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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area



Prepared by:
Town and Country Planning Department, Government of
Himachal Pradesh

Mission: Shaping Future

Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Gurugram, Haryana
Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

1. INTRODUCTION: SUNDERNAGAR PLANNING AREA ........................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Planning Area .................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Administrative Set up.............................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Regional Linkages and Connectivity ........................................................................................ 4
1.4.1 By Air ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.4.2 By Rail .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.4.3 By Road ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Historical Evolution – Mandi district ....................................................................................... 6
1.6 Geographical Setting ............................................................................................................... 6
1.6.1 Geology ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.6.2 Physiography ................................................................................................................... 7
1.6.3 Elevation.......................................................................................................................... 7
1.6.4 Slope................................................................................................................................ 7
1.6.5 Soil Character ................................................................................................................ 11
1.6.6 Climate .......................................................................................................................... 11
1.6.7 Rainfall .......................................................................................................................... 11
1.7 Resources .............................................................................................................................. 11
1.7.1 Mineral Resources ........................................................................................................ 12
1.7.2 Forest Resources ........................................................................................................... 12
1.7.3 Water resources ............................................................................................................ 12

2. DEMOGRAPHY AND URBANIZATION ............................................................................................ 14

2.1 Sundernagar Town: Growth Trend ....................................................................................... 14
2.2 Population Distribution ......................................................................................................... 16
2.2.1 Population Density ........................................................................................................ 16
2.2.2 Growth Rate .................................................................................................................. 16
2.2.3 Sex Ratio........................................................................................................................ 17
2.2.4 Literacy Rate.................................................................................................................. 17
2.2.5 Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Composition..................................................... 17
2.3 Population Projection ........................................................................................................... 18
2.3.1 Rural Urban Composition .............................................................................................. 19
2.4 Settlement Pattern ............................................................................................................... 19
2.4.1 Urban Settlement.......................................................................................................... 19
2.4.2 Rural Settlements.......................................................................................................... 19

3. ECONOMIC BASE AND EMPLOYMENT .......................................................................................... 21

3.1 Economic Base ...................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.1 Work-force Participation Rate (WPR) ........................................................................... 21
3.1.2 Main and Marginal Workers ......................................................................................... 21
3.1.3 Sector wise Workers Distribution ................................................................................. 22
3.2 Sector wise analysis .............................................................................................................. 22
3.2.1 Primary Sector............................................................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Secondary Sector .......................................................................................................... 25
3.2.3 Tertiary Sector............................................................................................................... 26
3.3 Employment Generation....................................................................................................... 26
3.4 Proposed Work Areas ........................................................................................................... 27
3.4.1 Education Hub/ Knowledge Park .................................................................................. 27

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3.4.2 Cement Industry............................................................................................................ 27

3.4.3 Light and Service Industries .......................................................................................... 27
3.4.4 Tourism Node ................................................................................................................ 28
3.4.5 Hospitality Zone ............................................................................................................ 28
3.4.6 Retail ............................................................................................................................. 28

4. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION .................................................................................................. 29

4.1 Road Network ....................................................................................................................... 29
4.1.1 Primary Road Network .................................................................................................. 29
4.1.2 Secondary Road Network.............................................................................................. 29
4.1.3 Tertiary Road Network .................................................................................................. 29
4.2 Road Inventory ...................................................................................................................... 30
4.2.1 PWD Roads .................................................................................................................... 31
4.3 Vehicular Growth .................................................................................................................. 31
4.4 Public Transport and Routes ................................................................................................. 32
4.4.1 Roadways ...................................................................................................................... 32
4.4.2 Railways ........................................................................................................................ 32
4.4.3 Airways .......................................................................................................................... 32
4.5 Traffic Studies ....................................................................................................................... 32
4.5.1 Directional Distribution ................................................................................................. 33
4.6 Proposals and Recommendations......................................................................................... 33

5. HOUSING ....................................................................................................................................... 36
5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 36
5.2 Existing Housing Status ......................................................................................................... 36
5.3 Housing Status ...................................................................................................................... 37
5.3.1 Housing Stock and Shortage ......................................................................................... 37
5.3.2 Condition of Houses ...................................................................................................... 37
5.3.3 Ownership Status .......................................................................................................... 38
5.3.4 Structure Characteristics ............................................................................................... 38
5.3.5 Type of Structure .......................................................................................................... 38
5.3.6 Use of Structure ............................................................................................................ 39
5.3.7 Household Size and Dwelling Rooms ............................................................................ 40
5.4 Housing Scenario: Regional Perspective in Himachal Pradesh ............................................. 40
5.5 Housing Shortage and Housing Need ................................................................................... 41
5.6 Informal Settlements and Urban Poor .................................................................................. 42

6. PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE ......................................................................................................... 43

6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 43
6.2 Water Supply......................................................................................................................... 43
6.2.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 43
6.2.2 Project Users ................................................................................................................. 43
6.2.3 Existing Scenario ........................................................................................................... 44
6.2.4 Demand and Gap Estimation ........................................................................................ 45
6.2.5 Water Sources and Treatment ...................................................................................... 46
6.2.6 Water Storage and Distribution .................................................................................... 46
6.2.7 Water Connections and Tariff ....................................................................................... 46
6.2.8 Service Level Benchmarking.......................................................................................... 47
6.2.9 Development Strategies and Recommendation ........................................................... 47
6.3 Storm Water Drainage Network ........................................................................................... 48

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6.3.1 Existing Storm Water Drainage System ........................................................................ 48

6.3.2 Storm Water Drainage Proposal ................................................................................... 49
6.3.3 Flood Management ....................................................................................................... 50
6.3.4 Rain Water Harvesting .................................................................................................. 50
6.3.5 Service Level Benchmarking.......................................................................................... 50
6.3.6 Development Strategies and Recommendation ........................................................... 51
6.4 Sewerage System .................................................................................................................. 52
6.4.1 Existing Sewerage System ............................................................................................. 52
6.4.2 Proposal for Development ............................................................................................ 52
6.4.3 Sewerage Demand and Gap Estimation ....................................................................... 53
6.4.4 Sewage Treatment and Disposal................................................................................... 53
6.4.5 On-site Sewage and Treatment System ........................................................................ 53
6.4.6 Service Level Benchmarking.......................................................................................... 54
6.4.7 Development Strategies and Recommendation ........................................................... 54
6.5 Solid Waste Management ..................................................................................................... 55
6.5.1 Existing Waste Management in Sundernagar Municipal Council Area......................... 55
6.5.2 Existing Waste Management in Rural Areas ................................................................. 55
6.5.3 Bio Medical Waste Management.................................................................................. 56
6.5.4 Projected SWM Generation and Gap Assessment........................................................ 56
6.5.5 Framework for Solid Waste Disposal and Treatment ................................................... 57
6.5.6 Service Level Benchmarking.......................................................................................... 58
6.5.7 Way forward for Solid Waste Management (2016 - 2035)........................................... 59
6.6 Power .................................................................................................................................... 59
6.6.1 Existing Situation ........................................................................................................... 59
6.6.2 Details of Existing Distribution Transformers (Feeder Wise) ........................................ 60
6.6.3 Electricity Demand Forecasting .................................................................................... 63
6.6.4 Electricity Demand Forecasting Objective .................................................................... 63
6.6.5 General Approach and Methodology for Load Forecasting.......................................... 63
6.6.6 Future Load Growth with Selected Approach............................................................... 63
6.6.7 Expansion Proposal ....................................................................................................... 64
6.6.8 Planning Criteria ............................................................................................................ 64
6.6.9 Design Assumption ....................................................................................................... 64
6.6.10 External Illumination System ........................................................................................ 65
6.7 Telecommunication System .................................................................................................. 66
6.8 Block Cost .............................................................................................................................. 66

7. SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................................................. 69

7.1 Educational Facilities............................................................................................................. 69
7.2 Healthcare Facilities .............................................................................................................. 70
7.3 Public Facilities ...................................................................................................................... 71
7.3.1 Postal Services............................................................................................................... 71
7.3.2 Telecommunication Services ........................................................................................ 71
7.3.3 Police Services ............................................................................................................... 71
7.4 Safety .................................................................................................................................... 72
7.4.1 Fire Services .................................................................................................................. 72
7.4.2 Disaster Management Center ....................................................................................... 73
7.5 Socio-Culture Facilities .......................................................................................................... 73
7.6 Distributive Facilities ............................................................................................................. 73
7.7 Other Facilities ...................................................................................................................... 73
7.7.1 Institutional and Religious facilities .............................................................................. 73

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7.7.2 Cremation/ Burial Ground and Cemetery ..................................................................... 73

7.8 Sports and Recreation ........................................................................................................... 74
7.8.1 Housing area Level Recreational Spaces ....................................................................... 74
7.8.2 Neighbourhood Level Recreational Spaces .................................................................. 74
7.8.3 City Level Recreational Spaces ...................................................................................... 74
7.8.4 Sports Facilities ............................................................................................................. 74
7.9 Green Belt ............................................................................................................................. 75
7.10 Commercial Facility ............................................................................................................... 75

8. ENVIRONMENT AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT ........................................................................... 77

8.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 77
8.2 Forest Cover .......................................................................................................................... 77
8.3 Conservation of Forest Cover ............................................................................................... 79
8.4 Air Quality ............................................................................................................................. 79
8.4.1 Air Pollution Control Measures ..................................................................................... 79
8.5 Water Quality ........................................................................................................................ 80
8.6 Conservation of Water-bodies .............................................................................................. 81
8.7 Rain Water Harvesting .......................................................................................................... 81
8.8 Natural Hazards and Disasters .............................................................................................. 81
8.8.1 Hazard Profile of Mandi ................................................................................................ 82
8.8.2 Vulnerability Profile of Mandi ....................................................................................... 82
8.8.3 Measures for Disaster Management ............................................................................ 83
8.9 Disaster Management Strategy ............................................................................................ 83

9. TOURISM ....................................................................................................................................... 84
9.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 84
9.2 Tourism ................................................................................................................................. 84
9.3 Tourism Infrastructure .......................................................................................................... 84
9.4 Tourist Forecast .................................................................................................................... 85
9.4.1 Tourist Accommodation Forecast ................................................................................. 86
9.5 Tourism Strategies ................................................................................................................ 87
9.5.1 Categories of Tourism in the Region ............................................................................. 88
9.5.2 Tourism Circuit .............................................................................................................. 90
9.5.3 Places of Interest in Regional District Level – Proposed Intra Town Circuit ................. 91
9.5.4 Places of Interest in Sundernagar Planning Area – Proposed Inter Town Circuit......... 95

10. SWOT ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................... 100

11. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS........................................................................................................ 106

11.1 Planning Perspective, Projections and Possibilities ............................................................ 106
11.2 Development Limitations .................................................................................................... 108
11.3 Development Proposals ...................................................................................................... 108

12. LANDUSE PLAN............................................................................................................................ 122

12.1 Land Use Classification........................................................................................................ 122
12.2 Existing Land Use Plan......................................................................................................... 123
12.2.1 Residential Use............................................................................................................ 123
12.2.2 Commercial Use .......................................................................................................... 123
12.2.3 Public and Semi Public Use ......................................................................................... 124
12.2.4 Traffic and Transportation Use ................................................................................... 124

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12.2.5 Recreational Use ......................................................................................................... 124

12.2.6 Industrial Use .............................................................................................................. 124
12.2.7 Primary Activity ........................................................................................................... 124
12.2.8 Water Bodies Use........................................................................................................ 124
12.3 Land Allocation Mechanism ................................................................................................ 125
12.4 Proposed Land Use Plan...................................................................................................... 125
12.4.1 Residential Use............................................................................................................ 125
12.4.2 Commercial Use .......................................................................................................... 126
12.4.3 Mixed Use ................................................................................................................... 126
12.4.4 Industry Use ................................................................................................................ 126
12.4.5 Public and Semi Public Use ......................................................................................... 126
12.4.6 Recreational Use ......................................................................................................... 126
12.4.7 Traffic and Transportation Use ................................................................................... 126


SANCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 128
13.1 Objective of the Regulation ................................................................................................ 128
13.2 Jurisdiction of Regulations .................................................................................................. 128
13.3 Applicability of Regulations................................................................................................. 129
13.3.1 New Development and Re-development ................................................................... 129
13.3.2 Part Construction ........................................................................................................ 129
13.3.3 Re-construction ........................................................................................................... 129
13.3.4 Existing approved building .......................................................................................... 129
13.4 Development Permission .................................................................................................... 129
13.5 Building Permission ............................................................................................................. 130
13.5.1 Building Permission ..................................................................................................... 130
13.5.2 Grant, Refusal and Deemed to be Sanctioned ............................................................ 130
13.6 Already permitted buildings ............................................................................................... 131
13.7 Procedure for obtaining Permission ................................................................................... 131
13.7.1 Application .................................................................................................................. 131
13.7.2 Documents Required .................................................................................................. 131
13.8 General Regulations ............................................................................................................ 133
13.8.1 Setbacks ...................................................................................................................... 136
13.8.2 Building Height ............................................................................................................ 136
13.8.3 Ground Coverage and Floor Area Ratio ...................................................................... 137
13.8.4 Cellar ........................................................................................................................... 138
13.8.5 Regulations for Services .............................................................................................. 139
13.9 Development Control Regulations ...................................................................................... 140
13.9.1 Residential Buildings ................................................................................................... 140
13.9.2 Commercial Buildings.................................................................................................. 140
13.9.3 Public-Semi Public Buildings (PSP) .............................................................................. 142
13.9.4 Industrial Buildings ...................................................................................................... 142
13.9.5 Other Regulations ....................................................................................................... 143
13.10 Special Area Regulations ..................................................................................................... 144
13.10.1 Mixed Land Use ........................................................................................................... 144
13.11 Risk Based Classification of Buildings .................................................................................. 144
13.12 Monitoring of Construction ................................................................................................ 145
13.13 Change of Land Use............................................................................................................. 146
13.14 Regulations for Land Pooling and Re-constitution of Plots ................................................ 146
13.15 Sub-Division of Land Regulations ........................................................................................ 146

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13.16 Regulations of prescribed limits for development activities exempted under Section 30-A
of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act, 1977 (Act No. 12 of 1977) ................. 148
13.17 Zoning Regulations .............................................................................................................. 150
13.17.1 Residential (R) ............................................................................................................. 150
13.17.2 Commercial Use (C) ..................................................................................................... 151
13.17.3 Mixed Use (M)............................................................................................................. 152
13.17.4 Industrial Use (I) .......................................................................................................... 152
13.17.5 Public And Semi-Public Use Zone (PS) ........................................................................ 153
13.17.6 Recreational Use Zone (R) ........................................................................................... 154
13.17.7 Transport Use Zone (T) ............................................................................................... 154
13.17.8 Primary Activity/Agriculture Use (PA) ......................................................................... 155
13.17.9 Protected And Undevelopable Use Zone (E)............................................................... 155
13.17.10 Abadi Deh .................................................................................................................... 157

14. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION............................................................................................................. 158

14.1 Planning Perspective ........................................................................................................... 158
14.2 Phasing ................................................................................................................................ 158
14.3 Costing ................................................................................................................................ 160
14.4 Financing ............................................................................................................................. 164
14.5 Implementation .................................................................................................................. 164

15. BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................ 166

16. ANNEXURES................................................................................................................................. 168

Household Survey Format .......................................................................................................... 168
Traffic Volume Count Survey Format.......................................................................................... 175
Origin Destination Survey Format .............................................................................................. 176
Origin Destination Survey Master Sheet..................................................................................... 177
Details of Village wise Government Land ................................................................................... 192

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Figure 1-1: Location of Sundernagar Planning Area ............................................................................... 2
Figure 1-2: Administrative Set Up in Sundernagar Planning Area .......................................................... 4
Figure 1-3: Regional Linkage – Aerial distance/ Road distance .............................................................. 5
Figure 1-4: Elevation – Sundernagar Planning Area ............................................................................... 9
Figure 1-5: Slope – Sundernagar Planning Area ................................................................................... 10
Figure 1-6: Climate – Mandi District ..................................................................................................... 11
Figure 1-7: Annual Rainfall – Mandi District ......................................................................................... 11
Figure 1-8: Hydrogeology and Ground Water Condition - Mandi District ............................................ 13
Figure 2-1: Population Increase of Sundernagar Town (1921-2011) .................................................... 14
Figure 2-2 Evolution of Sundernagar Town from 1950s to 2017 .......................................................... 15
Figure 2-3: Projected Population of Sundernagar Urban Area ............................................................. 18
Figure 3-1: Percentage of Worker Distribution .................................................................................... 21
Figure 3-2: Area under Cultivation........................................................................................................ 23
Figure 3-3: Horticultural Proposal in the Planning Area ....................................................................... 25
Figure 4-1: Road Network Map – Sundernagar Planning Area ............................................................. 30
Figure 4-2: Bus route coverage - District wise ...................................................................................... 32
Figure 5-1: Ownership Status of Houses ............................................................................................... 38
Figure 5-2: Percentage distribution of Kutcha and Pucca Structures ................................................... 39
Figure 5-3 Typical Kath-khuni Corner Junction in a house.................................................................... 41
Figure 5-4 Typical Details of a Kath-Khuni House in Himachal Pradesh ............................................... 41
Figure 6-1: Overhead Storage Tanks ..................................................................................................... 46
Figure 6-2: Suketi Khad ......................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 6-3: Drainage Status in Planning Area ....................................................................................... 49
Figure 6-4: Intensity-Duration Curve for Once in 5 years Storm Frequency ........................................ 49
Figure 6-5: Waste Dumping in the Municipal Area (Near BBMB Colony)............................................. 56
Figure 6-6: Settlements in Sundernagar Cluster ................................................................................... 57
Figure 7-1: Fire Station at BBMB Colony, Sundernagar ........................................................................ 72
Figure 7-2: Maharaja Lakshman Sen Memorial College Playground, Sundernagar ............................. 75
Figure 8-1 Forest Cover in SundernagarPlanning Area ......................................................................... 78
Figure 9-1 Projections for Domestic Tourist Traffic for Mandi District – 2016 to 2035 ....................... 86
Figure 9-2 Projections for Foreign Tourist Traffic for Mandi District – 2016 to 2035 .......................... 86
Figure 9-3 Mood Images for Himachal Haat ......................................................................................... 89
Figure 9-4: Tourist Circuit – Himachal Pradesh ..................................................................................... 91

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Figure 9-5: Pandoh Dam ....................................................................................................................... 92

Figure 9-6: Rewalsar Lake ..................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 9-7: Prashar Lake........................................................................................................................ 92
Figure 9-8: Barot valley ......................................................................................................................... 93
Figure 9-9: Tattapani ............................................................................................................................. 93
Figure 9-10: Kamru Nag Lake ................................................................................................................ 93
Figure 9-11: Bhima Kali Temple ............................................................................................................ 94
Figure 9-12: Location Map - Places of interest in Mandi District.......................................................... 95
Figure 9-13: Places of interest in Sundernagar Planning Area.............................................................. 96
Figure 9-14: Mahamaya Temple, Sundernagar.................................................................................... 97
Figure 9-15: Murari Devi Temple, Sundernagar................................................................................... 97
Figure 9-16: Suraj Kund Temple, Sundernagar ................................................................................... 98
Figure 9-17: Mahadev Temple, Sundernagar ....................................................................................... 98
Figure 9-18: Lakshmi Narayan Temple, Sundernagar .......................................................................... 98
Figure 9-19: Sheetla Mata Temple, Sundernagar ............................................................................... 99
Figure 9-20: Balancing Reservoir, Sundernagar ................................................................................... 99
Figure 11-1: The Existing Opportunity Areas in the Planning Area .................................................... 107
Figure 11-2 Proposed Day View of Hill Top Tourist Destination Site overlooking Sundernagar Lake 114

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Table 1-1: Planning Area Profile.............................................................................................................. 3
Table 1-2: Elevation variation in Planning Area ...................................................................................... 7
Table 2-1: Population Distribution - Sundernagar Planning Area/ Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh 16
Table 2-2: Population Density - Sundernagar Planning Area/ Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh ...... 16
Table 2-3: Decadal Growth Rate – Sundernagar Planning Area/ Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh .. 16
Table 2-4: Sex Ratio - Sundernagar Planning Area/ Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh ....................... 17
Table 2-5: Literacy Rate – Sundernagar Planning Area/Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh ................. 17
Table 2-6: Distribution of Scheduled caste and Scheduled Tribes - Sundernagar Planning Area /
Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh ........................................................................................................ 18
Table 2-7: Projected Population for Sundernagar Planning Area ......................................................... 18
Table 2-8: Urban Settlement Pattern in Mandi District ........................................................................ 19
Table 2-9: Distribution of Rural Settlements by Population Size, 2011 ................................................ 19
Table 3-1: Work force Participation Rate - Sundernagar Planning Area / Mandi District/ Himachal
Pradesh ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Table 3-2: Agriculture Land Use ............................................................................................................ 23
Table 3-3: Identified Villages for Horticulture Development................................................................ 24
Table 3-4: Industrial Scenario ............................................................................................................... 25
Table 3-5: Share of Tertiary Sector in GDDP, Mandi............................................................................. 26
Table 3-6: Proposed Occupational Classification of Sundernagar ........................................................ 26
Table 4-1: Road length – As per hierarchy ............................................................................................ 29
Table 4-2: PWD Road Length ................................................................................................................ 31
Table 4-3: Annual Vehicular Growth in 5 years .................................................................................... 32
Table 5-1 Comparison of Census Houses with Population ................................................................... 37
Table 5-2: Percentage Distribution of Housing Condition .................................................................... 37
Table 5-3: Percentage Distribution of Types of Structures ................................................................... 39
Table 5-4: Structure Use ....................................................................................................................... 39
Table 5-5: Structure Use ....................................................................................................................... 39
Table 5-6 Projected Population and Housing Need .............................................................................. 41
Table 5-7 Housing Need for Five Years ................................................................................................. 41
Table 6-1: Total Water Demand and Gap for 2035............................................................................... 45
Table 6-2: Water Treatment plant – Capacity Augmentation .............................................................. 46
Table 6-3: Service Level Benchmarking for Water Supply System (2016-2035) ................................... 47
Table 6-4: Service Level Benchmarking for Storm Water Drainage System (2016-2035) .................... 51
Table 6-5: Sewerage Generation and Gap ............................................................................................ 53

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Table 6-6: Service Level Benchmarking for Sewerage and Sanitation (2016-2035) ............................. 54
Table 6-7: Existing Waste Generation in Sundernagar Planning Area .................................................. 56
Table 6-8: Solid Waste Generation and Treatment Gap ....................................................................... 56
Table 6-9 Waste Generation in Sundernagar Cluster ........................................................................... 58
Table 6-10: Service Level Benchmarking for Solid Waste Management (2016-2035).......................... 58
Table 6-11 Existing Power Distribution in Sundernagar Planning Area ................................................ 59
Table 6-12 Details of Existing Distribution Transformers (Feeder Wise) in Sundernagar Planning Area
.............................................................................................................................................................. 60
Table 6-13 Projected Load Forecasting of Sundernagar Town over the next 20 years ........................ 64
Table 6-14 Status of Existing Road Lightings......................................................................................... 65
Table 6-15 Technical Details of Road Lighting System .......................................................................... 66
Table 6-16 Block Cost of the Power Infrastructure Development in Sundernagar Planning Area ....... 66
Table 6-17 Phase Wise Block Cost of the Power Infrastructure Development in Sundernagar Planning
Area ....................................................................................................................................................... 68
Table 7-1: Future Demand for Educational Institutes .......................................................................... 70
Table 7-2: Future Demand for Healthcare Facilities ............................................................................. 70
Table 7-3: Future Demand for Postal Services ...................................................................................... 71
Table 7-4: Future Demand for Security Facilities .................................................................................. 72
Table 7-5 Future demand for fire stations ............................................................................................ 72
Table 7-6: Future Demand for Community Facilities ............................................................................ 73
Table 7-7: Future Demand for Community Facilities ............................................................................ 74
Table 7-8: Future Demand for Community Facilities ............................................................................ 75
Table 8-1 Comparison of SO2, NO2 and RSM concentration in Sundernagar Planning Area with CPCB
Ambient Air Quality Standards ............................................................................................................. 79
Table 8-2 Mean and Standard Deviation for Water Quality Assessment of Suketi khad during April,
2013- March, 2015 ................................................................................................................................ 80
Table 8-3 Water Quality Standards ....................................................................................................... 80
Table 8-4 Hazards in Mandi District ...................................................................................................... 82
Table 8-5 District Wise Vulnerability Matrix ......................................................................................... 82
Table 9-1 Tourist Inflow in Mandi District from 2008 - 2016................................................................ 85
Table 9-2 Tourist Projections for Mandi District for 2035 .................................................................... 85
Table 9-3 Tourism Profile of Sundernagar Planning Area ..................................................................... 86
Table 9-4 Tourist Footfall and Gap Analysis for Tourism in Sundernagar Planning Area ..................... 87
Table 9-5 Projections for Number of Hotel Rooms in Sundernagar Planning Area .............................. 87
Table 9-6 Projections for Type of Hotel requirement in Sundernagar Planning Area .......................... 87
Table 11-1: Limitations for the Development ..................................................................................... 108

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Table 11-2: Strategies for Curbing Ribbon Development ................................................................... 117

Table 12-1: Land Utilization and Classification ................................................................................... 122
Table 12.2: Land Use Distribution, 2016 ............................................................................................. 124
Table 12.3: Land Use Distribution, 2035 ............................................................................................. 127
Table 13-1: Components of Sundernagar Planning Area .................................................................... 128
Table 13-2: Colouring of Plans ............................................................................................................ 132
Table 13-3: Clearances from Electric Supply Lines ............................................................................. 139
Table 13-4: Residential Building Regulations shall be applicable in Sundernagar Planning Area ...... 140
Table 13-5: Commercial building Regulations shall be applicable in Sundernagar Planning Area ..... 140
Table 13-6: PSP Building Regulations shall be applicable in Sundernagar Planning Area .................. 142
Table 16-7: Industrial Regulations shall be applicable in Sundernagar Planning Area ....................... 143
Table 13-8: Risk Based Classification of Buildings for Sundernagar Planning Area ............................ 144
Table 14-1 Phasing of Planning Proposals .......................................................................................... 159
Table 14-2: Summary of Infrastructure Cost ...................................................................................... 160
Table 14-3: Phase-wise Costing of Development ............................................................................... 162

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% percent
ASI Archaeological Survey of India
AGiSAC Aryabhatta Geo Informatics Space Application Center
BBMB Bhakra Beas Management Board
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BMO Block Medical Office
BIS Bureau of Indian Standard
CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CBWTFs Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facilities
CD Block Community Development Block
CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp
DPF Demarcated Protected Forest
DHE Department of Higher Education
DTCA Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation
DSP Deputy Superintend of Police
DO Dissolved Oxygen
uk feet
GIS Geographic Information System
GoHP Government of Himachal Pradesh
GP Gram Panchayat
GDDP Gross District Domestic Product
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GSDP Gross State Domestic Product
GEC-97 Groundwater Resource Estimation Committee - 1997
HFW Health and Family Welfare Department
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicles
Ha Hectare
HFL High Flood Level
HPIPH Himachal Pradesh Irrigation and Public Health Department
HPSEB Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board
HPSPCB Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board
HPTCP Act Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act
HRTC Himachal Road Transport Corporation
HH Household
I.C.A. R Indian Council of Agricultural Research
IHSDP Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme
IRC Indian Road Congress
ITI Industrial Training Institute
INR International Normalised Ratio
IPH Dept. Irrigation and Public Health Department

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km kilometer
KVA Kilovolt-ampere
KWh kilowatt-hour
L.U.P. Land Use Planning
LOS Level of Service
LWSS Lift Water Supply Scheme
LED Light Emitting Diode
LMV Light Motor Vehicle
lpcd litres per capita per day
MDR Major District Road
msl mean sea level
MW Mega Watt
m meters
MT Metric Tonne
MSME Micro Small and Medium Enterprises
MST Main Storage Tanks
mg/l Milligram/litter
mm millimeter
MLD Million Litres per Day
MoDWS Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
N.B.S.S. National Bureau of Soil Survey
NH - 103 National Highway
NH - 103AI National Highway Authority of India
NIDM National Institute of Disaster Management
NMSH National Mission on Sustainable Habitats
NRSC National Remote Sensing Center
NRDWP National Rural Drinking Water Programme
NDDP Net District Domestic Product
NDP Net Domestic Product
NSDP Net State Domestic Product
NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
NAC Notified Area Council
O-D Origin - Destination
ODR Other District Road
PRI Panchayati Raj Institution
PM Particulate Matter
ppm parts per million
PCU Passenger Car Unit
PCI Per Capita Income
pph persons per hectare
PWS Piped Water Scheme
PCCs Pollution Control Committee
PMGSY Prime Minister Gram Sarak Yojana
PWD Public Works Department

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RFP Request for Proposal

RSPM Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter
ROW Right of Way
SC Scheduled Caste
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SST Sub Storage Tanks
ST Scheduled Tribe square kilometer
SPCB State Pollution Control Board
SHO Station House Officer
SDM Sub-Divisional Magistrate
SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
SPM Suspended Particulate Matters
TCP Town and Country Planning
TCPD Town and Country Planning Department
TD Town Directory
UT Union Territory
UN United Nations
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UGC University Grant Commission
Urban and Regional Development, Planning, Formulation and Implementation
URDPFI Guidelines
VD Village Directory
V/C Volume/Capacity
WSS Water Supply and Sanitation
WPR Work Participation Rate
WHO World Health Organisation

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1. Planning Area Profile
Sundernagar is a notified Planning area in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh. It is situated on the
south-western border of Mandi district which is bounded by Bilaspur district in the south-west,
Hamirpur district in the north-west, Kangra district in the north, Kullu district in the east and Shimla
district in the south. Sundernagar town is the Headquarter of Sundernagar Tehsil and is located 24
kms approximately from Mandi town, the headquarter of Mandi district and about 119 kms from the
state capital, Shimla.
Sundernagar Planning Area comes under the Sundernagar Tehsil of Sundernagar Block in Mandi
District. Sundernagar Municipal Council constitutes of Bahot, Ropa, DPF Changar (B), DPF Changar
(A), Sundernagar Colony, Purana Nagar, Bhojpur, Pungh, Sundernagar and Bari revenue villages.
Sundernagar town was established as a Municipal Council (Nagar Parishad) in 1950 and it constitutes
of 13 wards and covers an area of 1215.92 Ha.
Sundernagar Planning Area covers a total area of 2557.43 Ha. As per Census of India - 2011,
Sundernagar Planning Area has a population of 42,963. Sundernagar is one of the fifth largest town
in the state. It acts as a transit town being situated in the heart of the state along the National
Highway – 154 connecting Chandigarh with Manali. The town is also famous for the Beas – Satluj link
Project Unit – I, a hydro –power project which is one of the biggest in Asia and is irrigating nearly
one-fourth of the northern plains of India.
The Planning Area comprised of 22 revenue villages or Hadbasts out of which 10 villages fall under
the Municipal Council and 12 villages fall under 9 Gram Panchayat. Out of the total Planning area
population of 42,963, 56.7 % i.e. 24,344 reside in urban areas while the remaining 43.4 % of the
population i.e. 18,619 reside in rural areas.
Mandi District have rock formations ranging from pre-Cambrian to Quaternary period. Hard
formations, form hilly and mountainous terrain and mainly comprises of igneous and metamorphic
rocks, belonging to the Jutogh, Shali/ Largi and Shimla group and occupy the major part of the area
in the northern, central and eastern part. In the western and southern parts sediments comprising of
sandstone, shale, siltstone, conglomerate etc of Dharamshala/ Sabathu group and Shivalik group of
tertiary age are observed. Alluvium, terrace deposits, fluvial deposits of Quaternary period occur in
the intermontane valleys, viz., Balh valley, Sarkaghat valley etc., and constitute an important unit
from ground water point of view.
Sundernagar has high undulating topography under steep slopes especially in the southern side. The
terrain slopes from the lowest elevation of 680m in the north to 1719 m in the south of the Planning
Area. The slope in the Planning Area is characterized by the mountainous terrain at the south i.e. a
sloping angle from south-western and south-northern. Most areas in the south such as southern part
of Bari by slope angle of 30 % to more than 45 %. Other villages such as Pungh, Thala, Derdu, Dodhu,
Ghangal, Sundernagar MC, Mahadev, Kalahod, Bharjwanoo, Chowk, Jugahan, Chhatar, Kanaid, and
Bhaur, have mild slope angle ranging from less than 15 % to 30 %.
Mandi District is rich with commercially exploitable minor minerals but there are no major mineral
available. The district produces 1,41,2201 tonnes of minor mineral as per 2010 -11 record. Out of the

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total minor mineral produce, clay contribute to the highest with 62.3 % i.e. 7,79,327 tonnes followed
by stone aggregates with 17.2 % i.e. 2,42,37 tonnes, rough stones with 11.4 % i.e. 1,61,561 tonnes
and the remaining 9.1 % include Bajri, Sand, building stone and slate.
Himachal Pradesh is well endowed with the forest resources. Out of the total geographical area of
the Mandi district i.e. 3,950 km, 47.1 % i.e. 1,860 km2 is under forest cover. The total forest cover of
Mandi district occupies 5% of the entire forest cover of the state.
One of the major water resource in the district is the ground water. It is developed on a moderate
scale and is basically restricted on the north towards Balh Valley, Karsog Valley in the east and other
small valleys along the major streams and rivers. These areas depend on tube wells and dug wells for
all major irrigation and drinking water supplies in addition to water supply schemes based on rivers
and natural nallas.
2. Demography and Urbanization
As per Census 2011, 4 % of the total Urban population of Himachal Pradesh reside in Sudnernagar
municipal council. The urban population of Sundernagar increased from 2554 in 1921 to 24344 in
2011. Sundernagar registered a very high growth rate of 268.45 % during 1961-71 and became
second largest town of Himachal Pradesh. This excessive growth rate was due to migration of large
population from outside because of construction of Beas-Satluj Link Project. Sundernagar
maintained its position in 1981 census also. During 1991 census Mandi town reached in second
position relegating Sundernagar to 5th position.
As per Census of India - 2011, Mandi district have a population of 9,99,777 i.e. 14.6 % of the total
state population and is ranked 2nd among the 12 districts of Himachal Pradesh. As per Census of
India - 2011, the Planning area comprises of 4.30 % of the total population of Mandi district. There
are 9,892 HH with average household size of 4.3 in the Planning area which is less than the district
average of 5.5. The Planning Area has a population density of 17 persons per hectare (ppha) which is
higher than the district i.e. 3 ppha. The decadal growth rate of Sundernagar Planning Area is 7.5 %
which is lower than the district i.e. 10.9 %. Sundernagar Planning Area has a sex ratio of 973(females
per 1000 male) in 2011 which is lower than the district i.e. 1007 (females per 1000 male). The
literacy rate of Sundernagar Planning area is 87.9 % which is higher than that of the district i.e.
81.5% respectively. Sundernagar Planning Area has a WPR of 39% as per Census of India, 2011 which
is less district rate of 57 %.
As per the settlement pattern study considering the population size and functional hierarchy, it was
inferred that Sundernagar Municipal Council is the highest order Settlement followed by Kanaid,
Kalahod and Mahadev which are located along the NH 154. These settlements are considered as the
future developable areas. Settlements with lower ranking are Kangar, Derdu and Patyora. These are
the predominant rural areas in the Planning Area.
The only growth centre in the Planning Area is Sundernagar Town, which is the only urban centre for
the entire Planning Area and surrounding villages. With the growing population, Sundernagar town
will maintain its rank of 1st order settlement in the Planning Area. With Sundernagar as the centre,
Mahadev and Kalohad with projected population of 4570 and 2594 for 2035 respectively, will
become a part of the urban extension as they are in the vicinity of Sundernagar Town. Village like
Kanaid with projected population 4111 will also grow as the growth centre and merge with Bhaur as

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it has high infrastructural facilities, which will grow over the years. Rest of the villages will act as the
basic villages that will be dependent on téh growth centres and the urban centre for availaing higher
order facilities.
3. Economy
Mandi district occupies the 4th position among the twelve districts in Himachal Pradesh in terms of
Gross District Domestic Product (GDDP) and Net District Domestic Product (NDDP) share from 1990-
00 to 2005-06 (at constant price 1990-00). Mandi district shares 11 % of the total GSDP of the state
in 2005-06 which is stagnant since 1999-00. The PCI has increased over the years in Mandi district
from 15805 rupees in 1999-00 to 20740 rupees in 2005-06 i.e. a 1.31 times increase in a span of
seven which is more than the state average. Out of the total workers, 72 % are engaged in Tertiary
sector, 25 % in Primary sector and rest 2 % are in Secondary Sector activities. The share of Primary,
secondary and tertiary sectors in GDDP distribution are 22 %, 7% and 71 %. The most prioritised
sectors in the Planning Area is the Service Sector and the Primary Sector.
Considering that the Development Plan – 2035 will boost the economic activities within the Planning
area and create more opportunities for work, the Planning area will have a substantially higher WPR
i.e. 45 % till 2035. Thus the worker population in 2035 will be 32460. Out of the total workers, 15 %
will be engaged in primary sector, 10 % in secondary sector and rest 75 % in tertiary sector. The
major source of employment will be from Education/Knowledge hub, Retail, Industries, Light and
Service Industries, Toruism and Hospitality Zones etc.
4. Traffic and Transportation
Sundernagar town has developed in a disintegrated linear urban form spreading along major traffic
corridors. Congestion on arterial roads is due to haphazard development, narrow streets, congested
junction, unorganized parking etc which creates hindrance to the smooth flow of traffic. High travel
time and congestions have created an adverse effect on the economic and environmental health of
this town. The regional road linkages of Sundernagar are supplemented by an extensive network of
navigation routes through the lagoon system, serving the movement of passengers and cargo. The
traffic and transportation surveys are carried out to assess the traffic and socio-economic
characteristics of the planning area and its hinterland. The traffic survey analysis identifies the
constraints in the existing transport system and provides planners to find alternative solutions to
solve the quick bottlenecks through Traffic Management Measures. The traffic survey, analysis has
been done for the proposed Development Plan for Sundernagar planning area. As per traffic data
analysis, the AADT (PCU) is ranging from at the 3 count stations on NH-154 and SH-13 are ADT (PCU)
of 12 hours is 13428 at Dhanotu (on NH-154), 6587 at Pungh (on NH-154) and 1981 at Mahadev road
(on SH-13). The classified directional traffic observed at each count location. Daily variation on
project road is normal. The hourly figures show that the heavy traffic flow in evening time at NH and
in morning time at internal road. Composition of cars and two wheelers is very high than any other
mode of transport. OD analysis shows that the major trip generator areas are Sundernagar, Mandi,
Kullu, Bilaspur, Chandigarh and Shimla/ Kinnaur OD analysis shows that the significant percentage of
traffic is within Sundernagar city. The religious/ tours trips, social and work trips observed are
maximum in planning area. In commodity segment cement, building material and timber/ wood
products share predominantly transported products in the planning area.

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5. Housing and Urban Poor

According to Census of India (2011) there are 9892 households in the Planning Area, out of which
5850 households (59.1 %) are within the Sundernagar Municipal Council i.e. the core urban centre
and rest 4042 households (40.9 %) are in the rural areas. The average household size in the Planning
Area is 4.3 persons. In Sundernagar Planning Area, 73.2 % houses are in good condition which is
more than the district average of 71.2 %. Around 25 % houses are in liveable condition which is less
than the district average of 27.2 % and rest 1.8 % are in dilapidated condition which is more than the
district average of 1.6%. There are 276 Below Poverty Line (BPL) families and 762 Atal Awas Yojana
(AAY) families including the Below Poverty Line (BPL) families have been identified by the ULB that
comprise of 3180 persons. Out of the total urban poor, 75 % is of SC category, 26 % are in general
category and rest 0.16 % are from ST category.
Housing Need and Housing Shortage for the vision year 2035 has been worked out. Issues regarding
housing have been highlighted in the housing development proposals. Study of existing Traditional
Housing of Himachal Pradesh and Sundernagar has been incorporated. Housing Strategies combined
with existing Housing Policies have been provided for mitigating housing demand in the planning
area. Strategies for Informal Housing have also been provided.
6. Physical Infrastructure
As per I & PH department, circle Sundernagar, 3.81 MLD of water is supplied to all rural and urban
settlements in the Planning Area, which is not sufficient to serve the current demand i.e. 6.77 MLD.
Water supply system need to be augmented to meet out water demand at different stages (2016-
6.77 MLD, 2025-8.31 MLD, 2035-10.24 MLD). The entire planning area should have 100 % water
supply network.
Storm water Drainage (SWD) system should designed as a separate system to carry storm water by
gravity for the entire project area with a certain gradient, to create a self-cleansing velocity. All the
primary storm water drains should be designed to have a capacity to carry the total discharge of all
secondary and tertiary storm water drains. Regular and proper operation and maintenance of
drainage facility is essential to function, so that storm water is efficiently conveyed up to disposal
point. Detailed Master Plan for Stormwater Drainage system and Flood Management is required for
further detailed assessment and solution of drainage proposal.
Presently, only Sundernagar Municipal Council Area has centralised sewerage system in the entire
Planning Area. Projected generation for 2035 will be 8.10 MLD and currently 3.50 MLD of sewage is
being treated. There is a gap of 1.98 MLD and 5.00 MLD in treatment capacities of present and
future year respectively. For proper faecal waste management, the entire planning area should have
100 % sewerage coverage with decentralized sewage treatment facility.
Presently, there is no solid waste management system in the Planning Area except in the
Sundernagar Municipal Council. The solid waste is burnt or dumped in the ground in a regular
interval in the rural areas whereas in urban area, the solid waste is collected and disposed at the
landfill site. The horizon period of 2035, the main goal for solid waste management is to 100%
management of solid wastes with proper segregation and treatment along with transfer station(s).
7. Social Infrastructure
Sundernagar is well established in terms of imparting the primary and higher education in the
district. There is a requirement to increase the number of pre-primary in order to meet the
requirements. The level of medical facilities are inadequate in the planning area. Also, there are
requirement for more fire station and disaster management cells in the area. In terms of

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communication, the planning area is well connected with landline as well as mobile telephonic
connection. The villages have internet access facilities though the network connectivity is poor. The
villages are served by the general post office and there is a need for sub post offices in villages to
meet the future demand. To cater to the future population police post and police station are
required in the planning area.
The commercial activities are located along the National Highway and the main commercial center is
located at Sundernagar town. There are less recreational open/green spaces within the planning
area, apart from playgrounds in different colleges and Jawahar Park.
8. Environment
In Sundernagar Planning Area, almost 407.3 Ha i.e. 31.21 % land falls under forest cover. It is less
than the district average of 47%.[1] Out of the total forest cover 38 % of the forest area is classified as
Demarcated Protected Forest and remaining 62 % is under unprotected forest or open forest. The
major species of tree found in the planning area are Deodhar, blue pine, silver fir, spruce, chir and
various kinds of oak. The species of animals commonly found in the district are namely leopard,
hare, wild boar, jackal, kakar, monkey and sambhar.
As per the HPSPCB data the annual average concentration of SO2 is under the permissible limit as per
the ambient quality standards of CPCB. Whereas the levels of NO2 and RSPM are higher than the
permissible limits especially near MC office. Traffic congestion and fossil fuel combustion processes
are the major reasons for higher levels of NO2 and RSPM. The quality of water in Sundernagar
Planning Area falls under Class A as per the CPCB standards.
The overall vulnerability of Mandi is High and the vulnerability from earthquakes is very high as
compared to any other disaster. In terms of Earthquake hazard risk profiling, almost entire Mandi
district (97%) falls in Zone V which is a very high damage risk zone. The last earthquake hit the region
in 2005, magnitude of which was 6.8 at Richter Scale. However, no loss of life and property was
9. Tourism

Sundernagar Planning Area falls within the Beas Tourist Circuit. The circuit derives its name from the
ancient river Beas. Sundernagar lies along one of the major transport corridor in the state in the
Beas Circuit i.e. the NH-154 which connects Chandigarh in Punjab to Manali in Kullu District.
Sundernagar, a place where many people moving towards Manali halts to look at the beautiful lake,
is a great place to find religious and spiritual insight. There are many temples located in and around
Sundernagar which can be identified for the promotion and development of tourism activities. Some
of the places of interest in Sundernagar which have the potential to be promoted as tourist
destinations namely, Mahamaya Temple: Murari Devi Temple, Shukdev Vatika, Hateshwari Temple,
Balancing Reservoir Lake and Suraj Kund Temple.

Proposals for conservation of heritage structures in the planning area have been proposed.
Sundernagar town has limited number of hotels and lodges which offer general accommodation.
Tourist projection for the vision year 2035 has been worked out. According to the projections

Himachal Forest Statistics 2013

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number of tourist accommodation needed in the planning area by year 2035 has been worked out.
Tourism proposals have been given for development of an Inter Town and Intra Town Tourist
Circuits, Hill top Promotion Cultural Center and Himachal Haat and Floriculture/Horticulture as part
of the tourism development proposals.

10. SWOT Analysis

As per the existing situation, a SWOT analysis has been prepared for the better understanding of the
potential for development of the Planning Area. Each sector has been analysed further to identify
the various gaps and issues under each aspect of development.
11. Development Proposals
It is envisaged to develop Sundernagar Planning Area as an education-cum-trade hub focusing on the
development of entrepreneurial activities for balanced economic growth. The main economic
growth drivers of Sundernagar Planning Area are: (1) the strong presence of tertiary sector and Govt.
Organizations, (2) The proposed Cement Factory in close proximity to the town, (3) Propsoed Four-
Lane Expressway connecting Chandigarh and Manali.
With the construction of 4-lane expressway the growth of the city will shift to the western edge of
the planning instead of prevailing ribbon development along the NH. In order take maximum
advantage of the 4-lane expressway and have a planned development, it is envisaged to develop the
western edge as commercial-cum-institutional hub with MICE activities. In order to give a soothing
view to the travellers on the 4-lane expressway, floriculture is proposed on the agricultural field
adjacent to the Suketi Khad and the balancing reservoir. A tourist destination site is proposed on the
hill-top near Bhojpur with facilities like adventure tourism, view points, hotels and conventions, etc.
Floriculture as well as horticulture is proposed on the southern side of MC area along the Circular
Road. New residential area has been proposed in Bhojpur. The existing institutional area will
continue to function as a major growth driver of the city – knowledge hub. In order to curtail ribbon
development and consequent problems on the NH and SH, 12m wide roads have been proposed on
either side on the NH/SH with limited and restricted entry and exist points. Mahadev, Kaniad and
Bhaur to function as growth nodes outside the urbanisable boundary. The peri-urban area is
envisaged to be mostly agriculture with natural growth of the village settlements.

12. Landuse Zoning and Development Control Regulations

Due to tourism, industrial, institutional and locational aspects, Sundernagar is projected to have a
major inflow of varied mix of people and activities. The hilly town has immense possibility to utilize
its potential for strengthening its social, cultural and economic aspects. The Bhakra Beas
Management Board (B.B.M.B.) is the epicentre of this town with institutional structure as a major
support for the town. The town also has a huge reservoir lake but it still lacks in quality recreational,
social and cultural spaces. The proposed cultural and recreational complex at hill top at Bahot near
Himachal Dental College will fulfil the city’s cultural needs. Also, lake front development with
strategic activity nodes, restricted pedestrian and vehicular access will generate quality recreational
and public infrastructure for citizens of all ages. Sundernagar is also very well connected to
important tourism destinations like Shimla and Mandi and is going to be improved further by an
upcoming 4 lane town by-pass surrounding the lake (reservoir). This also creates possibility for
future expansion of town on the south western side surrounding the lake. This new town area will

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tap the potential for large formal or informal gatherings to generate possibilities under hospitality
sector. These social, cultural, recreational and economic interventions will reform the town structure
and increase liveability.

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The chapter deals with the profile of Sundernagar Planning Area in terms of its Location,
Administrative set up, Geographical Setting, Historical evolution of the central urban centre and
surroundings, Regional Linkage and connectivity, existing resource base within and surrounding of
the planning area. The chapter will help to understand the positive aspects Planning Area.

1.1 Introduction
Sundernagar, located at 31.53320N and 76.89230E, is a notified Planning area in Mandi district of
Himachal Pradesh. The district is bound by Bilaspur district in the south-west, Hamirpur district in
the north-west, Kangra district in the north, Kullu district in the east and Shimla district in the south.
Sundernagar town is the Headquarter of Sundernagar Tehsil and is located approximately 24 kms
from Mandi town, the head-quarter of Mandi district and about 119 kms from the state capital,
Under sub-section-(1) of Section- 13 of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act, 1977
(Act No.12 of 1977), “Sundernagar Planning Area” was notified on 4th March, 2014. The Planning
Area comprised of 35 revenue mohals out of which 10 are under the Sundernagar Municipal Council
and the rest are under the administration of the Gram Panchayat. Further, the revenue mohals in
the Planning Area was reduced to 22, under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section – 13 of the Act by
the Governor of Himachal Pradesh i.e. by excluding 17 mohals vide Notification No. TCP-F(5) – 3/201
dated 22nd August 2016.
As per Census of India - 2011, Sundernagar Planning Area has a population of 42,963 and covers an
area of 2557.43 Ha. Sundernagar is the 5th largest town1 in the state. It acts as excellent transit town
as it is situated in the heart of the state along the National Highway – NH 154 connecting Chandigarh
in Punjab to Manali in Himachal Pradesh. The town is also famous for the Beas – Satluj hydro –power
project, also known as Beas Project (Unit - I), which is one of the biggest in Asia and is irrigating
nearly one-fourth of the northern plains of India.

Source: Municipal Council – Sundernagar, Official Website,

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Figure 1-1: Location of Sundernagar Planning Area

Source: TCP Department based on Census 2011

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1.2 Planning Area

The Planning Area comprised of 22 revenue mohals out of which 10 are under the Municipal Council
and 12 are under the Gram Panchayat administration. Table 1-1 shows the detailed list of all notified
revenue mohals (including Municipal Council) in the Planning Area.
Table 1-1: Planning Area Profile2
Sl. No. Name of Revenue Villages Area Included Hadbast No. Area (In Ha.)
(2011 Census)
1 Bhaur Completely 4 188.43 2950
2 Kanaid Completely 6 167.92 2800
3 Chowk Completely 7 162.92 1398
4 Jugahan Completely 8 76.94 599
5 Bharjwanoo Completely 9 158.03 1761
6 Mahadev Completely 10 162.59 3062
7 Ghangal Completely 14 102.32 1432
8 Kalohad Partly 27 31.99 1738
9 Dodhu Partly 30 53.70 956
10 Derdu Partly 34 6.60 302
11 Thala Partly 35 27.82 754
12 Chamukha Completely 41 202.74 867
13 Bahot Completely 25 69.41
14 Ropa Completely 26/1 76.39
15 DPF Changar (B) Completely 26/2 1.52
16 DPF Changar (A) Completely 26/3 9.95
17 Sundernagar Colony Completely 26/4 118.74
18 Purana Nagar Completely 26/5 45.63
19 Bhojpur Completely 26/6 98.49
20 Pungh Completely 26/7 120.59
21 Sundernagar Completely 26/8 376.05
22 Bari Completely 26/9 299.16
Total - - 2557.43 42,963
Source: Census of India, 2011 and Town and Country Planning Department

1.3 Administrative Set up

Sundernagar Planning Area comes under the Sundernagar Tehsil and Sundernagar Community
Development (C.D.) Block in Mandi District. The Planning Area constitutes of 22 revenue mohals in
which following 10 are under the Sundernagar Municipal Council - Bahot, Ropa, DPF Changar (B),
DPF Changar (A), Sundernagar Colony, Purana Nagar, Bhojpur, Pungh, Sundernagar and Bari (Refer
Figure 1-2).

2 Source: Town and Country Planning Department, Shimla

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Himachal Pradesh Mandi District

Sundernagar C.D. Block Sundernagar Tehsil

Revenue Mohals
Under Under
Sundernagar MC Gram Panchayat

 Bahot  Bhaur
 Kanaid
 Ropa
 Chowk Sundernagar
 DPF Changar (A)
 Jugahan Planning Area
 DPF Changar (B)  Bharjwanoo
 Sundernagar colony  Mahadev

 Purana Nagar  Ghangal

 Kalahod
 Bhojpur
 Dodhu
 Pungh
 Derdu
 Sundernagar  Thala
 Bari  Chamukha

Figure 1-2: Administrative Set Up in Sundernagar Planning Area

Sundernagar town was established as a Municipal Council (Nagar Parishad) in 1950 and it comprises
of 13 wards within 10 Revenue mohals. It covers an area of 1215.93Ha and serves a population of
24,344 as per Census of India, 2011. The remaining 12 revenue mohals come under 9 Gram
Panchayats3. Out of the total Planning area population of 42,963, 56.7% i.e. 24,344 are in urban
areas while the remaining 43.4% of the population i.e. 18,619 are in rural areas.

1.4 Regional Linkages and Connectivity

Sundernagar Planning Area is well connected by roadways with all the state level and national level
major towns and cities. The district Head quarter Mandi is located at a distance of 24 Km from the
Sundernagar town and Shimla is situated at a distance of 135 km. Other major towns such as
Chandigarh is situated at a distance of 179 km whereas Delhi is 406 km away from the Planning
Area4 (Refer Figure 1-3).

3 Source – Mandi District – Official Website,

4 Note: Shortest route/distance has been considered.

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1.4.1 By Air
The nearest domestic airport to the Planning Area is the Bhuntar airport in Kullu district, situated at
a distance of 83 km followed by Shimla airport located at a distance of 119 km and Dharamshala
airport in Kangra district, located at a distance of 156 km. The Chandigarh Airport is the nearest
international airport, which is 179 km away from the Planning Area.

1.4.2 By Rail
There is no railway connectivity in the Planning Area. The nearest narrow – gauge railway station is
at Jogindernagar which is located within Mandi District, at a distance of 78km from Sundernagar.
The next broad gauge connectivity is at Kiratpur Sahib in Punjab which is located at a distance of 103
km along the Nangal – Una – Talwara broad – gauge railway line track.

1.4.3 By Road
The Planning area is well connected with all the important towns and cities of the state as well as
country via the NH - 154 and SH -13. The NH – 154 connects Sundernagar with Mandi, Kullu and
Manali in the north and Bilaspur, Ropar and Chandigarh in the south while SH – 13 connects
Sundernagar with Mandi in the north and Shimla via Tattapani in the south. Bus service are available
to the nearby towns in the district, state and country.





Bhuntar 83
Chandigarh 179
Dharamshala 150
KIRATPUR SAHIB Jalandhar 236
Kangra 147
SHIMLA Kiratpur Sahib 103
100 KM
Ludhiana 208
Mandi 24
Manikaran 117
Pathankot 225
150 KM
CHANDIGARH Palampur 116
Shimla 119
0 25 KM 50 KM
Una 130

Figure 1-3: Regional Linkage – Aerial distance/ Road distance

Source: Prepared based on Google Maps

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1.5 Historical Evolution – Mandi district5

Himachal Pradesh came into being as a part ‘C’ State of the Indian Union on 15th April, 1948 as
result of merger of Punjab and Shimla Hill State in the Indian Union. At that time, the state had 4
districts viz. Chamba, Mahasu, Mandi, Sirmaur in which Mandi district was formed under the merger
of two princely state, Mandi and Suket, founded by Bir Sen, an ancestor of the Sena Dynasty of
Bengal. Since then, the jurisdiction of the district has not changed its form. Suket was founded by Bir
Sen in 765 A.D. Mandi town was founded by Raja Ajbar Sen in 1527 A.D. Suket state is also a part of
modern Mandi district. The old name of Suket was Purana Nagar. Sundernagar was earlier known as
Baned founded by Garur Sen and it became a capital of state during the reign of Bikram Sen (1791
A.D. – 1838 A.D). Bhim Sen, who reigned the state from 1908 – 1919 A.D and built motorable road
from Suket to Mandi.
The origin of the name ‘Suket’ is uncertain, but is may be a derivation of ‘Sukshetra', means ‘the
good land', according to J. Hutchinson. Prior to its foundation, the whole region was under the title
of 'Rana' or 'Thakur' and the vernacular history gives a graphic account of their subjection by the
early Rajas. Sir A. Cunningham assigned the foundation of Suket to an early period (765 A.D).
According to him, it is probable that, there was an early Sen dynasty in Bengal, whose ancestor
named Vira Sena, reigned in the seventh century and from whom the later Sen dynasty was
descended, Suket was founded by Vira or Bir Sen. The last ruler of Suket was Laxman Sen who
reigned from 1919 A.D. to 1948 A.D. On 1st November, 1921, Suket was transferred from the
political control of Punjab Government to the Government of India till 15th August 1947.
Sundernagar is famous for its renowned temples and hence grew along the attraction of these
temples and religious precincts. Mahamaya Temple situated on a hill top near the town, house the
patron goddess Mahamaya of the Sen Rulers of Old Suket State. The chiefs of Mandi and Suket are
said to be from a common ancestor of the Chandravanshi line of Rajputs of Sena dynasty of Bengal
and they claim their descent from the Pandavas of the Mahabharata.

1.6 Geographical Setting6

1.6.1 Geology
Mandi District have rock formations ranging from pre-Cambrian to Quaternary period. Hard
formations, form hilly and mountainous terrain and mainly comprises of igneous and metamorphic
rocks occupy the major part of the area in the northern, central and eastern part. In the western and
southern parts sediments comprising of sandstone, shale, siltstone, conglomerate etc are observed.
Alluvium, terrace deposits, fluvial deposits occur in the intermontane valleys, viz., Balh valley,
Sarkaghat valley etc., and constitute an important unit from ground water point of view.
Hydro-geologically, the district is divided into two distinct and well defined units:

5Source: Mandi District Official Website,

6Source - District Ground Water Brochure Mandi District - Himachal Pradesh, Central Ground Water Board, Ministry Of
Water Resources, Government Of India

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i. Porous formations constituted by unconsolidated sediments and the fissured formations, or

ii. Hard rock formation constituted mainly by semi-consolidated to consolidated rocks
The fissured formations include the semi-consolidated to consolidated (hard) rocks exposed in the
district and are of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous origin. These form low and high hill
ranges throughout the district. Fractured and jointed sandstone, siltstone forms low potential
aquifers in the area.

1.6.2 Physiography
Mandi district is represented by complex mosaic of mountain ranges, hills and valleys. It is primarily
a hilly district with altitudes ranging from 550 m near Sandhol where Beas river leaves the district, to
about 3960 m near Kullu border. There is a general increase in elevation from west to east and from
south to north. Master slope is south-westerly. There are few small valleys, prominent among them
is the Balh valley, located in the lesser Himalayan ranges, having an average altitude of about 790 m
and have a general slope towards north to north east. The valley floor is undulating and is marked by
low hillocks and terraces fringing the hills and intervening low alluvial plain.

Sundernagar Planning Area falls within the valley area and structural hills. It belongs to the Middle
Shivalik and Lower Shivalik rock formation i.e. during the tertiary period (Pliocene to Mid-Miocene)
of the Cenozoic era. The Middle Siwalik formation is characterized by grey sandstone and brownish
clay/ shale while the Lower Siwalik is characterized by red and purple sandstone and shale.

1.6.3 Elevation
The Planning area is highly contoured towards south and is characterized by undulating terrain
ranging from minimum elevation of 680 m to maximum elevation of 1600 m. In general, elevation is
highest towards south at Bari with an elevation up to 1600 m. The elevation then decreases to 884
m at Bari, Sundernagar MC, Bahot, Thala and parts of Pungh. The low lying areas with elevation
ranging from 660 m to 884 m are located at Chamukha, Bhaur, Chhatar, Kanaid, Jugahan, Chowk,
Bharjwanoo, Mahadev, Ghangal, Khatarwar, Kalahod and some parts of Sundernagar Municipal
Council (Refer Figure 1-4).
Table 1-2: Elevation variation in Planning Area
Sl.No. Elevation (in m) Percentage of Area falls in the mentioned ranges
1 <800 15%
2 800-1000 66%
3 1000-1500 18%
4 >1500 1%
Source: Base map, 2017

1.6.4 Slope
The natural slope is from south-west to south-east direction. Southern part of Bari, eastern part of
Chamukha and southern part of Sundernagar MC are characterized by steep slope ranging from 57 %
to more than 100 %. Other areas such as Pungh, Thala, Derdu, Dodhu, Ghangal, most part of
Sundernagar MC, Mahadev, Kalahod, Bharjwanoo, Chowk, Jugahan and Bhaur have mild slope
ranging from less than 0 % to 27 %. Out of the total Planning Area, 5 % land area is covered under
the range of 57 % to more than 100 % slope while 79 % area falls under the range of 0 to 27 % slope.

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Rest 15 % of the land area falls under the range of 27 to 57 % slope. According to the analysis, 94 %
land area has developable slope (Refer Figure 1-5).
Table 1-5: Elevation Variation in Planning Area
Sl.No. Slope (in %) Percentage of Area falls in the mentioned ranges
1 0-27 79%
2 27-57 15%
3 57-100 5%
4 >100 1%
Source: Primary Survey

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Figure 1-4: Elevation – Sundernagar Planning Area

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Figure 1-5: Slope – Sundernagar Planning Area

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1.6.5 Soil Character7

The soil in Mandi district is characterized by sub – mountainous and mountainous soil. The sub-
mountainous soil is high in organic carbon, low in available phosphorous and medium in potash
occurring mostly in the south to south-east part of the district towards Seraj and Karsog blocks.
The mountainous soil is brown in colour, nitrogen and potash present in average range and deficient
in phosphorous occurring in the remaining eight blocks of the district. The soil reaction is slightly
acidic to neutral and texture in general varies from loam to sandy loam, except in low valley areas
being heavy textured.

1.6.6 Climate
Climate in Mandi District is sub-tropical in the valleys and tends to be temperate near the hilltops.
The district experiences summer from March till June where the maximum temperature varies from
24.9°C to 35.8°C. The rainy season starts in July till September where the maximum temperature
ranges from 28°C to 30.8°C. Winter season starts in November with a minimum temperature of 11°C
and continues till February where the minimum temperature is 8.9°C (Refer Figure 1-6).

40 Monsoon
Temperature (In °C)

Rainfall (In mm)



10 100

0 0
Rainfall (In mm) 71.1 67.5 81.7 48.3 64.3 160.1 411.2 370.1 152 34.4 15.3 30.9
Min (In °C) 6.6 8.9 13.2 17.7 22.4 24.5 23.3 22.7 21.2 16.6 11 7.8
Max (In °C) 17.1 20.1 24.9 30.6 35.3 35.8 30.8 29.6 29.9 28 23.8 19.3
Season (In Month)
Figure 1-7: Annual Rainfall – Mandi District
Season (In months) Source: Open Government Data (OGD) Platform,
Figure 1-6: Climate – Mandi District Government of India
1.6.7 Rainfall
The annual average rainfall in Mandi district is about 1506.9 mm8. The rainy season starts in June
when the district receives 160.1 mm of rainfall and ends in September when the rainfall is recorded
at 152 mm. The month of July is recorded as the peak rainfall month with 411.2 mm. The driest
month is November with 15.3 mm of rainfall (Refer Figure 1-7).

1.7 Resources
The existing available resources in Mandi District are as follows:

Source: District Ground Water Brochure Mandi District - Himachal Pradesh, Central Ground Water Board, Ministry Of
Water Resources, Government Of India
Source: Data period 1951 – 2000, Open Government Data (OGD) Platform, Government of India

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Table 1-6: Mineral Production - Mandi District (2010-2011)

Sl. No. Production (In tonnes)
Type Name
1 Major Nil Nil
2 Bajri 92,129
3 Sand 21,987
4 Building Stone 13,536
5 Minor Clay 8,79,327
6 Slate 1,282
7 Aggregate 2,42,379
8 Rough Stone 1,61,561
Total 14,12,201
Source: Industrial Profile - Mandi district, Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises,

1.7.1 Mineral Resources

Mandi District is rich with commercially exploitable minor minerals but there are no major mineral
available. The district produces 14,12,201 tonnes of minor mineral as per 2010 - 11 record. Out of
the total minor mineral produce, clay contribute to the highest with 62.3 % i.e. 7,79,327 tonnes
followed by stone aggregates with 17.2 % i.e. 2,42,37 tonnes, rough stones with 11.4 % i.e. 1,61,561
tonnes and the remaining 9.1 % include Bajri, Sand, building stone and slate.

1.7.2 Forest Resources

Himachal Pradesh has enough forest resources. Out of the total geographical area of the Mandi
district i.e. 3,950 km2, 47.1 % i.e. 1,860 km2 is under forest cover. The total forest cover of Mandi
district occupies 5 % of the entire forest cover of the state.

1.7.3 Water resources9

One of the major sources of water resource Table 1-7: Forest Cover in Mandi District (2013)
in the district is the ground water. It is Detail Remark
developed on a moderate scale and is Area of District 3,950 km2
basically restricted on the north towards Area under legal forest 1,860 km2
% of forest area to geographical
Balh Valley, Karsog Valley in the south and 47.1%
area of district
other small valleys along the major streams % of forest area to geographical
and rivers. These areas depend on tube area of state
wells and dug wells for all major irrigation Source: Himachal Pradesh Forest Department
and drinking water supplies in addition to
water supply schemes based on rivers and natural nallas.
The state Irrigation and Public Health Department is the nodal agency for ensuring water supply and
irrigation facilities. The Department taps number of springs which are perennial yielding discharge
less than 1 lps to more than 5 lps. These springs are tapped at source to facilitate water supply under
gravity. Besides these, handpumps are drilled in the district with the depth ranging from 30 to 60 m

9Source: FAO Corporate Document Repository, Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organisation
of the United Nations,

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depending upon the lithology of the area, with a discharge varying from 0.5 lps to 2 lps. The Central
Ground Water Board (CGWB) have also constructed 19 exploratory wells in the district, in the depth
ranging from 38.25 to 140.98 m below ground level with discharge ranging from 15 lps to 999.24 lps.
Sundernagar Planning Area falls within the region where the ground water condition is semi-
confined resulting in low to moderate yield. Springs, shallow bore wells and handpumps are the
main source of water in this area.
Another water resource in the area is the manmade Balancing Reservoir in Sundernagar under the
Beas – Satluj Link Project in Sundernagar holds a storage capacity of 370 Ha meters (3000 acre ft)
and is constructed at the tail of Sundernagar – Satluj channel. It was constructed to function as a
balancing storage to provide for the variation between the supply required for the load and
discharge of water conductor of the Dehar Power Plant, located on the right bank of Satluj river in
Dehar near Bilaspur.

Planning Area

Exploratory well
Springs ( Q in lps)
Hot Springs
Triangulation points
Rock Salt Mines
National Hydrograph Network Stations (NHNS)
Sundernagar Tehsil


Alluvium/ Valley fills GW under water table and Confined condition. High yields (10-25 lps).
(unconsolidated) Wells and tube-wells feasible. Ground Water quality good.
Siwalik & Subathu GW under water table & semi-confined condition. Both porous & fissured
(semi-consolidated) aquifers. Low to moderate yields (2-10 lps). Springs & shallow bore wells.
Shali (metamorphic GW under water table & semi-confined condition. Fissured high elevation
and crystalline) aquifers. Low yields (< 5 lps). Springs, handpumps.

Figure 1-8: Hydrogeology and Ground Water Condition - Mandi District

Source: District Ground Water Brochure Mandi District - Himachal Pradesh, Central Ground Water Board, Ministry Of Water
Resources, Government of India

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Demographic analysis is very important to understand the trend of population growth and its
characteristics. The demographic study of any area gives a clear picture of the presently available
human resources in terms of sex, literacy, caste and work participation rate. The chapter deals with
the demographic situations in the Planning Area which helps to understand the current Human
Resources available in the area.

2.1 Sundernagar Town: Growth Trend

Sundernagar Municipal Council was constituted during 1950s. As per Census 2011, about 4% of the
total Urban population of Himachal Pradesh are in Sudnernagar municipal council. The urban
population of Sundernagar increased from 2554 in 1921 to 24,344 in 2011. Sundernagar registered a
very high growth rate of 268.45 % during 1961-71 and became second largest town of Himachal
Pradesh. This excessive growth rate was due to migration of large population from outside because
of construction of Beas-Satluj Link Project. Sundernagar maintained its position in 1981 census also.
During 1991 census Mandi town reached in second position relegating Sundernagar to 5th position.
Sundernagar marked a negative growth rate during this period, which was connected with
outmigration of large number of people consequent upon the completion of Beas Satluj link

Figure 2-1: Population Increase of Sundernagar Town (1921-2011)

Source: Census of India, 1921 – 2011

10 Source:

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Figure 2-2 Evolution of Sundernagar Town from 1950s to 2017

Source: Prepared based on Gazette of Mandi District

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2.2 Population Distribution

As per the Census of India, the population of Sundernagar Planning Area in 2011 is 42,963 against
33,760 in 1991 and 39,967 in 2001. In 2011, the Planning area also comprises of 4.30 % of the total
population of Mandi district, with a total number of 9,892 households and an average household
size of 4.3 that is less than the district average of 5.5. Out of the total population of Sundernagar
Planning Area, 56.7 % i.e. 24,344 are in urban areas while the remaining 43.4 % of the population i.e.
18,619 are in rural areas. (Refer Table 2-1).
Table 2-1: Population Distribution - Sundernagar Planning Area/ Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh
1991 2001 2011
Year Total No. of Ave. HH Total No. of Ave. HH Total No. of Ave. HH
Population HHs size Population HHs size Population HHs size
7,20,603 1,30,462 5.5 9,01,344 2,19,145 4.1 9,99,777 1,82,378 5.5
33,760 6,977 4.8 39,967 8,718 4.6 42,963 9,892 4.3
Planning Area
Urban 20,397 4,722 4.3 23,986 5,629 4.3 24,344 5850 4.2
Rural 13,363 2,255 5.9 15981 3,089 5.2 18,619 4042 4.6
Source: Census of India – 1991, 2001, 2011

2.2.1 Population Density Table 2-2: Population Density - Sundernagar Planning

Area/ Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh
Sundernagar Planning Area has a
population density of 17 persons per Year Area Population
hectare (pph) which is higher than the (In Ha) Density (ppha)
district i.e. 3 pph (Refer Table 2-2). Mandi
9,99,777 3,95,000 3
Sundernagar Municipal Council has a
population density of 20 ppa and caters to 42,963 2,557.4 17
Planning Area
56.7% of the total population of the Urban 24,344 1,215.9 20
Planning Area. The density in the rural areas Rural 18,619 1,341.5 14
Source: Census of India - 2011, TCP Notification
is less than the urban area with 14 pph,
catering to 43.4% of the total population.

2.2.2 Growth Rate

As per Census of India 2011, the decadal growth rate of Sundernagar Planning Area is 7.5% which is
lower than the district i.e. 10.9 %. The district has witnessed a negative growth rate in the past
decade i.e. from 25.1 % in 2001 to 10.9 % in 2011. Consequently, the Planning Area have also
witnessed an adverse effect in the decadal growth rate i.e. from 18.4% in 2001 to 7.5 % in 2011.
There is a tremendous fall of growth rate at urban areas in the Planning Area from 17.6 % in 1991-
2001 to 1.5 % in 2001-2011. The growth rate has fallen in rural areas as well from 19.6 % in 1991-
2001 to 16.5 % in 2001-2011. (Refer Table 2-3).
Table 2-3: Decadal Growth Rate – Sundernagar Planning Area/ Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh
1991 2001 2011
Year Decadal Decadal Decadal
Total Total Total
Growth Growth Growth
Population Population Population
Rate Rate Rate
Mandi District 7,20,603 - 9,01,344 25.1% 9,99,777 10.9%
Sundernagar Planning Area 33,760 - 39,967 18.4% 42,963 7.5%

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1991 2001 2011

Year Decadal Decadal Decadal
Total Total Total
Growth Growth Growth
Population Population Population
Rate Rate Rate
Urban 20,397 - 23,986 17.6% 24,344 1.5%
Rural 13,363 - 15,981 19.6% 18,619 16.5%
Source: Census of India – 1991, 2001, 2011

2.2.3 Sex Ratio

Sundernagar Planning Area has a sex ratio of 973 (females per 1000 male) in 2011 which is lower
than the district i.e. 1007 (females per 1000 male). The Planning Area has witnessed a decadal
increase in the sex ratio from 926 (females per 1000 male) in 2001 to 973 (females per 1000 male) in
2011 (Refer Table 2-4).
Table 2-4: Sex Ratio - Sundernagar Planning Area/ Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh
1991 2001 2011
Year Sex Sex Sex
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Ratio Ratio Ratio
3,55,914 3,64,689 1025 4,47,872 4,53,472 1013 4,98,065 5,01,712 1007
17,525 16,235 926 20,750 19,217 926 21,777 21,186 973
Planning Area
Urban 10,802 9,595 888 12,685 11,301 891 12,461 11,883 954
Rural 6,723 6,640 988 8,065 7,916 982 9,316 9,303 999
Source: Census of India – 1991, 2001, 2011

2.2.4 Literacy Rate

As per Census 2011, the literacy rate of Sundernagar Planning area is 87.9 % which is higher than
that of the district i.e. 81.5 % respectively. The male literacy rate in the Planning Area is 92.2 % and
that of female is 83.6 % is also higher than that of the district. (Refer Table 2-5).
Table 2-5: Literacy Rate – Sundernagar Planning Area/Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh
1991 2001 2011
Year Total Total Literacy Total Literacy
Literacy Rate
Population Population Rate Population Rate
Mandi District 7,20,603 60.8% 9,01,344 70.1% 9,99,777 81.5%
 Male  3,55,914  75.3%  4,47,872  85.9%  4,98,065  89.5%
 Female  3,64,689  46.8%  4,53,472  64.8%  5,01,712  73.7%
23,559 79.7% 30,328 85.3% 33,934 87.9%
Planning Area
 Male  13,452  87.7%  16,752  91.1%  17,935  92.2%
 Female  10,107  71.2%  13,576  79.1%  15,999  83.6%
Urban 15,446 85.6% 19,445 89.7% 20,021 90.9%
Rural 8,113 70.6% 10,883 78.5% 13,913 83.9%
Source: Census of India – 1991, 2001, 2011

2.2.5 Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Composition

As per Census, the percentage distribution of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe in the Planning
Area increased from 33 % and 0.3 % in 2001 to 34.2 % and 0.4 % in 2011 respectively. In 2011, the
percentage distribution of Scheduled caste in the Planning Area is significantly higher than the
district while that of Scheduled tribe is less (Refer Table 2-6).

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Table 2-6: Distribution of Scheduled caste and Scheduled Tribes - Sundernagar Planning Area / Mandi
District/ Himachal Pradesh
1991 2001 2011
Year Total Percentage Total Percentage Total Percentage
Population Distribution Population Distribution Population Distribution
Mandi District 7,20,603 - 9,01,344 - 9,99,777 -
Scheduled Caste 2,13,933 29.7% 261233 29.0% 2,93,739 29.4%
Scheduled Tribe 8,992 1.2% 10,564 1.2% 12,787 1.3%
Sundernagar Planning Area 33,760 33.7% 39,967 33.0% 42,963 34.2%
Scheduled Caste 11,287 33.4% 13,043 32.6% 14,524 33.8%
Scheduled Tribe 97 0.3% 135 0.3% 158 0.4%
Source: Census of India – 1991, 2001, 2011

2.3 Population Projection

As per Census, 2011, almost 57 % population are in the urban area i.e. Sundernagar Town and rest of
the population (43 %) are in twelve revenue villages in the Planning Area. As the level of
urbainsation is high in the Panning Area, it has been taken into consideration during population
forecasting for 2035. The projected population by Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) method
being more appropriate to be adopted as it gives a mean value of all the five methods. Hence the
projected population for Sundernagar Town for the year of 2035 is 44,412. The CAGR method has
been adopted for the overall population forecasting of the Planning Area as the method provides the
appropriate mean value of all the methods. Hence, population of the Planning Area for 2035 is
estimated to be 72,134 at a growth rate of 2.18 %.

Figure 2-3: Projected Population of Sundernagar Urban Area

Source: Estimated by Analysis based on Census of India 2011

Table 2-7: Projected Population for Sundernagar Planning Area

Adopted CAGR 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035

2.18 46,806 52,117 58,056 64,699 72,134

Source: Estimated by Analysis based on Census of India 2011

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2.3.1 Rural Urban Composition

Considering the present trend of distribution of rural and urban population, it has been envisaged
that urban population will tend to grow in a faster pace than of its rural counter part. The proposed
cement industry in Keran, increasing opportunities in service sector and hospitality sector will help
to accelerate the growth of urban population in the planning area. The estimated urban and rural
population share for 2035 is 44,412 (62 %) and 27,722 (38 %).

2.4 Settlement Pattern

2.4.1 Urban Settlement
There are five urban settlements in Mandi district (Census 2011). Out of these five urban
settlements one is Class V, two are Class III and two are Class VI towns according to census 2011. The
Class V town accommodated approximately 12 % of the total Mandi District urban population. Out
of the five urban settlements, two are namely Mandi (MC) and Sundernagar (MC) while the
remaining three are one each in Jogindernagar (NP), Sarkaghat (NP) and Rewalsar (NP).
Table 2-8: Urban Settlement Pattern in Mandi District
Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
Class I
Tehsil (50000 - (20000 - (10000 - (5000 - (Below Total
99000) 49000) 19999) 9999) 5000)
Jogindernagar 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Sarkaghat 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Sundernagar 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Mandi 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Rewalsar 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Mandi District 0 0 2 0 1 2 5
Source: Census of India, 2011

As per Census 2011, Sundernagar Planning Area has only one Class III town which is Sundernagar (MC).
The level of urbanization is high in the Planning Area (47 %) as compared to the District which is 6.2 %.

2.4.2 Rural Settlements

Sundernagar Planning Area comprises of 22 revenue villages out of which 12 villages falls under 9
Gram Panchayat. As per Census of India 2001, the rural population in the Planning Area is 13,360
residing in 12 villages, which is 35 % of the total population. In 2011, the rural population increased
to 15,596 which is 39 % of the total population of the Planning Area.
Table 2-9: Distribution of Rural Settlements by Population Size, 2011
S. No. Range (Population) No. of villages (2001) No. Of villages (2011)
1. >100 1 1
2. 100-500 3 3
3. 500-1000 2 2
4. 1000-1500 2 2
5. 1500-2000 1 1
6. 2000-2500 2 0
7. 2500-3000 1 2
8. 3000-3500 0 1
12 12
Source: Census of India, 2001 -2011

The numbers of villages with population ranging from 3000-3500 has increased from 0 % to 8 % and
the number of villages with population ranging from 2500-3000 increased by 4 %. There is no

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increase in number of villages with population ranging from >100, 100-500, 500-1000, 1000-1500
and 1500-2000 in the planning area.

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Development is described in terms of the economic growth over a period in a given spatial
framework. The Chapter Deals with the assessment of the economic parameters like the GDDP and
NDDP growth over the period of time in Mandi district, the Per Capita Income distribution and
growth in Mandi district, distribution of workers in different economic sectors and the output from
each sector in terms of productivity. This would give us a clear set of pictures on current economic
scenario in the notified planning area.

3.1 Economic Base

3.1.1 Work-force Participation Rate (WPR)

Sundernagar Planning Area has a WPR of 39 % as per Census of India, 2011 which is less than the
district rate i.e. 57 %. The WPR in the district increased from 50 % in 2001 to 57 % in 2011. However,
the rate declined in the Planning Area from 40 % in 2001 to 39 % in 2011 in the Planning Area.
Table 3-1: Work force Participation Rate - Sundernagar Planning Area / Mandi District/ Himachal Pradesh
1991 2001 2011
Year Total Working Total Working Total Working
% % %
Population Population Population Population Population Population
Mandi District 2,73,150 38% 4,54,292 50% 5,72,671 57%
 Male 7,20,603  1,67,870  61% 9,01,344  2,35,754  52% 9,99,777  2,97,464  52%
 Female  1,05,280  39%  2,18,538  48%  2,75,207  48%
9,967 30% 16,042 40% 16,816 39%
Planning Area
 Male 33,760  7,992  80% 39,967  10,466  65% 42,963  11,039  66%
 Female  1,975  20%  5,576  35%  5,777  34%

Urban 5,867 59% 7,911 49% 8,460 50%

Rural 4,100 41% 8,131 51% 8,356 50%
Source: Census of India – 1991, 2001, 2011

3.1.2 Main and Marginal Workers

Main workers, 72%%
Out of the total workers’ population in the Marginal Workers, 28%

Planning Area, the share of main workers 2001

Worker Population

in 2001 is 70 % and marginal workers is 30

Main workers, 70%
%. Similarly, in 2011, 72 % of the workers Marginal Workers, 30%

population are main workers and 28% are 2011

marginal workers. It is observed that in
Sundernagar Planning Area, the share of 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
main workers increased in 2011 by 2 % 2011 2001
Main 12096 11173
while that of marginal workers decreased. Marginal 4720 4869

Percentage Distribution
Figure 3-1: Percentage of Worker Distribution
Source: Census of India –2001, 2011

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3.1.3 Sector wise Workers Distribution

Out of the total population, 16,816 people (39 %) are engaged in different types of economic
sectors. Maximum workers are engaged in tertiary sectors i.e. 72 % of the total workers. The second
most important sector is primary sector where 25 % workers are engaged. The least prioritised
sector in the Planning Area is the secondary sector where 2 % workers are engaged.11

3.2 Sector wise analysis

3.2.1 Primary Sector

As it has already been discussed that primary sector is the second most important economic sectors
in Mandi district in terms of work participation rate (40 %) and GDDP share during the last decade.
Out of the total GDDP share, primary sector shared 27% during 1999-00 FY. The share of primary
sector in GDDP, has decreased over the period of time. During 2005-06 the share of primary sector
fell to 25 % and during 2010-11 to 22 % (provisional). Primary sector occupies 1/3rd share of the total
GDDP generation in the district and in terms of worker’s distribution, it occupies almost half of the
workers’ population in the district. Out of the total primary GDDP distribution in 2005-06, 89 % has
been generated from agriculture and horticulture production whereas 11 % has been generated
from forest related activities.12 In Sundernagar Planning area 25 % of people are involved in different
types of primary activities such as agriculture, horticulture, forestry and mining. Agriculture
Out of the total population in Sundernagar Planning Area, almost half of the population (43.4 %) are
in the rural areas where people are mostly engaged in agricultural activities. According to the
Agriculture Department of Sundernagar, the available cultivable land is 1183.32 ha which occupies
46 % of the total land area in the Planning Area. The area of cultivable land in the Planning Area is
slightly more than amount of cultivable land area in Mandi district i.e. 40 %.13
Out of the total Net Sown Area, 587 Ha of land is irrigated which occupies 50% of cultivable area by
Lift Water Irrigation Schemes. Almost all the villages in the Planning have the irrigation facility. The
Bhakra-Beas Management Board (BBMB) Balancing Reservoir canal is the main source of irrigation in
the Planning Area along with Khads and Nalas.
The available gross cropped area in the Planning Area is 2095 Ha which relatively occupies 82 % area
of the entire Planning Area. The amount of Gross cropped area has been decreased from 3943 Ha in
2011-12 to 2095 Ha in 2015-16. It indicates that the intensity of sowing areas more than once is
reducing in the Planning Area. As per the available Net sown area and the Gross Cropped Area in the
planning area, the average cropping intensity appears to be 177 %
Grains and vegetables both are produced in the Planning Area. The major crops in grains are Maize,
Paddy and wheat. In case of vegetables, major produce comprises of Tomatoes, Cauliflowers and
other egetables. The total produce of agricultural crops (both grains and vegetables) have increased
from 79,639 MT in 2011 to 84701 MT in 2015.

11 Source: Census of India, 2001 and 2011

12 Source: Economic Survey, Mandi District
13 Source: Department of Agriculture, Sundernagar

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Table 3-2: Agriculture Land Use

Particulars Sundernagar Planning Area Mandi District
Net Sown Area (in Ha) 1183 85800
Gross Cropped Area (in Ha) 2095 161100
Area Sown more than once (in Ha) 912 72500
Cropping Intensity (%) 177 188
Source: Department of Agriculture, Sundernagar and Agriculture Contingency Plan for District Mandi

Figure 3-2: Area under Cultivation

Source: Prepared based on AGiSAC Base Map

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area Horticulture
Horticulture is another important activity after agriculture in the Planning Area as cultivation of
fruits as cash crop farming enhances the business activities and generate economy. In all the
revenue vilages of Sundernagar Planning Area except Bhaur, Chowk, Jugahan and Ropa, horticultural
activity is practiced. The Main horticultural crops are Pomegranate, Mangoes and Citrus Fruits like
Oranges. The total area under horticulture is 74 Ha which occupies only 3 % of the total area of
Sundernagar Planning Area. Out of the total area under horticulture, 7 ha is irrigated and rest 67 ha
is non-irrigated. The total production of horticultural crops is 604 quintals during last five years in
the Planning Area. Out of the total production mangoes occupies almost 97% of the amount, citrus
fruits occupy almost 2 % and pomegranate 1 %.
The market rate of the pomegranate is 3000 rupees per Qn. whereas for mangoes and citrus fruits it
is 1000 rupees per Qn. Almost 80% of the total produce is exported out of the Planning Area.
Horticulture Department has identified two categories of villages in the Planning Area. First, where
the plantation activities cannot be practised and second, where the area under horticulture can be
extended based on the already defined suitable criteria by the department. Table 3-3 shows the
identified villages in the Planning area for horticulture development.
Table 3-3: Identified Villages for Horticulture Development
Sl. No. Categories Name of the villages
1 Not Suitable for Horticulture Bhaur, Ropa
Kanaid Chowk, Jugahan, Bhojpur, Mahadev, Ghangal,
2 Expansion of Plantation farms Kanaid, Bahot, Bari, Kalohad, Derdu, Dodhu, Thala and
Source: Department of Horticulture, Sundernagar Agriculture and Horticulture Produce

The Sundernagar Planning Area is famous for agriculture and horticulture produces. The seasonal
traders visit the area during summer months for trading fruits and vegetables. H.P. Agriculture
Produce Marketing Act, 1969 (Act No. 8 of 1970) was introduced to manage the agriculture and
horticulture production for trading. This act ensures reasonable price to farmers for their agriculture
produces. Under this act better regulation of the purchase, sale, storage, processing, transport and
marketing of agricultural produce are required to be provided under provision of this act. A mandi is
proposed to provide facilities to the farmers and traders of the surrounding villages.

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Figure 3-3: Horticultural Proposal in the

Planning Area
Source: Prepared based on the information
received from Department of Horticulture,

3.2.2 Secondary Sector

Considering the sector wise GDDP

distribution in Mandi district, secondary
sector shares almost 7% of the total GDDP
in 1999-00 which is almost stagnant till
2005-06.14 According to the Census of
India, 2011 only 1.25% of the workers are
engaged in the secondary activities. In
Sundernagar Planning Area 2.3% workers
are engaged in secondary activities which
comprise of micro and small scale
industries. Recently there is no notified
Industrial Area within Sundernagar
Planning Area. There are 69 Micro and Small scale units within and at the peripheral areas of the
Planning Area which generate employment for 264 people. A total amount of 293.266 Lakhs rupees
have been invested in various industrial units since 2011 till 2015.15
Table 3-4: Industrial Scenario

Sl.No. Categories
Number of Units Investment (in Lakhs) Employment
1 Manufacturing 34 144.816 136
2 Repairing 9 10.19 18
3 Agro-Based 8 32.46 40
4 Others 18 105.8 70
Total 69 293.266 264
Source: EO Industries, Block Development Office, Sundernagar Block

14 Source: Economic Survey, Mandi District

15 Source: EO Industries, Block Development Office, Sundernagar

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3.2.3 Tertiary Sector

Tertiary sector or the service sector is one of the emerging sectors in Mandi District in terms of the
maximum share in GDDP amount in the last decade. In terms of GDDP share, tertiary sector has the
maximum percentage share in the total GDDP of the district since 1999-00. The share of tertiary
sector has increased from 69% in 1999-00 to 71% in 2005-06. The shares continue increasing to 75%
during 2010-11 financial year (provincial). 16

According to 2005-06 GDDP distribution of Mandi District, the main tertiary activities are
constructions (29 %), trade and hotels (13 %), communication (2 %), banking facilities (7 %), public
administration (13 %), Real estate (7 %) and Transportation (4 %) which includes the railways as well.
There are other services as well which comprises of 17 % of the total GDDP amount in tertiary
Table 3-5: Share of Tertiary Sector in GDDP, Mandi

Sl.No. Years GDDP (in Rs.)

1 1999-00 109075
2 2000-01 112072
3 2001-02 117746
4 2002-03 124758
5 2003-04 132981
6 2004-05 143699
7 2005-06 164989
Source: Economic Survey, Mandi

According to the Census of India, 2011 in Sundernagar Planning Area, the share of tertiary workers
to the total workers is 72 % which is more than the district average of 28.25 %.

3.3 Employment Generation

The Development Plan – 2035 will boost the economic activities within the Planning area and create
more opportunities for work, the Planning area will have a substantially higher WPR i.e. 45 % till
2035. Thus the worker population in 2035 will be 32,460. A break-up of the employment generated
in each sector has been worked out in the following table:
Table 3-6: Proposed Occupational Classification of Sundernagar
Sectors 2035
Primary 4869 Sector wise Percentage
Cultivators 4139 85
Agricultural Labourers 243 5
Livestock 243 5
Mining 243 5
Secondary 3246 Sector wise Percentage
Household Industry 974 30 10

16 Source: Economic Survey, Mandi

17 Source: Economic Survey, Mandi

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Non-Household Industry 2272 70

Tertiary 24,345 Sector wise Percentage
Construction 6086 25
Trade and Commerce 4869 20
Hotel and Restaurants 1217 5 75
Transport and Communications 1217 5
Other Services 10,955 45
Total 32,460 100
Source: Proposed by Analysis based on Primary Survey

3.4 Proposed Work Areas

Sundernagar is the main prominent educational hub in Mandi district as there are few govt. and
private institutes (such as Directorate of Technical Education, Dental College, Engineering College,
Govt. Polytechnic, Forest Tranning Institute, R&D centers, General Degree colleges etc.) of state level
importance are located in the town. Also, Sundernagar has administrative importace as it is the
tehsil headquarter of Sundernagar tehsil and block headquarter of Sundernagar block which makes it
a prime place for the concentration of different economic activities.

3.4.1 Education Hub/ Knowledge Park

The key focus here is on innovation, research, entrepreneurship and accelerating regional economic
 Knowledge Parks are typically developed in association with universities as a mechanism for
facilitating collaborative research.
 Knowledge Parks accelerate Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) expansion by providing
easy access to resources, including business services, training and access to institutional
 Knowledge Parks accelerate the employment opportunities.
The knowledge hub thrives on its strength of scaling the new and emerging areas of technology and
on its capabilities of integrating science and technology together for propelling the growth of
knowledge industry. In this regard it is proposed to identify the following areas of interest for the
Knowledge Park. They are Agriculture sector, skill development for promoting entrepreneurial
activities, Tourism Sector, Textile industries, Promotion of R&D sector for on various matters and
Hotel Management Sector.
The knowledge park will house colleges of hotel management, textile industires, different skill
development centers, management colleges, R&D centers etc. It will become an educational hub for
the entire region and attracts the employment opportunity as well.

3.4.2 Cement Industry

The cement industry has been proposed near Keran Village. This will enhance the employement
opportunities for the arents of the Planning Area.

3.4.3 Light and Service Industries

The Planning Area needs an industrial base. Presently a very limited number of service industries
constitute the industrial sector of Sundernagar. broad region would provide the skilled labour force
required for IT/ITeS industries and the skilled, unskilled and semiskilled labour required for agro as

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well as other light and service industries. Light group industries shall be permitted in the area
demarcated for industries. Industries like Agro-based, Dairy processing, Furniture making,
Engineering Products /Repair and Maintenance, IT/ITeS etc. are the sectors which is proposed to
increase the Economy.

3.4.4 Tourism Node

The tourism node has been proposed near Bhojpur inside Sundernagar MC along the Circular road.
The tourism node shall function as the hub of different tourist interest activities. Tourists will be
offered with different adventure activities at that node. The node will act as one of the major
economic hotspot in the town and the Planning Area. It will help the local entreprenuers to sell their
items at Himachal Hut and local shops. The adventure tourism options will increase the employment
opportunities of the local arents.

3.4.5 Hospitality Zone

The hospitality zone has been proposed along the proposed four lane expressway at the western
edge of the Planning Area. The zone will consist of hotels, parking areas, view decks, restaurnats,
eating joints, local shopping centers etc. This initative would enhance the employment opportunities
for the local arents.
3.4.6 Retail
Retail shopping areas are necessary for creating an image for any urban areas. Presently there are no
organized retail areas in the Planning Area. To accommodate the required shopping, commercial
offices, and other activities like cinema, hotel and related facilities, the following five-tier system of
commercial development is there for a city but for the Planning Area a three-tier system of
commercial development has been proposed –
 Level I: City level
 Level II: Community level
 Level III: Neighbourhood level

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Traffic and transportation is an integral part of Development Plan. The study helps to comprehend
the existing transport scenario along with the connectivity and accessibility in and around
Sundernagar Planning Area. The chapter deals with various traffic and transportation proposal
parameters viz. road network, road inventory and condition, vehicle growth rate, facilities like
parking, pedestrian walk ways, public transport and dark spot status have been taken into

4.1 Road Network

Sundernagar is located along the NH - 15418 which connects Chandigarh in Punjab to Manali in Kullu
District. The SH – 1319, Shimla – Tattapani - Mandi road also acts as a major linkage to the town.
Other village roads and link roads act as the main connectivity to the rest of the settlements (Refer
Figure 4-1).

4.1.1 Primary Road Network

The primary road in the Planning Area is the NH – 154 connecting Sundernagar with Mandi, Kullu
and Manali in the north and Bilaspur, Ropar and Chandigarh in the south. The NH – 154 enters the
Planning Area from the south via Ropri, continues towards Sundernagar town and further north
towards Bhaur where it exits the Planning Area. It acts as the main access to the Planning Area and is
situated along the villages of Chamukha, Sundernagar, Jugahan, Kalahod, Bharjwanoo, Kanaid and
Bhaur. It completes a complete road length of 14.35 km in the Planning Area.

4.1.2 Secondary Road Network

The secondary road network in the Planning Area Table 4-1: Road length – As per hierarchy
Road Hierarchy Length (In km)
is the SH – 13. It connects Shimla with Mandi via National Highway – 154 14.35
Tatapani. It enters the Planning Area via State Highway – 13 2.55
Sundernagar BBMB Colony and continues towards Village/ Link Road 71.99
Bharari, Ghangal and Mahadev where it connects Total 88.89
Source: Analysis based on Primary Survey
the NH-154 at Bharjwanoo, where it continues
towards Mandi. The SH – 13 completes a road length of 2.55km in the Planning Area.

4.1.3 Tertiary Road Network

The tertiary road network consists of all the village roads and link roads which connects the rest of
the settlements through cul-de-sac in the Planning Area. These roads connect the settlements along
various contours and hilly undulating terrain. The village roads complete a total road length of 71.99
km in the Planning Area.

18 Source: National Highways Authority of India,

19 Source: Himachal Pradesh Public Works Department,

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4.2 Road Inventory

The total existing road length in the Planning Area is 88.89km which includes the National Highway
(NH - 154), State Highway (SH – 13) and the village roads. The present road density of the Planning
Area is 3.48 km per Out of the total road length, 16.14 % is contributed by the NH-154 with
total length of 14.35 km. 2.87 % is contributed by the SH – 13 with a total length of 2.55 km and
other villages roads connecting the rest of the settlements contribute to a total of 80.99 % i.e. a total
length of 71.99 km (Refer Table 4-1).

Figure 4-1: Road Network Map – Sundernagar Planning Area

Source: Primary Survey

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4.2.1 PWD Roads

Out of the total road length of 88.89 km in the Planning Area, 27.8 km road i.e. 31.27 % is
maintained by the PWD Sundernagar out of which 23.8 km is Pucca while the rest 4 km is kutcha. All
roads are pucca except in villages, namely Derdu and Thala. Out of the total kutcha road length, 2
km is constructed under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) (Refer Table 4-2).
Table 4-2: PWD Road Length
Road Revenue Village Details
Pucca (In kms) Kutcha (In kms)
1 Bharjwanoo - Constructed
2 Jugahan - Constructed
3 Mahadev - Constructed
4 Ghangal - Constructed
5 Bhaur - Constructed
6 Kanaid - Constructed
7 Sundernagar 10.7 - Constructed
8 Pungh - Constructed
9 Chamukha - Constructed
10 Chowk 0.9 - Constructed
11 Kalahod 3.5 - Constructed
12 Dodhu 3 - Constructed
13 Derdu - 2 Constructed
14 Thala - 2 Constructed under PMGSY
Total 23.8 4
Source: PWD Sundernagar, Mandi District

4.3 Vehicular Growth

Vehicular growth rate in the region puts light on the fact of future traffic pattern. Increase in the
number of private vehicles envisages the increase in the traffic volume in the town.
Two wheelers20 lead in number of registered vehicles in a year at 54 % followed by cars21 with 33 %,
LMV Commercial22 with 5 %, LMV Passenger23 with 3 %, Tractor24 with 2 %, HMV Commercial25 with
2 %, and HMV Passenger26 with 1 %.
Table 4-3 shows the annual vehicle growth in the past five (5) years. It is observed that in 2013 and
2014, the annual vehicle growth increased from 12.4% to 15.6 % respectively. But a decline is
observed in 2012 by -5.2 % and -2.4 % in 2015.

20 Two Wheelers – Moped, motorcycle, scooter, scooter with side car

21 Car - LMV (car)
22 LMV Commercial – Lights / Medium Goods Vehicles
23 LMV Passenger – LMV (van), LMV (jeep/ gypsy). Omni Bus (pvt), PSV Motor Cab, Maxi Cab,

24 Tractor – Tractor, Tractor with Trailer
25 HMV Commercial – Crane, Earth Moving Vehicle/Equipment, Heavy Goods Vehicles, Excavator
26 HMV Passenger – Bus, Mini Bus

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Table 4-3: Annual Vehicular Growth in 5 years

4.4 Public Transport and Routes No. of Annual Annual %
Vehicles Increase increase
4.4.1 Roadways 2011 1895 - -
2012 1797 -98 -5.2%
The main mode of public transport in the 2013 2019 222 12.4%
Planning Area is the Bus service. The area 2014 2334 315 15.6%
is well-connected with all major towns of 2015 2278 -56 -2.4%
Source: Records from SDM Office, Sundernagar
Himachal Pradesh. The NH-154 and SH –
13 are the main routes for public transport services as it connects Sundernagar with all major towns
in the state.
There are private buses as well as Government Himachal 3%
Pradesh Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) buses 1% 3% 1%
3% 86% Chamba
operating in the area. Buses are available from 2% Kangra
Sundernagar town every 5 mins connecting neighbouring Mandi
towns. Most of the buses from Sundernagar i.e. 86% are Hamirpur
bound to connect to areas within the district. The rest 14% Bilaspur
cater to districts such as Chamba, Kangra, Hamirpur, Solan

Bilaspur, Solan, Kullu and parts of Punjab and Jammu Kullu

Outside State
Kashmir (Refer Figure 4-2). 95% of these buses are private
Figure 4-2: Bus route coverage - District
owned while the rest 5% is facilitated by the Himachal wise
Pradesh Road Transport Corporation (HRTC). Source: Analysis based on data provided by
HRTC Regional Office, Sundernagar
The NH – 154 is one of the major transport corridor in
Himchal Pradesh catering to inter-state travels. Sundernagar being ideally situated along the
highway, the town acts as a transit between many major cities in the state as well as other
neighbouring states such as Chandigarh, Delhi, Ludhiana, Ambala, Amritsar, Hoshiarpur, etc.

4.4.2 Railways
There is no railway connectivity in the Planning Area. The nearest narrow – gauge railway station is
at Jogindernagar which is located within Mandi District, at a distance of 78km from Sundernagar.
The next nearest is via Kiratpur Sahib in Punjab which is located at a distance of 103km along the
Nangal – Una – Talwara broad gauge railway.

4.4.3 Airways
An international airport/ a small air-strip is proposed at Dhangu which falls in the proposed Ner
Chowk Planning Area. The proposed airport is adjacent to the Sundernagar Planning Area boundary
in north-west side. The arial connectivity to this area will certainly enhance economy of the region
and the Sundernagar Planning Area will act as entrance gate for the tourist destinations like Kullu,
Manali, Karsog Valley, Jangehli, Rewalsar, Parashar Lake, Barot Valley, etc. Hence, connectivity to
Nerchowk Planning Area needs to be improved. This can be achieved by providing a road connecting
Sundernagar to Dangu.

4.5 Traffic Studies

3-day Classified Traffic Volume Counts (CVC’s) and 1-day Origin and Destination (OD) Survey have
been conducted at 3 locations at Sundernagar to understand traffic intensity and to know the
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upcoming traffic on the project area. Two of the classified volume count has been conducted on NH-
154, at Dhanotu and Pungh respectively and the remaining one has been conducted at the adjacent
SH-13, near Mahadev Road. Since the night time traffic is very less in number, the classified traffic
volume count has been conducted for 12 hours each day (7:00 AM to 7:00 PM).
Looking at the growth rate of vehicular sector, more stringent steps should be taken. Major
conclusions from the traffic survey are-
a) AADT (PCU) is starting from 3 count stations on NH-154 and SH-13 - ADT (PCU) of 12
hours is 13428 at Dhanotu (on NH-154), 6587 at Pungh (on NH-154) and 1981 at
Mahadev road (on SH-13).
b) Daily variation on project road is normal.
c) The hourly figures show that the heavy traffic flow is at NH-154 in the evening and at
internal roads in the morning.
d) Composition of cars and two wheelers is very high than any other mode of transport.
e) OD analysis shows that the major trip generator areas are Sundernagar, Mandi, Kullu,
Bilaspur, Chandigarh and Shimla/ Kinnaur.
f) OD analysis shows that the significant percentage of traffic is within Sundernagar city.
g) Religious/tours trips, social and work trips observed are maximum in planning area.
h) In commodity movement - cement, building materials and timber/ wood products are
predominantly transported in the planning area.
4.5.1 Directional Distribution
Directional distribution of traffic has been analyzed. The analysis reveals that there are no tidal flows
on the project road. The directional distribution observed is 51:49 at Dhnotu and at Pungh on NH-
154 and 52:48 at Mahadev Road on SH-13.

4.6 Proposals and Recommendations

Following recommendations are suggested for major traffic and transportation sector of the
planning area: -
Capacity augmentation in the following Homogeneous Sections-
A. At Dhanotu present traffic PCU shows need of 4 Lane two-way road as per IRC
notification (crossing 10000 PCU). However, this is urban hilly road so due to limitations
of widening a bypass proposal can be considered for this area. Reasons for proposing
bypass are given below-
i. Crossing 10000 PCU at present
ii. At Dhanotu existing traffic is 13428 PCU and at Pungh existing traffic is 6587 PCU. It
shows that approximately 6841 PCU is clear through traffic which will not enter in the
city. So to avoid conjunction on urban roads due to through traffic, a bypass road has
been proposed
iii. High through traffic will create issues traffic congestion in the core urban areas which
can be avoided through a bypass
iv. To give preference and facilities to local traffic a bypass proposal should be considered
for that area

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v. This road would be developed as 2 lane two-way road as per IRC specifications for
proper movement of local vehicle and pedestrian movement
vi. Existing road way width is approximate 10m to 15m which is building to building
B. At Pungh existing traffic PCU shows need of 2 lane two-way road. But in next 9 years it
will need 4 lane two-way road which is not possible due to limitations in ROW. Following
points has been considered and accordingly proposals of this area has been given
below: -
i. Existing road way width is approximate 10m to 15m which is building to building
ii. This area is a residential as well as commercial hub due to which local traffic (vehicular
and pedestrian) movement is very high
C. For proper vehicular and pedestrian movement in built-up areas, bypass has been
proposed which will reduce the traffic congestion and accidents on the existing roads
D. At Mahadev Road present traffic PCU shows need of 2 Lane two-way road upto next 30
E. Old vehicles should be banned in the state as they cause more pollution
F. Government should conduct programs at community level to promote public transport
systems and decide the modes of public transport
G. As per tourism point of view Circular Road area at southern side of Sundarnagar MC has
been developed, for that proposals are given below: -
i. Zoo has been proposed in this area
ii. Proposed Floriculture and Horticulture activities
iii. Proposed Tourism Node at Bhojpur
So for this area there are two proposals which are as follows: -
First Proposal
 For tourism, two parking space at both side of road has been proposed. Street parking
strictly prohibited in this area
 Car Free zone for pedestrian movement
 5.5m carriage way road with varies width of foot path and drain
 Street furnitures to be provided on the roads for tourists
 Local street market to be provided at designated places
 For Local movement in this area IPT (battery rickshaw) stand has been proposed
Second Proposal
 For tourism, two parking areas, at both side of road, has been proposed. Street parking
will be strictly prohibited in this area
 Private vehicles movement will be allowed in this area for circular movement to NH-154
for local traffic movement
 10.5m ROW with 7m carriage way facilitated with foot path and drain
 Street furnitures to be provided on the roads for tourists

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 Local street market to be provided at few identified areas

 For Local movement in this area IPT (battery rickshaw) stand has been proposed
H. Restricted bus movement in the town has been proposed. The existing bus terminal has
been shifted from existing area to the proposed bypass road. From there IPT services
will be proposed for internal movement
I. Tourism activities should be managed properly to control the vehicular movement
J. From Tourism perspective, Sundarnagar Lake is also a major point of attraction which
can be developed in various following ways: -
i. Proper pedestrian walkways to be provided surrounding the lake area with recreational
activities so that it will attract the tourists as well as the local people
ii. Parking area with proper pedestrian connectivity to the parking area and bund road for
easy accessibility for all pedestrians so that public can easily park their vehicles and
move towards the lake side
iii. Develop Viewpoints at lake side with proper sitting arrangement for public
iv. Commercial Hub at existing bus terminal to be provided with proper pedestrian foot
over bridge to connect direct bund road to separate the pedestrian movement from
vehicular movement for safety movement of pedestrians

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This chapter analyses the housing condition within the planning area both qualitatively and
quantitatively. Quantitative analysis is done on the basis of number of households and no of
dwelling units. Qualitative analysis takes into consideration parameters such as housing type,
housing condition, housing quality and access to basic amenities. The chapter also attempts to
estimate the present housing shortage in the planning area and device strategies to mitigate this
housing need.

5.1 Introduction
Housing constitutes one of the major components of a city and makes significant impact on its
proper functioning and urban form. The existing status of housing in Sundernagar is influenced by
the rapid urbanization, the breaking up of joint families to nuclear ones, and the subsequent
increase in the demand for housing. There has been tremendous pressure on the urban land and the
land prices. They are encroaching upon vital virgin lands and steep slopes. As the house is a basic
and significant element of built environment, it has to be viewed under the light of planning,
functionality, security and aesthetic entity.
Sundernagar falls under earthquake Zone V and it is observed that majority of the structures are not
following the NBC building norms and guidelines. It is a matter of great concern and it is advised that
all future construction should take the bylaws and guidelines related to earthquake zone V. It is also
recommended that prior to seismic strengthening/retrofitting of any existing structure; audit of the
existing structure as regards structural vulnerability in the specified seismic hazard zone shall be
carried out.

5.2 Existing Housing Status

After a detailed study, the major issues related to housing have been identified as below-
 There has been a rapid increase in the demand for housing due to the large scale in-
migration, as well as the breaking up of extended families. Homelessness is not a major
problem in Sundernagar.
 Cost of construction is exorbitantly high. This is largely due to import of building materials,
as Sundernagar does not have adequate building material production centers. The entire
planning area is earthquake prone and lies in Earthquake Zone V. This notwithstanding, the
buildings are mushrooming almost everywhere without following any safety code prescribed
by the NBC. This could be catastrophic in the event of a natural hazard. A detailed building
audit needs to be carried out to identify vulnerable and structurally unstable buildings and
adequate measures should be immediately taken. Further, all construction in future should
adhere to building codes.
 The town is undergoing fast structural transformation due to pressure on scarce land
resources. The physical environment of Sundernagar is changing rapidly due to the
demand for more built up area. People are converting their courtyard houses into
Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) frame structures with modern facilities. These new
constructions are generally two or three storeys.
 The traditional style of construction is getting lost and often the new construction lacks any

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definite character. A hybrid building style has developed over a period of time.
 The different settlements are dispersed in the Planning Area with low population density.

5.3 Housing Status

5.3.1 Housing Stock and Shortage
According to Census of India (2011) there are 9892 households in the Planning Area, out of which
5850 households (59.1%) are within the Sundernagar Municipal Council i.e. the core urban center
and rest 4042 households (40.9%) are in the rural areas. According to the Census records (2011), the
average household size in the Planning Area is 4.3 persons.
Table 5-1 Comparison of Census Houses with Population
Total no. of Census No. of Census houses
State/ District/
Population Household Houses (excluding used as arence and
locked/vacant houses) arence-cum-other use
Mandi District 9,99,777 2,19,145 4,18,839 2,19,416
Sundernagar Tehsil
87,007 18,155 31,992 17,955
Sundernagar MC
24,344 5,850 9,205 6,036
Source: Primary Census Abstract for Mandi District, Table HH-4 and H-4, Census of India, 2011

The total housing stock (excluding the locked or vacant houses) available in Sundernagar Tehsil is
31,992. Out of the total houses, 56.12% i.e. 17,955 are used for the arence and arence cum other
use purpose which support 18,155 rural households as per 2011 Census. It can be inferred that
almost 200 households live in joint families as the number of households are more than the number
of census houses used as arence and arence-cum-other use.

5.3.2 Condition of Houses

According to Census of India, the conditions of houses are defined by Good, Liveable and Dilapidated
conditions. In Sundernagar Planning Area, 73.7 % houses are in good condition which is more than
the district average of 71.20 %. Around 24.5% houses are in liveable condition which is less than the
district average of 27.20 % and rest 1.9 % are in dilapidated condition which is more than the district
average of 1.6 %. In case of Sundernagar Municipal Council, 68.1 % houses are in good condition,
30.8 % are in liveable condition and rest 1.1 % is in dilapidated condition.
Table 5-2: Percentage Distribution of Housing Condition
Housing Mandi District Sundernagar Planning Area
Condition Rural (In %) Urban (In %) Overall (In %) Rural (In %) Urban (In %) Overall (In %)
Good 70.4 82.0 71.2 79.2 68.1 73.7
Liveable 28.0 17.3 27.2 18.1 30.8 24.5
Dilapidated 1.6 0.7 1.6 2.7 1.1 1.9
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: Housing Table HLPCA-02027-2011 H14, Census of India, 2011

Most of the houses i.e. almost 73.7 % houses in the Planning Area are in good condition. Villages
having more concentration of good conditioned houses than the average are distributed along the
highway. Mainly the rural areas have more houses in good condition than the urban area. The
Sundernagar MC area has more concentration of liveable houses i.e. more than 30.8 % (distribution
of the average liveable houses in the Planning Area). Kalohad, located adjacent to the MC area has

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the most concentration of dilapidated houses i.e. 13.4 % as compared to the average distribution in
the Planning Area i.e. 1.1 %.

5.3.3 Ownership Status Overall

Ownership status
Out of the total houses in the Planning
Area, 76.2 % are owned, 22.5 % are Urban

rented and rest 1.3 % have other

types of ownership status. Rural

In case of urban area in the Planning 0 20 40 60 80 100

Area, 56 % houses are owned, 42.2 % Rural Urban Overall
Any Other 0.8 1.8 1.3
are rented and 1.8 % are under other
Rented 2.8 42.2 22.5
type of ownership. It is evident from Owned 96.5 56.0 76.2
the statistics that the percentage of Percentage Distribution
rented houses are more in the urban Figure 5-1: Ownership Status of Houses
Source: Housing Table HLPCA 02027 H-14, Census of India, 2011
areas because it attracts people from
nearby villages for short term basis for the employment purpose. Hence people prefer to keep
arences in urban a reas on rent.
In rural areas, 96.5 % houses are owned and rest only 2.8 % are rented.
Rural areas in the Planning Area have more owned houses i.e. more than 74.7 % (planning area
average) than the rented houses whereas the urban area has more concentration of rented houses
i.e. more than 24 % (planning area average) than the owned houses. Concentration of both owned
and rented houses are more in the villages adjacent to the MC area.

5.3.4 Structure Characteristics

Sundernagar has a distinctive structural difference in old and new housing. The villages, which are
integral part of Sundernagar Planning Area, have traditionally constructed with stone and wooden
Chowki having two storey which are bearing worn out look, whereas building constructed of new
materials are generally three to four storeys high. Most of the buildings/ structures in villages are
invariably having two storeys. The upper storey is supported by carved wooden columns. Both the
storeys have veranda on each side, ground floor verandah is called olta and verandah on first floor is
paura. There are no marked variations in size, but the individual houses/ plots are juxtapose to each
other in a haphazard pattern in village abadi area. These old houses lack modern facilities. The
villages in the outskirts of the planning area still maintain their traditional look but the buildings
along the roads, have under gone considerable changes in their form due to a spontaneous trend of

5.3.5 Type of Structure

Houses are classified27 as permanent, semi-permanent and temporary based on the type of material
used in construction of building, wall and roof. About 85.4 % houses in Sundernagar Planning Area

27Government of India, 2011, Metadata on House listing and Housing Census, Census of India 2011, Office of the Registrar
General and Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, India, p.5-6

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have permanent structures followed by 13.7% houses with semi-permanent structures. There are
only 0.6% houses have total temporary structure and rest 0.7% structures are serviceable/ non
serviceable/ classified houses.
Table 5-3: Percentage Distribution of Types of Structures
Types Permanent Semi-Permanent Total Temporary Others
Urban 88.2% 10.4% 1.1% 1.3%
Rural 82.6% 17.1% 0.04% 0.2%
Overall 85.41% 13.47% 0.6% 0.7%
Source: Housing Table HLPCA 02027 H-14, Census of India, 2011

Migrant labours reside in mostly temporary structures. Majority of these structures can be seen
either close to the construction site and brick kiln or close to water body. The percentage of the total
temporary structures are more in the urban area (Sundernagar MC) i.e. 1.1% than the rural areas in
the Planning Area.
In Sundernagar Planning Area, the proportion of average permanent structure i.e. 85.6% is more in
urban areas (88.2 %) than in rural areas (82.6 %). In case of semi-permanent structures, the
proportion in the rural areas (17.1 %) are more compared with the urban area (10.4%).
As per Census of India, building which has its wall made 10%
from stones (duly packed with lime or cement mortar), 90%
galvanized iron/metal/asbestos sheets, burnt brick, cement
bricks and concrete and roof made from machine-made
tiles, cement tiles, burnt bricks, cement bricks, stones, slate,
galvanized iron/metal/asbestos sheets, concrete is termed
as pucca structures. The kutcha buildings are those which
has its wall and roof made of materials other than above
mentioned materials i.e. unburnt bricks, bamboos, mud,
Figure 5-2: Percentage distribution of
grass, reeds, thatch, plastic/polythene, loosely packed Kutcha and Pucca Structures
stone, etc. The Planning Area is characterised by 90 % pucca Source: Housing Table HLPCA 02027 H-14,
Census of India, 2011
structures and 10% kutcha structures.

5.3.6 Use of Structure Table 5-4: Structure Use

In Sundernagar Planning Area, the predominant
Areas Arence Arence Cum Other Use
use of structure is residential i.e. 96.6 % and rest
Urban5-5: Structure
97.5 Use 2.5
3.4% structures are of mixed used category.
Rural 95.8 4.2
In Sundernagar Planning Area, there are more
Overall 96.6 3.4
concentration of houses under mixed use
category than planning area average i.e. 3.4 %, Source: Housing Table HLPCA 02027 HH-14, Census of
India, 2011
which can be observed along the highway.
Houses under residential use can be seen evenly distributed in the Planning Area.
Source: Housing Table HLPCA 02027 HH-14, Census of
The MC area has only 2.5 % of the houses under India,
mixed use category. Rest of the houses are
exclusively under the residential category.

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5.3.7 Household Size and Dwelling Rooms

In Sundernagar Planning Area, the average household size is 4.3 persons per household which is
almost same with the district average of 4.5 but less than state average of 5 in 2011. The household
size varies from one village to other from 4 to 5 persons per household.
Almost 45.8 % of the houses in the Planning Area have two and three rooms. There are 29.1 %
houses in the Planning Area with four to five rooms and 15.4 % houses have six and more rooms.
Only 9.3 % houses are with one room and 0.7 % houses with no exclusive rooms. This indicates that
per capita living space availability is sufficient in terms of number of rooms available in the Planning

5.4 Housing Scenario: Regional Perspective in Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh has a rich tradition of vernacular architecture and building construction practise.
The traditional dwelling has evolved over the ages and has been influenced by various factors such
as climatic response to environment, cultural and social pattern, locally available construction
materials etc.
The building construction apart from the newer RCC framed building in larger towns, follows the
traditional pattern of load bearing walls in burnt bricks, stone or sun dried clay blocks (adobe) with
sloping roofs in high rainfall areas and flat roofs in the dry areas. The predominant materials used in
the roof are thatch and reeds, tiles and shingle, metal and ac sheets roof along with the concrete
slab roof at some places.
The tough weather conditions and limited supply of building materials has resulted the usage of
mud, stone and wood in varying degrees. Similarly, the seismic proneness led the traditional building
technologies to adopt implementation of building stiffness through framed construction in timber,
tying roof and walls, distribute load through many building systems.
Kath-khuni is an indigenous building technique of Himachal Pradesh. This building practice of
Himachal Pradesh reflects the region’s extreme terrain and climate along with its synthesis of
material and environmental constraints with local socio-cultural beliefs and rituals.
A typical house in Himachal Pradesh is built using kath-khuni construction technique and is usually
two or three storey high. The lower floor is for the cattle and the upper floors are for residing,
storing, and kitchen. They are made of local materials: deodar wood and slate stone. A plinth of
stone gives each building a heavy foundation. Walls alternate layers of wood and stone, with an infill
of rubble to close gaps. Often, as the construction proceeds vertically, the stone decreases, until
ultimately the structural wall consists of wood frames stacked atop each other. The building is
capped by a roof of slate shingles, each nailed to the wooden framework at a single pivot-point. The
slate stones weigh down the structure against strong winds. Occasionally, a single carved stone
projects out of at least one corner of the house, above the first intersection of timber beams.
Kath-khuni construction requires neither highly skilled builders nor specialised tools, and can occur
in stages as materials, labour and weather allow. The infill rubble traps air within the walls, retaining
heat during cold winters and cooling interior spaces during the summer. It is also resilient to seismic
forces, since wood and stone walls not only resist the racking forces of the earthquake, but are also
configured to resist sliding or overturning. The interconnection of the walls, the floors and the roof
make the building a single, solid, structural unit.

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Figure 5-3 Typical Kath-khuni Corner Junction in a house

Source: Prathaa: Kath-khuni Architecture of Himachal Pradesh, B. Dave, J. Thakkar and M. Shah, SID Research Cell, CEPT
University, Ahmedabad, January 2013

Figure 5-4 Typical Details of a Kath-Khuni House in Himachal Pradesh

Source: Kath-khuni Architecture of Himachal Pradesh,

5.5 Housing Shortage and Housing Need

The future housing requirement for Sundernagar Planning Area has been assessed considering both,
the quantitative housing shortage and the qualitative housing shortage. The future household
formation, including natural growth and in-migration have been considered, the current housing
backlog as well the obsolescence component, have also been considered.
The demand of housing in the year 2035 is calculated on the basis of projected population,
household size and current housing shortage. The Sundernagar Development Plan 2035 proposes to
facilitate the provision of a fully serviced dwelling unit for each family and reduce the gap between
housing shortage and supply through innovative measures.
For calculating the Housing Shortage and Need, it has been assumed that all the households have a
habitable house in the Census year 2011.
Table 5-6 Projected Population and Housing Need
Sl.No. Population (2011) 42,963
1 Total projected population till 2035 72,134
2 Total number of Households (Census 2011) 9,892
3 Household Size 4.3
4 Projected Households (2035) 16,608
5 Number of Temporary Houses (Census 2011) 59
6 Number of Dilapidated Houses (Census 2011) 188
7 Present Housing Shortage (No. of DUs) 247
8 Need of housing units till 2035 (No. of DUs) 6,716
9 Total Need 6,963

Table 5-7 Housing Need for Five Years

Year Additional HH size Additional Natural Catering for the Total Housing
Population HHs Housing Need Shortage Need

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Year Additional HH size Additional Natural Catering for the Total Housing
Population HHs Housing Need Shortage Need
2015 3,843 4.3 885 885 247 1132
2020 5311 4.3 1223 1223 - 1223
2025 5939 4.3 1367 1367 - 1367
2030 6643 4.3 1530 1530 - 1530
2035 7435 4.3 1712 1712 - 1712
Total Housing Need till 2035 6,963

5.6 Informal Settlements and Urban Poor

In Sundernagar Planning Area, there is only one urban area i.e. Sundernagar Town where the Urban
Poor have been identified by the Urban Local Body, considering the above guidelines. There are 276
BPL families and 762 AAY families including the BPL families have been identified by the ULB that
comprise of 3180 persons. Out of the total urban poor, 75 % is of SC category, 26 % is of general
category and rest 0.16 % are of ST category.
The identified families are dispersed all over Sundernagar town at thirteen different informal

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This chapter provides a brief review of the prevalent state of infrastructure facilities in the planning
area which will help in understanding the existing condition and gaps of infrastructure provisions.
The objective is to assess the existing level of services like water supply, sewerage, sanitation,
electricity etc. so that proposal can be made for improvement of the infrastructure facilities.

6.1 Introduction

Infrastructure is the basic requirement of urban life and its adequacy and accessibility are two
important ingredients and key contributors in upgradation and enrichment of quality of life.
Availability and adequacy of infrastructure services has a larger role in well-being of citizens.
Infrastructure services act as a catalyst for development, which foster economic growth and
enhance public well-being. Hence, provision of infrastructure is defined as a Basic Services, which
any developed and developing town requires in order to sustain its growth and development. This
chapter outlines the status of infrastructure facilities in the town.

6.2 Water Supply

6.2.1 General
The main objective is to supply continuous (24 hours) water to the consumers with sufficient flow
and pressure.
 Develop strategies for improvement and utilization of existing water supply schemes for the
potential demands and adequate supply of potable water in the region.
 Reduction in wastage of water
 To create awareness and responsibility for consumption of water
 Ensure supply of adequate quantity of water of desired quality through a most desirable
period of time of the day. Supply points should be located at close proximity to the
 Systems should function with minimum interruption and failures.
 Existing system components to be utilized to the possible extent
 Proposed system components to be suitable for sustained operation
 Ensure construction ease
 Consumer satisfaction to be given high priority
 100 % metering with good quality meters having long life spans.
 Provide better services to urban poor
 Improve satisfaction for stakeholders
6.2.2 Project Users
Project users for piped water supply are basically the communities who use it for the following

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 Domestic needs for households such as drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, flushing of toilets,
 Institutional needs (day/boarding schools and colleges, shops, markets, offices, hospitals,
nursing homes and medical quarters, etc.
 Tourism needs (hotels, restaurants, etc.)
 Public purposes such as irrigation, religious places, airports, railway stations, bus stands
 Commercial uses
 Industrial uses
 Fire-fighting through fire station and fire tender(s)

6.2.3 Existing Scenario

The Irrigation and Public Health (I & PH) Department of Himachal Pradesh supply water to all the
domestic and commercial establishments in Sundernagar Planning Area. Both Ground and surface
water are the sources of potable supplied water in this area. Ground water is extracted by deep tube
wells and then lifted to the Main storage tanks. From the Main Storage Tanks (MSTs), water is
supplied to the Sub Storage Tanks (SSTs) through gravity. From the SSTs, the water is distributed
throughout the Planning Area. Surface water is collected through Lift Water Supply Schemes from
Streams, Rivers and Rivulets. The water is stored in the sump well and then directed to Treatment
plants where water is treated through slow sand filter belt by sedimentation process. The treated
water is stored in Main Storage Tanks (MSTs).
As per Irrigation and Public Health Engineering department, circle Sundernagar, 3.81 MLD is supplied
to all rural and urban settlements in the Planning Area. Out of the total water supplied (3.81 MLD) to
the Planning Area, 81 % is from combined sources that includes surface and ground water both, 15
% is exclusively from ground water sources and rest 4 % is exclusively from surface water source. Water Supply in Urban and Rural Areas
As per Iand PH, Sundernagar and National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) of Ministry of
Drinking Water and Sanitation (MoDWS), the average service level of water supply in rural areas is
53 lpcd and in urban areas it is 120 lpcd. As per the present water service level, 0.89 MLD water is
distributed in the rural areas and rest 2.92 MLD is distributed in urban area in the Planning Area per
day. There are 30 Water Supply Schemes operational in the Planning Area out of which, 20 schemes
supply water to the rural areas. Rest ten water supply schemes are functional in the urban areas
which supply water to the urban population. Existing Locations of Potable Water Sources
Out of the total households within Planning Area, 73.95% households have the drinking water facility
within premise, 24.16 % have the drinking water source nearby the premise and rest 1.87 % have the
drinking water sources away from the premise. Comparing with the district average, the Planning
Area has more number of houses with drinking water source located within premise. The location of
the drinking water sources should be inside the premise so that people do not need to travel in the
hilly area for fetching water.

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6.2.4 Demand and Gap Estimation

Parameters and norms adopted for the calculation of water demand for the base year, intermediate
year and vision year are based on Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
(CPHEEO) Manual.
A water demand projection considering 2016 as base year and design year as 2035 is presented
here. This long term projection is undertaken to evaluate the need for augmentation of water
The planning horizon for works identified under this study is 2035. Detailed population and water
demand projections are therefore made for the base year 2016, intermediate year 2025 and
ultimate year 2035.
The water demand for domestic use is estimated per capita consumptions of 135 lt/day. Water
demand is estimated using a per capita consumption of 45 LPCD for floating population. Non-
Domestic and Tourist water demand are also considered as per CPHEEO Manual on Water Supply
and Treatment.
The fire requirement is computed based on the standards given in CPHEEO manual. Water Demand for Planning Area
As described above, all the population of different category are calculated. Following table shows
the total water demand required in Planning area. The transmission and distribution losses are
assumed to be 15 % of the total water demand. Based on this framework the estimated water
demand for various activities in the planning area is given below.
Table 6-1: Total Water Demand and Gap for 2035
2016 2020 2025 2030 2035
Total Population 46806 52117 58056 64699 72134
Total Domestic Water Demand 6.32 7.04 7.84 8.73 9.74
Non-domestic Demand 0.85 0.96 1.07 1.20 1.35
Tourist 388 492 662 891 1199
No. of beds 310 394 530 713 959
Tourist Demand 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.16 0.22
Floating Demand 0.50 0.56 0.62 0.70 0.78
Fire Demand @ 100√P 0.68 0.72 0.76 0.80 0.85
Water Demand 8.43 9.36 10.42 11.60 12.93
15 % losses 1.26 1.40 1.56 1.74 1.94
Total of Water Demand 9.69 10.77 11.98 13.34 14.87
Existing Supply 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81
Gap 5.88 6.96 8.17 9.53 11.06
Source: Estimated as per CPHEEO Manual

The total water demand for base year 2016, intermediate year 2025 and vision year 2035 is 9.69
MLD, 11.98 MLD and 14.87 MLD respectively. At present, water is supplied at the various rate i.e.
3.81 MLD which does not take into account the floating population and firefighting requirement.
Hence to bridge the supply gap, water supply system need to be augmented to meet the water
demand at different stages of development.

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6.2.5 Water Sources and Treatment

Presently, Both Ground and surface water are the sources of potable supplied water in this area. The
existing water sources can be used to meet water demand for the planning area. Presently, Existing
water treatment plant is required to be augmented as per demand estimation.
Table 6-2: Water Treatment plant – Capacity Augmentation
2016 2020 2025 2030 2035
Total Water Demand 9.69 10.77 11.98 13.34 14.87
WTP Capacity Required (MLD) 11.10 12.33 13.72 15.28 17.04
Existing WTP Capacity (MLD) 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17
Augmentation required (MLD) 9.93 11.16 12.55 14.11 15.87
Source: Calculated as per CPHEEO Manual

Since the work will be executed in a phased manner, augmentation of WTP at initial stage may be
12.55 MLD by the year 2025 and additional 3.35 MLD is required after 2025 as per demand.
6.2.6 Water Storage and Distribution

The water supply system has been proposed to be provided for 24X7. The service reservoirs will be
provided at the highest elevation of the area, so that the water can be distributed by gravity for
majority of the supply area.
Planning area has been served by the
transmission system from WTP and
served by the elevated and/or
ground level service reservoirs.
As per information received from
IPH, Sundernagar, present capacity of
service reservoirs (MST and SST) is
9.37 ML.

6.2.7 Water Connections and

Figure 6-1: Overhead Storage Tanks
There are 4963 connections provided Source: Analysis Based On Primary Survey
by the I & PH department inside the
Municipal Boundary out of which 4541 are domestic connections, 181 are commercial and rest 241
are institutional connections. Out of the 241 institutional connections, 208 are domestic and rest 33
are commercial. Out of the total connections, 35 % connections are metered connections and rest
are unmetered.
The water tariff for the domestic metered connections is 10.41 rupees per KL and for commercial
metered connections is 20.82 rupees per KL. For the unmetered connections in the MC area, the
billing is done on the basis of assumption of average water supply of 15 KL/month to domestic
connections and 30 KL/month to commercial connections.
Water Utilities/Authorities shall adopt universal metering for consumers, bulk supply and transfer
etc., of water for enabling measurement of system input and output and calculate the losses. The
water utility/Local Body shall levy a meter rent (preferably as % of water consumption bill). Testing

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and calibration of meter shall be responsibility of utility/ Local body, along with its repair and

6.2.8 Service Level Benchmarking

Service level benchmarking have been formulated by the MoUD with a view to achieving all-round
sustainability including environmental sustainability. In recognition of the fact that the planning area
authority(s) framework may not met initially, a range of values has been suggested as per the table
below for different services of sustainability.
Table 6-3: Service Level Benchmarking for Water Supply System (2016-2035)
Ultimate Benchmark as
Present Status Aim to be achieved
Sl. No. Services per MoUD, GoI
(%) in Long Term
Guidelines (%)
Coverage of Water Supply
1 100% 80% 100%
Per Capita Supply of Water at
2 consumer end for residential 135 lpcd 86 lpcd 135 lpcd
3 Extent of Non-Revenue Water 15% NA 15%
4 Extent of Metering 100% 67% 100%
5 Continuity of Water supplied 24 Hours NA 24 Hours
Efficiency in redressal of
6 80% NA 80%
customer complaints
7 Quality of Water Supplied 100% NA 100%
8 Cost Recovery 100% NA 100%
Efficiency in collection of Water
9 90% NA 100%
supply charges
Source: Projections based on NMSH, MoUD, GoI, 2014

6.2.9 Development Strategies and Recommendation Short Term Strategies
 Water supply shall be on 24x7 for equity, effective metering and for best hygiene model of
supply. Systems leaks and thefts can easily be revealed only with a 24x7 supply pattern.
 Augmentation of Water Treatment Plant of 12.55 MLD
 100% coverage
 Proposal of new water reservoirs
 Identification of new potential source
 Replacement or Repair of distribution network system
 Implementation of 100% Universal Consumer metering system
 Illegal connections shall be identified through water audit and community participation.
 The ‘free connections’ shall also be metered and regulated such as free supply up to a pre-
determined quantity;
 Streamlining of household connections as well as legalized connections
 Awareness program for optimization of water use, recycling and recharging
 Wherever the number of rainy days is high, rainwater storage and use systems shall be used.
Incentives may be provided on the quantum of water consumption avoided from the organized
water supply system
 Introducing SCADA system to minimise water losses and theft

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 Detailed Operation and Maintenance Programme Long Term Strategies
 Further augmentation of existing WTP to the capacities of 3.35 MLD required as per demand by
 Use of Recycled water for meeting horticulture, air-conditioning, industrial cooling and other
non-potable uses
 Purchase of leak detection equipment and use should be last step in implementing the
measures for reducing NRW
 Implementation of Rain Water Harvesting scheme
 Local sources of water such as lakes, ponds, springs shall be environmentally managed and used
for water supply scheme
 Mapping and digitization of water supply networks for distribution shall be done on continuous
basis. Hydraulic modeling shall be adopted for rationalizing pipe networks and ensuring
equitable pressure

6.3 Storm Water Drainage Network

6.3.1 Existing Storm Water Drainage System

Sundernagar is situated 950 m above sea level in the Himalaya foothills. The Planning Area is a flat to
rolling area (slope >20%) where provision of drainage is very important for draining out the storm
water to near-by natural outlets to avoid water logging. The annual precipitation is in the range 950–
1600 mm, predominantly in the monsoon between June and September. The planning area is
divided by the Suketi Khad.
The Natural drainage system in the Planning Area forms by intersection of various small non-
perennial Nalas and perennial Khads at right angles. This intersection of natural drains forms the
rectangular drainage pattern in the Planning Area. Suketi Khad is the main trunk river in the Planning
Area which flows parallel along the Western boundary of the Planning Area from north west to
south west side. The Ghanghal khad joins the Suketi Khad at right angle near the Sewerage
Treatment Plant. This is non-perennial Nala which is used for the disposal of the treated grey water
from STP. There are various small nalas which flow parallel to the Ghanghal Khad and join Suketi
khad at right angle.

Figure 6-2: Suketi Khad

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The planning area has storm water drainage network along the roads, maintained by the PWD. PWD
maintains all hierarchy of roads like State Highways, Major District Roads, Village Roads which are
made under PMGSY except the National Highways. The total road length in the Planning Area is
88.89km, out of which 47.4 km is the pucca roads and rest 12 km is the Kutcha roads. The entire
stretch of the road has drainage system along one side of the road.

Figure 6-3: Drainage Status in Planning Area

Source: Census of India, 2011

In Sundernagar MC, 76% area covered by close drainage network and 15% are by open drain,
whereas 9% area are without any drainage facility. In the rural area, only 20% area are connected by
closed drainage and 56% have open drainage network whereas 24% area do not have any type of
drainage network.
To evolve proper drainage system a Drainage Master Plan is needed to be prepared.

6.3.2 Storm Water Drainage Proposal

As per the gap and deficiency identified, an integrated approach is required to cater the sustainable
drainage solution. As an integrated approach, some of the drains will run alongside of the roads
(Roadside Drains) and others may follow natural slope (Cross Drain).
As per CPHEEO Manual on Sewage and sewage treatment, Clause 3.9 and its sub-clauses, Rainfall
intensity calculated from monthly rainfall data of last 11 years comes out to be 81.85 mm/hr.
considering once in 5 years as storm frequency and 30 minutes as Time of concentration. Rational
method was used for computation of run-off, which is recommended for urban areas by CPHEEO–
Drainage Design Manual.

Figure 6-4: Intensity-Duration Curve for Once in 5 years Storm Frequency

Source: As per CPHEEO Manual

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The planning area is broadly divided into 77 catchments, which is further divided into smaller sub-
catchments. All the major Catchments draining itself to major streams/water bodies. Key feature of
the network is use of natural streams, to minimize the drain section. Several outfalls are proposed in
order to enable safe conveyance of runoff discharge. The total runoff generated for entire study is
353.523 Cumecs.
The drains will run along the roads, either one side or both side as per road camber.
A typical drain laid under the footpath, will have vertical grills as part of the level-difference between
the footpath and the carriageway. This arrangement is suitable to prevent blocking of the drains due
to garbage and other waste being accumulated on the horizontal grills. Hence, kerb opening inlets
are proposed at every 50 m interval to provide horizontal entry into the drain. Wherever roads width
is very less and cannot accommodate Kerb Inlets, Perforated Cover Slabs are proposed at every 50 m
All the primary and secondary drains should be covered. These covers will protect the storm drains
from disposal of garbage, debris, etc. and also may serve as walkway for pedestrian in narrow roads.
Natural storm water should not have mixed with sewage/sullage and garbage. There is a need for
provisions of restoration of rainwater for meeting the upcoming water demand for agriculture and
other household purposes by upgrading the existing water bodies/ponds. It is also proposed to
consider velocity breaker to reduce the scouring velocity during detail engineering of storm water
drainage system.

6.3.3 Flood Management

It is proposed to rejuvenate the rivers and study the existing detailed condition of culverts and
bridges to improve their hydraulic capacity. There is a need to improve the natural drainage pattern
by de-silting the natural drains and removing the blockages. The existing storm network along the
roads needs to be strengthened in terms of coverage and capacity. A hydrology model should be
developed and flood lines of 25 and 50 years need to mapped based on the modelling.

6.3.4 Rain Water Harvesting

Long term water level declines as a result of injudicious exploitation of groundwater resource has
lead to several vexing problems. Some of these problems are reduced well yields, low water level
and leakage into the aquifer of highly mineralised water. In order to over-come these serious
environmental implications, the recharge potential of groundwater resource has to be given utmost
Rain water harvesting is the technique of collection and storage of rain water at surface or in sub-
surface aquifers, before it is lost as surface run-off. The augmented resource can be harvested in the
time of need. Artificial recharge to ground water is a process by which the ground water reservoir is
augmented at rate exceeding that under natural conditions of replenishment. For the economic
design of drains, it is necessary to trap the rain water by rain water harvesting structures.

6.3.5 Service Level Benchmarking

Service level benchmarking have been formulated by the MoUD with a view to achieving all-round
sustainability including environmental sustainability. Following benchmarks have been suggested for
the Planning Area.

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Table 6-4: Service Level Benchmarking for Storm Water Drainage System (2016-2035)
Ultimate Benchmark as
Present Status Aim to be achieved
Sl. No. Services per MoUD, GoI
(%) in Long Term
Guidelines (%)
Coverage of storm water
1 100% 91% 100%
drainage network
2 Incidence of water logging 0% NA 0%
Source: Projections based on NMSH, MoUD, GoI, 2014

6.3.6 Development Strategies and Recommendation

 The goal of the surface water drainage proposals is to effectively manage urban watersheds
to prevent flooding while promoting the conservation of water resources. The proposals are
aimed at improving the overall water quality in the planning area and address the issue of
non-point source pollution impacts on the storm water while meeting additional storm
water generated by increase in impervious surfaces in the planning area.
 Storm water Drainage (SWD) system should designed as a separate system to carry storm
water by gravity for the entire project area. Storm water drains are designed with a certain
gradient, which will create a self-cleansing velocity, as these drains will carry storm water
along with grit, silt and other impurities. All the primary storm water drains should be
designed to have a capacity to carry the total discharge of all secondary and tertiary storm
water drains.
 Regular and proper operation and maintenance of drainage facility is essential to function. It
is also accepted that for quality maintenance of drainage system, optimum use of labour,
equipment and material is required to keep the system in good condition, so that storm
water is efficiently conveyed up to disposal point.
 Existing nallahs running through the planning area should be improved to increase the
efficiency of natural channels. Improvement works shall consist of desilting of channel,
development of banks, improvement of side slopes, and development of green belt around
the nallahs and provision of culverts at road crossings.
 Detailed Master Plan for Stormwater Drainage system and Flood Management is required
for further detailed assessment and solution of drainage proposal. Short Term Strategy
 Channelization of flow, so minimize localized flooding
 Desilting of all major drains
 Providing drainage network in all wards where no drainage is available
 Providing drainage system along all roads
 RWH and recharge recommended to be made mandatory
 Low lying areas, lakes and flood plains need to be identified and reserved for storing rain
water for better environmental conditions
 Detailed Operation and Maintenance Programme

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area Long Term Strategy

 Ground water recharge areas need to be delineated, mapped and protected
 Detailed Master Plan for Stormwater Drainage system and Flood Management

6.4 Sewerage System

Availability of sufficient quantity of safe water is a basic requirement for survival of human beings.
Water can be contaminated by several means. Due to the wide practice of septic tanks in habitations
without collection systems, absence of appropriate necessary further downstream treatment, non-
availability of supportive sullage management and absence of septage management, especially in
relatively denser populations in peri-urban and land scarce areas, compounded by open defecation
in rural settings in sandy soils, much of the shallow groundwater as well as surface water sources are
contaminated by pathogens.
The components of sewerage system are the house connection, conveyance network, pumping
system, the treatment facility and the disposal strategy. The conveyance is by gravity and the
treatment facility is located at the lowest point.
The sewerage system should be a “separate system” which means the storm water to be taken care
of by a separate drainage system and discharged directly into the outfall without treatment.
The detailed assessment of the existing sewerage and sanitation system includes existing sewage
generation, collection system, treatment, disposal of the waste water, and the existing institutional
arrangement. Further, the section highlights the key issues is the sewerage and sanitation sector.

6.4.1 Existing Sewerage System

Presently, only Sundernagar Municipal Council Area has centralised sewerage system in the entire
Planning Area. As per Census of India, 2011, out of the total households in Sundernagar Municipality,
46 % are connected by the centralised sewerage network and 54% households have septic tanks.
The sewerage system has been designed to serve the town till 2040 for a population projection of
83,854 including 3180 urban poor.

6.4.2 Proposal for Development

The Planning Area needs to be developed with proper integrated sewage collection and treatment.
As per topography of the planning area, augmentation of existing and new Sewerage Treatment
Plants and Sewerage Pumping Stations to be required.
An efficient sewerage and wastewater disposal system is of critical importance with respect to
maintaining high standards of health and hygiene in the planning area. The sewerage system
proposed for planning area aims at the provision of such a facility in a cost effective and organized
manner, by establishing a hierarchical distribution of sewer networks in the urban landscape. The
aim here is to regulate the diameter of the sewerage pipes, which is the costliest entity of the
system, by establishing a distinct hierarchy in the collection system catering to its optimal needs.
It is strongly recommended that the town planning agencies / authorities / ULB / metropolitan
development authorities earmark adequate spaces for laying of sewer lines, construction of SPS and

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6.4.3 Sewerage Demand and Gap Estimation

Taking 80% of total water supply and 10% infiltration as per CPHEEO Manual on Sewage and Sewage
Treatment, Clause 3.6 is considered for estimating Sewerage generation. Projected sewerage
generation for the year 2035 will be 12.34 MLD and currently 3.50 MLD of sewage is being treated.
There is a gap of 4.82 MLD and 9.46 MLD in treatment capacities of present and target years
Table 6-5: Sewerage Generation and Gap
2016 2020 2025 2030 2035
Sewage Generation (MLD) 7.20 8.03 8.97 10.03 11.22
Total Sewage Generation including infiltration (MLD) 7.92 8.84 9.87 11.03 12.34
STP Capacity (MLD) 8.32 9.28 10.36 11.58 12.96
Existing STP Capacity (MLD) 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50
Augmentation required (MLD) 4.82 5.78 6.86 8.08 9.46
Source : Estimation based on CPHEEO Manual

The areas that are not served by piped sewer systems can adopt on-site systems. The treatment can
be either on-site or off-site like in the case of septage management. These are interim measures till a
decentralised or a full sewerage system is implemented.

6.4.4 Sewage Treatment and Disposal

As per the record, presently, a Sewerage Treatment Plant with a capacity of 3.50 MLD is serving the
Municipal Council area in the Planning Area. The treated sewerage has two parts; one is the solid
part which is known as the sludge and second is the liquid part which chlorinated properly and
released. The sludge is dried up and then distributed among the villagers who use it as the manures
in the agricultural fields. The liquid part is released to Suketi Khad and after treatment the I & PH
department is setting up more purification tanks where the chlorinated water would be purified
further and send it to the near-by agricultural fields by the elevated canals. The project is under
process and would come to its shape within next year. The project has been initiated to promote
recycling of water. The rural Households inside the Planning Area, use individual septic tank and pit
latrine for sewage disposal.
Treatment technology options which are less land intensive should be explored for the new plant
like the Ecoline System. Reuse options for Treated Wastewater
The discharged water quality parameters after treatment should be in accordance with IS:10500.
Possibilities of reuse of waste water shall needs to be incorporated in the detailed masterplan on
sewerage system to reduce the burden on fresh water supply system. Treated water from STP
should be recycled as per URDPFI Guidelines and sludge can be used as manure for agriculture and
plantation. It should be aimed to achieve 100% coverage of sewerage connections to every

6.4.5 On-site Sewage and Treatment System

Unlike off-site centralized treatment (sewerage), on-site sewage treatment features individual and
distributed treatment. The on-site treatment system includes a wide range of facilities, such as a
basic sanitation facility like a pit latrine, a simple sewage treatment system that consists of a septic

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tank and a soak pit for anaerobic treatment, and an advanced facility like Johkasou that treats
sewage by sophisticated methods.

6.4.6 Service Level Benchmarking

Service level benchmarking have been formulated by the MoUD with a view to achieving all-round
sustainability including environmental sustainability. Following benchmarks have been suggested for
the Planning Area.
Table 6-6: Service Level Benchmarking for Sewerage and Sanitation (2016-2035)
Ultimate Benchmark as Aim to be
Present Status
Sl. No. Services per MoUD, GoI achieved in
Guidelines (%) Long Term
1 Coverage of Toilets 100% 50% 100%
Coverage of Sewerage 100% 22% 100%
2 Network Services in
Planning area
Collection Efficiency of 100% 22% 100%
Sewerage Network
Adequacy of Sewage 100% NA 100%
Treatment capacity
Quality of Sewage 100% NA 100%
Extent of reuse and 20% NA 20%
recycling of sewage
Efficiency in redressal of 80% NA 80%
customer complaints
Extent of cost recovery in 100% NA 100%
sewage management
Efficiency in collection of 90% NA 90%
sewerage charges
Source: NMSH, MoUD, GoI, 2014

6.4.7 Development Strategies and Recommendation

Taking into account the expected sewerage load and its future implications, a detailed study needs
to be carried out to decide upon the location and the treatment system of the new sewerage
treatment plant.
The following set of guidelines/ recommendations should be refered:

 Laying sewerage network lines to entire planning area

 Sewage treatment needs to be carried out before disposal
 The new treatment plant should be designed with provision for expansion to meet the
requirements in the future
 Treatment technology options which are land intensive should be explored for the new STP
like Ecoline system
 The sewerage treatment plants should not be located near ground water resources, in areas
with high water percolation rate and in lands suitable for agricultural use
 Provision of adequate public toilet complexes at public places and slums to ensure hygienic
condition and environmental sanitation
 Recycle and use of treated sewage
 Access to sanitation facilities shall be universalised (100%) including urban poor settlements

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 All properties/ holdings should be connected to sewerage system

 Sewerage system need not be the only sanitation system for liquid waste. Hence, Onsite
sanitation systems shall be adopted for less dense settlements.
 Sewerage charges shall be levied on the basis of water consumed and in the water bill itself.
In case of no water supply, alternative methods of billing shall be used.
 For on-site sanitation, periodic cleaning shall be ensured. ULB may provide the equipment at
a fee and also for final disposal, depending on the type of on-site treatment involved.
 On-site packaged treatment units may be used to treat grey water, black water or a
combination, depending on the user choice.
 Using a combination of on-site and off-site sewerage / sanitation systems for waste water /
sewage, 100% treatment shall be ensured, for environmental protection and sustainability.
 It is suggested that Sewage Management Rules, similar to Municipal Solid Waste
(Management and Handling) Rules may be framed and notified under the EPA and Water
Pollution Acts etc., in order to consolidate provisions under different
Acts/Rules/Notifications and to focus attention on Sewage Management issues.
Guidelines/Standards for Septage management and Reuse of Treated Wastewater have to
be formulated.
 Supply of treated wastewater to industrial and other consumers shall be explored.

6.5 Solid Waste Management

Presently, there is no solid waste management system in the Planning Area except in the
Sundernagar Municipal Council. The solid waste is burnt or dumped in the ground in a regular
interval in the rural areas whereas in urban area, the solid waste is collected and disposed at the
landfill site.

6.5.1 Existing Waste Management in Sundernagar Municipal Council Area

Waste generation in the MC area is 0.45 kg per day per capita. Presently, the solid waste generation
in the Sundernagar Municipal Area is 11 MT out of which only 6.6 MT is collected daily by door to
door collection method and then transported to the Landfill site at Chandpur which is 2 km away
from the Sundernagar Town. The present solid waste collection efficiency is 60 % which is carried
out by seventeen sanitation employees (safai karamcharis). There are 46 garbage containers in the
MC area where the domestic waste is disposed. The waste is lifted from the garbage bins by various
vehicles like the Dumper Placer (2.8 MT), Tipper (1.8 MT) and Small and Big Tractors (2.0 MT). The
lifted waste is then transported by eight Lorries to Chandpur Landfill and disposed there. The
disposal site is not being used as a scientific landfill site and it’s more of a sanitary landfill site. The
area of the landfill site is 4045 sq. m. which is 245 sq. m. less as per the guidelines. If it is assumed
that the collection efficiency of MC would be improved by 100 %, additional 3105 sq. m. area would
be required for the disposal of solid waste.
Out of the total generated solid waste in the MC area, 90 % of the volume is domestic waste, 8 % is
commercial waste and rest 2 % is the inert waste.

6.5.2 Existing Waste Management in Rural Areas

There is no solid waste management system in the rural areas of the Planning area. The waste
generate from the household are disposed near the house and later burnt in a regular interval.

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According to the census of India 2011, 18619 people are residing in the rural areas who generate
5.58 MT waste per day (considering 0.3 kg/capita/day waste generation). Proper solid waste
management system should be enforced in the rural areas within the Planning Area. For disposal of
5.58 MT of waste, 3627 sq. m. of landfill area is required.

Figure 6-5: Waste Dumping in the Municipal Area (Near BBMB Colony)
Source: Primary Survey

6.5.3 Bio Medical Waste Management

According to Bio Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998, each state government
shall be required to establish a prescribed authority for bio medical waste management. The
biomedical waste generated from the Civil Hospital of Sundernagar is disposed under Common Bio-
Medical Waste Treatment Facility Plan by Enviro-Engineers which is located at Kullu. It has an
incinerator of 70 kg. /day capacity. It caters to the entire Bilaspur and Mandi district. The annual bio-
medical waste generation in the civil hospital is 5.7 MT in Sundernagar Civil hospital. Out of the total
waste, 33% is anatomical Waste, 28% is Sharp waste, 15% is infected waste and rest 24% is non-
infected solid waste.
Table 6-7: Existing Waste Generation in Sundernagar Planning Area
Sl. No. Category Amount Generate (Kg) Types of Waste
1 Category 1 1867 Anatomical Waste
2 Category 4 1563 Sharp Waste
3 Category 6 839 Infected Waste
4 Category 7 1382 Non-infected Solid Waste
5 Total 5651 All type of waste
Source : Primary Data

6.5.4 Projected SWM Generation and Gap Assessment

The number of waste generating inhabitants as well as collection is assumed to rise to a higher
percentage of the total population. With passing time as a consequence of ameliorated collection
systems the percentages are due to rise in coverage from 48 % in 2016 to 100 % in 2035 which leads
to increase in daily waste production from 14.24 ton/day to 37.95 ton/day and accumulated daily
waste production from 14.24 ton/day to 121.61 ton/day. The table below gives estimated solid
waste generated in the planning area at the end of the plan period (2035) and the estimated waste
reaching the land fill site.
Table 6-8: Solid Waste Generation and Treatment Gap
Sl. No. Description 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035
Population including floating
1 58311 65023 72587 81090 90661
population and tourist
2 Annual Solid Waste Generation 14.24 17.16 20.43 31.83 37.95

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Sl. No. Description 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035

Annual Accumulated Solid Waste
3 14.24 31.39 51.83 83.66 121.61
Generation (tons/day)
4 Existing Treatment Facility (tons) 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00
5 Gap (tons) 3.24 6.16 9.43 20.83 26.95
Source : As per CPHEEO Manual on SWM
If calculated with the adapted standard of capita per day generation rate of 0.45 kg per capita per
day generated by core population and 0.15 kg per floating and tourist per day and if the collected
solid waste generating inhabitants is 1.33 % of the total population in 2035 then the quantity of SW
generated and collected should be around 37.95 ton daily (2035) considering population growth rate
of 1.33 %. Accumulated quantities of SWM in the year 2035 will be around 121.61 tons /day.

6.5.5 Framework for Solid Waste Disposal and Treatment

The horizon period of 2035, the main goal for solid waste management is to 100 % management of
solid wastes with proper segregation, appropriate treatment and sustainable development.
The Planning Area has been proposed for the integrated waste management in Mandi District by
Directorate of Urban development, Shimla. The Sundernagar Cluster includes three other major
settlements except Sundernagar town in Mandi district i.e. Mandi Town, Ner Chowk and Rewalsar.
The waste generation in the Sundernagar cluster in 2016 is 28.93 Ton per day.

Figure 6-6: Settlements in Sundernagar Cluster

Source: Based on the information received from Sundernagar MC, Mandi

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Table 6-9 Waste Generation in Sundernagar Cluster

Settlements Waste Generation (in Ton)
Mandi (MC) 13.08
Sundernagar (MC) 14.24
Ner Chowk 1.01
Rewalsar 0.60
Total 28.93
Source: Based on the information received from Sundernagar MC, Mandi and projected SWM generation

Different coloured bins to be provided for the ease of segregation at the source and collection point.
The cluster would be provided with underground waste bins at 100 m distance to promote
underground waste collection system. The location of the bins would be mapped on GIS and web-
based monitoring system would facilitate the transportation of the waste to the landfill site.

6.5.6 Service Level Benchmarking

The table below explains the impact of the implementation on the service level benchmarks of Solid
Waste Management of the planning area.
Table 6-10: Service Level Benchmarking for Solid Waste Management (2016-2035)
Aim to be
Sl. Ultimate Benchmark as per Present Status
Services achieved in
No. MoUD, GoI Guidelines (%) (%)
Long Term
Household level coverage of SWM
1 services through door-to-door 100 48 100%
collection of waste
2 Collection Efficiency of Solid waste 100 60 100%
3 Extent of segregation of waste 100 0 100%
4 Extent of MSW Recovered 80 0 100%
Extent of scientific disposal of waste of
5 100 0 100%
landfill sites
Efficiency in redressal of customer
6 80 0 80%
Extent of cost recovery for
7 ULB/NP/Authorized agency in SWM 100 0 100%
8 Efficiency in collection of SWM charges 90 0 90%
Efficiency of door-to-door collection
9 and transportation of household waste 100% 0 100%
to the landfill sites
Treatment and disposal of bio-
10 100% 0 100%
degradable waste
Identification of land for recycling,
11 treatment and disposal of MSW for the 100% 0% 100%
next 30 years
Leachate collection and treatment
12 100% 0% 100%
from landfill
13 Bioremediation of existing landfill 100% 0% 100%
14 Road sweeping efficiency 100% 0% 100%
Collection and transportation of road
15 100% 0% 100%
sweepings to the landfills
Recycling of construction and
16 100% 0% 100%
demolished waste
Source: Projections based on NMSH, MoUD, GoI, 2014

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6.5.7 Way forward for Solid Waste Management (2016 - 2035)

The target period of 2035, the main goal for solid waste management is to 100% management of
solid wastes with proper segregation and treatment. A plot of land with area of about 10 acres is
required for landfill, considering solid waste projections for the year 2035. Based on the norms
established by the CPHEEO and MoEF, the landfill sites should include a buffer of 100m around each.
The buffer area will be under thick vegetation. Adequate manpower is essential for maintain all
these facilities. Integrated Waste Management system should be implemented in a planned manner.

6.6 Power

6.6.1 Existing Situation

The power supply of Sundernagar town is being managed from 2X25/31.5 MVA, 132/33 kV, Kangoo
substation which is 16 km (ckM) away from 33/22/11kV Sundernagar Substation and 2X25/31.5
MVA, 132/33 kV, Bijni substation which is 25 km (ckM) away from 33/22/11kV Sundernagar
Substation. The other available power source is Kangoo Substation with 1X80/100 MVA, 220/132 kV.
The available power transformer capacity in the Sundernagar Substation is 3X6.3 MVA at 33/11 kV
voltage level and (2x2.5+1x3.15) MVA at 33/22 kV voltage level. Sundernagar Substation have 3nos
22 kV outgoing feeder and 9 nos 11 kV outgoing feeder and out of 9 nos 11 kV feeders 4 nos. 11 kV
feeder provide the power supply to BBMB colony and 5nos. 11 kV feeder feed the rural and urban
areas. The maximum demand of the Sundernager Substation reached 20.89 MVA in 2016.
Hydroelectricity is the main source of power supply for HPSEB as well as HPSEB exports power
through major transmission lines to various parts in India.
Based on the information collected during site visits, it is found that two no’s 22 kV feeder and Six
no's. 11 kV feeder, emanating from 33/22/11 kV Substation feeding the project area. The details of
existing power infrastructures are as follows-
Table 6-11 Existing Power Distribution in Sundernagar Planning Area
A. Basic Information
Particular Unit Details
Name of the Project Area Sundernagar
District Mandi
Total Number of Consumers No. *Not Available
Total Population (as per 2011 census) No. 42963
B. Asset Information
Particular Unit Details
Total Number of 33/22/11 kV Sub-stations
Numbers 1
feeding the Project Area
Number and capacity of 33/22kV Power
Numbers x MVA (2x2.5+1x3.15)
Number and capacity of 33/11kV Power
Numbers x MVA (3x6.3)
Total Number 22 kV Feeders feeding the
Numbers 2
Project Area
Total Number 11 kV Feeders feeding the
Numbers 6
Project Area
Total Length of 22and 11 kV Feeders km *Not Available
Total Number of Distribution
Numbers 104
Transformers in project area

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Total Capacity of Distribution

MVA 16.76
Transformers feeding the project area
Total No’s of Road Lighting Poles Numbers 1875
C. Commercial Information
Particulars FY (2012-13) FY (2013-14) FY (2014-
TandD Losses % 25.77% 19.42% 23.16%
Source: Proposed based on Primary Data Collection

6.6.2 Details of Existing Distribution Transformers (Feeder Wise)

Table 6-12 Details of Existing Distribution Transformers (Feeder Wise) in Sundernagar Planning Area
Substation Name 33/22/11 kV Sundernagar Substation
Year (2016 - 2035)
Additional Demand
Rating of Max
Location of DT due to Load Anticipated Max. Demand
DT No. DT Demand
Growth for 5yrs at the end of horizon year

Name of Dist. SS kVA kVA kVA kVA

A 22kV Bahal Feeder
1 Mahadev 100 80 16 96
2 Sangrila 63 50 10 60
3 Bharjwanoo 25 20 4 24
4 Subji Mandi 100 80 16 96
5 Dhauotu-I 250 200 40 240
6 Dhauotu-II 63 50 10 60
7 Naghwan 25 20 4 24
8 Naulakha III 63 50 10 60
9 Ghori Chowk 25 20 4 24
10 Naulakha II 100 80 16 96
11 Naulakha I 100 80 16 96
12 ONGC Naulkha 250 200 40 240
13 Jughan 100 80 16 96
14 Katli 25 20 4 24
15 Katli II 63 50 10 60
16 Chatter 100 80 16 96
17 LIS Chatter 100 80 16 96
18 LWSS Katli 63 50 10 60
19 Uttam Flower Mill 250 200 40 240
20 Sai 200 160 32 192
21 Sai Bhardwan 250 200 40 240
22 Sirda College 100 80 16 96
23 Tarot 250 200 40 240
24 Kanaid II 63 50 10 60
25 Tarot 25 20 4 24
26 Kanaid I 200 160 32 192
27 GHV India 100 80 16 96
28 LIS Rakkar 63 50 10 60
29 Hallel 250 200 40 240
30 Bhoxri 250 200 40 240

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Substation Name 33/22/11 kV Sundernagar Substation

Year (2016 - 2035)
Additional Demand
Rating of Max
Location of DT due to Load Anticipated Max. Demand
DT No. DT Demand
Growth for 5yrs at the end of horizon year

Name of Dist. SS kVA kVA kVA kVA

31 LIS Bhoxri 250 200 40 240
32 Nakki 63 50 10 60
33 Dadour 63 50 10 60
34 LIS Pump House 250 200 40 240
35 Crusner 63 50 10 60
36 Reliance 63 50 10 60
37 Doordarshan 25 20 4 24
38 Kalahod II 100 80 16 96
39 Kalahod I 100 80 16 96
40 Dodhwan 63 50 10 60
41 Derdu 25 20 4 24
B 11kV Jain Irrigation Feeder
42 Phaggohra 25 20 4 24
43 Dnanesari 100 80 16 96
44 LIS Pump House 250 200 40 240
45 Jain Irrigation 400 320 64 384
46 Jain Irrigation 630 504 101 605
47 Phaggohra II 25 20 4 24
48 Bhone Katli 25 20 4 24
C 11kV BSNL Feeder
49 Bharjwanoo BSNL 400 320 64 384
50 Ropa BSNL 100 80 16 96
51 Purana Bazar BSNL 250 200 40 240
D 11kV S-2 Feeder
52 Bhojpur Ist SNR-2 630 504 101 605
53 Cinema Chowk 250 200 40 240
54 Ambedkar Nagar 400 320 64 384
55 Bus Stand SNR-2 400 320 64 384
E 11kV S-1 Feeder
56 Changer SNR 250 200 40 240
57 Bahol SNR-1 250 200 40 240
58 Bhojpur IInd SNR-1 250 200 40 240
F 22kV Jaidevi Feeder
59 Mahadev Store 63 50 10 60
60 Mahadev IV 25 20 4 24
61 Mahadev I 250 200 40 240
62 LWSS Mahadev 25 20 4 24
63 Jakhera 25 20 4 24
64 Mahadev III 100 80 16 96
65 Mahadev II 100 80 16 96
66 Khatrawari 25 20 4 24

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Substation Name 33/22/11 kV Sundernagar Substation

Year (2016 - 2035)
Additional Demand
Rating of Max
Location of DT due to Load Anticipated Max. Demand
DT No. DT Demand
Growth for 5yrs at the end of horizon year

Name of Dist. SS kVA kVA kVA kVA

67 Jangambay-I 250 200 40 240
68 Bharazi 25 20 4 24
69 Jangambay-II 100 80 16 96
70 Jangambay-III 25 20 4 24
71 LWSS Chambi 100 80 16 96
72 Kangar I 63 50 10 60
73 Kangar II 63 50 10 60
74 Kangar III 25 20 4 24
75 Chaukha 63 50 10 60
76 Harabag I 100 80 16 96
77 Harabag II 25 20 4 24
78 Talsai 25 20 4 24
79 Aru Kothi I 100 80 16 96
80 Baila I 25 20 4 24
81 Baila II 25 20 4 24
82 Roperi I 100 80 16 96
83 Roperi II 63 50 10 60
84 BSNL exchange 100 80 16 96
G 11kV Sundernagar BBMB Township Double Feeder
85 Power House 500 400 80 480
86 S-1 500 400 80 480
87 Hospital Chowk 500 400 80 480
88 S-4 500 400 80 480
89 Post office 500 400 80 480
90 Recreation Center 500 400 80 480
91 Workshop 500 400 80 480
92 Water Works 300 240 48 288
93 Post office 250 200 40 240
94 Pungh 250 200 40 240
95 Dhobi Ghat 200 160 32 192
96 Ropa Tail Control 200 160 32 192
97 Recreation Center 200 160 32 192
98 Dredger 200 160 32 192
99 Power House 100 80 16 96
100 Hara Bagh 100 80 16 96
101 Rest Camp Baggi 100 80 16 96
102 Kansa Complex 50 40 8 48
103 Silejector 50 40 8 48
104 Seweage Plan 50 40 8 48
Total 16756 13405 2681 16086
Source: Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd.

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6.6.3 Electricity Demand Forecasting

Load forecast is the first stage in planning any power system. It serves as an input for the most
critical areas of the power system planning namely, generation, transmission, and distribution
planning and tariff setting. The aim of load forecast study is to provide a comparative between the
projected Peak Demand Load and projected Energy Consumption for the next 20 years. This load
forecasting study will help to propose generation, transmission and distribution expansion programs
on the basis of economic activities and population growth at Sundernagar planning area.
After analyzing the data, it is found that the key factors which can affect the load forecast for the
Sundernagar planning area for the next twenty years are as follows:

 Estimation of suppressed demand

 High level of unmetered sale

 High transmission and distribution losses

 Availability and Reliability of historical data

In this study, the settlements have been categorized based on population and urbanization level.
The per-capita or per-household electricity consumption will vary from one type to another
depending on the population growth and the expected future development in each type.

6.6.4 Electricity Demand Forecasting Objective

The following provisions have been made in the scheme-
1. Improvement of existing system for better service, quality and reduction in the transmission
and distribution.
2. Long term planning has been incorporated to enable the existing system to sustain the load
growth for the next twenty years (up to 2035).

6.6.5 General Approach and Methodology for Load Forecasting

There is an array of methods/approaches that are available for load forecasting starting from simple
trend approach to more sophisticated techniques such as econometric and end use techniques. The
application of each approach depends on the nature of load, historical data availability and level of
detail of the load forecast.

6.6.6 Future Load Growth with Selected Approach

The selection of the most suitable method for load forecasting is based on the characteristic of the
power system, availability of historical data and proper assessment of objectives of the scheme. As
discussed in the previous sections, largest constraint in load forecasting for Sundernagar planning
area is the availability and reliability of the requisite data.
Therefore, distribution transformer / feeder wise historical growth rate of power consumption for
mix type load (domestic, commercial and industrial etc.) considered and considering the anticipated
load growth is of 5 % per annum.
The aim of load forecast study is to provide a comparative between the existing peak demand Load
and projected Peak Demand Load for the next 20 years. This load forecasting study will help to
propose electrical infrastructure on the basis of propose development plan.

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6.6.7 Expansion Proposal

Based upon the cumulative power usages growth rate as describe in section 6.6.1, the projected
load forecasting of the Sundernagar planning area over the next 20years is given below table:
Table 6-13 Projected Load Forecasting of Sundernagar Town over the next 20 years
Years 2016 -2021 2021 - 2026 2026 - 2031 2031 - 2035
Power Demand (MW) 14.48 17.37 20.85 25.02
Source: Proposed based on Power Analysis

The estimated power requirement of Sundernagar planning area till 2035 is 25.02 MW. But as per
the data received from HPSEBL, the total capacity of primary 33/22/11 kV substation is 27.05 MVA
(also provide the power supply to sundernagar area other than planning area) and secondary
distribution transformers capacity is 16,756 kVA in the planning area. To meet the additional power
requirement till 2035, the addition of new 33/11 kV Substation, addition and augmentation of
secondary substation with addition/bifurcation/upgradation of subsequent distribution networks
shall be required in Sundernagar planning area. In order to keep the utility abreast of the desired
reforms and re-structuring, its Distribution system is being revamped by bifurcation/trifurcation of
such feeders.

6.6.8 Planning Criteria

The power infrastructure development of Sundernagar planning area is proposed with HVDS system
by extension of 22kV and 11kV Network and potential reduction in Low Voltage Network. For
implementation of HVDS system, new 22 kV and 11 kV feeder will be created including
augmentation and bifurcation of existing 22 kV and 11 kV feeders to improve the quality of power
supply and Reduction in distribution losses. All the consumers are to be feed through energy meters
which is Rs 485 enabled, with a futuristic view for implementation of SCADA.
The planning has been optimized to minimize the overall cost. This optimization considers the
numbers of circuits requirement, it`s capacity of distribution and also the location, timing and
additional capacity of the proposed network during operation. The optimization includes an
assessment of cost for OH distribution network considering the impact of projected load growth.
The following critical areas also need to be attended for improve the energy efficiency.
 Introduction of energy audits and design of energy efficient buildings
 AT&C losses reduction
 Load management techniques and energy accounting
 Promotion of new and renewable sources of energy

 Replacement of low efficiency incandescent lamp with CFL/LED.

6.6.9 Design Assumption

i. The design and related documents based on the concept development plan of 2557.43 Ha’
ii. For Load forecasting, considering all the Distribution transformers in the planning area is 80
% loaded.
iii. Considering the 5 % annual load growth to calculate the total power demand of the planning
area for next 20 years.

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iv. Power factor to be achieved is 0.9.

6.6.10 External Illumination System Existing External Road Lighting details
As per data received from Municipality of Sundernagar, town area has insufficient street lights both
the major roads and access roads.
There are 1875 street lights installed in Sundernagar Municipal Council area. Out of the total number
of street lights, 52 % are FT Lights, 5 % are HPSV Lamps, 42 % CF Lamps and 1 % are LED Lamps. The
street lights are equally distributed within the Municipality boundary along the NH 21, SH 13 and
other urban roads.
The installed load of the street lights is 130.5 KW. The operation and maintenance of road lighting is
taken care by the Municipal Council. The details of existing road lighting in Sundernagar town area as
given below-
Table 6-14 Status of Existing Road Lightings
Type of Lights
Switching Points Installed Load
(Circuit Details) in kW
(40W) (250W) (125W) (85W) (40W)
1 SL-1-1/1 at Bhojpur 215 14 1 129 0 23.19
2 SL-1-1/2 at Bus Stand 19 2 0 16 0 2.62
3 SL-1-1/3 at Banaik 130 4 0 81 0 13.09
4 SL-2-2/1 at Purana 62 14 0 98 0 14.31
5 SL-2-2/2 at Purana 80 14 1 79 0 13.54
6 SL-3-3/1 at Kulara 34 1 0 26 0 3.82
7 SL-3-3/2 at Bari 30 4 0 22 0 4.07
8 SL-4-4/1 at 58 3 1 46 0 7.11
9 SL-4-4/2 at 54 3 1 64 0 8.48
10 SL-4-4/3 at 100 2 0 60 0 9.6
11 SL-4-4/4 at Hospital 70 12 0 55 0 10.48
12 SL-4-4/5 at Hospital 44 5 1 33 0 5.94
13 SL-5 at Tunahi 16 0 0 16 0 2
14 SL-6 at Sagi 25 1 0 33 0 4.06
15 SL-7 at Bahot 28 6 1 31 0 5.38
16 SL-8 at Jawahar Park 0 8 0 0 0 2
17 LED 0 0 0 0 22 0.88
Total 965 93 6 789 22 130.55
Source: Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd. Proposed Road Lighting details

a) Roads of the development area shall generally cater to-

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b) Movement of goods, persons through vehicles including cyclist/pedestrian.

c) Basic requirement of road, green area and periphery lighting proposed be as follows:
d) Adequate level of illuminations for vehicles/cyclist
e) Uniform illumination level over carriage way with minimum glare
f) Safety of movement
g) Minimum disturbance during fog/dust conditions
h) Use of high efficiency lighting fixtures with high lumen output and low power consumption
i) Beautification and pleasing view
j) The Street lighting should be provided with LED luminaries on decorative street lighting
Table 6-15 Technical Details of Road Lighting System
S.No. Description 18 m Wide Road 15 m Wide Road
1 Area of Installation Mixed Mixed
2 Pole Mounting detail Single arm pole on single side Single arm pole on single side
of the road. of the road.
3 Lighting Fixture 1 x 72W, LED Light 1 x 65W, LED Light
4 Mounting height 8m 7m
5 Spacing 25m 25m
Source: Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd.

6.7 Telecommunication System

The implementation of Telecommunication system is very important for any development and its
usage has become a necessity these days. As such telecommunication network is proposed to be
provided in a manner so as to have connectivity by different service providers. Consumer can select
the services of telecom service provider according to good quality of network for providing these
data and tele communication facilities.
Telecom Services today are of the following types-
 Landline operations requiring a telecom cable and junction box space in utility corridor
 Wireless services on GSM / CDMA platform requiring tower at stipulated radii
 Broad band Services requiring a cable corridor and distribution chambers
 Short Coverage Wi-Fi networks
To achieve it, Optical fiber cables are used to provide and connect various service providers for
telecom as well as broadband services to the users through the optical fiber network. To run the
cabling, the provision for laying the conduit and chamber in front of all the plots has been proposed
in ROW planning.

6.8 Block Cost

Table 6-16 Block Cost of the Power Infrastructure Development in Sundernagar Planning Area
Sl. Particulars Unit Rate (Rs) Total Development Works Cost
Total Amount (Rs.)
1 Construction of New 33/11 kV L.S 3,86,29,450.00 1 3,86,29,450.00

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2 2 2kV and 11 kV OH Network km 3,81,145.00 8.00 30,49,160.00
(renovation, modernization and
3 New 22 kV and 11 kV OH Network km 6,02,557.00 8.54 51,48,247.01
4 L.V Network with Pole Mounted km 9,18,298.00 13.24 1,21,53,857.69
Distribution Transformers
5(a) Street lighting on the New Road km 5,00,000.00 10.68 53,40,000.00
Lighting Pole
5(b) Street lighting on the existing OH km 2,25,000.00 39.81 89,57,250.00
6 Telecommunications / Data km 2,50,000.00 18.85 47,11,250.00
Network Conduiting
Total 7,79,89,215
Say 7.80 Cr.
Source: Proposed based on Standard Schedule of Electricity Rates - Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd. rates

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Table 6-17 Phase Wise Block Cost of the Power Infrastructure Development in Sundernagar Planning Area
Phase-I Phase-II Phase-III Phase-IV
Particulars Unit Rate (Rs) Amount Amount Amount
No. Quantity Quantity Quantity Amount (Rs.) Quantity
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Construction of New
1 L.S 3,86,29,450.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1 3,86,29,450.00 0.0 0.00
33/11kV Substation
22kV and 11kV OH
Network (renovation,
2 modernization and km 3,81,145.00 4.00 15,24,580.00 2.00 7,62,290.00 1.00 3,81,145.00 1.00 3,81,145.00
New 22kV and 11kV OH
3 km 6,02,557.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 5.34 32,17,654.38 3.20 19,30,592.63
L.V Network with Pole
4 Mounted Distribution km 9,18,298.00 3.20 29,38,553.60 1.60 14,69,276.80 5.07 46,57,607.46 3.36 30,88,419.83
Street lighting on the New
5(a) Road Lighting Pole km 5,00,000.00 0.0 0.00 2.07 10,33,500.00 8.61 43,06,500.00 0.00 0.00

Street lighting on the

5(b) existing OH Infrastructure km 2,25,000.00 3.20 7,20,000.00 11.40 25,64,100.00 11.75 26,42,850.00 13.47 30,30,300.00

Telecommunications /
6 Data Network Conduiting km 2,50,000.00 3.77 9,42,250.00 3.77 9,42,250.00 7.54 18,84,500.00 3.77 9,42,250.00

Total 61,25,383.60 67,71,416.80 5,57,19,706.84 93,72,707.46

Say 61.25 Lac. 67.71 Lac. 5.57 Cr. 93.73 Lac.
Source: Proposed based on Standard Schedule of Electricity Rates - Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd. rates

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Social infrastructure is a subset of the infrastructure sector which includes assets that accommodate
social services. It includes educational facilities, healthcare facilities and related infrastructure, post
office and telegraph services, recreational facilities, socio-cultural and public and semi-public
facilities. This chapter assesses the existing gaps and estimates the future requirement of social
infrastructure facilities for the planning area.

7.1 Educational Facilities

In Sundernagar Planning Area, 68 % of the schools are run by the government and remaining 32%
schools are run by private authorities. It is also found that the distribution of primary education
facility is more in rural areas and that of secondary and senior-secondary schools are concentrated
more in urban area i.e. Sundernagar town in the Planning Area. Some of the villages have two or less
number of schools such as Bharjwanoo, Derdu, Thala and Chamukha.
Majority of the senior secondary schools are located either in Sundernagar town or Kanaid. In terms
of secondary education, children residing in villages, namely Bhaur, Bharjwanoo and Mahadev have
to commute 5 to 10 km to avail secondary education at Sundernagar.
In context of higher education, there is a Himachal Pradesh Government affiliated and recognised by
University Grants Commission-
i. Maharaja Lakshman Sen Memorial College which is located in Sundernagar. It is an Arts,
Science and Commerce college offering Bachelors and Master Degree programs.
ii. Sanskrit College which was established in 1923 and is known for providing education in
Sanskrit is known as Government Sanskrit College which is located in Purana Bazar in
iii. Polytechnic Colleges both government and private i.e. Government Polytechnic College and
Dreamz Polytechnic College respectively which provides technical education and
iv. Jawaharlal Nehru Government College is a government run engineering college located
within Sundernagar town
v. Himachal Dental College is a private college in Sundernagar providing degree in dental
vi. Dreamz College of Pharmacy and Adarsh Institute of Management and Technology are also
colleges in Sundernagar providing technical education. Besides this, there is private run
Vocational College situated in Sundernagar.
vii. Himachal Pradesh Forestry Training Institute in Sundernagar is also one of the two such
institute in the state. It was established in September, 1993 for training Front Line staff (FLS)
of Forest Department in forestry and related disciplines.
All these colleges draw students from all over the Himachal State as Sundernagar is considered as
Educational Hub of Himachal Pradesh state. Apart from the above mentioned colleges, IIT Mandi, an
Institute of National Importance, is situated at Mandi, 23 km away from Sundernagar.

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The Planning area has sufficient education facilities to cater the present need of the town. The
additional requirement for future population are based on the URDPFI 2015 guidelines and the
assumption that since the Planning area will develop as a regional hub for education facilities,
provision has to be made to cater to the regional demand.
Zone wise identification of infrastructure gap and distribution of proposed educational facilities is
calculated based on the projected population for the year 2035.
There is requirement for fourteen Pre-Primary School in Urban Area and eight in Rural areas.
Primary and Senior Secondary School are sufficient in the planning area to cater present as well as
the future needs. The higher educational facilities like Colleges and Professional Colleges would be
distributed and provided in the proposed institutional zones.
Table 7-1: Future Demand for Educational Institutes
Facilities Urban Rural Total
E R Area (Ha) E R Area (Ha) E R Area (Ha)
Pre-Primary School 4 14 1.4 3 8 0.8 7 22 2.2
Primary School 22 0 - 25 0 47 0 -
Senior Secondary 5 0 - 5 0 - 10 0 -
College 7 0 - 0 0 - 7 0 -
Professional colleges 5 0 - 0 0 - 5 0 -
Total 1.4 0.8 2.2
Source: Analysis based on Primary Survey
Note: E-Existing, R-Required

7.2 Healthcare Facilities

There are 7 dispensaries in Sundernagar Planning Area. Villages, namely, Chhatar, Bhaur, Kanaid,
Chowk, Mahadev and Kalahod have a dispensary within the village. There is one Family welfare
center and one Maternity Home in Urban area of Sundernagar Planning Area. Also two Primary
Health Centers are there in rural area. There are in total four hospitals in the Planning Area and five
veterinary hospitals in the Planning Area located at Sundernagar, Bhaur, Kanaid, Mahadev and
With the increase in population and growth of town, there is a great need to make available
sufficient health facilities to the inhabitants of the Planning area. The additional requirement for
health facilities has been based on the URDPFI Guidelines. The existing and proposed health facilities
has been listed in Table 7-2. Zone wise identification of infrastructure gap and distribution of
proposed healthcare facilities is estimated based on the projected population for the year 2035.
There is a requirement of twenty-two additional dispensaries in Urban and Rural Areas. As per the
Guidelines Eight Family Welfare Center, two Maternity Home and three Nursing Homes are required
in Urban Areas. Presently there are no Health Sub Centers available in the Planning area and there is
a requirement of atleast nine centers distributed evenly in the Rural Area. The distribution of
hospitals in the planning area is sufficient to cater the current as well as future demand.

Table 7-2: Future Demand for Healthcare Facilities

Urban Rural Total
Facilities Area
E R Area (Ha) E R Area (Ha) E R
Dispensary 2 16 0.3 5 6 0.1 7 22 0.4

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Health Sub center 0 - - 0 9 0.6 0 9 0.6

Family Welfare 1 8 0.4 0 0 - 1 8 0.4
Maternity Home 1 2 0.1 0 0 - 1 2 0.1
Nursing Home 0 3 0.2 0 0 - 0 3 0.2
Primary Health 0 - - 2 0 - 2 0 -
Hospital (200 to 4 - - 0 0 - 4 0 -
250 beds)
Veterinary 1 0 - 4 0 0 5 0 -
Total 1.0 0.7 1.7
Source: Analysis based on Primary Survey
Note: E-Existing, R-Required

7.3 Public Facilities

7.3.1 Postal Services
As per the Census of India (2011) records, there are 5 Post Offices located at Kanaid, Mahadev,
Ghangal, Kalohad and Chamukha and 1 sub-post offices at Bhaur. The future requirement of postal
service in the planning area has been estimated zone wise based on the URDPFI Guidelines 2014.
Table 7-3: Future Demand for Postal Services
Facilities Urban Rural Total
E R Area (Ha) E R Area (Ha) E R
Sub Post Office 2 - - 1 13 0.65 0 13 0.65
Post Office 0 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 -
General Post 1 0 - 0 0 - 1 0 -
Total - 0.65 0.65
Source: Analysis based on Primary Survey
Note: E-Existing, R-Required

Sub post offices are required to be proposed 13 nos. in Rural areas. The Post Offices and Sub Post
Offices shall be provided in the Neighborhood Centers. General Post office with administrative office
is already established in Sundernagar and in operation.

7.3.2 Telecommunication Services

Sundernagar Planning Area is served by extensive network of telecommunication. Private
communication providers like Airtel, Vodafone, Reliance and BSNL are providing efficient service in
the entire Planning Area. According to the village directory of Mandi district (2011), all the villages
and Municipal Council area are connected through landline telephones and mobile network.

7.3.3 Police Services

There are two Police Stations in the Planning Area situated at Sundernagar town and Bhakra Beas
Management Board (BBMB) Colony. The following planning norms are adopted for security facilities
for Development Plan 2035.
One additional police stations in urban area and two in rural area is required. 15-number of Police
posts are required which shall be distributed in the urban and rural areas. The Police Stations are to
be provided as part of facility centers.

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Table 7-4: Future Demand for Security Facilities

Facilities Urban Rural Total
E R Area (Ha) E R Area (Ha) E R
Police Post 0 9 0.9 0 6 0.6 0 15 1.5
Police Station 2 1 0.5 0 2 0.9 2 3 1.4
Total 1.4 1.5 2.9
Source: Analysis based on Primary Survey
Note: E-Existing, R-Required

7.4 Safety
7.4.1 Fire Services
In Sundernagar Planning Area, there is one Fire Station in Sundernagar town. Currently, this fire
station is dealing with the fire incidents in the Planning Area. As per URDPFI Guidelines, one fire
station is required to cater to 50,000 population. One more Fire stations is required in the Rural

Figure 7-1: Fire Station at BBMB Colony, Sundernagar

Table 7-5 Future demand for fire stations

Facilities Population Served Distance Range Area Requirement (Ha) Existing Required
Fire station 50,000 - 0.3 to 0.8 1 1
Source: Analysis based on Primary Survey

The fire stations would be provided in the Facility Centers.

The following Guidelines are to be followed for locating the Fire Stations and other Fire Fighting
Facilities in the Planning Area:
 Fire Stations to be located on corner plots as far as possible and on main roads with
minimum two entries
 Fire Stations shall be permitted in all land use zones except recreational and eco-sensitive
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7.4.2 Disaster Management Center

The Office of Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) of Sundernagar Sub-Division has a Disaster
Management Cell which is responsible for managing the disasters management in Sundernagar
Planning Area. According to the URDPFI norms, there should be a Disaster management Center at a
population of 20,000 within 5-10 km radius. Therefore, there is a need to for two more Disaster
Management Cell.

7.5 Socio-Culture Facilities

There are 3 community centers located at Dodhu, Derdu and Thala within Sundernagar Planning
Area. A community hall is situated in Sundernagar town. The availability of community facilities in
the Planning area is not adequate. There is shortage of facilities like public library and community
welfare center. Based on guidelines mentioned below, the future requirement of socio-cultural
facilities has been estimated for the Planning area.
According to the URDPFI guidelines, there should be a community center for a population of 10,000
and in Sundernagar Planning Area, there are 3 community centers and a community hall which are
more than the required numbers. Hence, in Sundernagar Planning Area, the community centers are
adequate to cater the demand of the Planning Area.
Table 7-6: Future Demand for Community Facilities
Facilities Urban Rural Total
E R Area (Ha) E R Area (Ha) E R
Banquet Hall 1 3 0.3 0 3 0.3 1 6 1.5
Community Welfare
0 3 0.4 3 0 0 3 3 0.4
Total 0.7 0.3 1.9
Source: Analysis based on Primary Survey
Note: E-Existing, R-Required
Three Banquet hall in urban area and three in rural area is proposed. Also three Community Welfare
Center is proposed in urban area to cater to the need of projected population.

7.6 Distributive Facilities

Distributive Facilities include Food grain distribution, Milk Booth, LPG Godown, Fuel Station and
Petrol Pumps. Presently there are five Petrol Pumps in the planning Area. In terms of distribution
services, the Planning area requires a LPG Godown /Gas Godown and Milk booths for every 10,000
population to meet the demand of 2035 population.

7.7 Other Facilities

7.7.1 Institutional and Religious facilities
The Planning area has many religious buildings spread all over the area. Most of these are temples.
The important religious sites include Mahadev Temple, Lakshmi Narayan Temple, Shetala Mata
temple, Murari Devi Temple, Mahamaya temple and Suraj Kund Temple.

7.7.2 Cremation/ Burial Ground and Cemetery

As per URDPFI Guidelines, one Cremation Ground is required to cater to 10,000 populations within
5-10 km radius.

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7.8 Sports and Recreation

The Planning Area does not have sufficient organised green spaces. The present land allocation for
the recreational facilities is very low in comparison to the growth of the Planning area. Existing open
spaces are generally scattered and are not interconnected. Therefore, the requirement for
recreational facilities for the year 2035 has been estimated based on URDPFI Guidelines 2014. Refer
Table 7-7 for details.

7.8.1 Housing area Level Recreational Spaces

In Sundernagar Planning Area, there are parks and recreational spaces available. There are 8 housing
area parks in urban area. The present land allocation for the recreational facilities is very low in
comparison to the need of the Planning area. There is a great need to provide more gardens, parks,
and playgrounds in the area. Additional seven Housing Area Parks are required, one in urban area
and six in rural area.

7.8.2 Neighbourhood Level Recreational Spaces

There are 2 neighbourhood parks, namely, Nehru Park and Jawahar Park available within the
Planning Area. There is a need to provide for existing as well as for proposed population. Two
neighbourhood parks are proposed in urban area and three in rural area.

7.8.3 City Level Recreational Spaces

There is one exhibition ground in the Pungh. Other than this there are no city level recreational
facilities available in Sundernagar Planning Area and there is a need of the same. The future demand
for higher order recreational facilities has been estimated based on the existing and projected
population of the Planning area.
One Botanical Garden is proposed in the Sundernagar Planning Area.
Table 7-7: Future Demand for Community Facilities
Facilities Urban Rural Total
E R Area (Ha) E R Area (Ha) E R Area
Housing Area Park 8 1 0.9 0 6 5.5 8 7 6.4
Neighbourhood Park 2 2 4.9 0 3 5.5 2 5 10.4
City Parks/ 1 0 0 0 - 0 0 -
exhibition grounds/
cultural gathering
Botanical Garden 0 1 20 0 0 - 0 1 20
Total 25.8 11 36.8
Source: Analysis based on Primary Survey
Note: E-Existing, R-Required

7.8.4 Sports Facilities

There are two playgrounds in the Sundernagar Planning Area, one in Polytechnic College and other
in Management College. Here town level matches are held. There are sports fields available in
schools and colleges. The sports facilities are not sufficient as per the URDPFI norms.

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Figure 7-2: Maharaja Lakshman Sen Memorial College Playground, Sundernagar

Table 7-8: Future Demand for Community Facilities

Urban Rural Total
E R Area (Ha) E R Area (Ha) E R Area (Ha)
Residential unit play
0 9 4.4 0 6 2.8 0 15 7.2
Neighbourhood Play
0 3 4.4 2 0 0 2 3 4.4
Total 8.8 2.8 11.6
Source: Analysis based on Primary Survey
Note: E-Existing, R-Required

7.9 Green Belt

The city has large eco-sensitive areas like natural drains and river which needs to be preserved. The
Development Plan provides for green buffer as Green Belt along the water bodies. Development of
5m green buffer around the natural drains is proposed to conserve the natural drainage in the
planning area.
7.10 Commercial Facility
The commercial activities are located along the National Highway-154 in the Planning Area. The
main commercial center is located at Sundernagar. Besides this, there is a furniture market located
in Bhojpur. Moreover, there are regular mandi/ markets available in three villages within the
Planning Area, namely, Bhaur, Kanaid and Mahadev. There are two cinema halls located at Cinema
Chowk in Sundernagar town and in B.B.M.B. Colony.
According to URDPFI Guidelines 2014, one commercial center should serve 10,000 population.
Hence, the existing commercial facilities are not adequate for catering the needs of the people in
Sundernagar Planning Area. Therefore, there is a requirement of three more commercial centers in
Sundernagar Planning Area.

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Environment is defined as the surroundings in which the organism lives. This chapter presents an
overview of the Environment Conservation measures and the Disaster Mitigation strategies to be
adopted for Sundernagar Planning Area.

8.1 Introduction
Environment is one of the important aspects to be considered while making the development plans.
Himachal Pradesh is enriched with various species of flora and fauna which need to be conserved
and preserved. The development should go hand in hand with environmental improvement and
resource optimization. The sustainable growth can only be achieved if existing environmental
parameters are identified and analysed. This chapter discusses about various parameters of
environment like climate, soil, forest cover, flora and fauna, quality of air, water, disaster proneness
and its mitigation process. These parameters will help us to understand different existing
environmental phenomena in the Planning Area.

8.2 Forest Cover

The Forests of Himachal Pradesh is known for their grandeur and majesty. They are like a green pearl
in the Himalayan crown. These life supporting systems are presently under great stress due to
impact of modern civilization, economic development and growth in human and cattle population.
In Sundernagar Planning Area, almost 407.3 ha i.e. 31.21% land falls under forest cover. It is less
than the district average of 47%.28 Out of the total forest cover 38% of the forest area is classified as
Demarcated Protected Forest and remaining 62 % is under unprotected forest or open forest. These
forest areas shall be conserved while preparing the development framework. It is essential to mark
the un-demarcated forests as well to protect them and degradation over the time. The un-
demarcated protected forests and open forests can be used for collecting forest produce ensuring
livelihood for the local people in the area. Afforestation and regularized tree felling can be promoted
for boosting the forest related economy in the region.

Himachal Forest Statistics 2013

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Figure 8-1 Forest Cover in SundernagarPlanning Area

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8.3 Conservation of Forest Cover

Forest cover of planning area is less than district average. It is an important asset to planning area
and need to be safeguarded for providing sustained benefits to the community and diversion of such
land to other purpose should be done after careful examination from social and environmental
The forest cover shall be conserved and would function as green lungs of Sundarnagar Planning
Area. A buffer around the boundary needs to be maintained as per the HP TCP Rules, 2015. The
minimum distance of 5.00 m from Forest boundary shall be maintained and minimum distance from
existing tree shall be 2.00 m. 29

8.4 Air Quality

In Sundernagar Planning Area, there are two Air Quality Monitoring Stations located at Municipal
Council (MC) office in Sundernagar on National Highway (NH-154), namely, ‘MC Office Sundernagar’
and other one is at Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board near B.B.M.B. Colony which is
known as ‘Office Building (R)’. The analysis of ambient air quality has been done based on the data
received from above mentioned two station in Sundernagar.
Table 8-1 Comparison of SO2, NO2 and RSM concentration in Sundernagar Planning Area with CPCB Ambient
Air Quality Standards
Monitoring Permissible Limit
Particular 2013-14 2014-15
Station (Annual) by CPCB
MC Office 20.5 μg/ m3 23 μg/ m3
SO2 50 μg/ m3 3
Office Building 24.1 μg/ m 25.3 μg/ m3
MC Office 103.6 μg/ m 154.5 μg/ m3
NO2 40 μg/ m3 3
Office Building 103 μg/ m 124.1 μg/ m3
MC Office 90.0 μg/ m 93.9 μg/ m3
RSPM 40 μg/ m3 3
Office Building 71.0 μg/ m 80.5 μg/ m3
Source: Ambient Air Quality Standards, Central Pollution Control Board and Air Quality Data (2013-15) Himachal Pradesh
Pollution Control Board, Sundernagar

The above table shows that the annual average concentration of SO2 is under the permissible limit as
per the ambient quality standards of CPCB. Whereas the levels of NO2 and RSPM are higher than the
permissible limits especially near MC office. Traffic congestion and fossil fuel combustion processes
are the major reasons for higher levels of NO2 and RSPM. Prolonged exposure to these pollutants
cause severe respiratory diseases.

8.4.1 Air Pollution Control Measures

The atmosphere has several built-in self-cleaning processes such as dispersion, gravitational settling,
flocculation, absorption, rain-washout, etc to cleanse the atmosphere. However, control of
contaminants at their source level is a desirable and effective method through preventive or control
Source control: Some measures that can be adopted in this direction are:

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 Using unleaded petrol

 Using fuels with low sulphur and ash content
 Encouraging people to use public transport, walk or use a cycle as opposed to private vehicles
 Ensure that houses, schools, restaurants and playgrounds are not located on busy streets
 Plant trees along busy streets as they remove particulates, carbon dioxide and absorb noise
 Industries and waste disposal sites should be situated outsdide the city preferably on the
downwind of the city.
 Catalytic converters should be used to help control emissions of carbon monoxide and

8.5 Water Quality

In Sundernagar Planning Area, the water discharge is being monitored at the Suketi khad at Mandi.
The data from 2013-2015 is being assessed to monitor the water quality in the Planning Area.
The mean and standard deviation for pH, Dissolved Oxygen and Biochemical Oxygen Demand is
calculated (refer Table) to assess the water quality during April 2013- March 2015 in Sundernagar
Planning Area:
Table 8-2 Mean and Standard Deviation for Water Quality Assessment of Suketi khad during April, 2013-
March, 2015
Value pH Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Mean 7.99 8.97 0.21
Standard Deviation ± 0.32 ± 1.45 ± 0.19
Source: Environmental Data Bank, Himachal Pradesh Pollution Control Board (April 2013- March 2015)

It has been found that the pH value of the surface water is good as it falls under the permissible
limits of CPCB whereas the dissolved oxygen in water is close to mean 7.99 and a standard deviation
of ± 0.32. It is also found that the amount of dissolved oxygen is more than the minimum
requirement of 6 mg/l Therefore, it is a good indicator for the sustenance of aquatic life. On the
other hand, the mean of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is 0.21 and ± 0.19 standard deviation.
The Biochemical Oxygen Demand falls under Class A of the standards prescribed by CPCB (ref Table).
Therefore, the quality of water in Sundernagar Planning Area falls under Class A as per the CPCB
Table 8-3 Water Quality Standards
Class Standard
Total Coliform organism MPN/100ml, shall be 50 or less
Drinking water source
without conventional pH between 6.5 and 8.5
treatment but after Dissolved Oxygen 6 mg/l or more
disinfection Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20-degree C 2 mg/l or less
Total Coliform organism MPN/100ml, shall be 500 or less
Outdoor Bathing pH between 6.5 and 8.5
(Organized) Dissolved Oxygen 5 mg/l or more
Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20-degree C 3 mg/l or less
Drinking water sources Total Coliform organism MPN/100ml, shall be 5000 or less
C after conventional pH between 6 and 9
treatment Dissolved Oxygen 4 mg/l or more

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Class Standard
Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20-degree C 3 mg/l or less
pH between 6.5 and 9.5
Propagation of wildlife
D Dissolved Oxygen 4 mg/l or more
Free Ammonia (as N) 1.2 mg/l or less
pH between 6.5 and 9.5
Irrigation, Industrial Electricity Conductivity at 25 mg/cm max 2250
Cooling Controlled Waste Sodium absorption ratio Max. 26
Boron Max 2 mg/l
Source: Central Pollution Control Board

Also, the water quality is assessed for the water supplied through hand pumps in Sundernagar town
and it is found that the pH level is 7.86 and 8.08 during 2013-14. The concentration of biochemical
oxygen demand is 0.1. Therefore, both pH and biochemical oxygen demand falls under Class A of
CPCB standards. Hence, the quality of water is good in Sundernagar town as well.

8.6 Conservation of Water-bodies

No building activity shall be carried out within 25 m from the boundary of the river Beas and the
same shall be maintained as green buffer zone. The construction shall be allowed at distance of 5 m
and 10 m from Nallah and Khad respectively.30
The river front areas may be developed based on a landscape plan with proper shelter design on the
water expanse with attractive laser shows for tourists and visitors during festive seasons.
Any degradation of wetland or surface water body would lead to habitat loss for birds, aquatic
species and rare vegetation. Even deterioration of water quality of such lakes may distract tourists.
To check depletion of water bodies the master plan recommends the following-
a) Stop dumping of waste in the water bodies
b) Stop earth filling of water bodies
c) Encourage suitable recreational facility around water body to keep surveillance

8.7 Rain Water Harvesting

Individuals can do a great deal to improve the water availability and ensure the water quality of their
locality by practicing Rain Water Harvesting as a mandatory measure in all public buildings as well as
judicial use of storm water for agricultural use. In this regard many published standard manuals are
available for adoption.

8.8 Natural Hazards and Disasters

Hazards both Natural and Man-Made are of immediate concern to the State of Himachal Pradesh as
it faces the fury of one or the other disaster every year. The fragile ecology and geology of the State
coupled with large variations in physio-climate conditions render it vulnerable to vagaries of nature
in one way or the other. The nature of disastrous events is such that there is very less time to
respond unless there is preparedness to cope with the effects in pre-disaster and post-disaster
stages. It is considered that preparedness is the best measure to respond to catastrophic events for

30 Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Rules, 2015

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reducing the effects and mitigate the losses in terms of life and property31. Traditionally,
preparedness during the time of emergency involved the stockpiling of relief goods and providing
basic needs to people in need32. It is believed that capacity building for human response to is a long-
term exercise for mitigating the impact of disasters whereas the short-term contingencies include
the finance that is required for providing relief and restoration of infrastructure. Now-a-days, it has
become important for the communities to work closely with the local authorities in order to
enhance their own capacities to prepare for and manage the effects of various risks.30

8.8.1 Hazard Profile of Mandi

Mandi district is exposed to multiple Natural and Human induced hazards. They may include, but are
not limited to the following:31
Table 8-4 Hazards in Mandi District
Natural Hazards Human Induced Hazards
 Earthquake  Accidents- Train, Road, Air
 Landslide  Building Collapse
 Drought  Fires: Household, Forest
 Flood  Utilities Failure: Energy, Telecommunication,
Water and Sewerage System
 Forest Fire
 Cloud Burst
Source: District Disaster Profile – Mandi District Webportal

8.8.2 Vulnerability Profile of Mandi

Vulnerability is the degree to which people, property, resources, systems, and cultural, economic,
environmental, and social activity is susceptible to harm, degradation, or destruction on being
exposed to any hazard on its activation. The table represents the district wise vulnerability matrix.
From the table it can be inferred that the overall vulnerability of Mandi is High and the vulnerability
from earthquakes is very high as compared to any other disaster. In terms of Earthquake hazard risk
profiling, almost entire Mandi district (97 %) falls in Zone V which is a very high damage risk zone.
The last earthquake hit the region in 2005, the magnitude of which was 6.8 at Richter Scale.
However, no loss of life and property was reported.
Table 8-5 District Wise Vulnerability Matrix
District Earthquake Landslide Floods Avalanches Industrial Overall Vulneability
Kangra VH M L - M H
Chamba H H H M M VH
Hamirpur VH L L - - M
Mandi VH M M - - H
Kullu H H H M H VH
Bilaspur M M L - M M
Una M L H - H H

31Government of India, 2012, District Disaster Management Plan: District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, the Government of
India-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Programme (2009-12), UNDP.
World Health Organization, 2007, Risk reduction and emergency preparedness:

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District Earthquake Landslide Floods Avalanches Industrial Overall Vulneability

Sirmour M M L - H M
Solan L L L - H M
Kinnaur H H H VH - H
LandSpiti L M M VH - H
Shimla L M M - H H
VH: Very High, H: High, M: Moderate, L: Low
Source: State Council for Science Technology and Environment Analysis

8.8.3 Measures for Disaster Management

The following measures needs to be taken by the district administration:

 District Mandi has critical proneness to earthquake for which analytical mapping of
resources needs to be done with multi-fold aim of “Creating Earthquake Resistant
Structures” in the District and “Promoting awareness for preventing loss to human life” in
the event of an actual earthquake.
 In villages facing shortage of drinking
water, tankers for water supply are
deployed. A separate plan under the
supervision of district administration
has already been drawn in
coordination with IPH department to
mitigate this disaster.
 The mock drills to tackle the disaster
situations should be arranged under
SDM’s supervision. This should be
organised in every local govt. authority
(both Gram Panchayat and Nagar
Panchayat) in a particular interval.
 Disaster relief Committee should be
set up at Gram Panchayat Level and
Nagar Panchayat level where
involvement of a particular percentage
of female members would be

8.9 Disaster Management Strategy

Disaster Management Plan of HPPWD, 2015 shall be adopted for Prevention, mitigation and
preparedness plan. Wide dissemination of earthquake-resistant building codes, the National Building
Code 2005 should be adopted for earthquake resistant structures. Provision for wireless and satellite
based communication in case of emergencies.

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This chapter deals with natural and cultural heritages Sundernagar Planning Area and the
surroundings, the conservation of heritages, places of interest in and around the planning area,
tourist projections and tourism prospect in the planning area and strategies for heritage
conservation, tourism promotion and future requirements of tourism infrastructure.

9.1 Introduction

Sunder Nagar, as a tourist place, is worth to visit for its green hills and natural beauty. Beautifully
fertile valley of Sundernagar receives the tired travellers with open arms on NH-154. The town is
noted for its shady walks amid towering trees. Every year many tourists visit Sunder Nagar as it is on
the way to Manali, so they stop by and enjoy the awesomeness of this beautiful town. It is the
Gateway of Balh Valley. The charm of the place has been added by the artificial lake (balancing
reservoir) created by Beas Satluj Link Project.
9.2 Tourism

Himachal Pradesh is a one of the most popular tourist destinations of the country, attracting tourists
from all over the world. The state booms with tourism as one of the major contributor to the
economy. On this regard, the state is divided into four (4) tourism circuit viz. Sutlej Circuit, Beas
Circuit, Dhauladhar Circuit and Tribal Circuit, by the Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development
Corporation (HPTDC). These circuits pass through different terrains of the state.
From a conservation perspective, tourism can raise funds for protecting natural areas, enhance local
and tourist awareness of biodiversity and conservation issues as well as discourage local people from
unsustainable livelihoods.
From a development perspective, tourism revenue may reduce poverty by stimulating business
development and job creation that is in principle compatible with the main objective for
development of Planning Area, biodiversity conservation as well as enhancing local services, and
through improved education empower local people to advocate for sustainable development and
the protection of the natural environment.

9.3 Tourism Infrastructure33

i. Accommodation
Sundernagar town has limited number of hotels and lodges which offer general accommodation.
There is a star category hotels in the Planning area namely, the Polo Regency Hotel. Other than
hotels, accommodation is also available in Rest house provided by the PWD, HPSEB and forest
departments. These rest houses are located strategically within the municipal limits and offer very
reasonable and economical rate for accommodation.
ii. Connectivity

33 Source: Field visit and Government Departments

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Sundernagar town is well connected via the NH – 154 which connects Chandigarh in Punjab and
Manali in Kullu District. The town is easily accessible by SH - 13 which is the Shimla - Tatapani –
Mandi road.
There are limited designated parking area in all the temples. However due to unavailability of
parking space in some areas, people resort to on-street parking. Tourists prefer to park their vehicles
on street due to unavailability of the parking space. Another parking area is located near the bus
stand where paid private taxis are available.
iii. Local convenience
The main market area is situated along the NH -154 within the Municipal council. Majority of the
market areas are along the NH - 154 and SH – 13 which are also the main access to the town. Various
types of shops and commercial centers in the market act as the wholesale market as well for the
nearby villages. The restaurants, tea shop, stationaries, sweet shops, cloths, worship material shops
are the most significant commercial centers in the market area. Beside this permanent market area,
the temporary and semi-permanent shops are also set up during the festival. One of the major issues
is lack of solid waste management which leads to filthy streets and blocked drains, majorly during

9.4 Tourist Forecast

Tourist traffic follows a seasonal trend in Sundernagar. Mandi district registered 11,52,614 domestic
tourists and 11,181 foreign tourists during the year 2016.
Table 9-1 Tourist Inflow in Mandi District from 2008 - 2016
Sl.No. Year Domestic Foreign Total
1 2008 6,03,086 9,154 6,12,240
2 2009 8,69,904 8,070 8,77,974
3 2010 10,06,418 10,485 10,16,903
4 2011 11,84,335 9,813 11,94,148
5 2012 7,98,461 9,068 8,07,529
6 2013 8,74,139 9,663 8,83,802
7 2014 9,36,532 9,189 9,45,721
8 2015 10,86,231 10,478 10,96,709
9 2016 11,52,614 11,181 11,63,795

The estimation of future tourist arrivals is mainly based upon an analysis of the past trends in tourist
arrivals (both domestic and foreign). Tourist projections have been calculated for a period of five
years as shown in Table 9-2 Tourist Projections for Mandi District for 2035.
Table 9-2 Tourist Projections for Mandi District for 2035
Sl.No. Year Domestic Foreign Total
1 2020 14,61,271 14,497 14,75,764
2 2025 19,65,799 20,059 19,85,831
3 2030 26,44,525 27,753 26,72,192
4 2035 35,57,592 38,399 35,95,779
Source: Projections prepared based on Tourism analysis

Considering average CAGR for the period 2008 to 2035 for Domestic and Foreign tourists 6.11% and
6.71% respectively in Mandi district, the tourist influx has been explained in the following graphs.

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Figure 9-1 Projections for Domestic Tourist Traffic for Mandi District – 2016 to 2035
Source: Projections prepared based on Tourism analysis

Figure 9-2 Projections for Foreign Tourist Traffic for Mandi District – 2016 to 2035
Source: Projections prepared based on Tourism analysis

Among the total number of tourist visit to Mandi district for the period 2016 to 2035, 10 % of the
tourists will visit Sundernagar Planning Area.
Table 9-3 Tourism Profile of Sundernagar Planning Area
Tourist Visiting Sundernagar 10 %
Tourist Visiting in Peak Season 60 %
No. of days in Peak Season 180 days
Occupancy Rate 80 %
No. of Hotels in Sundernagar 11
Existing No. of Beds 225
Average No. of Rooms per Hotel 20
Source: Department of Tourism, Himachal Pradesh and Primary Survey

9.4.1 Tourist Accommodation Forecast

Based on the future tourist arrivals and their stay patterns, the future capacity requirement in
accommodation has been worked out for Mandi district. The existing demand supply gaps and
future peak time capacity requirements for accommodation for Mandi district for the state has been
worked out.

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Bed requirements during peak season considering duration of stay and desirable occupancy rate
have been worked out on the following assumptions as given by hotel interviews-
 Average stay of foreign tourist and domestic tourist centers as 2 to 3 nights per district
 Domestic peak season lasts for 180 days.
Table 9-4 Tourist Footfall and Gap Analysis for Tourism in Sundernagar Planning Area
Years No. of Tourist No. of Tourist No. of Tourist per Required Gap/ Additional
visiting visting in Peak day during Peak No. of Beds Requirement
Sundernagar Season Season
2016 1,16,380 69,828 388 310 85
2020 1,47,576 88,546 492 394 83
2025 1,98,583 1,19,150 662 530 221
2030 2,67,219 1,60,331 891 713 266
2035 3,59,578 2,15,747 1,199 959 468
Source: Projections prepared based on Tourism analysis
Table 9-5 Projections for Number of Hotel Rooms in Sundernagar Planning Area
Type of Rooms Percentage 2016 2035
Double Rooms 85 191 815
Single Rooms 10 23 96
Triple Rooms/ Dormitory 5 11 48
Total 225 959
Source: Department of Tourism, Himachal Pradesh and Projections prepared based on Tourism analysis

Table 9-6 Projections for Type of Hotel requirement in Sundernagar Planning Area
Type of Hotels Percentage 2016 2035
Ecomony/Budget 50 6 24
Star Category 30 3 14
Luxury 20 2 10
Total 11 48
Source: Projections prepared based on Tourism analysis

Given that such large amount of additional capacity needs to be added in a short period, in addition
to the standard forms of accommodation facilities (hotels and paying guests), accommodation in the
form of camping sites could be developed as they are relatively easier to set up and would also be a
more economical alternative.34 Henceforth, the need is to identify campsites, provide water and
electrical connections so that “tent-hotel” units can be set up. This type of accommodation has eco-
friendly operations and have popularity among the tourists. All modern facilities, including toilets,
should be provided in these tents.

9.5 Tourism Strategies

Primary and Secondary studies have been conducted in the planning area to identify the concerns
and issues related to Tourism development. Issues identified are categorised under following heads:

 Resource based issues

 Development issues

34Source: Final report on 20-Year Perspective Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development in Himachal Pradesh Part I March
2003, Department of Tourism Market Research Division, Ministry of Tourism and Culture Government of India.

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 Management issues
 Environmental issues
In spite of the excellent facilities available to the tourists the number of foreign visitors to Himachal
state is almost negligible compared to domestic tourists.35 The major reason for this is inadequate
marketing. It is the same case in Baijnath-Paprola town which receives a dismal number of foreign
tourists. One of the main reasons for this poor performance is lack of effective marketing strategy.
People undertake travel and tourism activity to have a change from the day-to-day monotonous
routine so that they can rejuvenate themselves. The tourist has to select a destination, which can be
any place in the world. Here comes the role of marketing of tourism.
The Tourism Development Strategy takes into consideration the economic, political, administrative
and environmental aspects of the region that create either opportunities or constraints for the
development of tourism and defines the macro-level policy.
The Strategic Action Plan will cover the following areas-

 Harnessing the tourism potential of the region through planned, growth-oriented and
sustainable development of the Regional Circuits
 Developing tourism to ensure the overall development of the region
 Marketing and Branding
 Development of new circuits/destinations and new tourism products
 Use tourism as a means of providing new employment opportunities in rural, tribal and
remote areas.
 Employ trained personnel
 Creation of tourism relevant direct infrastructure
 Increase private sector participation in tourism, both as a means of generating employment
and providing new infrastructure.
 Make the programs act as catalyst in investments by private bodies
 Propounding projects and programs at the national level

9.5.1 Categories of Tourism in the Region

The product base of the region is extremely suited to serve the needs of the following aspects of
tourism in the planning area-

 Eco-tourism
The surrounding region of Sundernagar is ideal for both passive and adventure forms of Eco-Tourism
with parks, good scenic beauty, forests etc. The Demarcated Protected Forest which is considered as
the preservation zone, distributed in and around Sundernagar town can be utilised as the bio-
diversity park. The planning area has much to offer for the active adventure segment including
trekking of various grades and levels, rock climbing etc. Floriculture as well as horticulture is
proposed on the southern side of MC area along the Circular Road. In order to offer pleasant and

35 Source:Article on Tourism Promotion in Himachal Pradesh: An Opinion Survey of Foreign Tourists, Sushma Rewal Chugh,
Associate Professor, M.T.A. Dept., H.P. University, Shimla.

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scenic view to tourists on 4-lane expressway, floriculture is also proposed on the agricultural field
adjacent to the Suketi Khad and the balancing reservoir (Sundernagar Lake).
 Culture Tourism
Culture tourism is an important aspect and has the potential to attract selective culture tourists to
the planning area. The rich tribal heritage and culture is an aspect which needs to be positioned well.
Tourists visiting Himachal are interested to know local performing arts. At present there is no
organized effort to entertain the tourists with local talent. There is vast potential for outdoor
recreations in the planning area. A tourist destination site is proposed on the hill-top near Bhojpur.
The main attraction of this tourist destination will be the Himachal Haat. The word ‘haat’ denotes an
informal weekly market or bazaar that is held in the rural areas of India. This Himachal Haat will be a
unique, upgraded and a much more sophisticated version of a haat, in the heart of the city, where
people can shop for authentic crafts and inimitable ethnic wares of the state and pig out on the
ethnic cuisine of the state in an eco-friendly manner. It will display the richness of Himachali culture
on a permanent basis. While the village haat is a mobile, flexible arrangement, here it is crafts
persons who are mobile. Small thatched roof cottages and kiosks with a village atmosphere will
make the place into an attractive place of interest for tourists/visitors. The shops will be connected
through stone paved courtyards and interspaced with grass to retain a visual softness.
One significant aspect is making the local community participants of the whole development process
and giving them avenues by increasing tourist- community cultural interfaces.

Figure 9-3 Mood Images for Himachal Haat

 Participative Heritage Tourism
Heritage tourism is proposed with a participatory approach where tourists will also get to actively
participate than just seeing the monuments.
 Religious Tourism
The planning area has many famous and old religious spots, which are proposed to be integrated
into the circuit by provision of tourist facilities here. Various temples, distributed all over the
Planning Area can be developed as the major tourist landmarks. The religious tourism will be
beneficial in terms of creation of informal economic opportunities for the locals. The tourist land
marks have been planned specifically to place the informal sectors to avoid the encroachments
along the roads or temple complexes.
The Mahamaya temple which is located at the hillock within Sundernagar town is a very old temple
and famous among the locals. A nature’s trail can be developed across the forest area connecting
the Shiv Temple of Keran and Mahamaya temple of Sundernagar town. Charges or fees can be
collected from tourists used for operation and maintenance of tourist inflow facilities near the

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temple. It would generate revenue for the local government. Afforestation with right type of species
and control of growth of any hilly slope development should legally be practiced.
 Business Tourism
In view of attractive natural environment and growing trends of outbound business and education
meets, the development plan will also offer products for a hub for smaller businesses with national
and international reach. This will include a comprehensive convention center to meet business
tourism requirements, resort based convention facilities etc. Depending upon the transit character
of the Sundernagar town, the hospitality zone has been proposed at Kalohad hilltop in the Planning
Area. This hospitality zone will comprise of finely balanced mix of uses - parks, plazas, and walkable
streets and modern amenities such as good restaurants with parking areas, luxury hotels/resorts,
small snack joints, convenience blocks, open ground and small commercial center. The hospitality
zone will be overlooking the Sundernagar lake (Balancing Reservoir of BBMB) which will offer
breathtaking scenic beauty of the city from a height. It will be a popular destination for tourists and
business travellers alike. Therefore, it calls for a better planned, regulated and environment friendly
tourism approach. This sector will employ the local people in the hotel business and will contribute
to other hospitality businesses like restaurants and attractions. Business generated from this
domestic market will generate most of the revenue.

9.5.2 Tourism Circuit36

Sundernagar Planning Area falls within the Beas Circuit. The circuit derives its name from the ancient
river Beas. It passes through the highly picturesque Kullu - Mandi regions. The main attractions are
the flower filled meadows, terraced fields of paddy, maize, apple orchards and the sparkling Beas
River. This circuit covers Delhi - Swarghat - Bilaspur - Mandi - Rewalsar - Kullu - Manali - Rohtang -
Naggar - Manikaran - Delhi (1335 km).

36 Source: Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation – Official website,

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Not to scale

Chamba Keylong
Pathankot CIRCUIT
Dharamshala Manali
Jogindernagar TRIBAL
Kullu BEAS
Hamirpur Rewalsar
Janjheli Recong Peo
LEGEND Swarghat
Dharlaghat CIRCUIT
State Boundary Shimla
National Highway Kiarighat
Other Roads Kasauli Solan
State Capital Parwanoo
District Headquarters
Places of Interest (Out state)
Places of Interest (In state) Dehradun
Sundernagar Planning Area

Figure 9-4: Tourist Circuit – Himachal Pradesh

Source: Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (HPTDC),

Sundernagar lies along one of the major transport corridor in the state i.e. the NH-154 which
connects Chandigarh in Punjab to Manali in Kullu District. It is surrounded by four (4) district
headquarters in the Beas circuit namely, Kullu, Mandi, Bilaspur and Solan. Other District
headquarters such as Hamirpur, Una Shimla are also within close vicinity, hence enhancing the
significance of tourism prospect of the town. Other places of interest within the circuit include
Rewalsar, Janjheli, Dharlaghat, Swarghat, Kiarighat, Kasauli and Parwanoo (Refer Figure 9-4).

9.5.3 Places of Interest in Regional District Level – Proposed Intra Town Circuit
Mandi is situated on the banks of the river Beas. With rich culture and history, the district is
represented by its natural as well as man-made tourist’s sites such as temples, which attract a lot of
tourist. Some of the major tourist sites in the district are as follows:
i. Pandoh Dam
The Pandoh Dam is an embankment dam on the Beas River in Mandi district. Under the Beas Project,
the dam was completed in 1977 and its primary purpose is to generate hydroelectric power. The
water is used for power generation at the Dehar Power House before being discharged into the
Sutlej River, connecting both rivers. The power house has an installed capacity of 990 MW.

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ii. Rewalsar Lake

Hidden in the hills 24 km southwest of
Mandi, the sacred lake of Rewalsar is
revered by Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs.
Also known as Lotus Lake and it is believed
that it was created when the king of Mandi
tried to burn alive the revered Buddhist
sage Padmasambhava, to prevent his
daughter to elope with him. Today the
lake's 800m perimeter is surrounded by a
collection of mostly heritage temples,
monasteries and monuments, in which
Figure 9-5: Pandoh Dam
multiple faiths are represented.
iii. Prashar Lake
Prashar Lake lies 49 km north of Mandi,
with a three storied pagoda - style temple
dedicated to the sage Prashar. The lake is
located at a height of 2730 m above sea
level with deep blue waters and holds a
saintly position there. It is surrounded by
snow-topped peaks and looks down on the
fast flowing river Beas. The lake has a
floating island in it and it is not clear how
deep it is. Figure 9-6: Rewalsar Lake
iv. Janjheli things-to-do.html

A treat for adventure buffs, Janjheli is an

ideal place for activities like trekking. With
a trail up to 3300 m, this place is almost 67
km from Mandi. To reach the place, one
has to travel 32 km by vehicle till Gohar,
the journey on foot begins from there.
With a furnished accommodation in Bajahi,
the expedition continues till Janjheli for
another 20 kms.
Figure 9-7: Prashar Lake
v. Kamlah Fort Source:
Situated almost 80 km from Mandi city,
the Kamlah fort is stands proudly on Sikandar Dhar ranges. Built by Raja Suraj Sen in 1625, it stands
hovering at a height of 4772 meters. With its entrance present almost in form of a maze, the
landscape around is lush green and has a picturesque view.
vi. Shikhari Devi Temple

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The Shikhari Devi Temple is located 95 km from Mandi, the trekking to this temple at a height of
3332 m above the sea level is quite exciting. Most tourist come to witness the either the morning
sunrise or sunset which has its serenity and naturally picturesque view.

vii. Barot Valley

Barot is a frequent backpacker and day
tourist destination. Many trekking trails
pass through Barot, including trails to Bada
Bhangal, Manali and Kullu. Most of the day
tourists as attracted by the serene
surroundings and cheap availability of
accommodation. Of late, Barot is also
developing into an angling destination.
The Uhl river supports trout breeding and
Barot has a few fish farms. Across the river Figure 9-8: Barot valley
Uhl is the Nargu Wildlife Sanctuary, home Source:
to goral, Himalayan black bear and a
variety of pheasants.
viii. Tattapani
Tattapani literally meaning hot water is
located on the banks of River Sutlej.
Surrounded by panoramic view of hills, the
place houses natural sulphur spring which
is said to own curative properties to cure
many ailments. The interesting fact about
the spring is that it disappears during the
month of July and reappears in December.
Figure 9-9: Tattapani
ix. Kamru Nag Lake Source:
A famous trekking path all around and
situated at the height of 3334 m, Kamru
Nag Lake lies on the Mandi-Karsog road
and serves as arresting place for trekkers.
Bounded by snow covered Dhauladhar and
the Balh Valley, this place will leave you
completely bewitched. A Kamru Nag
Temple in the proximity to the lake is
flanked by thick cover of lush green forest.
During winter, the lake is covered in snow
which enhances its beauty and scenic
Figure 9-10: Kamru Nag Lake
x. Chindi Village Source:
Away from the buzzing sound of city, this

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small village sits quietly in the lap of nature. Packed with apple orchards and blessed with divine
beauty of nature, one

can also find several small temples near

the village. Located 107 kms from Mandi,
this place is easily accessible via Tattapani.
xi. Bhutnath Temple
The spirituality of this temple dates back to
1520s and is as old as the town itself.
Located almost at the center of the town,
the temple is devoted to Lord Shiva.
Pilgrims will find Nandi or Lord Shiva's bull
facing the ornamental arch entrance to the
complex. The Shivaratri festival celebrated
in the month of March is a major event of Figure 9-11: Bhima Kali Temple
this temple and town. things-to-do.html
xii. Bhima Kali Temple
Bhima Kali Temple is one of the famous temples of the Mandi dedicated to Goddess Bhima Kali.
Situated on the banks of River Beas, this temple also showcases different statues and idols of Gods
and Goddesses in a museum. It is also believed that it is this site where lord Krishna fought with the
demon named Banasura.

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Barot Valley

Kamlah Fort

Parashar Lake
Bhootnath Temple Bhīma Kali Temple

Rewalsar Lake Pandoh Dam

Sundernagar Planning Area

Kamru Nag Lake
Shikari Devi Temple

Chindi Village


Figure 9-12: Location Map - Places of interest in Mandi District

Source: Prepared based on Tourism analysis

9.5.4 Places of Interest in Sundernagar Planning Area – Proposed Inter Town Circuit
Sundernagar, a place where many people moving towards Manali halts to look at the beautiful lake,
is a great place to find religious and spiritual insight. There are many temples located in and around
Sundernagar which can be identified for the promotion and development of tourism activities.

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Mahadev Temple
Shetala Mata Temple
Lakshmi Narayan Temple

Murari Devi Temple MahamayaTemple

Suraj Kund Temple


Figure 9-13: Places of interest in Sundernagar Planning Area

Source: Prepared based on Tourism analysis

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i. Mahamaya Temple, Sundernagar37

The Mahamaya temple is one of the most famous temples in Sundernagar town and is visited by
many pilgrims every year. It is accessible via the circular road and is about 1km drive uphill to the top
from the main town area. The temple is built inside one of the palaces cum fortresses of
Sundernagar’s King and it looks like an old palace, well maintained and painted in mystic red. The
temple also provides a picturesque view of the town from atop with greenery all around.

Figure 9-14: Mahamaya Temple, Sundernagar

ii. Murari Devi Temple, Sundernagar38

Murari Devi Temple is also one of the famous places of visit in Sundernagar. This Temple is in the
west of Sundernagar on the top of a sacred hill and can be accessed via the NH-154. The hill on
which the temple stand is named Murari Dhar also known as Sikandara Ri Dhar (Ancient Name). It is
believed that this temple was founded by Pandavas during their “Agyatwaas“. There are also some
rocks in Murari Devi on which some large human footprints can be seen and local people say that
these foot prints are of Pandavas.

Figure 9-15: Murari Devi Temple, Sundernagar

37 Source: Himchal Pradesh online web – portal,

38 Source: Himchal Pradesh online web – portal,

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iii. Suraj Kund Temple39, Sundernagar

The Suraj Kund temple is situated in the heart
of Sundernagar town and is accessible via the
circular road towards MLSM College Road.
The temple was built by Gaur Sen and his
wife during the 1625 A.D. at the foot of a hill,
which was completed in 1725 A.D. The
temple is devoted to the Sun God and is
famous for its historical pond.
iv. Mahadev Temple, Sundernagar
The Mahadev Temple can be reached from
Dhanotu Chowk at a distance of about half a
kilometer distance. It is located in Mahadev Figure 9-16: Suraj Kund Temple, Sundernagar
Mohal along the link road connecting NH-
154. The temple is visited by many pilgrims
every day.
v. Lakshmi Narayan Temple,
The temple is located in Sundernagar town
towards BBMB colony. It is also one of the
popular temples in the area. The temple is
famous for the sarayas and many other small
temples inside, dedicated to various Hindu
Figure 9-17: Mahadev Temple, Sundernagar
vi. Sheetla Mata Temple
The temple is located about 1.5 km from the
reservoir via a link road from the NH- 21
towards Kalahod. It is devoted to Goddess
Mata Sheetla and the cravings on the Along
with this lie a broadcasting station of

Figure 9-18: Lakshmi Narayan Temple, Sundernagar

39Source: Online portal,

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Figure 9-19: Sheetla Mata Temple, Sundernagar

vii. Balancing Reservoir Lake, Sundernagar40

The Lake in the heart of the city is the reservoir of the Beas - Sutlej link canal. It is blessed with cool
breeze with a panoramic view overlooking the Himalayas lies on the NH – 21. The road has the canal
on one side and lush green field on the other which makes driving along it a real pleasure.

Figure 9-20: Balancing Reservoir, Sundernagar

40 Source: Himchal Pradesh online web – portal,


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Sector/ Category Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
 Administrative Importance:  Aesthetical Values: Lake
Sundernagar town is the act as an attraction point
Tehsil and Block Headquarter for en-route travellers in
of Sundernagar Tehsil and the NH-154
Overall Planning Area Profile
 Special Importance:
Sundernagar is famous for its
Beas – Sutlej hydro-electric
project. BBMB has a major
stake in the town
 Locational Advantage:
 Located 24 kms
Centrally located in the
approximately from Mandi
Location state and is well
town, the head-quarter of
connected with all major
Mandi district
 Connectivity: well Connected  No provision of rail and air  Situated in the influence
to Chandigarh and Manali via connectivity. Nearest zone of the proposed
the NH-154 and Shimla – broad gauge rail head is Kiratpur-Mandi-Manali 4-
Tatapani via the SH - 13 located 103 km away from lane highway
 Transit Node: Act as a transit planning area at Kiratpur
town along the NH – 21 Sahib and nearest airport
is located at a distance of
83 km at Bhunter
 Most of the land area (90 %)  Development at the  Large parcels of land
Spatial distribution
falls under developabale southern edge of the within the municipal

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slope Planning Area is restricted boundary are

 Northern part of the Planning due to the mountainous underutilized which can
Ara is rich in agricultural terrain (10 %). be densified and
produce  The area is dissected by developed for urban
 27 % of the area is under various natural stretams improvement
forest cover which is located and channels which act as  Villages of Kanaid,
in and around the the non developable zones Kalahod and Mahadev
Sundernagar Urban Area  Unregulated urban sprawl act as growth nodes
 Sundernagar Town is along the NH – 21 and SH along the NH-154
centrally located in the – 13 which are the major
Planning Area and provides transport corridors in the
services to the town and Planning
nearby villages.
 Percentage of main workers  WPR of the Planning area  Proposed cement
(70 %) are more than is less than that of district industry in Keran
marginal workers (30 %)  Lack of industrial  Promotion of hospitality
which signify a strong formal economic base activities for tourism
economic base promotion
 Service sector based  Promotion of local crafts
economy supported by strong and textile industry
agricultural base  Promotion of the
through skill
development and
knowledge parks
 All weather road connectivity  Narrow roads along the  Well-developed road
Transportation Road to all villages contours in some villages network throughout the
causing inconvenience Planning Area is an

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while commute advantage to growth and

 Steep slopes towards the urban development.
south leading to
constraints to construction
 Well-developed network of  Benefit of improving
public transport (Bus service) socio-economic activities
connecting all the with well-connected
neighbouring towns and cities public transport system
 Private taxis are also available
for hire in close proximity to
the bus stand
 The town has the facility of
auto service for communting
in and around Sundernagar
 All villages covered under  Average service level of  I & PH is developing
water supply schemes water supply in rural areas more water supply
is 53 lpcd (70 lpcd as per schemes to cater to the
norms) and in urban areas gap by taping water
it is 120 lpcd (130 lpcd as from various sources
per norms)
Water Supply  Out of the total
connections, 35%
connections are metered
connections otherwise are
 73.95 % households have
the drinking water facility

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within premise
 There is a gap of water
supply of 0.47 MLD in
rural areas and 0.24 MLD
in urban areas
 98 % households use  Increase in unscheduled
electricity as the main source out-stages from 2013 – 14
of lighting in urban area to 2014 - 15
 99 % households use
electricity as the main source
of lighting in rural arae
 Sewerage Treatment Plant  16 % households resort to  Provision of low cost
with a capacity of 3.50 MLD is open defecation in rural sanitation measures
serving the Municipal Council areas such as sanitary latrines
Sanitation area in the Planning Area  The total estimated with septic tanks and
 Public toilet facilities are sewerage generation is soak pits in hilly region
available in both rural and 3.88 MLD. Consequently, with hand-pump based
urban areas. there a gap of 1.35 MLD water supply
 There is daily door to door  There is no solid waste  Proposal for integrated
collection method which is management system in waste management in
then transported to the the Planning Area except Mandi District by
Landfill site at Chandpur in the Sundernagar Directorate of Urban
Solid Waste  The biomedical waste Municipal Council development, Shimla.
Management generated from Civil Hospital  Present solid waste  Provision of segregation
of Sundernagar is disposed collection efficiency is 60 at source with different
under Common Bio-Medical % which is carried out by colour bins in addition to
Waste Treatment Facility Plan seventeen sanitation door to door collection
by Enviro-Engineers which is employees method

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located at Kullu.
 Storm water drainage  Limited storm water  Most of the area in the
network along the PWD roads drainage network within Planning Area is plain
the Planning Area hence ease of
development of storm
water drainage vis-à-vis
hilly region in the south
 High literacy rate  Concentration of higher
 State Directorate of Technical education facilities in
Education located in Sundernagar MC
 All villages in the Planning
area are covered with
secondary level education
 Degree colleges and technical
Social education institutes are
Infrastructure located in Sundernagar
 There are adequate number  Absence of community  BBMB hospital, Civil
of hospitals in the Planning health care center in the Hospital, Suket Hospital
Area. Planning area and Sushrut Hospital can
 BBMB hospital, Civil Hospital,  Requirement of more be developed as
Health care
Suket Hospital and Sushrut health care facilities of 13 speciality center for
Hospital houses majority of dispensaries, 15 Primary relief and treatment
the infrastructure for relief Health sub-centers and, 1 during disaster
arrangements and treatment PHC emergencies
 Ambient air and water quality  Potential for developing  The Planning Area falls
Environment and hazard in the Planning Area a biodiversity park under zone V/IV of the
 27% of the Planning Area is around the forest areas seismic zone and High

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under forest cover majorly  Developing a disaster Risk Category of

towards the south management cell in Landslide
 Sundernagar houses hospitals Sundernagar town  Risk of forest fires as
with well-equipped large area of forest is
infrastructure for treatment occupied by pine
and relief for disaster
 Sundernagar Planning Area  Lack of promotion of  Potential for promotion
falls within the Beas Tourist cultural and tourist sites in of eco-tourism activities
Circuit the Planning Area  Promotion of trekking
 Temples in and around the  Limited number of hotels routes and viewpoints
Tourism Planning area are attraction and lodges offering from the high mountain
points and places of interest general accommodation. peaks at the south.
 Mountainous terrain in the
southern areas captures
scenic view from the top.
 Sundernagar Municipal  There is a lack of inter  TCPD is trying to prepare
Council is the nodal agency departmental a consolidated spatial
for the provision of basic coordination in terms of plan by considering and
services to the citizens execution of the projects locating all the
Administrative efficiency
 The e-portal is used by the  There is a lack of development projects of
MC and other offices to digitization of data and various departments
record very basic level information through under a single umbrella.
information advanced e-portal system

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The Chapter deals with the proposals for future development of the Planning Area. The proposals are
recommended after analysing the existing situation and growth direction of the Planning Area.

11.1 Planning Perspective, Projections and Possibilities

The Development Plan caters to three levels namely the Municipal Council, Planning Area and
Influence Zone with a radius of about 20 km. It envisages for the requirements of population of
Planning Area, dependent regional population and tourists during peak season. The proposals have
been recommended in view of community aspirations, effective role of local bodies, and by
inculcating the participatory approach of private and public sectors. Population of Sundernagar
Planning Area is anticipated to increase to 72,134 by the year 2035. As 45 percent of the total
population is anticipated to be workforce, there are likely to be 32,460 workers, for whom provision
of work areas is envisaged in the Development Plan.
The drivers of development identified through the existing situation analysis are Locational
advantage, Emerging Growth Nodes and direction of development, town of Administrative
importance, Education Hub, Commercial Zone, Availability of Govt. Land & Places of Interest
The following institutes and characteristics act as the possibilities for development for Sundernagar
Planning Area:
 Government Polytechnic established in 1959 is one of the major landmarks of Sundernagar. The
office of the Director Technical Education HP is located in this campus, which makes this town
appear in the State education map.
 The office of the Director of Accounts (Postal), H.P. Circle is located at Sundernagar since
November 1994.
 Bhakra Beas Management Board Office is situated in the town.
 Govt. Poultry Farm and Hatchery, which is regional head quarter.
 Forest Training Institute is located in the Town.
 Sundernagar houses a privately managed recognised dental college i.e. Himachal Dental College
that provides a 5-year BDS Programme and four 3-years MDS Programmes. The College is
affiliated from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla.
 The Maharaja Lakshman Sen Memorial College, Sanskrit College and Jawaharlal Nehru
Government Engineering College are also located in Sundernagar town.
 Other than these govt. institutions, there are various private institutions in the Planning Area,
which provides courses on different technical education.

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Figure 11-1: The Existing Opportunity Areas in the Planning Area

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11.2 Development Limitations

A table showing land limitations for development in sunbdernagar is mentioned below.

Table 11-1: Limitations for the Development
Sl. No. Non-Developable Lands Distribution in Planning Area Mohals
1 Steep Slope Zone (>57%) The steep slopes are in southern and Chamukha, Sundernagar,
south eastern side, covers almost 7% of Bari and Bahot
the total land
2 Demarcated Protected South eastern and southern side of, Sundernagar, Bari and
Forest and Open Forest covers 17% of land Bahot
3 Green Cover Scattered all over, covers 7% of the All over Planning Area
total land
Source: Prepared by Analysis based on Primary Survey

1. Almost 20% of the land has more than 30% of slope, which is not developable in terms of any
sort of construction.
2. DPF (Demarcated protected forest) which covers almost 6% of total sundernagar planning area
is marked as an eco-sensitive cum conservation site and is non developable for any construction
of building or laying of road and similar nature activities.
3. The green covers (7% of total area) would be retained in its present form and connected
through green corridor across the settlements.

11.3 Development Proposals

The Development Plan addresses the central and local activities for town level and sectoral pursuits
respectively. The related requirements thereof including parking, parks, open spaces and circulation
network are to be detailed out in view of the local setting in accordance with the prescribed zoning
Limitations to allocate services spatially-
 Steep slope  Eco-sensitive zones
 Demarcated Protected Forest  Buffer of 5m on both sides of Suketi Khad
 Open Forest Area (Green Cover) and other streams
The spatial structure of the planning area has implications for socio-economic development
and environmental sustainability. It is affecting the town’s social characteristics, economic
efficiency and potential for sustainability. Understanding and influencing Sundernagar town’s shape
and expansion is an important dimension of the challenge to create sustainable, economically
vibrant and socially inclusive development plan. However, the urban policy and planning framework
in India has traditionally focused only on aspects such as population and economic output,
while neglecting implications of spatial patterns and growth. The development plan aims to close
this gap through the following proposals-

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1. Growth drivers of Sundernagar – BBMB Colony, 4-lane Expressway and Cement factory
BBMB Colony is a prototype of corporate urbanisation. It has promoted industry-led growth and
facilitated a range of municipal functions, provision of basic infrastructure and services in the
domain of the private township, which has aided the surrounding settlements as well through
infrastructure development. This colony is a model for inclusive cities, sustaining economic
The purpose of the new expressway system will be to connect Sundernagar urban center with
Chandigarh, Mandi, Hamirpur, Bhakra-Nangal and Shimla.
Cement is the binder that holds together urban centers. Self-reliance in cement production will
be a major industrial target for the planning area as it will reduce the reliance on imports, reduce
the cost of construction and facilitate further development of the economy through improved
infrastructure. It will attract industrial workers for employment in the cement factory.
2. Traffic and Transportation
The stretches & services proposed for better movement & transportation are as follows:
 At Dhanotu, 4-Lane two-way bypass road.
 At Pungh, 2-lane two-way bypass road envisaged to reduce the traffic congestion for
local vehicles and pedestrian.
 A 5.5m wide Circular Road at southern side of Sundarnagar MC for improvement of
Tourism Node at Bhojpur.
 Inter city bus movement is restriced in the town and the existing bus terminal has been
relocated along proposed bypass road. A poosibility of IPT services will be explored for
intra city movement.
3. Water Supply
 Water supply with 100% coverage, shall be on 24x7 for equity, effective metering and for
best hygiene model of supply. Systems leaks and thefts can easily be revealed only with a
24x7-supply pattern.
 Augmentation of Water Treatment Plant of 12.55 MLD
 New water reservoirs for supplying to end users.
 Identification of new potential source.
 Replacement or Repair of the old/defunct system.
 Ensure Implementation of 100% Universal Consumer metering system.
 Illegal connections shall be identified through water audit and community participation.
 The ‘free connections’ shall also be metered and regulated such as free supply up to a pre-
determined quantity.
 Streamlining of household connections as well as legalized connections.
 Awareness program for optimization of water use, recycling and recharging.
 Wherever the number of rainy days is high, rainwater storage and use systems shall be used.
Incentives may be provided on the quantum of water consumption avoided from the
organized water supply system.
 Introducing SCADA system to minimise water losses and theft.
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 Complaint redressal centers to be set up to look after the issues on water supply.
 Further augmentation of existing WTP of 3.35 MLD required as per demand.
 Use of Recycled water for meeting horticulture, air-conditioning, industrial cooling and other
non-potable uses.
 Implementation of Rain Water Harvesting scheme.
4. Storm Water Drainage
 The proposals are aimed at improving the overall water quality in the planning area and
address the issue of non-point source pollution impacts on the storm water while meeting
additional storm water generated by increase in impervious surfaces in the planning area.
 Storm water Drainage (SWD) system should designed as a separate system to carry storm
water by gravity for the entire project area. All the primary storm water drains should be
designed to have a capacity to carry the total discharge of all secondary and tertiary storm
water drains.
 Regular and proper operation and maintenance of drainage facility is essential to function.
 Existing nallahs running through the planning area should be improved to increase the
efficiency of natural channels. Improvement works shall consist of desilting of channel,
development of banks, improvement of side slopes, and development of green belt around
the nallahs and provision of culverts at road crossings.
5. Sewerage System
 Laying sewerage network lines to entire planning area
 The new treatment plant should be designed with provision for expansion to meet the
requirements in the future
 Treatment technology options which are land intensive should be explored for the new STP
like Ecoline system
 Provision of adequate public toilet complexes at public places and slums to ensure hygienic
condition and environmental sanitation
 Recycle and use of treated sewage- Tapping of a portion of the sewage generated to be used
for greening of the open areas through Decentralised Waste Water System
 Access to sanitation facilities shall be universalised (100%) including urban poor settlements,
unauthorized slums /colonies.
 All properties/ holdings should be connected to sewerage system, even if they are not
connected to a public/municipality water supply system.
 Sewerage system need not be the only sanitation system for liquid waste. Hence, Onsite
sanitation systems shall be adopted for less dense settlements.
 Sewerage charges shall be levied based on water consumed and in the water bill itself. In
case of no water supply, alternative methods of billing shall be used.
 For on-site sanitation, periodic cleaning shall be ensured. ULB may provide the equipment at
a fee and for final disposal, depending on the type of on-site treatment involved.
 Using a combination of on-site and off-site sewerage / sanitation systems for wastewater /
sewage, 100% treatment shall be ensured, for environmental protection and sustainability.
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6. Solid Waste Management

 Segregation of Solid Waste at source
 Regular Door to door collection
 Proper Waste collection and transportation
 Resource recovery through waste processing by using composting or waste to energy
 Disposal of waste in an environmentally safe and sustainable manner through land filling
 PPP in management of Solid waste
 Commissioning of landfilling site
 Incineration for treatment of biomedical waste
7. Power
 To meet the additional power requirement till 2035, the addition of new 33/11kV Substation,
addition and augmentation of secondary substation with addition/bifurcation/upgradation of
subsequent distribution networks shall be required in Sundernagar planning area
 For implementation of HVDS system, new 22kV and 11kV feeder to be created including
augmentation and bifurcation of existing 22kV and 11kV feeders to improve the quality of
power supply and reduction in distribution losses
 All the consumers are to be fed through energy meters, which is RS 485, enabled, with a
futuristic view for implementation of SCADA
8. Social Infrastructure
 The existing Institutional area will continue to function as a major growth driver of the city as
a Knowledge Hub
 The skill level and educational attainment of the workforce determines the productivity as
well as the ability to adapt to the changing industrial environment. To support the existing
both government and private institutions, a Knowledge Hub/skill up gradation center would
be developed as part of the proposed development. 45% of the workforce in the planning
area will cater to this Knowledge Hub in the year 2035
 The serene and tranquil atmosphere of the planning area will provide the ideal setting for
learning and growing
 The knowledge hub will be developed as a research tool for corporates to create Incubation
Centers, IT facilities, Innovation Hubs, Entrepreneurship Cells and Scientific Labs in Higher
Education Institutions
 Inter-connecting institutions through ICT to achieve seamless sharing of knowledge and
resources in elementary as well in higher education
 PPP in Education - Education Service Delivery/ Skill Develop / ment Professional and Support
Services/Infrastructure Initiatives
 Fourteen Pre-Primary Schools in urban area and eight in rural areas have been proposed
 Twenty-two additional dispensaries have been proposed in urban and rural areas
 Two Maternity Homes and three Nursing homes have been proposed in urban areas
 Nine Health Sub Centers distributed have been proposed in the rural areas

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 Sub post offices are required to be proposed 13 nos. in rural areas. The Post Offices and Sub
Post Offices shall be provided in the Neighbourhood Centers
 15-number of Police posts are required which shall be distributed in the urban and rural
 One Fire Station has been proposed in the Rural Area
 Three Banquet hall in urban area and three in rural area is proposed. Also three Community
Welfare Center is proposed in urban area to cater to the need of projected population
 Seven Housing Area Parks are required, one in urban area and six in rural area
 Two neighbourhood parks are proposed in urban area and three in rural area
 One Botanical Garden is proposed in the Planning Area
 Three Commercial Centers have been proposed in the Planning Area
 Retail Shopping
o Level I: City Level Shopping Center: One Central City Level Shopping center is envisaged
and strategically located at the heart of the town; a new town level magnet is proposed
to be developed at Sundernagar town
o Level II: Community Level Shopping Center: The Community centers are major shopping
complexes, which will be serving for reasonable selection of shops, Weekly Markets,
Post office, Dispensary, Petrol Pump, are also the centers of socio-cultural activities
where the people get together
o Level III: Neighbourhood Level Shopping Center: Within the residential land use, in new
developments, two categories of shopping centers shall be provided:
o Sector-level shopping center-45 to 50 shops for a population of 5000 persons
o Convenient shopping center-10 to 15 shops for a population of 1000 persons
 Informal Sector: The informal sector trade and services are scattered within the Planning
area. The informal sector units locate themselves strategically near work centers, commercial
areas, outside the boundaries of schools, colleges and hospitals, transport nodes and near
large housing clusters. It is proposed to integrate the informal sector in trade and services in
the planned development. This would be appropriately incorporated in the following
o Community Center o Primary/Secondary/Senior
o Neighbourhood Shopping Center Secondary/Integrated Schools
o Convenience Shopping Center o Parks
o Integrated Freight Complex o City/District/Community/Neighbo
o Hospital urhood Parks
o Bus terminal/Depot o Residential developments
o Industrial development
In all the above developments, 1% of the total area shall be reserved for informal
sector/vendor market development. This area shall have temporary construction not to be
included in coverage and FAR. At appropriate locations, reservations shall be made for night
shelters. Thus, the city plan makes provision for the informal service sector spread over the
city. Attractive design shall be prepared for the space for stationary and mobile vending.

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 Weekly Markets: The weekly markets and haats are a vital characteristic of Indian towns and
have a sense of rich cultural identity attached to them. Spaces shall be allotted for weekly
markets in the urban area.
9. Environment
 A buffer around the forest boundary needs to be maintained as per the HP TCP Rules, 2015.
The minimum distance of 5.00m from Forest boundary shall be maintained and minimum
distance from existing tree shall be 2.00 m
 No building activity shall be carried out within 100m from the boundary of the river Beas and
the same shall be maintained as green buffer zone. The construction shall be allowed at
distance of 3.00 M and 5.00 M from Nallah and Khad respectively
 The river front areas may be developed based on a landscape plan with proper shelter design
on the water expanse with attractive laser shows for tourists and visitors during festive
10. Tourism
 Sundarnagar Lake is also a major point of attraction which can be developed to enhance
Tourism in various following ways: -
o Develop proper pedestrian walkways surrounding the lake area with recreational
activities so that it will attract the tourists as well as the local people
o Parking area and proper pedestrian connectivity with that parking area to bund road
for easy accessibility for all pedestrians so that public can easily park their vehicles
and move towards the lake side
o Proposed Viewpoints at lake side with proper sitting arrangement for public
o Proposed Commercial Hub at existing bus terminal (as this is shifting) with proper
pedestrian foot over bridge to connect direct bund road to separate the pedestrian
movement from vehicular movement for safety movement of pedestrians
 To give a soothing view to the passer-by on the 4-lane expressway, floriculture is proposed
on the agricultural field adjacent to the Suketi Khad and the balancing reservoir
o Sundernagar has agro-climatic conditions best suited for horticulture and floriculture.
Horticulture is the mainstay of the rural economy, providing employment to large
number of local inhabitants. The 4-lane expressway will provide natural beauty and
picturesque locations.
o Enhancing natural resource awareness
o Maintaining, imporving, revitalizing and preserving local enviornment
o Developing image
o Presentation of tourism region
o Increasing number of tourists
o Promoting environmental responsibility

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Figure 11-2 Proposed Day View of Hill Top Tourist Destination Site overlooking Sundernagar Lake

 Floriculture as well as Horticulture is proposed on the southern side of MC area along the
Circular Road. Agro-eco-tourism is the latest concept in the Indian tourism industry, which
normally occurs on farms. This floriculture development will be a symbiotic association of
farming sector, tourism industry and farm business. It will provide the opportunity to
experience the real enchanting and authentic contact with nature, maintain the landscape of
the countryside and contribute to the vitality of rural communities and environmental
11. New Residential area has been proposed in Bhojpur
Agricultural land in the planning area will be converted to residential use. The extent of housing
disparity and unplanned growth is clearly affecting the planning area’s overall productivity and
competitiveness. The planning area needs to open up land to create a stock of publicly owned
and affordable housing within integrated, well-connected and environmentally protected
townships. Investment in longer-distance public transport, including on potential new routes that
link new decentralized employment opportunities, is one favored mechanism. Simplified
development procedures, and re-incentivisation of the rental sector can also be part of the
equation to ease pressure on middle and low-income housing.
12. Mahadev, Kaniad and Bhaur to function as growth nodes outside the urbanisable boundary
Planned townships that are being built away from major urban hubs and chaos are becoming
the need of urban residents provided with all essential components of daily life within walking
distance of each other. Growth Nodes outside the urbanisable boundary are the new hopes
when a town is already saturated, then outward movement is a better option compared to the

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congested vertical growth within the main town. These new growth nodes will offer a safe,
practical, healthy solution for modern living and provide an interesting counterpoint to the
congestion, chaos and frantic experience of urban life
13. The peri-urban area envisaged to be agriculture with natural growth of village settlements
The peri-urban fringes will have huge potential, as they will be the future extensions for self-
sustaining development. Population will increase due to rural-urban migration coupled with
infrastructure developments. This rise in population will be increasingly decentralized. The
process of peri-urbanization and rurbanization around the planning area will be a functional
integration of Sundernagar town and new residential neighborhoods established in the rural
14. Special Area Proposals
 Cultural and Recreational Complex
The hill top vantage point towards the southeastern side of sundernagar town is centrally located
in reference to the prime active nodes of the town. It is well surrounded by institutes of regional
and state importance and is almost 1.5 km away from the national highway making it suitable for
a city level recreational and cultural place.
Cut and fill on the buildable slopes must be discouraged and permissible upto maximum 15% of
the land available. The preferable solution will be to build on stilts and keep ground free for
public movement and natural growth. This landscape will also be an important catchment area
for regional tourists, being attracted for eco-tourism for presence of its breathtaking points,
nature screening, sunset point, Sundernagar Lake view and green open forests also increasing
employment opportunities for locals.
 Proposed area for non-built activities (upto 23%)
Comparatively plain land of above mentioned slope percentage must be used for large public
gathering activities, Public garden, parks and special gardens.
The permissible and permitted built uses are outdoor play areas, swimming pool, jogging tracks,
Open-air cinema and theatre for performance, Picnic huts and camping sites, Botanical and
zoological gardens.
 Proposed area for Built Form above 23%
Built form concerning to only public activities (i.e. cultural and recreational) must not be built
above 10 m height to immediate ground in any case. Minimum 70 % of the ground coverage of
building which is directly accessible should be kept for public use/left natural/can be
landscaped. Rest 30% can be enclosed and used for access to upper floors and for services.
The permissible built uses are:
Hotel or holiday resort with banquet and conference halls, restaurants and eateries, auditoriums
(closed and open), art gallery, museum and library, monuments, botanical and zoological
 Ribbon development along the roads, especially on the fringes
Ribbon development especially in hilly regions is a very common phenomenon. It is considered
as haphazard in nature and grows incrementally adjacent to major roads radiating outside the
city core/center. If kept unplanned it is certain to put additional pressure over the infrastructure

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and generate numerous conflict zones. To convert this “ribbon development” in to an asset a
detailed area based planning is in need. Although, the generic development regulations catering
to this type of development are as follows:
i. Polycentric nodes and their hierarchy: Development needs to be considered curbing the
haphazard ribbon development on the road edges along National highway.
ii. Access: At 500 m and 300 m offset
iii. Existing land use along the belt: (Based on the mentioned case references.)
iv. Buffer zone/ green belt: (Based on the mentioned case references)
v. Service road: (Based on the mentioned case references)

The identified stretches (3 no’s) in sundernagar radiating outside the city core with in the planning
boundary are as follows:
Stretch 1: Road connecting sundernagar and Shimla towards southeast has continuous dense
edge development on both sides. The development is majorly mixed use and commercial with
very less residential settlements. This road adjacent to B.B.M.S. is expecting major land and built
use changes because of upcoming cement plant at Keran adjacent to city planning limits.
Stretch 2: Road which connects Sundernagar and Mandi towards north has sparse edge
development and is comparatively on a flatter terrain. The land use contains a mix of residential,
commercial, public and semi – public, agriculture as well as industrial in some places. There are
some major roads connecting this national highway at intervals between 300 m – 900 m where a
mix of activities is existing.
Stretch 3: Road which connects Bilaspur and then Chandigarh has very sparse adjacent
development. It is in a valley between steep hills and runs parallel to a natural canal. There are no
major roads connecting the national highway and has majorly forestland with some pockets of
residential, mixed use and agriculture.

To curtail Ribbon Development on the NH-154 and SH-13, 12m wide service roads have been
proposed on either side on the NH/SH with limited and restricted entry and exist points
 New development is proposed to happen on the service roads thus solving problems of
keeping local distance traffic and pedestrians safe from the National Highway (NH) traffic.
 Service roads are used to control access to the major roads. Secondary roads joining the
primary road would merge with the service road first. The service road will provide access to
the major road only at regular but longer intervals (as per NHAI and IRC codes and
 Strict regulations for offsets from national highways and detail planning of buffer activities not
generating any heavy vehicular traffic clogging the highway.

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Table 11-2: Strategies for Curbing Ribbon Development

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:

Case 4:

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 New Town Area along the Upcoming City Bypass

With the construction of 4-lane expressway, the growth of the city will shift to the western edge
of the planning instead of prevailing ribbon development along the NH. In order to take maximum
advantage of the 4-lane expressway and have a planned development, it is envisaged to develop
the western edge as commercial-cum-institutional hub with MICE (Meetings, Incentives,
Conferencing, and Exhibitions) activities. If it is seen spatially, the BBMB colony and the activities
along it will act as the growth drivers of the city
This will help in infrastructure development and connectivity to prepare for the northerly and
easterly drift of business and employment clusters, and to ensure wider access to economic
development. This road bypass will help in the urban spatial growth, which will be determined by
relative rising land prices between the town and surrounding areas as well as by the profitability
of agriculture in surrounding areas. Developers in the town will respond to growing demand for
property, hence developing areas on the periphery. The development of this notably trunk
infrastructure will have a significant influence on the proposed development.
The 150 m wide development belt is comprised of four blocks of different combinations with
corner plot of each block to be used for commercial purposes and convention purposes.
The minimum interval of any access opening directly to main road is 500m (as per national
highway regulations). The access must be provided from the inner roads leading to inner local
roads or on the service road.
The land use wise development controls within the new area are as follows-
 Commercial: Permissible ground coverage is maximum 60% with 3 FAR and 21 m as
maximum permissible height. The permissible activities are commercial retail shops and shopping
malls, hotels, business and professional offices, conference halls, banquet halls, art galleries,
auditoriums, cinema halls, Social and welfare institutions, Convention centers. Top floors to be
used for open recreational activities such as restaurants, eateries, conference and meeting halls,
party areas etc.
 Institutional: The institutional land use adjacent to the commercial corner has 30% ground
coverage with 0.75 FAR. A mix of more than two activities permissible under the assigned land use
is encouraged. The permissible activities include Universities and specialised educational institute,
polytechnic, colleges, research and development centers, social and welfare centers, libraries,
social and cultural institutes, conference halls, exhibition centers, auditoriums, open air theatre,
recreational club, playground, banks, police station/police posts, public utilities and buildings.
Although, the restricted activities after permissions from concerned authorities are Residential
flat and residential plot for staff employees, hostels, water supply installations, service stations,
daily commercial shops.
 Recreational: Open green parks with recreational and community development activities,
playgrounds, Clubs, outdoor stadiums with/ without health center for players and staff, Sports
training centers, specialized parks/maidans for multiuse, swimming pool, Library, public utilities.
 Root Zone Park: A specialized wetland / root zone park functioning as a city level
recreational park to be used for cleaning the treated sewerage water primarily for ground water
recharge. The root zone reactors will help in maintaining various demands like DO, BOD, COD and
nitrate and phosphorus levels in water. It will also cater to the future needs of treatment of
wastewater through natural ways intending to increase dependency on the natural methods.

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 Lake Front Development Proposals

The Lake (Balancing Reservoir) Edge is under frequent transformation since conception and is
prone to change in future with major inflow of economic and tourist activities in and around the
town. The scattered green lands are continuously being encroached resulting haphazard growth.
A regulated and planned development especially for edge control is proposed to limit the public
activities at specific junctions and areas with a green belt as buffer to be controlled as no built
zone. It also further enhances the town character and liveability by utilizing this asset.
The already active lake edge is recalibrated and reorganized to be used only for public activities
with existing B.B.M.B functions. A mix of certain activities and functions are proposed which can
be achieved through 3 type of interventions; a more transparent and accessible movement
system, mix of certain permissible activities at junctions and guidelines for land use with built use
regulations of the water edge.
The elaboration of the same are as follows:
Accessibility: The town is well accessible regionally and is connected with important cities like
mandi and shimla. After the alignment of new 4-lane by-pass road, the restructuring of lake bund
road and surroundings is required. To ensure the smooth and safe connections to the city from
both north and south side around the lake few linages are proposed. These connections further
unlock potential growth areas of the city.
Bund Road (Inner Ring Road): The existing bund road has a vehicular access and users park their
vehicles haphazardly on road edge. A proposal comprising shorter vehicular loops designated
parking areas and a parallel connection will discourage vehicular parking and frequent access. The
bund road is already being used for public activities and pedestrian movement although there is
huge lack of amenities. A walkable and shaded walkway along water with streetlights, seating
areas, toilets and viewpoint at various intervals will encourage pedestrian movement and
discourage vehicular traffic.
Outer Ring Road: The fragmented exiting city roads are connected together to make an outer ring
road around lake bund ring road. This also connects further to the upcoming 4-lane by-pass and
establishes the only connection from the new town area to the main town. This strategic
intervention further decongests the town’s inner lanes and bund road by encouraging and
facilitating pedestrian movement.
Across bund: To encourage pedestrian movement towards the lakefront and discourage vehicular
traffic, some strategic pedestrian connects (steps) are being proposed with possible parking areas
at or near those junctions. These connections will improve the neighbourhood and city level
connections to water edge.
Nodes: Certain nodes of neighbourhood, city and regional level importance are proposed at
intervals where any important connection (vehicular or pedestrian) is meeting the inner ring road.
The distance between these nodes range from 300 - 450 m which is a comfortable distance for
walking. These will be well equipped with public amenities and facilities with possible parking
areas encouraging pedestrian movements around lake. They will also have recreational and
mixed-use functions accordingly based on the potential and availability of developable and
accessible land. The proposed uses at these junctions are movable/temporary kiosks for food and
snacks, public toilets, drinking water points, shaded seating/gazeebos.
A system of secondary node can also be developed at the junctions leading to inner ring road
form outer. These junctions have potential to exploit the characters of a pause point facilitated

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with mixed use, commercial and public land and built use functions. They can also be used for
parking vehicles encouraging further pedestrian movement.
Refer Figure 11-3 Proposed Node Development at Lake Front.
Land Use and Built Use: The land use and built use regulation ensures controlled and spot based
development by permitting certain change in land uses and restricting no-built green zones
around the lake reservoir edge to be used purely for public and recreational activities. The
categories mentioned below are further elaboration of the same.
Green Belt: A green belt buffer around Reservoir Lake is proposed and can be divide as below-
Afforestation area to be used primarily for dense plantation. These are primarily forestlands,
which will have minimum or no public activities/movement.
Accessible green areas comprise primarily agriculture land (floriculture and similar activities) and
buffer areas to natural water canal. These will be permissible for creating any access (crossover)
and for creating water cleaning and rainwater collection systems.
The existing Public Park, playgrounds and gardens with public facilities and walkways require no
permanent building.
Government Land (Developable Land):
1. Land parcel 1: The land became more accessible after proposed ring road, which is adjoining
the land and connecting 4-lane road to existing National Highway. The permissible use
proposed is Social and Cultural activities. This Community Hub will provide a central access
point for a range of needed health and social services, along with cultural, recreational, and
green spaces to nourish community life. It will be a gathering place for communities to live,
build and grow together.
2. Land parcel 2: After relocation of existing city bus stand the land parcel available has been
proposed to be redeveloped as a Flea Market and Fair Ground. This Flea market will be a type
of bazaar that will include clothing, jewelry, handicrafts, souvenirs, books, accessories, bags,
household items etc, by vendors and will attract tourists as well as locals.
3. Land parcel 3: The land adjoining BSNL colony on the opposite side of the reservoir. This land
has been proposed to be redeveloped for Cultural Center. The proposed centers would be
centers of excellence for promotion of various visual arts like painting, sculpture and ceramics
and performing arts like music, dance, theatre, etc. It will have a specialized role in promoting
and training people in visual and performing arts.
Mixed Use: The land adjacent to lake edge and directly accessible to the bund road is proposed to
have a mix of offices, commercial and hospitality. The land adjacent to lake edge has specified
land use assignments and are segregated based on-
1. Directly accessible or non-accessible.
2. Developable or non-developable.
3. Land from where water is directly visible or not.

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Figure 11-3 Proposed Node Development at Lake Front

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The Land Use of an area deals with the various socio-economic activities occurring in a particular
area/ land. It is one of the most important aspect of a development plan as it helps study the spatial
development pattern. The chapter will feature the existing and proposed pattern of development of
the planning area through the study of various land use categories such as residential, commercial,
public semi-public, recreational, religious, etc. and the type of structure occupying the specific

12.1 Land Use Classification

The land use plan has been prepared on the contoured Base Map provided by AGiSAC (Aryabhatta
Geo Informatics Space Application Centre), Department of Environment, Science and Technology,
Shimla. The base map has been prepared on IKONOS-2 satellite image having 1.0 m resolution. After
interpretation of land utilisation or land cover from the satellite imagery, a predominant land use
survey was conducted to identify the various land uses within the planning area.
As the planning area comprises of both urban and rural areas, the land use classification adopted is
comprised of urban and regional level land uses as specified in the URDPFI guidelines with reference
to the Census of India. Consequently, two level classification of land use have been adopted for the
planning area (Refer Table 12-1).
Table 12-1: Land Utilization and Classification
Landuse Classification Land Use Sub-Classification Code
Existing R-1
1 Residential Use
Proposed R-2
Retail Shopping Zone and Service Sector C-1
2 Commercial Use Hospitality: Hotels/Lodges C-2
Wholesale, Go‐downs, Warehousing/ Regulated markets C-3
Residential and Commercial M-1
3 Mixed Use
Residential and Household Industries M-2
4 Industrial Use I
Govt./ Semi Govt. / Public Offices PS-1
Educational and Institutional PS-2
Medical and Health PS-3
5 Public/Semi-Public Use
Heritage and Socio-Cultural PS-4
Public Amenities/Utilities and Services PS-5
Govt Land (Undetermined) PS-6
Playgrounds/ Stadium/ Sports Complex P-1
6 Recreational Use Parks & Gardens – Public open spaces P-2
Multi‐open space (Maidan) P-3
7 Transport Use
Railway T-1

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Landuse Classification Land Use Sub-Classification Code
Bus Depots/ Truck Terminals T-2
Parking T-3
Agriculture PA-1
Plantation PA-2
8 Primary Activity Use
Forest PA-3
Brick Kiln/ Mud Quarry PA-4
Water bodies E-1
Protected & Protected Forest
9 E-2
Undevelopable Use
Green Belt/Buffer E-3
10 Special Area S
Source: Based on Directorate of Land Records, Census of India, 2011 and URDPFI Guidelines 2014

12.2 Existing Land Use Plan

Based on the AGISAC information, the total land in Sundernagar Planning Area (2557.43 Ha) only
510.40 Ha i.e., 19.96 % is developable and remaining 2047.01 Ha i.e., 80.04 % is non-developable.
Of the total land, about 69.42 % is under residential area. Transportation, which includes roads,
parking areas and other transportation facilities, constitutes an area of 1.00 Ha i.e., 0.20% of the
total area. The commercial area, public and semi-public area and mixed use in Sundernagar Planning
Area account for nearly 4.673 %, 12.01 % and 7.01 % of total developed area respectively. In the
Planning area, recreational landuse comprises of 8.33 Ha of land which is 1.63 % of the total area.
Table 12.2 shows the land use distribution of Sundernagar Planning Area.

12.2.1 Residential Use

Sundernagar comprises of 354.30 Ha of area under residential use which works out to be 69.42 % of
the Planning Area. The residential areas are generally occupied by two to three storeyed houses. The
housing areas are sprawling along the highways, around the old town, government colonies such
BBMB Colony, village abadis and in the agricultural fields. The old residential localities are located
along the Purana Bazar and old Bus Stand in the central area town. The new extensions are coming
up along the two National Highways particularly in Bhojpur. The BBMB Colony occupies the major
residential area in the town and is the largest government housing colony in the planning area.
Residential use intermix with the commercial use is a common phenomenon. Shops on ground floor
and residential use in the upper floors is a common sight on the major roads within the town.

12.2.2 Commercial Use

Most of the commercial establishments are located along NH-154, in the Purana Bazzar area and in
the vicinity of the Main Market near the Bus stand. NH-154 is highly commercialised starting from
the PWD rest house upto the Bus stand and forms the hub of all trade and commerce in the town.
Apart from this, there is a Subzi Mandi at junction of NH-154 and SH-13 and a timber market-cum-
building material market along Mahadev Road (SH-13). The commercial use consists of 23.85 Ha
which is 4.67 % of the Planning Area. The Commercial actvity in the form of ribbon development is a
common phenomenon along the NH and SH.

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12.2.3 Public and Semi Public Use

The total land under public and semi-public use is 61.29 Ha which is 12.01 % of the total Planning
Area. The area under public and semi-public use include facilities comprising of education, health,
postal, police etc. including government and semi-government offices and utilities including water
supply, sewerage, electricity, telephone establishments and garbage disposal sites.

12.2.4 Traffic and Transportation Use

The road network and transportation facilities covers about 0.20 % of the total Planning Area. The
major roads of the planning area i.e., NH-154, SH-13 and other lower order roads connect various
residential areas of the town. The area under-transportation facilities are bus stand, taxi stand and
parking lots.

12.2.5 Recreational Use

Sundernagar being the hub of education has a lot of playgrounds to cater to the physical and sports
needs of the students. In the Planning area, recreational landuse comprises of 8.33 Ha of land which
is 1.63 % of the total area. The forests in and around the town are also serving as Open Spaces.
Conservation of green area within the planning area will lead to reduction in deterioration of the
natural environment and will add to breathing spaces for the surrounding region also.

12.2.6 Industrial Use

Industrial landuse constitutes 5.07 % of the Planning Area. Industries include Supply and
Manufacturing units of iron, wood and steel fabrication based products, paper products, auto- repair
and services etc. There is a project of Cement factory which has been initiated by the government in
Keran. At present the government has given stay order for the factory project in terms of
environment clearance along with the proceedings of land acquisition which may take next few
more years for getting necessary approvals and establishment of the factory.
12.2.7 Primary Activity
Primary Activity comprises of 77.94 % of the Planning Area. Primary Activity landuse has been
categorised into agriculture, forest and brick kiln. An area of 86.37 Ha is under Protected Forest
which is 3.38 % of the Planning Area.
12.2.8 Water Bodies Use
The area under water bodies primarily the lake or the balancing resevior, canal, nullahs and khad is
112.00 Ha which is 5.47 % of the Planning Area.
The following table gives the details about the existing Landuse of Sundernagar Planning Area.
Table 12.2: Land Use Distribution, 2016
Landuse Area (in
Sl.No. Type Type Detailed In %
Code Ha)
1 Residential Residential R-1 354.3045 69.42
2 Commercial Commercial C-1 23.85 4.67
3 Mixed Mixed M-1 35.77 7.01
4 Public Semi-Public Public Semi-Public PSP 61.29 12.01
5 Industrial Industrial I 25.86 5.07
Playgrounds P-1 6.84 1.34
6 Recreational
Parks P-2 1.49 0.29

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Landuse Area (in

Sl.No. Type Type Detailed In %
Code Ha)
7 Transportation Transportation T 1 0.20
Developable Area 510.4045 100.00
Agriculture PA-1 1595.5 77.94
8 Primary Activity Forest PA-3 216.55 10.58
Brick Kiln PA-4 36.59 1.79
9 Protected Forest Protected Forest E-2 86.37 4.22
10 Waterbodies Waterbodies E-1 112 5.47
Grand Total 2557.43 100
Refer Annexures for the Existing Landuse Map.
12.3 Land Allocation Mechanism

Allocation of developable land for different uses in line with the requirements envisaged for the next
20 years i.e. upto the year 2035 is made and proposed land-use structure devised accordingly. The
various landuses have been proposed keeping in view the availability of developable land in each
sector, holding capacity in terms of population and activities, existing landuse of the area,
development potentials, conformity of landuse of its surrounding areas, threshold population for
facilities, locational attributes of amenities, site characteristics, convenient distance of work areas
from residential area, land values etc.
As the Government land is scarce almost entire infrastructural development including roads,
commercial activities, residential activities, has to take place on private land in accordance with
population of the area, topographical conditions and potentials and propensities of land. The land
owners, however, resist for any sort of proposal for community uses and compel the authorities to
change the proposals. Further detailing of proposals will have to be done in accordance with
prescribed zoning and sub-divisions regulations by the local bodies in primarily built up areas, the
Revenue Department and the development agency through limited land acquisition, land pooling
reconstitution mechanism involving land owners in the new areas.
Uses pertaining to various economic activities like trade, commerce, tourism, industries and income
generating amenities if, segregated and provided separately in patches, are unsustainable. Similarly,
facilities and services like schools, nursing homes, banks, telephone exchange and other financial
institutions also needs to be close proximity of the habitation. On the contrary, Government and
Semi-Government Offices, Postal Facilities, Police Service etc. are essentially town level facilities
which can be at a central location away from the habitation as well. The Development Plan,
therefore, addresses the central and local activities for town level/regional and sectoral pursuits
respectively. The related requirements thereof including parking, parks, open spaces and circulation
networks are to be detailed out in view of the local setting in accordance with the prescribed zoning

12.4 Proposed Land Use Plan

12.4.1 Residential Use

Existing Population Density of 85 pph is within range as per URDPFI guidelines same has been
considered for Proposed Population Density. An area of 448.51 Ha (53.18 %) has been proposed for
the residential purpose within the urbanisable area. The residential areas are proposed to be

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developed in the surroundings of the Municipal Council Areas around the existing settlements and
along the proposed 4-lane expressway.

12.4.2 Commercial Use

A total area of 26.03 Ha (3.09 %) has been proposed for Commercial Use Most of the commercial
facilities have been proposed within the urbanisable area in order to cater to the residing
Shopping centers are proposed to be developed along with hotels and hospitality industries and
requisite infrastructure, along the proposed 4-lane expressway in Dodhu and Kalohad villages.
Moreover, the Development Plan envisages to prepare improvement schemes for the existing
shopping center to ensure improvement in environmental quality.
To cater to the incoming tourist in the town, land for boarding and lodging of future tourist traffic
has been allotted within the urbanisable limits of the Sundernagar Planning Area along with other
conforming land uses.
12.4.3 Mixed Use
An area of 38.91 Ha (4.61 %) has been allocated for mixed use development with the planning area.
Mixed use zones have been proposed along the National and State Highway.
12.4.4 Industry Use
As area of 30.36 Ha (3.60 %) has been allocated for industrial development with the planning area. It
is proposed to accommodate agro based, horticulture and forest based industries and IT and ITeS
industries apart from handicraft and cottage industries in form of organized industrial area.

12.4.5 Public and Semi Public Use

The Public and Semi-Public Use includes utilities, facilities, services, Government and Semi
Government offices and Institutions. The Utilities i.e. water supply, sewerage, drainage, electricity,
telephone establishments, garbage disposal etc. and Facilities like education, health, postal, police,
fire fighting, banking etc. besides Government and semi Government offices etc. have been given
due consideration for allocation of a land for this purpose in the Development plan. These
Institutions have extraneous influence zone beyond the immediate hinterland. These institutions are
proposed to be developed through their own mechanism by the respective authorities.
Proposed public and semi-public facilities is 78.91 Ha (9.36 %) comprising of utilities, facilities and
services in. the Planning Area by the year 2035.
12.4.6 Recreational Use
An area of 32.01 Ha (3.80 %) has been proposed for organised parks and open spaces. The open
forests in and around the town also serve as recreational spaces to the town. Besides them, a
Botanical and a Zoological park has also been proposed in the Bari.
12.4.7 Traffic and Transportation Use
As the town has grown along the NH-154, there is a lot of regional traffic on these roads for which
improvement in road network is proposed. The Development Plan envisages to provide parking lots
on outskirts of the existing built up area to meet with the requirements of increasing traffic volume
on major entry points to already congested town.
An area of 188.65 Ha (22.37 %) has been proposed for Traffic and Transportation Use. Additional
requirement of land is for new bus terminal, parking, truck terminal and taxi stand.

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Additional area required for projected population in 2035 (In Ha)

Additional area required
for projected population
Sl.No. Type in 2035 (In Ha) Remark
Range 50-55%
1 Residential 88.5 considered 52.5% residential landuse
Shopping Centers proposed along 4 lane
2 Commercial 2 expressway
Proposed along the National and State
3 Mixed 3 Highway
4 Public Semi-Public 15
Agro-based, Horticulture, IT based and forest
5 Industrial 4.5 based industries
6 Recreational 26 Proposed Organised Parks & Open Spaces
Proposed For Parking Areas, Terminals and
7 Transportation 22 Road widening
Total 161
Table 12.3: Land Use Distribution, 2035
SI.No. Type Type Detailed Landuse Code Area (in Ha) In %
1 Residential Residential R -1, R-2 448.51 53.18
2 Commercial Commercial C-1 26.03 3.09
3 Mixed Mixed M-1 38.91 4.61
4 Public Semi-Public Public Semi-Public PSP 78.91 9.36
5 Industrial Industrial I 30.36 3.60
6 Recreational Playgrounds P-1 6.31 0.75
Parks P-2 25.70 3.05
7 Transportation Transportation T 188.65 22.37
Developable Area 843.38 100.00
8 Primary Activity Agriculture PA-1 1261.42 73.61
Forest PA-3 241.63 14.10
Brick Kiln PA-4 18.15 1.06
9 Protected Forest Protected Forest E-2 86.04 5.02
10 Waterbodies Waterbodies E-1 80.23 4.68
11 Green Buffer Green Buffer E-3 26.19 1.53
Grand Total 2557.43 100.00
Refer Annexures for the Proposed Land Use Map 2035.

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This chapter presents a brief overview of the Development Promotion/Control Regulations to
promote and regulate development controls for building(s) within use premises in accordance with
the development policies and land use proposals for the study area. The regulations will act as a
mechanism to grant permissions for creation of infrastructure facilities for the city and also to
implement the broad land use policies for the study area.
13.1 Objective of the Regulation
Regulations/Building Bye Laws are legal tools for development control used to regulate ground
coverage, height and architectural design and construction aspects of buildings to achieve orderly
development of an area. They are statutory in nature and serve to protect buildings against fire,
earth quake, noise, structural failures and other hazards. They also safeguard appropriate indoor
environment for inhabitants with natural light & ventilation. Regulations/Building Bye Laws also
helps to avoid encroachments and protect the road right of way.
All mandatory regulations w.r.t. Development Plan/ Development Control Regulations regarding use,
coverage, FAR, set-backs, open spaces, height, number of stories, number of dwelling units, parking
standards etc., for various categories of buildings, including modifications therein, made from time
to time, shall be applicable mutatis-mutandis in the Building Regulations as well. All amendments/
modifications made in these Regulations will automatically be included as part of the Development
Control Regulations.
13.2 Jurisdiction of Regulations
These Regulations shall apply to the sub-division of land and building activities in the Sundernagar
Planning Area. The detail of Revenue Mohals falling in Sundernagar Planning Area is as under:
Table 13-1: Components of Sundernagar Planning Area
Sl. No. Name of Revenue Villages Area Included Hadbast No. Area (In Ha.)
1 Bhaur Completely 4 188.43
2 Kanaid Completely 6 167.92
3 Chowk Completely 7 162.92
4 Jugahan Completely 8 76.94
5 Bharjwanoo Completely 9 158.03
6 Mahadev Completely 10 162.59
7 Ghangal Completely 14 102.32
8 Kalohad Partly 27 31.99
9 Dodhu Partly 30 53.70
10 Derdu Partly 34 6.60
11 Thala Partly 35 27.82
12 Chamukha Completely 41 202.74
13 Bahot Completely 25 69.41
14 Ropa Completely 26/1 76.39
15 DPF Changar (B) Completely 26/2 1.52
16 DPF Changar (A) Completely 26/3 9.95

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Sl. No. Name of Revenue Villages Area Included Hadbast No. Area (In Ha.)
17 Sundernagar Colony Completely 26/4 118.74
18 Purana Nagar Completely 26/5 45.63
19 Bhojpur Completely 26/6 98.49
20 Pungh Completely 26/7 120.59
21 Sundernagar Completely 26/8 376.05
22 Bari Completely 26/9 299.16
Total 2557.43
Source: TCP Department

13.3 Applicability of Regulations

Except hereinafter or otherwise provided, these Regulations shall apply to: -
i. all new development and re-development of a plot
ii. sub-division of land
iii. erection and/or re-erection of a building
iv. and all building activities
These Regulations shall be read in conjunction with the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country
Planning Act, 1977 and the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Rules, 2014 as amended
from time to time and shall be applicable for a period for which this Development Plan has been
prepared, after which these shall be reviewed. Till such time the reviewed Regulations are notified,
these will continue to be in force.
13.3.1 New Development and Re-development
Redevelopment is replacement of the existing built-up environment and enables co-creation of a
new layout with enhanced infrastructure and increased density. These Regulations applies to the
design, construction or re-construction and additions and alterations of new & existing buildings
within the plot.
13.3.2 Part Construction
In case of part construction, where the whole or part of a building is demolished, altered, or re-
constructed, except where otherwise specifically stipulated, these Regulations shall apply only to the
extent of the work involved.
13.3.3 Re-construction
The re-construction in whole or part of a building which has ceased to operate due to fire, natural
collapse or demolition having been declared unsafe, or which is likely to be demolished, as the case
may be, these Regulations shall apply.
13.3.4 Existing approved building
Nothing in these Regulations shall require the removal, alteration or abandonment, nor prevent
continuance of the lawfully established use or occupancy of an existing approved building unless, in
the opinion of the Competent Authority, such a building is unsafe or constitutes a hazard to the
safety of adjacent property or to the occupants of the building itself.
13.4 Development Permission
Development or re-development shall carry out including sub-division on any plot or land (not
forming part of any approved layout plan or scheme) after obtaining approval for the layout plan
from the Competent Authority only.

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13.5 Building Permission

13.5.1 Building Permission
Any person intending to erect, re-erect or make addition/ alterations in any building or cause the
same to be done shall first obtain appropriate building permission for each such building from the
Competent Authority.
The following items of works are exempted from the above Regulation:
(i) Plastering/cladding and patch repairs, except for the Heritage Buildings where Heritage
Conservation Committee’s permission is required.
(ii) Re-roofing or renewal of roof including roof of intermediate floor at the same height.
(iii) Flooring and re- flooring.
(iv) Opening windows, ventilators and doors opening within the owners plot.
(v) Rehabilitation/repair of fallen bricks, stones, pillars, beams etc.
(vi) Construction or re- construction of sunshade not more than 0.75 Metre in width within one’s
own land and not overhanging over a public street.
(vii) Construction or re-construction of parapet and also construction or reconstruction of
boundary walls as permissible under Bye Laws.
(viii) White washing, painting etc. including erection of false ceiling in any floor at the permissible
clear height provided the false ceiling in no way can be put to use as a loft /mezzanine floor
(ix) Reconstruction of portions of buildings damaged by storm, rains, fire, earthquake or any other
natural calamity to the same extent as existed prior to the damage as per sanctioned plan,
provided the use conforms to provisions of Development Plan.
(x) Erection or re-erection of internal partitions provided the same are within the preview of the
(xi) For erection of Lifts in existing buildings in residential plotted development (low–rise).
(xii) Change/ Installation/ re-arranging/ relocating of fixtures or equipments without hindering
other’s property/ public property shall be permitted.
(xiii) Landscaping
(xiv) Toilet/Washroom, Security Room, up to a maximum area of 9.00 M2 only (permitted within
setback area, provided it does not obstruct fire vehicles movement) in plot more than 3000
(xv) A Porta cabin up to 4.50 M2 permitted within setback area, provided it does not obstruct fire
vehicles movement.
13.5.2 Grant, Refusal and Deemed to be Sanctioned
If within the time limit stipulated in the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act, 1977 as
amended from time to time for various categories of buildings specified therein or the Competent
Authority fails to intimate in writing to the person, who has applied for permission of its refusal or
sanction or any intimation, the application with its plans and statements shall be deemed to have
been sanctioned;
Provided that the fact is immediately brought to the notice of the Competent Authority in writing by
the person; and

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Subject to the conditions mentioned in these Bye-laws, nothing shall be constructed to authorize any
person to do anything in contravention or against the terms of lease or titles of the land or against
any other Regulations, Bye-laws or Ordinance operating on the site of the work.
In case the Competent Authority rejects the application due to any reasons, the applicant can re-
submit the building plan along with fees and with compliances.
13.6 Already permitted buildings
Building permission issued by the Competent Authority before these Regulations come in to effect
and where construction is in progress and has not been completed within the specified period from
the date of such permission, the said permission shall be deemed to be valid and shall only be
eligible for re-validation thereunder. Accordingly, where the validity of permission has expired, such
construction shall be governed by the provisions of these Regulations. If the validity of permission
has not expired and construction has not being started, such applicants may revise the layout plan as
per these regulations.
13.7 Procedure for obtaining Permission
13.7.1 Application
The application for development of land to be undertaken on behalf of the Union or State
Government under Section 28 and under Section 29 by a Local Authority or any Authority specially
constituted under the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act, 1977 as amended from
time to time shall be accompanied by such documents as prescribed under Rule- 14 of the Himachal
Pradesh Town and Country Planning Rules, 2014. The application for development of land to be
undertaken under Section 30 by any person not being the Union or State Government, Local
Authority or any Authority specially constituted under the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country
Planning Act, 1977 as amended from time to time shall be in such Form along with the Specifications
Sheet and Schedule attached with these Forms and containing such documents and with such fee as
prescribed under Rule 16 of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Rules, 2014.
All the applications shall be made online.
The procedure documents to be submitted online shall be as prescribed in the Himachal Pradesh
Town and Country Planning web portal i.e.,
13.7.2 Documents Required
Apart from above, the applicant shall furnish the following additional documents namely: Administrative Documents:
1. A copy of Ownership documents, i.e. latest original Jamabandi.
2. Latest original Tatima showing Khasra number of land in question, adjoining Khasra numbers
from all sides of plot and width of the approach path/road.
3. Copy of Treasury Challan Form vide which requisite fee has been deposited.
4. To avail any compensatory benefits due to land acquisition for any public infrastructure a
certificate from the Municipal council/Nagar Panchayat or Gram Panchayat or Competent
Authority as the case may be, shall be enclosed in support of claim for compensatory benefits. Technical Documents:
1. Location Plan in the Scale of 1:1000, with North direction indicating the land in question, main
approach roads, important physical features of the locality/area, important public buildings like
School, Hospital, Cinema, Petrol Pump etc. and surrounding ownership.

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2. Site Plan in the scale of 1:200 with North direction indicating the proposed site, approach road,
adjoining buildings, the existing and proposed utility infrastructure such as drainage and
sewerage, water supply and power including the built-up area and open area clearly. Site must
tally with the shape and dimensions of plot shown in the Tatima.
3. Building Plan showing floor plans, elevations and sections in the scale of 1: 100. The architectural
drawings duly signed by the private professionals registered under Appendix-10 of Himachal
Pradesh Town and Country Planning Rules 2014 as amended from time to time.
4. Recommended notation for colouring of plans: The site and building plans shall be coloured as
specified in the table given below. Where items of work are not identified, the colouring
notation used shall be indexed
Table 13-2: Colouring of Plans
Sr. No. Item Site Plan Building Plan RGB Codes for
soft copies
1. Plot lines Thick Black Thick Black 0,0,0
2. Existing Street Green …… 0,128,0
3. Future Street (if any) Green dotted …… 0,128,0
4. Permitted building line Thick dotted …… 0,0,0
5. Existing work (Outline) Black Black 0,0,0
6. Work proposed to be demolished Yellow hatched Yellow hatched 255,255,0
7. Proposed—
(a)Additions/Alterations. (a) Red (a) Red 255,0,0
(b) Entirely new work (b)Not to be (b)Not to be
coloured coloured
8. Drainage Red dotted Red dotted 255,0,0
9. Water Supply Blue dotted Blue dotted 0,0,255

5. In the Site Plan, the horizontal distance of electricity line, from development as per Indian
Electricity Rules, in case any electricity line is passing over or nearby the proposed site shall be
6. A certificate from the Nagar Panchayat or Gram Panchayat or Competent Authority, as the case
may be, shall be enclosed to claim compensatory benefit in support of taking over the land
surrendered for development of road/ path/ public facility or amenities/ infrastructure. The land
surrendered for development of Public Street/ Facility/ Infrastructure shall be registered by the
Revenue Authority as Public Purpose. Provided that the applicant shall be compensated by
allowing the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) on the surrendered land for public purpose.
Note- Total plot area shall also include the area surrendered for public purpose so that applicant
shall not lose the FAR for any land surrendered in public interest by utilising that FAR on the
remaining land.
7. The structural stability certificate and soil investigation report shall be submitted by the
applicant on submission of planning permission case and at the time of completion of structure
and before occupancy duly singed by the registered Structural Engineer as per Form -15 of the
Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Rules 2014 as amended from time to time.

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13.8 General Regulations

The following General Regulations shall apply to all development activities in the Sundernagar
Planning Area: -
1. Development proposal for a part of land or total land shall be considered for sub - division
/Development keeping in view the interest of individuals according to the provision of applicable
regulations and future scope of planned development of total area.

2. No yard or plot existing at the time of coming into force of these Regulations shall be reduced in
dimension or area below the minimum requirement set forth herein. The yards or plots created
after the effective date of these requirements shall meet at least the minimum requirements
established by these regulations. All the plots registered prior to coming into force of these
regulations shall be treated as plots irrespective of their size subject to the condition that3.00m
wide path abutting one side of plot will be the basic requirement. If 3.00m wide path is not
available at site and if it is less in width then the owner shall surrender the remaining land from
his plot to make the path as 3.00M wide, in such cases the benefit of additional FAR considering
the area left for path under total plot area shall be given and no fee for such area shall be

3. Where it is essential to develop a plot by cutting, it shall be the responsibility of the plot owner
to provide according to the engineering specifications, retaining and breast walls so that such
natural profile of land may not harm the adjoining uphill side properties. However, cutting of
natural profile shall not exceed more than 3.50 Metre in any case having a provision of
diaphragm wall for step housing and maximum acceptable slope for development shall be 45
4. Maximum height of plinth level shall be 2.00M provided that no slab will be in between.
5. Building footprint should be such that nothing intrudes on to the streets and adjoining
6. Minimum permissible distance between two blocks constructed on a plot shall be 5.00 Meter or
one third of the height of the taller building, whichever is more.
7. The height of the room for human habitation shall not be less than 2.75 Metre and maximum
3.50 Metre measured from the surface of the floor to the soffit of the slab, provided that the
minimum headway under any beam shall not be less than 2.40 Metres. The height of floors
other than human habitation would be as per the requirement of the facility/use subject to
restriction of overall height of the structure.
8. No boundary wall, fence and hedge along any yard or plot shall exceed 1.50 Metre in height. But
keeping in view of site condition and security requirement of the building, the height of
boundary wall may be permitted maximum up to 2.10 metre, in such a manner that it may not
impede the vision on corner plot bounded by vehicular road in any area to avoid accidents and
for smooth running of vehicular traffic.
9. On a corner plot bounded by a vehicular road in any land use zone or area, minimum 2.00 metre
additional set back area shall be maintained and nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or
allowed to grow in such a manner to avoid accidents and for smooth running of vehicular traffic.
10. No construction shall be allowed within 5.00 Metre distance from the existing forest or green
belt boundary and within radius of 2.00m from an existing tree. The distance shall be measured
from the circumference of tree.

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11. Minimum building width of 5.00 Metre be ensured after leaving setbacks. In case of plots having
irregular shape & area, minimum relaxation in setbacks can be considered to achieve min. 5.00
m building width. There will be no side setbacks in case of row housing.
12. No construction activities shall be allowed within a belt of 25 m/ 10m/ 5m from the boundary of
the river/khad/ Nallah respectively.
13. Natural nallahs which pass through land involving division shall be developed and maintained
according to discharge of water.
14. The existing non-conforming uses of land and buildings, if continued after coming into force of
this Development Plan shall not be allowed in contravention of provisions of section-26 of
Himachal Pradesh Town & Country Planning Act, 1977.
15. The planning permission for development shall be granted if the path is developed or it is
entered in revenue or it is transferred in the name of concerned ULB/Gram Panchayat.
16. In case of existing areas, the Front and Rear setbacks need not be left and existing building line
can be maintained provided further that the existing buildings are approved by the competent
17. Drainage shall be regulated strictly according to natural profile of land with a view to prevent
landslides, soil erosion and to maintain sanitation.
18. In case of Petrol Filling Station, the layout plan /norms of the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) shall
be adopted. However, on National Highways and State Highways the Front setback shall be kept
as 8.00metre from acquired width of Highway. If the Rear and Side setbacks are not maintained
in the layout plan of IOC then the sides and rear setbacks shall be 2.00 metre minimum.
19. Provisions for parking shall be mandatory whereas feasible. The maximum Height of parking
floor shall be 3.00 metre for residential use and 4.00 m for other uses with shear walls on all the
three sides. The parking floor shall be over and above the permissible F.A.R. In case space as per
requirement for parking is available in open over and above the setbacks, condition of parking
floor shall not be insisted.
20. Multilevel parking floors shall be allowed in Government and public undertaking buildings and in
commercial uses wherever feasible. The regulations of public and semi-public use shall be
applicable to the Multilevel-parking floor in Govt. Buildings. The Regulations of Commercial Uses
shall be applicable for multilevel parking floors propose in Commercial uses. Though one parking
floor is mandatory yet, second parking floor can be constructed which will be optional. Parking
floor more than one shall be counted towards F.A.R in commercial, residential, others uses
except in the case of Govt. Buildings subject to the height of building restriction and structure
21. Sloping roof shall be mandatory. The CGI sheets on rooftop and MS sheet 0.24 wide Facia shall
be painted in post office red or Grey green colour or any other colour confirming to the natural
roofing material. Height of sloping roof zero at eaves level and maximum 2.75 M at center shall
be permissible. The dormer at suitable distance on either side of the roof shall be permissible
subject to the condition that the ridge of the Dormer shall be below the ridge of main roof. The
1/3rd area of top floor shall be allowed as open terrace wherever sloping roof is provided.
22. Rooftop @ 12 sq. mtr. 1 Kilo Watt peak (KWp) shall be used for Solar Photovoltaic (PV)
installations in public and semi-public buildings, and tourism unit.
23. Issuance of NO Objection Certificate (NOC) for water supply and electricity and sewerage
connection shall be as under:-
(a) Temporary at plinth level.
(b) Permanent on completion of dwelling unit/floor/whole building as per approval.
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24. Any subsequent deviations made in the building constructed after getting the plan approved and
after grant of NO Objection Certificate (NOC) issued by the Department shall entail the entire
building unauthorised and NOC so issued shall be withdrawn and the services shall be
25. Adequate distance from the electric lines as per the requirement of Himachal Pradesh State
Electricity Board Limited (HPSEB Ltd.) Rules shall have to be maintained. The No Objection
Certificate (NOC) of the competent authority shall also be required, if HT/LT line is crossing
through/ passing by the site.
26. Regulation regarding re-construction of houses/buildings in the existence shall be on
predominantly existing building lines, provided minimum width of road as per Rules is available
and roof projections, sun shades shall be permitted over streets or paths, as the case may be.
Construction on sandwiched plots in Bazar area shall be permissible for shops as per existing
building lines, only in existing built up areas
27. The provision for Rain Harvesting Tank shall be proposed in the plan @ 20 Litre per sq.m. of the
roof top area where roof top area exceeds 200 sq. Mtr.
28. No plot size restriction shall be applicable for the plots existing prior to enforcement of the
Himachal Pradesh Town & Country Planning Act, 1977 (Act No. 12 of 1977) and to the plots
carved out after inheritance and to such plots carved out for social housing schemes of
29. The habitable basement and attic /mezzanine floor shall be counted as independent storey.
30. Though minimum area of plot has been defined in Regulations, yet the plots allotted by the
Central or State Government under various Social Housing Schemes including Gandhi Kutir
Yojana, Indira Awas Yojana, Rajiv Awas Yojana, Affordable Housing Schemes launched by the
Central or State Government may be considered and permission accorded in relaxation of
Regulations. However, the minimum area of plot for the persons belonging to the Economically
Weaker Sections and Low Income Groups of society should not be less than 45sqm and 80 sq.m.
31. In case of any clarification with reference to any provision or if there is no any specific provision,
the provisions as envisaged in the Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and
Implementation Guidelines, 2014 of the Government of India or the National Building Code of
India, 2005 shall have to be adhered to.
32. Permissible Area Standard/Norms for different parts of a Building shall be as under: -
Habitable room Minimum floor area 9.50M²
Minimum width 2.40M
Kitchen Minimum floor area 4.50M²
Minimum width 1.80M
Bath room Minimum floor area 1.80M²
Minimum width 1.20M
Water Closet (WC) Minimum floor area 1.10M²
Minimum width 0.90M
Toilet (WC+Bath) Minimum floor area 2.30M²
Minimum width 1.20M
Minimum width of corridor For Residential use 1.00M
for other uses 1.20M
Minimum width of stairs For Residential use 1.00M
for other uses 1.50M
Minimum width of treads without For Residential use 25 centimetre wide for internal stairs
nosing For other uses 30 centimetre wide for internal stairs case
Maximum height of riser For Residential use 19 centimetre

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for other uses 15 centimetre

Provision of spiral stair case For other uses except Provision of spiral stair case not less than
Residential use 1.50M dia with adequate head height for
fire escape in addition to regular stair case
Opening For sufficient air and light, windows and ventilators should have
minimum area equivalent to 1/6thof Floor Area
Projections over doors, windows 0.60M
and ventilators & roof projections
Balcony Projections 1.20M wide Balcony complete open on two sides with restriction
of 50% of Building frontage where minimum front Set Back is
3.00M shall be permissible. Balcony of 1.00M width shall be
allowed over Set Back of 2.50M.

13.8.1 Setbacks
1. A Front set back of minimum 3.00 Meter shall be maintained from the controlled width. The
controlled width can be allowed for parking purpose which has to be open to sky
2. The setbacks shall not be applicable to services like, all roadside infrastructure/ facilities such as
rain shelters, toilets, landscaping etc. Such temporary structures, which are specifically permitted
by the Himachal Pradesh Public Works Department on the acquired width of a road, should not
touch the abutting properties.
3. In case of irregular plots or in case of site constraints, uniformity of setbacks shall not be insisted.
However, the minimum setback of 1.00 Metre and sunshade of 0.60 metre should be maintained
on the irregular side. Competent Authority would consider the average setbacks or minimum
open area while approving such cases provided it does not obstruct fire vehicles movement.
4. In the plot setback, parking, porch, garage, swimming pool, septic tank, other services and steps
and ramp up to plinth level would be permissible.
5. For the plots abutting Highways, by-passes and other H.P PWD scheduled roads, No objection
certificate from H.P Public works department shall be mandatory, in the cases where plot is
directly abutting to these roads and there is direct access through connecting bridge and by
constructing ramps to such roads.
13.8.2 Building Height
The building height shall be the vertical distance measured: -
i. In the case of flat roofs from the plinth level to the highest point of the building.
ii. In case of pitched roofs from the plinth level to the highest point up to the point where the
external surface of the outer wall intersects the finished surface of the sloping roof.
The following structures shall not be considered in regulating the height of the building: -
1. Roof tanks and their supports not exceeding 2.00 Meter in height.
2. Mechanical, electrical, HVAC, lift rooms and similar service equipment.
3. Staircase mumty not exceeding 3.00 Meter in height.
4. Solar panels installed on the roof.
5. These height regulations shall not apply to the structures housing main seat of Deity /Sanctum /
Sanctorum, which are part of religious buildings e.g. Temples, Mosques, Gurudwaras, Churches,
etc. provided it is so designed and approved by the Competent Authority. The height restrictions
shall apply to the ancillary structures like dharamshala, sarai etc.

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6. Architectural features serving no other function except that of decoration, chimneys, poles,
parapet and other projections not used in human habitation, may extend beyond the prescribed
height limits, not exceeding 1.50 m in height. The cornices and window sills may also project in
to any required setbacks.
13.8.3 Ground Coverage and Floor Area Ratio
The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) means the quotient obtained by dividing the total covered area (plinth
area) on all floors multiplied by 100 by the area of the plot.

FAR = Total covered area of all floors x 100

Plot Area

10.00 M

15.00 M

Total Plot Area = 15.00 M X 10.00 M

= 150.00 M2

Setbacks Front = 2.00 M,

Left Side = 1.50 M
Right Side = 1.50 M
Rear = 1.50 M

Built Up Area = 11.50 M X 7.00 M

(after leaving Setbacks) = 80.50 M2

Covered Area on one floor = 80.50 M2

Open Area = 150.00 M2 - 80.50 M2

= 69.50 M2

Floor Area Ratio (FAR) = 1.75

Total Built up Area = 150.00 M2 X 1.75

(as per FAR) = 262.50 M2

Therefore, Number of storeys = 262.50 M2

80.50 M2
= 3.26

Number of storeys = 3 storeys (say)

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The following shall not be included in covered area for FAR and Ground Coverage calculations:
1. Machine room for lift on top floor as required for the lift machine installation.
2. Rockery, lift/ lift well, escalator/ travellator well and well structures, plant nursery, water pool,
swimming pool at any level (if uncovered), platform around a tree, water tank, fountain, bench,
chabutara with open top and / or without enclosures, open ramps, compound wall, gate, slide
swing door, fire staircase (without enclosure), fire towers, refuse area, fire control room,
overhead water tank or top of building/ open shafts, cooling towers.
3. Mumty over staircase on top floor maximum 3.00 M height.
4. Watch and ward cabins of total area not more than 4.50 M2 and 6.00 M2 with W/C each at
entry and exit only, within the property line.
5. Pergolas, sunshade elements, etc.
6. Plinth steps/ ramp.
7. Meter Room with HT/ LT panel, DG Room, AC Plant room, CC TV room/ Control room, Fire
Control room and similar services area permitted in the setback and shall not be counted in FAR.
Similarly, Service area on habitable floors- like HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning),
MEP installations, Janitor Rooms, AHU Room, Electric room, LT Room, CCTV room, laundry or
any other similar services and Building service shafts like electrical shafts, communication shafts,
fire shafts MEP and HVAC shall not be from FAR.
8. Entrance porch, veranda, canopies, covered one Parking floor Area shall not be counted in FAR
but shall account for ground coverage.
9. Basement if used for parking, household storage and services. Basement area shall not extend
beyond the ground coverage.
13.8.4 Cellar
Any storey of the building completely or partly below the natural ground level shall be considered as
Construction of cellar shall not be counted as a storey and should be constructed within the
prescribed building lines and subject to maximum coverage on floor i.e. entrance floor and may be
put for following uses: -
i. storage of household or other goods of ordinarily combustible material.
ii. strong rooms, bank cellars etc.;
iii. air conditioning equipment and other machines used for services and utilities of the building and
iv. parking spaces.
The cellar shall have following requirements: -
i. All the walls shall be kept solid and without any openings; and below the natural ground level
except the portion kept for ventilation purpose;
ii. Every cellar shall be, in every part, at least 2.40 M in height from the floor to the underside of
the roof slab or ceiling.
iii. Adequate ventilation shall be provided for the cellar and any deficiency in ventilation
requirements may be met by providing mechanical ventilation in the form of blowers, exhaust
fans and air conditioning system etc.;
iv. The minimum clear height of the ceiling of any cellar shall be 0.90 M and the maximum 1.20 M
above the average surrounding ground level;

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v. Adequate arrangements shall be made such that surface drainage does not enter the cellar;
vi. The walls and floors of the cellar shall be watertight and be so designed that the effects of the
surrounding soil and moisture if any, are taken into account in design and adequate damp
proofing treatment is given;
vii. The access to the cellar shall be separate from the main and alternative staircase providing
access and exit from higher floor. Where the staircase is continuous in the case of buildings
served by more than one staircase, the same shall be enclosed type, serving as a fire separation
from the basement/cellar floor and higher floors. Open ramps shall be permitted, if they are
constructed within the building line subject to the provision clause (v) above;
viii. In case partition in the basement/cellars is allowed by the Authority, no compartment shall be
less than 50.00 M2 in area and each compartment shall have proper ventilation provision and
the basement/cellar partition shall however, conform to the norms laid down by the Fire
Services; and
ix. In no circumstances, construction of Toilet, Bath, Kitchen etc. shall be allowed in the
13.8.5 Regulations for Services
1. Septic Tank or connections with sewerage lines, where available shall be mandatory.
2. All Commercial/ Public and Semi -Public buildings above 15.00 Metres height shall have the
provisions for elevators/lift.
3. Firefighting provisions and specification shall be as per National Building code of India, 2016.
4. Risks and respective mitigations shall be planned by the competent authorities such as state Fire
department and police to manage events and respond to natural disasters.
5. Distance from Electric lines- The distance in accordance with the Himachal Pradesh State
Electricity Board Limited as amended from time to time and as defined in National Building Code
of India, 2016 is to be provided between the building and overhead electric supply line as under:

Table 13-3: Clearances from Electric Supply Lines

Sr. No. Type of Supply Line Vertical Clearance Horizontal Clearance
1. Low & medium voltage lines and 2.50 Metre 1.20 Metre
service lines not exceeding 650V
2. High voltage lines above 650 3.70 Metre upto and including 1.20 Metre
Volts and including 11,000 Volts 33kV
3. High voltage lines above 3.70 Metre 2.00 Metre
11,000 Volts and upto and
including 33,000 Volts
4. Extra high voltage lines 3.70 Metre plus 0.30 Metre 2.00 Metre plus 0.30 Metre for
additional 33,000 Volts for every additional 33,000 every additional 33,000 Volts
Volts or part thereof or part thereof
Source: NBC, 2016

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13.9 Development Control Regulations

13.9.1 Residential Buildings
The applicant must make sure the layout plan of residential building complies with following basic
i. That there should be sufficient natural light and fresh air/ ventilation in the habitable area within
the building, when constructed.
ii. That there is protection against fire, noise, dust and pollution hazards.
iii. That circulation and access is easy and safe from any accident point of view.
iv. The minimum plot area, minimum setbacks and maximum FAR shall be as under:
Table 13-4: Residential Building Regulations shall be applicable in Sundernagar Planning Area

Sl. Minimum Set Backs Maximum

Description and Minimum (in Meters)
No. Floor Area Maximum Height in Meters
Plot Area
Front Sides Rear
I Row Houses with common wall on two sides
1 45 m2 up to 90 m2 1.00 Nil 1.00 1.75 12.00
2 91 m2 up to 120 m2 2.00 Nil 1.50 1.75 15.00
II Semi-detached Houses with common wall on one side
Above 120 up to 150 m2 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.75 18.00
Above 150 up to 250 m2 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.75 21.00
III Detached Houses
1 150 m2 to 250 m2 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.75 21.00
2 2
2 Above 250 m up to 500 m 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.75 21.00
3 Above 500 m 5.00 3.00 3.00 1.75 21.00

Note: The entrance to the house shall be from the front setback area and none of the projections shall infringe
on to the road ROW.

13.9.2 Commercial Buildings

There would be Mixed Land Use in the Sundernagar Planning Area, as per the Land use plan 2035 in
the Development plan. The permitted uses in the mixed land use areas shall be as per the land use
permissibility table.
a) Commercial Corridor
Commercial corridor with mixed land use as per the Land use Plan in the Development Plan 2035 on
NH-154 and SH-13 in the Sundernagar Planning Area shall be governed by its specific Special Area
Norms ‘Mixed Land Use along Highways.
Table 13-5: Commercial building Regulations shall be applicable in Sundernagar Planning Area
Minimum Set Backs
Maximum Maximum
Sl. Description and (in Meters)
Floor Area Height Parking Standards
No. Minimum Plot Area Rear
Front Side Ratio (in Meters)
1 Booth upto 10 m2 1 Nil Nil - 4.00

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Minimum Set Backs

Maximum Maximum
Sl. Description and (in Meters)
Floor Area Height Parking Standards
No. Minimum Plot Area Rear
Front Side Ratio (in Meters)
2 Shops:
(i) Independent shop/ 2.00 Nil 1.00 - 6.00
Showroom Standalone
above 10 m2 -30 m2
(ii) Row shops with 2.00 Nil 1.00 1.75 9.00
common wall on two 1.5 ECS per 100
sides above 30 m2-100 sq.m. of Built up
m2 Area
(iii) Row shops with 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.75 21.00
common wall on two
sides above 100 m2-
250 m2
(iv) Above 250 m2 -500 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.75 21.00
Shopping Complex i)1.5 ECS per 100
3 (i) above 500 m2 to 5.00 3.00 3.00 1.75 21.00 sq.m of Built up
1500 m2 Area
(ii) Above 1500 m2 to 10.00 5.00 5.00 1.75 21.00 ii)2.00 ECS per
4000 m2 100 sq.m of Built
(iii) Above 4000 m2 12.00 7.50 6.00 1.50 21.00 up Area
iii)3.00 ECS per
100 sq.m of Built
up Area
4 Cinema/ Cineplex
4000 sq.m. & above 15.00 7.50 6.00 1.50 21.00 3.0 ECS per 100
sq.m of Built up
Multiplexes Area
4000 sq.m. & above 15.00 9.00 9.00 1.50 21.00
5 Tourism Unit 1.00 ECS per 100
(Hotel, Guest house or sq.m of Built up
Eco Tourism) Area
(i) 250 m2-500 m2 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.75 21.00 1.50 ECS per 100
(ii) 500 m2-1500 m2 5.00 4.00 3.00 1.50 21.00 sq.m of Built up
(iii) Above 1500 m2 7.50 5.00 4.00 1.50 21.00 Area
2.00 ECS per 100
sq.m of Built up
6 Petrol Pump #
1000 sq.m. 7.50 6.00 6.00 2.00 6.00
(Minimum size)
7 Multi- level Parking
i) 500 m2 - 1500 m2 5.00 3.00 3.00 1.75 18.00
ii) Above 1500 m2 - 10.00 5.00 5.00 1.75 18.00
4000 m2 12.00 7.50 6.00 1.50 18.00
iii) Above 4000 m2
 The height of Service floor wherever proposed for installation of services in case of Commercial/ shopping
complexes/ hotels, shall be restricted to 2.10 Meter and this floor is exempted from FAR, however the
overall height restriction of building shall remain the same.
 Multiplex complex shall mean an integrated entertainment and shopping centre/ complex having at least
2 Cinema Halls. The minimum area on which this use shall be permitted should not be less than 4000 M2.
Apart from Cinema Halls, the Multiplexes may also have Restaurant, Fast Food, Outlet, Pubs, Health Spas/

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Centers, Hotels and other Re-creational activities. The shopping center may have Retail Outlet, Video
Games, Parlours, Bowling Alleys, Health Centers, Shopping Malls, Office space.
 ECS (Equivalent Car Space) shall mean as under:-
o For parking in open = 23 m2
o For parking in stilts or ground floor = 28 m2
o For parking in basement floor = 32 m2

13.9.3 Public-Semi Public Buildings (PSP)

Table 13-6: PSP Building Regulations shall be applicable in Sundernagar Planning Area

Minimum Set Backs Maximum Maximum

Description and Minimum Parking
Sl. (in Meters) Floor Area Height
Plot Area Standards
No. Ratio (in Meters)
Front Side Rear
1 Govt. Building,
Educational building,
Police/ Fire Station, For i) to iii) 1.0
Library/ Religious Building, ECS per 100
medical, community hall sq.m. of Built up
i) 150 m2 -250 m2 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 15.00 Area
ii) Above 250 m2- 500 m2 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 21.00 For iv) & v) 1.50
iii) Above 500 m2-1000 m2 5.00 2.00 3.00 1.75 21.00 ECS per 100
iv) Above1000 m2-5000 m2 10.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 21.00 sq.m. of Built up
v) Above 5000 m2 15.00 7.50 7.50 1.50 21.00 Area
2 Marriage Hall/ Baraat 1.0 ECS per 100
Ghar sq.m of Built up
1000 sq.m. 5.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 12.00 Area
3 Community centre 1.0 ECS per 100
1000 sq.m.-1500 sq.m. 6.00 3.00 3.00 1.25 15.00 sq.m of Built up

13.9.4 Industrial Buildings

The industrial land use primarily caters to the agro based small and medium scale industries with
necessary storing, processing and packaging units.
Service industries like cottage or household industry, carpentry, knitting, weaving, blacksmith,
goldsmith, atta chakki, water mill, agriculture equipments, machinery repair, electrical, electronic,
household appliances, tiny auto repair workshops etc. shall be encouraged.
Under small-scale industry sector, generally Electronics and Information Technology based or similar
activities, which cause least water, air and noise pollution, shall be considered. However, while doing
so, the entrepreneur shall have to guarantee an independent arrangement of their own water
supply/ source to the satisfaction of the competent authority.
The development of industrial area may have plotted development for individual industrial units.
Some part of industrial area may be used for flatted type of industry.
The plot area, minimum setbacks, maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and maximum height of building
shall be governed by following Table. The other regulations are as follows:
1. The layout and design of industrial area, if any, shall be as per requirement of the Industry and
shall be got approved from the Director.
2. Minimum width of path/road abutting one side of plot shall be 5.00 M.
3. Least hill cutting shall be permitted so as to conserve natural landform.

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4. No felling of trees shall be allowed except with the prior permission of the State Forest
5. The minimum floor/ storey height of industrial building shall be 3.00 Metres and sloping roof
height shall be in accordance with volume of the structure. In case of roof trusses, height of
building should be adjusted /relaxed accordingly.
6. Service area required for pharmaceutical units or such type of Industries under requirement of
Goods Manufacturing Practice (G.M.P) shall not be included for calculation of FAR, provided it is
only used for utilities and services but not in any case for production.
7. For ancillary uses like security post/room shall be allowed in setback area, i.e. one wall shared
with the boundary wall and shall be counted in the Floor Area Ratio (FAR).
8. Cellar shall be allowed within the industrial plots as per the provisions of these Regulations.
Table 13-7: Industrial Regulations shall be applicable in Sundernagar Planning Area
Minimum Set Backs Maximum Height
Sl. Type of Industry and Minimum Maximum Floor
(in Meters) in Meters
No. Plot Area Area Ratio
Front Side Rear
1 Small Scale Industries
3.00 2.00 2.00 1.75 12.00
250 m2 to 500 m2
2 Service/Light scale Industries
5.00 2.00 3.00 1.50 12.00
Above 500 m2 to 1000 m2
3 Medium Scale Industries
10.00 5.00 5.00 1.25 15.00
Above 1000 m2 to 5000 m2
4 Large & Heavy Scale Industries
15.00 7.50 7.50 1.00 15.00
Above 5000 m2

i. The plot area as mentioned in Table above would not be applicable in the cases where the sub-division of land has
taken effect before the commencement of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Rules, 2014.

ii. The plot area as mentioned in Table above would not be applicable for the individual plots, if any, created/allotted by
the Himachal Pradesh Industries Department and Himachal Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation
(HPSIDC) or any other Authority prior to coming into force of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Rules,

13.9.5 Other Regulations Other General Regulations
Regulations for Solar Passive Building Design, for Development of Barrier Free Environment for the
Persons with Disabilities in Public and Semi Public Building & Re-creational Areas within the limits of
Economic Capacity, for Rain Water Harvesting, for Development of Apartments and Colonies in Real
Estate Projects and for Installation for Communication Towers shall be as prescribed in the Himachal
Pradesh Town and Country Planning Rules, 2014(Amendment 2016). Regulation for development of Information Technology Park (IT/Bio-Park)
The development of Information Technology Park shall be regulated as per Regulations contained in
Appendix-3 of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Rules, 2014(Amendment 2016). Regulations Fire and Life Safety
The provisions of fire and life safety as enshrined in the National Building Code of India, 2016 shall
be applicable to buildings having height of 15.00 Meter or above and having floor area more than
500 M2 on any one or more floors and in case of Institutional Buildings it shall be applicable to the
buildings having height of 9.00 Meter and above. The No Objection Certificate from the fire fighting
services shall be mandatory.

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area Relaxations
In the public interest and in the interest of town design or any other material consideration the
Director (TCP) may relax minimum size of plot, setbacks and Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The decision of
the Competent Authority shall be final.
13.10 Special Area Regulations
13.10.1Mixed Land Use
For controlling linear mixed-use development, the building use permissibility & accessibility to
individual plots as well as large developments shall be governed as below:
1. In case of building line of the properties adjoining the main highway, a minimum 3.00m distance
from controlled width of road.
2. Any new access opening on the highway shall be duly permitted by Competent Authority.
3. Essential highway amenities and services, namely, petrol pump, service station including
emergency repair services, restaurants, parking lots, motels, police check-post, toll station, shall
be permitted direct access from the National Highway crossing the Sundernagar Planning Area
boundary. Such access shall be provided with proper lay-by as per the guidelines specified by the
Indian Road Congress or Competent Authority.
4. Boundary walls, fences, advertisements, hedges, trees shall not cause obstruction of view for the
road users.
Restrictions on structures between highway control lines and building line: -
The following activities shall not be allowed between Right of Way of the National Highway and the
permissible building line of the plots in subject:
1. construct, form or lay out any means of access to, or from, a highway, or
2. erect any building, or
3. make or extend any excavation
13.11 Risk Based Classification of Buildings
In order to mitigate any disasters, risk based buildings have been classified in three categories
namely, -
1. High Risk Buildings
2. Medium Risk Buildings
3. Low Risk Buildings
Table 13-8: Risk Based Classification of Buildings for Sundernagar Planning Area
Sr. Risk Buildings Planning
No. Permission Time *
1. Residential Buildings
(a) High Group Housing Schemes, above 3 Storey buildings, Within 60 days.
buildings on slopes more than 30º, any building raised on
landfill, reclaimed land, buildings 2.00 M above the Highest
Flood Level (HFL) up to a distance of 10.00 Metre, buildings
with communication towers and buildings falling under the
corridor of HT/LT lines.
(b) Moderate All 2-3 storey buildings, buildings on slopes above 15º and Within 30 days.
upto 30º.

(c) Low Single Storey Buildings Constructed On Slope Less than 15º. Within 20 days.

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Sr. Risk Buildings Planning

No. Permission Time *
2. Commercial Buildings
(a) High Commercial Shopping Complexes, Multiplexes, Tourism Within 60 days.
Units, Marriage palaces, Automobile Showrooms, any
building raised on landfill, reclaimed land, sinking and
sliding zones, buildings within the minimum setback from
HFL as prescribed in the Rules, buildings with
communication towers and buildings falling under the
corridor of HT/LT lines.
(b) Moderate Double storey shops Within 30 days.
(c) Low Single storey shops Within 20 days.
3. Industrial Buildings
(a) High Buildings above two storeys, any building above 10 meters Within 60 days.
height, any building raised on landfill, reclaimed land,
buildings within the minimum setback from HFL as
prescribed in respective DPs, buildings with communication
towers and buildings falling under the corridor of HT/LT
(b) Low Single storey buildings of 10 meters or less than 10 meters Within 20 days.
4. Public and Semi-Public
(a) High All buildings except for the buildings mentioned under Low Within 60 days.
Risk category
b) Low Toilets, rain shelters, pump houses and crematoriums. Within 20 days.
5. Mixed Land Use Buildings
(a) High All buildings. Within 60 days.
*: As amended from time to time by the State Govt.

Note: -

i. The High Risk category of constructions will be supervised by the Registered Private Professionals and the
Structural Safety Certificate & Design will be submitted by the Registered Structural Engineers.

ii. The Moderate Risk and Low Risk Category buildings would be given fast track approval.

13.12 Monitoring of Construction

1. The applicant shall intimate in writing to the concerned competent authority that the work of
execution of building has reached the plinth level. The competent authority shall inspect the
executed work within 15 days and shall allow the applicant for further construction, only if the
same is found in order.
2. In case the competent authority does not inspect the site within the prescribed period, the
applicant shall certify that he has carried the construction upto plinth level in accordance with
permission order and consequent upon not conducting the inspection within stipulated period,
the applicant is undertaking the further construction in accordance with permission order.
3. If the competent authority on inspection later on observes at any stage that the work has not
been carried in accordance with the approved plan, notice of unauthorized construction or
deviation shall be served upon for restoration of the same to its original condition as prescribed
in the Act or any other action as specified in Rules and Regulations thereunder.

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4. The concerned competent authority, if required, may direct the applicant to revise the building
plan as per requirement of Rules and Regulations and if it is found in order, the revised map shall
be approved.
5. After completion of the building, the applicant shall submit a completion plan along with a
certificate to the concerned competent authority certifying that the construction has been
completed as per the approved map.
6. Building shall not be put to use prior to issuance of completion certificate by the competent
13.13 Change of Land Use
(i) The Change of Land Use shall be allowed based on Development Plan 2035 as in force or
statutorily amended thereafter.
(ii) Change of Land Use shall be allowed by the Director (TCP) subject to the condition that the
applicant fulfils the Regulations applicable for the Land Use proposed to be changed.
(iii) No Change of Land use shall be permitted for the Sericulture Land parcels as marked in the
Development Plan.
(iv) Change of Building Use may be permitted by the Director (TCP), as the case may be, on merit of
the case, subject to the condition that there is no disturbance to the adjoining building owners
and fulfilment of other Regulations specified for the purpose.
(v) The Change of Building Use for Hotel and Guest Houses shall be permissible only if sufficient
parking area is available.
13.14 Regulations for Land Pooling and Re-constitution of Plots
1. On commencement of this Development Plan, no person shall be allowed to carve out plots of
zig-zag ‘Khasra’ Numbers in his ownership and the same have to be organized along with other
such adjoining parcels of land to ensure proper dimensioned plots to the purchasers, on one
hand and in the interest of urban design, safety, economy, functionality, aesthetics and optimum
use of land, on the other.
2. Land Pooling scheme shall be worked out on the basis of population and area required for
facilities and amenities for the proposed population.
3. In a land pooling scheme, the land owners shall surrender a part of their land for circulation,
public facilities and amenities i.e., Public Purposes as per the pooling percentage. The remaining
land shall be made available to the land owners proportionate to their original plot areas.
4. The pooling percentage for a land pooling scheme shall be based on the formula below:
Pooling = Area required for Public Purpose
%age Total Area of Land Pooling Scheme
Where area required for public purpose shall include road/path/circulation, infrastructural
facilities and networks, parking, parks, open spaces, playgrounds and recreational pursuit.
5. In case of any person whose plot comes within the roads or community amenities, he shall be
suitably relocated within the vicinity of the existing plot to the extent possible.
13.15 Sub-Division of Land Regulations
1. The Sub-Division of land into plots amounts to “Development” under the Himachal Pradesh
Town and Country Planning Act, 1977 as amended from time to time. No person shall sub-divide
his land unless permitted to do so in accordance with Rules and Regulations in force.

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2. Similarly no Registrar or the Sub-Registrar shall register any sale deed or documents of any sub-
division of land on share basis unless the sub-division of land is duly approved by the competent
authority in accordance with provisions of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning
Act, 1977 as amended from time to time and sub- division of land Regulations as contained in
this Development Plan.
3. Natural Nallahs and Khads which passes through land/ land sub-division shall be developed and
maintained according to discharge of water during the peak rainy season. The minimum distance
of building from such Nallahs should be at least 5.00 Metre. The minimum distance of building
from the bank of such Khads should not be less than 10.00 Metre.
4. One side of every residential plot shall abut with minimum 3.00 M wide access road.
5. In case of plots or land, abutting the existing or proposed roads or paths is of lesser width than
required width, width of the same shall have to be increased to meet requirements of width for
requisite plots.
6. Any yard or plot existing at the time of coming into force of these Regulations shall not be
reduced in dimension or area below the minimum requirement set forth herein. The yards or
plots created after the effective date of these Regulations shall meet at least the minimum
requirements established by these Regulations. All the plots registered prior to coming into
force of these Regulations shall be treated as plots irrespective of their size subject to the
condition that 3.00 Metre wide road abutting one side of the plot will be the basic requirement.
7. If 3.00 Metre wide road is not available at site and if it is less in width, then the owner shall
surrender the remaining width of the road ROW from his plot to make the road as 3.00 Metre
wide. In such case, the setback shall be considered from the revised ROW of the access road.
8. The construction would be allowed on hereditary owned smaller plots on and above 45 sq.m.
i.e., minimum plot size for row housing.
9. If the plot size after sub-division is coming less than 45sq.m., then the plot cannot be sub-divided
further, however independent floors/strata division shall be allowed.
10. Regulations for the development of a Group Housing Scheme shall be governed by the
Appendix-7 of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Rules, 2014 ‘Regulations for
Development of Apartments and Colonies in Real Estate Project’.
11. Where it is essential to develop a plot by cutting of natural land profile, it shall be the
responsibility of the plot owner to provide retaining and breast walls, according to the
engineering specifications, so that such cutting of natural profile shall not exceed more than 3.50
Metre in height.
12. The sub-division of land shall be permitted in accordance with natural profile of topography as
shown on the contoured map along with drainage of land, access, road alignment, wind
direction and other environmental requirements and according to prescribed land use in the
Development Plan. Natural flora and fauna shall be preserved. Unless site conditions prohibit,
plots shall be permitted at right angle to the road with proper shape and dimension, so that
optimum use of the land is ensured.
13. The development of land shall not be permitted in area where basic services like paved road,
water supply, drainage, sewerage disposal, electricity, street lighting etc. do not exists or unless
the applicant undertakes that these services shall be provided at his own cost.
i) Minimum width of pedestrian links to smaller cluster 3.00 M
of plots, not exceeding 5 in number.
ii) Minimum width of vehicular access, if number of 5.00 M (with cul-de-sac) at
plots is above 5. the end.

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iii) Minimum area for open/green space for the scheme 10%
having more than 5 plots.
iv) Minimum area for soak pit etc. (irrespective of 5% of the scheme area.
number of plots).
i) Orientation of the plots shall be provided in such a -
manner so as to be in conformity with the integration
of existing plots/ infrastructure, wind direction,
natural flow of surface drainage to allow un-
obstructed rain water discharge.
ii) Layout of plots shall be governed by easy access -
having acceptable grades minimum 1 in 15 and which
may not obstruct view or vista.

14. Minimum area of plot for detached house shall not be less than 150 sqm.
15. Semi-detached house construction shall be allowed on plots upto max. 250 sqm and row
housing on plots upto 120 sqm. Subject to maximum number of such plots do not exceed 8 in
row after with a gap of 7.00 m shall be left. Although maximum size of plot for construction in a
row with two common walls, has been kept 120 sqm, yet in exceptional circumstances,
considering economic/site conditions the minimum size of plots in row, with two common walls,
up to 45 sqm for houses may be allowed so as to provide smallest possible residential
construction in a planned manner for the benefit of economically weaker sections and Low
Income Groups of society.
13.16 Regulations of prescribed limits for development activities exempted under Section 30-
A of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act, 1977 (Act No. 12 of 1977)
1. Residential Buildings and Farm Houses
(i) Maximum floor area = 600.00 M2
(ii) Maximum number of storeys = 3 Nos +1 Parking floor wherever feasible.
Note: - The applicant may have a maximum floor area of 600.00 M2 distributed over not more than three storeys.

2. Commercial Use
(i) Maximum floor area = 100.00 M2
(ii) Maximum number of storeys = 2 Nos.
(iii) Minimum access = 3.00 M
(iv) Parking = For loading, un-loading and parking purpose suitable
community parking space has to be arranged by the Shop owners.
Note:- The applicant may have a maximum floor area of 100.00 M2 distributed over not more than two storeys.

3. Service Industries
(i) Maximum floor area = 100.00 M2
(ii) Number of storeys = 1 No.
(iii) Minimum access = 3.00 M
(iv) Parking = For loading, un-loading and parking

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purpose suitable community parking space shall have to be ensured by the Industrialists.
4. Public Amenities
(i) Maximum floor area = As per requirement of the particular amenity.
(ii) Maximum Number of storeys = 3 Nos.
(iii) Minimum access = 3.00 M
(iv) Parking = @ 0.50 to 1.50 equivalent car space per 100 M2 of
floor area.
(v) Play fields in case of Educational buildings = 0.20 Hectare to 1.60 Hectare is Desirable,
however, as per availability of land.
5. Other Imperatives
(i) Structural safety and seismic proofing including soil investigation should be ensured.
(ii) Attic and basement shall be counted as a storey.
(iii) Sloping roof shall have to be ensured.
(iv) No construction shall be raised within a distance of 3.00 Metre from the edge of the roads in
respect of village roads.
(v) No construction shall be raised within the controlled width of major District roads.
(vi) Minimum Set Back of 3.00 M from the controlled width of National Highways, State
Highways and Scheduled Roads under the Himachal Pradesh Road Side Land Control Act,
1968 shall be kept.
(vii) Minimum Set Back of 2.00 M in front and 1.50 M in sides and rear side and from the
adjoining property, Government land and 5.00 M from Forest land shall have to be
(viii) Adequate distance from the electric lines as per the requirement of Himachal Pradesh State
Electricity Board Limited (HPSEB Ltd) Rules shall have to be maintained. The No Objection
Certificate (NOC) of the competent authority shall also be required, if HT/LT line is crossing
through the Scheme.
(ix) The applicant shall endeavour to develop the colony along the slopes of hill without much
disturbance to the natural hill profile. In no case hill cut at any level shall not exceed 3.50
(x) Provision of Rain Water Harvesting structure @ 20 Liters per M2 of roof area should be
(xi) Septic Tank and Soak Pit should be constructed.
(xii) Preference shall be given for Solar Passive Building Design.
(xiii) Locational attributes, aesthetics, local building material, heritage and environmental aspects
should also be taken into account.

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6. Remarks:
(i) The benefit of above exemptions shall only be available to the residents and original
inhabitants of the areas, who owned the property at the time of commencement of the Act
and their natural heirs only and not to the persons who purchased land in rural areas.
(ii) Any person intending to carry out development activities exempted under section 30-A of
the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act, 1977 (Act No. 12 of 1977) shall give
information on simple paper along with a copy of original jamabandi and original tatima to
the concerned Panchayat before carrying out development activities. The concerned
Panchayat after verifying the documents, shall grant No Objection Certificate (NOC) to the
applicant under section 83-A of the Himachal Pradesh Town and Country Planning Act, 1977
(Act No. 12 of 1977) for obtaining service connections.
(iii) In case of any constraints as per the site conditions in maintaining setbacks, or any other
regulations the Director or the concerned officer vested with the powers of the Director may
relax the same. In case of any clarification with reference to any proviso or if there is no any
specific provision, the provisions as envisaged in the Urban and Regional Development Plans
Formulation and Implementation (URDPFI) Guidelines, 2014 of the Government of India or
the National Building Code of India shall have to be adhered to.
13.17 Zoning Regulations
The land in the proposed Development Plan has been categorized into nine Land Use Zones:
i. Residential Use Zone
ii. Commercial Use Zone
iii. Mixed Use Zone
iv. Industrial Use Zone
v. Public/Semi-Public Use Zone
vi. Recreational Use Zone
vii. Transport Use Zone
viii. Primary Activity(Agriculture) Use Zone
ix. Protected & Undevelopable Use Zone
The activities Permitted, Restricted and Prohibited in Residential land use zone shall be as given
a) Activities Permitted
Residence plotted (detached, semi-detached and row housing), Group housing, Residential flats,
work-cum-residential, Hostels, boarding and lodging houses, (accommodation for transit
employees of Govt./ Local bodies, Night shelters, guest houses, Educational buildings (nursery,
primary, high school), school for mentally /physically challenged, research institute, Baraat ghar/
marriage hall, Community hall, old age home, crèches, day care centre, Religious places,
Neighbourhood level social, cultural and recreational facilities with adequate parking provisions,
Community halls, Convenience shopping, local (retail) shopping, Community centres, clubs,
Auditoriums, Exhibition and art galleries, Libraries and gymnasiums, Health clinics, yoga centres,
dispensaries, nursing homes and health centers (20 beds), Dispensary for pet & animals, Public
utilities and buildings except service and storage yards, Electrical distribution depots and water
pumping stations, Nursery and green houses, Services for households (salon, parlours, bakeries,
sweet shops, dry cleaning, internet kiosks etc.), Banks, ATM and professional offices not
exceeding one floor, Bus stops, taxi stands, Police station/ posts and post offices, Parks and tot–

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lots and accessory uses clearly incidental to residential uses which will not create a nuisance or
b) Activities Restricted -That may be permitted on special grounds by Director
Shopping centers, local council, state and central government offices, Colleges and research
institutions, Petrol pump, places of entertainment & worship, cinema halls, restaurants and
hotels, Markets for retail goods, weekly markets (if not obstructing traffic circulation and open
during non –working hours),informal markets, transit visitors camp, Hospital & sanitaria not
creating any contagious diseases, raising of poultry for non-commercial uses provided that no
bird is housed closer than 5.00m of a dwelling or a property line, IT and IT enabled services,
Night shelters, Tourism related services, Motor vehicle repairing, Workshop, garages, storage of
LPG cylinders, Burial grounds, Printing presses employing not more than 10 persons, Godowns
/warehousing of non-perishables, Bus depots without workshop, Household industries (there
shall be no public display of the goods), removal of gravel, clay, sand or stone for development
of site which will not result in stagnation of water or cause other nuisance, terminals, rail
passenger and freight stations, taxi & Auto stands subject to coverage, FAR, height & setbacks of
this Zone.
c) Activities Prohibited
Heavy, large and extensive industries, Noxious, obnoxious and hazardous industries,
Warehousing, storage godowns of perishables, hazardous, inflammable goods, Wholesale
mandis, Junk yards, Workshops for buses, Slaughter houses, Hospitals treating contagious
diseases, Sewage treatment plants and disposal sites, Water treatment plants, Solid waste
dumping grounds, picnic huts, courts, sport training centre, forensic science laboratory, Outdoor
and indoor games stadiums, Shooting range, Zoological garden, botanical garden, bird sanctuary,
International conference centers and all uses not specifically permitted above.
The Commercial zone can be sub-divided into:
1. Retail Shopping Zone and General Business: C1
2. Hospitality/ Hotels/ Lodges: C2
3. Wholesale, Godowns, Warehousing/ Regulated markets and Service Sector: C3
The activities Permitted, Restricted and Prohibited in Commercial land use zone shall be as given
a) Activities Permitted
Retail and wholesale business, mercantile, commercial centres, Wholesale storage yards,
Godowns, covered storage and warehousing, Banks, financial services and stock exchanges,
Perishable goods markets, Business and professional offices, Private institutional offices and
Govt./ Semi Government offices,
Shops and shopping malls, Commercial services/ garage/ workshops, Restaurants and hotels,
Hostels, boarding houses, guest houses, Social and welfare institutions, Convenience and
neighbourhood shopping centres, Local shopping centres, weekly and formal markets, Bakeries
and confectionaries, Cinema halls, theatres, banquet halls, auditoriums, Community halls, night
shelters, Clinics and nursing homes, pet clinics, post offices, police station/ post, baraat ghar/
marriage hall, Petrol Pumps, IT and IT enabled services, Commercial institutes, Research and
training institutes, Parking lots, Taxi stands, Two-wheeler stands.
b) Activities Restricted-That may be permitted on special grounds by Director

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Associated residential uses, Warehousing, storage godowns of perishable, inflammable goods,

coal, wood, timber yards, Non- polluting, non- obnoxious light industries, Junk-yards, Service
centres, garages, workshops, Printing presses employing not more than 10 persons, 20 bedded
hospitals not treating contagious diseases and mental patients, Weigh bridges, Gas installation
and gas works, Colleges, polytechnics and higher technical institutes, Sports complex and
stadiums, Transient visitor’s homes, Places of entertainment, Recreational uses and museums,
Convention centres, Religious places, Public Utilities, Telephone Exchanges, Police posts and post
offices, Picnic Hut, Truck terminal, bus depots and parking, small workshops ,repair shops
subject to the setbacks & FAR, height & coverage of this zone.
c) Activities Prohibited
Polluting industries, Heavy, extensive, noxious, obnoxious, hazardous and extractive industrial
units, Hospitals, research laboratories treating contagious diseases, Poultry farms, dairy farms,
slaughter houses, Sewage treatment plants and disposal sites, Solid waste treatment plants and
dumping grounds, Agricultural uses, Storage of perishable and inflammable commodities,
Quarrying of gravel, sand, clay and stone, Zoological gardens, botanical gardens and bird
sanctuary, Sports training centres, Courts, forensic laboratory, District battalion office,
International conference centre and all other related activities which may cause nuisance.
The activities Permitted, Restricted and Prohibited in Mixed land use zone shall be as given below:
a) Activities Permitted
In the mixed-use zone all activities falling within permitted land use (dominant land use) shall be
minimum 60% and to co-exist with commercial, institutional and recreational which shall include
Residential Plot- Plotted housing and Group housing, Residential-cum-work plot, Employees
Guest House, Boarding and Lodging houses, Hostel, Dharamshala and its equivalent, Night
shelter, Local Level (Convenience/ Local Shopping Centre), Cinema/ Multiplexes, Post Offices,
Parks and Playgrounds, Service industry/ centre, Road network with street furniture, Bus Stops,
Taxi stand, Parking, Community hall/ baraat ghar/ marriage hall, Community/ Recreational Hall,
Library, Reading Room, Society Office, Crèche and Day Care Centre, Nursing home/ Polyclinic/
Clinical Laboratory, Religious premises, Gymnasium, Yoga Centres, Banks, clubs, ATM, Police
stations, Police post
b) Activities Restricted -That may be permitted on special grounds by Director
Activities related to non-polluting household industrial land use shall be allowed to a maximum
of 10%.
c) Activities Prohibited
All other activities especially industrial which are polluting in nature and which will have adverse
impact on the overall activities of this zone.
The activities Permitted, Restricted and Prohibited in Industrial land use zone shall be as given
a) Activities Permitted
All kind of non-polluting industries, agro-based and household industries, Loading, unloading
spaces, Warehousing, storage and depots of non-perishable and non- inflammable commodities,
Cold storage and ice factory, Gas Godowns, Wholesale business establishments, Petrol filling

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station with garages and service stations, Bus terminals and bus depots and workshops, Parking,
parks and playground, medical centres, taxi stands, Residential buildings for essential staff and
for watch and ward, Public utilities.
b) Activities Restricted-That may be permitted on special grounds by Director
Heavy, extensive and other obnoxious, hazardous industries subject to the approval of the
Himachal Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Industrial Research Institute, Technical Educational
Institutions, Junkyards, sports/ stadiums/ playgrounds, Sewage disposal works, electric power
plants, service stations, cemeteries, Govt. semi-govt., private business offices, Banks, financial
institutions and other commercial offices, quarrying of gravel, sand, clay or stone, Agro-based
industries, dairy and farming, Gas installations and gas works, Workshops garages, Hotels and
guest houses, Hospitals and medical centres subject to the setbacks, FAR ,height and coverage of
this zone.
c) Activities Prohibited
General business unless incidental to and on the same site with industry, Schools and colleges,
Hotels, motels and caravan parks, Recreational sports or centers, Other non-industrial related
activities, Religious buildings, Irrigated and sewage farms, Major oil depot and LPG refilling
plants, Social buildings and all uses not specifically permitted above.
The Public and Semi Public use zone can be sub divided into:
1. Govt. / Semi Govt. / Public Offices: PS 1
2. Educational and Institutional: PS 2
3. Medical and Health PS 3
4. Socio-Cultural: PS 4
5. Utilities and Services: PS 5
The activities Permitted, Restricted and Prohibited in Public and Semi Public use zone (PS - 1 to PS -
5) shall be as given below:
a) Activities Permitted
Government offices, central, state, local and semi-Government, public undertaking offices,
Universities and specialized educational institutions, colleges, schools, research and
development centres, Social and welfare centres, Libraries, Hospitals, health centres,
dispensaries and clinics, Social and cultural institutes, Religious buildings, Marriage halls,
community halls, Conference halls, Museums, art galleries, exhibition halls, auditoriums, Police
stations, police lines, jails, Local state and central govt. offices uses for Defence purpose,
Educational and research institutions, Social and cultural and religious buildings, Local council
and village council facilities, Uses incidental to govt. offices and for their use, Monuments
b) Activities Restricted-That may be permitted on special grounds by Director
Residential flats, residential plots for group housing and staff housing, IT services, Hostels, transit
accommodation, Entertainment and recreational complexes, Nursery and kindergarten, welfare
centre, Open air theatre, playground, Residential club, guest house, Bus/ Truck terminals,
helipads, service station, warehouse/ storage godowns, Parking areas, taxi stands, two-wheeler
stands, commercial uses and any other activities, subject to the setbacks, FAR, height and
coverage of this Zone.
c) Activities Prohibited

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Heavy, extensive and other obnoxious, hazardous industries, Slaughterhouses, Junkyard,

Wholesale mandis, Dairy and poultry farms, farmhouses, Workshops for servicing and repairs,
Processing and sale of farm products and all uses not specifically permitted above
Utilities and Services: PS-5
a) Activities Permitted
Post offices, Telegraph offices, public – utilities and buildings, Water Treatment Plant, Sewage
Treatment Plant, Solid waste Treatment Plant solid waste dumping grounds, Radio transmitter
and wireless stations, telecommunication centres, telephone exchange, Water supply
installations, Sewage disposal works, Service stations, Cemeteries/burial grounds and cremation
grounds, Power plants/ electrical substation, Radio and television station, Fire stations
b) Activities Restricted-That may be permitted on special grounds by Director
Service industry, Warehouse/storage godowns, Health centre for public and staff or any other
use incidental to public utilities and services, Information/Payment kiosk, Incidental/ancillary
residential use, Truck terminals, helipads, Commercial uses centre
c) Activities Prohibited
Any building or structure, which is not required for uses related to public utilities and activities,
is not permitted therein. Heavy, extensive and other obnoxious, hazardous industries and all
uses not specifically permitted above.
The activities Permitted, Restricted and Prohibited in Recreational Use Zone shall be as given below:
a) Activities Permitted
Regional parks, district parks, playgrounds, Botanical/zoological garden, Bird sanctuary, Clubs,
stadiums (indoor), outdoor stadiums with/ without health centre for players and staff, Picnic
huts, holiday resorts, Shooting range, Sports training centres, specialized parks/maidans for
multiuse, swimming pool, Special recreation and special educational areas, Library, public
b) Activities Restricted -That may be permitted on special grounds by Director
Building and structures ancillary to use permitted in open spaces and parks such as stand for
vehicles on hire, taxis and scooters, bus and railway passenger terminals, Facilities such as police
post, fire post, post and telegraph office, Commercial use of transit nature like cinema, circus
and other shows, Public assembly halls, Restaurants and caravan parks, Sports stadium, open air
c) Activities Prohibited
Any building or structure, which is not required for open air recreation, dwelling unit except for
watch and ward personnel and uses not specifically, permitted therein.
The activities Permitted, Restricted and Prohibited in Transport use zone shall be as given below:
a) Activities Permitted
All types of roads, Rail terminal, goods terminal, circulations, Bus stops and Bus and Truck
Taxi stands, Parking areas, Filling stations, Transport offices, booking offices, Night shelter,
boarding houses, Banks, Restaurants, Workshops and garages, Automobile spares and services,

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Godowns, Loading and unloading platforms (with/without cold storage facility), weigh bridges,
Ware houses, Storage depots, Utility networks (drainage, sewage, power, tele-communications).

b) Activities Restricted-That may be permitted on special grounds by Director

Way side shops and restaurants, Authorized/Planned Vending areas, Incidental/ancillary
residential use, Emergency health care centre, Tourism related projects, all ancillary
(complimentary) uses for above categories.
c) Activities Prohibited
Use/activity not specifically related to transport are not permitted herein and all uses are not
specifically permitted as above.


Primary Activity can be sub divided into
1. Agriculture: PA 1
2. Plantation: PA 2
3. Forestland/ Govt. Land: PA 3
The activities Permitted, Restricted and Prohibited in Primary Activity zone shall be as given below:
a) Activities Permitted
Dwelling for the people engaged in the farm (rural settlement), Farm‐houses and accessory
buildings, Agriculture, horticulture and forestry, poultry, piggeries and dairy farm, Cottage
industries, storage, processing and sale of farm produce, Petrol and other fuel filling stations,
Fishing, Public utility and facility buildings.
b) Activities Restricted -That may be permitted on special grounds by Director
Extensive industry, brick kilns, Sewage disposal works, Electric power plant, Quarrying of gravel,
sand, clay or stone, Service industries accessory to obnoxious and hazardous industries, School
and library and religious buildings, workshops for servicing and repair of farm machinery &
service station on fixed tenure basis, cold storage, godowns for food, seeds, fertilizers,
agriculture/horticulture equipments, tourist accommodation, transit visitors camps on non-
permanent, bus /taxi stands and parking places, etc. subject to the setbacks , FAR ,height &
coverage of this zone.
c) Activities Prohibited
Residential use except those ancillary uses permitted in agricultural use, Heavy extensive,
noxious, obnoxious and hazardous industries, any activity which is creating nuisance and is
obnoxious in nature.


The protective and undevelopable use zone shall be sub divided into
1. Water bodies: E1
2. Protected Forest: E2
3. Green Belt/Buffer: E3
4. Undevelopable use zone: E4

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1. Water bodies
a) Activities Permitted
Rivers, Khads, Nallahs, Streams, water spring, Ponds, lakes, Reservoir, Water Catchment Area
b) Activities Restricted-That may be permitted on special grounds by Director
Fisheries, boating, water theme parks, water sports, lagoons, any other use/activity incidental to
Water Bodies Use is permitted.
c) Activities Prohibited
Use/activity not specifically related to Water Bodies Use not permitted herein. All uses not
specifically permitted above.
2. Protected Forest:
a) Activities Permitted
Agro and Social forestry, Felling or removing trees or timber or other forest-produce from such
forests for their own use for the purposes of trade.
b) Activities Restricted -That may be permitted on special grounds by Director
Cutting, sawing and conversion, Removal of trees and timber, Collection, manufacture and
removal of forest-produce, from protected forests.
c) Activities Prohibited
Any kind of development residential, industrial or commercial, quarrying of stone, burning of
lime or charcoal, Collection or subjection to any manufacturing process, or removal of, any
forest-produce in any such forest, breaking up or clearing for cultivation, for building, for herding
cattle or for any other purpose, of any land in any such forest.
3. Green Belt/Buffer:
a) Activities Permitted
Afforestation, erosion checking measures, landscaping for tourism and public utilities such as
lines of movement, water pump-houses, sewerage plants, solid waste management plants,
roads/path, ghats, parks, cremation shelter.
b) Activities Prohibited
No construction activities shall be allowed with in the green belt i.e. 25m/10m/5m from the
river/khad/nallah respectively except above permitted activities.
4. Undevelopable use zone:
Undevelopable use zone shall be identified as all earthquake/landslide prone, cliffs and
environmentally hazardous area, areas adjacent to fault lines, areas with slope higher than 45
degree (NBC), flood plain and other areas identified by State Disaster Management Authority/
Competent Authority and all the environmentally sensitive areas.
a) Activities Permitted
b) Activities Restricted-That may be permitted on special grounds by Director
Quarrying of gravel, sand, clay or stone, Check dam to store water after clearance from the
authority, Special outdoor recreations
c) Activities Prohibited

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All uses not specifically permitted above

13.17.10 ABADI DEH
Unless otherwise specified under all the above regulations no planning permission shall be required
for village “Abadi Deh” as defined in the revenue construction in “Abadi Deh” area shall continue to
be covered/governed as per existing conventions. Changes of land use for development in this zone,
other than a farm house can be permitted only exceptional case subject to following conditions: -
A simple application shall be submitted to the Director for construction of two storeys structures
with two metres setbacks on all sides for self-employment activities e.g. Shop Atta Chakki, Poultry
Farm, Dairy, Godowns and small scale industry promoting agriculture. The application shall contain
the following description: -

1. Name and Father's name of the applicant along with correspondence and permanent address.
2. Description of land and activity proposed.
3. A location/Site plan describing the exact location of the site (with or without scale)
4. Line plan of the proposed construction (Scale 1:100). However, each of such application shall
be accompanied with a recommendation of the Pradhan of the area that the proposed
activity/construction is not going to cause any nuisance and that there is a proper approach
path existing or proposed by the applicant.
Note: - These regulations of Chapter 13 of Development Plan shall be applicable in the
entire planning area, the detail of which is shown in Table 13.2.

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The Chapter deals with the Phasing, Costing and Financing techniques of the Development Proposals
for the Planning Area.

14.1 Planning Perspective

The Development Plan contains provision for a projected population of 72,134 people, which is
anticipated to are in Sundernagar Planning Area by the end of year 2035 through period of 20 years.
The total area covered within Sundernagar Planning Area is 2640 Ha. The 88 Ha of land is covered
under DPF and Dense Forest and 90 Ha under Water Bodies which has been retained as such while
165 Ha of land has steep slope i.e., slope between 30°and 45°and 15 Ha’ land is undevelopable i.e.,
slope more than 45°. An acute shortage of funds for acquisition of land for public purposes is a great
challenge to the administration to ensure a sustainable integrated development pattern. It has,
therefore, been proposed to adopt a people's participatory approach for an optimum
accomplishment. It will only be possible with the joint efforts of Municipal Council Panchayat and
the Gram Panchayats included in the Sundernagar Planning Area and the Department of Town and
Country Planning, which is nodal agency for planning in the State.
Though the phasing, costing and implementation of Development Plan is to be contemplated by
integrating it as part of Five Year Plans and keeping in view development priorities to meet needs of
growing population, yet in view of socio-economic dynamics likely to persist after the course of five
years on one hand and in consonance with the national policy of preparation of rolling plans on the
other. The programme for implementation of each successive phase has to be worked out in view of
reviewing at interval of 5 years’ time frame i.e. after each phase. For implementation of
Development Plan, services land needs to be developed in view of planning provisions to the
channelise growth of the town according to the Development Plan. In implementation of this
Development Plan, Sundernagar Municipal Council and Gram Panchayats are proposed to play an
instrumental role for bulk services, however, the State Govt. has to make allocation either to the
Department of Town and Country Planning or to Infrastructural Departments.

14.2 Phasing
The Development Plan is a regulatory instrument to guide the development through 20 years. Since
it is not possible to clearly foresee the entire scenario with reference to the financial aspects that is
likely to emerge over such a long period. Hence, the Development Plan is considered to be a long-
term policy document which is to serve as a guide for development and must be reviewed after
every five years to incorporate all the changes on priorities. The first phase is very important as it
gives lead to the development pattern that is to be followed in subsequent phases.
To implement the proposals made in previous chapter in a phased manner, following phases have
been proposed: -
Phase I 2016-2020
Phase II 2021-2025
Phase III 2026-2030
Phase IV 2031-2035
Details of activities to be undertaken in each phase is given in the table below: -

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Table 14-1 Phasing of Planning Proposals

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV
Sl. No. Activities/Use
2016-20 2021-25 2026-30 2031-35
1 Commercial
a Expansion of existing Wholesale market-cum-Subzi 
Mandi at Dhanotu
b Expansion of existing Timber Market at Mahadev
c Expansion of existing Building Material market at
d Hotels and Restaurants along 4-lane Expressway  
e Service Sector Repair shops  
f Community Center 
g Local shops and Shopping Center    
2 Industrial
a Handicraft and Cottage Industries  
b Agro-processing Industries  
c SMSE Industries  
d IT and ITeS Industries  
e Research and Development  
3 Traffic and Transportation
a Widening of NH-154 within the town to 18m ROW 
b Widening of Circular Road till Maharaja Lakshman 
Sen Memorial College to 15m ROW
c Construction of new 12m ROW roads  
d Widening of Remaining Circular Road to 12 ROW  
e Widening of exiting links between NH and Circular  
Road to 9m ROW
f Widening of village roads to 6m ROW    
g Junction Improvements 
h Truck Parking at Naulakha along NH-154 
i New Bus Terminal at Thala along NH-154 
j Relocation of Taxi stand 
h Parking at strategic locations  
4 Tourism
a Development of Tourist Destination spot at hill top 
in Bahot
b Adventure Tourism at hill top 
c Light and sound show 
d Flori-tourism activities 
e Development of pilgrimage sites  
f Development of other heritage sites  
5 Facilities
a Nursery Schools  
b Dispensary and Health Sub-Center 
c Nursing Home and Family Welfare Center  
d Hospital 
e Sub Post Office  
f Police Post and Police Station  
g Fire Station 
h Banquet Hall 
i Community Welfare Center 
6 Recreational Spaces
a City Park 
b Botanical Garden  
c Zoological Garden  

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Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Sl. No. Activities/Use
2016-20 2021-25 2026-30 2031-35
d Neighbourhood Park and Playground    
7 Residential
a Residential Sectoral Development    
8 Infrastructure
a Water supply    
b Sewerage    
c Strom water drains    
d Solid Waste Management    
e Power and Telecommunication    
9 Agricultural
a Floricultural    

14.3 Costing
The Plan envisages that the residential development is to be ensured by the landowners by sub-
divisions, Municipal Council and Gram Panchayats through mechanism of 'Land Pooling and
Reconstitution'. In case the "Land Pooling and Reconstitution" mechanism does not succeed, the
land has to be acquired for implementation of the Development Plan Roads with width 6.00 M and
less are to be developed by Municipal Council and Gram Panchayat by raising funds from the
beneficiaries. Roads with a width of 9.00 M, 12.00 M and 15.00 M are to be implemented by the
PWD by raising development charges through implementation and realization of remunerative uses
in the activity zones. However, the cost of arterial roads (18.00 M), bulk water and electric supply is
to be borne by obtaining funds through plan allocation from the State Government and the same is
to be realized subsequently from the beneficiaries.
The cost of various infrastructure projects envisaged in the Development Plan accounts of about 291
This includes-
1. Construction of new roads and road widening on proposed roads. Construction of storm-
water drains along the roads
2. Construction of Water Treatment Plan and laying of water supply distribution network
3. Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant and laying of sewer network
4. Augmentation of existing electric sub-station and laying of over-head electrical lines
5. Street-lighting and telecommunication networking
6. Solid waste management

Table 14-2: Summary of Infrastructure Cost

Sl.No. Description Unit Rate Total Amount
1A Asphalt Carriage Way Sqm 3,300 716548 2,36,46,06,783
300mm GSB, 250mm WMM, 100mm DBM, 40mm
1B Minor Bridges (RCC) Sqm 80,000 4680 37,44,00,000
SUB HEAD TOTAL 2,36,46,06,783
2A Rectangular Drains (RCC) Meter 21,000 203476 4,27,29,94,425
2B Culverts (RCC) Big Meter 70,00,000 7.00 4,90,00,000
2C Box Culverts (RCC) Road Crossings Each 20,000 359 71,80,000
SUB HEAD TOTAL 4,32,91,74,425

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Sl.No. Description Unit Rate Total Amount
3A Potable Water Supply Distribution Network Meter 3,500 142570
HDPE PE80 <300mmdia, 300mm>DI Pipes, SandS
3B WTP MLD 3,00,00,000 11.80 35,40,00,000
SUB HEAD TOTAL 85,29,93,564
4A Waste Water network Meter 5,750 165782
RCC NP-3 internal lined pipes
4B STP MLD 3,50,00,000 5.00 17,50,00,000
SUB HEAD TOTAL 1,12,82,44,390
5 Solid Waste Management TPD 3,00,000 200.00 6,00,00,000
6 Power
6A Construction of New 33/11kV Substation L.S 3,86,29,450 1 3,86,29,450
6B 22kV and 11kV OH Network (renovation,
KM 3,81,145 8.00 30,49,160
modernization and upgradation)
6C New 22kV and 11kV OH Network KM 6,02,557 8.54 51,48,247
6D L.V Network with Pole Mounted Distribution
KM 9,18,298 13.24 1,21,53,858
6E Street lighting on the New Road Lighting Pole KM 5,00,000 10.68 53,40,000
6F Street lighting on the existing OH Infrastructure KM 2,25,000 39.81 89,57,250
SUB HEAD TOTAL 7,32,77,965
7 Telecommunications
7A Telecommunications / Data Network Conduiting KM 2,50,000 18.85 47,11,250
SUB HEAD TOTAL 47,11,250
TOTAL 8,81,30,08,376
Add for Misc. and unforeseen items 44,06,50,419
Escalation (per annum) 64,77,56,116
TOTAL (cost as on 2016) 9,90,14,14,910
Source: Estimated by Analysis based on Standard Rates

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The phase wise costing for the infrastructural work is presented in the table below.
Table 14-3: Phase-wise Costing of Development
Description Unit PH-1: 2016-2020 PH-2: 2021-2025 PH-3: 2026-2030 PH-4: 2031-2035 Total Amount
Quantity Amount Quantity Amount Quantity Amount Quantity Amount
1A Asphalt Carriage Way Sqm 112076 2,36,46,06,783
36,98,52,197 206005 67,98,15,886 223354 73,70,67,064 175113 57,78,71,636
300 mm GSB, 250 mm WMM, 100 mm DBM,
40mm BC
1B Minor Bridges (RCC) Sqm 720 5,76,00,000 3600 28,80,00,000 360 2,88,00,000 37,44,00,000
SUB HEAD TOTAL 36,98,52,197 67,98,15,886 73,70,67,064 57,78,71,636 2,36,46,06,783
3A Rectangular Drains (RCC) Meter 32022 67,24,58,540 52552 1,10,35,84,718 66343 1,39,31,98,700 52560 1,10,37,52,466 4,27,29,94,425
3B Culverts (RCC) Big Meter 1.00 70,00,000 2 1,40,00,000 2 1,40,00,000 2 1,40,00,000 4,90,00,000
3C Box Culverts (RCC) Road Crossings Each 56 11,20,000 103 20,60,000 112 22,40,000 88 17,60,000 71,80,000
SUB HEAD TOTAL 68,05,78,540 1,11,96,44,718 1,40,94,38,700 1,11,95,12,466 4,32,91,74,425
4A Potable Water Supply Distribution Network Meter 32022 11,20,76,423 33829 11,84,02,884 34428 12,04,96,672 42291 14,80,17,584
HDPE PE80 <300mmdia, 300mm>DI Pipes, SandS
4B WTP MLD 9.30 27,90,00,000 2.5 7,50,00,000 35,40,00,000
SUB HEAD TOTAL 39,10,76,423 11,84,02,884 19,54,96,672 14,80,17,584 85,29,93,564
5A Waste Water network RCC NP-3 internal lined Meter 32022 18,41,25,553 42287 24,31,48,779 49182 28,27,98,313 42291 24,31,71,745
5B STP MLD 3.50 12,25,00,000 1.5 5,25,00,000 17,50,00,000
SUB HEAD TOTAL 30,66,25,553 24,31,48,779 33,52,98,313 24,31,71,745 1,12,82,44,390
6 Solid Waste Management TPD 200.00 6,00,00,000 6,00,00,000
7 Power and Telecommunications
7A Construction of New 33/11kV Substation L.S 1 3,86,29,450 3,86,29,450
7B 22kV and 11kV OH Network (renovation,
KM 4 15,24,580 2 7,62,290 1 3,81,145 1 3,81,145 30,49,160
modernization and upgradation)
7C New 22kV and 11kV OH Network KM 5.34 32,17,654 3.2 19,30,593 51,48,247
7D L.V Network with Pole mounted Distribution
KM 3.2 29,38,554 1.6 14,69,277 5.07 46,57,608 3.36 30,88,420 1,21,53,858

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Description Unit PH-1: 2016-2020 PH-2: 2021-2025 PH-3: 2026-2030 PH-4: 2031-2035 Total Amount
Quantity Amount Quantity Amount Quantity Amount Quantity Amount
7E Street lighting on the New Road Lighting Pole KM 2.07 10,33,500 8.61 43,06,500 53,40,000
7F Street lighting on the existing OH Infrastructure KM 3.2 7,20,000 11.4 25,64,100 11.75 26,42,850 13.47 30,30,300 89,57,250
SUB HEAD TOTAL KM 51,83,134 58,29,167 5,38,35,207 84,30,457 7,32,77,965
8 Telecommunications / Data Network Conduiting KM 3.77 9,42,250 3.77 9,42,250 7.54 18,84,500 3.77 9,42,250 47,11,250
TOTAL 1,81,42,58,097 2,16,77,83,684 2,73,30,20,457 2,09,79,46,138 8,81,30,08,376
Add for Misc. and unforeseen items 9,07,12,905 10,83,89,184 13,66,51,023 10,48,97,307 44,06,50,419
Escalation (per annum) 13,33,47,970 15,93,32,101 20,08,77,004 15,41,99,041 64,77,56,116
TOTAL (cost as on 2016) 2,03,83,18,972 2,43,55,04,969 3,07,05,48,483 2,35,70,42,486 9,90,14,14,910
Source: Estimated by Analysis based on Standard Rates

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14.4 Financing
The cost of residential development including road network, sewerage, drainage, electrification,
parks, open spaces, parking, local convenient shopping etc., is to be borne by the land owners either
themselves in respect of their land holdings or by way of land pooling and reconstitution mechanism
in respect of small irregular holdings of different owners. The benefits likely to occur by way of sale
of plots by virtue of enhancement of land values due to planned efforts would be more than
sufficient to meet with the cost of development. On the basis of demarcation of plots in view of duly
approved sub-division land pooling and reconstitution scheme by the Director, Town and Country
Planning Department. Himachal Pradesh. The land owner may get advance from the likely
purchasers for development purposes.
The Wholesale-cum-Sabzi Mandi complex is to be developed by the HP Marketing Committee.
The Truck parking in vicinity of the proposed Mandi is to be developed by the Municipal Council
/PWD by raising funds from the beneficiaries in due course of time, by charged parking.
The HP Department of Industries/HP State Industrial Development Corporation will be responsible
for development of industrial area.
Similarly, the respective Departments/ Government undertaking by raising resources from the
beneficiaries will be responsible for development of utilities, facilities and services including water
supply, sewerage, drainage electrification, telephone etc. at the town level.
The Government and Semi-Govt. offices are to be developed by the respective Departments either
by raising their own resources or by obtaining funds from the Government.
Town and sector level parks may be developed by the Municipal Council and Gram Panchayat by
arranging land for the purpose.

14.5 Implementation
Besides landowners, Municipal Council and Gram Panchayats shall be responsible for creation of
services land. However, overall control on implementation of proposals of Development Plan in
terms of land use, zoning and sub-division regulations shall vest with the Director, Town and Country
Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh. To assess achievements of each phase and to orient the
Development Plan according to changing needs as well as to cater for unforeseen factors, it is
envisaged to review this Plan after the completion of period of each phase.
In order to ensure inter-departmental coordination, a committee under the chairmanship of SDM,
Sundernagar is hereby recommended. It shall have following members:
1. S.D.M, Sundernagar, Chairman
2. Tehsildar, Sundernagar
3. Executive Engineer (BandR), H.P.PWD, Sundernagar ex eng
4. Executive Engineer (I & PH), Sundernagar
5. Executive Engineer (HPSEB), Sundernagar
6. Chief Engineer, BBMB Colony, Sundernagar
7. DFO, Sundernagar
8. President, Municipal Council, Sundernagar
9. Executive Officer, Municipal Council, Sundernagar
10. Regional Officer, HRTC, Sundernagar

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11. Pradhans, Gram Panchayats in Sundernagar Planning Area

12. Executive Engineer (NH)
13. Three Key NGO’s or public representatives
14. Planning Officer, TCPD, Sundernagar
15. Town and Country Planner/ Assistant Town Planner, Mandi, Member Secretary
The Committee may meet at least twice in a year and devise ways and means to ensure
implementation of development plan proposals.

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Bhagat, B.B., Das, K.C., 2008, Levels, Trends and Structure of Workforce in India: Census Based Study
1981-2001, International Institute of Population Sciences, Mumbai.
Central Ground Water Board, Ground Water Information Booklet, Mandi District, Himachal Pradesh,
September 2013, Series-E, Northern Himalayan Region, Dharamshala, Ministry of Water Resources,
Government of India.
Central Pollution Control Board, Ambient Air Quality Standards, Government of India, available at
Department of Economics and Statistics, Economic Survey of Himachal Pradesh, 1995 1999-00, 2005-
06 and 2014, Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Department of School Education and Literacy, School Location Mapping, Ministry of Human
Resource Development, Government of India, available at
District Industry Center, Mandi District, Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Forest Department, Himachal Pradesh Forest Statistics, 2013, Government of Himachal Pradesh,
available at
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Fact File: General Parameters, Official Website of Mandi District
available at
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Weather Information, The Official Website of Himachal Pradesh,
available at
Government of India, 2012, District Disaster Management Plan: District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh,
the Government of India-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Programme (2009-12), UNDP.
Government of India, Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India, 1951-2001, available at
Government of India, Water Quality Assessment Authority, accessed on 16th April, 2016, available at
Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board, Air Quality Data, 2013-15, Government of Himachal
Pradesh, available at
Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board, Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report and
Environment Management Plan, n.d., Vardan Environet, Gurgaon, Haryana, available at
IITK--BMTPC “Earthquake Tips: Learning Seismic Design and Construction”, National Information
Center of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India seen on 16th June 2016.
Khanna, G, 2015, Transit Networks and Regional Development in India, University of Michigan,
available at , accessed on 29th August, 2016.
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Brief Industrial Profile of Mandi District, 2011-12,
Government of India.
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, 2012, Working Group on Roads for the National Transport
Development Policy Committee: Final Report, Government of India, New Delhi

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Ministry of Urban Development, “Regional Plan-2021: National Capital Region”, Government of

India, p. 125-128.
Ministry of Urban Development, Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
Norms and Standards Government of India.
Ministry of Urban Development, The Constitution (Seventy-Fourth Amendment) Act, 1992
Background, accessed on 20/06/2016, Government of India, available at
Ministry of Urban Development, Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and
Implementation (URDPFI) Guidelines, January 2015, Government of India.
National Disaster Management Authority, Incident Response System, July 2010, Government of
National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
(MoDWS), Government of India.
Office of Registrar General and Census Commissioner (ORGI), District Census Handbook, Mandi
District, 2014-15, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
Office of Registrar General and Census Commissioner (ORGI), General Population Tables, Mandi
District, 1991, 2001 and 2011, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
Office of Registrar General and Census Commissioner (ORGI), Primary Census Abstract, Mandi
District, Table HH-4, H-4, 2011, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner (ORGI), 2011, Meta Data, Census of India
2011, Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs,
Government of India, p.6-7.
Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner (ORGI), 2011, Metadata on Houselisting
and Housing Census, Census of India 2011, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, p.5-6.
Pandey, G.D., “Mitigation and Prevention of Chemical Disasters”, n.d. Directorate of Factories, U.P.
available at
PHD Chamber, 2012, Tourism in Himachal Pradesh and the way ahead, KPMG Network, p.6.
Available at
Planning Commission, Tenth Five Year Plan: Sectoral Policies and Programmes, 2002-07, Vol. II,
Government of India, New Delhi.
Sinha, RS, 2013, Urban Forestry: Urbanisation and Greening of Indian Cities- Efforts for Green Delhi,
Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, available at , accessed on 29th
August, 2016.
Sub-Divisional Disaster Management Plan: Sundernagar-Division, 2015, District Mandi, Himachal
World Health Organization, 2007, Risk reduction and emergency preparedness: WHO six-year
strategy for the health sector and community capacity development, WHO Document Production
Services, Geneva, Switzerland p.9. Available at

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Household Survey Format
Development Plan for Planning/Special Areas of Himachal Pradesh
Department of Town and Country Planning, Shimla
Household Survey
NAME OF SURVEYOR: …………………………………………… DATE: ………………………… DAY: ………………………..…………
NAME OF RESPONDENT: ………………………………………. AREA SURVEYED: ……………………………….

Education Occupation Monthly Work Education

a. Illiterate a. Student
Mode of
Income Institute
Places transport
b. Literate b. Business a. <5000
a. Walk
s. b. 5000-10000
b. Primary c. Government a. Within Village b. Cycle
No c. 10000-
Service c. Two-
. Relationship c. Higher 20000
b. In urban areas (planning Wheeler
with the Age Sex Secondary d. Private d. 20000-
area) d. Car
Respondent professional 30000
d. Graduate e. Taxi/Aut
e. Retired
e. 30000- c. Within planning area o
e. Post-
40000 f. Bus
Graduate f. Home maker
f. 40000- d. Outside planning area g. Tractors
f. Others g. others 50000 h. Others
(please specify) (please specify) g. >50000

1.1 Housing typology □ Plotted □ Flats □ Others, specify ………………

1.2 No. of floors □ G □ G+1 □ G+2 □ G+3 □ Others, specify …………………

1.3 When was this house built? □ 0-10years □ 10-20years □ More than 20years
1.4 House ownership □ Owned □ Rented □ Govt. allotted
1.5 If rented, Monthly Rental Rs

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2.1 Plot size (m2)………………………………….....................
Property / Land Value …………………………………………….
2.2 No. of rooms ……………………………………………………..
2.3 Floor Wise Building Use 2.4 Building Material
Floor Use (Residential/ Remarks
a) Floor □ Cement □ Mud
Commercial/ (specify if
Others) others) b) Wall □ Brick □ Wooden
c) Roof □ RCC □ Concrete □

First Floor Asbestos

Second □ Thatch □ Tiles □
Floor Tin sheet
Third Floor

a) Duration of stay of head of household □ Since birth □ No
b) If no, When did you move here □ 0-2 years □ 2-5 years □ 5-10 years □More than
10 year
c) From where did you migrate?
d) What was the reason for migration?
□ Employment □ Education □Marriage □Due to Disaster □Others, specify
a) Source: □ Supply by IPH □ Bore well □ Hand pump □Community Tap
b) If municipal supply, Duration of supply per day □ Irregular □< 1hour □ 1-2hour
c) Do you pay tariff for water □Yes □No
c-1) If yes, how much amount you pay per month?
a) Toilet Facility □ Within Housing Block □ Within Premises □ Community
Toilets □Open

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b) Sewerage system □ Individual Septic Tank □Community Septic Tank □

City Sewer line
b-1) If septic tanks then the frequency of cleaning septic tanks
□Monthly □Quarterly □Half-yearly □Yearly
b-2) Method of cleaning the septic tanks □Manually □ Mud pipe
□ Others
a) Type of Strom Water Drains □Open □Closed
b) Any Problems with Strom Water Drains □Water logging □Blockage □Smell □
Mosquito breeding
c) Frequency of cleaning □Daily □Weekly □Fortnight
d) Any water harvesting facility practiced? □Yes □No
d-1) If yes, □ Individual □ Community level
a) Method of Solid Waste Collection
□ Door-to-door collection □ Community Level Collection □ None
b) Waste Dumping
□ Individually to the nearest bin □ Individually to the dumping ground □ Community
level dumping □ Others
c) Distance to nearest garbage bin/ dumping ground (in kms)

a) Do you have Metered electricity Connection □Yes □No
c) Are there any power cuts? □ Yes □ No
c-1) If yes, for what time/ hours per day……………………………………….…………
d) How much tariff do you pay for electricity?
□ per unit………………………………………… □ per month…………………………………
e) Do you have access to solar power? □ Yes □ No
e-1) If yes, for what purpose you use? □ Lighting □ Solar Heating system □
Cooking □ Other, specify……………….

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a) Vehicle ownership

Type 4-wheeler 2-wheeler Cycle Other None


b) Details of Household trips

S.No. Gender Mode of Origin Destination Travel Travel Travel Cost

Transport Purpose Time

a. Walk

b. Cycle

c. Two-Wheeler

d. Car

e. Taxi/Auto

f. Bus

b-1) Are you satisfied with the frequency of bus service in your area? □ Yes □ No

b-1.1) If no,

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Location Frequency of use Satisfaction

e. Within village a. Daily Unsatisfied - 0-3

f. In urban areas
b. Twice a week Fair - 4-5
Social Services/Infrastructure (planning area)
g. Within planning c. Weekly Good - 6-7

area d. Rarely V.Good - 8-10

h. Outside planning

(A) Health

Dispensary/ Clinic


(B) Shopping

Convenience Shopping

Weekly Market

Local Shopping

Others, specify

(C) Services

Community Hall

Post Office

Police Booth/ Station

Fire Station

(D) Recreational




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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

(E) Utilities

Taxi stand/ Bus stop

(F) Education

Nursery School/ Anganwadi

Primary School

Secondary School

Sr. Sec. School



a) Which are the most common/likely disaster in your area
□ Flood □ Earthquake □ Cloud Burst □ Drought
□ Forest Fire □ Landslide □ Fire Incident □ Other…………..
b-1) Does any of the above mentioned event took place in your area/nearby in last 10
years? □ Yes □ No
b-1.1) If yes, name the event ………………………………………..
b-1.2) Date of the event ………………………………………….
b-1.3) Impact □ Devastating □Moderate
c) If your family prepared to face disaster? □ Yes □ No
c-1) If yes, what steps will you take to mitigate the impact


a) Did you receive any mock drill on any of the disaster event at community level in your area?
□ Yes □ No

a-1) If yes, on what event ? …………………………………….

a-2) Who organized it? …………………………………….

a-3) Frequency of such drills? □Monthly □Quarterly □Half-yearly □Yearly

7. Problems and Prospects

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i. What are the basic problems that the housing area faces, example, drainage, water supply,
waste disposal, safety and security?
ii. Who is responsible for the management of the housing area? What major works have they
done in the past?
iii. What are the benefits of living in the area, for example connectivity, accessibility to
facilities, etc

iv. Do you suggest some changes that could help improve the housing area?
v. What kind of improvements and development are you expecting in your area?




8. What are your priorities for Improvement

□ Security □ Health □ Water □ Employment □ Roads

□ Education □ Housing □ Sanitation □ Electricity

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Traffic Volume Count Survey Format


Name of Enumerator: ………………………………………………………………........... Date / Time: ……………………………………………………….………………

Name of Road / Location: …………………………………………………………………… Direction of Traffic: …………………………………………………………….


Tractor Non – Motorized Vehicles
(Passenger) (Passenger) (Goods) (Goods)

Wheeler Standard With Without Rick- Hand- Bullock
Period 3W 4W 3W 4W Truck Cycle Others
Bus Bus Trailer Trailer shaw cart cart

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Origin Destination Survey Format


Name of Enumerator: ………………………………………………………………........... Date / Time: …………………………………………………………….…………

Name of Road / Location: …………………………………………………………………… Direction of Traffic: …………………………………………………………….

Time Vehicle Passenger Origin Destination Purpose No. of Type of No. of Trips No. of working days Route mostly
(Place/District/ (Place/District/ (in days/ weeks/ (in days/ weeks/ preferred or
Period type or Goods of Trip Passengers Goods
State) State) months) months) adopted

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Origin Destination Survey Master Sheet

Type: 1
Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 2232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 3527
2 980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 980
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70
8 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 2302 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 4740

Type: 2
Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 7 0 60 7 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 81
2 0 0 0 0 13 0 7 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 33
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 2
4 39 7 0 0 39 13 46 59 20 0 7 39 322
3 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 17 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
7 0 85 0 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128
10 0 17 0 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85
11 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43
12 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 17 0 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94
41 3 2
Grand Total 39 175 0 59 20 46 81 20 0 7 39 956
7 3 0

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M. Bus
Type: 3

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 48 0 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97

Type: 4

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 136 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 158
2 231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 231
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116
5 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
11 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45
13 11
Grand Total 231 203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 686
6 6

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Vehicle All
Type Pasenger
Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 2374 0 82 7 0 0 0 0 78 0 0 0 0 3766
2 0 0 0 13 0 7 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 1292
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 2 17
4 121 7 0 0 39 13 46 20 0 7 39 519
3 0 5
5 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
6 0 17 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
7 0 223 0 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 274
8 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82
9 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128
10 0 17 0 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114
12 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 139
268 60 3 2 26
Grand Total 2681 0 59 20 46 20 0 7 39 6479
7 2 3 0 6

Vehicle LCV/
Type: 1 LMV
Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 185 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 185
2 32 0 0 64 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 354
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 64
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 185 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 185
Grand Total 32 369 0 64 32 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 788

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Type: 2

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 3 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 24
2 7 0 0 13 13 7 81 0 47 13 20 0 0 20 222
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 13 7 0 0 0 54
5 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 9
7 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 7
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 11
10 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
11 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Grand Total 8 15 0 26 13 7 0 61 29 34 0 0 21 334

Type: 3

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
2 0 0 0 0 32 0 32 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 96
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 96
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78
7 0 155 0 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 233
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 12
Grand Total 0 233 0 32 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 534
0 8

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Type: 4

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 25 0 0 0 50 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70
Grand Total 95 0 0 0 50 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 170

Vehicle_Typ All
e Goods

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 187 0 39 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 240
23 24
2 64 0 0 78 95 7 0 13 20 0 0 20 772
4 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 32 0 34 0 13 7 0 0 0 214
5 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
6 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 87
7 0 160 0 78 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 239
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 11
10 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
11 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 70 185 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 257
19 12 27 38
Grand Total 135 617 0 7 0 29 34 0 0 21 1826
9 8 5 2

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area


Type: 1
Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
14 58
1 353 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1081
6 3
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 73 0 0 0 0 146
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 469 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 536
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 335 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 402
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
115 21 65
Grand Total 134 0 0 0 0 0 73 0 0 0 0 2237
6 9 6

Type: 2
Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 4 0 0 0 11 4 11 0 0 14 7 0 0 0 50
2 0 0 0 0 11 4 7 0 7 25 0 0 4 4 60
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
4 0 0 0 0 46 4 4 0 14 53 14 4 0 14 153
5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 252
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
10 0 5 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60
11 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 5 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45
39 1
Grand Total 9 10 0 67 25 0 21 92 21 4 4 18 674
2 1

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

M. Bus
Type: 3

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 12
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 0 0 0 37 24 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 72

Type: 4

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 31
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 124
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 305

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area


Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
15 60
1 356 0 0 0 11 4 0 0 7 0 0 0 1143
6 9
2 0 0 0 0 11 4 80 0 7 56 0 0 4 4 164
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
12 13
4 0 0 0 0 70 4 4 0 87 14 4 0 446
6 8
5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 252
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 469 67 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 561
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
10 485 72 0 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 649
11 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 5 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45
131 42 1 24 79 14
Grand Total 144 0 91 0 94 21 4 4 3289
5 9 1 3 1 2

Vehicle LCV/
Type: 1 LMV

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 208 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 57 38 0 0 0 0 321
2 19 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 57
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 227 0 0 0 0 0 38 0 76 38 0 0 0 0 378

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Type: 2

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 7 28 0 0 0 0 62
2 0 0 0 0 0 55 0 21 28 7 0 0 7 131
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 21
5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 9
7 9 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 14
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
10 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
11 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Grand Total 17 10 0 8 0 90 0 34 57 14 0 0 7 251

Type: 3

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 0 34 0 0 0 102
2 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
10 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 23
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 47
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 219 23 0 47 0 0 0 0 68 47 0 0 0 540

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 185

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Type: 4

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5
2 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 25
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 9
10 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
11 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 11 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
Grand Total 26 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 5 68

Vehicle_Typ All
e Goods

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 208 0 0 0 0 0 46 0 65 39 0 0 0 490
1 11
2 68 0 0 0 0 74 0 40 28 0 0 12 348
4 4
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 98 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 117
5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 9
7 9 1 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 38
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 34
10 94 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101
11 0 7 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 34
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 47
14 11 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
1 12 17 14 16
Grand Total 489 33 0 73 0 0 0 0 12 1237
4 7 8 2 9

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Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area


Type: 1

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 381 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2743
2 732 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 732
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 381 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3475

Type: 2

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 94 52 52 22 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230
2 103 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134
3 59 7 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89
4 83 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93
5 35 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 375 67 93 52 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 597

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 187

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

M. Bus
Type: 3

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37
4 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75

Type: 4

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 155 0 84 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 324
2 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 142 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 332 0 84 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 501

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 188

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area


Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
263 13
1 433 22 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3317
1 6
2 871 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 902
3 96 7 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 126
4 102 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112
5 177 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 192
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
387 17
Grand Total 448 52 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4648
7 7

Vehicle LCV/
Type: 1 LMV

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 376 42 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 430
2 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
5 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 473 42 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 527

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 189

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Type: 2

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 269
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 269

Type: 3

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 65 0 0 0 0 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 139
2 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 269 0 0 0 0 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 342

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 190

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Type: 4

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 48 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
Grand Total 71 16 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109

Vehicle_Typ All
e Goods

Origin/ 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 d
Destination 2 3
1 710 42 6 0 6 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 837
2 138 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
5 134 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
Grand Total 58 6 0 28 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1247

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 191

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Details of Village wise Government Land

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.
Bhaur-1 1410

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 192

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.



Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 193

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.

Ghangal-5 366
Jugahan-6 211
Mahadev-7 501

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 194

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.

Chamukha-8 266

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 195

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 196

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 197

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.

Sundernagar Colony-11 No Govt. Land
Dodhu-12 806
Thala-13 276

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 198

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.

Kalohad-14 13

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 199

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 200

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.

Pungh-15 141

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 201

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.

D.P.F. Changar (A)-16 No Govt. Land
D.P.F. Changar (B)-17 No Govt. Land
Purana Nagar-18 312

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 202

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.

Ropa-19 420

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 203

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 204

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 205

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.

Bari-21 313

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 206

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 207

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 208

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.

Sundernagar-22 3454

Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 209

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 210

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 211

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 212

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 213

Development Plan - 2035 Sundernagar Planning Area

Village Name Govt. Land Khasra No.


Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh Page | 214

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