201 EMM Engineering Management

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201 EMM


Georgi Slavchev ID: 3222623 Coursework 1 Project Management

a) Project network. Earliest start and finish dates (top and bottom left squares), latest start and finish dates (top and bottom right squares), total float (top middle squares), possible extension (bottom middle squares), the critical path is marked with double crossed lines.

b) Resource schedule at its earliest possible time. X Resource J A D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H K L M 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Y Resource G E B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 F

c) Resource schedule with resource limits X=1 and Y= 2. X Resource= 1 A D H J K L M 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Y Resource= 2 E B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G N 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

If we have a look at table bX we will see that we have only one activity which does not meet the criteria X=1 and this is activity J. Table a shows we are able to move activity J up to 4 weeks forward, however, we have only a single week slot at this sector which is week 16. Because activity M is dependant from activity L, respectively L from K, and both L and K are part of the critical part we are forced to extend the dead line for the whole project with at least one week, at that time, so J can be settled in weeks 16 and 17. Table bY shows us that the critical area of the table which does not meet the criteria Y=2 is in range week 6 to 12. In those 6 weeks period resource Y require more resources to be delivered that than the limit. The 3 activities involved in these 6 weeks are E, G and F. Table a shows that G is part of the critical path, hence, it cannot be moved forward at all, F can be forwarded by 2 weeks and E with just one week. I do not see a point moving activity E any further due to the very long period of the rest 2 activities. We can forward activity F with 2 weeks plus one more, based on the project extension we made earlier. This additional week allow us to forward activity G as well, even though it is part of the critical path. Moving activity G one week forward and F 3 weeks forward solves big part of these 6 weeks period, however, week 8 and 12 will still need more resources than the limit, which means we are forced to extend the project deadline with one additional week. So the deadline was extended twice by 1 week, which makes the time 26 weeks instead of 24. We take advantage of the second extension by forwarding activities G and F. It is worth mentioning that activities K, L, M and N are all dependants of G and F one way or another and they will have to be forwarded respectively to the activities required for each one individually.

Concluding, in order to meet both limitations X=1 and Y=2, activities J, K, L, M, G, F, and N has been forwarded. Because K, L, G and N are part of the critical path they can be forwarded only by the number of weeks by which the project has been extended, hence, 2. F is forwarded by 2 weeks (by default) + 2 weeks (project extension) = 4 weeks, J has been moved by 2 weeks (by default) and N has been moved with 2 weeks. J, G and F have been moved to lower the resources requirements. K, L, M, and N has been moved because the dependency of activities that have been moved, hence, J, G, F.

d) Project Budget. week 1-5 x x total y y total overall overall total A8,D2 10 B6,C6 12 22 22 w 6-10 D2 2 C9,E8,G20 37 39 61 w 11-15 H9 9 E4,F12,G50 66 75 136 w 16-20 J4,K1 5 F20,G30 50 55 191 w 21-24 L21,M3 24 N8 8 32 223 w 25-26 M3 3 N16 16 19 242

The Budget table has been fulfilled respectively to the revised times, assuming that costs for the activities goes at a steady weekly rate.

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