Lesson Plan Science Tahun 3 - Magnet Part 1

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Date : 07 July 2008

Class : Year 3
Time : 1130-1230
Enrolment : 16 pupils
Topic : Magnets
Subtopic : Materials attracted by magnets.
Learning Outcomes : At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
1. Demonstrate that magnets attract some materials but
not others.
2. Record findings in a table.
3. State at least 3 objects that are attracted by magnets.
Duration : 60 minutes
Strategies : Experiment, Discussion.
Scientific Process/Manupulative Skills and Thinking Skills:
1. Observing
2. Classifying
3. Generating idea
4. Communicating
5. Use and handle science apparatus and substances.
Science Attitudes and Noble Values:
1. Being cooperative
2. Being confident and independent
Teaching and Learning Resources:
1. Magnets
2. Steel thumb-tacks
3. Ten sen coins
4. Paper clips
5. Pencils
Steps/Phase Contents Teaching and Learning Activities Remarks
Set Induction Magnets attract Teacher demonstrates a material that SPS:
(5 minutes) some materials. can attracted by magnet and a material Observation
1130-1135 that is not attracted by magnet. Relating

Teacher asks questions TS:

1. Can you see what is happening? Attributing
2. What are the differences between Generating ideas
this two materials can do with the
magnet? T&L Resources:
Teacher state that the lesson today is Paper clip
about “Materials Attracted by Pencil
Eliciting Idea Materials that Teacher shows materials(magnets, SPS:
(20 minutes) attracted by steel thumb-tacks, coins, paper clips Classifying
1135-1155 magnets and not and pencils) and pupils are required to Predicting
attracted by predict either the material can attracted
magnets. by magnets or not.

Teacher asks pupils to present their

answers in the worksheet given.
Restructuring Classifying that Teacher asks pupils to form groups. SPS:
Ideas materials attracted Classifying
(20 minutes) by magnets. Teacher distributes a magnet, a steel Generating idea
1155-1215 thumb-tack, a coin, a paper clip and a
pencil for each group. MS:
Use and handle
Teacher asks pupils to identify and science apparatus
classify the materials given by and substances
following instruction and present their
observations in the table given.

Teachers asks pupils to complete the

table with other materials they can
found in the class.

Teacher discusses and explains the

finding together with pupils.
Application Pupils are required to complete the SPS:
(10 minutes) worksheet given. Classifying
1215-1225 Relating
Teacher discusses the answers with
Closure Teacher summarizes today’s lesson by SPS:
(5 minutes) asking: Relating
1225-1230 1. What are the materials that attracted
by magnets?
2. What are the materials that are not
attracted by magnets?

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