Constitution Scroll

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Political Statement/Preamble:

the people living in Loridave must adhere to the constitution in order to sustain a perfect unified country. Everyone must stay true to each other and love each other as their neighbor. For the government will do the best of their ability to keep each person safe and protected. The government shall promote general welfare. Respect god and love him always, for he loves us, and he is our father. The citizens of this country shall live by the law, not to cross it, or deceive it. Everyone will be provided with the wealth and resources that are needed. We must follow the constitution for it is the highest law. Do ordain and establish this constitution for Loridave. It applies to every citizen in this country.


My Constitution:
Article I-

1. 1. 1.

Every 7 years, a president, mayor, governor, and a new congress will be chosen.

Article IIThere must be no crime. If shown proven, time will be spent in prison, thou will be fined, and thou must spend time in a community activity as assigned.

Article IIIAll people must respect others around them.- no cussing, fighting, vandalism, or trashing.

Article IV1. The congress shall have the choice to make decisions in our country. They must have the final decision. Article V1. Every man/woman will be equal, there will be no unnecessary disputes. Article VI1. Taxes must be paid to keep the country stable. Article VII-


Everyone must respect each others religion to their fullest.

Article VIII-

1. 1. 1. 1.

By the age of 25 everyone is required to have sustained a full job for at least one year.

Article IXRespect our animals and forests. No cutting down trees unless approved by the congress.

Article XEveryone must have kept and worshiped the topo (the lucky charm) for all of their lives.

Article XIThe constitution is the highest law of the land. The federal government and the citizens must take this constituion higher than any other law.

Article XII-

1. The citizens must not carry a gun, unless passed by the government, only military must have guns. You may only have one protection weapon. Article XIII1. 2.
Maro will only be used for military uses and must be occupied at all times. The military must be on duty for their timed contract. They will be deployed to Rae Rae while enlisted, unless there are major family problems or are on leave.

Article XIV1. The land shall be divided into 11 states, and people must respect the borders.

My Country Page 1

Bill of Rights:
Your personal freedoms are listed here: 1. You may have freedom of speech- you are aloud to speak against what you like. You are even aloud to contact the governments office and tell them what you think. 2. Freedom of the press- You are aloud to write what you would like against the government. 3. Freedom of the home- You must buy your house. You may do what you want with it as long as it is sanitary and cleaned. No one may destroy it except for you. You may only destruct it with the ok of the mayor who will then contact the president. 4. Freedom of travel- you are aloud to travel where you want as long as you pay.

My Country Page 2

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