Design of Machine Elements Question Paper Sample

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BE/B.Tech Degree Examination , May 2024

Sixth Semester


(Regulations 2020)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer all Questions

PART – A (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)

1. What are the various factors to be considered in deciding the factor of safety [CO1,K1]
2. Draw Goodman and Soderberg line and locate safe design region [CO1,K2]
3. Mention the reasons for preferring hollow shafts over solid shafts [CO2,K2]
4. What is a self actuating or self energizing brake? When a brake becomes a self locking? [CO2,K2]
5. How the bolt is designated? [CO3,K2]
6. Name the stresses induced in welded joints. [CO3,K2]
7. Define the term nipping in leaf springs [CO4,K2]
8. List out the required qualities of a good friction materials used in clutches. [CO4,K2]
9. Rolling bearing are antifriction bearing- Justify the statement [CO5,K2]
10. State the purpose of flywheel. [CO5,K2]

PART – B (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)
11. a. i) A hollow circular column carries a projecting bracket, which supports a load of 25 [CO1,K3]
kN as shown in Fig. The distance between the axis of the column and the load is 500 mm.
The inner diameter of the column is 0.6 times of the outer diameter. The column is made of
steel FeE 200 (Syt = 120 N/mm2) and the factor of safety is 3.44. The column is to be
designed on the basis of maximum tensile stress and compression is not the criterion of
failure. Determine the dimensions of the cross-section of the column.

ii) The frame of a hacksaw is shown in Fig. 4.26(a). The initial tension P in the blade should
be 320 N. The frame is made of plain carbon steel 30C8 with tensile yield strength of 440
N/mm2 and the factor of safety is 3.5. The cross section of the frame is rectangular with a
ratio of depth to width as 4, as shown in Fig. Determine the dimensions of the cross-
11. b. A machine component is subjected to fluctuating stress that varies from 40 to 90 N/mm 2. [CO1,K3]
The corrected endurance limit stress for the machine component is 290 N/mm 2. The
ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of the material are 560 and 400 N/mm 2
respectively. Find the factor of safety using
(1) Gerber theory
(2) Soderberg line
(3) Goodman line
Also, find the factor of safety against static failure.

ii). A rotating bar made of steel 45C8 (Sut = 530 N/mm2) is subjected to a completely
reversed bending stress. The corrected endurance limit of the bar is 215 N/mm 2. Calculate
the fatigue strength of the bar for a life of 91,010 cycles.

12. a. i) A line shaft supporting two pulleys A and B is shown in Fig. Power is supplied to the [CO2,K3]
shaft by means of a vertical belt on the pulley A, which is then transmitted to the pulley B
carrying a horizontal belt. The ratio of belt tension on tight and loose sides is 4:1. The
limiting value of tension in the belts is 3.7 kN. The shaft is made of plain carbon steel 40C8
(Sut= 610 N/mm2 and Syt = 390 N/mm2). The pulleys are keyed to the shaft. Determine the
diameter of the shaft according to the ASME code if, kb = 1.8 and kt = 1.0

ii) It is required to design a square key for fixing a gear on a shaft of 30 mm diameter. The
shaft is transmitting 25 kW power at 720 rpm to the gear. The key is made of steel 50C4
(Syt = 460 N/mm2) and the factor of safety is 3.2. For key material, the yield strength in
compression can be assumed to be equal to the yield strength in tension. Determine the
dimensions of the key.

12. b. i) The diameter of the brake drum of a single block shown in Fig is 1m. It sustains 2XXX [CO2,K3]
(XXX- Last 3 digits of your roll No.) N-m of torque at 400 rpm. The coefficient of friction is
0.32. Determine the required force to be applied when the rotation of the drum is (a)
clockwise, (b) Counter clockwise and angle of contact (i) 35° and (ii) 100°. Given that a =
800 mm, b= 150 mm and c = 25 mm.
ii) The layout of a double block brake is shown in fig. The brake is rated at 255N.m at 655
r.p.m. The drum diameter is 250mm assume coefficient of friction to be 0.3 and for
conditions of service a pv value of 1000(kpa) m/s may be assumed.
(a)Spring force S required to set the brake and
(b)Width of shoes
(c)Which shoe will have greater rate of wear and what will be the ratio of rates of wear of
the two shoes?

13. a. i) A steel plate subjected to a force of 5 kN and fixed to a channel by means of three [CO3,K3]
identical bolts is shown in Fig. The bolts are made from plain carbon steel 45C8 (Syt = 120
N/mm2 and the factor of safety is 3. Specify the size of bolts.

ii) A steel bracket is fixed to a vertical support by three bolts. The dimensions given in
figures are in mm. The bolts are made of plain carbon steel 45C8 (σyt = 430 N/mm2) and
factor of safety is 3.5. Determine the size of bolt
13. b. i) A beam of rectangular cross section is welded to a support by means of fillet welds as [CO3,K3]
shown in Fig. Determine the size of the welds, if the permissible shear stress in the weld is
limited to 85 N/mm2.

ii) A welded connection, as shown in Fig, is subjected to an eccentric force of 60 kN in the

plane of the welds. Determine the size of the welds, if the permissible shear stress for the
weld is 100 N/mm2. Assume static conditions.

14. a. i) It is required to design a helical compression spring subjected to a maximum force of [CO4,K3]
1010N. The deflection of the spring corresponding to the maximum force should be
approximately 35 mm. The spring index can be taken as 6. The spring is made of patented
and cold-drawn steel wire. The ultimate tensile strength and modulus of rigidity of the
spring material are 1099 and 81322 N/mm2 respectively. The permissible shear stress for
the spring wire should be taken as 50% of the ultimate tensile strength. Design the spring
and calculate:
(1) wire diameter; (2) mean coil diameter; (3) number of active coils; (4) total number of
coils; (5) free length of the spring; and (6) pitch of the coil.

ii) A semi- elliptic multi leaf spring is used for the suspension of the rear axle of a truck. It
consists of two extra full length leaves and ten graduated leaves including the master leaf.
The centre to centre distance between the spring eyes are 1.4 m. The leaves are made of
steel 55Si2Mo90 (σyt = 1500 MPa and E = 207 GPa) and factor of safety is 3.5. The spring is to
be designed for a maximum force of 35 kN. The leaves are pre-stressed so as to equalize
stresses in all leaves, determine
1) the cross section of leaves, 2) the deflection at the end of the spring
3) initial nip when the width is 9 times the thickness
14 b. i) A multi-disk clutch consists of five steel plates and four bronze plates. The inner and [CO4,K3]
outer diameters of the friction disks are 70 and 150 mm respectively. The coefficient of
friction is 0.1 and the intensity of pressure on friction lining is limited to 0.43 N/mm2.
Assuming uniform wear theory, calculate:
(1) the required force to engage the clutch; and (2) power transmitting capacity at 700 rpm.

ii) A cone clutch is used to connect an electric motor running at 1220 rpm with a machine
which is stationary. The machine is equivalent to a rotor of 150 kg mass and radius of
gyration as 350 mm. The machine has to be brought to the full speed of 1220 rpm from
stationary condition in 40s. The semi-cone angle  is 12.5°.The mean radius of the clutch is
twice the face width. The coefficient of friction is 0.5 and the normal intensity of pressure
between contacting surfaces should not exceed 0.1 N/mm 2. Assuming uniform wear
criterion, calculate:
(1) the inner and outer diameters; (2) the face width of friction lining;
(3) the force required to engage the clutch; and (4) the amount of heat generated during
each engagement of clutch.

15 a. i) A single-row deep groove ball bearing is subjected to a radial force of 8.9 kN and a thrust [CO5,K3]
force of 3.6 kN. The shaft rotates at 1210 rpm. The expected life L10h of the bearing is 20
000 h. The minimum acceptable diameter of the shaft is 76 mm. Select a suitable ball
bearing for this application.

ii) The following data is given for a hydrostatic thrust bearing:

thrust load = 600 kN, shaft speed = 700 rpm, shaft diameter = 510 mm, recess diameter =
300 mm, film thickness = 0.16 mm, viscosity of lubricant = 170 SUS, specific gravity = 0.66
(1) supply pressure; (2) flow requirement in litres/min; (3) power loss in pumping; and (4)
frictional power loss.
b. i) A machine is driven by a motor, which exerts a constant torque. The resisting torque of [CO5,K3]
the machine increases uniformly from 600 N-m to 1200 N-m through a 360° rotation of the
driving shaft and drops suddenly to 600 N-m again at the beginning of the next revolution.
The mean angular velocity of the machine is 35 rad/s and the coefficient of speed
fluctuations is 0.3. A solid circular steel disk, 25 mm thick, is used as flywheel. The mass
density of steel is 7800 kg/m 3 while Poisson’s ratio is 0.38. Calculate the outer radius of the
flywheel disk and the maximum stresses induced in it.

ii) The turning moment diagram of a multi-cylinder engine is drawn with a scale of (1 mm
= 1°) on the abscissa and (1 mm = 250 N-m) on the ordinate. The intercepted areas between
the torque developed by the engine and the mean resisting torque of the machine, taken in
order from one end are – 350, + 700, – 600, + 890, – 500, + 450 and –650 mm 2. The engine is
running at a mean speed of 750 rpm and the coefficient of speed fluctuations is limited to
0.03. A rimmed flywheel made of grey cast iron FG 200 (ρ= 7100 kg/m 3) is provided. The
spokes, hub and shaft are assumed to contribute 10% of the required moment of inertia.
The rim has rectangular cross-section and the ratio of width to thickness is 1.5. Determine
the dimensions of the rim.

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