9A03504 Design of Machine Elements 21
9A03504 Design of Machine Elements 21
III B. Tech I Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2012 DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS I (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) What is the need of standardization? Explain different types of standardization and advantages of each. (b) Explain the basic procedure for mechanical engineering design. 2 A rod of 20 mm diameter and 400 mm long is subjected to: a weight of 1.2 kN falls through a height of 2 mm, before striking a collar, provided at the lower end of the rod. Take E = 2.1 x 105 N/mm2. (i) Determine the stress induced. (ii) Compare this impact stress with the one produced from the same load that acts as a static load. (iii) How much the rod length is changed so that the impact stress induced is 120 MPa? (iv) How much the height of fall is changed so that the impact stress induced is 120 MPa? (a) Explain the various types of varying stress. (b) Determine the maximum stress produced in a rectangular plate 50 mm wide, 8 mm thick with a central hole of 10 mm. It is loaded in an axial tension of 1 kN as shown in figure3.2.
A single riveted lap joint, joining two mild steel plates of 10 mm thick each, is required to resist each a load of 200 kN. Determine the diameter, pitch, and number of rivets required for the joint. The allowable stresses for both plate and rivet material is 60 MPa in tensile, 90 MPa in compression and 45 MPa in shear. (b) Explain caulking and fullering with respect to the riveted joint. (a) What hole must be drilled in the head of the bolt M 36, to make uniform strength? (b) A bolt is used to fasten two members together. The members and the bolt are of the same material and have the same cross section area. Determine what external load W 2 will cause separation of the members to occur if the initial tightening load W 1 is 20 kN. Contd. in Page 2 Page 1 of 2
Code: 9A03504 6
Design the chain (Knuckle) link to withstand a load of 40 kN. Use the following allowable stresses. For links: tensile strength = 60 N/mm2 Shear Strength = 35 N/mm2 and Compression Strength = 65 N/mm2. For Pin: Shear Strength = 30 N/mm2 and Bearing Strength = 65 N/mm2. (a) (b) What is torsional rigidity of a shaft? How is a shaft designed for torsional rigidity? Determine the inside and outside diameters of a hollow shaft which will replace a solid shaft made of the same material and be equally as strong as solid one and also have only half the weight of solid one. A vertical turbine shaft employs a solid flanges coupling and transmits 3 MW of power at 120 rpm. The shaft lengths are hollow having di/do ratio of 0.45. Design and sketch the coupling taking the following allowable stresses: For shaft, keys and bolts: 80 N/mm2 in shear and 140 N/mm2 in tensile, and for cast iron flange: 15 N/mm2 in shear. *****
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Code: 9A03504
III B. Tech I Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2012 DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS I (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) What are alloy steels? State the effect of the following alloying elements in steel: (i) Chromium, (ii) nickel, (iii) manganese, and (iv) sulphur. (b) Explain the different methods of case hardening. 2 A short cast iron column of hollow circular section with 250 mm outside diameter and 150 mm inside diameter carries a vertical load of 400 kN acting at a point 100 mm from the axis of the column. Find (i) the normal and bending stresses induced in the column. (ii) If the resultant stress, throughout the cross-section is to be compressive what should be the maximum value of the distance between the axis and the load. A pulley is keyed to the shaft midway between two antifriction bearings. The bending moment at the pulley varies from -150 N-m to + 450 N-m and the twisting moment in the shaft varies from 50 N-m to 200 N-m. The shaft is to be made from cold drawn steel having ultimate strength of 540 N/mm2, yield strength of 400 N/mm2 in reversed bending. Calculate the required diameter of the shaft at the key slot. Take the theoretical stress concentration factor = 2.3; notch sensitivity factor = 0.9; size factor = 0.88; surface finish factor = 0.85 and factor of safety = 1.8. (a) Differentiate between (i) lap riveted joint and butt riveted joint (ii) chain riveting and zig zag riveting. (b) What forms of riveted joints are used in boiler construction sketch and explain? The external load applied to a bolt fluctuates between zero and 8000 N. The ratio of the unit deflection per unit load for the bolt to that for the members are 3. The endurance limit of the bolt material in reversed axial loading is 210 N/mm2 and the yield point is 350 N/mm2. The root area of the thread is 115 sq mm. Assume a stress concentration factor of 2.5 and a factor of safety 1.8 based on the yield strength of the material. The stress concentration factor takes into account the effect of surface and size. Determine the minimum initial tightening load that must be applied to prevent separation. Plot the Soderberg working stress diagram for the material and determine if the bolt is safely loaded based on an initial load as determined earlier. Sketch and explain the design procedure for a Knuckle joint.
Code: 9A03504
In a centrifugal pump-motor assembly, the mass moment of inertia of the motor (moment of inertia of impeller of pump may be neglected) is 1.2 N-m-sec2. A steel shaft of 25 mm diameter and 300 mm length connects the pump and motor. At constant speed of 100 rpm, 4 kW are transmitted through the shaft with no measurable vibration. A steel rod enters the impeller eye along with the liquid and result the motor is tripped due to overload and the motor also stops instantly. What is the resulting maximum shear stress in the shaft? Take the modulus of rigidity for shaft as 0.8 x 105 N/mm2. A rigid coupling is used to connect a 45 KW, 1440 rpm electric motor to a centrifugal pump. The starting torque of the motor is 225% of the rated torque. There are 8 bolts and their pitch circle diameter is 150 mm. The bolts are made of steel 45C8 (Syt = 380 N/mm2) and factor of safety is 2.5 Determine the diameter of the bolts. Assume that the bolts are finger-tight in reamed and ground holes.
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Code: 9A03504 III B. Tech I Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2012 DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS I (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) Explain in brief the following properties of materials: (i) Mechanical, (ii) Metallurgical, and (iii) Magnetic. (b) Suggest suitable materials with reasons, for the following components: (i) Screw jack, (ii) Leaf spring, and (iii) Ball bearing balls 2 A cantilever of span 750 mm carries a uniformly distributed load of 6 kN/m. Assume yield strength of 350 MPa and factor of safety as 3. Find the economical cross section for cantilever, among: (i) Circular section of diameterd. (ii) Rectangular cross section with depth twice the width, and (iii) I-section of depth 5 t and flange 4 t, where t is the thickness. Specify the dimensions and cross-sectional area of the economic section. A steel cantilever beam, having ultimate strength of 540 MPa and yield strength of 400 MPa, of circular cross-section, whose length being 200 mm, is subjected to a transverse load at its free end that varies from 50 N (up) to 150 N (down) and at the free end an axial load varies from 100 N (compression) to 400 N (tension). Determine the required diameter for infinite life using a factor of safety of 2. Take stress concentration factor for bending and axial loads are 1.4 and 1.6 respectively. Take size factor as 0.8 and surface factor as 0.9. (a) Design a double riveted chain type butt joint for plates having 10 mm thickness. Find the efficiency of the joint. Assume the allowable stress is 95 N/mm2 in tension, 80 N/mm2 in shear and 155 N/mm2 in compression. (b) What is the difference between structure and pressure vessel riveted joints? The external load applied to a bolted joint fluctuates between zero and 8000 N. The bolt id tightened with an initial load of 6500 N. The root area of the bolt is 115 mm2. The ratio of deflection per unit load for the bolt to that for members are 3. Determine the maximum and minimum bolt loads. Determine whether the bolt is safely loaded for a factor of safety 1.8 and a stress concentration factor of 3. The material has a yield point of 280 N/mm2 and endurance strength in reversed axial loading of 140 N/mm2. Stress concentration factor includes the size and surface finish effects. Sketch and explain the design procedure for a Cotter joint with Gib. Contd. in Page 2 Page 1 of 2
Derive an expression for the equivalent bending moment, when a shaft is subjected to both bending moment and twisting moment. A solid aluminium shaft of 1 m length and of 50 mm diameter is to be replaced by a hollow steel shaft of the same length and the same outside diameter, such that both the shafts cab has the same angle of twist per unit twisting moment over the total length. What must be the inner diameter of the hollow steel shaft? Take modulus of rigidity of steel equal to three times that of aluminum. A mutiflex flexible coupling is used to transmit 15 KW power at 720 rpm. It consists of two flanges keyed to the driving and driven shafts are connected together by means of a number of coils. The coils are placed in the slots on the periphery of the flanges at a distance of 30 mm from the axes of the shafts. The coils have a rectangular cross section 4 x 2 mm and are made of steel FeE 220 (Syt = 220 N/mm2). The factor of safety is 2.5. Calculate the number of required coils.
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Code: 9A03504 III B. Tech I Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2012 DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS I (Mechanical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) What are the bearing metals and list out their important properties? (b) Why is some materials heat treated? Explain briefly the method and reasons for tempering. 2 If a bore is made in a solid shaft in order to reduce its weight by 50%, what will be the percentage reduction in its torsional strength. (b) Compare the torque carrying capacity of a thin walled circular tube of men diameter D and thickness t if (i) tube id closed, and (ii) tube is cut longitudinally. Also compare the torsional rigidity if the same torque is applied to both these tubes. (a) Briefly write notes on Notch Sensitivity. (b) A stepped shaft of diameters D and d is subjected to a variable axial load P which cyclically varies between 0 and 10 kN. The shaft is made of C 20 steel, mirror polished, having ultimate strength as 500 MPa and yield strength as 260 MPa. Determine the diameters D and d with D/d = 1.5; factor of safety = 2; notch sensitivity factor = 0.8 and r/d = 0.2 where r is the shoulder radius. (a) Explain the procedure for the design of a circumferential lap riveted joint for a boiler. (b) Explain advantages and disadvantages of riveted joints. (a) What do you understand by bolts of uniform strength? How these are obtained? (b) Calculate the size of the bolt required for the four hole bracket as shown in figure-5.8. Use coarse threads and the allowable stress of 30 N/mm2. (a)
Code: 9A03504
Two lengths of pipes, outside diameter 50 mm, are connected by means of a sleeve and two taper pins to form a joint. The joint carries 10 KN tensile load. Design the joint and give a neat dimensioned sketch. Select suitable materials and the design stresses for all the parts. An overhung shaft carries a 1 m diameter pulley, whose centre is 250 mm from the centre of the nearest bearing. The weight of the pulley is 600 N and the angle of lap of the belt may be assumed as 1800. The pulley is driven be a motor, placed below it at an angle of 450. If the permissible tension in the belt is 2500 N and the coefficient of friction is 0.3; determine the size of the shaft. Assume the permissible shear stress in the shaft material as 50 MPa. Take shock and fatigue factors for torsion and bending as 2 and 1.5 respectively. Check the design for lateral stiffness and torsional stiffness. Design a flexible coupling of pin-bush type construction or connecting a reduction gear shaft to a stone crusher shaft. The unit is driven by 30 KW, 720 rpm motor through 1:5 reductions. Choose suitable materials and their design stresses for the parts of the coupling *****
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