1987 Constitution Reviewer

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1987 Constitution Reviewer

0. Preamble
1. National Territory
2. Declaration of Principles and State Policies
3. Bill of Rights
4. Citizenship
5. Suffrage
6. The Legislative Department
7. Executive Department
8. Judicial Department
9. Constitutional Commissions
10. Local Government
11. Accountability of Public Officers
12. National Economy and Patrimony
13. Social Justice and Humans
14. Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports
15. The Family
16. General Provisions
17. Amendments or Revisions
18. Transitory Provisions
**** Midterm Topics ****
We, the Sovereign Filipino People, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and
humane society, and establish a government that embodies our ideals and aspirations, promote the
common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, secure to ourselves and our posterity the
blessing of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice,
freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution

Art 1. National Territory

Compromised of
Philippine Archipelago with all
Islands and Waters embraced therein, and all other
Territories Over which the Philippines has
Sovereignty or Jurisdiction, consisting of its
Terrestrial, Fluvial, and Aerial domains, including its
TeRritorial Sea, the Seabed, the Subsoil, the Insular Shelves,
And other Submarine Areas. The waters
Around, Between, and Connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their
Breadth and Dimensions, form part of the Internal waters of the Philippines

National Territory:
Compromised by P-AR-IS WA-S Jurisdiction, consists of
TFA Domains including its TR-3S I-S-S-A. ABCBD forms part of the Internal Waters
Art. 2: Declaration of Principles and State Policies
(28 Sections, Principles: 1-6, Policies: 7-28)

Sec 1. Type of State: Democratic and Republic
Sec 2. Renouncement of war and adoption of international law, adherence to the policy of PEJFCA
with all nations
Sec 3. Civilian Authority is supreme at all times. AFP is protector of the people and the state. Secure
the sovereignty of state and national territory
Sec 4. Prime duty of Government is to serve and protect the people. Gov may call upon people for
defense of state, and may require citizens under conditions provided by the law to render PMC
Sec 5. Maintenance of peace and order, protection of LLP and promotion of general welfare
Sec 6. Separation of Church and State inviolable
State Policies
Sec 7. Independent foreign policy. In relation with other state, priority is national sovereignty,
territorial integrity, national interest and right to self determination (NSTINIRSD)
Sec 8. Freedom from nuclear weapons
Sec 9. Promote just and dynamic social order that will ensure prosperity and independence, free
people from poverty through adequate social services, full employment, rising standard of living,
improved quality of life for all
Sec 10. Promote social justice in all phases of national development
Sec 11. Values human dignity and respects human rights
Sec 12. Sanctity of family life as a basic autonomous social institution. Protection of life of mother
and unborn child. Natural and Primary right and duty (NPRD) in rearing youth for civic efficiency and
moral character will be supported
Sec 13. Vital role of youth in nation building and promote and protect, their physical, moral,
spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being (PMS ISW). Youth patriotism and nationalism.
Sec 14. Role of women in nation building, fundamental equality of men and woman before the law
Sec 15. Protect and promote right to health and instill health consciousness
Sec 16. Right to balanced and healthful ecology, in accord with rhythm and harmony of nature
Sec 17. Priority to Education, S&T, Arts, Culture and Sports to foster patriotism and nationalism,
social progress and total human liberation and development
Sec 18. Labor as a primary social economic force, protect rights of workers and their welfare
Sec 19. Self-reliant and independent national economy effectively controlled by Filipinos
Sec 20. Role of private sector, encouragement of private enterprise and incentives for investment
Sec 21. Comprehensive agrarian reform and rural development
Sec 22. Rights of indigenous cultural communes
Sec 23. NGO and community base/sectoral in promoting welfare
Sec 24. Role of communication and information in nation building
Sec 25. Autonomy of local governments
Sec 26. Guarantee of equal access public service positions and prohibit political dynasties as
Sec 27. Anti-graft and corruption, maintenance of honesty and integrity in public service
Sec 28. Based on reasonable conditions prescribed BY LAW, transparency policy in transactions
involving public interest.
Art. 3 Bill of Rights
(22 Sections)
Sec 1. Right to due process of law and equal protection of law
Sec 2. Right to be secure in persons; Protection against unreasonable searches and arrest; Issuance
of proper warrant
Sec 3. Right to privacy of communication and correspondence; inviolable unless upon lawful order of
court, public safety concerns or otherwise prescribed by law. Fruit of the poisonous tree,
Sec 4. Freedom of Speech(no law shall be passed abridging it)
Sec 5. Freedom of religion (no support/ prohibition. No religious test required for civil or political
Sec 6. Right to travel and liberty of abode. Right to travel may be impaired due to national security,
public safety, or public health as provided by law
Sec 7. Freedom of information subject to limitations provided by law
Sec 8. Freedom to form unions, associations, or societies not contrary to law
Sec 9. Private property cannot be taken for public use w/o just compensation
Sec 10. Obligations and contracts, inviolable
Sec 11. Free access to legal services not denied due to poverty
Sec 12. Miranda rights
Sec 13. Right to bail; except for reclusion perpetua
Sec 14. Presumption of innocence
Sec 15. Writ of habeas corpus non-suspension except during rebellion or war, when public safety
Sec 16. Right to speedy trial
Sec 17. Protection against self-incrimination
Sec 18. Freedom of political belief and protection against involuntary inservitude
Sec 19. Protection against cruel and inhumane penalties, unreasonable fines, and torture.
Abolishment of death penalty unless as provided by CONGRESS
Sec 20. Protection against imprisonment due to debt or poll tax
Sec 21. Protection against double jeopardy
Sec 22. Protection against ex post facto law or bill of attainder
Art 4. Citizenship
(5 Sections)

Sec 1. Citizens of the PH include:

 Citizens before 1987 consti
 Born of either a mother or father who is filipino citizen
 Born before January 17, 1973 born of filipino mothers and elect fil cit upon age of majority
 Naturalized according to law
Sec 2. Natural born = those who are considered fil citizens at birth w/o extra process and those born
before jan 17, 1973 who elect fil cit upon age of majority
Sec 3. Citizen ship may be lost or reacquired according to law
Sec 4. Those who marry aliens do not lose citizen ship unless by act or omission, according to law,
renounced it.
Sec 5. No dual allegiances and dealt with by law

Art 5. Suffrage
(2 Sections)
Sec 1. Those who may vote:
 Citizen of PH
 At least 18 y/o
 Resided in PH for 1 year
 Resided in voting city/brgy for at least 6 months before election
 EXCEPTION: Those disqualified by law
 Literacy
 Property
 Other substantive requirements
Sec 2. CONGRESS provides system of securing ballots and absentee voting by qualified Filipinos
abroad, design procedures for disabled and illiterate voting w/o assistance of others (Until law
provides for these procedures, COMELEC laws and rules apply to protect secrecy of ballots for the
Art 6. The Legislative Department
(32 Sections)
Sec 1. Legislative power shall be vested in the CONGRESS which consists of:
 Senate
 House of Representatives
 EXCEPTION: legislative power reserved to the People by the provision of initiative and
Sec 2. Senate shall be composed of TWENTY-FOUR (24) Senators elected by qualified voters as
provided by law
Sec 3. REQUIREMENTS for Senate :
 Natural born (see Art 4, Sec 2)
 At least 35 years of age on the day of election
 Able to read and write
 Registered voter
 Resident of the Philippines for at least two years till the day before the election
Sec 4. TERM for Senate:
 6 years starting 30th June following their election, unless specified otherwise by law
 Max consecutive term: 2
 Voluntary resignation counts as full term
Sec 5. House of Representatives shall be:
 composed of MAXIMUM TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (Max: 250) unless otherwise fixed by law
 elected from legislative districts
 elected through party-list system of registered national, regional, and sectorial parties or
 TWENTY PER CENTUM (20%): Party-list representatives constitute 20% of total
representatives including those under the party list
 LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: comprised as far as practicable, CONTIGUOUS, COMPACT and
 Cities or provinces with AT LEAST 250,00 POPULATION shall have AT LEAST ONE
 WITHIN 3 YEARS OF EVERY CENSUS, CONGRESS shall reapportion legislative districts
according to standard
Sec 6. REQUIREMENTS for House of Representatives:
 Natural born
 At least 25 years of age on the day of the election
 Able to read and write
 Registered voter in district they will be elected EXCEPT party-list representatives
 Resident of the said district for at least one years till the day before the election
Sec 7. TERM for House of Representatives:
 3 years starting 30th June following their election, unless specified otherwise by law
 Max consecutive term: 3
 Voluntary resignation counts as full term
Sec 8. Election date: 2nd Monday of May, unless other wise provided by law
Sec 9. Vacancy: special election in manner prescribed by law, elected will only serve the unexpired
Sec 10. Salary will be determined by law. No increase will take effect until expiration full term of
members that voted for the raise.
Sec 11. Senators or Members of HOR cannot be arrested for offenses punishable by less than 6 years
when Congress is in session. Privileged speech for any speech or debate in Congress or any
committee thereof
Sec 12. Any members must fully disclose the financial and business interests. They must inform the
House concerned if any conflict of interest may arise in the filing of a proposed law they are the
author of
Sec 13. Members cannot take up any other government position in any office, subdivision, agency or
government-owned or controlled corporations without forfeiting their seat. They cannot be appointed
in any office they created or increased the salary of during their term in Congress
Sec 14. Cannot personally appear as council in any court or tribune, nor be financially interested in
any contract, franchise, special privilege granted by the government or any subsidiary of it.
Sec 15. CONGRESS convenes:
 once a year
 on 4th Monday of July
 Session open as needed until 30 days before next opening
 But not on Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays
 PRESIDENT may call special session at any timef

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