Open Letter To President Putin by Roseanne Barr Via @censorednewsnow.

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Greetings President Putin: My name is Roseanne Barr, I am the Peace and Freedom Candidate for President of The United

States of America in 2012. I write to you to explain the crisis in Syria seen through the Westphalia view of sovereignty. President Obama is a puppet for the House of Windsor, specifically The Sitting Queen of England, The House of Rothschild, and The Saudi House of Saud. As you may know the British Empire created Saudi Arabia to destabilize the Islamic Middle East for geopolitical purposes. The Peace of Westphalia 1648 is the principle that was supposed to end all geopolitical wars and religious conflicts. The Queen of England, The House of Rothschild, and The House of Saud are fundamentally opposed to principles of Nation States and National Sovereignty. President Obama, most of the United States Congress, and the people of The United States are totally controlled by the British Empire. Because of our propaganda media the American people for the most part don't know that Barack Obama is supporting terrorist groups in Syria. If they knew, Obama would be impeached. Contrary to popular opinion, the British Empire didn't die with World War 2. The Empire continued using NATO in the west and the Warsaw Pact in the east. When the Soviet Union fell in 1989, the House of Windsor saw an opportunity for the British Empire to return to its 19th Century glory. Barack Obama under direction of the Throne of England has a policy of Thermal Nuclear War and massive population reduction, in the tradition of Malthus, and the modern eugenics movement. Your position on Syria is correct. You are protecting the principle of sovereignty and you are a direct challenge to the British Empire. Contrary to Senator John McCains beliefs, America needs cooperation with Russia. We must finish the high-speed rail line across the Bering Strait. We must work together for the Strategic Defense of Earth. I urge you to reach out to the American People directly and speak to us regarding our current fight against the British Empire. The American People need to know whom Obama answers to, how he serves a foreign power. America needs to be reminded of our fight against British Imperialism. We MUST have an economic system of sovereign nation states in the Westphalia Tradition.

America had a good relationship with Russia in the time of President Abraham Lincoln. It is time the American People end the treasonous "special relationship" with The Queen of England, and her International banking systems. I ask for your help with this endeavor. America is under intellectual siege, as all the old Royal anti-semitic canards are being trotted out again! We mean your nation no harm. I hope this letter finds you, and finds you well. Sincerely, Roseanne BarrPeace and Freedom Party

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