Machine Learning Introduction Presentation

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Introduction to Machine Learning Research on Time Series

Umaa Rebbapragada Tufts University Advisor: Carla Brodley 1/29/07

Machine Learning (ML)

Originally a subeld of AI Extraction of rules and patterns from data sets Focused on:
Computational complexity Memory

Machine Learning Tasks for Time Series

Classication Clustering Semi-supervised learning Anomaly Detection

Univariate time series Time series databases

Single Time Series

A single long time series can be converted into a set of smaller time series by sliding a window incrementally across the time series :

Window length is usually a user-specied parameter.

Challenges of Times Series Data

High dimensional Voluminous Requires fast technique

Brute Force Similarity Search

Given query time series Q, the best match by sequential scanning is found by:

O(nd) Finding the nearest neighbor for each time series in the database is prohibitive.

Similarity Search
Clustering and classication methods perform many similarity calculations Some require storage of the k nearest neighbors of each data instance Critical that these calculations be fast

Speeding up Similarity Search

Alternate time series representations Search databases faster New similarity metrics

Data Mining Time Series Toolbox

Indexing Dimensionality Reduction Segmentation Discretization Similarity metric

Faster than a sequential scan Insertions and deletions do not require rebuilding the entire index Partition the data into regions Search regions that contain a likely match Requires a similarity metric that obeys triangle inequality

R-trees kd-trees linear quad-trees grid-les

Indexing on Times Series Data

High dimensionality slows down speed of computation Curse of dimensionality inhibits efciency of of indexing

Dimensionality Reduction
Reduces the size of the time series Distance on transformed data should lower bound the original distance

This guarantees no false dismissals (false negatives)

Dimensionality Reduction: DFT, DWT, SVD

Represent time series using subsets of
Fourier coefcients Wavelet coefcients eigenvalue/vectors

Euclidean-distance is lower-bounded on DFT1, DWT2, SVD3

[1] C. Faloutsos et al.: Fast Subsequence Matching in Time-Series Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 419-429 [2] K. Chan and A. Fu: Efcient Time Series Matching by Wavelets. ICDE 1999: 126-133 [3] F. Korn et al.: Efciently Supporting Ad Hoc Queries in Large Datasets of Time Sequences. SIGMOD Conference 1997: 289-300

Gemini Framework
Faloutsos et al., 1994 Map each time series to a lower dimension Store in multi-dimensional indexing structure

C. Faloutsos et al.: Fast Subsequence Matching in Time-Series Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 419-429

Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA)

Eamonn J. Keogh, et al.: Dimensionality Reduction for Fast Similarity Search in Large Time Series Databases. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 3(3): 263-286 (2001) Fig: Eamonn J. Keogh, et al.: HOT SAX: Efciently Finding the Most Unusual Time Series Subsequence. ICDM 2005: 226-233

Represent the time series in smaller, less complex segments.
Piecewise Linear Approximation (PLA) Minimum Bounding Rectangles (MBR)

Piecewise Linear Approximation (PLA)

Minimum-Bounding Rectangles (MBR)

Fig: A. Anagnostopoulos et al: Global distance-based segmentation of trajectories. SIGKDD Conference 2006: 34-43

Transforms a real-valued time series into a sequence of characters from a discrete alphabet Dimensionality reduction implicit Allows use of string functions on time series


Jessica Lin et al. A symbolic representation of time series, with implications for streaming algorithms. DMKD 2003: 2-11 Fig: Eamonn J. Keogh, et al.: HOT SAX: Efciently Finding the Most Unusual Time Series Subsequence. ICDM 2005: 226-233

Is Euclidean Distance Best Metric?

Everything discussed so far used ED as similarity metric Is it the best similarity metric for time series?

Drawbacks of Euclidean Distance

Requires two time series to have same dimensionality 1-to-1 alignment of the time axis

Cross Correlation
Cross correlation with convolution can nd optimal phase shift to maximize similarity

Fig: P. Protopapas et al.: Finding outlier light-curves in catalogs of periodic variable stars. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 369 (2006) 677-696

Cross Correlation
Optimal phase shift (to left) of solid line is 0.3

Fig: P. Protopapas et al.: Finding outlier light-curves in catalogs of periodic variable stars. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 369 (2006) 677-696

Dynamic Time Warping (DTW)

DTW allows many-to-one alignment Time series need not be same size


Time Axis

Fig: Y. Sakurai, et al.: FTW: fast similarity search under the time warping distance. PODS 2005: 326-337 D. J. Berndt, and J. Clifford: Finding Patterns in Time Series: A Dynamic Programming Approach. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 1996: 229-248

DTW Algorithm

DTW Algorithm

Fig: Y. Sakurai, et al.: FTW: fast similarity search under the time warping distance. PODS 2005: 326-337

Drawbacks of DTW
Computationally expensive Does not adhere to triangle inequality => cannot use it for indexing

Making DTW Faster

Global constraints:

Sakoe-Chiba Band

Itakura Parallelogram

Y. Sakurai, et al.: FTW: fast similarity search under the time warping distance. PODS 2005: 326-337

Making DTW Faster

Y. Sakurai et al.: FTW: fast similarity search under the time warping distance. PODS 2005: 326-337 E. Keogh and C. Ratanamahatana: Exact indexing of dynamic time warping. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 7(3): 358-386 (2005) Y. Zhu and D. Shasha: Warping Indexes with Envelope Transforms for Query by Humming. SIGMOD Conference 2003: 181-192 E. Keogh and M. Pazzani: Scaling up dynamic time warping for datamining applications. KDD 2000: 285-289 B.-K. Yi et al.: Efcient Retrieval of Similar Time Sequences Under Time Warping. ICDE 1998: 201-208

Other Areas of Research

Anomaly Detection Change Point Detection

Thesis Research
Anomaly detection methods
fast preserve interesting features

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