people and from bearing our testimony and counteracting the
surmisings and jealousies of the

Volume 17, Number 1

unconsecrated, then Satan presses in

his temptations very strongly. Those
who have been ever on the questioning, doubting side feel at liberty to
suggest their doubts and to insinuate their unbelief. Some have sanctimonious and apparently conscientious and very pious doubts, which
they cautiously drop, but which
have tenfold more power to
strengthen those who are wrong,
and to lessen our influence and
weaken the confidence of Gods
people in our work, than if they
came out more frankly. These poor

And again: As many as I love, I

rebuke and chasten: be zealous
therefore, and repent. Then comes
the promise: Behold, I stand at the
door, and knock: if any man hear
my voice, and open the door, I will
come in to him, and will sup with
him, and he with me. To him that
overcometh will I grant to sit with
me in my throne, even as I also
overcame, and am set down with my
Father in his throne.
The people of God must see their
wrongs and arouse to zealous
repentance and a putting away of

This message must be borne to a lukewarm church by

Gods servants. It must arouse His people from their
security and dangerous deception in regard to their real
standing before God.
souls, I saw, were deceived by Satan.
They flatter themselves that they are
all right, that they are in favor with
God and are rich in spiritual
discernment, when they are poor,
blind, and wretched. They are doing
the work of Satan, but think they
have a zeal for God.
Some will not receive the testimony that God has given us to bear,
flattering themselves that we may be
deceived and that they may be right.
They think that the people of God
are not in need of plain dealing and
of reproof, but that God is with
them. These tempted ones, whose
souls have ever been at war with the
faithful reproving of sin, would cry:
Speak unto us smooth things. What
disposition will these make of the
message of the True Witness to the
Laodiceans? There can be no
deception here. This message must
be borne to a lukewarm church by
Gods servants. It must arouse His
people from their security and
dangerous deception in regard to
their real standing before God. This
testimony, if received, will arouse to
action and lead to self-abasement
and confession of sins. The True
Witness says: I know thy works,
that thou art neither cold nor hot.

those sins which have brought them

into such a deplorable condition of
poverty, blindness, wretchedness,
and fearful deception. I was shown
that the pointed testimony must live
in the church. This alone will
answer to the message to the
Laodiceans. Wrongs must be
reproved, sin must be called sin, and
iniquity must be met promptly and
decidedly, and put away from us as
a people. Testimonies, vol. 3, 252260.
What astonishing deception
and fearful blindness had, like a
dark cloud, covered Israel! This
blindness and apostasy had not
closed about them suddenly; it had
come upon them gradually as they
had not heeded the word of reproof
and warning which the Lord had
sent to them because of their pride
and their sins. And now, in this
fearful crisis, in the presence of the
idolatrous priests and the apostate
king, they remained neutral. If God
abhors one sin above another, of
which His people are guilty, it is
doing nothing in case of an emergency. Indifference and neutrality in
a religious crisis is regarded of God
as a grievous crime and equal to the
very worst type of hostility against
God. Ibid., 280281. !


Curse Ye Meroz
In vision I saw two armies in terrible conflict. One army was led by banners bearing the
worlds insignia; the other was led by the bloodstained banner of Prince Immanuel. Standard
after standard was left to trail in the dust as company after company from the Lords army
joined the foe and tribe after tribe from the ranks of the enemy united with the commandmentkeeping people of God. An angel flying in the midst of heaven put the standard of Immanuel into
many hands, while a mighty general cried out with a loud voice: Come into line. Let those who
are loyal to the commandments of God and the testimony of Christ now take their position.
Come out from among them, and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean, and I will receive
you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters. Let all who will
come up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty.
The battle raged. Victory alternated from side to side. Now the soldiers of the cross gave way,
as when a standardbearer fainteth. Isaiah 10:18. But their apparent retreat was but to gain a
more advantageous position. Shouts of joy were heard. A song of praise to God went up, and
angel voices united in the song, as Christs soldiers planted His banner on the walls of fortresses
till then held by the enemy. The Captain of our salvation was ordering the battle and sending
support to His soldiers. His power was mightily displayed, encouraging them to press the battle
to the gates. He taught them terrible things in righteousness as He led them on step by step,
conquering and to conquer.
At last the victory was gained. The army following the banner with the inscription, The
commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus, was gloriously triumphant. The soldiers of
Christ were close beside the gates of the city, and with joy the city received her King. The kingdom
of peace and joy and everlasting righteousness was established.
Testimonies, vol. 8, 4142.


ease and pleasure, selfishness, and

impurity are increasing among us.
There is need now of men who are
firm and fearless in declaring the
whole counsel of God; men who will
not sleep as do others, but watch and
be sober. Testimonies, vol. 5, 160.

The Sin of the Ancient

The sin of the ancient church
was disregarding the expressed will
of God. The children of Israel
followed the ways of men and
rejected Gods way (His plans and
His commandments). They were in
open rebellion and insubordination.
Their punishment was forty years of
wandering in the wilderness:
For forty years did unbelief,
murmuring, and rebellion shut out

ancient Israel from the land of

Canaan. The same sins have delayed the entrance of modern Israel
into the heavenly Canaan. In neither
case were the promises of God at
fault. It is the unbelief, the worldliness, unconsecration, and strife
among the Lords professed people
that have kept us in this world of
sin and sorrow so many years.
We may have to remain here in
this world because of insubordination many more years, as did the
children of Israel; but for Christs
sake, His people should not add sin
to sin by charging God with the
consequence of their own wrong
course of action. Evangelism, 696.
God was willing to cut His work
very short in righteousness soon
after 1844, if the church had been

Our Firm Foundation

Illustration: Kevin H. Patterson

wake, awake, Deborah: awake,

awake, utter a song: arise,
Barak, and lead thy captivity
captive, thou son of Abinoam. . . .
Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of
the LORD, curse ye bitterly the
inhabitants thereof; because they
came not to the help of the LORD, to
the help of the LORD against the
mighty. Judges 5:12, 23.
The sin of Meroz is that they did
not come up to the help of the Lord.
Today, in this final generation, the
history of the ancient church is
being repeated.
Satans snares are laid for us as
verily as they were laid for the
children of Israel just prior to their
entrance into the land of Canaan.
We are repeating the history of that
people. Lightness, vanity, love of

Ron Spear

willing to experience the third

angels messagejustification by
Had Adventists, after the great
disappointment in 1844, held fast
their faith, and followed on unitedly
in the opening providence of God,
receiving the message of the third
angel and in the power of the Holy
Spirit proclaiming it to the world,
they would have seen the salvation
of God, the Lord would have
wrought mightily with their efforts,
the work would have been completed, and Christ would have come
ere this to receive His people to their
reward. Selected Messages, book 1, 68.
The long delay, caused by the
churchs insubordination to Gods
commands and authority has
brought us into the wretchedness of
the final stages of the Laodicean
condition, which is described in
Revelation, chapter three, as
wretched, and miserable, and poor,
and blind, and nakedand if we
do not repent, the curse of Meroz
will be laid upon the unfaithful
leaders, pastors, and laity. Like
Meroz, they have refused to come to
the help of the Lord in the great
controversys final crisis.

A Message Rejected
What is the reason for the
deplorable apostasy of Laodicea?It
is the rejection of the righteousness
by faith message brought to the
church in 1888. The rejection of that
message, given by Elders Waggoner
and Jones, and Ellen G. White in the
1880s and 1890s, was, in reality, a
rejection of the Holy Spirit. We are
told by Inspiration that God wanted
to take the church into the Promised
Land shortly after 1844 if they had
received the third angels message in
verity, which is justification by faith.
See Evangelism, 190; Testimonies, vol.
6, 450.
This message is that God has the
power to keep us from sinninga
truth which is believed to be an
impossibility by many in Adventism
today. Christians will accept that
this power can help the abandoned
sinner and degraded outcast to
overcome his debauchery, but they
will not accept that this power is

Volume 17, Number 1

sufficient to enable them to overcome

their own lustful thoughts and evil
tempers. Notice what God says to
The strongest bulwark of vice in
our world is not the iniquitous life of
the abandoned sinner or the degraded outcast; it is that life which
otherwise appears virtuous, honorable, and noble, but in which one
sin is fostered, one vice indulged.
Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing,
By the power of the Holy Spirit
the moral image of God is to be
perfected in the character. We are to
be wholly transformed into the

the people who will give Gods

special message to the world at the
end of time. See The Seventh-day
Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7,
978979. When the messages are
presented as they should be, it will
be by those in whom the character of
Christ has been perfectly formed. See
Christs Object Lessons, 69. The seal of
the living God will have been
impressed upon their souls. They
will have settled into the truth
intellectually and spiritually so that
they cannot be moved. See The
Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 4, 1161. They will be
among those who weep between the

These messages will be proclaimed throughout the world

by a people who are living Jesus life with His love, His
faith, His righteousness, and His power.

likeness of Christ. Testimonies to

Ministers, 506.
We can overcome. Yes; fully,
entirely. Jesus died to make a way of
escape for us, that we might overcome every evil temper, every sin,
every temptation, and sit down at
last with Him. Testimonies, vol. 1,
Notice, dear friends, the evidence
is overwhelming that we have
continued to reject the experience
God wanted His church to accept in
1888the message of righteousness
by faith.

Three Great Misunderstandings

There are three great misunderstandings in Adventism today. They
are: (1) misunderstandings of the
three angels messages, (2) misunderstandings of the cleansing of the
sanctuary of Daniel 8:14, and (3)
misunderstandings of the Spirit of
1) The Three Angels Messages:
There is a lack of understanding
concerning the three angels of
Revelation 14:612 among the
remnant people of God in this time
of the end. These angels symbolize

porch and the altar for the sins of

the world and of the church. They
will cry unto the Lord as did the
prophets of old: Spare thy people,
O LORD. Joel 2:17. See Testimonies,
vol. 3, 266267; ibid., vol. 5, 209210.
The 144,000 must stand with
these wonderful truths before the
whole world, against great opposition and persecution, and in the face
of death. The character of God will
be vindicated by their words,
actions, and living testimony. They
are the real remnant. When the
character of Christ is found in His
people, these messages will be
proclaimed throughout the world by
a people who are living Jesus life
with His love, His faith, His righteousness, and His power.
2) The Cleansing of the Sanctuary: For more than half a century
the different points of present truth
have been questioned and opposed.
New theories have been advanced
as truth, which were not truth, and
the Spirit of God revealed their error.
As the great pillars of our faith have
been presented, the Holy Spirit has
borne witness to them, and especially is this so regarding the truths
of the sanctuary question. Over and


over again the Holy Spirit has in a

marked manner endorsed the
preaching of this doctrine. But
today, as in the past, some will be
led to form new theories and to deny
the truths upon which the Spirit of
God has placed His approval.
Evangelism, 224.
Jesus, our High Priest, cannot
cleanse the Most Holy Place until
He has a people who have the
experience of the cleansing of their
own souls. Leviticus, chapter 16,
plainly states that both the sanctuary and the people were cleansed,
according to the type, by the special
services of the Day of Atonement.
Numerous other Bible passages
show that the cleansing performed

but she also makes the following

significant application:
The Jewish tabernacle was a
type of the Christian church. . . . The
church on earth, composed of those
who are faithful and loyal to God, is
the true tabernacle, whereof the
Redeemer is the Minister. God, and
not man, pitched this tabernacle on
a high, elevated platform.
This tabernacle is Christs body,
and from north, south, east, and
west He gathers those who shall
help to compose it. . . . A holy
tabernacle is built up of those who
receive Christ as their personal
Saviour. . . . Christ is the Minister of
the true tabernacle, the High Priest of
all who believe in Him as a personal

There is no halfway work in the matter. The

Testimonies are of the Spirit of God, or of the devil.

in the heavenly sanctuary includes a

cleansing of the saints. Study
Malachi 3:13 with The Great
Controversy, 424426.
Christ is cleansing the temple in
heaven from the sins of the people,
and we must work in harmony with
Him upon the earth, cleansing the
soul temple from its moral defilement. Review and Herald, February
11, 1890.
We are in the Day of Atonement, and we are to work in harmony with Christs work of cleansing the sanctuary from the sins of
the people. Ibid., January 21, 1890.
Daniel 8:14 refers to the cleansing of the new covenant sanctuary
which is brought to view in Hebrews 8:12:
Now of the things which we
have spoken this is the sum: We
have such an high priest, who is set
on the right hand of the throne of
the Majesty in the heavens; a
minister of the sanctuary, and of the
true tabernacle, which the Lord
pitched, and not man.
Not only does Ellen White refer
to this as the sanctuary in heaven,


Saviour. The Seventh-day Adventist

Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 931.
Today many in Adventism have
rejected the sanctuary message as
being insignificant. However, I
believe that our slothfulness in the
study of the sanctuaryin all its
varied and important ramificationsis what has been responsible
for the misunderstanding by many
regarding the difference between
perfection and perfectionism.
3) The Spirit of Prophecy: This
book of the law shall not depart out
of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou
mayest observe to do according to
all that is written therein: for then
thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good
success. Joshua 1:8.
While we have not officially
rejected the Spirit of Prophecy as a
church, many of us are guilty of
disregarding the counsel of God
given through the prophet:
If God has given me a message
to bear to His people, those who
would hinder me in the work and
lessen the faith of the people in its

truth are not fighting against the

instrument, but against God. It is
not the instrument whom you slight
and insult, but God, who has
spoken to you in these warnings
and reproofs. It is hardly possible
for men to offer a greater insult to
God than to despise and reject the
instrumentalities that He has
appointed to lead them. Testimonies, vol. 5, 680.
So to disregard light is to reject it.
Korah, Dathan and Abiram rejected
the prophet Moses. The 250 leaders
also rejected the prophet. See
Numbers 16:35. Remember they were
leaders, and they led the church into
apostasy and rebellion. Their end
was destruction, and 14,700 church
members perished with them. See
verse 49. This is an example of what
Ellen G. White calls open rebellion,
which becomes incurable and ends
in destruction, Ibid., 672.
The watchmen are responsible
for the condition of the people. Ibid,
235. Leadership and the ministry to
a large degree are ignoring and
disregarding the instruction God
has given to His people in this last
generation. This is the cause to a
great extent of the condition of
Laodicea today.
One of the primary ways that the
leadership has lead the people to
disregard the Spirit of Prophecy is
by insinuating that the writings of
Gods last-day prophet are somehow
less inspired or of lesser significance
than the words given to prophets in
ancient times and recorded in the
Bible. However, there are no differing degrees of Inspiration. Ellen G.
Whites writings are either from God
or from the devil:
God is either teaching His
church, reproving their wrongs and
strengthening their faith, or He is
not. This work is of God, or it is not.
God does nothing in partnership
with Satan. My work . . . bears the
stamp of God or the stamp of the
enemy. There is no halfway work in
the matter. The Testimonies are of the
Spirit of God, or of the devil. Ibid.,
vol. 4, 230.
The Holy Spirit traced these
truths upon my heart and mind as
indelibly as the law was traced by

Our Firm Foundation

the finger of God, upon the tables of

stone. Colporteur Ministry, 126.
Let us remember that God dealt
differently with Moses and with
John the Baptist than He did with
any other prophet until Ellen G.
White. Observe the following
If there be a prophet among you,
I the LORD will make myself known
unto him in a vision, and will speak
unto him in a dream. My servant
Moses is not so, who is faithful in
all mine house. With him will I
speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and
the similitude of the LORD shall he
behold: wherefore then were ye not
afraid to speak against my servant
Moses? Numbers 12:68.
But what went ye out for to see?
A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and
more than a prophet. For this is he,
of whom it is written, Behold, I send
my messenger before thy face, which
shall prepare thy way before thee.
Matthew 11:910.
Consider these statements written
by Sister White: During the discourse [at Battle Creek, October 2,
1904], I said that I did not claim to
be a prophetess. Some were surprised at this statement, and as
much is being said in regard to it, I
will make an explanation. Others
have called me a prophetess, but I
have never assumed that title. I have
not felt that it was my duty thus to
designate myself. Those who boldly
assume that they are prophets in
this our day are often a reproach to
the cause of Christ.
My work includes much more
than this name signifies. I regard
myself as a messenger, entrusted by
the Lord with messages for His
people. . . .
My commission embraces the
work of a prophet, but it does not
end there. It embraces much more
than the minds of those who have
been sowing the seeds of unbelief
can comprehend. Selected Messages,
book 3, 74.
So as Moses and John the Baptist
were more than prophets, so also
was the role of Ellen G. White in the
remnant church. I believe, without
question, that her writings, which

Volume 17, Number 1

encompass the entire spectrum of

Christian living, justify this statement.

The End of Time

Without a question, we are now
in the last minutes of this worlds
history, and of the history of the
church. The greatest evidence of this
is not what is happening in the
world, but rather what is happening

As we introduce the message to

Laodicea we must accept the fact
that we, the church leadership,
pastors, and laity, are now, and
have been since 1888, insubordinate
to God. The righteousness by faith
experience which the other angel of
Revelation 18 came down to give to
Gods people was rejected by the
leadership, and subsequently by the
people. How much longer will we

The sin of Meroz was that they refused to come up to

the help of the Lord. The sin of Laodicea is that we have
a form of godliness, but the power is not among us.

in our church. The devils last

deceptionhis last attack upon the
churchis to make of no effect the
Spirit of Prophecy. Let us read the
Satan is . . . constantly pressing
in the spuriousto lead away from
the truth. The very last deception of
Satan will be to make of none effect
the testimony of the Spirit of God.
Where there is no vision, the people
perish. Proverbs 29:18. Satan will
work ingeniously, in different ways
and through different agencies, to
unsettle the confidence of Gods
remnant people in the true testimony.
There will be a hatred kindled
against the Testimonies which is
satanic. The workings of Satan will
be to unsettle the faith of the
churches in them, for this reason:
Satan cannot have so clear a track to
bring in his deceptions and bind up
souls in his delusions if the warnings and reproofs and counsels of
the Spirit of God are heeded.
Selected Messages, book 1, 48.
Disregarding the Spirit of Prophecy will lead to the rejection of it,
which will carry the modern Korahs
into Babylon. One thing is certain:
Those Seventh-day Adventists who
take their stand under Satans
banner will first give up their faith
in the warnings and reproofs
contained in the Testimonies of
Gods Spirit. Ibid., book 3, 84.

delay Christs coming by our

lukewarm condition?
Let everyone who claims to
believe that the Lord is soon coming,
search the Scriptures as never before;
for Satan is determined to try every
device possible to keep souls in
darkness, and blind the mind to the
perils of the times in which we are
living. Let every believer take up his
Bible with earnest prayer, that he
may be enlightened by the Holy
Spirit as to what is truth, that he
may know more of God and of Jesus
Christ whom He has sent. Search for
the truth as for hidden treasures,
and disappoint the enemy. Selected
Messages, book 1, 362.
We are still here after more than
one hundred years because we
continue in our rebellionthe
Laodicean condition. Let us not now
continue to excuse ourselves with
our supposedly great membership
statistics. The bottom line is, How
many of us have the character of
Jesus perfectly reproduced in us so
that God can send the fourth angel
of Revelation, send the latter rain,
and cut His work short in righteousness? The sin of Meroz was that
they refused to come up to the help
of the Lord. The sin of Laodicea is
that we have a form of godliness,
but the power is not among usin
the latter rain. Our worldliness, our
rebellion, is the same as was that of
Meroz. !


The First Beast of

Revelation 13
Colin Standish


precise description of the little horn

Then I would know the truth of
the fourth beast, which was diverse
from all the others, exceeding
dreadful, whose teeth were of iron,
and his nails of brass; which
devoured, brake in pieces, and
stamped the residue with his feet;
and of the ten horns that were in his
head, and of the other which came
up, and before whom three fell; even
of that horn that had eyes, and a
mouth that spake very great things,
whose look was more stout than his
fellows. . . . And the ten horns out of
this kingdom are ten kings that shall
arise: and another shall rise after
them; and he shall be diverse from
the first, and he shall subdue three
kings. And he shall speak great
words against the most High, and
shall wear out the saints of the most
High, and think to change times and
laws: and they shall be given into
his hand until a time and times and
the dividing of time. Daniel 7:19
20, 2425.
A number of criteria are
presented in these verses. We will
highlight three of these: The first one
is that the little horn arose out of the
10 horns of the fourth beast,
representative of Imperial Rome.

These 10 horns are the 10 kings

(kingdoms) which arose in Europe
as the Roman Empire disintegrated.
The second criterion is that the little
horn would uproot three of the other
horns so that it could emerge. The
third criterion upon which we wish
to focus is that this power would
continue for the mysterious period of
a time, and times and the dividing
of time. Daniel 7:25.
The first 2 criteria are disposed of
easily. History attests that ten
nations of Western Europe replaced
the Roman Empire upon its fall.
These nationswith their modernday descendants shown here in
parentheseswere the Alemmani
(Germans), Anglo-Saxons (English),
Burgundians (Swiss), Franks
(French), Heruli, Lombards (Italians),
Ostrogoths, Suevi (Portuguese),
Vandals, and Visigoths (Spanish).
We will take a closer look at this a
little later.

How Long Is A Time?

Now let us examine the third
criterionthat which appears to be
an imprecise and nonspecific period
of the little horns era of dominance.
We are plainly told that the little
horn has dominion for a time, times,
and the dividing of time. The

Our Firm Foundation

Illustration: Joe Maniscalco

ave you ever wondered

whether the little horn, the
man of sin, the son of
perdition, the antichrist, the beast of
Revelation 13, Babylon, the beast of
Revelation 17, and the woman
riding on the beast, are all synonymous terms? Are they all referring to
the same end-time power?
We could enumerate at least 81
criteria that identify the best of
Revelation 13 as the Church of
Rome. It would be tedious to trace
all 81 criteria in a brief account such
as this, and it is not necessary. Some
of the 81 criteria, if taken in
isolation, could apply to other
entities besides the Papacy. For
example, the criterion: And it was
given unto him to make war with
the saints, and to overcome them
(Revelation 13:7), certainly is
applicable to the Roman Catholic
Church. Estimates of those destroyed
by its vengeance range from 50120
million people. Yet that text could
justifiably be applied to
Communism, to Emperor Nero, to
Emperor Diocletian, or to others as
Let us, therefore, examine just
those criteria which can be applied
to the Roman Catholic Church and
it alone. We will notice Daniels

Complete Oxford Dictionary, defines

the term time as used in Daniel 7
as being a space of time generally
understood to be a year.
Accepting the Oxford Dictionarys
definition, which later we will
determine is consistent with
Scripture, then a time equals one
year. Clearly, times means a number
of years, but how many? Two?
Three? Five? Ten? The dividing of
time refers to a fraction of a year.
However, we do not yet have
sufficient evidence to determine that
fraction. Providentially, the same
period is cited seven times in
Scripture. We can promptly solve the
fraction of a year delineated as the
dividing of time, for two of the
remaining passages refer to this
period in similar terminology
designating it as time, times, and
an half (Daniel 12:7), and a time,
and times, and half a time.
Revelation 12:14.
Manifestly, the fraction of a year
is one-half. We can also discern the
meaning of times by reference to
two parallel terms for the same
period. This term for the total period
is forty and two months.
Revelation 11:2; 13:5. It should come
as no surprise to learn that the same
period used in describing the little
horn power of Daniel 7 is also
specified in Revelation 13 in
describing the beast power, for they
are synonymous symbols.
Now by a matter of simple
mathematics we are able to learn
that the times of Daniel 7
represents two years, for the time
represents 12 months and the
dividing of time equals 6 months.
Thus the remaining period of
times must amount to 24 months
in order that the total equal 42

360 or 365 Days?

But we are faced with yet another
question: How many days are there
in each of these 42 months? The
Jews used equal months of 30 days
with 360 days per year. Is this
time a Jewish year, or is it a solar
year which contains 365 days, 5
hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds?
Another question is, can we be certain

Volume 17, Number 1

that there were 30 days in a Jewish

month? Does Scripture so testify?
Yes, it does. Referring to the flood in
the time of Noah we are told:
In the six hundredth year of
Noahs life, in the second month, the
seventeenth day of the month, the
same day were all the fountains of
the great deep broken up, and the
windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 7:11.
Thus the flood commenced on
the 17th day of the second month.
The waters abated precisely five
months later:
And the ark rested in the
seventh month, on the seventeenth

itselfit is a period of 1,260 days.

The Bible also assists us in
discovering the interpretation of this
period of Daniels prophecy. The
prophet Ezekiel was a contemporary
of Daniel. Indeed, Ezekiel refers to
Daniel three times in his prophecy.
See Ezekiel 14:14, 20; 28:3. In his
prophetic book he states:
I [God] have appointed thee
each day for a year. Ezekiel 4:6.
Furthermore, the application of
that principle in the time prophecies
of Daniel has proven to be accurate.
Thus the Scripture prophesied
that the little horn/beast power
would be dominant for 1,260 years.

Is this time a Jewish year, or is it a solar year which

contains 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46

day of the month, upon the

mountains of Ararat. Genesis 8:4.
How many days were involved
in this five-month period? God
provides us with the answer:
And the waters returned from off
the earth continually: and after the
end of the hundred and fifty days the
waters were abated. Verse 3.
Thus the five-month period
consisted of exactly 150 days30
days per month.
To further confirm this fact, the
period mentioned in Daniel 7 is
found in two other passages of
Scripture in addition to the five
already quoted. Both of these refer to
the period as:
A thousand two hundred and
threescore days. Revelation 11:3; 12:6.
Since a score is 20, the period
specified is 1,260 days. This concurs
with the fact that 42 months of 30
days equals 1,260 days.

Precisely 1260 Years

The Bible is a magnificent book!
It surely is its own interpreter. What
appeared to be a baffling time period
of a time and times and the
dividing of time has been
elucidated by the Word of God

There have been many mighty

empires upon earth. The Roman
Empire was dominant for about 500
years; the British Empire for two or
three hundred years; and other
empires for lesser times. Apart from
the Papacy, only the Holy Roman
Empire approached this duration of
time. It commenced with the
coronation of Charlemagne in A.D.
800 by Pope Leo III, and then it was
dissolved when Emperor Francis II
abdicated the throne in 1806a
period of 1,006 years, 254 years
short of the 1,260-year period.
Before we move on to verify the
fact that the Papacy did dominate
Europe for precisely 1,260 years, and
that three of the ten nations which
arose out of the decline of the
Roman Empire were uprooted, let us
note the tremendous Biblical
scholarship of two of the early
church fathers in the conclusions
they drew concerning the rise of
antichrist. We do not, of course, base
the exposition of Scripture upon the
writings of humans, but,
nevertheless, the insights of these
two men were outstanding:
Tertullian (A.D. 155222) wrote of
the Roman Empire: whose


separation into ten kingdoms will

bring on antichrist. This is an
exceptional understanding! During
the life of Tertullian the Roman
Empire was powerful, and its
demise could not have been
predicted. But, clearly, Tertullian
was a man of Scripture, and he
believed Gods Word. Further, he
had correctly linked the little horn of
Daniel 7 with the antichrist of
1 John, chapters 2 and 4, and 2 John.
Cyril of Jerusalem (A.D. 315386)
stated: There shall arise, at the same
time, ten kingdoms of the Romans at
different places indeed, the reigning
all of them at the same time. After
them the eleventh will be antichrist,

defeat and expulsion of the

Ostrogoths from Rome. Papal
politico-religious authority was now
fully established for the first time.
Thus the year A.D. 538 marks the
commencement of Papal dominance
in Europe.
It is significant that Pope
Virgilius was the first pope who
was not canonized. This, no doubt,
was due to the secular nature of his
past, for the popes had earlier been
invested with the title Pontifex
Maximusthe Supreme Pontiff.
But which three nations were
uprooted by the rise of the papal
power? Earlier we listed the ten
kingdoms which supplanted the

History attests to the certain fulfillment of prophecy.

Did the Papacy continue to assert power for
1,260 years?Indeed it did!

who through magical wickedness,

will seize the power of the Romans.
Cyril also united Daniel 7 with
1 John and 2 John. Like Tertullian,
he recognized the fourth beast of
Daniel 7 as the Roman Empire,
following the first three beasts,
which symbolized Babylon, MedoPersia, and Greece, respectively.
The fall of the Roman Empire is
dated at A.D. 476. The Emperor was
situated in Constantinople. In 533
Emperor Justinian, rather
inconsequentially at the time,
declared the Bishop of Rome to be
the first rank of all bishops. But
Pope John II (533535) was totally
paralyzed by the Ostrogoths
conquest of Rome. There was no
manner in which he could exercise
this vested preeminence, which had
settled the long-running rivalry for
that honor between the Bishops of
Rome and Constantinople. His
successor, Agapetus I (535536), in
his brief stay in the post, was
equally prevented from seizing the
authority granted. So, too, was Pope
Silvanus (536537). But in A.D. 538
the recently crowned Pope Virgilius
(537555) seized the power with the


Roman Empire and noted the races

represented in modern Western
Europe. Three of those nations have
no representation today in Europe.
Incredibly, one of those nations is
the Ostrogoths who were sufficiently
powerful up to A.D. 538 that they
occupied Rome. Yet Gods Word is
absolutely certain. Did the Heruli,
the Ostrogoths, and the Vandals
vanish in the wake of the rise of
papal power in Europe in the sixth
century A.D.? We quote the
Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1990 edition.
Under the subject Heruli this
authority states: The mid-sixth
century they vanished from history.
Of the Ostrogoths the same source
states that they were extinct before
554. Finally, the Encyclopedia
Brittanica records the fact that the
Vandals maintained a kingdom . . .
from 429524.

The End of the 1260 Years

History attests to the certain
fulfillment of prophecy. Did the
Papacy continue to assert power for
1,260 years?Indeed it did! Yet
Napoleon Bonaparte was
determined to demolish the Papacy.

In 1797 Napoleon Bonaparte

imposed the Treaty of Tolentino on
the Pope. . . . In the next year [1798]
General Berthier, Napoleons chief of
staff, seized Rome and established
the Roman Republic. On the
grounds that the Popes preserve in
Rome might provoke a counter
revolution, the French ordered Pius
VI to leave the Vatican. He was
escorted to Sienna, and then across
the Alps to France. Collins
Encyclopedia 1990, subject Papacy.
Pope Pius VI was desperately ill
in 1797. His physicians expected his
death that year, but he recovered.
Napoleon was awaiting his death in
order to abolish the Papacy. Had the
Pope died that year, the prophecy
would have been inaccurate by one
year. However, God does not deal in
approximations. The deadly wound
was inflicted in 1798 when the Pope
was taken captive. Pius VI died in
captivity in 1799. Understanding the
matter, Joseph Rickeby in his book,
The Modern Papacy, Vol. 3, Lecture
24, p. 1, stated:
Half Europe thought
Napoleons veto would be obeyed
and that with the Pope the Papacy
was dead.

Healing the Deadly Wound

Scripture describes this
demolition of the Papacy as the
deadly wound. But while men
believed the Papacy had received a
fatal blow, our all-seeing God knew
And I stood upon the sand of
the sea, and saw a beast rise up out
of the sea, having seven heads and
ten horns, and upon his horns ten
crowns, and upon his heads the
name of blasphemy. And the beast
which I saw was like unto a
leopard, and his feet were as the feet
of a bear, and his mouth as the
mouth of a lion: and the dragon
gave him his power, and his seat,
and great authority. And I saw one
of his heads as it were wounded to
death; and his deadly wound was
healed: and all the world wondered
after the beast. Revelation 13:13.
Notice that this beast inculcated
into its system all the evil of Greece
(the leopard beast of Daniel 7:6),

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Medo-Persia (the bear beast of

Daniel 7:5), and Babylon (the lion
beast of Daniel 7:4), all of which had
defied the God of heaven. But God
foresaw that the apparent deadly
wound would be healed. For
precisely 1,260 years (5381798) the
beast power had ruled supreme. It
was not yet to be totally destroyed.
Indeed, the healing process was
commenced only two years after the
Popes arrest and one year after his
death. Military reverses in 1800
caused Napoleon to recall the
battalion of troops in Rome under
the command of his brother, Joseph
Bonaparte. Shortly thereafter, the
cardinals returned and elected Pope
Pius VII. The Papacy was weak and
impotent, but a thread of life was
restored. Incredibly, Napoleon then
invited the Pope to crown him
Emperor. However, impulsively at
the last moment, Napoleon grasped
the crown out of the Popes hands
and crowned himself, but he did
bestow upon the Pope the two
massive and magnificent porcelain
candlesticks, eight feet in height,
which had lighted his throne during
the coronation ceremony in Notre
Dame Cathedral. This gift is still on
display in the Vatican Museum.
The road to the restoration of the
Papacy has been a rocky one. In 1870
Garibaldi, in uniting the various states
of Italy, wrested the papal states from
Vatican control. The Papacy had lost
its last vestige of temporal sovereignty.
But in 1929 sovereignty was restored
to the Papacy by Benito Mussolini, the
Prime Minister of Italy, when he
signed the Concordat with the Vatican
Secretary of State, Cardinal de
Gaspari, according political
independence to this territory,
formally a part of Italy, an area of 108
acres (just over 40 hectares). The San
Francisco Chronicle announced the
event with the following headline:
Heal Wound of Many Years
Vatican At Peace With Italy After
Many Years.
While the Vatican is the smallest
nation upon earth, it has diplomatic
relations with more nations than
any other country. Its influence and
popularity has risen to the point
where one cannot even discern the

Volume 17, Number 1

scar of the deadly wound. In truth,

all the world is wondering after the
beast in a manner never before
attained by the Papacy. Buddhists,
Hindus, Jews, Moslems, and, of
course, Protestants, are tracking to
the Vatican in honor of the Pope
and his papal system. His visits to
non-Christian nations, such as
India, Singapore and Thailand, have
drawn record crowds as citizens
struggled to catch a glimpse of him.
His power is so great that Time
magazine (February 24, 1992)
credited him with bringing down
Communism through his vast
intelligence system of prelates,
priests, and faithful laity. This
system of the Vatican is still in place
in the great majority of nations upon
the earth.

Oriental History. He subsequently

studied at Oxford, and Hebrew
University in Jerusalem. From 1958
to 1964 he served in Rome, where he
was a close associate of the
renowned Jesuit Cardinal Augustin
Bea and Pope John XXIII. He now
lives in New York City. Malachi
Martin, op. cit.
His book commences with these
startling words:
Willing or not, ready or not, we
are all involved in an all-out, noholds-barred, three-way global
competition. Most of us are not
competitors, however. We are the
stakes. For the competition is about
who will establish the first oneworld system of government that
has ever existed in the society of
nations. It is about who will hold

While the Vatican is the smallest nation upon earth, it

has diplomatic relations with more nations than any
other country.

A Quest for Global Power

But does the Vatican have
designs upon world leadership?
Indeed, it does! In his classic work,
The Keys of This Blood (Touchstone,
New York, 1991), Dr. Malachi
Martin, now deceased, outlined the
inner aims of the Papacy. Dr. Martin
was no minor figure in the Catholic
world and in the world at large. He
was a Roman Catholic priest who
had served in the Vatican, and had
an intimate knowledge of its inner
workings. Highly regarded in his
own church, his book lists his
background as follows:
Malachi Martin, eminent
theologian, expert on the Catholic
Church. Former Jesuit and professor
at the Vaticans Pontifical Biblical
Institute, is the author of the
national best-sellers: Vatican, The
Final Conclave, Hostage to the Devil
and The Jesuits. He was trained in
theology at Louvain. There he
received his doctorates in Semitic
Languages, Archaeology, and

and wield the dual power of

authority and control over each of
us as individuals and over all of us
together as a community; over the
entire six billion people expected by
demographers to inhabit the earth
by early in the third millennium.
Ibid. 15.
Dr. Martin made it clear that the
three competitors for world
supremacy are the Vatican, Western
Capitalism, led by the United States,
and Communism. He leaves no
doubt that he is convinced that the
Vatican will emerge the victor. In
this view he is supported, as we
have seen, by Scripture. Had Dr.
Martin written his book a couple of
years later, undoubtedly he would
have declared that Communism no
longer posed a serious threat to the
other two competitors. But we
shall see that Scripture reveals that
the Vatican and the United States,
rather than being competitors, are
embracing the role of colaborers in
this move toward global dominance.
And make no mistake, this global


dominance will be of a most

compulsory nature. As Dr. Martin
The competition is all-out
because, now that it has started,
there is no way it can be reversed or
called off. No holds are barred
because, once the competition has
been decided, the world and all
thats in itour way of life as

Bishops, revealed his long-standing

dream of a continent united on
Christian (Roman Catholic)
principles, from the Atlantic to the
Urals, from the Mediterranean Sea to
the North Pole.
The Singapore Straits Times,
January 6, 1992, in an article
extracted from the London Financial
Times, entitled Pope Hopes to

By the millennial standards of the Holy See, Pope John

Paul II is in a hurry to stamp the imprint of the Church
on the fast-changing events in Europe.
Singapore Straits Times
individuals and as citizens of the
nations . . . our educational systems
and our religions and our cultures;
even the badges of our national
identity, which most of us have
always taken for grantedall will
have been powerfully and radically
altered forever. No one can be
exempted from its effects. No sector
of our lives will remain untouched.
Ibid., 15.
This is globalism at its zenith! It
embodies aims for a global
government, a global economy, a
global educational system, a global
religion, and a global culture. In
order to enforce each of these aims, a
global legal system would be
One glance at the European
Union, which Lars Bergquist,
Swedish ambassador to the Vatican,
described as a Catholic
organization, in an article written to
encourage Swedens 1995 entry into
the European Union, indicates that
the continent of Europe is the arena
of experimentation for each of these
aims. Bergquists article, which was
entitled, The Way to the European
Community Is Via Rome, appeared
in Stokholms premier newspaper,
Syd Svenska Dagbladet, October 16,
Shortly after, the Sydney Morning
Herald, November, 1991, reported
that John Paul II, speaking in St.
Peters Bassilica to 137 European


Capitalize On the Fall of

Communism, reported:
By the millennial standards of
the Holy See, Pope John Paul II is in
a hurry to stamp the imprint of the
Church on the fast-changing events
in Europe.
The European Unions plunge
into the unified currency in January
1, 1999, was a huge step toward
central fiscal control of the continent.
Already 11 sovereign nations of
EuropeAustria, Belgium, Finland,
France, Germany, Ireland, Italy,
Luxemburg, Netherlands, Portugal,
and Spainhave embarked on the
course which will see their
traditional currencies discarded and
replaced by the Euro currency on
July 1, 2002. Denmark, Greece,
Sweden, and the United Kingdom
are expected to join them shortly. It
should not escape our attention that
these 4 hesitating nations are nonRoman Catholic. Of the 5
predominately non-Roman Catholic
nations in the European Union, only
Finland was among those which
initially joined the European
Monetary Union.
The International and the
European Courts of Justice are
gradually welding a unified legal
system, while the ecumenical
movement is fast moving toward a
Christianity which will be totally
dominated by Rome. No other
church in Christendom stands the

least hope of effectively challenging

Romes will, her settled doctrines,
and her usurped ecclesiastical
Peregrine Worsthorne, Editor of
the prestigious London Sunday
Telegraph (August 25, 1991), astutely
summed up the situation in
Europethe prototype for globalism.
He wrote:
It is [in] the movement towards
federalism of the Common Market
. . . that the Pope may see the greatest
possibility for an increase in
Catholic political power since the
fall of Napoleon, or since the
Counter-Reformation. The Common
Market itself started under the
influence of Catholic politicians. . . .
If European federalism triumphs, the
EC (European Community) will,
indeed, be an empire. It will lack an
emperor, but it will have the Pope.
It is a small wonder that
Worsthorne entitled his article:
Now, a Holy European Empire? If
the Vatican could topple
Communism in Eastern Europe, as
asserted quite correctly, in an article
by Time, February 24, 1992, entitled
Holy Alliance, then it is indeed
ready to conquer the world.
Clearly, the Vatican is not only
well positioned, but it has a full
strategy in place to fulfill the
prophecy of Revelation 13. We are in
the last days! Only the plain Word
of Scripture and our adherence, in
Gods power, to its precepts, can
keep us faithful to our Lord and His
The first beast of Revelation 13 is
the Papacy. No other nation has
ruled for 1,260 years. None other
has received a deadly wound that
has been so comprehensively healed.
All the world today is wondering
after the Papacy and giving
deference to it! It arose from Imperial
Rome. In its rise, three powerful
nations were utterly obliterated.
Rome, and Rome alone, fulfills,
or will fulfill, every one of the
criteria of the beast power. Most of
the criteria have already been
precisely fulfilled. We can
confidently anticipate the fulfillment
of the rest. !

Our Firm Foundation

The Times of

Ralph Larson

Illustration: Bob Bresnahan; Color: Kevin H. Patterson

nd at that time shall Michael

stand up, the great prince
which standeth for the
children of thy people: and there
shall be a time of trouble, such as
never was since there was a nation
even to that same time: and at that
time thy people shall be delivered,
every one that shall be found written
in the book. Daniel 12:1.
In volume 4 of the Spirit of
Prophecy, as well as in several other
places, Sister White makes the
following statement: Before His
crucifixion the Saviour explained to
His disciples that He was to be put
to death, and to rise again from the
tomb; and angels were present to
impress His words on minds and
hearts. But the disciples were
looking for temporal deliverance
from the Roman yoke, and they
could not tolerate the thought that
He in whom all their hopes centered
should suffer an ignominious death.
The words which they needed to
remember were banished from their
minds; and when the time of trial
came, it found them unprepared. The

Volume 17, Number 1

death of Jesus as fully destroyed their

hopes as if He had not forewarned
them. So in the prophecies the future
is opened before us as plainly as it
was opened to the disciples by the
words of Christ. The events connected
with the close of probation and the
work of preparation for the time of
trouble, are clearly brought to view.
But multitudes have no more understanding of these important truths
than if they had never been revealed.
Satan watches to catch away every
impression that would make them
wise unto salvation, and the time of
trouble will find them unready. Spirit
of Prophecy, vol. 4, 412.
By giving us this plain statement
of the clarity with which future
events are laid before us, Sister
White reveals several things to us:
First and foremost, the unfailing love
of GodHe wants each of us to be
saved and has provided every
possible means to make that a
reality. Second, she reveals to us the
error made by the disciples in failing
to heed Christs warnings so that we
will not make the same error.

If we are to heed this warning

and make ourselves ready for
Christs soon return, we must
make every effort through a study
of Gods Word to understand the
events connected with the close of
probation and the work of preparation for the time of trouble. Please
note that Sister White referred to
eventsmeaning more than one
event. What from a distance
appears to be singular, such as a
line of utility poles or the rails of a
train track converging in the
distance, gains greater definition
as one draws nearer. What initially
appeared as one single object turns
out to be a series of objects. So it is
with events, and so it is that the
time of trouble that Daniel referred
to thousands of years ago, because
of his great distance from the
actual time of occurrence, appeared
as one time of trouble. However, as
we draw nearer to that point, we
are able to discern separation into
distinct units those events which
were previously obscured by


By a study of the writings of

Ellen White we are able to divide
closing events into four periods: a
time of preparation; the little time of
trouble; a time of tremendous
calamities; and Jacobs time of
trouble. Each period has characteristics that will enable Gods people to
discern what is taking place.

1: The Preparation Time

This first period, the end of
which we are now rapidly approaching, has at least four identifiable characteristics. The one that we
will examine first is the building of
an invincible faith by those whose
names will not be blotted out of the
book of life.

to prepare for the day of GOD. If any

neglect the preparation, and heed
not the faithful warnings given, they
will be without excuse. Spiritual
Gifts, vol. 3, 135.
That faith which will live through
the time of trouble must be daily in
exercise now. Those who do not make
strong efforts now to exercise
persevering faith will be wholly
unprepared to exercise that faith
which will enable them to stand in
the day of trouble. Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1, 125.
Note that this time of preparation
is a time of spiritual preparation
not carnal preparation. The only
physical preparation that we are to
make is to become as healthy as

Those who do not make strong efforts now to exercise

persevering faith will be wholly unprepared to exercise
that faith which will enable them to stand in the day of
Sister White addresses this
strengthening of faith by Gods
people in several places: The
servants of Christ are to prepare no
set speech to present when brought
to trial for their faith. Their preparation is to be made day by day, in
treasuring up in their hearts the
precious truths of Gods Word, in
feeding upon the teaching of Christ,
and through prayer strengthening their
faith; then, when brought into trial,
the Holy Spirit will bring to their
remembrance the very truths that
will reach the hearts of those who
shall come to hear. God will flash
the knowledge obtained by diligent
searching of the Scriptures, into their
memory at the very time when it is
needed. Last Day Events, 69;
Maranatha, 255. (Emphasis supplied
by author unless otherwise noted.)
That season of distress and
anguish will require an effort of
earnestness and determined faith
that can endure delay and hunger,
and will not fail under weakness,
though severely tried. The period of
probation is the time granted to all


possible by strict adherence to the

principles Gods servant has given
us in the health message.
The Lord has shown me in
vision, repeatedly, that it is contrary
to the Bible to make any provision
for our temporal wants in the time of
trouble. I saw that if the saints have
food laid up by them, or in the
fields, in the time of trouble when
sword, famine, and pestilence are in
the land, it will be taken from them
by violent hands, and strangers
would reap their fields. Then will be
the time for us to trust wholly in
God, and He will sustain us. I saw
that our bread and water would be
sure at that time, and we should not
lack, or suffer hunger. Maranatha,
God has placed it in our power
to obtain a knowledge of the laws of
health. He has made it a duty to
preserve our physical powers in the
best possible condition, that we may
render to Him acceptable service.
Those who refuse to improve the
light and knowledge that have been
mercifully placed within their reach

are rejecting one of the means which

God has granted them to promote
spiritual as well as physical life.
They are placing themselves where
they will be exposed to the delusions of Satan. Counsels on Health,
As a necessary part of that
spiritual preparation, the saints will
be tried and tested in order to
develop the kind of character they
must have to pass through that
narrow gate into the kingdom of
heaven: Count it all joy when ye
fall into diverse temptations. James
1:2. Why?Because trials and
temptations are Gods way of
molding us into Christs likeness.
The purification of Gods people
cannot be accomplished without
suffering. God permits the fire of
affliction to consume the dross, to
separate the worthless from the
valuable, in order that the pure
metal may shine forth. He passes us
from one fire to another, testing our
true worth. True grace is willing to
be tried. If we are loath to be
searched by the Lord, our condition
is one of peril. God is the refiner and
purifier of souls. He places us in the
heat of the furnace, that the dross
may be forever separated from the
true gold of Christian character.
Jesus watches the test. He knows
just what fire of temptation and trial
is needed to purify the precious
metal, in order that the radiance of
divine love may be reflected. Review
and Herald, April 10, 1894.
The second characteristic of this
first period is a time of spiritual
preparation, during which the
process of the purification of character is completed, when God prepares
a people who will perfectly reflect
Christs character. On page 263 of
This Day with God we are given one
of the clearest descriptions of
Christs character contained in
inspired writings outside of the
Decalogue. It is incumbent upon us
as professed followers of Christ to
strive through the power of Christ
working in us to develop this same
Christ never murmured, never
uttered discontent, displeasure, or
resentment. He was never disheart-

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ened, discouraged, ruffled, or fretted.

He was patient, calm, and selfpossessed under the most exciting
and trying circumstances. All His
works were performed with a quiet
dignity and ease, whatever commotion was around Him. Applause did
not elate Him. He feared not the
threats of His enemies. He moved
amid the world of excitement, of
violence and crime, as the sun
moves above the clouds. Human
passions and commotions and trials
were beneath Him. He sailed like the
sun above them all. Yet He was not
indifferent to the woes of men. His
heart was ever touched with the
sufferings and necessities of His
brethren, as though He Himself was
the one afflicted. He had a calm
inward joy, a peace which was
serene. His will was ever swallowed
up in the will of His Father. Not My
will but Thine be done, was heard
from His pale and quivering lips.
See also Manuscript Releases, vol. 3,
The third characteristic of this
first period of spiritual preparation
is that the people of God will place
their possessions upon the altar so
that they are available for use in the
cause of Christ. Houses and lands
will be of no use to the saints in the
time of trouble, for they will then
have to flee before infuriated mobs,
and at that time their possessions
cannot be disposed of to advance
the cause of present truth. I was
shown that it is the will of God that
the saints should cut loose from
every encumbrance before the time of
trouble comes, and make a covenant
with God through sacrifice. If they
have their property on the altar, and
earnestly inquire of God for duty, He
will teach them when to dispose of
these things. Then they will be free
in the time of trouble, and have no
clogs to weigh them down. Counsels
on Stewardship, 5960.
The fourth and final characteristic of the period of spiritual preparation, in this first period of end-time
events, is that we trust the Lord,
recognizing and accepting the fact
that some of our loved ones will be
laid in the grave, especially the very
young: The Lord has often in-

Volume 17, Number 1

structed me that many little ones are

to be laid away before the time of
trouble. We shall see our children
again. We shall meet them and
know them in the heavenly courts.
Put your trust in the Lord, and be
not afraid. Child Guidance, 566.

2: The Little Time of Trouble

Period two occurs immediately
before the close of probation. This is
the short period of time that Adventists have customarily called the
little time of trouble, though that
term occurs nowhere in Sister

ensueswhen Gods people will

flee to secluded havens, some with
the aid of angelic intervention. In
Bible Commentaries, vol. 7, 968, Sister
White makes this statement: And I
saw famine, pestilence and sword,
nation rose against nation, and the
whole world was in confusion.
This is an intense period of time
when big events are happening and
people are making decisions affecting their eternal destiny!
Prophecy gives us a very clear
sequence of end-time events. There
need be no confusion or misunder-

But in the near future, when Christ comes, sorrow and

sighing will be forever ended. Then will be the
Christians summer.

Whites writings. There is no

distinct boundary between period
one and period two, but during
period two some very significant
things happen: The latter rain will
fall, and during the final phase of
period two, the seventh-day
Sabbath will be preached with the
great power of the Holy Spirit.
Gods people will be sealed, and
Satans people will receive the
mark of the beast. Just before we
entered it [the time of trouble], we
all received the seal of the living
God. Maranatha, 243.

3: Great Calamities
Period three occurs after the close
of probation. Therefore, there is a
very distinct, discernable break
between periods two and three:
Probation is open; probation is
closed. When period three begins,
the plagues will start to fall as the
four angels will loose the four
winds; there will be fire, famine, and
earthquakes throughout the land.
But none of the faithful will die.

4: Jacobs Time of Trouble

Things are so chaotic on a
worldwide level that period four is
set in motion: The death decree is
given, and the time of Jacobs trouble

standing about what will happen or

in what order it will happen
although when it will happen is very
clearly hidden from us. But because
God loves us, He gives us ample
evidence to enable us to recognize
these events when they occur.
This earth is the place of
preparation for heaven. The time
spent here is the Christians winter.
Here the chilly winds of affliction
blow upon us, and the waves of
trouble roll against us. But in the
near future, when Christ comes,
sorrow and sighing will be forever
ended. Then will be the Christians
summer. All trials will be over, and
there will be no more sickness or
death. God shall wipe away all
tears from their eyes; and there shall
be no more death, neither sorrow,
nor crying, neither shall there be any
more pain: for the former things are
passed away. Revelation 21:4.
Manuscript Releases, vol. 3, 107.
Let us, therefore, keep our eyes
open, with one eye fixed firmly on
Gods Word and the other on
world events. And let us be like
Jacob, who, during the time of his
trouble, realized his weakness and
unworthiness, yet trusted in the
faithfulness of God to fulfill His
promises. !


Initiative & Mercy

This month we share with you the
next in a series of articles that discuss
how we can cultivate Christian character
traits in the hearts of our children. The
Garden of the Heart, in the February
2001 issue of Our Firm Foundation,
laid the foundation for this series. It is
available upon request.
The Editors

An Apology
We teach our children to apologize when they have wronged
others. If they have harmed a
sibling, we take them to their brother
or sister and say, Now, I want you
to say that you are sorry, and so
they say, I am sorry. But often no
real change of heart has taken place,
and they dont take any initiative in
the matter.
What if, instead, we were to talk
to the child and try to help him
understand why he should apologize? Ask questions that make him
look at himselfsuch as: What
have you done to your sister? What
do you think about that? How do
you feel about that?
After you have worked through
all the reasons and excuses, pray


with and for your child, encouraging him to go and do what is right.
Help the child so that he knows
right from wrong and sees the
importance of forgiveness. Then he
will go on his own to tell the other
child: I am sorry. Pray for the
Holy Spirit to soften your childs
heart so he will learn to do well and
to take the initiative to make amends
when he has done wrong.

Personal Devotions
Personal worship helps our
children to develop initiative. You
can help your children begin to have
personal devotions by making it
interesting for them and by helping
them find devotional material that is
relevant to them. If they can read,
find them booksSpirit of Prophecy
books or books out of the Biblethat
are particularly interesting or
desirable for them, and then encourage them to read the books. I have
found it helpful to read the same
material in my own private time,
and then later in the day we can
talk practically about what we are
learning. This helps the children to
take pleasure in what they are
studying, and then to have the

initiative to go back the next day

and study more. Teaching initiative
helps to train our childrens eyes
and hearts for what really needs to
be done.

Initiative can be learned and
motivated by helping our children
think of kind things that they can do
for others. Say to your child:
Honey, today I want you to do one
surprise for Daddy. This builds in
the childs mind a self-motivation to
initiate something on his own that
he can do to benefit another person.
We have found surprises to be a fun
and effective way to show initiative,
and then after a time our children
do surprises for different ones
without anyone even suggesting it.

A Scriptural Example
Where do we find initiative
discussed in the Scripture? The
word initiative is not found there,
but the character trait is certainly
displayed in the lives of several
Bible characters. One story that
comes to my mind that clearly
illustrates initiative is the account of
David and Goliath, found in

Our Firm Foundation

Photo: PhotoDisc

nitiative is another character

quality important for Christians.
Initiative means that our children
notice something that needs to be
done, and then they make the
decision themselves to do it without
being asked. Initiative is a form of
self-government. The following are
several areas of family life in which
initiative can be developed:

1 Samuel 17:1750. David was sent

by his father to visit three of his
older brothers and take them food.
When he arrived, Israel and the
Philistines were already set up in
battle array. However, when the
giant Goliath came up and defied
Israel and their God, all the men of
Israel fled. They were scared.
David saw the situation, and, led
by the Spirit, he responded immediately: David said to Saul, Let no
mans heart fail because of him; thy
servant will go and fight with this
Philistine. Verse 32. David showed
initiative. He was not prompted by
anyone that he should take on the
giant, but he was led by God
through His still, small voice that
makes known His will to the
conscience. This is how God communicates with us today, and it is
how to hear and respond to His
voice in teaching our children to
learn initiative.

Mercy, simply defined, is tolerance and tenderness. It is giving and
forgiving, more than what is expected, to the one who has wronged
us, or to the one who is in need.
Micah 6:8 tells us: He hath shewed
thee, O man, what is good; and
what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
Cultivating mercy is teaching our
children forgiveness and consideration for others who do not understand things as we do, or who do
not live or look like we do. We help
them to understand that, although
others may be different than we are,
we still love and encourage them
and seek to help them turn their
hearts over to Jesus. Our goal is not
to make people become like ourselves, but to encourage people to
become like Christ. And the wonderful result is that as we come into
union with Christ, we will come into
unity and harmony with one
another. Mercy is a vital key to
having that experience.
Many people are very inconsiderate of others who are in some way
different from themselves. Children,

Volume 17, Number 1

in turn, treat other children badly if

they look poor, if they have a
handicap, or if their skin is a
different color. Being inconsiderate is
a trained characteristic, because
children naturally have a large
measure of mercy. However, as they
grow they learn biases and prejudices from the adults in their lives.
Mercy is not a difficult character
trait to cultivate in young children.
Do we have to beg our child to
forgive us?Absolutely not. They
are abundant in mercy and forgiveness. Yet there is something else that
we can do to cultivate mercy, and
that is not to allow our children to
sulk and pout. When we allow our
children to express a pouting spirit,
we are actually destroying the
natural mercy that God has placed
in their hearts. When their wills are
crossed, instead of being merciful
towards the one who crossed them,
they begin to develop a spirit
against theman unforgiving or a
rebellious spirit.
This is something that we have
worked on diligently in our own
family. When the will of one of our
children is crossed, and he begins to
sulk and pout, we immediately deal
with the problem. We say: Honey,
you are not happy, and it is because
you are thinking only of yourself.
We love you very much, and,
therefore, we cannot allow you to
pout. We encourage the child to
understand why his will is being
crossed and how he is being selfish,
and then we encourage him to
surrender his will to God. Sometimes we pray silently, and sometimes we pray with our child; for it
is only the power of God that can
give him the grace to truly surrender
his will to our heavenly Father.
However, if the child chooses to
hold on to that spirit, then it is
necessary that there be consequences
for the childs choice, to help him
understand that the way he is
choosing is not the right way. We
might say: You are so unhappy!
We cannot allow you to be part of
what we are going to do as a family
right nowbecause that is what you
have chosen. Be firm and ask the
Lord to give you grace to help your

child learn this important character

trait. Without it, he will become a
selfish and inconsiderate young
person and an unhappy, unforgiving adult.
If you think about it, it is a lack
of mercy, or consideration, that
causes much of the trouble in
marriages, homes, work places and
in relationships in general. God is
calling to us individually to cultivate
the characteristic of mercy in our
hearts and homes. Are we willing to
respond to His mercy to change our
stubborn hearts and help us to
cultivate mercy, by precept and
example, in our children?
Next month we will discuss how
to cultivate orderliness. !

Alane Waters
In this series Alane presents the important role of
the parent as the gardener of
the heart. Then 18 different
character qualities are discussed, showing some of the
common pitfalls, as well as
how to practically plant and
cultivate the right seeds of
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Continued from page 7

must get ready for its fury by having
repentance toward God and faith
toward our Lord Jesus Christ. The
Lord will arise to shake terribly the
earth. We shall see troubles on all
sides. Thousands of ships will be
hurled into the depths of the sea.
Navies will go down, and human
lives will be sacrificed by millions.
[This already happened during
World War I, and World War II, and
it could happen again.] Fires will

of thousands of cities, now almost

given to idolatry. Evangelism, 29.

How Will We Respond?

While God is holding back the
winds of strife, let us work with
greater diligence and sacrifice for
our Lord.
In the great closing work we
shall meet with perplexities that we
know not how to deal with, but let
us not forget that the three great
Powers of heaven are working, that
a Divine Hand is on the wheel, and

Since Scripture informs us that the winds of strife will be

released after the 144,000 are sealed, we surely must be very
close to the sealing of the living.

break out unexpectedly, and no

human effort will be able to quench
them. The palaces of earth will be
swept away in the fury of the
flames. Disasters by rail will become
more and more frequent; confusion,
collision, and death without a
moments warning will occur on the
great lines of travel. The end is near,
probation is closing. Oh, let us seek
God while He may be found, call
upon Him while He is near!
Messages to Young People, 8990.
In the last scenes of this earths
history, war will rage. There will be
pestilence, plague, and famine. The
waters of the deep will overflow
their boundaries. Property and life
will be destroyed by fire and flood.
We should be preparing for the
mansions that Christ has gone to
prepare for them that love Him.
Last Day Events, 24.
The end is near, and every city
is to be turned upside down every
way. There will be confusion in
every city. Everything that can be
shaken is to be shaken, and we do
not know what will come next. The
judgments will be according to the
wickedness of the people and the
light of truth that they have had.
Manuscript Releases, vol. 1, 248249.
O that Gods people had a
sense of the impending destruction


that God will bring His purposes to

pass. Ibid., 65.
I asked my accompanying angel
the meaning of what I heard, and
what the four angels were about to
do. He said to me that it was God
that restrained the powers, and that
He gave His angels charge over
things on the earth; that the four
angels had power from God to hold
the four winds, and that they were
about to let them go; but while their
hands were loosening, and the four
winds were about to blow, the
merciful eye of Jesus gazed on the
remnant that were not sealed, and
He raised His hands to the Father
and pleaded with Him that He had
spilled His blood for them. Then
another angel was commissioned to
fly swiftly to the four angels and bid
them hold, until the servants of God
were sealed with the seal of the
living God in their foreheads. Early
Writings, 38.
Since Scripture informs us that
the winds of strife will be released
after the 144,000 are sealed (Revelation 7:13), we surely must be very
close to the sealing of the living.
Curiously, many Seventh-day
Adventists see little significance for
the end-time scenario of Revelation
13 in the recent events in New York
and Afghanistan. In the South

Pacific Record, September 29, 2001,

the editor expressed the opinion that
caution is also needed in any
attempt to link this event (the
September New York and Washington D.C. terrorist attacks) of terrorism
with Ellen Whites comments about
burning sky scrapers in New York,
something seen many times in the
past century.
An associate director of the
General Conference Biblical Research Institute stated that the
tragic events surrounding the
September 11 terrorist attacks on
New York and Washington should
not be interpreted as an expression
of Gods anger against America . . .
we must simply acknowledge that
they were the result of the presence
of evil in the world. Adventist News
Network, quoted in the South
Pacific Record, October 6, 2001.
Readers should reread the quotation from Testimonies, vol. 9, 1213,
quoted near the commencement of
this article, and draw their own
God has provided what is
needed for our preparation for the
sealing. At the awesome moment
when so very soon each of us will
stand before the judgment bar of
God, only those following Gods
way of sanctified living will receive
Christs inestimable advocacy.
Brothers and sisters, let no foolish
worldliness in our lives prevent our
salvation. Discard all winds of
doctrine, all of which have been
crafted by Satan to prevent us from
reaching our heavenly home. May
all thought of self be yielded to
Christ, for salvation is worth our all!
My dear brethren and sisters, let
the commandments of God and the
testimony of Jesus Christ be in your
minds continually and let them
crowd out worldly thoughts and
cares. When you lie down and when
you rise up, let them be your meditation. Live and act wholly in reference to the coming of the Son of
man. The sealing time is very short,
and will soon be over. Now is the
time, while the four angels are
holding the four winds, to make our
calling and election sure. Early
Writings, 58. !

Our Firm Foundation

letters to the editor

Have a letter to share?
contact [email protected] or see page 3 for our mailing address.
Thank God for your ministry
spreading the three angels messages
to the world in these perilous days. As
we look out and see the signs that are
fulfilling before our eyes, we know
that Christs coming is just before us.
May we be ready to go home with
Him. I thank God that I am a member
of a church that upholds the Bible
and Spirit of Prophecy as our guides.
Our pastor is a man of Gods choosing who will stand and preach the
message that has been given to Gods
church for these times.
Enclosed is my gift to help in the
mission effort in Ghana, Africa. May
God continue to bless and uphold
your ministry for Him.
MT, New York

From Overseas
I am a nurse working at hospital and also an elder of the Seventhday Adventist church. Being an elder
at a church situated at a very fastgrowing point I am kindly asking for
most of the books written by Mrs. Ellen
G. White so that I will be able to help
myself and the flock I am leading. The
people of God are to be fed with the
Word of Godhence the importance
of having the word of the moment. If
possible send me some books with
health information also.
May the Lord bless you in the
great work you are doing. Also pray
for our fast-growing church.
MR, Zimbabwe
Our disabled association members are really congratulating you
for the efforts and time you are taking to publish wonderful magazines/books which are enlightening
people worldwide of the coming of
our Good Lord.
One day, while seated under a tree
discussing issues about our disability,
an unknown person just threw one
Hope magazine to us and left. Each
one of us wanted to read it, so we all
started scrambling for it. After reading
it, we were all amazed/surprised of
certain things which are happening
in the world today.

Volume 17, Number 1

Please, kindly, send some booklets

to us such as: a) Earths Final Warning,
b) Romes Arraignment of Sabbath Breakers, c) Immortality of the Soul & Spiritualism, and d) National Sunday Law
and/or any other booklets. Thank you
very much.
RM, Zambia
I am very delighted to write these
humble words to you. The main aim
of writing you is that I was a sinner
but now I have taken Jesus Christ as
my personal Saviour who died on the
cross of Calvary to clean our sins
away. I want to spread the gospel to
my town and everywhere in Ghana.
I want to let them change their
lives for Christ to save them but I
dont have Bibles and books to spread
the gospel of God to His peoples. I
want to give them books and Bibles to
read. Please, if you give me the Bibles
and books to share with my friends
and to spread the news of our Saviour
who died for us and other peoples, I
will thank you, and God will bless
you. I will end here with much greetings and love.
CD, Ghana
I humbly put forward into your custody the request of inspiration books as
The Great Controversy and other books
for our crusades. We are telling the public the truth in the Bible, and most importantly telling them our faith and the
controversy that exists between Sabbath
and Sunday worshipers.
I am requesting a package on behalf of my church at which has
embarked on a massive campaign. We
have initiated a number of outdoor
programmes, i.e. crusades, gifts to
people in the form of books, literature
week, etc.
The books which you have already
providedThe Great Controversy, The
Desire of Ages, and so onhave made
our doctrines accessible to more people.
On the other hand, I also need copies of
inspiration books in my library to equip
me as an Evangelist and leader.
Currently my church has the best
organized men and women leading our

crusades. By virtue of our hard work

and highly patronizing we have been
recommended the best organized
church and crusade in the area.
We want to uphold our strong image until the battle is ended. Your support to us today will go a long way to
help us achieve our goal and spread the
gospel to all people and places.
IN, Ghana
I would like to send warm gratitude
to the entire staff of Hope International
for the work you are doing of feeding
the flock of God with the present truth
of the 1888 message which many Adventist organizations reject. My first
time to meet your magazine called Our
Firm Foundation was when it was
dumped on my potato farm. I didnt
know where it came from or who
dumped it there. I collected it and found
it had been rained on and that it was
missing some pages. I started reading it
on the spot. I came to learn that God will
use any way to give His selected ones
the message of the last warning. What I
will say after reading it, your efforts are
really blessed of God. It is you, now,
whom God is using to present the message to do His will. Never give up, keep
going on!
The main theme of writing you is
to request free Bible Studies. I have
come to learn that surely we are living in the last days, and the end will
come soon. I am deeply heaven
bound, but where to get assistance
has been a problem. I am also a medical missionary practicing natural
remedies of herbs. I have one utterance which I am using: Use natural
herbs to heal the natural body.
Keep on enlightening Gods children around the world, seeing that the
Laodicean church is blind, naked, miserable and wretched. Brethren, I have
seen marvelous things from your publication that are not presently being
taught by the church or by any other
denomination. Please send me Our Firm
Foundationeven the old ones. Also, if
you have books or booklets about herbs,
please send those also.
OO, Kenya


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