IT Chem F5 Topical Test 1 (E)

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1 Which of the following changes can be used to determine the rate of reaction? A pH and size B pH and colour C Pressure and size D Concentration and shape 2 Which of the rate of reaction is matched correctly? Reaction A Photosynthesis B Formation of stalagmites C Silver nitrate mixed with sodium chloride D Combustion of magnesium and oxygen Rate of reaction Fast Fast Slow

Diagram 1


4 The following chemical equation shows the reaction between sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid.

Which of the following statements about the graph is true? A Carbon dioxide is produced at a constant rate at t3. B The methanoic acid is used up at t3. C The rate of reaction of methanoic acid is the highest at t3. D There are more carbon dioxide produced between t2 and t3 compared to the volume produced between t1 and t2. 7 Diagram 2 shows the graph of hydrogen gas liberated against time when zinc is reacted with hydrochloric acid.

3 The following chemical equation shows the reaction between excess marble and dilute nitric acid to produce carbon dioxide gas.

Which of the following graphs does not show the correct plot for the reaction? A

Which of the following changes is the most appropriate manner to determine the rate of reaction of the reaction? A The decrease in concentration of hydrochloric acid per unit time. B The change of the temperature per unit time. C The increase of water per unit time. D The increase in volume of carbon dioxide. 5 When excess sulphuric acid is used to react with 5 g of granulated zinc, the residue of zinc after 1.5 minutes is 1.25 g. The average rate of reaction is [Relative atomic mass = Zn : 65] A 0.0006 mol s1 C 0.06 mol s1 B 0.004 mol s1 D 0.4 mol s1 6 The graph in Diagram 1 shows the volume of carbon dioxide released when bromine reacts with some methanoic acid against time.

Diagram 2

Which of the positions, A, B, C and D in the graph represents the instantaneous rate of reaction in 0.0 cm3 s1? 8 The gradient of the curve at a given time in a graph of concentration of product against time tells us the information about A the average rate of the reaction. B the initial rate of the reaction. C the constant rate of the reaction. D the instantaneous rate of the reaction. 9 Table 1 shows the volume of gas liberated when sodium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid. Time / s Volume of gas / cm3

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0.0 1.8 4.6 7.7 10.8 13.6 15.6 17.5 18.7 In what condition, the curve Q can be produced? A 5 g of zinc powder + 50.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid B 5 g of granulated zinc + 70.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid C 5 g of zinc powder + 70.0 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid D 5 g of zinc powder + 70.0 cm3 of 1.5 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid 13 In an experiment, 40 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm3 sodium thiosulphate solution is mixed with 5 cm 3 of 1 mol dm3 sulphuric acid at 28 C in a conical flask. Which of the following alterations will increase the rate of reaction? A Increase the temperature to 40 C. B Add 20 cm3 of water to the mixture. C Use 40 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm3 sodium thiosulphate. D Use a bigger conical flask. 14 In the following sets of experiment, the highest initial rate can be obtained from A 4 g of magnesium ribbon + 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm3 sulphuric acid at 25 C B 4 g of granulated magnesium + 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm3 sulphuric acid at 35 C C 4 g of magnesium ribbon + 40 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm3 sulphuric acid at 35 C D 4 g of granulated magnesium + 40 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm3 sulphuric acid at 35 C 15 Which of the following statements about catalyst is not true? A Catalyst is only needed in a small amount to achieve a huge increase in reaction rate. B Catalyst helps to increase the activation energy of the reaction. C Positive catalyst plays a role in increasing the rate of a reaction. D Negative catalyst is also known as inhibitor. 16 The following chemical equation shows the composition of hydrogen peroxide solution. A the pressure of the solution decreases. B the concentration of oxygen increases. C the production of water decreases the concentration of solution. D the production of the products increases the volume. 17 Diagram 4 shows the apparatus setup to study the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

Table 1

What is the average rate of reaction from the 3rd minute to the 4th minute? A 0.10 cm3/s B 0.04 cm3/s C 0.05 cm3/s D 0.06 cm3/s 10 The combustion of carbon in excess oxygen produces carbon dioxide. 40 cm3 of gas is produced after the reaction is completed in 2 minutes. What is the average rate of the reaction? A 0.20 cm3 s1 C 0.66 cm3 s1 3 1 B 0.33 cm s D 0.72 cm3 s1 11 The initial rate of reaction for 1 g of small marble chip is higher than 1 g of large marble chip when reacting with 30 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid. This is because A the large marble chip is tougher than the small marble chip. B the total surface area of large marble chip is larger than small marble chip. C the total surface area of small marble chip is larger than large marble chip. D the large marble chip is too heavy. 12 Curve P in the graph in Diagram 3 is generated when 5 g (excess) of zinc powder is added to 70.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid in conical flask.

Diagram 4

Which of the following is the most appropriate method to determine the rate of reaction? A Record the time when the solution starts changing colour. B Record the time when bubble is formed in the solution. C Record the time taken for the cross mark to disappear from view. D Record the time taken for the solution to achieve 40 C. 18 The following chemical reaction shows the reaction of iron(II) sulphate solution with bromine water.

The change of colour from green to brown is faster when the mixture is heated. Which of the following do not contribute to the changes? A The frequency of effective collisions increases. B The activation energy decreases. C The kinetic energy of the reactants molecules increases. D The size of the molecules decreases. 19 Which of the following methods can help 25 kg of potatoes to be cooked faster? A Cook the potatoes in microwave. B Add salt to the potatoes. C Cook the potatoes in a pressure cooker. D Steam the potatoes using hot water.

Diagram 3
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The rate of reaction decreases against time because



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20 The following chemical equation shows the reaction between magnesium ribbon and dilute sulphuric acid. Which of the following factors do not affect the rate of reaction? A The temperature of the reaction. B The concentration of the acid. C The amount of copper(II) sulphate solution used. D The excess mass of zinc. 24 Which of the following does not explain the meaning of effective collision? A The collision that produce a chemical reaction. B The collision in correct orientation. C The collision that successfully overcome the activation energy. D The collision with the low kinetic energy. 25 In the reaction between sulphuric acid and sodium thiosulphate, sulphur precipitate will be formed at a faster rate if higher concentration of sulphuric acid is used because A the frequency of collisions increases. B the number of particles per unit volume decreases. C the ions move faster. D the activation energy decreases. 26 Diagram 6 shows an energy level for the reaction between hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. A Rate of reaction B Force of collision C Activation energy D Frequency of effective collision

The liberation of hydrogen gas can be slowed down by I using magnesium powder. II reducing the temperature of sulphuric acid. III reducing the pressure on the reaction. IV decreasing the concentration of sulphuric acid. A I and II only B I and III only C II and IV only D II, III and IV only 21 Which of the following sets of reactants for the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and sulphuric acid will result in the maximum rate of reaction? Sulphuric acid Sodium thiosulphate

Diagram 7

Which of the following represents the activation energy? A S B T C U D W 28 Which of the following does not explain the increase of rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid when the experiment is carried out at a higher temperature? A The frequency of effective collision decreases. B The effective collisions frequency increases. C The kinetic energy of the reactants increases. D Number of particles with the minimum activation energy increases. 29 Which of the following matches regarding the effect of catalyst is not true? Reaction Reaction without with catalyst catalyst Slower Similar Less Less Faster Similar More More

Volume/c Concentration/ Volume/ Concentration/ m3 mol dm3 cm3 mol dm3


30 25 30 25

0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8

25 30 25 30

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

22 Dilute ethanoic acid was reacted with excess zinc powder at 28 C, 34 C, 39 C and 44 C. The volume of hydrogen gas evolved was shown in Diagram 5.

Diagram 6 Diagram 5

Which of the following curves represents the volume of gas measured at 39 C? A R C T B S D U 23 The reacting condition for the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid is shown below.
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What is the activation energy for this reaction? A 510 kJ B 320 kJ C 190 kJ D 830 kJ 27 Diagram 7 shows the energy level for the reaction P Q R.

30 The chemical equation below shows

the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide that involved the black copper (II) oxide as the catalyst. What can you observed from the boiling tube at the end of the reaction? I A white solid.



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D The reaction is exothermic. 32 Why does the food that is kept in refrigerator last longer? A The carbon dioxide in the refrigerator kills the microorganism in food. B Bacteria is inactive under lower temperature. C The high pressure slows down the decaying rate of the food. D There is no sufficient oxygen in the refrigerator.

II A black solid. III A colourless solution. IV Black solid dissolved.

A B C D I and III only I and IV only II and III only III and IV only

31 Diagram 8 shows the energy level of a reaction.

Diagram 8

Which of the following is true about the diagram? A The activation energy is W kJ. B The activation energy is (X + W) kJ. C W kJ energy is absorbed by the reaction.


1 An experiment that involves the decomposition of sodium chlorate(I) solution in the presence of manganese(IV) oxide as a catalyst will produce oxygen gas. The results obtained are as follow: Time / s 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Total volume of gas / cm3 0.0 90 155 195 225 245 250 250

[1 mark] (e) What is the function of manganese(IV) oxide as a catalyst?


[1 marks] 2 Four experiments are carried out to investigate one of the factors that affect the rate of reaction. In each of the experiments, 40 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm3 sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3 solution was allowed to react with 4 cm 3 of 1.0 mol dm3 sulphuric acid. The results are recorded in Table 1. 1 , Experiment Temperature/ Time taken Time taken C for the X 1 mark to 1 t /s disappear from view, t/s 1 2 3 4 28 40 50 60 57 38 24 15

(a) Plot a graph of total volume of oxygen against time on graph paper. [2 marks] (b) From the graph, (i) determine the average rate of reaction in the first 50 seconds.

[2 marks] (ii) determine the average rate of reaction from 50 seconds to 90 seconds.

Table 1

(a) What factor is being investigated in these experiments?


[2 marks] (iii) determine the rate of reaction at 40 seconds.


[2 marks ] (c) Write a chemical equation for the reaction.


[1 mark] (b) Draw a labelled diagram of the set-up of the apparatus.

[1 mark] (d) At what time will the sodium chlorate(I) solution completely decompose?
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[2 marks] (c) Complete Table 1.



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(ii) mol s1 [2 marks] (e) What can you do to increase the rate of reaction for Experiment 1?

PAPER 1 ________________________________________________________

[1 mark] (d) Plot a graph of temperature of Na 2S2O3 against 1 . Time [1 mark ] (e) Based on the graph in (d), what is the conclusion that can be made from this investigation?

[2 marks] 4 Three experiments are carried out to investigate the factors affecting the rate of reaction of magnesium under different condition. Table 2 shows the different reacting condition and time taken to collect 60 cm3 of gas liberated. Experiment A Reactants Excess magnesium ribbon + 30 cm3 of 1.5 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid Excess magnesium powder + 30 cm3 of 1.5 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid Excess magnesium powder + 30 cm3 of 1.5 mol dm3 sulphuric acid
Table 2

[2 marks] (f) Write the ionic equation for the reaction.


[1 mark] 3 Two sets of experiments are carried out to study the effect of concentration to the rate of reaction. Experiment 1 2 Mixture of reactants Excess Zn powder + 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm3 HCl Excess Zn powder + 25 cm3 of 0.15 mol dm 3 HCl

Time / s 50 35 25


(a) (i) Write the chemical equation for the reaction that has the highest rate of reaction.

[1 mark] (ii) Calculate the average rate of reaction for Experiment B and C.

[2 marks ] (iii) Why is the rate of reaction of Experiment C is higher than B?


(a) Draw a labelled diagram for the set-up apparatus to collect the hydrogen gas. [2 marks] (b) Calculate the number of moles of HCl in Experiment 1 and 2. [2 marks] (c) Match the experiments with the curves from the graph. (i) Experiment 1:

[1 mark] (b) Explain why the time taken for Experiment B is shorter than Experiment A by using the collision theory.
. ________________________________________________________

[3 marks] (c) What will happen if the gas evolved is tested with glowing wooden splint?

[1 mark] (d) Name of catalyst that can be used to increase the rate of reaction.

(ii) Experiment 2:

[2 marks] (d) Calculate the average rate of reaction of Experiment 1 in (i) cm3 s1

[1 mark] (e) Substance X is used to replace magnesium in Experiment C to produce carbon dioxide and water. What can substance X most likely be?

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TINGKATAN: ______________


[1 mark]


Set 5 The following apparatus are set up to investigate the effect of catalyst on rate of reaction. I II


The graph above shows the production of ammonia at two different pressures.


(a) (i)

Which of the curve is obtained at higher pressure?

[1 mark] (ii) What is the name of the production of ammonia in industrial process? Name the catalyst used in this process. Complete the table. [4 marks] (ii) Will the mass of manganese(IV) oxide powder decrease after the reaction? (b) [1 mark] (i) Plan an experiment and make amendments to the arrangements of apparatus in Set II to determine the effect of amount of catalyst on the rate of reaction. [12 marks] (ii) Sketch a graph to distinguish the effect of using different amount of catalyst. [3marks] 6 (a) (b) [2 marks] (iii) Explain how will the increase of pressure affect the rate of reaction.

[4 marks] (iv) Will the increase in pressure for the reaction that involves aqueous reactant result in higher rate of reaction? [1 mark] (v) Give three other factors that can increase the rate of reaction without changing the amount of product. [3 marks] (vi) How does the use of pressure cooker speed up cooking? [1 mark]

Explain the statement above based on collision theory and give suitable examples.

[8 marks]

SECTION C 7 (a) What are the main ideas about collision theory?
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TINGKATAN: ______________


Set Q: 3 g of zinc powder + 30 cm 3 of 0.1 mol of sulphuric acid + copper(II) sulphate solution. (i) Does the graph represent the result of the two experiment correctly? If your answer is no, please sketch the correct graph. [4 marks] (ii) Write the chemical equation for the experiment [1 mark] (iii) What is the use of copper(II) sulphate solution in Set Q? [4 marks] (b) (i) What is meant by catalyst? [2 marks] (ii) Name the catalyst that are used in Ostwald process and Contact process. [4 marks] (iii) Describe the characteristics of catalyst. [10 marks]

[2 marks] (b) Explain the meaning of activation energy by sketching the energy profile diagrams. [6 marks]


Give four factors that can increase the rate of reaction and explain how these factors take place in term of collision theory. [12 marks] 8 (a)

The graph shown above are the plots of volume of hydrogen gas produced against time for two sets of experiments. Set P: 3 g of zinc powder + 30 cm 3 of 0.1 mol of sulphuric acid


Diagram 1.1 shows the six sets, I, II, III, IV, V and VI of apparatus set-up for an experiment to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate solution and sulphuric acid. 50 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm3 of sodium thiosulphate solution is poured into a conical flask and is heated up to 30 C. The conical flask is then placed on a paper marked with X as shown in Diagram 1.1. 5 cm3 of 1 mol dm3 of sulphuric acid is added immediately to the sodium thiosulphate solution and the mixture is stirred. The time taken for the mark X to disappear from sight is recorded.

1 time

At 30 C ________ s Set III

At 35 C ________ s Set IV

Diagram 1.1 The experiment is repeated using sodium thiosulphate at 35 C, 40 C, 45 C, 50 C and 60 C. Diagram 1.2 shows the reading of the stop-watch in each experiment. (a) (i) Record the stop-watch readings in the space provided in Table 1. [3 marks] Set I
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At 40 C ________ s Set V

At 45 C ________ s Set VI

Set II


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At 50 C ________ s

At 60 C ________ s

Diagram 1.2 (ii) Calculate for each experiment. Construct a table to record and show all the data which include temperature, time and 1 for the experiments. [3 marks] m 1 (iii) Plot a graph of against temperature. Time [3 marks] (b) State a hypothesis for this experiment. [3 marks] (c) State the operational definition of the rate of reaction based on this experiment. [3 marks] (d) State the following variables in this experiment. 1. Manipulated variables 2. Responding variables 3. Constant variables [3 marks] (e) Based on the graph you have drawn, predict the time taken for the mark X to disappear from sight if the temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution is 45 C. [3 marks] (f) If 50 cm3 of 0.10 mol dm3 of sodium thiosulphate is used in Experiment 1, predict the time taken for the X mark to disappear from sight. Explain your answer. [3 marks] (g)

Using the suitable apparatus and materials, you are required to design a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of the size of reactant on the rate of reaction. Your planning must include the following items: (a) Statement of the problem. (b) All the variables. (c) Hypothesis. (d) Lists of materials and apparatus. (e) Procedure. (f) Tabulation of data. [17 marks]

Based on situation above, explain this observation. [3 marks] (h) In another experiment, the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction is studied. 50 cm 3 of 0.08 mol dm3 sodium thiosulphate solution is prepared from 0.2 mol dm3 sodium thiosulphate solution. Calculate the volume of 0.2 mol dm3 sodium thiosulphate solution used. [3 marks] (i) Describe the steps to prepare the sodium thiosulphate solution in (h) accurately. [3 marks]
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