Behavior Intervention Plan
Behavior Intervention Plan
Behavior Intervention Plan
Once the IEP team, of which you are a part, has conducted a functional assessment, the information obtained from that process should be used to develop a behavior intervention plan. The purpose of this plan is to spell out what behaviors are being targeted for change and how change will be handled.
Required Elements
a description of previously tried interventions and how well they did or didnt work in changing the behavior a definition/description of the behavior being targeted a description of the interventions that will be used including who will be involved, specific procedures that will be followed and an explanation of how data will be collected a measurable description of the behavior changes you expect to see a description of how the success of the interventions will be measured a schedule for when/how often the plan will be reviewed to determine its effectiveness a description of when and how information will be shared between home and school a description of how the students behavior will be handled should it reach crisis proportions (This is called the crisis plan)
Recommended Elements
a list of the students strengths and abilities important information about the student that could impact the plan a statement describing the function (purpose) of the targeted behavior (from the functional assessment) a description of the behavior that will replace the inappropriate behavior (This is called the replacement behavior)
Three examples of Behavior Intervention Plans can be found on the following pages.
Grade 6
Age: 12
Problematic Behaviors: Behavior 1: Incomplete assignments Baseline: averaging 5 incomplete assignments per week for last 5 weeks Function of the Behavior:
-relieves anxiety by avoiding a task he dislikes or finds frustrating -allows him to express/feel in control of a situation when hes uncomfortable with something
Replacement Behavior:
-Ask for help. This could include asking for assistance, modifications or breaks. -Complete assignments in study period or at home.
A. He will have a scheduled study period each day. If he has all assignments completed, he can participate in other activities. B. Modify assignments by reducing the number/length of responses required for each concept. Where possible, reduce the amount of writing required. C. Grading: Teacher establishes a minimum for each assignment. If he does more than the minimum number of responses required, he gets credit/extra credit for each extra response that is correct (no penalty for incorrect responses). If he doesnt complete the minimum, he is counted off for the missing responses.
-assignment grades -number of incomplete/missing assignments in each class
Behavior 2: Unable/unwilling to work in class Baseline: 20% of assignments completed and 35% completed in class. Function of the Behavior:
-relieves anxiety by avoiding a task he dislikes or finds frustrating -allows him to express/feel in control of a situation when hes uncomfortable with something
Replacement Behavior:
-verbalize frustration and/or need for modification -at least attempt each assignment
A. Student receives 2 points for every assignment he attempts (i.e. does at least 1/4th of the assigned task) and 5 points for every completed assignment. Points can be spent before lunch and before he goes home on items/activities on his reinforcement menu (He must have input on whats on the menu). B. Student is given 1 prompt to start assignment. After that, refusal is ignored (any behavior disturbing others will be dealt with according to classroom rules and consequences and student earns a 0 on that assignment. C. Student will be given the option of completing an assignment in the resource room for full credit. D. Student will receive instruction/guidance in how to express needs from the counselor. He will earn 5 points for appropriately (according to the guidelines taught by the counselor) expressing frustration and/or need for help/modifications.
-record frequency and duration of time in the resource room for this behavior -record % of assignments attempted and % of assignments completed
Behavior 3: Using profanity around younger students Baseline: average of 8 incidents per week for last 5 weeks Function of the Behavior:
-attention-getting -relieving feeling of anxiety due to Tourettes or Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder -vent anger/frustration in a situation less threatening than with staff/peers
Replacement Behavior:
-get attention by interacting appropriately with peers -recognize anxiety or anger/frustration and get help to vent appropriately (cool down time, removing self from situation, talking with staff/peer)
A. Provide opportunities for him to practice interacting appropriately with younger students (i.e. reading to them, tutoring...) B. Praise for appropriate verbal interaction C. When he is verbally inappropriate, he is directed to remove himself to a different location and is not allowed to participate in the activity (i.e. recess...) for 5 minutes.
-record number of times hes verbally inappropriate with younger students -record number of times he asks for help with anxiety or anger/frustration
Crisis Management Plan: (For behaviors which may lead to suspension or expulsion)
(Lets say, for example, Johnny had a history of throwing chairs when he gets frustrated.) 1. Johnny will be given a cue that he can use with staff to indicate that he is getting upset and needs to cool down. Once he gives the cue, he can choose from the following options: -walking in the hall or outside (a staff member will accompany him but not talk to him) -go to resource room -ask to see a support staff member 2. If staff sees that Johnny is becoming upset and he is not using the cue for help, staff will say, I see youre getting upset. I need you to choose (list the options in number 1). If Johnny is unable to make a choice, he will be directed to go to time-out where he will remain until he can demonstrate compliance with a simple request. 3. If Johnny is not able to demonstrate compliance within 30 minutes or if he has had more than 3 timeouts, he will be seen by a support staff member as soon as possible. 4. If Johnny throws furniture or otherwise endangers himself or others, he will be isolated from his peers and Mom (or her designee) will be called. Johnny will remain in isolation until it is determined that he is no longer in imminent danger of hurting himself or others. He will finish his school day in the resource room. 5. If Johnny endangers himself or others while in isolation, physical restraint will be used by staff members trained in Mandt procedures. 6. If an injury or property damage occurs as a result of Johnnys behavior, a police report will be made and he will be suspended according to district policy (You might need to spell that out here). The IEP team will meet as soon as possible within 10 days to review the Behavior Intervention Plan and make modifications where necessary.
Referred by: Diana Peterson, school psychologist Special Education Staff Implementing Plan: Linda Hierophant Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Teachers report that Jimmy seems to enjoy his job breaks in the afternoon, eating lunch with the general education 5th grade, computer time, exchanging his points for tangible items at the class store, and breaks with the other two boys in his classroom. His favorite educational subjects appear to change depending on the assigned activity and his mood. Dislikes: It has been observed that Jimmys educational dislikes also change, depending on his mood and the assigned activity. Target Behavior(s): Jimmy will decrease the use of aggressive behaviors such as kicking, hitting, spitting, pulling hair, throwing objects (books, pencils, chair) biting and scratching, threatening and/or aggressive comments to staff and peers, and destruction of property. Jimmy will additionally decrease the use of profanity. Definition of Behavior(s): Property Destruction: When Jimmy destroys or physically damages school property. Property destruction does not include materials such as Jimmys personal property. Threatening or aggressive comments to staff or peers: These include comments which state Jimmys intent to inflict or cause bodily injury or death to a staff member or peer. Profanity: The use of language which is socially unacceptable for children to use around adults. Examples which would not be considered as profanity would include: Darn, Crap, Sucks, Stinks, Shut-up. Aggressive Behaviors Include: Kicking: When Jimmys foot or leg makes contact with another person, or an inanimate object (excluding walking surfaces of objects involved in play activities, such as a ball) with sufficient force to hear the contact at a distance of 5 feet. Hitting: When Jimmys hand or arm makes contact with another person, or an inanimate object (excluding objects involved in play activities, such as a ball) with sufficient force to hear the contact at a distance of 5 feet. Spitting: The act of expelling liquid (saliva, water, juice, etc.) from the mouth.
Pulling hair: When Jimmy grasps hair on the top of the head and pulls the hair in a direction away from the head. Throwing objects: The act of grasping or holding any object in the hand and propelling the object a distance from the hand at least 6 inches (excluding objects involved in play activities, such as a ball or Frisbee). Rates of Behavior(s) & Description of Analysis: Rates of problematic behaviors (including aggression, profanity and property destruction) did not seem to be affected by time of day or by the individual working with Jimmy. Rates of problematic behaviors (including aggression, profanity and property destruction) were affected by the setting. Rates of problematic behavior were higher in time out and when Jimmy was expected to process his inappropriate behaviors following the incident. Rates of problematic behaviors were higher when it was unclear to Jimmy what it was he was supposed to be working on, and when he was expected to wait for assistance.
Intervention(s) Previously Attempted and Resulting Effectiveness: Currently waiting for this information from Linda Hierophant.
Functional Analysis of Behavior: Currently the team has been unable to ascertain the exact function(s) of Jimmys behavior. At this time, the team speculates that the functions of Jimmys behavior are three-fold, including: 1) Control of the setting, 2) To minimize fear, and 3) Avoidance of unpleasant stimuli. These functions may not be inclusive of all functions of behavior.
Description of Intervention(s): Academic Restructuring - The data indicates that Jimmy requires modification in the presentation style of his academic work. Frequent breaks coupled with frequent reinforcement (via staff praise and appropriate attention and/or bonus tickets) will assist Jimmy in maintaining a lower frustration level. The goal of academic restructuring is to avoid the use of more intrusive interventions. Allowing Jimmy to make choices as appropriate and incorporate
his interests and preferences is an essential component of the behavior plan. When appropriate, Jimmy will be provided with choices in his academic work such as mode of output, choice of assignment, independent projects, etc. Jimmy will be provided with a daily schedule. If Jimmy chooses not to work, the staff will provide him the opportunity to go to the safe space area. When Jimmys behavior is appropriate and he indicates that he is ready to work the staff will assist Jimmy as necessary in completing the assignment.
Classroom Management System Behavioral Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Raise hand to ask for assistance or to visit Ignore the inappropriate behavior of others Stay on task Make positive comments (about self and others) Participating appropriately in present activity Remain in own personal area Work without distracting others Follow directions Complete assignments
Jimmy will earn tickets for exhibiting behavioral expectations numbers 1-4 and will earn points on his point sheet for exhibiting behavioral expectations numbers 5-9. Jimmy will be given the opportunity to exchange his tickets in for snacks or breaks at 3 pre-determined times throughout the day. Additionally, Jimmy will be given the opportunity to exchange his points at the class store at the end of the day on Wednesday and Friday, contingent on him not having been sent to timeout since the last time the class store was open. If Jimmy is sent to time out on either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, he will not be eligible to cash in his points at the store on Wednesday. Likewise, if he is sent to time out on Thursday or Friday, he will not be eligible to cash in his points at the store on Friday. Any earned points will not be lost as a function of being sent to time-out. Earning Points Jimmy will start out with four points in each of the five behavioral expectations categories (participating appropriately in present activity, remain in own personal area, work without distracting others, follow directions, and complete assignments) at the beginning of each class period. If he has to be reminded to exhibit appropriate behaviors in one of these areas, he will lose one (1) point in that area and a timer will be set for two (2) minutes. Jimmy has until the timer rings to begin doing what was originally requested of him. During this two
minutes, staff will not prompt or remind Jimmy. If the timer rings and Jimmy has not already begun doing what was requested of him, he will receive a second reminder, lose another two (2) points (total of three), and the timer will be reset for another two (2) minutes. If the timer rings and Jimmy has not begun the requested activity/behavior, he will lose the remaining point (total of four) and need to go to the safe space area. At the end of each class period, any remaining points will be recorded on his point sheet.
The Safe Space The purpose of the safe space period is to provide Jimmy with a chance to refocus and regroup. The location of the safe space is behind the pink dividers, in front of Mrs. Hierophants office window. During this time, Jimmy is expected to be quiet and keep all parts of his body or any materials in the safe space area, not going outside of the pink divider. Likewise, the staff are not to engage Jimmy in conversation, as long as he is following the safe space rules. A timer will be set by a staff at the beginning of the safe space period to 10 minutes. At the end of the 10 minutes, Jimmy will have the option to request a second 10-minute safe space period. If a second safe space period is desired by Jimmy, he will need to hang up the red card on the outside of the pink divider within the first 10 minute period. If he does so, the staff will reset the timer to another 10 minutes, once it has rung at the end of the first 10 minute period. Staff will not engage Jimmy in conversation during his safe space periods. At the end of the second safe space period (or the first period, if he does not choose to have a second safe space period), Jimmy will come out and resume working in what he was supposed to be doing before he went into the safe space area. Jimmy can, if he wants to, end his safe space period before the 10 minutes is up by placing the green card outside of the pink divider. If this happens, he will be expected to begin working in what he was supposed to be doing before he went into the safe space area. If Jimmy refuses to begin working in what he was supposed to be doing, or does not follow the rules while in the safe space area, the Time-Out door will be opened as a visual prompt. Jimmy may request to go to the safe space area, with the same conditions as stated above, if he begins to become frustrated. Jimmy can also be sent automatically to the safe space area if he uses profanity.
Time Out The use of time out will be avoided if possible and will be reserved for destruction of property, aggressive behaviors, or threatening or aggressive comments to staff and/or peers. Additionally, it will be reserved for times in which Jimmy is refusing to follow directions after he has been in the safe space area. The window on the Time-Out door will be covered with a 1-way mirror contact-paper, to be supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. This paper will serve to minimize stimuli presented to Jimmy while he is in Time-Out, while allowing the staff to monitor Jimmys safety.
Time-Out with the Door Closed: Once in Time-Out, Jimmy needs to complete the following steps to come out of the Time-Out room and return to his work/assigned activity: 1) Knock on the door using a neutral knock. Loud, aggressive, or repetitive knocks or kicks on the door will be ignored. 2) Go to the back of the Time-Out room. 3) A staff member will look in the window to 1) acknowledge to Jimmy that the knock was appropriate and, 2) to verify he is in the back of the Time-Out room. Once this is done, the staff member will set a timer for 8 minutes. Verbal instructions will be made, if necessary, to prompt him on what he needs to do (be fully dressed, in appropriate place). Jimmy will be notified once the timer is set. 4) During these 8 minutes, Jimmy needs to remain calm, not talking or making noises, and remain fully dressed. At the end of the 8 minutes, the staff member will look in the window to verify that Jimmy is calm, fully dressed, and in the back of the Time-Out room. If he is ready, proceed to step 5. If he is not calm, he will be told what it is he needs to do, and will proceed back to step 1. 5) The staff member goes to the closed Time-Out door and tells Jimmy what it is he needs to do. Jimmy must be able to repeat those steps back to the staff member. 6) Jimmy then has 2 minutes to come out of the Time-Out room and go to his seat. If Jimmy does not comply within 2 minutes, the Time-Out door is shut and the Time-Out procedures start again.
Time-Out with the Door Open: The Time-Out door will remain open if Jimmy goes into the Time-Out room on his own and sits/stands at the back wall and does not talk or make noise. The timer starts when Jimmy is quietly sitting or standing at the back of the Time-Out room. The same procedures (as for Time-Out with the door closed) are followed at this point. The Time-Out door will be closed if his behavior escalates (raising voice at staff, removing articles of clothing, etc.) or if he does not follow the above stated procedures. With either situation (Time-Out door open or closed), the staff will monitor Jimmy by looking in the Time-Out window as needed to monitor safety concerns. Staff will document the use of Time-Out by documenting the number of times the Time-Out procedure is used, the length of time Jimmy was in Time-Out, the day and time of day each Time-Out episode occurs, and specifying Jimmys antecedent behaviors which led to the Time-Out. If Jimmy is in Time-Out repeatedly during a school day, in cases where he will not cool down but he is safe, he will remain in the Time-Out room until he does cool down. If he is in Time-Out during the lunch period, he will not be able to eat lunch if he ends his session in Time-Out after lunch is over. During the lunch period, staff should keep their verbal exchanges with him limited to Feel free to join us if you can follow the rules. Lunch is served from X time to X time. After that, lunch is over. If, while Jimmy is in the Time-Out room, he requests to go to the rest room, he will need to be fully and appropriately dressed before he will be allowed out of the Time-Out room to go to the rest room. If he is not fully and appropriately dressed and/or is refusing to become fully and appropriately dressed, staff should limit their verbal exchanges with him to I dont trust you yet. Your mom has told us you can wait long enough to get fully dressed and calmed down before using the bathroom. While in Time-Out, Jimmys inappropriate behavior will be ignored. A debriefing will NOT follow a time out session.
Coordination with the Home: Mrs. Smith will be called to be informed of any serious behavior, although Jimmy will stay in school.
Physical Restraint Restraint will be only be used in those situations where time out is not available or until Jimmy can be escorted to the time out room. All efforts will be implemented to avoid the use of restraint; however if Jimmy becomes out of control or violent and is a threat to the safety of himself or others, physical restraint may be used by trained staff.
Crisis Plan The crisis plan is currently under construction, as team members are looking into possibilities.
Monitoring of Behavior Plan The behavior plan will be monitored by the IEP team and will be evaluated every 6 weeks for effectiveness, via phone or meeting. The team will reconvene prior to the 6-week meeting in the event that Jimmy is sent to time out three times in a given three-week period. _________________________________________________ Jimmys Signature __________________________________________________ Parent/Guardians Signature __________________________________________________ Classroom Teachers Signature __________________________________________________ School Rep. Signature __________________________________________________ School Rep. Signature __________________________________________________ School Rep. Signature __________________________________________________ School Rep. Signature __________________________________________________ _______ Date _______ Date _______ Date _______ Date _______ Date _______ Date _______ Date _______
School: Greenbush Elementary Strengths of Student: Jake has excellent productive verbal skills. He has many animals at home and likes to share stories about them. He is very caring towards his animals. He likes to draw and has stated he wants to be an architect when he grows up. His mother is very involved in his school. Individualized Information About Student: Jake has difficulty reading the same content level as his peers. He is very willing to be read to by his paras, and is receptive to taking tests and completing worksheets orally. At times Jake may not understand academic instructions, especially if working without adult help. Be careful to not interpret these behaviors (typically non-responsiveness or socially inappropriate behaviors) as defiance, as they often result from frustration or confusion. Additionally, it is currently under medical evaluation as to whether Jake suffers from seizures. He is currently taking medication for ADHD, which, if not administered at the same time each day, can result in an increase in problematic behaviors. Previously Implemented Intervention*: (1) Jakes teacher has reported using a point system with Jake. Jake earned points for desired behaviors which he was able to turn in for a variety of reinforcers. His teacher reported that initially the point system was effective, however after approximately 2 weeks, Jake was no longer responding to the point system and it was discontinued. (2) Time Out was used, with little success. (3) When Jake had problematic behaviors, he was sent to the principals office. This typically led to a reduction in inappropriate behaviors for between 1-2 hours. (4) Curriculum materials have been adapted to his current level of functioning. This has been met with some success.
*Try to include as much information about previously attempted interventions. However, if you have only limited information to include, be certain to include it to provide as comprehensive a plan as possible.
Intervention: For one week Jake will have a full-time para. She will step away from him (across the room) 2 times per hour, for 5 minutes each time. Jake will be told that if he has a question, he will need to raise his hand and wait for the para to come over. The para will continuously watch Jake during the 5-minute periods and will respond to him immediately when he raises his hand. During this week, Jake will not have any peers directly next to him or in front or behind him. In subsequent weeks, the para will have more frequent periods away from him and for longer duration of time. The goal is to fade Jakes need for 1:1 para support to a minimum, while still addressing his academic needs. The time the para responds to his raising hand will gradually be increased. During this fading process Jake will be required to work independently even if the work is difficult. Students proximity will be gradually increased. The para will socially reinforce him for trying problems even when they are not completed accurately if he tries them independently. When Jake does the replacement behaviors he should be praised for using the replacement behavior. Jakes curriculum will be modified (by the special education teacher) to meet his academic abilities. The mother will not be consequating academic problems. Jake will be pulled out once a day with a para where he will choose something to read and the para will give him their full attention throughout this period. This period of time will be gradually shift from being directed by Jake to teacher directed Small group activities under the context of enjoyable activities will be employed twice a week to help strengthen peer relations. If Jake does hit, peers will be moved to a safe distance, during which time they will continue to work. Jake will be given alternate, yet academically comparable, work to complete. If Jakes hitting escalates, see Crisis Plan, below. Method of Recording: An hour-by-hour (see sample, attached) data sheet will be used to record the frequency of hits. Each hit will be recorded by the para on the data sheet as it occurs. List of Measurable Changes: Hitting should be reduced by half of its current level within two weeks from initial intervention. It is expected that the behavior be reduced to once a month within two months. Schedule for Review: The effectiveness of this intervention will be reviewed by the para, general education and special education teachers two weeks from the initial date of implementation. The effectiveness of the intervention will be reviewed monthly, with summaries of each review being sent home to the parents. Provisions for Home Coordination: Parents can have access to any of Jakes data, at any time. They will be given summaries of each review, as stated in Schedule for Review, above. The behavior management team will reconvene in two months to discuss current status of hitting behaviors, and make any changes to the behavior plan, if necessary. Crisis Management Plan: If Jakes safety, or the safety of others, is in question, Jake will be asked to leave the area and go to the counselors room to calm down. If Jake will not leave when given three consecutive verbal requests by an adult, he will be escorted to the counselors room. If the Crisis Management Plan has to be used more than once a month, the behavior management team will meet to address the problematic behaviors and discuss possible solutions.