Thermal Energy Q (EDITED)

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A valid set of units for specific heat capacity is 1 1 1 A kg J K B kg J K 3 3 1 1 JK 1


kg J

An ideal gas is contained in a volume of 2.0 10 m . (a) Explain why the internal energy of an ideal gas is only kinetic.

(2) (b) The pressure of the gas is 1.2 10 Pa and its temperature is 27 C. Calculate the number of molecules of gas within this container. 5


(a) (b)

What is meant by the absolute zero of temperature? (i)

(2) (1)

The Football Association rules require a football to have a maximum volume of 3 3 5 5 5.8 10 m and a maximum pressure of 1.1 10 Pa above atmospheric pressure (1.0 10 Pa). Assuming that the thickness of the material used for the ball is negligible and that the air inside the ball is at a temperature of 10 C, show that the maximum amount of air inside the football is about 0.5 mol.

(4) (ii) One mole of air has a mass of 0.029 kg. Calculate the maximum mass of air allowed in the football. (1) (iii) A football is also required to have a minimum pressure 0.6 10 Pa above atmospheric pressure. Assuming the volume of the football remains constant, calculate the lowest temperature to which the air inside this ball could fall to while still meeting the pressure requirements. 5

(3) 4. A problem with warming milk in a saucepan is that it can suddenly boil over if it is not watched carefully. A student decides to take some measurements to find the time it takes for the milk to reach a temperature of 96 C so he can be ready for it without having to keep a constant watch. (a) The student first uses an electric hotplate to warm a saucepan of water from room temperature to 96 C. He measures the time taken to be 347 s. He calculates the heat energy gained by the water to be 1.63 105 J. Show that the rate at which heat energy is supplied to the water by the electric hotplate is about 500W. (2) (b) The student then uses the following data to calculate the time taken for milk taken from a refrigerator to reach the temperature of 96 C. mass of milk = 0.44 kg initial temperature of milk = 12 C desired final temperature of milk = 96 C 1 1 specific heat capacity of milk = 3800 J kg C (i) 5 Show that the heat energy the milk needs to gain is about 1 10 J.

(2) (ii) Calculate the time it would take for the milk to reach the temperature of 96 C. Assume that the student uses the same hotplate as in (a).

(2) (c) The student warms up the milk and is surprised when the time taken is exactly the time calculated. He had expected it to take longer because of heat losses. (i) Explain why he might expect it to take longer. (1) (ii) Suggest why the calculated time was the same as the actual time. (1) 5. In a radio programme about space tourism, the presenter says that the Earths atmosphere stops 100 km above the surface. A student decides to put this claim to the test, initially applying the following equation to gas molecules at this height:

1 3 m c 2 = kT 2 2
where k is the Boltzmann constant. (a) (i) State the meanings of the other symbols used in the equation. m ....................................................................................................................... 2 c .................................................................................................................... T ....................................................................................................................... (3) (ii) (iii) What physical quantity does each side of the equation represent? (1) Calculate a value for the velocity of an oxygen molecule at this height, where the temperature is 50 C. 26 Mass of oxygen molecule = 5.4 10 kg

(2) 6. (a) Describe how the concept of an absolute zero of temperature arises from (i) the ideal gas laws, (2) (ii) the kinetic model of an ideal gas.

(2) (b) (c) Name the temperature scale based on absolute zero. (1) The oven of a cooker has a volume of 0.10 m . The air in the oven is at normal atmospheric pressure, 1.0 10 Pa. (i) Calculate the mass of air in the oven at 27 C. 1 mole of air has a mass of 0.029 kg. 3 5

(4) (ii) When the oven is heated the pressure of the air in the oven stays at atmospheric pressure but the density of the air changes. Calculate the ratio of the density of air at 227 C to its density at 27 C.

(3) 7. The presence of people in a room warms the air in the room. Use these figures to answer the questions below. Mass of air in room = 740 kg Number of people in room = 27 Rate of thermal output from each person = 80 W 1 1 Specific heat capacity of air = 960 J kg C Calculate the amount of thermal energy the people in the room are providing each second. (1) During the first 40 minutes that the people are in the room no window is open. Show that the temperature of the air might rise by about 7 C.

(3) Explain whether the actual rise in temperature (with no window open) is likely to be more or less than your answer above. (2) The room can be maintained at a steady temperature by having a window open, so that warm air from inside changes places with colder air from outside. The desired temperature difference between the air inside and outside the room is 8 C. 1 Show that the air must be exchanged through the open window at a rate of about 0.3 kg s to maintain this steady temperature difference within the room. (2) Calculate how long it will take at this rate to exchange all the air in the room. (1) 8. An office is cooled by water flowing through pipes. The complete system extracts heat from the building at a rate of 35 kW. The water flowing through the building is warmed through a temperature difference of 5 C. State how much heat energy is extracted from the building in one second. (1) Calculate the mass of water flowing through the system in 1 s. Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg 1 C 1 .

(3) In an energy efficient office, the cooling water is pumped using energy from an array of solar cells. Explain one reason why solar cells are suitable for this purpose. (1) 9. A student about to fill a paddling pool for her younger brother noticed that the water left in the hose-pipe had already been warmed by the sun. She carried out an experiment to find the efficiency of this method of solar heating. She cut a short length of hose-pipe and filled it with water from the cold tap. After taking the initial temperature she plugged both ends and placed the hose-pipe in the sunlight. She measured the temperature of the water at regular intervals for 1 hour during which time the amount of sunlight was constant. The graph shows her results.


25 T e m p e ra tu re / C



10 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 T im e / s 3000 3500 4000

Explain the shape of the graph. (2) Use the graph to show that the initial rate of temperature increase was about 0.01 C s1.

(3) Hence calculate the maximum amount of thermal energy gained by the water in one second. Mass of water in hose-pipe = 0.130 kg Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg1 C1

(2) The area of hose-pipe exposed to the solar radiation was 0.015 m2. At the time of the experiment the power delivered by the solar radiation to an area of 1.0 m2 was 500 W. Calculate the initial efficiency of this process of heating water by solar energy.

(3) The student noticed that she spilled a small amount of water each time she removed the stopper to measure the temperature of the water. State and explain the effect this would have on the calculated value of efficiency. (2) 10. A uniform thin tube, sealed at one end, contains a thread of mercury which traps a column of dry air. The other end of the tube is open to the atmosphere.

U n ifo rm th in tu b e 2 4 .0 c m M e rc u ry th re a d

U n if o rm th in tu b e T ra p p e d d ry a ir

M e rc u ry th re a d L T ra p p e d d ry a ir

U p rig h t tu b e

I n v e rte d tu b e

The length of the column of air changes when the tube is inverted. In each case the thread of mercury exerts a pressure of 5 5 0.20 10 Pa and atmospheric pressure is 1.00 10 Pa. What is the pressure of the trapped dry air (i) when the tube is upright? ..................................................................................................................................... (ii) when the tube is inverted? ..................................................................................................................................... (2) The final length of the column of air is 24.0 cm. Calculate the initial length L in centimetres, when the tube is upright.

(3) What assumption did you make about the dry air?

11. Two physics teachers are getting hot drinks from a drinks machine. One teacher suggests that the machine must contain a reservoir of hot water. The other teacher says that there isnt room to store water inside the machine. He suggests that the water must come from the mains water supply and be heated by a heater in the machine, as it is needed. The teachers take the following measurements to decide who is correct. Mass of water in cup = 0.20 kg Room temperature = 22C Temperature of water in cup = 75C Time to fill cup = 6.0 s (Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg1 C1) Calculate the energy required to heat the water for one cup.

(3) The drinks machine is marked 2500 W. Calculate the maximum thermal energy which the heater could supply in the time it takes to fill the cup.

(2) Explain which suggestion is most likely to be correct. (1) Heat losses were not considered. What would be the effect on the energy required to heat the water for one cup if heat losses were considered? (1) 12. A scientist was investigating the effects of extreme pressure, as might be experienced deep in the ocean. He used a polystyrene cup in his investigation and a total pressure of 3.5 107 Pa was applied to it, squashing the cup. The volume of the air in the cups polystyrene bubbles was originally 7 105 m3. Calculate the new volume in the bubbles in the squashed cup. Assume that the temperature remains constant. Atmospheric pressure = 1.0 105 Pa.

(3) State one other assumption made in the calculation above. (1) In reality, the temperature drops when going down into the ocean from 25C at the surface to 10C at the depth modelled in the experiment. Calculate the percentage change in the average kinetic energy of the air molecules as a result of this temperature change.

(3) 13. This question is about a bubble of air which is breathed out by a deep sea diver. Write down the equation of state for an ideal gas. ............................................................................................................................................... (1) By making a suitable estimate, calculate the number of moles of air contained in the bubble which has a volume of 20 cm 3 at the surface of the sea. Assume the pressure inside the bubble is 1 105 Pa.

(3) State what would happen to the volume of this bubble if the water were colder. (1) 14. If you want to investigate how the pressure of the gas depends on the volume of the gas, two variables must be kept constant. What are they? (2) Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus you would use.


How would you process the readings you have taken in order to produce the graph shown above? Label both axes on the graph.

(2) 15. The diagram shows a warmer for a babys bottle. The milk bottle is surrounded by water which is heated by an electrical heating element. Katherine and John conducted an investigation into the heating of a babys milk bottle. The mass of milk in the bottle was 0.20 kg. They used temperature sensors and a datalogger to record the temperature of the milk in the bottle and the water surrounding it at intervals of 5 s until the desired temperature of 38.5 C was reached. The table below gives some of their results. Time /s Water in bottle warmer Milk temperature /C temperature /C 0 13.0 13.5 30 13.0 16.0 60 13.0 26.5 90 15.0 33.0 120 16.5 39.0 150 18.5 44.0 180 20.0 49.0 210 23.0 54.0 240 24.0 58.5

270 300 330 360 390 420

28.5 31.5 34.5 35.5 37.5 38.5

61.5 64.5 68.0 71.0 72.0 72.0

The power of the electrical heating element is 140 W. Show that the total electrical energy supplied in heating the milk to the required temperature is about 60 000 J. (2) Calculate the total thermal energy transferred to the milk. (Specific heat capacity of milk is 390 J kg1 C1) (2) Calculate the efficiency of the bottle warmer when heating milk. (2) It would be more efficient to put the heating element in the milk. Explain why. (1) With reference to the results for temperature, explain why using the bottle warmer is preferred, despite the reduction in efficiency. (1) 16. The diagram shows apparatus which could be used to check the shape of your graph.
K now n m ass P is to n C la m p S y r in g e

V o lu m e s c a le

A ir C lo s e d ta p

How would you calculate the pressure of the air in the syringe?

(2) Suggest one possible source of error in this experiment, other than errors in scale readings. (1) 17. According to kinetic theory, the pressure p of an ideal gas is given by the equation 1 2 p = 3 c 2 where is the gas density and c is the mean squared speed of the molecules. Express in terms of the number of molecules N, each of mass m, in a volume V. (1) It is assumed in kinetic theory that the mean kinetic energy of a molecule is proportional to kelvin temperature T. Use this assumption, and the equation above, to show that under certain conditions p is proportional to T.

(2) State the conditions under which p is proportional to T.

(2) A bottle of gas has a pressure of 303 kPa above atmospheric pressure at a temperature of 0C. The bottle is left outside on a very sunny day and the temperature rises to 35C. Given that atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa, calculate the new pressure of the gas inside the bottle.

(3) 18. A quantity of air is contained in a gas-tight syringe. The piston is clamped so that the volume of the air is fixed at 50 cm . 5 When the air is at 0 C its pressure is 1.00 10 Pa. The apparatus is now heated to 100 C. Calculate the pressure of the air at 100 C. (2) On the axes below draw a graph to show how the air pressure varies with temperature over the range 0 C to 100 C. Label your graph A. 3

P r e s s u r e /1 0 5P a

0 0 20 40 60 80 100

T e m p e ra tu re / C
(2) The piston is pushed in until the air volume is 25 cm . The piston is then clamped. On the same axes draw a second graph, labelled B, to show how the pressure would now vary over the same temperature range. (2) 3

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