Kadi Sarva Vishwa Vidhyalaya Guidelines For Summer Project Report

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Kadi Sarva Vishwa Vidhyalaya Guidelines for Summer Project Report

Following are the Norms for carrying out the Summer Internships: (Guidelines are related to past projects and some updating may be there in the guidelines for batch 2012-14) 1. The summer internships shall be for a period lasting 6-8 weeks post completion of their Semester 2 university exams. 2. The students shall obtain a certificate of completion of summer internship from the organization which they interned with. 3. The original certificate of completion should be attached in the summer internship project report. ( the student may keep a copy with him/her) 4. At KSV, the summer internship is a full credit course and therefore is a compulsion for all the mba students. 5. On completion of the SIP the students will have to present the report, to a team of external and internal examiners. 6. Therefore the project viva is a compulsion for all students ( just like GP), and failure to be present in the same, shall lead to the student repeating the year. 7. The SIP carries 100 marks like any other subject, and evaluation by the external and internal examiners shall carry 50% weightage each. 8.The institute may issue an SIP invitation cum reference letter to all students for submission to the respective organizations where the students would like to do their internships.


2. 3. 4. 5.

Title Page Format is shown in the separate page. Important thing to note is that Project guide has to be the Company person(s), who were responsible for guiding the students in a major way, during the project. Certificate Certificate has to be given by the company. If required, Format of the certificate is given below Declaration From the student(s), saying that this project report is their bonafide work and it has not been copied from elsewhere. Acknowledgement It is written to express gratitude to all the people, who have directly or indirectly contributed towards completion of this project. Table of contents


This document gives an idea about the number, title and page numbers of the different parts of the project report starting with Executive Summary. Table of illustrations, charts ( If necessary ) This document gives an idea about the number, title and page references of the illustrations used in the project.

Chapter 1: Introduction: It is an introduction to the project. It talks about reasons behind taking this project and is supported by data from the general environment. Chapter 2: i) ii) iii) Research Methodology: Objectives of the Study: Scope of the study: It talks about the area or region covered in the project report or may talk about the period of study etc. Data Collection: a) Primary data b) Secondary data If Primary data is not used, do not mention about primary data Sample Design: (If primary survey is done) Type of Research, Type of sampling, Sample Size (With Justification), Sample Frame or unit ( Population covered with specifications like salaried, businessmen etc. if required) Data Analysis Tools: Statistical models like chi-square test, regression analysis, correlation etc., Concepts like SWOT analysis, Porters Five Force Model, BCG Matrix etc. (Use these statistical models and concepts according to necessity) Limitations of the project




Chapter 3: Industry Profile: It talks about the industry related to the company selected for the project. It includes data like major players and their main products, market shares of company and competitors, recent developments and future prospects Chapter 4: Company Profile: It describes companys activities in terms of historical developments, products, markets served, marketing policies, technology and financial performance (atleast of the last financial year) Chapter 5: Theoretical Aspects of the study: Briefly describe the statistical models or concepts used in the project Chapter 6: Research findings and conclusion: With the support of tables and graphical analysis (pie charts, bar charts etc), figures are to be interpreted. Chapter 7: Suggestions / Recommendations:

Chapter 8: Learnings: Your learning and experiences during the Summer Project has to be shared here. It should be written as What have you learned and how this learning is applied in real life. Annexure: Questionnaire (If any); Reference articles from newspapers/magazines/journals, Reference tables or figures from published sources Bibliography: Books, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers, Websites etc. In case of Journals, Magazines, Newspapers: Start with the Authors name, followed by title of the article, name of the journal/magazine/newspaper, month, year and any other details, if necessary. In case of website, mention the full name In case of Book: Start with the Authors name, followed by title of the chapter or the note, name of the book, edition, publication year and any other details, if necessary. Format of Title page


We/ I, hereby, declare that the Summer Internship Project titled, TYPE IN BOLD is original to the best of our/ knowledge and has not been published elsewhere. This is for the purpose of partial fulfillment of Kadi Sarva Vishwa Vidhyalaya University requirements for the award of the title of Master of Business Administration, only.

Student(s) Name(s)


Format of Bibliography
Bibliography Author(s) Title of the article

1. Skinner, Wickham; Manufacturing Missing Link in Corporate Strategy, Harvard Business Review; May June, 1969 Name of the Journal (in Italics)

Month & year of publication


Title of the Book

2. Dumez, Herve and Jeunemaitre; Understanding and Regulating the Market at the Time of Globalisation: The Case of the Cement Industry; Macmillan, London, 2000 Publisher Year of Publication

Place of Publication

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