Mini Project Report Format

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Department of Information Technology

Format for Preparation of Main Project Report (B.Tech. Information Technology )

1. Arrangement of Contents: The sequence in which the project report material should be arranged and bound should be as follows: 1. Cover Page & Title Page 2. Declaration by the Candidate 3. Bonafide Certificate 4. Certificate by External Guide (Applicable for students doing project outside VJCET) 5. Acknowledgement 6. Table of Contents 7. Abstract 8. List of Tables 9. List of Figures 10. List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature 11. Chapters of the Report 12. Appendices 13. References The table and figures shall be introduced in the appropriate places. 2. Page Dimension and Binding Specifications: The dimension of the project report should be in A4 size.

Page Specification: Left Margin Right Margin Top Margin Bottom Margin

: 3.5 cm : 3.0 cm : 2.54 cm / 1 inch : 2.54 cm / 1 inch

The project report should be bound using hard cover of black binding with golden font. Total number of pages should be between 40 and 65 excluding cover page. Page numbers All text pages should be numbered using Arabic numerals at the Top Right of the pages. Body Text Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 Spacing, Single Side Writing

Project title

Paragraph Heading Font Size: 14, Bold, Times New Roman. Section Heading and Subsection Heading Font Size: 12, Bold, Times New Roman. Header & Footer. The document should contain header and footer on all pages after contents page. The header should be name of the project an should be in top right end of the page. The footer should be Dept of Information Technology, VJCET at center bottom below page number as shown in this page.
3. Preparation Format: Cover Page & Title Page: As per the format given in Appendix 1. Declaration by the Candidate: As per the format given in Appendix 2. Bonafide Certificate: The Bonafide Certificate shall be in one and half line spacing using Font Style: Times New Roman and Font Size: 14, as per the format in Appendix 3. The certificate shall carry the Project Guides signature and HODs signature and shall be followed by the Project coordinator & project guides name, designation and department. In case of projects from companies, additional bonafide certificate as per the format given in Appendix 4 is to be included. Acknowledgement: In the Acknowledgements page, the student recognizes his indebtedness for guidance and assistance of the project adviser and other members of the faculty. Courtesy demands that he / she also recognizes specific contributions by other persons or institutions such as libraries and research foundations. Sometimes the nature of the contribution is described (For example, permission for the use of equipment, facilities and documents). Acknowledgement should be expressed simply, tastefully, and tactfully. It should carry the names of the students. The format is given in Appendix 5. Abstract: Abstract should be a one page synopsis of the project report typed double line spacing, Font Style: Times New Roman and Font Size: 14. The abstract is a very brief summary of the reports contents. It should be about half a page long, not more than 500 words. The 500word statement should describe the problem addressed by your project, a description of the work completed and a summary of any findings or lessons learned. It can also contain the following in varying amounts of detail as appropriate: main motivation, main design point, essential difference from previous work, methodology and some eye-catching results if any. 2 Dept of IT, VJCET

Project title Table of Contents: The table of contents should list all material following it as well as any material which precedes it. The title page and Bonafide Certificate will not find a place among the items listed in the Table of Contents but the page numbers of which are in lower case Roman letters. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head. A specimen copy of the table of contents of the project report is given in Appendix 6. List of Tables: The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear above the tables in the text. One and a half line spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head. List of Figures: The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear below the figures in the text. One and a half line spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head. List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature: One and a half line spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head. Standard symbols, abbreviations etc. should be used. Chapters: The chapters may be broadly divided into 6 parts 1. Introduction 2. Overview of the proposed system 3. Design of the system 4. Implementation of system 5. Results and Discussion 6. Conclusion and Future Work Introduction : The introduction is a shorter version of the rest of the report, and in many cases the rest of the report can also have the same flow that summarizes the major contributions of the project. This chapter should include the descriptions such as: (not necessarily in that order, but what is given below is a logical order). Background [The setting of the scene of the problem]. Problem Statement [Exact problem you are trying to solve]. Motivation [Importance of the problem]. Post/Related work [Existing methods including pros and cons of the methods should be cited wherever possible]. Challenges [Difficulty in problem solving]. Essence of your approach [Your method of problem solving]. Statement of assumptions [The conditions under which your solution is applicable]. Main summary of the results. 3 Dept of IT, VJCET

Project title Organization of the report. Avoid routine background e.g. the C programming language. Dont cite endless sources that are irrelevant or that you havent read.

Overview of the Proposed System : This chapter should include the brief description of the proposed software system, system preliminary design, system planning and the details of the hardware & software used. System analysis & design vis--vis user requirements (Preliminary design) should also be represented as a block diagram. System planning is represented as PERT chart or as Gantt chart. Design of the System: This chapter should describe the engineering specifications and targets critically evaluating the existing benchmarks and specifically identifying the gaps which the project is intended to fill. It should show how the concepts evolved and were evaluated & should also describe and justify the formation of the final product which may include possibly a number of subsections such as: Details of the development. System architecture indicating various modules / components and their interaction. Feasibility assessment report. Entity relationship diagram / analysis / DFD / State Transition Diagram. If you adopt an object-oriented method, you will include the following in this chapter: Sequence diagrams for each module and entire system. Class diagrams or any other UML diagram for each module and entire system. Implementation of System: This chapter should reflect the development of the project such as: implementation, experimentation, optimization, evaluation etc. and unit, integration testing should be discussed in detail. The unit test cases and system test cases should describe the input, expected output and output obtained in a tabular format. It can also include the details of the tools used for implementation, justification for the selected tool, the detailed description of implemented modules, Screen shots, Pseudo code etc. Results & Discussions: This is part of the set of technical sections, and is usually a separate section for experimental/design papers. This chapter should include: Comparison of cases with respect to existing and proposed algorithm or design. Performance metrics. Parameters under study. Expected and obtained results. Detailed results for each logical component of the project with an accompanying discussion section [Can include screen shots, graphs etc.]. 4 Dept of IT, VJCET

Project title Conclusion & Future Work: This chapter should summarize the key aspects of your project (failures as well as successes) and should state the conclusions you have been able to draw. Outline what would you do if given more time (future work). Try to pinpoint any insights your project uncovered that might not have been obvious at the outset. Discuss the success of the approach you adopted and the academic objectives you achieved. Avoid meaningless conclusions, [e.g. NOT I learnt a lot about C++ programming]. Be realistic about potential future work. Avoid the dreaded: All the objectives have been met and the project has been a complete success. You have to crisply state the main take-away points from your work. Describe how your project is performed against planned outputs and performance targets. Identify the benefits from the project. Be careful to distinguish what you have done from what was there already. It is also a good idea to point out how much more is waiting to be done in relation to a specific problem, or give suggestions for improvement or extensions to what you have done. Appendices: Appendices are provided to give supplementary information, which is not included in the main text & which may serve as a separate part contributing to main theme. Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2 etc. Appendices, tables and references appearing in appendices should be numbered and referred to at appropriate places just as in the case of chapters. Appendices shall carry the title of the work reported in it and the same title shall be used in the contents page also. List of References: The listing of references should be typed 4 line spaces below the heading REFERENCES in alphabetical order in single line spacing and fully justified. The reference material should be listed in the alphabetical order of the first author. The format for the references is: REFERENCES Journal References: Format: Author Name(s), Title of Paper, Journal Name, Volume No, Issue No., Page No., Year. e.g. 1. J. Bolligcr and T. Gross, A fiutnework-bused approach to the development of uetworkawure applicatious, IEEE Trans. on Software Eng., Vol.24 (5):376-390, May 1998. Book: Format: Author Name(s), Title of Book <Bold>, Edition Number, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication. 5 Dept of IT, VJCET

Project title e.g. 1. Sartaj Sahni, Data Structures, Algorithms and applications in C++, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1998. Conference Papers: Format: Author(s), Title of Paper:, Proceedings of Conference, Place, Page No., Year. e.g. 1. Cai, D., He, X., Li, Z., Ma, W.-Y., and Wen, J.-R., Hierarchical Clustering of WWW Image Search Results Using Visual, Textual and Link Information, In Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia, New York, NY, USA, pp.952959, 2004. URL: Format: Complete Webpage Address (Date of access from Internet) e.g. 1. (9th January 2006) Table and Figures: The table includes the tabulated numerical data in the body of the project report as well as in the appendices. All other non-verbal materials used in the body of the project work and appendices such as charts, graphs, maps, photographs and diagrams may be designated as figures. 4. Typing Instructions: The impression on the typed copies should be black in color. One and a half spacing should be used for typing the general text. The general text shall be typed in the Font style: Times New Roman and Font size: 12.

6 Dept of IT, VJCET

Project title APPENDIX 1(A) (A typical specimen of cover page) <Font style: Times New Roman Bold>


<Font size 18> <1.5 line Spacing>

<College Logo>


<Font size 18>


<Font size 14>

submitted by
<Font size 14> <Italic>


<Font size 16><Bold>


<Font size 16> <Bold>

APRIL 2012
<Font size 14> 7 Dept of IT, VJCET

Project title APPENDIX 1(B) (A typical specimen of title page) <Font style Times New Roman Bold>


<Font size 18> <1.5 line Spacing> <College Logo>


<Font size 14>

submitted by
<Font size 14> <Italic>


<Font size 16><Bold>

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

<Font size 14><Italic>

<Font size 16><Bold> in

<Font size 14><Bold>


<Font size 16> <Bold>


<Font size 14> <Bold>

APRIL 2012
<Font size 14>

8 Dept of IT, VJCET

Project title Appendix 2 <Font style Times New Roman>

DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE I here by declare that the mini project report entitled TITLE OF THE PROJECT submitted by us to the Department of Information Technology,

Viswajyothi College of Engineering & Technology, Muvattupuzha in

partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of B.Tech in Information Technology is a record of bonafide project work carried out by us under the guidance of <Name of the Internal Guide>. I further declare that the work reported in this project has not been submitted and will not be submitted, either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree in this college.
<Font size 14><1.5 line spacing>

Vazhakulam: Date:

Name & Signature of the Candidate(s)

9 Dept of IT, VJCET

Project title Appendix 3 (A typical specimen of Bonafide Certificate) <Font style Times New Roman> <Font size 24>


<Font size 14>

Department of Information Technology

<Font size 16>

<Font size 16><underlined>

This is to certify that the project report entitled TITLE OF THE PROJECT submitted by <STUDENT NAME>(<Reg.No.>) to the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering &

Technology, Muvattupuzha in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

award of the degree of B.Tech in Information Technology is a record of bonafide work carried out by him/her under my guidance. The project fulfills the requirements as per the regulations of the college and university and in my opinion meets the necessary standards for submission. degree in this college.
<Font size 14><1.5 line spacing>

The contents of this

report have not been submitted in part or in full, for the award of any other

<Signature of the HOD> <Name> <HOD (IT)>

<Signature of the Project Coordinator> <Name> <Academic Designation>

<Signature of the Project Guide> <Name> <Academic Designation>

<Signature> Internal Examiner 10 Dept of IT, VJCET

<Signature> External Examiner

Project title Appendix 4 <Font style Times New Roman>

<This form should be in the Company Letter Head>

<Date: ...>


<Font size 16>

This is to certify that the project report entitled TITLE OF THE PROJECT submitted by <STUDENT NAME>(<Reg.No.>) to the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Viswajyothi College of

Engineering & Technology, Muvattupuzha in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the award of the degree of B.Tech in Information Technology is a record of bonafide work carried out by him/her under my guidance. The project fulfills the requirements as per the regulations of this institute and in my opinion meets the necessary standards for submission.
<Font size 14><1.5 line spacing>

<Signature of the External Supervisor> <Name> EXTERNAL SUPERVISOR

<Title of the Supervisor > <Full address of the Institution / Organization with e-mail id, phone no.> <Seal of the Institution / Organization>

11 Dept of IT, VJCET

Project title Appendix 5 <Font style Times New Roman>

<Font size 14><Underlined><Bold> <Body> Place : Vazhakulam. Date :

(Name of the Students)

12 Dept of IT, VJCET

Project title Appendix 6 (A typical specimen of table of contents) <Font style Times New Roman> TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NO. TITLE ABSTRACT LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF SYMBOLS PAGE NO. Iii Xvi Xviii Xxvii


INTRODUCTION 1.1 General 1.2 .. 1.2.1. General 1.2.2 . 1.2.3 .. 1.3 .. 1.4 .

1 1 2 5 12 19 25 29 30 45 58 69 75 99 100


LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 General 2.2 .. 2.2 ..

13 Dept of IT, VJCET

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