The Major Research Report: Chapter I: Background of The Problem Under Study
The Major Research Report: Chapter I: Background of The Problem Under Study
After collecting the necessary information from primary and secondary sources, substantial number
of visits to select companies / organizations and administering questionnaire / Interview schedules, if
any, the students are advised to discuss with their Project Guides for necessary directions on how to
analyze the data. Based on the PROJECT GUIDE’S advice, carryout necessary tabulation of data,
application of statistical tools, testing of hypotheses if any, and then prepare a plan of chapterization
to prepare a PROJECT REPORT. Your compliance with the following format, may enrich the
quality of the Report (Please refer to your Research Methodology course material for deeper details)
Chapter III and IV: Empirical Results / Data analysis & Discussion
This chapter should contain a logical presentation of the empirical results after completing the data
analysis. This should contain neatly tabulated results, results of Hypotheses tested, graphs and
figures, if any, along with necessary interpretation. A comparison of results with earlier studies may
add novelty to the work. A detailed discussion on the basis of results of analysis should be given in
this Chapter.
Every Project work should contain a list of books consulted for the topic studied, Research Reports,
list of research articles and popular academic articles published in different journals be documented
in standard pattern. It is also better to mention the websites referred for the secondary sources of
Student’s Declaration:
In addition to the Guide’s certification, student should also give a declaration stating that the said
work is original. The Proforma of such declaration is as follows:
Students’ Declaration
I, Mr./Ms……………………….. hereby declare that the Project Work titled “A Systematic Study of
Impact of Ambient Advertising on Kids buying behaviour” is the original work done by me and
submitted to the DAVV, Indore in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of Master of
Business Administration is a record of original work done by me under the supervision of Dr / Mr.
Sri……………………….of …………………………………… (Organization of the guide)
I hereby declare that this work can be used by supervisor/guide for academic purpose.
Enroll No:
Signature of the Student
Executive Summary:
It is preferable to have one page write up about the work, objectives, sample, broad observations
made by the candidates in a summarized form. This executive summary should be comprehensive
and able to reflect the entire work in a capsule form.
Table of Contents:
Table of contents gives an index of major chapters of the thesis; the introduction, different chapters
with sub sections, bibliography and appendices along with their page numbers in the report. The titles
of the chapters generally should provide a sequence of logical order of presentation made by the
student. While first couple of chapters provides the setting of the problem, the later chapters should
concentrate on the analysis carried out to examine the objectives of the study. The initial pages like
Acknowledgements, List of tables, List of Figures, Bibliography and Appendices are numbered in
lower case Roman letters and the Page numbers of all Chapters are given in regular numbers. It is
customary to specify the Chapter numbers with Roman Capitals.
Introductory Chapters: First one or two chapters are called Introductory Chapters. The student
should provide the setting of the problem of study in these chapters. While first chapter is to give
brief background of the problem, review of different studies, objectives and methodology adopted,
sample drawn, data sources, tools of analysis, hypothesis formulated for testing and broad limitations
of the study, the second chapter concentrates on the brief profile of the sample units / respondents
and likely influence of these characteristics on the problem under study.
The third and fourth chapters naturally have to concentrate on data analysis, interpretation of
results, discussion based on observations made, results of hypothesis tested.
The last chapter i.e., summary and conclusions is to start with a brief summary of the problem
understudy, sample and methodology, objectives and then summarize the observations made in
earlier analysis chapter. A brief summary of discussion on the basis of results and major implications
to be listed out. Then the report should go for making major suggestions for any improvement
required in the policies and procedures followed by the enterprise under study.
Published Journal Articles: In case of Published Journal article, the logical order of citing a
reference is, first authors name, title of the research paper, name of the journal (to be underlined),
year of publication, volume number and issue number, year of publication and the pages of the said
article in the given Journal. E.g.:
1. Anand, M ., Ajay Arora., “Economic Value Added: Business Performance Measure of Share
Holder Value”, The Management Accountant, , Vol. 25, No: 4, May 1999, p.25
2. Banerjee, Ashok and Jain S C., “Financial Variables: Measuring Performance”, Chartered
Accountant, Vol. LX., No: 2, Feb 1999, pp. 65-73
Published Research Books: In case of Published books the logical order is to start with author (s),
year of publication, title of the book (to be underlined), name of the publisher, place of publication
and page number refered. For example,
1. James R Gregory. (2004),“The Best of Branding: Best Practices in Corporate Branding”, Tata
Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, New Delhi, pp. 24-37
2. Sharma, DD.(2004), “Total Quality Management : Principles, Practice and Cases”, Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi, pp. 312 – 325
(The students should take utmost care that the citation in the text must match with the citation in the
Appendices refer to the annexure enclosed to the report. These enclosures help the reader of the
report to refer in case of any clarity required on the type of instrument used by you in eliciting the
information from the respondents, etc. Usually, the appendices contain a copy of the questionnaire
administered in the study, published raw data collected and used in the study, etc. Some times, large
tables and checklists of the study are generally given in appendix to provide greater continuity to the
study report for a reader.