Characteristic of Constructivist Teaching Rules

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Characteristic of constructivist teaching roles

Constructivism has become a popular catchword in education. Constructivist teaching techniques are based on constructivist learning theory. This theoretical framework holds that learning always builds upon knowledge that a student already knows; this prior knowledge is called a schema. Because all learning is filtered through pre-existing schemata, constructivists suggest that learning is more effective when a student is actively engaged in the learning process rather than attempting to receive knowledge passively. A wide variety of methods claim to be based on constructivist learning theory. Most of these methods rely on some form of guided discovery where the teacher avoids most direct instruction and attempts to lead the student through questions and activities to discover, discuss, appreciate and verbalize the new knowledge. Teachers may mistakenly believe they are already using constructivism. While hands- on science, mathematics manipulatives, and process writing share some common intentions with constructivism, applying constructivist research is much more difficult. The constructivist teacher must fill many roles but largely functions as a facilitator of knowledge construction. Young children can be encouraged to construct their own understanding if you perform these roles. (Challie & Britain, 1991, p.54) In constructivism, teachers are;1. Presenter Not a lecturer but one who demonstrates, models, and presents activities to groups of children and option to individuals so that direct pupil experiences are encouraged in an ongoing fashion. Example- Before start the class, teacher demonstrate the activity and tell the instructions before the activity is carried out. Objective of this step is to attract pupil and encourage them to do the activity.

2. Observer One who works in formal and informal ways to identify childrens ideas, to interact appropriately, and to provide learning options. Example- Teacher observe and identify the problem of pupil and try to give the suitable learning skill to them. Besides, teacher is observing the behaviour and skills of pupil during they carried out the experiments.

3. Question asker and problem poser One who stimulates idea formation, idea testing, and concept construction by asking question and posing problems that arise from observation. Example- To ensure that students are understand, teacher gives them questions. The questions give based on student stage so that student can answer it. Besides, teacher is problem poser who teaches student how to answer correctly.

4. Environment organiser One who organises carefully and clearly what children are to do, while allowing sufficient freedom for true exploration; one who organises from the childs perspective. Example- Teacher who decides and organise activity to students. For example, teachers do hands- on activity to give students more understand about the topic.

5. Public relations coordinator One who encourages cooperation, development of human relations, and patience with diversity within the class, and who defends this practice and educates others outside the class about the benefits for children of this approach. Example- Teaching is not just in class and school. Teacher also teach pupil the importance of moral values in where ever they are. This moral value is applied by the students inside and outside the school and can give them benefit of their behaviour.

6. Documenter of learning One who satisfies the accountability expectations and gauges the impact of these practices on each learner in terms of knowledge construction and science skill development. Example- Teachers are very important to the future of students. So, teachers must know the impact of practices so the students can construct their science skill development.

7. Theory builder One who helps children to form connections between and among their ideas and to construct meaningful patterns that represent their constructed knowledge. Example- Teacher builds up the idea about the topic they teach. Besides, teachers also try to correct the misconception of students and give the reasons to correct it.

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