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XMITIP User Reference Guide

SMTP (E-Mail) from OS/390 and z/OS to the World

Version 08.01 Revised January 18, 2008

Lionel B. Dyck
Kaiser Permanente Information Technology
501 Lennon Lane
Walnut Creek, California 94598
E-Mail: [email protected]

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................2

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................5
Local Customizations (alter this section for your site and republish for your users) ...........................7
Using XMITIP in Batch .....................................................................................................................8
Usage Notes ...................................................................................................................................9
XMITIP - The Command (syntax) ................................................................................................... 10
To-Address.................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Other Keywords .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
AddressFile and AddressFileDD .................................................................................................................................. 11
ASA ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
BCC ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
CC................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
CONFIG ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
CONFIGDD .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
DEBUG ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13
EMSG .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
ERRORSTO .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
FILE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
FILEDD ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13
FILEDESC ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
FILENAME ................................................................................................................................................................... 14
FILEO ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
FOLLOWUP ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
FORMAT...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
FORMAT TXT ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
FORMAT CSV .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
FORMAT BIN ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
FORMAT GIF ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
FORMAT ICAL .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
FORMAT HTML ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
FORMAT PDF .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
FORMAT RTF ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
FORMAT XMIT ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
FORMAT ZIP ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
FORMAT ZIPBIN ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
FORMAT ZIPCSV...................................................................................................................................................... 18
FORMAT ZIPGIF ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
FORMAT ZIPHTML .................................................................................................................................................. 19
FORMAT ZIPPDF ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
FORMAT ZIPRTF ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
FORMAT ZIPXMIT ................................................................................................................................................... 20
FROM .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
HLQ ............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
HTML .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
IDVAL .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
IMPORTANCE .............................................................................................................................................................. 21
IGNORECC ................................................................................................................................................................... 21

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IGNORESUFFIX ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
LANG ........................................................................................................................................................................... 21
MACH ......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
MARGIN ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
MSGDD ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21
MSGDS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22
MSGQ ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
MSGT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
MSG72 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22
MURPHY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
NOCONFIRM ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
NOIDVAL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23
NOMSG ....................................................................................................................................................................... 23
NORTFXLATE ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
NOSPOOF .................................................................................................................................................................... 23
NOSTRIP ...................................................................................................................................................................... 23
PAGE ........................................................................................................................................................................... 23
PDFIDX ........................................................................................................................................................................ 24
PRIORITY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
RC0 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
RECEIPT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
REPLYTO ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
RESPOND .................................................................................................................................................................... 24
SENSITIVITY................................................................................................................................................................. 25
SIG .............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
SIGDD.......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
SUBJECT ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25
TPAGELEN ................................................................................................................................................................... 25
ZIPMETHOD ................................................................................................................................................................ 26
ZIPPASS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Minimum required syntax: ............................................................................................................................................. 28

XMITIP Examples .......................................................................................................................... 29

Example 1: Send a PDS Member with No Message ....................................................................................................... 29
Example 2: Send a message to One Address. ................................................................................................................ 29
Example 3: Send a Message with CC and FROM specified. ............................................................................................ 30
Example 4: Send a Single PDS Member To One Address. .............................................................................................. 30
Example 5: Send a Dataset in Landscape with a 9 point font. ....................................................................................... 30
Example 6: Send a Passed Dataset to a List using Blind Copies. .................................................................................... 30
Example 7: Send a Dataset Using an AddressFile Dataset: ............................................................................................ 31
Example 8: Using MSGQ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Example 9: Send a SYSOUT file as a Text Attachment: .................................................................................................. 32
Example 10: Send a Dataset in RTF Format using ZIP to save space .............................................................................. 32
Example 11: Send a Comma Separated Value (CSV) Dataset. ....................................................................................... 33
Example 12: Sample using MSGT .................................................................................................................................. 33
Example 13: Using a XMITIP Configuration File ............................................................................................................. 34
Example 14: Sending a Message to a Pager if Job Abnormally Ends ............................................................................. 34
Example 15: Splitting a Report into Individual E-Mails based on a KeyValue ................................................................ 35
Example 16: PDF creation example using a PDF Configuration File ............................................................................... 36

XMITIPTD – Timed Delivery Routine .............................................................................................. 37

XMITIPSP – File Split/Separation Utility ......................................................................................... 38
XMITIPSP Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................. 38
XMITIPSP Control Statements ........................................................................................................................................ 38
COMBINE .................................................................................................................................................................... 38

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FILENAME ................................................................................................................................................................... 38
GMAIL ......................................................................................................................................................................... 39
KEYMAIL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 39
KEYPREF ...................................................................................................................................................................... 39
KEYV............................................................................................................................................................................ 39
KEYSUBJ ...................................................................................................................................................................... 39
MERGEMAIL ............................................................................................................................................................... 40
MSGDD ....................................................................................................................................................................... 40
MSGDS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 40
MSGSTART .................................................................................................................................................................. 40
MSGEND ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40
SEPLINES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40
SEPLOC........................................................................................................................................................................ 40
SEPPAGES ................................................................................................................................................................... 40
SUBJECT ...................................................................................................................................................................... 41
TO ............................................................................................................................................................................... 41
XMITIPCONFIG ............................................................................................................................................................ 41
XMITIPSP Required Statements ..................................................................................................................................... 41
XMITIPSP Mutually Exclusive Statements ...................................................................................................................... 41
XMITIPSP Required JCL ................................................................................................................................................... 41

ISPF Dialog.................................................................................................................................... 42
Batch JCL and XMITIP Generation from the ISPF Dialog................................................................................................. 44
Address List Dialog ......................................................................................................................................................... 46
File Attachment Panel .................................................................................................................................................... 47
Format Prompting .......................................................................................................................................................... 47

XMITIP Tools ................................................................................................................................. 49

ALLOCGDG ...................................................................................................................................................................... 49
EDIMAIL .......................................................................................................................................................................... 49
MAILFILE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 49
MAILHFSE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 49
SETSDSFK and XMITSDSF ................................................................................................................................................ 50
TXT2HTML ...................................................................................................................................................................... 51
TXT2RTF .......................................................................................................................................................................... 51
TXT2PDF ......................................................................................................................................................................... 52
XMITIPED ........................................................................................................................................................................ 52
XMITIPFE......................................................................................................................................................................... 52
XMITIPPD ........................................................................................................................................................................ 52
XMITBULK ....................................................................................................................................................................... 52

Reading the Attachment on the Workstation: ............................................................................... 53

Change History ............................................................................................................................. 54

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XMITIP is a mainframe based electronic mail application that is capable of sending electronic mail to any
valid Intranet or Internet address. Along with messages, XMITIP can also send mainframe files in one of
several different file attachment formats. The recipients can be on any mail system that connects to the
Internet (the world) or Intranet (in house). The Simple Mail Transport Protocol, or SMTP, is used for sending
the mail with data sets attached using the appropriate SMTP statements.

The name, XMITIP, derives from the TSO TRANSMIT command, which has an alias of XMIT, and from IP,
which stands for Internet Protocol. Thus XMITIP is TSO TRANSMIT using the Internet Protocol.

XMITIP can be executed as a step within a batch job, under TSO as a command, or under ISPF using a robust
ISPF interface. It can also be used within an automated operations tool to generate messages related to system

XMITIP can be used very effectively as a step within a batch job to send a report generated by that job via
electronic mail rather than printing the report. With this approach the report will arrive in the intended users
electronic mail inbox within a few minutes after the job completes. This is much faster than waiting for the
hours for the report to be printed, removed from the printer, separated from the other reports that were printed
at the same time, and then delivered or placed in a mail box for pickup. The user can then view the report
online or print as their needs dictate.

Some of the features of XMITIP are:

send electronic mail to one or more addresses
send a quick message as a page
send one or more data sets as file attachments in one of the following formats: plain text, HTML, Rich
Text Format (RTF), Portable Document Format (PDF), Comma Separated Value (CSV), TSO Transmit
(XMIT), and binary
supports address lists
supports CC and BCC
supports Priority, Sensitivity, and Importance
The ISPF interface:
field level help for all entry fields
validation of all entered fields
address table for lookup and selection
data set table for multiple data set selection and formatting
reports the complete XMITIP command syntax generated
option to create a file with a complete Batch Job which can be submitted, browsed, edited, or copied.

The ISPF interface is an excellent tool to use to model the XMITIP usage and once it is working completely
then the generated command can be integrated into a batch job step or TSO application.

Included with the XMITIP package are several tools that can be used to invoke XMITIP from other
applications. These tools interface to XMITIP from SDSF, from IOF, and from other ISPF applications.

XMITIP is written almost completely in z/OS REXX, with one z/OS Assembler program that performs the
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Encoding) used for PDF and Binary attachments. The ISPF interface is
also written in z/OS REXX using the z/OS ISPF APIs.

This is an evolving application and any comments, suggestions, or bugs should be reported to the author's e-
mail ([email protected]). Please indicate the version of XMITIP that you are using in any e-mail.

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I would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals who provided pieces of the
XMITIP application that you are now installing:

IBM for significant assistance in answering various SMTP issues over the years.

Dana Mitchell for the Interlink support information.

Doug Adams for many ISPF table-coding examples, including the excellent FIND routines.

Doug Nadel for the routine to convert a number to include commas.

Felipe Cvitanich for his contributions of the national language enablement tools.

John Ellis for his contributions, including the interface to UDSMTP and the code to process all, or selected
via mask, members of a PDS.

Leland Lucius for his contributions of the PDF conversion routine, the initial routine to do MIME
conversion, and the time zone detection routine. Most recently for the PDF security routines and
enhancements to the TXT2PDF code.

L. A. Thomas for taking the time to provide extensive suggestions on documents, the ISPF help panels, the
ISPF dialog, and the processing of the application.

Mark Regan for setting up the XMITIP Listserv group on Yahoo.

Mark Feldman for the XMITB64 assembler program.

Mike Porter for the UDSMTP program.

Ken Tomiak and Barry Gilder for their contribution of the REXX routine CONDCODE that is used to
capture the step completion information for the active job.

Paul Wells for providing the Murphy (XMITIPMU) REXX routine.

Rich Stuemke for the Machine Carriage Control information.

Wolfram Schwenzer for code to support the characters \{} in the RTF files.

Hartmut Beckmann for numerous enhancements and suggestions.

Alain Janssens for the code in TXT2HTML to convert CSV files to HTML tables

Yvon Roy for code to detect daylight savings time.

Plus numerous individuals who have performed the task of beta testing as well as others who took the time to
send me comments, suggestions, and bug reports.

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Local Customizations (alter this section for your site and republish for your users)
Some of the local customizations that you need to be aware of are:

1. ZIP option

The ZIP option is enabled and utilizes PKZIP/MVS. This utility is only available on a few of the
systems. Before relying upon this option you should verify that the ZIP utility is available on the
systems upon which your jobs will be executing.

2. PKZIP/MVS is not licensed on all systems. Thus if using a ZIP option in XMITIP the following JCL
statement must be inserted into the batch JCL after the JOB statement:


3. The Data Set used in batch mode on the //SYSEXEC DD depends upon the environment:

Environment Data Set Name

Northern California SYS2.REXX.EXEC

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Using XMITIP in Batch
When using XMITIP in batch using the Batch TMP some suggestions and restrictions to be aware of are:

1. The data set name format is the same as under TSO. Fully qualify with single quotes or be aware of
what your TSO PROFILE PREFIX is set to as the prefix will be appended to the start of the data set
name if it is not fully qualified.
2. The SYSTSIN DD will ignore any text in columns 73 to 80.
3. Statements in the XMITIP command can be continued to additional statements by coding either a
plus (+) or a minus (-) at the end of the statement to be continued. A plus (+) is recommended as it
pass less white space within the merged command.
4. Messages are reported in the SYSTSPRT DD

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Usage Notes
Some considerations for using XMITIP are:

1. Use a SUBJECT to inform the recipient what the e-mail is about

2. Always use a FROM address which should map to your normal e-mail address on your production e-
mail system. This allows the recipient to easily reply to your e-mail address. If you forget a FROM
then a default FROM is generated using the e-mail address of the TSO session or the userid of the
Batch JOB.
3. The largest record length supported is either 998 or 1024. The SMTP standards (RFC 2821) define a
limit of 998 bytes per record while the IBM SMTP limit is 1024 bytes. There is an installation
customization option for XMITIP that defines which limit is enforced.
4. Before implementing XMITIP into a production process run several tests to verify that the results
(e.g. the report format) are what you expect.

Use the ISPF dialog to experiment with the various XMITIP options and use the generated XMITIP JCL and
command as a starting point for a production implementation

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XMITIP - The Command (syntax)
XMITIP is a normal TSO command and must be executed under TSO or using the batch terminal monitor
program (TMP). See the Examples section for examples of the JCL which can be used, the complete syntax is:

%XMITIP user@address
or (u1@address u2@address..)
or *list-id*
or *
BCC user@address
or BCC (u1@add1 u2@add2 ..)
CC user@address
or CC (u1@add1 u2@add2 ..)
CONFIG filename
or CONFIGDD ddname
ERRROSTO user@address
FILE dsn
or FILE (dsn1 dsn2 ...)
or FILEDD (ddn1 ddn2 ...)
FILEDESC file-description
or FILEDESC (desc1 desc2 ...)
FILENAME filename
or FILENAME (file1 file2 ..)
FILEO hfs-file-name
or FILEO (hfs-file-name1 hfs-file-name2 ..)
FORMAT options (see the doc)
FROM from@address
HLQ high-level-qualifier
HTML (for MSGDx only)
IMPORTANCE High Normal or Low
LANG default_language
or MARGIN (Lm/Rm/Tm/Bm Lm/Rm/Tm/Bm ...)
MSGDS data-set-name
or MSGDS *
or MSGDD ddname or MSGQ or MSGT
PAGE „page message text‟
PDFIDX row/column/length
PRIORITY Urgent Normal or Non-Urgent
RECEIPT receipt@address
REPLYTO reply@address
RESPOND option(s)
SENSITIVITY Private Personal or Confidential
SIG dsname or SIGDD ddname
SUBJECT 'subject text'
ZIPMETHOD zip-compression-method
ZIPPASS password for zip files

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The command syntax is keyword or keyword followed by an option with no intervening equal sign. If
multiple options are used then they are enclosed within parentheses.

%XMITIP is the command. The % indicates that the command is a REXX Exec and not a compiled
command. If entered without any parameters either an error message will be generated or, if executed under
ISPF it will invoke the ISPF interface. The command requires a minimum set of parameters to function,
including a to-address and either a message keyword (msgds, msgdd, or msgq) or a file attachment (file,
filedd, or fileo). Use of msg72 will limit the message text to the first 72 columns (to avoid sequence

The only positional parameter to XMITIP is the To-Address, which is the electronic mail address of the
intended recipient. Note that you do not code To-Address rather you code the actual address of the recipient.
The format of this parameter is:

e.g. [email protected]
“name” <address>
e.g. “First Last” <[email protected]>
(address1 address2 …)
multiple addresses are enclosed with parentheses separated by at least one blank or a comma
(“name1” <address1> “name2” <address2> …)
multiple addresses are enclosed with parentheses separated by at least one blank or a comma
an asterisk is used if you are using the ADDRESSFILE or ADDRESSFILEDD keywords to define a
distribution list of addresses. The single asterisk will result in the To field being blank on the users e-mail.
this is similar to the usage of a single asterisk except that the text enclosed by the two asterisks will be
specified on in the To field and will appear in the users e-mail. There must be no blanks between the two

The name within quotes, referred to in this document as the qualified address, will appear in the users inbox
rather than the e-mail address.
Other Keywords
The remaining keywords used by XMITIP are not positional or required. The keywords will be presented in
alphabetical order below.

AddressFile and AddressFileDD

These keywords describe a sequential data set or member of a partitioned data set that contains a distribution
list of addresses. The syntax is:

ADDRESSFILE data-set-name

AddressFile may be abbreviated as AFile.

AddressFileDD may be abbreviated as AFileDD.

The format of the address list is:

Column 1: * for a comment or an action (To, CC, BCC, FROM or REPLYTO)

Started one blank after the action is a valid e-mail address (See the recipient address description for the
allowed formats).

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* Sample XMITIP AddressFile Address List

To [email protected]
Cc [email protected]
Bcc [email protected]
Cc “Fourth Last” [email protected]
From [email protected]
ReplyTo [email protected]

Note that the address list is case insensitive. The text can be all upper case, all lower case, or mixed case with
no problems.

Use of qualified addresses is also allowed.

ASA instructs XMITIP to assume that the file attachments contain ASA carriage control. The default is to use
the carriage control defined in the DCB of the input data set. This keyword should be used if FILEDD is used
and refers to a data set on VIO.
(see MACH and IGNORECC).
BCC is the Blind Carbon Copy address keyword. The syntax is:

BCC [email protected]
BCC ([email protected] [email protected] [email protected] …)

Note that with the BCC the qualified name (within quotes) is not required or used.
CC is the keyword for Carbon Copy. The syntax is similar to that for BCC except that the qualified name may
be coded as it will be used if provided:

CC [email protected]
CC “First Last” <[email protected]>
CC (“First Last” <[email protected]> “Second Last” < [email protected]>
[email protected] …)
This option allows the user to define a XMITIP configuration file containing XMITIP keywords and options
for the current XMITIP execution. The configuration file must be a sequential dataset or a member of a PDS.

CONFIG data-set-name

CONFIG may be abbreviated as CFG.

Only data in columns 1 to 72 are used (to avoid sequence numbers)
A „+‟ or „-„ may be used as a continuation character if desired but it is optional
Keywords and options may span records
Any keywords used will over-ride any specified on the XMITIP command
Both CONFIG and CONFIGDD may be specified multiple times in one command
Both CONFIG and CONFIGDD are recursive (you can include them in other configuration files)
The last occurrence of a keyword is the one that is used
An * in column 1 indicates a comment

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This option allows the specification of a DDname for the XMITIP configuration file for the current execution.
See CONFIG for details.


CONFIGDD may be abbreviated as CFGDD.

This option is used when you want to see the generated SMTP control statements. The message will not be
sent, instead every control statement along with the requested message and attachments, will be written to the
screen (for TSO use) or to the SYSTSPRT DD when used in batch.
This option must be used under ISPF and with a MSGDS dsn.

Use this option to send an e-mail to the specified address of any delivery errors. The syntax is:

ERRORSTO [email protected]
The FILE keyword describes the sequential data set or member of a partitioned data set that will be included
with the electronic mail as an attachment. The syntax is:

FILE data-set-name
FILE (data-set-name1 data-set-name2 …)

Note that the data set name may also be a generation data set such as hlq.data.set(-2) but it may not reside on

If the data set is a partitioned dataset a member name must be specified. The member name may be a specific
member name or a mask using a *. For example:

AB* will send all members starting with AB

* will send all members

Abbreviation: FI
The FILEDD keyword describes the DD statements that reference the sequential data set or member of a
partitioned data set that will be included with the electronic mail as an attachment. The syntax is:

FILEDD ddname
FILEDD (ddname1 ddname2 …)

Note that a DDname may be a concatenation of data sets.

Warning: If FILEDD refers to a temporary data set that resides in VIO the file conversion to HTML, RTF, or
PDF the use of ASA or MACH should be used if the data set contains carriage control..

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The FILEDESC is a set of characters with no intervening spaces that is used to describe the file attachment.
Not all electronic mail packages support this information so it is not frequently used. The syntax is:

FILEDESC file-description-for-a-single-file
FILEDESC (file-description-1 file-description-2 …)

The FILEDESC value may contain any or all of the supported symbolic variables (see list later).

Note that since blanks are not allowed you can use dashes (-) or underscores (_) or other special characters
except parentheses.
The FILENAME keyword describes the name that the data sets referenced by FILE, FILEDD, or FILEO will
be known as when attached to the e-mail. The syntax is:

FILENAME file1.txt
FILENAME (file1.txt file2.rtf file3.pdf …)

FILENAME may be abbreviated as FILEN.

Note that the use of FILENAME will override any suffix specified in the FORMAT keyword for the attached

The FILENAME value may contain any or all of the supported symbolic variables (see list later).

If the FILENAME contains embedded blanks then it must be enclosed within parenthesis and single quotes.

e.g. FILENAME („sample file.txt‟)

or FILENAME(„sample file.txt‟ „file 2.pdf‟ file3.txt)
The FILEO keyword describes a data set which resides within an MVS Open Edition (aka z/OS Unix System
Services) HFS. The syntax is:

FILEO „/etc/profile‟
FILEO („/etc/profile‟ „/etc/rc.config‟ …)
The FOLLOWUP keyword will generate a Internet Calendar (iCalendar) file attachment that will create a
ToDo entry in the users Calendar or ToDo calendaring tool (assuming the mail client supports the iCalendar
files). The syntax is:


Where date is in the format mmddyy

Or +nnn where nnn is the number of days from today

FOLLOWUP may be abbreviated as FUP.

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The FORMAT keyword is the most complex keyword used in XMITIP. This keyword defines the formatting
that will be used for the FILE, FILEDD, and FILEO data sets when they are attached to the e-mail.

Note that all data on the mainframe is stored in the EBCDIC character set and is translated to the ASCII
character set during the transmission. Any data that should not be translated should be attached in Binary

There must be one format string (type/option) per file attachment with the default being a plain text
attachment. If you want to use the same format for all file attachments then the type must be proceeded by an
* (see below in the syntax).

The syntax is:

FORMAT type/option
FORMAT (type/option type2/option2 …)
FORMAT *type/option indicates to use this format for all file attachments

This is the default for any attachment unless another format is specified.

The input file must be in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format and will be attached as a text file attachment
with a CSV suffix.

This format is used when attaching data that should be sent without translation.

This format is used when attaching a graphic interchange format (GIF) binary file. The input must already be
in GIF format.

This format indicates that an Internet Calendar file is being attached. The file suffix for the filename must be

Note that under the ISPF dialog using a * in the file attachment field with a format of ICAL will bring up a
prompting panel to generate the iCalendar file.

This format indicates that the file will be converted to a basic HTML format that is easily viewed using any
Web Browser (e.g. Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer). This option supports several parameters. A null
may be used in place of a parameter to take a default. If the input file is already in HTML format then no
conversion is performed and the file is just attached with the appropriate information.

FORMAT HTML/color/suffix/font-size/banner/table/header/wrap/semicolon
FORMAT HTML/color-color/suffix/font-size/banner/table/header/wrap/semicolon
FORMAT HTML/DS:configuration-data-set
FORMAT HTML/DD:configuration-ddname

Color defines the background color of the web page when only a single color is specified. When two colors
are specified then the first color is the background color and the second color is the text (or foreground) color.

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The colors that may be used are denoted below. The abbreviation is the smallest number of characters that
uniquely identify the color:

Color Abbreviation Color Abbreviation

Aqua A Navy N
Black Bla Olive O
Blue Blu Purple P
Fuchsia F Red R
Gray Gra Silver S
Green Gre Teal T
Lime L White W
Maroon M Yellow Y

Suffix can be used to define the file suffix that will be used for the attached file, but only if no FILENAME
keyword is specified for this file.

Font-size defines a relative font size ranging from 1, which is extremely small, to 7, which is very very large.
The font sizes are relative because the user can alter the font size defaults within their Web Browser.

Banner may be Yes or No (or null) and indicates if the file-description is to be used as a Banner in the
generated html document. If there is no file description then the file dataset name will be used.

Table may be Yes or No (or null) and indicates that the input file is a CSV file that should be converted to an
HTML table.

Header may be Yes or No (or null) and indicates that the input CSV file contains a header row.

Wrap may be Yes or No (or null) and indicates that the text in each cell in the HTML table should wrap.

Semicolon may be Yes or No (or null) and indicates that a semicolon (;) has been used in the CSV file instead
of a comma (,).


FORMAT HTML/w-bla//4

This keyword will format a file as HTML with the background color white and the text color black. The font
size will be 4.

The configuration file is any sequential data set (or PDS member) with TXT2HTML statements coded in each
record. An * in column 1 indicates a comment record.

Notes: 1. Beware of sequence numbers

2. TITLE is NOT allowed in a Configuration file

PDF is short for Portable Document Format and is the file format used by the Adobe Acrobat reader. A
version of Adobe Acrobat is available free for the Linux, Macintosh and Windows workstations. The syntax
for this is:

FORMAT PDF/layout/font-size/paper-size/lpi/rpo
FORMAT PDF/txt2pdf-configuration-file


Layout defines the paper orientation of Portrait or Landscape. These can be abbreviated as just P or L.

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Font-size is the size of the font in points. There are 72 points to an inch. The default is 9.

Paper-size defines the width and height of the paper. Valid options are Letter (LET), Legal (LEG), A4, and
user defined widthXheight (e.g. 4x6).

LPI is lines per inch. The default is 8 lines per inch. If the font size is adjusted this value should be reviewed.

RPO, short for Read and Print Only determines if the created PDF file will be secure. The syntax for this
option is:

No No security
40 40-bit security
128 128-bit security
nn:upw where nn is 40 or 128 and upw is the User Password required for the user to read the file

The txt2pdf-configuration-file may be specified as DS:data-set-name or DD:ddname. If the ddname option is

used then the DD will have to be pre-allocated to the TSO session or Batch JCL. Use the TXT2PDF ISPF
Dialog to generate the configuration file for simplicity.

Important: If using this option then all PDF formatting options must be included in the configuration

Note: the MARGIN keyword can be used with this format to adjust the top, bottom, left, and right margins on
the page.


FORMAT PDF/l/9/let/6
FORMAT PDF/l/9/let/6/40:readpw

Defines landscape orientation, 9-point font, letter size paper, and 6 lines per inch on the first and on the
second the same formatting with 40-bit encryption and a read only password.

RTF is short for Rich Document Format and is a common document interchange format that can be used by
Microsoft Wordpad, Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, Star Office and other word processors. The syntax for this

FORMAT RTF/layout/font-size/paper-size/ro
FORMAT RTF/txt2rtf-configuration-file


Layout defines the paper orientation of Portrait or Landscape. These can be abbreviated as just P or L.

Font-size is the size of the font in points. There are 72 points to an inch. The default is 9.

Paper-size defines the width and height of the paper. Valid options are Letter (LET), Legal (LEG), A4, and
user defined widthXheight (e.g. 4x6). Note: the units for the Width and Height is defined for each installation
and may be either Inches or Centimeters. Check with your installation support if you are not sure.

ro is Yes to enable ReadOnly mode or No (or blank) for normal Read/Write mode.

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The txt2rtf-configuration-file may be specified as DS:data-set-name or DD:ddname. If the ddname option is
used then the DD will have to be pre-allocated to the TSO session or Batch JCL.

Important: If using this option then all RTF formatting options must be included in the configuration

Sample RTF Configuration File:

MARGINS .8/.8.5.5

Note: the MARGIN keyword can be used with this format to adjust the top, bottom, left, and right margins on
the page.


FORMAT RTF/p/9/let

Defines a document with portrait paper orientation, 9-point font, and letter size paper.

This format is used when sending a dataset created by the TSO Transmit command. The dataset will be
attached as a binary file attachment. If the input is not in TSO Transmit format then XMITIP will use TSO
Transmit to put it into XMIT format.

This format will cause the text file to be compressed using a ZIP utility (PKZIP/MVS, ISPZip, or InfoZip) if
installed and available. The syntax is:

FORMAT ZIP/name-in-archive

The name-in-archive is used by InfoZip and PKZIP/MVS version 2.51 and higher and is similar to the
FILENAME keyword. If specified the file will be placed in the ZIP archive file using this name. The
FILENAME keyword is used to specify the name the ZIP archive will be known as in the e-mail attachment.
For InfoZip the name-in-archive will have a installation defined high-level-qualifier appended to its front.

This format will cause the binary (no translation will be performed) file to be compressed using a ZIP utility
(PKZIP/MVS, ISPZip, or InfoZip) if installed and available. The syntax is:

FORMAT ZIPBIN/name-in-archive

The name-in-archive is used by PKZIP/MVS version 2.51 and higher and is similar to the FILENAME
keyword. If specified the file will be placed in the ZIP archive file using this name. The FILENAME keyword
is used to specify the name the ZIP archive will be known as in the e-mail attachment.

This format will cause the input file, which must already be in CSV format, to be compressed using a ZIP
utility and then attached. The syntax is:

FORMAT ZIPCSV/name-in-archive

The name-in-archive is used by PKZIP/MVS version 2.51 and higher and is similar to the FILENAME
keyword. If specified the file will be placed in the ZIP archive file using this name. The FILENAME keyword
is used to specify the name the ZIP archive will be known as in the e-mail attachment.

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This format will cause the input file, which must already be in GIF format, to be compressed using a ZIP
utility and then attached. The syntax is:

FORMAT ZIPGIF/name-in-archive

The name-in-archive is used by PKZIP/MVS version 2.51 and higher and is similar to the FILENAME
keyword. If specified the file will be placed in the ZIP archive file using this name. The FILENAME keyword
is used to specify the name the ZIP archive will be known as in the e-mail attachment

This format will cause the file to be converted to HTML format and then to be compressed using a ZIP utility
(PKZIP/MVS, ISPZip, or InfoZip) if installed and available. The syntax is:

FORMAT ZIPHTML/name-in-archive/color/font-size/banner/table/header/wrap/semicolon
FORMAT ZIPHTML/name-in-archive/DS:configuration-data-set
FORMAT ZIPHTML/name-in-archive/DD:configuration-ddname

The name-in-archive is used by PKZIP/MVS version 2.51 and higher and is similar to the FILENAME
keyword. If specified the file will be placed in the ZIP archive file using this name. The FILENAME keyword
is used to specify the name the ZIP archive will be known as in the e-mail attachment.

See the FORMAT HTML description above for the definition of the color and font-size parameters.

This format will cause the file to be converted to PDF format and then to be compressed using a ZIP utility
(PKZIP/MVS, ISPZip, or InfoZip) if installed and available. The syntax is:

FORMAT ZIPPDF/name-in-archive/layout/font-size/paper-size/lpi/rpo
FORMAT ZIPPDF/name-in-archive/txt2pdf-configuration-file

The name-in-archive is used by PKZIP/MVS version 2.51 and higher and is similar to the FILENAME
keyword. If specified the file will be placed in the ZIP archive file using this name. The FILENAME keyword
is used to specify the name the ZIP archive will be known as in the e-mail attachment.

See the FORMAT PDF description above for the definition of the layout, font-size, paper-size, lpi parameters
and the txt2pdf-configuration-file option.

This format will cause the file to be converted to RTF format and then to be compressed using a ZIP utility
(PKZIP/MVS, ISPZip, or InfoZip) if installed and available. The syntax is:

FORMAT ZIPRTF/name-in-archive/layout/font-size/paper-size/ro
FORMAT ZIPRTF/name-in-archive/txt2rtf-configuration-file

The name-in-archive is used by PKZIP/MVS version 2.51 and higher and is similar to the FILENAME
keyword. If specified the file will be placed in the ZIP archive file using this name. The FILENAME keyword
is used to specify the name the ZIP archive will be known as in the e-mail attachment.

See the FORMAT RTF description above for the definition of the layout, font-size, and paper-size parameters
and for the information on the specification for the configuration file.

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This format will cause the input file, which must already be in TSO Transmit (XMIT) format to be
compressed using a ZIP utility and then attached. If the input is not in TSO Transmit format then XMITIP will
use TSO Transmit to put it into XMIT format. The syntax is:

FORMAT ZIPXMIT/name-in-archive

The name-in-archive is used by PKZIP/MVS version 2.51 and higher and is similar to the FILENAME
keyword. If specified the file will be placed in the ZIP archive file using this name. The FILENAME keyword
is used to specify the name the ZIP archive will be known as in the e-mail attachment

Note: If no FORMAT keyword is used then the format used will be determined by:
1. looking at the filename suffix (e.g. filename.rtf will use format of rtf)
2. looking at the attachment dsn suffix if there is no format or filename (e.g. dataset.rtf will use format
of rtf)

Abbreviation: FORM
The FROM keyword defines the electronic mail address of the sender. The syntax is:

FROM e-mail@address

The format of the e-mail@address can be seen above under the To Address.


FROM [email protected]
From: “first last” [email protected]

Abbreviation: FR

IMPORTANT: This keyword should always be specified and should be your personal e-mail address on your
official electronic mail system. This address will be used if any of the To, Bcc, or CC addresses are incorrect
and the e-mail bounces back. If not used the bounced e-mail will be routed to the senders TSO system – and
you do not want to read e-mail on TSO since there is no good e-mail reader on TSO and TSO does not support
file attachments.
This keyword defines a high level qualifier that will be used for work data sets used within the XMITIP
application. This keyword should be used when running XMITIP in batch under userids that do not have a
TSO segment defined. The syntax is:

HLQ xxxx
HLQ xxx.yyy
This keyword has no parameters and simply indicates that the text in the MSGDS or MSGDD is coded in
HTML or Rich Text format. Use this if you want to send text that has color, bolding, italics, or different font
This keyword when used will enable e-mail address verification providing that the XMITLDAP defaults
module has been updated appropriately. With this all e-mail addresses that fail validation will cause the e-mail
to be aborted.

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This keyword is used to define the importance of the e-mail. This tag will cause some e-mail systems to mark
or flag the e-mail with an importance icon. The syntax is:

IMPORTANCE parameter

Where parameter may be one of these values: High, Normal, or Low.

Bypass all carriage control processing. The default is to use the carriage control defined in the DCB of the
input data set.
(see ASA and MACH).
This keyword will prevent XMITIP from automatically adding a FORMAT friendly suffix to the FILENAME
if the user specified suffix is not appropriate for the specified FORMAT.
This option defines a default language to be used to translate the date (month and day). Check with your
systems programmer for the supported languages. The standard supported languages are Brazilian, Dutch,
French, German, and Spanish. The default is English.

LANG Spanish
MACH instructs XMITIP to assume that the file attachments contain Machine carriage control. The default is
to use the carriage control defined in the DCB of the input data set. This keyword should be used if FILEDD
is used and refers to a data set on VIO.

(see ASA and IGNORECC).

The MARGIN keyword defines the top, bottom, left, and right margins for both the PDF and RTF formatted
file attachments. The syntax is:

MARGIN left/right/top/bottom
MARGIN (left/right/top/bottom left2/right2/top2/bottom2 …)

Note: the units for the Margin specification is defined for each installation and may be either Inches or
Centimeters. Check with your installation support if you are not sure.

If the form of FORMAT is used of FORMAT *xxx/… which applies the FORMAT to all file attachments
then a single MARGIN specification is used for all file attachments as well.
The MSGDD defines a DDName that references a sequential data set or member of a partitioned data set that
contains the text to be included in the message portion of the e-mail. Its use is mutually exclusive of the other
MSGxx keywords. The syntax is:

MSGDD ddname

Note that the DD statement may be a DD * and/or a concatenation of multiple data sets.

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The MSGDS defines a data set name, sequential or a member of a partitioned data set, which contains text
that will be included in the message portion of the e-mail. Its use is mutually exclusive of the other MSGxx
keywords. The syntax is:

MSGDS data-set-name
MSGDS data-set-name(member)
MSGDS omvs.file-name
MSGDS * (under ISPF Only)

When MSGDS * is used under ISPF the ISPF Editor is opened on an empty data set (record length is 72) in
which the message text may be entered (or copied from another data set).

Note that when using an OMVS file name that the file name is case sensitive (e.g. file ABC is not the same as
The MSGQ keyword may be used to pull the message text from the TSO Stack. This option is designed to be
used primarily by automation tools that will QUEUE lines of text to the TSO Stack to be sent in a e-mail. Its
use is mutually exclusive of the other MSGxx keywords. The syntax is:

The MSGT keyword may be used to include message text within the XMITIP command. The message text
must be enclosed in either single quotes „ or double quotes “. A \ may be used to cause the following text to be
placed on a new line. Any of the supported symbolics may be used within the message text. The use of the
escape character, a /, prior to the \ will allow the \ to be included within the message.

MSGT „this is a test of the message text keyword‟

If the first 5 characters of the message text is html: then the string html: will be removed and the message
text will be processed as html text.

This keyword is used in conjunction with MSGDD , MSGDS, MSGQ, and MSGT to limit the data processed
to the first 72 columns. This is useful if the message data contain sequence numbers in columns 73 to 80. The
syntax is:

This keyword will cause a cute or humorous quote to be included in the message of the e-mail. It will appear
after the message text and before a signature. The syntax is:

This keyword is useful if you do not want to see the XMITIP report. Its use is not recommended. The syntax


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This keyword is dependent upon the LDAP e-mail address validation being enabled. If this validation is
enabled then this keyword will cause XMITIP to not validate any of the e-mail addresses specified. The
syntax is:

The NOMSG keyword is used for documentation purposes only. When you are sending a e-mail with a file
attachment with no message this keyword can be used so that others reviewing your command syntax will
know that you explicitly decided not to send a message with the file. The syntax is:

This option should be used only if you have RTF fields in your document and you do not want XMITIP to
insert escape characters in front of them. The syntax is:

The NOSPOOF keyword can be used only if it is enabled by the installation to bypass the generation of the
AntiSpoof message text in the message.
The NOSTRIP keyword is used to turn OFF the removal of trailing blanks in file attachments. This may be
necessary if the receiving user needs to process the data and requires the trailing blanks. The syntax is:


Usage Notes:

1. NoStrip may not work in all environments for Format types of HTML, RTF, or TXT.
2. NoStrip will always work for Format types of Binary, XMIT, and all formats of ZIP.
3. NoStrip does not work for Format PDF.
The PAGE keyword is used to generate a short message to a pager and defines the message text to be used
with the e-mail. The syntax is:

PAGE „page message text‟

The text must be enclosed in either single („) or double (“) quotes. Using a double quote (“) on the outside will
allow the use of a single quote („) on the inside. The size of the paging text is not limited.

The PAGE may contain any or all of the supported symbolic variables (see list later).


PAGE „message text‟

PAGE “sample message with single quote („) inside”
PAGE „JOB &job completed on &date at &time‟


1. That the use of PAGE precludes the use of SUBJECT, any of the MSG keywords and any of the
FILE keywords.
2. The recipient address should be to a pager. Many paging providers have a e-mail address of the
format [email protected]
for example: [email protected]

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3. The &RC or &RCH symbolic can be useful when sending a page about the abnormal completion of a
JOB (do not use &RCA as it generates too much information)
This keyword defines the indexing information for the Adobe Acrobat PDF file attachments. The syntax is:

PDFIDX row/column/length


Row The row on the page where the index is to be found. If 0 then look on all rows.
Column The column where the index is to be found.
Length The length of the index
This keyword is similar to IMPORTANCE but some e-mail packages flag priority differently than
importance. The syntax is:

PRIORITY parameter

Where parameter is one of these values: Urgent, Normal, or Non-Urgent.

Abbreviation: PR
This keyword is used when the input FILE, FILEDD, etc. might be empty and the user requires a zero return
This keyword will cause an e-mail to be returned to the specified address when the e-mail has been received.
Some e-mail systems may send the receipt when the e-mail is opened, others when it is delivered to the users
inbox (but not opened yet). The syntax is:

RECEIPT address

Where address is the e-mail address to send the RECEIPT.

The REPLYTO keyword can be used when you want any replies to the e-mail to be delivered to someone
else. The syntax is:

REPLYTO address

The address is any of the valid electronic mail address formats – see the To Address above for address syntax

Abbreviation: REP
This option will generate in the message text of the e-mail an automatic reply with the text of the respond

Syntax: RESPOND option

Or RESPOND (option1 option2 …)

The message text will be generated with HTML tags (see the HTML option) and the response links will
generate an e-mail with the subject changed to “re: subject: option” and the body of the e-mail response will
contain the option text.

Note that the option must be a single word with no spaces.

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This keyword is similar to IMPORTANCE and PRIORITY in that it will cause a tag to be generated that
some e-mail packages will use to flag the e-mail. The syntax is:


Where parameter is one of these values: Private, Personal, Company-Confidential or Confidential each of
which may be abbreviated to:

PR for Private
PE for Personal
COM for Company-Confidential
CON for Confidential

If this parameter is coded a line of text may be included with each e-mail at the beginning r end of the
message text based upon an installation option. The line will be one of the following:

This E-Mail is Confidential and is intended for use by the recipient(s) only.
This E-Mail is Company-Confidential.
This E-Mail is Personal and is intended for use by the recipient(s) only.
This E-Mail is Private and is intended for use by the recipient(s) only.

Abbreviation: SENS
The SIG keyword references a sequential data set or member of a partitioned data set, which contains text to
be used as a signature. The syntax is:

SIG data-set-name
The SIGDD references a DD statement that refers to a sequential data set, or member of a partitioned data set,
which contains text to be used as a signature. The syntax is:

SIGDD ddname
The SUBJECT keyword defines the subject to be used with the e-mail. The syntax is:

SUBJECT „subject text‟

The subject must be enclosed in either single („) or double (“) quotes. Using a double quote (“) on the outside
will allow the use of a single quote („) on the inside. The size of the subject is not limited.

The SUBJECT may contain any or all of the supported symbolic variables (see list later).


SUBJECT „sample subject‟

SUBJECT “sample subject with single quote („) inside”
SUBJECT „Report for &date-7 to &date Created on &day at &time‟

Abbreviation: SUB
Defines the maximum number of characters allowed in a text page. If 0 then there is no limit.

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The ZIPMETHOD keyword defines the compression method to use if other than the default compression is
desired. The syntax is:


The value depends upon the ZIP utility used:

PKZIP/MVS supports Normal, Fast, Maximum, and Store.

ISPZIP does not support this option.
INFOZIP supports values of 0 through 9 (0=store only 9=max compression).
The ZIPPASS is currently only supported by INFOZIP and PKZIP/MVS. The password may be up to 64
characters in length (no blanks allowed because of an XMITIP limitation). The syntax is:

ZIPPASS password-for-zip

Note: This password is not totally secure. It is not approved for high security environments.

If using PKZIP Version 5.6 or newer the security of the ZIP file can be enhanced by using AES encryption.
To do so the format of the password is:


where xxx: is 128, 192, or 256 and the : is a required separator.

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Supported Symbolic Variables

The following are the supported symbolic variables that are allowed in the FILENAME, FILEDESC, MSGT,
and SUBJECT keywords:

&DATE or &DATE-n replaced by the current date or current date-n days

In Subject and MSGT replaced with month dd, yyyy
Other uses replaced with yymmdd
&DAY or &DAY-n replaced by the current day of the week or the current day- day of
the week
&CDATE replaced by current date yyyymmdd
&EDATE or &EDATE-n replaced by the current or calculated date in European format
&JDATE or &JDATE-n replaced by the current or calculated Julian date
&JOB replaced by the current job name
&JOBID replaced by the current job number (e.g. JOBnnnnn)
&JOBNUM replaced by the current job number (e.g. Jnnnnn)
&MONTH or &MONTH-n replaced by the name of the current month or the calculated month
&PLR Left Parenthesis
&PRR Right Parenthesis
&RC replaced by the condition code for the last executed step.
&RCA replaced by all of the step completion codes for the job prior to the
XMITIP step (not recommended for use with PAGE or SUBJECT).
&RCH Replaced by the highest condition code of all the previous steps
&SDATE or &SDATE-n replaced by the current or calculated short date (mmdd)
&SYSID replaced by the current system name
&SYSNAME replaced by the current system name
&SYSPLEX replaced by the name of the current sysplex
&TIME replaced by the current time
&CTIME replaced by a compact time (hhmmss)
&TIMEZONE Current Timezone (e.g. PDT or timezone offset) based upon local
&UDATE or &UDATE-n replaced by the current or calculated date (mmddyy)
&USERID replaced by the current userid
&IWEEK or &IWEEK-n replaced by the week number (ww)
&IWEEKE or &IWEEKE-n replaced by the week number (yyyy-Www-d)
&IWEEKR or &IWEEKR-n replaced by the week number (yyyy-Www)
&XMITVER version of XMITIP being used
&YEAR2 and &YEAR4 replaced by either a 2 digit year (yy) or 4 digit year (yyyy)
&Z preceeding blank and &Z are eliminated thus allowing

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Minimum required syntax:

The minimum required syntax is a to-address and a message or a file specification.

XMITIP [email protected] MSGDS data-set.name

XMITIP [email protected] FILE data.set.name

The sample JCL is an execution of the TSO Batch Terminal Monitor Program (or TMP). The dash (-) or a
plus (+) is used to indicate that a continuation follows when a command cannot fit on a single card image.

Data set coding conventions are the same as for any TSO Batch TMP invocation. The data set must be fully
qualified within single quotation marks otherwise the userid under which the job is submitted will be
appended as the high level qualifier. Members of partitioned data sets may be distributed as well by coding
the member name within parentheses as is the common JCL coding standard.

Note that the command is completely case insensitive.

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XMITIP Examples
These examples illustrate some of the capabilities of the XMITIP application. The best way to learn about
XMITIP is to use the ISPF Dialog to experiment. The dialog generates a report of the XMITIP command that
it generated as well as providing a BATCH option which generates a data set that you can easily copy for use
in a batch job or use in a TSO or ISPF application.

Note: when using XMITIP to e-mail using a distribution list that you should use the AddressFile or
AddressFileDD keywords and data sets. This avoids having a lot of addresses in the command itself and
eliminates the potential of causing a syntax error when changing addresses as recipients are added or

These examples demonstrate using the Batch TMP (Terminal Monitor Program) to invoke TSO commands in
batch. Some things to be aware of are:

1. The data set referenced by the //SYSEXEC statement is the location where the XMITIP application has
been installed.
2. When the command exceeds one statement it must be continued with either a + or a – on the statement
immediately before the continuation statement.
3. The case of the command is not relevant. It can be all upper case, all lower case, or mixed case. Note that
the subject is the only information in which you may be concerned about case.
4. Not all examples include a FROM keyword, however it is always good practice to include this keyword
with your primary e-mail address coded.
5. Use of a – for continuation will yield extra spacing which may not be desirable in a long subject while the
use of the + for continuation will suppress the extra spacing.

Example 1: Send a PDS Member with No Message

This example will send a member of a partitioned data set with no message text and a short subject to 2 users.


%XMITIP ([email protected] [email protected]) nomsg file -
„hlq.data.set(member)‟ –
from [email protected] -
subject „send a file but no message‟

Example 2: Send a message to One Address.

%XMITIP [email protected] msgds my.message.text –
from [email protected] -
„urgent message‟

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Example 3: Send a Message with CC and FROM specified.

Sending example 2 with 2 CCs with a From of my primary e-mail so questions about what I‟m sending can be
sent there.


%XMITIP [email protected] msgds my.message.text subject -
„urgent message‟ –
cc ([email protected] [email protected]) -
from [email protected]

Example 4: Send a Single PDS Member To One Address.

%XMITIP [email protected] nomsg file „hlq.data.set(member)‟ –
from [email protected] -
subject „pds member‟

Example 5: Send a Dataset in Landscape with a 9 point font.

%XMITIP [email protected] nomsg filedd report subject -
„passed report' –
from [email protected] -
format rtf/land/9

Example 6: Send a Passed Dataset to a List using Blind Copies.

%XMITIP *report-list* bcc [email protected] nomsg filedd report -
subject „report distribution‟ -
from [email protected]

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Example 7: Send a Dataset Using an AddressFile Dataset:
%XMITIP * nomsg file „hlq.data.set(member)‟ -
subject „pds member‟ –
from [email protected] -
Addressfile „hlq.data.set(address)‟

Where „hlq.data.set(address)‟ contains the following:

To [email protected]
CC [email protected]
Cc [email protected]
Bcc [email protected]
Example 8: Using MSGQ
This example demonstrates a REXX Exec that calls XMITIP with the MSGQ option.

/* rexx */

queue "this is a test 1"

queue "this is a test 2"
queue "this is a test 3"
"%xmitip [email protected] subject 'test of msgq'” ,
“msgq from [email protected]"

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Example 9: Send a SYSOUT file as a Text Attachment:

What this example does is:

create a SYSOUT file in DD SYSUT2 using IEBGENER

Execute batch SDSF
set PREfix to the jobname of SDSFTEST
set OWNER to all
invoke Status command
do a Find for the DD we want (SYSUT2)
Print to File (DD) LOGFILE
Then run the batch TMP to execute XMITIP


// SPACE=(TRK,(30,30),RLSE)
from [email protected] -

Example 10: Send a Dataset in RTF Format using ZIP to save space
%xmitip [email protected] nomsg file 'hlq.weekly.report' –
from [email protected] -
subject 'weekly report' format ziprtf/weekly.rtf/port/9/let

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Example 11: Send a Comma Separated Value (CSV) Dataset.
%xmitip [email protected] nomsg file 'hlq.weekly.csv‟ –
from [email protected] -
subject „CSV Test File' format txt –
filename report.csv

In this example we are sending a data set called „hlq.weekly.csv‟, which contains comma separated value data.
We are using the FILENAME keyword to explicitly name the file attachment as report.csv so that it will
arrive with a .CSV suffix.

An example of a CSV file is:

01234, 56789, abcd, efgh

000001, 56.001, "a b c", "abc def"
="00001", ="056.001", abc, "abc"

Here is a snapshot of what this looks like in Excel.

Note that column A, row 3, and has leading zeros while the others cells do not. This is because of the format
of the input for that cell.

Example 12: Sample using MSGT

xmitip your.email@address -
subject 'IVP2B test message text and symbolics' -
from your.email@address -
msgt 'This is a test +
of the message text keyword +
\and testing the symbolics +
\date = &date and date-2 = &date-2 +
\sdate = &sdate and sdate-2 = &sdate-2 +
\udate = &udate and udate-2 = &udate-2 +
\day = &day and day-2 = &day-2 +
\sysid = &sysid \userid = &userid '

Notice how the continuation lines are coded. The continuation character is the –
symbol or the + symbol. The quotes around the message text are only found before
the first character of the text and after the last character – not about each
line of text. The \ starts a new line. Leading blanks will be included, for

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 33 of 60 1/18/2008

example after the “This is a test” and before “of the message text”. To avoid the
extra blanks do not indent the message text.

Example 13: Using a XMITIP Configuration File

xmitip your.email@address -
config test.config.file -

In this example the to e-mail address is specified (as it is required as the first option of the command) and then
the configuration file is specified.
Example 14: Sending a Message to a Pager if Job Abnormally Ends
. . .
xmitip [email protected] +
page “job &job(&jobnum) has ended abnormally +
on &date at &time”

In this example if the highest return code (RC) for the previous steps is greater than 4 or the job abends then
the message will be generated using the PAGE option and an e-mail address of a text pager.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 34 of 60 1/18/2008

Example 15: Splitting a Report into Individual E-Mails based on a KeyValue

//* Invoke IEHLIST on the SYSRES Volume *

//* ----------------------------------- *
LISTVTOC VOL=3390=sysres
//* --------------------------------------------------------- *
//* --------------------------------------------------------- *
%xmitipsp dd:iehlist dd:control
keyv=PAGE 1
keyv=PAGE 3
keyv=PAGE 10
keymail=your.email@address g
subject=Test splitter report &sepnum
This is a test message for the XMITIP report
splitter utility.
FROM your.email@address +
FORMAT RTF/land/9/let +

In this example only Pages 1, 3 and 10 will be e-mailed out and all other pages will be ignored.

See the documentation below for details on the control statements that are supported by this utility and for
particulars on how this utility works.

The XMCC DD in the example is an example of an XMITIP configuration file.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 35 of 60 1/18/2008

Example 16: PDF creation example using a PDF Configuration File

This example will demonstrate how to create a PDF from a report using the PDF Configuration DD option.

//???????X JOB (????????,????,1439,9999,9999),XMITIP-SAMPLE,

// NOTIFY=???????,COND=(0,NE)
//* First step is IEBGENER creating a sample
//* report by copying SYSUT1 data to SYSUT2.
//* Second step picks up PASSed SYSUT2 and
//* E-Mails the report on bluebar paper.
//* Comments are at the bottom.
1Sample report heading
Sample single space
Sample to be messed up with overprint
+Sample overprint
0Sample double space
-Sample triple space
%XMITIP ?????????@????.edu +
FROM UserID@OS390.????.edu +
SUBJECT 'Sample Report Attached &cdate' +
MSGT 'Sample Report Attached\for &cdate.' +
FILEDESC Sample_Report +
FILENAME &cdate_Sample.pdf
ORIENT Landscape
PAPER Letter/BlueBar
BG Textmark/Bottomup/Black/Yellow/30/Sample
LM 0.5
RM 0.2
TM 0.2
BM 0.2
FONT 9/Courier/100
CC Yes
HLQ ???????

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 36 of 60 1/18/2008

XMITIPTD – Timed Delivery Routine
The Timed Delivery routine is a REXX program that is intended to be run on a daily basis. During the once
daily execution a control file is processed and those control records that match the current date will cause the
defined e-mails to be sent.

XMITIPTD Syntax: %xmitiptd control-dataset debug

The control data set is a partitioned dataset (PDS) and only those members which start with TD are processed.
The format of the TD members is:

a) Each record must occur in the order defined beloe.

Statement Contents
1 Day(s) of the week or the Day of the Month
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, ….
5, 10, 15, 20, 30
2 Name of the owner of this request. This is for contact purposes should
questions arise about the generated e-mails or recipients
3 Subject for the e-mail using the syntax:
SUBJECT: subject text

All XMITIP supported symbolic are allowed

4 An XMITIP Addressfile data set name or data set name with member
containing all TO, CC, and BCC addresses

Consider using a member of the control PDS for this.

5 A data set or data set with member name that contains the message text to
be sent

Consider using a member of the control PDS for this.

6 An e-mail address that will be used as the Reply-To address to which
replies and bounces will be directed.
7+ All records after 6 are ignored.

NOTE: This routine is an example intended to give each installation ideas on how to do this. Should anyone
develop this routine beyond this simplistic base please advise.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 37 of 60 1/18/2008

XMITIPSP – File Split/Separation Utility
XMITIPSP is the XMITIP File Split and Separation Utility. It is designed to be executed in Batch using the
Batch Terminal Monitor Program (TMP). The functions that are available with this utility are:

1. Split an input file into individual reports to be e-mailed based on a Key Value that is found in a
specific Column and Record location.
2. Split an input file into individual reports to be e-mailed based on a Key Value that is found in a
specific Column location in any record.
3. Separate an input file into individual reports to be e-mailed based on a specific number of lines per
4. Separate an input file into individual reports to be e-mailed based on a specific number of pages per
5. If separating by Key Values a COMBINE option to consolidate all separated reports for each e-mail
address into a single e-mail.

XMITIPSP will perform the input file split/separation and then internally invoke XMITIP to e-mail the report

An example of using XMITIPSP in Batch can be found in Example 15 above on page 35.

Note: when splitting by Key Value (SEPLOC and KEYV) any key values found in the input data set that are
not found in a coded KEYV statement will be ignored.

%XMITIPSP input-file control-file options

Where: Input-file is the input data set that contains the report to process.
Control-file is a data set that contains the XMITIPSP control statements
Options may be DEBUG only at this time.
If specified then the call to XMITIP will only be echoed on
the report.

Both Input-File and Control-File can be coded as data set names or a DD:ddname to provide flexibility.
XMITIPSP Control Statements

Control statements start in column 1 and all data starting from column 1 to the end of the record will be used.

Comments are indicated by an * in column 1.

Caution: Beware of sequence numbers.


Combines all separated reports into single file and single e-mail based on KEYMAIL address.

The net result is that each KEYMAIL address will receive individual e-mails with a combined report of all
KEYV values that match for them.

Syntax: Combine

Filename defines the name the file will have when it arrives in the users‟ inbox. The filename may contain any
of the supported XMITIP symbolics (see page 27) as well as the following two symbolics that are unique to

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 38 of 60 1/18/2008

&sepval Replaced by the current KEYValue
&sepnum Replaced by the current report subset number

Syntax: Filename=report.rtf

Note that the filename suffix should match the file type of any formatting that occurs. For example RTF is the
suffix when using the FORMAT RTF to convert the file to rich text format.

Is the same as KEYMAIL but is used with SEPLOC to eliminate the need to code redundant KEYMAIL
addresses for multiple KEYV statements.

Each GMAIL address will be used with every KEYV statement.

Individual KEYMAIL statements may still be used with a KEYV if desired to send the separated reports to
just that address for that KEYV.

Syntax: [email protected]

Keymail defines an e-mail address that will be paired with the KEYV statement which must precede the
KEYMAIL statements. There must be at least 1 KEYMAIL for every KEYV statement and may be as many
KEYMAIL statements as are required.

Syntax: [email protected]

See GMAIL if the same address is in every KEYV.


The KEYPREF is a prefix that must be found in the key value location (SEPLOC) to validate that the field
contains a key.

Syntax: Keypref=prefix

Note that the prefix is left justified with no trailing blanks and is case sensitive.

The KEYV keyword defines a Key Value that will be tested for based on the information provided in the
SEPLOC keyword. Only one KEYV is allowed per Key Value and all KEYMAIL statements that are
associated with this KEYV must follow immediately in the control data set.

Syntax: Keyv=User ABC

This example demonstrates that embedded blanks may be used in a Key Value.

Masking is supported in the KEYV value:

Masking is: ? masks any single character

* masks current and all subsequent characters

Note: May not use ? and * in the same mask.


The KEYSUBJ defines a subject that will be used for e-mails associated with the related KEYV value.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 39 of 60 1/18/2008


MERGEMAIL is similar to COMBINE with the difference that with MERGEMAIL each separated report is
sent as a unique file attachment instead of being combined.

MSGDD refers to a DD statement that references a data set with message text that will be included in the
generated e-mail.

Syntax: MSGDD=ddname


MSGDS refers to a data set that contains the text of a message to be included in the generated e-mail.

Syntax: MSGDS=data.set.name

MSGSTART indicates that the statements which immediately follow are to be used as the message text for the
generated e-mail:


MSGEND indicates that the inline message text is complete.


SEPLINES is used to indicate how many lines of data are to be separated into each report subset to be e-

Syntax: SEPLINES=1000


SEPLOC defines the Key Value location.

Syntax: SEPLOC=column/length/row

Where: column is the column in the data where the Key Value will be found
length is the length of the Key Value
row is the physical row (record) on the page where the Key Value will be found


Column and Length are required

Row is optional and if not specified the Key Value will be tested on every record

SEPPAGES is used to indicate how many pages of data are to be separated into each report subset to be e-

Syntax: SEPPAGES=1000

Note: the data set must have carriage control so that page counting can occur.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 40 of 60 1/18/2008


The subject will be used with the generated e-mail to inform the user what they are receiving.

The subject may contain any of the supported XMITIP symbolics (see page 27) as well as the following two
symbolics that are unique to XMITIPSP:

&sepval Replaced by the current KEYValue

Note that blanks, left parens and right parens are translated to _
&sepnum Replaced by the current report subset number

Syntax: Subject=this is a subject


To is used with SEPLINES or SEPPAGES to define an e-mail address to receive the split reports.

Syntax: [email protected]

Multiple TO statements are allowed to provide multiple e-mail addresses to receive the split reports.

XMITIPCONFIG refers to a data set or DD which contains XMITIP configuration statements.

Syntax: XMITIPCONFIG=data.set.name

See page 12 for more information on the XMITIP configuration data set.
XMITIPSP Required Statements

The following are the required statements for XMITIPSP execution:

KEYV with 1 or more KEYMAIL statements
XMITIPSP Mutually Exclusive Statements

The following statements are mutually exclusive:



XMITIPSP must be run under the Terminal Monitor Program (TMP) either in the foreground or in batch. All
the standard TMP DD‟s are required (SYSPRINT, SYSTSPRT, and SYSTSIN) along with the REPORT DD
which is where the XMITIPSP processing report will be written.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 41 of 60 1/18/2008

ISPF Dialog

The ISPF dialog is a very easy to use and greatly simplifies the coding of the XMITIP command, as the dialog
actually reports on the complete syntax of the generated XMITIP command. The BATCH Execution Mode
option can be used to generate a data set with the XMITIP generated command as well as the necessary JCL
which can be submitted for a batch execution or to be copied into a production job‟s JCL.

Entry to the ISPF Dialog is via one of the following paths:

1. The XMITIP command, when entered with no parameters and under ISPF, will invoke the ISPF
2. The XMITIPI command will directly invoke the ISPF dialog.
3. The XMITIPFE command (see below for more information) will invoke the ISPF Dialog.
4. The XMITIPED and MAILFILE commands (see below for more information) will invoke the ISPF

The primary ISPF panel for XMITIP is:

---------------------------- E-Mail Dialog 5.60 ---------------------------

Command ===>

To Address ===>
CC Address ===>
BCC Address ===>
AddressFile ===>
Subject ===>

Message, DSN, *, ? ===>

Edit Message DSN ===> Yes or No

Attachment DSN or ? ===>

File Name in e-Mail ===>
Format (?=prompt) ===>
Settings ===> Yes or No

Configuration File ===>

Default Settings ===> Yes or No to set From, ReplyTo, etc.
Delivery Settings ===> Yes or No (FollowUp, Import, Prior, Sens,
and Respond)
Execution Mode ===> ISPF I ISPF B Batch C Config P Prompt D Debug

Field level help available via PF1

The Execution Mode, which defaults to ISPF, defines whether the generated XMITIP command will be
executed in the foreground under ISPF or if a batch job containing the XMITIP command will be generated.
See below for more information on this.

An execution mode of Config will cause the generated XMITIP keywords and options to be written to the file
specified in the Configuration File field. If the Configuration file already exists then a popup will prompt to
replace or overlay it or to cancel and return to the XMITIP Panel to specify a different dataset name.

If the Subject is PAGE then the message text entered in the Message DSN field will be used for the paging
text. If there is not enough room in the Message DSN field then enter a ? in the Message DSN field and a
panel will popup allowing the entry of 2 lines of text.

If option Debug is selected then all processing will be performed with the exception that the e-mail will not be
sent, the user is placed into ISPF Browse on the generated e-mail. This option can be used to review all of the
SMTP and MIME control statements as well as the generated HTML and/or RTF tags if generated.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 42 of 60 1/18/2008

By entering FEEDBACK, or an abbreviation, in the command field the user will be placed into ISPF Edit on a
form for supplying feedback (problem, question, comment, or suggestion) which will be automatically e-
mailed when the Edit session ends.

Each field on the panel has field level help available by moving the cursor to that field and pressing F1.

The Default Settings option will bring up the following panel to allow you to set your personal defaults: Note
that you can also select the Mail Settings option the following panel will be displayed to allow you to set the
Mail delivery information:

--------------------------- E-Mail Settings --------------------------

Command ===>

From Address ===> your.from@address

Reply-To Address ===>
Receipt Address ===>
Signature DSN ===> signature.dsn
Murphy ===> Yes Yes or No
Quiet Mode ===> No Yes or No for ISPF Dialog

Review/Verify then use PF3 to continue

If the installation has configured XMITIP to require a From address then this panel will display each time that
the XMITIP dialog is started until the From address is filled in. From that point on this will only display upon
request. After updating the information use PF3 to return to the primary XMITIP panel.

If you are sending a dataset as an attachment, by specifying it on the XMITIP primary ISPF panel, then the
following panel will display if the attachment name changes from the prior use, or if the Settings option is

------------------------ E-Mail Attachment Details -----------------------

Command ===>

For Dataset:

Attachment Desc ===>

ZIP Settings ===> Yes, No, or Never
No Carriage Control ===> No Yes or No (default=No)
Do NOT Strip Trailing Blanks ===> No Yes or No (default=No)

Review/Verify then use PF3 to continue

After filling out this information use PF3 to return to the XMITIP panel.

The other panels that are displayed in this dialog are discussed below and will only appear if prompting is
requested using the ? in one of the following fields:

Recipient Address
a ? will bring up the Address List dialog from which you can select/enter To, CC, and BCC
a ? will bring up the Address List dialog
Attachment DSN
a ? will bring up the File Attachment dialog
a ? will bring up the Format prompting dialog and will then return to the XMITIP Panel with the
Format field filled in with the selected format. This behavior is unique to this prompt.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 43 of 60 1/18/2008

Batch JCL and XMITIP Generation from the ISPF Dialog

If the Execution Mode is Batch then the following panel will be displayed:

----------------------------- E-Mail JOB Submit -----------------------------

Select Processing Option: ===>

B - Browse the generated job

C - Copy to a data set
E - Edit the generated job
J - Change the JOB Statements
S - Submit the generated job

Dataset containing the generated job is:


This allows the user to review the generated XMITIP command with the following options:

B Browse the generated JCL and XMITIP control statements.

C Copy the generated JCL and XMITIP control statements to another
data set. You could use this to copy this into a JCL library where you
can further tailor it and then insert into a regularly scheduled
production job.
E Edit the generated JCL and XMITIP control statements. This allows
you to change the JCL statements and the XMITIP control
statements prior to submitting the JCL for batch execution.
J Use this option to modify the predefined JOB statements that are
inserted into the generated JCL.
S Submit the generated JOB for batch execution.

This is helpful to use the ISPF dialog to build the JCL and XMITIP statements for use in a regularly scheduled
batch job.

Below is an example of the generated JCL and control statements. The first four statements are the JOB
statements. These statements may be modified while using the J option, or using the E (Edit) option. The data
set name on the SYSEXEC data definition statement is dynamically determined based upon the location of
where the XMITIPI REXX is currently being executed from.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 44 of 60 1/18/2008

Menu Utilities Compilers Help


Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR
******************************* Top of Data ********************************
//* XMITIP E-Mail JCL generated: 25 Jul 2001 *
//* Statements 1-4 are reserved for the JOB Card *
//* Verify all dsnames in the command if not *
//* running under the generating userid. *
//SYSEXEC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=userid.rexx.exec
%xmitip [email protected] +
Msgds jcl.cntl(msg) +
From [email protected] +
Subject 'Batch Test' +
Murphy +
File xmitip.pds(changes) +
Filename changes.txt +
Format txt

If the execution mode of Prompt is requested then the following panel is displayed allowing the user to
confirm sending the e-mail or cancel sending.

-------------------------- XMITIP Send Confmrmation -------- Row 1 to 8 of 8

Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR

Enter Yes to confirm Sending ===> then press the Enter key.
or press PF3 to cancel sending of this e-mail.

Generated Command:
%xmitip [email protected] +
Msgds * +
From [email protected] +
Subject 'Test e-mail' +

******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

If Yes is entered followed by the Enter key then the e-mail will be sent. If PF3 is pressed then the e-mail will
be cancelled.

Note that the entry of message text for a MSGDS * will occur only after this e-mail has been confirmed to be

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 45 of 60 1/18/2008

Address List Dialog

------------------------- XMITIP E-Mail Address List ------------ Row 1 of 1

Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR

Commands: Find Insert Cancel Sort SaveAF LoadAF LookUp

or S Select B Blind Copy C Carbon Copy D Delete I Insert R Revise U Unselect
AddressFile: Load B Browse D Delete E Edit R Revise S Select

Sel Action Recipients Name

E-Mail Address

_ lionel b dyck
[email protected]


1. The LookUp option may not be enabled for everyone. This option, when available, will allow the user to
perform a e-mail address lookup using the z/OS LDAP client referencing a LDAP server somewhere in
the enterprise.
2. The SaveAF and LoadAF are used to Save an AddressFile or to Load an AddressFile.
3. The Sort commands are Sort Mail (default) or Sort Name.
4. Help is available via the F1 function key.
5. Every address specified in the Recipient To, CC, and BCC fields will be automatically added to this list
for future use.

Addresses may be entered by entering I (for Insert) on the command line or in a Sel entry field. The following
panel will appear to allow you to enter (or change) an Address:

----------------------- XMITIP E-Mail Address Revision -----------------------

Command: ===>

Enter or Revise the Name and Address

Recipients Name:
E-Mail Address:

Note: if the LookUp option is enabled then any address that is entered, which is a local address, will be

Addresses are selected by an S, which places the address as a To address, by a C, which places the address in
the CC address, or by B, which places the address in the BCC addresses.

If an address is selected in error a U will unselect it.

To build an addressfile:

1. Select the desired addresses using S, C, or B

2. Enter SAVEAF on the command line

This will create, or update, an AddressFile and at the same time pass this data set name to the XMITIP
command that is being generated.

The LOADAF command will prompt for an AddressFile data set name and will load it into the Address List.
The L selection command will load the selected AddressFile. New addresses will be inserted into the list and
all addresses in the list which match will be flagged appropriately. This allows you to change the contents of
an AddressFile easily, after which you should use the SAVEAF command to make the changes permanent.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 46 of 60 1/18/2008

File Attachment Panel

--------------------------- XMITIP File Attachment ---------- Row 8 to 8 of 8

Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR

Commands: Find Insert Cancel or Clear

Line: S Select D Delete I Insert U unSelect or overtype to change

Sel Dsname
Filename (that will appear in the e-mail)
Format (of the file attachment - use ? for prompting)
Description (of the file attachment - no blanks)
Left Right Top Bottom Margins in units of
PDF Index row/column/length
_ _____________________________________________________________
______ ______ ______ ______

This panel allows you to enter data set names with formatting information for those data sets, which you will
be sending frequently, or when you need to send more than one data set. The data sets must be explicitly
entered by you and are not automatically added to the list as addresses are to the Address List.

There are five lines to each data set entry as described by the heading. Additional data sets can be added using
the Insert command.

Data sets must be selected to be sent. If a data set is selected in error, the U selection command may be used
to unselect it.

Field level help is available for each field on this panel and a ? may be used in the format line to bring up the
format assistance prompting.
Format Prompting

There are two levels of format prompting. The first prompt is:

--------------------- Format Prompt Selection ---------------------

Command ===>

Check the format desired for additional prompting (if available)

Format Binary: ===> Format ZIP: ===>

Format CSV: ===> Format ZIPBIN: ===>
Format GIF: ===> Format ZIPCSV: ===>
Format HTML: ===> Format ZIPGIF: ===>
Format ICAL ===> Format ZIPHTML: ===>
Format PDF: ===> Format ZIPPDF: ===>
Format RTF: ===> Format ZIPRTF: ===>
Format Text: ===> Format ZIPXMIT ===>
Format XMIT ===>

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 47 of 60 1/18/2008

A non-blank will select the desired level of formatting. When appropriate a second level of prompting will
occur when additional information is needed. An example is the RTF prompt:

----------------------- Format RTF Prompt --------------------

Command ===>

Layout ===> Portrait or Landscape

Font size ===> default is 9 (72 = 1 inch)
Paper ===> Letter, Legal, A4 or nnxyy
Read Only ===> No Yes or No for Read Only
Margins - in units of Inches
Left ===> Right ===>
Top ===> Bottom ===>
Or TXT2RTF Configuration File:

The PDF prompt is shown below:

-------------------------- Format PDF Prompt ----------------------

Command ===>

Layout ===> Portrait or Landscape

Font size ===> default is 9 (72 = 1 inch)
use sizeB for bold (9B)
Paper ===> Letter, Legal, A4 or nnxyy
LPI ===> Lines per inch (default 8)
Margins - in units of¬measure
Left ===> .3 Right ===> .3
Top ===> .3 Bottom ===> .3
PDF Index ===> row/column/length
RPO ===> Security (40, 128, or no)
or 40:userpw 128:userpw
Or TXT2PDF Configuration File: Create using TXT2PDF Dialog

And the HTML Prompt:

------------------------- Format HTML Prompt -------------------------

Command ===>

Background Color ===> see color

Text Color ===> chart below
Font Size ===> 1 to 7 or null
Banner ===> Yes or No

Color Abb Color Abb Color Abb Color Abb

Aqua A Gray Gra Navy N Silver S
Black Bla Green Gre Olive O Teal T
Blue Blu Lime L Purple P White W
Fuchsia F Maroon M Red R Yellow Y

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 48 of 60 1/18/2008

Several tools have been developed that interface to XMITIP.
This is a TSO command written in REXX that can (1) allocate to a specific ddname a relative GDG data set or
(2) return the fully qualified name of a relative GDG.


call allocgdg ddname "'"dsname(-n)"'"

fullname = allocgdg("*" "'dsname(-n)'")

NOTE:This tool does not work if the GDG is on Tape.

This is an ISPF Edit macro that may be used to e-mail the file currently being edited.

This tool is designed to be used from the ISPF 3.4 data set list or from within another ISPF dialog and will
invoke the XMITIP ISPF interface and prime the file attachment data set name field with the specified data


This is an ISPF Edit macro that can be used to e-mail the HFS file currently being edited.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 49 of 60 1/18/2008

These tools make it easy to send a SYSOUT data set as e-mail from SDSF. The SETSDSFK (Set SDSF Key)
command is used to reset the value of the SDSF Function Key 6 definition so that it will invoke the
XMITSDSF command. Then to use this tool:

1. Get into SDSF from within ISPF

2. Select a JOB or an individual data set (ddname)
3. Press Function Key 6
4. Follow the prompts on the XMITIP ISPF panel to send the report as an e-mail attachment.

The SETSDSFK needs to only be executed once as the function key setup is remembered in the ISPF Profile
for SDSF.


%SETSDSFK option

Option may be:

C for CSV
H for HTML
P for PDF
R for RTF
T for Text
Z for Zip

Note that the data set created by the action of the function key command is only temporary and the
XMITSDSF will delete that data set upon completion of the e-mail.


%XMITSDSF data-set-name option

Option may be: H for HTML

P for PDF
R for RTF
T for Text
Z for Zip

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 50 of 60 1/18/2008

TXT2HTML is a Text to HTML conversion tool.

Syntax: %TXT2HTML options

Valid Options:

IN input-dataset or IN DD:input-dd
OUT output-dataset or OUT DD:output-dd
COLOR color (see XMITIP HTML color for syntax)
FONT font-size (from 1 to 7)
CC Yes or No (indicates if the input dataset has carriage control)
NOCONFIRM (turns off all non-critical informative messages)
BROWSE (browse the report if under ISPF)
BANNER Yes or No (to print title as a banner)
TITLE title text (must be the last keyword used)
TABLE (to convert csv to table)
NOHEADER (if no header row desired in the Table)
WRAP (columns are wrapped to length of the largest word)
SEMICOLON (use semicolon instead of comma)

If called with no parameters then the ISPF interface is called.

This exec is used to convert a text file into a Rich Text Format (RTF) file that can be processed by nearly
every word processor (e.g. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Wordpad, OpenOffice OfficeWriter, AbiWord).

Syntax: %TXT2RTF input output options

Valid options are:

CC Honor Carriage Control

CONFIG References a configuration data set or DD:ddname
FONT Font size (72 = 1 inch)
MARGINS Margins left/right/top/bottom
METRIC Use Centimeters for Margins instead of Inches
NOCC Ignore Carriage Control
NOCONFIRM No status messages (run quietly)
NOXLATE Do not add escape characters for {}\ characters
ORIENTATION Paper orientation – Portrait or Landscape
PAPER Paper size: LETTER, LEGAL, A4, or custom
READONLY Set the RTF Read-Only flag

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 51 of 60 1/18/2008

This exec is used to convert a text file into an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. See the TXT2PDF documentation for
the syntax of this command.
XMITIPED is an ISPF Edit command that will take the data set name (and member) and invoke the
XMITIPFE command to bring up the XMITIP ISPF dialog.

This tool is to simplify calling the XMITIP ISPF dialog from other ISPF applications. It allows the calling
application to pass information that will be set in the XMITIP ISPF panel for the user. The syntax is:

Syntax: %xmitipfe keywords

Valid keywords:
msgds(* for edit or data set name)
file(attachment data set name)
filename(attachment name)
subject(subject text)
This exec now invokes TXT2PDF.


This exec allows the user to create a sequential file with many different e-mails within it. The syntax is:

%xmitbulk bulk-dsn FROM from-addr options

where bulk-dsn is a sequential dataset with contents described below or

dd:ddname which refers to a sequential dataset with contents described below
From-addr is the sender e-mail address (e.g. FROM [email protected])
Options: HTML which will send the message as enriched text
CONFIG dsn or CONFIGDD ddname to reference a XMITIP configuration file or ddname

Bulk-DSN data format starting in column 1:

TO: to-address
CC: cc-address
SUBJECT: subject

Only 1 TO and 1 SUBJECT are allowed.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 52 of 60 1/18/2008

Reading the Attachment on the Workstation:

When reading the attachment in your e-mail reader the user can either (1) launch the attachment, which will
open the attachment in the appropriate application or (2) if you are using Lotus Notes you can try using the
built in Lotus Notes View option. When using Microsoft Outlook when clicking on the attachment you will be
asked to open or save it. When you select Open the attachment is opened in the appropriate application.

Note: If the attachment is a text file you may need to change the default font as the default font for text file is
normally a proportional font while mainframe reports tend to be designed to use a fixed pitch font (e.g.

In Microsoft NOTEPAD to change the default font:

Select EDIT
Select Set Font
Select Courier or Courier New
Select a reasonable font size (e.g. 10)

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 53 of 60 1/18/2008

Change History
Only major changes are listed in this section. For a complete list of changes see the installation dataset
member CHANGES.

V08.01 01/02/08
Change to Versioning to yy.mm (year.month) to give the user a better idea of when their version was released.
Improvements and cleanup of the NLS support – Thanks again to Hartmut Beckmann
&JDATE-n now works
Added symbolic &RCH which is replaced by the highest condition code from all prior steps
Temporary filenames for pdfwork, rtfwork, and htmlwork are now shorter so there is less potential to exceed
the 44 character limit.
Add FROM and REPLYTO as options within an AddressFile/AddressFileDD
V5.70 10/15/07
* Numerous changes to enhance NLS support thanks to Hartmut Beckmann
EXEC updates
SETSDSFK - enclose extract dsn (ldsn) in quotes (') to better work when PROFILE NOPREFIX is used and
userid <> prefix
- use zdel as delimiter (thx Hartmut)
XMITIP - Fix long subject wrapping and spacing
- Add &iweek, &iweeke, &iweekr symbolics uses new
Allow abbreviations for the following
XMITFDAT function exec
- Add new options for NLS codepage_default encoding_default
- Add symbolic &ctime hhmmss (compact current time)
- Add new option check_send_from check from address in an external routine
i.e. to bypass spam filter
- Add new option check_send_to (future)
- Add new option smtp_fax to support different smtp tasks/writer (future)
- Fix default_lang for &month
XMITFDAT - Date function package from: Generic Object Rexx date arithmetic routines by Toby Thurston -
-- 2 Dec 2002
XMITIPIC - Updates to remove blank line and change type from text to request
XMITIPCU - Add new options for NLS codepage_default encoding_default
codepage_default encoding_default
- Add symbolic &ctime hhmmss (compact current time)
- Add new option check_send_from check from address in an external routine i.e. to bypass spam filter
* All Thanks to Hartmut
XMITIPMU - Additional quotes (enjoy)
XMITIPI - Version Change only
XMITIPTR - Danish addition thx to Frank Allan Rasmussen
XMITZEX1 - rewrite the from address (thx Hartmut)
XMITZGEN - Encode data to Quoted-Printable (thx Hartmut)
TESTCU - support new XMITIPCU variables (thx Hartmut)
- Misc updates
IOF - Documents the IOF interface to XMITIP from
the IOF vendor
IOFOLD - The old doc on how to use XMITIP with IOF (now obsolete - see member IOF)
SPOOF1 - updated to reflect recent changes
UDSMTP - added caveats on usage

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 54 of 60 1/18/2008

- panel updates
XMITIPXB - addition of new variable &CTIME (thx Hartmut)
- addition of new variable &iweek
XMITIPXJ - addition of new variable &iweek
XMITIPX3 - addition of new variable &iweek, &iweeke, &iweekr
V5.64 05/03/07
New symbolic of &job8 for a 8 character blank padded jobname
New symbolic of &jobinfo containing more info on the job
V5.62 04/19/07
New symbolic for Right and Left parenthesis and Timezone
A few additional quotes for use with the QUOTE option
Correction for ISPF Dialog with z/OS 1.6 and newer if specifying * for Message and execution option of
Batch (something which is not supported)
V5.60 02/02/07
Minor updates.
V5.58 01/18/07
Update to correctly handle the new start and end dates for daylight savings time.
Enable support for installation defined symbolic (as defined by the XMITIP systems programmer)
V5.56 12/06/06
Updated MIME statements for RTF attachments to clearly identify the attachment as in RTF format as
some mail clients were not properly handling them.
Add new symbolic for concatenation &Z
V5.54 10/26/06
Add symbolics &YEAR2 and &YEAR4
V5.52 10/01/06
Updated to add support for &SYSNAME and &SYSPLEX symbolics
V5.50 09/12/06
Updated to include the most recent version of the TXT2RTF tool
Updated to support the use of the LANG keyword within a CONFIG/CONFIGDD file
V5.48 07/14/06
Updated ISPF Dialog Address Table to allow sorting by Name or by E-Mail address (default) and this
sort option is remembered in the ISPF Profile
V5.46 05/16/06
Updated XMITBULK to support a CONFIG and CONFIGDD keyword to reference a XMITIP
configuration file.
V5.44 03/25/06
Add documentation to this guide for the ERRORSTO keyword which was missing and added an example
V5.44 01/20/06
Several minor corrections and an enhancement when using a site confidentiality statement (defined in
XMITIPCU option disclaim) when in HTML format to use a smaller font and blue color.
Added new feature for the MSGT keyword to allow HTML encoding in the message text.
V5.40 11/17/05
Correct multiple escape characters in message text
Correct ISPF interface to current level
V5.38 10/08/05
Add French support thanks to Francois Bourgois
Correct the display of Sensitivity, Murphy, and Signature when the Message Text is HTML format and
set Sensitivity to Bold and Red when used with HTML Message Text.
V5.36 05/24/05
o Add new symbolic variable &JOBID (e.g. JOBnnnnn)
o Added new XMITIPCU variables jobid (&jobnum) and jobidl (&jobid)
o Move setting jobid and jobnum to XMITIPCU
o Fix symbolic substitution for &jobid and &jobid8
o Strip trialing blanks from name (GetHostnam)
o Add sample XMITIPCU exit for default_hlq
o ** these changes thanks to Hartmut Beckman
V5.34 05/17/05

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 55 of 60 1/18/2008

o Correction for zipwork temp name to insert the jobnum to reduce the potential for duplicate file names
o Correct total byte count for zip attachments
V5.32 05/09/05
o Correction to set the language earlier in the parameter parsing process
o Enhance the Sender tag to better support Exchange
o ** both changes thanks to Barry Gilder
V5.30 04/19/05
o Correction to IgnoreSuffix to make it really work
Thanks to Greg Morgan
5.28 01/24/2005
o Correction for extraneous mime header for application/ms-excel
o Correction to XMITIPSP to correct REPORT DD usage
5.26 10/12/2004
o Improve TXT2HTML to correct the FORMAT TXT for ASA suppression (+ cc) processing
o Improve XMITIP for the same
o Change TEXT/ENRICH to TEXT/ENRICHED for MIME headers
5.24 7/22/2004
o Add new NOSPOOF keyword to bypass AntiSpoof block of message text (controlled by site
5.22 7/07/2004
o Add new RC0 keyword to always return a zero (0) return code on data set empty.
5.20 6/11/2004
o Add the LANG keyword to the document
5.16 Support enhancements to TXT2HTML by Alain Janssens to support the conversion
of CSV (comma separated value) files into HTML Tables. See FORMAT HTML.
5.14 Correct &month-n and other &xxx -1 calculations to remove bogus periods
5.12 04/22/2004
o Correction when using MSGQ which was failing after the change in 5.10 to improve the test for multiple
MSG options.
5.10 04/10/2004
o Make NOMSG the default is no message option is entered but there are file attachment options.
5.08 03/23/2004
o Improvements for national language support
 New &EDATE symbolic
 Site customization for NLS dates
o XMITIPSP enhanced by Joe Schwarzbauer to exit if SEPLOC ROW and no CC
o SDSFEXT enhanced to support access to INPUT data
5.06 03/10/2004
o Redesigned the primary XMITIP ISPF panel to be more intuitive
o Change to make the signature, Murphy, disclaimer, and antispoof text html if the message text is html
o New IDVAL keyword to force all e-mail addresses to be validated using an LDAP query (check with
your systems programmer to determine if this feature has been enabled)
o New RESPOND keyword to create automatic reply responses in the e-mail message text
o Enhance the ISPF Dialog Batch mode to allow the XMITIP command to be edited and to be executed in
the foreground
o Update to note that a GDG may be used but the GDG may not reside on tape.
o Add new Keyword TPAGELEN to be used when sending a text page to override the installation text page
length default.
5.04 02/03/2004
o Add support for PKZIP Encryption (version 5.6 and newer) with enhancement to the ZIPPASS password
o Enhanced XMITIPSP (splitter) with new KEYSUBJ keyword to define a subject for the KEYV value
o Added 29 new quotes to XMITIPMU (Murphy)
o TXT2HTML minor corrections
o Enabled the use of commas to separate addresses
5.02 01/28/2004

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 56 of 60 1/18/2008

o Correction for use with FORMAT *xxx to use the first MARGIN value if multiple MARGIN values
5.00 01/14/2004
o New version for the new year – no major changes but some minor typos and doc changes.
o Support abbreviations for several keywords:
 AFILE for AddressFile
 AFILEDD for AddressFileDD
 CFG for Config
 CFGDD for ConfigDD
 FILEN for FileName
 FUP for FollowUp
 SENS for Sensitivity
4.98 12/09/2003
o XMITBULK - Add CC option
o XMITIP - Update to support symbolics for the name-in-archive for InfoZip (Thanks to Doug
o Update so that if FORMAT *xxx is used then the value for MARGIN is used for all files
as well
o Added new Restrict_Domain support to restrict all outgoing e-mails (Thanks to Doug
o Correct Format RTF so that the READONLY option will *only* be set if YES is
specified instead of any non-blank value.
o XMITIPCU - Add new Restrict_Domain support to restrict all outgoing e-mails (Thanks to Doug
o XMITIPI - Version change only
o XMITIPML - Corrections thanks to Jose Miguel Lopez Tomas to allow multiple addresses per
name and a correction to the work data set allocation.
o Correct the addition of the address name (using cn= information)
o Add ISPF message to explain the duplicate addition attempt
o XMITIPSP - Add new MERGEMAIL option
4.96 11/10/2003
o MAILHFSE - Added thanks to Mr. Lindy Mayfield
For use as an Edit command when editing a HFS file under ISHELL to e-mail the active file
o XMITIP - Correct extraneous call to TXT2PDF when input file is already a PDF and the
format is ZIPPDF
o XMITIPSP - Add GMAIL= option to be used to define a set of global e-mail addresses to
receive all e-mails.
4.92 10/22/2003
o Update to XMITIPSP to support new keyword of COMBINE to combine all reports for each
individual e-mail address. Also support for masking in the KEYV value.
4.92 10/14/2003
o Minor updates to correct little things
o Addition of XMITIPSP used to split reports based on size or a key into individual e-mails
4.90 9/30/2003
o Change to TXT2HTML to support a CONFIG file option
o Update to XMITIP and XMITIP to support FORMAT HTML and ZIPHTML CONFIG option
4.88 9/25/2003
o Changed to call TXT2RTF for the RTF conversion processing
 TXT2RTF is a new external exec provided with the XMITIP package.
o Support new IGNORESUFFIX keyword
o Support new Read-Only option for FORMAT RTF and ZIPRTF
o Support for FORMAT RTF and ZIPRTF Configuration File option
o Correct ISPF dialog so that when using the FORMAT prompt in the Attachment table the
updates to margins will now be saved in the table
o Issue "No Message Test - File Xfer Only" if applicable with antispoof
o Support new FOLLOWUP keyword
o Support embedded blanks in file attachment name (filename)

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 57 of 60 1/18/2008

o Update MSGT to support an escape character of / before \ to allow the \ to be included in the
o Added new File Splitter Utility (XMITIPSP)
4.86 08/03/2003
o 1 minor fix for bad PDF attachment
4.84 7/20/2003
o ISPF Dialog – move Margins from General Settings to PDF and RTF prompt panels
o ISPF Dialog – move PDF Index to PDF prompt panel
4.80 6/26/2003
o Support OMVS file as the MSGDS.
4.78 5/09/03
o Minor end user interface changes.
o Correct carriage control bug in rare circumstances with format html and pdf
o Add STEPLIB to generated batch JCL if load modules in a STEPLIB
4.76 4/11/03
o Change to the ISPF dialog for PAGE processing to use the MSG DSN text
4.74 4/08/03
o New symbolic of &UDATE to return the date in mmddyy format.
o Support PAGE via the ISPF Dialog
 Code PAGE as the only text in Subject and a popup will ask for the message text and
then generate a page e-mail
o New Warning or Error message is the input data records exceed 998 characters per record which
is the RFC limit. The IBM Server limit is 1024. This is an installation defined option to Ignore,
Warn, or Terminate with an Error.
o Added a section on Usage Notes.
4.72 3/28/03
o Correct CONDCODE coding bug (mine and not the contributors)
o Correct Message format HTML to work properly in all clients and support file attachment(s)
4.70 03/14/03
o New &jobnum symbolic for use where other symbolics are allowed
o New &rc and &rca symbolics are now supported
o New PAGE keyword that functions like SUBJECT but is used to send a short message to a pager
4.68 02/14/03
o New &month symbolic for use in subject, etc.
o Correct issue where print without spacing looses a record for txt and rtf (major bug fix)
4.66 01/10/03
o Add new keyword ERRORSTO for some sites that desire it
o Add new CONFIG keyword to command and ISPF dialog to allow a configuration file to be
used for XMITIP
o ISPF Dialog support for creating Configuration file with execution mode of Config
o Add new CONFIGDD keyword to the command
4.64 12/19/02
o multiple minor fixes in 4.64a to 4.64e releases
4.62 09/28/2002
o support a default FORMAT syntax for all file attachments
o new Feedback option by entering Feedback on the ISPF command line
o fully support e-mail addresses with blanks in the addressfiles (was only in keywords)
o support TXT2PDF configuration file on the FORMAT PDF keyword
4.60 08/26/2002
o support for PDF security on the FORMAT PDF and FORMAT ZIPPDF statements
o added message summary (installation option)
o by default all trailing blanks are removed from the Message text and file attachments.
o New option of NOSTRIP to avoid the removal of trailing blanks for file attachments.
o New NoRTFXlate keyword to bypass adding escape characters to RTF fields. Useful only if you
have imbedded RTF fields in a file.
4.58 08/02/2002

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 58 of 60 1/18/2008

o Several minor corrections to PDF creation
o New options in TXT2PDF
o Several minor bug fixes to XMITIP
4.56 07/25/2002
o Includes rollup of Beta 4.55 level changes
o The Empty dataset attachment message is no longer in the attachment file but now included in
the message text.
o Support Name-In-Archive for InfoZip usage
o Numerous panel changes for color consistency
o The ISPF Panel Settings option of NO now works
o If input file is a PDF and FORMAT PDF specified then don‟t convert but handle as a binary
attachment with a pdf suffix
o Add option for bold fonts in PDF
o Support very long subjects. A subject may now be as long as you like.
4.54 05/13/2002
o New symbolic of &cdate returns yyyymmdd
o New PDF Indexing option thanks to Leland Lucius
o Support banner for HTML formats
o Added NOCC keyword
o Support for sending all or masked members of a PDS thanks to John Ellis
o If FORMAT XMIT or ZIPXMIT and the input is not in TSO Transmit format then use TSO
Transmit to put it into XMIT format.
o Enhanced mime encoding routine
4.53 beta level (never released)
4.52 02/07/2002
o Corrected symbolic substitution so that it works with all symbolics except those that support
calculation which are &date, &sdate, and &day
o If user has a filedd without a filename then now generate a valid filename
4.51 02/06/2002
o Correct broken MSGQ processing
o Correct broken MSGDS in the ISPF dialog.
o Change symbolic substitution for &DATE
 For Subject and MSGT use month, dd, yyyy
 For all other uses use mmddyy
o Update to XMITIPPD (by Leland Lucius)
 Correct format so the generated PDF can be processed by the Acrobat PDA conversion
tool and read of the Palm OS PDAs
4.46 to 4.50 01/21/2002
 Complete redesign of the ISPF interface to
 Simplify the primary XMITIP panel by moving fields to other panels.
 New execution mode option of Prompt. If used will act like ISPF but will prompt
before leaving the ISPF dialog and calling the main XMITIP code to generate the e-
mail (where the MSGDS * is also processed).
 Attachment settings such as attachment name, attachment description, and margins are
on the Attachment Settings panel. This panel will appear if an Attachment DSN is
specified on the primary XMITIP panel only if the Attachment DSN changes from the
prior use, or if the settings option is requested.
 Delivery settings including Importance, Priority, and Sensitivity are now on the
Delivery Settings panel that is displayed upon request. If not selected then these settings
default to null.
 New Edit Message DSN option on the panel and new EMSG option in XMITIP.
 If message is > 1 word then create MSGT keyword for inline message text.
 Mail Default settings include From, ReplyTo, Return Receipt, and Murphy have been
moved to the Mail Default Settings panel which is only displayed upon request. This
panel is also displayed if there is no From address defined in the ISPF Profile, which
would normally only occur the first time the ISPF interface is used.

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 59 of 60 1/18/2008

 The optional ZIP password and compression method settings are now on a separate
popup panel which is only displayed if ZIP services are requested by an appropriate
Format option.
 For HTML color selection the prompt is now for background and foreground color
separately along with validation upon entry.
 Test if input file is in HTML format and if so then do not convert to HTML if the
FORMAT HTML is requested.
 Support new FORMAT options:
CSV – attach as a comma separated value (CSV) text file. Must already be in
CSV format.
GIF – attach as a binary graphic interchange format (GIF) file. Must already
be in GIF format.
XMIT – attach as a binary TSO Transmit (XMIT) format file. Must already be
in TSO Transmit format.
 The text to HTML conversion routine has been externalized into REXX Exec TXT2HTML. This
allows this tool to be used outside the XMITIP application and now includes its own ISPF front-
end as well when called without any parameters. See the Section on XMITIP Tools near the end
of this publication for more information.
 New keyword of MSGT for inline text within the command.
 If an attachment DSN has no Format then test the Filename for a suffix that can be used for a
format (e.g. xxxx.rtf will use format of rtf).
 If an attachment DSN has no Format and no Filename then look at the DSN suffix for a format
(e.g. xxxx.rtf will use format of rtf).
 Additional validation now occurs in the ISPF interface before calling the XMITIP routine.
 Symbolics now supported on FILENAME FILEDESC, and SUBJECT are:
 Dynamically calculate space requirements for HTML, PDF, and ZIP work files.
 Support for metric (centimeters) for margin and custom paper sizes if configured by the
installation (the ISPF tutorial panels will reflect inches or centimeters).
V4.00 05/11/2000 Major updates and dialog redesign
V3.00 01/03/2000 Add File attachments for HTML and Binary, improve ISPF dialog
V2.00 06/23/1999 Add ISPF Dialog
V1.00 04/15/1993 Converted XMITVM to XMITIP

XMITIP User Reference Guide Page 60 of 60 1/18/2008

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