ISKCON Desire Tree - Voice Newsletter 02 Jul-07
ISKCON Desire Tree - Voice Newsletter 02 Jul-07
ISKCON Desire Tree - Voice Newsletter 02 Jul-07
¾ The book sales was also excellent with HG Chaitannya Charan Prabhu’s latest release
“Spiritual Scientist – Selected Newspaper Articles” being the best seller.
Sl No Name of book Number distributed
1 Stress Management 239
2 AOMC 275
3 PTMC 97
4 DYS 53
5 Spiritual Scientist newspaper articles book 50
¾ HG CCP spoke the ESCAPE formula to control the mind :
E – Give up unrealistic Expectations,
S – Have right definition of Success,
C – Give up unhealthy Comparison,
A – Appreciate God’s blessings,
P – Be Principled; don’t worry too much about worldly opinion,
E – Endure difficulties through faith.
Special Achievements…….
1) Bh Vivek Agrawal (3rd Year Computer Engg) from GGD VOICE has got placed in TCS
2) Bh Manish Singh (3rd Year Chemical Engg) from GGD VOICE has got placed in Wipro
3) Bh Rambharat K from NIT Jamshedpur VOICE got placed in TCS.
4) Bh Gaurav Srivastav from NIT Jamshedpur VOICE got placed in Wipro.
5) Bh Ravinandan Prasad from NIT Jamshedpur VOICE got placed in Accenture.
6) Bh Nirajkumar from NIT Jamshedpur VOICE got placed in BOC.
7) Bh Saurabh Khatri with CGPA 8.6 Topped for 1st Year in Electrical Engg from COEP Pune.
8) Bh Omkar got 3rd rank with CGPA8.23, 1st Year in Electrical Engg from COEP Pune.
Hare Krishna to you…birth day celebrations