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vvp - Electronic News Magazine of IC Centre for Governance, for private circulation only

Ethics Integrity Excellence

Volume XII, No. 4 April 2024

Consciousness is the eternal, singular Subject!

# Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms.
# Deep down, the Consciousness of mankind is One.

# Consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular.

# The physicist Nassim Haramein is the founder of groundbreaking theories, published papers and patented inventions in
unified physics, which are now gaining worldwide recognition and acceptance. He says:

"Looking for Consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer."

1. ICCfG Happenings

1.1 In the recent elections for the executive committee of Arya Samaj, Vasant Vihar, our esteemed
member, Shri Narendra Swarup, has been elected as the Vice President for the year 2024! Shri Swarup
has been a dedicated part of the Arya Samaj family since 1992, tirelessly working towards the welfare
and upliftment of society. His commitment and passion are truly inspiring!

1.2 April 1, 2024: We had a productive meeting with the representative of Praja Foundation, a non-
partisan organization, that has been tirelessly working towards accountable urban governance since
1997. Their vision? To enhance the quality of life for everyone by simplifying processes, empowering
citizens, and ensuring democracy thrives.


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1.3 Our esteemed member, Shri NK Ambasht, was felicitated as the Chief Guest by the Vice
Chancellor at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Sanskrit University's prestigious function, 8th April, 2024.
Congratulations, NK Ambashtji, on this well-deserved accolade!
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1.4 A very warm welcome to Sh. Ashok Kumar, who joins us as a member of our core group. He
belongs to Railway service (IRSE 1984 batch) and after putting 37 years of service, retired as
DG/IRICEN in June 2023 and is now settled in Noida. He has served in various capacities in Railways
as Chief Engineer, Executive Director, ADRM, DRM, CAO/Con, AGM etc.

1.5 During our regular Thursday meeting on 11th April, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Lead Consultant
& Founder Director of Dimensions Education Pvt. Ltd., delivered an excellent presentation on 'Values,
Ethics, Governance, and Kaizen' highlighting the continuous small improvements each can make in our
respective area of influence. His programs will be a good addition for our Mentorship programs as we
carry forward the idea of Mentorship.


1.6 During ICCfG’s regular Thursday meeting on 18thApril, Mr. Deepak Bansal - Deputy
Director General & SIO Haryana - National Informatics Centre', delivered an insightful Online
presentation on "Antyodaya Saral -Transforming Service Delivery to citizens in Haryana".

Antyodaya SARAL is an initiative to transform citizen service delivery in Haryana, providing 400+
schemes and services through one digital platform. With 115 service delivery Centers across Haryana,
including SARAL Kendras and Antyodaya, services from 38 departments are accessible at a single
window. The meeting was successful and highly appreciated by members of the Core Group. Special
thanks to Dr Surina and the speaker for sharing valuable insights!


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1.7 In 1994, Mr. Viral Mazumdar spearheaded a youth movement within Initiatives of Change, „I of
C‟ of ICCfG, aptly named "Let's Make a Difference," LMAD. At the heart of IofC's philosophy lies the
belief that change begins within oneself before it can ripple out to transform the world. Since then, this
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movement has empowered over 20,000 young individuals across India, nurturing them to become
exemplary citizens who challenge societal norms by following their conscience. On the 29th April, a
group of youths from LMAD, led by Sh. Viral met with us and we discussed how to nurture the leaders
of tomorrow!

1.8 ICCfG conducted a 5-day Residential Workshop at OSR Centre, Manesar, (beyond
Gurugram) on Ethics and Governance for the Officers ofIRCTC, DMRC & ONGC from April 8-12,

In addition to our USP sessions on Inner Governance, Life Balance Sheet, Relationships; Context of
Ethics in Public Service; Ethical Dilemmas & Responses, Power of Ethical Leadership; etc. we had
reflective sessions on “Knowing: the „Self‟ & the „Supreme‟; Technique of Meditation, Enhancing Inner
Powers, Purpose of Life” by BK Sisters.

Feedback from the Participants: # It helped me become aware on the basic purpose of life,
enlightened to lead a purposeful life # Will put more efforts on Self-improvement # We all know about
the rights and wrongs, also the ways to rectify the things, but sometimes we distract and could not
follow the practices. However, after this training program, now it is clear how to implement the ideas in

Taking away the experience shared by all the teachers and positive vibes from them, also the enthusiasm
and dedication they showed while teaching # This program has completely changed my way of thinking
and how to balancelife without affecting our inner peace # The program has helped me in
understanding the value of taking a pause inlife. Introspect, be understandable to the people around us
# I will try toimprove myself slowly and continuously and keep reminding myself of all ofthe above
things # I understood that changing yourself will allow others tochange.

1.9 Our heartfelt thanks to our esteemed member Sh. K.K Sethi, for keeping us aware of our
traditional wisdom thru‟ his book „Bhartiya Darshan‟ and its practical wisdom thru his Laghu Katha and
„Meri bhi suno‟ Congratulations for his message, “I have a website meribhisuno.net today i have
published my 500th post on it. it has stories, poems, thoughts and political commentary, a cocktail. It
has 62, 549 hits so far; the best count for a post is 2050”.

1.10 ICCfG’s next programme is scheduled from May 6-10, 2024 titled “Karamchari to
Karmayogi” for the officials of Government of Uttar Pradesh at UPAAM, Lucknow.

2. ICCfG’s new Mission –To Be & Make Mentors!

Who in modern society is responsible and accountable to produce both educated and enlightened citizens?

Besides teaching of various subjects, schooling must also provide the inspiration, mentorship, and self-
development processes to inspire us and nurture us to be responsible, good, accountable, Enlightened
Citizens committed to our Constitutional Fundamental Duties and spirit of selfless service for good of

Thus, ICCfG has decided to explore the possibilities for conducting programs for teachers, parents, citizens, officers, etc. to
spread awareness of the importance of learning to BE and MAKE MENTORS. Readers are requested to contact us for
details and introduce us to opportunities within their areas of influence and concern!
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How do we describe, if not define an Enlightened Citizen of India that is Bharat? The program
evolved by ICCfG under the leadership of S/Sh. Rajiv Sachdeva, Vinay Shankar, Brig Rajendra K,
introduces the ideas of Values, Morals, Ethics, and various Life skills and self-development practices for
managing our mind and awakening our discriminative intellect to plan for long-term SMART goals. It
discusses the importance of imbibing the spirit of Mentorship, viz.:

i) Selfless work as worship, aka KYi, and ii) the Fundamental Duties of our Constitution.

Thus, ICCfG’s Mentorship programs can help and inspire us to: - “Strive for
Excellence”;Understand the “spirit of common brotherhood”; understand what is the foundation of our
ancient civilizational culture, now expressed as “whole world as our family and as G20 Global vision of
One World/Family/Future” and discuss how to “Preserve the Composite Culture” and the
“Environment”; “Develop scientific temper” (not mere belief, but spirit of enquiry); “Follow the Ideals
of the Freedom Struggle” (spirit of love for the nation and its Vedic and Vedantic ideals of: First learn
and get established in Righteousness; then „earn & enjoy‟ to Walk-the-Talk to Perfection, Happiness, all round prosperity!
Teachers trained as Mentors along with parents can inspire us to be Good, Better, Best!

3. DAV - Dayanand Anglo-Vedic Schools:

Modern schooling has totally ignored the time-tested Vedantic wisdom of India that is Bharat!

Maharishi Dayanand, one of the great spiritual sage, intellectual thinkers and well-wisher of our nation
formed the Arya Samaj for the rational, emotional, and religious renewal of the Indian Society, with a
call, "Back to the Vedas", combining the best of West and Bharat thru‟ the spread of education. He
believed that this was necessary to curb and prevent Westernization of the educated, and ensure that the
educated would once again return to know, love and respect our time-tested ancient ideal of work as
worship and to treat our mother, father, teacher, even Atithi, guests, as worshipful.

Ideals of DAV schools: To endorse the student's deference for ancient Indian thought, traditions, and
cultural values; high moral character by imbibing life values like sympathy, lenience, truth, honesty, and
universal brotherhood; Harmonious convergence of Indian values, culture, and modern technology; the
spirit of patriotism, national amalgamation, and social service; the study of Sanskrit; a close connection
between parents and teachers; to imbibe truthfulness, fearlessness, and acceptance through various
activities; moral science; etc. - homogenizing the western knowledge while remaining anchored to the
Indian cultural moorings to nurture creative and resourceful minds who think big, think fast and think
ahead, who care for the nation and the weaker sections of society, and are imbued with humanistic
passions and values

Our programs on Mentorship are in Rtm, in Harmony with these ideals – How do we bring
them to the mainstream schooling!

4. Reflections – Aren’t we all liars!

A very profound discussion on Truthfulness in FRNV journal, as given by Swami B. Teertha,
the Mentor of Delhi Metro‟s Dr Sreedharan.

Is modern western led literate, educated, liberal, freedom oriented democratic society, believing we‟re all
born equal with a clean slate, really truthful? Don‟t we all accept those as gentlemen and our political
masters whose thoughts-deeds aren‟t in harmony!
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Don‟t we all know the advice of Satyam Vada; Satyam jayate; the Ten Commandments; Be good and do
good; etc. taught by all parents, preachers, teachers, etc.; but by not ensuring that the educated and
particularly those in academia and governance have imbibed commitment to following universal values
of ethical and righteous conduct, aren‟t we all being educated to be liars and political manipulators?
Most think of satya, being truthful, as not lying! It is much deeper than that! Are our „thoughts, words,
intents, actions‟ really in harmony, Order, Rtm with the Changeless Existence! Righteousness, ethical
conduct, goodness, spirituality, etc. are those thoughts-actions which takes us towards Rtm, Oneness
with the whole Creation as our Family – G20 Global vision of One World. One Family. One Future
thru‟ Work as Worship, aka be a Karma Yogi.

During childhood, schooling and growing-up, should we focus only on Teaching & Preaching?
Shouldn‟t we also discuss and try to give an intellectual conviction to the young in the power of
goodness, and also inspire the young to understand the Need and Importance of Daily INNER-
Governance Practices, for Imbibing, Inculcating, Nurturing, Identifying, Evaluating based on the spirit
of Righteousness.

Satya, truthfulness, is derived from „Satt‟which means unchanging existence. The deeper idea is that only
that is true, righteous, moral, ethical, dharma, which takes us towards realizing our oneness with the
cosmos – the realization that as Consciousness we‟re one with all. Only by righteousness our mind
expands towards Oneness with the infinite, omni-present, omni-scient, omni-potent, Changeless
Existence, aka God, howsoever we may express that Infinitude.

5.What Scientists say about “Consciousness”

# "It was not by accident that the greatest geniuses of all ages were deeply spiritual beings! This history below is to awaken
all those who still believe that science is synonymous with atheism/materialism!”

# If anyone ever claims that spirituality and science are incompatible, this compilation of
quotes could clearly demonstrate the ignorance of such an assumption.
(Extracts from a Paper on)

# "I regard Consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from Consciousness. We

cannot get behind Consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing,
postulates Consciousness."

#Now, let's listen to Nobel Prize winner Erwin Schrödinger - another one of the founders of quantum

# "Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For Consciousness is absolutely

fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else."

# "Consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular. Not only has none of us
ever experienced more than one Consciousness, but there is also no trace of evidence of this ever
happening anywhere in the world. I say that there cannot be more than one Consciousness."

# David Bohm - a friend of the spiritual teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti and one of the most significant
physicists of the 20th century - said this:
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# "Deep down, the Consciousness of mankind is one. This is a certainty; and if we don't see this,
it's because we are blinding ourselves to it. The notion that we are all separately existent fragments is
evidently an illusion, and this illusion cannot do other than lead to endless conflict and confusion."

#The neurophysiologist John Carew Eccles, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his
work on the synapse, says "Science and religion are very much alike. The appearance of a conflict is a
result of ignorance. We have to recognize that we are spiritual beings with souls existing in a spiritual
world as well as material beings with bodies and brains existing in a material world. At our death, the
brain goes, but divine guidance and love continues."

# Influential microbiologist and chemist Louis Pasteur is one of the most important founders of
modern bacteriology and medical microbiology. The following statement was made by him.

“A bit of science distances one from God, but much science nears one to Him. The more I
study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator.”

One of the most brilliant quotes comes from Werner Heisenberg, who's one of the key pioneers of
quantum mechanics, and won the Nobel Prize in Physics..."The first gulp from the glass of natural
sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you."

#One of his colleagues put it more mercilessly... Max Born, a physicist and mathematician who was
instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics, also won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his
"fundamental research in quantum mechanics". These words are his:"Those who say that the study of
science makes a man an atheist must be rather silly people."

#The following similar words were spoken by Ernest Rutherford, another Nobel Prize winner in
Physics..."It is an erroneous view in lay circles that the scholar, who knows more about being than
others, should therefore be devoid of religion. Quite the contrary: Our work brings us closer to God. It
increases our awe of the gigantic power before which our poor tools, however titanic they may appear to
us on earth, fail miserably."

#Next is world-renowned nuclear physicist Hans-Peter Dürr: "Whenever I give a lecture on quantum
physics, I feel as if I am talking on spirituality. “I studied matter for the last 35 years, only to find
out that it does not exist!"

#One of Dürr's predecessors was Max Planck, the originator of quantum theory, which revolutionized
human understanding of atomic and subatomic processes. The Nobel Prize says: "As a man who has
devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result
of my research this much: There is no matter as such! Mind is the matrix of all matter.""So
wherever and how far we may look, there is nowhere a contradiction between religion and natural
science, but we do find full agreement on the crucial points. Religion and science are not mutually
exclusive. There can never be any real opposition between them; for the one is the complement of the

# Every serious and reflective person realizes that the religious element in his nature must be recognized
and cultivated if all the powers of the human soul are to act together in perfect balance and harmony.
And indeed, it was not by accident that the greatest thinkers of all ages were deeply religious
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souls!" “Religion and natural science are fighting a joint battle in an incessant crusade against scepticism
and dogmatism, and the cry in this crusade has always been, and always will be: "On to God!"”

#Albert Einstein: I‟m not an atheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. We are in
the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows
that someone must have written those books."“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of
science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe - a spirit vastly superior to
that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.""Concerning
matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so
lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter."

Our ignorance and fanaticism are to exclude Self-development practices from Schooling!
As a modern Society we must be educated to awaken toworship of “Consciousness.”
Education must teach us to selflessly work as worship of God in man,
Selflessness alone can unite us all into One-family&give peace, prosperity too!
Educated-religious-political-animals divide us & spread hatred!

April: Embracing Renewal and New Beginnings

April is significant for various reasons. In many cultures, it symbolizes renewal and rejuvenation as it
brings the beauty of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the gentle transition to autumn in the
Southern Hemisphere. It's a time for festivals, such as Easter and Passover, that celebrate themes of
rebirth and new beginnings.

Additionally, April often marks the start of the fiscal year for businesses and governments, setting the
tone for financial planning and strategies. Furthermore, it's a crucial month for nature, with many animals
coming out of hibernation and plants beginning to bloom, showcasing the wonders of the natural world.

Please send your comments, suggestions and short articles containing your experiences for publication
through email at [email protected] and Sunil Kumar can be contacted at [email protected]

IC Centre for Governance, 3 Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi – 110057
Tel: +91-11-4080 9939, +91-9315606289
Email: [email protected], Website: www.iccfg.net

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