Charles Judy Synastry Primer

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The key takeaways are that astrological aspects between planets in different charts can indicate compatibility and challenges in relationships. Planets symbolize different facets of life, and their positions in each other's charts impact how people affect areas like emotions, ambitions, and illusions.

Aspects like trines and sextiles between planets generally indicate compatibility, while squares and oppositions can be more challenging. Conjunctions can go either way depending on the planets. The text provides some examples of how specific aspects may play out interpersonally.

The document provides a brief overview of the areas each planet rules, like the sun representing the ego and identity, the moon representing emotions and family, and Venus representing relationships, aesthetics, and values.

Charles & Judy

Part One -- Planets and Aspects

!Each of us has every planet in his or her chart. Each planet symbolizes a different facet of life. In synastry, when we compare two charts, we look at the aspects (distance in degrees) between the planets of one chart and the planets of the other to determine areas of potential ease or difficulty. In general, sextiles and trines are easy aspects; squares and oppositions are challenging or dynamic aspects. Conjunctions can be either easy or difficult, depending on the planets involved. !Below, a brief (necessarily incomplete) description of the areas of life ruled by each of the planets: SUN: The life force, the ego center, who you are at your core. MOON: Feelings, home, mother, family, sensitivity, nurturing, moods. MERCURY: Communication, schooling, short trips, negotiations, the mind. VENUS: Emotions, asthetic and artistic sense, what you have to offer a lover or partner if youre a woman; what you want in a partner if youre a man. MARS: Aggression, desires, competitiveness, ego drive, conflict, what you bring to a relationship if youre a man; what you want if youre a woman. JUPITER: Expansion, generosity, travel, optimism, knowledge, beliefs. SATURN: Restrictions, discipline, fear, burdens, status, ambition, authority. URANUS: Innovativeness, quirkiness, rebelliousness. NEPTUNE: Dreams, illusions, drugs, deception, spirituality. PLUTO: Death and regeneration, elimination, tumultuous change, power.

Common Aspects Sun trine Sun

` S `

!This is one of the better indications of compatibility. You tend to be on the same wavelength in many areas of life. You probably felt immediately at ease with one another when you met, and continue to be on a harmonious wavelength. This aspect tends to make for a comfortable relationship, as a rule, regardless of any other negative influences that may also impact on your pairing. You can support each other in your individual objectives and cooperate together in joint endeavors. About the only negative thing you can say for this trine is that it almost makes things too easy between you, so that you dont feel challenged to grow as individuals.

Venus trine Venus

c S c

!Favorable for virtually any relationship, this trine makes it very easy for you
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to be together. You are likely to be emotionally compatible and to have harmonious tastes in fashion, art and music. Youll also tend to enjoy similar pleasures. People with this trine between their charts tend to be attuned to and considerate of each others emotions. The only downside: you can bring out each others lazy and/or extravagant tendencies.

Mars square Pluto

d T i

!Because Pluto spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few years of each other will have Pluto in more or less the same position. This square is therefore more significant as an indicator of the Mars persons response to an entire generation than as an indication of one-to-one relationship traits. If the aspect is within a degree or so of exact, there are likely to be intense power struggles between you. The Mars person will resent any attempt of the Pluto person to control or manipulate. The Pluto person may find the Mars person lacking in finesse or staying power and may try to make him or her over.

Neptune trine Neptune

h S h

!This is a generational aspect, and is not particularly significant in one-to-one relationships. There is a great difference in your ages but your generations tend to hold compatible views on issues of compassion, charity, idealism , drug use, imagination and spiritual/religious values.

Charles Dickenss Planets Aspecting Judy Garlands Planets Sun sextile Mars
` V d

!You are likely to bring out the energetic side in each other and to be able to get a great deal done when together. You can cooperate in challenging situations and help each other compete. Although any pairing of these two planets can occasionally bring out a competitive streak in the people involved, with this particular aspect, it usually indicates, at most, an enjoyment of friendly competition, such as in sports or other physical activities.

Sun opposite Neptune

` R h

!Because Neptune spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few years of each other will have Neptune in more or less the same position. This opposition is therefore more significant as an indication of the Sun persons response to an entire generation than as a trait in a one-to-one
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personal relationship. If the aspect is within a degree or so of exact, it can indicate that the Neptune person will either open up the Sun persons viewpoint to imaginative , charitable and, in some cases, spiritual possibilities or it can show that the two of you may clash over issues of idealism, romanticism and spirituality. There may also be a strong element of fantasy in the relationship if the aspect is very close.

Moon square Uranus

a T g

!This is likely to be somewhat uncomfortable emotionally, although it may be quite exciting. You may suddenly have become attracted to one another because of some fascinating difference between you, which may also cause you to to suddenly call it quits, if there arent other strong positive aspects that lend stability. There is a strong potential here for emotional impulsiveness and perhaps even explosiveness. Rash emotional behavior is not uncommon with this square.

Moon trine Neptune

a S h

!Because Neptune spends so much time in each sign, this trine is more significant as an indicator of the Moon persons response to an entire generation than as indication of one-to-one relationship traits. If the aspect is within a degree or so of exact, there is the possibility of a strong intuitive link between you, so that you may be able to sense each others feelings and even, under some circumstances, thoughts. You are likely to be highly attuned to each others moods, needs and concerns and to have a strong sense of sympathy and empathy for each other. You may bring out the latent urges in each other to nurture and help others.

Mercury opposite Venus

b R c

!While there may be some differences in the way you each approach finance, study, communication and entertainment, you will probably be able to find a middle ground that is acceptable to you both . The Mercury person may occasionally seem insensitive or overly concerned with the rational aspects of life to the Venus person while the Venus person may occasionally come across to the Mercury person as self-indulgent or overly emotional. Nevertheless, this aspect is not potent enough, in itself, to cause real problems between you.

Venus square Mars

c T d

!This aspect is one of the strongest indicators of a dynamic sexual attraction between two people. Its such a powerful aspect in fact, that even when the
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two planets are considered out of orb (meaning that the aspect is more than 10 degrees from an exact square) it tends to have an impact (although this impact is weakened considerably when the square is out of sign). While some astrologers see this aspect as potentially problematic(because of the tensions associated with the square aspect and the differing expressions of the two planets involved) the positives usually far outweigh the negatives. There may occasionally be irritations because what the Mars person demands may not always be what the Venus person has to offer. But between two mature individuals this can allow for mutual and individual growth. Minor problems often tend to get worked out through sexual encounters; this is a great kiss-and-make-up kind of aspect.

Venus conjunct Uranus

c Q g

!Electrifying, exciting and unusual relationships are typical where Venus meets Uranus. But stability is usually lacking. The Uranus person may feel fascinated by, and magnetically drawn to, the Venus person, but may lose interest if the Venus person gets too emotionally demanding. The Venus person may find the Uranus person exciting, but perhaps a bit too distant or detached for permanent involvement . There is still the potential for a solid relationship, though you should give any pairing with this aspect time to prove its staying power before making permanent commitments. It also tends to work out better if you allow each other plenty of freedom.

Venus conjunct Midheaven

c Q r

!This is an excellent aspect to have betwen two people who are involved in professional or business dealings together. The Midheaven person may provide the Venus person with greater security while the Venus persons social contacts and social skills can help advance the Midheaven persons status and professional ambitions.

Mars opposite Jupiter

d R e

!There can be a lot of exuberance with this comparative aspect, but there is also the potential for you to waste energy, activity and resources together. When you get along, you should have lots of good times together, but when its not working as well, you can spur each other on to excess, and then blame each other for the results. The Mars person may sometimes seem too aggressive, impulsive or inconsiderate to the Jupiter person . The Jupiter person may occasionally come across as pompous or holier than thou to the Mars person.

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Mars conjunct South Node

d Q k

!This is not a particularly strong influence, but when it operates, there are some potential problems to note. The South Node person may impede the Mars persons ability to take action and may be somewhat of a drain on that energy. The Mars person can potentially encourage the South Node person to take ill-considered action or to follow the path of least resistance, which may have unpleasant consequences down the road.

Pluto conjunct Midheaven

i Q r

!Because Pluto is in the same sign for 12-31 years, the Midheaven person will have more or less the same reaction to the Pluto influence as all those of the Pluto persons generation. If this is a very close conjunction (within a degree) each of you can have a powerful influence on the others career and/or status for better or worse. There would be, in that case, the likelihood of professional power struggles, manipulation and envy.

Judy Garlands Planets Aspecting Charles Dickenss Planets Sun square Venus
` T c

!This square is typically an indication of attraction, although there may be some friction. Yet, this friction is usually mild and may only add to the sexual tension between partners, which aint all that bad. The Sun persons assertiveness may occasionally be felt as pushiness by the Venus person and the Venus person may sometimes seem oversensitive to the Sun person.

Sun square Pluto

` T i

!Because Pluto spends so many years in each sign, everyone born within a few years of each other will have Pluto in more or less the same position. This square is therefore more an indication of the Sun persons response to an entire generation than an indicator of one-to-one relationship traits. If the aspect is within a degree or so of exact, there can be intense struggles for authority and control between you. You may see each other as threats to your personal power or there may be jealousy, envy and scheming.

Sun conjunct Midheaven

` Q r

!Relationships with this aspect often begin with some professional or business connection, or else, they may focus on the career of one or both partners. The Sun person can aid the Midheaven persons advance in career and status; the Midheaven person may feel there is a fated quality to the
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relationship, especially if this is a close conjunction. There is a slight danger that you will feel professional rivalry with one another. This can actually work to your advantage if you keep it under control, as youre likely to both benefit from trying harder.

Moon opposite Jupiter

a R e

!With this generally harmonious comparative aspect between your charts, each of you is likely to feel generous and emotionally supportive toward the other. The Moon person can nurture and encourage the Jupiter persons idealistic side and the Jupiter person is likely to be generous and tolerant, even if the Moon person gets into an occasional snit. The negative potentials: you may be so tolerant and indulgent of each other that you encourage each other in unwise activities, extravagance, over indulgence and excessive emotionalism.

Mercury conjunct Jupiter

b Q e

!The two of you are likely to have an intellectual rapport and share a similar educational perspective. This tendency to be on the same wavelength mentally means that your conversations will be stimulating and enjoyable, although you may find yourselves in agreement so often that you will need outside influences to explore new territory. The Jupiter person can bring broader perspectives and a more expansive point of view to the Mercury person; while the Mercury person can get the Jupiter person out of his or her ivory tower and into the daily fray. You may travel quite a bit together. But, even if you dont get the opportunity to get away much, when you do travel as a team, youre likely to accentuate each others enjoyment of the experience.

Venus trine Pluto

c S i

!Because Pluto spends so many years in each sign, this trine is more significant as an indicator of the Venus persons response to an entire generation than as an indication of one-to-one relationship traits. If the aspect is within a degree or so of exact, , it may show that this is an intensely emotional relationship where each of you feel that you were somehow destined for each other.

Mars opposite Midheaven

d R r

!This is more a conjunction of the Midheaven persons Fourth House cuspthe house ruling home, mother and domesticity - with Mars, rather than a true opposition. With energetic Mars tweaking this area of the chart, you can
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bet that if you live under the same roof, you are probably going to get a great deal done in and around the home - as a great deal of your energy will be focused there. You may find you have a disproportionate number of disagreements over the relative importance of domestic/emotional versus career issues with this comparative aspect. It may also be difficult to establish a relaxed domestic situation.

Uranus square Neptune

g T h

!This is a generational aspect, which has little bearing in one-to-one relationships. You may have conflicting or differing attitudes toward issues of social, spiritual and humanitarian issues, but these are unlikely to have a detrimential effect on a personal relationship.

Uranus conjunct Pluto

g Q i

!As this is a conjunction of two slow moving planets, each of which will occupy a single sign for many years, this aspect is more significant for showing how generations relate to each other than as an indicator of personal relationship traits. It can indicate shared generational concerns regarding social change or revolutionary ideas.

Part Two -- Planets in Houses

!This section is concerned with where the planets of one partner fall in the houses of the other, also known as comparative house placement. For instance, if you have 12 degrees Cancer rising (also known as Cancer Ascendant or Cancer on the first house cusp) and your partner has Moon in 15 degrees Cancer, your partners Moon falls in your first house. Your experience of your partners emotions, family and moods (Moon) will influence how you see yourself (Ascendant). In comparative house placement analysis, the planets generally have a greater impact on the houses than the houses do on the planets. In other words, where your partners planets fall in your houses is a better indication of how you experience him or her than vice-versa. And where your planets fall in his or her houses will tell more about how he or she experiences you.

Judy Garlands Planets Aspecting Charles Dickenss Houses HOUSE ONE

!This is the house of self expression. The sign on the cusp of this house is called your rising sign or Ascendant. It shows your self image, the face you
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show the world and how others see you. The image you present can either be quite close to or very different from the inner you, depending on whether your Ascendant is in a sign that is similar or different in characteristics to the signs your Sun and Moon are in. When the planets of your partner or another fall into this, your most personal house, you will relate to the energies of that person, represented by those planets, in a very personal and immediate way; there may be a kind of instant recognition between you in these areas. For instance, if the Mercury of another person (which rules communications, short trips, thoughts, worries, and work, among other issues) falls into your first house, you may find that you instantly recognize, and/or identify with, the ways that person communicates or the ideas he or she has.

Jupiter in House 1

e in 1st !The Jupiter person can have a positive impact on the first house persons self-image, optimism and confidence. The Jupiter person is likely to show generosity, tolerance, and occasionally, indulgence toward the first house person. If there are harsh major aspects from Jupiter to the first house persons chart, the Jupiter person may encourage the first house person in unrealistic or overly idealistic pursuits, or may be overly tolerant of the first house persons bad habits.

Saturn in House 1

f in 1st !This placement shows that this is likely to be a serious relationship. The Saturn person will elicit feelings of responsibility, discipline and practicality in the first house person. This can either be an important, constructive partnership or it can feel oppressive and too fraught with obligation and restriction. If it is the latter, it will probably be because there are major harsh aspects from Saturn to the first house persons chart, or because there are other major negative factors in the chart comparison.

!The fourth house rules the home, real estate, your mother (and your mothering instincts), as well as home, domestic and family situations in general. It is also the house ruling your final resting place. Those whose planets fall in your fourth house will affect you on a deep level, and may arouse your protective and nurturing instincts. If the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter or Ascendant of another falls in your fourth house, you may make good housemates or domestic partners.

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Moon in House 4

a in 4th !This is a particularly favorable placement for those living under the same roof. There is probably a strong identification between you on an emotional level, with the potential for great empathy, or even an intuitive link. You can nurture each other and be protective of one another, but you can also exacerbate each others moodiness. Youre likely to depend on each other for emotional security and may retreat into a cocoon together -- in a kind of you and me against the world response -- when things arent going your way.

Mars in House 4

d in 4th !The Mars person has the potential to stir up or upset the fourth house persons family or domestic situation and feelings. This is often a difficult placement for those living under the same roof as the Mars person can be selfish or argumentative about shared domestic responsibilites. The placement works best when youre doing something active regarding home or real estate together.

!The morning after the partying of the fifth house, youve got to get back down to business, and thats what the sixth house is about. It rules work, health, service, worries, diet, dress, personal habits and other mundane, but necessary details of life. When someone elses planets fall into your sixth house, the energies of those planets will affect the way you respond to the above sixth house issues. If, for instance, someones Saturn is in your sixth house, he or she might be an authority (Saturn rules authority figures) who you consult about health, such as a doctor; or he or she might be your boss at work.

Uranus in House 6

g in 6th !The Uranus person is likely to have a surprising effect on the sixth house persons work situation, health habits or dress. The Uranus person may introduce the sixth house person to different attitudes concerning diet, work or fitness.

!Achievement, professional life, authority, status and ambition are all governed by the tenth house, also known as the Midheaven. This is also the house that represents your father, just as the fourth house represents your
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mother. (Please note: in some families, where the mother was the dominant parent, or the father was the greater nurturer of the two, the house rulership works better in reverse, with the fourth representing the father; the tenth the mother. Usually, however, the traditional rulership works best. ) When the planets of another person fall in your tenth house, the energies of those planets will affect the way you respond to tenth house issues. For instance, if someones Mars, the planet of competitiveness and aggression, falls here, you might find yourself in professional competition with him or her.

Sun in House 10

` in 10th

!This is a potent position for the Sun and may indicate that this is a relationship with a highly developed sense of purpose or destiny. You are likely to feel responsible toward, and loyal to each other. You may also be particularly careful to behave in a principled manner toward each other. The Sun person can have a powerful effect on tenth house persons status, profession and reputation, more so the closer the Sun is to a conjunction with the tenth house cusp . There is some potential for discord arising from a need to balance home and career issues, but this will probably not be pronounced unless supported by other comparative aspects. There is also the potential for competition between the two of you in professional and business matters.

Mercury in House 10

b in 10th !This placement tends to be favorable for business partnerships. The Mercury persons words and ideas are likely to have an impact on the tenth house persons career or status, and the tenth house person can help the Mercury person get greater recognition for his or her ideas. If there are harsh aspects from Mercury to the tenth house persons chart, there is a slight danger that the Mercury persons words will have a negative effect on the tenth house persons ambitions, or that the Mercury person will be overly critical of the tenth house persons career, professional achievements or ambitions.

Venus in House 10

c in 10th !With this placement, the Venus persons social skills and contacts can help improve the status and professional standing of the tenth house person. This trait is accentuated if Venus is within a degree or two of the tenth house cusp. The tenth house persons professional standing can, in return, improve the Venus persons security and comfort. If Venus makes any major negative aspects to the tenth house persons chart, he or she may encourage the tenth
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house person to spend unwisely on luxuries that denote status; or to make a show of status and wealth.

Pluto in House 10

i in 10th !If Pluto is closely conjunct the tenth house cusp, the Pluto person can help the tenth house person focus on ambitions and achieve more personal power and authority. A close conjunction can also indicate power struggles between the partners, especially in professional matters.

!Friends, acquaintances, associates, associations, clubs, and virtually any other group you feel a part of are all matters related to the eleventh house. This is also the house governing your hopes, wishes and professional values (personal values are matters of the second house). When someone elses planets fall here in your chart, the energies of those planets will affect your reactions to eleventh house issues. For instance, if a friends Pluto, the planet of power, falls in your eleventh, your association with that person can potentially bring you greater power and control.

Neptune in House 11

h in 11th !Its likely that this relationship has a basis in friendship and idealism. This combination is favorable for relationships where the partners are involved in groups or organizations with humanitarian, spiritual or socially uplifting goals . You may feel that this is a dream-come-true kind of relationship. However there is the potential for disillusionment if you refuse to see each other as you really are, warts and all.

Charles Dickenss Planets in Judy Garlands Houses HOUSE FIVE

!Some astrologers refer to the fifth as the party house, and its an apt description. The fifth house presides over entertainment and fun of all kinds; including romance, gambling, parties, creativity and pleasure in general. It is also the house of children, and may describe certain traits of your first child. When the planets of another fall into your fifth house, the energies of these planets will have an affect on what you do, think and feel about fifth house issues. If someones Sun falls into your fifth house, for instance, you may be attracted to that person as a romantic partner or as someone to simply go out and have good times with.
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Uranus in House 5

g in 5th !The Uranus person is likely to have a powerful, magnetic attraction for the fifth house person. This is often a love-at-first-sight placement, but not usually an indication of a stable relationship, unless other chart factors show staying power. You are likely to enjoy unusual activities together, in and out of the bedroom.

!The morning after the partying of the fifth house, youve got to get back down to business, and thats what the sixth house is about. It rules work, health, service, worries, diet, dress, personal habits and other mundane, but necessary details of life. When someone elses planets fall into your sixth house, the energies of those planets will affect the way you respond to the above sixth house issues. If, for instance, someones Saturn is in your sixth house, he or she might be an authority (Saturn rules authority figures) who you consult about health, such as a doctor; or he or she might be your boss at work.

Moon in House 6

a in 6th !This comparative placement often occurs when a relationship centers around a workplace, health club, medical office; any place or in any situation where a service is rendered. The moods of the Moon person can have an impact on the sixth house persons sense of well-being. The rules and methods of the sixth house person can affect the emotions of the Moon person. There may be problems arising from a difference in approach to neatness, hygiene or organization.

Saturn in House 6

f in 6th !The Saturn person can help the sixth house person focus on occupational responsibilities, but there may be too much emphasis on obligation and not enough on relaxation. This tends to promote an all work and no play scenario. It can occasionally indicate that restrictions or other problems in the relationship cause a detrimental effect on the sixth house persons nerves or digestion, but usually only if other factors support this.

Neptune in House 6

h in 6th !The Neptune person can inspire the sixth house person to strive toward an ideal in work, health, fitness, diet or dress. However, if Neptune makes any
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harsh major aspects to the sixth house persons planets, you may encourage each other either to have unrealistic expectations in these areas or to do things regarding the above in ways that are not in your best interests.

!The seventh, also known as the Descendant, is the house of marital and other partners. It is exactly opposite the first house, which represents you. As the old saying goes: opposites attract. The seventh is also the first of the houses above the horizon in your chart, and is the beginning of that part of the chart which represents your dealings with the public. When the planets of another person are in this house, the energies of those planets will have an impact on your seventh house issues. For instance, if someones Moon is in your seventh, that persons emotional make-up and nurturing instincts are likely to be in sync with those you would want in a partner.

Mercury in House 7

b in 7th !There is probably going to be a lot of thought and discussion about the relationship itself with this comparative placement. There may be a tendency to continually analyze the relationship, especially by the Mercury person. The Mercury persons ideas are likely to influence how the seventh house person sees relationships in general, and this relationship in particular.

!The ninth house is directly opposite the third in your chart and represents a higher order of some of the issues governed by the third house. Foreign travel or other long trips, higher learning, philosophy, culture, religion, law and book publishing are all matters related to this house. When the planets of another person fall into your ninth house, the energies of those planets can affect how you respond to ninth house issues. For instance, if a friends Uranus, the planet of innovation and surprises, falls in your ninth, he or she might introduce you to a new philosophical system or a new way of thinking about situations or events; or he/she might be the perfect traveling companion for an adventurous trip.

Sun in House 9

` in 9th

!The Sun person can have a rousing effect on the ninth house persons sense of adventure and need to explore -- either intellectually or actively. The Sun persons philosophy, beliefs and knowledge are likely to have an impact on the way the ninth house person views the world. You can spur each other to
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greater ideas, and can cover a lot of territory, mentally and physically, through association with each other.

!Achievement, professional life, authority, status and ambition are all governed by the tenth house, also known as the Midheaven. This is also the house that represents your father, just as the fourth house represents your mother. (Please note: in some families, where the mother was the dominant parent, or the father was the greater nurturer of the two, the house rulership works better in reverse, with the fourth representing the father; the tenth the mother. Usually, however, the traditional rulership works best. ) When the planets of another person fall in your tenth house, the energies of those planets will affect the way you respond to tenth house issues. For instance, if someones Mars, the planet of competitiveness and aggression, falls here, you might find yourself in professional competition with him or her.

Venus in House 10

c in 10th !With this placement, the Venus persons social skills and contacts can help improve the status and professional standing of the tenth house person. This trait is accentuated if Venus is within a degree or two of the tenth house cusp. The tenth house persons professional standing can, in return, improve the Venus persons security and comfort. If Venus makes any major negative aspects to the tenth house persons chart, he or she may encourage the tenth house person to spend unwisely on luxuries that denote status; or to make a show of status and wealth.

Mars in House 10

d in 10th !This placement can mean that you have a stimulating effect on each others ambitions. The Mars person especially, can spur the tenth house person to climb more aggressively in his or her career. If you are in the same profession, you are likely to compete with, and challenge each other to do better. If there are harsh major aspects from Mars to the tenth house persons chart, disagreements over professional matters can have a detrimental effect on your personal relationship.

Pluto in House 10

i in 10th !If Pluto is closely conjunct the tenth house cusp, the Pluto person can help the tenth house person focus on ambitions and achieve more personal power and authority. A close conjunction can also indicate power struggles between the partners, especially in professional matters.
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!This is the house of illusion, where things are not quite what they seem. Secrets, ideals, deception and self-deception, dreams, drugs, chronic illness, institutions and intuition are all matters of the twelfth house. Older astrology texts call this the house of self-undoing, but this is probably too negative a reading in most cases. It is true, though, that it is difficult to get a clear picture of what is going on in this house; so the energies of any planets of another person that fall into your twelfth are likely to be harder for you to understand than those falling in other houses. If, for instance, someones Venus falls in your twelfth, you may find it difficult to see that persons flaws and you may respond to the person as if he or she were your ideal mate, whether or not this is objectively realistic.

Jupiter in House 12

e in 12th !This is likely to be a highly idealistic relationship with a beneficial impact on each of you that may not be apparent to those outside the relationship. You will work best together when you allow your natural desire to give of yourselves to be expressed. You tend to bring out the empathic, charitable and caring sides in each other and may opt to work together on altruistic projects. You may also bring out the spiritual side in each other.

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