He Had Such Quiet Eyes

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He Had Such Quiet Eyes By: Bibsy Soenharjo 3.

1 SYNOPSIS OF THE POEM The poem is about a woman who has been deceived to think that she was loved by a man with quiet eyes. She suffers for this and only learns on hindsight not to trust or give in to men who seek women only for pleasure. The poet gives an advice on being able to recognise what is true and what is not, when a person is truly friendly and when he is not. You may lose in the game of love and give your heart away, but knowing the truth of the situation will mean that you will not suffer any lasting losses. 3.2 UNDERSTANDING THE POEM [STANZA BY STANZA] Stanza 1 The woman is taken up with his quiet eyes. The eyes mesmerise and beg her to be nice to him and make him extremely happy, that is render him paradise. The poet uses a very long imagery of the eyes breathing desolate sighs to enhance the effect of the eyes on the girl. The woman, being enamoured with those eyes, does not notice he is deceiving her. It would not be difficult to see through the man if the woman had her feet on the ground because the eyes have only the thinnest ice, easy to break through to learn the mans true nature. Stanza 2 Something has happened to the woman and she has learnt the truth about the man. The poet suggests that she has learnt the hard way that is she learns her lesson through bad experience. She has made a mistake of trusting the man because she has refused to listen to the advice not to compromise, that is, lower her standards or expectations in order to please a man who seduces women. Stanza 3 The poet extends her friendly advice to women to understand what is meant by nice what it means when men are nice to you. When he is nice, friendly and pleasant to you, make sure that he is sincere and trustworthy and not because he has ulterior motive, that is he wants something from you in return. The poet further comments that love may be a gamble as suggested in dice, you take your chances with someone, you may find true love or you may not. The important issue here is that ultimately you have not lost anything because you have not compromised, you are not deceived.

3.3 THE POEM LINE BY LINE STANZA 1 MEANING BY LINE He had such quiet eyes His eyes were calm and quiet She did not realise She did not know They were two pools of lies- His eyes were like two pools filled with lies Layered with thinnest ice Thinly veiled, like very thin ice To her, those quiet eyes To the woman, those calm and quiet eyes Were breathing desolate sighs Looked very sad and desolate

Imploring her to be nice The eyes were begging her to be nice to him And to render him to paradise And to give him happiness and bliss so that he would feel like he was in paradise (heaven)

STANZA 2 MEANING BY LINE If only shed been wise The woman wished she had been wiser in her past actions And had listened to the advice And she had listened to the sound advice given to her by people who cared about her Never to compromise They had advised her not to give up her moral values or principles With pleasure-seeking guys When she was with men who wanted only pleasure and fun Shed be free from the hows and whys If she had listened to them, she would not be haunted by questions of hows and whys and the difficult situation she was in.

STANZA 3 MEANING BY LINE Now heres a bit of advice Let me give you a bit of advice Be sure that nice really means nice Make sure that the person you think is nice, is truly sincere and trustworthy Then youll never be losing at dice Then, you will not lose in a game of chance or a game of love where you can lose your heart to an undeserving man Though you may lose your heart once or twice Even if you should fall in love and lose your heart to love once or twice

3.4 Elements of the Poem Literal and Figurative Meaning Stanza 1 Literal Meaning When the persona looked into the young mans sincere-looking eyes, she was deceived into thinking that he needed someone to love. She was not aware that betrayal was second nature to him. His eyes even made her feel compelled to be nice to him. Figurative Meaning Meeting people and getting involved in a social relationship is part and parcel of life. However, along the way, we may meet two-faced people with ulterior motives. Sometimes, they may come across as so sincere that we innocently accept them as friends or partners. Stanza 2 Literal Meaning When the persona was betrayed by the man, she wondered why she had not been wiser. She should have remembered the age-old advice of not believing man blindly. If she had

held on to her principles, she would not be asking herself why she had been cheated.

Figurative Meaning Social relationships can turn sour if one party betrays the other. Hence, one should be careful of the other partys motives. In any case, do not compromise your principles, as someone who is sincere would not force you into giving up your morals. Stanza 3 Literal Meaning The poet advises young ladies to be more careful before getting involved in relationships with men. They must make sure they know then men well. They should learn to differentiate between sincerity and falsehood. They will eventually meet the right man, though they may lose their heats to a few times before that. Figurative Meaning It is always good to be cautious before committing to a relationship to avoid serious consequences. You have to make sure you can trust the person you befriend. Do not gamble with your affections, even when you fall in love.

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