Aug 2001

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2 O O 1y V O R K D A ' Y CALEN DAR
Meet for workdays at the South Trailheadat the BUMP shed. Time to meet is 9:00 a.m. Call the hotline for any possiblechanges.Workdays are subjectto weathercancellation. September I - Saturday October 7 - Sunday November 10 - Saturday December9 - Sunday

Aug 25 MentoneRide Sep 5 MeetingHooverLibrary BBC Century Sep 8 Sep 9 GCC Race -Tuscaloosa Sep 15 Conyers, GA ride Sep 22 NEABC Race - Cheaha Sep 29-30 Trail camp and Social Oct 17 HomewoodWorkshop Oct 21 Trussviflerace Call our hotline 592-BUMP (2867) for any recorded changes or additionsin BUMPevents.






BUMP will support the 28th BBC century September 8 at the first rest stop. This is the first rest stop (Zeigler Road) and a perfect stoppingpoint to say hello. Anne and Paul are heading up the positions. They could use a few

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TYeekend at Oak

September294A BUMP wilf host a trail camp work weekend and Social. Lunch each day will be given as volunteers work on cutting a new section of trail at the end of Johnson'smountain.The connector will provide more traif between and minimize the travelon PeavineFalls Road. This trail extensionwill be a large under taking, and everyone is welcome. Bring your friends,kids, etc. and help add a little greattrail. bit moreto Oak Mountain's Camping overnight and a Social is planned completewith bike games (polo, log pull, and Huffytoss) to reward the hard work throughoutthe year. More details will be in next month's newsletter or contact Bill Johnsonfor the latesthappenings.

dispatchedto address numerousareas and corners that may retain water. A couple of trees that could only be crossed by Hans Rey were trimmed back to allow fro cyclists to continueon the red trail loop. Thanks to all that participatedand be sure to attend the next workday weekend!


October17 Joinin thefun or seethe BUMPpresentation.

$upporting BUMP'sGraphic Designsand web page at

August 25 - Saturday We will head to Mentone,AL and on to the Crockford-Pigeon Mountain trails in Georgia. The two-hour drive is worth it. We have never been disappointedor left vyithout memories. You get long trails, great downhills, and climbs to match (go figure). Bring water, food, snacks, water, and oh did I mention water. No water is available, and you need a lot of it in the summer. Paul and Derrick are the ride leaders. Meet at the Cracker Barrel off l-59 in (exit 141) at 8:00 for an Trussville 8:30 departure. September 15 Saturday Conyers GA, site of the 1996 Olympics and 24-hour race. Meet at Eastwoodolive Gardenat 8:00 for 8:30 departure.

The BUMP Glub meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:OO p.m. at the Hoover Library.

Checkthe BUMP Hotlinefor any changesin datesand time. 592-BUMr(2S67)

BikePatrol BUIilP Features in Trussuille DogDaze

was in the Trussvillemall on August 4th, featuring The 21st annual Dog Daze=Festival games food. Not only did BUMP have an information and crafts, live music, arts and booth, but several BUMP membersgot to play bad cop. Paul, Miles, Anita, Joel and Margot served as bike patrol in the early hours before the festival. They got to ride around and attempt to get automobilescleared from the expo area, which proved to be to be the bad guy, no easy task. Some of the gang found they didn't reallylike having. while others seemedto enjoy the power a bit too much!! Duringthe festival,the BUMP was slow at first, but booth was mannedby Miles, Joe, Laura,Bill and Celia. Business go-ers put startedto rnake the the Titus on display. Festival picked up as soon as Joe got knew what BUMP was of visitors, a few. that lots connection BUMP and bikes! We people no idea that to that had talked many We had no clue. about and lots that in the club definite interest There was the city!! right in trail own bike it's has Trussville and our activities,let's hope it results in a few new members. Thanks to all the that came out to supportour club and our mission. volunteers


The 28th Annual BBC Century is set for September8. lf you are "best value per interested,you can still registerand participatein the area. mile"in the Birmingham B'hamup The routes(30,60,75, 100, 125,or200) run northeastfrom into scenicSt. Clair County,throughrural valleyswith fine viewsof big ridges you DON'T have to climb (unless you're riding the 200, heh heh). Mostly excellent smooth pavementwith a few miles of coarserpaved back roads on the longer routes. The 100 goes to the old courthousesquare in Ashville,while the 125 loops beyond to the shores of Neely Henry Lake. These routes are not pool table flat, but gain is -3100' in the don'thave any tough climbs.Total gross elevation patrols,and you'll provide sag 100. BBC and the local bike shops will stccked shsft i"oUtes) pass rest siops .25 miies apari (cti:ser"orr'rhe with ptentyof high-energysnacks,fruit, spor{sdrinks and bottledwater. Since there are many country stores along the routes aS well, you'll never be far from sustenance! The included post-ride meal will be at your choice of Lunar Coyote buffet),both just a few (Mexicangrill) or Ci Ci's Pizza (all-you-can-eat steps from the finish in Brook Highland Plaza shopping center. Lunar Coyote will open by 7 AM to provide coffee and lestroom access. (An IHOP open 24hrs is also locatedat BrookHighland.)Kids <18 ride for (Notethat $5.00 (worthit for the meal alone!),so bringyour young'uns! an adultmustridewith kids <16.) 8 at the 7 al Bike Link & Septemebr is September On-siteRegistration start. Ride Fee $20.00T-shirt Fee $10.00 (non pre-reg- while supply lasts)Children(.18; <16 must ride with an adult):Ride Fee$ 5.00 T205-991Call - 205-995-2A13, shirt Fee same. For more information: AL Birmingham, Write BBC, PO Box 131163, 6154 , or 205-664-3669 W\ A|/ [email protected] 35213 E-mail /flchambi com http: keclub. homestead.

Hello BUMP,New


We are proudto announce severalnew additions to the club. G.T. taborde Tommy Shiflett Alan & NathanDavenport . Michael Cork Joe and DawnWenning Jerry Saulsberqi" Michael and Karen Balliet Thanks to our new membersand those renewing (*) for supporting BUMP and the sport of mountain biking. runs from Jan - Dec. You can become a Membership member at a local shop, contactus for an application,or print an applicationfrom our web site - per year. dues are $20 per household Membership

Riders . Cheaha to StatetsLimit

BUMP members enjoyed a beautiful ride at Cheaha State Park August 11. Joe, Gary, Derrick, Ken and Ken, met with a few NEABC riders to tackle the Mountain Express trails. Ridingthe state'selevationlimit (2407feet peak) would be memorablefor all. Joe's new Titus Ken had ride of the mountain, made its inaugural two flats early, Gary was riding a demo Lefty Cannondalewith ELO as his ride was in the shop, Ken Moorewas on his maidenBUMPride, and Derrick was hit with a yellow jacket on the yellow trail. The day was appropriately perfect and the trail seemed to be all downhilf! But, that was not the case and Lance Nichols informedus that the NEABC race September22 is drawing near with another successfulevent expected.For more info go to


Think about it, l,oo much between your wheels and the ground has its consequences. The same happens in the newsletter. Keep YOUR newsletter alive - Contribttte.




#I I Dexter Avenue,Mounlain Braok Yillage

1410MontgomeryHwy,Vestavia 5) 979-3460

Asgqst 2OOl BUIID |t|cmb.r3 teccirr. 100/6otf Egular

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in thb newslettel.

-=fr Local Riders make a Bank Run By Steve Berry HOMEIWOD CYCLE "Meet at 8:00 take off at 8:30," as your fearless ride reader,steve AND F'ilVESS Berry shows up at 8:29 for the ride to Bankhead NationalForest.
2834 tAn Sfe e\ Homewood 879-3244 Ah, A bag of trail mix and they forgot all about me showing up somewhatlate. MaEg! Andison, Joel Robertson,Joe cotlin, Pauf Brooks, Brian Reed, Joan steed, carla simpson, Mike Herring, Steve Berry and a group of people from the GCC joined us for the

a pose... Strike Riders enjoy the fast rolling trails at Bankhead NationalForestnear DoubleSprinos.

Brushy loop counter clockwise,which brought us back to the first connector we passed on Pine Torch Loop. Confusing huh, we simplydid a big. tigure I out of both loops,which turned out to being a great ride and workoutfor many of us. You know you are having a good ride when you have an annoyingtwig in your front spokebut you are having too much fun to stop and pull it out. The weather was great though the trails were a little on the muddy side. No major wipeouts or bike repairs on the trails on this trip. Just good old hill climbing,river crossing, sand riding, field crossing,rock riding, switch back riding and dung missing riding (we shire the trailswith the horses)! llewsfetter to Change Hands
'Fa;scns fu{iles has volunteered to organize the club's newsletter beginning next month. Derrick and Anne have generated the Mudslinger since 1998, and will continue to contribute. Numerous other commitments have resulted in our inability to effectively put it all together. We have appreciatedall the help everyone has given with their contributions, and Miles can use the same suppod. We had a great run!

I a c G $0 l i l r n d i l c w
BUMP will host a XC race October 21 at the Trussville Sports Complex. This has evolved from last years A$F race aneJ is sure to attract local racer.s to the fun short course. Call Hardwick, race Director, at 967-2003for more details. Want to be a part of the 2AO2 Bump and Grind? Get involvednow with planning and assisting. May 18 /19 or June 112 next year are the requested datee. NORBA will notify us of the dates acceptedlater this month. Contact Derrick (987-3827) or Hardwick (9672003) if you are interested.
Hoover 822-6500 Cahaba Heights 967-7003 Oak Mtn 987-4Q43

24 Hour Team at Conyers?

Interested in having a lot of fun riding all hours of the day?Maybea 24-hourrace is for you. The team relay event is Oct 617in Conyers, GA. Derrick is attempting to organize a team, lf yCIu are interested, please email [email protected] or call 987-3827. Thiswill be a fun eventand open to all abilities. Go to for moreinfo.

ffiHsLeA #tffifrEA
2001BUMPBoardof Directors
BUMP is a notfor profit organization President BillJohnson 678-975?
VicaPres. LauroCotlin Treasurer AnneSeys Secretary Poul Brookes /lAember L\orgotAndison Member KeifhBryont Member Bill6orret Newsletter Derrick Seys 591-2337 987-3827 320-0918 ?5?-tbLz 424-CI556 987-38e7


lf you would like to run a classified ad, pleasesubmitit by the next meetingfor inclusion in next month's newsletter.The newsletteris printedby the 1ss of each month. For Sale: YakimiaRoof Rack with Visor Good ConditlonFits 4 door sedan car $175.00 (or best offer)GallNadine 205-871-5763 For Sale: Trek 7000, 18 inch Blue AL frarne,Rock Shock Quad 21,21 SP grip shiftwith new LX brakes,$399 contact Hardwickat 907-2003 For Sale: C-Dale KillerV 500, 18 inch Black, 2'l Sp Gripshift, Judy XC, $499 contact Hardwickat 967-2003 Wanted: COOL old bikes 1930's- 1960'sEspecialty Schwinn.Absolutely any condition. i, CallJoel 252-1612

Thc lr\'lXllNffl is published to inform &e local mountaih biking comntr.nuty of current happenings in the area, and promor-e safe and responsible use of mourtain bicycles. If you would like to submit information of any kind, please let BIIMP knqw. Your ideas and suggestions will be appreciated. Leave a message on our Hotline at (205) 592BUMP or send an e-mail to iB1'[email protected].

August 2OO1 Gheck the EUMP Hotline for any changes irr r'lottr.'-.t time.



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