Career Framework For Sexual & Reproductive Health Nursing

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines a Career Framework for Nursing in Sexual & Reproductive Health with different levels and qualifications.

The purpose of developing this Career Framework is to assist senior nurses and service leads identify the practice and competence required to provide high quality care and allow benchmarking of existing roles.

The four central themes of the framework are: Leadership; Facilitation; Education and Training; Clinical Practice.

Career Framework

for Nursing in Sexual & Reproductive Health

A Career Framework for Nursing in Sexual and Reproductive Health


Introduction Level 5 - Practitioner Level* Level 6 - Senior Level (Sexual and Reproductive Health) Level 7 - Advanced Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health) Level 8 - Consultant Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health) Appendices
Appendix 1 - Career Framework Model Appendix 2 - Articulation of Career Framework with Scottish Credit Qualification Framework Appendix 3 - Higher Education Institutions offering Post-Registration Sexual and Reproductive Health Courses Appendix 4 - Members of the Development Course

4 7 13 21 31 39
40 41 42 43

* Level 5 Practitioners need not work principally within a sexual and reproductive health setting however, aspects of their role will reflect Level 5 practice.

Modernisation and integration of services provide opportunities for nurses to lead on the design of services and care delivery. Modernising Nursing Careers (DOH 20061) is being taken forward in Scotland under the auspices of Delivering Care, Enabling Health (SEHD 20062), and has provided an opportunity to strengthen nursing careers using the Career Framework for Health3 (Appendix 1) as an enabling tool. A number of Scottish initiatives such as the The Advanced Practice Toolkit (2008)4 and the Education and Development Framework for Senior Charge Nurses (2008)5 have used the NHS Career Framework for Health to establish and sustain consistent role benchmarks for professional practice. Nurses6 are increasingly involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of care to individuals within a sexual and reproductive health setting. This care will involve the management of complex emotional and physical conditions and as such requires advanced level communication skills, clinical competence underpinned by a sound education and research base and delivered through strong and visible leadership. The development of this Career Framework for Nursing in Sexual and Reproductive Health will assist senior nurses and service leads identify the practice and competence required to provide a high quality of care and allow for the benchmarking of existing roles7. The Framework will also inform nurses in their career progressions and in determining their

continuing professional development needs. Workforce planners and developers can use this tool in decisions around capacity building within the Sexual and Reproductive Health workforce. (Scottish Government 20088). The development of this career framework was facilitated by NHS Education for Scotland and Quality Improvement Scotland using a partnership approach between the Special Health Boards, Lead Sexual Health Nurses and Higher Education Institutions. It responds to policy initiatives such as Delivering Care, Enabling Health (ibid) and Better Health, Better Care (Scottish Government 20079) which puts nurses at the forefront of service design and delivery, ensuring safe and effective patient centred care.

Structure The Framework is comprised of templates which map progress through Levels 5-8 of the Career Framework for Health (Appendix 1), detailing the sphere of responsibility/ role associated with a particular level, the key knowledge and skills required and suggests examples of application to the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework10. The Career Levels in this Sexual and Reproductive Health Framework do not directly read across to the Agenda for Change (AfC) pay bands as the Career Framework has no direct link to pay. Four central themes : Leadership; Facilitation

of Learning: Research and Development and Clinical Practice are used as organisers for each level of practice. In the Level 7 and 8 templates, the themes reflect the key functions described in the Advanced Practice Toolkit and these are adapted accordingly for Levels 6 and 5 to reflect the scope of the role at these levels of practice. Examples are provided of appropriate educational preparation including suggested levels of qualification as identified in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF11 Appendix 2). It is important to recognise that practitioners need to incorporate new learning and skills required for sexual health services at different levels of the SCQF, thus ensuring that staff are adequately and appropriately prepared in order to support service delivery (NHS Quality Improvement Scotland 2008)12. Competency Frameworks such as the Specialist Level, and Post-Registration- pre-specialist level competencies (NHS Education for Scotland 2004,2005)13, Royal College of Nursing(2004)14, and Skills For Health15 can inform programmes of preparation and support the developmental needs of staff working at all levels in Specialist Sexual Health Services.

1 Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (2006) Modernising nursing careers: setting the direction. Belfast. DHSSPS

9 The Scottish Government (2007) Better Health, Better Care: Action Plan for NHS Scotland Edinburgh. Scottish Government

Scottish Executive Health Department (2006) Delivering Care, Enabling Health: Harnessing the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions contribution to implementing Delivering for Health in Scotland. Edinburgh. SEHD
2 3 Skills for Health.(2006) The Career Framework for Health www.skillsfor

Scottish Executive(2004) The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS KSF) and the Development and review Process. Edinburgh . Scottish Government.

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework: The Level Descriptors.

NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (2008) Standards: Sexual Health Services :Standard 9

The Scottish Government (2008) Supporting the Development of Advanced Nursing Practice-A Toolkit approach. Edinburgh. Scottish Government

The Scottish Government and NHS Education for Scotland (2008) Education and Development Framework for Senior Charge Nurses. Edinburgh. NES
5 6 Nurse is defined as an individual currently registered on part 1 of the NMC register.

NHS Education for Scotland (2005) A Route to Enhanced Competence in Sexual and Reproductive Health Nursing (Specialist Level) and A Route to Enhanced Competence in Sexual and Reproductive Health Nursing (2004) (Post-Registration pre-specialist level).
13 14

Scottish Government (2009) Health Workforce Directorate: Communication providing Guidance on the Career Framework for Health. Annexes 1 -4 .11th March. Edinburgh. Scottish Government

RCN Competencies (2004) Sexual health competencies: an integrated career and competency framework for sexual and reproductive health nursing. London.RCN advancedSearch

Scottish Government (2008) Respect and Responsibility: Delivering improvements in sexual health outcomes 2008-2011.Action 3.6

Level 5 Practitioner Level

Career Framework Level 5 - Overview

Career Framework Level Central Themes Broad Sphere of responsibility/role Minimum recommended Professional/Education Requirements
Registered on the Nurses or Midwives part of the Nursing and Midwifery Council register Educated to a minimum of Diploma Level .Working towards first degree in Sexual and Reproductive Health Working towards/ Recognised Post Registration Qualification at degree level Mentorship preparation

Examples of Core Educational Themes


LEVEL 5 Practitioner Level

1. Clinical Practice 2. Facilitation of Learning

Deliver care as part of a multidisciplinary team Undertake personal and professional development

3. Leadership 4. Research and Development

Contribute to the supervision of undergraduate/preregistration nurses

Contraception and Womens Health Sexually Transmitted Infections, Blood Borne Viruses and Non Sexually Transmitted Infections Sexual Health/ Public Health (PN, Epidemiology, Policy Drivers, Service Provision) Diversity Sexuality Legal, Ethical, Religious and Moral Issues Research and Evidence Based Practice Reflective Practice


Career Framework Level 5

Career Framework Level
LEVEL 5 Practitioner Level (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes
1. Clinical Practice

Aspects of Practice

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Examples of Educational Need

Appropriate and relevant courses in assessed theory and practice in sexual and reproductive health

Suggested Links to KSF

1.1 Demonstrate developing competence, and specialist clinical skills in sexual and reproductive health care delivery and management in all contexts, appropriate to clients sexual and reproductive health needs

Practitioner must work as part of a specialist sexual and reproductive health team, using and developing specialist knowledge and skills to provide clinical care Promote clinical governance Assume accountability and responsibility for delivery of agreed specific aspects of care including:Assessment, planning and defined areas of intervention, referral and discharge Improve health outcomes for individuals Ensure delivery of safe and effective care using evidence informed practice Work under direct/ indirect supervision to provide e.g. asymptomatic, low risk sexual health screening., routine contraceptive supply

A broad knowledge and understanding of Sexual and Reproductive health underpinned by theoretical knowledge and relevant clinical experience and competence Knowledge and understanding of clinical governance framework within own organisation Assessment, planning and intervention, referral and discharge which meet Stage 4 competencies in A Route to Enhanced Competence in Sexual and Reproductive Health Nursing (PostRegistration pre-specialist level(NHS Education for Scotland (2004)1 Work with patient group directions Additional specific clinical competencies as required e.g. cervical smear Knowledge of range and needs of vulnerable and hard to reach groups

Cervical screening theory and practice

Core 1,2,34,5,6 Specific HWB6,HWB7

NHS Education for Scotland (2004) A Route to Enhanced Competence in Sexual and Reproductive Health Nursing (Post-Registration pre-specialist level) Edinburgh NES

Career Framework Level

LEVEL 5 Practitioner Level (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice
1.2 Promote and influence others to incorporate nonjudgemental, values-based care into practice

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Respect the dignity, wishes and beliefs of all patients involving them in shared decision making and obtaining their consent

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

High level of awareness of own values and beliefs. Adherence to the NMC Code (2008) Recognise and respect peoples diversity, individual differences and perspectives (Employability L5 P.11)2 Knowledge of legislation, policies, procedures ,protocols, professional regulation and codes of practice

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2,34,5,6 Specific HWB6,HWB7

1.3 Work under direction with limited freedom to exercise judgement about actions while accepting professional accountability and responsibility

Utilise critical thinking to explore and analyse evidence, cases and situations in clinical practice. Draw on a range of sources in making judgements guided by senior colleagues within defined policies, procedures and protocols.

Core 1,2,34,5,6 Specific HWB6,HWB7

2. Facilitation of Learning

2.1 Development of knowledge and skills in self, professionals and clients underpinned by the principles of teaching and learning Identify own training needs and some staff as delegated Participate in workbased learning- teaching, supervising and assessing Pre-Registration students and in the development of Clinical Support Workers Deliver Health Promotion and Education to clients Presentation skills Apply the principles of life-long learning. Motivate, stimulate, encourage and facilitate the learning process Participate in action learning sets

NMC Mentorship Programme Information technology skills

Core 2

Core 1,2,4,5


Skills for Health (2008) Employability Skills Matrix for the Health Sector

Career Framework Level

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

in line with NHS Education for Scotland Post-Registration pre-specialist level competencies (NHS Education for Scotland (2004) Evaluate the effectiveness of educational/training interventions

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Core teaching skills to support workplace learning Reflective practitioner

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2,4,5

3. Leadership

3.1 Team Work

Work with others towards achieving shared goals (Employability L5 P.11) Contribute towards the achievement of the teams purpose and objectives Recognise diversity, individual differences and perspectives

Give and receive feedback in a constructive manner Motivation skills Knowledge, understanding and utilisation of KSF and its application

Core 1,2 and 4

3.2 Clinical Leadership

Develop clinical leadership skills e.g influencing, organisation, problem solving In conjunction with senior nurses, monitor and evaluate standards of care adhering to defined guidelines, policies standards and protocols to ensure the delivery of a high standard of care Responsible for aspects of clinical effectiveness

Develop organisational skills Foster skills in critical thinking, analysis and evaluation Develop skills of persuasion and influencing Apply local policy, protocol and standards

Core 1,2,3,4,5 Specific HBW6.7 G6


Career Framework Level

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Participate in clinical supervision Identify and challenge poor performance and non-evidence based practice

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

4. Research and Development

4.1 Access research/use information systems and enable/ support others to use information systems to improve areas of practice

Participate in clinical audit to enhance the management of change Contribute to the development of Local guidelines and policy Observe and record data as directed for clinical trials and audits.

Knowledge of clinical audit and local NHS research governance policy Literature searching skills Ability to access research/ use information systems Information Technology Skills

Research Awareness Audit Skills

Core 4,5


Level 6 Senior Level

(Sexual and Reproductive Health)


Career Framework Level 6 - Overview

Career Framework Level Central Themes Broad Sphere of responsibility/role Minimum Professional/ Education Requirements Examples of Broad Educational Themes SCQF

LEVEL 6 Senior Level (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

1. Specialist Clinical Practice 2. Facilitation of Learning 3. Leadership

Responsible for maintenance of high levels of evidence based clinical care Skilled effective practitioner within a defined area of specialist sexual and reproductive health Manage/ supervise work of others Provide mentorship, assessment and preceptorship

Registered on the Nurses Part of the Nursing and Midwifery Council register Educated to degree level

4. Research and Development

Recognised Post registration qualification in Sexual &Reproductive Health with evidence of consolidation within the past 5 years Non Medical Prescribing (V 400)

Contraception and Womens Health Sexually Transmitted Infections, Blood Bourne Viruses and Non Sexually Transmitted Infections Sexual Health/ Public Health (PN, Epidemiology, Policy Drivers, Service Provision) Diversity Sexuality Legal, Ethical, Religious and Moral Issues Research and Evidence Based Practice Reflective Practice



Career Framework Level 6

Career Framework Level
LEVEL 6 Senior Level (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes
1.Specialist Clinical Practice

Aspects of Practice

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Examples of Educational Need

Appropriate and relevant courses in assessed theory and practice in sexual and reproductive health

Suggested Links to KSF

1.1 Demonstrate specialist competence, innovation and clinical leadership in sexual and reproductive health care delivery and management in all contexts, appropriate to clients sexual and reproductive health needs

Practitioner must work as part of a specialist sexual and reproductive health team, using specialist knowledge and skills to provide and enhance clinical care Promote clinical governance Assume accountability and responsibility and for delivery of whole episodes of care including:Assessment and diagnosis intervention, referral and discharge Improve health outcomes for individuals Ensure delivery of safe and effective care using evidence informed practice Work independently by virtue of specialist knowledge and skills e.g. Provision of Nurse only clinics

Detailed specialist knowledge of Sexual and Reproductive health underpinned by theoretical knowledge and relevant clinical experience and competence Knowledge and understanding of clinical governance framework within own organisation Assessment and diagnosis intervention, referral and discharge which meet Stage 4 competencies in A Route to Enhanced Competence in Sexual and Reproductive Health Nursing Specialist Level1 Non medical prescribing or work with patient group directions Additional specific clinical competencies as required Knowledge of range and needs of vulnerable and hard to reach groups

Core 1,2,34,5,6 Specific HWB6,HWB7

NHS Education for Scotland (2005) A Route to Enhanced Competence in Sexual and Reproductive Health Nursing (Specialist Level) NES 15

Career Framework Level

LEVEL 6 Senior Level (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice
1.2 Promote and influence others to incorporate nonjudgemental, values-based care into practice 1.3 Works independently has freedom to exercise judgement about actions while accepting professional accountability and responsibility

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Respect the dignity, wishes and beliefs of all patients involving them in shared decision making and obtaining their consent

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

High level of awareness of own values and beliefs. Recognise and respect peoples diversity, individual differences and perspectives (Employability L6 P.12)2 Knowledge of legislation, policies, procedures ,protocols, professional regulation and codes of practice

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2,34,5,6 Specific HWB6,HWB7

Utilise critical thinking to explore and analyse evidence, cases and situations in clinical practice. Draw on a range of sources in making judgements Freedom to act but is guided by precedent and clearly defined policies, procedures and protocols. Manage team and resources to provide an ethical service within the context of the current legal framework for sexual and reproductive health care while remaining accountable for own professional practice

Core 1,2,34,5,6 Specific HWB6,HWB7

2.Facilitation of Learning

Mentorship/Practice Teacher Programme of preparation for clinical supervision Information technology skills


Skills for Health (2008) Employability Skills Matrix for the Health Sector

Career Framework Level

LEVEL 6 Senior Level (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice
2.1 Development of knowledge and skills in self, professionals and clients underpinned by the principles of teaching and learning

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Support the learning and development of some staff. Participate in the creation of a learning environment that ensures effective learning opportunities for staff and students including:- appropriate orientation and induction programmes; range of clinical support strategies (mentoring, coaching, clinical supervision and action learning) ; support ongoing mandatory training and relevant educational/ development opportunities (adapted from SCN p. 10)3 Identify the training needs of self and some staff Undertake Personal Development Planning as delegated Participation in the teaching, supervision and assessment of Pre and Post Graduate students Evaluate the effectiveness of educational/training interventions

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Presentation skills Apply the principles of life-long learning. Motivate, stimulate, encourage and facilitate the learning process Participate in action learning Core skills to support workplace learning Reflective practitioner

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2,4,5 Specific G1

The Scottish Government and NHS Education for Scotland (2008) Education and Development Framework for Senior Charge Nurses. Edinburgh. NES


Career Framework Level

LEVEL 6 Senior Level (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes
3. Leadership

Aspects of Practice
3.1 Change Management

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Support the management of change. Participate in monitoring the effectiveness and impact of change Act as a positive role model Contribute to and manage some members of a team by sharing information and expertise Contribute towards the achievement of the teams purpose and objectives

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Leadership skills

Examples of Educational Need

Evidence of CPD in leadership

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2, 4, SpecificG6 Specific IK2

3.2 Team Development

People management Receptive to contribution of others Give feedback in a constructive manner Motivation skills Knowledge, understanding and utilisation of KSF and its application Recognise diversity, individual differences and perspectives

Core 1,2 and 4 Specific G6

3.3 Clinical Leadership

Promote teamwork within defined area of responsibility In conjunction with senior nurses, monitor and evaluate standards of care adhering to defined guidelines, policies standards and protocols to ensure the delivery of a high quality service

Possess organisational skills Skills in critical thinking, analysis and evaluation Report effectively for a range of complex situations and contexts Assess situations and identify the root causes of a complex problem

Core 1,2,3,4,5 Specific HBW6.7 G6


Career Framework Level

LEVEL 6 Senior Level (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Responsible for aspects of clinical effectiveness Promote/undertake clinical supervision Identify and challenge poor performance and non-evidence based practice

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Creativity and innovation in exploring and implementing possible solutions Evaluate solutions to make recommendations or decisions

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

4. Research and Development

Research awareness Audit skills Research governance awareness


4.1 Access research/use information systems and enable/ support others to use information systems to improve areas of practice

Initiate audit to enhance the management of change Contribute to the development of Local guidelines and policy and where appropriate, Regional and National Observe and record data using appropriate methods, tools and technology for complex audits or clinical trials or projects (SFH Employability L6) Participate in audit and research as appropriate

Critical appraisal and evaluation skills Knowledge of clinical audit and local NHS research governance policy Literature searching skills Ability to access research/ use information systems Information Technology Skills

Core 4,5 Specific IK2



Level 7 Advanced Practitioner

(Sexual and Reproductive Health)


Career Framework Level 7 - Overview

Career Framework Level Central Themes Broad Sphere of responsibility/role Mimimum Professional/ Education Requirements Examples of Broad Educational Themes SCQF

LEVEL 7 Advanced Practitioner Sexual and Reproductive Health

1. 2. 3. 4.

Leadership Advanced Clinical Practice Facilitation of Learning Research

Team leader within specialist sexual and reproductive health team Responsible for a specific area of service delivery Manage/supervise work of others Provide training, support and supervision to staff

Registered on the Nurses Part of the Nursing and Midwifery Council register Educated to degree level Recognised Post registration qualification in (S&RH) with evidence of consolidation within the past 5 years Evidence of working towards relevant Masters level Award Non Medical Prescribing V. 400

Ensure the delivery of evidence informed care and participate in practice development

Management/Leadership Contraception and Womens Health Sexually Transmitted Infections, Blood Borne Viruses and Non Sexually Transmitted Infections Sexual Health/ Public Health (PN, Epidemiology, Policy Drivers, Service Provision) Diversity Sexuality Legal, Ethical, Religious and Moral Issues Research and Evidence Based Practice Reflective Practice



Career Framework Level 7

Career Framework Level
LEVEL 7 Advanced Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes
1. Leadership

Aspects of Practice
1.1 Change Management

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Assess, lead and manage change. Monitor the effectiveness and impact of change Network with peers across professional groups promoting exchange of knowledge, skills and resources Work in partnership with a range of clinicians and managers in planning development of own service, promoting involvement of patients/ public Participate and influence local policy making activities which relate to the sphere of professional practice by support and developing lateral thinking in self and others Advanced Practice Toolkit (p. 70)1

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Change management skills Leadership skills

Examples of Educational Need

Evidence of having undertaken a Leadership Programme/CPD module

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2, 4, SpecificG6

1.2 Networking

Negotiating and influencing skills Advanced communication and interpersonal skills

Core 1.2

1.3 Negotiating and Influencing

Listen to, and understand complex information both implicit and explicit Listen to, and appreciate the complexity of a range of views, adopt effective questioning techniques Respond appropriately to queries and complaints, negotiate assertively and present a positive self image Display a sensitive manner and use appropriate language within a range of situations Lead, persuade and influence others effectively (Employability Level 7 Skills For Health (SFH)2


Scottish Government (2008) Supporting the Development of Advanced Nursing Practice - A Toolkit Approach Skills for Health (2008) Employability Skills Matrix for the Health Sector


Career Framework Level

LEVEL 7 Advanced Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice
1.4 Team Development

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Act as a positive role model Create a supportive ethos to empower sexual and reproductive health staff Contribute to, and manage, members of a specialist sexual and reproductive health team by sharing information and expertise Contribute to delivery of high quality client/ person centred sexual and reproductive health care Review strategic impact/outcomes and effectiveness of interventions (Adapted from SFH Employability Skills Level 7)

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Deal with people, problems and situations (Employability Level 7 SFH) Receptive to contribution of others Recognise diversity, individual differences and perspectives Give feedback in a constructive manner Motivation skills Knowledge, understanding and utilisation of NHS KSF and its application

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2 and 4 Specific G6

1.5 Clinical Leadership

Provide leadership across organisational teams in improving patient focused care Promote teamwork within defined area of responsibility Responsible for clinical effectiveness Promote/undertake clinical supervision

Possess excellent organisational skills Display skills in critical thinking, analysis Report effectively for a range of complex situations and contexts Evaluate a variety of texts and make judgements based on a range of complex facts, options, analysis and interpretation (Employability Level 7 SFH)

Core 1,2,3,4,5 Specific HBW6.7 G6


Career Framework Level

LEVEL 7 Advanced Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Lead team delivery of a clinically excellent high quality service in sexual and reproductive health Identify and challenge poor performance and non-evidence based practice

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Assess situations and identify the root causes of a complex problem Creativity and innovation in exploring and implementing possible solutions Evaluate solutions to make judgements with incomplete or limited information

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

1.6 Political and strategic awareness

Ensure that organisational goals are reflected in personal objectives. In partnership with a range of clinicians and managers demonstrate the ability to contribute to policy and strategy development at a departmental and organisational level and, where appropriate, national level (Adapted from Senior Charge Nurses (SCN) Role Profile p.9)3

Develop and maintain a working knowledge of local, national and professional strategy and policy. e.g. Respect and Responsibility, Healthy Respect, Child Protection guidelines and policies, Equalities legislation, SIGN Guidelines, Nursing policies, NMC Regulations


2.Advanced Clinical Practice

Appropriate and relevant courses and training in sexual and reproductive health

Core 2

The Scottish Government and NHS Education for Scotland (2008) Education and Development Framework for Senior Charge Nurses. Edinburgh. NES


Career Framework Level

LEVEL 7 Advanced Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice
2.1 Demonstrate advanced competence, innovation and clinical leadership in sexual and reproductive health care delivery and management in all contexts, appropriate to clients sexual and reproductive health needs

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Practitioner must work as part of a specialist sexual and reproductive health team, using advanced knowledge and skills to provide and enhance specialist clinical care Responsible for clinical governance within a defined area Assume accountability and responsibility and for delivery of whole episodes of care including:Assessment and diagnosis intervention, referral and discharge Improve health outcomes for individuals Ensure delivery of safe and effective care using evidence informed practice Practice with autonomy by virtue of advanced knowledge and skills.

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2,4,5

Highly developed PGCE specialist knowledge of Sexual and Reproductive health underpinned by theoretical knowledge and relevant clinical experience and competence Knowledge and understanding of clinical governance framework within own organisation Assessment and diagnosis intervention, referral and discharge which meet Stage 4 competencies in A Route to Enhanced Competence in Sexual and Reproductive Health Nursing (Specialist Level(NHS Education for Scotland (2005)4 Non medical prescribing Additional specific clinical competencies as required e.g. complex symptomatic testing and managing, IUCD fitting Knowledge of range and needs of vulnerable and hard to reach groups

NHS Education for Scotland (2005) A Route to Enhanced Competence in Sexual and Reproductive Health Nursing (Specialist Level) NES


Career Framework Level

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice
2.2 Promote and influence others to incorporate non-judgemental, values-based care into practice

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Negotiate care with patients/carers as an equal partner. Puts the values, views and understanding of individual service users and carers at centre of care ( Advanced Practice Toolkit ) Utilise critical thinking to explore and analyse evidence, cases and situations in clinical practice enabling a high level of judgement and decision making.(Adapted from (NES 2008)5 Freedom to act but is guided by precedent and clearly defined policies, procedures and protocols. Manage professional and ethical service delivery within a defined area and in the context of the current legal framework for sexual and reproductive health care while remaining accountable for own professional practice

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

High level of awareness of own values and beliefs. Works in a positive way with difference and diversity (Advanced Practice Toolkit) Knowledge of legislation, policies, procedures, protocols, professional regulation and codes of practice

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2,34,5,6 Specific HWB6,HWB7

2.3 Practice autonomously have freedom to exercise judgement about actions while accepting professional accountability and responsibility

Core 1,2,34,5,6 Specific HWB6,HWB7

3. Facilitation of Learning

Managing the learning Core 2 environment Programme of preparation for clinical supervision Information technology skills

NHS Education for Scotland (2008) Capacity Framework for the Advanced Practitioner: Nursing in the Community. NES


Career Framework Level

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice
3.1 Development of knowledge and skills in self, professionals and clients underpinned by the principles of teaching and learning

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Support the learning and development of all staff. Create a learning environment that ensures effective learning opportunities for staff and students including:appropriate orientation and induction programmes; range of clinical support strategies (mentoring, coaching, clinical supervision and action learning); planning ongoing mandatory training and relevant educational/development opportunities (adapted from SCN p. 10) Identify the training needs of self and staff Responsible for team PDP Participate in the teaching, supervision and assessment of Pre and Post Graduate students Plan and deliver Health Promotion and Education to clients in line with NHS Education for Scotland Specialist Level competencies (NHS Education for Scotland (2005) Evaluate the effectiveness of educational/training interventions

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Apply the principles of lifelong learning. Manage the learning environment Motivating, stimulate, encourage and facilitate the learning process Participate in action learning Core skills to support workplace learning Reflection on, and, in practice

Examples of Educational Need


Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2,4,5


Career Framework Level

Central Themes
4. Research and Development

Aspects of Practice
4.1 Access research/use information systems and enable/ support others to use information systems to improve areas of practice

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Act as a change agent, developing clinically effective practice through:effective utilisation and integration of evidence; setting, implementing and monitoring evidence informed policies, procedures and protocols (Adapted from SCN p. 9) Contribute to the research agenda through initiating audit/research

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Critical appraisal skills Knowledge of research governance Knowledge of clinical audit Literature searching skills Ability to access research/ use information systems

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF



Level 8 Consultant Practitioner

(Sexual and Reproductive Health)


Career Framework Level 8 - Overview

Career Framework Level Central Themes Broad Sphere of responsibility/role Minimum Professional/ Education Requirements Examples of Broad Educational Themes SCQF

LEVEL 8 Consultant Practicioner Sexual and Reproductive Health

1. Leadership 2. Facilitation of Learning 3. Research and Development 4. Advanced Clinical Practice

Act as a highly specialist clinical expert in the field of sexual health Provide expert advice Nationally, Regionally and locally Lead on nursing research in sexual and reproductive health , establishing relationships across the NHS and with HEIs Take a lead role in implementing local, regional and national strategy.

Registered on the Nurses Part of the Nursing and Midwifery Council register Educated to Masters level Recognised Post registration qualification in S&RH with evidence of consolidation within the past 5 years Advanced Leadership/ Management Programme Non Medical Prescribing V400

Contraception and Womens Health Sexually Transmitted Infections, Blood Borne Viruses and Non Sexually Transmitted Infections Sexual Health/ Public Health (PN, Epidemiology, Policy Drivers, Service Provision) Diversity Sexuality Legal, Ethical, Religious and Moral Issues Research and Evidence Based Practice Reflective Practice Leadership and management



Career Framework Level 8

Career Framework Level
LEVEL 8 Consultant Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes
1. Leadership

Aspects of Practice
1.1 Change Management

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Identify need for change Lead and manage change at a National and Local level. Monitor the effectiveness and impact of change Network with a wide range of organisations and individuals to shape and respond to Policy and Strategy at a National and Local level. Represent sexual health nurses widely nationally and internationally

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Change management skills Leadership skills

Examples of Educational Need

High level mentorship/ critical companion

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2, 4, Specific IK2

1.2 Networking

Influencing skills Advanced communication and interpersonal skills

Core 1 and 2

1.3 Negotiating and Influencing

Participate and influence National and Local policy making activities which relate to the sphere of professional practice by support and developing lateral thinking in self and others. Advanced Practice Toolkit (p. 70)1 Influence service planning using research evidence to improve and develop services

Listen to, and understand complex information both implicit and explicit Listen to, and appreciate the complexity of a range of views, adopt effective questioning techniques Display a sensitive manner and use appropriate language within a range of situations

Core 1,2,4,

Scottish Government (2008) Supporting the Development of Advanced Nursing Practice - A Toolkit approach


Career Framework Level

LEVEL 8 Consultant Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice
1.4 Team Development

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Act as a positive role model Support teams in their development by developing networks and sharing information Act as a critical companion and mentor

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

People management Contribute to the strategic management of specialist sexual and reproductive health teams by sharing information and expertise Recognise diversity, individual differences and perspectives Motivation skills Organisational skills

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2 and 4

1.5 Clinical Leadership

Provide leadership across professions and organisational teams in improving patient focused care Contribute to the strategic review of clinical effectiveness Ensure provision of clinical supervision Ensure delivery of a clinically excellent high quality service in sexual and reproductive health. Identify and challenge poor performance and nonevidence based practice

Possess excellent organisational skills Display skills in critical thinking, analysis and synthesis Report effectively for a range of complex situations and contexts Readily use highly specialised theoretical and practice knowledge to think, gain and share information,solve problems and make decisions. (Employability Level 8 SFH)2 Assess situations and identify the root cause of a complex problem in environments that are unfamiliar, complex and unpredictable and have many interacting factors (Employability Level 8 SFH)

Core 1,2,3,4,5 Specific HBW6.7


Skills for Health (2008) Employability Skills Matrix for the Health Sector

Career Framework Level

LEVEL 8 Consultant Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice
1.6 Political and strategic awareness

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Ensure that organisational goals are reflected in own and others objectives. Work collaboratively across boundaries to raise awareness of relevant policies, guidelines and strategies and influence change Identify and act on opportunities to influence the development of policy and guidelines Respond to national and local requests for document review (e.g.strategy, policy guidelines)

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Maintain a working knowledge of local, national and professional strategy and policy. Critical reading skills, ability to analyse and synthesise information Ability to interpret health information ,statistics and research data

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF


2. Facilitator of Learning

2.1 Development of knowledge and skills in self, professionals and clients underpinned by the principles of teaching and learning Design, plan, implement and evaluate learning and development programmes Work collaboratively with Higher Education Institutions Work with stakeholders Motivate, stimulate, encourage and facilitate the learning process Participate in action learning Core skills to support workplace learning and

Managing the learning Core 2 environment Specific G1 Programme of preparation for clinical supervision Information technology skills


Career Framework Level

LEVEL 8 Consultant Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

to review and develop appropriate sexual health programmes/training Manage and develop the learning environment In response to strategy, policy and patient need, plan and deliver educational interventions at a local and national level informed by training needs analysis. Evaluate the effectiveness of educational/training interventions

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

assessment Reflective Practice

Examples of Educational Need


Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2,4,5 Specific G1

3. Research

3.1 Promote and undertake nursing research Work with colleagues to identify areas for research Build links with Research Forums e.g. Research Consortia, HEIs Participate in and contribute to research, acting as principal investigator where appropriate Contribute to development and implementation of nursing research strategy Present research findings Knowledge of research governance Literature searching and reviewing skills Ability to access research/ use information systems Skills in writing for publication Excellent Presentation Skills

Research methods Audit skills Research governance awareness Writing for Publication


Core Core 1,4,5,6 Specific IK2


Career Framework Level

LEVEL 8 Consultant Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes
4. Advanced Clinical Practice

Aspects of Practice

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

Examples of Educational Need

Appropriate and relevant courses and training

Suggested Links to KSF

4.1 Demonstrate advanced competence, innovation and clinical leadership in sexual and reproductive health care delivery and management in all contexts, appropriate to clients sexual and reproductive health needs

Practitioner will be able to work as part of a specialist sexual and reproductive health team using advanced knowledge and skills to provide and enhance specialist clinical care Share responsibility with lead of Clinical Governance for aspects of this process

Highly developed specialist knowledge of Sexual and Reproductive health underpinned by theoretical knowledge and relevant clinical experience and competence Contribute to development of clinical governance frameworks. Meets Stage 4 competencies in A Route to Enhanced Competence in Sexual and Reproductive Health Nursing (Specialist Level(NHS Education for Scotland (2005)3 Non medical prescribing Additional specific clinical competencies as required e.g. complex symptomatic testing and managing, implant and IUCD fitting. Knowledge of range and needs of vulnerable and hard to reach groups

Core 1,2,3, 4,5,6 Specific HWB6,HWB7

NHS Education for Scotland (2005) A Route to Enhanced Competence in Sexual and Reproductive Health Nursing (Specialist Level) NES


Career Framework Level

LEVEL 8 Consultant Practitioner (Sexual and Reproductive Health)

Central Themes

Aspects of Practice
4.2 Promote and influence others to incorporate nonjudgemental, values-based care into practice 4.3 Practice autonomously have freedom to exercise judgement about actions while accepting professional accountability and responsibility

Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role

Act as a champion and role model for values based care and ensure that professional development and quality improvement plans reflect the importance of this approach to care. Model and promote critical thinking to explore and analyse evidence, cases and situations in clinical practice enabling a high level of judgement and decision making. (Adapted from Capability Framework for the Advanced Practitioner: Nursing in the Community (NES 2008)4 Manage professional and ethical service delivery within the context of the current legal framework for sexual and reproductive health care while remaining accountable for own professional practice Has freedom to act, guided by precedent and clearly defined policies,guidelines, protocols and procedures. Demonstrate ability to exercise advance levels of clinical decision making

Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours

High level of awareness of own values and beliefs. Works in a positive way with difference and diversity ( Advanced Practice Toolkit Knowledge of legislation, policies, procedures ,protocols, professional regulation and codes of practice

Examples of Educational Need

Suggested Links to KSF

Core 1,2,34,5,6 Specific HWB6,HWB7

Core 1,2,34,5,6 Specific HWB6,HWB7


NHS Education for Scotland (2008) Capability Framework for the Advanced Practitioner: Nursing in the Community. Edinburgh. NES



Appendix 1
Taken with Permission from the Scottish Government Health Workforce Directorate Guidance to NHS Boards on the Career Framework for Health 11 March 2009 (Annex 2). The diagram outlines the Career Framework Levels, the appropriate Clinical level title (in brackets), a brief clinical level descriptor and, for illustration, some possible non-clinical role examples. Note: This diagram at is a slight adaptation of the version on the Skills for Health website and from the one formally launched in 2006. These adaptations are simply to reflect generally recognised terms in Scotland, which may differ from those used elsewhere in the UK (eg at level 4 we have used the term assistant practitioner rather then assistant/associate practitioner). They do not affect the substance of the Career Framework or represent a departure from the Career Framework launched in 2006.


Appendix 2
Articulation of Career Framework with Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework Taken from Scottish Government Health Workforce Directorate Guidance to NHS Boards on the Career Framework for Health11th March 2009. Annex 2, a range of post-registration sexual and reproductive health courses. Note: The levels on the framework are indicative only. They can be broadly linked to qualifications and SCQF levels but this will only be a rough guide there will be exceptions. Learning required at each level will vary according to the occupational groups into which the role falls and the KSF outline for each particular role. However, in general, the following level(s) of qualification (in areas related to the work being undertaken) might be expected for roles which appear at the same level of the Career Framework. The learning required for each role should be considered in conjunction with the Career Framework level descriptors career-framework.

Career Framework Level Level 9

Indicative SCQF Levels Level 11/12

Example qualifications Masters Degree Doctorate SVQ5 Masters Degree Doctorate SVQ5 Post Grad Certificate/Diploma Masters Degree Ordinary or Honours Degree Graduate Diploma SVQ 4 Diploma HE Ordinary or Honours Degree SVQ 4 HNC HND SVQ3 HNC SVQ 2

Level 8

Level 11/12

Level 7

Level 11

Level 6

Level 9/10

Level 5

Level 8-10

Level 4

Level 7/8

Level 3

Level 6/7

Level 2

Level 5/6 Induction Standards For Healthcare Support Workers (HCSW)

Level 1


Appendix 3
Information on a range of sexual and reproductive health courses available from Higher Educational Institutions can be obtained by accessing the web sites listed below:

Edinburgh Napier University University of the West of Scotland Glasgow Caledonian University Email: [email protected] Glasgow Caledonian University (Postgraduate link) University of Abertay Short Courses: Queen Margaret University Robert Gordon University;


Appendix 4
The development group for the career framework for Nursing in sexual and reproductive health was facilitated by NHS Education for Scotland and comprised representation from the Lead Nurses for Sexual Health in Scotland, NHS Health Scotland and Educational Providers who deliver post registration Sexual Health Education.
Isla Barton Lynn Chalmers Cathy Courtney Alison Craig Lorna Docking Lorraine Forster Shirley Fraser Heather Gourlay Nancy Graham Denise Gray Lora Green Theodora Kwansa Margaret McArthur Jackie McFadyen Eileen McKenzie Julie McNutt Catriona Merry Martin Murchie Clodagh Ross Monica Thompson Janet Thompson Julia Trowell David Wilson Iolanda Serci Service Coordinator Senior Nurse FP Coordinator Consultant Nurse Sexual Health Lead Nurse, GUM Head of Nursing Health Improvement Programme Manager Infection Control Adviser Sexual & Reproductive Health Module Leader Education Project Manager Lead Nurse Lecturer Sexual Health Practice Development Nurse Senior Lecturer, Community School of Health Health Advisor Service Manager Sexual Health Practice Development Nurse Senior Sexual Health Advisor Lecturer/Practitioner in Sexual Health Programme Director Lecturer - Nursing and Midwifery Lead Nurse for CASH Service Senior Sexual Health Adviser Midiwfery Lecturer Tayside Sexual and Reproductive Health Services NHS Highland NHS Lanarkshire Lothian Family Planning Services NHS Lothian The Sandyford, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Health Scotland Scottish Prison Service Glasgow Caledonian University NHS Education for Scotland Lothian Family Planning Services University of Abertay Dundee Stirling Royal Infirmary University of West of Scotland Department of GUM, NHS Grampian Aberdeen City CHP NHS Ayrshire & Arran The Sandyford, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Edinburgh Napier University NHS Education for Scotland The Robert Gordon University The Beeches Centre, Forth Park Hospital, NHS Fife Coathill Hospital The Robert Gordon University


NHS Education for Scotland Thistle House 91 Haymarket Terrace Edinburgh EH12 5HE Tel: 0131 313 8000 Fax: 0131 313 8001 Email: [email protected] 44

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