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MMS Project Report Format

The document provides guidelines for writing a project report, including formatting instructions and sections to include such as the table of contents, introduction, research methodology, data analysis, findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Key sections are to include an executive summary, background and objectives of the study, research design and methodology, data collection and analysis, findings from the research, and conclusions and recommendations based on the findings. The report also provides examples of other sections like the title page, declarations, certificates, acknowledgements, references, and appendices.

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50% found this document useful (2 votes)
1K views27 pages

MMS Project Report Format

The document provides guidelines for writing a project report, including formatting instructions and sections to include such as the table of contents, introduction, research methodology, data analysis, findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Key sections are to include an executive summary, background and objectives of the study, research design and methodology, data collection and analysis, findings from the research, and conclusions and recommendations based on the findings. The report also provides examples of other sections like the title page, declarations, certificates, acknowledgements, references, and appendices.

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Format of

Project Report
(With general guidelines on how to write a Project Report)

(For the students of MMS)

Consult your Guide from time to time, as well as whenever necessary,

carry out suggested changes by your guide and then proceed for next step.
Do take signatures of your project guide as required on your progress

report sheet.
Do not include in the report the text printed in the BLUE INK. These

are simply instructions or guidelines to be used while preparing the report.

Work regularly with commitment and ensure you are following

Project Report Activity Completion Schedule and avoid last minutes' hustle.

Sasmiras Institute of Management Studies & Research


(Title Of The Project Report in CAPITAL)



Table of C O N T E N T S
Chapter No. Title Declaration from student Certificate from Company/Organisation Certificate from Guide Acknowledgement Chapter Scheme List of Tables List of Graphs List of Charts List if Abbreviations, if any Executive Summary Introduction Background of the study Background of the topic Company profile Statement of the problem Need of the study Scope of the study Objectives of the study Research Methodology Research design Primary data Secondary data Sample design Population Sample size Sampling method Method of data collection Instrument for data collection Drafting of a questionnaire Testing of Questionnaire / Pilot survey Field work Data- analysis techniques Limitations Page No. iii iv

vi vii viii ix

xi xii'
Approx No. of Pages. 10-15

I 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.6 II 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5 2.6 2.7

Approx No. of Pages. 05-07


Data Processing and Analysis Findings Conclusions Recommendations Bibliography Appendices /Annexure Questionnaire/ (s), if any List of contacts, If any The technical details of sampling plan, if any. Technical literature related to the study, if any. Others, if any

Approx No. of Pages. 20-25 Approx No. of Pages. 02-03

Approx No. of Pages. 01-02 Approx No. of Pages. 01-02


I, Mr./Ms. __________________ hereby declare that this project report is the record of authentic work carried out by me during the period from --------to----------and has not been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any degree / diploma etc.

Signature Name of the student Date


This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ---------------------------------- of Sasmiras Institute of Management Studies & Research has

successfully completed the project work titled ---------------------- in partial fulfilment of requirement for the completion MMS as prescribed by the University of Mumbai. This project report is the record of authentic work carried out by him / her during the period from ----------- to ------------- . He / She has worked under my guidance.

Signature Name Project Guide (Internal) Date :`

Counter signed by Signature Name Director

Date :


(On the letterhead of the Company/ Organisation, given and signed by the concerned authority in the Company / Organisation where student has done the Summer Training. It should also have Company/ Organisation Seal /Stamp.)


(On the letterhead of the Company/ Organisation, given and signed by the concerned authority in the Company / Organisation where student has done the Summer Training. It should also have Company/ Organisation Seal /Stamp.)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (To be written and signed by the individual student. Name and designation of the Project Guide (Internal) and Company/ Organisation Guide should be written correctly)

Chapter Scheme (To be written sequentially as they appear in the text)

Chapter No Title

Page No.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n

List of Tables (To be written sequentially as they appear in the text)

Chapter No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n


Page No.

List of Graphs (To be written sequentially as they appear in the text)

Chapter No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n Title

Page No.

List of Chart (To be written sequentially as they appear in the text)

Chapter No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n Title

Page No.

List of Abbreviations (To be written sequentially as they appear in the text)

Chapter No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n Title

Page No.

Normally it should not be more than 250 words. Write in brief about the Objectives of the study, Research: methodology used, Major findings, conclusions and recommendations.

Chapter I


1.3 Company Profile

The rule of thumb is to include what is relevant with the project on hand. Normally it should include; Name, Location and address of the Company, type of the Organisation, type of Industry, Organizational set up, Products /Services, Annual turnover, Number of employees, future plans etc.

For Project dealing with Marketing aspects;

Product: uses, prices, Brands, Present market share, After sales service, Major competitors, Major markets, Customers' profile, Distribution channels ,

Advertising/Promotion strategy, Product Life Cycle and present stage, Positioning and Branding, Segmentation, Marketing control system, Organizational set up, Marketing strategies, future plans, if any, .etc. For Project dealing with Human Resource aspects; Culture, Values/ethical values, Mission, Organizational set up, Number of employees, Job profile and responsibilities, Corporate Social Responsibly, HR practices followed (Recruitments and selection strategies, composition policies, and fringe/ non monetary benefits, appraisal, growth prospects, retention policies, career prospects, succession planning etc). For project dealing with Financial aspects; Financial performance in terms of abridged financial statements for current and preceding year/(s)( may be a published data), Important ratios: liquidity, profitability, solvency ( may be given in tabular form, no need of showing calculations), Important Auditor Comment/(s), if any, Information regarding corporate governance or CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility : ( may be found in the Annual Report), Funding structures ( i.e. Share Capital and Debt Capital composition), Market price of shares in case of a listed company, Comparative data of 52 weeks' high/ low and ratio to book value of shares plus price earning (PE), multiple. Land mark developments in the Company like mergers/acquisitions, technology tie-ups/ new issues etc.

For project dealing with Systems aspects:

Scope of the system (Basically computerization of various activities related to business functions.), Existing systems with the scope for the improvements in the current business: clerical / human errors, paper work, security, generation of reports, unstructured

/unmanageable data, Objective: (i) System Specific- Analysis & Design. (ii) General Business Analysis. where it should cover feasibility and feature study of specific system, Risk analysis, Suggestions and conclusions. Conclusions should focus on Cost estimation and suggested architecture. Specifications for Hardware (Hardware: processor, display, RAM, hard disk, other devices) and Software (Software: O.S. - XP, Vista, Front End- VB. Net, Back End - Ms Access) etc.

For project dealing with Operations Management


Productivity efficiency, Learning curve, Supply Chain Management, Material Management, Inventory Management (Material Requirement Planning), Material handling, Quality Management, Production Planning and Control, Project Management (PERT, CPM), Scheduling, Layout, Plant Location, etc.


1. Research Methodology Research Objectives Types of Research Design Data (primary and secondary) Research Instrument (if it is a questionnaire, you have to write what type of questionnaire. However, do not assume always that you need to have questionnaire to start the research. One of the greatest sins you will commit is to think designing questionnaire to start your research will convent your research putting cart before the horse.) Always remember that you need not have questionnaire to do research. You have different methods and use them to enrich your thought process.

Research Plan 2. Sample Design Sample Unit Sample frame Time and Place Type of sampling Sample Size. Determine using methods thought to you in Research Methodology.


Chapter - IV Findings

This chapter of the report describes the results of the project work related to the scope and objectives of the study. Be specific and avoid generality.

Chapter V Conclusions

Conclusions should be based on purpose, objectives and the findings of analysis relevant to the study.

Chapter - VI Recommendations

Any recommendations made by you must be based on the findings and conclusions you have made.


Works or list of the works referred in a text or consulted by you for writing report. It should be arranged in alphabetical order by name of the authors.

For Books Name of the author (Last name first), Title of the book, Edition, Year of publication, No. of Vol. (If any) Name and Place of Publisher.

Example: Kothari, C.R.: Research methodology, 3rd edition, 1997, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,

For Research Papers , Published articles. Magazines, Periodicals, Journals, Newspapers etc. Name of the author (last name first), 'Title of the article' (in quotation mark), Name of the Journals /Periodicals /Magazines etc in italics, Volume number, Year, Page Numbers Example: Wortman, Maxs (Jr.): "Entrepreneurship: An Integrating Typology and Evaluation of the Empirical Research in the field", Journal of Management, Vol. 13 (2), l967,pp259-279. Online published material on World Wide Web (Alphabetically arranged Webliosravhv)
Name of Website, Date and time of referring the Website, Name of the Author, Title /Topic



The project report should be strictly prepared according to the folio-wing guidelines.

Finalization of the Project Report

Student should obtain clearance from their respective guide before final printing of the final project report.

The size of the Paper sheet: A4 Typing should be done on one side of the paper.

Type: New Times Roman, Size: 12

Line Spacing
Body of the text: 1.5 lines

List of tables/ graphs/charts/bibliography: Single line

Title page: Centre Chapter heading: Centre Sub heading: Left Body of text: Justify

At the binding edge (Left): not less than 3 cm Other margins (Right, Top, Bottom): not less than 2 cm.

All titles and subtitles should be printed in BOLD. All the Tables/ Graphs /Charts should have appropriate titles.

Numbering of the Table / Graph/Charts

Table /Graph/ Charts should be numbered in the folio-wing fashion. Second table / Graph/ Chart in Second Chapter should be numbered as Table /Graph/Chart No 2.02 where first digit stands for Chapter No. and digits after (.) period stand for Number of Table / Graph / Charts in that chapter. Same numbering system should be folio-wed for other chapters. Table /Graph /Charts must be folio-wed by proper explanation and analysis.

Pagination (Page numbers): The Title page should not carry any page number.
For initial pages, (i.e. from Student's Declaration to Executive Summary) numbers should be given in small Roman Numbers. (Like i, ii, Hi, iv, etc.) Report should contain main page numbers (i.e. 1, 2 ...) after Executive Summary. Main page numbers should start from first page of Chapter No. 1 and will continue until last page of the report. Page numbers are to be given at the center of bottom of the page. Pages separating Chapters should not be numbered but be counted.

Binding of the report

The project should be hard bound with golden embossing as per the standard format Number of Copies to be prepared Two copies: Before submission: Students must sign Declaration and Acknowledgment before putting for the Signature of the Guide and Director.

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