Booster Revision 1

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Booster Revision Question 1 (a) Factorise completely (i) 32 r 2 8t 2 , (ii) 4a 2 2ac 3bc 9b 2 .

2 . (b) Figure 1 shows a right circular conical block of wax with a base radius of 12 cm and slant height 20 cm. (i) (ii) Calculate, correct to the nearest whole number, the volume of the cone. Find the number of smaller conical blocks of wax, which are geometrically similar to the original cone but with only one-third of its height, that can be made from the original cone.

The conical block of wax is melted to make into a block of wax of uniform crosssection and length x cm, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the cross-section of its end. In Figure 3, AOB is a sector with centre O, radius 8 cm and A O B sector with centre O, radius 16 cm and C O D (iii) Show that x = 24. 20 cm

. 3

. COD is another 3

Calculate, the perimeter of the cross-section ABCD, the total surface area of the block of wax.

12 cm

16 cm

8 cm

x cm C D


Figure 2

Figure 3

Booster Revision Question 2

S The diagram shows a structure, in the shape of a trapezium, PQRS, formed by 12 congruent isosceles triangles. The dimension of each triangle is x cm by x cm by y cm. Given that the structure is made from a piece of wire which has a length of 165 cm, (a) write down an equation in x and y. If the area of trapezium PQRS is 215 cm2 and the height of the trapezium is (x+2) cm, (b) (c) form an equation in x and show that it reduces to 14x 2 137x 315 0 . Solve the equation 14 x 2 - 137 x + 315 = 0 , leaving your answers in 2 decimal places. Hence, calculate the perimeter of trapezium PQRS. Explain why you would reject one of the two solutions from (c).


Booster Revision

Question 3 In 2005, a salesman was paid his annual salary in twelve equal monthly instalments. In addition, at the end of each year, he was paid a bonus which amounted to 8% of the value of his total annual sales. Given that his monthly salary was $6 000 and that his total sales during that year amounted to $150 000, calculate his total income for the year 2005. In 2006, the salesmans bonus was increased to 9% of the value of his total annual sales and his annual salary was reduced by $5 400. Calculate (b) the percentage decrease in his annual salary, (c) his sales, correct to nearest $10 000, for the year 2006, if his total income during

the year was to be at least $120 000. The annual salary in 2007 was 4% more than that in 2006. It was projected that the annual salary in 2008 would be 2.5% less than that in 2007. Express the annual salary in 2008 as a percentage of the annual salary in 2006.

The salesman decided to go for a holiday in Malaysia. He bought some Malaysian Ringgit from a money changer. The rate of exchange between Singapore dollars ($) and Malaysian Ringgit (RM) was $ 1 = RM 2.32. (e) He bought RM 8259.20 from the bank. Calculate the total amount, in Singapore dollars, he paid to the money changer. However, he was unable to make the trip. So he changed his RM 8259.20 back into Singapore dollars at a different rate of exchange. (f) Given that he received $3496.20, calculate the new rate of exchange, in Malaysian Ringgit to the dollar, giving your answer correct to 2 decimal places.

Booster Revision Question 4

Given that a = 3.9 10 and b = 1.44 10 , find the value of in standard form.
3 2

b , giving your answer

Question 5 A straight line AC, whose equation is 2 x 3 y 6 0 , is drawn below. B is the point (3, 0). Find (a) the gradient of AC, (b) the coordinates of A, (c) the equation of the line through B which is parallel to AC, (d) the coordinates of C if the equation of BC is y +9 = 3x. A

y C x 0 B(3, 0)

Booster Revision Question 6 The graphs show the charges of two telcommunications companies for telephone calls lasting up to 10 minutes.

Company A

Company B

Company A charges 40 cents for calls of 3 minutes or less and then at the constant rate of 10 cents per minute. Company B charges a connection fee of p cents and all calls are charged at the constant rate of q cents per minute. Using these graphs, find (a) (b) (c)

1 the cost of a 2 minute call using Company A, 3

the value of p and of q, the range of times for which it would be cheaper to use Company A.

Booster Revision Question 7


6v 2 6u 2 12 uv Simplify 3vx 3ux 4uw 4vw . 2 2 (b) If x y 73 and xy = 24, find the value of
(i) (ii) (x + y)2 - 52 (5x 5y)2

Question 8 (a) Factorise completely (i) (ii) (b) It is given that . . , express c in terms of

(c) Simplify

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