Ethanol Internal Combustion Engines
Ethanol Internal Combustion Engines
Ethanol Internal Combustion Engines
PERFORMANCE AND COSTS The typical efficiency (per unit energy) of vehicles running on blends of ethanol and gasoline is similar to that of pure gasoline vehicles, although further optimisation is possible. SI engines running on high blends may offer higher efficiencies (up to 9%). Potentially all future gasoline vehicles could be made compatible with all ethanol-gasoline blends from E0 to E85 (high blends require FFVs) with modest cost. This is a common practice with many vehicles in the American markets (Brazil and the US). Upgrading conventional cars for use with lower percentage blends would simply cost the sum of the parts which are at risk of corrosion approximately 350-700. The R&D costs for manufacturers to improve the compression and timing of injection for high-blend flex fuel vehicles (to optimise their efficiency) may be passed on to consumers, but it is hard to project the extent of this with certainty. Ethanol is not as volatile as gasoline or diesel, which means there may be cold starts problems in winter or in cold climates. There are several solutions to these problems, including using additives or lowering the percentage blend. The current estimated costs for bioethanol from sugar beet, wheat, corn and sugar cane range from 0.5- 0.7 per litre of gasoline equivalent. However, costs are highly dependent on feedstock prices. Advanced biofuels from ligno-cellulosic are currently even more expensive to produce, though cost are anticipated to reduce significantly over time. POTENTIAL AND BARRIERS The use of biofuels can theoretically save significant amounts of GHG emissions. However, this is very sensitive to feedstock and methods of production (ETSAP TB S05). With the exception of ethanol from sugar cane, current biofuels from primary agricultural feedstock (sugar beet, wheat, corn) offer moderate CO2 saving in comparison with second generation biofuels. Moreover, bio-ethanol production from agricultural feedstock is constrained by the competition for land use with agriculture for food production. In the mid to long term, advanced biofuels from ligno-cellulosic materials or from micro-algae (also known as second or third generation biofuels) could offer greater emissions saving and production capacity, with modest or no adverse affects on land, water and soil use. At present, in the EU, E5 can be used in regular SI engine vehicles without any modification. In Brazil, E20 is permitted in regular SI engine vehicles and E85 or pure ethanol (E100) are used with FFVs. FFVs are also widely available in the US. Technology is already well developed, so the potential for ethanol ICEs is dependent on feedstock availability. Currently, most car manufacturers focus their research work on developing engines that can make optimal use of different fuels.
bio-ethanol and biodiesel) offer CO2 reduction benefits relative to fossil fuels because their carbon was absorbed from the atmosphere as the source plants grew, rather than being released from underground storage as with fossil fuels. In theory, with high sensitivity to the production process, biofuels can offer up to a 50% greenhouse gas reduction, although the benefits of bio-ethanol from sugar cane (Brazil) are typically much greater (around 80% reduction) [18]. Bioethanol Production - Bioethanol is manufactured through a biochemical reaction using hydrolysis to produce simple from sugar beet and wheat (in Europe), corn (in the US) and sugar cane (in Brazil and in other emerging countries). Sugars are then fermented to produce bio-ethanol. In the future, alternative hydrolysis methods could be used to derive ethanol from lignocellulosic materials such as wood, pulp fibres, papers, agriculture and industrial residues and waste. Currently, these processes are rather expensive and not yet competitive for market uptake.
1 Please send comments to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Authors), and to [email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
Fig. 1 Projected volume and composition of future biofuel production to 2050 (IEA [21]) In the European Union, the Renewable Energy Directive is a major driver for uptake of biofuels within the Member States. The Directive defines a 20% target for the use of renewable energy in the EU energy mix by 2020, with 10% to be met mainly through the use of biofuels. While first generation biofuels are currently limited to an average 5% blends for bioethanol and 7%
POTENTIAL & BARRIERS - The use of biofuels can theoretically save significant amounts of GHG emissions. However, this is very sensitive to feedstock and methods of production (ETSAP TB S05). With the exception of ethanol from sugar cane, current biofuels from primary agricultural feedstock (sugar beet, wheat, corn) offer moderate CO2 saving in comparison with second generation biofuels. Moreover, bio-ethanol
Please send comments to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Authors), and to [email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
Table 1 Summary Table: Key Data and Figures for E85 Flex-Fuel Ethanol Vehicles [1, 9, 16, 22]
Flex-Fuel Ethanol Vehicles [1, 9, 16, 22] Technical Performance Energy Input Base Energy Consumption (l/km) Base Energy Consumption (MJ/km) Technical Lifetime, yrs Environmental Impact CO2 and other GHG emissions, g/km (TTW) CO2 and other GHG emissions, g/km (WTW) Costs Capital Cost, overnight, Euro/unit O&M cost (fixed and variable), Euro/km Economic Lifetime, yrs 10,279 0.031 12 Baseline Gasoline Vehicles [16] Technical Performance Energy Input Base Energy Consumption (l/km) Base Energy Consumption (MJ/km) Technical Lifetime, yrs Environmental Impact CO2 and other GHG emissions, g/km (TTW) CO2 and other GHG emissions, g/km (WTW) Costs Capital Cost, overnight, Euro/unit O&M cost (fixed and variable), Euro/km Economic Lifetime, yrs 10,279 0.03 12 16,643 0.04 12 25,505 0.05 12 143.5 169.1 166.7 196.4 255.0 300.5 Small Cars Medium Cars Gasoline 0.072 2.38 12 Large Cars 16,643 0.044 12 25,505 0.054 12 20.6 93.1 23.9 108.1 36.6 165.3 Small Cars Medium Cars Large Cars
Bioethanol E85 (85% Ethanol, 15% Gasoline) 0.091 0.105 0.161 1.96 2.28 3.48 12 12 12
0.062 2.05 12
0.111 3.64 12
Notes: CO2 emissions for E85 estimated on the basis of 50% reduction in lifecycle emissions for bioethanol versus gasoline on an energy basis. TTW = direct emissions from the tailpipe (taken to be zero for biofuels, as the CO2 emitted is the same as that absorbed during the growth of the biomass feedstock). WTW = full lifecycle emissions from production, distribution and use of a fuel. Dataset is for current (2010) performance and costs.
5 Please send comments to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Authors), and to [email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators
References and Further Information 1. 2. Transport technologies marginal abatement cost curve model technology and efficiency measures, Kollamthodi, S. et al., AEA Technology, 2008. 3. Biofuels for Transport, Fulton. L., and Howes, T., IEA, 2004. 4. Dumont, 2007. Controlling Induction System Deposits in Flexible Fuel Vehicles, (FFV) Operating on E85, SAE tech paper 2007014071, 2007. 5. Ethanol as a Fuel for Road Transportation, IEA Implementing Agreement on Advanced Motor Fuels, Technical University of Denmark, May 2009 6. Refinement of a Dedicated E85 1999 Silverado with Emphasis on Cold Start and Cold Drivability, Kane. E.L., et al., SAE 2001010679, 2001. 7. Final Results From the State of Ohio EthanolFueled, LightDuty Fleet Deployment Project, Chandler et al., SAE technical paper 982531, 1998. 8. Development of 1.6L Flex Fuel Engine for the Brazilian Market, Giroldo et al., SAE tech paper 2005014130. 9. AlcoholBased Fuels in High-Performance Engines, Turner. JW.G. (Lotus Engineering) et al., SAE 2007010056, 2007. 10. Development of 1.6L Flex Fuel Engine for the Brazilian Market, Giroldo et al., SAE tech paper 2005014130. 11. High Efficiency and Low Emissions From a PortInjected Engine With Neat Alcohol Fuels, Brusstar, M.J., U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), et al., SAE 2002012743, 2002. 12. ENVIS (Environmental Information System), MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forests), Government of India, Web site, Pollution control technology., accessed 2007. 13. Royal message: Scania ethanol buses to be tested in Brazil, Scania, 2007. 14. Particulate Emissions from an EthanolFueled, HeavyDuty Diesel Engine Equipped with Egr, Catalyst and Dpf, Nord, K., Lule University of Technology, et al., SAE 2004011987, 2004. 15. 16. Kollamthodi, S. et al., Transport technologies marginal abatement cost curve model - technology and efficiency measures, AEA Technology, 2008. 17. JEC (2008). 2008 update to the JRC/EUCAR/CONCAWE European Well-To-Wheels Study, available at: 18. Review and analysis of the reduction potential and costs of technological and other measures to reduce CO2emissions from passenger cars, TNO, IEEP, LAT Final Report, October 31, 2006, European commission. 19. Biofuels Research Gap Analysis Vehicle Capability, AEA, 2009 20. Ethanol coming to French gas stations, but resistance is loud, article by Xavier Navarro (March 2009) available at: 21. Energy technology perspectives to 2050, IEA, OECD/IEA, Paris, 2008 22. UK MARKAL-ED Model, by AEA prepared for Committee on Climate Change (CCC), 2009 23. Frequently asked questions on ethanol buses, Ethanol Bus & Truck initiative website, 2010 - available at:
6 Please send comments to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Authors), and to [email protected] and Giancarlo Tosato ([email protected]), Project Coordinators