Sudan Post Conflict Envirnment Assessment

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Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment

United Nations Environment Programme

First published in June 2007 by the United Nations Environment Programme.
© 2007, United Nations Environment Programme.

ISBN: 978-92-807-2702-9
Job No.: DEP/0816/GE

United Nations Environment Programme

P.O. Box 30552
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Unless otherwise credited, all the photographs in this publication were taken by the UNEP Sudan assessment mission team.
UNEP wishes to thank the following individuals and institutions for providing additional photographic material:
Phil Snyder, Nick Wise – WFP/GTZ, Red Sea Enterprises, CARE International, USAID, UNOPS and the Ministry of Environment
and Physical Development, Government of National Unity.

Cover Design and Layout: Matija Potocnik

Maps and Remote Sensing: Yves Barthélemy & UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe UNEP promotes
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Post-Conflict Environmental

This report by the United Nations Environment Programme was made possible
by the generous contributions of the Governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom
Table of contents

Foreword 5

Executive Summary 6

Chapter 1: Introduction 18
1.1 Background...................................................................................................................................................20
1.2 Objectives .....................................................................................................................................................20
1.3 Assessment scope...........................................................................................................................................21
1.4 Methodology.................................................................................................................................................21
1.5 Assessment team and consultations ...............................................................................................................25
1.6 Report structure ............................................................................................................................................26
Chapter 2: Country Context 30
2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................32
2.2 Society ..........................................................................................................................................................32
2.3 Governance and economy .............................................................................................................................36
2.4 Climate .........................................................................................................................................................38
2.5 Geography and vegetation zones....................................................................................................................42
Chapter 3: Natural Disasters and Desertification 56
3.1 Introduction and assessment activities ...........................................................................................................58
3.2 Water shortages .............................................................................................................................................59
3.3 Desertification...............................................................................................................................................62
3.4 Water damage................................................................................................................................................66
3.5 Disaster risk reduction and mitigation of desertification ................................................................................67
3.6 Conclusions and recommendations ...............................................................................................................68
Chapter 4: Conflict and the Environment 70
4.1 Introduction and assessment activities ...........................................................................................................72
4.2 Overview of conflicts in Sudan......................................................................................................................73
4.3 Analysis of the role of natural resources as a contributing cause of conflict in Sudan......................................77
4.4 Environmental linkages to local conflicts over rangeland and rain-fed agriculture..........................................80
4.5 Assessment of the environmental impacts of conflict .....................................................................................88
4.6 Conclusions and recommendations ...............................................................................................................95
Chapter 5: Population Displacement and the Environment 98
5.1 Introduction and assessment activities .........................................................................................................100
5.2 Overview of population displacement in Sudan...........................................................................................101
5.3 Overview of displacement-related environmental issues...............................................................................104
5.4 Environment as one of three major causes of displacement in Sudan ...........................................................104
5.5 Environmental impacts of camps and settlements........................................................................................105
5.6 Other environmental impacts of displacement ............................................................................................112
5.7 Environmental implications of the return process........................................................................................112
5.8 International aspects of environment and displacement in Sudan ................................................................115
5.9 Conclusions and recommendations .............................................................................................................115
Chapter 6: Urban Environment and Environmental Health 118
6.1 Introduction and assessment activities .........................................................................................................120
6.2 Overview of demographics and major urban centres....................................................................................121
6.3 Overview of urban environment and environmental health issues ...............................................................122
6.4 Urbanization and urban planning................................................................................................................122
6.5 Drinking water, sanitation and waterborne diseases .....................................................................................127

2 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •
6.6 Solid waste management .............................................................................................................................130
6.7 Air pollution and urban transport ...............................................................................................................133
6.8 Urban energy...............................................................................................................................................133
6.9 Sustainable construction opportunities........................................................................................................134
6.10 Urban and health sector environmental governance.....................................................................................134
6.11 Conclusions and recommendations .............................................................................................................136
Chapter 7: Industry and the Environment 138
7.1 Introduction and assessment activities .........................................................................................................140
7.2 Overview of the industrial sector in Sudan ..................................................................................................141
7.3 Overview of industry-related environmental issues ......................................................................................144
7.4 General industry-related environmental issues.............................................................................................144
7.5 Environmental issues specific to the upstream oil industry ..........................................................................148
7.6 Industrial sector environmental governance.................................................................................................153
7.7 Conclusions and recommendations .............................................................................................................155
Chapter 8: Agriculture and the Environment 158
8.1 Introduction and assessment activities .........................................................................................................160
8.2 Overview of agriculture in Sudan ................................................................................................................161
8.3 Cross-cutting environmental issues and impacts ..........................................................................................163
8.4 Mechanized rain-fed agriculture sector impacts and issues ...........................................................................166
8.5 Traditional rain-fed agriculture sector impacts and issues.............................................................................169
8.6 Mechanized irrigation sector environmental impacts and issues...................................................................172
8.7 Traditional irrigation sector impacts and issues............................................................................................178
8.8 Livestock husbandry impacts and issues ......................................................................................................179
8.9 Agricultural sector environmental governance .............................................................................................189
8.10 Conclusions and recommendations .............................................................................................................190
Chapter 9: Forest Resources 192
9.1 Introduction and assessment activities .........................................................................................................194
9.2 Overview of forest resources ........................................................................................................................196
9.3 Forest utilization .........................................................................................................................................200
9.4 Forestry sector environmental impacts and issues ........................................................................................203
9.5 Deforestation rates and causes .....................................................................................................................203
9.6 Potential conflict ‘flashpoint’ over the charcoal industry in Southern Sudan ................................................213
9.7 Development opportunities for the timber industry in Southern Sudan ......................................................213
9.8 Forestry sector governance...........................................................................................................................214
9.9 Conclusions and recommendations .............................................................................................................216
Chapter 10: Freshwater Resources 218
10.1 Introduction and assessment activities .........................................................................................................220
10.2 Overview of the freshwater resources of Sudan ............................................................................................221
10.3 Environmental impacts and issues of the water sector..................................................................................224
10.4 Large dams and water management schemes ...............................................................................................224
10.5 Sustainable use and conservation of wetlands ..............................................................................................234
10.6 Invasive plant species...................................................................................................................................236
10.7 Water pollution ...........................................................................................................................................237
10.8 Groundwater exploitation ...........................................................................................................................241
10.9 Transboundary and regional issues...............................................................................................................244
10.10 Freshwater fisheries......................................................................................................................................245
10.11 Water sector environmental governance.......................................................................................................245
10.12 Conclusions and recommendations .............................................................................................................248

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 3
Chapter 11: Wildlife and Protected Area Management 250
11.1 Introduction and assessment activities .........................................................................................................252
11.2 Overview of the wildlife and habitats of Sudan............................................................................................253
11.3 Overview of protected areas.........................................................................................................................259
11.4 Wildlife and protected area management issues ...........................................................................................264
11.5 Wildlife and protected area sector governance .............................................................................................272
11.6 Conclusions and recommendations .............................................................................................................273
Chapter 12: Marine Environments and Resources 274
12.1 Introduction and assessment activities .........................................................................................................276
12.2 Overview of marine and coastal environments and resources.......................................................................277
12.3 Environmental impacts and issues ...............................................................................................................278
12.4 Marine and coastal environmental governance.............................................................................................287
12.5 Conclusions and recommendations .............................................................................................................288
Chapter 13: Environmental Governance and Awareness 290
13.1 Introduction and assessment activities .........................................................................................................292
13.2 Overview of environmental governance structures.......................................................................................292
13.3 Overview of environmental and natural resource legislation ........................................................................296
13.4 Environmental education and civil society...................................................................................................299
13.5 Overview of environmental governance and awareness issues.......................................................................301
13.6 Social, development and investment issues ..................................................................................................301
13.7 Structure and legislative issues .....................................................................................................................303
13.8 Environmental governance and peacebuilding.............................................................................................305
13.9 Conclusions and recommendations .............................................................................................................306
Chapter 14: International Aid and the Environment 308
14.1 Introduction and assessment activities .........................................................................................................310
14.2 Overview of international aid in Sudan .......................................................................................................312
14.3 Overview of environmental aid programmes in Sudan ................................................................................313
14.4 Overview of impacts and issues for aid and the environment.......................................................................319
14.5 Conclusions and recommendations .............................................................................................................324
Chapter 15: Conclusions 326
15.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................328
15.2 Key findings ................................................................................................................................................328
15.3 Key recommendations and investment requirements ...................................................................................330
15.4 The way forward..........................................................................................................................................332
15.5 Concluding remarks ....................................................................................................................................333

Appendix I: List of acronyms and abbreviations.............................................................................................336
Appendix II: List of references.........................................................................................................................338
Appendix III: List of contributors.....................................................................................................................351

4 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •
The peace deal signed in Nairobi by the Sudanese
government and the Sudan People’s Liberation
Movement on 9 January 2005 put an end to more
than two decades of civil war in the country. The
United Nations family in Nairobi is proud to have
played a lead role in the conclusion of the peace
process by hosting an exceptional meeting of the
United Nations Security Council in November
2004, which facilitated negotiations that led to a
Comprehensive Peace Agreement being reached
in early 2005.
For most of Sudan, it is now time to focus on
recovery, reconstruction and development. In this perpetuation of conflict, the sustainable management
context, the Government of National Unity and of natural resources can provide the basis for
the Government of Southern Sudan requested long-term stability, sustainable livelihoods, and
UNEP to conduct an environmental assessment of development. It is now critical that both national and
the country in order to evaluate the state of Sudan’s local leadership prioritize environmental awareness
environment and identify the key environmental and opportunities for the sustainable management
challenges ahead. This report presents the findings of of natural resources in Sudan.
the fieldwork, analysis and extensive consultations We wish to sincerely thank the Governments of
that were carried out between December 2005 and Sweden and the United Kingdom for their generous
March 2007, and contains: financial support, which enabled UNEP to carry
• an overview of the environment of Sudan and out this assessment, organize two environmental
the assessment process; workshops for national delegates in Sudan in 2006,
and publish this report.
• analysisandrecommendationsforthemajorcross-
cutting issues of climate change, desertification, In addition, this assessment would not have been
conflict, and population displacement; and possible without the support of our colleagues in
the UN Sudan Country Team, including those
• analysis and recommendations for key en- in sister agencies such as UNDP, UNICEF, FAO,
vironmental issues in nine different sectors UNHCR, WFP and OCHA. The Ministries of
(urban/health, industry, agriculture, forestry, Environment of the Government of National
water, wildlife, marine environment, law and Unity and the Government of Southern Sudan
foreign aid). were also active partners in the assessment process,
providing both information and support. We hope
Sudan will not benefit fully from the tangible that UNEP can remain a long-term partner of the
dividends of peace as long as conflict rages on in Sudanese authorities and people as they address the
Darfur. Despite the signing of a peace agreement environmental challenges ahead.
in May 2006, violence and insecurity continue to
prevail in the region. The United Nations, through
its Secretary-General, has designated the resolution of
the crisis in Darfur as a main priority, and it is hoped
that the findings and recommendations presented in
this UNEP report will contribute to this goal.
Indeed, UNEP’s investigation has shown clearly that
peace and people’s livelihoods in Darfur as well as Achim Steiner
in the rest of Sudan are inextricably linked to the United Nations Under-Secretary-General
environmental challenge. Just as environmental Executive Director
degradation can contribute to the triggering and of the United Nations Environment Programme

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 5

Sudan and catalysing action to address the country’s

Executive summary key environmental problems, the Government of
National Unity (GONU) and Government of
Introduction Southern Sudan (GOSS) requested the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to
In January 2005, the Sudanese Government and conduct a post-conflict environmental assessment
the Sudan People’s Liberation Army signed a of Sudan. The goal of the UNEP assessment was
Comprehensive Peace Agreement, putting an end accordingly to develop a solid technical basis
to twenty-two years of continuous civil war. With for medium-term corrective action in the field
peace and a fast-growing economy fueled by its of environmental protection and sustainable
emerging oil industry, most of the country can now development.
focus on recovery and development.

Sudan, however, faces a number of challenges. Assessment process

Among these are critical environmental issues, The post-conflict environmental assessment process
including land degradation, deforestation and for Sudan began in late 2005. Following an initial
the impacts of climate change, that threaten the appraisal and scoping study, fieldwork was carried
Sudanese people’s prospects for long-term peace, out between January and August 2006. Different
food security and sustainable development. In teams of experts spent a total of approximately 150
addition, complex but clear linkages exist between days in the field, on ten separate field missions, each
environmental problems and the ongoing conflict lasting one to four weeks. Consultation with local
in Darfur, as well as other historical and current and international stakeholders formed a large and
conflicts in Sudan. continuous part of UNEP’s assessment work, with the
total number of interviewees estimated to be over two
Post-conflict environmental thousand. Parties consulted include representatives
assessment of federal, state and local governments, NGOs,
academic and research institutions, international
With a view to gaining a comprehensive under- agencies, community leaders, farmers, pastoralists,
standing of the current state of the environment in foresters and businesspeople.

The UNEP team on mission in Northern state. Different teams of experts spent 150 days in the field,
on ten separate field missions, each lasting one to four weeks

6 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure E.1 General map of Sudan



LI B YA i b

y a Lake
N u b i a n





Sea Hills
D e s e r 2259

D e s

Third Cataract

Port Sudan
Dongola Cataract

e r t

NILE Jebel Hamoyet

M u qaddam
Ed Damer At b
ar ara
i H ow
N ile
HA Sixth Cataract



Wadi el Mi

B u t a n a ERITREA
D A R F U R Hills Khartoum Kassala
15o IRA
Jebel Teljo EZ Wad Medani

El Geneina El Fasher


M a r r a Mt


N B lu e
Jebel Marra El Obeid Rabak Singa R
DARF UR 3088
Nyala N ile
SOUTHERN Nuba Mts. Roseires Ed Damazin

DARFUR Kadugli Jebel Otoro B L U E N I LE


Bar e l’A W


Bentiu Malakal


B A HR Lol So

Jong lei Canal


Aweil WA R R A B t




Rumbek Bor


5o Yambio Juba Torit
Kinyeti Mts. TRIANGLE
Nil ert

O F T25 H E C O N G O U GA N D A K35 E N Y A

o o
Height The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
International boundary 2000 in metres
State boundary
Administrative boundary 800 0 100 200 300 400 500
Marsh Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
Lake and reservoir
500 Sources:
SIM (Sudan Interagency Mapping); FAO; vmaplv0, gns, NIMA;
Impermanent river 400 srtm30v2, NASA; void-filled seamless srtm data, International
Canal Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), available from the
300 CGIAR-CSI srtm 90m database; various maps and atlases;
National capital 200
UN Cartographic Section.
State capital
0 UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 7

The UNEP team interviews a group of local men in Umm al Jawasir, in Northern state. Community
hearings and consultations were a critical component of UNEP’s assessment work

The assessment team was comprised of a core investment in sustainable development have been
UNEP team and a large number of national and the most severe consequences to date.
international partners who collaborated in a range
of roles. These partnerships were crucial to the On the other hand, environmental issues have been
project’s success, as they enabled the fieldwork, and continue to be contributing causes of conflict.
ensured that the study matched local issues and Competition over oil and gas reserves, Nile waters
needs, and contributed to national endorsement and timber, as well as land use issues related to
of the assessment’s outcomes. UNEP also worked agricultural land, are important causative factors
closely with the Government of National Unity in the instigation and perpetuation of conflict in
and the Government of Southern Sudan, and Sudan. Confrontations over rangeland and rain-fed
specific efforts were made to align UNEP activities agricultural land in the drier parts of the country
with a government initiative known as the are a particularly striking manifestation of the
National Plan for Environmental Management. connection between natural resource scarcity and
violent conflict. In all cases, however, environmental
Summary of the findings factors are intertwined with a range of other social,
political and economic issues.
The assessment identified a number of critical
environmental issues that are closely linked to the UNEP’s analysis indicates that there is a very strong
country’s social and political challenges. link between land degradation, desertification
and conflict in Darfur. Northern Darfur – where
Strong linkages between environment and exponential population growth and related
conflict: a key issue in the Darfur crisis environmental stress have created the conditions for
conflicts to be triggered and sustained by political,
The linkages between conflict and environment tribal or ethnic differences – can be considered a
in Sudan are twofold. On one hand, the country’s tragic example of the social breakdown that can
long history of conflict has had significant impacts result from ecological collapse. Long-term peace
on its environment. Indirect impacts such as in the region will not be possible unless these
population displacement, lack of governance, underlying and closely linked environmental and
conflict-related resource exploitation and under- livelihood issues are resolved.

8 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Population displacement: significant

environmental impacts

With over five million internally displaced persons

(IDPs) and international refugees, Sudan has the
largest population of displaced persons in the world
today. In Darfur, internal displacement has occurred
at an unprecedented rate since 2003, with some 2.4
million people affected. This massive population
displacement has been accompanied by significant
human suffering and environmental damage. Areas
around the larger camps – particularly in Darfur
– are severely degraded, and the lack of controls and
solutions has led to human rights abuses, conflicts
over resources and food insecurity. Although this is
not a new phenomenon, the scale of displacement
and the particular vulnerability of the dry northern
Sudanese environment may make this the most
significant case of its type worldwide.

In addition, the large-scale return of southern

Sudanese to their homeland following the cessation
of the civil war is likely to result in a further wave
of environmental degradation in some of the more
fragile return areas.
Desertification and the associated loss of
agricultural land are not an inevitable and
unstoppable process. Good management
practices can sustain agriculture even in
seemingly arid and hostile environments,
as in this dune belt in Northern Kordofan

Desertification and regional climate change:

contributing to poverty and conflict

An estimated 50 to 200 km southward shift of

the boundary between semi-desert and desert
has occurred since rainfall and vegetation records
were first held in the 1930s. This boundary
is expected to continue to move southwards
due to declining precipitation. The remaining
semi-desert and low rainfall savannah on sand,
which represent some 25 percent of Sudan’s
agricultural land, are at considerable risk of
further desertification. This is forecast to lead to
a significant drop (approximately 20 percent) in
food production. In addition, there is mounting
evidence that the decline in precipitation due to
Cattle in poor condition on overgrazed land near regional climate change has been a significant
El Geneina, Western Darfur. Intense competition stress factor on pastoralist societies – particularly
over declining natural resources is a contributing in Darfur and Kordofan – and has thereby
cause of the ongoing conflict in the region contributed to conflict.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 9

Natural disasters: increasing vulnerability and erosion, invasive species, pesticide mismanagement
impacts in the large irrigation schemes, and water pollution.
Disorganized and poorly managed mechanized rain-
Sudan has suffered a number of long and devastating
fed agriculture, which covers an estimated area of 6.5
droughts in the past decades, which have undermined
million hectares, has been particularly destructive,
food security and are strongly linked to human
leading to large-scale forest clearance, loss of wildlife
displacement and related conflicts. The vulnerability
and severe land degradation.
to drought is exacerbated by the tendency to maximize
livestock herd sizes rather than quality, and by the lack
of secure water sources such as deep boreholes that In addition, an explosive growth in livestock
can be relied on during short dry spells. numbers – from 28.6 million in 1961 to 134.6
million in 2004 – has resulted in widespread
Despite serious water shortages, floods are also degradation of the rangelands. Inadequate rural
common in Sudan. The most devastating occur land tenure, finally, is an underlying cause of many
on the Blue Nile, as a result of deforestation and environmental problems and a major obstacle to
overgrazing in the river’s upper catchment. One sustainable land use, as farmers have little incentive
of the main impacts of watershed degradation and to invest in and protect natural resources.
associated flooding is severe riverbank erosion in
the narrow but fertile Nile riverine strip. Forestry: a deforestation crisis in the drier
regions, risks and opportunities in the south
Agriculture: severe land degradation due to
demographic pressure and poorly managed
Deforestation in Sudan is estimated to be occurring
development at a rate of over 0.84 percent per annum at the
national level, and 1.87 percent per annum in
Agriculture, which is the largest economic sector in UNEP case study areas. It is driven principally by
Sudan, is at the heart of some of the country’s most energy needs and agricultural clearance. Between
seriousandchronicenvironmentalproblems,including 1990 and 2005, the country lost 11.6 percent
land degradation in its various forms, riverbank of its forest cover, or approximately 8,835,000

The most serious and common natural disaster facing the population of Sudan is drought. Rural commu-
nities such as this village in Khartoum state have faced waves of drought since the 1970s, which have
exacerbated rural poverty and precipitated large-scale displacement to the northern cities

10 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Abandoned degraded agricultural land in a former irrigation scheme near Tandelti in Northern Kordofan

hectares. At the regional level, two-thirds of

the forests in north, central and eastern Sudan
disappeared between 1972 and 2001. In Darfur,
a third of the forest cover was lost between 1973
and 2006. Southern Sudan is estimated to have
lost 40 percent of its forests since independence
and deforestation is ongoing, particularly around
major towns. Extrapolation of deforestation rates
indicate that forest cover could reduce by over
10 percent per decade. In areas under extreme
pressure, UNEP estimates that total loss could
occur within the next 10 years.

These negative trends demonstrate that this valuable

resource upon which the rural population and a large
part of the urban population depend completely
for energy is seriously threatened. The growing use
of fuelwood for brick-making in all parts of Sudan
is an additional cause for concern. In Darfur, for
instance, brick-making provides a livelihood for
many IDP camp residents, but also contributes to A mango orchard in Juba, Central Equatoria.
severe localized deforestation. If it were properly The combination of higher rainfall and lower
managed, however, the forestry sector could population and development pressure results
represent a significant opportunity for economic in Sudan’s remaining forest cover being con-
development and sustainable north-south trade. centrated in the southern half of the country

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 11

The rusting wreckage of the Jonglei canal excavator lies in the unfinished main channel. This failed
venture illustrates the risks associated with developing large-scale projects in socially and
environmentally sensitive areas without local support

Dams and water projects: major impacts and particularly of the maya wetlands on the Blue
conflict linkages Nile and of the riparian dom palm forests in the
lower Atbara river.
UNEP considers the principal and most important
environmental issue in the water resource sector in The infamous Jonglei canal engineering mega-
Sudan to be the ongoing or planned construction of project, which started in the 1970s, was closely
over twenty large dams. While its electrical output linked to the start of the north-south civil war. As
is expected to bring major benefits to the country, it was not completed, its anticipated major impacts
the Merowe dam epitomizes environmental and on the Sudd wetlands never came to pass. The
social concerns over the country’s ambitious unfinished canal bed, which does not connect to
dam-building programme. Although it is the any major water bodies or watercourses, now acts
first dam project in Sudan to have included an
only as a giant ditch and embankment hindering
environmental impact assessment, the process
wildlife migrations. Nevertheless, lessons learnt
did not meet international standards, and would
from this project should be carefully studied
have benefited from more transparency and public
and applied to existing efforts in peacebuilding
consultation. Major environmental problems
between north and south, especially as economic
associated with the Merowe dam include silt loss
motivations for the project still exist, including
for flood recession agriculture, dam sedimentation
from international partners.
and severe riverbank erosion due to intensive flow
release within short time periods. Urban issues and environmental health: rapid
and chaotic urbanization and chronic waste
In addition, the active storage capacity of all and sanitation issues
of Sudan’s existing dam reservoirs (with the
exception of Jebel Aulia) is seriously affected Uncontrolled sprawl, chronic solid waste ma-
by sediment deposition. Dams have also caused nagement problems and the lack of wastewater
major degradation of downstream habitats, treatment are the leading environmental problems

12 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

facing Sudan’s urban centres. The explosive growth

of the capital Khartoum continues relentlessly,
with 64 percent of the country’s urban population
residing in the area. The larger towns of Southern
Sudan are also experiencing very rapid growth
fueled by the return of formerly displaced persons,
estimated at 300,000 by end of 2006. In Darfur,
the majority of the two million displaced are found
on the fringes of urban centres, whose size in some
cases has increased by over 200 percent in the last
three years.

Sewage treatment is grossly inadequate in all of

Sudan’s cities, and solid waste management practices
throughout the country are uniformly poor. In the
majority of cases, garbage of all types accumulates
close to its point of origin and is periodically burnt.
These shortcomings in environmental sanitation
are directly reflected in the elevated incidence of
waterborne diseases, which make up 80 percent of
reported diseases in the country.
Waste pickers at the main Khartoum
landfill site. Waste management is
problematic throughout Sudan.

Industrial pollution: a growing problem and a

key issue for the emerging oil industry

Environmental governance of industry was

vir-tually non-existent until 2000, and the
effects of this are clearly visible today. While the
situation has improved over the last few years,
UNEP has found that major challenges remain
in the areas of project development and impact
assessment, improving the operation of older and
government-managed facilities, and influencing
the policies and management approach at the
higher levels of government.

Due to the relatively limited industrial de-

velopment in Sudan to date, environmental
damage has so far been moderate, but the
situation could worsen rapidly as the country
embarks on an oil-financed development boom.
The release of effluent from factories and the
disposal of produced water associated with crude
oil extraction are issues of particular concern,
as industrial wastewater treatment facilities are
The release of industrial effluent from older lacking even in Khartoum. Industrial effluent
factories lacking wastewater treatment facilities is typically released into the domestic sewage
is an issue of particular concern system, where there is one.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 13

The all-women State Environment Council Secretariat in Gedaref state. The CPA and Interim Constitution
devolve extensive responsibility to state governments in the area of environmental governance. State-
level structures, however, remain under-funded and in need of substantial investment

Other issues include air emissions, and hazardous having some form of legal protection. In practice,
and solid waste disposal. While UNEP observed however, the level of protection afforded to these
generally substandard environmental performance areas has ranged from slight to negligible, and
at most industrial sites, there were exceptional several exist only on paper today. Many of these
cases of responsible environmental stewardship at important areas are located in regions affected by
selected oil, sugar and cement facilities visited. conflict and have hence suffered from a long-term
absence of the rule of law. With three exceptions
Wildlife and protected areas: depleted bio- (Dinder, Sanganeb and Dongonab Bay National
diversity with some internationally significant Parks), the data on wildlife and protected areas is
areas and wildlife populations remaining currently insufficient to allow for the development
The past few decades have witnessed a major of adequate management plans.
assault on wildlife and their habitats. In northern Marine environment: a largely intact
and central Sudan, the greatest damage has been ecosystem under threat
inflicted by habitat destruction and fragmentation
from farming and deforestation. Larger wildlife UNEP found the Sudanese marine and coastal
have essentially disappeared and are now mostly environment to be in relatively good condition
confined to core protected areas and remote overall. Its coral reefs are the best preserved
desert regions. In the south, uncontrolled and ecosystems in the country. However, the economic
unsustainable hunting has decimated wildlife and shipping boom focused on Port Sudan and
populations and caused the local eradication of the oil export facilities may rapidly change the
many of the larger species, such as elephant, rhino, environmental situation for the worse. Steady
buffalo, giraffe, eland and zebra. Nonetheless, degradation is ongoing in the developed strip
Sudan’s remaining wildlife populations, including from Port Sudan to Suakin, and the symptoms
very large herds of white-eared kob and tiang of overgrazing and land degradation are as
antelope, are internationally significant. omnipresent on the coast as elsewhere in dryland
Sudan. Mangrove stands, for example, are
Approximately fifty sites throughout Sudan currently under severe pressure along the entire
– covering 10 and 15 percent of the areas of coastline. Pollution from land-based sources and
the north and south respectively – are listed as the risk of oil spills are further issues of concern.

14 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Environmental governance: historically weak, Environment and international aid: reduced

now at a crossroads environmental impact of relief operations
and improved UN response to environmental
By granting the Government of Southern Sudan issues necessary
and the states extensive and explicit responsibility
in the area of environment and natural resources The environmental assessment of the international
management, the CPA and new Interim Con- aid programme in Sudan raised a number of issues
stitutions have significantly changed the framework that need to be resolved to avoid inadvertently
for environmental governance in Sudan and helped doing harm through the provision of aid, and to
create the conditions for reform. improve the effectiveness of aid expenditure in the
environmental sector. UNEP’s analysis indicates
At the national level, the country faces many that while most aid projects in Sudan do not
challenges to meet its international obligations, as cause significant harm to the environment, a few
set out in the treaties and conventions it has signed clearly do and the overall diffused impact of the
over the last thirty years. Although the technical programme is very significant.
skill and level of knowledge in the environmental
sector are high and some legislation is already in One major and highly complex issue is the
place, regulatory authorities have critical structural environmental impact of the provision of food
problems, and are under-resourced. and other emergency aid to some 15 percent of the
population, and the projected impact of the various
In Southern Sudan, environmental governance options for shifting back from aid dependence to
is in its infancy, but the early signs are positive. autonomous and sustainable livelihoods. Indeed, the
High-level political and cross-sector support is country is presently caught in a vicious circle of food
visible, and UNEP considers the new structures aid dependence, agricultural underdevelopment
to be relatively suited to the task. and environmental degradation. Under current


The coral reefs of the Red Sea coast are the best preserved ecosystems of Sudan

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 15

circumstances, if aid were reduced to encourage Recommendations

a return to agriculture, the result in some areas
would be food insecurity and an intensification of 1. Invest in environmental management to
land degradation, leading to the high likelihood of support lasting peace in Darfur, and to
failure and secondary displacement. avoid local conflict over natural resources
elsewhere in Sudan. Because environmental
The integration of environmental considerations degradation and resource scarcity are among
into the current UN programme in Sudan needs the root causes of the current conflict in
to be significantly improved. In addition, the Darfur, practical measures to alleviate such
environment-related expenditure that does occur problems should be considered vital tools
– while acknowledged and welcome – suffers from for conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
a range of management problems that reduce Climate change adaptation measures and
its effectiveness. Priorities for the UN and its ecologically sustainable rural development
partners in this field are improved coordination are needed in Darfur and elsewhere to cope
and environmental mainstreaming to ensure that with changing environmental conditions
international assistance ‘does no harm’ to Sudan’s and to avoid clashes over declining natural
environment, and ‘builds back better’ resources.

A group of southern Sudanese travels down the White Nile aboard a ferry, returning to the homeland
after years of displacement due to the civil war. A massive return process is currently underway for the
four million people displaced during the conflict

16 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

A food aid delivery awaits distribution at Port Sudan. Fifteen percent of Sudan’s population
depends on international food aid for survival

2. Build capacity at all levels of government mainstreaming are necessary to ensure that
and improve legislation to ensure that international assistance ‘does no harm’ to
reconstruction and economic development Sudan’s environment.
do not intensify environmental pressures and
threaten the livelihoods of present and future The way forward and the UNEP Sudan
generations. The new governance context country programme
provides a rare opportunity to truly embed
the principles of sustainable development and This report’s 85 detailed recommendations include
best practices in environmental management individual cost and time estimates, and nominate
into the governance architecture in Sudan. responsible parties for implementation. While they
envisage a central and coordinating role for the
3. National and regional government environment ministries of GONU and GOSS, the
should assume increasing responsibility wholehearted support and participation of many
for investment in the environment and other government ministries and authorities, as
sustainable development. The injection of well as several UN agencies, are also needed. The
oil revenue has greatly improved the financial total cost of the recommendations is USD 120
million with expenditure spread over five years.
resources of both the Government of National
UNEP considers that the majority should be
Unity and the Government of Southern Sudan,
financed by GONU and GOSS, with the balance
enabling them to translate reform into action.
provided by the international community.
4. All UN relief and development projects For its part, UNEP plans to establish a Sudan
in Sudan should integrate environmental country programme for the period of at least 2007-
considerations in order to improve the 2009, and stands ready to assist the Government
effectiveness of the UN country programme. of Sudan and international partners in the
Better coordination and environmental implementation of these recommendations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 17

Farmers in the Tokar delta, in Red Sea

state. The rich silt deposited annually in the
Tokar delta historically supported intensive
agriculture in the region, including an
export cotton industry. From 1993 to
2005, the conflict between Sudan
and Eritrea forced the local population
off the land, leading some 50,000
hectares to become overgrown with a
dense thicket of the invasive mesquite tree.
The land is now gradually being cleared
and converted back to agriculture.

With a view to obtaining a comprehensive un-

Introduction derstanding of the current state of the environment in
Sudan, and catalysing action to address the country’s
1.1 Background key environmental problems, the Government
of National Unity (GONU) and Government of
In January 2005, after more than two decades Southern Sudan (GOSS) requested the United
of devastating civil war, the Sudanese central Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to
government in Khartoum and the Sudan People’s conduct a post-conflict environmental assessment of
Liberation Army in the south signed a historic Sudan. The present report is the principal product
Comprehensive Peace Agreement. This landmark of the resulting national-scale assessment project,
achievement – which was followed by the managed by UNEP over the period November 2005
adoption of an Interim Constitution – brought to January 2007.
peace to most of the country for the first time in
a generation.
1.2 Objectives
Now, thanks to the rapid development of its oil
industry, Sudan is one of the fastest-growing Goal and objectives
economies in Africa. Direct investment and The goal of the UNEP post-conflict environmental
international aid are starting to flow into the assessment for Sudan was to develop a solid
country on a large scale, and some parts of Sudan technical basis for medium-term (1-5 years)
are undergoing brisk development. corrective action in the field of environmental
protection and sustainable development. This goal
As it focuses on recovery and development, was expanded into five objectives:
however, the country faces a number of key
challenges. Chief among them are several 1. Provide neutral and objective information on
critical environmental issues – such as land the most critical environmental problems facing
degradation, deforestation and the impacts of the country, and on the potential risks to human
climate change – that threaten Sudan’s prospects health, livelihoods and ecosystem services;
for long-term peace, food security and sustainable
development. 2. Recommend strategic priorities for sustainable
resource management and identify the
Recent tensions in north-south border regions actors, timelines and costs necessary for
have highlighted several environmental issues implementation;
that constitute potential flashpoints for renewed 3. Facilitate the development of national en-
conflict, including the environmental impacts vironmental policy and strengthen the capacity
of the oil industry and the management of the for national environmental governance;
country’s water resources.
4. Raise awareness and catalyse financial support for
In Darfur, where violence and insecurity continue environmental projects by national authorities,
to prevail despite the signing of a peace agreement UN actors, NGOs and donors; and
in May 2006, complex but clear linkages exist
between environmental problems and the 5. Integrate environmental issues into the
ongoing conflict. Indeed, climate change, land recovery and reconstruction process.
degradation and the resulting competition over
scarce natural resources are among the root causes This report aims to present the post-conflict
as well as the consequences of the violence and environmental issues for Sudan in a single
grave humanitarian situation in the region. concise document accessible to a wide audience
of non-experts. A number of detailed studies were
Natural resource management and rehabilitation, prepared in parallel to provide the technical basis
therefore, are not only fundamental prerequisites to for this PCEA report. Access to the technical
peacebuilding in Darfur and the rest of Sudan – they report series and further information on Sudan’s
must become a national priority if the country is to environment can be obtained from the UNEP
achieve long-term social stability and prosperity. Sudan website at

20 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Links to the UN country team in Sudan UNEP’s assessment work also included the
and international UN processes following six cross-cutting topics:
This report is designed to fit within the United 1. Capacity-building: to build national capacity
Nations country- and global-level frameworks for during the process by maximizing the use
Sudan. At the country level, this study aims to of government counterparts and technical
assist the UN family to integrate or ‘mainstream’ experts;
environmental issues into the UN programme for
Sudan, according to the framework provided by 2. Engagement with local partners: to link the
the UN Country Team Forum, the annual UN UNEP process with existing and new local
Sudan Work Plan process, and the Sudan National initiatives for environmental assessment and
and Darfur Joint Assessment Missions. management;

At the global level, this report is designed to link 3. Livelihoods and food security: to explicitly
with ongoing UN reform processes, which focus link the observed environmental issues with
on issues such as aid effectiveness, improved their impact on the poor, particularly on the
coordination and better integration of cross- rural poor;
cutting issues like the environment.
4. Gender: to link environmental issues and
A new and developing theme at the global level impacts with gender, as issues such as water
– addressed by such high-level bodies as the High- and firewood scarcity have a disproportionately
level Panel on System-wide Coherence in the negative impact on women;
Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance
and the Environment – is the recognition that 5. Peacebuilding: to analyse the linkages between
environmental degradation has become a major conflict and environment in order to assist
contributor to food insecurity, conflict and ongoing conflict prevention and resolution
vulnerability to natural disasters. It could be efforts; and
argued that this evident in Sudan today.
6. Aid effectiveness: to critically assess the success
of what has been attempted so far in this sector
1.3 Assessment scope and design a more effective response to the
environmental issues identified.
The geographical scope of UNEP’s survey
extended to all states of the Republic of Sudan,
the coastline, and to territorial seas. 1.4 Methodology
The assessment’s technical scope was developed Assessment process
in two stages – an initial broad scan was followed
by a targeted study focused on identified The post-conflict environmental assessment process
key themes. The final twelve themes, as reflected for Sudan commenced in earnest in late 2005. The
in the chapters of this report were: natural di- major components of this process were:
sasters and desertification; conflict and peace- an initial appraisal and scoping study;
building; population displacement; urban

• consultation;
environment and environmental health; in-
dustry; agriculture; forest resources; fresh- • desk studies;
water resources; wildlife and protected area • fieldwork;
management; marine environments and resources; • remote sensing;
environmental governance and awareness; and • analysis; and
international aid. • development of the recommendations and
To ensure linkages to the some of the major
humanitarian and governance issues the UN The fieldwork and consultation process are
and partners are attempting to address in Sudan, described in more detail below.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 21

Fieldwork The total distance travelled was in the order

of 12,000 km. The average fieldwork day in-
UNEP’s fieldwork was carried out between January cluded three to five stakeholder meetings
and August 2006. Different teams of experts spent of varying formality; the total number of
a total of approximately 150 days in the field, on interviewees is estimated to have been over two
ten separate field missions, each lasting one to four thousand.
weeks. The states covered and the timing of each
mission are set out below, while the locations visited
Constraints and acknowledged gaps
and field trip routes are shown in Figure 1.1.
in assessment coverage
Table 1. UNEP field missions in Sudan The two major constraints encountered in the
Timing States visited course of the assessment were security risks
February 2006 Northern and Red Sea states, and the posed by ongoing military action and fieldwork
logistics in Southern Sudan and Darfur. Lesser
March 2006 Northern and Southern Kordofan
March 2006 Institutional assessment in Juba
but nonetheless significant limitations included
April 2006 Khartoum, Kassala, Gedaref, El Gezira,
minefields and the lack of environmental data due
White Nile, and Blue Nile states to extended periods of conflict.
May 2006 Central Equatoria (Bahr el Jabal) and
Jonglei states UNEP considers the technical and geographical
May 2006 Institutional assessment in Khartoum
scope of the fieldwork to be adequate for the
June 2006 Northern, Western and Southern Darfur
purposes of this assessment. Given the size of
July 2006 Lakes, Northern and Western Bahr el
Ghazal, and Upper Nile states Sudan, however, and the security and other
July 2006 Central Equatoria (Bahr el Jabal) state and constraints detailed above, it was not possible to
the town of Yei survey all regions thoroughly. The following areas
August 2006 Northern state received only limited coverage:

In the relatively undeveloped areas of Southern Sudan and Darfur, distances are great and roads are
poor. In the wet season, mud and flooded stream crossings preclude road travel and restrict aircraft
landings in many locations

22 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 1.1 UNEP fieldwork routes


i b


y a Lake

N u b i a n



Sea Hills

Jebel Oda
D e s e r t 2259

Third Cataract
D e s

Dongola Port Sudan


Gaab El-Sawani
Cataract Tokar
e r t

NILE Jebel Hamoyet

Ed Damer At b

Cataract N ile
Malha Hills
Khartoum New Halfa Kassala

Jebel Teljo Wad Medani

Ad Duwaym
El Geneina Kabkabiya El Fasher Barah Gedaref


Rabak NN
Kusti Singa AR
B lu
Mornei Jebel El Obeid

N i le
Dilling Habila
DARFU R Nyala Ed Damazin
Nuba Roseires

Ed El Fursan Mts. Reservoir



Bar e l’A K O R D O F A N Talawdi W



Bentiu Malakal

Lol So



Raga Aweil t
Can al





E L G Wau




5 o TORIA Juba E Q U AT O R I A
Yambio Torit

J AB Imatong
Yei Kinyeti
EL Mts.
Nil ert

O F 25T H E C O N G O U GA N D A K35 E N Y A

o 30o
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Field Missions 0 100 200 300 400 500
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
Travel by air
Travel by road Sources:
SIM (Sudan Interagency Mapping); FAO; vmaplv0, gns, NIMA; srtm30v2, NASA; void-filled seamless srtm
data, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), available from the CGIAR-CSI srtm 90m database;
UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006 various maps and atlases; UN Cartographic Section.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 23

• Abyei, Unity state and Upper Nile (oilfields

in particular);
• Eastern Equatoria (particularly the Imatong
ranges and the dry plains in the far east);
• Western Equatoria (the tropical rainforest in
• the Jebel Marra plateau in Darfur;
• the far south of Southern Darfur, west of
Western Bahr el Ghazal; and UN helicopters were the only viable method
of transportation in many parts of Darfur and
• the Eastern Front region on the border of Southern Sudan
Kassala and Red Sea state.

UNEP link to national institutions In practical terms, UNEP provided technical and
and processes financial support for two major environmental
workshops in 2006, one held in Khartoum in
In order to maximize local engagement in the July and the other in Juba in November. At these
assessment process and its outcomes, UNEP events, technical papers were presented and
worked closely with the Government of National national delegates discussed and debated regional
Unity (GONU) and the Government of Southern and national environmental issues.
Sudan (GOSS) throughout 2006. Specific efforts
were made to align UNEP activities with a The draft report consultation process also allowed
government initiative known as the National Plan for UNEP material to be integrated into NPEM
for Environmental Management (NPEM). documents as they were being developed.

GONU and
GOSS report
review and
UNEP engaged
the Government
of National
Unity and the
Government of
Southern Sudan
in a formal process
of draft document
review. While it
incorporates the
agreed solutions
and wording
from that process,
this final report
is, however, first
and foremost
an independent
UNEP report,
Stakeholders consultation meetings were organized in early 2007 by the Ministry with endorsement
of Environment and Physical Development in Khartoum to discuss and review from the GONU
the draft UNEP post-conflict environmental assessment report and GOSS.

24 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

1.5 Assessment team and including the Secretariat of the Higher Council
consultations for Environment and Natural Resources;

The assessment team was comprised of a core

• Government of National Unity Ministries of
Agriculture and Forestry; of Energy and Mining;
UNEP team and a large number of national and and of Irrigation and Water Resources;
international partners who contributed in a range
of roles. The full list of contributors is presented • Government of National Unity Remote
in Appendix III and summarized below: Sensing Authority and Forests National
• UNEP Post-Conflict Branch (core team • Government of Southern Sudan Ministry
including seconded individual consultants);
of Environment, Wildlife Conservation and
• UNEP Regional Office for Africa and UNEP Tourism;
• Government of Southern Sudan Ministry of
• other UN agencies, including UNOPS, Agriculture and Forestry;
• Sudanese Environmental Conservation Society;
OCHA, and DSS;
• Boma Wildlife Training Centre;
• UN Mission in Sudan;
• Kagelu Forestry Training Centre;
• African Union Mission in Sudan;
USAID and the European Commission; • World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF);

Government of National Unity Ministry of • Rift Valley Institute; and

Environment and Physical Development, • Nile Basin Initiative.

Consultation with local stakeholders formed a large and continuous part of UNEP’s assessment work,
as here in the small village of Mireir, Southern Darfur

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 25

The UNEP team discusses a local agricultural project with men from the village of Um Belut, Southern Darfur

These partnerships were absolutely crucial to the 1.6 Report structure

project’s success, as they facilitated the fieldwork,
ensured that the study matched local issues and This report has four main sections:
needs, and contributed to national endorsement
of the assessment’s outcomes. 1. An introduction providing the details of the
assessment process;
Consultations 2. A ‘country context’ chapter offering general
background information on Sudan;
Consultation with local and international stakeholders
formed a large and continuous part of UNEP’s 3. Twelve thematic assessment chapters, each in
assessment work. The list of parties consulted, which a common format:
is provided in Appendix III, included representatives
of federal, state and local governments, non- • introduction and assessment activities;
governmental agencies, academic institutions, • overview of the sector or theme;
international agencies, local residents, agriculturists, • overview of the environmental impacts
pastoralists, foresters and business people. and issues related to the theme;
• discussion of the individual impacts and
Key partners in the process were the two issues; and
counterpart ministries for UNEP, the Government • theme-specific conclusions and detailed
of National Unity’s Ministry of Environment and recommendations;
Physical Development, located in Khartoum, and 4. A conclusion presenting a summary of findings
the Government of Southern Sudan’s Ministry and recommendations, and a discussion of the
of Environment, Wildlife Conservation and general way forward.
Tourism, located in Juba. These counterparts
accompanied UNEP staff on several of the field The twelve thematic chapters are grouped and
missions and provided the main link to other sequenced according to the type of issue under
branches of their respective governments. discussion, as follows:

26 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Cross-cutting issues Recommendation format

Chapter 3 - Natural disasters and
In each thematic chapter, recommendations are
provided in the following standard format:
Chapter 4 - Conflict and environment;
Chapter 5 - Population displacement; • Numbering: All recommendations are
Sectoral issues numbered to aid collation and tracking;
Chapter 6 - Urban environment and • Description: A one- to four-line description
environmental health; of the recommendation, including a note
Chapter 7 - Industry; on the scope applicable to the stated cost, if
Chapter 8 - Agriculture; appropriate;
Chapter 9 - Forest resources;
Chapter 10 - Freshwater resources; • Category (CA): One of seven categories of
Chapter 11 - Wildlife and protected area response the recommendation pertains to, as
management; set out below;
Chapter 12 - Marine environments and
resources; • Primary beneficiary (PB): The party
considered by UNEP to be the main target
Institutional response to the issues or recipient of the project’s benefits. Note
Chapter 13 - Environmental governance and that in many cases, projects have a large
awareness; number of direct and indirect beneficiaries,
Chapter 14 - International aid. and that many of the benefits will derive

The post-conflict assessment process also included photography and filming: over
35 hours of footage and 5,000 photographs were taken

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 27

from subsequent work done by the primary • Duration (DU): The estimated time required
beneficiary. This is particularly the case in for completion of the project from scoping to
governance or capacity-building projects close-out. Recommendations are given in the
directed at a specific government sector; range of one to five years.
• United Nations partner (UNP): The UN The recommendations have been divided into
agency considered by UNEP to be most seven categories of response to align with UN
suitable to be the primary partner to the and donor agency structures and strategies for
beneficiary in the implementation of the assistance to Sudan, as follows:
project. In the absence of a clear nominee,
UNEP remains the default (although a default 1. Governance and rule of law (GROL) covers
role is not preferred for a number of reasons). the areas of policy development, planning and
The partner role may range from monitoring legislation. In some case, this entails the reform
only to full involvement through the provision of existing structures, policies, plans and laws;
of advice, services and equipment;
2. Technical assistance (TA) covers the provision
• Cost estimate (CE): The estimated cost for all of expert advice and technical services, with the
parties combined (beneficiary and partners) objective of addressing an immediate need;
to implement the recommendation. Note
that many governance recommendations will 3. Capacity-building (CB) covers all topics where
result in laws, policies and plans that will the main objective is to improve the ability of the
have a major economic impact. This follow- beneficiary to fulfill its mandate, through activities
on cost is not included in the estimate. All such as mentoring, training and providing
costs are in USD million, in divisions of equipment and support services. Capacity-
USD 100,000; and building logically follows technical assistance;

A UNEP expert interviews Chadian refugees in Um Shalaya camp, in Western Darfur

28 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

A UNEP expert documenting the mission

4. Government investment (GI) covers a range warranted by UNEP. This includes specific
of subjects for which UNEP considered that studies on subjects and regions that UNEP
all the factors needed to resolve the issue were was not able to include adequately in the scope
generally already in place, except for sufficient of this national report due to cost, time and
funding by the host government. This category document size constraints.
thus applied mainly to areas where local
technical and human capacity were rated as 7. Practical action (PA): the majority of the
relatively high and solutions were already above categories of recommendations focus
devised, but lack of funding prevented the on building human resources and generating
responsible party from fulfilling its mandate. outputs in the form of legislation, policies,
plans and other documents. UNEP believes
5. Awareness-raising (AR) covers all topics that a certain percentage of projects in the
where the main objective is to expose a environmental sector should also include
wide audience to the concepts and issues of or consist of practical action, in order to
environment and sustainable development provide and promote the visible and concrete
(focusing on those specific to Sudan). This benefits of good environmental governance
includes activities such as environmental and awareness. Such practical projects could
education, stakeholder briefings, media include tree-planting, waste clean-up and
releases and document distribution. sustainable building construction. This
report strongly emphasizes demonstration
6. Assessment (AS) covers all forms of proposed projects to catalyse positive change on a
follow-up assessments and related studies larger scale.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 29
Country Context

School children in the Mandela camp

for internally displaced persons,
in Khartoum state. The combined
effects of conflict and food insecurity
have caused over five million
Sudanese to be displaced
into camps and urban fringes.

resolve conflict, 2) to save human lives and reduce

Country context suffering, and 3) to assist sustainable development. In
practical terms, this translates into the achievement
2.1 Introduction and maintenance of peace agreements, and positive
numerical indicators in poverty reduction and
Introduction to the national sustainable development as provided by the UN
context Millennium Development Goals.
The Republic of Sudan is the largest country in
Africa. Its highly diverse landscape ranges from 2.2 Society
desert to tropical forest, and its abundant natural
resources include oil, timber, extensive agricultural Population
land, and marine and inland fisheries. The country
A detailed national census has never been carried
is also culturally diverse, as it bridges the Islamic
out for all of Sudan; all population figures must
culture of North Africa with the largely Christian
therefore be regarded as broad estimates that are
south, and comprises hundreds of distinct tribal
rapidly made obsolete by a swelling population
and ethnic groups.
with a growth rate estimated to exceed 2.6 percent
Unfortunately, Sudan has long been plagued by civil [2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6]. In addition, all detailed
war and regional conflict. In the fifty years since data collection to date has excluded Southern
achieving independence, the country as a whole has Sudan, whose population is broadly estimated at
been at peace for only eleven years (1972-1983). 7-10 million [2.1, 2.7]. Taking these limitations
While a historic peace agreement was reached for into account, the population of Sudan in 2006
Southern Sudan in 2005, conflict rages on in Darfur. could be estimated to be between 35 and 40
Adding to the burden of war, Sudan has experienced million, with approximately 70 percent living
several severe droughts in the past thirty years, and in rural areas, and the other 30 percent living in
food production in many regions has dropped at the the capital Khartoum and the country’s six other
same time as the population has increased. largest cities: Port Sudan, Kassala, Omdurman, El
Obeid, Wad Medani, Gedaref and Juba [2.8].
The combined impacts of conflict and food
insecurity have caused over five million Sudanese
to be both internally and internationally displaced
into camps and urban fringes, and over five million
to receive international food aid [2.1, 2.2].

Introduction to the international

The international community currently provides
Sudan with over USD 2 billion per annum in aid,
through humanitarian crisis response programmes,
recovery and development programmes, and
peacekeeping operations. This major investment
is delivered through a number of organizations,
including the Sudanese Government, donor
country governments, the UN family of agencies
and the World Bank, bilateral agencies, and
national and international non-governmental
organizations [2.1, 2.2].
Farmers in Mornei, Western Darfur. The majority
The objectives of this vast and complex programme of Sudanese live in rural areas and depend on
of assistance are threefold: 1) to prevent, contain and agriculture for their livelyhood

32 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 2.1 Sudan population density



Dongola Port Sudan

Ed Damer

Khartoum Kassala ERITREA

Wad Medani
El Fasher Gedaref
El Geneina S U D A
El Obeid Rabak
N Singa

Nyala Ed Damazin

Bentiu Malakal

AFRICAN Rumbek Bor

5o Yambio Juba Torit


O F T25oH E C O N G O 30o U GA N D A K35o E N Y A
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Population Density 0 100 200 300 400 500
Persons per square kilometre

Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection

0 2 10 50 200 and above SIM (Sudan Interagency Mapping);
Africa population database 2000, UNEP/GRID-Sioux Falls and CIESIN;
UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006 vmaplv0, NIMA; UN Cartographic Section.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 33

Development status
Sudan is rated as a least developed country by
UNCTAD, and this is reflected in the most recent
Millennium Development Goals Report, Human
Development Report and related figures for the

It should be noted that these national and regional

figures mask very wide regional variations, as
wealth and development are concentrated in Gum arabic farmer from the Jawama’a tribe in
urban areas and northern states. El Darota, Northern Kordofan

Table 2. Development context for Sudan

Indicators Value Year
Population size (million) 37 2006
Population growth rate (%) 2.6 1998-2003
Life expectancy at birth (years) 56.5 2004
GDP per capita (USD) 640 2005
Prevalence of HIV/AIDS in adult population (age 15-49) (%) 1.6 2003
Contraceptive prevalence (women age 14-49) 7 2004
Population with access to improved water supply (%) 70 2004
Population with access to improved sanitation (%) 34 2004
Population undernourished (%) 26 2000
Percentage of malnourished children under five (%) 27 2003
Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 62 2004
Children immunized against measles (%) 50 2000
Gross enrolment rate in primary education (%) 59.6 2004
Youth literacy rate (age 15-24) (%) 60.9 2004
Ratio of girls to boys in primary education (%) 88 2000
Under five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 90 2005
Birth attended by skilled health staff (%) 57 2004
Maternal mortality rate (per 100,000 live births) 590 2000
Fixed lines and mobile telephone subscribers (per 1,000) 69 2003

Table 3. Key socio-economic indicators for Southern Sudan

Indicators Value Year
Population size (million) 7,514 2003
Refugees or internally displaced persons (million) 4.8 2002
Population growth rate (%) 2.9 2001
Life expectancy at birth (years) 42 2001
GNP per capita (USD) < 90 2002
Percentage of population earning less than one USD a day (%) > 90 2000
Prevalence of HIV/AIDS in adult population age 15-49 (%) 2.6 2001
Population without access to drinking water (%) 73 2001
Adult literacy rate (%) 24 2001
Net enrolment ratio in primary education (%) 20 2000
Ratio of girls to boys in primary education (%) 36 2000
Under five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 250 2001
Maternal mortality rate (per 100,000 live births) 1,700 2000

34 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Dinka tribe children in the town of Bor, Jonglei state

Ethnicity and religion Most of the estimated 25-30 million Sudanese

living in the northern regions are Arabic-speaking
Sudan comprises hundreds of ethnic and tribal Muslims, though traditional, non-Arabic mother
divisions and language groups, with two major tongues are also widely used. Among these are
distinct cultures: Arab and Black African. Arab several distinct tribal groups: the Kababish of
populations generally live in the northern states, Northern Kordofan, a camel-raising people; the
which cover most of Sudan’s territory and include Ja’alin and Shaigiyya groups of settled tribes along
most of the country’s largest urban centres. The the rivers; the semi-nomadic Baggara of Kordofan
Black African culture has its heartland in the south and Darfur; the Hamitic Beja in the Red Sea
but extends north into Blue Nile state, the Nuba area and the Nubians of the northern Nile areas,
mountains region, and the three Darfur states. some of whom have been resettled on the Atbara
In addition, several million internally displaced river; as well as the Negroid Nuba of Southern
people, mainly from the south, have relocated to Kordofan, the Fur in the western reaches of the
the cities and agricultural regions in the north and country, and the Funj in southern Blue Nile state
centre of the country. [2.12].

The southern states, with a population of around

7-10 million, are home to many tribal groups and
many more languages than are used in the north.
Though some practice indigenous traditional
beliefs, southern Sudanese are largely Christian.
The Dinka – whose population is estimated at
more than one million – is the largest of the many
Black African tribes. Along with the Shilluk and
the Nuer, they are ‘Nilotic’ tribes. The Azande
are ‘Bantus’; the Moro and the Madi, who live
in the west, are ‘Sudanic’, while the Acholi and
Otuho, who live in the extreme south, are ‘Nilo-
Beja tribesman in Gadamayai, Red Sea state hamites’.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 35

History A detailed account of historical and current

conflicts in Sudan is provided in Chapter 4.
Sudanese civilization dates back to at least 3000
BC [2.12]. It long concentrated along the northern
reaches of the Nile river, the area that came to be 2.3 Governance and economy
known as Nubia. The region’s three principal
kingdoms were converted to Coptic Christianity Governance structure
by missionaries in the 6th century AD. These Black In accordance with the provisions of the 2005
Christian kingdoms coexisted with their Muslim peace agreement, Sudan is now ruled by a central
Arab neighbours in Egypt for centuries, until the government, the Government of National Unity
influx of Arab immigrants brought about their (GONU), headed by the President, Omar Hassan
collapse in the 13th to 15th centuries. Sudan was Ahmed El Bashir, and the First Vice-President,
then partly converted to Islam. Salva Kiir Mayardit. The First Vice-President is
also the leader of the SPLM and the President of
By 1874, Egypt had conquered all of Sudan and
the new Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS),
encouraged British interference in the region. This
which has substantial regional autonomy. This
aroused Muslim opposition and led to the revolt structure will stay in effect until 2011, at which
of the Mahdi, who captured Khartoum in 1885 time Southern Sudan may choose through a
and established a Muslim theocracy that lasted referendum either to remain an autonomous
until 1898, when their forces were defeated by the region or to become independent.
British in the Battle of Omdurman. The country
was then run jointly as the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Sudan is divided into twenty-five states. Each
a ‘condominium’ in which the British were the has its own state government and a measure of
dominant partner. When Egypt became a British executive and legislative authority. The GOSS
protectorate in 1914, Sudan was taken under administers ten states. Two states, Blue Nile and
British rule until it achieved independence in Southern Kordofan, as well as part of a third state
1956 [2.12]. (the Abyei region), are geographically part of the
north, but have historical, tribal and ethnic links
The recent history of Sudan has been marked to the south [2.12]. A compromise was reached
by turmoil, with several periods of conflict and for these three areas in the peace agreement. The
a series of natural disasters leading to massive nation’s capital Khartoum is subject to a special
population displacement. Civil strife began with regime that differs from the rest of the north: as
the Torit mutiny in 1955 and intensified until the peace accord states that Khartoum ‘shall be a
1962, by which time the south was effectively symbol of national unity and reflect the diversity
at war with the north. This situation lasted until of Sudan’, it is administered by an eight-member
1972. A fragile peace then prevailed for eleven cabinet composed of four members from the
years, but from 1983, the war was more or less National Congress Party (NCP), two members of
continuous until January 2005, when it was the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM)
officially ended by the signing of a Comprehensive and two from other northern parties. While Sharia
Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Sudanese (Islamic law) continues to be the legal system in
Government based in Khartoum and the Sudan the north, non-Muslims – mainly Southerners
People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and allies – are exempt from it.
in the south.
The governance system in Sudan has been severely
Low-level conflict, which had been ongoing in affected by the four decades of instability the
Darfur for a generation, developed into a new country has undergone. Developing governance
regional civil war in 2003. The war continues and the rule of law is accordingly one of the major
today, despite the signing of the Darfur Peace challenges set out in the UN and Partners Work
Agreement in 2006. Low-level conflict also took Plan for 2007 [2.1].
place in eastern Sudan from the 1990s, though
a provisional peace agreement was concluded in A detailed discussion of Sudan’s governance
October 2006. structures is provided in Chapter 13.

36 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 2.2 Sudan political map







15o ZIRA


NILE Southern


Abyei K O R D O FA N






O F T25H
o E C O N G O 30o U GA N DA K35o E N Y A
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Three Areas 0 100 200 300 400 500
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006 SIM; vmaplv0, NIMA; various maps; UN Cartographic Section.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 37

Despite relatively abundant natural resources,
Sudan is currently a very poor country due
to underdevelopment, conflict and political
instability. In 2004, the gross domestic product
per person was estimated at USD 740 (using
Purchasing Power Parity figures), as compared to
USD 3,806 and USD 1,248 for neighbouring
Egypt and Kenya respectively.

While the production and export of oil are

growing significantly in importance, Sudan’s
primary resources are agricultural. Sorghum is
the country’s principal food crop, and livestock,
cotton, sesame, peanuts and gum arabic are its
major agricultural exports. Sudan, however,
remains a net importer of food and a major

recipient of food aid.

Industrial development, which consists of

agricultural processing and various light industries A sandstorm in Khartoum in May 2006. Sand and
located in Khartoum North, is limited in dust storms are common throughout northern
and central Sudan
Sudan. The country is reputed to have great
mineral resources but the real extent of these is
unknown. to experience rapid development. The present
oil-financed economic and construction boom is
Extensive petroleum exploration began in the mid-
focused on Khartoum, Port Sudan and a limited
1970s and export began in 1999. Sudan’s current
number of mega-projects such as the Merowe
production is approximately 500,000 barrels per
dam. Most of the major projects are managed
day, and it is expected that the oil industry will
and partly financed by foreign investors and
soon rival agriculture in importance.
multinational firms, including Middle Eastern
While Sudan remains poor overall, an 11.8 and Asian companies.
percent growth of the GDP is forecast for 2007
Sudan’s industrial sector, including its oil industry,
[2.3] and parts of the country have recently started
is discussed in more detail in Chapter 7.

2.4 Climate
Average monthly temperatures in Sudan vary
between 26°C and 36°C. The hottest areas, where
temperatures regularly exceed 40°C, are found in
the northern part of the country.

The dominant characteristic of Sudan’s climate

is a very wide geographical variation in rainfall
[2.15]. In the north, annual precipitation ranges
from close to zero near the border with Egypt,
to approximately 200 mm around the capital,
Spate irrigation crops in the Tokar delta, Red Sea Khartoum. Sand and dust storms that can cover
state. Agriculture is the largest economic sector vast regions and last for days at a time are a
in Sudan defining feature of this low rainfall belt.

38 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

A camel herder in Northern state. The northernmost third of Sudan has a desert climate

In central Sudan, a division of seasons can be is relatively erratic, with a combination of short-
observed: and long-term droughts, and periods of heavy
• winter or dry season (December-February);
The extreme south-west is almost equatorial: the
• advancing monsoon season (March-May); dry season is very short and falls in between two
peak rainy seasons, and annual precipitation can
• retreating monsoon season (October- exceed 1,600 mm.
The issue of climatic variability and its link to
Just south of Khartoum, annual precipitation environmental problems is covered in more detail
rarely exceeds 700 mm. In addition, precipitation in Chapter 3.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 39

Figure 2.3 Sudan average annual temperature



Dongola Port Sudan

Ed Damer

15o Wad Medani

El Fasher El Obeid
El Geneina
Rabak Singa

Ed Damazin


Bentiu Malakal

Aweil Warrab

5o Yambio Juba
O F T25oH E C O N G O 30o U GA N DA K35o E N Y A
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Mean Annual Temperature
(1961-1990) 0 100 200 300 400 500
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
20 22 24 26 28 30 oC
IPCC and CRU; SIM (Sudan Interagency Mapping); vmaplv0, NIMA;
UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006 UN Cartographic Section.

40 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 2.4 Sudan average annual precipitation



Dongola Port Sudan

Ed Damer

Khartoum Kassala
Wad Medani
S U D A El NObeid
El Fasher
El Geneina
Rabak Singa
Ed Damazin


Bentiu Malakal

5o Yambio Torit
O F T25oH E C O N G O 30o U GA N DA K35o E N Y A
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Mean Annual Precipitation
(1961-1990) 0 100 200 300 400 500
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
0 25 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 mm per year
IPCC and CRU;SIM (Sudan Interagency Mapping);
UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006 vmaplv0, NIMA; UN Cartographic Section.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 41

2.5 Geography and vegetation across the country. To provide context for the
zones issues under discussion in the following chapters,
the most ecologically significant regions and
A large and geographically geographic features of Sudan are briefly described
below. From an environmental perspective, the
diverse country
most important regions and features are:
With an area of 2.5 million km², Sudan is the largest
country in Africa. Its territory crosses over 18 degrees 1. territorial seas;
of latitude, which results in an extremely diverse 2. the coastline and islands;
environment ranging from arid desert in the north 3. northern, central and south-eastern arid
to tropical forests in the south. Sudan is bordered regions, including mountain ranges;
by ten countries: Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, 4. the central semi-arid region known as the
Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Sahel belt;
Central African Republic, Chad and Libya.
5. the Marra plateau;
The majority of Sudan is very flat, with extensive 6. the Nuba mountains;
plains in an altitude range of 300 to 600 m above 7. wetlands;
sea level. Isolated mountain ranges are found 8. the southern clay plains;
across the country, including the Red Sea hills in
the far north-east, the Jebel Marra plateau in the 9. savannah of various types based on rainfall
west, the Nuba mountains in the centre, and the and soil profile;
Imatong mountains in the south-east. The average 10. subtropical lowlands and the plateau in the
elevation of these mountains is 1,000 m above sea extreme south of Sudan; and
level, but the highest point is Mount Kinyeti in 11. the Imatong, Dongotona, Acholi and Jebel
the Imatong range, which reaches 3,187 m. Gumbiri mountain ranges.
The dominant river system in Sudan is the Nile, It should be noted that many different versions
whose basin extends over 77 percent of the country. of ecological, soil, vegetation and livelihood
The river’s two main tributaries, the Blue and White zoning for Sudan are in circulation, for a range
Nile, flow into Sudan from Ethiopia and Uganda of purposes [2.15, 2.16, 2.17, 2.18]. The zones
respectively, and meet in Khartoum before flowing listed above and discussed in more detail below
north into Egypt. In an otherwise arid terrain, the are a simplified blend of these classifications, with
Nile plays a crucial role in the country’s various a focus on major variations between ecosystems.
ecosystems. Sudan also has over 750 km of coastline
and territorial waters in the Red Sea, which include
an archipelago of small islands.

Twenty-nine percent of Sudan’s total area is

classified as desert, 19 percent as semi-desert, 27
percent as low rainfall savannah, 14 percent as
high rainfall savannah, 10 percent as flood region
(swamps and areas affected by floods) and less than
one percent as true mountain vegetation [2.15].
Note that the precise figures in each class are highly
dependent upon the classification system and date;
the above are based on recent FAO figures.

Different regions and associated

environmental issues
Due to its geographic and climatic diversity,
environmental issues affecting Sudan differ radically Sandstorm in Northern Darfir

42 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 2.5 Sudan regional environments


3 c,d,e

3 c,d,e
Chad 3b

Khartoum Eritrea

4 Sahel belt
fie gricu lture
5 d appro
x imate northern in-fed a
limit of i ntensiv e ra

7 Ethiopia

Central African 8

Vegetation zones (report reference)
Coastal plain (3 a )
Coastal and arid region mountain ranges (3 b)
Stony and sandy plains; dune fields; wadis (3 c, d, e)
Nile riverine strip (3 f)
Marra plateau (5)
Nuba mountains (6) 11
Wetlands (7)
Flood plains (8)
Savannah (9)
Democratic Republic Kenya
Subtropical lowlands (10)
Imatong mountains and Jebel Gumbiri ranges (11) of Congo
Sahel belt (4)
Sources: Admin layers (Vmap0, GRID).
Vegetation zones: adapted from Sudan International
Travel Maps and Ecological zones (Ecology
textbook for the Sudan, 1984). Kilometres
Sahel belt: adapted from "Variability of annual
maximum vegetation index (NDVI)" 0 100 200 300 400 500
Projection: Lambert Azimutal Equal-Area Projection

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 43

1. Territorial seas

The Sudanese Red Sea is famous for its attractive

and mostly pristine habitats, and particularly for
its coral reefs. The Red Sea is home to a variety
of pelagic fish including tuna, but the overall fish
density is relatively low due to limited nutrient
input. Sudan’s territorial waters host important
populations of seabirds and turtles, as well as
mammals like dugong, dolphins and whales.

Sudan is a member of the Regional Organization

for the Conservation of the Environment of the
Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (PERSGA).
2. Coastline and islands

The coastline of Sudan on the Red Sea is

approximately 750 km long, not including all
the embayments and inlets. Numerous islands are A Manta ray in Sanganeb Marine National Park
scattered along the coast, the majority of which have
no water or vegetation. The dominant coastal forms
are silty beaches, rocky headlands and salt marshes. that the desert extends all the way to the tide
Fringing coral reefs are very common and water mark. The only exception is the Tokar delta,
clarity is high due to the lack of sedimentation. which receives substantial run-off from seasonal
streams originating in the Ethiopian and Eritrean
Average precipitation in the coastal areas is highlands. The islands and most of the coastline are
extremely low, ranging from 36 mm per year relatively undisturbed and host important feeding
at Halaib to 164 mm per year at Suakin, so and nesting sites for a variety of seabirds.

Barren headland with fringing reef 100 km north of Port Sudan

44 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •


The coral reefs fringing the Sudanese coastline and islands are generally in excellent condition

A salt marsh 40 km south of Port Sudan. Offshore, seagrass beds support various marine life

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 45

3. Northern and south-eastern arid regions

The majority of Sudan can be classified as arid

land, with approximately 29 percent classified
as true desert (less than 90 mm of rain per year).
Four of the northern states are located within the
Sahara desert and its margins. A small area in the
extreme south-east of the country (the Toposa
region) is also semi-arid.

The common features of the northern deserts are

extreme temperatures, very low rainfall and, as a result,
sparse vegetation. Within this pattern, variations are The coastal plain 10 km south of Suakin
due to nuances in precipitation, geology, topography,
and isolated riverine regions. Important sub-regions
within the northern deserts include: b. Coastal and arid region mountain ranges. The
coastal mountain range runs virtually uninterrupted
a. The coastal plain. This gently sloping plain, along the entire coastline, with peak elevations
which is some 56 km wide in the south near Tokar generally in the order of 1,100 m. Mountains also
and approximately 24 km wide near the Egyptian extend along the Eritrean and Ethiopian borders,
border, is intersected by spurs of the adjacent where they form the western edge of the Ethiopian
mountain ranges and wadis (intermittently flowing plateau. The coastal and other hyper-arid regional
rivers). A notable feature is the Tokar delta, which mountain environments are characterized by very
has sufficient groundwater and seasonal flooding thin or absent soil cover and negligible vegetation,
to support intensive agriculture. except in alluvial valleys and isolated oases.

Coastal Jebel

46 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 2.6 Coastal plain and mountain range

3D view of Jabal
Danai Tohadal


Jabal Danai Tohadal


0 2 4 6 8 10
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

c. Stony and sandy plains. The majority of deserts

in Sudan are stony and sandy plains, which represent
areas of wind erosion. In the most extreme cases, soil
cover is completely absent over large areas.

d. Dune fields. Sand dunes occur across most of

the Sahara and Sudanese deserts, although their
types and density vary significantly from region
to region. The largest dune fields are found in the
north-west, in Northern state. Dunes can be mobile
or immobile/fixed; the former present major threats
to agricultural land in arid regions.

Stony plain 60 km north of Port Sudan Mobile dune in Northern state

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 47

e. Wadis. Wadis or khors (generally dry seasonal 4. The central semi-arid region: the Sahel belt
watercourses) are ecological hotspots within
desert and semi-desert environments. Drainage The Sahel, which extends from Senegal eastward
and infiltration from seasonal rainfall events to Sudan, forms a narrow transitional band
concentrate beneath the dry stream beds, and between the arid Sahara to the north and the
support trees and short-lived grasses, in addition humid savannah to the south. With eight to
to higher densities of the more drought-resistant eleven dry months per year, it has an approximate
shrub species. annual precipitation of 300-600 mm. As the
bulk of agriculture in Sudan is practised within
f. The Nile riverine strip. The waters of the Nile and to the south of the Sahel belt, most of the
have sustained civilizations in the arid regions original landscape has been altered: the majority
of Egypt and Sudan since the development of of central Sudan, where rain-fed and irrigated
agriculture over 10,000 years ago. The annual wet agriculture predominate, is now covered by flat
season flow surge results in regular flooding and and open fields with limited tree cover.
sediment deposition on a narrow strip along nearly
the entire length of the Nile, in an otherwise very In its natural state, the Sahel belt is characterized
arid environment. The width of the cultivated by baobab and acacia trees, and sparse grass cover.
and heavily developed strip has been expanded by Since the late 20th century, it has been subjected
irrigation schemes, but outside of these areas, it is to desertification and soil erosion caused by
generally no more than two kilometres wide. natural climate change, as well as overgrazing
and farming. The countries of the Sahel zone
With the exception of the Nile riverine strip and also suffered devastating droughts and famine in
the coastal plain, the desert regions of Sudan the early 1970s, and again in the 1980s. Apart
are relatively undeveloped, as the land can only from long-term droughts, the Sahel is prone to
support low-intensity pastoralism and isolated highly variable rainfall, with associated problems
oasis communities. for livestock- and crop-rearing.

Nile riverine agriculture, Northern state. A narrow strip of irrigated land on either side of the main Nile in
the desert regions supports up to three crops a year

48 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 2.7 Nile riverine strip


Irrigated agriculture all along

the Nile riverine strip


0 2 4 6 8 10
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Figure 2.8 Sahel belt and Gezira irrigation scheme

Sahelian vegetation

Irrigation schemes


0 5 10 15 20 25
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 49

A baobab tree in the Sahel during the dry season, Northern Kordofan

Accurately mapping and defining the Sahel in Sudan • historical rainfall records converted to annual
is problematic due to the limited records available average contours for 300-600 mm;
and the changing climate. Accordingly, UNEP has
used three different indicators for the Sahel belt and • the approximate northern limit of intensive
the associated limits of rain-fed agriculture: rain-fed agriculture as indicated by UNEP

50 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 2.9 Jebel Marra and Sahel belt

3D view of
Jebel Marra

Wetter mountain regions

with woodland savannah

Drier plains with

open savannah

Riverine woodlands


0 10 20 30 40 50
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

analysis of Landsat images dating from

2000 to 2005 (note that scattered rain-fed
agriculture and pastoralism occur well north
of this line); and
• a measure of annual rainfall and associated
vegetation variability recorded by satellite
images (analysis by the Vulnerability Analysis
and Mapping Unit, WFP-Khartoum), using
an annual change rate of 15 percent or more
for the period 1982-2003 [2.11].

5. The Marra plateau

The Marra plateau is a rugged volcanic range that

occupies approximately 80,000 km² in central
Darfur, with an average altitude of 1,500 m
and a maximum elevation of 3,088 m at Jebel
Marra. The higher and more southerly parts of
the plateau have a wetter microclimate (over
600 mm of rain per year) than the surrounding
area, which is relatively arid with erratic rainfall.
The plateau originally had extensive woodlands,
Bushland and wadi on the southern limit of the which have been partly removed for agricultural
Sahel, Southern Darfur development.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 51

6. The Nuba mountains

The Nuba mountains are a set of widely spaced

small mountains located in the state of Southern
Kordofan. Their average altitude is 900 m with a
maximum elevation of 1,326 m at Jebel Heiban.
They are relatively steep-sided, with extensive
hinterlands and a wetter microclimate that
results in higher-density forest coverage than the
surrounding savannah.
7. Wetlands

Permanent wetlands make up approximately five

percent of the area of Southern Sudan, while
a much greater area, both north and south, is
seasonally flooded. The largest wetlands and flood
plains are all linked to the Nile tributaries that
traverse the southern plains. The largest wetland Fringing swamps on the White Nile, Jonglei state
is the Sudd, which is formed by the White Nile in
very flat topography between the towns of Bor and
Malakal. Covering more than 30,000 km2, the Sudd In the south, the wetlands are essentially
comprises multiple channels, lakes and swamps, undeveloped and represent a safe haven for
with a maze of thick emergent aquatic vegetation. wildlife, including migratory birds.

Villages perched on steep hillsides in the Nuba mountains, Southern Kordofan

52 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 2.10 Sudd wetland and flood plains

Permanently flooded

Seasonally flooded zones

Open waters


0 2 4 6 8 10
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

and cracks. These areas are relatively fertile but

difficult to cultivate.

The geographic border between flood plains

and the drier Sahel belt is somewhat arbitrary in
the clay soil regions, as even the dry areas flood
easily during high rainfall events. The boundary
between flood plains and wetlands is also often
arbitrary, as many parts of Southern Sudan consist
of a network of seasonally variable wetlands
interlacing multiple small flood plains.
Mongalla gazelles grazing in the tall grass of the
clay plains in Padak district, Jonglei state

8. Flood plains

Much of central and south Sudan is covered by

sediment deposited in the Nile basin and known
locally as ‘black cotton’ soil. Due to its high clay
content, the soil in these areas retains water in
the wet season to form very soft and virtually
impassable shallow flood plains. In the dry season,
the water disappears from all but a few swamps, White-backed vultures resting on the new grass
waterholes and tributaries, and the clay shrinks of the seasonally flooded ‘toic’ in Padak district

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 53

9. Savannah

Large areas of central and south Sudan are

considered to be savannah, classified as low-density
woodland, mixed scrub and grassland. Within this
broad class, the density and proportions of the
three vegetation types vary significantly according
to regional climates, soil types, topography and
the influence of deliberate seasonal burning, which
tends to favour the development of grasslands.
High rainfall woodland savannah in Bor district,
10. Subtropical lowlands Jonglei state
The extreme south and south-west of Sudan can
be classified as subtropical. This is reflected in 11. The Imatong, Dongotona, Acholi and Jebel
the vegetation, which changes relatively abruptly Gumbiri mountain ranges
from savannah to semi-tropical forest in the region
south and south-west of Juba. The Imatong, Dongotona and Acholi mountain
ranges flank the White Nile in the extreme south
The land bordering the Democratic Republic of Southern Sudan. Their average altitude is 900
of Congo in the south-west rises to form a m, with a peak elevation of 3,187 m at Mount
continuous low range known as the Ironstone Kinyeti, which is the highest point in Sudan.
hills. These hills also form the boundary between They are characterized by steep slopes and high
the Nile and Congo watersheds. The region rainfall, resulting in dense forest and high-yield
supports intensive agriculture and some forestry, agriculture. The Jebel Gumbiri mountains, further
but is otherwise undeveloped. west, support extensive teak plantations.

High rainfall woodland savannah with a small seasonal wetland in Wau district, Western Bahr el Ghazal

54 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 2.11 Imatong, Dongotona and Acholi mountain ranges

Acholi mountains
steep and forested slopes
drier open plains

This is a 3D view extracted from


Google Earth software.

Terrain is exaggerated to
highlight mountainous areas.


0 5 10 15 20 25
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Subtropical vegetation and red ironstone soil in Yei district, Central Equatoria

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 55
Natural Disasters
and Desertification

A Beja nomad village in Kassala

state. Climate change and
desertification threaten the
livelihoods of millions
of Sudanese living on the
edge of the dry Sahel belt.

in particular. The current and forecast impact of

Natural disasters and desertification, especially, is poorly understood,
desertification and major efforts are required to investigate,
anticipate and correct this phenomenon.

3.1 Introduction and This chapter discusses the key linkages between
assessment activities natural disasters, desertification and the en-
vironment, as well as options for mitigating both
Introduction the risk of disasters occurring and their impact
when they do occur.
Natural disasters in the contrasting forms of
drought and flooding have historically occurred Assessment activities
frequently in Sudan, and have contributed
significantly to population displacement and the UNEP’s work on climate change and natural
underdevelopment of the country. A silent and disasters in Sudan was part of the larger investigation
even greater disaster is the ongoing process of of the agricultural, forestry and water resource
desertification, driven by climate change, drought, sectors; fieldwork details are accordingly provided
and the impact of human activities. in Chapters 8, 9 and 10 respectively.

In Sudan, desertification is clearly linked to Though relatively little background literature

conflict, as there are strong indications that can be found on flooding in Sudan, a significant
the hardship caused to pastoralist societies by body of documentation is available on drought.
desertification is one of the underlying causes of In addition, a detailed and authoritative project
the current war in Darfur. on climate in Sudan was completed in 2003 with
the assistance of the UN Framework Convention
Given the severity of the impact of such events on Climate Change (UNFCCC) [3.1]. The final
and processes, there is a clear and urgent need for reports from this project provide much of the
improved climate analysis, disaster prediction and technical basis for the country-specific climate
risk reduction for Sudan in general, and for Darfur change work presented in this chapter.

Rainfall in the Sahel commonly falls in short torrential bursts, resulting in extensive but short-lived flooding

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Even though 2006 was a relatively ‘good’ year, this small dam in Western Darfur dried up completely.
Rain only falls during four months of the year, so surface reserves do not last through the dry season

3.2 Water shortages vegetation cover, leaving land more vulnerable to

overgrazing and erosion.
Sudan suffers from a chronic shortage of
freshwater overall. In addition, water distribution Together with other countries in the Sahel belt,
is extremely unequal, with major regional, Sudan has suffered a number of long and devastating
seasonal and annual variations. Underlying this droughts in the past decades. All regions have been
variability is a creeping trend towards generally affected, but the worst impacts have been felt in
drier conditions. the central and northern states, particularly in
Northern Kordofan, Northern state, Northern and
Western Darfur, and Red Sea and White Nile states.
Annual climate variability and drought
The most severe drought occurred in 1980-1984,
Insufficient and highly variable annual precipitation and was accompanied by widespread displacement
is a defining feature of the climate of most of and localized famine. Localized and less severe
Sudan. A variability analysis of rainfall records droughts (affecting between one and five states)
from 1961 to 1990 in Northern and Southern were also recorded in 1967-1973, 1987, 1989,
Kordofan found that annual precipitation ranged 1990, 1991, 1993 and 2000 [3.1].
from 350 to 850 mm, with an average annual Isolated drought years generally have little
variation of 65 percent in the northern parts permanent effect on the environment. In the case of
of Northern Kordofan and 15 percent in the central Sudan, however, the eighteen recorded years
southern parts of Southern Kordofan [3.1]. of drought within the last half-century are certain
to have had a major influence on the vegetation
Annual variability and relative scarcity of rainfall profile and soil conditions seen in 2006.
– in the north of Sudan in particular – have a
dominant effect on agriculture and food security, Recent research has indicated that the most likely
and are strongly linked to displacement and cause of these historical droughts was a medium-term
related conflicts. Drought events also change the (years) change in ocean temperature, rather than
environment, as dry spells kill otherwise long- local factors such as overgrazing [3.2]. Therefore, the
lived trees and result in a general reduction of the potential for such droughts to occur again remains.

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Long-term regional rainfall reduction

In addition to and separately from the variation
in precipitation noted above, there is mounting
evidence of long-term regional climate change in
several parts of the country. This is witnessed by a
very irregular but marked decline in rainfall, for
which the clearest indications are again found in
Kordofan and Darfur states.

Table 4 below summarizes the long-term trends

noted, as indicated by thirty-year moving averages
of annual precipitation for three locations in

Precipitation records have been kept in Darfur

since 1917. However, there are still only three
continuously monitored stations for an area of
over 0.8 million km2. The data below shows an
overall trend of declining rainfall, with the most
marked decrease on the northern edge of the Sahel
in Northern Darfur. Since records began, the ten-
year moving average for El Fasher has declined The foundations of an abandoned village
from 300 mm per annum to approximately 200 on the steep hills of the northern limits of the
mm, while the last time rainfall exceeded 400 mm Jebel Marra plateau, Northern Darfur. Evidence
was in 1953 [3.3]. of abandonment of rural land can be found all
along the northern edge of the Sahel
The scale of historical climate change as recorded
in Northern Darfur is almost unprecedented: the
reduction in rainfall has turned millions of hectares Climate change model predictions provide
of already marginal semi-desert grazing land into grim warnings for dryland Sudan
desert. The impact of climate change is considered
to be directly related to the conflict in the region, as The Sudan climate change study conducted in
desertification has added significantly to the stress 2003 provides a solid technical basis for discussion.
on the livelihoods of pastoralist societies, forcing Moreover, a range of very recent regional studies,
them to move south to find pasture. as well as a number of additional assessments of
the potential impacts of climate change, indicate
A more detailed discussion of linkages between good agreement with earlier work. Following is a
climate change and conflict in Darfur is provided concise summary of this work, to set the context
in Chapter 4. for the findings of UNEP’s assessment.

Table 4. Long-term rainfall reduction in Darfur

Rain gauge Average annual Average annual Reduction (-) Percentage
location rainfall (mm) rainfall (mm)
1946 - 1975 1976 - 2005
El Fasher,
272.36 178.90 - 93.46 - 34 %
Northern Darfur
448.71 376.50 - 72.21 - 16 %
Southern Darfur
El Geneina,
564.20 427.70 - 136.50 - 24 %
Western Darfur

60 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

of viability for rain-fed crop production, where

even small increases in temperature and minor
reductions in precipitation could tip the balance
towards desert-like conditions.

Other climate models covering all of Africa

generally predict similar problems, although there
are some major differences in predicted annual
rainfall [3.4, 3.5]. One model, which focused on
changes in the growing season, predicted that in the
Sahel belt, growing seasons would reduce and the
percentage of failed harvests would increase [3.6].
The scale of the change varies from region to region,
but in Darfur it is predicted to be in the order of 5
to 20 percent from 2000 levels by 2020.

Summary: history and modelling

combine for a downward forecast
There is generally no clear edge to the desert, but in Historical data, anecdotal field reports and
this case in Northern Darfur, the boundary between modelling all point to the same general trend.
the overgrazed sandy rangeland and the threatened Overall, rainfall is becoming increasingly scarce
rain-fed agricultural zone is quite marked and/or unreliable in Sudan’s Sahel belt, and this
trend is likely to continue. On this basis alone,
large tracts of the Sahel will be severely impacted
The 2003 study selected Northern and Southern
by declining food productivity over the next
Kordofan for detailed analysis; all the results
generation and beyond.
presented thus relate to those areas only. A
‘baseline climate’ was determined using rainfall
and temperature data from 1961 to 1990. A range
of global warming scenarios were then modelled
to predict changes in temperature and rainfall
from the baseline to the years 2030 and 2060.

The climate model results indicated a 0.5 to 1.5°C

rise in the average annual temperature and an
approximate five percent drop in rainfall, though
results varied across the study area. These findings
were then used to project the scale of potential
changes in crop yields for sorghum, millet and
gum arabic.

The final results are alarming: the crop models

show a major and potentially disastrous decline in
crop production for Northern Kordofan and lesser
but significant drops further south. For example,
the modelled sorghum production in the region
of El Obeid is predicted to drop by 70 percent,
from 495 kg/hectare to 150 kg/hectare. Settlements like Malka in Northern Darfur are
already on the margins of survival; a small reduction
These dramatic findings are due principally to in rainfall could suffice to render large parts of the
the fact that the region is situated on the fringes semi-arid desert fringe unviable. Land degradation
of the Sahara desert and on the northern limit is clearly visible as large swathes of bare red subsoil

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 61

3.3 Desertification: Sudan’s 1. Climate-based conversion of land types from

greatest environmental semi-desert to desert. The scale and duration of
the reduction in rainfall noted above is sufficient
problem to have changed the natural environment,
Desertification, as defined in the UN Convention irrespective of human influence. This type of
to Combat Desertification, is the degradation of change occurs as a regional process, where less
land in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas drought-resistant vegetation gradually dies off
caused by climatic change and human activities. or fails to reproduce, resulting in a lower-density
mix of different species. In a shift as rapid as
In northern Sudan, there is high awareness of that observed in Northern Darfur and Northern
the issue of desertification within the academic Kordofan, this is manifest first and foremost in the
community, and historical evidence of a number widespread death of trees during drought events,
of attempts to quantify and/or limit the extent of which are not followed by recovery. This has been
the problem since at least the 1950s [3.7]. As early the case for Acacia senegal, the tree that produces
as 1953, a landmark study discussed several of the gum arabic (see Case Study 8.2), for example. The
sources of the problem (such as overgrazing), as limited figures available indicate a southward shift
well as its implications (long-term damage and in desert climate of approximately 100 km over
reductions in productivity) [3.8]. 40 years [3.7].

UNEP considers that three compounding 2. Degradation of existing desert environments,

desertification processes are underway in Sudan, including wadis and oases. At least 29 percent of
which are relatively difficult to distinguish, Sudan is already true desert. Within this large area,
separate and quantify on the ground: however, are hundreds of smaller wetter regions

Fuelwood vendors in Red Sea state. Deforestation is a major cause of land degradation in desert
environments. Tree cover is concentrated in seasonal wadis, where it helps retain soil that would
otherwise be swept away by wind and flash floods

62 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 3.1 Desertification in Bara district, Northern Kordofan

Bara township

Devegetated Bara
Sand dune zone

Expanding rain-fed

Active desertification


0 2 4 6 8 10
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

resulting from localized rainfall catchments,

rivers and groundwater flows. Virtually all such
areas inspected by UNEP were found to be
moderately to severely degraded, principally due
to deforestation, overgrazing and erosion.
3. Conversion of land types from semi-desert
to desert by human action. Over-exploitation of
semi-desert environments through deforestation,
overgrazing and cultivation results in habitat
conversion to desert, even though rainfall may still
be sufficient to support semi-desert vegetation. In
Sudan, a particular problem has been the conversion
of dry and fragile rangelands into traditional and
mechanized cropland. A detailed analysis of these
processes is provided in Chapter 8.
Regional differences in soil types and topography
also play a part in this complex three-pronged
process. The soil in the north and west of Sudan,
for instance, is sandy and prone to water and
These date palms are submerged by shifting wind erosion, while the south and east have more
sands. Farmers have attempted to hold back resistant clay soil. In addition, mountain ranges
the sands by building walls around the trees, such as the Jebel Marra plateau form high rainfall
but these will eventually be submerged as well watersheds in otherwise arid areas.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 63

To summarize, there is sufficient disseminated likely continue to drop significantly (i.e. up to

evidence to support the following findings: 20 percent or more); and

• Moderate to severe land degradation is • Modelled predictions of a future 70 percent

ongoing in the desert and semi-arid regions drop in food production in Northern Kordofan
that cover the northern half of Sudan; have actually already taken place on a smaller
scale and on a short-term and local basis,
• A 50 to 200 km southward shift of the due to reduced rainfall and ongoing land
boundary between desert and semi-desert has degradation and abandonment. This trend
occurred since rainfall and vegetation records is expected to worsen with time and the
began in the 1930s. This shift, however, has predicted result is that in the absence of
not been well quantified and is based largely on major changes in agricultural patterns, food
anecdotal evidence and small-scale studies; insecurity will only increase in these regions.

• The desert and semi-desert boundaries are The area at greatest risk is the Sahel belt, as shown
expected to continue to shift southwards in Figure 2.5. It includes the conflict-affected parts
due to declining precipitation/reliability of of Darfur, the previously drought-stricken parts
precipitation; of Northern Kordofan and Khartoum states, and
conflict- and drought-stricken Kassala state.
• Most of the remaining semi-arid and low rainfall
savannah on sand, representing approximately Much of the evidence for the above findings is
25 percent of Sudan’s agricultural land, is at piecemeal, anecdotal and/or based on site-specific
considerable risk of further desertification, data. The limited numerical data available does
to the extent that food production in these validate the anecdotal findings, but further solid
regions will at minimum plateau, and more and comprehensive analysis is clearly needed.

A thin tree belt prevents a dune from The fields’ survival is threatened by uncontrolled
overwhelming irrigated fields in Northern state cutting in the nearby protective tree belt

64 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

This abandoned field within a collapsed irrigation scheme in Khartoum state previously supported
low density rangeland. It is now barren and its remaining topsoil is being blown away

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3.4 Water damage

Despite serious water shortages, floods are
common in Sudan. The two predominant types of
floods are localized floods caused by exceptionally
heavy rains and run-off (flash floods), and
widespread floods caused by overflow of the Nile
and its tributaries.

Severe flash floods were recorded in 1962-1965,

1978-1979, 1988, 1994, 1998, 1999 [3.1] and On the main Nile in Northern state. One of the causes
2006. This last flood was directly observed by of riverbank erosion is the increased frequency of
UNEP in the field. Though generally short in sand dune migration into the Nile, as the rapid influx
duration, these events can cause major damage to of sand alters the riverflow, resulting in downstream
villages and urban and agricultural areas located erosion as well as sediment deposition
in catchment and drainage zones.

Nile floods usually originate from heavy rainfall in impacts. This problem is most acute on the main
the (now largely deforested) catchment areas of the Nile downstream from Khartoum, where peak
Ethiopian mountains, which causes unpredictable wet season flows and river channel changes result
surges in the flow of the Blue Nile. The sequence in very rapid removal of land from riverside
of severe Nile floods – which were recorded in terraces.
1878, 1946, 1988, 1994, 1998 and 2006 – clearly
shows that the frequency of flooding has increased The destruction witnessed by UNEP field teams is
dramatically over the last twenty years. impressive. For example, an estimated 17 percent
of Ganati (1,420 ha), 25 percent of El Zouma
Riverbank erosion (200 ha) and 30 percent of El Ghaba (1,215
ha) cooperative societies in Northern state have
Riverbank erosion is a natural phenomenon in been swept away in flood peaks [3.9]. Moreover,
Sudan that can, in extreme cases, be characterized as bank erosion leads to sedimentation problems
a local disaster due to its social and environmental elsewhere.

Flash flooding 20 km The submerged Sunut Forest wetland in the

north of Khartoum, metropolitan Khartoum area, August 2006. The
September 2006 flooding of the Nile is an annual natural event

66 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Farmers in Northern state watch as the date palms on which their livelihoods depend are washed away
by riverbank erosion

3.5 Disaster risk reduction

and the mitigation of
The potential to predict and limit
The past thirty years have seen major developments
in the field of disaster prediction and risk
reduction. It is now generally recognized that
while the natural phenomena causing disasters
are in most cases beyond human control, the
vulnerability (of affected communities) is generally
a result of human activity. This is particularly clear
in Sudan.

Drought. The vulnerability to drought is partly Completely degraded rangeland in Northern

related to social and development factors such as Darfur. This area immediately outside a large
the tendency to maximize herd sizes rather than IDP camp has been subject to a combination of
herd quality, and the lack of secure water resources long-term overgrazing and fodder gathering, with
such as deep boreholes which can be relied upon topsoil largely removed and virtually no remnant
during short-term droughts. vegetation or seed stock

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 67

risk reduction. Environmental protection is one

component of an integrated response to the
issue. For Sudan, this translates into the need for
practical risk-reduction measures, such as better
rangeland management to create a buffer capacity
to deal with periodic droughts, or catchment
protection to mitigate flood risk.

There are already numerous policies, strategy

papers and small-scale projects aimed at tackling
drought and desertification in Sudan [3.7],
and similar work is commencing on flood risk
As a result of overgrazing, the thin topsoil of this reduction. These positive early steps should be
rangeland near El Geneina in Western Darfur is
supported with substantial follow-up actions.
being eroded by wind and water

3.6 Conclusions and

Desertification. While climate-related desertification recommendations
cannot be easily addressed, desertification due to
human activity can be limited through appropriate Conclusion
land use planning and regulation, to avoid over-
exploitation of fragile semi-desert regions. Conflict, displacement and food insecurity are
three of the most pressing issues facing Sudan,
Flooding. The increase in Blue Nile flooding is and the main reasons for the current international
considered to result partly from deforestation and humanitarian aid effort. Natural and partly man-
overgrazing in the Ethiopian highlands. Besides, made disasters such as drought, desertification
the impact of floods in Khartoum state is generally and floods are major contributing causes to these
highest in the slums and IDP camps located in problems.
low-lying areas previously left unoccupied as they
are known by locals to be flood-prone. For the Government of Sudan, tackling these
issues will require a major investment in improving
Riverbank erosion. While adjustments in river natural resources management, as well as the
morphology are a natural phenomenon, human elaboration of new policies for the sustainable
action in altering stream discharge and sediment use of natural resources. Investment by the
loads has played a significant role in accelerating international community is also warranted as part
the process. The main impacts include watershed of the shift from humanitarian relief to sustainable
degradation from deforestation, overgrazing development assistance.
and poor farming practices that increase stream
turbidity, and the effects of dams on the Blue
Nile and Atbara rivers. The removal of riverbank
vegetation through fires or grazing further
aggravates the problem, as it weakens the banks’
ability to withstand the erosive power of flood
peaks. In this context, UNEP anticipates that
pulsed water released from the new Merowe dam
will become a major cause of downstream riverbank
erosion on the main Nile (see Case Study 10.1).

Action required in addition to more The role of vegetation in controlling desertification is

studies and plans exemplified in this photograph of degraded rangeland
in Khartoum state. The clump of grass has been
Reducing the vulnerability of communities to grazed but its roots still retain the underlying soil, while
natural disasters is the core principle of disaster surrounding soil has been removed by wind erosion

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Riverbank erosion removed the supports of this irrigation pump intake system within months of its installation,
and threatens to destroy it completely. Without mitigatory measures, the site is not suitable for such a project

Background to the recommendations Recommendations for the Government

of National Unity
Rather than establish major investment pro-
grammes focused solely on natural disasters and R3.1 Invest in national weather and drought
desertification, it is recommended that these issues forecasting services, including in measures
be integrated into development and food security to increase data collection and existing data
programmes at the national level. Accordingly, accessibility, and provide improved early warning
many recommendations relevant to this topic of drought episodes. This work should tie
are spread throughout specific sector chapters, into existing international early warning and
including agriculture, forestry, water resources forecasting programmes, such as the US-based
and environmental governance (Chapters 8, Famine Early Warning System.
9, 10 and 13 respectively). In this chapter,
recommendations are limited to data collection, CA: GI; PB: GONU MAF; UNP: UNEP; CE:
analysis and coordination. 3M; DU: 5 years, ongoing
Because the areas of disaster risk reduction, R3.2 Undertake a major study to truly
desertification and adaptation to climate change quantify desertification in Sudan. This should
in Sudan could benefit greatly from better data, include a combination of fieldwork and remote
robust analysis and improved data accessibility, sensing on both local and national scales.
investing in science is a main theme for these
recommendations. A second theme is awareness- CA: GI; PB: GONU MAF; UNP: UNEP; CE:
raising, as alarming findings such as those expressed 0.5M; DU: 2 years
in climate change work to date should be validated
and widely communicated to promote a national R3.3 Validate and disseminate climate change
response to these challenges. findings together with desertification findings.
The results of the two studies should be used as the
Finally, international assistance should play a strong benchmark for land use planning in the dryland
role in the fields of climate change adaptation and states of Sudan.
disaster risk reduction, as these are global issues for
which extensive expertise and financial resources CA: AS; PB: GONU MAF; UNP: UNEP; CE:
are available to help countries like Sudan. 0.5M; DU: 2 years

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 69
Conflict and the

The African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS)

military escort for UNEP fieldwork near
El Geneina, Western Darfur. Intense
competition over declining natural
resources is one of the underlying
causes of the ongoing conflict.

2. an overview of the role of natural resources

Conflict and the in the instigation and continuation of
Environment historical and current conflicts, listing the
major resources of concern and focusing
specifically on conflicts involving rangelands
4.1 Introduction and and rain-fed agricultural land; and
assessment activities
3. a brief environmental impact assessment of
Introduction the various conflicts, evaluating the direct
and indirect impacts of conflict on Sudan’s
Sudan has been wracked by civil war and regional environment.
strife for most of the past fifty years, and at the
time of finalizing this report, in June 2007, a Chronic environmental problems are covered in
major conflict rages on in Darfur. At the same other chapters, though it should be noted that
time, Sudan suffers from a number of severe at the local level, the boundary between chronic
environmental problems, both within and outside and conflict-related environmental issues is often
current and historical conflict-affected areas. unclear.
UNEP’s assessment has found that the connections
between conflict and environment in Sudan are Assessment activities
both complex and pervasive: while many of the
conflicts have been initiated partly by tension over The assessment of conflict-related issues was an
the use of shared natural resources, those same integral part of fieldwork throughout the country.
resources have often been damaged by conflict. In addition, UNEP carried out a number of
specific activities, including:
This chapter is divided into three main sections:
• walkover inspections of destroyed military
1. a conflict overview, presenting a summary of equipment in Juba, Bor and Padak, in
the history of recent conflicts in Sudan; Southern Sudan;

Visible remnants of war: abandoned armoured vehicles in Juba, Jonglei state, Southern Sudan

72 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

• viewing of unexploded ordnance (UXO) and the country has been exempt from such clashes,
mined areas (where walkovers were not possible) but they have been concentrated in the south,
in Juba, Yei, Malakal and the Nuba mountains; west and east of the country for the last thirty
years. Their causes are generally poorly recorded,
• walkover inspections of burnt and destroyed but include disputes over cattle theft, access to
villages and forests east of El Geneina in water and grazing, and local politics [4.3]. Many
Western Darfur, and low flyovers in other – though not all – of the large-scale conflicts in
conflict-affected parts of Darfur; Sudan have a connection to tribal friction.
• viewing of weaponry held by various armed
parties throughout Sudan; The major conflicts

• interviews with de-mining and military The majority of large-scale conflicts in Sudan have
experts within Sudan; and been long-term (five years or more) confrontations
between forces aligned with the central Sudanese
• interviews with conflict-affected communities government based in Khartoum and an array of
in Darfur, Southern Kordofan and Southern anti-government forces. The government side has
Sudan. comprised conventional army and air forces, and
allied local militias. The opposition has consisted
These activities were considered sufficient to obtain of local militias which – in the case of the Sudan
an overview of the direct impacts of conflict and People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in Southern Sudan
related issues for most of Sudan, though UNEP – evolved into a united resistance army with a parallel
was not able to carry out sufficient fieldwork in governance and administration structure (the Sudan
Darfur to allow for a full analysis. Moreover, People’s Liberation Movement or SPLM).
UNEP chose not to investigate in detail the social
and political aspects of conflicts in Sudan, focusing Major conflicts have at times extended over as much
instead on their environmental dimension. as 60 percent of the territory of Sudan, principally in
the ten southern states, but also in the west (all three
4.2 Overview of conflicts in Darfur states), the centre (Blue Nile and Southern
Sudan Kordofan states), the east (Kassala state) and the
north-east (Red Sea state). In total, over 15 million
A complex mosaic people have been directly affected, not including
the approximately six million people currently still
Conflicts have directly affected over 60 percent impacted in Darfur. Total conflict-related casualties
of the country for the last 50 years, and hence are unknown, but estimated by a range of sources to
greatly influenced its development [4.1, 4.2]. be in the range of two to three million [4.4].
Understanding Sudan’s complex mosaic of
conflicts is an essential first step in establishing Although the government forces’ weaponry has
the linkages between conflict and environment included tanks and heavy artillery, most military
in the region. This section accordingly provides a confrontations have been fought mainly with light
brief summary of the chronology and geography weapons such as AK47 assault rifles. The opposition
of the various confrontations, together with forces’ armament has been generally light, with a
a short account of the tactics and weaponry small number of tanks and other heavy weapons.
used. A thorough review of social and political Only government forces have had airpower.
factors might be taken into consideration in a
comprehensive conflict analysis, but is outside the Landmines have been used widely in most major
scope of this environmental assessment. conflicts. Minefields have been abandoned
without marking or extraction and are mostly
Tribal and small-scale conflicts unmapped. As a result, Sudan now suffers from a
severe landmine legacy which continues to cause
Tribal and small-scale conflicts fought only civilian casualties. It should be noted that there
with small arms have occurred continuously are no reports of extensive use of landmines in
throughout the history of Sudan [4.3]. No part of the ongoing war in Darfur.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 73

Figure 4.1 Conflicts in Sudan: 1957–2006

Red Sea
Eastern front


Northern Darfur
Darfur Kassala

El Gezira
Northern Kordofan

White Nile Sennar

Western Darfur
Nuba Mountains

Blue Nile
Southern Darfur Southern Kordofan

Southern Blue Nile

Upper Nile

Northern Bahr El Ghazal Unity


Western Bahr El Ghazal



Western Equatoria
LRA conflict
Eastern Equatoria
Bahr El Jabal

Conflict areas
States mostly under SPLA control
States mostly under government control Kilometres
Source: Admin layers (Vmap0, GRID). 0 100 200 300 400 500
Conflict: adapted from Reuters map. Projection: Lambert Azimutal Equal-Area Projection

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

74 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

A destroyed village and badly eroded land seen from the air in Northern Darfur

There is no firm field or documented evidence of confined to a series of partly connected tribal and
any unconventional weapons (chemical, nuclear local conflicts [4.5]. In early 2003, these hostilities
or biological) ever being held or used in Sudan. escalated into a full-scale military confrontation
Some local communities reported that drinking in all three Darfur states, which also frequently
water wells had been poisoned in Darfur, but in the spills into neighbouring Chad and the Central
absence of detail and opportunity for inspection, African Republic.
UNEP did not investigate this issue further.
The ongoing Darfur conflict is characterized by
The history and current status of each of the a ‘scorched earth’ campaign carried out by militias
major conflict areas is briefly described below. over large areas, resulting in a significant number
The geographical extent of the various conflicts as of civilian deaths, the widespread destruction
interpreted by UNEP is shown in Figure 4.1. of villages and forests, and the displacement
of victims into camps for protection, food
Darfur and water. Over two million people are curren-
tly displaced, and casualties are estimated by
Fighting in Darfur has occurred intermittently a range of sources to be between 200,000 and
for at least thirty years. Until 2003, it was mostly 500,000 [4.6].

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 75

A downed fighter-bomber near Padak, Jonglei state

Southern Sudan 2005, and some instability persists in other border

regions, particularly in Upper Nile.
In the fifty years since Sudan’s independence, the
south has experienced only eleven years of peace.
Nuba mountains
During most of the civil war, the central Sudanese
government held a number of major towns and The Nuba mountains were a SPLA stronghold in
launched air attacks and dry-season ground the 1990s. The SPLA held the forested regions
offensives into the surrounding countryside. The and steeper terrain, while the open ground and
opposition forces, the Sudan People’s Liberation surrounding plains were largely occupied by
Army (SPLA) and their allies, fought guerrilla government forces. The area saw extensive fighting
actions, besieged towns and conducted ground and aerial bombardment [4.7].
offensives in both wet and dry seasons. Most
of the countryside, however, saw little or no Kassala state - Eastern front
military activity. Frontlines with prolonged,
active fighting were confined to northern-central The region bordering Eritrea in Kassala state was
border regions and besieged towns. The fiercest a stronghold of the Beja people, who were allied
fighting took place in the 1990s, with frontlines with the SPLA. Conflict flared up in the 1990s,
changing constantly and several towns being but a separate peace agreement between the
taken many times. central government and eastern forces – known
as the Eastern Sudan Peace Agreement – was
The conflict extended to areas in central Sudan, concluded in October 2006.
such as Abyei district, Blue Nile and the Nuba
mountains in Southern Kordofan. Known as the Red Sea state - Eritrean conflict
‘Three Areas’, these regions retain a high level of
political uncertainty today. Small-scale conflict The Tokar region in Red Sea state was affected by
due to the Ugandan militia the Lord’s Resistance low-level conflict between Sudan and Eritrea and
Army (LRA) has also occurred intermittently local allied groups for twelve years, beginning in
in the far south even after the signing of the 1992. Hostilities ceased completely only with the
Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January signing of the CPA in early 2005.

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The ongoing LRA conflict

Traditionally based in northern Uganda, directly
south of the Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria state, the
Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) has fought against the
Ugandan armed forces for over twenty years. In 2005
and 2006, the conflict spread to Southern Sudan
and the Democratic Republic of Congo. As of June
2007, a ceasefire is in effect but peace negotiations
have stalled and sporadic conflict is ongoing.

4.3 Analysis of the role of natural

resources as a contributing
cause of conflict in Sudan
It is acknowledged that there are many factors that
contribute to conflict in Sudan that have little or
no link to the environment or natural resources.
These include political, religious, ethnic, tribal
and clan divisions, economic factors, land tenure
deficiencies and historical feuds. In addition, where
environment and natural resource management
issues are important, they are generally contributing The Nuba mountains were the scene
factors only, not the sole cause for tension. of sustained fighting in the 1990s

The conflict on the Eastern front was fought in the barren hills of Kassala state, near Ethiopia

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 77

As noted previously, ‘non-environmental’ factors Of more relevance to UNEP, in this context, are
have been excluded from detailed examination the environmental impacts of the oil industry and
in this assessment to allow for a tighter focus their potential to catalyse conflict in the future.
on the environmental dimensions of conflict. Consultations in central and south Sudan revealed
Also excluded is any analysis of the subsequent widespread and intense dissatisfaction with the oil
behaviour of the conflicting parties, except where it industry’s environmental performance, coupled
is directly relevant to the environment, as is the case with the above-mentioned general concerns about
for the targeted destruction of natural resources. ownership and benefit-sharing. In summary, the
population in the vicinity of the oilfields said
Four natural resources closely linked they felt subjected to all of the downsides of
to conflict in Sudan the presence of the oil industry (including its
environmental impacts) without receiving a share
In Sudan, four categories of natural resources are in the benefits. Experience from other countries,
particularly linked to conflict as contributing such as Nigeria, shows that the root causes for this
causes: type of resentment must be addressed in order
to avoid long-term instability and conflict at the
1. oil and gas reserves; local level. Part of the solution is to improve the
2. Nile waters; environmental performance of the industry.
3. hardwood timber; and
4. rangeland and rain-fed agricultural land (and The environmental aspects of this issue are covered
associated water points). in a more detailed assessment of the oil industry
in Chapter 7.
Potential conflicts over oil, Nile waters and
hardwood timber are national-scale issues.
Tensions over rangeland and rain-fed agricultural
land are primarily local, but have the potential to
escalate and exacerbate other sources of conflict
to the extent of becoming national-scale issues,
as is presently the case in Darfur.

The linkages between these resources/land uses and

conflict are discussed below; the fourth category is
examined in more detail in a separate section, as it
has strong ties to the ongoing conflict in Darfur.

Note that groundwater (on a regional scale),

wildlife, freshwater fisheries and all types of marine
resources are excluded from this list of important
contributing causes, as there is no evidence that
they have been major factors in instigating conflict
in Sudan to date.

Competition over oil and gas reserves

Though the major north-south conflict started
well before oil was discovered in central Sudan,
competition for ownership and shares in the benefits
of the country’s oil and gas reserves was a driving Camels graze in a destroyed village in Western
force for the conflict and remains a source of political Darfur. The trees have been cut for fuelwood
tension today [4.4]. This is, however, considered to and to provide the animals with fodder. Fighting
be primarily an economic, political and social issue, over grazing land has been ongoing in Darfur
and is hence not addressed in detail in this report. since 1920 at least

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Timber and the war economy

While there is no indication that timber has been
a major contributing cause of the instigation of
conflict in Sudan, there is clear evidence that
revenue from hardwood timber sales helped
sustain the north-south civil war. Timber became
part of the war economy, and there are now signs
that this process is being repeated with charcoal
in Darfur. Overall however, the timber-conflict
linkage in Sudan is considered to be mainly an
environmental impact issue (rather than a conflict
catalyst). This is discussed in more detail in the
next section, and in Chapter 9.

Local conflicts over rangeland and

rain-fed agricultural land
Local clashes over rangeland and rain-fed
agricultural land have occurred throughout Sudan’s
recorded history. In the absence of demographic
and environmental change, such conflicts would
Water is the most precious natural resource in the generally be considered a social, political or
drier regions. Goats, cattle and camels all use this economic issue and not warrant an assessment
crowded water point in Southern Kordofan purely on environmental grounds. However,
environmental issues like desertification, land
degradation and climate change are becoming
Conflict over water rights and benefits major factors in these conflicts. This topic is
from the Nile addressed in more detail in the following section.
Competition for the benefits accrued from
the use of surface water was also an important
contributing factor of the civil war, as illustrated
by the Jonglei canal project (see Case Study 10.2),
which was a cause as well as a victim of the conflict
that flared up in Southern Sudan in 1983. The
significance of this issue has not declined over
time and tensions over attempts to re-start the
project are still high.

However, a number of institutional safeguards are

likely to prevent a re-instigation of conflict over water
rights alone at the state and federal level. First, as a
high profile and easily identifiable issue, it receives
significant attention from GONU and GOSS
leadership, as well as international assistance in the
form of programmes like the Nile Basin Initiative.
Second, major projects such as new dams or canals
require both large investments and long periods of
time, and this development process (in its modern Low quality degraded rangeland in Northern Darfur.
form at least) has a range of built-in safeguards to To survive in these regions, pastoralists must travel
identify and mitigate the risk of conflict. Water issues across agricultural areas to find water and fodder for
are covered in more detail in Chapter 10. their herds, which commonly leads to conflict

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4.4 Environmental linkages to The actors of conflict at the local level:

local conflicts over rangeland three major competing and conflicting
and rain-fed agricultural land groups
The rural ethnic and livelihood structures of Sudan
Introduction and limits to the observed are so complex and area-specific that any summary
linkages of the issue of resource competition on a national
scale is by definition a gross simplification. For
It is important to note that while environmental instance, traditional pastoralist and agricultural
problems affect rangeland and rain-fed agricultural societies in Sudan are not always clearly separated:
land across virtually all of Sudan, they are clearly in many areas, societies (families, clans and even
and strongly linked to conflict in a minority of whole tribes) practice a mixture of crop-growing
cases and regions only. These linkages do exist, and animal-rearing. Nonetheless, there are some
but their significance and geographic scale should relatively clear boundaries – defined as much
not be exaggerated. by livelihoods as by any other factor – between
different tribes, clans and ethnic groups.
That said, there is substantial evidence of a
strong link between the recent occurrence of For the purposes of this discussion, UNEP has classified
local conflict and environmental degradation of the hundreds of distinct rural social units present in
rangeland and rain-fed agricultural land in the the current and historical conflict regions into three
drier parts of Sudan. major groups, based on livelihood strategies:

Unexploded ordnance partially buried in a pit outside Juba, Jonglei state

80 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

This mined road in Jonglei state has not been used by vehicles for a decade, but locals still walk
along it to collect firewood and access farm plots

1. predominantly sedentary crop-rearing uncontrolled land take from the other two
societies/tribes; groups. In the Nuba mountains and in Blue Nile
state, combatants reported that the expansion of
2. predominantly nomadic (transhumant) mechanized agricultural schemes onto their land
livestock-rearing societies/tribes; and had precipitated the fighting, which had then
3. owners of and workers on mechanized escalated and coalesced with the major north-
agricultural schemes. south political conflict [4.7, 4.8, 4.9].

All three groups depend on rainfall for their The historical background: a tradition
livelihood. The other major rural group is of local conflict and resolution
comprised of farmers using river and groundwater
for irrigation. To date, however, irrigated Violent conflict resulting partly from competition
agriculture has not been a major factor in local over agricultural and grazing land is a worldwide
conflicts in Sudan. and age-old phenomenon. In Sudan – and
particularly in Darfur and Kordofan – there is an
Most of the recorded local conflicts are within extensive history of local clashes associated with
and between the first two groups: pastoralists this issue [4.3, 4.5, 4.10, 4.11]. A 2003 study
and agriculturalists fighting over access to land on the causes of conflict in Darfur from 1930 to
and water. The third group, the mechanized 2000, for example, indicates that competition for
farming lobby, is generally not directly involved pastoral land and water has been a driving force
in conflict, but has played a very strong role behind the majority of local confrontations for
in precipitating it in some states, through the last 70 years (see Table 5).

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Table 5. Causes of local conflicts in Darfur from 1930 to 2000 [4.3, 4.5]
No. Tribal groups involved Year Main cause of conflict
1 Kababish, Kawahla, Berti and Medoub 1932 Grazing and water rights
2 Kababish, Medoub and Zyadiya 1957 Grazing and water rights
3 Rezeigat, Baggara and Maalia 1968 Local politics of administration
4 Rezeigat, Baggara and Dinka 1975 Grazing and water rights
5 Beni Helba, Zyadiya and Mahriya 1976 Grazing and water rights
6 Northern Rezeigat (Abbala) and Dago 1976 Grazing and water rights
7 N Rezeigat (Abbala) and Bargo 1978 Grazing and water rights
8 N Rezeigat and Gimir 1978 Grazing and water rights
9 N Rezeigat and Fur 1980 Grazing and water rights
10 N Rezeigat (Abbala) and Bargo 1980 Grazing and water rights
11 Taaisha and Salamat 1980 Local politics of administration
12 Kababish, Berti and Ziyadiya 1981 Grazing and water rights
13 Rezeigat, Baggara and Dinka 1981 Grazing and water rights
14 N Rezeigat and Beni Helba 1982 Grazing and water rights
15 Kababish, Kawahla, Berti and Medoub 1982 Grazing and water rights
16 Rezeigat and Mysseriya 1983 Grazing and water rights
17 Kababish, Berti and Medoub 1984 Grazing and water rights
18 Rezeigat and Mysseriya 1984 Grazing and water rights
19 Gimir and Fallata (Fulani) 1987 Administrative boundaries
20 Kababish, Kawahla, Berti and Medoub 1987 Grazing and water rights
21 Fur and Bidayat 1989 Armed robberies
22 Arab and Fur 1989 Grazing, cross-boundary politics
23 Zaghawa and Gimir 1990 Administrative boundaries
24 Zaghawa and Gimir 1990 Administrative boundaries
25 Taaisha and Gimir 1990 Land
26 Bargo and Rezeigat 1990 Grazing and water rights
27 Zaghawa and Maalia 1991 Land
28 Zaghawa and Marareit 1991 Grazing and water rights
29 Zaghawa and Beni Hussein 1991 Grazing and water rights
30 Zaghawa, Mima and Birgid 1991 Grazing and water rights
31 Zaghawa and Birgid 1991 Grazing and water rights
32 Zaghawa and Birgid 1991 Grazing and water rights
33 Fur and Turgum 1991 Land
34 Zaghawa and Arab 1994 Grazing and water rights
35 Zaghawa Sudan and Zaghawa Chad 1994 Power and politics
36 Masalit and Arab 1996 Grazing, administration
37 Zaghawa and Rezeigat 1997 Local politics
38 Kababish Arabs and Midoub 1997 Grazing and water rights
39 Masalit and Arab 1996 Grazing, administration
40 Zaghawa and Gimir 1999 Grazing, administration
41 Fur and Arab 2000 Grazing, politics, armed robberies

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The scorched earth tactics used by militias in Darfur include cutting and burning trees in a haphazard manner

Until 1970, there is also a well-documented importance, complexity and political sensitivity of
history of local resolution for such conflicts, this topic. The following analysis borrows heavily
through established mediation and dispute from the language and concepts used by leading
resolution mechanisms. Since then, however, legal researchers in this field.
reforms have essentially destroyed many of these
traditional structures and processes, and failed to As a basis for discussion, the environmentally
provide a viable substitute. In addition, the last significant factors that contribute to conflict
thirty years have seen an influx of small arms into related to rangeland and rain-fed agricultural land
the region, with the unfortunate result that local have been divided into four groups:
conflicts today are both much more violent and
more difficult to contain and mediate. • supply: factors affecting the available resources;
• demand: factors affecting the demand for
Theories of natural resource scarcity and resources;
application to local conflict in Sudan • land use: changes affecting the way remaining
resources are shared; and
Academic research and the discourse on the role • institutional and development factors.
of natural resource scarcity as a driver of conflict
have developed significantly over the last decade While all the purely environmental factors are
[4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15]. In light of the ongoing ‘supply’ issues, they have to be put into the context
Darfur crisis, Sudan is a prime example of the of ‘demand’ and ‘institution-specific’ factors.

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During the major north-south conflict, the town of Wau in Western Bahr el Ghazal was a centre for
the logging and regional export of teak. The trade was effectively halted by the closing of the rail
link; only a small-scale local teak trade subsists today

Supply – an unreliable and dwindling • Historical climate change has reduced

resource productivity in some areas due to a decline
in rainfall. A major and long-term drop in
The noted environmental issues affecting precipitation (30 percent over 80 years) has
agriculture in Sudan all result in a dwindling been recorded in Northern Darfur, for example.
supply of natural resources: The implications of such a decline on dry
rangeland quality are obvious (see Chapter 3);
• Desertification,soilerosionandsoilexhaustion and
(depletion of nutrients and compaction) lower
agricultural productivity and, in the worst cases, • Forecast climate change is expected to further
take land out of use for the long term. This has reduce productivity due to declining rainfall
been well documented but poorly quantified in and increased variability, particularly in the
Sudan (see Chapters 3 and 8); Sahel belt. A drop in productivity of up to
70 percent is forecast for the most vulnerable
• Deforestation, particularly in the drylands, areas (see Chapter 3).
has resulted in a near permanent loss of
resources including seasonal forage for Ever increasing demands on resources
pastoralists and natural fertilizer/soil recovery
services for farmers. Deforestation rates in the The demand for natural resources in Sudan
areas studied by UNEP average 1.87 percent is uniformly increasing, due to the following
per annum (see Chapters 8 and 9); factors:

84 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

• Human population growth is the underlying In addition to the loss of grazing land, agricultural
driver of increased demand for natural expansion has also blocked livestock migratory
resources. Sudan has an overall growth rate of routes between many of the widely separated dry
over 2.6 percent per annum, masking much and wet season pastures, and between the herds
higher localized rates. In central Darfur, for and daily watering points. A further complication
example, government statistics indicate a is that sedentary farmers are increasingly raising
regional population (linear) growth rate of their own livestock, and are hence less willing to
12 percent per annum, from 3 persons/km² give grazing rights to nomads in transit [4.19]
in 1956 to 18 persons/km² in 2003 [4.16]. (see Chapter 8 for a more detailed discussion of
These growth rates are indicative of large- these issues).
scale in-migration, in this case mainly from
the north and possibly due to environmental Institutional factors – failing to rectify
factors such as desertification; and the issues
• Livestock population and growth rates; Agricultural institutions and environmental
government officials and academics have governance in Sudan are discussed in detail in
tracked the population increase of livestock Chapters 8 and 13 respectively. In summary,
since the 1960s. In northern and central the rural environment has been impacted by a
Sudan alone, it is estimated to have increased combination of ill-fated reform and development
by over 400 percent between 1961 and 2004 programmes, as well as legal reforms and failures
(see Chapter 8) [4.17]. in environmental governance. One key issue is the
difficulty of developing and applying a practical,
Land use changes – a dwindling share just and stable system of rural land tenure in
of resources for pastoralists an ethnically complex society of intermingled
sedentary farmers and transhumants/nomads.
The horizontal expansion of agriculture into areas This has not been achieved in Sudan so far.
that were previously either rangeland or forest
has been a well recognized trend for the last four
decades. The northwards expansion of rain-fed A lack of development and livelihood
agriculture into marginal areas historically only options
used for grazing has been particularly damaging. Outside of the main urban areas, Sudan remains
Three examples from the recent UNEP-ICRAF very poor and underdeveloped. Rural populations
[4.18] study of land use changes illustrate a major consequently have very few options to solve these
reduction in rangeland areas due to expanding agricultural crises, as solutions like agricultural
agriculture (see Chapters 8 and 9): development, improvements in pasture and stock
quality, and using working capital to cover short-
• In Ed Damazin, Blue Nile state, agricultural term needs and alternative employment are simply
land (mainly mechanized), increased from 42
to 77 percent between 1972 and 1999, while not available [4.19].
rangeland effectively disappeared, dropping
from 8.3 to 0.1 percent; The net result – disappearing livelihoods
for dryland pastoralist societies
• In the El Obeid region of Northern Kordofan,
rain-fed agricultural land increased by 57.6 The clear trend that emerges when these various
percent between 1973 and 1999, while elements are pieced together is that of a significant
rangeland decreased by 33.8 percent and long-term increase in livestock density on
wooded pasture by 27 percent; and rangelands that are reducing in total area,
accessibility and quality. In environmental
• In the Um Chelluta region of Southern terms, the observed net result is overgrazing
Darfur, rain-fed agricultural land increased by and land degradation. In social terms, the
138 percent between 1973 and 2000, while reported consequence for pastoralist societies is
rangeland and closed woodland decreased by an effectively permanent loss of livelihoods and
56 and 32 percent respectively. entrenched poverty.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 85

Pastoralist societies in Sudan have always been • Changing herd composition, replacing
relatively vulnerable to losing their livelihoods due camels by small animals, mainly sheep, in
to erratic rainfall, but the above-noted combination response to the curtailment of long-distance
of factors has propelled many pastoralists into a migration;
negative spiral of poverty, displacement, and in the
worst cases, conflict. Their coping strategies, which • Competing directly with other grazers
have been well documented [4.16, 4.19], include: for preferred areas of higher productivity
(entailing a conflict risk);
• Abandoning pastoralism as a livelihood in
favour of sedentary agriculture, or displacement • Moving and grazing livestock on cropland
to cities; without consent (entailing a conflict risk); and

• Increasing or varying the extent of annual herd • Reducing competition by forcing other
movements where possible, with a general trend pastoralists and agriculturalists off previously
towards a permanently more southerly migration; shared land (as a last resort - the proactive
conflict scenario).
• Maximizing herd sizes as an insurance measure
(assisted by the provision of water points and Variations of all of these strategies can be observed
veterinary services); throughout Sudan, particularly in the drier regions.

Displaced populations settle on the outskirts of existing towns, as seen here in El Fasher, Northern
Darfur, where the new settlement is distinguished by white plastic sheeting. These new arrivals add
to the environmental burden on the surrounding desert environment

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Camel herders from the Shanabla tribe at a water point in El Tooj, Southern Kordofan. The
southward migration of camel herders is a harbinger of renewed conflict in the Nuba mountains

CS 4.1 The southward migration of camel herders into the Nuba mountains and
subsequent resource competition

The Nuba mountains region in Southern Kordofan provides an example of the increase in natural resource competition and
local conflict that results from the combination of agricultural expansion, land degradation and the southward migration
of pastoralists.

At the start of the civil war in the 1980s, cattle-herding pastoralists from the Hawazma Baggara tribe started penetrating
deeper into the Nuba mountains in search of water and pasture for their cattle, due to the loss of grazing land to mechanized
agriculture and drought. The rivalry that ensued with the indigenous Nuba tribe, who practised a combination of sedentary
farming and cattle-rearing, contributed to the outbreak of large-scale armed conflict. Meanwhile, as some of the dry season
pastures around Talodi were off-limits during the conflict years, the Hawazma had to remain in their wet season grazing
lands in Northern Kordofan, exerting greater pressure on the vegetation there.

In 2006, UNEP observed the return of Hawazma Baggara to their former grazing camps in conflict zones in Southern
Kordofan, for example near Atmoor. UNEP also witnessed the presence of the camel-herding Shanabla tribe in the midst
of thick woodland savannah at El Tooj (now reportedly reaching up to lakes Keilak and Abiad).

This new southward migration of camel herders constitutes an indicator of livestock overcrowding and rangeland degradation
in Northern Kordofan, and is a harbinger of further conflict with the Nuba. At Farandala in SPLM-controlled territory, the
Nuba expressed concern over the widespread mutilation of trees due to heavy lopping by the Shanabla to feed their
camels, and warned of ‘restarting the war’ if this did not cease.

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Conclusions on the role of key conflict-related issues are identified and

environmental issues in conflicts over discussed in this chapter. Detailed discussion and
rangeland and rain-fed agricultural land recommendations on the various environmental
issues of concern (e.g. deforestation) are referred
Pastoralist societies have been at the centre of local to the corresponding sector chapter.
conflicts in Sudan throughout recorded history. The
most significant problems have occurred and continue Definitions and impact listings
to occur in the drier central regions, which are also
the regions with the largest livestock populations, The following definitions are used for direct,
and under the most severe environmental stress. indirect and secondary environmental impacts
of conflict in Sudan:
As there are many factors in play – most of which are
not related to the environment – land degradation • Direct impacts are those arising directly and
does not appear to be the dominant causative factor solely from military action;
in local conflicts. It is, however, a very important
element, which is growing in significance and is • Indirect and secondary impacts are all
a critical issue for the long-term resolution of the impacts that can be credibly sourced in whole
Darfur crisis. The key cause for concern is the or in part to the conflicts and the associated
historical, ongoing and forecast shrinkage and war economy, excluding the direct impacts.
degradation of remaining rangelands in the
northern part of the Sahel belt. On this basis, UNEP has developed the following
list of impacts for discussion:
Much of the evidence for UNEP’s analysis is
anecdotal and qualitative; it has been gathered Direct impacts include:
through desk study work, satellite images and • landmines and explosive remnants of war
interviews of rural societies across Sudan. The (ERW);
consistency and convergence of reports from a 
• destroyed target-related impacts;
range of sources lend credibility to this analysis, • defensive works; and
although further research is clearly needed, with a • targeted natural resource destruction.
particular emphasis on improved quantification of
the highlighted issues and moving beyond analysis Indirect and secondary impacts include:
to search for viable long-term solutions. • environmental impacts related to population
A conference on the topic of environmental
degradation and conflict in Darfur was held • natural resource looting and war economy
resource extraction;
in Khartoum in 2004. The proceedings [4.20]
illustrated the depth of local understanding of • environmental governance and information
the issue. Given the situation observed in 2007, vacuum; and
however, UNEP must conclude that this high- 
• funding crises, arrested development and
quality awareness-raising exercise was unfortunately conservation programmes.
apparently not transformed into lasting action.
Direct impacts
4.5 Assessment of the environ- Landmines and explosive remnants of war
mental impacts of conflict Landmines and other explosive remnants of war
(ERW) are a major problem in Sudan. Thirty-two
percent of the country is estimated to be affected
This section approaches the linkages between [4.4], with the greatest concentration in Southern
conflict and environment from the reverse Sudan (see Case Study 4.2). As many as twenty-one
angle to the above analysis, by examining if and of the country’s twenty-five states may be impacted,
how armed conflict has resulted in negative although the true extent of Sudan’s landmine problem
or positive impacts on the environment in remains unknown, as a comprehensive survey of the
Sudan. Direct impacts, indirect impacts and issue has not been undertaken to date.

88 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

In 1983, southern military forces sabotaged these generators powering the Jonglei canal excavator.
Plans to restart the giant water project constitute a major potential flashpoint for renewed conflict

The reported and registered number of landmine Apart from human casualties, another major
casualties over the past five years totals 2,200, impact of landmines is impeded access to large
though again, no systematic data collection and areas for people and their livestock. In Sudan,
verification mechanism exists. In addition, there is access to some areas has been reduced for decades,
no data at all on animal casualties from mines in as they have remained mined or suspected as such
Sudan, but these are expected to be much higher since the beginning of the conflict.
than the human casualty rate. The impacts of
landmines on wildlife would only be significant In all but the driest areas, the result of reduced
(at the ecosystem level) if individual losses affected access has been the relatively unimpeded growth of
locally threatened populations of key species. vegetation. UNEP fieldwork, in the Nuba mountains
in particular, revealed extensive areas of woodland
The potential impacts of landmines and ERW can regrowth in suspected minefields. Such regrowth
be divided into chemical and physical categories. can have a beneficial effect on the affected areas
Conventional explosives, such as TNT and RDX, and associated wildlife populations, but the flow of
found in artillery shells and mines are highly toxic benefits to people is usually reduced, as they cannot
and slow to degrade. While they present an acute safely extract resources (e.g. water, fuelwood, fodder)
toxic hazard if ingested, the toxic risk is considered from these sites. Despite the risks, however, UNEP
insignificant compared to the risk of injury from teams witnessed people walking, herding cattle and
explosion. gathering fuel in clearly marked minefields.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 89

The dumping of waste on minefields and on top of unexploded ordnance creates a major safety
problem (top); unexploded ordnance is loosely stacked and scattered across the area (bottom)

CS 4.2 Unexploded ordnance, minefields and deforestation at Jebel Kujur,

Juba district

The Jebel Kujur massif near the city of Juba in the state of Central Equatoria (Bahr el Jabal) clearly illustrates the localized
but severe impacts of conflict affecting many urban centres in Southern Sudan, as well as the environmental governance
challenges facing the new government.

During the 1983-2005 conflict, Juba was a garrison town for the central government military, and was continuously under
siege and frequently attacked by SPLA forces. The town itself still shows extensive scarring, and overgrown entrenchments,
minefields and scattered unexploded ordnance are visible on the fringes. Deforestation and soil erosion are severe, particularly
at Jebel Kujur, which originally supported a dense forest cover. A quarry is also operating at one end of the range.

In late 2006, clean-up was ongoing, but there were still minefields and areas of stacked ordnance in the foothills of Jebel
Kujur. Despite the obvious risks, cattle grazing, scrap recovery and waste dumping were routinely taking place in these
areas. Plastic waste was being dumped directly on top of unexploded artillery shells and rocket-propelled grenades, creating
obvious serious hazards for site users and greatly increasing the future cost of de-mining and rehabilitation.

The removal of explosive remnants of war (ERW) from Jebel Kujur is a difficult but short-term activity. The greater challenges
are sustainable solutions for waste management for the growing city and reforestation of the massif.

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Destroyed target-related impacts Neither the oilfields in the south, nor the transfer
pipeline to Port Sudan were ever successfully
Target-related impacts refer to the effects on attacked to the extent that significant environmental
the environment of direct military action on damage ensued.
targets, irrespective of the method. The physical
destruction of the environment from conventional UNEP concludes that the absence of vulnerable
weaponry (bombs, artillery shells and mortars) industrial targets in historical conflict zones has
principally takes the form of cratering, and prevented any major environmental contamination
damaged or destroyed buildings, trees, and from chemical spillage, and that other target-
industrial facilities. related impacts have been insignificant in
environmental terms.
Though cratering has been reported by de-mining
staff in Southern Sudan, there is no indication Defensive works
that more than a few hectares are affected at each
conflict location. Similarly, the destruction of trees Major defensive works such as trench networks and
by direct military action is considered negligible bunkers were noticeably absent throughout the
compared to other causes of deforestation in Sudan. country, but de-mining staff in Southern Sudan
No lasting environmental damage is expected either reported that limited defence works could be found
from the destruction of buildings, apart from the on the outskirts of besieged garrison towns.
generation of inert solid waste as rubble.
Southern communities gave consistent reports of
The single most significant industrial target in government forces clearing trees from the periphery
conflicts to date is the Jonglei canal excavator, of the garrison towns to deny cover to attacking
which was sabotaged 40 km north of Padak in forces. UNEP site inspections of the outskirts of
Jonglei state. The rusting excavator is currently Juba, Malakal and Aweil certainly indicated that
used as a nesting site by eagles and is home to deforestation has occurred, but it was not possible
several beehives. UNEP experts inspected the to attribute this solely to defensive works, as several
excavator and its surroundings, and concluded that other causes of deforestation were also evident at
its direct environmental impact was negligible. these locations (see Chapter 9).

In many rural areas of Southern Sudan, the only direct and lasting evidence of the conflict is scattered
steel scrap, such as this grenade fragment outside Juba, Jonglei state

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 91

Targeted natural resource destruction x water pollution in camp areas;

In Darfur, the deliberate targeting of vital x uncontrolled urban slum growth;
natural resource-related infrastructure, such as x the development of a ‘relief economy’ which can
rural water pumps, has been well documented locally exacerbate demand for natural resources;
by NGOs and inspection reports from the x fallow area regeneration and invasive weed
African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS)[4.21]. expansion; and
Local populations in Darfur have also reported
many instances of deliberate natural resource x return- and recovery-related deforestation.
destruction by raiding militia, whose principal
targets are trees, crops and pastures. Crops and Not all displacement in Sudan is due to conflict.
pastures are burned and trees are cut. UNEP Drought and economic factors are also major
directly observed evidence of destructive tree- contributing causes. For this reason, the environmental
cutting in destroyed and deserted villages east of impacts of all the different types of displacement are
El Geneina in Western Darfur (see Case Study separately discussed in Chapter 5.
4.3). Aid workers have reported similar targeted Looting of natural resources - war economy
tree-cutting in other parts of Darfur. resource extraction
Given the lack of quantifiable data on field Natural resource looting is defined as the un-
conditions in Darfur, it is not possible to estimate controlled and often illegal extraction of natural
the significance of this phenomenon. UNEP can resources that commonly occurs during extended
only state that it is occurring and that it will add conflicts. In this context, natural resources are often
to the deforestation problem in the region (see badly impacted and also have a role in sustaining
Chapter 8). the conflict.

Indirect and secondary environmental In Sudan, the resources in question are timber
impacts of conflict (lumber and charcoal), ivory and bushmeat.
Although oil is a contested natural resource
The environmental impacts of population in Sudan, it is excluded from this discussion
displacement as UNEP found no evidence of significant
uncontrolled, concealed or illegal extraction. The
After civilian deaths and injuries, the most potential and actual environmental impacts of the
significant effect of conflict on the population oil industry are covered in Chapter 7.
of Sudan has been displacement – people fleeing
conflict zones seeking security. An estimated five The looting of timber occurred on both sides in the
million people (7 to 12 percent of the estimated north-south conflict. The most significant extraction
total population of Sudan) have been displaced concerned high value timber in Southern Sudan and
to date, and less than one million have returned. fuelwood for charcoal in the Nuba mountains.
The number of displaced is rising due to the
continuing conflict in Darfur. The great majority In Southern Sudan, UNEP received consistent
of the displaced have come from rural areas and verbal reports, backed by literature [4.22], of
migrated to camps on the outskirts of towns and extraction and export (regional and international)
cities. Over two million have relocated to the of plantation teak and natural mahogany by
capital city, Khartoum. government as well as SPLA forces and associated
militias, though extraction was limited on both
The severe and complex environmental con- sides to areas within their respective control
sequences of displacement include: and close to transportation corridors. Northern
x deforestation in camp areas; government forces extracted timber from Wau,
exporting it north via the rail link, and from Juba
x devegetation in camps areas; and other Nile towns, exporting by barge. The
x unsustainable groundwater extraction in SPLA exported plantation teak southwards, from
camps; the Equatoria states to Uganda.

92 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

An abandoned grinding stone in the former village of Hashaba, south-east of El Geneina,

destroyed in the conflict

CS 4.3 Targeted natural resources destruction in Western Darfur

One of the defining impacts of the current conflict in Darfur has been the displacement of people from rural areas, and the
destruction of villages and surrounding land by militias. During its field mission in June 2006, the UNEP assessment team,
under armed escort from African Union forces, visited some of the areas south-east of El Geneina in Western Darfur. The
mission found that the outlying villages had been damaged to the extent that hardly any evidence of their former existence
remained. In addition to the demolition of infrastructure, the trees within village limits had been systematically cut down.

These observations from the areas around El Geneina were consistent with anecdotal information collected through
interviews with IDPs in the camps of Northern, Western, and Southern Darfur.

While some trees may have been felled to provide fodder for livestock or to be sold for firewood in IDP camps, there is evidence
that some were undoubtedly cut down maliciously. This is the case for mango trees, for instance, as their leaves are inedible
for livestock. From a military perspective, destroying trees severs the former community’s links to the land and reduces the
likelihood of resettlement. The environmental consequences of the loss of tree cover include a net deficit of biomass available
to the soil, as well as the loss of the trees’ ability to fix nitrogen. Both result in a decrease in soil fertility.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 93

UNEP has no data or basis on which to quantify Environmental governance and

the extent of this reported trade. It is clear, however, information vacuum
that it has come to an end or has at least been
significantly reduced. For the northern forces, trade Conflict zones generally suffer from a lack of
has been stopped by the closure of the Wau rail stable governance and limited observance of the
link and the demobilization of northern garrisons rule of law. In environmental terms, this results
from the south, while the SPLA’s extractions have in a complete lack of environmental protection as
been curtailed by the newly formed Government well as impunity for those, military or otherwise,
of Southern Sudan’s 2005 ban on timber exports who extract or process natural resources in an
and customs controls on border roads. uncontrolled manner or cause other forms of
environmental damage.
In the Nuba mountains, UNEP field teams
observed charcoal for sale at military checkpoints, Conflict zones are also usually inaccessible for
indicating that the military may still play a role science-based data collection. In the case of Sudan,
in this business in the area. conflict-related security constraints have denied the
environmental science community access to at least
Both UNEP teams and the follow-up Darfur Joint half of the country for over two decades. As a result,
Assessment Mission field teams found an active the true status of much of Sudan’s environmental
lumber industry in central Darfur, in historical resources remains unknown or open to speculation,
as well as current conflict areas. While it was not limiting rational decision-making for resource
possible to determine who the main actors in this management and conservation.
trade were, it was clear that some uncontrolled
logging linked to the conflict was occurring. Funding crises - arrested development and
conservation programmes
The elephant population in Southern Sudan was
decimated during the north-south conflict. While Extended and major conflicts drain national
it is likely that much of the ivory was shipped to resources and can lead to isolation from the
Khartoum, which is the centre of ivory carving in international community. Decades of war in
the region, there is no firm evidence to identify Sudan have helped ensure that it remain one of the
the main actors of elephant poaching and ivory world’s poorest countries. Political issues have also
transportation. Note that while rhinoceros horn constrained the flow of international knowledge
was undoubtedly a poaching target in Southern and assistance to Sudan.
Sudan during the early stages of the conflict, this
trade has stopped due to the virtual extinction of The result has been that conservation of the
rhino in the region. environment and the sustainable management
of natural resources have not been regarded as
Though UNEP did not find proof of an ongoing priorities for Sudan since independence, and that
widespread commercial bushmeat trade, local even when they have been considered, they have
people in Southern Sudan reported that both sides generally not been sufficiently funded to bring
in the north-south conflict had taken bushmeat about positive change.
to feed their forces, with the result that the larger
edible mammals such as buffalo, giraffe, zebra The financial burden of virtually continuous
and eland are locally extinct throughout much warfare and the ensuing poverty can thus be
of the south. considered as one of the root causes of the current
state of the environment in Sudan.
In sum, the looting of natural resources has
undoubtedly occurred in Sudan and has caused Summary of the environmental
significant damage. However, the signing of the impacts of conflict
Comprehensive Peace Agreement has reduced the
scale of such activities, though looting remains The findings of UNEP’s assessment of the
an issue for Darfur, and to some extent for the environmental impacts of conflict in Sudan can
Nuba mountains. be summarized as follows:

94 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Direct impacts are overall minor: over rangeland and rain-fed agricultural land in
• landmines and explosive remnants of war: the drier parts of the country are a particularly
significant; striking manifestation of the connection between
natural resource scarcity and violent conflict.
• destroyed target-related impacts: not In all cases, however, environmental factors are
intertwined with a range of other social, political
• defensive works: not significant; and and economic issues.
• targeted natural resource destruction:
significant for Darfur, but currently not UNEP’s analysis indicates that there is a
quantifiable. very strong link between land degradation,
desertification and conflict in Darfur. Northern
Indirect and secondary impacts are major: Darfur – where exponential population growth
• environmental impacts related to population and related environmental stress have created
displacement: very significant; the conditions for conflicts to be triggered and
• looting of natural resources: significant; sustained by political, tribal or ethnic differences
– can be considered a tragic example of the
• environmental governance and information social breakdown that can result from ecological
vacuum: significant; and
collapse. Long-term peace in the region will not

• funding crises: very significant. be possible unless these underlying and closely
linked environmental and livelihood issues are
These findings indicate that the way forward on resolved.
environmental issues in post-conflict Sudan should
not focus on the direct legacies of conflict (which
are relatively minor). Attention should instead Background to the recommendations
be paid to the indirect and secondary impact- The analysis of the linkages between conflict and
related issues, as well as to chronic problems. This environment in Sudan has so far been largely
would be best achieved by integrating all of the confined to academic circles. In Sudan, only
issues into a holistic recovery programme rather USAID has explicitly integrated peacebuilding
than attempting to separate them on the basis of into the design of its environmental programme
conflict linkages. in Southern Sudan [4.24]. It is important that
this discussion be broadened to include the
4.6 Conclusions and government and the United Nations. International
recommendations peacekeeping initiatives and implementing
organizations, such as the African Union Mission
Conclusion to Sudan (AMIS) and the United Nations Mission
to Sudan (UNMIS), should particularly take this
The linkages between conflict and environment issue in account.
in Sudan are twofold. On one hand, the
country’s long history of conflict has had a In addition to political solutions, practical
significant impact on its environment. Indirect measures to alleviate natural resource competition
impacts such as population displacement, lack of are urgently needed to help contain the current
governance, conflict-related resource exploitation conflict and present a viable long-term solution
and underinvestment in sustainable development for the development of rural Darfur. Elsewhere in
have been the most severe consequences to date. Sudan, efforts should be focused first and foremost
on identified environmental ‘flashpoints’, which
On the other hand, environmental issues are specific issues that constitute a potential trigger
have been and continue to be contributing for the renewal of conflict. The most important
causes of conflict. Competition over oil and of these is the environmental impact of the oil
gas reserves, Nile waters and timber, as well as industry, but there are several others, including the
land use issues related to agricultural land, are charcoal industry in central Sudan, the potential
important causative factors in the instigation and for ivory poaching and the development of a
perpetuation of conflict in Sudan. Confrontations timber mafia in Southern Sudan.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 95

Parched and overgrazed land surrounding a dry livestock supply dam south of El Fasher, Northern
Darfur, in June 2006. Environmental scarcity and degradation are two of the important contributing
factors in the Darfur crisis

96 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Possible measures – which are listed as R4.2 Bring natural resource assessment
recommendations in this and other chapters and management expertise into the existing
– include agricultural policy reform, developing the peacebuilding and peacekeeping efforts in
timber industry, and strengthening environmental Sudan. UNEP or other organizations would
governance. Such measures should be considered provide technical assistance to the existing actors
vital investments in conflict prevention and in this area for the south, east and Darfur, joining
resolution rather than purely environmental in the decision-making process. This should
conservation projects. include significant direct support to governments
and to both the African Union Mission to Sudan
In summary, in the context of the CPA and and the United Nations Mission to Sudan.
the ongoing Darfur crisis, the attention of
the environmental sector should be focused CA: TA; PB: UNMIS; UNP: UNEP and FAO;
on the following three areas in order to assist CE: 2M; DU: 3 years
peacebuilding and conflict resolution in Sudan:
R4.3 Conduct a specific environmental
1. reducing the environmental impact of the oil assessment for rural Darfur conflict regions as
industry in central Sudan; soon as security conditions and political stability
permit. The major conflict which flared up in
2. promoting more sustainable agriculture and northern and central Darfur in September 2006
pastoralism in dryland Sudan; and is expected to change and worsen the situation,
in both humanitarian and environmental terms.
3. providing information and technical assistance An updated, detailed assessment focusing on land
on environment-conflict issues to the national quality is needed to assist in the development of
and international community working on an appropriate recovery plan (when the time for
peacebuilding and conflict resolution throughout recovery arrives). This very technical work would
Sudan, with an initial focus on Darfur. be used to supplement the existing body of largely
qualitative work presented in the Darfur JAM
Recommendations for the interim report.
international community
R4.1 Bring the issue of environmental CE: 0.4M; DU: 1 year
degradation and ecologically sustainable rural
development to the forefront of peacebuilding Recommendations for the Government
activities in Sudan. This will entail a major of National Unity
awareness-raising exercise by UNEP and the
international community in Sudan, and will need to R4.4 Undertake strategic reform of the
be incorporated into response strategies for bodies agricultural and pastoral sector. Without
such as the African Union, the UN Development resolution of the underlying rural land use
Group (UNDG) and the UN Department of problems, the issue of the links between
Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO). environmental degradation and conflict will
remain insoluble. This recommendation is not
CA: AW; PB: UNDPKO; UNP: UNEP; CE: costed as it is essentially an internal culture and
0.5M; DU: 1 year strategic policy issue for GONU.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 97
Displacement and
the Environment

Sudan has the largest population of

displaced persons in the world today.
Nearly two million are in Darfur, in large
settlements such as Abu Shouk IDP
camp in El Fasher, Northern Darfur.

This massive population displacement has been

Population displacement accompanied by major environmental damage in
and the environment the affected parts of the country. This is not a new
phenomenon, but the scale of displacement and
the particular vulnerability of the dry northern
5.1 Introduction and Sudanese environment may make this the most
assessment activities significant case of its type worldwide. Moreover,
environmental degradation is also a contributing
Introduction cause of displacement in Sudan, so that halting
displacement will require concurrent action to
Over five million internally displaced persons halt environmental degradation.
(IDPs) and international refugees currently live
in rural camps, informal settlements and urban
Assessment activities
slums in Sudan. This represents the largest
population of displaced persons in the world The assessment of displacement-related issues was
today. Living conditions in these settlements are included in UNEP’s general fieldwork, which
in many cases appalling: they are crowded and covered many of the areas where displacement had
unsanitary, food and water are in short supply, occurred and where returnees were expected. The
insecurity is high, and livelihood opportunities environmental impact of displaced populations
are generally lacking. Some of these temporary was a principal theme of the fieldwork in Darfur,
settlements have existed for over twenty years while the impact of returnees on the rural
with no improvement, and the conflict in Darfur environment was one of the main subjects of
is generating a new wave of displacement that is UNEP’s work in Jonglei state. Locations visited
worsening the situation. include:

Dinka teenagers, who were raised in Ugandan refugee camps, wait to board the barge bringing them
back to Bor district, Jonglei state

100 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 5.1 Displaced persons camps in Darfur

Northern Darfur
Kafod Northern
El Fasher
Chad El Geneina Burush

Abou Adid

Nyimeri Tulus El Ferdous

S o u t h e r n D a rr ff uu r
Am Dafok

Central African
Displaced persons camps in Darfur Republic Higilig
Source: Admin layers (Vmap0, HIC).
IDP locations: UNOCHA Sudan, January 2007. 0 100 200 300 400
Projection: Lambert Azimutal Equal-Area Projection Unity
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• IDP and refugee camps in Darfur: Mornei- 5.2 Overview of population

Um Shalaya, Zalingei, Kalma, El Fasher- displacement in Sudan
Abu Shouk, Kebkabiya, and Kutum-
Kassab; The world’s largest displaced population
• villages on the outskirts of El Geneina, Over the past few decades, Sudan has witnessed
Western Darfur, destroyed and deserted as a more involuntary movement of people within and
result of conflict; around its territory than any other country in the
world. At the end of 2005, UNHCR estimated
• IDP settlements in Port Sudan, Khartoum that some 700,000 Sudanese refugees lived
and Juba; outside the country [5.1]. Sudan has also offered
asylum to a significant number of refugees from
• Jonglei state way stations and return sites in other countries in recent years, primarily from
Bor and Padak districts; and Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and Uganda.
• rural return sites in the Nuba mountains,
Southern Kordofan. Some of the highest numbers of refugees in the
country were recorded during the 1990s: in 1993,
Interviews with displaced persons took place at for example, Sudan was host to some 745,000
all of the above locations. refugees, the majority from Eritrea (57 percent),
Chad (19 percent), and Ethiopia (2 percent) [5.2].
These displacement-specific activities were By the year 2000, the overall number had dropped to
considered sufficient to obtain an overview of the around 418,000 [5.3]. Estimates for 2005 indicate
issues, particularly for Darfur camps and for the that approximately 147,000 refugees were officially
Southern Sudan return process. recognized in Sudan [5.1]. The steady decline in

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 101

numbers over this period is attributable to restored Since 2003, internal displacement has occurred
peace and security in neighbouring countries, and at an unprecedented rate in western Sudan. The
to a series of successful repatriation exercises. Darfur crisis is reported to have affected some 2.4
million people, of whom 1.8 million are IDPs.
The majority of refugees now seeking asylum in Hundreds of thousands of people have already
Sudan (77 percent) are Eritrean people [5.4] who died, while conditions in many camps are far
live mainly in formal camps in the east. The influx below international standards. In 2004, it was
of Eritrean refugees has been steady since 2003, as estimated that 465,000 households in Darfur
tension has increased in that country. In addition, would be in need of food assistance early in 2005
there are 29,000 refugees from Uganda, DRC, due to crop failure [5.7]. The same report noted
Somalia, Ethiopia and other countries. With the that 90 percent of IDPs had lost their livestock,
exception of some 5,000 refugees from Chad, most impeding income generation and water collection,
live in Khartoum, Juba and other urban areas. and hindering return. Forty percent of the resident
Besides hosting hundreds of thousands of refugees, population had also lost their livestock.
Sudan has also generated more IDPs than any other
country in the world – an estimated 5.4 million (see The duration of displacement and the
Table 6), or more than half the total IDP population prospects for return
on the continent [5.6, 5.5]. The International
Displacement Monitoring Centre estimates that In Sudan as elsewhere, displaced populations
two million IDPs now live in Khartoum, most of return to their homelands if and when it is
whom have moved in with family members or set possible. For returns to take place on a large
up squatter communities in neighbourhoods and scale, however, a number of pre-conditions must
fields around the capital. IDPs today account for be met:
40 percent of Khartoum’s total population [5.5].
In addition to squatter areas such as Soba Arradi, • The original cause for displacement should
have been removed, and physical security
which hosts some 64,000 people, four official camps
have been established to house IDPs: Omdurman es
Salaam (120,000 people), Wad el Bashier (74,800 • Prospects for a livelihood in the homeland
people), Mayo Farms (133,000 people) and Jebel should be better than in the displaced
Aulia (45,000 people). location;

• Essential or important services (such as water,

Table 6. Location and number of medical aid and schooling) should be available
internally displaced people in in the homeland and ideally equivalent to
Sudan [5.5] those in the displaced location;
Location (state) Number of IDPs
Khartoum 2,000,000 • A practical means to travel back to the
Northern 200,000 homeland safely (with possessions) should be
Red Sea 277,000 available; and
Kassala 76,000
Gedaref 42,000
• The return process must be sponsored or
affordable for the displaced.
Sennar 60,000
Blue Nile 235,000 Because of these conditions, temporary displacements
White Nile 110,000 for any reason tend to turn into long-term processes
Upper Nile 95,000 or even permanent moves. Temporary settlements
Kordofan 189,000 that exist for over a decade are not uncommon in
Unity 135,000 Sudan. In Port Sudan, for instance, the UNEP team
Bahr el Ghazal 210,000 met IDPs from Northern Kordofan who had lived
Equatoria 26,000 in informal settlements for twenty-three years and
Greater Darfur 1,950,000 had no intention of returning to their homeland
Total 5,805,000 (see Case Study 5.1).

102 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

IDP camp residents told UNEP that they would rather remain in the Port Sudan
area than return home, due to employment opportunities and improved education

CS 5.1 Fringe dwellers at Port Sudan: rural populations fleeing drought and seeking
livelihoods in the cities

This informal settlement located in a wadi (seasonal riverbed) adjacent to the Port Sudan landfill is a typical example of
uncontrolled urbanization triggered by natural causes. It houses over 500 families, the majority of which came from the El
Obeid region in Northern Kordofan.

Interviewed residents stated that they had originally abandoned their farms due to extended drought and arrived in the
region twenty-three years ago. The community was forcibly moved from a better site nine years ago by a land dispute and
expanding urban development. The current site is seasonally flooded and has few amenities, aside from local schools and
a water point installed by an aid project.

Despite the long-term nature of the settlement, all of the dwellings are temporary constructions. When asked about
the potential for return to Northern Kordofan, the residents expressed no desire to do so, explaining that local
employment and availability of schools were the determining factors in their decision to remain in Port Sudan. As the
residents have no land tenure, however, they are at risk of being moved to even more distant fringes of Port Sudan
as the city expands.

Large-scale returns of southern Sudanese currently 500,000 people returned to Southern Sudan,
in northern Sudan and in neighboring countries Abyei, and Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile
are now taking place but are expected to take states in 2006.
several years to complete (see Figure 5.2). As
of November 2006, over 17,000 refugees had In Darfur, large camps appeared in 2003 and
returned to Southern Sudan through movements are presently increasing in population due to the
organized by UNHCR. An estimated total of intensification of the conflict in late 2006.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 103

Figure 5.2 Forecast returns for Southern Sudan in 2007

Western Darfur Northern Darfur Gedaref
Northern Kordofan
White Nile Sennar

Blue Nile
Southern Kordofan 49500
Southern Darfur 185500

*Abyei Upper Nile

35,000 41250

Northern Bahr El Ghazal Unity 20600


Central African Western Bahr El Ghazal
Republic 10400 Jonglei

Lakes 14200

Western Equatoria
Eastern Equatoria
Legend 23250
Bahr El Jabal
Projected IDP and refugee returns in 2007 66300
< 25,000
25,001 - 50,000
50,001 - 75,000 DRC
> 75,000 Kenya
* Note
Abyei is a disputed area; the boundary is not yet finalized Kilometres
Data Sources: JLC/FAO, SIM
Date: 03 December 2006 0 100 200 300 400 500
Projection: Lambert Azimutal Equal-Area Projection
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

5.3 Overview of displacement- 5.4 Environment as one of

related environmental issues three major causes of
Displacement-related environmental issues are displacement in Sudan
widespread and often highly visible in major There are three principal causes of displacement
camps, settlements, urban slums and return areas. in Sudan:
The most significant are:
• conflict-related insecurity and loss of livelihoods;
1. environmental issues as a cause for displacement; • natural and environmental causes: drought,
desertification and flooding; and
2. impacts related to the concentrations of people
in camps or settlements: • government-sponsored development schemes.
• deforestation and the fuelwood crisis in dry- The principal cause of displacement has historically
land camp areas; been the major conflicts that have afflicted Sudan
• land degradation; since its independence. The second is natural disasters:
• unsustainable groundwater extraction; and drought, desertification and flooding, which are
• water pollution; discussed in detail in Chapter 3. The third cause of
3. other impacts related to the initial displacement; displacement is government-sponsored development
• uncontrolled urban and slum growth; and schemes, specifically mechanized rain-fed agricultural
• fallow area regeneration (generally a schemes, such as the Aswan dam and the new
positive impact); Merowe dam. In these cases, displacement takes the
form of organized resettlements and land allocation
4. the impacts of returnees and the environmental for new agricultural schemes. The environmental
sustainability of rural returns; and impact of agricultural schemes and dams are covered
5. international environmental impacts. in Chapters 8 and 10 respectively.

104 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

5.5 Environmental impacts of an IDP camp, because conditions were better in

camps and settlements the former.

Environmental concerns have rarely – if ever – been

Governance of settlements including
a factor in the choice of sites for refugee or IDP
environmental issues camps in Sudan. No environmental assessment has
The environmental impacts of camps in Sudan ever been carried out prior to the site selection and
vary not only according to their physical location establishment of any existing camp, nor is this a
but also to their type (IDP or refugee camps), and legal requirement.
to how long they have been in existence.
A rapid environmental assessment conducted by
Oversight of refugee camps is the responsibility OCHA at three camps in Darfur in 2001 highlighted
of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees another common concern which is addressed in this
(UNHCR) which, in turn, works with a gov- report: ‘While the environment is an important
ernment counterpart (the Commissioner for factor in the Darfur crisis, there is no international
Refugees) and a range of other agencies and agency with a specific mandate to consider or
institutions, national and international, as incorporate environmental issues into relief
required. operations and peace efforts. This contrasts with the
case for Darfur refugees in Chad, where UNHCR
Responsibility for IDP camps is much less clear, has a mandate to incorporate environmental issues
particularly in Sudan, where some are run by into relief and return efforts’ [5.8].
the government and others by local authorities,
militant groups, or international NGOs. Resources Deforestation and the fuelwood crisis
(funds, technical assistance and so forth) available in camp areas
to IDP and refugee camps also vary considerably.
In general, IDP camps tend to have fewer relief One of the most significant environmental
resources than refugee camps. UNEP field teams impacts of displaced population settlements is the
encountered many families who deliberately severe deforestation that has occurred around the
elected to go to a refugee camp in preference to larger camps in the drier parts of the country.

Camp residents in Western Darfur cut wood chippings from a fallen tree for cooking fuel. The
concentration of people into large settlements has also concentrated the demands on natural
resources, resulting in severely deforested areas

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 105

This problem is related to the scale of the camps cover. In Nimule county on the border with
and to the standard of aid provision for displaced Uganda, for instance, the illicit felling of trees
populations. Indeed, the level of assistance that for firewood and to clear land for slash-and-burn
displaced people receive in temporary settlements agriculture on the outskirts of a local IDP camp
varies greatly. International refugees automatically has resulted in the deforestation of a large area
qualify for assistance from UNHCR, while many surrounding the camp (see Figure 5.3).
IDPs do not. The assistance provided can include
food aid, a water supply, basic sanitation facilities, In drier regions, the effects are more difficult
tented accommodation or simply cover sheets and to detect but even more damaging. Much of
some basic household items. northern and central Sudan is relatively dry, with
low woodland density and slow growth rates. Tree
What is virtually never provided is a source of energy cover is particularly sparse in Northern Darfur
for cooking food, boiling water or heating. In addition, and northern parts of Kassala, two regions that
when no formal accommodation is supplied, timber is host large displaced populations. Besides, the
needed to construct temporary dwellings. As a result, majority of settlements have been established in
people living in camps and settlements are forced to locations that were already occupied, and where
find timber and fuelwood in the surrounding area. the existing burden on forest resources may or
Livelihood strategies and the relief economy also play may not have been sustainable.
a role in the deforestation of camp areas: the collection
of wood to fuel brick kilns, for example, is a major In eastern Sudan, camp-related deforestation has
source of deforestation in a number of settlements in been occurring for at least twenty years. Corrective
Darfur (see Case Study 5.2). measures (prohibitions) were put into place by
UNHCR and the Forests National Corporation
Deforestation is clearly visible around all major (FNC) to prevent refugees from cutting down
camp locations and can easily be detected by trees for fuel, but as their ongoing energy needs
satellite in regions with otherwise good forest were not addressed, these were not effective.

Figure 5.3 Deforestation at Nimule

e r
b ord

Nimule county

Deforested area
(around 2,200 hectares)


0 2 4 6 8 10
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

106 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

A brick kiln at Abu Shouk camp in Northern In this mango orchard near Kalma IDP camp in
Darfur. One large tree is needed to fire Nyala, Southern Darfur, large amounts of clay
approximately 3,000 bricks have been extracted for use in brick-making.
This has exposed the trees’ root systems and
will eventually lead to their death

CS 5.2 IDP brick-making, water use and deforestation in Darfur

Brick-making has become an important source of income for IDPs in Darfur, but has also caused considerable environmental damage
around the camps. The impacts of the process include increased water consumption, damaged farmland and deforestation.

The clay for the bricks is dug from borrow pits by hand, in areas that were often previously farmed. In the wet season,
these pits fill with stagnant water and contribute to environmental health problems such as malaria. The water necessary
for the manufacturing process is obtained either from watercourses or from deep boreholes with submersible pumps
installed by the aid community. The rate of extraction from such boreholes is not monitored, and may in some cases not
be sustainable. Finally, trees are needed to fire the bricks in temporary kilns – local studies have found that one large tree
is needed to fire approximately 3,000 bricks.

Simply banning such activities is not an appropriate or feasible option. A practical solution that still provides a livelihood for
brick workers is urgently needed for Darfur as well as other parts of Sudan. One such option could be to use compressed
earth technology rather than bricks. This would require a comprehensive introduction programme addressing both the
demand and supply issues.

It should be noted that the international relief community is a major customer for the bricks, particularly to build the two-metre
high compound walls required by international security standards. In Darfur especially, the relief economy has become a
significant factor in the deforestation process.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 107

In Darfur, fuelwood collection is effectively Some fuel conservation measures were noted
uncontrolled. Camp residents reported journeying by UNEP and reported by others. Though it
up to 15 km to find timber, and UNEP fieldwork is not universal, the use of fuel-efficient stoves,
inspections revealed extensive deforestation extending for instance, was found to be well established in
as far as 10 km from the camps. This has contributed Darfur. However, a detailed 2006 study by the
to a major security issue, as displaced women and Women’s Commission on fuelwood and associated
girls are often at risk of rape, harassment and other gender-based violence in Darfur showed that fuel
forms of violence when they leave the camps to collect conservation measures alone would not suffice, as
wood. This risk, however, is one they often have no the wood saved through the use of efficient stoves
choice but to take, since there are few other sources would continue to be gathered to be sold on local
of cooking fuel or income available to them [5.9]. markets [5.9].

The fuelwood outlook for the major camps in Finally, a number of very small tree plantations
Northern and Western Darfur is unpromising. and nursery projects have been set up in Darfur,
Substantial deforestation has taken place over the Khartoum state and Kassala (principally in the
last three years and the camps are likely to remain form of ‘food for work’ programmes for camp
occupied for a number of years to come. In addition, residents), but these are much too limited to meet
renewed fighting since late 2006 has created a new current needs.
wave of displacement and new camps.
Land degradation in camp areas
It is possible that some camps in Darfur will
exhaust virtually all viable fuelwood supplies Land degradation in camp areas is caused by over-
within walking distance, resulting in major fuel harvesting of seasonal fodder and shrubs by camp
shortages and/or high fuel prices. Without fuel residents and their livestock (commonly goats).
for cooking, aid food such as cereals, legumes Aside from its environmental impact, this activity
and flour cannot be eaten. This would add an places camp residents in direct competition and
additional facet to the ecological and human potential conflict with local residents (see Case
rights issues already troubling Darfur. Study 5.3).

The zone outside Abu Shouk camp in El Fasher, Northern Darfur, is completely devegetated

108 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Camp residents seeking The prime agricultural land The IDP camps are all
out livelihoods comb the adjacent to the wadi in El located on the fringes of
drylands surrounding the Geneina has been cultivated town, facing waterless plains.
camps. In this case, women by townspeople for many Over the last four years,
are gathering fodder 13 km years, and is hence not they have gradually become
from the camp to sell on the available for camp residents extensions of the town, which
local market is benefiting economically
from the associated influx of
aid and labour

CS 5.3 Krinding IDP camp, Western Darfur

The Krinding IDP camp on the outskirts of El Geneina, Western Darfur, provides an example of the emerging urban environmental
issues associated with the Darfur crisis. In economic terms, El Geneina in 2007 is a thriving town driven in part by the relief
economy associated with the concentration of IDP camps and related activities in the region. Krinding (one of several camps
in the El Geneina area) is located approximately four kilometres south-east of the town centre. Satellite images (see Figure 5.4)
and photographs clearly show that the camp is effectively becoming an extension of the town, a fact confirmed by ground
inspections. The environmental implication of this situation is that town and camp residents must now share or compete for
the natural resources of this relatively dry and infertile region.

Most of the IDP camp residents were originally farmers, but the circumstances here and in most camps in Darfur severely
restrict the potential for agricultural self-sufficiency and rural livelihoods. In El Geneina, the prime agricultural land next
to the wadi was already being intensely utilized (principally for orchards and market gardens) prior to the creation of the
camps. Unable to obtain a share in this prime land, the camp residents are left with very limited opportunities for agricultural
livelihoods, as other available lands (to the east of the camps) are essentially waterless and suitable only for low-intensity
grazing, fodder and fuel collection.

Thirteen kilometres outside the camp, UNEP interviewed a group of women from Krinding harvesting fodder for sale in Geneina
markets. This provided a small insight into the practical links between the environment, natural resource competition, camp
life and human rights. The women had walked from the camp without escort in a region UN security specialists considered
so violent that the UNEP site visit required a dedicated armed escort from the African Union peacekeeping troops. The rape
of female camp residents on such gathering missions is unfortunately routine in this region.

Money from the sale of gathered fodder and fuelwood is a small but vital supplement for camp residents who are otherwise
completely dependent upon aid. Such efforts, however, bring camp residents in direct competition with locals (both pastoralists
and agriculturists) for scarce natural resources, and undermine the sustainability of rural livelihoods in the area.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 109

Figure 5.4a El Geneina (12.02.2002)

Site 1

Satellite image acquired by QuickBird.

Acquisition date: 12/02/2002.

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Figure 5.4b El Geneina (15.06.2006)

Krinding I camp

Krinding II camp

Satellite image acquired by QuickBird.
Acquisition date: 15/06/2006. 0 200 400 600 800 1,000
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

110 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The water container queue at a wellpoint in Abu Shouk camp. Each water point services over a thousand people

Unsustainable groundwater extraction conducted for any camp in Darfur, making it

in Darfur camps impossible to determine whether incidents such as
the dry wells at Abu Shouk are isolated or rather
The provision of clean water is a standard the foretaste of a much larger problem looming
component of the aid supplied to the major camps in the future.
and settlements in Sudan by the international
community. This can be difficult to achieve for Short- to medium-term localized groundwater
a combined camp population of several million, shortages are unlikely to have a major or
particularly in arid regions. The acknowledged permanent environmental impact. However,
standard for water supply is 15 litres per person camps without a viable water supply may need to
per day, and wherever possible aid agencies aim be moved, with all of the attendant issues, costs
for this as a minimum. and risks that this would entail.
In Darfur, the larger camps are commonly Water pollution
supplied with water via a network of groundwater
boreholes fitted with either hand pumps or The concentration of a large number of people in
electric submersible pumps. For the larger camps, temporary dwellings raises concerns for sanitation
supplying to standards all year round is proving to and bacteriological contamination of surface
be possible but difficult, requiring numerous deep and groundwater. The standard solution is the
boreholes (between 30 and 40 m in most cases), construction of pit latrines, though these are not
and there is a major uncertainty as to whether this in place everywhere (this is particularly the case
rate of supply is sustainable in the drier regions for IDP camps).
and areas with low-yield aquifers.
The most severe pollution problems were observed
In some cases, there are signs that it is not: Abu in IDP camps in the more humid regions of Sudan.
Shouk camp in Southern Darfur has a population UNEP field teams found major water pollution
of 80,000 and rising, requiring more than issues surrounding all informal camps visited in
1,000 m3 of water per day. In 2006, five of twelve Southern Sudan. These same areas were epicentres
boreholes ran dry, indicating a substantial drop for the cholera epidemic of 2006 (see Chapter 6).
in the water table. Unfortunately, as of March As detailed in Chapters 6 and 10, a lack of field data
2007, groundwater level monitoring is not being constrains more detailed analysis of this topic.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 111

5.6 Other environmental timber-cutting. The fallow period for the vacated
impacts of displacement areas ranges from five to twenty-five years. In the
moderate to high rainfall regions, the result has
Uncontrolled urban and slum growth been the re-growth of forests. UNEP field teams
saw ‘new’ forests of this type throughout the Nuba
The majority of displaced people in Sudan are mountains and north of Bor in Jonglei state. The
located in or close to towns and cities; there are distinguishing characteristics of ‘new’ forests are
over two million in the Khartoum region alone. heavier undergrowth, the lack of fallen and older
Large-scale migration from the countryside to trees and fairly uniform maximum tree sizes.
urban centres has been largely uncontrolled,
with the result that a large number of urban The ‘new’ forests represent a return to a wild habitat
slums or informal squatter settlements have been that is expected to be reversed if the displaced
established. Urban slums are associated with a populations return in equal or greater numbers
series of environmental and social problems, and than were originally present. As such, they represent
are covered in detail in Chapter 6. both a livelihood burden (as trees need to be cleared
to grow the first crops) and a windfall asset that
The urban issues associated with the north-south could in theory be sustainably managed.
conflict have been ongoing for over twenty years.
In contrast, the Darfur crisis is now creating
new urban problems, as the majority of the 5.7 Environmental implications
displaced person camps are tightly linked to the of the return process
regional towns and cities and are fast becoming a
permanent part of those settlements. The population return process for Sudan has very
significant environmental consequences, which
Fallow area regeneration are presently not being addressed. Two major
return processes are currently underway:
One minor positive impact of historical
displacement has been the natural regeneration 1. The ongoing return process for the approximately
of vacated lands. Large areas in the conflict zones four million people displaced by the north-south
have been partly or completely depopulated for a conflict. Due to a range of practical, economic
number of years, and this has eased the pressure and political constraints, this is expected to take
on the land from farming, grazing, burning and several years;

The population return and recovery process in Southern Kordofan has led to a surge in deforestation

112 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Badly degraded drylands cannot support high-

density rural populations: crop yields are low
and livestock-rearing is problematic due to a lack
of fodder. Populations living on badly degraded
land are frequently forced to move; this is already
a common occurrence in the drier states such as
Northern Kordofan.

UNEP has conducted a preliminary analysis of

the environmental sustainability of the return
process for each of the twenty-five states, based
on the following factors:

1. current population density;

2. future return population and net impact on

population density;

3. current land quality/extent of degradation,

estimated by using a combination of desk studies,
field reconnaissance and satellite data; and

4. rainfall, as the strongest indicator of resilience

to environmental stress, particularly from

Wau township, Western Bahr el Ghazal. One While virtually every state has environmental
environmentally significant consequence of issues associated with displacement and returns,
the return process for Southern Sudan will the most vulnerable states are considered to be
be the rapid growth of urban centres Darfur (all three states, but especially Northern
Darfur), Southern Kordofan, eastern Kassala,
northern Blue Nile, northern Upper Nile, and
2. The future return process for the approximately northern Unity state.
two million displaced in Darfur. The current
instability is preventing this process from even The situation in Darfur is particularly clear. Many
being planned. regions of Northern and Western Darfur are
undergoing desertification and land degradation
The key environmental question is whether the at a significant rate. The rural areas of these regions
return areas will be able to support the new are now partially depopulated due to the conflict,
populations. Unfortunately, in some specific though some tribes (principally pastoralists) are
cases, it is clear that the return process will not still present. Given the current condition of the
be environmentally sustainable in the medium land and the increasingly dry climate, traditional
to long term. In the worst cases, environmental rural livelihoods are no longer viable, so large-scale
issues will make the process unsuccessful and lead returns to these areas cannot be recommended.
to renewed displacement.
For most of Southern Sudan, the situation is
The strongest evidence for this unwelcome relatively positive in that the higher rainfall
prediction is the current condition of many provides for greater agricultural productivity,
of the proposed return areas, where long-term and hence a greater capacity to absorb returnees.
land degradation is visible even with a reduced Nonetheless, certain areas – particularly those
population. This is particularly clear in the surrounding major towns – are expected to come
drier Sahel belt and the area immediately under significant stress from the predicted large-
southwards. scale returns.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 113

Food distribution at the Bor Part of a group of 75 The dominant livelihood for
way station. UN-supported orphans delivered to Padak most rural Dinka people
returnee families are supplied county under the care of is a combination of cattle-
with two months worth of three women and an elder. rearing and slash-and-burn
foodstuffs, seeds, tools and The urgent priority for agriculture. While the planned
other items to assist their returnees such as these is to return areas were found to be
re-establishment establish a livelihood, usually generally in good to moderate
crop-raising condition, it is doubtful that
they could provide sustainable
livelihoods for the projected 47
percent increase in population

CS 5.4 The environmental impact of the return

of the Dinka to Bor county, Jonglei state

The return of the Dinka people to Bor county in Jonglei state provides a case study in the likely impact of returnees on
the rural environment of the south. The Dinka people are agro-pastoralists, combining cattle-rearing with wet season
agriculture, and migrating seasonally according to the rains and the inundation of the toic (seasonal floodplains). A large
proportion of the Dinka in Jonglei state were displaced from their home rangelands by the north-south conflict, and fled to
the far south of the country or to refugee camps in Uganda. Localized displacement also took place as people left conflict
hotspots and fled to the towns for safety. The conflict and displacement were accompanied by major cattle losses due to
theft and abandonment, though some stock was retained and transported south.

In 2006, the UN and a range of NGOs commenced a managed return programme for the Dinka. Able-bodied men drove
the cattle up from the far south of the country to the rangelands, while women and children were transported by barge
and truck. This organized process of preparation, transportation and provision of supplies resulted (by the second half of
2006) in approximately 7,000 people returning to Jonglei state over a period of six months. This was accompanied by a
substantial number of spontaneous and unassisted returns. Each assisted family was supplied with approximately two
months worth of food, shelter items, seeds and agricultural tools. Livestock was not supplied.

For the people arriving at the start of the rainy season, the immediate priority was to establish shelter, clear a smallholding
and plant a range of crops. This resulted in an upsurge of slash-and-burn clearance and tree felling in the return areas.
The geographic extent of this clearance was focused on areas with permanent water supplies and access to community
services (roads, schools, and clinics).

The UNEP team inspected a wet season agricultural area located 5 km east of the Nile and 10 km north of the township
of Padak. Residents within the local payam (district administrative unit) provided relatively detailed statistics on what
the returnee process meant for them: for a 180 km² area, the payam had a population of 19,000, giving a density of
approximately 100 per square kilometre or one person per hectare. The Jonglei state government had provided the local
administrator with an estimate of 9,000 returnees to the payam over a few years. Several hundred had already arrived as
of April 2006, but when or whether the figure of 9,000 would be reached (particularly when contrasted with the rate of
return monitored by the UN) was unclear.

The region still had good tree cover and large patches of fallow land. There was no sign of major overgrazing, soil erosion
or soil fertility problems. As such, it was determined that the agricultural livelihood of the current population was probably
sustainable. However, whether the area could sustain the projected 47 percent population increase was far from clear, and
a significant risk of environmental degradation and food insecurity remained for the longer term, as well as the possibility
that some of the population might have to migrate further.

114 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

5.8 International aspects of of severe degradation, and the lack of controls and
environment and solutions has led to human rights abuses, conflicts
over resources and food insecurity.
displacement in Sudan
The population return process is expected to result in
The export of environmental problems a further wave of environmental degradation in some
to neighbouring countries of the more fragile and drier return areas. In the worst
cases, such as Northern Darfur, large-scale rural
The countries neighbouring Sudan host some
returns may be simply untenable as the remaining
700,000 Sudanese refugees. In addition to a
natural resources are so limited and degraded that
range of chronic environmental problems, these
rural livelihoods can no longer be supported.
countries suffer from the impact of numerous
large camps.
Background to the recommendations
Refugees from Darfur in north-eastern Chad, for
Because international humanitarian aid orga-
example, are a considerable burden to their host
nizations are by far the strongest actors in the
communities due to their sheer number (400,000
area of IDP and refugee camp management,
people). Since their arrival in 2003, pressure has
recommendations linked to camps and returns
mounted significantly on scarce natural resources
are generally addressed to this community.
such as water, fuelwood and fodder for livestock,
Nonetheless, close government involvement
access to which has often been a source of conflict
(by both GONU and GOSS) is necessary and
in the region.
assumed. All recommendations are short-term
Uduk refugees from the Upper Nile province (0.5 - 2 years).
now living in Gambella refugee camp in western
Two key policy issues must be addressed by the
Ethiopia have, in the thirteen years since the camp
relief community. First, the current approach to
was established, seriously degraded an area of almost
the environmental impact of camps in Sudan,
400 km2 by clearing it for agriculture. Rehabilitating
particularly regarding deforestation, is largely to
this and other areas will require considerable time
ignore it (with some creditable exceptions). This
and resources if the welfare of hosting communities
is not due to local attitudes or a lack of standards
is not to be further degraded.
or other guidance on this topic – what is missing
is sufficient investment in this area. This needs to
5.9 Conclusions and be addressed at the highest level to improve the
recommendations current imbalance between daily humanitarian
needs and long-term sustainability.
Second, a fundamental principle of displaced
The links between displacement and the en- population assistance is the ‘right to return’ to the
vironment in Sudan are clear and significant. original site of displacement. For the drier parts of
Environmental degradation is one of the underlying Darfur, however, this issue needs to be critically
causes of displacement in dryland Sudan. Unless examined in the context of desertification and
the process of widespread desertification and other intense competition for natural resources.
forms of land degradation are halted, large-scale Assisting people to return to areas which can no
displacement is expected to continue, whether or longer sustain them is not a viable solution for
not major conflict goes on. camp closure.

The displacement of over five million Sudanese In the detailed recommendations set out below, it
into slums, camps and informal settlements should be noted that while UNHCR is designated
has been accompanied by major environmental as the primary beneficiary for its role in the
damage to the often fragile environments where oversight of the displaced population issue, the
these settlements have developed. The larger actual beneficiaries are the displaced populations
camps, particularly in Darfur, have been epicentres themselves.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 115

Elders from Shaggarab camp and hosting Together with officials from the Forests
communities inspect a year-old acacia tree National Corporation and the Commissioner
plantation for Refugees, representatives from both the
hosting and the refugee communities inspect
progress on preparations for a community
tree nursery in Fau 5 camp

CS 5.5 Community-based rehabilitation of refugee-impacted areas in eastern Sudan

Some of the largest and longest-lasting refugee caseloads in Africa have been those of Ethiopian and Eritrean refugees
settled in eastern Sudan (principally in Gedaref and Kassala states). The impact of such a large number of people – some
1.1 million refugees at its climax in 1985 – has been significant in environmental as well as social and economic terms.

In October 2002, a multidisciplinary assessment mission developed a comprehensive proposal to address the issue of camp
closure and rehabilitation needs in the affected area. Initiated by UNHCR and the Government of Sudan, the Sustainable
Options for Livelihood Security in Eastern Sudan (SOLSES) Programme was conceived as a scaling-down exercise of UNHCR’s
presence in the region, with simultaneous preparation for the hand-over of assets to local communities and authorities, as
well as some environmental rehabilitation. Needs assessments were carried out to evaluate peoples’ actual and anticipated
needs from a range of environmental resources, as well as for health and education facilities, and water and sanitation.

The environmental component of the SOLSES Programme is managed by IUCN - The World Conservation Union. Its
point of departure is the engagement of beneficiaries (both refugees and local communities) with clear links to the state’s
development plan and processes, through community environmental management planning.

By November 2006, Community Environment Management Plans had been established for nine refugee-impacted areas in the
central states (Sennar and El Gezira), as well as for the Setit region in Kassala state. The development of such plans has been
an important part of the overall needs assessment of affected communities, some of which include refugees who are not able
to return to Eritrea. Many of these people have lived in camps for more than thirty years, and are essentially already integrated
into the local community (in some instances it is no longer possible to determine between a camp and a local village).

Support through SOLSES is intended to build peoples’ capacities and expertise so that they might become self-sufficient
and, at the same time, less reliant or better able to manage the natural resources they still depend on.

Agroforestry and community/compound tree-planting have become an important component of the work to support
sustainable development and income generation. In its first year alone, the sale of products from a two-hectare irrigated
agroforestry plot in the Mafaza former refugee camp generated USD 1,200 in revenue. Developing management plans
for forests that were established in the past fifteen to twenty years, and ensuring that these resources are cared for in the
future are also part of the overall strategy. In 2005, for example, more than 14,000 ha of forest were handed over to local
communities or state authorities for future management. In addition, the programme is working with local communities
and forestry authorities to reafforest important areas as community forests.

As community members become more familiar and convinced of the approaches promoted through SOLSES, the
programme is also helping to respond to other pressing needs, far beyond the original concept of environmental rehabilitation,
such as the provision of clean water and waste disposal, the use of agricultural chemicals, and the diseases caused by
dirty water or mosquitoes. It is important that environmental concerns, issues and opportunities be pro-actively built into
all SOLSES and related activities in the future.

116 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Recommendations for the CA: PA; PB: UNHCR; UNP: UNEP; CE: 3M;
international community DU: 3 years

R5.3 Conduct an environmental impact

R5.1 Implement an IDP and refugee camp assessment for the return process for Southern
environmental and technical assistance project Sudan and the Three Areas, and develop plans
for Darfur. This project should include the for impact mitigation. The assessment should
provision of training, technical advice and also provide guidelines for state, county and payam
guidelines for camp planners and management (district administrative unit) officials. Area plans
staff, and a number of small demonstration should be developed for identified hotspots.
projects at the larger camps.
CA: TA; PB: UNHCR; UNP: UNEP; CE: 1.5M; DU: 1 year
DU: 3 years
R5.4 Conduct an environmental impact and
R5.2 Develop and implement a plan to feasibility assessment for the return process in
resolve the Darfur camp fuelwood energy Darfur. The assessment should be a multi-agency
crisis. There are numerous options available effort and focus on the potential for the projected
and many studies have been conducted, so any return areas to adequately sustain rural livelihoods
major programme should be preceded by a rapid in the event of peace.
options analysis and feasibility assessment. Major
investment is needed to address this large-scale CA: AS; PB: UNHCR; UNP: UNEP; CE: 0.3M;
problem. DU: 1 year

The devegetated outskirts of this IDP camp near Zalingei in Western Darfur clearly illustrate the impact of
the concentrated exploitation of natural resources that were scarce to begin with

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 117
Urban Environment
and Environmental

The Port Sudan dumpsite.

Improvements in solid waste management
will first and foremost require increased
government investment in disposal facilities.

Urban environment and Assessment activities

Detailed desk study information was available on
environmental health urban and environmental health issues, though
statistical data on Southern Sudan was relatively
6.1 Introduction and scarce. UNEP’s fieldwork included visits to urban
assessment activities centres of all sizes in twenty states. Particular
attention was paid to the investigation of unplanned
Introduction settlements, camps, waste management and
sanitation. Three cities – Khartoum, Port Sudan
Urban environment and environmental health and Juba – were selected for a closer assessment of
issues are some of the most visible symptoms of urban services and housing.
the challenges facing Sudan. Sprawling slums,
litter and polluted waterways are prevalent in Available statistics on environmental health and
most urban centres, and health and development services, which are a combination of government
statistics quantify in some detail the massive and UN data, tell a sombre story of poverty and
impact of this situation on the quality of life of underdevelopment. On the national scale, even
the Sudanese population. these numbers are overly optimistic, as much of
the detailed data has historically been collected
Shelter, potable water, sanitation and waste in the more developed areas of the northern
management are cross-cutting issues, and states. On a more positive note, however, the
deficiencies in any of these areas can be categorized economic development resulting from the oil
as development, health or environmental problems. boom is completely absent from older statistics,
This chapter focuses on the environmental aspects so that some areas such as Khartoum state are
of these issues and the associated challenges in expected to show significant improvement from
development and governance. 2000 onwards.

Introductory field training in Juba for the newly recruited staff of the GOSS Ministry of Environment,
Wildlife Conservation and Tourism

120 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The capital Khartoum is by far the In Southern Sudan, the major towns, such as
largest city in Sudan Wau, consist of a small centre built in colonial
times and a large fringe of informal settlements

The scope of the assessment was considered Major urban centres

adequate to address but not fully quantify the
issues at the national level. In addition, the The urban population is concentrated in only a few
statistical evidence collected and presented here cities. Greater Khartoum is by far the largest: its
should be treated with caution; it is considered population was 2,918,000 in 1993, but it is estimated
sufficient to present trends but not to form the to have grown to more than five million in 2006. A
basis for detailed planning. study using 1993 census data for the northern cities
showed that 64 percent of the total population of the
nine largest urban centres lived in Khartoum.
6.2 Overview of demographics
and major urban centres Table 7. Populations of the major cities
in northern Sudan in 1993 [6.1]
Demographics City Population Percentage of total
The majority of Sudan’s population (estimated to Khartoum 2,918,000 64
be between 35 and 40 million) lives in villages and Port Sudan 308,616 7
hamlets in rural areas. Exact figures on the rural and El Obeid 228,139 5
urban populations are not available, but UNEP Nyala 220,386 5
estimates, from a compendium of incomplete and Wad Medani 212,501 5
obsolete sources, that approximately 70 percent Gedaref 185,317 4
live in villages, hamlets or lead a semi-nomadic Kosti 172,832 4
existence, and 30 percent are town and city El Fasher 141,600 3
dwellers, or live in displaced persons settlements El Geneina 127,187 3
[6.1, 6.2]. Total 4,427,578 100

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 121

The busy port of Malakal, on the White Nile. Virtually all of the major urban centres in Sudan are located on rivers

Data on the size of the urban centres in Southern 6.4 Urbanization and urban
Sudan is extremely scarce. The largest towns are the planning
state capitals of Juba, Wau, and Malakal, and the
town of Yei. A 2005 urban planning study of Juba Rapid urbanization
estimated the town population at 250,000 [6.3].
The two dominant demographic trends in Sudan
are rapid population growth (estimated to be
6.3 Overview of urban environ- over 2.6 percent) and even faster urbanization,
ment and environmental fuelled by population growth and a range of
health issues compounding factors including:
The UNEP assessment identified a long list of • drought and desertification eliminating rural
urban and environmental health issues in Sudan, livelihoods;
but focused on those with the strongest link to
the environment. In this sector, most issues are • mechanized agriculture schemes taking rural
closely linked, so while the assessment could land from traditional farming communities;
focus on individual problems, the solutions will
need to be integrated. The issues investigated by
• conflict-related insecurity forcing abandonment
of rural livelihoods; and
UNEP were:
• general flight from rural poverty in search
• rapid urbanization; of better livelihoods and services, such as
• urban planning; hospitals and schools in the cities.
• drinking water, sanitation and waterborne
diseases; Moderately good data is only available for
• solid waste management; Khartoum (see Case Study 6.1). It shows growth
• air pollution and urban transport; estimates of over five percent per year from 1973
• urban energy; and to 1993. Anecdotal evidence and data from studies
• sustainable construction. conducted between 1993 and 2006 indicate that

122 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

the explosive growth of Khartoum has not ceased expected to be much higher than this thirty-three
[6.4, 6.5, 6.6]. Given the Khartoum-centred year average.
economic boom, the Darfur crisis, and the rural
environmental problems of the north, UNEP’s This explosive urbanization is a severe challenge
forecast for the capital is continued growth, with which has not been – and still is not – managed
rapid inflows from northern states somewhat or adequately controlled by regional or local
countered by outflow to Southern Sudan. authorities. The result is chaotic urban sprawl and
widespread slums, which are in turn associated
Following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace with a number of health, environmental and
Agreement (CPA) in January 2005, displaced social problems. UNEP teams observed informal
persons from the north and outside of Sudan settlements or slums on the outskirts of virtually
have started to return to their homelands in the every town visited in Sudan.
south. Only very approximate numbers of returns
are available as of the end of 2006, but these are Urban planning
thought to be in the order of 300,000.
To date, not only has urban planning mostly
The exact percentage of these returnees relocating been focused on metropolitan Khartoum, but
to southern towns is unknown, but the larger the plans that have been developed have not
urban centres, such as Juba, Yei, Malakal, Wau been fully implemented due to under-investment
and Rumbek, are clearly experiencing very rapid in infrastructure and utilities, and underlying
growth. Available data and estimates for Juba, for deficiencies in land tenure and the rule of law.
example, show a population increase from 56,000 While the capital has recently seen considerable
in 1973 to 250,000 in 2006, which converts to investment, its size, high growth rate and historical
a growth of 450 percent, or 14 percent (linear) lack of planning still constitute major challenges
per year [6.3, 6.7]. Growth rates since 2005 are (see Case Study 6.1).

Large-scale informal settlements have multiplied in the Khartoum area since the 1980s. Most of these
settlements have very limited access to water, and no sewage or waste management

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 123

CS 6.1 Urban planning and informal settlements in Khartoum

Metropolitan Khartoum, which comprises Khartoum, Khartoum North and Omdurman, has an area of 802.5 km2. It is
located at the point where the White Nile, flowing north from Uganda, meets the Blue Nile, flowing west from Ethiopia.

Founded as a military outpost in 1821, Khartoum soon became established as an important trading centre. It was chosen as
the seat of government in 1823. Within the past century, the city has expanded 250 times in area and 114 times in population.
The population of metropolitan Khartoum is now estimated to be more than five million, and it has a current estimated annual
average growth rate of four percent, making it by far the largest and most rapidly increasing concentration of people in the
country [6.6]. Some 40 percent of Khartoum residents are internally displaced persons (or children of IDPs) [6.17].

The capital is sprawling rather than dense: population density in metropolitan Khartoum was estimated at approximately
163 persons/km² in 2004 [6.4]. This low figure is due to the fact that 92 percent of Khartoum’s dwelling plots contain
one-level developments of 300-500 m² per plot. There are few multi-story residential buildings.

Key statistics for Khartoum are all obsolete and incomplete, but nevertheless illustrate the challenges in urban planning,
transportation and provision of utilities and services.

Four master plans have been established for the development of Khartoum since independence. Most were only partially
implemented, and a new plan is currently in process.

The most significant environmental health problems can be observed on the outskirts of the city, where the majority of
unauthorized settlements are located. These settlements cover vast areas, contain no paved roads and offer negligible
facilities for water, sanitation and solid waste management. The result is very poor sanitation, high disease rates, and
difficulties in accessing basic services.

Khartoum authorities have attempted to address the issue of unauthorized settlements and squatters through a range of
plans, initiatives and new settlement deals. Almost all of these have failed, and over the last ten years, authorities have
turned to removing squatters by force, by bulldozing slum areas with little warning or compensation. Displaced persons
settlements have been particularly vulnerable to this campaign.

At the same time, a sixty-five hectare central business district is currently being developed at the junction between the
Blue and While Nile. The Almogran business district development, which is probably the largest such development in the
region, includes plans for a six-hundred hectare residential estate and an eighteen-hole golf course built partly over the
Sunut Forest Nature Reserve.

In sum, Khartoum’s urban planning and utility provision challenges are considerable. In the absence of major investment
and fundamental reforms in areas such as land tenure, the situation is likely to get significantly worse as the capital’s
population continues to grow.

Table 8. Key statistics for Khartoum [6.5]

Indicator Statistic
Annual growth rate 4%
Number of shanty towns surrounding metropolitan Khartoum (1986) 96
Estimated population of unauthorized settlements 2-3 million
Percentage of central Khartoum covered by water network 71 %
Percentage of Khartoum connected to sewage system 28 %
Percentage of Khartoum using pit latrines or other basic systems 68 %

In Darfur, the cities of El Fasher, Nyala and experience of Southern Sudan indicates that
El Geneina, as well as other urban centres, a significant percentage of these ‘temporary’
are severely impacted by the massive influx of settlements in Darfur will become permanent
displaced persons since the start of the conflict in additions to the towns.
2003. The majority of the two million displaced
are found on the fringes of urban centres which, In Southern Sudan, urban planning challenges
in some cases, have increased in population by are twofold. First, urban populations are swelling
over 200 percent in three years [6.8, 6.9]. The due to the return of displaced people, and second,

124 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 6.1 Growth of Khartoum 1972-2000

1972 1987

These maps show land-use
Residential area changes that have occurerd
in Khartoum over the last
Cultivated area
30 years.
Industrial area
These maps are obtained from
Airport the classification of Landsat
Sands images.

Bare land Classification was performed

by RSA (Remote Sensing
River Nile Authorities) in 2006.
Open space
No data

Satellite images

1972: Landsat MSS

1987: Landsat TM
2000: Landsat ETM+

Datum: WGS 84
Projection: UTM Zone 36


0 2 4 6 8 10

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 125

some of the towns are inherently badly located: buildings. The Juba civil works contracts, funded
the Nile swamps and floodplains are home to partly through the Multi-donor Trust Fund, were
several million people, but are very difficult places awarded in 2006 and on-site work is in progress.
to develop urban centres in, due to high water Discussions are currently being held to explore
tables, annual flooding and a lack of building the financing of works in the other nine state
materials such as sand, gravel, rock and suitable capitals.
clay. Malakal is a classic example of the constraints
imposed by location (see Case Study 6.2). In parallel, UNDP has set up an Urban
Management Programme for 2006-2009 to
The Government of Southern Sudan launched a provide broad policy and technical support. UN
major urban development initiative for the ten Habitat has also commenced operations, and an
state capitals in 2005. Planned infrastructure international aid programme funded by USAID
works include water and sanitation, roads has started to conduct assessments and capacity-
and drainage, power supply and government building in urban planning for Southern Sudan.

With limited soil absorption capacity and no gradient to allow for drainage, sewage remains
stagnant in Malakal’s town centre, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases

CS 6.2 Malakal: the environmental health challenges of urban development

in the southern clay plains

Malakal (population approximately 200,000) is the capital of Upper Nile state. It is located on a flood plain near the junction
of the White Nile and Sobat river. The town’s location and local geology exacerbate the usual water and sanitation problems
that afflict all of the major towns in Southern Sudan.

Indeed, the town is located on very flat ground consisting of heavy clay soil, and the water table is only 0.5 to 1.5 m below
the surface. As a result, drainage is difficult. In the wet season, the town is frequently flooded for long periods of time.
Because there are no significant rock or gravel deposits in the region, straightforward corrective measures like surface
paving, minor relocations and raising settlements above the flood level are all extremely complex and costly, due to the
need to import bulk materials.

Malakal’s population is rising rapidly as people return from the north and from Ethiopia, and the limited public services are
completely overstretched. There is no effective sewage system, and the open rainfall drains that serve as sewers in most
of the town’s streets commonly overflow in the wet season. Unsurprisingly, Malakal was one of the towns affected by the
cholera epidemic of 2005-2006. Unless the problem of town sewage is addressed through a combination of investment
and urban planning, preventing further outbreaks of waterborne diseases will be problematic.

126 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

6.5 Drinking water, sanitation last decade. Water access rates are comparable to
and waterborne diseases poorer countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

Sudan actually has sufficient natural water resources

Access to safe and adequate
in the form of rivers, lakes, seasonal streams and
drinking water groundwater to supply drinking water for the
Sudan is one of the few countries in the world population in virtually all areas, except for some
where the percentage of people with access to safe parts of the northern desert (see Chapter 10).
and adequate drinking water has declined over the
The constraint in supplying adequate and safe
drinking water is principally due to a lack of
Table 9. Overview of potable water extraction and purification infrastructure. Under-
statistics in Sudan [6.10, 6.11, 6.12] investment and poverty are core obstacles for the
supply of water throughout Sudan, and historical and
Indicator Statistic
current conflicts have exacerbated the problem.
Northern and national figures
Urban populations without access to 40 %
Water availability for agriculture and industry (which
20 litres per day (North, 2005)
can use over twenty times the amount required per
Rural populations without access to 60 %
20 litres per day (North, 2005)
capita for potable purposes) is much more limited,
Khartoum population with improved 93 %
and constrained by the scale and reliability of the
water access (2005) resources rather than just under-investment.
Blue Nile state population with 24 %
improved water access (2005)
Primary schools without access to 65 %
safe water
Percentage of daily income spent on Up to 40%
water purchase by the urban poor
Average water consumption per < 6 litres
person per day from rural water points
Average water consumption per < 7 litres
person per day
Southern Sudan
Rural population without access to 75 %
safe water supplies (2005)
Percentage of the estimated 6,500 65 % Water carts in Kassala state. Reliable water points
water points currently not functioning are few and far between in the drier parts of Sudan.
properly Many people rely on water purchased from vendors

A major aid-funded water drilling programme Hand-operated well pumps provide

in Darfur has provided over a million people a reliable water supply to millions
with access to clean water since 2003 of Sudanese people

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 127

Sanitation issues are most apparent in displaced

persons settlements that have not been reached
by international aid efforts. Such settlements are
typically found on the outskirts of towns, and are
generally very crowded and unsanitary. Large-
scale aid-organized camps are usually in better
condition but often face major challenges due to
crowding and poor location.

Sewage systems have been installed in Khartoum,

but these facilities, which cover only a quarter
of the population [6.5], are now massively
overstretched and not functioning properly. As
a result, a large amount of untreated sewage is
pumped back into the Nile, with obvious health
implications for downstream communities. Most
other cities have some form of sewage drainage
The majority of the urban population of Sudan
system but no treatment, so that effluent is
relies on basic latrines or septic tanks that discharged directly into the nearest watercourse.
are emptied by truck. In this case, the load is
transferred to the Khartoum sewage works In the very dry areas and in towns without a sewage
network, the standard solution for the more
affluent communities (including the international
Sanitation and sewage aid community) is to use a septic tank. When
tanks are full, they are emptied by a suction
Problems with sanitation are evident throughout tanker and the contents are dumped, usually in
Sudan, and inadequate facilities are the norm the dry bed of a local seasonal watercourse. This
rather than the exception outside metropolitan process is particularly inequitable as it essentially
Khartoum. Village fringes, disused lots and transfers the waterborne disease risk from the
seasonal watercourses are commonly used as open affluent to the poor, who take their water from
toilets, with predictable health consequences. such watercourses.

Table 10. Overview of sanitation and

sewage statistics in Sudan
[6.10, 6.11, 6.12, 6.13]
Indicator Statistic
Northern and national figures
Urban population using improved 80 %
sanitation facilities
Rural population using improved 46 %
sanitation facilities
Primary schools with improved 50 %
sanitation facilities
Percentage of Khartoum connected 28 %
to sewage system
Population using improved sanitation < 20 %
facilities In towns without sewage plants, septic waste
Southern Sudan tankers empty their loads on the city outskirts, in
Population using improved sanitation < 30 % this case into the main wadi supplying drinking
facilities water to Port Sudan

128 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Raw sewage flowing to the White Nile. Though there is a sewage network in Khartoum, it does not cover
the entire city and no longer works properly, as it is stretched well beyond capacity

Waterborne diseases
The shortcomings in water quality and sanitation
in Sudan are directly reflected in the incidence of
waterborne diseases, which make up 80 percent
of reported diseases in the country. The incidence
of disease is highly seasonal: the greatest problems
usually occur at the start of the wet season as the rains
and run-off mobilize the faecal matter and pollution
that have accumulated during the dry season.

The very limited water monitoring that has

been carried out has confirmed bacteriological
contamination of the Nile in Khartoum state
and elsewhere in northern Sudan [6.12]. Limited
groundwater monitoring in metropolitan Khartoum
also confirmed bacteriological contamination [6.5].
Waterborne diseases are a particularly severe There is practically no data for Southern Sudan.
problem in towns in Southern Sudan, due to the
lack of water supply and sewage infrastructure in Apart from the routine waterborne illnesses such as
crowded informal housing areas like here in Juba cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A and a range of parasitic

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 129

infections like schistosomiasis, a number of tropical

diseases including malaria, sleeping sickness, river
blindness, guinea worm and visceral leishmaniasis
are still prevalent. Southern Sudan is particularly
afflicted, with an estimated 70 percent of the world’s
cases of guinea worm occuring there [6.13].

In 2005 and 2006, Southern Sudan experienced a

major cholera outbreak in several cities including
Yei, Juba, Bor and Malakal. The total number of Carefully designed water points, such as this one
victims recorded by WHO was over 16,000, with that is connected to a deep well in Western Darfur,
over 470 deaths [6.14]. Cholera is a waterborne can help control the spread of waterborne diseases
disease linked to faecal pollution of drinking
water. A UNEP team visited one of the epicentres
of an outbreak in Juba in February 2006 (see Case Litter – plastic bags in particular – is a pervasive
Study 6.3) and found that water and sanitation problem across the country, with Khartoum state
problems were so severe and endemic that it being worst affected due to its population density
would have been very difficult to pinpoint a single and relative wealth.
source, though according to WHO, untreated
water from the White Nile and shallow open wells UNEP field teams visited a number of municipal
were the most likely suspects [6.15]. dumpsites in Port Sudan, Khartoum, El Obeid,
El Geneina, Wau, Juba, Malakal and Bor, as well
as in smaller towns and villages. Of all of the sites
6.6 Solid waste management: visited, only Khartoum and Juba were found to
consistent problems on a have organized systems of dumping waste into pre-
national scale defined moderately suitable locations. In all other
cases, dumping took place on the outskirts of urban
Solid waste management practices throughout centres (see Case Study 6.4). Moreover, there was
Sudan are uniformly poor. Management is limited no waste separation at source, and slaughterhouse
to organized collection from the more affluent offal, medical wastes, sewage and chemicals were
urban areas and dumping in open landfills or seen within the normal waste stream. Waste was
open ground. In the majority of cases, garbage of also commonly dumped directly into seasonal
all types accumulates close to its point of origin watercourses or rivers, thereby contributing to
and is periodically burnt. water pollution and waterborne diseases.

Open air burning is the most common method of Wind-blown litter is an endemic problem in the
waste disposal in IDP settlements such as this countryside around major towns in northern and
one on the southern fringe of Khartoum central Sudan

130 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Offal and effluent from the slaughter yard flow UNEP found that this hand-pump supplied
past the well towards the White Nile both the slaughter yard and the nearby local
settlement. Waterborne diseases such as
cholera occurred in this area in 2006

CS6.3 Juba slaughter yard and community well

The slaughter yard on the eastern edge of Juba is the largest of several relatively small and primitive facilities used for
slaughtering cattle, sheep and goats in the town. The site is surrounded by IDP settlements, and is approximately 200 m
from the Nile and 400 m upstream of the town’s municipal water extraction point.

The facility consists of an open concrete yard with a number of drains and open washbasins. On the day of UNEP’s inspection,
the facility was covered in blood and offal. Most of the non-commercial offal was washed into an open drain leading towards
the river. The edges of the facility were used for dumping non-usable solid animal waste, and as an open latrine.

A community water point in constant use was located on the premises, within five metres of the offal drain and communal
latrine. The surface of the water point was surrounded by stagnant noxious water and waste. The depth of the water table
was estimated by the team to be in the order of two to three metres. Interviews of water point users revealed that many
people in IDP settlements nearby had been struck with cholera.

This particular case of apparent contamination of community water supplies illustrates the problem of locating shallow groundwater
wells in an urban setting in the absence of any real form of water and sanitation infrastructure or protection measures.

Since UNEP’s visit, however, it has fortunately been reported that the replacement of the slaughter yard is being carried
out as part of current infrastructure works in Juba. A new abattoir with modern facilities will be constructed on a new site
to the north of the city.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 131

A waste picker burns tires in Abattoir waste was left in Medical waste was found
order to retrieve wire to sell the open air for scavenging across the site and along
as scrap metal (left) dogs and birds (top right) the main road (bottom right)

CS6.4 The Port Sudan landfill

The case of Port Sudan (population approximately 500,000) illustrates the solid waste management problems that exist
throughout Sudan. The city has several uncontrolled waste disposal sites on its fringes. The largest by far is located along
the banks of a broad wadi, approximately six kilometres from the city centre.

The boundaries of the site are difficult to determine, as open dumping takes place along the access routes and in vacant
or common land throughout the district. In total, it is estimated that no less than 5 km² are covered with a layer of mixed
waste ranging from 0.1 to 1 m in thickness.

The site is virtually uncontrolled and presents obvious health and environmental hazards. Waste is burned and recycled
by a resident group of waste pickers who live in terrible conditions on site. Animals observed feeding on the waste include
dogs, goats, cattle and camels, as well as crows, kites and vultures.

The types of waste dumped on site include clinical wastes (syringes, catheters, blood packs, drugs and bandages),
plastics and paper, drums and other metal scraps, small-scale chemical wastes, abattoir and food wastes, and septic
tank solids and liquids.

The root cause of problems such as those seen at Port Sudan is inadequate investment in public services, including in all
aspects of sanitation and waste management.

132 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

6.7 Air pollution and urban investigated particulate (dust) and sulphur dioxide
transport: a complete (SO2) levels in Khartoum; again, the results were
data vacuum not available.

UNEP found no evidence of systematic air On an anecdotal basis, industrial- and vehicle-
quality monitoring in Sudan. UNEP itself did based air pollution do not appear to be regional-
not conduct any quantitative analysis, and thus scale problems in Sudan, though localized issues
cannot present any solid findings on the topic. with factory and traffic emissions are evident in
central Khartoum.
With respect to health, the most significant air
pollutant in most of Sudan is dust generated by The current Environmental Framework Act of
wind moving over dry and exposed soil. Indeed, 2000 does include some general prohibitions on
large parts of northern Sudan are routinely air pollution, but no numerical quality standards.
enveloped in sand and dust storms, with high As a result, there are no criteria against which
levels of atmospheric dust persisting for days the performance of individual facilities can be
at a time. This extent of exposure undoubtedly judged. There is also no measurement capacity
takes a toll on the population’s respiratory health, within the regulatory authorities. Nonetheless, at
although UNEP was not able to find solid least one state government has taken action on air
statistics on this issue. pollution issues, forcing a cement factory to treat
its emissions (see Case Study 7.3).
According to local authorities, the last significant
air pollution and associated environmental health These and other positive steps at the local level
survey was conducted in Khartoum in 1990. This should be supported via technical and legal
study reportedly focused on health impacts to development work, including data collection
traffic police, but the results were not available for and the establishment of air quality and plant
interpretation. In 1979 and 1981, limited studies performance standards.

6.8 Urban energy: a declining

dependence on wood
Sudanese cities are unusual even in the developing
world in that the level of electrification is overall
extremely low, and that the majority of the urban
population still relies on wood for energy: a
1998 survey reported that 90 percent of urban
households still depended on charcoal and wood
for fuel. It is the energy needs of these ten million
urban dwellers of northern and central Sudan
that drive the large-scale and very unsustainable
commercial charcoal industry (see Chapter 9).

There is some cause for optimism, however. Liquefied

petroleum gas (LPG) is being introduced into northern
Sudan – and Khartoum in particular (see Chapter 7).
In addition, the electricity supplied by the Merowe
dam project is expected to double the national electrical
output in 2007-2008, ushering in a major switch
to electricity (see Chapter 10). This move from one
Carting firewood back to Juba: towns in Southern energy source to others with different environmental
Sudan rely on a combination of firewood impacts is a typical example of the environmental
and charcoal for most energy needs trade-offs that occur with development.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 133

6.9 Sustainable construction This building boom represents an opportunity

opportunities: alternatives to introduce sustainable and cost-effective
construction techniques into the country.
needed to reduce Techniques such as stabilized earth technology are
deforestation rates already used on a small scale in Sudan and simply
need promotion. Other practices, such as solar-
Sudan is currently experiencing a construction aided hot water systems, have been introduced
boom, which is greatly increasing the demand but have yet to be widely adopted.
for construction materials, and particularly for
bricks. All bricks in Sudan are baked using a low
efficiency kiln system fuelled by firewood. The 6.10 Urban and health sector
demand for wood has intensified the pressure on environmental governance:
forests in most parts of the country, and especially local management and
in central Sudan and Darfur. funding issues
The cost of ‘modern’ construction remains Under the terms of the 2005 Interim Constitution,
extremely high, especially in Southern Sudan and practical management of the urban and health
Darfur, where transportation costs can be punitive. sectors in Sudan is largely the responsibility of state
For example, the cement used for UN compounds governments, which in turn delegate down to county
built in 2006 in remote parts of Southern Sudan and city governments. Cross-cutting this structure
was generally airlifted – an extremely expensive are federal ministries for physical development,
approach for bulk commodity transport. health, water and irrigation, and transport.

Traditional buildings such as this barn under construction near Mabior in Jonglei state require
a large number of young trees

134 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Stabilized earth bricks are obtained by Stabilized earth construction techniques

placing a mixture of clay, silt, sand and a combine the advantages of traditional earth
stabilizing agent into a mechanical or hand- and modern brick construction. Compressed
powered press, which crushes the mix into a earth blocks have been used in the
hard, dense block that is then dried naturally construction of several buildings in Khartoum

CS 6.5 Sustainable construction using stabilized earth blocks: an opportunity

for the UN and others to do less harm to the environment

Traditional soil construction techniques are used in 80 percent of buildings in Sudan, and this figure rises to over 90
percent in rural areas (2000 data). The advantages of soil are its very low cost, its local availability and the simplicity of
construction. Its disadvantages are its low strength and durability, particularly in high rainfall areas. The more affluent
Sudanese therefore rely on brick construction instead, and the demand for fuel to fire bricks is one of the causes of the
deforestation occurring in Sudan.

Compressed and stabilized earth construction techniques combine the advantages of both traditional earth and modern
brick construction. The method can be summarized as follows: suitable moist soil consisting of a mixture of clay, silt and
sometimes sand, is blended for uniformity before a stabilizing agent such as cement, lime, gypsum or bitumen is added.
The material is then placed in a mechanical or hand-powered press, which crushes the soil-stabilizer mix into a hard,
dense brick that is dried naturally, gaining strength in the process. The bricks obtained can be used just like fired clay or
concrete bricks.

Modern compressed earth technology has proven effective in many parts of the world, and several buildings, such as the Haj Yousif
experimental school in Khartoum North, have already been constructed in Sudan as demonstration projects [6.18, 6.19].

The environmental savings are significant, as studies have shown that compressed earth construction uses approximately
only one to two percent of the energy for material development per cubic metre that cement and fired bricks use [6.18].
For Sudan, this translates into potentially major savings in fuelwood.

The economics of compressed earth indicate that – if introduced correctly – the technology can be commercially self-
sustaining, as it can compete with brick and cement on cost grounds. The main obstacle to market entry is its novelty
and a lack of local knowledge.

UN agencies in Sudan and elsewhere in developing countries use considerable amounts of fired bricks to build their
offices and residential compounds. In fact, the MOSS (Minimum Operating Security Standard) requirement for a two-metre
high solid wall surrounding compounds is the direct cause of the felling of thousands of trees in Sudan and elsewhere.
Compressed earth technology offers the opportunity for the UN and other international aid organizations to reduce the
negative impact of their presence and extend the ‘do no harm’ principle to include the environment.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 135

The main issue for state governments in Sudan On this basis, UNEP’s recommendations are
(outside of Khartoum) in areas such as urban focused on increasing government capacity and
planning and environmental health is insufficient support for these sectors rather than implementing
funding: local officials are generally quite aware site-specific projects. The exceptions are the
of the problems but cannot act in the absence of need for practical solid waste management and
funds. sustainable construction projects in one or more
locations to demonstrate the way ahead. It should
The second major obstacle to tackling urban and be noted that a substantial humanitarian water
environmental health issues is the pace of urban and sanitation programme is separately promoted
growth and slum development: it is difficult and managed by UNICEF and others on an
to enforce basic planning and environmental annual basis, and is hence not repeated here.
health standards when uncontrolled settlements
are set up on land that is either unsuitable for Recommendations for the
inhabitation or needed for the provision of
adequate infrastructure. A particular problem Government of National Unity
arises where illegal settlements are established R6.1 Invest in urban planning capacity-
in flood plains and partly block existing building for all northern and central states, and
drainage basins and corridors, resulting in for Darfur. This will entail a process of importing
increased flooding and the spread of waterborne expertise and ‘learning by doing’ through improved
diseases. master planning for each state capital. Particular
attention should be given to Darfur state capitals,
6.11 Conclusions and where the need is greatest due to the influx of
people displaced by the conflict. To improve
recommendations political support, assistance should be channeled
Conclusion in part by the Governor’s office in each state.

While urban environment and environmental CA: CB; PB: GONU state governments; UNP:
health issues are clearly apparent to all living in UN Habitat; CE: 2M; DU: 3 years
Sudan, attempts to change this situation have met
with little success to date. The main obstacle for R6.2 Increase investment in environmental
improvement in these areas is a lack of investment, health-related infrastructure and services in
but other problems, such as the widespread lack all northern and central states, and in Darfur.
of adequate urban planning, also play a role. There is no substitute for significant investment
in solving issues such as sanitation and solid waste
Background to the management. Any major investment programme
recommendations should proceed in stages, attempt to introduce
self-sustaining financing and involve the private
Water and environmental sanitation are major sector. A proportion of the total cost should
areas for international humanitarian funding; in be directed toward human resource capacity-
the UN, work in these sectors is led by UNICEF. building and awareness-raising. Note that this
Solid waste management and urban planning are recommendation is not costed, but that the
traditionally not well supported, though this is investment required to attain even a basic level
now changing. of service is anticipated to be in excess of USD 1
billion over a period of more than a decade.
It is extremely clear that neither humanitarian
nor development aid efforts in these sectors will CA: GI; PB: GONU state governments; UNP:
be fully successful or sustainable without greater UN Habitat; CE: NC; DU: 10 yrs+
government support, principally increased
government funding. Issues such as land tenure, R6.3 Promote the growth of the LPG market
unauthorized settlements and chronic solid waste in major urban centres. This measure will
management problems can also only be resolved directly reduce the pressure on remaining forests
by national and local authorities. in dryland Sudan by substituting for charcoal

136 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

as an urban fuel source. Promotion may entail Recommendations for the

some form of initial subsidization of the LPG Government of Southern Sudan
cylinders. Fuel should not be subsidized, as this
would create a distorted market in the long term. R6.6 Invest in urban planning capacity-
Costs and duration of the programme are flexible building for all southern states. This will entail
and scalable. a process of importing expertise and ‘learning by
doing’ through improved master planning for
CA: GI; PB: Public via MoF; UNP: UNEP; CE: each state capital. To improve political support,
1M; DU: 2 years assistance should be channeled in part by the
Governor’s office in each state.
R6.4 Complete a stabilized earth technology
demonstration project for Khartoum and CA:CB; PB: GOSS state governments; UNP: UN
three other states including Northern Darfur. Habitat; CE: 2M; DU: 3 years
This should entail the construction of a UN
and government-used building in a prominent R6.7 Increase investment in environmental
position to maximize exposure, and should health-related infrastructure and services in all
include extensive capacity-building components. southern states. This recommendation matches R6.2
The technology and capacity already exist within above with similar anticipated costs and time scales.
the Ministry of Environment and Physical
Development. CA: GI; PB: GOSS state governments; UNP: UN
Habitat; CE: NC; DU: 10 yrs+
DU: 2 years Recommendations for the
United Nations in Sudan
R6.5 Complete a stabilized earth technology
demonstration project for Juba and three other R6.8 C o n s t r u c t a M O S S - c o m p l i a n t
states. The technology and capacity already exist compound perimeter for at least one base
within the GONU Ministry of Environment and in Southern Sudan using stabilized earth
Physical Development, and GONU assistance to technology. Such a demonstration project
GOSS on this topic would be a positive example potentially has very high added value if explicitly
of north-south cooperation. endorsed by the UN.

DU: 2 years UNOPS; CE: 1M; DU: 2 years

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 137
Industry and the

An oil well being drilled at

Heglig field, Southern Kordofan. The
rapid growth of the oil industry is
set to change Sudan’s economy,
society, and environment.

Industry and the Assessment activities

UNEP teams visited a range of industrial facilities
environment across the country. In some cases, a full tour of
the facility was possible; in others only brief
7.1 Introduction and inspections were carried out due to limited time
assessment activities or access. The sites visited include:

Port Sudan region, Red Sea state:

• harbour operations and warehousing
Sudan’s industrial sector is currently undergoing (site meetings and full tour);
rapid change and expansion. Historically limited • several very light industry sites
to utilities and small-scale food processing, the (site inspections);
sector is now booming thanks to oil production, • saltworks (full site tour);
which began in 1999. • desalination plant (full site tour);
• power station (external viewing only); and
Environmental governance of industry was refinery (site meeting only).

virtually non-existent until 2000, and the effects
of this are clearly visible today. While the situation Khartoum state:
has improved significantly over the last few years,
major challenges remain in the areas of project • Comfort soap and toothpaste factory
development and impact assessment, improving (brief site visit); and
the operation of older and government-managed • GIAD car assembling complex
facilities, and most importantly changing attitudes (brief site visit).
at the higher levels of government. Gezira state:
Industries covered in this chapter include oil • Baggier industrial complex (brief site visit);
production, power generation, food-processing, • Aqsa cooking oil factory (brief site visit); and
transportation, chemicals and construction. • Hibatan tannery and leather factory (closed).

Chlorine storage cylinders outside a chemical plant in Barri, Metropolitan Khartoum. UNEP’s assessment of
the industrial sector included visits to many factories. Access was normally granted without restriction

140 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

A small sesame seed oil pressing plant in Port Sudan. Food processing represents a significant part
of the light industry sector in Sudan

Sennar state: 7.2 Overview of the industrial

• Kenana sugar factory (full site tour); and sector in Sudan
• Asalaya sugar factory (full site tour).
General industrial structure
Southern Kordofan:
• Heglig crude oil production complex (site Sudan is experiencing rapid industrialization due
meetings and full tour). to the growth of the oil industry and associated
service industries and imports. For the purposes of
Jonglei state: this environmental assessment, industry is divided
• oil exploration seismic survey base and line into five sectors, as follows:
sites (site meeting and tour).
1. the upstream oil industry;
Northern state: 2. the downstream oil products industry;
• Merowe dam site (Khartoum meetings, no 3. utilities (power generation and water supply);
access to the site, visited the downstream
4. food processing (sugar, sesame oil, cereals); and
region, see Chapter 10 for details); and
• Atbara cement factory (brief site visit). 5. miscellaneous (including mining, textile
manufacturers, tanneries and workshops).
The number of sites visited was considered sufficient
to evaluate the environmental governance of Oil, utilities and food processing dominate the
industry in Sudan; the assessment was supported industrial sector. Until recently, virtually all of the
by an analysis of both general and site-specific major industries in Sudan were state-owned or
legislation and enforcement practices. controlled. This has now changed, as many of the
main manufacturers have been privatized. Apart
Oil-related sites were visited, but not in sufficient from the newer oil facilities, the industrial sector
depth and number to gain a comprehensive has suffered from a lack of investment which is
picture of the industry. The implications of this reflected in the condition of the plants and their
data gap are addressed further in this chapter. environmental performance.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 141

Oil industry structure Oil industry exploration and

production history
The oil industry is conventionally divided into
three sectors: Oil exploration in Sudan started in 1959, but the
first major find was only made in 1980 by the
• The upstream sector, which covers exploration US company Chevron (now Chevron-Texaco),
for crude oil and gas, extraction, and transport
north of Bentiu in Western Upper Nile state
via pipelines and tankers to markets;
(now renamed and boundaries changed to Unity
• The downstream oil products sector, in state). Further finds were made in 1982, 70 km
which the supplied oil and gas are refined and north of Bentiu in the Heglig district, in Southern
converted into usable products (petrol, diesel, Kordofan [7.1, 7.2].
lubricants) and sold to customers; and
• The petrochemicals sector, in which oil and Oil production in Heglig and Bentiu was delayed
gas are converted into chemicals and materials until 1996 by the north-south civil war, which
such as solvents and plastics. was itself partly caused and sustained by the
competition for control of the oilfields. The
Sudan’s upstream oil industry is set to dominate conflict and political changes during this period
industrial activity in the country for the next were accompanied by a shift in international oil
generation. UNEP interviews indicated a development partners. Most western companies
nationwide concern about the environmental gradually withdrew, due in part to pressure in their
impacts of exploration and extraction of oil, home countries. They were replaced by Chinese,
and this topic is addressed in some detail below. Malaysian and Indian national oil companies,
In contrast, the downstream sector in Sudan is which now manage the oilfields in Sudan together
relatively small and set for moderate growth only. with representatives from the Government of
There is no petrochemical industry in Sudan yet. National Unity.

Well casings lined up beneath the Heglig drilling rig. Oil production is rapidly increasing in Sudan, as new
fields are developed and transport infrastructure such as trunk pipelines and marine terminals is constructed

142 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

A crowned crane on ‘toic’ grassland near Padak. Much of the planned oil exploration is set
to take place in the Nile flood plain, an environmentally very sensitive area

Current oil industry activities As of mid-2006, the principal oil and gas
production facilities in Sudan are:
Sudan started exporting oil in 1999. According
to official figures, oil production in Sudan was • production wells and initial treatment
approximately 400,000 barrels per day as of mid- complexes in the fields of Heglig (Southern
2006, and was expected to rise to 500,000 barrels Kordofan), Bentiu (Unity state), Thar Jath,
per day within a short period of time [7.3, 7.4]. Muglad and Adar (Upper Nile state); some
Based on an oil price of USD 67 per barrel [7.5], of these facilities are still under development
the latter production level equates to a theoretical but expected to start or increase production
revenue stream of USD 33.5 million per day or within the next two years;
USD 12.2 billion per year, which represents 14
percent of the 2005 estimated gross domestic • four crude oil export pipelines connecting the
product for Sudan (USD 85.5 billion) [7.6]. fields to Port Sudan, with a combined length
of 3,900 km; and
Sudan also has significant gas reserves (some 3
trillion standard cubic feet) [7.7, 7.8] and currently • a marine oil export terminal at Port Sudan.
produces gas as a by-product of oil production
in central Sudan. Unfortunately, no large market Oil exploration and production plans
has yet been developed for this gas in Sudan. As a
result, most of it is burned off by flaring. Efforts are Sudan’s commercially recoverable oil reserves are
ongoing to tap this supply by increasing the existing currently in the approximate range of 500 to 800
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) market. million barrels, and total oil reserves are estimated

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 143

to be up to eight billion barrels [7.8, 7.9, 7.10]. 7.4 General industry-related

At present and projected extraction rates, these environmental issues
reserves will last for approximately a decade,
though it is expected that further reserves will be
discovered and exploited over time. Current plans An absence of environmental consi-
are to expand production to 1.5 million barrels derations in the development of new
per day by 2008 [7.3, 7.11]. projects

Only a small portion of central Sudan has Environmental issues have rarely been considered
been explored thoroughly, and only a fraction in the development of major industrial projects in
of that small area is in production. Before the Sudan over the last forty years. This has been the
Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was case throughout Sudan for all aspects of project
signed in 2005, exploration was limited to implementation: design, feasibility, site selection,
military-controlled areas in the north-south and facility construction and operation.
border regions. The establishment of peace and
security is now allowing exploration to expand As a result, a number of large projects have
into the rest of Southern Sudan, as well as had very negative impacts on the environment.
Southern Darfur. Unfortunately, new projects are still being
implemented without environmental con-
There are nine exploration concessions in Sudan sideration today (see Chapter 10 for section on
(see Figure 7.1), totalling approximately 250,000 dams). What’s more, development in Sudan has
km2 or ten percent of the country’s land area. Most historically been driven by a series of national-
of the important unexplored areas are in Southern level plans and mega-projects, such as the Gezira
Sudan. Accordingly, large-scale oil exploration agricultural scheme and the Jonglei canal.
and perhaps development are expected to come These schemes tend to have high-level political
to Southern Sudan within the next ten years. backing and progress rapidly from conception to
Some activity has already started: the White Nile construction, without opportunity for assessment
Petroleum Company has been conducting seismic or public consultation.
surveys in Padak County, Jonglei state since 2006
(see Case Study 7.2) and plans to commence
drilling in the second quarter of 2007.

7.3 Overview of industry-related

environmental issues
Industry-related environmental issues can be
divided into those applicable to all industries and
those applicable to the upstream oil industry only.

General issues are:

• absence of environmental considerations in
the development of new projects; and
• poor environmental performance at operating

Upstream oil industry issues are:

• isolation from governance and scrutiny;
• existing impacts and future risks of oil exploration;
• produced water; The construction of this major new harbour facility
• produced gas flaring and utilization; and in Port Sudan proceeded without an environmental
• oil spill risks from sea transportation. impact assessment or mitigation of its impacts

144 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 7.1 Sudan oil industry






Port Sudan

C HA D 12 Al-Jayli KASSALA
Khartoum 9
15o IRA
EZ 10




DARF UR El Obeid

6 7 BLU E N I LE
Heglig and Toma K O R D O F A N
El Toor
C 4 2

Toma South and El Nar Umm Sagura

10o Kaikang 1 and

Agar Yale 3
NO R T H E RN Unity

B A HR 5A and

RR Thar Jath




O F T25 H E C O N G O o
30o U GA N DA K35 E N Y A

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Oil refinery Kilometres

Oilfield 0 100 200 300 400 500
Oil pipeline Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
3 Concession block and id Sources:
ECOS; SIM (Sudan Interagency Mapping); USGS; vmaplv0, NIMA;
UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006 various reports, maps and atlases; UN Cartographic Section.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 145

Stand of mangroves located some 500 m The waste oil that is regularly dumped outside
from the power station this Port Sudan power station migrates
towards a lagoon and mangrove forest on the
outskirts of the city

CS 7.1 Port Sudan power station waste oil dumping

The lack of environmental governance in the industrial sector is readily apparent throughout Sudan. In Port Sudan, for
example, electricity is supplied by several government-operated oil-fired power generation stations. Power Station C is
located 5 km south of the city on the Port Sudan-Suakin road. It is built on what were previously salt marshes and located
approximately 200 m from a shallow lagoon, 500 m from one of the only remaining mangrove forests and at an equal
distance from the principal coastal recreation site outside the city.

The diesel generators require regular oil changes, generating large quantities of waste oil. The UNEP inspection team
witnessed this oil being simply poured onto the ground in vacant land next to the station, whence it gradually flowed into
the lagoon; open channels had been cut in the sediment to aid its flow.

Poor environmental performance

at operating sites

UNEP site inspections revealed chronic serious

environmental problems at the majority of
industrial facilities visited. The issues noted
ranged from air emissions and water pollution
to hazardous and solid waste disposal. There was
no correlation with scale: large facilities had the
same performance as smaller ones, if not worse.
Air and liquid discharges were found to be
mostly uncontrolled, and untreated effluent was
seen to be discharged directly into watercourses Used asphalt drums dumped on the outskirts
at several sites. of Port Sudan

146 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The environmental performance of the two

utilities visited by UNEP in Port Sudan – the
water desalination plant and Power Station
C – was very poor (see Case Study 7.1). Uti-
lities are still generally owned by the state
and suffer from a lack of investment. They are
also effectively immune from legal sanctions
because they provide vital services that cannot
be interrupted.

At the country’s five main sugar estates, the key

problem was the release of effluent. All sugar
factories were found to be releasing factory
wastewater directly into the Blue and White Nile
without pre-treatment. This wastewater contains
an elevated biological oxygen demand (BOD),
which can reach 800-3,000 ppm. The resulting
pollution of river water is suspected to be the
leading cause of frequent fish kills, particularly
in the Blue Nile. It should be noted that the
Kenana factory is in the process of constructing
Fuel oil spillage at the Rabak cement factory, a wastewater treatment plant to address this
in White Nile state problem. Others have yet to follow suit.

Waste oil discharged onto the ground from Untreated effluent flows directly from the
a lubricant factory in Khartoum state Assalaya sugar factory to the Blue Nile

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 147

7.5 Environmental issues specific The significance of these impacts can vary
to the upstream oil industry dramatically from one oilfield or plant to
another, depending on the scale of the facility,
Generic issues the sensitivity of the location and the standards
of operation.
The generic environmental impacts and risks
associated with the oil industry are well known As noted in the introduction, UNEP’s assessment
and include: did not cover the full extent of the industry.
Detailed comments are hence restricted to what
• oil spills during any part of the process with was physically viewed and verified by the UNEP
a particular risk related to sea transport; team, and to what was reported by oil industry
• very large-scale intrusion into previously personnel. Unverified statements with significant
undeveloped or inaccessible areas via access roads implications are recorded as such.
for exploration, production plants and pipelines;
UNEP also received numerous and generally
• generation of water pollutants (produced water extremely negative anecdotal reports from southern
from well fields is a particular problem); Sudanese, which focused on the following:
• generation of general and chemical solid wastes;
• air emissions, particularly from gas flaring; and • discharge of untreated produced water;
• secondary development impacts as the • damage to pastoral land and dwellings from
oil facilities attract populations seeking road building; and
employment and other benefits. • oilfield chemical dumping.

Figure 7.2 Um Sagura seismic survey grid

Burnt areas
Seismic lines
400 m grid spacing

Production wells


0 1 2 3 4 5
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

The seismic lines and access roads in the Abyei region were cleared by bulldozer. They are visible as a grid at least
ten years after completion of the survey, indicating significant damage to the vegetation and drainage patterns

148 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Airboats used for seismic surveying access in A UNEP inspection of a portion of the seismic
the swamps and floodplains of Jonglei state, line through wooded savannah in Padak
reducing the need for access roads in the first county revealed minimal long-term impact
stages of oil exploration due to the limited clearance methods used

CS 7.2 Seismic surveys for oil exploration

The first stage of oil exploration that has any significant impact in the field is the construction of access roads and seismic
surveying. Seismic surveys entail the capture of subsurface data in a grid pattern over thousands of square kilometres with
line spacing of anywhere between 500 m and 5 km. Each line requires access by truck, and it is common practice to use
a bulldozer to cut a track of four to twelve metres in width. This process can be very destructive in wooded regions and in
wetlands, though the extent of the damage depends on the habitat, survey method and behaviour of the clearance teams.

Seismic lines in the Bentiu and Abyei districts, which were placed in the 1990s on behalf of the Greater Nile Petroleum
Company, cross relatively open terrain and soft ground. These lines are still clearly visible in 2003 satellite images, indicating
a deep cut method of clearance with significant impact on the vegetation and drainage patterns (see Figure 7.2).

In contrast, UNEP inspected a one month-old seismic line placed by Terra Seis on behalf of White Nile Petroleum in sparsely
wooded and settled terrain in the Padak region. The method of clearance used was scrub clearance, avoiding trees and
dwellings by offsetting the line by a few metres. The UNEP team walked one line for two kilometres and found negligible
impact, apart from the stated scrub clearance.

These two examples indicate that while oil exploration will inevitably impact the environment of Southern Sudan, the impact
can be greatly reduced with appropriate controls.

Additional accounts of environmental problems the industry’s level of environmental performance

have been documented in some detail by a number is closely linked to the level of external scrutiny
of NGOs and international observers over the last – secrecy is bad for performance.
ten years [7.12, 7.13, 7.14, 7.15]. These accounts
are not reproduced here due to lack of verification Existing impacts and future risks
by UNEP on these critical and sensitive issues. of oil exploration
Upstream oil industry isolation from If it is not well managed, the exploration process
governance and scrutiny can have the greatest impact on the environment
of all the phases of oil production, due to the
The upstream oil industry in Sudan is essentially large areas affected and the temporary nature
self-regulated and has never been subject to of the work. Exploration is unsuccessful in
independent technical scrutiny. Due to the over 90 percent of cases, and when the results
limited scope of the assessment, UNEP cannot are negative, oil companies abandon the
comment in detail on the actual performance of areas surveyed. Unless it is remediated, the
the upstream oil industry in Sudan. Elsewhere in environmental legacy of exploration can last for
the world however, the general experience is that generations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 149

The most significant of these impacts are crude oil, and separated from it before the oil is
access roads for very heavy equipment, seismic transported via pipeline. The volume of water
survey lines and drilling sites. The damage is can be very large, particularly in the later years of
mainly physical, comprising deforestation and production, when the wells tend to produce more
devegetation, erosion and watercourse siltation, water and less oil as reservoirs become depleted.
and disrupted drainage patterns. Extensive The Heglig facility alone currently generates
damage of this type was observed by the UNEP over ten million cubic metres of produced water
team north of the Heglig facility in Southern annually. Full production of the central Sudan
Kordofan. Inspections of seismic lines in Jonglei fields in ten years time may yield five to twenty
state, however, revealed a much lower level of times that amount.
impact (see Case Study 7.2).
Appropriate treatment and disposal options exist
The areas targeted for oil exploration in Southern for produced water, but they can be costly. In the
Sudan are particularly vulnerable to exploration- absence of regulations, it is unfortunately common
related damage, as they do not have many practice around the world to simply discharge it to
existing roads, are relatively well forested, have the nearest watercourse. Legislation and investment
very soft soils, and flood for several months a in treatment facilities are required to protect the
year. Control of such impacts should therefore be environment from this type of pollution.
a top priority for the industry. While appropriate
control measures would increase the cost of UNEP’s inspection of the Heglig facility in
exploration, exploration itself would not be March 2006 noted an operational produced water
undermined, as it would be prohibited only in treatment facility based on reed bed technology.
the most sensitive areas, and then only at certain However, the GONU State Minister for Energy
times of the year. and Mining, as well as oil industry personnel,
reported to UNEP in November 2006 that
Produced water produced water was now being discharged
untreated from the complex; volumes were
The single most significant environmental issue not specified. The reasons given for the lack
for crude oil production facilities in Sudan is the of treatment were a recent major increase in
disposal of produced water. Produced water is produced water flow rates and under-sizing of
the water extracted from the reservoir along with the treatment plant.

Produced water flowing into a holding pond at Heglig. Produced water can be difficult and expensive
to treat, but has serious impacts on the environment if released untreated

150 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

cities in the northern states – was 102,000 tonnes,

but the potential domestic demand for LPG has
been estimated by government sources at 554,000
tonnes per year. Sudan also exports LPG through a
terminal at Port Sudan, and this market could be
expanded as well.

The development of the domestic LPG market

and other uses for co-produced gas, such as
electricity generation, would reduce the demand
for fuelwood dramatically. In the long term, this
could be the single most important factor in
reversing the deforestation observed in the central
and northern states.

Sea transport oil spill risks

There are two main sources of risk for oil spills
arising from export operations in the Red Sea. The
first is the process of loading the ships from the
shore; the second is the navigation of the loaded
tankers through the Red Sea.
Experimental reed bed for the treatment of
produced water at Heglig. Like all treatment Spills associated with loading have occurred,
facilities, it needs to be properly designed, but have apparently been very minor. One such
sized and maintained to be efficient incident reported by the Government in 2004 was
a spill of approximately 10 m3 at the loading point
of the marine oil terminal (details not verified).
Produced gas flaring and utilization Given that the marine oil terminal facilities are
very modern, the risk of a major spill occurring
The gas produced as a by-product of crude oil in during the loading process is considered moderate
Sudan is presently not all used. Some of it is flared to low, provided operations are well managed.
(burned off) at the production site. Precise figures
for gas flaring were not available to UNEP at the Oil tanker transport presents a larger risk. The Red
time of the assessment, but irrespective of scale, Sea is a busy shipping corridor connecting Europe
this practice has three negative impacts: to the Arab Gulf states and Asia. The traffic at the
Port Sudan oil terminal is a new and growing load,
• needless emission of large volumes of green- with over 200 tankers anticipated per year as the
house gases; industry develops.
• waste of an energy resource that could feasibly
replace much of the charcoal that is the cause for The Red Sea generally has relatively calm weather
extensive deforestation in central Sudan; and but it is littered with navigational hazards in the
form of over 1,000 very small islands, sandbars
• local air quality issues (generally a minor and shallow submerged coral reefs. Much of the
problem). coastline is fringed by reefs and there are few safe
havens able to take large vessels. In addition, the
The petroleum gas that is being flared could presence of coral reefs and seagrass beds makes the
potentially be converted to bottled LPG. Though Red Sea highly sensitive to pollution.
there is still ample room for growth (present market
penetration is approximately 18 percent [7.7]), the Oil-spill response resources in Sudan and
market for LPG is currently developing in Sudan. elsewhere are structured according to a recognized
In 2005, the domestic consumption – mainly in international scale:

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 151

Tier 1 Small spills that can be managed using difficulties in communication between different
the resources available to the facility (or to a ministries and government bodies. The Ministry
local government unit in the case of small ship of Energy and Mining reported that the marine
or coastal spills); oil terminal had a Tier 3 agreement with Oil
Spill Response Limited in Southampton (not
Tier 2 Small- to intermediate-scale spills that verified).
require a coordinated response using local and
national resources; and Interviews also revealed that small oil slicks (1-
10 m3) caused by passing ships clearing bilges in
Tier 3 Large spills requiring both national-level international shipping lanes were very common
mobilization and the importation of international in Sudanese territorial waters. This is an endemic
specialized spill response resources. There are international problem, and is not linked to
many centres worldwide capable of providing Sudan’s oil industry.
such equipment, but only three major centres
(Southampton, Singapore and Dubai) are To summarize, while it is impossible to eliminate
designed for rapid and large-scale international the threat of a major oil spill, the risks observed
responses. and the safeguards reported to be in place for
Sudan’s oil export industry appear to be generally
The marine oil terminal and Port Sudan both in line or only slightly below those for oil
have Tier 1 facilities (not verified). The oil export facilities worldwide. The most important
terminal management has conducted several areas for improvement would be the ability to
training exercises to build capacity, including spill mobilize surfactant-based responses, and better
containment boom deployment. However, there coordination at the Tier 2 level. Notwithstanding
is reportedly no oil dispersant (surfactant) capacity the response capacity, the risk of an oil tanker
in country, and UNEP interviews indicated that incident is still considered relatively high due to
Tier 2 planning was not well advanced due to the abundance of navigational hazards.

Waves breaking on a coral reef just off the marine terminal in Port Sudan

152 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Industrial waste burning on vacant land in Khartoum state. Waste management and water pollution
are two areas in need of improved governance

7.6 Industrial sector

environmental governance
General industrial facilities
Industry is subject to national- and state-level
environmental legislation, but the enforcement
of existing laws is limited and difficult.

At the national level, Sudanese industry is

governed by the Environmental Framework Act
of 2001. In some cases, it is also regulated by
the need to obtain and renew operating licences
issued by state governments. While there is no
specific national-level statute addressing the
environmental impacts of industry, individual
operating permits may have provisions regarding
air emissions or effluents.

The most direct form of environmental governance

observed by UNEP during the assessment was at the
state level, where local complaints of large-scale air
and water pollution had led to action by the State
Governor and a form of state-level environmental
council. In two cases reviewed (a cement factory and
a tannery), the action was successful: the cement Settlement pond under construction at the
factory was upgraded and the tannery was shut Kenana Sugar Company, located near Kosti,
down (see Case Study 7.3). In one other case, the which has recently invested heavily in the
facility (a lubricant plant) was resisting control. construction of water treatment facilities

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 153

The Atbara cement factory is now The newly installed bag house filter treats
privately owned emissions from the main furnace

CS 7.3 Upgrade of the Atbara cement factory

The Atbara cement factory in Northern state is a positive example of the potential benefits of local governance and foreign
investment in improving environmental performance.

The factory is one of only two major cement production facilities in Sudan. It was established in 1947 as a private sector
shareholder company and began production in 1949, with second-hand equipment. It was nationalized in 1970, before being
privatized and purchased by a foreign company in 1994. One of the conditions for privatization was that the existing plant
emissions be significantly reduced. An eighteen-month window was given for the installation of the necessary equipment.

When this had not occurred by the deadline, the Governor of Nile state closed the plant by decree. Within three months,
the company had completed installation of a filtration system and the plant was permitted to re-open. Emissions are now
reported to be significantly lower and the plant is undergoing a number of other improvements.

Oil industry GOSS Ministry of Industry and Mining. However,

UNEP’s assessment of the company’s operations
The oil industry in Sudan is managed by the and the Ministry’s capacity has made clear that
Ministry of Energy and Mining, and governed the company is effectively self-regulated.
by directives from the highest levels of the
Government of National Unity (GONU). Oil In theory, the Environmental Framework Act of
industry staff report that, in terms of environmental 2001 applies to the oil industry, but discussions
performance, companies are regulated by clauses with the GONU Ministry of Environment and
of the 1998 Petroleum Wealth Act. Physical Development revealed that MEPD
personnel could generally not gain access to oil
The White Nile Petroleum Company is an industry sites and had never applied any form of
exception, as it is not controlled by GONU. sanction for violation of any legislation.
Rather, the Government of Southern Sudan
(GOSS) is a minor shareholder in the venture, In addition, UNEP enquiries did not uncover any
and the company’s government counterpart is the form of publicly available environmental or social

154 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

impact assessment for the oil industry, although 7.7 Conclusions and
interviews with industry personnel indicated recommendations
that some environment-related studies had been
conducted. One management document, the
(now obsolete) Marine Oil Spill Response Plan, Conclusion
was publicly available [7.16]. Environmental governance in the industrial sector
of Sudan is problematic and in need of major
Project development and improvement and reform. Due to the relatively
environmental impact assessments limited level of industrial development to date,
environmental damage has so far been moderate, but
As detailed above, environmental impact the situation is expected to worsen rapidly as Sudan
assessment (EIA) processes exist on paper in embarks on an oil-financed development boom.
Sudan but are not followed in practice. The
Environmental Framework Act of 2001 includes The main problems include:
a basic EIA and approval process, which is not
applied effectively to the majority of projects, and • absence of sector-specific legislation and
not applied at all to upstream oil projects. statutory guidance;

Oil well drilling pits such as these at Heglig are normally remediated after use. At present, however, there
is no oversight of the oil industry’s performance or detailed environmental standards for such work

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 155

• lack of performance standards and enforcement financial implications of this recommendation,

capacity; and the highest levels of political will and cooperation
as well as international assistance are required. The
• immunity of the oil industry, state-owned firms cost estimate is for legislation development. The
and major new projects to public scrutiny.
cost of legislation implementation is expected to be
The upstream oil industry and water pollution tens of millions of US dollars over five years to be
from industrial sites are sources of particular adopted by industry into existing projects and then
concern. There are, however, some positive implemented as standard.
examples of governance at the state level for CA: GROL; PB: MOEM; UNP: UNEP; CE:
individual facilities. 0.5M; DU: 2 years
Background to the recommendations R7.3 Develop a national-level, independent
environmental enforcement unit for the
Two key issues strongly influence the recom- industrial sector, including the oil industry. This
mendations for Sudan’s industrial sector. First, would entail greatly strengthening the capacity
unlike many other sectors of the economy, industry of the Ministry of Environment and Physical
generally has the capacity to invest its own funds Development (or a similar body) to enable it
in improving environmental performance, and to review EIAs, issue environmental permits,
site-specific solutions are usually straightforward. conduct inspections, support prosecutions and
If required, capacity-building can also be purchased carry out similar governance tasks.
in the commercial market. For GONU and GOSS,
industrial environmental performance is considered CA: GROL; PB: MEPD; UNP: UNEP; CE: 2M;
first and foremost to be a governance issue. DU: per annum
Second, the environmental impact of the oil
Recommendations for the Government
industry in central and Southern Sudan clearly
has the potential to catalyse conflict between of Southern Sudan
the industry and local interests. Accordingly, R7.4 Establish an interim environmental
resolving this issue is considered to be of the screening and industrial permitting process for
highest priority. all new projects on GOSS territory. This would
be designed to cover the urgent requirements for
Recommendations for the Government project assessment before adequate longer-term
of National Unity controls can be established. A multi-ministry
committee could be appointed to review all
R7.1 UNEP or another fully independent body significant project proposals and issue construction
should undertake an environmental assessment and interim operating permits (up to five years).
of the upstream oil industry. The scope of this
assessment should encompass the impacts of past CA: GROL; PB: MEWCT; UNP: UNEP; CE:
exploration, current operational practices and 0.3M; DU: 2 years
proposed exploration. The agreed final results
should be made public, so as to eliminate the R7.5 Monitor GONU progress on R7.2 and
atmosphere of suspicion caused by the current R7.3; if not implemented within one year,
information vacuum. commence a regional governance programme
similar to that described above. Development of
CA: AS; PB: MOEM; UNP: UNEP; CE: 0.4M; the oil and general industry sector will go ahead
DU: 6 months in Southern Sudan, and governance is definitely
and urgently needed. A uniform approach at
R7.2 Develop a national oil industry environment the national level is the preferred approach, and
act with accompanying statutory guidelines and GOSS should lobby for this.
standards. This would be a major venture requiring
a cooperative approach with the oil industry and CA: GROL; PB: MIM; UNP: UNEP; CE: 0.7M;
GOSS. Due to the complexity, and political and DU: 2 years

156 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

It is completely feasible to reduce the environmental impact of oil exploration and production to
acceptable levels in all but the most ecologically sensitive areas. That, however, requires both
commitment and substantial investment

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 157
Agriculture and the

In this view of the Jebel Berkel archeological

site in Northern state, a thin irrigated strip of
date palms bordering the Nile is visible in the
background. The Nile has supported agri-
culture in the Sahara desert for over 5,000
years, but upstream dam construction is
threatening the existence of this ancient and
previously sustainable form of cultivation.

conflict linked to competition over scarce

Agriculture and the agricultural resources continues in Darfur.
environment Without major action to stop the wave of de-
gradation and restore land productivity, the natural
8.1 Introduction and resource base will simply continue to shrink, even as
assessment activities demand grows. Resolving this issue is thus central
to achieving lasting peace and food security.
Assessment activities
Agriculture, which is the largest economic sector
in Sudan, is at the heart of some of the country’s UNEP first conducted a thorough desk study based
most serious environmental problems: land on a large body of national and local knowledge
degradation in its various forms, riverbank erosion, on the subject of agriculture in Sudan. In the
invasive species, pesticide mismanagement, water field assessment phase, UNEP teams were able to
pollution, and canal sedimentation. cover all principle farming systems and regions
in the country. Agricultural sites were visited
The significance of land degradation in Sudan in twenty-one states (excluding Unity, Warrab,
cannot be underestimated: not only are 15 percent Eastern Equatoria and Upper Nile) and particular
of the population partly or wholly dependent on attention was paid to thirteen of these: Blue Nile,
imported food aid, but the population is growing Gedaref, El Gezira, Jonglei, Kassala, Khartoum,
by more than 2.6 percent per annum and per Northern Kordofan, Nile, Northern, Red Sea,
hectare crop yields are declining. In addition, Sennar, Southern Kordofan, and White Nile.

Early morning at a Dinka cattle camp, Jonglei state

160 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The FAO country report for 2004 indicates

that the agricultural sector is the main source of
sustained growth and the backbone of Sudan’s
economy in terms of contribution to the gross
domestic product (GDP). Although the sector’s
economic stake is declining with the emergence
of the oil industry, Sudan continues to depend
heavily on agriculture, whose share currently
fluctuates around 40 percent of the GDP [8.1].
The value of the crop and livestock sub-sectors,
which together contribute 80 to 90 percent of
non-oil export earnings, is almost equal at 47 and
46 percent respectively [8.4].

Five main types of farming are practised in Sudan, and

each has a specific set of environmental impacts:

• mechanized rain-fed agricultural schemes;

• traditional rain-fed agriculture;
Large areas of woodland are being cleared for • mechanized irrigation schemes;
crop-planting by the returning population traditional irrigation; and
in Southern Kordofan

• livestock husbandry/pastoralism.

In addition to these core team efforts, UNEP Fifty-eight percent of the active workforce is
– in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture employed in agriculture, while 83 percent of the
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) population depends on farming for its livelihood:
– commissioned the World Agroforestry Institute 70 percent depends on traditional rain-fed
(ICRAF) to lead a consortium of local NGOs farming, 12 percent on irrigated agriculture
and institutes in a detailed study of rural and only 0.7 percent on mechanized agriculture
land use changes and degradation in fourteen [8.4]. Sorghum, millet and maize are the main
locations across Sudan. The ICRAF team first food crops. Other important produce for the
performed remote sensing analyses – each covering domestic market includes sugarcane, dates, wheat,
approximately 2,500 km2 – of the fourteen target sunflower, pulses and forage. The principle export
areas. Field teams then visited nine of these sites crops are cotton, gum arabic, sesame, groundnuts,
to conduct ground truthing. fruits and vegetables.

Commercial agricultural activities are mostly

8.2 Overview of agriculture concentrated in a belt at the centre of the country,
in Sudan which extends approximately 1,100 km from
east to west between latitudes 10o and 14o north,
The largest economic sector in Sudan in the semi-arid dry savannah zone. Small-scale
subsistence agriculture is found throughout
Estimates of Sudan’s cultivable area range from Sudan, and is dominant in Southern Sudan and
84 to 105 million hectares, or 34 to 42 percent Darfur. On average, traditional and mechanized
of the country. Of this cultivable area, between agriculture account for 55 and 45 percent
12.6 and 16.65 million hectares or 15-16 percent respectively of the rain-fed cultivated area [8.3,
(1980-2002 data) are actually farmed in a given 8.4]. Due to the vagaries of rainfall, however, and
year, depending largely on rainfall levels [8.1, to the fact that significant swathes of mechanized
8.2, 8.3]. Hence the frequent claim that Sudan agriculture have been abandoned because of land
is the potential ‘breadbasket’ of Africa and the degradation, economic collapse and conflict, these
Middle East. estimates are only indicative.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 161

Figure 8.1 Major agricultural schemes

Merowe Dam
(under construction)

N i le

N ile

KH 4
Khartoum Kassala ERITREA
Jebel El-Aulia Dam
EL G 2
7 IR DA Khashm El-Girba
1 A

3 7

9 5 R



El Obeid

Dam 6
Rabak Singa
11 D
2 N A R inder
S 3 5
Blue Nile

9 4
Ed Damazin
W h i t e N ile

10 11 Roseires
NILE 35o
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Irrigated Agricultural Schemes 0 50 100 150 200 250
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
1. Gezira and Managil 870’750 ha 7. Guneid Sugar 15’795 ha
2. New Halfa 152’280 ha 8. Assalaya Sugar 14’175 ha SIM (Sudan Interagency Mapping); FAO; vmaplv0, gns, NIMA;
3. Rahad 121’500 ha 9. Sennar Sugar 12’960 ha The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth, NASA;
various reports, maps and atlases; UN Cartographic Section.
4. Gash Delta 101’250 ha 10. Khashm El-Girba 18’225 ha
5. Suki 35’235 ha 11. Kenana Sugar 45’000 ha
6. Tokar Delta 30’780 ha

Mechanized Agricultural Schemes

(planned and unplanned)
1. Habila 7. Gedaref
2. El-Dali 8. Southern Kordofan
3. El-Mazmum 9. White Nile
4. El-Raheed 10. Upper Nile
5. El-Sharkia 11. Blue Nile
6. Dinder
Agricultural schemes boundaries are approximate. UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006

162 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The largest irrigated area in 8.3 Cross-cutting environmental

sub-Saharan Africa issues and impacts
Sudan boasts the largest irrigated area in sub-Saharan A broad array of issues and impacts were observed
Africa and ranks second only to Egypt on the in the course of the assessment. The majority related
continent. Given that only two-thirds of the estimated to one or two of the agricultural sub-sectors only,
potentially irrigable area of 2.8 million hectares are but four cross-cutting issues were noted:
utilized and that this figure does not include Southern
Sudan’s virtually unused vast potential, there is • population pressure, conflict and displacement
significant opportunity for further expansion. linkages;
• climate and climate change;
Irrigated agriculture in Sudan falls into two broad • desertification and land degradation; and
categories: traditional irrigation and modern schemes. • invasive species, namely the mesquite tree in
Approximately 90 percent of the irrigated area is northern and eastern Sudan.
managed under the latter [8.1, 8.2]. Sorghum is the
main cultivated crop, followed by cotton, fodder,
Population pressure, conflict and
wheat, vegetables, groundnuts and sugarcane.
displacement linkages
The importance of the irrigated sub-sector is reflected As discussed in Chapters 4 and 5, the issues of conflict
in the fact that while it makes up only 7 percent of the and displacement, environmental degradation
cultivated area, it accounts for more than half of the and Sudan’s rising population are considered to
crop yields. Although large-scale irrigation schemes be intrinsically linked. The situation in many of
have been Sudan’s leading economic investment the drier parts of rural Sudan today can only be
in the past century, various studies indicate that described as an intense and unremitting competition
their performance has been considerably below amongst an impoverished population for scarce and
potential. Of the 1.9 million hectares prepared for diminishing natural resources. Episodic events such
irrigation, only half was actually cultivated in 2005, as droughts, conflicts and waves of displacement are
owing largely to dilapidated irrigation and drainage important, but considered to be part of a larger trend
infrastructure [8.1]. Environmental factors such as of rural landscapes stretched beyond their limit and
canal sedimentation have also contributed to low declining in long-term capacity as a result.
irrigation returns.
Climate and climate change
A livestock herd of over 130 million
This issue is addressed in detail in Chapter 3. In
Estimates of grazing land vary between 97 and 117 sum, the agricultural sector in Sudan is highly
million hectares, or 39 and 47 percent of the country. vulnerable to shortages in rainfall. There has been
Rangeland is found in almost all of Sudan’s ecological a substantial decline in precipitation in the dryland
zones, with the exception of montane and real desert parts of the country, and global warming models
areas. As is the case with arable land, however, an predict that this trend will continue.
overwhelming proportion (80 percent) is found
in semi-desert and low rainfall savannah zones Desertification and other forms
characterized by unpredictable rainfall and frequent of land degradation
droughts [8.1, 8.5]. The rangeland’s vulnerability
to overgrazing is thus high, and its overlap with Land degradation is a critical issue throughout the
cultivation is a major source of potential conflict. country, including in areas with the highest rainfall.
Its various forms are deforestation, devegetation
The livestock population consists mainly of camels, and species changes, loss of soil fertility and seed
sheep and goats in the desert and semi-desert areas, bank, and the physical loss of soil through erosion.
and of cattle in the low to high rainfall savannah In the drier regions, degradation is usually referred
and Upper Nile floodplains. The estimated 134 to as desertification. In Sudan, its principal causes
million livestock in Sudan are almost entirely reared are crop cultivation, overgrazing, cutting trees for
under nomadic and semi-pastoral systems [8.5]. firewood and charcoal, and climate change.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 163

Invasive species: the mesquite tree will need to address the issue of the uncontrolled
in northern and eastern Sudan communal grazing of existing tree stands.

The invasive tree species known as mesquite At the same time, efforts need to be made to
(Prosopis juliflora) has taken over large areas of land maximize the benefits of mesquite. If managed
in both pastoral regions and irrigation schemes. from seedlings, mesquite can grow in a manner that
While it is a particular problem for spate irrigation allows it to be used for shade, fruit, fuelwood and
schemes, it has proven highly useful for dune construction timber. Given the dire deforestation
stabilization in other areas (see Case Study 8.1). situation in northern and central Sudan, the
Because of its negative impacts, the government opportunity of this renewable resource should not
of Sudan passed a law in 1995 to eradicate the be underestimated.
tree. This has proven very difficult, however, as the
species has very deep-seated root systems and can Though there are potentially viable native
regenerate even if cut down below ground level. alternatives to mesquite, their use in new dune
stabilization projects has been limited to date. It
Mesquite is currently still spreading, and complete is therefore recommended that greater investment
eradication of the tree in Sudan is considered by be made in researching the potential of native
UNEP and others in the forestry and environmental plants and trees, and capitalizing on indigenous
management field to be physically impossible, knowledge in environmental rehabilitation and
economically unviable and more importantly, not desertification control. Some of the promising
warranted. The recommended alternative is control, native plant species include Tamarix aphylla (Tarfa),
with elimination in high-value irrigated land only. Leptadenia pyrotechnica (Markh), Salvadora persica
Because mesquite seed pods are distributed in (Arak), Imperata cylindrica (Halfa) and Capparis
the droppings of animals, any control measure decidua (Tundub).

Figure 8.2 The spread of mesquite in the Tokar delta


ka r de
f To
i tso


0 5 10 15 20 25
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

164 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Clearing mesquite in the Tokar delta, Red Sea state A mesquite thicket in Red Sea state

CS 8.1 Positive and negative aspects of mesquite

The mesquite tree (Prosopis juliflora) is the most important invasive species in Sudan. It is a fast growing and highly
drought-resistant small tree that is spread by the distribution of its seed pods in the droppings of grazing animals. The tree
is characterized by a high density of long, sharp and hard thorns, and very tangled dense growth. Mesquite out-competes
a range of native species in arid areas. Where conditions are most suitable, it can become the dominant form of vegetation,
forming monoculture thickets and forests.

Mesquite was reportedly first brought to Sudan from Egypt and South Africa in 1917 by a British government botanist. It
was then deliberately introduced on a large scale into northern and eastern parts of Sudan in the 1970s and 1980s, for
the purposes of dune stabilization. It has since spread in an uncontrolled manner.

The species has proven to be well suited for dune stabilization, but overall problematic for Sudan. For pastoralist societies,
its principle disadvantage is that its foliage is essentially inedible by all herd animals, so that it provides negligible fodder
compared to the native species it replaces. For farmers, mesquite is a major menace in the wetter wadi regions most
prized for crop-raising, where it crowds out native and edible plants, blocks drains and irrigation canals and forms
dense impenetrable thickets. These same features, however, make mesquite trees ideal for use as dune stabilizers and
windbreakers. Besides, the plant also yields fruit, timber for construction, and fuelwood.

The contrasting views on mesquite are best illustrated in two case study locations: the Tokar delta and the Gandato
irrigation scheme. The Tokar delta in Red Sea state is a water-rich and fertile oasis in an otherwise very arid and barren
coastal desert environment. Water and sediment from the neighbouring mountains converge onto the delta and replenish
it on an annual basis, providing perfect conditions for high-yield agriculture without irrigation. The area was used for cereal
production for centuries, before being developed as a major cotton production centre during the 20th century.

In 1993, the border conflict between Sudan and Eritrea engulfed the delta region, forcing the local population off the land,
which then lay effectively untouched until early 2005. Within this twelve-year period, the approximately 50,000 hectares
were completely covered by a dense thicket of mesquite. Early efforts at hand clearance proved ineffective, but a major
mechanical clearance project (funded by the European Commission) commenced in 2004. By February 2006, approximately
3,000 hectares had been cleared and converted back to agriculture. While this type of mechanical clearance may be
economically viable for recovering high-value agricultural land, it is unlikely to be viable for low-value pastoral land, where
other solutions such as land abandonment or reduction in grazing intensity may be required.

In the Gandato irrigation scheme, in White Nile state, traditional farmers have used mesquite to stabilize dunes which
would otherwise overrun prime farming land. Thanks to its bushy habitus with branches down to the ground, Prosopis
is one of the best tree species to use in shelterbelts against sand and wind encroachment. Shelterbelts or buffer zones
of mesquite trees can reduce the speed of wind to half of what it is in bare landscapes, and trap the sand carried by the
wind so that villages and cultivated fields inside the shelterbelt are almost entirely protected. Physical protection against
sand invasion is a highly important positive environmental service provided by Prosopis.

Given the impossibility of eradication and the continuing need for dune stabilization, the recommended strategy for mesquite
is a combination of control and better utilization in areas where it is already established, and replacement by native species
as a preferred option for new stabilization projects.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 165

8.4 Mechanized rain-fed mechanized farming and encouraged the private

agriculture sector sector to invest in new schemes [8.2].
impacts and issues Today, mechanized agriculture occupies a swathe
of the clay plains in the high rainfall savannah belt
A history of rapid and uncontrolled estimated to be 6.5 million hectares, extending
development from the Butana plains in the east to Southern
Generally speaking, the development of mechanized Kordofan in central Sudan. This area covers parts
agriculture in Sudan has been accompanied by of the states of Gedaref, Kassala, Blue Nile, Sennar,
large-scale destruction of the environment. Not White Nile, Upper Nile and Southern Kordofan.
only does the sector have major environmental The principle crops cultivated are sorghum,
problems of its own, but its uncontrolled expansion sesame, groundnuts and, to a lesser extent, cotton
and replacement of other forms of agriculture have and sunflower. UNEP visited three mechanized
triggered a wide range of negative impacts in other farming areas: Habila in Southern Kordofan; Dali-
sectors as well. Mazmum in Sennar state; and the region bordering
Dinder National Park in Gedaref.
The core of the issues related to mechanized
agriculture can be found in the lack of control Original plans called for the government to set
and planning that accompanied the rapid aside large blocks of land (up to several hundred
development of the sector during the last half of thousand hectares) and divide them into plots of
the 20th century. The mechanization of rain-fed 420 or 630 hectares. Half of the parcels were to be
agriculture was initiated by the British in Gedaref leased to private tenants, while the other half was
in 1944 to meet the food needs of their army in left as grass fallow. After four years, farmers were
East Africa. Following independence in 1956, to exchange the formerly leased land with adjacent
the government adopted a policy to expand fallow plots to allow the soil to recover [8.2].

A typical mechanized agriculture landscape in Dali, Sennar state, with Mount Moya providing some
relief to an otherwise flat topography

166 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

exhaustion. The resultant suite of environmental,

social and economic consequences, which has
been highly damaging, includes the destruction
of forests and pre-existing agricultural and social
systems, soil erosion and increased flash floods,
soil depletion and a collapse in yields.

To counter this accelerating environmental

degradation, the federal Ministry of Agriculture
and Forestry has required of new leases since the
mid-1990s that 10 percent of the proposed scheme
area be allocated to shelterbelts. UNEP observed,
however, that this requirement was by and large
ignored; a fact that was also widely corroborated
in discussions with the responsible authorities.
Reasons for this failure include limited outreach
to farmers and lack of incentive, as shelterbelts are
the property of the forest authorities. Moreover,
farmers’ interest in planting A. senegal shelterbelts
fluctuate with gum market prices.
Although authorities require that at least ten
percent of all new mechanized agricultural
schemes be protected by shelter belts,
Even if it were implemented, the 10 percent quota
implementation is irregular and problematic would be insufficient. In addition to shelterbelts,
which should be implemented at more frequent
intervals (i.e. every 250 m rather than the current
This model, however, has almost never been 500 m), forest reserves equivalent to no less than
followed in practice. As demand outstripped the 25 percent of the farmed area should be created
capacity of government to demarcate land, not only within and around the overall scheme. This
were fallow periods increasingly not observed, but would contribute to enhancing soil fertility and
private farmers illegally seized large areas outside mitigating the impacts of flash floods.
the designated blocks. In Gedaref, for example,
almost 66 percent of the 2.6 million hectares under These problems have been well documented
mechanized agriculture in 1997 were unauthorized by national and international researchers, but
holdings, referred to as non-planned schemes no significant or proactive corrective measures
[8.6]. In the Habila region, some 45 percent of have been introduced to date. In contrast, the
mechanized farms in 1985 were unsanctioned [8.7]. GONU Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s
In Sennar state, officials from the State Ministry of 2006 plans (the 2006 ‘Green Programme’) call for
Agriculture confirmed that mechanized schemes further investment in the large-scale expansion of
were introduced in the 1950s with virtually no mechanized agriculture.
planning, and that pastoral routes were adversely
affected as a result. The Ministry’s reports reveal that Destruction of forests and pre-existing
60 percent of Sennar’s two million hectares under agricultural and social systems
rain-fed agriculture are occupied by non-authorized
mechanized schemes, while 30 percent are under Land taken by mechanized schemes was
planned mechanization and 10 percent under generally not vacant. Instead it supported
traditional agriculture. These changes in land use either pastoralism, traditional shifting rain-
continue to lead to violent clashes between farmers fed agriculture or wild habitats, principally
and nomads, as in Dali and Mazmum. open woodlands and treed plains. This was all
appropriated without compensation and is now
Mechanized farming in Sudan has in effect permanently lost. Important wildlife habitats
degenerated into a crude form of extensive shifting and sources of wood products have vanished, and
cultivation with a tractor, exploiting land to mechanized farming is now even encroaching

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 167

on legally protected areas like Dinder National

Park. The clearing has been so disorderly that
forest authorities believe that in some cases
the real intent was charcoal and firewood pro-
duction rather than agriculture. Forest officials
in Southern Kordofan reported that they had
at times been obliged to issue permits for forest
clearance even where trees covered more than 50
percent of the land.

Soil depletion, yield collapse,

desertification and abandonment
Mechanized agriculture schemes have traditionally
used neither fertilizers, nor organized crop
rotation or fallow systems. The inevitable and
well documented result has been a collapse in
per hectare yields. In Gedaref state, for example,
sorghum and sesame yields in 2002 had reportedly
dropped by about 70 and 64 percent respectively
from 1980 levels in established areas [8.8].
Given the region’s wide climatic variations and
patchy agricultural data, more detailed analysis
is required, but a general trend of diminishing
harvests is evident. As a direct result of this decline,
sponsors of mechanized schemes have been forced The tractor has enabled a massive expansion
to expand the total area under cultivation just to of mechanized agriculture, fundamentally
maintain output. altering the landscape of central Sudan,
as here in Gedaref state
The final stage of mechanized agriculture as it is
practised in Sudan is the abandonment of land
due to yields dropping below economic limits. • Southern Darfur and southern parts of
The total area abandoned to date is unknown, Northern Darfur, on the sandy goz soils,
but estimated by GONU Ministry of Agriculture which are well recognized as very fragile,
and Forestry officials to be in the order of millions thin and prone to wind and water erosion;
of hectares. Abandoned land is generally found and
in the northern part of the mechanized scheme
belt. Desertification is clearly apparent in such
regions, particularly in Khartoum state, Kassala
• territory within the Three Areas and ten
states of Southern Sudan, which may be more
and Northern Kordofan. In a country with suitable for agriculture but are currently
massive food insecurity and ongoing conflicts over
occupied (mainly by pastoralists) and
land, such waste of natural resources is tragic and
extremely sensitive politically and socially.
raises the spectre of the intensification of existing
The introduction of such schemes into
Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile state was
A new and serious development with both a catalyst for conflict in the past and would
environmental and conflict-related implications in all likelihood be in this case as well.
is that there is now little available land left for
expansion of the schemes in northern and central Given this track record of problems and the
states. Major new schemes can only be developed ongoing loss of fertile land, GONU plans for
in two areas, with serious environmental, social further expansion of the sector are a source of
and political consequences in either case: deep concern.

168 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

8.5 Traditional rain-fed percent of sorghum, 48 percent of groundnuts and

agriculture sector 28 percent of sesame in the country [8.1]. Despite
its importance, this sub-sector has suffered from
impacts and issues low social and economic investment, resulting
in negligible technical development. Given the
Population pressure and lack heavy dependence on food crops produced by
of development traditional rain-fed agriculture, however, its
The principle problem facing the traditional critical role in upholding food security cannot be
rain-fed sector is population pressure driving overemphasized.
unsustainable rates of exploitation. This is also a
main cause of deforestation in Sudan (see Chapter Unsustainable land clearing and
9). This issue is actually a missed opportunity as crop-raising observed in all areas
well as a symptom of under-development: in the
bid for immediate food security, traditional farmers Across Sudan, UNEP noted a general trend of
are burning and clearing forests that would have a intensification of traditional rain-fed agriculture
much higher return as agroforestry plantations than and associated land degradation. In the drier areas,
as short-term crops. In Southern Sudan, high-value repeated monoculture without crop rotation and
timber trees are being burnt simply to clear land for adequate fallow periods has led to a decline in soil
a few years of low-intensity maize production. fertility. This has, in turn, increased run-off and
topsoil erosion, further degrading the soil and
inhibiting re-establishment of non-pioneer vegetation
The core of food security for Sudan
and potential restoration of wildlife habitats.
A majority of Sudanese farmers (70 percent) rely
on rain-fed farming for their sustenance. This is In the very dry regions of Northern Kordofan
generally a low input/low yield production system and Darfur, farmers have long relied on a
characterized by small farms ranging from two relatively sophisticated system of rotation and
to thirty hectares in size and relying on labour- inter-cropping, producing both cereal crops and
intensive cultivation with hand tools. Available gum arabic from Acacia senegal trees. This system
estimates (virtually all from northern and central is now breaking down due to pressures from
Sudan) show that the traditional rain-fed sector drought, desertification, population increase and
contributes the entire production of millet, 11 mechanized agriculture (see Case Study 8.2).

Farmers outside of Mornei, Western Darfur. Traditional rain-fed agriculture is very labour-intensive

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 169

A gum arabic farmer from the This badly degraded land near El A freshly exuded ‘gum tear’.
Jawama’a tribe in El Darota Azaza maya, now dominated by Sudan is the world’s largest
in the heartland of Northern Calotropis procera, used to be exporter of gum arabic, though
Kordofan’s gum belt vegetated by Acacia senegal its stake is reportedly declining

CS 8.2 Gum arabic production: an age-old system under extreme pressure

Acacia senegal (hashab) – the tree that produces gum arabic – grows naturally in the low rainfall savannah zone, an area
extending from eastern Darfur to the Blue Nile and covering one fifth of the country. A 1989 survey estimated the number
of mature A. senegal trees to be 400 million, approximately one tenth of which was found in gum gardens [8.9].

A. senegal has effectively been ‘domesticated’ through the development of an indigenous bush-fallow system, whereby
agricultural cropping and forest regeneration are practiced in sequence. With the completion of the forest rotation (the
bush period), the land is cleared for crop farming. At the same time, important trees such as Balanites aegyptiaca (heglig)
are left intact. Fertilized by the nitrogen-fixing acacia, yields are typically high and cultivation can continue for five to seven
years before the land is forsaken for another bush rotation.

Traditionally, farmers would organize their land into five blocks under a system managed on a twenty-five year rotation. This
was successful as long as the farm functioned as a single unit. With the growing population and fragmentation of holdings,
however, farmers can no longer afford the space to pursue twenty-five year gum garden rotations. In many cases, rotations
have been shortened to only ten or twelve years, which is far too short to restore soil fertility [8.6]. Moreover, the goz sands
(arenosols) on which A. senegal flourishes are highly susceptible to wind and water erosion. As a result, extensive land
degradation, particularly along the belt’s upper extent, has ensued.

In the sandy plains of Bara province, the removal of acacia trees has led to dune mobilization and sand encroachment on
agricultural lands. The situation has been further exacerbated by recurrent droughts. The 1989 drought alone is reported
to have killed up to half the gum trees – an event from which the gum belt has not yet fully recovered.

The general trend is of a southward decline of the gum belt: the Gum Arabic Research Station in El Obeid has reported
that A. senegal is no longer found north of 13o 45’ and that it is sparse north of 13o. This represents a contraction of 28
to 110 km compared to the Harrison and Jackson baseline of 1958. This decline also correlates with a southward shift of
isohyets. These changes, however, are not fully substantiated and more detailed scientific evidence is needed to document
fluxes in the gum belt. Similar problems have beset other traditional bush-fallow systems reliant on indigenous tree species,
such as Acacia seyal, from which gum is also extracted.

Population increases and displacement are also forcing the size of individual plots down, with the average size falling to
around four hectares in some northern states. This is too small a land base to practice bush-fallow shifting cultivation. As
farmers become locked into shorter rotations, the pressure on the land increases, inhibiting the restoration of soil fertility.

Gum farmers are trying to cope with these pressures by switching from sequential rotation to simultaneous inter-cropping
of A. senegal with food crops such as millet, sorghum, faba beans, sesame and groundnuts. The Gum Arabic Research
Station is also promoting the adoption of such agroforestry practices, but limited resources to conduct research and a
poor agricultural extension service are curtailing its efforts. In addition, the profitability of gum cultivation has been affected
by changes in real producer prices, making it less attractive to farmers.

170 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

In the wetter regions of Sudan, the stress on the land Difficult choices facing the sector
is evidenced by the gradual replacement of harig
(slash-and-burn) patterns of vegetation with large Traditional rain-fed agriculture has been practised
areas that remain permanently cleared of forest. The in Sudan for millennia and has proven to be stable
UNEP-ICRAF analysis and fieldwork indicated a and self-sustaining when population density is low.
similar pattern of deforestation and growth in rain- Demographic, political, and technical challenges
fed agriculture in Yambio, Yei, Wau, Aweil and Bor. are now upsetting this balance, and Sudan is
In certain areas of Southern Sudan such as Yei and experiencing a breakdown in long-held patterns
Yambio counties, population pressure has reduced and an unsustainable intensification of farming.
the fallow period from an estimated average of
twenty years to five years or less. Such short turnover There are only two viable options available to
periods are insufficient for forest regeneration or reverse this trend and both are difficult. Firstly,
restoration of soil fertility (see Figure 8.3). the introduction of modern hybrid methods of
sustenance agriculture, such as agroforestry, will
The Nuba mountains are in a comparable but more benefit areas where it is not already practised (gum
severe situation. During the conflict, Nuba people lost gardens are an example of agroforestry that existed
access to some of their best land and were constrained well before the term was developed). Secondly,
to continuously farm the same holdings, causing large-scale out-migration from rural areas could act
serious soil impoverishment. Peace has unfortunately to ease the pressure before major and permanent
not significantly improved the situation, as much of damage is done. Without these measures, large-
the land remains unavailable, having been taken over scale out-migration will occur regardless, as a result
by mechanized agricultural schemes [8.10, 8.11]. of food insecurity.

Figure 8.3 Expansion of slash-and-burn agriculture in Yambio

19/01/1973 07/01/2001
Mangondi Mangondi
Li-rangu Li-rangu
Li rangu Li rangu
Bazingua Bazingua
Rimenze Rimenze

Nzara Nzara
Nginda Nginda

Mbarizanga Limbia Mbarizanga Limbia

Yambio Yambio
Ngere Ngere
James James

Timbiro Timbiro

Gangura Gangura
River musangani River musangani
Sakure Sakure

Land types
Closed forest
0 5 10 15 20 25

Planted forest This map shows land use changes that have occurred during
Bushland, shrubland, grassland and wooded grassland the last 30 years in the main land use classes.
Built-up areas
Burnt areas It is the result of a satellite image classification process combined
Rain-fed agriculture with ground truth data collected during several field missions in
Riverine vegetation 2006.
Datum: WGS 84.
Road Classification was performed by ICRAF. Projection: UTM Zone 35N.

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Land class analysis of satellite images from Yambio district in Western Equatoria, Southern Sudan, illustrates
the pace and scale of the expansion of slash-and-burn agriculture in the region. Between 1973 and 2006,
cleared agricultural land increased from 6.8 percent of the study area to 27.7 percent, mainly at the expense
of closed forest and wooded grasslands

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 171

8.6 Mechanized irrigation major schemes are the Rahad on the bank opposite
sector environmental Gezira, and the New Halfa on the Atbara river.
The latter was until very recently severely affected
impacts and issues by an infestation of mesquite, but the scheme
The mechanized irrigation sector is associated administration reported that 60-70 percent had
with a range of environmental issues, including: been cleared as of mid-2006.

• ongoing use of pesticides and a legacy of In addition, there are five major sugar schemes
obsolete pesticide stocks; of which four are government-run. The fifth
and largest sugar plantation is the Kenana Sugar
• water pollution from sugar factories; Company, which is an international public-
• potentially unsustainable expansion plans into private joint venture.
desert regions; and
• canal siltation, soil salinization and yield The few irrigation schemes in Southern Sudan
reduction. (the Aweil rice scheme, and Mongalla and Melut
sugar companies) ceased operations during the
These issues are considered to be significant, but conflict, but there are plans to revive them as well
potentially more manageable than those related as initiate new projects.
to mechanized rain-fed schemes.
Ongoing pesticide management
The major irrigation schemes problems
The Gezira irrigation scheme (including its The use, storage and disposal of pesticides are
Managil extension) between the Blue and White some of the most serious environmental issues
Nile covers nearly half of Sudan’s total irrigated related to the agricultural sector, which is by
area and is reportedly the largest contiguous far the leading user of chemicals in Sudan. The
irrigation scheme under single administration application of pesticides in large-scale irrigation
in the world. Alone, it consumes 35 percent of schemes and the treatment of obsolete pesticides
Sudan’s share of Nile waters [8.12]. The other two are particular causes for concern.

The Gezira scheme main canal and the Managil extension are used by farmers for drinking water and fishing

172 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

In addition to the lack of protective gear, derelict and leaky equipment exposes workers of the Crop
Protection Department in El Kajara, Gedaref, to serious occupational health hazards

The bulk of pesticide application in irrigated

schemes is carried out by aerial spraying under the
command of the respective scheme administrations.
The Gezira Board has reported that an estimated
125,000 to 205,000 hectares of cotton and 62,000
hectares of wheat fields are sprayed annually.
Past studies have revealed widespread pollution
of surface waters and irrigation canals due to
extensive aerial spraying, and it is likely that this
remains a problem today [8.13, 8.14].

Aerial spraying of pesticides is a particular issue in

the Managil extension, where the irrigation supply
canal is also the main source of drinking water.
There is no pesticide monitoring programme or
any regular surveillance system to analyse the
environmental fate of pesticides in water, soil or
food. Most studies date back to the early 1980s
and there is a major information gap regarding
the current situation. Previous analysis has shown
that DDT and its derivatives were the most
widespread contaminants. Moreover, residue Over 250,000 ha of cultivated land are sprayed
testing on food products, such as goat milk in the annually in the Gezira scheme

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 173

The head of the Technical Centre for Pesticide Spraying at the Kenana Sugar Company explains the use
of modern application techniques and selective pesticides

Gezira region, has indicated that organochlorine reportedly resulted in a reduction of pesticide
pesticide levels including the POPs heptachlor, spraying on cotton from a previous average of nine
aldrin and dieldrin, as well as endosulfan and to eleven times a year to an average of two to three
HCH significantly exceeded standards set by the times a year. Other positive measures include the
FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius [8.1, 8.13]. application of selective rather than broad-spectrum
pesticides that can harm beneficial insects and
Most workers queried had not received training lead to pest resistance. To reduce contamination
in pesticide handling and application, and lacked from spillage, greater use is intended of closed
protective equipment or refused to use it due mixing/loading systems, as well as GPS technology
to its unsuitability in a tropical climate. Surveys to limit the risk of aerial spray drift into sensitive
conducted in 1989 showed that pesticide applicators areas such as irrigation canals. Use of this advanced
were largely ignorant of the hazardous nature of equipment, however, remains the exception and
the chemicals handled and did not observe safety not the norm. The adoption of integrated pest
measures [8.13]. The same was evident during management practices is reportedly intended, but
UNEP visits. Moreover, protective gear examined has not been implemented in a systematic manner
was often of sub-standard quality, and replacements due to lack of resources.
were reportedly not provided if damaged. Mixing
and spraying equipment was derelict, corroded and Pesticide management appears to be considerably
often leaking. As a result, the risk of occupational better in the sugar companies, particularly in
exposure and soil and water contamination from Kenana, where there are well-defined procedures
spills was considered to be very high. for the use of chemicals. The company’s recent
adoption of a corporate environmental strategy
In Gezira, there has been a positive policy shift – one of the few of its kind in Sudan – should help
to reduce pesticide application by discontinuing reinforce responsible pesticide stewardship [8.15].
routine calendar spraying and linking application This could provide a model for other agricultural
to field checks of pest infestation levels. This has corporations.

174 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Obsolete pesticide stockpiles: other chemicals. While storage conditions were

a major hazard overall very poor, three sites in close proximity
to inhabitations (Hasahesa, El Fao and Gedaref )
Sudan has very large stockpiles of obsolete pesticides were considered dangerous toxic ‘hotspots’ (see
that are stored in very hazardous conditions across Case Study 8.3).
the country.
Obsolete pesticides constitute a severe en-
A preliminary inventory by the Plant Protection vironmental and public health threat and must
Directorate (PPD) in the early 1990s estimated be treated as hazardous waste. Now that an
the expired stock at 760 tonnes and 548 m3 of inventory of the stockpile has been completed
contaminated soil [8.16]. A survey completed in (except for Southern Sudan and Darfur), the first
2006 under a GEF-POPs project found this stock step should be to collect all the materials – with a
to have increased to 1,200 tonnes of obsolete special emphasis on persistent organic pollutants
pesticides and 16,000 m3 of contaminated soil (POPs) and contaminated soil – for storage in
[8.17]. These figures do not include several hundred one central location.
tonnes of expired dressed seeds and containers.
Moreover, the survey only covered some of the Elsewhere in the world, safe disposal or destruction
provincial capitals in Darfur and Southern Sudan by incineration of unwanted organic pesticides
and is therefore incomplete for those regions. and highly contaminated soil costs in the order
of USD 500 to 2,000 per tonne (not including
UNEP visited four stores where large stocks of any international transportation costs). UNEP
expired chemicals were kept, including Hasahesa estimates that the total cost of safely resolving the
and Barakat (Gezira scheme), El Fao (Rahad pesticide legacy problem in Sudan would exceed
scheme) and the Gedaref PPD store. In addition, USD 50 million. Given this amount, a permanent
a visit to the Port Sudan commercial harbour solution is expected to take some time and interim
revealed a large stock of expired pesticides and measures to reduce the risks are clearly needed.

Corroding drums of obsolete pesticides are stored in unsuitable conditions at Port Sudan, 30 m from the water

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 175

This cement-lined pit in Hasahesa – where an An estimated 110,000 litres of very

obsolete pesticide stockpile has been buried – hazardous endosulfan have leaked into the
has cracked, releasing a strong stench ground at the main Rahad Irrigation Scheme
and exposing groundwater to a high risk of warehouse in El Fao
contamination. Highly hazardous and persistent
heptachlor was buried in Hasahesa (inset)

CS 8.3 Obsolete pesticide storage: three extremely hazardous sites

UNEP visited three expired pesticide storage sites in central Sudan that were considered to represent a significant risk to
human health and the environment.

In Hasahesa – a controversial site commonly known as the ‘pesticide graveyard’ – a misguided decision was made in the
mid-1990s to bury a large stockpile of pesticides in a cement-sealed pit in the ground. UNEP observed that the cement
casing had cracked, releasing a strong stench and exposing the groundwater to a high risk of contamination. The site was
unguarded and people and livestock were seen to be trespassing. Moreover, the powder contents of torn bags, cardboard
boxes and empty drums littered the site, which was adjacent to a residential community.

In El Fao, obsolete pesticides were kept in an open shed with a dirt floor. The shed was clearly not designed for long-
term storage. The drums were all damaged and had leaked an estimated 110,000 litres of liquid endosulfan (a persistent
organochlorine) into the soil. The gravity of the situation was amplified by the fact that an irrigation canal was located
some 12 m behind the shed. Although at the time of its construction in 1977, the Fao facility was situated far from any
inhabitation, migrant labourers soon settled around it. By 1993, it was decided to transform the informal settlement into
a planned residential area, event though the pesticide warehouse was in its midst. The airstrip used by the pesticide
spraying aircraft was also divided into residential plots within this housing scheme, clearly reflecting a poor level of land
use planning [8.18].

At the Gedaref PPD store, pesticide containers were scattered haphazardly all over the site and large piles of exposed
treated seed were decaying. None of the site guards had protective or first-aid equipment, or basic services such as
water and electricity.

In the three aforementioned sites, complaints of ailments and allergies by neighbouring inhabitants were attributed to the
noxious smell and polluted run-off, particularly during the rainy season.

176 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Potentially unsustainable expansion Canal siltation, soil salinization

plans into desert regions and yield reduction
Major plans for irrigation schemes downstream of Most of the major schemes have been seriously
Khartoum in Nile and Northern states are likely affected by heavy siltation in canals, a process that
to give rise to significant environmental concerns is accentuated by upstream watershed degradation.
in the next fifteen to twenty years. In Northern For example, the average sediment load entering the
state, for instance, ambitious estimates by official main canal in Gezira increased more than fivefold
planning place the potentially irrigable area at between 1933 and 1989, from 700 ppm to 3,800
800,000 to 2 million hectares. This represents a ppm. It is estimated that 15 percent of the Gezira
two and a half to sixfold increase of the presently scheme is now out of production due to siltation
cultivated area. The planned expansion is almost [8.17]. Sedimentation of canals also leads to water
entirely in the upper terraces of the Nile, and a stagnation and the emergence of weeds that provide
substantial proportion (around 300,000 hectares) an ideal habitat for the proliferation of water- and
is to be irrigated by the Merowe dam reservoir vector-borne diseases, in particular schistosomiasis
once it is completed [8.12, 8.19, 8.20]. The long- and malaria. Chronic incidence of these diseases has
term sustainability of these reclamation projects is been exceptionally high in the irrigation schemes.
questionable, and they should proceed with care
based on prior environmental impact assessment Due to the nature of the heavy clay cracking soils,
studies. the two major problems of soil salinization and water
logging typically associated with irrigated agriculture
Water pollution from sugar factories are not prevalent in Sudan’s schemes. Nevertheless,
there is reportedly significant salinization at local levels
The main environmental problem associated with in the drier north-western reaches of the Gezira near
the country’s five major sugar estates is the release Khartoum, as well as in the Guneid sugar scheme.
of effluent from the sugar factories. Industrial Monoculture farming and poor implementation
water pollution issues are discussed in Chapters of crop rotation has also led to deterioration in soil
7 and 10. fertility and a significant decline in yields.

Sugarcane is one of the major crops of the mechanized irrigated agriculture sector

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 177

8.7 Traditional irrigation sector

impacts and issues: a highly
productive system under
Traditional irrigation is concentrated on the
floodplains of the main Nile downstream of
Khartoum, but is also practised over substantial
areas along the White and Blue Nile and the
Atbara river, as well as on the Gash and Tokar
deltas. Crops are irrigated in three ways. The
method most widely used is based on cultivation Cultivation of the highly fertile ‘gerf’ lands
of quick maturing crops on the highly fertile lands in Khartoum state
(gerf) that are exposed following the withdrawal
of annual floods. This technique capitalizes on
the residual moisture in the soil profile that is threats, which in combination are anticipated to
available when the floodwaters recede. The second significantly reduce this sector’s output:
type of traditional irrigation, which is based on
the shaduf (hand-operated water lever) and the • sand dune encroachment (see Chapter 3);
animal-driven water-wheel (saqia), has been • riverbank erosion, including downstream erosion
almost entirely replaced by small-scale irrigation from the new Merowe dam (see Chapters 3 and
pumps. The third type, known as spate irrigation, 10); and
relies on the capture and redirection of seasonal • mesquite invasion.
run-off to flood wide areas of arable land.
All of these factors lead to the loss of arable land,
Traditional irrigation is not considered to have which in turn increases poverty levels and threatens
significant environmental impacts: in contrast, it is the food security of local communities. Riverbank
a relatively sustainable sector that is actually under erosion and sand dune encroachment have both
threat from external factors including environmental had major socio-economic consequences resulting
problems. UNEP identified three such environmental in the abandonment of entire villages.

Encroaching sand dunes, seen here in Arji in Northern state, threaten to smother the narrow strip
of arable land along the Nile’s floodplain, which sustains thousands of communities

178 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Encroaching sands have displaced entire communities, such as the people of the village of Jadallah
in Nile state

8.8 Livestock husbandry • explosive growth in livestock numbers,

impacts and issues particularly in central Sudan;
• major reduction in the total area of available
Rangeland degradation and shrinkage rangelands; and
Rangeland degradation due to the overuse • widespread deterioration of the remaining
of shrinking resources is the most prominent rangelands, caused largely by drought, climate
environmental problem associated with livestock change and overstocking.
husbandry in Sudan. Although there is no
systematic and quantitative inventory of rangeland Extensive annual rangeland burning in south and
conditions or rangeland carrying capacity on a central Sudan is another important environmental
national scale, discussions with national experts and issue, as this practice degrades and alters the natural
various studies point to three negative trends: environment in low rainfall savannah regions.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 179

The evidence for rangeland areas that had remained rangelands (see Figure
degradation 8.4). In this case, the proportion of degraded land
as marked by bare earth increased from 0.8 percent
Though the degradation of rangelands has of the total area in 1973 to 15.4 percent in 2006.
not been quantified, it has been extensively
documented and was again confirmed by UNEP The second indicator of overgrazing is the marked
and ICRAF fieldwork and satellite image analysis replacement of palatable perennial grasses by
in 2006 (see Case Study 8.4). annuals of low environmental and nutritional
value. This has been confirmed by technical studies
At the ground level, the most visible indicator of in at least six states (Northern, Gedaref, Kassala,
overgrazing is simply less forage and more exposed Northern Kordofan and Northern Darfur). In
earth, though it is difficult to quantify the rate Gedaref, the Range and Pasture Administration
of degradation using such anecdotal indicators estimates that 50 percent of the state’s rangelands
without a baseline. The UNEP-ICRAF satellite are in a degraded state, with a severe incidence
image analysis found that it was also extremely of invasive species. There are reports of valuable
difficult to distinguish between bare earth caused range species vanishing, including Blepharis
by overgrazing and bare earth associated with tilled edulis in Butana, Andropogon gayanus in western
and empty fields for crops. Only in one image – of Kordofan, Blepharis lenarrifolia in Northern
Renk district in Upper Nile state – was it possible Kordofan and Aritida paposa in Northern Darfur
to confidently quantify land degradation within [8.5, 8.21].

Figure 8.4 Land degradation in Renk district

17/01/1973 Landsat MSS 02/03/2005 Aster

Hilta ali Hilta ali

Shaqq umar Shaqq umar
Shaqq dhogeri Wad balila Al alim Shaqq dhogeri Wad balila Al alim
Um irshrein Um irshrein
Salah ad Din Salah ad Din
Shaqq al Bash Shaqq al Bash

Futaha Shaqq Isa as Futaha Shaqq Isa as

Fagarg Fagarg
Wad hassib Habib Abu gheid Wad hassib Habib Abu gheid

Naier Naier
Taalba Taalba
Jad elseed Jad elseed

Shuaybat Shaqq al Bura Shuaybat Shaqq al Bura

Ahmad abd al Waid joda Ahmad abd al Waid joda

Shaqq hamadAs saqr Zaid daash Shaqq hamadAs saqr Zaid daash
Al mazroub Al mazroub

Land types
0 5 10 15 20 25
Irrigated agriculture
Rain-fed agriculture This map shows land use changes that have occurred during
Bushland/shrubland; wooded grassland the last 30 years in the main land use classes.
Riverine vegetation
Burnt areas
It is the result of a satellite image classification process combined
Degraded land; wasteland
with ground truth data collected during several field missions in
Road Classification was performed by ICRAF. Datum: WGS 84.
Projection: UTM Zone 35N.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Land degradation in Renk district, Upper Nile state. In this 2,500 km² area, the rangeland is a mix of open
grassland and bushland. In 1973, open rangeland made up 6.9 percent of the total land area, but had fallen
to 2.8 percent by 2006, when fragmentation was very apparent. Bare and degraded land increased from 0.8
percent of the total area in 1973 to 15.4 percent in 2006. Some of the abandoned cultivated land has reverted
to bushland and could potentially be used for grazing but it has major access constraints

180 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Herders set fire to the Um Hureiza forest reserve in Sennar state before the onset of the rains

Some heavily grazed areas have undergone a

notable shift from grassland to woody thickets.
The encroachment of mesquite in rangelands in
Kassala, Red Sea state and Gedaref, for instance,
is linked to overgrazing not only because its seed
is carried in droppings, but also because degraded
landscapes favour the spread of such competitive
pioneer species.

Bare earth in non-desert areas is an indication

of both overgrazing and livestock trampling Agricultural encroachment onto pastoral
damage. Excessive trampling in dry conditions migration routes, as evidenced here by the
can lead to the break-up of soil, which accelerates uprooted path markers in the region of Wad el
wind erosion, and to compacting, which reduces Kabo in Gedaref state, is a major cause of conflict
water infiltration capacity. This is particularly
noticeable around boreholes and rainwater storing
dugouts known as hafirs, as well as along livestock
migration routes throughout Sudan.

A host of factors have enabled uncontrolled

overgrazing to develop, but there are two critical
forces driving this process:

• explosive growth in livestock numbers over

the last fifty years, resulting directly in
overstocking and overgrazing; and When pasture is limited, pastoralists often
resort to slashing trees trunks and branches to
• a reduction in available grazing land due to enable their livestock to feed on the otherwise
desertification and unfavourable land use unreachable parts of the tree, as seen here in the
changes. Al Ruwashida forest reserve in Gedaref state

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 181

A Mundari tribe cattle camp by the White Nile in Central Equatoria at the start of the wet season 2006

CS 8.4 Land degradation due to cattle-rearing in Southern Sudan

Pastoralist societies in Southern Sudan have developed a lifestyle closely tuned to the challenges presented by the climate
and geography of the region. Each area has its own nuances, but the general pattern is of a semi-nomadic (transhumant)
lifestyle dominated by cattle-rearing, with agriculture practised in the wet season only.

The possibilities for cattle-rearing in the great plains of Southern Sudan are largely constrained by the availability of water
and by disease. Though the wet season generates extensive floodplains, the hot climate results in rapid evaporation and
limited water supplies in the dry season.

In the wet season, the problems of mud and insect-borne diseases in the flooded areas drive pastoralists to drier ground,
generally found to the north or further from the Nile tributaries. In the dry season, however, cattle camps concentrate along
the fringes of swamps and watercourses.

In the far south-eastern corner of Sudan, near the Kenyan and Ethiopian borders, the climate is much drier but the soil is
poorer, resulting in a lower yield of fodder and a different annual migration pattern.

UNEP has carried out a qualitative assessment of land degradation in Southern Sudan and the Three Areas using a
combination of remote sensing and ground reconnaissance. Results indicate that the land is in overall moderate condition,
with some clear negative trends and problem areas.

Within the southern clay plains, land degradation is generally limited to strips alongside watercourses, though topsoil
losses can be critical at the local level. In the drier south-east however, land degradation is severe. Regional problems are
also evident on the boundary between the large-scale agriculture schemes in the north and the southern pastures, and a
band of degradation surrounds some of the larger towns.

The Imatong region south-east of Kapoeta in Eastern Equatoria consists of a number of mountain ranges separated by
gently sloping valleys. The region is climatically linked to the drylands of the Kenyan Lake Turkana district, and the low
valleys receive 25 to 50 percent less rainfall than the plains to the north. Nomadic pastoralism is the main rural livelihood
in these dry valleys. Figure 8.6 clearly shows the soil erosion that is occurring: bare subsoil exposure is visible as ochre in
contrast to the more vegetated uplands and riverine strips (in green). The primary cause of this degradation is overgrazing
of pastures that are naturally vulnerable to erosion due to poor soil quality and low rainfall.

The Government of Southern Sudan hopes to develop the rural sector and improve cattle production through water
projects and the provision of veterinary assistance. The warning signs of land degradation indicate that any increase
in cattle numbers would constitute a risk of significant damage to pastures which are already worked close to or over
their sustainable yield. Any such rural development project should accordingly include land condition and sustainability
components to avoid creating new problems. In degraded regions, development projects should avoid increasing stock
levels and look instead for options for rehabilitation and resource recovery.

182 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 8.5 Grazing impact in Bor county, Jonglei state




Dry and seasonally

flooded plains

riverine strip


0 5 10 15 20 25
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Figure 8.6 Grazing impact in Kapoeta county, Eastern Equatoria


Riverine forest

Montane forest

0 3 6 9 12 15
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 183

The primary cause of overgrazing: Livestock husbandry in its various forms is practised
overstocking by an estimated 40 percent of the population. This
figure is even higher in Southern Sudan, where
With the second largest herd on the continent over 60 percent of the population depend on
(after Ethiopia), livestock is a central component livestock [8.23]. Geographically, livestock-keeping
of Sudan’s agricultural sector. Livestock-rearing is found virtually throughout the country, with the
is typically categorized into three types: (i) pure exception of the extreme arid north and the tsetse
nomadism, based largely on the herding of camels, fly-infested areas in the far south.
sheep and goats by the Abbala in the semi-arid and
arid north; (ii) semi-nomadic agropastoralism, The livestock population (cattle, sheep, goats
combining the herding of cattle and some sheep and camels) is impressive, with a head count of
with a form of cultivation by the Baggara and approximately 135 million in 2004. Its rate of
Dinka/Nuer in central and south Sudan as well growth has been equally remarkable: the stocking
as in the seasonal wadis of the north; and (iii) a rate has increased sixfold in less than fifty years,
sedentary system, where cattle and small livestock from a population size of 22 million in 1959. No
are reared in close proximity to villages, mainly livestock census has been carried out recently in
in the central belt from Gedaref to Kordofan/ Southern Sudan, where estimates of the population
Darfur [8.22]. range from 12 to 22 million [8.5, 8.22].

Table 11. Growth of the livestock sector

Livestock 1961 Percentage 1973 Percentage 1986 Percentage 2004 Percentage Times
type (million) of population (million) of population (million) of population (million) of population population
has increased
Cattle 10.4 36 14.1 35 19.7 36 39.8 30 3.8
Sheep 8.7 30 13.4 33 18.8 34 48.9 36 5.6
Goats 7.2 25 10.5 26 13.9 25 42.2 31 5.9
Camels 2.3 8 2.7 7 2.7 5 3.7 3 1.6
Total 28.6 100 40.7 100 55.1 100 134.6 100 4.7

Cattle herders in Kosti, White Nile state. Livestock populations in central Sudan have increased
sixfold in the last forty years

184 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The second cause of overgrazing: • uncontrolled expansion of mechanized and

a major reduction in rangelands in traditional rain-fed agriculture;
central and northern Sudan • desertification; and
• expansion of irrigation schemes (a lesser issue).
Concurrent with the increase in livestock, a
substantial reduction in rangeland areas has Rangeland reduction is most prevalent in northern
occurred over the past several decades due to and central Sudan. The UNEP-ICRAF rural land use
three factors: study provides an indication of the overall trend.

Table 12. Changes in rangeland cover at UNEP-ICRAF study sites across Sudan
Study area and state Original and current Annual linear Comments
pasture land rate
(% of total area) + (period loss)
North, east and central Sudan
Ed Damazin, Blue Nile 18.5 to 0.6 from - (96.7 %) Loss due to the expansion of mechanized
1972 to 1999 agriculture and increase in bush and shrubland
El Obeid, Northern Kordofan 50.4 to 33.5 from - (33.5 %) Loss due to the expansion of mechanized
1973 to 1999 agriculture, increase in closed forests
Gedaref and Kassala states 13.0 to 8.2 from - (37 %) Decrease due to expansion of rain-fed agriculture
1972 to 1999 and increase in closed forests
Kassala B 36.1 to 26.4 from - (2.6 %) Increase in wetland, loss of soil fertility due to wind
1972 to 2000 erosion resulting in loss of pasture lands
Sunjukaya, Southern Kordofan 39.2 to 13.7 from - (34 %) Loss due to the expansion of mechanized
1972 to 2002 agriculture, increase in bush and shrubland, riverine
vegetation and wooded grassland
Tokar delta, Red Sea state 10.0 to 11.7 from + (1.7 %) Increase in wooded grassland, and decrease in
1972 to 2001 bush and shrubland, flooded/wetland and riverine
North-east and central Sudan - (50 %) Highly variable but a major loss of rangeland
overall due to agricultural expansion
Jebel Marra, Western Darfur 5.9 to 23.0 from + (289 %) Increase in open forest land, decrease in closed
1973 to 2001 forest and bush and shrubland
Timbisquo, Southern Darfur 65.4 to 59.3 from - (9.3 %) Loss due to the expansion of mechanized
1973 to 2000 agriculture, bush and shrubland, and flood and
Um Chelluta, Southern Darfur 42.4 to 32.7 from - (65 %) Loss due to the expansion of mechanized
1973 to 2000 agriculture, increase in degraded areas and
flooded land, and decrease in grassland area
Darfur NA No simple trend: Jebel Marra anomalous,
Southern Darfur similar to Southern Sudan
with agricultural expansion
Southern Sudan
Aweil, Northern Bahr el Ghazal 78.4 to 63.9 from - (18 %) Increase in rain-fed agriculture and riverine
1972 to 2001 vegetation
Wau, Western Bahr el Ghazal 39.2 to 47.1 from + (20.1 %) Decrease in closed forest, degraded land and
1973 to 2005 riverine vegetation, and increase in burnt areas due
to slash-and-burn agriculture
Renk, Upper Nile 6.9 to 2.8 from - (59.4 %) Pastureland lost due to increased land
1973 to 2006 degradation and bush and shrubland
Yambio, Western Equatoria 26.0 to 27.7 from + (6.5 %) Increase due to decrease in closed forests
1973 to 2006
Yei, Central Equatoria 30.9 to 17.5 from - (42.7 %) Loss due to increase in bush and shrubland, and
1973 to 2006 decrease in wooded grassland
Southern Sudan - (18.5 %) Highly variable but loss of rangeland overall
due to agricultural and pastoral expansion

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 185

Figure 8.7 Loss of rangeland in El Obeid district

Saata Azhaf Saata Azhaf
01/01/1973 Esh shana 27/11/1999
Esh shana
Junaynah Junaynah
Musa Musa

Idd an nuzayhah Umm sawt Umm sawt

Idd an nuzayhah
Faroga El haraz El haraz
Umm harazat Faroga
Umm harazat
Azaza Azaza
Umm gawawa Buhayr El ud El ud
Umm gawawa Buhayr

Umm sheria Umm sheria

Ghabush Ghabush
Shuweihat Shuweihat
Dankoj Dankoj

Umm hajlij Faragullah Faragullah

Umm hajlij
Umm dukaykahoUmm dikeika Umm gameina Umm gameina
Umm dukaykahoUmm dikeika
El humr El humr

Sharafah Sharafah
Oreil Oreil
El guraba Ageig Ageig
El guraba
El beniya Malakiya Malakiya
El beniya

Land types Kilometres

0 5 10 15 20 25
Natural closed forest
Planted forest This map shows land use changes that have occurred during
Bushland and shrubland the last 30 years in the main land use classes.
Rain-fed agriculture
Wetlands It is the result of a satellite image classification process combined
Built-up areas with ground truth data collected during several field missions in
Other land types 2006.
Datum: WGS 84.
Road Classification was performed by ICRAF. Projection: UTM Zone 35N.

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

This time lapse satellite image of El Obeid shows a 57.6 percent increase in cultivated land over the period
1973 to 1999. This increase is achieved at the expense of pastoralism, as indicated by the 33.5 percent
reduction in rangeland over the same period. In one generation, a third of the pastoralists’ territory has
been lost or converted to cultivation. Given that this region is considered to be extremely vulnerable to
desertification, the sustainability of the intense land use noted here is highly questionable

In summary, the last generation of pastoralists has regions. A similar pattern of migration, though over
seen rangelands shrink by approximately 20 to shorter distances, occurs in the hilly regions, where
50 percent on a national scale, with total losses in valleys are grazed mainly in the dry season and high
some areas. It should be noted, however, that the rangeland mainly in the wet season.
UNEP-ICRAF study focused on the semi-desert and
wetter regions. It did not include the losses due to In order to reach new pastures, pastoralists pass
desertification in historically important regions that through agricultural regions. In a land without fences
are now desert or badly degraded semi-desert. where agricultural and grazing zones are not clearly
delimitated, competition for land is at the heart of
In addition to direct land loss, the reduction in many local conflicts. Indicative pastoral routes for
rangelands has caused problems for the pastoralists’ Sudan and Darfur are shown in Figures 8.8 and 8.9,
mobility. Pastoralists in Sudan have historically respectively. The indicated routes are general and
been very mobile, but have kept their annual include only the largest scale movements. Numerous
herd migrations to relatively well-defined routes. and often contrasting smaller scale movements occur
Their general pattern is to move north and south on a local and seasonal level.
to optimize grazing conditions and minimize pest
problems. In the dry season, the movement is This major reduction in the amount, quality and
southwards towards the better pastures and later accessibility of grazing land is considered to be
rainfall; in the wet season, it is generally northwards to a root cause of conflict between pastoralist and
follow new growth and avoid the flooding, mud, and agriculturalist societies throughout the drier parts
insect-borne diseases prevalent in the more humid of Sudan, as discussed in Chapter 4.

186 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 8.8 Annual pastoral migration routes in Sudan



Dongola Port Sudan

N i le
ar Ed Damer
di H ow
Wa N il e
N O R T H E R N Khartoum Kassala ERITREA
15o WHITE Wad Medani
S U D A N Gedaref
El Obeid Singa

El Geneina El Fasher

B lu
DARF UR Nyala e
N ile

DARFUR Kadugli


Bar e l’A W

10o NILE

Bentiu Malakal



HAZAL Rumbek

5o Yambio Juba Torit


Nil ert

O F T25H
o E C O N G O 30o U GA N DA K35o E N Y A

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Nomadic Pastoralism Climatic Zones
Cattle, sheep and goats Desert
Camels and sheep Semi-desert 0 100 200 300 400 500
Northward movements (nishua) Arid Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
in the rainy season and Semi-arid Sources:
southward movements (dammar)
in the dry season. Dry monsoon SIM (Sudan Interagency Mapping);
vmaplv0, NIMA; various reports, maps and atlases;
Wet monsoon UN Cartographic Section.
Highland UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 187

Figure 8.9 Annual pastoral migration routes in Darfur

Northern Darfur
Kafod Northern
El Fasher
Chad El Geneina Burush

Darfur livestock migration route
Abou Adid
1. Livestock migration from north
to south is in February/March and south
to north in May.

2. The routes described on this map are

major historical routes that have some degree Nyimeri Tulus El Ferdous
of official and local recognition. Note however
that routes can change over time and that the Buram
legitimacy and impacts of many routes are a
source of local and regional tension. Southern Darfur
Am Dafok
3. Since the beginning of the conflict,
all livestock migration routes have Central African
been disrupted.
Republic Higilig
Source: Admin layers (Vmap0, HIC).
Livestock migration route: HIC Sudan. 0 100 200 300 400
Projection: Lambert Azimutal Equal-Area Projection Unity
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Pastoral migration routes in Darfur. The very mapping or classification of pastoral routes in Darfur is a
contentious issue, particularly as many routes have been blocked or changed by the recent conflict. These
routes as indicated from government sources show the scale of seasonal migration and the multiplicity of
potential routes but the actual lines of travel and the associated rights are not always confirmed or agreed,
either in a legal sense or in the sense of having community-level acceptance

Rangeland burning in south and it also has a number of negative impacts even when
central Sudan timed and executed with care. When done poorly
or with hostile intent, it is highly destructive for
The dry season in Sudan is also the burning the environment, the rural economy and society.
season. Grassfires are visible in pastoralist regions Regular burning destroys young trees and shrubs,
throughout the country, while slash-and-burn thus maintaining much of central and south
clearance can be observed in the southern half. Sudan as open plain, when its undisturbed natural
state is open woodland savannah. The great plains
The great majority of pasture burning is deliberate. of Southern Sudan may appear to be ‘wild’ but are
Herders set fire to the dry grass to remove old in fact highly modified environments.
unpalatable growth, fertilize the soil with ash and
promote new shoots that are more suitable as fodder. One of the long-term negative effects of very regular
The scale of the pastoralist burning can be gauged by burning is the loss of nutrients and soil organic
satellite and by aircraft (see Figure 8.10). The open clay matter, which are lost to combustion, and water and
plains of Jonglei and Upper Nile states, for example, are wind erosion. For sloping terrain regions such as the
heavily burnt, and UNEP estimates that virtually the Nuba mountains, such losses are clearly important.
entire region is burnt on a two- to four-year cycle. Pasture burning can also cause problems between
different communities with intermingled land uses.
There is no doubt that annual burning succeeds in In the extreme case of Darfur, pasture burning is used
its purpose of short-term pasture regeneration, but as a weapon to destroy competing livelihoods.

188 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

8.9 Agricultural sector the lack of governance in the area of pesticides

environmental governance management has left Sudan with a difficult and
expensive environmental legacy. Land tenure, as
Sector governance structure detailed below, is another important failure.
and issues
Land tenure
Governance of the agricultural sector is relatively
straightforward and well structured: both GONU and The land tenure situation in Sudan constitutes a major
GOSS have ministries of agriculture and ministries of obstacle to sustainable land use. Prior to the 1970s,
animal resources. These ministries, however, are under communal title to shared rural land was generally
strong pressure to provide policies and projects that will acknowledged at the local level but undocumented.
rapidly increase food security. This in turn results in a The traditional community-based land management
tendency to promote major agricultural development systems that were in place were reportedly reasonably
projects that are often environmentally unsustainable. effective. This situation was radically changed in the
Insufficient technical capacity and under-funding also 1970s by a number of ill-planned initiatives, the
constrain the ministries. Furthermore, the linkages consequences of which are still felt today.
between the agricultural and livestock ministries and
the environment ministries are weak in both GONU The imposition of the 1971 Unregistered Lands Act
and GOSS. effectively sequestered most of the untitled land (the
majority of rural Sudan) as government property.
The most environmentally damaging aspect of In the same year, the People’s Local Government
government policy has been the promotion of rain- Act took the authority away from the pre-existing
fed mechanized agriculture and the subsequent traditional land management systems, which had
failure to address its negative consequences when until then provided vital checks and balances in the
these first became clearly apparent. Likewise, absence of a modern land tenure system [8.19].

Figure 8.10 Rangeland burning in Jonglei state

Recent burn scars

(at the time of satellite image acquisition)

Vegetation regrowth
n al
l ei ca

Active fire during satellite

image acquisition


0 5 10 15 20 25
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 189

As a result of this legislation and subsequent related At present, Southern Sudan only faces severe
acts, the majority of Sudanese now farm and rear agriculture-related environmental issues along
livestock on government land, without any real its northern boundaries, but there are numerous
supervision or form of title. As the pre-existing warning signs that action is needed to forestall
control measures are either weakened or completely damaging overtaxing of the environment in the
destroyed, there is an effective governance vacuum more populated regions in the far south. It is
on rural land use in much of the country. therefore extremely important that lessons from
other regions be learnt, and that agricultural
This deficiency in rural land tenure is one of the development in the south proceed with extreme
root causes of many agricultural, environmental care to ensure its environmental sustainability.
and social problems in Sudan. Without ownership,
people have little incentive for investment in and Background to the recommendations
protection of natural resources. Land owners, and
smallholders in particular, are also vulnerable to GONU government reform and capacity-building in
more economically powerful or better armed land use planning and environmental sustainability
groups, who may wish to dispossess them in order are the central themes of the recommendations for
to use the land for their own purposes. this sector. Specific environmental rehabilitation
programmes are definitely needed, but in the
The Comprehensive Peace Agreement envisaged absence of major reform in the approach to
the immediate establishment of a new body, the agricultural development in northern and central
Land Commission, to analyse land tenure issues Sudan, further ad hoc investment in environmental
and propose a way forward. As of end 2006, it has initiatives is considered to be highly risky.
yet to be formed. In Southern Sudan, the rapidly developing
agricultural policies as seen by UNEP in late 2006
8.10 Conclusions and appear to be generally sound, with one major gap.
A high priority should be given to conversion of
recommendations traditional agricultural systems to more modern
hybrid systems such as agroforestry, which preserves
Conclusion tree cover and boosts per hectare productivity while
Sudan’s major investment in agricultural development improving environmental sustainability.
over the past century has proceeded with little
consideration of environmental sustainability. Recommendations for the
The resulting environmental issues are uniformly Government of National Unity
worsening and now represent a major threat to R8.1 Establish the proposed Land Commission.
Sudan’s food security. In the absence of significant The proposed commission is a key part of the CPA
action on these problems, large-scale ecological and and a good initiative that warrants support. The
social breakdown in the dryland regions of Sudan international community already has funds set
are considered to be a real risk in the medium to aside for this initiative.
long term. It could be argued that this has already
occurred to some extent in Darfur. CA:GROL; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: nil; DU:
3 years
Agricultural authorities in the north and in Darfur
face the most severe challenges, with an array of R8.2 Impose a moratorium on new mechanized
environmental problems closely tied to the social, rain-fed agriculture schemes and conduct a
political and economic issues affecting the region. major review and study on the way forward.
The ongoing destruction resulting from the current The objective is to understand the real impacts and
system of rain-fed mechanized agriculture schemes control the unplanned expansion of mechanized
in northern and central Sudan needs to be halted agriculture, and improve sustainability. Priority
if food insecurity and conflicts are to be avoided in states are Southern Kordofan, Blue Nile, Gedaref,
the future. This does not call for a reversion from White Nile and Sennar.
mechanization back to traditional methods, but for
a revision of current practices in order to combine the CA: GROL/AS; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE:
best of both approaches in a sustainable manner. 0.2M; DU: 2 years+

190 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

R8.3 Invest in technical assistance, capacity- plan based on Integrated Water Resource
building and research in seven environment- Management (IWRM). This should be considered
agriculture subject areas. The overall objective an investment in the preservation of high-value
is to embed the culture and capacity for the agricultural land.
sustainable development of agriculture into the
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry CA:PA; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 3M; DU:
of Animal Resources and a number of linked 2 years
institutes. The investments need to be spread
between the federal and state levels and various R8.7 Develop a national strategy and priority
ministries. The target subjects are: action plan for mesquite control in the
agricultural sector. The Presidential Decree
• meteorology services; should be amended at the same time as the plan
• sustainable rural land use planning; is developed to avoid a legislation-policy clash.
• rangeland conservation;
• agroforestry; CA:GROL; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 0.3M;
• Water Use Associations (WUA) in irrigation DU: 1 year
• integrated pest management and pesticide Recommendations for the
management; and Government of Southern Sudan
• rehabilitation of desert regions using native
species. R8.8 Impose a moratorium on new mechanized
agriculture schemes in southern states, and a
CA: TA; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 8M; DU: major review and study on the way forward.
3 years The objective is to understand the real impacts and
control the unplanned expansion of mechanized
R8.4 Develop policies and guidelines to prevent
agriculture, and improve sustainability. For
future accumulation of pesticide stockpiles.
GOSS, applicable to Upper Nile state.
Policy development should be based on multi-
stakeholder consultations involving relevant CA: GROL/AS; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE:
government authorities, industry, aid agencies 0.2M; DU: 1 year
and development banks, and farmers.
R8.9 Invest in technical assistance, capacity-
building and research in a range of environment-
DU: 1 year
agriculture subject areas. The overall objective is to
R8.5 Collect all obsolete pesticide stocks for embed the culture and capacity for the sustainable
safer long-term storage, treatment and disposal, development of agriculture into the Ministry of
and conduct a feasibility assessment for safe Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Animal
final disposal. Prior to final disposal, the stocks Resources and a number of linked institutes. The
disseminated across the country will need to be investments need to be spread between the federal
assessed, categorized, and made safe for transport and state levels and various ministries.
and interim storage. A single well-sited, well-
designed and maintained interim storage place CA: TA/CB; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 4M;
would be a major improvement on the current DU: 3 years
situation. Any major investment in final disposal
will require a cost and feasibility study to select R8.10 Design and implement agroforestry
the best option and assist financing. demonstration projects in each of the ten
southern states. The objective is to demonstrate
CA:PA; PB: MAF; UNP: UNEP; CE: 3M; DU: the benefits of switching from shifting agriculture
2 years to more sustainable land use models.

R8.6 Assess the full extent of riverbank erosion CA: PA; PB: MAF; UNP: ICRAF; CE: 5M; DU:
and invest in practical impact management 5 years

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 191
Forest Resources

Plantations such as this teak stand in

Kagelu, Central Equatoria, are a valuable
asset and potential source of hard currency
for Southern Sudan. Commercial exploitation
of the forest resources of Southern Sudan
is expected to expand with peace and
road network improvements. The challenge
will be to develop the industry in an
environmentallysustainable manner.

the north – presents a potential threat for north-

Forest resources south peace, but also a significant opportunity for
sustainable north-south trade development.
9.1 Introduction and
assessment activities Assessment activities

Introduction Forestry was a priority topic for the UNEP

assessment, and was also included in the scope
The rural population of Sudan, as well as much of of the ICRAF study on rural land use changes
its urban population, depends on forests. Trees are commissioned by UNEP in cooperation with
the main source of energy and provide timber for FAO. In addition, the forestry sector assessment
roofing and building. In rural Sudan, the extensive was marked by strong and welcome support
benefits derived from forests include grazing, from the Forests National Corporation (FNC)
hunting, shade, forest foods in the form of tree in northern and central Sudan.
leaves, wild fruits, nuts, tubers and herbs, tree bark
for medicinal purposes, and non-wood products UNEP teams visited forests in over twenty states.
such as honey and gum arabic. In addition, the Particular attention was paid to deforestation pressures
commercial lumber industry is a small but growing in different regions. Satellite imagery analysis of
source of employment. According to FAO, the fourteen sites included a quantitative assessment
forestry sector contributes as much as 13 percent of deforestation, and satellite reconnaissance was
to the gross domestic product of Sudan [9.1]. widely used to search for deforestation ‘hotspots’.
In Southern Sudan, the Kagelu Forestry Training
This valuable resource is threatened, however, Centre worked with ICRAF to provide UNEP
by deforestation driven principally by energy with detailed information on the Equatorian states
needs and agricultural clearance. Moreover, the timber reserves. However, security constraints
unbalanced distribution of forests in Sudan – most prevented access to important forests in Darfur;
of the remaining forests are found in the south, the Jebel Marra plateau, for instance, was almost
while the demand for forest products is highest in completely inaccessible at the time of the survey.

A commercial mahogany stand in the Nuba mountains, Southern Kordofan. Northern Sudan’s major
timber deficit is currently being met principally through unsustainable logging in central Sudan. Viable
and sustainable alternatives include increased use of plantations

194 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 9.1 Sudan forest cover

January - First decade April - First decade Egypt

Khartoum Eritrea
Khartoum Eritrea


Central African Republic

Central African Republic

Democratic Republic Kenya

Democratic Republic Kenya
of Congo
of Congo

July - First decade Egypt October - First decade Egypt

Libya Libya

Chad Chad

Khartoum Eritrea Khartoum Eritrea

Ethiopia Ethiopia

Central African Republic Central African Republic

Legend Kenya Kenya

Democratic Republic Democratic Republic
Water of Congo
Bare soil of Congo
Uganda Uganda
Sparse vegetation Source: Admin layers (Vmap0, GRID).
Growing vegetation Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,
Green vegetation extracted from Famine Early Warning Kilometres
Dense green vegetation Systems Network (FEWS NET).
Forests The value represented is the long-term 0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Clouds annual mean. Projection: Lambert Azimutal Equal-Area Projection

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 195

With the exception of central Darfur, UNEP’s south. This complicates attempts to quantify the
forestry-related activities were considered com- extent of forests and deforestation in the drier
prehensive enough to develop an accurate picture regions, as there is rarely a clear deforestation or
of the status of Sudan’s forests and prevailing ecosystem boundary, but rather a gradual thinning
trends across the country. out of trees over a large area.

The long-term Normalized Difference Vegetative

9.2 Overview of forest Index (NDVI) is a measurement of the overall
resources vegetation density, including trees, shrubs and
grasses over different seasons. The images in Figure
A wide range of forests and related vegetation 9.1 (see previous page) clearly show the dominant
types is found in Sudan due to regional variations impact of the Sahara desert and low rainfall zones
in soil and rainfall. The most important types are on vegetation cover and the associated north-
listed below, in rough order of distribution from south difference in tree cover.
the arid north to the tropical south:

• desert and semi-desert trees and shrubs; Desert and semi-desert trees and
riverine forests; shrubs

• low rainfall woodland savannah; Desert vegetation in the northern states (Northern,
• high rainfall woodland savannah; Northern Darfur, Northern Kordofan, Kassala
and Red Sea) is limited to xerophytic (drought-
• montane and gallery forests; resistant) shrubs, such as Acacia ehrenbergiana,
• tropical forests; and Capparis decidua, Fagonia cretica and Leptodemia
• plantations. pirotechnica. Scrub formations occur in the semi-
desert zone (the northern half of Kordofan and
Most trees in Sudan grow in open to semi-closed Blue Nile states, all of Khartoum state, most of
woodlands with numerous under-storeys of Red Sea state, and some parts of Darfur), where
grasses and shrubs. Fully closed forests are only the vegetation is a varying mixture of grasses and
found in a few of the most humid areas in the herbs with widely scattered shrubs.

Forest resources in the desert and semi-desert northern states are extremely limited and in continual decline

196 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Acacia nilotica in Sennar state. The density and variety of tree cover increases further south,
following rainfall patterns

Riverine forests followed by a long hot dry season. The vegetation

is composed of mixed grass types with bushes and
Riverine forests are a critical resource for the trees, but species distribution within the low rainfall
northern states. They occupy the lands that are savannah zone varies with rainfall and soil type.
flooded when rivers rise in the latter part of the Sandy soils dominate in the west and central regions,
wet season. Acacia nilotica – the dominant species
and clay soils are prevalent in the east and south. In
– is found as pure dense stands over large areas
the drier parts, trees are nearly all thorny and low in
from the Egyptian border in the north to as far
stature, with a predominance of species of acacia.
south as Jebelein on the White Nile, and Roseires
on the Blue Nile. The species also occurs along Broadleaved deciduous trees become prevalent in
the Dinder and Rahad rivers. In less frequently the wetter parts, but there is not as great a variety of
flooded basins along the Atbara river and in species as in the high rainfall woodland savannah,
some inland sites, Acacia nilotica is replaced by and thorn trees are usually present. The gum arabic
Hyphaene thebaica (Dom palm) forests. belt lies within this zone. The belt occupies an area
of 520,000 km² between the latitudes of 10° and
Low rainfall (< 900 - 1,000 mm) 14° N, accounting for one-fifth of the total area of
the country. Its importance is reflected in the fact
woodland savannah
that it accommodates approximately one-fifth of the
The low rainfall woodland savannah region lies in the population of Sudan and two-thirds of its livestock,
centre and south of the country, with the exclusion and that it acts as a natural barrier to protect more
of the flood region. Rainfall is confined to a few than 40 percent of the total area of Sudan from
months of the year (March or April to July), and is desert encroachment [9.2].

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 197

High rainfall (> 900 – 1,000 mm) afforded by the steeply sloping banks. Important
woodland savannah species are Cola cordifolia, Syzygium guineense and
Mitragyna stipulosa in swampy places.
The high rainfall woodland savannah extends into
most parts of Bahr el Ghazal and Equatoria states in Plantations
the south. Trees in this region are generally tall and
broadleaved. Coarse tall tussocks of perennial grasses Plantations were first established in Sudan by the
predominate and fires are hence usually fiercer than Anglo-Egyptian administration. The most significant
in the low rainfall woodland savannah. The most of these were the teak (Tectona grandis) plantations
important tree species are Khaya senegalensis and of Southern Sudan, many of which are still standing
Isoberlina doka. Other species are Parkia oliveri, (see Case Study 9.1). This process was continued
Daniella oliveri, Afzelia africana, Terminalia mollis, by the government forestry administration, and by
Burkea africana and Vitellaria paradoxa. the mid-1970s, plantations totaled some 16,000
additional hectares of hardwoods and 500 to 600
Tropical forests hectares of softwoods [9.3].

Sudan’s tropical forests are confined to a few small Today, most of the remaining plantations are
and scattered localities: the Talanga, Lotti and found in Central and Eastern Equatoria states,
Laboni forests at the base of the Imatong mountains in Southern Sudan. They include stands of teak
and the Azza forest in Maridi in Western Equatoria, in the far southern regions and pine in the higher
and other small areas on the Aloma plateau and elevations of the Imatong mountains. Elsewhere
near Yambio. Species occurring in these tropical in Sudan, plantations are comprised of riverine
forests are similar to those found in the drier parts Acacia nilotica forests, Acacia senegal plantations
of the forests of West Africa. The most common in abandoned mechanized farms, inside forest
are Chrysophyllum albidum and Celtis zenkeri, with reserves, in private gum orchards, and in isolated
Holoptelea grandis in the Azza forest. A number shelter belts planted in Northern Kordofan and
of valuable timber trees are also found, including other central states, pine and eucalyptus plantations
Khaya grandifolia (mahagony), Chlorophora excelsa, in the Jebel Marra region in Darfur, and eucalyptus
and Entrandrophragma angolense. in the irrigated agricultural areas.

Montane and gallery forests

Mountains in Sudan are characterized by higher
rainfall, resulting in different and more robust
woodlands than in the surrounding areas. The Jebel
Marra plateau in Darfur is the most important
ecosystem of this type in the drier parts of Sudan.

Coniferous forests occur in the montane vegetation

of the Imatong and Dongotona ranges in Eastern
Equatoria state, as well as in the Red Sea hills in the
north-east. Important species include Podocarpus
milanjianus, Juniperus procera and Pinus radiata.
Planted exotics include Eucalyptus microtheca and
Cupressus spp. In the more humid areas of the
Imatong and Dongotona ranges, the vegetation is
similar to that of low rainfall woodland savannah.

Gallery forests occur on the banks of streams. They

are generally found in relatively deep U-shaped Southern Sudan still retains the majority of its
valleys, and benefit from both the extra water supply forest cover, but deforestation is occurring at
from the streams and the protection against fires a steady rate

198 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

These teak trees have not been tended for 20 years, so the productivity of the plantation
is well below potential. The plantations, however, are a valuable asset

CS 9.1 Yei county teak plantations: a valuable colonial legacy

Teak (Tectona grandis) plantations are spread all over Yei county. Prior to the conflict, the largest and best managed
plantations were located in Kagelu, 8 km south-west of the town of Yei, between 04°03’34’’ N and 30°36’56’’ E.

The community living around the plantation, the Kakwa ethnic group, mainly practises subsistence agriculture, though some
members also plant their own woodlots for cash income and construction materials. Before the war, the community benefited from
the infrastructure provided by the government forest plantation project in terms of employment, education, health services and
improved road access. Other benefits included extension services, fuelwood and other forest products from the reserve.

Between independence and the second civil war, the teak plantations in Yei county were managed by the Sudan German
Forestry Team, funded by GTZ (German Technical Aid), but the project was shut down in 1987 due to the intensification of the
conflict. During the war, all of the teak plantations were subject to uncontrolled felling and export to Uganda. The entire process
was managed on the black market by foreign-owned logging companies, and royalties from the timber went to the SPLA.

With the end of the conflict and the establishment of the GOSS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, H.E. Martin Elia Lomoro
ordered a review and evaluation of commercial logging activities. The committee that conducted the review found that
all of the contracts that were issued were illegal and that they did not conform to best forestry practices. This prompted
the Minister to issue a decree annulling all the contracts and banning logging in both the teak plantations and natural
forests. This ban, while admirable, is not expected to hold much beyond 2006 due to the need for foreign currency and
construction timber in Southern Sudan.

There is accordingly an urgent need for the GOSS to develop an appropriate governance regime, including a transparent
licensing process, strict quotas and reforestation obligations.

Table 13. Teak plantations in Yei county [9.8]

Name of forest reserve Size in hectares
Loka 918
Kagelu 1,045
Kajiko North 750
Kajiko South 90
Korobe 50
Mumory 30
Yei Council 2
Total 2,985

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 199

9.3 Forest utilization The ecological benefits of forests include sand dune
stabilization in fragile semi-desert environments,
A range of ecosystem services amelioration of soil through nitrogen fixation, and
the provision of natural ecosystems for wildlife
The forests of Sudan have economical, ecological, and the conservation of biodiversity.
and recreational values, known collectively as
ecosystem services.
Fuelwood and charcoal production
Wood products from the forestry sector include
fuelwood, sawn timber and round poles. The The felling of trees for fuelwood and charcoal
Forest Product Consumption Survey conducted production occurs throughout Sudan, but the
by the FNC in Northern Sudan in 1995 found pressure is generally greater on the more limited
that the total annual consumption of wood was resources of the north and the areas surrounding
15.77 million m³. FAO calculated that in 1987, the country’s urban centres. An additional
Sudan produced 41,000 m³ of sawn timber, 1.9 growing use for fuelwood in all parts of Sudan is
million m³ of other industrial round wood, and for brick-making. In Darfur, for instance, brick-
more than 18 million m³ of firewood. Each of making provides a livelihood for many IDP camp
these categories showed a substantial increase from residents, but also contributes to severe localized
production levels in the 1970s [9.4]. deforestation (see Case Study 5.2).

Fuelwood market in Nyala, Southern Darfur

200 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Brick kilns on the banks of the Blue Nile, in El Gezira state. The brick-making industry is a major market for fuelwood

As is the case for many natural resource management

issues in Sudan, the data on wood consumption is
incomplete and often obsolete. What is available,
however, provides a picture of substantial and
increasing demand. The 1995 FNC survey indicated
that fuelwood contributed 78 percent of the energy
balance of Sudan, the rest being provided by oil
(8 percent), generated electricity (8 percent) and
agricultural residues (6 percent). With a per capita
annual consumption of approximately 0.68 m3, the
total fuelwood requirement for 1995 was estimated
at 22 million m3 [9.4, 9.9]. These figures were
extrapolated by UNEP to estimate the fuelwood
requirement for 2006 at 27-30 million m3.

In theory, forest authorities in northern and

central Sudan direct the commercial logging
of Acacia nilotica and Acacia seyal for supply
of firewood and charcoal to the cities. Wood is
meant to be extracted mostly from the thinning
of branches of Acacia nilotica in reserved riverine
forests, and the clearing of Acacia seyal and other
species from areas allocated for agriculture.
In practice, however, the process is much less
controlled and the felling less selective.

Rural inhabitants use most of the tree species in the

low rainfall savannah for fuelwood. The removal
of dead trees and branches is permitted for people
living around forests in all parts of Sudan. A charcoal market in Khartoum

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 201

Sawn timber
In the northern and central states, logging for the
production of industrial timber is carried out by
contractors under the supervision of sawmill and
industry managers who are directly responsible
to the State Director of Forests within their
respective states. In the southern states, the industry
is currently stagnant, but was managed by the
military forces on both sides during the conflict.

The sawn timber in the north is mainly from Acacia

nilotica; in the south, it is extracted from a range of
high rainfall savannah woodland species including
Isoberlinia doka, Khaya grandifolia, Milicia excelsa,
Khaya senegalensis, Olea hochstetteri, Afzelia
africana, Daniellia oliveri, Sclerocarya birrea, and
Podocarpus milanjianus.

Traditional construction
There is no detailed data available on wood
product usage in traditional construction. One
figure much quoted to UNEP, from unknown
sources, is that it takes approximately ten young
trees to build one tukul (traditional round
dwelling). With a rural population of over thirty
million, the total demand is therefore significant, Sawn teak in Wau, Western Bahr el Ghazal
but anticipated to be much below the fuelwood
demand from the same population.
Non-wood forest products
Gum arabic is Sudan’s most important non-wood
forest product, with an annual exported crop of
approximately 45,000 tonnes. The grey-barked
Acacia senegal produces hashab gum, while the
usually red-barked Acacia seyal gives talh gum.
The latter is inferior in quality. The dom nut,
a vegetable ivory, is obtained from Hyphaene
thebaica. Dom nuts are sliced and used as button
blanks; an average of 1,500 tonnes is exported
annually. Minor products include bee honey and
bees wax, the latter being exported at a rate of 80
tonnes per year, palm oil (Elaeis guineensis), garad
tanning pods obtained from Acacia nilotica, lulu
(shea oil and butter) from Vitellaria paradoxa and
the fruits of the shrub species Capsicum frutescens.
Other vegetal non-wood forest products are fodder
(e.g. Ziziphus spp., Acacia spp.), edible oils (e.g.
Dried wild fruit for sale in the Tokar region, Red Sea Balanites aegyptiaca), medicines (e.g. Tamarindus
state. Non-wood forest products such as fruit, nuts, indica), dyes (e.g. henna from Lawsonia inermis,
and medicinal herbs are important but often under- Prosopis africana), fibres (e.g. Borassus aethiopum)
valued components of the overall value of forests and latex (e.g. Landolfia ovariensis).

202 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

9.4 Forestry sector environ- 9.5 Deforestation rates

mental impacts and issues and causes
There are three key environmental issues for the Measuring the rate of deforestation
forestry sector in Sudan: at the national scale
1. deforestation; In the late 1970s, FAO estimated that the country’s
2. the charcoal industry, which constitutes a forests and woodlands totaled approximately
potential north-south conflict ‘flashpoint’; and 915,000 km², or 38.5 percent of the land area.
3. the southern timber industry development This figure was based on a broad definition of
opportunity. forests and woodlands as ‘any area of vegetation
dominated by trees of any size’. It also included
Deforestation – an overall and effectively an unknown amount of cleared land that was
permanent reduction in the extent of tree cover expected to have forest cover again ‘in the
– is the dominant environmental, social and foreseeable future’ [9.5].
economic issue affecting the forestry sector
in Sudan. The removal of trees has a range of An estimate by the forestry administration in the
very negative impacts, including increased land mid-1970s, however, established the total forest
and water resource degradation, and the loss of cover at some 584,360 km², or 24.6 percent of
livelihoods from forest ecosystem services. the country’s land area. More than 129,000 km²
(about one quarter) of this amount was located
The second important issue is the risk of renewed in the dry and semi-arid regions of northern
conflict over the exploitation of timber resources Sudan [9.9].
for charcoal in the north-south border regions.
Directly linked to this is the economic opportunity Given this nearly 50 percent difference in baseline
afforded by the forests of Southern Sudan and the depending on definition, it is difficult to make
challenge of developing a significant new industry a comprehensive quantitative comparison of
while at the same time avoiding deforestation. deforestation on the national scale since the
1970s, and UNEP has not attempted to do so
A further issue for the forestry sector is the management for this assessment. More exhaustive and rigorous
of invasive species, and specifically of mesquite information is available from 1990, when FAO
(Prosopis juliflora), which was discussed in the Forest Resources Assessments (FRAs) started to
previous chapter. It should be noted that the solutions cover Sudan in more detail. The latest assessment
to this problem are linked to improved management work, which was released in 2005, is set out in
of this resource rather than its elimination. Tables 14 to 16.

Table 14. Extent of forest and other wooded land in Sudan [9.6]
Extent of forest and other wooded land
Area (1,000 hectares)
FRA 2005 categories
1990 2000 2005
Forest 76,381 70,491 67,546
Other wooded land – 54,153 –
Forest and other wooded land 76,381 124,644 67,546
Other land 161,219 112,956 170,054
...of which with tree cover – – –
Total land area 237,600 237,600 237,600
Inland water bodies 12,981 12,981 12,981
Total area of country 250,581 250,581 250,581

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 203

Table 15. Characteristics of forests and other wooded land in Sudan [9.6]
Characteristics of forest and other wooded land
Area (1,000 hectares)
FRA 2005 categories Forest Other wooded land
1990 2000 2005 1990 2000 2005
Primary 15,276 14,098 13,509 – – –
Modified natural 53,467 49,344 47,282 – 54,153 –
Semi-natural 1,528 1,410 1,351 – – –
Productive plantation 5,347 4,934 4,728 – – –
Protective plantation 764 705 675 – – –
Total 76,381 70,491 67,546 – 54,153 –

Table 16. Growing stock in forests and other wooded land in Sudan [9.6]
Growing stock in forests and other wooded land
Volume (million m³ over bark)
FRA 2005 categories Forests Other wooded land
1990 2000 2005 1990 2000 2005
Growing stock in forests and
1,062 980 939 – – –
other wooded land
Commercial growing stock – – – – – –

It should be noted that the above table is the

result of various inventories and assessments
over time, and that the calculation of the
change rate is based on World Bank 1985
(reference year 1976) and Africover data
(reference year 2000). Due to different
classification systems, the change rate was
calculated on the combined area of forest
and other wooded land and allocated
proportionally to the two classes according
to the latest estimate (Africover 2000).

Though some agricultural land that

was abandoned due to the conflict has
regenerated naturally, the clear trend overall
has been for significant and consistent
deforestation across the country: according
to FAO, Sudan lost an average of 589,000
hectares (5,890 km²) of forest per year
between 1990 and 2000. This amounts
to an average annual deforestation rate of
0.77 percent. Between 2000 and 2005,
the rate of deforestation increased by 8.4
percent to 0.84 percent per annum. In
total, between 1990 and 2005, Sudan lost
11.6 percent of its forest cover, or around Balanites trees provide vital shade for livestock
8,835,000 hectares. in 40oC heat

204 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Measuring the rate of deforestation a number of different land uses. The rate of
at the district scale deforestation was estimated for each site, and is
set out in the table below. Note that ‘deforestation’
The ICRAF study included detailed remote here refers to calculated changes in percentage
sensing analysis of fourteen regions over time of land use from forested land forms to others,
periods of up to thirty-three years. Each study including from closed forests to more open
site covered an area of 2,500 km² and included wooded grasslands.

Table 17. Summary of deforestation rates in Sudan from 1973 to 2006

Study area and state Original and Annual linear Comments
final forest and deforestation rate
woodland cover + (period loss)
North, east and central Sudan
Ed Damazin, Blue Nile 7.5 to 0.1 from 3.6 % Wooded grassland replaced by rain-fed
1972 to 1999 (98.6 %) agriculture. Some regrowth of closed forest
(verification required).
El Obeid, Northern Kordofan 12.0 to 8.7 from 1.05 % Wooded grassland replaced by rain-fed
1973 to 1999 (27.5 %) agriculture. Shelter belts remain.
Shuwak, Kassala – – Non-measurable arid zone, now with both
irrigation and mesquite invasion.
New Halfa, Kassala – – Non-measurable arid zone, now with both
irrigation and mesquite invasion.
Sunjukaya, Southern Kordofan 29.2 to 8.4 from 2.37 % Wooded grassland replaced by traditional rain-fed
1972 to 2002 (71.2 %) agriculture. Some regrowth as scrubland.
Tokar delta, Red Sea state 15.8 to 26.8 from Mesquite + 2.4 % Reforestation. Non-precise arid zone with
1972 to 2001 (+ 170 %) mesquite invasion replacing agriculture.
North, east and central Sudan Natural forest only 2.37 % Complete deforestation is two-thirds complete
case study averages (65.7 %) by 2001. Predicted to be over 70 % by 2006.
Extrapolated near total loss within 30 years.
Including invasive 1.15 % Reforestation by invasive species is compensating
species (31.8 %) in total cover by 50 % but still a major net loss.
Jebel Marra, Western Darfur 50.7 to 35.8 from 1.04 % Closed forest changing to open forest land and
1973 to 2001 (29.4 %) burnt areas.
Timbisquo, Southern Darfur 72.0 to 51.0 from 1.33 % Closed forest and wooded grassland replaced by
1973 to 2005 (29.1 %) burnt areas and rain-fed agriculture.
Um Chelluta, Southern Darfur 23.8 to 16.1 from 1.20 % Closed forest replaced by burnt areas, pasture
1973 to 2000 (32.4 %) and rain-fed agriculture.
Darfur case study averages 1.19 % Rapid and consistent deforestation
(30.3 %) approximately one-third complete by 2006.
Southern Sudan
Aweil, Northern Bahr el Ghazal 11.9 to 7.2 from 1.38 % Closed forest changing to wooded grassland and
1972 to 2001 (39.4 %) pasture.
Wau, Western Bahr el Ghazal 76.5 to 51.8 from 1.00 % Closed and riverine forest and wooded grassland
1973 to 2005 (32.3 %) replaced by traditional rain-fed agriculture.
Renk, Upper Nile 6.5 to 0 >5% Wooded grassland and riverine forest replaced by
1973 to 2006 (100 %) degraded land.
Yambio, Western Equatoria 80.2 to 51.5 from 1.12 % Closed forest and wooded grassland replaced by
1973 to 2006 (35.8 %) traditional rain-fed agriculture.
Yei, Central Equatoria 29.8 to 19.3 from 1.53 % Closed forest and wooded grassland replaced by
1973 to 2006 (35.2 %) open forest and traditional rain-fed agriculture.
Southern Sudan case study averages >2% Rapid and consistent deforestation
(40 %) approximately 40 % complete by 2006.
Extrapolated near total loss within 50 years.
National average based on 30.4 to 26.9 from 0.76 % (11.5 %) Remote sensing work only.
FAO study 1990 to 2005
National average based Natural forest only > 1.87 % Rapid deforestation has resulted in the loss of
on UNEP case studies (48.2 %) the majority of forests in the north and the same
pattern is visible elsewhere in Sudan.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 205

Figure 9.2 Jebel Marra deforestation

06/01/1973 Arga Kungar Digiru 07/04/2006 Arga Kungar Digiru
Fergulli Musi Fergulli Musi
Nyama Nyama
Ummari Kalokitting Ummari Kalokitting
Bensi Bensi
Nabgay Nabgay
Dugu Dami Mora Dugu Dami Mora

Burusini Kaang kulliFiro Burusini Kaang kulliFiro

Dugo Dugo
Hashaba Hashaba

Dimlalali Diyeir Jimeza KTaringa Dimlalali Diyeir Jimeza KTaringa

Derlewa Tabofuto Derlewa Tabofuto

Yara Limo Yara Limo
Tergung Deleibiya Tergung Deleibiya

Farra Farra
Haraza Seegay Haraza Seegay
Sulli Dibis Erli Sulli Dibis Erli
Dungyoura Kidada Melibeda Dungyoura Kidada Melibeda
Bori Bori
Boroboro Boroboro
Mergum Mergum
Keiogirra Keiogirra
Kass Kass
Amar gedid Amar gedid
Jurokania Komda Jurokania Komda
Kalu Kolu kolu Kalu Kolu kolu
Mila Mila
Nillakoli Kalmo Um hajara Nillakoli Kalmo Um hajara
Nyerlei Nyerlei
ZaledaTerta Kunyumadil ZaledaTerta Kunyumadil
Abdabhya manga Abdabhya manga

Sarambanga Sarambanga
Garoula Boronga Oda Garoula Boronga Oda
Morotoga Daura Morotoga Daura
Mangoya Mangoya

Land types
Closed forest 0 5 10 15 20 25
Deforested areas This map shows land use changes that have occurred during
Burnt area the last 30 years in the main land use classes.
Bushland/shrubland; wooded grassland
Riverine vegetation
It is the result of a satellite image classification process combined
Built-up areas
with ground truth data collected during several field missions in
Datum: WGS 84.
River Classification was performed by ICRAF. Projection: UTM Zone 35N.

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

This time lapse satellite image of Jebel Marra shows a very destructive pattern of land use change. The closed
forest has been extensively degraded to burnt areas and open woodland, with a deforestation rate of 1.04 percent
per annum. This clearing has not been matched by an increase in agricultural areas. The only gain has been a
marginal increase in grazing land on the steep slopes

The summary in Table 17 is a gross simplification of the towns, where it is expected that the extent of
complex land use patterns and changes occurring at each deforestation could be less severe.
of the fourteen sites, but the overall trends are clear:
The substantial difference between UNEP and
1. Northern, eastern and central Sudan have FAO work is considered to reflect the difficulty in
already lost the great majority of their forest quantifying a system with extreme seasonal and
cover. The removal of remaining forests annual variations, as well as classification problems
is ongoing but has slowed, except in the due to blurred boundaries between land classes.
southern border regions, where removal of the Based on its fieldwork, UNEP considers its figures
last of the major forests is progressing rapidly. to be the best currently available, though they are
Reforestation of northern and eastern states probably an under-estimation given that most
by invasive species is locally significant. of the quantitative work is based on images one
2. Darfur has lost more that 30 percent of its to seven years old, and that all factors point to a
forests since Sudan’s independence and rapid gradual increase in deforestation rates over time.
deforestation is ongoing. In Figures 9.3a and 9.3b, time lapse satellite images
3. Southern Sudan has lost some of its forests of two sites in Southern Darfur show a similar
since Sudan’s independence and deforestation deforestation trend: the forest is being fragmented
is ongoing due to the total dependence on and removed in large areas, and replaced largely
fuelwood and charcoal as the main sources of by traditional slash-and-burn agriculture, which
energy. Deforestation is worst around major has also taken over rangelands. The annual
towns such as Malakal, Wau and Juba. The deforestation rates are calculated at 1.33 percent for
study did not include areas distant from major Timbisquo and 1.20 percent for Um Chelluta.

206 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 9.3a Southern Darfur deforestation – Timbisquo

DanduraDandora Dumba dumbaGemmeiza DanduraDandora Dumba dumbaGemmeiza
11/05/1973MerrihNari 23/11/2005MerrihNari
Tumko Tumko
Um hemedaUm laota Goza Bulbul dala angra Um hemedaUm laota Goza Bulbul dala angra
Am kuru Am kuru
HerezaErenda HerezaErenda
Sakali Sakali
Gandi Gandi

Talila Talila
Tono Tono
Dagrase Kalkaf Dagrase Kalkaf
Talila village1 Talila village1

Muhajryia Muhajryia
Mileibadah Mileibadah
Shuwayy Shuwayy

Bulbul timbisgo Bulbul timbisgo

Keikei Keikei

Kafandu Kafandu
Murr Murr

Um ganah Um ganah
Tartura Tartura

Land types Kilometres

Rain-fed agriculture 0 5 10 15 20 25

Closed forest
This map shows land use changes that have occurred during
Planted forest
the last 30 years in the main land use classes.
Flood plain/wetland
Riverine vegetation
Bushland/shrubland; grassland; wooded grassland
It is the result of a satellite image classification process combined
Burnt area
with ground truth data collected during several field missions in
Water 2006.
River Datum: WGS 84.
Road Classification was performed by ICRAF. Projection: UTM Zone 35N.

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Figure 9.3b Southern Darfur deforestation – Um Chelluta

11/05/1973 24/01/2000
Qusa ingammat Qusa ingammat
Aradeiba Anja Aradeiba Anja
Ideira Ideira
Tiwal Tiwal
Kileitita Shartein Kileitita Shartein
Abu umm bilal Abu umm bilal
Zawwam Ganeima Zawwam Ganeima
Hashaba Hashaba
Kum kalak Kum kalak
Gharra Gharra
Barbari Barbari

Gurun arus Aradeiba Gurun arus Aradeiba

Um sigum Um sigum
Anada Timsah Dibbub Anada Timsah Dibbub
Um zueifa Um zueifa
Lubana Lubana
Meshagga Meshagga
Um chelutta Tulus Um chelutta Tulus

Dikerbis Buram Dikerbis Buram

Tobreik Um dugulgulai Tobreik Um dugulgulai
Karkang At tabah Um sakeikini Karkang At tabah Um sakeikini

Umm Danga Umm Danga

Um dul Um dul

Khayr Wajih Khayr Wajih

Turmana Turmana

Land types
0 5 10 15 20 25
Closed forest
Bushland/shrubland; grassland This map shows land use changes that have occurred during
Flood plain/wetland the last 30 years in the main land use classes.
Rain-fed agriculture
It is the result of a satellite image classification process combined
Built-up areas
with ground truth data collected during several field missions in
Degraded areas
Datum: WGS 84.
Road Classification was performed by ICRAF. Projection: UTM Zone 35N.

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 207

Causes of deforestation Unsustainable rates of fuelwood

There are several underlying causes of deforestation;
these are cumulative in nature and vary considerably As noted in previous chapters, the unsustainable
from region to region: extraction of fuelwood is a major problem in
northern and central Sudan, as well as in refugee
• fuelwood and charcoal extraction; and displaced persons camps all over the country
mechanized agriculture; and particularly in Northern Darfur. The acacia

groves of the Sahel have been extensively harvested
• traditional rain-fed and shifting agriculture; for fuelwood, with a resulting rapid advance of
• drought and climate change;
• overbrowsing and fires; The supply of charcoal to northern cities is a major
business that is currently depleting the forests of
• direct conflict impacts; central, southern and western Sudan, particularly
• commercial lumber and export industry (not Southern Kordofan, the northern part of Upper
a major factor); and Nile state and eastern parts of Darfur.

• traditional construction (not a major factor According to the FNC, the charcoal and mechanized
and not discussed). agriculture interests work closely together, with

Figure 9.4 Wau deforestation

Nyin akok Acumcum Nyin akok Acumcum
12/01/1973 Atido Baremadit 19/02/2005 Atido Baremadit
Lojo Lojo
Chief majok m Chief majok m
Kwot Waderil Kwot Waderil
Kornuk Kornuk
War riei War riei
War-riet Ainyar War-riet Ainyar

Dud Dud
Akej Mulukiyah Akej Mulukiyah
Baratong Baratong
Alelychok Alelychok
Gorinti Gorinti
Kwit Kwit
Bakhit Al ali Bakhit Al ali
Ngur Ngur
Abu shakka Wau Abu shakka Wau
Nibong Nibong
Abu-shakka Abu-shakka
Yinga Yinga Wau
Lual anjok Lual anjok
Abungo Olein Abungo Olein
Ateim Ateim
Manga Oshalla Murjan ali Manga Oshalla Murjan ali
Bol Bol
Niloa Niloa
Misri Abang Misri Abang

Mowein Mowein

Oshang Oshang
Witia Bussera Ashor Witia Bussera Ashor
Uku Uku
Missia Kwol Chol kon Uku Missia Kwol Chol kon

Faraj allah Wad ali kwolBalla Faraj allah Wad ali kwolBalla
Kuchuk ali Kuchuk ali
Sheikh aliu Sheikh aliu

Ogali Ganna Ogali Ganna

Land types Kilometres

Closed forest 0 5 10 15 20 25
Flood plain/wetland
Grassland; wooded grassland
This map shows land use changes that have occurred during
Riverine vegetation
the last 30 years in the main land use classes.
Rain-fed agriculture
Burnt areas It is the result of a satellite image classification process combined
Built-up areas with ground truth data collected during several field missions in
Degraded areas; no data 2006.
Datum: WGS 84.
Classification was performed by ICRAF. Projection: UTM Zone 35N.

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

These time lapse satellite images of Wau district in Western Bahr el Ghazal show a complex pattern of
intensifying land use leading to deforestation at a rate of one percent per annum and extensive forest
fragmentation. Forests are replaced largely by expanding traditional slash-and-burn agriculture and new
rangelands. Bare degraded land has appeared in previously forested areas, indicating either overgrazing
or exhaustion from traditional cultivation

208 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

A brick kiln near Kadugli, Southern Kordofan. The remaining forests of Southern Kordofan
are being consumed by the fuelwood and charcoal industries

some cases of unsuitable land being ‘cleared’ for

agriculture in order to collect fuelwood. Together,
these two industries are considered to be the
primary cause of deforestation in central Sudan.

Expansion of mechanized agriculture

The expansion of mechanized agriculture in central
Sudan (see Chapter 8) has occurred at the direct
expense of forests. Large amounts of woodland have
been cleared in the development of mechanized
rain-fed farming in the eastern and central states,
as well as smaller amounts in Upper Nile and Before it was cleared for mechanized agriculture,
Southern Kordofan states. Legal requirements to this land in Blue Nile state consisted of low
avoid the development of agricultural schemes rainfall savannah and rangeland
in forest areas and to retain ten percent of forest
as shelter belts have been systematically ignored.
These forests were valuable chiefly as protection
against desertification, but also as a source of fuel
for pastoral people in those regions.

Intensification of traditional
rain-fed and shifting agriculture
When practised sustainably, traditional shifting
agriculture does not result in a net loss of forest
cover. However, the current unsustainable practices
induced by population growth are resulting in
major loss and fragmentation of forests. The Wau district, Western Bahr el Ghazal. When
ICRAF study shows that this is the main cause of shifting agriculture becomes unsustainable,
deforestation in Southern Sudan and Darfur. forest cover disappears permanently

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 209

Drought, climate change Pastoralist impacts: wildfires

and desertification and tree browsing
The repeated droughts of the 1970s and 1980s The annual burning practised by pastoralist societies
killed a large number of trees in the Sahel belt. to renew grass and suppress shrubs and tree seedlings
Many of these areas have not been recolonized by has a major impact on tree cover. Another issue
trees since, as drier conditions and increased land is the use of foliage for camel fodder, which is a
use pressure have reduced the potential for seed particular problem in areas like Southern Kordofan
distribution, germination and new growth. In and Northern Darfur, where camel herders have
regions such as Northern Darfur, the longer-term migrated into land occupied by cattle herders
drop in precipitation has shifted the northern limit and farmers. Some slow-growing species such
for several tree species a significant distance (50 to as mangrove forests in Red Sea state have been
200 km) to the south. devastated by camel browsing.

It is generally accepted that deforestation can Direct conflict impacts

promote desertification due to soil depletion,
erosion and sand encroachment. At the same The scorched earth tactics used by militias in Darfur
time, the development of hostile conditions have resulted directly in localized deforestation. At
causes gradual deforestation as trees die and are present, UNEP does not have any detail on the scale of
increasingly not replaced. this phenomenon, and can only note its existence.

A settlement in the semi-desert north of El Fasher, Northern Darfur. The combination of drought,
desertification, over-population and over-exploitation has drastically reduced forest cover in Northern Darfur

210 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Wildfire in Blue Nile state. Fires lit by pastoralists to promote grass growth destroy existing trees and
suppress sapling regrowth

Commercial lumber and export

In contrast to the situation in many countries, the
commercial finished timber industry has not been
a major factor in deforestation to date. Despite
the existence of large forest resources in the south,
Sudan actually imports finished timber, as poor
transportation links and a lack of infrastructure
have so far made commercial timber extraction

During the north-south conflict, both sides were

involved in the illicit extraction of hardwoods,
but the scale of extraction was limited by security,
access and transportation constraints. In Southern
Sudan, the main areas partially deforested due to this
commercial activity are in the vicinity of Wau, Yei, This open woodland adjacent to a burnt village
Nimule and south of Torit. This trade has effectively near El Geneina, Western Darfur, has been
stalled since the signing of the peace agreement. deliberately destroyed

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 211

The challenges of tackling The wide range of causative factors for deforestation
deforestation in Sudan in Sudan and the extent of regional variation
indicate that solutions will have to be area-specific
At the national level, current observed rates of even while addressing national-scale demands.
deforestation will reduce forest cover by over ten UNEP considers that the task of turning back
percent per decade. In some areas under extreme deforestation in Sudan is unfortunately too large
pressure, total loss has already taken place or is and too difficult to have a realistic chance of
expected within the next ten years. There is clearly success in all regions.
major cause for concern and an urgent need for
corrective action. Given the finite resources available to both
GONU and GOSS, the first priorities in tackling
deforestation should not be to launch large-scale
investments in tree-planting or similar ventures.
Despite obvious good intentions, there are
many examples of destroyed communal forests
and shelter belts in the northern states, where
deforestation rates have only increased over time.
Tree-planting on anything but a gigantic and
economically non-feasible scale is unlikely to
reverse this trend.

The recommended alternative approach is to

Inspection of a two-year old plantation in Um Haraza, analyse the situation in each region, start to resolve
Sennar state. Reforestation has been successful in the underlying political, social, legal and economic
central Sudan when the FNC and state officials have issues, and only then prioritize areas and issues
been given adequate resources and mandates where some degree of success is most likely.

Many areas on the northern edge of the Sahel belt in Sudan are too degraded and too dry for large-scale
reforestation to be feasible. Natural regeneration over time may be the only option

212 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

This timber bound for sale in Khartoum comes from 500 km south, near Renk in Upper Nile state

9.6 Potential conflict ‘flashpoint’ In essence, the benefits of the commercially-driven

over the charcoal industry in deforestation of the southern state of Upper Nile
are flowing north, while the negative impacts are
Southern Sudan felt in Upper Nile state. This situation provides
The unmanaged mining of forest resources by the another catalyst for local conflict in the sensitive
charcoal industry in the north-south boundary border zone.
zone is one of several issues that could – in a
worst-case but realistic scenario – constitute a 9.7 Development opportunities
potential trigger for renewed conflict at the local for the timber industry in
level (see Chapter 4).
Southern Sudan
At present, the charcoal industry in northern Southern Sudan’s considerable forest reserves are
Sudan obtains its wood mainly from Southern commercially valuable and could – if managed
Kordofan and riverine forests in Blue Nile and well – support a significant wealth-creating export
Upper Nile states. Current extraction rates industry on a sustainable basis. Existing teak
are completely unsustainable, and as a result, plantations alone could potentially generate up
the industry moves its operations gradually to USD 50 million per year in export revenue.
southwards each year. Mahogany reserves could be the source of substantial
hard currency as well. The sale of charcoal to the
UNEP predicts that within five to ten years, north is also a likely high-growth market.
the northern states of Sudan will only be able
to obtain sufficient supplies of charcoal from Yet these resources are currently being wasted and
Southern Sudan and Darfur, as all other major the opportunity lost. Reserves are shrinking due
reserves will have been exhausted. The extraction to a combination of slash-and-burn clearance for
of charcoal from Southern Sudan is currently agriculture, poor harvesting techniques and illegal
occurring outside any legal framework on logging. Meanwhile, a lack of governance discourages
resource- and benefit-sharing, and often without legitimate investors. The commercial timber industry
local agreement. needs to be radically reformed, as the trade is widely

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 213

The opportunity exists for Southern Sudan to extract much better value from each felled tree than is obtained at
present. Teak plantations alone could potentially generate up to USD 50 million per year in export revenue, but
the commercial timber industry is in need of reform to ensure that its practices are environmentally sustainable

perceived as badly managed in many parts of the European Commission and others have already
country. Official Southern Sudan Agricultural started to fund small-scale capacity-building
Revitalization Programme (SSARP) statistics show programmes, but more investment is required.
that some 8,000 m³ have been exported since 2000,
whereas other sources suggest that the figure is more
likely to be around 90,000 m³ [9.7]. 9.8 Forestry sector governance
Robust legislation in the north
The new GOSS Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry declared a temporary ban on timber Legislation on the use of forests was first
harvesting in January 2006 and intends to developed in the colonial period, with the Woods
introduce revised timber sales procedures to and Forests Ordinance of 1901, the Forests
reduce corruption and illegal logging, and enable Ordinance of 1908, and the Forest Conservation
the potential of Southern Sudan’s forest reserves to Rules of 1917, which designated most forests as
be realized. The current harvesting ban is unlikely government property and established extensive
to remain in place for long, however, as timber forest reserves.
is needed for the expanding local construction
industries. Foreign logging concessionaires that After independence, the authority of state and
exported teak in the past are also interested in local administrations to manage forests was
acquiring new concessions. confirmed, and the comprehensive Forest Act
of 1989 laid out a range of ownership categories
Economic drivers will ensure that an export and control measures. Controls over tree-cutting
timber industry of some sort will evolve rapidly outside reserves were tightened by the requirement
in Southern Sudan. What is at stake is the of permits. In addition, investors in agricultural
environmental sustainability of this industry, schemes were obliged to conserve no less than ten
and how much benefit flows through to local percent of the total area of rain-fed projects and no
populations. Political will and rapid action from less than five percent of the total area of irrigated
GOSS, as well as support from the international projects to serve as shelter belts and windbreaks.
community, are urgently needed. USAID, the Investors were also obliged to convert cleared trees

214 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

into forest products. To manage forestry resources and judicial support at the local level. Well-
according to the Forest Act of 1989, the Forests connected elements of the charcoal industry and
National Corporation (FNC) was established as a the mechanized agriculture schemes appeared to
semi-autonomous self-financing body in the same be able to bypass the FNC and evade sanctions
year. Forestry legislation was again strengthened for obvious major violations. Minor violations are
and significantly modernized by the Forests and endemic and almost impossible to police.
Renewable Resources Act of 2002.
In consultations, the FNC leadership stated that
Following the signing of the CPA and the political support at the federal level was good, but
adoption of the Interim Constitution in 2005, called explicitly for the enforcement of existing
the responsibility for the management of forestry legislation and for sound management practices to
resources in the south was explicitly assigned to be translated to the state level. This gap between
the new Government of Southern Sudan. top level support and conditions on the ground
indicates that the challenge will be to transform
Northern and central Sudan political will into practical action.
enforcement issues
The FNC is in many respects a model organization
Northern governance issues relating to forests are for natural resource management in Sudan as
simple at core: the legislation and structures are it is self-managed, technically very competent
appropriate but enforcement and government and has a strong field presence. Its effectiveness,
investment is generally weak. however, is crippled by a lack of support at the
ground level. UNEP therefore considers that
Throughout its time working with FNC officials resolving the forestry governance issues for most of
in northern and central Sudan, the UNEP northern Sudan will be relatively straightforward,
team witnessed extensive good work by the as only political will (at all levels) and appropriate
organization, but also a complete inability to investments are required. Other success factors are
enforce forestry laws due to a lack of resources already largely in place.

Illegal charcoal production is a major cause of deforestation in Southern Kordofan

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 215

Darfur governance vacuum Background to the recommendations

Though the FNC is present and GONU legislation In simple terms, the solution to the deforestation
remains valid, the current situation in Darfur has of Sudan is to slow deforestation rates and
led to an effective governance vacuum, with all of increase replacement. In practice, however, this
the associated negative implications. is anticipated to be very difficult to achieve,
particularly in regions that are still in conflict
Southern Sudan’s current vulnerability or under extreme stress due to water shortages.
As stated earlier, the recommended approach is
The situation in Southern Sudan is completely to analyse the situation in each region, start to
different from the rest of the country. Since 2005, resolve the underlying political, social, legal and
the management of forests in the south falls to economic issues, and prioritize areas and issues
the GOSS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. where some degree of success is possible.
The Ministry is very new and weak, and there are
virtually no laws, detailed policies, or operational In Southern Sudan, it is likely that the timber
plans governing the forest resources of Southern industry will become a self-sustaining major tax
Sudan. and foreign exchange earner for GOSS. Industry
and governance development work should
No management activities are currently being therefore be regarded as an investment to jump-
conducted due to a lack of qualified forest start an important industry. The focus should
managers. The Department of Forestry, in be on infrastructure, environmental and social
collaboration with the Kagelu Forestry Training sustainability, and governance.
Centre, is attempting to bridge this gap by
offering refresher courses to forestry staff in Recommendations for the
the fields of silviculture, inventory and forest Government of National Unity
management, but it is expected that it will be
R9.1 Undertake an awareness-raising pro-
some time before best forest practices are applied
gramme at the political level. The delivery of
in the south. The forestry resources of Southern the latest facts and consequences of deforestation
Sudan are thus presently extremely vulnerable to in Sudan to its leadership is a high priority. This
illicit exploitation. will entail some further technical work to cover
other parts of the north.
9.9 Conclusions and
recommendations 0.2M; DU: 1 year
Conclusion R9.2 Invest in and politically support the Forests
Sudan is in the midst of a genuine deforestation National Corporation. At present, this otherwise
crisis. Most of the resources in northern, eastern very capable institution cannot fulfill its mandate due
and central Sudan have already been lost and the to a lack of political support and funding.
remainder is being depleted at a rapid pace. The CA: GI; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 5M; DU:
large-scale timber resources of Southern Sudan are 3 years
also disappearing quickly, and are generally being
wasted as trees are burnt to clear land for crop- R9.3 Introduce the concept and practice of
planting and to promote the growth of grass. modern dryland agroforestry techniques. This
would entail a combination of awareness-raising,
The sustainable use of the remaining timber technical assistance and capacity-building, and
resources in Southern Sudan represents a major practical action through demonstration projects
development opportunity for the region, and in several states.
requires both encouragement and the urgent
development of governance to avoid potential CA: TA; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 2M; DU
over-exploitation. 5 years

216 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

R9.4 Develop a new national management deforestation rates. This work could be combined
plan and guidelines for mesquite and update with capacity-building.
the Presidential Decree to fit. This would
entail a range of activities including assessment, CA: AS; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 0.5M; DU:
cost-benefit analysis, governance and capacity- 1 year
R9.10 Regularize, reform and control the
CA: GROL; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 0.4M; charcoal trade in Southern Sudan, with a
DU: 1 year focus on Upper Nile and Central Equatoria
states. The multiple objectives include conflict
R9.5 Develop and implement a plan to resolve risk reduction, resource management, control
the Darfur camp fuelwood energy crisis. of corruption and the generation of tax revenue.
There are numerous options available and many
piecemeal studies have been conducted, so any CA: GROL; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 0.4M;
major programme should be preceded by a rapid DU: 2 years
options analysis and feasibility assessment. Major
investment is needed to address this large-scale R9.11 Introduce the concept and practice of
problem. modern agroforestry techniques. This would
entail a combination of awareness-raising,
CA: PA; PB: UNHCR; UNP: UNEP; CE: 3M; technical assistance, capacity-building and
DU: 3 years practical action through demonstration projects
in several states.
Recommendations for the
Government of Southern Sudan 5 years
R9.6 Undertake an awareness-raising pro-
gramme at the political level. The delivery of R9.12 Introduce the concept of forest product
the latest facts and consequences of deforestation certification for timber export from Southern
in Southern Sudan to its leadership is a high Sudan. This would entail a sustained development
priority. process to set up and embed the system into
0.1M; DU: 1 year CA: GROL; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 0.3M;
DU: 2 years
R9.7 Undertake capacity-building for
the forestry sector. A large-scale multi-year Recommendations for the
programme is required. international community

CA: CB; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 4M; DU: R9.13 Introduce the concept and practical aspects
3 years of carbon sequestration to Sudan and attempt
to integrate this into the forestry sector in the
R9.8 Develop legislation for the forestry sector. north and south. First and foremost, this would
This work needs to progress from first principles, entail research to attempt to match commercial
as soon as possible. opportunities with potential carbon sinks. Suitable
opportunities would then require development,
CA: GROL; PB: MAF; UNP: FAO; CE: 0.5M; support and oversight for a number of years before
DU: 2 years becoming commercially self-sustaining.

R9.9 Complete a forestry inventory for the ten CA: GROL; PB: GONU and GOSS MAF; UNP:
southern states and set up systems to monitor UNEP; CE: 0.3M; DU: 2 years

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 217

With almost two-thirds of the Nile basin

found within its borders, Sudan enjoys
a substantial freshwater resource base.
At the same time, 80 percent of the
country’s total annual water resources are
provided by rivers with catchments in other
countries. This leaves Sudan vulnerable to
externally induced changes in water flows.

hardship in the drier regions, as well as a driving

Freshwater resources force for resource-based conflict in the country.

10.1 Introduction and The unfinished Jonglei canal project in Southern

assessment activities Sudan played an important role in triggering
the resumption of the north-south civil war.
Introduction More recently, large-scale projects such as the
Merowe dam have been strongly contested by
In a country that is half desert or semi-desert, local communities, and in the arid regions of
the issue of freshwater availability is critical. At Darfur, the current conflict also stems partly
present, much of Sudan’s population suffers from from issues of access to and use of water. The
a shortage of both clean water for drinking, and equitable use of water resources and the sharing
reliable water for agriculture. These shortages of benefits are therefore considered key for the
are a result of natural conditions as well as development of the country and the avoidance
underdevelopment. Development in this sector of further conflict.
is surging ahead, however, and there is now
an urgent need to ensure that this growth is In addition, there are several long-standing as
environmentally sustainable. well as emerging issues facing Sudan’s water
sector, including the challenges of providing
Sudan has a substantial freshwater resource potable water and sanitation services to a growing
base (from now on referred to simply as water population, waterborne diseases, water pollution,
resources). Indeed, almost two-thirds of the aquatic weed infestations, the degradation of
Nile basin is found within its borders and its watersheds and freshwater ecosystems, and the
groundwater reserves are considerable. Yet there is construction of dams, which is expected to be the
a very broad disparity in water availability at the dominant factor that will fundamentally alter the
regional level, as well as wide fluctuations between environmental integrity of the country’s rivers and
and within years. These imbalances are a source of wetlands over the next twenty-five years.

Wetlands throughout Sudan face a wide range of threats, including dam construction, upstream
catchment degradation and oil exploration

220 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Assessment activities resources fall dramatically, in severe cases down

to 15 percent of the annual average.
The study of freshwater resource issues in Sudan was
an integral part of the general assessment, as water
The main basins
is a cross-cutting subject for virtually all sectors.
UNEP teams visited dams, rivers, khors (seasonal At the watershed level (the basic unit for integrated
watercourses), canals, hafirs (traditional small water water resources management), Sudan comprises
reservoirs), wells and irrigation schemes in twenty- seven main basins:
two states. Important sites visited include:
• the Nile basin (1,926,280 km2 or 77 percent
• the main Nile north of Khartoum through to of the country’s surface area);
• the White Nile from Juba to Bor and at • the Northern Interior basins, in north-west
Malakal, Kosti and Khartoum; Sudan (352,597 km2 or 14.1 percent);

• the Blue Nile throughout Gezira, Sennar and • Lake Chad basin, in western Sudan
Khartoum states; (90,109 km2 or 3.6 percent);
• the Gash river at Kassala; • the Northeast Coast basins, along the Red Sea
• the Atbara river at Atbara; coast (83,840 km2 or 3.3 percent);
• the unfinished Jonglei canal in Jonglei state; • Lake Turkana basin, in south-eastern Sudan
major dams in central Sudan: Jebel Aulia on (14,955 km2 or 0.6 percent);

the White Nile, the Sennar and Roseires dams
on the Blue Nile, and the Khashm el Girba
• the Baraka basin, in north-eastern Sudan
(24,141 km2 or 1 percent); and
on the Atbara; and
• hafirs in Darfur, Khartoum state, Northern • the Gash basin, a closed basin in north-eastern
Kordofan and Kassala state. Sudan (8,825 km2 or 0.4 percent).

UNEP was not granted access to the Merowe dam but

was able to assess the area downstream of the site. Table 18. Summary data for Sudan
water balance [10.1]
Statistic and measurement Data /estimate
10.2 Overview of the freshwater period or report date
resources of Sudan Water balance (1977 - 2001)
Internal sources – rain and 30 km³ per year
A large but highly variable resource groundwater recharge
River inflows from other 119 km³ per year
Sudan’s total natural renewable water resources are countries
estimated to be 149 km3/year, of which 80 percent Total 149 km³ per year
flows over the borders from upstream countries, Water currently available
and only 20 percent is produced internally for sustainable use (1999)
from rainfall [10.1]. This reliance on externally Sudan share of Nile water 20.5 km³ per year
generated surface waters is a key feature of Sudan’s under 1959 Sudan-Egypt treaty
water resources and is of critical importance for Non-Nile streams 5.5 km³ per year
development projects and ecosystems alike, as Renewable groundwater 4 km³ per year
flows are both highly variable on an annual basis Total 30 km³ per year
and subject to long-term regional trends due to Nile treaty targets for
environmental and climate change. swamp reclamation (1959)
Proposed total additional from 18 km³ per year
As detailed in Chapter 3, the share of water swamp reclamation projects
generated from rainfall is erratic and prone Sudan share from proposed 9 km³ per year
to drought spells. In dry years, internal water projects

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 221

Figure 10.1 Sudan hydrological basins






N i le
At b




15o ZIRA



B lu




Bar e l’A W




Lol So
B A HR ba






Nil ert

O F T25Ho E C O N G O 30o U GA N D A K35o E N Y A


The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Nile Basin
Lake Chad Basin
Northern Interior Basin 0 100 200 300 400 500
Northeast Coast Basins Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
Baraka Basin Sources:
SIM (Sudan Interagency Mapping); FAO; vmaplv0, NIMA;
Gash Basin hydro1k, USGS; UN Cartographic Section; various maps
and atlases.
Lake Turkana Basin UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006

222 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The dominance of the Nile basin is evident in the and other Blue Nile mayas, the Machar marshes,
fact that nearly 80 percent of Sudan lies within it, Lake Abiad and the coastal mangroves. In addition,
and that conversely, 64 percent of the Nile basin there are a large number of smaller and seasonal
lies within Sudan. With the exception of the Bahr wetlands that host livestock in the dry season and
el Ghazal sub-basin, all of Sudan’s drainage basins are important for migrating birds.
– including the main Nile sub-basins – are shared
with neighbouring countries. Nile waters, as well The rivers and wetlands of Sudan support
as those of the seasonal Gash and Baraka rivers, significant inland fisheries, which are exploited
mainly originate in the Ethiopian highlands and for sustenance as well as on a commercial basis.
the Great Equatorial Lakes plateau [10.1]. Fisheries development is generally limited and is
unbalanced, as most of the resources are in the
The Lake Chad and Bahr el Ghazal basins are the only wetlands of Southern Sudan, while most of the
ones to receive important contributions from rainfall fishing is practised in the more limited waters of
inside Sudan. These hydrological characteristics central and northern Sudan.
underline the importance of international cooperation
for the development and sustainable management of Sudan also possesses significant groundwater
Sudan’s water resources. resources. Indeed, one of the world’s largest
aquifers – the deep Nubian Sandstone Aquifer
Wetlands, fisheries and groundwater System – underlies the north-western part of the
country, while the Umm Rawaba system extends
Sudan boasts a significant number of diverse over large areas of central and south Sudan,
and relatively pristine wetlands that support a and has a moderate to high recharge potential.
wide range of plants and animals and provide In Western Darfur and south-western Sudan,
extensive ecosystem services to local populations. groundwater resources are generally limited but
The principle wetlands are the Sudd – which is a locally significant, due to the basement complex
source of livelihood for hundreds of thousands of geology. In the coastal zone, finally, the limited
pastoralists and fishermen – Bahr el Ghazal, Dinder groundwater is brackish to saline.

Sudan’s wetlands support fisheries, which in turn support communities. Fish caught from a seasonal
lake by the While Nile dries on the roof prior to being packed for local markets

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 223

Papyrus mat weaving is one of the main sources of livelihood for displaced persons and
impoverished communities along the banks of the White Nile

Water consumption Other issues:

Sudan consumes an estimated 37 km3 of water • traditional dams;
per year, of which 96.7 percent are used by the • wetland conservation;
agricultural sector. Withdrawals by the domestic • invasive plant species;
and industrial sectors amount to 2.6 and 0.7 percent • water pollution;
respectively [10.1]. Water consumption is mainly
reliant on surface waters, but groundwater extraction • groundwater exploitation;
is rapidly growing. At present, groundwater is chiefly • transboundary issues and regional issues; and
used for domestic purposes and small-scale irrigation • freshwater fisheries.
in the Nile flood plain and its upper terraces, as well
as in the wadis.
10.4 Large dams and water
management schemes
10.3 Environmental impacts and
issues of the water sector Existing large dams: performance
problems and major downstream
The single most critical issue related to water
resources in Sudan today is the new and planned impacts
large dams and related development schemes. A The situation with existing dams in Sudan can be used
number of other issues were also noted in the as a benchmark to help evaluate the balance of benefits
course of the assessment. and disadvantages of the country’s proposed future
dams (next section). UNEP visited all of Sudan’s
Large dams and water management existing large dams: Jebel Aulia on the White Nile,
schemes: the Sennar and Roseires dams on the Blue Nile, and
• impacts and issues of existing large dams; the Khashm el Girba dam on the Atbara river.
• the Merowe dam; For Sudan, the development benefits of large dams
• the Jonglei canal; and are very clear: they provide the majority of the
• planned large dams and schemes. electricity in the country and support large-scale

224 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

irrigation projects. As such, they can be considered

a cornerstone of development for the country.

However, like most major water and infrastructure

projects, large dams also have a range of negative
effects, including environmental impacts. All of
the dams visited by UNEP were found to have
both performance problems and visible, though
variable, negative impacts on the environment.
Much of the issues noted are irreversible and possibly
unavoidable. Nonetheless, they provide important
lessons that can help minimize impacts of future dam
projects through improved design and planning.

UNEP’s inspection of existing dams highlighted

two principal environmental issues: Islands and seasonal grasses are visible in the
Sennar dam reservoir, which is now 60 percent
• performance problems caused in part by full of sediment
upstream land degradation; and

• downstream impacts due to water diversion

and changes in flow regime.

Loss of active dam storage

by sediment deposition
UNEP considers the performance problems of
existing large dams to be cases of environment
impacting infrastructure, rather than the reverse.
With the exception of the Jebel Aulia dam, all of
the reservoirs of Sudan’s existing dams are severely
affected by sediment deposition. It is estimated
that 60 percent of Roseires’s storage capacity, 54
percent of Khashm el Girba’s, and 34 percent
of Sennar’s have been lost to siltation [10.3]. At the Roseires dam reservoir, a dredger is con-
The construction of the Roseires dam upstream tinuously used to remove sediment from the electric
of Sennar in 1966 significantly decreased the turbine water inlets. Soil washed from the Ethiopian
sedimentation problem in the latter. highlands is the main source of the sediment

Table 19. Existing large dams in Sudan [10.2, 10.3]

Name Location Year of Purpose Capacity (109 m3) Capacity
commissioning Design Present loss
Sennar Blue Nile 1925 Irrigation, flood 0.93 0.37 60 %
Jebel Aulia White Nile 1937 Hydropower 3.00 3.00 0
Khashm el Atbara river 1964 Irrigation, 1.30 0.60 54 %
Girba flood control
Roseires Blue Nile 1966 Flood control, 3.35 2.20 34 %
Total Sudan storage capacity 8.58 6.17 28 %
Percentage of Sudan’s storage capacity of its share 46 % 33 % 13 %

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 225

At Roseires, which currently accounts for 75 substantial revegetation of the watershed and
percent of Sudan’s electricity production, sediments other major works. At present, dam operators are
have reached the power intakes, affecting turbine forced to attempt to address only the symptoms
operation and undermining electricity production. of this problem.
Though a proposal exists to raise reservoir storage
capacity by increasing dam walls by ten metres, Degradation of downstream
it is unlikely to be a sustainable solution in the ecosystems
long term.
Sudan’s existing large dams have resulted in a
Sediment accumulation is even more severe in the major degradation of downstream habitats. The
Khashm el Girba reservoir. Flushing is carried out three impacts of most concern are reduced annual
during the flood peak, but this leads to massive fish flow, removal of annual flood peaks and increased
kills downstream and the reservoir lake is virtually riverbank erosion. These impacts are associated
fishless as a result. Reservoirs in seasonal wadis with major dam projects worldwide and are not
are similarly affected: a significant portion of the unique to Sudan.
El Rahad reservoir capacity in khor Abu Habil in
Northern Kordofan, for instance, has been lost due In simplistic terms, the removal of water and
to high sediment loads. The same is true for the sediment (which silts up the dam reservoirs
many small check-dams in the Nuba mountains. instead) has resulted in the partial destruction
of downstream ecosystems. Both maya wetlands
The root cause of the dams’ performance problems (swamps dominated by Acacia nilotica) on the
is linked to upstream land degradation. The high Blue Nile, and Dom palm (Hyphaene thebaica,
rate of sedimentation in the Blue Nile and Atbara an endangered species in Sudan) forests along the
rivers is partly natural, and partly the end result of Atbara river, have been adversely impacted by the
land degradation and soil erosion in the drainage construction of dams, which suppress the flood
basins of both Sudan and Ethiopia. Addressing pulses that nourish these economically valuable
the cause of the sedimentation would therefore ecosystems. The large-scale disappearance of
require a regional-level undertaking involving the Dom palm forests in the lower Atbara is at

Prior to the construction of the Khashm el Girba dam, riparian communities relied on water pools
of the Atbara river during the dry season. Annual flushing of the dam has sealed many of these
ponds with sediment, leaving communities and livestock thirsty

226 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

need to limit ongoing impacts to downstream

ecosystems and communities.

There is no doubt that the dams have had a

major positive impact on the development of the
country and that significant benefits have flowed
to the recipients of the diverted waters (the large
irrigation schemes). What is unclear is the overall
environmental and economic balance of such
projects, as the losses to downstream communities
and ecosystems have not been fully accounted for.
Given the cost of the dams and the observed rate of
sedimentation, the economics of future dam projects
in this region should be carefully examined.

The Merowe dam

The Merowe dam – which is currently the largest
new dam project in Africa – was in the late stages
of construction at the time of the UNEP survey.
Environmental impacts (outside of construction)
Old plans to construct a dam at the Nile’s Third had therefore yet to occur, but there was no
Cataract, near Kerma, have recently been resu- opportunity to further influence the design, for
scitated as part of Sudan’s major dam development environmental or other reasons.
programme. Environmental impact assessments
and public participation need to be strengthened to The Merowe dam project followed the same
ensure that environmental sustainability and social pattern as older dams in Sudan. The dam is set
equity are fully integrated into dam building to bring massive benefits to the country through
electricity generation, but the displacement of
least partly attributable to the construction of upstream communities in the dam reservoir zone
the Khashm el Girba dam. On the Blue Nile, has led to unrest and local conflict. What has not
infrequent flooding of the maya systems has led occurred is a full and transparent environmental,
to a change in species composition; in some cases economic and social impact assessment, to weigh
their survival has been threatened by hydrologic the positive and negative features of the project,
disconnectivity from the main river [10.4, 10.5]. and attempt to maximize the positives while
mitigating the negatives.
Downstream of its juncture with the Blue Nile
and the Atbara river, the main Nile is threatened UNEP has completed a very preliminary appraisal
by serious riverbank erosion, a phenomenon of the potential environmental impact of the dam,
known locally as haddam. Dams on the Blue using the limited documentation available, field
Nile and Atbara rivers have significantly altered visits to the areas downstream of the dam, and
daily and seasonal flows, both in terms of water the background information provided by visits
and sediment flows and in terms of velocity and to existing large dams, agricultural schemes and
current direction. Riverbank erosion is discussed desert regions in Sudan in 2006 [10.6, 10.7,
in more detail in Chapter 3. 10.8, 10.9] (see Case Study 10.1). This analysis
shows that the impacts on the downstream
communities and ecosystems may be severe and
A lack of environmental impact
that further assessment is needed as the first step
assessment and mitigation towards mitigating these impacts. Secondly, the
No environmental impact assessments were carried envisioned plans for the new irrigation schemes
out for the existing large dams in Sudan and their should be reviewed based on the experiences of
current operation is clearly not influenced by the existing dams and schemes in Sudan.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 227

CS 10.1 UNEP appraisal of the environmental impact of the Merowe dam

The Merowe dam, which is set to double the electricity production of Sudan [10.6], will undoubtedly contribute massively to
the development of the country and provide a host of benefits. It is the first large dam project in the country to include any
form of environmental impact assessment (EIA). It also features an organized resettlement plan for affected downstream

However, like all new large dams worldwide, the Merowe project is surrounded by controversy related to its projected and
actual social, environmental and economic impacts. UNEP, focusing on the environmental aspects only, has conducted an
appraisal of the Merowe EIA process, associated documents and the actual environmental issues. The findings indicate
several areas of concern.

The Merowe dam is the most upstream major development on the main Nile and is currently the largest dam development
in Africa after the Aswan dam in Egypt. Reservoir impoundment will lead to the loss of 200 km of riverine farmland and
habitat [10.7], permanently and radically changing the downstream ecosystem of a region that supports hundreds of
thousands of people. A major new irrigation scheme is also planned.

The Merowe dam EIA license was only issued in 2005, over two years after work on the project physically started in early
2003. The EIA document was developed by a foreign consultancy working primarily on the dam design process, and had
little connection to the potentially impacted communities. The report is apparently now publicly available from the Ministry
but has not been disseminated, and no public hearings have been held concerning its findings.

Properly undertaken, an EIA process can provide a credible framework for the affected people to communicate their
concerns and gain the trust of the project’s proponents. In this case, however, the delays and closed approach undermined
the entire process in terms of impact analysis and mitigation, and public buy-in.

UNEP’s technical analysis and reconnaissance fieldwork downstream of the dam site indicated several significant impacts
that were not addressed in the EIA:

• Silt loss for flood recession agriculture and dam sedimentation: The dam will collect the fertile silt that kept
the downstream riverine agricultural systems (gerf land) viable. This issue alone places the downstream communities
at major risk. As other existing large dams, the Merowe dam is likely to be affected by high rates of sedimentation.
During consultation, Ministry officials indicated that a sediment flushing routine is planned during operations, but the
details and impacts of this are unclear.

• Riverbank erosion: The dam’s power plant is scheduled to operate at full capacity during four hours per day releasing
3,000 m3/s; during the remaining time, only two of the ten turbines will run, generating 600 m3/s [10.6]. The concentration
of discharge over a short time period and the resulting strong four to five metre daily fluctuations in water levels will
almost inevitably have major detrimental effects on the riverbanks and adjacent agricultural schemes.

• Reduced river valley groundwater recharge: The Nile is typically full for five to six months of the year, but the
dam’s construction will lower the base flow considerably, which is likely to disrupt groundwater refilling over a great
distance downstream of the dam. This could have significant consequences for the expanding cultivation of the upper
terraces, which relies increasingly on small tube wells (mataras) for year-round irrigation.

• Questionable net gain on food production: In combination, the above effects may seal the fate of much of the
downstream farmland. While the dam project does include a planned new irrigation scheme, assessments of existing
schemes in Sudan indicate that they commonly perform well below design expectations (see Chapter 8). In the case of
Merowe, the proposed new irrigation areas are low fertility desert soils in a hyper arid and extremely hot environment.
The overall net gain in terms of food production should be re-examined closely based on prior dam performance and
projected downstream economic losses.

• Blocking of fish migrations and the impact on locally endangered species like the Nile crocodile. These issues
were not addressed in the EIA.

None of the downstream scheme managers and farmers interviewed by UNEP had been presented with the findings of
the dam’s EIA report. Neither were they aware of any studies to assess the dam’s impact on bank erosion, or consulted
about its potential implications, despite the fact that they reportedly made repeated requests to the dam authorities
for clarification on this issue. Ministry officials have indicated that a consultation process for downstream communities
is planned.

The dam is now built and filling up. It is therefore too late to make any changes to its core design. What is possible and
indeed needed, however, is an urgent follow-up impact analysis aimed at assessing what can be done to minimize the
negatives and accentuate the positive impacts of this mega-project. Key areas to address include the planned flow regime
and the irrigation scheme plans.

228 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 10.2 Merowe dam

Dam wall construction observed with QuickBird satellite
in March 2006

w ind


0 1 2 3 4

Nile Third Cataract Desert

Nile Fourth Cataract

Bayuda Volcanic Field

Unesco World
Heritage Site of
Gebel Barkal

El Multaga
resettlement area

Projected reservoir extent
Small villages

Settlements: NIMA GNS.
Reservoir: Lahmeyer International. Kilometres
Low Resolution Image: Modis 2001.
High Resolution Image: Google Earth. 0 20 40 60 80 100
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 229

The main channel excavator is composed of several self-propelled sections. Once the largest
of its type in the world, it now lies in a derelict state in the canal bed

CS 10.2 The Jonglei canal

Launched in 1980, the construction of the Jonglei canal was interrupted by the outbreak of conflict in Southern Sudan
in 1983. Though the economic motivations for the project still exist for some parties, a combination of political issues,
economics and environmental concerns make the resumption of construction unlikely.
The idea of using a canal to bypass the Sudd wetlands was first conceived in the early 1900s by Egyptian and British
authorities. The White Nile loses up to 50 percent of its annual flow through evaporation and evapotranspiration as it
winds through the Sudd. A canal could potentially capture this water for downstream users, as well as partially drain the
wetlands for agriculture [10.10, 10.11].
The project in its modern form was developed during the 1970s. The project team included multinational contractors and
financiers, and had the strong support of the Khartoum government, as well as of Egypt and France. In contrast, there
was little knowledge and even less acceptance of the project by local stakeholders, who were principally transhumant
pastoralists and a minority population of subsistence farmers and fishermen. It is likely that the project would have resulted
in a net negative impact for local communities, due to the loss of toic grazing land and fishing sites.
Of the canal’s planned 360 km, approximately 260 km were excavated before southern Sudanese rebel military forces
sabotaged the main excavator in 1983, rendering the construction too dangerous to continue. The canal excavator now
lies in a derelict and corroded condition, and is probably irreparable. The canal itself does not connect to any major water
bodies or watercourses, and acts only as a giant ditch and embankment superimposed on a very flat seasonally flooded
plain. It is approximately eighty metres across and up to eight metres deep, including a four-metre embankment.
The canal channel has gradually filled due to erosion and lack of maintenance, reducing the angle of its slopes to a maximum
of 35 degrees. It has been extensively reclaimed by vegetation, with sparse to dense woodland and scrub found along
both sides. In addition, the central channel is seasonally flooded to a depth of one to two metres and supports a significant
fish population and an evolving ecosystem.
The canal bank is now being used as the route for the new Juba-Malakal road, which is expected to have significant direct
and indirect impacts on the environment of the canal.
The canal course cuts across the migration pathways of the white-eared kob (Kobus kob leucotis) and the tiang (Damaliscus
lunatus tiang) [10.12, 10.13], and was noted to be a partial barrier to migration in the 1980s, causing concentration at
preferred crossing points and increasing losses due to falls, predators, poaching and drowning. In its current condition,
however, the canal is not considered to represent a significant physical barrier to larger wildlife, except in the wet season
when swimming is required to cross some sections. In order to fully remove the migration barrier and avoid any inadvertent
hydraulic connection to the Nile, the canal would need to be partially filled in to form land bridges at a number of points.
In its original design, the canal project would have had major negative environmental impacts on the Sudd wetlands [10.14]. The
viability of the project is questionable on these grounds alone, irrespective of the numerous social, political and economic issues
attached to any potential resumption of the construction. However, the principal lesson learnt from the Jonglei canal is that major
ventures lacking local support are at risk, and that achieving such support requires both broad consultation and benefit-sharing.

230 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The Jonglei canal

The Jonglei canal project – an unfinished project to
build a canal to bypass the Sudd wetlands and capture
the water for downstream users – was closely linked
to the resumption of north-south conflict in 1983
and had strong international ties. As it was never
completed, its anticipated major environmental
impacts never came to pass. However, lessons learnt
from this project (see Case Study 10.2) should be
applied to both existing efforts in peacebuilding
between north and south, and to future development
plans for the Nile, as promoted by a range of local,
regional and international interests.

Massive dam development in the

planning stages
As of late 2006, the Government of National Unity
is on the verge of launching a new and ambitious
dams building programme (in addition to the
Merowe dam). The importance conferred on dams
is reflected in the September 2005 decision by
Presidential Decree No. 217 to place the Dams
Implementation Unit (formerly known as the
Merowe Dam Project Implementation Unit) under As the unfinished Jonglei canal is not connected
the President’s Office. More than two dozen dam to any major watercourse or water body, it is
feasibility studies are planned or currently underway. currently a 260 km-long ditch. The channel has
In Southern Sudan, an important hydropower been eroded and revegetated, and is seasonally
programme is envisioned on the White Nile. flooded, supporting a new ecosystem

The unfinished Juba-Malakal trunk road project includes a 250 km stretch to be built on the west bank of the
Jonglei canal. Approximately 100 km had been built by mid-2006, opening this remote area up for development

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 231

Figure 10.3 Nile sub-basins, dams and hydroelectric schemes



Kajbar Dam

Dal (planned)


Merowe Dam
(under construction) Dagash



S U D A N At b

N il e
C HA D 3

Ba r a k a

Jebel El-Aulia Dam

Khashm El-Girba
Sennar Dam Dam
B lu
N ile
Roseires Dam
Roseires 4



Bar e l’A W
8 7


Lol S ob


S ue


5o Juba
Bedden Kinyeti
Kaia 1 to 4


Nil ert

Fula Shukoli
O F T25 H E C O N G O K35 E N Y A

o o
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Nile Sub-Basins Potential Hydroelectric Sites 0 100 200 300 400 500
Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
1 Lower Nile 6 Sobat Major hydroelectric site
2 Atbara 7 White Nile Minor hydroelectric site
3 Nile 8 Bar el Ghazal SIM (Sudan Interagency Mapping); FAO; vmaplv0, NIMA; hydro1k, USGS;
4 Blue Nile 9 Upper White Nile GONU Ministry of Water Resources; UN Cartographic Section; various maps and atlases.

5 Lower White Nile UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006

232 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The history of major water scheme development in remote areas vulnerable to erratic rainfall variations.
Sudan is mixed. This is partly linked to the method of However, increasing siltation from topsoil erosion
project development: dams and water schemes have and drifting sands as well as poor maintenance have
historically been promoted by decree at the federal led either to a serious decline in the water storage
level, with limited or no local consultation, and no capacity or to the outright loss of many hafirs.
environmental impact assessments. This approach
failed for the Jonglei canal in 1983 and has elicited Due to increasing competition over limited water
problems for the Merowe dam project as well. supplies, many hafirs have become ‘flashpoints’
between pastoralists and farmers. The situation
Controversy generated by major water schemes has been compounded by the development of
is certainly not unique to Sudan. Dams have horticultural schemes around hafirs, as witnessed
and continue to be strongly contested in many in Southern Kordofan [10.16].
countries. In recent years, they have been the
subject of an intensive debate at the international
level, most notably by the World Commission on
Dams [10.15].
However, as Sudan surges ahead with its construction
plans, it is in an advantageous position to re-
examine its own national experience, as well as
draw on the knowledge base and latest lessons
learned from regional and global dam reviews, so
as to avoid repeating past mistakes.
Two of the underlying strategic tenets recommended
by the World Commission on Dams are ‘gaining
public acceptance’ and ‘recognizing entitlements
and sharing benefits’ [10.15]. For Sudan, this would Lack of investment and maintenance during the
require the revision of top-down approaches by which conflict years led to complete or partial loss of
the decision to construct a dam is made by decree. many hafirs, such as this one at El Tooj, near
Information-sharing and an open and transparent Talodi in Southern Kordofan. Constructed in 1972
public and multi-stakeholder consultation process as part of a national campaign to eradicate thirst,
need to be institutionalized in Sudan’s dam sector. the water treatment facility was targeted during
This also implies that dams should not be regarded the conflict and local communities have been
as an end in their own right, but rather be evaluated drinking untreated water ever since
and discussed within the context of defined water
and energy needs and the full range of available
options to meet those demands.

Sedimentation of traditional small

dams and water-harvesting structures
The small traditional dams inspected by UNEP
did not have any of the environmental impacts
of larger dams, but did have a number of
performance problems. In addition, they provided
clear examples of how local conflict over scarce
natural resources can arise.
Traditional dugouts fed by rainwater and run-off
(called hafirs) have played a critical role for centuries A small dam complex in Darfur, with a banked
– in Darfur and Kordofan in particular – in supplying catchment area, storage dams and associated
water for domestic use in villages and to pastoralists in small-scale irrigated agriculture

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 233

10.5 Sustainable use and Degradation of the Blue Nile wetlands

conservation of wetlands The maya ecosystems of the Blue Nile are badly
degraded and in continuing decline. UNEP
An important national resource under visited seven mayas (swamps dominated by Acacia
pressure nilotica) along the Blue Nile and found them all to
UNEP has found that most of Sudan’s major be degraded by accelerated siltation. Several, such
wetlands are currently facing significant as Um Sunut and Kab in Gezira state and El Azaza
conservation threats. in Sennar state, were effectively disconnected from
the main river. The main causes of this decline
During the long north-south conflict, wetlands in are upstream dam construction and catchment
the south were adversely affected by uncontrolled changes. Other issues include extensive felling
hunting and poaching. With peace, the country’s of riverine forests, damage from overgrazing and
wetlands in all areas are under mounting wildlife poaching.
pressure from development plans. The most
significant issues are major infrastructure projects
such as oilfields, dams and water engineering
projects, roads, housing schemes, conversion for
agriculture and settlement, as well as resource
over-exploitation by a growing population. Other
emerging threats include invasive alien species,
namely water hyacinth and mesquite. This all
points to the necessity of developing strategic
action plans and building national capacity aimed
at the wise use of wetlands.

Issues related to the Sudd are covered in Case Study

10.3, while the remaining mangrove wetlands
– which are in steep decline and in urgent need
of protection – are discussed in Chapter 12. The
Machar marshes are very remote and were not
visited by UNEP, but the Governor of Upper
Nile state reported that the construction of roads
for oil exploration constituted a major risk for
the marshes. As for the Bahr el Arab wetlands,
the principle threat is considered to be habitat Mayas like this one in Dinder National Park
degradation by land clearance for agriculture, play a critical role in supporting wildlife
overgrazing and fires. populations during the dry season

Table 20. Status of the six most significant wetlands in Sudan [10.2, 10.17, 10.18, 10.19. 10.20]
Wetland State(s) Approximate size Ecosystem integrity
Sudd Jonglei, Unity, Upper Nile 57,000 km2 Generally in very good
Machar marshes Upper Nile 6,500 km² Status unknown
Blue Nile mayas, Blue Nile, Sennar Discontinuous Moderately to heavily
including Dinder (< 1,000 km²) degraded
Bahr el Arab Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Discontinuous Status unknown
Warrab, Unity
Lake Abiad Southern Kordofan 5,000 km2 Moderately degraded
Red Sea mangroves Red Sea state Linear and discontinuous Badly degraded
(< 100 km2) and shrinking

234 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The plant biota of the Sudd range from submerged and floating vegetation in the open water to
swamps dominated by papyrus. Over 350 plant species have been identified in the wetland

CS 10.3 The Sudd wetlands

Sudan has some of the most extensive wetlands in all of Africa and until recently, only a small percentage of this important habitat
had any legal protection. In June 2006, however, the Sudd wetlands were listed as a site under the Ramsar Convention.

The Sudd is the second largest wetland in Africa, and the ecosystem services it provides are of immense economic and
biological importance for the entire region. In the rainy season, the White Nile and its tributaries overflow to swell the Sudd
swamps situated between the towns of Bor in the south and Malakal in the north. The swamp habitats themselves cover
more than 30,000 km2, while peripheral ecosystems such as seasonally inundated woodlands and grasslands cover a
total area some 600 km long and a similar distance wide. The flooded area varies seasonally and from year to year, due
to variations in rainfall and river flows. Its greatest extent is usually in September, shrinking in the dry season.

The plant biota of the Sudd range from submerged and floating vegetation in the open waters to swamps dominated by
Cyperus papyrus. In addition, there are extensive phragmites and typha swamps behind the papyrus stands. Seasonal
floodplain grasslands up to 25 km wide are dominated by wild rice Oryza longistaminata and Echinochloa pyramidalis.
Over 350 plant species have been identified, including the endemic Suddia sagitifolia, a swamp grass [10.17].

The swamps, floodplains and rain-fed grasslands of the Sudd also support a rich animal diversity, counting over 100 species
of fish, a wide range of amphibians and reptiles (including a large crocodile population) and 470 bird species [10.17]. The
swamps host the largest population of shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) in the world: aerial surveys in 1979-1982 counted a
maximum of 6,407 individuals. Hundreds of thousands of birds also use the Sudd as a stopover during migration; migratory
species include the black-crowned crane (Balearica pavonina), the endangered white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) and
the white stork (Ciconia ciconia).

In addition, more than 100 mammal species have been recorded. Large mammals have always been hunted by local
communities as an important food source. Given the present widespread availability of modern weaponry, however, the
current status of large mammals, including elephants, needs to be reassessed urgently. Historically, the most abundant
large mammals have been the white-eared kob (Kobus kob leucotis), the tiang (Damaliscus lunatus tiang) and the Mongalla
gazelle (Gazella rufifrons albonotata), which use the floodplain grasslands in the dry season [10.21]. The endemic Nile
lechwe (Kobus megaceros) and the sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekii) are resident, and it is anticipated that there are still
significant populations of hippopotami (Hippopotamus amphibius).

The ecosystem services performed by this immense wetland, which extend far downstream, include flood and water quality
control. Other services within the ecosystem itself are year-round grazing for livestock and wildlife, fisheries, and the provision
of building materials, among many others. The Sudd is inhabited principally by Nuer, Dinka and Shilluk peoples, who ultimately
depend on these ecosystem services for their survival. The central and southern parts of the Sudd have small widely scattered
fishing communities. Up to a million livestock (cattle, sheep and goats) are kept in the area, herded by the pastoralists to their
permanent settlements in the highlands at the beginning of the rains in May-June and down to intermediate elevations during
the dry season. Crops include sorghum, maize, cowpeas, groundnuts, sesame, pumpkins, okra and tobacco.

There are three protected areas in the Sudd: Shambe National Park, and the Fanyikang and Zeraf game reserves. In June
2006, an area totaling 57,000 km2 was declared Africa’s second largest Ramsar site [10.17].

The Sudd and its wildlife are currently at risk from multiple threats, including oil exploration and extraction, wildlife poaching,
pastoralist-induced burning and overgrazing, and clearance for crops. The resumption of the Jonglei canal project would also
put the wetland at significant risk. Listing the Sudd as a protected site under the Ramsar Convention is an important but mainly
symbolic initiative that now needs to be consolidated with practical measures to help conserve this critical natural asset.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 235

10.6 Invasive plant species

Infestations on land and water
The watercourses of Sudan are afflicted with two
invasive species: water hyacinth, which threatens
the Nile basin watercourses, and mesquite, which
has infested many of the seasonal khors and canals
of northern Sudan. Mesquite is covered in detail
in Chapter 8.

Water hyacinth
The most problematic aquatic weed in Sudan is
water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), a native plant of
South America that was officially declared an invasive
pest in 1958 [10.22]. Water hyacinth forms dense
plant mats which degrade water quality by lowering
light penetration and dissolved oxygen levels, with
direct consequences for primary aquatic life. The
weed also leads to increased water loss through
evapotranspiration, interferes with navigation and
fishing activities, and provides a breeding ground for Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) grows
disease vectors such as mosquitoes and the vector rapidly; until recently, it had invaded the entire
snails of schistosomiasis. stretch of the White Nile from Juba to Jebel Aulia

Workshops of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Water Hyacinth Control Division at Jebel Aulia lie idle as
funding from donor agencies has dried up. The northern limit of hyacinth infestation is now reportedly
between Kosti and Duweim, although its presence was cited in the Jebel Aulia dam reservoir in June
2006, for the first time in seven years

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The Jebel Aulia dam has served as a barrier to the spread of the invasive water hyacinth

A 1,750 km stretch of the White Nile, from its wetlands comprise a large number of oxbow
upper reaches near Juba to Duweim (some 70 km lakes and slow-moving channels which are
south of Khartoum), is infested. The hyacinth ideal conditions for weed growth. The scale of
spread used to extend to the Jebel Aulia dam, but infestation can be gauged every wet season, when
a causeway at Duweim is apparently acting as a up to 100 metre-long rafts of detached weed float
precarious barrier to downstream propagation. In down the White Nile downstream of the Sudd.
Sudan, control measures initially relied on large-
scale applications of chemicals. An estimated 500
tonnes of the herbicide 2, 4-D were applied to the 10.7 Water pollution
White Nile annually [10.22]. This practice has
A major but largely unquantified issue
now ceased, but it may have had significant long-
term impacts on aquatic life and human health; While water pollution is clearly a significant issue
these have not yet been assessed. Mechanical and in Sudan, it has not been adequately quantified.
biological control methods have also been used Indeed, the sector is characterized by a lack of
in Sudan, though a comprehensive evaluation of historical data and investment. Systematic surface
the success of these efforts has not been carried water quality monitoring programmes in Sudan are
out to date. limited to three sites: the main Nile at Dongola, the
Blue Nile at Soba (near Khartoum), and the White
Hyacinth control measures were hampered during Nile at Malakal. Other sites and groundwater
the conflict years; as a result, efforts focused on are tested on an ad hoc basis. Monitoring data is
sensitive locations such as near the Jebel Aulia publicly available but limited in scope.
dam. Today, there are no control operations
underway at all. The role of the Plant Protection This lack of information makes it difficult to
Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, which adequately assess water quality and the likely
is responsible for hyacinth control, is currently changes that may take place in the future. With
limited to monitoring infestations, and it has no this in mind, UNEP noted three principal water
capacity to respond to the spread. quality issues:
In the south, the impact of water hyacinth on • diffuse pollution from agrochemicals and sewage;
the Sudd is completely unknown, although it is • point source industrial pollution; and
anticipated to be considerable, given that these • high levels of suspended sediments.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 237

Biological water pollution

Biological water pollution from sewage and
waterborne infectious agents is the most serious
threat to human health in Sudan. The limited
monitoring that has occurred so far has confirmed
bacteriological contamination of the Nile and
shallow groundwater aquifers in Khartoum state
and elsewhere in northern Sudan. There is very
limited laboratory data for Southern Sudan but
the waterborne disease statistics clearly show that
it is a major problem. This is discussed in more
detail in Chapter 6.

Given that fertilizer usage in Sudan is minimal by

world standards, laboratory analysis of Nile waters
only detected very low levels of nitrates. However,
high nitrate levels were recorded at individual
wells near concentrations of livestock [10.2].

Pesticide pollution
Non-point source pollution is a cause for
serious concern in the major irrigated schemes,
particularly in Gezira and its Managil extension, The lack of a storm water drainage system in
Rahad and the country’s five major sugar estates, Khartoum causes major flooding, as observed
where large-scale agrochemical applications here in August 2006. As the flood waters recede,
continue despite overall declining usage trends. pools of stagnant water increase the risk of
Various studies (mainly university graduate theses) spreading waterborne diseases, particularly in
have found serious pesticide contamination crowded areas like IDP camps

A local resident collects drinking water from the Nile. Biological water pollution from sewage and
waterborne infectious agents is the most serious threat to human health in Sudan

238 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The fast-growing cities of Southern Sudan are in desperate need of sewage systems

in the Gezira canals, as well as in boreholes in

the Qurashi (Hasahesa) area and the Kassala
horticulture zone. Accidental aerial spraying and
pesticide drift reportedly lead to frequent fish
kills in irrigation canals; these fish are sometimes
collected for consumption [10.2].

Derelict and inadequate pesticide storage facilities

and disposal measures, as observed in warehouse
schemes at Hasahesa, Barakat and El Fao, as
well as in stores of the Plant Protection offices
in Gedaref, also pose a serious water pollution
hazard. Complaints about the strong smell and
contaminated spill during the rainy season have
been received from Gedaref University, located
downstream of the pesticide warehouse.

There is also a growing trend to apply pesticides

in rain-fed mechanized agriculture schemes,
which may lead to widespread contamination
of both surface and groundwater, including
the water points used by nomads. For example,
herbicide application (mainly the persistent
organochlorine 2, 4-D) in mechanized schemes
is standard practice in Gedaref state [10.23] and
is expanding in Dali and Mazmum in Sennar
state, as well as in Habila in Southern Kordofan.
Given the persistent nature of many pesticides and
Pumping stations supply drinking water their biological magnification in the food-chain,
from irrigation canals that are susceptible to long-term monitoring of surface and groundwater
contamination from aerial pesticide application, should be implemented, particularly in the states
such as this one in Deim el Masheihk on the of Gezira, Sennar, White Nile and Gedaref, which
Managil extension of the Gezira scheme host the main irrigated schemes.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 239

Industrial effluent for the oil industry, which is expected to generate

large and increasing amounts of wastewater as the
Water pollution from industry is mostly limited to oilfields mature.
specific ‘hot spots’ such as North Khartoum, Port
Sudan and Wad Medani. Given the current boom
in industrial investment, however, it is an issue Suspended solids from eroded
of growing concern. The majority of industrial catchments
facilities do not have dedicated water treatment
facilities. Effluent is typically released either into The heaviest water pollution load in Sudan
the domestic sewage system (where one exists), or is probably caused by suspended sediment.
directly into watercourses or onto land. Recorded levels of suspended solids in rivers and
reservoirs in the wet season range from 3,000
For example, wastewater from the industrial area of ppm to over 6,000 ppm, which corresponds to
North Khartoum (Bahri) flows untreated into the highly turbid/muddy conditions. While many of
sewage treatment plant of Haj Yousif. Release of Sudan’s rivers and streams are naturally turbid, the
untreated industrial wastewater into watercourses problem has been amplified by the high rates of
or onto land is common practice, as was observed soil erosion due to deforestation and vegetation
by the UNEP team in the Bagair industrial area, clearance, overgrazing, dams, haphazard disposal
and at Assalaya and Sennar sugar factories, which of construction materials, and mining.
dispose of their wastewater directly into the White
and Blue Nile respectively. A major fish kill was High levels of suspended sediment have adverse
reported in the Blue Nile in March 2006, following impacts on drinking water quality as well as on
an accidental spill of molasses from the north-west aquatic life, and in Sudan, have led to considerable
Sennar sugar factory [10.2]. economic losses due to the siltation of dams and
irrigation canals. The impact is particularly visible in
There are some positive developments, however, as the Atbara river and the Blue Nile, whose catchments
a few large enterprises, such as the Kenana Sugar are seriously degraded by poor land management
Company and some oil companies, have installed or practices. In 2000, government sources estimated
are in the process of installing wastewater treatment the total sediment load of the Blue Nile to be 140
plants [10.24]. This is a particularly critical issue million tonnes per annum [10.2].

Locals collect polluted effluent from the north-west Sennar sugar factory, for use in brick-making. The
untreated effluent flows directly into the Blue Nile. This led to significant fish kills in the summer of 2006

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Poor management of an experimental well drawing on fossil water from the NSAS has led
to the creation of a wetland in the desert

10.8 Groundwater exploitation

A largely untapped but also
unmanaged resource
On a national scale, Sudan makes limited use
of its groundwater, but it is a critical resource at
the local level, particularly in the northern and
central regions, and in Darfur. Data on the use
and quality of groundwater, however, is rarely
collected and extraction is generally completely
unmanaged. There is anecdotal evidence of
unsustainable extraction rates, but in the absence
of monitoring data, the situation only becomes
apparent when the wells run dry.

UNEP has focused on three examples of this

general problem:

• the exploitation of the Nubian aquifer

(discussed in the following section on
transboundary issues);
• the use of upper terrace and other shallow The richness of groundwater resources in Sudan
aquifer systems; and
was recently evidenced in a piezometric survey at
• the use of groundwater in the humanitarian Gaab el Sawani, which showed the static water
aid community in Darfur. level to range from 1 to 6 m above ground level

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 241

Figure 10.4 Groundwater resources of Sudan

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

242 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Use of upper terrace and other Groundwater use in the humanitarian

shallow aquifer systems relief effort in Darfur
There is little published data available on Sudan’s The humanitarian aid effort in Darfur has led to
shallow groundwater resources such as the the drilling and establishment of hundreds of wells
Umm Rawaba formation, which is reportedly and water points since 2003. Many of these deep
an excellent source of near-surface groundwater. boreholes are located in or near displaced persons
Overall, however, there is growing investment camps, and have high flow pumps installed to service
and reliance on groundwater resources in Sudan, populations of several thousand. These camps are
particularly on the use of mataras (irrigation commonly established in arid regions where
wells) in the Nile floodplain and adjoining groundwater is the only reliable source of water for
upper terraces, as well as in the wadis. There are up to ten months of the year. Given that the camps
reports of falling aquifer levels in Wadi Nyala and may stay in place for many more years, there is a
Kassala, and of seawater incursion in the shallow clear need to ensure that groundwater extraction
groundwater of the Red Sea coastal zone [10.2]. rates are sustainable. As of mid-2006, however, no
organized groundwater level monitoring was taking
The sustainability of mataras in the upper terraces place in camps in Darfur (see Chapter 5).
and wadis is questionable, and there are many
anecdotal reports of declining groundwater levels A recent groundwater vulnerability study of
that require scientific verification [10.2, 10.25]. four large camps in Darfur indicated that camp
For example, in Lewere in the Nuba mountains, wells extracting water solely from the basement
groundwater levels have allegedly dropped from complex aquifer were probably unsustainable in
3 to 70 metres, while in Atmoor, levels were said the medium term (two years) and that alternatives
to have fallen by up to 10 metres. were needed [10.26].

The rapid expansion of shallow irrigation wells, It is critically important that the water supply wells
locally known as mataras, in the Nile upper drilled in IDP and refugee camps do not run dry.
terraces needs to be sustainably managed to Groundwater level monitoring should commence
avert aquifer depletion to allow the calculation of sustainable yields

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 243

10.9 Transboundary and regional overall but variability is increasing) and turbidity
issues are expected to increase over time.

Climate change will also affect the performance

A need for cooperation over shared
of the existing and planned major water resource
resources management projects in Sudan. Both rainfall and
Careful management and a high level of awareness river flows are expected to be affected within the
are required for a number of transboundary and next thirty years, and some impacts may already
regional issues in the water sector in Sudan to be occurring (see Chapter 3).
avoid project failure or worse, catalysing regional
disputes or even conflict. Large-scale water development demands a high level
of flow predictability to ensure confidence for the
large capital investment required. Accordingly, Sudan
Water projects and the CPA needs to better understand upstream catchment
In the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and environmental issues and the likely impacts of
subsequent Interim Constitution, the federal climate change, and adjust its plans to suit.
government (Government of National Unity) was
granted specific sole authority over the management Management of the shared Nubian
of Nile waters and Nile basin water resources. Sandstone Aquifer System
The Government of Southern Sudan and state
governments were given separate powers related to The vast Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS)
water supply projects. GONU thus clearly has the represents the largest volume of freshwater in the
mandate for any new major water project. world. It is estimated at 150,000 km3 or nearly
200 years of average Nile flow. This deep artesian
Given that the White Nile borders or flows through aquifer underlies approximately 376,000 km2 of
five of the ten states of Southern Sudan, northern north-west Sudan (17 percent of the NSAS total
state water projects may affect the southern states area of 2.2 million km2). It is shared with Chad,
and vice versa. Therefore, it is considered critical Egypt and Libya, and is primarily comprised of
that the GONU and GOSS conduct open and non-renewable or ‘fossil’ water some 20,000 years
regular dialogue on Nile waters and development old [10.27]. A smaller basin of the NSAS, which is
issues in order to not undermine the CPA. As known as the Nubian Nile aquifer, receives recharge
of mid-2006, this was reported to be occurring, from the Nile river. The direction of groundwater
though not on a formal or regular basis. flow in the NSAS is generally from south-east
to north-east. Hence, Sudan and Chad are in an
Upstream watershed conditions, climate upstream position providing minor recharge to
change and future projects in Sudan Egypt and Libya downstream.

The quantity, timing and quality of most of The aquifer remains largely untapped in both Sudan
the Nile, Gash and Atbara river waters flowing and Chad. In contrast Libya and Egypt, through
through Sudan depend not on Sudan but on the Great Man-Made River and the South Valley
upstream countries, principally Ethiopia (Blue Development projects respectively, are now actively
Nile, Atbara, Gash), Uganda (White Nile), and pumping water for ambitious agricultural schemes
Tanzania and Kenya which border Lake Victoria [10.27, 10.28]. Large-scale irrigated agriculture
(White Nile). These four countries all face a range with fossil water in a hyper-arid environment is
of environmental problems including large-scale a controversial issue due not only to potential
deforestation and land degradation. In addition, wastefulness but also to the risk of soil salinization.
Uganda has recently increased water extraction Despite increasing pressure to mine the NSAS to
from Lake Victoria for hydroelectric power, meet the demands of a growing population, the
contributing to a significant drop in the lake’s need for wise and sustainable use of this precious
level. As a result, the currently observed changes resource, based on sound scientific knowledge and
in Nile flow rates (levels appear to be declining a regionally agreed strategy, cannot be overstated.

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A catch from the White Nile. At present, the freshwater fisheries of Southern Sudan are only lightly exploited

To this end, a GEF project involving the four accurately determined, but localized overfishing
basin countries was launched in 2005. Its and sedimentation are likely causes.
primary objective is to develop an NSAS water
resource database and to promote technical While there is no catch data for the freshwater
exchange of information and expertise, as well fisheries of Southern Sudan, field observations
as provide capacity-building for local staff. The and discussions with fisheries experts working
project also aims to create a framework for a on the White Nile indicated that the resource is
legal convention and institutional mechanism clearly under-exploited, principally due to a lack
for shared management of the Nubian Aquifer of capacity in the local fishing sector.
System [10.29].
As with any natural resource extraction, the
sustainability of fisheries will only be achieved through
10.10 Freshwater fisheries: an good management, starting with data collection to
unbalanced but promising assess the scale and health of the resource.
10.11 Water sector environ-
The freshwater fisheries of Sudan are an important mental governance
source of sustenance for millions of riverine dwellers,
and support a small informal commercial sector. The ministerial-level structure for water governance
is straightforward, as both the Government of
In the northern states near the major cities, National Unity and the Government of Southern
resources are reportedly fished to saturation, Sudan have ministries for water resources
with stable or dropping catches [10.20]. In the management. In practice, however, governance is
absence of hard water quality monitoring data, more complex, as water is a cross-cutting sector
the reason for such catch reductions cannot be with other major ministries.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 245

Laying nets in the White Nile at Bor, Jonglei state. The challenge for fishermen in this region is
not catching enough fish, but preserving the catch so that it can be transported and sold
outside of the area

CS 10.4 Development of fisheries in Southern Sudan

The Muntai Fisheries Training Centre based in Padak in Jonglei state is a positive example of sustainable development
tied to better use of natural resources. The centre, which focuses on the transfer of skills to local artisanal fisherman, is
part of an agricultural development project funded by USAID. A particular focus is placed on obtaining better value for fish
catches and reducing wastage through the use of preservation techniques such as smoking and drying.

The wide variety of species and the large size of many fish indicate that the fishery potential of the White Nile is probably
underexploited. The centre proposes to conduct catch surveys and commence development of fishery policies and
by-laws in parallel with the capacity-building process.

Officials reported that the fishing community was actually only a small percentage of the local Dinka community, but that
this minority was in some respects significantly better off than the majority of pastoralists, as they had both food security
and a reliable source of income. The Dinka people are still food aid recipients, depend heavily on cattle-rearing and are
expecting an influx of returnees to significantly increase local population density. In this context, sustainable initiatives to
broaden the food base and promote rural business are most welcome.

246 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

This is particularly the case for major GONU

projects such as the Merowe dam, for which a
special dams unit was developed that overlays
the responsibilities of the ministries for water
resources, agriculture, energy, industry and
environment. In Southern Sudan, the GOSS
ministry is currently in the institution-building
phase, and issues such as inter-ministerial
mandates on cross-cutting issues have yet to be
fully addressed.

The most significant governance issue for the

water sector is considered to be its culture of
development through mega-projects rather
than sustainable development principles. At the
working level, the water sector suffers from a lack An irrigation canal headman. Pilot projects to
of enforceable working regulations, standards or establish water user associations in the Gezira
enforcement capacity, with particular gaps noted scheme have shown reduced operational costs
for water pollution and groundwater. and more efficient on-farm water management

The introduction of improved smoking methods has raised the income of fishermen in the Bor region
by expanding the market and increasing the price of fish

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 247

10.12 Conclusions and corrective action planning. All existing dam

recommendations operations would be covered, as well as project
planning for dams, groundwater and irrigation
Conclusion schemes. Priority targets for assistance would be
the Dams Implementation Unit and the Ministry
At present, the national approach to water resources of Irrigation and Water Resources.
management in Sudan is based largely on resource
exploitation and biased towards mega-projects. The CA: CB; PB: MIWR and DIU; UNP: UNEP;
water resources sector currently also faces a range CE: 2M; DU: 2 years
of serious environmental challenges, which will
require innovative management approaches as well R10.2 Develop integrated water resources
as significant investments to rehabilitate degraded management (IWRM) plans for degraded
systems and strengthen technical capacity. In light basins. Priority should be given to the Blue Nile
of Sudan’s ambitious dam-building programme, and Atbara river basins, Darfur, Khor Abu Habil
perhaps the most challenging task will be to develop in Northern Kordofan, and the Nuba mountains
a new decision-making framework for water in Southern Kordofan. One of the key targets
projects that is based on equity, public participation of these plans should be to propose integrated
and accountability. measures aimed at reducing river siltation levels
and downstream riverbank erosion.
Background to the recommendations CA: GROL; PB: MIWR and DIU; UNP: UNEP;
Substantial development of the water resources CE: 1M; DU: 2 years
of Sudan is anticipated in the next decade. Such R10.3 Develop and embed guidelines on dams in
development should not be discouraged, but environmental law. The guidelines should include
should be designed, constructed and operated in public consultations, and options and ecosystem
a more sustainable manner. integrity assessments. A legislative mandate
prohibiting the initiation of any dam construction
The two key themes of the recommendations are
activities prior to the issuance of an EIA permit,
to strengthen national capacity for water resources
and stipulating public participation throughout the
management, and to introduce the philosophy
dam project cycle as well as disclosure and timely
and practical aspects of Integrated Water Resource
distribution of all environmental information
Management (IWRM) to Sudan.
about the dam should be developed.
As the investment for most new and major water
schemes will come from or be controlled by the
CE: 0.1M; DU: 2 years
Government of National Unity, the GONU Ministry
of Irrigation and Water Resources is considered the R10.4 Conduct an additional environmental
appropriate counterpart for most of the capacity- assessment of the Merowe dam project and
building and advocacy proposed here, though some develop specific mitigation measures for the
effort should be placed with equivalents in the operation of the facility. Key issues include the
Government of Southern Sudan and at the state analysis and mitigation of downstream impacts
level. Assistance to the Darfur states is a particular and absorbing environmental lessons learnt from
priority as substantial investments in this sector are existing dams and irrigation schemes.
anticipated as soon as the security situation allows.
Recommendations for the CE: 0.5M; DU: 2 years
Government of National Unity
R10.5 Establish a national water quality
R10.1 Strengthen technical capacity in monitoring programme for both surface and
sustainable water resource management. This groundwater to include key physical, chemical
will entail significant investment in training and biological parameters. Include a tailor-made
and equipment for data collection, analysis and water quality monitoring programme for pesticide

248 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

residues in the large-scale irrigation schemes. Recommendations for the Government

Inventory and assess water pollution ‘hot spots’. of Southern Sudan
CA: AS; PB: MIWR and DIU; UNP: UNEP; R10.8 Build capacity for sustainable water
CE: 5M; DU: 2 years resource management, using IWRM as a
founding philosophy. Capacity-building should
R10.6 Develop a capacity-building programme include groundwork to assist the establishment of
and implement pilot projects on water the ministry itself, and should initially focus on
conservation and management aimed at local user impact assessment and mitigation for planned
groups including water use associations. Priority water supply and power generation projects in
should be given to the main irrigation schemes. the ten southern states.
CE: 2M; DU: 2 years DU: 2 years

R10.7 Strengthen the capacity of regulatory R10.9 Develop and implement an integrated
authorities in groundwater data collection and management plan for the Sudd wetlands. The
management. This entails the development of a cost estimate covers plan development and the
robust licensing system. first two years of implementation.

1M; DU: 2 years Convention; CE: 1M; DU: 2 years

The Assistant Director of the Roseires dam explains the challenges of operating a facility
that is of national significance for both power generation and irrigation

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 249
Wildlife and
Protected Area

Birds of prey settle for the night on the

flood plains of the White Nile in Jonglei
state. While the past few decades have
witnessed a major decline in wildlife in
Sudan, remaining populations can still
be considered internationally significant.
© Nick Wise

sections are hence addressed separately for the

Wildlife and protected two areas of the country. It should be noted
area management that the most important remaining wildlife and
protected areas in northern Sudan are on the
coastline or in the Red Sea; these are covered in
11.1 Introduction and Chapter 12.
assessment activities
This chapter focuses on wildlife and protected
Introduction areas as a specific sector. It is acknowledged that
the larger topic of biodiversity has not been
As late as 1970, Sudan boasted some of the most adequately addressed in this assessment. While
unspoilt and isolated wilderness in east Africa, the importance of conserving biodiversity is
and its wildlife populations were world-renowned. unquestionable, a significant difficulty for action
While the past few decades have witnessed a major on this front – in Sudan as elsewhere – is the lack
assault on both wildlife and their habitats, what of government ownership: no single ministry is
remains is both internationally significant and an responsible for this topic. As a result, the observed
important resource opportunity for Sudan. implementation of recommendations under the
label of biodiversity is poor.
Ecosystems, issues, and the institutional structures
to manage wildlife and protected areas differ Although it has not been included as a specific sector
markedly between north and south in Sudan. In in this assessment, the biodiversity of Sudan was
the north, the greatest damage has been inflicted studied and reported on in 2003 by a programme
by habitat degradation, while in the south, it is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
uncontrolled hunting that has decimated wildlife under the auspices of the Convention on Biological
populations. Many of the issues in the following Diversity (CBD) [11.1].


White-eared kob and zebra migrating through Boma National Park in 1983

252 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Lion tracks in Padak county, Jonglei state. In the absence of formal survey data for much of the
country, the evidence for wildlife populations is often anecdotal and qualitative

Assessment activities 11.2 Overview of the wildlife and

The investigation of issues related to wildlife and habitats of Sudan
protected areas in Sudan was conducted as part The arid and semi-arid habitats of northern Sudan
of the overall assessment. Two commissioned have always had limited wildlife populations. In
desk studies – one by the Boma Wildlife Training the north, protected areas are mainly linked to the
Centre, the other by the Sudanese Environment Nile and its tributaries, and to the Red Sea coast,
Conservation Society (SECS) – summarized where there are larger concentrations of wildlife.
the extent of existing knowledge for the south In contrast, the savannah woodlands and flooded
and north respectively [11.2, 11.3]. UNEP was grasslands of Southern Sudan have historically been
able to visit one major site in the north (Dinder home to vast populations of mammals and birds,
National Park), as well as a number of smaller especially migratory waterfowl. This abundance
reserves. The protected areas of Southern Sudan of wildlife has led to the creation of numerous
and Darfur were inaccessible due to security and national parks and game reserves by both British
logistical constraints. However, information colonial and independent Sudanese authorities.
was obtained from interviews and other sources
in the course of general fieldwork in Southern There is a large volume of literature on the wildlife of
Sudan. Sudan as recorded by casual observers who travelled
through or lived in Sudan during the 19th and first
Due to historical and ongoing conflicts, the half of the 20th centuries. A 1940s account, for
available data on wildlife is highly skewed, with instance, describes large populations of elephant,
most recent information limited to northern and giraffe, giant eland, and both white and black rhino
central states. This lack of up to date field data is a across a wide belt of Southern Sudan. Because of the
core problem for Southern Sudan’s protected areas, civil war, however, few scientific studies of Sudan’s
but major studies by the Wildlife Conservation wildlife have been conducted, and coverage of the
Society are underway in 2007 to correct this. south has always been very limited.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 253

The migration of white-eared kob across the flood plains of Southern Sudan is one of the least
known but most spectacular wildlife wonders of the world. Hundreds of thousands of animals move
in a seasonal search for dry ground, new pasture and water (inset). Kob are perfectly adapted to the
floodplain environment of Southern Sudan and have been hunted by local people for centuries

CS 11.1 The management of migratory wildlife outside of protected areas:

the white-eared kob

One of the distinctive features of the wildlife population of Southern Sudan is that much of it is found outside of protected areas. This
presents a range of challenges for conservation and management, as illustrated by the case of the white-eared kob antelope.

White-eared kob (Kobus kob leucotis) are largely restricted to Southern Sudan, east of the Nile, and to south-west Ethiopia
[11.19, 11.20]. These antelope are dependent on a plentiful supply of lush vegetation and their splayed hooves enable
them to utilize seasonally inundated grasslands. The spectacular migration of immense herds of white-eared kob in search
of grazing and water has been compared to that of the ungulates in the Serengeti.

Substantial populations of white-eared kob occur in Boma National Park, the Jonglei area and in Badingilo National Park
[11.20]. The paths of their migration vary from year to year, depending on distribution of rainfall and floods (see Figure
11.1). A survey and documentary film made in the early 1980s followed the herds of the Boma ecosystem as they moved
between their dry and wet season strongholds that year, and found that the herds moved up to 1,600 km per year, facing
a range of threats as they migrated through the different seasons, ecosystems and tribal regions [11.5].

The principle threats to the kob are seasonal drought, excessive hunting pressure and now the development of a new aid-
funded rural road network cutting across their migration routes. The sustainable solution to excessive hunting is considered
to be its containment and formalization rather than its outright prohibition, a measure which is both unachievable and
unenforceable. White-eared kob represent an ideal opportunity for sustainable harvesting: they have a vast habitat, are fast
breeders and are far better adapted to the harsh environment of the clay plains and wetlands than cattle. The spectacular
nature of the kob migration may support some wildlife tourism in future but it is unrealistic to expect tourism revenue to
provide an acceptable substitute for all of the livelihoods currently supported by hunting.

Minimizing the impact of the new road network will require some innovative thinking to integrate animal behaviour
considerations into road design and development controls. Dedicated wildlife-crossing corridors, culverting and underpasses
are all options that could reduce road accident-related animal deaths, while banning hunting within set distances of the
new roads may help to control vehicle-assisted poaching.

254 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 11.1 Kob migration

Upper Nile
UNEP sightings - May 2006 Nasser Upper Nile



©Andrew Morton

Jonglei Pochalla



Bor Boma

Kob migration
International border
State border Bahr El Jabal
Sources: Terakeka Eastern Equatoria
movements of Boma
population of white-eared kob in the Kilometres
early 1980s.
Adapted from Survival Anglia 1984.
0 40 80 120 160 200
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

As a result of this lack of technical fieldwork,

virtually all up to date evidence of wildlife
distribution in Southern Sudan outside of a
few protected areas is anecdotal and cannot be
easily substantiated. Nonetheless, this type of
information is considered to warrant reporting
in order to assess priorities for more substantive
assessments. Key information from 2005 and 2006
includes the sightings of elephants in the northern
part of the Sudd wetlands, and the sighting of very
large herds of tiang and white-eared kob in Jonglei
state. It is of note that both of these sightings took
place outside of legally protected areas (see Case
Study 11.1).

The only other recent data available on Southern

Sudan is from ground surveys of Nimule, Boma
and Southern National Park, carried out by the
New Sudan Wildlife Conservation Organization
(NSWCO) in 2001. The results of these surveys
and other information provided to UNEP by Tiang, Bokor reedbuck and white-eared kob near
the Boma Wildlife Training Centre indicate that the main road in Mabior, Jonglei state. Wildlife in
many protected areas, in Southern Sudan at least, Southern Sudan are found as much outside as
have remnant populations of most species. inside protected areas

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 255

Wildlife habitats and occurrence

by region
The regional environments of Sudan defined in
Chapter 2 can be used as a basis for the description
of current wildlife habitats and populations:

• arid regions (coastal and arid region mountain

ranges, coastal plain, stony plains and dune fields);
• the Nile riverine strip;
• the Sahel belt, including the central dryland
agricultural belt;
• the Marra plateau;
• the Nuba mountains;
• savannah;
• wetlands and floodplains;
• subtropical lowlands;
• the Imatong and Jebel Gumbiri mountain
ranges; and
• subtidal coastline and islands – covered in
Chapter 12.
Empty landscapes: the UNEP team travelled
The delimitations of the various areas in which through the Nuba mountains without seeing or
wildlife are present are derived from a combination hearing any reports of remaining wildlife
of ecological, socio-economic, historical and
political factors. It should be noted, however,
that the boundaries between certain regions are wildlife, although the region does host migratory
ill-defined, and that many animals migrate freely birds, particularly in the seasonal wetlands and
across them. irrigated areas. With the important exception
of Dinder National Park, the expansion of
Arid regions. The mountains bordering the Red mechanized agriculture has eliminated much of
Sea, as well as those on the Ethiopian border the wild habitat in the Sahel belt.
and in Northern Darfur, are host to isolated
low density populations of Nubian ibex, wild The Marra plateau. The forests of Jebel Marra
sheep and several species of gazelle [11.3]. Larger historically hosted significant populations of
predators are limited to jackal and leopard. Due wildlife, including lion and greater kudu [11.3].
to the lack of water, wildlife in the desert plains Limited surveys in 1998 (the latest available)
are extremely limited, consisting principally of reported high levels of poaching at that time. Due
Dorcas gazelle and smaller animals. Life centres on to the conflict in Darfur, there is only negligible
wadis and oases, which are commonly occupied information on the current status of wildlife in
by nomadic pastoralists and their livestock. this region.

The Nile riverine strip. The Nile riverine strip The Nuba mountains. The wooded highlands
is heavily populated and as such only supports of the Nuba mountains historically held large
birdlife and smaller animals (including bats). populations of wildlife, but all recent reports
indicate that the civil war led to a massive decline
The Sahel belt, including the central dryland in numbers and diversity, even though forest cover
agricultural belt. In the Sahel belt, the is still substantial. The UNEP team travelled
combination of agricultural development and extensively through the Nuba mountains without
roving pastoralists effectively excludes large any sightings or reports of wildlife.

256 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Savannah. The bulk of the remaining wildlife of Wetlands and floodplains. The vast wetlands
Sudan is found in the savannah of central and and floodplains of south Sudan, which include
south Sudan, though the data on wildlife density the Sudd and the Machar marshes, are an
in these regions is negligible. internationally significant wildlife haven, parti-
cularly for migratory waterfowl. These unique
Historical reports include large-scale populations of habitats also support many species not seen or
white and black rhino, zebra, numerous antelope found in large numbers outside of Sudan, such as
species, lion, and leopard. In addition, aerial surveys the Nile lechwe antelope, the shoebill stork and
carried out in the woodland savannah of Southern the white-eared kob.
National Park in November 1980 revealed sizeable
population estimates of elephant (15,404), buffalo Subtropical lowlands. The subtropical lowlands
(75,826), hartebeest (14,906) and giraffe (2,097) form the northern and western limits of the
[11.4]. The number of white rhino in Southern central African rainforest belt and thus host
National Park was estimated to be 168, which many subtropical closed forest species, such as
then represented a small but significant remnant the chimpanzee.
population of an extremely endangered subspecies
of rhino. In 1980, aerial surveys carried out in Boma The Imatong and Jebel Gumbiri mountain
(mixed savannah and floodplain habitats) indicated ranges. The wetter microclimates of these
that the park was used by large populations of a isolated mountains in the far south of Southern
wide variety of species as a dry season refuge, with Sudan support thick montane forest. There is
the exception of the tiang, whose numbers increased only negligible information available on wildlife
considerably during the wet season [11.5]. occurrences in these important ecosystems.

The flooded grasslands of Southern Sudan support very large bird populations, including black-crowned
cranes (Balearica pavonina) (top left), pink-backed pelicans (Pelecanus rufescens) (top right), cattle egrets
(Bubulcus ibis) (bottom left), and saddle-billed storks (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis) (bottom right), seen
near Padak in Jonglei state

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 257

Globally important and

endangered species in Sudan
Sudan harbours a number of globally important
and endangered species of mammals, birds,
reptiles and plants, as well as endemic species.

In addition, there are a number of species listed

as vulnerable by IUCN, including sixteen species
of mammals, birds and reptiles: hippopotamus
(Hippopotamus amphibius); cheetah (Acinonyx
jubatus); African lion (Panthera leo); Barbary
sheep (Ammotragus lervia); Dorcas gazelle (Gazella
dorcas); red-fronted gazelle (Gazella rufifrons);
Soemmerring’s gazelle (Gazella soemmerringei);
African elephant (Loxodonta africana); Trevor’s
free-tailed bat (Mops trevori); horn-skinned
bat (Eptesicus floweri); greater spotted eagle
(Aquila clanga); imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca);
houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata); lesser The Mongalla gazelle is not endangered but has
kestrel (Falco naumanni); lappet-faced vulture a relatively small habitat. Rangeland burning such
(Torgos tracheliotos); and African spurred tortoise as has recently occurred here is favourable to this
(Geochelone sulcata) [11.12 ]. species, as it thrives on short new grass

Table 21. Globally endangered Species occurring in Sudan

[11.6, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 11.10, 11.11, 11.12]
Common name Scientific name Red List category
Addax* Addax maculatus CR A2cd
African ass Equus africanus CR A1b
Dama gazelle Gazella dama CR A2cd
Nubian ibex Capra nubiana EN C2a
Grevy’s zebra* Equus grevyi EN A1a+2c
Rhim gazelle Gazella leptoceros EN C1+2a
African wild dog Lycaon pictus EN C2a(i)
Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes EN A3cd
Northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita CR C2a(ii)
Sociable lapwing Vanellus gregarius CR A3bc
Basra reed warbler Acrocephalus griseldis EN A2bc+3bc
Saker falcon Falco cherrug EN A2bcd+3b
Spotted ground-thrush Zoothera guttata EN C2a(i)
Hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata CR A1bd
Green turtle Chelonia mydas EN A2bd
Medemia argun Medemia argun CR B1+2c
Nubian dragon tree Dracaena ombet EN A1cd
CR = critically endangered; EN = endangered; * questionable occurrence in Sudan

258 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

11.3 Overview of protected areas regions affected by conflict and have hence suffered
from a long-term absence of the rule of law.
Variable protection
Protected areas of northern Sudan
A significant number of areas throughout Sudan
have been gazetted or listed as having some form According to the information available to UNEP,
of legal protection by the British colonial or the northern Sudan has six actual or proposed marine
independent Sudanese authorities. In practice, protected sites [11.13], with a total area of
however, the level of protection afforded to these approximately 1,900 km², and twenty-six actual or
areas has ranged from slight to negligible, and many proposed terrestrial and freshwater protected sites,
exist only on paper today. Moreover, many of the with a total area of approximately 157,000 km²
previously protected or important areas are located in [11.1, 11.2, 11.14, 11.15, 11.16, 11.17].

Table 22. Protected areas of northern Sudan (including marine areas)

Map Protected area Type Km² Habitat(s) Key species
reference (* proposed) (* proposed)
Marine protected areas
30 Dongonab Bay National park/ 3,000 Marine/tidal Dugong, marine
53 Ramsar site*/ turtles, white-eyed gull
Important bird area
32 Sanganeb National park/ 260 Marine Coral, marine fish
Ramsar site*
42 Suakin Archipelago* National park/ 1,500 Marine Marine turtles, crested
Important bird area/ tern
Ramsar site*
Khor Kilab National park* 2 Marine Coral
Abu Hashish National park* 2 Marine Coral
Shuab Rumi National park* 4 Marine Coral
Terrestrial protected areas
39 Radom National park/ 12,500 Savannah woodland Buffalo, giant eland,
59 MAB reserve/ leopard, hartebeest
Important bird area
35 Dinder National park/ 10,000 Savannah woodlands Reedbuck, oribi,
52 MAB reserve/ and flooded buffalo, roan antelope,
58 Ramsar site/ grasslands (mayas) red-fronted gazelle
Important bird area
36 Jebel Hassania* National park 10,000 Semi-desert

43 Wadi Howar* National park 100,000 Desert

19 Jebel Gurgei Massif* Game reserve 100
Rahad* Game reserve 3,500
26 Red Sea Hills* Game reserve 150
27 Sabaloka Game reserve 1,160 Semi-desert
28 Tokor Game reserve 6,300 Semi-desert
49 Erkawit Sinkat Wildlife sanctuary 120 Semi-desert
50 Erkawit Wildlife sanctuary 820 Semi-desert
3 Jebel Bawzer (Sunut) Bird sanctuary/ 13 Semi-desert
Forest Ramsar site*
8 Lake Nubia Bird sanctuary 100 Freshwater lake Pharaoh eagle owl,
crowned sandgrouse
2 Jebel Aulia Dam* Bird sanctuary 1,000 Freshwater lake
7 Lake Kundi* Bird sanctuary 20 Freshwater lake
6 Lake Keilak* Bird sanctuary 30 Freshwater lake
1 El Roseires Dam* Bird sanctuary 700 Freshwater lake
4 Khashm el Girba Bird sanctuary 100 Freshwater lake
9 Sennar Dam* Bird sanctuary 80 Freshwater lake
45 Jebel Elba* Nature conservation 4,800
46 Jebel Marra Massif* Nature conservation 1,500 Savannah grassland Greater kudu, red-
area/ and woodland fronted gazelle
Important bird area
5 Lake Abiad Bird sanctuary 5,000 Freshwater lake Ruff, black-crowned

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 259

Figure 11.2 Protected areas of Sudan


LI B YA 45

8 30


20 o 32
Port Sudan

31 42

43 49
36 50
Ed Damer 26
At b

C HA D 29
27 N 3 54

Khartoum Kassala ERITREA

28 Wad Medani 4
El Geneina El Fasher
19 9 Gedaref
S U D El Obeid Rabak
A N Singa
B lu


35 52 58
Ed Damazin

Kadugli Roseires


Bar e l’A 6 5 W

10o 39 59 18
Bentiu Malakal
11 Lol 17 S ob 22
15 at
Jong lei Canal



Rumbek Bor
14 33
5o Yambio
13 20 Juba Torit
44 21
23 37
Nil ert

O F T25 H E C O N G O K35 E N Y A


o 30o o

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Protected Areas
Bird sanctuary (proposed)
Game reserve (designated, proposed)
Marine national park (designated, proposed) 0 100 200 300 400 500
National park (designated, proposed) Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Projection
Nature conservation area (proposed)
Wildlife sanctuary Sources:
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar) (designated, proposed) World database on protected areas (WDPA), UNEP-WCMC;
SIM (Sudan Interagency Mapping); vmaplv0, NIMA;
World Heritage Convention UN Cartographic Section; various other sources.
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve
Square areas are drawn to scale. UNEP/DEWA/GRID~Europe 2006

260 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Index to Protected Areas map

National designations
Site number, Site name (pProposed,uUnknown location), Area (ha)

Bird sanctuary:
1. El Roseireis Damp 70’000 5. Lake Abiadp 500’000 8. Lake Nubiap 10’000
2. Jebel Aulia Damp 100’000 6. Lake Keilakp 3’000 9. Sennar Damp 8’000
3. Jebel Bawzer Forest 7. Lake Kundip 2’000
(Sunut Forest)p 1’234
4. Khashm El-Girba Damp 10’000

Game reserve:
10. Abrochp u 150’000 17. Ez Zeraf 970’000 24. Mongalla 7’500
11. Ashana 90’000 18. Fanikang 48’000 25. Numatina 210’000
12. Barizungap u 200’000 19. Jebel Gurgei Massif 10’000 26. Red Sea Hills 15’000
13. Bengangai 17’000 20. Juba 20’000 27. Sabaloka 116’000
14. Bire Kpatuos 500’000 21. Kidepo 120’000 28. Tokor 630’000
15. Borop 150’000 22. Mashrap 450’000 29. Wadi Howarp 400’000
16. Chelkou 550’000 23. Mbarizunga 1’000

Marine national park:

30. Dongonab Bay 300’000
31. Port Sudanp 100’000
32. Sanganeb 26’000

National park:
33. Badinglo 1’650’000 37. Lantotop 76’000 41. Southern 2’300’000
34. Boma 2’280’000 38. Nimule 41’000 42. Suakin Archipelagop 150’000
35. Dinder 1’000’000 39. Radom 1’250’000 43. Wadi Howarp 10’000’000
36. Jebel Hassaniap 1’000’000 40. Shambe 62’000

Nature conservation area:

44. Imatong Mountainsp 100’000 46. Jebel Marra massifp 150’000 48. Lake Nop 100’000
45. Jebel Elbap 480’000 47. Lake Ambadip 150’000

Wildlife sanctuary:
49. Erkawit Sinkat 12’000
50. Erkawit 82’000
51. Khartoum 1’500

International conventions and programmes

Site number, Site name, Area (ha)

Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar):

52. Dinder National Park 1’000’000
53. Dongonab Bay-
Marsa Waiaip 280’000
54. Jebel Bawzer Forest
(Sunut Forest)p 1’234
55. Suakin-Gulf of Agigp 1’125’000
56. Sudd 5’700’000

World Heritage Convention:

57. Gebel Barkal and
the Sites of the
Napatan Region

UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve:

58. Dinder National Park 1’000’000
59. Radom National Park 1’250’000

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 261

A baboon in Dinder National Park, Sennar state. The level of actual protection is highly variable
but generally weak throughout Sudan. Poaching is a problem in all major parks

Nominally protected areas thus cover approximately from their original condition as to potentially
ten percent of northern Sudan, with three sites warrant de-listing. The UNEP investigation of
– Wadi Howar, Dinder and Radon – accounting Dinder National Park, for example, found that
for a large portion of this figure. While this is this major site was not only badly damaged and
significant and worthy of support, the actual level under severe stress, but was also being starved of
of protection provided and ecosystem integrity are the requisite funds for proper management (see
more important than sheer size. Case Study 11.2).

Wildlife authorities interviewed by UNEP in Overall, terrestrial and freshwater sites in

northern Sudan reported consistent problems northern Sudan were found to be very degraded
with protected area management, ranging and on a continuing decline. Marine protected
from poaching to livestock encroachment and areas were generally in better condition due to
land degradation. Many sites were so degraded a low level of development pressure.

262 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Protected areas of Southern Sudan Again, this large figure is positive, but the
condition of these areas and the level of actual
Given that the legally protected areas of Southern protection are of more import.
Sudan were in a conflict zone for over two decades,
they have not been managed or effectively protected. The level of actual protection provided to these
During the war, the presence of the military gave some twenty-three sites is considered by UNEP to be
areas under SPLA control a measure of protection, negligible but rising as the GOSS wildlife forces
but these were also used to supply bushmeat. start to build capacity and mobilize. The condition
of the areas is more difficult to gauge, but all
With the recent addition of the Sudd wetlands available evidence points to a massive drop in the
– which were listed as a site under the Ramsar numbers of large wildlife due to poaching.
Convention in 2006 – Southern Sudan comprises
twenty-three sites, for a total area of 143,000 The most reliable evidence comes from Boma
km² or approximately 15 percent of the territory. National Park, which was surveyed three times,

Table 23. Protected areas of Southern Sudan

Map Protected area Type Km² Habitat(s) Key species
reference (* proposed) (* proposed)
33 Badingilo (incl. Mongalla National park/ 8,400 Flooded grasslands Elephant, buffalo,
game reserve)* Important bird area and woodlands giraffe
34 Boma National park/ 22,800 Savannah woodlands, White-eared kob,
Important bird area grasslands, swamps tiang, reedbuck
37 Lantoto* National park 760 Tropical forest Chimpanzee, elephant
38 Nimule National park/ 410 Savannah and riverine Elephant, cheetah
Important bird area woodlands
40 Shambe National park 620 Flooded savannah Nile lechwe, buffalo
(within Ramsar site) and riverine forest
41 Southern National park/ 23,000 Savannah woodland Giant eland, elephant,
Important bird area rhino
11 Ashana Game reserve/ 900 Savannah woodland Elephant, giant eland
Important bird area
13 Bengangai Game reserve/ 170 Tropical forest Elephant, bongo,
Important bird area buffalo
14 Bire Kpatuos Game reserve 5,000 Tropical forest Bongo, yellow-backed
15 Boro* Game reserve 1,500 Savannah woodland Elephant
16 Chelkou Game Reserve 5,500 Savannah woodland Elephant, giant eland,
17 Ez Zeraf Game reserve 9,700 Flooded grassland Nile lechwe, sitatunga,
(within Ramsar site) and woodland hippo
18 Fanikang Game reserve 480 Flooded grassland Nile lechwe
(within Ramsar site) and woodland
20 Juba Game reserve/ 200 Savannah grassland Heuglin’s francolin,
Important bird area and woodland Arabian bustard
21 Kidepo Game reserve/ 1,200 Savannah grassland Elephant, heuglin’s
Important bird area and woodland francolin
22 Mashra* Game reserve 4,500 Flooded grassland Elephant
23 Mbarizunga Game reserve 10 Tropical forest Bongo, bushbuck,
yellow-backed duiker
25 Numatina Game reserve 2,100 Savannah woodland Elephant, giant eland,
roan antelope
7 Lake Kundi Bird sanctuary 20 Freshwater lake Yellow-billed stork,
black-crowned crane
44 Imatong mountains Important bird area/ 1,000 Montane forest and Blue duiker,
Nature conservation woodland bushbuck
47 Lake Ambadi Nature conservation 1,500 Freshwater lake
48 Lake No Nature conservation 1,000 Freshwater lake
56 Sudd Ramsar site/ 57,000 Rivers, lakes, flooded 470 bird species, 100
Important bird area grasslands and mammal species and
savannah 100 fish species

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 263

Table 24. Comparison of population estimates of larger ungulates in the years 1980 and 2001
in Boma National Park [11.2]
Species 2001 Count (wet season) 1980 Count (wet season) 1980 Count (dry season)
White-eared kob 176,120 680,716 849,365
Lesser eland 21,000 2,612 7,839
Roan antelope 1,960 2,059 3,085
Mongalla gazelle 280 5,933 2,167
Tiang Not seen 116,373 25,442
Lelwel hartebeeste 5,600 8,556 47,148
Zebra Not seen 24,078 29,460
Buffalo Not seen 2,965 11,179
Giraffe Not seen 4,605 9,028
Waterbuck Not seen 620 2,462
Grant’s gazelle Not seen 1,222 1,811
Elephant Not seen 1,763 2,179
Lesser kudu Not seen 654 170
Oryx Not seen 1,534 396
Cattle 7,980 7,056 93,815

twice in 1980 (in the dry and wet seasons) and biodiversity loss in northern and central Sudan.
once in 2001 [11.2]. As shown in Table 24, the Vast areas of savannah and dryland pasture have
wildlife populations recorded in 2001 had dropped been replaced with agricultural land, leaving only
dramatically, but there were still significant numbers limited shelter belts or other forms of wildlife
of most species, with the exception of elephant, refuge. The intensity of mechanized agricultural
giraffe, zebra and buffalo. In scientific terms, the two development has forced pastoralists to use smaller
surveys are not directly comparable. Nonetheless, grazing areas and less suitable land, leading to
the fact that viable populations of several species of the degradation of the rangelands and increased
wildlife still existed in Boma in 2001 is important for competition between livestock and wildlife.
the future of wildlife and protected areas in Sudan.
The net result is that larger wildlife have essentially
A key figure to note is the cattle count, which disappeared from most of northern and central
documents the extent of encroachment into the Sudan, and can only be found in the core of the
park by pastoralists. protected areas and in very low numbers in remote
desert regions.
11.4 Wildlife and protected area In Southern Sudan, the lack of development has
management issues resulted in much less habitat destruction, but the
There are four issues facing the wildlife and intensification of shifting agriculture is causing
protected area management sector, which are large-scale land use changes across the region,
cumulative in effect: particularly in the savannah. The floodplains
are less affected, but the continued burning will
• habitat destruction and fragmentation; negatively impact some species, while benefiting
• park encroachment and degradation; others, such as the antelope.
• commercial poaching and bushmeat; and
• wildlife tourism (or lack thereof ). An additional important issue in Southern Sudan is
the impact of ongoing and planned development like
Habitat destruction and fragmentation the creation or rehabilitation of rural trunk roads.
This is a particular concern for Jonglei state, where
Habitat destruction and fragmentation from the new road cuts directly across the migration route
farming and deforestation is the root cause of most of the white-eared kob (see Case Study 11.1).

264 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Park encroachment and degradation degradation through burning and overgrazing, and
facilitating poaching. Encroachment has partly
Livestock is present in most of the legally protected destroyed the integrity of Dinder National Park
terrestrial areas of Sudan, irrespective of their legal [11.3], and now represents a major challenge for
status. In some cases, pastoralists used the area the developing wildlife sector in Southern Sudan.
long before the legal status came into effect; in
others, the site has been invaded during the last A particular risk for Southern Sudan is armed
thirty years. Pastoralists and their herds are now conflict in the parks, as the wildlife forces (over
well entrenched in many major parks, creating 7,300 men as of late 2006) mobilize and start to
competition for water and fodder, leading to land confront pastoralists and poachers. Modern non-
confrontational approaches entailing community
engagement will be required if the wildlife sector in
Southern Sudan is to avoid damaging gun battles
between locals and rangers. The semi-resident
population of pastoralists and bushmeat hunters
from the Murle tribe in Boma National Park – who
have become accustomed to living in the park and
are heavily armed – illustrates this problem.

Commercial poaching and bushmeat

The ready availability of firearms has been the
most significant factor in the reduction of wildlife
in Southern Sudan, and has also compounded the
problems of habitat destruction in northern and
Habitat destruction and fragmentation is the root central Sudan. Uncontrolled and unsustainable
cause of biodiversity loss in northern and central levels of hunting have devastated wildlife
Sudan. The expansion of mechanized agriculture populations and caused the local eradication of
has deforested large areas and removed the many of the larger species including elephant,
shelter belts that host wildlife populations rhino, buffalo, giraffe, eland and zebra.

Tiang are extensively hunted in the floodplains of Southern Sudan

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 265

The infrastructure and staff capacity The core of the park Although many have been
of Dinder National Park were greatly is comprised of poached, the park still
improved thanks to a grant from the wetlands that are supports a significant
Global Environment Facility, but sufficient critically important as population of larger
and sustainable government funding is reliable sources mammals. Warthogs are
urgently needed now that GEF support of water in the dry very common in the park’s
has come to an end (left) season (top right) wetlands (bottom right)

CS 11.2 Dinder National Park: an ecosystem under siege

Dinder National Park is the most important terrestrial protected area in the northern states of Sudan. Located on the
Ethiopian border, straddling Blue Nile and Kassala states, it is approximately 10,000 km² in size. The most important
features of the park are a series of permanent and seasonal wetlands known locally as mayas, which are linked to streams
running off the Ethiopian highlands to the east.

The habitat and wildlife of Dinder National Park can currently be described as badly degraded and under serious threat
from a number of ongoing problems, including encroachment, habitat degradation and poaching.

Until the 1960s, the area surrounding Dinder was relatively uninhabited. Since then, however, migration and land use
changes have resulted in development around the park, to the extent that some forty villages now exist along its borders.
Large-scale mechanized agriculture to the north and west has not only pushed traditional agricultural communities to the
edge of the park, but by taking over most of the land previously used for grazing, has also led pastoralists to invade the
park in large numbers. Livestock compete with wildlife for fodder and water, and transmit diseases such as rinderpest
and anthrax, while burning degrades the grassed woodland habitat. Poaching is also a major problem, as is the felling of
trees for firewood by trespassers and fires set in the course of honey extraction.

Between 2002 and 2006, the park benefited from a USD 750,000 Global Environment Facility (GEF) grant that resulted in
increased capacity for the wildlife force and a well thought out management plan with a strong emphasis on community
involvement in the conservation of the park. This funding ceased in early 2006 and the future preservation of the park
hangs in the balance. Without further injection of funding by the government or the international community, it is very likely
that the gains achieved by the GEF grant will be lost and that degradation will continue.

266 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 11.3 Dinder National Park


Overgrazing and burning

inside the park
Mechanized agriculture


Traditional agriculture


Dinder Park Singa 0 1 2 3 4 5


0 2 4 6 8 10

Very dry and devegetated Maya


Ed Damazin Sensitive wetlands with

riverine forest (Mayas)


0 1 2 3 4 5


0 2 4 6 8 10

Dinder National Park boundaries
Buffer zone
Core zone
Dinder Limits: DNPP (Dinder National Park
development Project).
Images: Landsat acquired between
1999 and 2001. Kilometres
Settlements: NGA.
0 20 40 60 80 100
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 267

The harvesting of animals in Sudan takes two Important poaching targets are now almost
general forms: commercial poaching for non-meat exclusively found in Southern Sudan and include
products, and the bushmeat culture and industry. elephants, snakes, leopards, parrots, chimpanzees
The two forms are often combined, but each has and tortoise, with the live animal trade being most
different cultural, ecological and legal aspects and important for the latter three species and classes.
needs to be tackled in a different manner. Ivory poaching was and still is a significant problem
that needs to be addressed as a matter of priority
Commercially oriented poaching for non-meat in order to safeguard the remaining few elephants
products, such as ivory, skins and live animals for in the country (see Case Study 11.3). Protecting
pets, was historically a major industry but is now the limited number of chimpanzees still present is
reduced due to a steep drop in the targeted wildlife also considered a vital task for the wildlife forces of
populations. This form of harvesting is completely Southern Sudan (see Case Study 11.4).
illegal in Sudan, with the sole exception of the
continued existence of a small-scale commercial Bushmeat (meat harvested by hunting wild
trophy hunting business in the Red Sea hills. animals) has always been part of the Sudanese

The collection of baby animals to serve as pets is common in Southern Sudan. The long-term survival
rate of such individuals is very low. A Patas monkey in Jonglei state (top), a servile cat in Aweil, Northern
Bahr el Ghazal (bottom left) and a hyena in Rumbek, Lakes state (bottom right

268 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

In Sudan, the demand for ivory comes principally from tourists and foreign workers
who are perhaps unaware of the global ban on ivory trading

CS 11.3 The illegal ivory trade in Sudan and the regional extinction
of the African elephant

Sudan has been a centre for elephant hunting and ivory trade for centuries. Since 1990, however, it has been illegal under
the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to export ivory. Killing elephants or selling ivory from
animals killed after 1990 is also illegal in Sudan. Given that most of the old (pre-1990) unmarked stock was in all likelihood
used up long ago, any current ivory trade is no doubt illegal.

Nonetheless, the ivory trade and poaching of elephants in Sudan continue to this day, with export through illegal international
trade networks. The international NGO Care for the Wild conducted a detailed investigation of the issue in 2005, and
follow-up reconnaissance and interviews by UNEP in mid-2006 largely confirmed the findings.

During the war years, the main agents of the ivory trade were the military forces of the north that benefited from their
unmonitored access to the south and the borders with the Central African Republic (CAR) and the Democratic Republic
of Congo (DRC). The drastic reduction in elephant populations within Sudan and the gradual withdrawal of the northern
forces from Southern Sudan have probably reduced direct military involvement, but private raiders remain in business.
There have been consistent reports of heavily armed horsemen from Northern and Southern Kordofan, as well as Southern
Darfur, coming into Southern Sudan, CAR and DRC on ivory-poaching trips. The latest report was received by UNEP from
a government official in Western Bahr el Ghazal in July 2006.

The main centre of the ivory trade is Omdurman, a city across the river from Khartoum. The 2005 NGO report quotes
50 souvenir shops, 150 craftsmen and up to 2,000 items in individual shops. The main customers were reported to be
Asian expatriates. UNEP visits to shops in Omdurman in July 2006 also revealed substantial amounts of ivory on sale and
confirmed the presence of foreign ivory buyers.

The illegal ivory trade is a critical force driving the regional extinction of the African elephant. In order for the elephant to
have a chance of survival in Sudan and elsewhere in central Africa, this trade needs to be shut down by tackling both the
supply and the demand. There is no doubt that this will be a very arduous task.

Completely cutting off the supply through anti-poaching measures in the south will be extremely difficult due to the overall
lack of governance in the region, the wide availability of firearms and the multiple national borders. At the same time,
addressing the demand will be a particularly sensitive and politically challenging task. Possible but controversial measures
to stop the demand include shutting down the carving industry through national legislation, or exerting diplomatic pressure
on Asian governments to enforce the CITES convention on their own citizens traveling to Sudan, through a combination
of persuasion and enforcement.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 269

diet, with the exception perhaps of the most local hunters and communities take the bulk of the
ancient agricultural societies based along the Nile. responsibility for the care of such resources.
It partly sustained the SPLA during the conflict
and was a critical fallback food source for millions Wildlife tourism
of Sudanese in times of crop and livestock failure.
During periods of famine, southern Sudanese The main problem with wildlife tourism in Sudan
reported eating any and all types of wild fauna, is that it does not exist on a commercial scale.
from buffalo to field mice. In 2005, the total number of foreign visitors
to Dinder National Park and the marine parks
The current issue with the bushmeat ‘industry’ is was less than one thousand. Protected areas are
a combination of a lack of control and a lack of hence not commercially self-sustaining and need
data. Indeed, there is very limited control on the constant subsidization, creating an evident issue
continued harvesting of important food species of prioritization for one of the world’s poorest
such as the white-eared kob, but there is also no countries.
data available to assess whether current rates of
harvesting are sustainable. There is currently no wildlife tourism industry
whatsoever in Southern Sudan either, and the
It is unrealistic to expect a blanket ban on bushmeat prospects for rapid growth are slight due to
to be enforceable in Southern Sudan at this time. insecurity and a lack of infrastructure. Accordingly,
What is needed instead is the establishment of a the habitual issue of controlling the impacts of
system and culture of sustainable harvesting, where tourism does not yet apply to Sudan.

Crocodile and python skin accessories are popular in markets in Khartoum, but there is no data
on the impact of this trade on reptile populations in Sudan

270 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

This young chimpanzee – named Thomas by wildlife rangers – was confiscated from a trader in
Yei, Central Equatoria, in April 2006. He is shown here with his current keeper, the Undersecretary
to the Government of Southern Sudan, Ministry of Environment, Wildlife Conservation and
Tourism. His fate is uncertain as chimpanzees are completely unsuitable as pets and there are no
rehabilitation or holding facilities in Sudan. The Ministry is searching for solutions, both for Thomas
and for chimpanzee conservation in general

CS 11.4 Chimpanzee hunting and live capture in Southern Sudan

The chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) is found in relatively undisturbed tropical forest regions in central and western Africa;
the forests of the far southern edge of Sudan represent the eastern limit of its habitat.

Like all of the great apes, the chimpanzee is in danger of extinction. Throughout its range, the species is subject to a variety
of threats, including habitat loss and fragmentation, the bushmeat industry, and live capture. While all of these issues are
important in Sudan, the predominant problem is the bushmeat trade and the resulting live capture of animals. Typically, a
mother and other family members are shot for meat, and the juveniles are captured alive for later sale as pets.

Sudan has been invited to sign the Kinshasa Declaration supporting the Great Apes Survival Project (GRASP) but, as of
end 2006, has yet to do so.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 271

11.5 Wildlife and protected area large numbers of troops demobilized from the
sector governance Unified Forces and directed to civilian sectors
such as the police, wildlife forces, prisons and
Governance structure fire brigades. As of late 2006, the projected size
of the wildlife force was over 7,300, which would
The governance structure and legal situation of probably make it the world’s largest. If not well
the wildlife and protected area management sector managed, training, managing and financing such
are complex and partially dysfunctional. The a large force is expected to be major problem for
2005 Interim National Constitution explicitly the ministry that could distort the operations
places management of the wildlife of Southern of the unit and distract it from its core role as
Sudan under the authority of the GOSS. At the the focal point for environmental governance
same time, a number of international treaties (including wildlife) in Southern Sudan.
such as the Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species (CITES) and the Ramsar On a positive note, the Wildlife Conservation
Convention are managed at the federal level. This Society, an international NGO, announced in
creates some confusion for the management of November 2006 that it was forming a multi-year
sites and issues in Southern Sudan. partnership with the GOSS to build capacity
in the wildlife forces and progress sustainable
Government of National Unity management of wildlife resources via a series
In the Government of National Unity, wildlife and of practical projects. One of the early activities
protected area management are the responsibility planned is a major aerial survey of the protected
of the Ministry of Interior, as wildlife forces areas to count wildlife populations and assess
are part of the country’s unified police forces. habitat conditions. The first stage of the fieldwork
The controlling ordinance is the 1986 Wildlife was completed in early 2007.
Conservation and National Parks Ordinance.
While there are numerous deficiencies in the
structures and legislation which hamper practical
governance, a principal problem is under-
investment in the forces, resulting in a very low
level of capacity in the field.

Government of Southern Sudan

Wildlife and protected area management in
Southern Sudan are the responsibility of the
Wildlife Conservation Directorate of the GOSS
Ministry of Environment, Wildlife Conservation
and Tourism. Like many of the new GOSS
institutions, this structure is still extremely weak
in capacity due to shortages in skilled manpower,
equipment and accommodation. It does, however,
have moderate amounts of funding and is
receiving limited capacity-building.
Innovative and sustainable solutions are needed
While there is currently no GOSS legislation on to stem the decline of wildlife of Southern Sudan.
wildlife and protected area management, the SPLM These juvenile ostriches taken from the wild as
had a working Commission on Wildlife, and issued chicks and raised in an aid compound in Padak
a number of directives for areas under its control. will grow too big, powerful and dangerous to
be kept as pets. The long-term fate of these
A particular and unusual challenge for the new particular individuals is sealed, but the species
ministry is the requirement from GOSS to absorb can be preserved in the region

272 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

11.6 Conclusions and management at all levels of government need to be

recommendations rationalized and improved. Due to the overlapping
nature of many of the existing institutions, laws
and regulations, this would, in the first instance,
need to be done as a joint exercise by GONU,
The issues relating to wildlife and protected area GOSS and state governments.
management are notably different in the north and
south of Sudan. Economic pressures underlie the CA: GROL; PB: MI and MEPD; UNP: UNEP
destruction of northern and central Sudan’s wildlife, and INGOs; CE: 0.5M; DU: 3 years
as well as the degradation of its protected areas. In a
period of conflict and extreme poverty, investment R11.2 Invest in the management of Dinder
in this sector was not a priority for the predecessors National Park. This would entail implementation
of the Government of National Unity. However, the of the current management plan, which is both
new wealth provided by oil revenue will hopefully adequate and up to date.
allow a gradual turnaround of this situation.
CA: GI; PB: MI and MEPD; UNP: UNEP and
In Southern Sudan, the limited short- to medium- INGOs; CE: 3M; DU: 5 years
term prospects for wildlife tourism imply the need
for alternative revenue streams to finance wildlife R11.3 Shut down the illegal ivory carving and
management. Potential alternatives include trading industry. This is a clear governance issue
sustainable game ranching and the formalization with north-south peace implications that can be
of the bushmeat industry. addressed without causing significant economic
hardship on the national scale.
With the exception of three park areas (Dinder,
Sanganeb and Dongonab Bay), the data on the CA: GROL; PB: MI; UNP: UNEP and CITES;
wildlife and protected areas of Sudan is insufficient CE: nil; DU: 1 year
to allow the development of management plans.
Before detailed planning can take place, more in-
depth assessments will need to be carried out. Recommendations for the
Government of Southern Sudan
Background to the recommendations R11.4 Develop interim strategies and plans for
The following recommendations are structured to the management of protected areas and wildlife
fit the post-CPA institutional arrangements. They including the surveying of all protected areas.
are aimed at pragmatic solutions for economic Detailed long-term plans, policies and legislation
sustainability and prioritization of expenditure. cannot be rationally developed or implemented due
For Southern Sudan, the need for comprehensive to the current lack of information and governance
capacity-building within the wildlife management capacity. Interim measures are needed.
sector is clear. As of early 2007, GOSS is in receipt
of assistance from both USAID and the Wildlife CA: PA; PB: MEWCT; UNP: UNEP and
Conservation Centre; moreover, it has capacity for INGOs; CE: 4M; DU: 2 years
self-improvement via the Boma Wildlife Training
Centre. However, it should be noted that the wildlife R11.5 Develop focused plans for the
sector is unique in that is has a high potential for management of Nimule National Park, the Sudd
attracting partnerships with international NGOs Ramsar site (including its elephant population)
and thus has better funding prospects than many and the conservation of chimpanzees and
other environmental sectors. migratory antelopes including the white-
eared kob. These four items have common
Recommendations for the features (international support, practicality and
Government of National Unity conservation urgency) that make them targets for
early practical action.
R11.1 Reform and rationalize institutions,
laws and regulations. The institutions, laws and CA: GROL; PB: MEWCT; UNP: UNEP and
regulations related to wildlife and protected area INGOs; CE: 2M; DU: 2 years

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 273
and Resources

Port Sudan, which hosts the largest sea

freight terminal in the country, typifies the
situation for marine resources in Sudan:
economic development is occurring at the
expense of the environment, and the
surrounding lagoons are suffering from
land-based pollution and modification due to
the indiscriminate building of infrastructure.

issues specifically related to marine and coastal

Marine environments environments are collated and discussed here,
and resources though several cut across sectors covered in other
chapters of this report.

12.1 Introduction and Assessment activities

assessment activities
For this assessment, UNEP drew upon a
Introduction significant available databank on the marine
resources of Sudan [12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5].
The coral reefs of the Sudanese territorial waters in In addition, a UNEP field mission covered the
the Red Sea are the best preserved ecosystems in the coastal strip from 100 km north of Port Sudan to
country. To date, these precious assets have been the Tokar delta. Fieldwork included an extensive
largely protected by the lack of development, but investigation of the Port Sudan area.
the economic and shipping boom focused on Port
Sudan and the oil export facilities is rapidly changing UNEP has been involved in the assessment and
the environmental situation for the worse. management of the natural resources of the Red
Sea since the 1980s in its role as a supporter and
At present, the state of the coastal environment is participant in the Regional Organization for the
mixed: while steady degradation is ongoing in the Conservation of the Environment of the Red
developed strip from Port Sudan to Suakin, good Sea and the Gulf of Aden (PERSGA). PERSGA-
conditions prevail elsewhere along the coast. On sponsored projects have included surveys of the
and above the tideline, the symptoms of overgrazing coral reefs and other important marine habitats
and land degradation are as omnipresent in Red of Sudan.
Sea state as elsewhere in dryland Sudan.
While it did not extend to the habitat’s condition,
The preservation and sustainable development UNEP’s assessment of the marine environment of
of the marine resources of Sudan will require an Sudan was considered adequate to cover and provide
integrated approach. For this reason, all of the an update on the main environmental issues.

A typical shoreline north of Port Sudan, with sparse vegetation on a sandy-silty beach, a sheltered
zone and the fringing reef (indicated by the breaking waves in the distance)

276 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 12.1 Sudan coastline

Jebel Elba
Lake Nubia
Wadi Halfa


Abu Hamad Sanganeb Atoll
Existing oil pipeline Port Sudan
Primary road
Natural areas Suakin Archipelago
Erkawit Sinkat
Managed Nature Reserve
Marine National Park
National Park
Nature Conservation Area

Wildlife Sanctuary Atbara

Source: Administrative layers (Vmap0).
Natural areas: World database on protected Ed Damer Kilometres
areas (WDPA), UNEP WCMC.
Pipeline (GIST).
0 40 80 120 160 200
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

12.2 Overview of marine and and inlets [12.2]. Numerous islands are scattered
coastal environments along the coast, the majority of which have
no water or vegetation. The dominant coastal
and resources forms are silty beaches, rocky headlands and salt
marshes, commonly bordered with mangroves.
The Red Sea Fringing coral reefs are very common and
The Sudanese Red Sea is famous for its attractive water clarity is generally high due to the lack of
and mostly pristine habitats, particularly its coral sedimentation.
reefs. Three distinct depth zones are recognized:
shallow reef-studded shelves less than 50 m deep, Average precipitation in the coastal areas is
deep shelves 500 to 1,000 m deep, and a central extremely low, ranging from 36 mm per year
trench more than 1,000 m deep, reaching a at Halaib to 164 mm per year at Suakin, so
maximum of 3,000 m off the city of Port Sudan. that the desert extends right to the tide mark.
The Red Sea is home to a variety of pelagic fish The only exception is the Tokar delta, which
including tuna, but the overall fish density is receives substantial run-off from seasonal streams
relatively low due to limited nutrient input. originating in the Ethiopian and Eritrean
The sea hosts important populations of seabirds highlands.
and turtles, as well as mammals such as dugong,
dolphins and whales. The islands and most of the coastline are
relatively undisturbed and host important
Coastline and islands feeding and nesting sites for a variety of
seabirds. The three most ecologically important
The coastline of Sudan on the Red Sea is some habitats are coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass
750 km long, not including all the embayments beds.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 277

Coral reefs Seagrass beds

Three types of coral reefs are found in Sudanese Seagrass beds are found in shallow coastal waters,
waters: around mangroves and between the low tide line
and fringing reefs. They are highly productive
• fringing reefs, which lie 1-3 km offshore; habitats that provide grazing for dugong, and
• patch reefs, which lie up to 15 km offshore, support fish and trochus shellfish.
separated from the fringing reef by deep and
wide channels; and
• pillar reefs or atolls, found 20 km or more 12.3 Environmental impacts
offshore, such as the Sanganeb atoll. and issues
The coral reefs of Sudan are considered to be in A high quality environment
moderate to good health, despite an extensive under pressure
cover of algae over some fringing reefs. Some die-
back/coral bleaching has occurred, particularly in The Sudanese marine and coastal environment is in
the upper ten metres [12.3, 12.7]. relatively good condition overall, with isolated badly
degraded areas. The region, however, is subject to a
Mangroves mounting list of environmental impacts linked to
urban and industrial development, and to overgrazing.
Mangrove stands are a key coastal habitat, which The principal environmental issues are:
provide forage, wood products and breeding
grounds for fish. Extensive stands were originally • coastal habitat destruction by development;
found in areas where the seasonal streams (khors) • oil industry spill risks;
reach the coast, as these produce the brackish and • passing ship pollution;
sediment-rich conditions necessary for mangroves • pollution from land-based sources;
to thrive. Mangroves stands are currently under • risk of importing invasive species in ballast
severe pressure along the entire coastline from water;
a combination of overgrazing and over-cutting, • fisheries management;
and in some regions, wholesale destruction due • mangrove cutting and overgrazing; and
to coastal industrial development. • marine protected areas and tourism.


Soft coral at Sanganeb. The coral reefs of Sudan are in very good to moderate condition away from the
major urban areas. They are partly protected by their isolation and the lack of run-off from the desert

278 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

A major extension to the Port Sudan harbour, known as the Green Port, is going ahead in an
area surrounded by seagrass beds and coral reefs. It is now necessary to focus on planning
port operations to minimize ongoing impacts

Coastal habitat destruction by cases, however, the benefits of development are

development questionable.
Development along the Red Sea coast is largely Twenty kilometres south of Port Sudan, productive
limited to a 70 km strip extending from Port mangroves have been destroyed by saltworks
Sudan to Suakin. This zone includes the two construction; saltwater access canals and banks
cities, the major ports, the oil terminals, saltworks, have cut through mangrove stands, disrupted
a shrimp farm and the new Red Sea Economic groundwater flows and sediment deposition
Free Trade Zone. patterns. Approximately eight kilometres south
of Port Sudan at Kilo Tammania, mangroves have
The damage to coastal habitats due to construction been destroyed by the poor design of an outfall
within this strip is extensive and in some cases access road and recreation area [12.2].
both completely unnecessary and probably
uneconomic in the long term. In some areas such As discussed in Chapters 7 and 13, industrial
as the main commercial port of Port Sudan, habitat development in Sudan occurs in the absence of an
destruction is unavoidable: though regrettable, effective environmental impact and management
local environmental damage is outweighed culture. This is clearly apparent in the Port Sudan
by the scale of the economic benefit. In other region.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 279

Figure 12.2 Port Sudan and coral reef

l reef
Coral reef destroyed
for port development


0 200 400 600 800 1,000

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Oil industry spill risks

The risk of oil spills from the relatively new
Bashir crude oil export terminal is discussed in
detail in Chapter 7. The risks are considered to
be moderate and the reported response measures
close to international standards. The new Alkheir
petroleum and gas export terminal is also
considered to represent a moderate risk.

However, the loaded crude oil and product tanker

traffic leaving the two terminals and traveling
east to the Indian Ocean remains a considerable Ships passing and entering ports in Sudan currently
risk, due to the navigational hazard presented by have no place to deposit oily waste, such as that
the numerous fringing and patch reefs. In 2004, generated by clearing bilges and fuel tanks. In the
a freight vessel, the MV Irrens, grounded on the absence of facilities and controls, the risk is that
reef at the Wingate anchorage area some 10 km ships jettison this oil at sea
east of the Alkheir terminal [12.2].

Passing and docked ship bilge water small coastal tenders to bulk grain carriers. In the
and oil pollution absence of controls and facilities for receiving oily
waste from bilges, ships discharge this effluent
The Red Sea is a major shipping transit route, into the sea. This results in chronic oil pollution
connecting the Indian Ocean with the Suez Canal. around the ports, but also along the coast, as
The ports of Sudan host a range of vessels, from discharges from passing ships drift landwards.

280 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Pollution from land-based

The industrial facilities and utilities of Port Sudan
are a major source of land-based pollution for
the Red Sea. They include two power stations, a
desalination plant and the harbour dockyard. Other
facilities in the area, such as a tire factory, a tannery,
and an oil seed factory, are now closed down.

Electrical power stations A and C were found to be

dumping substantial quantities of waste oil onto
open ground in adjacent vacant land (station C
is described in more detail in Case Study 7.1). In
addition, the desalination plant was found to be at
the origin of a significant pollution by hypersaline
effluent (see Case Study 12.1). The harbour
dockyard, which has no oily water treatment
facility, was another expected source of pollution,
but was not inspected. Other parts of the harbour,
including the main warehouse, were investigated
The Port Sudan landfill is located at the head of a and found to be relatively clean, except for one
seasonal watercourse. Every wet season, the run-off open warehouse filled with unwanted pesticides
draws pollution from the site to the coastal lagoons and other chemicals.

Figure 12.3 Port Sudan power station and salt flats


rt S



al r

Power station
and waste oil
(black stain from oil spill)

Salt pans


0 200 400 600 800 1,000

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 281

UNEP also visited a small oil refinery located five Risk of importing invasive species
kilometres south of Port Sudan (see Figure 12.3). in ballast water
Site personnel reported that an oil-water separator
was used for water treatment, and that the treated No port in Sudan has facilities for receiving ballast
effluent and cooling water were discharged to sea, water, which is instead discharged by the ships either
although this could not be verified by UNEP in the harbour or in the approaches. This practice
due to access restrictions. The refinery grounds carries the risk of importing invasive species (larvae,
and surrounds were markedly cleaner than the parasites and infectious agents) from where the ship
adjacent electrical power station C. last docked and took in the ballast.

Additionally, the harbour lagoons are polluted by Fisheries management

litter, waste oil and sewage from wet season run-
off from the khor Kilab, which borders the old Marine fisheries and mariculture industries in
industrial area of Port Sudan. This area contains Sudan are currently underdeveloped. They are
numerous small factories and vehicle repair also poorly controlled and subject to repeated
workshops that dump used oil and other waste proposals for expansion from foreign investors.
into the stream bed throughout the year.
The artisanal fleet on Sudanese waters is comprised
Finally, the main Port Sudan landfill, which is exclusively of locally made wooden boats and small
located in the head of the khor, is a source of fiberglass tenders. Fishing methods include hand
surface and groundwater contamination. The lines, and bottom set and pelagic gill nets, with
run-off from the dump also eventually ends up 80 percent of the catch coming from hand lines.
in the harbour. The landfill is covered in detail in Prior to 2005, an Egyptian shrimp trawling fleet
Case Study 6.4. operated offshore of the Tokar delta, but it was

Cargo ships carry seawater as ballast, which is drawn in or discharged when cargos are loaded
and unloaded. When this occurs thousands of kilometres away from the intake point, there is a
risk of introducing alien species into the local marine environment

282 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

This lagoon in the centre of the city of Port Reverse osmosis units separate seawater
Sudan is already burdened with urban pollution into two streams: freshwater for consumption
and shoreline development. Unless a solution and a high salinity effluent which needs to
for the saline effluent is found, the lagoon is be disposed of in an appropriate manner to
expected to become a biologically dead zone avoid environmental damage

CS 12.1 The impact of pollution from the Port Sudan desalination plant

This desalination-based freshwater production plant in Port Sudan provides an unfortunate case study in the importance
of locating industrial facilities correctly in order to optimize benefits to local citizens and minimize environmental impacts.

The plant, which was built in 2004, plays a vital role in the provision of freshwater to the city. Based on a reverse osmosis process
that is powered by diesel, it has a combined freshwater output of 7,500 m³ per day and an effluent discharge of 2,500 m³.

The facility is located on the shoreline of a shallow and moderately polluted saltwater lagoon that was an important if
declining fishing ground until 2004, but is now surrounded by urban development. The original plant design envisaged
extracting water from the lagoon, but health concerns forced a late revision in the form of a 4 km pipeline to convey
seawater in from the coastline. The effluent from the plant, however, is currently discharged directly into the lagoon as
per the original design.

The salinity of the effluent is approximately four times that of seawater, and it contains traces of chlorine and anti-scaling
agent. The local authority reported that a major fish kill occurred during plant commissioning and there are current complaints
from local residents regarding skin rashes, although the link between this public health problem and the increased salinity
is unclear at this stage.

What is clear is that the combination of a nearly closed system and ongoing saline inputs will in time result in a hypersaline
and ecologically dead (and most probably anaerobic) lagoon in an urban area. While the local authorities were very much
aware of this problem at the time of UNEP’s visit, there was no agreement on the solution due to the high cost of all
options proposed to date.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 283

banned by the Red Sea State Governor during the

2005-2006 season, apparently due to a licensing
dispute. At present, no legal offshore fishing is
conducted by foreign vessels, though the potential
for illegal fishing is high as there is effectively no

The fisheries industry is constrained by a lack of

investment in facilities to handle the catch, as well
as by a limited domestic market. The daily fish
catch is monitored by the local fisheries authority
and estimated to be approximately 1,100 tonnes
per year [12.2, 12.8]. Most of the fish is consumed
locally. There is a small export market to Saudi
Arabia and Egypt for fresh coral fish and shark,
and some 200 to 300 tonnes of trochus shellfish
are exported – mainly to Europe – per year.

Though historically significant, mariculture and the

collection of wild pearl oysters in the Red Sea region
ended in the 1990s. It may or may not be revived.
Shrimp farming has just commenced, with one farm
located 35 km south of Port Sudan, but this venture
is struggling to establish local and export markets.

The key environmental issue for the fisheries

and mariculture industries is the lack of effective At present, the domestic marine fisheries industry
governance. This leaves the environment highly is very limited. Most of the catch is consumed
vulnerable to overfishing and uncontrolled mariculture locally. A small volume of high-quality fish is
expansion. exported to other Gulf countries

Camels grazing on mangroves 20 km south of Suakin. The impact of such grazing can be seen in the
absence of foliage below three metres. This stand also shows signs of extensive timber-cutting

284 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

a shallow bay with a wide diversity of marine

habitats, including coral reefs and seagrass beds
that support a large population of endangered
dugong. The park also has a significant resident
human population in a number of small fishing
villages, and hosts a salt plant.

In addition, four high-value habitats have been

proposed as marine protected areas:

• Suakin Archipelago, which comprises coral

reefs surrounding a number of sandy islands
approximately 20 km south-east of Suakin;
these are important nesting sites for marine
turtles and sea birds;

• Khor Kilab Bird Sanctuary, a 2 km² estuarine

area on the south side of Port Sudan harbour;

• the Abu Hashish area, a 5 km² area on the

eastern side of the new Green port, containing
numerous coral reefs; and
Spinner dolphins offshore of Suakin. The marine
tourism industry in Sudan still operates on a • Shuab Rumi, a 4 km² area of coral reefs 50
small scale, catering mainly to scuba divers, km north of Port Sudan.
but the quality and quantity of marine life holds
promise for the long-term growth of the industry. To this list, UNEP would add all of the remaining
Protection and control measures need to be mangrove stands along the Sudanese Red Sea
improved to ensure that this growth occurs coastline, as this habitat is now under severe
without harm to the environment pressure and disappearing rapidly in some areas.

At present, the marine tourism industry is centred

Mangrove cutting and overgrazing mainly on Sanganeb and to a lesser extent on
Shuab Rumi. The Dongonab area is relatively
Mangrove leaves are edible for camels and are remote and rarely visited. For the most part,
thus vulnerable to grazing damage in periods of tourism consists of international diving holidays,
scarcity. Most of the accessible mangrove stands with visitors flying to Port Sudan and residing
visited by UNEP had the characteristic clipped on large hotel boats, which travel to anchor at
look resulting from overgrazing. Mangroves can the various diving sites for a few days at a time.
also supply wood for fuel and construction, and There is also some limited local recreation along
unsustainable cutting has clearly been a problem the coastline.
in the accessible stands.
The major environmental issue related to marine
Marine protected areas and tourism tourism is the lack of handling facilities at the
dive sites and ports. For example, dive boats are
There are two declared marine protected areas forced to anchor on the reefs, causing damage,
in Sudan: Sanganeb Marine National Park and because they do not have mooring buoys. Tourism
Dongonab Bay (with Mukawar Island). Sanganeb operators are highly aware of this problem, but
Marine National Park is described in detail in do not have the legal mandate to install the
Case Study 12.2. necessary equipment, as that rests with the Sea
Ports Corporation. An additional issue is the
Dongonab Bay National Park lies 125 km north limited capacity for governance of the parks and
of Port Sudan and covers 60 km of coastline and tourism in all places.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 285


CS 12.2 Sanganeb National Park: a microcosm of high reef biodiversity

The Sudanese coast harbours the most diverse coral reefs in the Red Sea. The small Sanganeb Atoll, arguably the only
true atoll in the Red Sea, is situated approximately 30 km north-east of Port Sudan. It lies close to the centre of Red Sea
marine biodiversity, where conditions are optimal for coral growth and reef development.

Sanganeb’s physical features include an outer rim that encloses three central lagoons, areas of back reefs, and shallow
water reef flats dominated by massive colonies of porites, gonisatrea and montipora. Outside this outer rim, the reef drops
vertically, interrupted by terraces, to the seabed some 800 m below. The drop from the reef flats to the reef slopes hosts
a spectacular diversity of coral and fish species.

The coral fauna of the Sanganeb Atoll, which may well prove to be among the richest in the Red Sea, inhabits a number
of different bio-physiographic reef zones. To date, a total of 124 cnidarians have been recorded. The atoll also hosts
significant populations of Trochus dentatus (giant spider conch) and sea-cucumbers, which are commercially exploited
elsewhere in Sudan.

Over 251 coral reef fish species have so far been recorded and this number may rise to more than 300. Populations of
larger species such as bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum), bumphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus), and
groupers, which are vulnerable to overfishing throughout their ranges, appear healthy in Sanganeb. The open waters
around the atoll include a large number of pelagic fish species such as tuna, barracuda, sailfish, manta rays and sharks.
Sailfish are reported to spawn in the Sanganeb lagoon.

The atoll was declared a National Park in 1993 and is currently one of two marine protected areas in Sudan (the other is the
Dongonab Bay and Mukawar Island National Park, gazetted in 2005). Management plans for both sites were developed
by the Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) in
2003. Sanganeb additionally lies within one of two proposed Ramsar sites along the Sudanese coast, and is on Sudan’s
tentative list for UNESCO World Heritage status. At present, the park covers an area of approximately 22 km2, but there
are proposals to create an additional buffer zone that would increase the area to approximately 260 km².

Sudan’s Wildlife Conservation General Administration signed an agreement with the international NGO the African Parks
Foundation to implement the existing management plans for both Sanganeb and Dongonab Bay National Parks [12.6]. In
June 2006, the Foundation and IUCN undertook a baseline biodiversity survey of both parks.

The atoll has considerable potential as a major destination for diving tourism, but the infrastructure to support and manage
increased tourism has yet to be put in place.

286 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

12.4 Marine and coastal At the state level, the governor and the local
government of ministers and advisors have significant
environmental governance and broad-reaching authority, which overlaps with
the federal mandate to a large extent.
Governance structure
The governance structure for the Sudanese Red Sea state is unusual in that it has a working body
Red Sea coastline, territorial seas, islands and specifically for marine environment protection
associated marine protected areas is very complex – the newly formed Marine Environmental
and in consequence, fragmented. Protection Authority (MEPA). In addition, the
State Council for Environment (SCE) provides
Sudanese ports are managed by the Sea Ports
an oversight and coordination role. Finally, the
Corporation, which is part of the federal Ministry
NGO sector is also active in Port Sudan.
of Transport. The important exception is the
arrangement at the Bashir Oil Terminal port
Legislation and coordination
facilities, which also come under the management
of the Ministry of Energy and Mining. Marine Appropriate and up to date legislation and guidance
fisheries are governed by the Marine Fisheries is lacking for the direction of the various authorities.
Administration, which is part of the federal Fisheries legislation, for example, is based largely
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The marine upon acts drafted by the British in the 1930s. A
protected areas are under the responsibility of number of important legal documents have been
the Headquarter of Wildlife Conservation in developed more recently, but have yet to be ratified
the federal Ministry of Interior, and wildlife or implemented by the federal authorities. The
conservation services staff are actually managed new state-sponsored SCE is anticipated to improve
by the Ministry of Interior, as they are part of the coordination between the various actors, though it
country’s united police force. is constrained by legislation to be largely advisory.

Figure 12.4 Sanganeb National Park

Port Sudan


0 5 10 15 20 25
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 287

Governance performance as national significance and are currently the most

important foreign tourist attractions in Sudan.
While the Red Sea region has a number of interested
and responsible parties for environmental The environmental issues faced by the region will
protection, the complex governance structure and require an integrated approach to have any chance
ensuing fragmentation of responsibility hamper of successful resolution. The multiple competing
practical performance by the authorities. uses and threats for shared resources such as
shipping channels, estuaries, coral reefs and pelagic
In addition, a severe lack of financial resources fisheries cannot be addressed in isolation.
affects all governance operations (except for
the Bashir Oil Terminal and the Sea Ports The general level of environmental awareness
Corporation), and legislative deficiencies hinder and interest among Red Sea state stakeholders
both the authorities and civil society. For instance, is impressive and higher than that seen in many
many of the major facilities are managed at other parts of Sudan. However, this interest needs
the federal level, which makes enforcement of to be converted into practical action, in the first
legislation at the state level problematic. instance by transferring more authority to the
local level.
12.5 Conclusions and
recommendations Background to the recommendations

Conclusion The two key themes for the recommendations are:

integration, based on the concept of Integrated
Compared to many parts of Sudan, the coastal Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), and
and marine environments are still in very good devolution of responsibility to the Red Sea state
condition. The marine habitats have global as well level.

Young men on duty on national service picking up litter from the tidal lagoons of Port Sudan. The level
of interest in the environment in Red Sea state is among the highest in all of Sudan

288 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The objective of Integrated Coastal Zone R12.4 Adequately fund the two marine
Management (ICZM) is to establish sustainable protected areas of the Red Sea that have existing
levels of economic and social activity in coastal management plans and follow through with those
areas while protecting the coastal environment. plans to develop self-sustaining revenue streams
It brings all those involved in the development, for those areas. Sanganeb Marine National Park
management and use of the coast together in a is the priority site.
framework that facilitates the integration of their
interests and responsibilities. CA: GI; PB: MI, UNP: UNEP; CE: 5M; DU:
5 years
In support of the devolution of powers, the 2005
Interim Constitution grants states the authority to Recommendations for the Red Sea
manage their natural resources. This general clause State Government
needs to be strengthened for the unique coastal
and marine environment, with more detail on R12.5 Enforce existing EIA legislation on
the division of powers for a range of issues such as planned developments on the coastline,
fisheries, coastal development, land-based marine including the Red Sea Free Trade Zone. This
pollution sources and tourism. This process would will require more direct involvement of the Red
correct the current imbalance due to the fact that Sea State Government in support of the Marine
much of the interest in environmental management Environment Protection Authority.
resides in Red Sea state while the mandate for
management resides largely at the federal level. CA: GROL; PB: RSS MEPA; UNP: UNEP; CE:
0.1M; DU: 2 years
Recommendations for the Government
R12.6 Enforce existing water pollution
of National Unity
legislation on industrial and utilities plant
R12.1 Ratify and enforce existing prepared discharges into the Red Sea. This will require
legal instruments for the marine environment. more direct involvement of the Red Sea
Documents that are ready but not yet translated into State Government in support of the Marine
law or firm standards include the Sudanese Maritime Environment Protection Authority.
Law and the National Oil Spill Contingency Plan.
CA: GROL; PB: GONU Assembly; UNP: 0.1M; DU: 2 years
UNEP; CE: 0.1M; DU: 2 years
R12.7 Advocate and progress federal/state
R12.2 Develop legislation and statutory power-sharing on marine environmental
guidance covering offshore fisheries. This issues. Set out and restructure the power-sharing
should cover issues such as prohibited areas and arrangements for coastal and marine natural
the granting of licenses to both domestic and resources management to allow direct liaison and
international operators. resolution at the state level.

DU: 2 years 0.1M; DU: 3 years

R12.3 Adequately fund the marine fisheries R12.8 Introduce the concept of Integrated
inspection and data collection services operating out Coastal Zone Management through revised
of the Red Sea ports to enable monitoring of catches master-planning for the whole coast with a focus
and offshore fisheries including foreign vessels. on the areas of Port Sudan, Suakin and Tokar.

2 years 0.4M; DU: 3 years

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 289
Governance and

Under UNEP sponsorship, several

consultation meetings were held between
the environment ministries of the
Government of National Unity and the
Government of Southern Sudan
to discuss national action plans for
environmental management.

and practical review of all current and relevant

Environmental treaties and legislation (including the CPA, the
governance and DPA, and the GONU and GOSS Constitutions)
and follow-up interviews with government
awareness officials in both executive bodies and in over
twenty ministries at the three working levels
– national, regional and state.
13.1 Introduction and
assessment activities The role of civil society was also evaluated, through
extensive interaction with NGOs and the tertiary
Introduction education sector, as represented by the many
academics involved in the assessment process.
Environmental governance and awareness are at
a crossroads in Sudan. For several decades, the
priorities of a war economy and a range of escalating 13.2 Overview of environmental
environmental issues overran incremental progress governance structures
in these areas. Now, two major events have radically
reshaped the governance context and helped create A complex and evolving
the conditions for positive change. national context
First, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) The main feature of environmental governance
[13.1] and the Interim Constitution [13.2] in Sudan is that it has not been able to keep pace
have made much of the existing governance with the evolving national context, as driven by
structures and legislation obsolete, creating a series of major changes, such as the cessation
a major opportunity for reform. Second, the of the north-south conflict, the associated peace
injection of oil revenue has greatly boosted the agreement and Interim Constitutions, the
financial resources of both the Government of development of the oil industry, the escalation of
National Unity (GONU) and the Government the Darfur crisis and the partial resolution of the
of Southern Sudan (GOSS), enabling such reform Eastern Front conflict. Underlying these events
to be translated into concrete action. have been the creeping processes of population
growth, climate change and land degradation.
This chapter provides an overview of the national The net result today is a governance structure and
structures, legislation and culture related to culture that no longer fit the country’s current
environmental management and awareness, circumstances.
with a focus on how to integrate or ‘mainstream’
environmental considerations into government Conflict and peace, the CPA and
and society in Sudan. the 2005 National and GOSS Interim
Assessment activities
The cessation of hostilities between north and
Not only was the review of environmental south opened up the country to the rule of civilian
governance in Sudan an integral part of UNEP’s law and radically altered its political structure.
work in the country, but the assessment process
itself was modelled to concurrently assist in the The Interim Constitution of the Republic of Sudan
development of improved governance and a adopted on 6 July 2005 reflects the Comprehensive
higher level of environmental awareness. Peace Agreement (CPA) of January 2005 and
defines a new set of rules for governance in general,
A detailed institutional assessment was conducted and for environmental governance in particular.
for the GONU, GOSS and selected state The two main elements of this new policy context
governments, including Khartoum, Red Sea, are a high level of decentralization of powers to
Gezira, Sennar, White Nile and Bahr el Jabal the states, and the creation of a Government of
(Central Equatoria) [13.4]. This entailed a legal Southern Sudan (GOSS).

292 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Table 25. Powers and responsibilities set out in the 2005 Interim National Constitution
relating directly or indirectly to environmental governance
Schedule (A) National powers
Section Title
15 National lands and national natural resources
19 Meteorology
23 Intellectual property rights, including patents and copyright
25 Signing of international treaties on behalf of the Republic of Sudan
27 National census, national surveys and national statistics
29 International and interstate transport, including roads, airports, waterways, harbours and railways
30 National public utilities
33 Nile Water Commission, the management of Nile waters, transboundary waters and disputes arising from the
management of interstate waters between northern states and any dispute between northern and southern states
Schedule (B) Powers of the Government of Southern Sudan
2 Police, prisons and wildlife services
6 Planning for Southern Sudan government services including health, education, and welfare
9 The coordination of Southern Sudan services or the establishment of minimum Southern Sudan standards or the
establishment of Southern Sudan uniform norms in respect of any matter or service referred to in Schedule C or Schedule
D, read together with Schedule E, with the exception of Item 1 of Schedule C, including but not limited to, education,
health, welfare, police (without prejudice to the national standards and regulations), prisons, state public services, such
authority over civil and criminal laws and judicial institutions, lands, reformatories, personal law, intra-state business,
commerce and trade, tourism, environment, agriculture, disaster intervention, fire and medical emergency services,
commercial regulation, provision of electricity, water and waste management services, local government, control of animal
diseases and veterinary services, consumer protection, and any other matters referred to in the above Schedules
10 Any power that a state or the National Government requests it to exercise on its behalf, subject to the agreement of the
Government of Southern Sudan or that for reasons of efficiency the Government of Southern Sudan itself requests to
exercise in Southern Sudan and that other level agrees
14 Public utilities of the Government of Southern Sudan
19 Any matter relating to an item referred to in schedule D that cannot be dealt with effectively by a single state and requires
Government of Southern Sudan legislation or intervention including, but not limited to the following:
(1) natural resources and forestry
(2) town and rural planning
(3) disputes arising from the management of interstate waters within Southern Sudan
Schedule (C) Powers of states: regarding environmental governance, most powers – executive and legislative – are at state level
8 State land and state natural resources
13 The management, lease and utilization of lands belonging to the state
17 Local works and undertakings
21 The development, conservation and management of state natural resources and state forestry resources
23 Laws in relation to agriculture within the state
27 Pollution control
28 State statistics, and state surveys
31 Quarrying regulations
32 Town and rural planning
36 State irrigation and embankments
40 State public utilities
Schedule (D) Concurrent powers: The National Government, the Government of Southern Sudan and state governments shall
have legislative and executive competencies on any of the matters listed below
1 Economic and social development in Southern Sudan
3 Tertiary education, education policy and scientific research
4 Health policy
5 Urban development, planning and housing
6 Trade, commerce, industry and industrial development
7 Delivery of public services
12 River transport
13 Disaster preparedness, management and relief, and epidemics control
15 Electricity generation, and water and waste management
17 Environmental management, conservation and protection
19 Without prejudice to the national regulation, and in the case of southern states, the regulation of the Government of Southern
Sudan, the initiation, negotiation and conclusion of international and regional agreements on culture, sports, trade, investment,
credit, loans, grants and technical assistance with foreign governments and foreign non-governmental organizations
23 Pastures, veterinary services, and animal and livestock disease control
24 Consumer safety and protection
25 Residual powers, subject to schedule E
27 Water resources other than interstate waters
31 Human and animal drug quality control
32 Regulation of land tenure, usage and exercise of rights in land.
Schedule (F) Resolution of conflicts in respect of concurrent powers: If there is a contradiction between the provisions
of Southern Sudan law and/or a state law and/or a national law, on the matters referred in Schedule D, the law of the level of
government which shall prevail shall be that which most effectively deals with the subject matter of the law, having regard to:
1 The need to recognize the sovereignty of the nation while accommodating the autonomy of Southern Sudan or of the states
2 Whether there is a need for national or Southern Sudan norms and standards
3 The principle of subsidiarity
4 The need to promote the welfare of the people and to protect each person’s human rights and fundamental freedoms

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The Ministry of Environment and Physical Development, in Khartoum

The need to preserve a measure of equality between Agreement (DPA) does not include significant detail
states while awarding a high level of autonomy to on the environment and, as of June 2007, is not
Southern Sudan was addressed by granting all states being implemented due to ongoing conflict.
a high level of autonomy, and creating a specific
regional level of government – the GOSS – in the GONU federal structure
south. This model, characterized by a somewhat The structure of environmental governance in
asymmetrical (between north and south) but the GONU is characterized by a multiplicity
overall decentralized system of governance, was of small units linked to environment but not
adopted by the Interim Constitution. closely linked to each other. The key units are
UNEP has analysed the impact and new the Ministry of Environment and Physical
legal status quo of the 2005 Interim National Development (MEPD), the Higher Council for
Constitution; Table 25 on the previous page sets Environment and Natural Resources (HCENR),
out its interpretation of national, regional, state a number of state-level councils and other bodies,
and concurrent powers related to environment. and departments or units in line ministries such
as the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
In terms of environmental governance, the impact
of these changes is evident in the south, but not The Ministry of Environment and Physical
yet in the north and east. Development was created in 2003. The MEPD’s
mandate, which covers surveying, construction,
In December 2005, the GOSS adopted its own urban planning and now environment, is derived
regional Constitution, which echoes the key terms from the Environmental Framework Act of 2001.
of the Interim National Constitution and adds However, no actual environmental mandate
detail, including substantial text on natural resource for the MEPD is specified in the legislation, as
management [13.3]. On the Eastern Front, the peace the legislation pre-dates the establishment of an
process is still in its early stages, so the implications environment portfolio within the ministry. The
for environment and natural resource management MEPD’s Department of Environmental Affairs
are not clear at this stage. Finally, the Darfur Peace (DEA) only has approximately ten staff members.

294 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The Higher Council for Environment and contracts connected to MEA or GEF projects
Natural Resources was established by the 2001 [13.4].
Environmental Framework Act. Its mandate
focuses on policy coordination for all sectors that Several other ministries have important en-
have a role in the protection of the environment vironment-related portfolios. In some ministries,
or use of natural resources, but no role in this translates into dedicated departments;
implementation. It was conceived as a ministerial- in others, environmental issues are in theory
level forum supported by a secretariat. The integrated into normal business.
Minister of Environment serves as the chairman
of the HCENR. As of late 2006, however, the The Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife (MTW)
actual Higher Council has never been formally manages all wildlife issues in the northern and
convened. All of its activities have been carried central states, and also plays an important role in
out by the secretariat, managed by the Secretary- the management of marine protected areas. In the
General. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), the
Forests National Corporation (FNC) comprises a
A key function of the HCENR to date has great deal of practical expertise in forest management
been that of focal point for international and conservation. The Ministry of Irrigation and
liaison and agreements. So far, virtually all of Water Resources (MIWR) has a functioning
the international conventions, multilateral environmental unit, though major realignment is
environmental agreements (MEAs) and Global now underway following the attachment of the
Environment Facility (GEF) projects have been Dams Implementation Unit to the President’s Office.
managed by this body. The HCENR employs 50 Finally, a unit within the Ministry of Industry (MoI)
to 60 staff, of which approximately 20 are career undertakes and partly evaluates the environmental
civil servants. The rest are funded on short-term impact assessments provided by projects [13.4].

The Ministry of Environment, Wildlife Conservation and Tourism, in Juba

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 295

GOSS regional structure Interviews with these state-level units revealed

that there was no universal model and that their
The design of the Government of Southern origins were state-based, resulting from individual
Sudan, which was created in the wake of the initiatives, personal political support, or decrees from
CPA, is nearly complete. Key posts have been governors or state ministerial decisions [13.4].
established and awarded, but the development of
the civil service is still in the early stages. In contrast, state governments in the south have
virtually no environmental administrations or
Within the GOSS ministerial structure, capacity whatsoever. Similar to the GOSS in general,
coordination and leadership on environment and southern state governments are currently still
wildlife issues are the mandate of the Ministry of growing. In principal, however, environmental issues
Environment, Wildlife Conservation and Tourism enjoy a high level of support from the interviewed
(MEWCT). The MEWCT has over 600 allocated governors.
staff positions at the regional and state level, and
over 7,300 allocated positions for the wildlife The three Darfur states are essentially in the
forces (see Chapter 11). The MEWCT had a same position as the southern states in terms of
budget of USD 4 million in 2006, excluding institutional capacity for environmental issues,
most of the costs of the wildlife personnel. Almost but have even less capacity to act due to the
all of the MEWCT staff is newly appointed and conflict. The level of political support was not
relatively inexperienced in civil servant tasks. The established in this assessment.
exception is the wildlife sector, where the GOSS
has inherited some of the expertise developed by
the SPLM during the conflict period [13.10]. 13.3 Overview of environmental
and natural resource
As is the case for GONU, several other GOSS line legislation
ministries have environmental responsibilities,
including the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Environmental aspects of the 2005
(MAF), the Ministry of Animal Resources Interim National Constitution
and Fisheries (MARF), the Ministry of Water
Resources and Irrigation (MWRI), and the At the level of general principles, environmental
Ministry of Industry and Mining (MIM). protection is a national objective, which is not subject
to interpretation by other levels of government.
State government structures
In Chapter 2 of the Constitution, Article 11
While the Interim National Constitution allocates states that for the State of Sudan as a whole,
fairly uniform responsibilities to all states, the the conservation of the environment, and of
environmental governance situation, in practice, biodiversity in particular, should be pursued,
varies greatly between the north, south and Darfur. and that the State should ensure a sustainable
utilization of natural resources, including by
The Environmental Framework Act provides prohibiting actions that would adversely affect the
a mandate for state-level environmental admi- existence of specific species. Article 17 reaffirms
nistration and legislation, which was reinforced that it is the responsibility of Sudan as a whole
by the Interim Constitution in 2005. Several to fulfil its international obligations. Chapter 3
northern states (Red Sea, Gezira, Sennar, adds that it is the duty of every Sudanese citizen
White Nile, Gedaref, Nile and Khartoum) have to preserve the natural environment [13.2].
established environmental administrations that
range from individual part-time efforts to well The Interim Constitution radically changes
organized councils on environment involving the relative authority of the various actors and
several line ministries at the state level. Red Sea stakeholders in the field of environment by
state is the most advanced in this respect, as it has transferring significant powers from the national
both a coordinating council and a new Marine to the state level and, in the case of GOSS, to the
Environmental Protection Authority. regional government.

296 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The Environmental Framework Act HCENR under the 2005 Interim Constitution.
of 2001 This process will be far-reaching, not only because
it will need to clarify the division of labour between
In 2001, the President of the Republic of Sudan MEPD and HCENR, but also because the Interim
signed an environmental framework law that is Constitution deeply affects the geographical
still in force today [13.4]. The Environmental division of powers, as indicated above.
Framework Act, referred to hereafter as the ‘Act’,
has five chapters and twenty-nine articles: GONU sector legislation
• Chapter 1: Preliminary regulations; The GONU has a large body of sectoral legislation
• Chapter 2: the Higher Council for En- with linkages to environmental governance,
vironment and Natural Resources; which virtually all predates the CPA and 2005
National Constitution. Key acts and associated
• Chapter 3: Policies and general trends for the line ministries include:
protection of the environment, evaluation and
environmental follow-up; • Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife: the
Wildlife Conservation and National Parks
• Chapter 4: Violations, penalties and Act (1986);
punishments; and
• Chapter 5: General rules, standards and • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: the
methods of combating pollution. Forests Act (1989);
• Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: the
Five general environmental objectives are stated Pesticides Act (1994);
in the Act, leaving it up to sector ministries to
achieve these goals while performing their tasks • Ministry of Animal Resources: the Freshwater
or implementing their policies: Fisheries Act (1954) and the Marine Fisheries
Act (1937);
• the protection of the environment and its • Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources:
natural balance, and the conservation of its the Water Resources Act (1995);
components and social and cultural elements,
in order to achieve sustainable development • Ministry of Health: the Environmental Health
for future generations; Act (1975) (water and air pollution); and

• the sustainable use of resources; • Ministry of Industry: the Petroleum Wealth

Act (1998).
• the integration of the link between environment
and development; Another area of governance with strong links to
environmental governance is land tenure. This
• the empowerment of the authorities responsible topic is not covered by any single line ministry, but
for the protection of the environment; and
important legislation includes the Unregistered
• the activation of the role of the concerned Lands Act (1970) and the Civil Transactions Act
authorities and prevention of relaxation or (1984). The implications of deficiencies in land
disposal of duties. tenure are covered in Chapter 8.
Generally speaking, the law is more detailed GOSS legislation
for the protection of natural resources than for
pollution control and regimes. According to As of early 2007, the process of legislation development
Article 18, environmental impact assessments within GOSS is still in its early stages. The legal basis
are required for projects likely to have a negative for environmental governance is therefore effectively
impact on the environment. absent in Southern Sudan at this time.

The MEPD has been asked to review and redraft In the interim period, the GOSS judiciary and
the 2001 Act and all legislation to reflect the ministries have taken the approach of using
new legislative mandates of the MEPD and the directives from the GOSS President, governors and

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 297

ministers as temporary control measures. Though • the United Nations Framework Convention
there are numerous SPLM policy documents and on Climate Change (UNFCCC - 1994);
directives from the time of the conflict, these are
not automatically translated into GOSS legislation • the Vienna Convention for the Protection of
and so are not legally valid. the Ozone Layer (1985) and the Montreal
Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
In theory, the potential exists for the GOSS Ozone Layer (1987);
to use GONU legislation – including the
Environmental Framework Act – as interim • the Basel Convention on the Control of
measures for governance of issues within the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous
GOSS mandate, but this may be difficult to Wastes and their Disposal (1989);
implement in practice.
• the Bamako Convention on the Ban of
the Import into Africa and the Control of
State legislation
Transboundary Movement of Hazardous
Red Sea state is the only state in Sudan to have Wastes within Africa (1991);
developed a state-level framework law, known
as the State Environmental Law of 2005. Other • the Stockholm Convention on Persistent
northern states have formalized their individual Organic Pollutants (POPs - 2001);
approaches to environmental governance
via governor or state minister decrees and • the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior
Informed Consent (PIC) Procedure for
directives, and through reference to the GONU
Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides
Environmental Framework Act of 2001.
in International Trade (1998);
International agreements • the United Nations Convention on the Law
of the Seas (1982) and the Convention on the
Sudan is a party to the following global and regional
International Maritime Organization (1958); and
multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs):
• the Regional Convention for the Conservation
• the Convention on Biological Diversity of the Environment of the Red Sea and the
(CBD - 1992); Gulf of Aden (PERSGA - 1982).
• the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2000); Funding supplied to Sudan in the period 2002 -
• the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement 2006 to support the implementation of MEAs was
(AEWA - 1999); approximately USD 5 million in total (see Chapter
14) [13.11, 13.12, 13.17, 13.18, 13.19, 13.20].
• the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora The 2001 Environment Act gives the HCENR
(CITES - 1973); the mandate to specify the channels assigned
to implement the MEAs. In most cases, the
• the African Convention on the Conservation HCENR has designated itself as the focal point.
of Nature and Natural Resources (Africa Many of the MEA support projects have a project
Convention - 2003); coordinator hosted by the HCENR, and most
activities are conducted at the federal level in
• the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Khartoum. Following the realignment of powers
set out in the 2005 Interim Constitution, the
• the Convention Concerning the Protection national implementation mechanisms required
of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage by most MEAs will now fall largely under the
(UNESCO WHC - 1972) responsibility of the states.

• the United Nations Convention to Combat Aside from progress reporting, compliance with the
Desertification (UNCCD - 1994) agreements is variable, but overall at a low level.

298 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

13.4 Environmental education National environmental NGOs

and civil society Building on a tradition of environmental societies
dating back to the early 20th century, Sudan has
Environmental education several solid non-governmental organizations,
and awareness within and outside Khartoum. Since the adoption
of the Environmental Framework Act in 2001,
Environmental education and awareness in Sudan NGOs have become important stakeholders in
are relatively limited, but gradually increasing. environmental affairs.
Environmental science is a popular subject in the At present, the majority of NGO activities are
country’s universities, and environmental studies focused on the northern states and the Red Sea.
programmes have multiplied over the years. Due Environmental NGOs are present in Southern
to a lack of funding and equipment, as well as to a Sudan and Darfur as well, but are either very new
certain extent the lack of a culture of experimental or constrained by ongoing conflict.
science, environmental science is taught almost
purely theoretically. Many of the activities funded by international
partners have been implemented through NGOs
Environmental education at the primary and such as the Sudanese Environment Conservation
secondary school level is not institutionalized, Society (SECS). Environmental NGOs were part of
but individual efforts at environmental curri- the technical team for this assessment, and completed
culum development and outreach are taking a range of desk studies and field missions. They also
place under the management of national NGOs played an active role in the Khartoum and Juba
[13.4]. NPEM workshops in 2006 (see Section 13.8).


The South Sudan National Environment Association, which was founded in Boma in 2006,
is the first national environmental NGO to be established in Southern Sudan

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 299

SECS has established several community-managed forests to provide firewood to the communities
and act as shelter belts around villages and buffer zones against desert encroachment

CS 13.1 The Sudanese Environment Conservation Society

The Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (SECS) is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established in 1975
with a mandate to raise environmental awareness among different communities and advocate on issues related to environment.
It is open for membership to all Sudanese who can serve its mandate, and has more than 120 branches all over the country.

The Society’s activities are organized under three main programmes: Institutional Development and Capacity-Building,
Environmental Rehabilitation and Environmental Education. It has established several working groups and networks
throughout the country, including the Poverty Network, Desertification, Biodiversity, Environmental Law, Human Rights,
Landmines, POPs, Climate Change, Women’s groups, and others. SECS also hosts other programmes funded by the Nile
Basin Initiative’s micro-grants component, Nile Basin Discourse and the Darfur Joint Assessment Mission. Finally, SECS
is a focal point in Sudan for IUCN, Bird International, UNDP, FAO, UNEP, and UN HABITAT.

At the grassroots level, SECS develops and implements practical and replicable environmental projects that contribute
to the alleviation of poverty in rural and sub-urban areas. For example, the Society has established several community-
managed forests, including a twenty-hectare forest in El Dein, Southern Darfur and a five-hectare forest in Sabnas, White
Nile state. These community forests supply fuelwood, and can act as shelter belts around villages and buffer zones in
areas afflicted by desert encroachment.

SECS has also supplied thirty schools in Khartoum state with natural water coolers, prompting other organizations to
adopt the technology and supply universities, colleges, and prisons with the same. Moreover, to reduce the dependence
on fuelwood and charcoal as the only source of energy for cooking, SECS has championed the introduction of Butane
gas cookers and has distributed over 1,100 Butane gas cylinders in the villages of Gammoia (Khartoum state), Dinder
(Blue Nile), El Rahad (Northern Kordofan), and Sabnas (White Nile) to date.

Over the years, the Society’s activities have generated a vast amount of knowledge. Reports and other documents are available
at the SECS library, which is open to students and researchers. Several academic institutions have also been established to
address environmental issues and train researchers, such as the Institute of Environmental Studies at the University of Khartoum,
the Faculty of Natural Resources at the University of Juba, and Environmental Studies at Ahliya University. SECS collaborates
closely with these institutions by sharing information, as well as supporting and participating in their various activities.

300 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Environmental data collection, • GONU legislation;

management and dissemination • GOSS structure;
As highlighted throughout this report, not only • GOSS legislation;
is there relatively little solid environmental data • GONU and GOSS line ministries; and
available on Sudan (at both the national and
international levels), but much of the existing • states.
data is obsolete.
Environmental governance and
The UNEP assessment found no institutionalized peacebuilding:
system of environmental data management or
organized process for the dissemination of data to • the need and topics for north-south dialogue; and
the public. Collection is limited to isolated work • the NPEM process.
by individual ministries and academics. Most of
the available data is linked to forestry, agriculture
and health, and there is only limited information
13.6 Social, development and
on water resources, industry, wildlife, climate and investment issues
environmental governance. What does exist is
generally not easily accessible to the public due Priorities in a post-conflict country
to cost issues. Confidentiality constraints are The length and continuity of regional conflicts in
not considered to be a major concern, except for Sudan put the country on a war footing for almost
isolated controversial projects and areas. fifty years, with obvious impacts on its economy
and governance culture. The destabilizing effects of
13.5 Overview of environmental conflict aside, Sudan remains a very poor country
with an extremely limited tax base (though this is
governance and awareness now starting to change due to oil revenue).
As a result of this uniquely unfortunate history,
UNEP has compiled a comprehensive list of issues environmental conservation and sustainable
affecting environmental governance and awareness development have not been financial or political
in Sudan. The list below focuses on central issues priorities for the Government of Sudan. This is
and opportunities only; sectoral issues are covered in reflected in the annual budgets for all areas of
Chapters 6 to 12, and governance issues relating to environmental governance and natural resource
international aid are discussed in Chapter 14. Note that management, which have never been adequately
many subjects are cross-cutting and overlapping: funded.
Social, development and investment The promising exception to this situation is the
issues: allocation of USD 4 million by GOSS to the
Ministry of Environment, Wildlife Conservation
• priorities in a post-conflict country; and Tourism in the 2006 budget. This scale of
• large-scale development mindset; funding sets a very positive precedent, which must
be encouraged.
• lack of enforcement;
• limited governance capacity; and Large-scale development mindset
• scarcity of environmental data. In Sudan, the government has historically tended
to rely upon a limited number of very large-scale
Structural and legislative deficiencies: investment projects or programmes to boost
development. For some time, this tendency was
• the CPA and Interim Constitution; exacerbated by investment and aid policies from
• GONU structure including international the international community, which favoured large-
agreements; scale infrastructure and agricultural development.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 301

UNEP teams covered many of these large While environmental impact assessment documents
development projects in the course of their were produced for the more recent projects, they
assessment, including large dams and the were never publicly released or integrated into the
Jonglei canal (see Chapter 10), oil production planning and design process, and therefore had a
(see Chapter 7), and the Gezira and New Halfa negligible effect in terms of impact mitigation or
irrigation schemes, numerous sugar plantations community acceptance.
and major rain-fed agricultural schemes in central
Sudan (see Chapter 8). Significant improvements in environmental
governance and sustainable development will not
These different programmes were found to have be possible without tackling the core issue of this
a number of negative features in common with effective immunity of major project developers
respect to the environment: they were all conceived from environmental considerations.
and supported at the highest political level; they
often proceeded to the construction phase A more appropriate model for environmentally
relatively quickly and without comprehensive sensitive projects can be drawn from best
analysis of economic, social and environmental international practice. Typically, the project
sustainability; and they caused extensive and development process includes a paced sequence
often unexpected environmental damage. The of environmental, social and economic impact
Jonglei canal is the best known example of the assessments and public consultations – before
high risks and costs of this type of approach for the project starts. This process can help both
project developers, local populations and the community acceptance and environmental
environment (see Case Study 10.2). sustainability.

A UNEP training course on environmental information management was held for Sudanese government
and NGO staff in Nairobi in late 2006. A significant investment in data collection, management and
dissemination should be an early part of any programme to improve environmental governance
in the country

302 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Limited governance capacity difficult to even raise awareness at the government

level. A significant investment in data collection,
Environmental governance authorities in both management and dissemination should therefore
GONU and GOSS have insufficient capacity be an early part of any programme to improve
to adequately implement existing mandates. environmental governance in Sudan.
For GONU, this is principally due to under-
investment in the sector, while GOSS is completely
new and therefore still weak. 13.7 Structure and legislative
The UNEP assessment found the human resource
capacity to be high in many instances, with Legislative complexity and overlap
experienced and competent personnel throughout
government ministries and the civil service. Just The Comprehensive Peace Agreement is a landmark
as importantly, the tertiary education system achievement that has brought peace to most of
produces significant numbers of graduates in Sudan. The resulting governance situation, however,
environmental subjects. The overriding constraint is highly complex. This is particularly apparent in
on the civil service’s capacity is insufficient funding, the environmental governance and natural resource
which translates into deficiencies in knowledge, management elements of the 2005 Interim National
staff numbers, equipment, accommodation and Constitution: as shown in Table 25, there is a great
operating expenses. deal of overlap and potential for confusion. The
Schedule (F) Resolution of Conflicts in Respect of
UNEP considers that given sufficient time and Concurrent Powers appears sensible in principle,
funding, building capacity in the Sudanese civil service but is expected to be very slow and complicated in
to help achieve improved environmental governance practice in the event of a dispute.
is entirely possible and relatively straightforward.
For such work to be sustainable, however, it would GONU core structure (including
need to have significant counterpart funding from international agreements)
the GONU and GOSS, and avoid 100 percent
international aid funding (see Chapter 14). The current GONU structure for environmental
governance is problematic and considered to be a
Lack of enforcement major obstacle for reform, irrespective of potential
funding and legislative improvements.
Existing GONU laws have deficiencies (see next
section), but are nonetheless perfectly usable for At present, the various arms of government with
a wide range of applications, from EIA provisions an environmental mandate are poorly connected or
to wildlife poaching to pollution control. not connected at all, and have duplicate mandates
Unfortunately, enforcement of the existing and insufficient resources, leading to unproductive
environmental legislation is extremely limited at competition and conflict. Given that the principal
all levels. The development of capable institutions coordinating body, the Higher Council for
– even if backed by improved legislation – will not Environment and Natural Resources has never
result in any real improvement unless the culture actually met, high-level leadership is lacking.
of non-enforcement is addressed concurrently,
starting at the highest level. The international community’s environmental
sector has played a role in this situation, and may
Scarcity of environmental data have inadvertently worsened it (see Chapter 14).
Indeed, the MEA and GEF funding processes
The pervasive scarcity of solid quantitative data on have helped perpetuate an ad hoc fundraising
all aspects of the environment of Sudan constrains and externally driven project-based mindset
rational planning for resource management and within GONU, which in turn has significantly
conservation. Besides, the absence of strong and hindered the capacity-building and reform of the
credible signals that real problems exist – which responsible organizations, such as the Ministry of
can only be provided by up to date data – makes it Environment and Physical Development.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 303

UNEP considers substantive reform of the • organizing the large number of wildlife forces
GONU environmental governance structure to (7,300) and maintaining a balance in the
be a pre-requisite for lasting improvement in this ministry between the three directorates of
sector. The scope of the reform should address the environment, wildlife and tourism;
following subject areas:
• determining the role of the ministry in
• the structures and interfaces of the MEPD, practical issues such as the implementation
the HCENR secretariat and the HCENR; of practical policies and the enforcement of
environmental legislation; if appropriate, a
• the development of coherent units within semi-autonomous Environmental Protection
MEPD to focus on a range of coordination Authority or similar unit may need to be
and policy topics including: developed; and
– multilateral environmental agreements;
– economic sector-specific environmental • determining the relationship between GOSS
and southern states on environmental
governance (for the oil industry, for example);
governance, in order to progress associated
– outreach and assistance to the regional and capacity-building and legislative de-
state levels; and velopment.
• the development of an Environmental Protection GOSS legislation
Authority or similar body to implement and
enforce legislation. Given the GOSS’s complete lack of environmental
legislation, it is clear that a vast amount of
The international convention secretariats will development work is required. The principle issue
also need to cooperate in this process and ensure of concern is timing, as the experience of other
that best use is made of available resources to post-conflict countries has shown that this process
implement the conventions. can take several years to do well. Leaving Southern
Sudan without any environmental controls
GONU legislation during the post-conflict period is considered
GONU legislation in the field of environment to be an unacceptable risk for its environment.
and natural resource management has many Accordingly, some interim measures and risk-
deficiencies: it is obsolete, incomplete and unclear based prioritization are recommended:
in parts, and as a result, difficult to enforce.
• Develop an interim set of working guidelines
GONU officials are already aware of the deficiencies on priority topics and issue them as a directive
in the existing legislation and are starting to work from the Ministry;
on a revision of the Environmental Framework
Act of 2001. This work needs to be strongly • Focus first on structuring framework legislation to
allow work on underlying legislation to start; and
supported and followed through with a substantive
programme of legislative development that tackles
• Work concurrently on finalizing the framework
underlying details, such as the provision of legislation and the priority sector legislation.
statutory guidance and integration into different
economic sectors, like industry and agriculture. The priority sectors are:

GOSS core structure • environmental impact assessment and project

development permitting;
The GOSS core structure for environmental
governance is considered to be appropriate and • urban planning and environmental health,
well designed at the ministerial level. Three major including waste management; and
issues, however, need to be resolved in order to
progress further in organizational development • oil industry environmental legislation (in
and capacity-building: cooperation with GONU).

304 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

GONU and GOSS line ministries Given that the NPEM objectives are close to
those of the UNEP assessment process, they have
Environmental authorities in both GONU and effectively been combined. One clear difference
GOSS face the challenge of mainstreaming between the two processes, however, is the form
environmental considerations into other line and ownership of the final documentation:
ministries. This will require focused programmes UNEP is responsible for this report, while the
to increase inter-ministerial coordination, and the national plans must by default be owned by the
development of new (or improvement of existing) government.
sector-specific environmental legislation. It should
be noted that some line ministries have strong If it is successfully concluded, the most likely final
units and/or experienced personnel working on documentation of the NPEM will be a national-
environmental issues, while others have neither level plan presented to the GONU parliament
staff nor resources. Solutions will therefore need in 2007 and a matching regional document
to be tailored to each ministry. presented to the GOSS parliament in 2007 or
2008. It is anticipated that both this process and
States the guidance included in the final documents
will significantly assist the development of
As a result of the 2005 Interim National and
environmental governance in Sudan.
GOSS Constitutions, all of Sudan’s twenty-five
states now have a legal mandate for natural The process has also provided a platform for
resource management that reaches well beyond open and detailed dialogue between technical
their current capacity. They are in need of general professionals, civil servants and politicians from
assistance, particularly in the areas of operating northern and southern states. Two key events were
expenses, human resources capacity-building and
held in July 2006 in Khartoum and November
the development of state-level legislation.
2006 in Juba, respectively. Over forty papers
In order to avoid a high level of variation between covering environmental issues from all parts
states and the unnecessary duplication of effort, of the country were presented and discussed at
GONU and GOSS federal-level bodies should these workshops, which were attended by over
provide a coordinated programme of assistance, 300 people.
in the form of a development ‘package’ that could
The principal added value of the NPEM model is
be rapidly rolled out to all states.
that it is less formal and therefore less politically
charged than the CPA-instigated commissions,
13.8 Environmental governance but that it nonetheless provides an organized
and peacebuilding forum for debate on sensitive topics with the
support of neutral international parties, such as
The NPEM process UNEP and the Nile Basin Initiative.
The government-led process of developing a
Expanding the NPEM model to other
National Plan for Environmental Management
(NPEM) constitutes a good example of proactive issues and regions
work to improve environmental governance As discussed in Chapter 4 and elsewhere in the report,
and practical cooperation between north and several environmental issues represent potential
south on substantive governance issues. The ‘flashpoints’ that could lead to renewed conflict:
process commenced in late 2005 and the first
working draft was released in early 2007 [13.5]. • the environmental impacts of the development
The underlying objective or final product of the of the oil industry (Chapter 7);
NPEM is envisaged to be an environmental action
plan or series of plans that set out the priorities for • the southward migration of northern
Sudan in terms of corrective action and targeted pastoralists due to land scarcity and degradation
investment in environmental issues. (Chapters 3 and 8);

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 305

• tree-felling for the charcoal industry in the In Southern Sudan, finally, environmental
north-south boundary zone (Chapter 9); governance is in its infancy, but the early signs are
positive. High-level political and cross-sector support
• new and planned dams and major water is visible, and the new structures are considered to
projects, including any revival of the Jonglei be relatively suited to the task. The environment
canal project (Chapter 10); ministry and other authorities presently have
• ivory and bushmeat poaching (Chapter 11). negligible capacity and hence require comprehensive
capacity-building. Environmental policies, plans
The NPEM style of technical dialogue could and regulations for all sectors need to be developed
be extended to these topics to further assist the from first principles. Due to the combination of
process of peacebuilding in Sudan. the lack of environmental governance and the post-
conflict development boom, the environment of
Southern Sudan is currently extremely vulnerable.
13.9 Conclusions and
recommendations Background to the recommendations

Conclusion A key theme for the recommendations in this

chapter is the need for local ownership and
The CPA, the Interim National Constitution leadership on governance issues. International
and the Interim GOSS Constitution have assistance is needed but must play a supporting
significantly changed the framework for role only, particularly with respect to funding.
environmental governance in Sudan. Given that Accordingly, the central recommendation for both
the GOSS and states now have extensive and GONU and GOSS environmental authorities,
explicit autonomy in this area, environmental and especially for the former, is to work to achieve
governance has become more of a regional sustained high-level and mainstreamed political
issue. This is reflected in the findings and support. This support should then be converted
recommendations. into adequate budgets, appropriate mandates,
and assistance in the development, ratification
At the national level, Sudan faces many challenges and enforcement of robust legislation.
to meet its international obligations, as set out
in the treaties and conventions it has signed over Recommendations for the Government
the last thirty years. An additional difficulty in of National Unity
this area is incorporating GOSS-related issues.
A range of reforms and significant investment are R13.1 The MEPD should undertake an en-
vironmental awareness campaign targeted at
clearly needed.
GONU senior leadership, ministries and other
The overall technical skill and level of knowledge civil service bodies. This would entail use of materials
in the environmental sector are very high and generated by the NPEM, UNEP and MEPD, and
some practical legislation is already in place. a sustained programme of communication via
However, the regulatory authorities also have presentations, bulletins and other tools.
critical structural problems, and are under- CA: GROL; PB: MEPD; UNP: UNEP and
resourced and ineffective. Further, enforcement UNDP; CE: 0.2M; DU: 1 year
is highly variable and there is a fundamental
disconnect between the environmental sector, the R13.2 The MEPD Minister should convene the
highest levels of government and the other sectors first true HCENR meeting with minister-level
and ministries responsible for the development attendance. This would be an important and
of Sudan. symbolic step towards integrating environmental
issues into GONU and commencing the reform
In the conflict- and instability-wracked regions of process.
Darfur and the Three Areas, environmental governance
is essentially absent, even though environmental issues CA: GROL; PB: MEPD; UNP: UNEP; CE: nil;
are among the causes of the conflict. DU: 3 months

306 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

R13.3 Secure funding and mandates, and Detailed long-term plans, policies and legislation
undertake a comprehensive reform of the cannot be rationally developed or implemented
GONU core environmental governance due to the current lack of information and
structure. This will entail a wide range of activities, governance capacity. Interim measures are clearly
as set out in section 13.7, and could take up to needed.
two years to complete. The cost estimate covers
only the reform process and not the subsequent CA: GROL; PB: MEWCT; UNP: UNEP and
operational costs of the new structure. USAID; CE: 0.3M; DU: 6 months
CA: GROL; PB: MEPD; UNP: UNEP and R13.8 Develop and implement a practical
UNDP; CE: 1M; DU: 2 years action plan for environmental management in
Juba with a range of partners. Practical action
R13.4 Undertake a comprehensive and staged programmes are urgently needed in Southern
legislation development programme. This Sudan to demonstrate progress and the benefits
should start with a revision of the Framework Act, of peace. Projects in Juba have added value over
followed by the full suite of supporting statutory other Southern Sudanese cities, in that they are
guidance, sector and state legislation. relatively easier to manage, have high visibility
and can be used as part of the capacity-building
DU: 4 years programme.

R13.5 Develop a dedicated environmental data CA: PA; PB: MEWCT; UNP: UNEP and others;
management centre. This centre should focus on CE: 3M; DU: 3 years
the collection, collation and public dissemination of
R13.9 Implement a comprehensive capacity-
scientifically sound environmental data to support
all aspects of environmental governance. building programme for the MEWCT and other
GOSS ministries associated with environment
CA: TA; PB: MEPD; UNP: UNEP; CE:1M; and natural resource management. Development
DU: 2 years of a skilled and well equipped workforce at the
regional and state level is a major multi-year
R13.6 Invest to sustain the operations of the task.
reformed and upgraded environmental governance
sector. There is no substitute for sufficient and CA: CB; PB: GOSS; UNP: UNEP and USAID;
secured annual funding to allow the MEPD and CE: 5M; DU: 3 years
other related bodies to fulfil their mandates.
R13.10 Develop the full package of en-
CA: GI; PB: MEPD; UNP: UNEP; CE: 5M; vironmental legislation, regulations and
DU: per annum minimum implementation plans. Once the basic capacity
is in place, longer-term plans and solutions can be
Recommendations for the Government developed. This needs to be a multi-sector effort
of Southern Sudan to ensure buy-in and enforceability.

R13.7 Develop interim strategies, plans and CA: GROL; PB: GOSS; UNP: UNEP and
directives for environmental governance. USAID; CE: 1M; DU: 3 years

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 307
International Aid
and the Environment

Food distribution at a transit

camp for internally displaced
persons, in Southern Sudan.
The humanitarian aid
programme in the country is the
largest of its kind worldwide.

Furthermore Sudan, like many developing countries,

International aid receives international aid from a variety of sources
and the environment for a number of environmental issues as diverse as
biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation,
control of redundant pesticides and transboundary
14.1 Introduction and water resources management. In view of UNEP’s
assessment activities planned follow-up capacity-building activities
in Sudan, an evaluation of the impact of such
Introduction programmes was also deemed necessary.
International aid represents approximately three Assessment activities
percent of Sudan’s economy, and the humanitarian
aid programme in the country is the largest of The assessment of the impact of international
its kind worldwide. Some 15 percent of the aid was included in the overall scope of activities
population are completely or largely dependent carried out by UNEP in Sudan. A significant
on international food aid for survival, and the amount of background information was available
number is rising due to the Darfur crisis. on humanitarian, recovery, development, and
environmental aid: the UN and Partners Work
A core principle for the UN programme in Sudan and Plan for 2006 [14.1] provided a detailed basis
elsewhere is to ‘do no harm’ through the provision for a desk-based analysis, and substantial project
of aid. This applies to the environment as well. documentation (including progress and closure
Indeed, humanitarian, recovery and development reports) was available for virtually all of the
aid programmes that inadvertently create or environment-specific aid programmes identified,
exacerbate local environmental problems may, in such as those funded by the Global Environment
the long run, do more harm than good to local Facility (GEF).
communities aspiring to sustainable livelihoods.
In this context, a review of the environmental UNEP assessment teams visited dozens of aid
impacts of the international aid programme in projects as they travelled through Sudan, gaining
Sudan was considered an appropriate component a first-hand impression of impacts in the field. The
of the UNEP post-conflict assessment. projects and programmes viewed include:

The influx of large numbers of displaced persons and the associated humanitarian aid has created
a ‘relief economy’ in some Darfurian towns, which is in turn driving environmental degradation

310 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

• food aid programmes managed by WFP, The international aid community in Sudan
contractors and partners in several states; operates at least partly outside the national
regulatory framework. For environmental issues,
• UN agency and government-managed such as the potential impact of the programmes
internally displaced persons camps in it manages, the aid community is effectively
Darfur; fully self-governed. There is no single mandatory
or even agreed environmental standard or code
• the WFP-managed Southern Sudan roads and of conduct guiding the UN agencies and their
Bor dyke projects; partners operating in Sudan and or other post-
conflict countries.
• FAO agricultural projects in Southern
Kordofan; To date, the most relevant document is the
SPHERE Project Humanitarian Charter and
Minimum Standards in Disaster Response
• UN and other agency compound- and facility- [14.3], which includes some guidance notes
building programmes in Southern Sudan;
and limited standards on the environmental
impact of specific activities. Several agencies
• return and support programmes managed by also have internal guidelines, which are generally
WFP, FAO, UNHCR and IOM in Jonglei
state; voluntary and applied at the discretion of the
agency country director (or head of mission for
• EC-sponsored Oxfam agricultural projects in
the Tokar delta, in Red Sea state; In the absence of an agreed and appropriate
existing standard, UNEP adopted a three-part
• the Dinder National Park GEF project; system for this assessment:
• the USAID STEP project training facilities in 1. Assessing the potential negative environmental
Southern Sudan; impacts of projects using the established
UNEP/World Bank ‘ABC’ project screening
• the Port Sudan GEF project for the Marine system;
Environmental Protection Authority; and
2. Searching for evidence of integration of
• the Nile Basin Initiative project offices and sites. environmental issues into project design and
implementation by qualitative review; and
UN Sudan environmental impact
3. Searching for potential positive environmental
grading and integration assessment
impacts of projects by qualitative review.
The environmental impact of UN aid and
peacekeeping programmes is rarely studied, The UNEP/World Bank ‘ABC’ system for
due to the understandable priority of providing screening the environmental impact of projects
urgently needed vital services and commodities is a qualitative process that gives a preliminary
such as security, food, drinking water and shelter. rating to projects based on project size, type, and
In Sudan, however, the humanitarian programme location [14.4]:
has now been managing a series of crises for
over twenty years. The UN and partners spend • Category A: likely to have significant adverse
over USD 2 billion per year in the country environmental impacts (on a national scale);
(including peacekeeping costs [14.2]) and work
in a number of environmentally degraded regions • Categor y B: likely to have adverse
like Northern Darfur, Southern Kordofan and environmental impacts; and
Kassala. UNEP therefore considers that an
assessment of the environmental impacts of the • Category C: likely to have negligible or no
UN Sudan programme is warranted. environmental impact.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 311

The UN compound in Juba hosts a number of UN and other international agencies providing
humanitarian and development assistance in Southern Sudan

14.2 Overview of international the World Food Programme, as well as more than
aid in Sudan 35 non-governmental organizations [14.5]. It
provided humanitarian assistance to central and
A major and long-standing aid south Sudan without a major break for 17 years,
and continues today, in modified form. Current
programme large-scale humanitarian assistance operations in
Foreign aid – which has played a crucial role in the Darfur began in 2003 and are ongoing, with over
country’s development – has had a turbulent history 2,000,000 beneficiaries [14.1].
in Sudan, with changes in the political regime
and economic crises leading to corresponding The aid programme for 2006
modifications in donor country programmes. Total international aid to Sudan for 2006 was valued
Development aid commenced after independence at over USD 2 billion, making Sudan the largest
recipient of direct aid in Africa. Approximately
and continues to this day. Sudan first obtained public
USD 1.7 billion were received in the form of
sector loans for development from a wide variety of
grants, commodities and services, and other direct
international agencies and individual governments. assistance monitored by the UN. Other sources of
Major lenders included the World Bank (both aid, which are less easily quantifiable, included aid
the International Development Association and managed outside the UN system, aid from Arab
the International Finance Corporation), as well states and China, and development loans from a
as the governments of the United States, China, range of international partners.
the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia. As Sudan
defaulted on some of its debts in the late 1970s, Given that Sudan’s estimated gross domestic
however, many of these credit providers have now product for 2005 was USD 85.5 billion [14.6],
ceased development loans and provide direct grants international aid in 2006 represented 2 to 4 percent
or other forms of assistance instead. of the economy (depending on the method of
measurement and multiplier effect). Table 26 shows
Large-scale humanitarian aid, which now constitutes the total humanitarian aid requested in the UN
approximately 80 percent of direct international aid Work Plan of January 2006, broken down into
to Sudan, started in the 1980s. Operation Lifeline twelve themes or sectors. Table 27 shows the same
Sudan (OLS) was established in April 1989 as a expenditure divided by state and region (with some
consortium of two UN agencies, UNICEF and projects labelled as national in scope).

312 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Table 26. UN and Partners Sudan development needs are secondary. Projects related
Work Plan 2006 to good governance – which is a core issue for
Aid projections by sector environment – received USD 12 million or 0.7
Sector Value (USD) Number of projects percent of the total amount of aid for 2006.
Basic infrastructure 118,138,319 16
and settlement
development 14.3 Overview of environmental
Cross-sector support 67,287,999 20 aid programmes in Sudan
for return
Education and 198,331,275 50
vocational training
Historical programmes related to the
Food aid 603,762,013 44 environment
Food security and 117,598,136 69
livelihood recovery
Investment in the environment in Sudan began in
Governance and 12,706,000 62
the form of wildlife-related initiatives in the early
rule of law 20th century. These were followed in the post-war
Health 142,461,918 140 period by a range of technical studies on soil, flora
Mine action 54,819,670 44 and fauna, some quite detailed in nature [14.7].
NFIs, common 157,257,653 28 After independence, investment in environmentally
services and beneficial projects continued but on an insignificant
scale compared to the environmentally destructive
Nutrition 51,832,047 42
agricultural development projects initiated at the
Protection and 72,414,506 80
human rights same time. The most significant historical aid projects
Water and sanitation 134,954,916 66 are probably the forestry and shelter belt projects
Grand total 1,731,564,452 661 implemented and managed by FAO from the 1970s
to the 1990s, evidence of which UNEP sighted in
the course of field reconnaissance in Khartoum state,
Table 27. UN and Partners Sudan White Nile state and Northern Kordofan.
Work Plan 2006
Aid projections by state and region Current structure
Region Value (USD) The current arrangements for the delivery of
National programmes 144,652,806 environmentally oriented aid programmes to
Southern Sudan 650,859,700 Sudan are not structured or formally connected
Darfur 650,422,397 in any way, and are not comprehensively recorded
Abyei 23,433,461 in any management system. Based on the
Blue Nile 41,122,373 information available, UNEP has categorized
Southern Kordofan 90,017,289 environment-related projects and expenditure for
Eastern Sudan 70,042,272 2006 in Table 28 on the following page.
Khartoum and other northern states 61,014,154
Grand total 1,731,564,452 It should be noted that while projects related to
water and sanitation do have environmental aspects,
they were not categorized as ‘environmental projects’
In practice, expenditure is further broken down in this assessment. The criteria used by UNEP to
into two major categories: humanitarian (USD identify specific ‘environmental projects’ were those
1.519 billion or 88 percent), and recovery and provided by Part 1 of UN Millennium Development
development (USD 211 million or 12 percent). Goal no. 7: integrate the principles of sustainable
development into country policies and programmes
The strong emphasis on humanitarian projects and reverse the loss of environmental resources. Only
shows that the majority of international aid to projects whose objectives correspond to those
Sudan is currently aimed at saving lives. In line criteria were considered as ‘targeted environmental
with humanitarian needs, most of the aid goes projects’. Note that Water and Sanitation is an entire
to Darfur and Southern Sudan. Recovery and sector of the UN Sudan Work Plan.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 313

Table 28. Summary of environment-related aid activities in Sudan in 2006

Type of programme Number of 2006 Sudan project cost
projects (USD)
Conventional aid programmes
Total of all UN country programmes – as recorded 661 1,730 million
in the UN 2006 Work Plan (January 2006 version)
Targeted environmental projects within conventional 3 Approx. 0.30 million
humanitarian programmes
Targeted environmental projects within conventional 2 Approx. 2.5 million
recovery and development programmes
(both inside and outside the Work Plan)
Conventional humanitarian, recovery and 3 Unknown
development programmes that have mainstreamed
or seriously attempted to mainstream environmental
issues into project design and implementation
Active environmental aid programmes – usually multi-year
Regional programmes with a major environmental 7 Unknown –
component < 10 million
Assistance programmes for implementation of 3 Unknown –
ratified multilateral environmental agreements and < 1 million
conventions (active in 2006)
Total 2006 active environment-related or 18 Unknown
integrated projects

Targeted environmental projects • the forestation and provision of alternative

within humanitarian programmes energy resources (fuel-efficient stoves) project,
funded to a total of USD 30,000 by the
Using the aforementioned criteria, the assessment Fondation Suisse de Déminage (FSD).
identified only three projects in the humanitarian field
in 2006 that were specifically targeted at environmental Targeted environmental projects within
issues; UNEP is involved in two of these: recovery and development programmes

• the Tearfund Darfur environment study, The UNEP assessment found only two projects in
which began in the third quarter of 2006 the recovery and development field in 2006 that
[14.8]; this assessment-based project is funded were specifically targeted at environmental issues:
to a total of USD 200,000 by UNICEF,
DFID, and UNHCR – UNEP has provided
• the UNEP post-conflict environmental ass-
essment for Sudan, funded by Sweden and the
technical assistance; United Kingdom; and
• the International Red Cross flood preparedness • the Sudan Transitional Environment Programme
and tree-planting project in IDP settlements (STEP) funded by USAID for approximately
in Khartoum; UNEP is funding this project USD 6 million over a period of three years (see
for USD 60,000; and Case Study 14.1) [14.9, 14.10].

314 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Mainstreaming environmental issues UNEP screened over 650 country projects for
in conventional country programmes Sudan in 2006 and found that only four could
be considered by any reasonable measure to have
There are no established criteria within the UN to truly mainstreamed environmental issues or made
determine whether an aid project has truly integrated a serious attempt to do so. None of these were in
or mainstreamed environmental issues into its design the 2006 UN Work Plan:
and implementation, or made a serious attempt to
do so. Accordingly, the UNEP assessment was based
on an ad hoc qualitative analysis using the following • the USAID-sponsored WFP and GTZ
checklist of questions: management of the construction-related
impacts of the Southern Sudan roads
1. Has any form of environmental impact programme [14.11] (see Case Study
assessment, even very basic, been carried out? 14.2);

2. Has the project design been altered significantly • the USAID-sponsored construction of the Bor
on the basis of such an EIA? dyke [14.12];

3. Have any proactive measures been taken to • a camp rehabilitation project managed by
minimize environmental impacts? UNHCR and IUCN in Kassala state [14.13];
4. Have any opportunities for a positive
environmental impact been proactively • a town planning project sponsored by USAID
included in the project? in Southern Sudan [14.9].

CS 14.1 The USAID Sudan Transitional Environment Programme for Southern Sudan

The USAID Sudan Transitional Environment Programme (STEP), which is focused on stability and
the prevention of conflict, was established in August 2005. It aims to address critical environmental
issues that constitute potential sources of conflict in Southern Sudan.
The STEP team is currently working with the Directorate of Environmental Affairs in the GOSS Ministry
of Environment, Wildlife Conservation and Tourism (MEWCT), to establish an inter-ministerial GOSS
Environmental Consultative Group, whose mandate is to bring together representatives of key ministries
to discuss and sanction the establishment and implementation of government-wide environmental
policies, procedures and guidelines for impact monitoring in selected sectors (transportation and
roads, water and sanitation, oil exploration and production, education and health).
To date, the STEP team has trained 120 GOSS officials in environmental impact assessment
(EIA) procedures. These trained personnel are expected to conduct EIAs for all projects that
are considered to have serious environmental consequences. STEP has also facilitated the
establishment of the South Sudan National Environment Association (SSNEA), and contracted a
short-term organizational establishment consultant from among the members of the organization
to promote early activities within the membership.
In addition, STEP has organized study tours to sub-Saharan African countries for GOSS officials
to be exposed to modern environmental and natural resources sustainable management
The Programme’s most significant undertaking, in collaboration with the World Food Programme and
the GOSS Ministry of Transport and Roads, has been the successful completion of environmental
impact assessments for the WFP road project (see Case Study 14.2) and the Bor dyke.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 315

Since late 2003, some 1,400 km of road have been rebuilt under the WFP project

CS 14.2 The Southern Sudan roads project

The Southern Sudan roads project is an example of how the assessment and mitigation of environmental impacts can be
built into aid projects, as well as an illustration of how aid-funded development projects can have a significant negative
effect on the environment.

Two decades of civil war destroyed the region’s road network and most other infrastructure, leaving it isolated and
economically crippled. With the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the return of peace, the need to
connect isolated and remote areas to major towns was deemed a high priority by the Government of Southern Sudan,
the United Nations and USAID.

To facilitate the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the delivery of much-needed humanitarian aid to the
remote regions of Southern Sudan, USAID contracted the World Food Programme (WFP) to rebuild and maintain the
region’s dilapidated road network.

The WFP road project aims to rebuild more than 3,000 km of roads in the war-ravaged south, at a cost of USD 183 million.
Pending sufficient funding, the entire region will eventually be opened up by improving road links between Kenya, Uganda
and Sudan (see Figure 14.1). It will also connect the Nile River to key feeder roads. Once complete, it will be possible, for
the first time in a generation, to travel by road from the southern borders of Sudan to Khartoum and onto Egypt. Since late
2003, WFP has rebuilt some 1,400 km of roads, repaired bridges and culverts, and in the process removed and destroyed
some 200,000 pieces of unexploded ordnance in Southern Sudan. The project has linked major towns across the south
and reopened trade routes with neighbouring countries.

The social and economic benefits of the work completed to date are undeniable: according to a recent WFP survey, the
roads built so far have halved travel time to markets, schools and health centres. Bus services now operate on all major
routes and the cost of public transport has decreased by 50 to 60 percent. The price of commodities has also fallen.
Besides, the roads project employs 1,650 Sudanese nationals, including 250 working in de-mining.

The negative environmental impacts of the project, however, are also clear. According to the USAID-sponsored EIA, these include
soil erosion, impacts on local hydrology, negative aspects of abandoned borrow pits, construction camp impacts, road dust,
and most importantly, the indirect but real impact of opening up large regions of tropical forest and several protected areas.

UNEP can add one specific issue to this general list: the effect of traffic on wildlife, as seen on the Bor-Padak road in Jonglei
state, which cuts directly across the annual migration route of several hundred thousand antelope (tiang and white-eared
kob). The road is also likely to attract settlers and make large-scale hunting much easier. Appropriate mitigation measures
are needed as a matter of urgency if this road is not to become the root cause of a decline in these wildlife populations.

316 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Figure 14.1 Southern Sudan roads programme

Nyala Abou Adid Renk Ed Damazin
Abu Gebiha

Nyimeri Tulus El Ferdous Kadugli

Buram Kordofan
Southern Darfur Kurmuk
Am Dafok

Higilig Upper Nile

Abyei Kodok

War-awar MayomBentiu
Malualkon Fangak
Northern Bahr El Ghazal Nasser
Raja Aweil Gogrial
Ayod Waat
Warrab Adok
Wau Akobo

Western Bahr El Ghazal

Rumbek Pibor
Lakes Yirol


Mundri Terakeka
Western Equatoria
Ezo Bahr El Jabal Lafon Eastern Equatoria

Ibba Juba Kapoeta

Legend Kajo Keji
Current and planned road development
State boundary UGANDA
Source: Kilometres
Roads: World Food Programme (WFP).
Image: Blue Marble.
0 100 200 300 400 500
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Proposed and planned environmental • the UNEP-UNDP Darfur conflict and

programmes for Sudan environment project; and

A number of projects related to the environment • the UN Habitat Darfur ‘woodless construction’
of Sudan have been proposed and are expected to project.
start in 2007, subject to funding and other issues.
These include: Regional environmental programmes
• the Africa Parks Foundation-Cousteau As set out in Table 29 on the following page, Sudan
Society project (Phase I) for protected area is a participant in numerous regional programmes
management and integrated coastal zone that include an element of aid provision on
management (Red Sea state only); environmental topics, in addition to opportunities
for networking and cooperating with surrounding
• the Wildlife Conservation Society programme countries. Each programme focuses on the issues
for Southern Sudan wildlife and protected related to the management of a major shared natural
area management; resource or a shared problem. Note that the total
value covers all countries involved in the programme
• the expanded USAID Sudan Transitional (UNEP efforts to obtain clarity on Sudan’s share
Environment Programme (STEP) for Southern
were unsuccessful due to time constraints).
• the UNEP-UNICEF Darfur integrated water The majority of the funding for these programmes
resource management project; comes via the Global Environment Facility, and
each programme is managed entirely separately.
• the UNEP-UNDP Darfur aid and environment Administration and funds are managed by UNDP
project; Khartoum.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 317

The international aid community in Sudan includes a wide range of actors, as illustrated by this water
point established by a partnership of UN and development cooperation agencies and international NGOs

Table 29. Regional aid-based programmes related to the environment [14.14]

Project title Total value
(million USD)
The Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea and Gulf 19,34
of Aden (PERSGA programme)
The Nile Basin Initiative, the environmental component of which is 27,15
the Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project
Formulation of an action programme for the integrated management 1
of the shared Nubian aquifer
Demonstration of sustainable alternatives to DDT and strengthening 8,5
of national vector control capabilities in the Middle East and North
Mainstreaming conservation of migratory soaring birds into key 10,24
productive sectors along the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway
Elimination of persistent organic pollutants and adoption of 3,5
integrated pest management for termites
Removal of barriers to the introduction of cleaner artisanal gold 7,125
mining and extraction technologies
Total 76,85

318 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Table 30. Global Environment Facility projects for Sudan [14.14]

Programme name Convention Cost (million USD)
National biodiversity strategies, action plan and Biodiversity 0.334
the report to the CBD
Conservation and management of habitats and Biodiversity 0.75
species, and sustainable community
use of biodiversity in Dinder National Park
Clearing-house mechanism enabling activity Biodiversity 0.014
Assessment of capacity-building needs Biodiversity 0.102
and country-specific priorities in biodiversity
management and conservation in Sudan
Community-based rangeland rehabilitation for Climate change 1.5
carbon sequestration
Capacity-building to enable Sudan’s response Climate change 0.29
and communication to the UNFCCC
Barrier removal to secure PV market penetration Climate change 0.75
in semi-urban Sudan
Expedited financing of climate change enabling Climate change 0.1
activities (Phase II)
National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) Climate change 0.2
National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) for Multi-focal areas 0.225
Global Environmental Management
Initial assistance to Sudan to meet its obligations Persistent organic 0.5
under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent pollutants (POPs)
Organic Pollutants (POPs)
Total 4.765

Global programmes promoting com- UNDP Khartoum. As of end 2006, Sudan had not yet
pliance with international conventions proposed any projects for GEF funding Tranche 4.
As detailed in Chapter 13, Sudan is a signatory
to sixteen multilateral environmental agreements 14.4 Overview of impacts and issues
(MEAs). The majority of these MEAs provide aid to for aid and the environment
developing countries to assist them to work towards
compliance with the terms of the agreement. This Unintended impacts and coordination
aid focuses on the years immediately following the issues
signing, to support the signatories in understanding
UNEP’s assessment revealed a wide range of issues
the obligations, collecting data, and planning a linked to unintended impacts of aid programmes,
country-specific compliance programme. The best aid effectiveness and coordination. The key issues
funded MEAs are the climate change (UNFCCC) were considered to be:
and biodiversity (CBD) conventions, which are
funded through the Global Environment Facility. • agricultural substitution by food aid;
• environmental impacts of humanitarian, and
In the period 2002-2006, Sudan benefited from recovery and development country programmes;
eleven GEF-funded projects to a total of USD
4.76 million, as detailed in Table 30 above. • lack of issue integration into UN country
programmes; and
Each programme is/was managed entirely separately. • environment sector management and
Administration and funds are/were managed by effectiveness.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 319

Food distribution in Um Shalaya IDP camp, Western Darfur. Over six million Sudanese depend on food
aid provided by the international community

Agricultural substitution by food aid The option of shifting large return populations
to lesser stressed areas in order to reduce food
The dominant but unintended impact of aid aid is also problematic in the long term, as the
on the environment in Sudan is linked to assessment has shown that no area in Sudan is
the provision of food aid by the international immune from the population-linked problems
community to over 6,000,000 destitute people, of deforestation and land degradation. Moving
or approximately 15 percent of the population. people south to higher rainfall areas will not solve
Food aid has been supplied to the Sudanese on a the underlying problem.
large scale since 1989. Its provision has become
almost institutionalized and routine, particularly One potential approach would be to focus on
in Southern Sudan and increasingly in Darfur. assisting economic development in order to enable
more of the population to shift from subsistence
Without international or national aid, and in the agriculture to alternative livelihoods, relying on
absence of import purchasing power, this food household purchasing power for food security.
would have to be produced in Sudan, placing Food would be purchased from the domestic
an additional burden on the rural environment, market, taking a share of what is currently
particularly in the northern half of the Sahel. In exported. Such an approach would also have a
many of the poorer and arid parts of Sudan such linked environmental payback.
as Northern Darfur, it is clear that this extra load
would intensify the observed land degradation to Environmental impacts of
potentially critical levels. humanitarian, and recovery and
development country programmes
This finding raises the important issue of how the
international community proposes to eventually Of the 661 projects screened, two projects were
cease large-scale provision of food aid to Sudan. classified as Category A (likely to have significant
Any exit strategy will need to consider the risk of adverse environmental impacts), one project as
increased land degradation in the most vulnerable Category B (likely to have adverse environmental
areas, if only to reduce the likelihood of having to impacts), and 658 projects as Category C
remobilize food aid to the same areas as a result (likely to have negligible or no environmental
of famine arising from desertification. impact).

320 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The two Category A projects are the Southern UNEP to have fully integrated or ‘mainstreamed’
Sudan roads rehabilitation programme (see Case environmental issues, though one project had made
Study 14.2) and the Bor flood control dyke a serious attempt to do so (the WFP and GTZ
project in Jonglei state by the Bor-Padak rural management of the construction-related impacts
trunk road. Both of these major infrastructure of the Southern Sudan roads programme, see Case
initiatives have followed a form of EIA process, Study 14.2).
and are in this respect considered positive examples
for the UN. However – as indicated in the EIA This finding is surprising in its uniformity and
studies themselves [14.11, 14.12] – their negative indicates that the UN humanitarian, recovery
environmental impacts are likely to be significant and development teams in Sudan are clearly not
on a local scale. The negative environmental taking environmental issues into account in project
impacts of the Bor dyke project, in particular, have planning and implementation in the field, despite
a direct link to livelihoods and food security. some awareness of the importance of environmental
issues within the aid community.
While the proactive implementation of an EIA
process by USAID is to be commended, the fact UNEP looked for best practice in environmental
that this process was essentially self-managed by management in aid projects through a process of
USAID and its contractors highlights an evident project field inspections and desk study reviews,
need for environmental governance at the national and found that individual examples of good
level and/or some form of environmental standard practice stood out against a background of generally
for international aid projects of this nature. At indifferent or poor environmental management.
present, many bilateral agencies are more advanced Waste management and use of construction
than the UN in this respect, as they already have materials contributing to deforestation were two
some form of environmental policy, standard and key areas of concern.
safeguard system in place.
Environment sector aid management
The Category B project-related issue is linked to the and effectiveness
operation of health clinics in Southern Sudan. The
waste management situation in Southern Sudan A range of management issues significantly reduce
is generally problematic, and there are currently the environmental aid sector’s effectiveness in
no clinical waste management facilities in the Sudan. The key problems are fragmentation, lack
region. Disposal options for clinical waste are thus of coordination, limited prioritization and lack of
far from optimal, although investments in waste counterpart funding. These issues are perhaps not
management are underway as of early 2007. unique to Sudan or to the environment sector, but
nonetheless need to be addressed if future aid is
The great majority of projects rated as Category C to be used to the country’s best advantage.
are considered to have negligible environmental
impacts on the national scale, but adverse effects are The total budget allocated to the environment
expected at the local level for all projects, except for in Sudan by the international aid community is
purely human resource projects such as training. almost impossible to evaluate accurately, as the
sector is extremely fragmented. UNEP identified
However, the cumulative impact of more than 650 over twenty ongoing or proposed aid-funded
projects is expected to be very significant. In this environmental activities for Sudan, through a
context, environmental best practice or proactive year-long process of enquiry and discovery; it is
mitigation measures at the local level become more likely that a number of additional existing projects
important. were not found.

Lack of issue integration into UN Coordination is quite limited, and there is no

country programmes central reporting system. Furthermore, there is no
formal or regular forum in which the numerous
Not one of the 658 non-environmental projects actors in the environmental field can meet and
listed in the 2006 UN Work Plan were judged by exchange information – all such events to date

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 321

have been ad hoc. The MEA and GEF global The lack of government ownership in the
structure contributes to this confusion, as it environmental sector is also evident in the lack
results in a number of separate teams and projects of counterpart funding. In many cases, projects
running in parallel, with no permanent country have been shut down when international aid
presence and multiple reporting lines. has ceased, and Sudan now has a series of needs
assessments, capacity assessments, status reports
In addition, there is no consistent country-driven and management plans that have progressed to
prioritization process. Generally speaking, regional final document stage and no further.
programmes appear to be reasonably well aligned
with country needs, as they have long consultation This lack of government counterpart funding for
and development processes that allow for more environmental issues was relatively understandable
meaningful local input. In contrast, global MEA in the war economy that prevailed for over two
activities in Sudan are presently managed in a decades. Now however, Sudan should start to
formulaic manner, by which a series of standard steps contribute significantly to this sector.
are taken in order to progress eligibility for subsequent
funding. This is not conducive to the alignment of Analysis of the findings
future projects with the priorities of the country.
In the 2006 Work Plan, environment was
This overall negative review is somewhat offset by the designated by the UN as one of four cross-
quality of the individual projects. While the UNEP cutting issues for special focus (the other three
assessment did not extend to a project audit level, were HIV/AIDS, gender and capacity-building).
the reconnaissance work indicated that individual UNEP was nominated as the UN focal point for
projects were often very well designed and managed. environment, and this assessment is one of its
Many projects had very accurately identified several initial activities in attempting to ‘mainstream’ or
of the key issues and developed appropriate solutions. integrate environmental issues into the UN aid
Two good examples of this were the programme for agenda in Sudan.
Dinder National Park managed by UNDP and
HCENR, and the rehabilitation of community The assessment results are overall fairly negative,
rangelands project managed by UNDP. Both have but not uniformly so, as a number of high
now been completed. quality projects and efforts were noted. Two core
problems were identified. First, the impacts of
A further defining feature of the environmental good individual projects and efforts are greatly
aid sector over the last decade has been the weakened by a lack of integration into the core
very limited extent of government counterpart government and international aid programmes.
funding. In many projects, the funding has been Second, the environment and natural resource
100 percent international, with no financial management sector suffers from a lack of
contribution by the government. This has resulted funding and funding continuity. Indeed, the five
in aid-generated structural problems and a lack of environment-specific programmes within the
government ownership and continuity. UN 2006 Work Plan had a combined budget of
approximately USD 2.8 million, representing less
The Khartoum-based secretariat of the GONU than 0.2 percent of the UN country programme
Higher Council for Environment and Natural expenditure.
Resources was originally conceived as a coordinating
body. Now however, most of its funding and In order to direct corrective action, the underlying
activities are focused on the implementation of causes for these problems need to be understood.
MEA and GEF-funded projects. As such, it has UNEP has identified the following five factors:
essentially become an organization sustained
by international aid in the form of a series of 1. Humanitarian focus. Humanitarian responses
often unrelated convention projects. Most of the are typically designed for fast mobilization in
HCENR staff work on a contract basis, and return emergencies, which allows little time for integration
to academia upon project completion. As a result, of cross-cutting issues like the environment.
there has been negligible capacity-building in the Agencies engaged in humanitarian work have
core civil service from these projects. mandates and management procedures to focus

322 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

The dyke by the Bor-Padak rural trunk road was dug to control flooding in the region, but is now a cause
for concern as it is leading the land beyond it to dry out and is thus reducing grazing land for both
livestock and wildlife

on supply to beneficiaries without corresponding 3. Managerial separation of the global and

attention to management of the (natural) regional environmental programmes from
resources used for supply. This exacerbates the the UN country programme. At present, the
risk of environmental degradation. majority of the funding for environment in Sudan
comes from the secretariats of the multilateral
Sudan is unusual in that the emergency has environmental conventions (MEAs) and the
been ongoing for many years, but given that Global Environment Facility (GEF). A very
the humanitarian needs are not diminishing on small regional contribution comes directly from
an annual basis, the general approach has not UNEP. None of these institutions currently have
changed. Long-term resident UN programmes a residential presence in Sudan and are hence not
are usually development-focused; in Sudan it is answerable in any way to the UN country team
the opposite. (bar UNEP starting in 2006). UNDP is often
tasked with administering convention and GEF
2. Lack of a resident agency focal point for the projects, but does not have full discretion on
environment. The promotion of environmental allocation and management issues.
issues is a subject at the margins of the mandates of
many UN agencies, but only one agency – UNEP 4. Lack of quantification and measurable results.
– has it as its core mandate. Historically, UNEP In the general drive for aid effectiveness, it is
has not been present in the field on a residential important that needs and aid programme outputs
basis. As a result, the topic of environment is in part be measured. This is very well established for the
orphaned and struggles to compete for attention humanitarian sector (food tonnage delivered,
and funding, given the plethora of other often very number of wells installed etc.). In contrast, work in
urgent issues facing the UN country team. the environmental sector in Sudan has been largely

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 323

qualitative. Needs and outputs have not always will gradually drop and rural livelihoods will be
been clearly defined and stated in the context of the increasingly threatened unless problems such as
overall goals of the UN response. This tends to work desertification and deforestation are tackled. This in
against attracting and retaining aid investment. turn will drive conflict, displacement, and further
degradation, and as a result increase demands for
5. Lack of high-level government buy-in. The humanitarian aid and peacekeeping.
lack of significant and high-level pressure on
the UN from GONU regarding environmental At the same time as investment is increased, the
issues indicates that the government has not been effectiveness of all expenditure for environmental
convinced of the scale and importance of the issues will need to be significantly improved through
needs in this sector either. better coordination and other structural reforms.

14.5 Conclusions and The recommendations below are based on

the themes of improved UN coordination
and national ownership, which are two of the
Conclusion principles currently driving UN and aid reform
in Africa and elsewhere. The majority of the
The assessment of the international aid programme programmes requiring investment are listed in
in Sudan has raised a number of issues that need other chapters; the financial investment in this
to be resolved to avoid inadvertently doing harm chapter relates solely to coordination and UN
through the provision of aid, and to improve agency assistance.
the effectiveness of aid expenditure in the
environmental sector. Recommendations for the United
The dominant impact of aid on the environment Nations in Sudan
in Sudan is the provision of food aid to some 15 R14.1 Implement a focal point and long-term,
percent of the population. Sudan is essentially now centralized environmental technical assistance
caught in a vicious circle of food aid dependence service for aid agencies in Sudan. The long-
and environmental degradation: if food aid were term goal is the full integration of environmental
reduced to encourage a return to agriculture, the
issues into the UN aid programme in Sudan.
result under current circumstances would be an
This recommendation entails the establishment
intensification of land degradation, leading to the
of UNEP offices in Khartoum and Juba, the
high likelihood of a return to food insecurity in
the long term. provision of a service for environmental advice
and rapid assessment for all agencies and NGOs,
The analysis of the other links between international and a focal point to promote investment and
aid and the environment in Sudan indicates coordination in environmental issues.
that most aid does not cause significant harm
to the environment. However, integration of CA: TA; PB: UNCT; UNP: UNEP; CE: 3M;
environmental issues into the current programme DU: 3 years
is negligible, and the environment-related
expenditure that does occur – while it is R14.2 Help mainstream environmental issues
acknowledged and welcomed – suffers from a into the UN programme through improved
range of management problems that reduce its structure and monitoring via the UN Work Plan.
effectiveness. This would entail measures such as collating and
including all ongoing environmental projects from
Background to the recommendations all parties into the annual UN Work Plan process
and elevating environment from a ‘cross-cutting
Given the current environmental situation in Sudan, issue’ to an investment sector or sub-sector.
increased international aid for environmental
issues is warranted. All other issues being equal, CA: GROL; PB: UN RCHC; UNP: UNEP and
the level of food security in many parts of Sudan UNDP; CE: nil; DU: ongoing

324 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

R14.3 Advise future international environmental liaison for all international aid projects in the
aid proposals and funding offers to fit within environmental sector that require a GONU
a national management framework presented government partner, including MEAs and
by the combination of the UN Work Plan, GEF projects. This will significantly assist
the UNEP assessment and the GONU and coordination and central planning. Once contact
GOSS NPEM processes. This would not entail and a framework are established, liaison can be
additional fund-raising, but only directing funds delegated to the appropriate level on a project-
towards priority areas and projects as determined specific basis. This initiative needs to include
by these linked processes, which have already capacity-building (see Chapter 13) to enable
conducted the groundwork to develop a list of the government to participate actively in such
priorities and have a high level of ownership at projects.
the national level.
CA: GROL; PB: UN RCHC; UNP: UNEP and DU: 3 years then review
UNDP; CE: nil; DU: ongoing
Recommendations for the Government
R14.4 Set government counterpart funding of Southern Sudan
as a key criterion for funding environmental
projects in Sudan. The level of funding provided R14.6 Officially nominate and support the
by the government partner is a litmus test for GOSS Ministry of Environment, Wildlife
government commitment and the prospects for Conservation and Tourism as the GOSS
sustainable project benefits. The international: focal point for liaison for all international
national funding ratio should in no case be aid projects in the environmental sector
greater than 4:1, and should ideally be 1:1 or that require a GOSS government partner,
less. including GEF projects. This will significantly
assist coordination and central planning. Once
CA: GROL; PB: GONU and GOSS; UNP: contact and a framework are established, liaison
UNEP; CE: nil; DU: 3 years then review can be delegated to the appropriate level on a
project-specific basis. This initiative needs to
Recommendations for the Government include capacity-building (see Chapter 13) to
of National Unity enable the government to actively participate in
such projects.
R14.5 Officially designate and support the
GONU Ministry of Environment and Physical CA: GROL; PB: MEWCT; UNP: UNEP; CE:
Development as the GONU focal point for nil; DU: 3 years then review

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 325

A fish eagle crossing the White Nile flood

plain, against a backdrop of seasonal
rangeland fires set by pastoralists.
Sustainable management and development
of natural resources is one of the greatest
challenges facing post-conflict Sudan.

Conclusions Positive findings

1. The oil-driven economic boom can fund
15.1 Introduction the necessary investment in improved
environmental governance. The total cost
The UNEP post-conflict environmental assessment of the recommendations listed in this report
of Sudan has made clear that Sudan is affected by is USD 120 million over three to five years.
a number of severe environmental issues, which With oil exports expected to be in excess of
are closely tied to the country’s social and political USD 5 billion in 2006, the government clearly
problems with conflict, food insecurity and has the capacity to pay some if not all of these
displacement. costs. On this basis, all future international aid
projects for environmental governance should
Ignoring these environmental issues will ensure that have a strong element of matching government
some political and social problems remain unsolvable
and even likely to worsen, as environmental
degradation mounts at the same time as population 2. The combination of the natural resources of
increases. Resolving them will require a cross- the south and the resource needs of the north
cutting effort in the political arena. represents a real opportunity for large-scale
Investment in the environmental sector has suffered sustainable trade in raw and added-value
greatly from the conflicts that have wracked Sudan natural resources. Many of the resources
for most of the last fifty years, and environmental of Southern Sudan could be used to drive
concerns still cannot be adequately addressed in economic development, but are currently being
Darfur today. Corrective action, however, can wasted. For example, Khartoum state imports
start in much of the rest of the country. Moreover, construction timber even as mahogany trees
thanks to the benefits of oil exports, Sudan can for are burnt to clear land for shifting agriculture
the first time afford to significantly invest its own in the southern states. While tight controls are
resources into such action. obviously needed to avoid over-exploitation,
extracting added value from the natural
Recommendations on each of the various cross- resources of the south is key to both economic
cutting issues and sectors have already been set development and conservation.
out in Chapters 3 through 14. These have been
viewed and vetted by the Governments of Sudan 3. Political support for the environment is strong
and other national and international stakeholders. in the newly formed Government of Southern
As such, they represent an agreed way forward for Sudan, and rising in the Government of
each sector. National Unity. Support is both political (in
terms of awareness-raising) and practical (in
This chapter summarizes the findings and recom- terms of allocating GONU and GOSS core
mendations of the UNEP post-conflict environmental budgets to tackling environmental governance
assessment, and proposes the general way forward for and natural resource management issues).
the Governments of Sudan, civil society and the
international community, to help ensure that these Negative findings
recommendations are acted upon.
4. Environmental degradation in northern,
central, eastern and western Sudan is
15.2 Key findings widespread, severe and continuing at a
Over 100 environment and governance issues linear rate. The most common forms of
are discussed in Chapters 3 through 14, many of degradation – desertification and deforestation
which are closely connected or different aspects – are long-term problems that may worsen in
of the same problem. These items have been the future. The northern coastline and marine
distilled into three positive and seven negative habitats have been locally damaged near urban
key findings: areas, but remain in good condition overall.

328 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

5. Environmental degradation in south several environmental issues identified as

Sudan is overall moderate but locally potential conflict ‘flashpoints’ in Unity
severe and generally increasing at a rapid and Upper Nile states, the Three Areas
pace. Ongoing deforestation, which could and other north-south border zones. In
worsen considerably in the coming years general order of priority, these unresolved
due to the massive refugee and IDP return issues are:
process underway, represents a significant lost
opportunity in sustainable development and • the environmental impacts of the development
economic growth. of the oil industry;
• the southward migration of northern pastoralists
6. Southern Sudan’s environment is highly due to land scarcity and degradation;
vulnerable to development-induced damage
in the post-conflict period. Given the • tree-felling for the charcoal industry in the
near complete absence of environmental north-south boundary zone;
governance, natural resources such as timber • new and planned dams and major water
and the remaining wildlife are vulnerable to projects, including any revival of the Jonglei
over-exploitation. canal project; and
7. Environmental degradation, as well as • ivory and bushmeat poaching.
regional climate instability and change,
are major underlying causes of food An appreciation and long-term solutions
insecurity and conflict in Darfur – and for these environmental issues should be
potential catalysts for future conflict integrated into peacebuilding efforts to
throughout central and eastern Sudan and reinforce the prospects for sustainable peace.
other countries in the Sahel belt. Setting
aside all of the social and political aspects of 9. Environmental governance and policy
the war in Darfur, the region is beset with failures underlie many of the problems
a problematic combination of population observed. Many of the issues identified
growth, over-exploitation of resources and cannot be resolved by more aid or investment,
an apparent major long-term reduction in but require changes in government policy
rainfall. As a result, much of northern and instead. This is particularly the case for
central Darfur is degraded to the extent agricultural development. In addition, the
that it cannot sustainably support its rural basics for good environmental governance
population. are lacking or need substantial strengthening
throughout the country. Areas necessitating
Although not a novel finding to those attention include legislation development,
working in this field in Darfur, it is not civil service capacity-building and data
commonly understood outside the region. collection.
Yet it has major implications for the prospects
for peace, recovery and rural development in 10. United Nations work in the field of
Darfur and the Sahel. Indeed, the situation environment and aid in Sudan could be
in Darfur is uniquely difficult, but many of much improved by increased efforts in
the same underlying factors exist in other coordination. At present, environmental
parts of Sudan and in other countries of issues are not integrated into the larger UN
the Sahel belt. Darfur accordingly holds humanitarian programmes, and numerous
grim lessons for other countries at risk, structural and management problems reduce
and highlights the imperative for change the effectiveness of environment-specific
towards a more sustainable approach to programmes, such as those funded by the
rural development. Global Environment Facility. Improved
coordination could resolve many of these
8. Long-term peace in Sudan is at risk problems without significantly raising overall
unless sustainable solutions are found for aid expenditure.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 329

15.3 Key recommendations and provides a rare opportunity to truly embed

investment requirements the principles of sustainable development and
best practices in environmental management
Eighty-five detailed recommendations are provided into the governance architecture in Sudan.
in Chapters 3 through 14. These have been
distilled into four general recommendations: 3. National and regional government
should assume increasing responsibility
1. Invest in environmental management to for investment in the environment and
support lasting peace in Darfur, and to sustainable development. The injection of
avoid local conflict over natural resources oil revenue has greatly improved the financial
elsewhere in Sudan. Because environmental resources of both the Government of National
degradation and resource scarcity are among Unity and the Government of Southern Sudan,
the root causes of the current conflict in enabling them to translate reform into action.
Darfur, practical measures to alleviate such
problems should be considered vital tools for 4. All UN relief and development projects
conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Climate in Sudan should integrate environmental
change adaptation measures and ecologically considerations in order to improve the
sustainable rural development are needed in effectiveness of the UN country programme.
Darfur and elsewhere to cope with changing Better coordination and environmental
environmental conditions and to avoid clashes mainstreaming are necessary to ensure that
over declining natural resources. international assistance ‘does no harm’ to
Sudan’s environment.
2. Build capacity at all levels of government
and improve legislation to ensure that Analysis of chapter recommendations
reconstruction and economic development
do not intensify environmental pressures and The recommendations from each chapter have
threaten the livelihoods of present and future been collated by issue and economic sector in
generations. The new governance context Table 31, and by theme in Table 32.

Table 31. Recommendations by economic sector and geographic region

Issue and economic sector No. Cost of recommendation by region/target (USD million)
National (inc- Southern Sudan International Total
luding Darfur) Community
Natural disasters and desertification 3 4.0 – – 4.0
Conflict 4 – – 2.9 2.9
Displacement 4 – – 5.3 5.3
Urban environment and 6 5.0 2.0 1.0 8.0
environmental health
Industry 5 2.9 1.0 – 3.9
Agriculture 8 14.6 9.2 – 24.0
Forestry 13 10.6 7.8 0.3 18.7
Water resources 9 11.6 2.0 – 13.6
Wildlife and protected area 5 3.5 6.0 – 9.5
Marine and coastal resources 8 9.1* – – 9.1
Environmental governance and 10 8.7 9.3 – 18.0
International aid and the environment 6 – – 3.0 3.0
Total 85 70 37.3 12.5 119.8
*Includes USD 0.7 million by Red Sea state

330 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Table 32. Recommendations by theme and region/target

Recommendation theme Costs of recommendation by region (USD million)
National (inc- Southern Sudan International Total
luding Darfur) Community
Governance 9.1 6.5 0.3 15.9
Technical assistance 13.0 6.0 6.5 25.5
Capacity-building 7.0 12.0 – 19.0
Government investment 25.1 – – 25.1
Awareness-raising 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.8
Assessment 9.6 0.7 1.2 11.5
Practical action 6.0 12.0 4.0 22.0
Totals 70 37.3 12.5 119.8

Cost of the recommendations health infrastructure (water supply and treatment,

sewage treatment etc.) is unavoidable if GONU
Depending on the approach, the cost of a list of and GOSS wish to achieve major improvements in
recommendations for the substantial resolution the health sector. In this area, ‘soft’ approaches like
of the major environmental issues in Sudan could awareness-raising and capacity-building will be of
run from millions to billions of US dollars. In the limited benefit in the absence of ‘hard’ improvements
context of the competing needs of post-conflict in water supply and sanitation infrastructure.
recovery and the ongoing Darfur crisis, it is at
present clearly unrealistic to expect such additional The total cost of this report’s recommendations is
expenditure. However, it is critical that expenditure estimated at approximately USD 120 million over
be raised from its current negligible level to one at three to five years: USD 70 million for GONU,
which a real difference can be made (and measured). USD 37.3 million for GOSS and USD 12.5 million
Accordingly, the costed recommendations are kept for the international community. These are not large
below USD 5 million per government, per sector, figures compared to the Sudanese GDP in 2005
and per annum – and address only the most urgent (USD 85.5 billion), and are hence considered to be
or logical first few items. relatively affordable for both GONU and GOSS.
The recommendations aimed specifically at the
The resolution of many of the issues raised will also international community come to approximately
require considerable time. UNEP estimates that 0.5 percent of annual aid expenditure for Sudan in
building national capacity and addressing some of the 2006 – again relatively affordable.
more complex policy, legal and political issues noted
in this report will take a minimum of three to five Financing the recommendations
years. Reversing the noted trends of environmental
degradation could take much longer. The UNEP proposal is that the Government of
National Unity and the Government of Southern
UNEP does not expect work on all of the listed Sudan own this list of sector recommendations and
recommendations to commence in 2007; some contribute the majority of the funds. International
indeed may never be taken up. Moreover, the costs aid should make up the difference on a partnership
listed are only basic estimates that will need to be basis, with a view to providing technical assistance
refined in the project development stage. However, and capacity-building rather than just funding. As
they provide a good indication of the scale of mentioned in the previous chapter, sole funding by
investment required to make a significant difference the international aid community is specifically not
to the current environmental situation and trends recommended for three reasons:
in the country.
1. Prior experience in Sudan and elsewhere has
It should be noted that in addition to the expenditure shown that one hundred percent aid-funded
discussed above, a major investment in environmental recovery and development projects often have

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 331

poor sustainability and collapse when donor • a central role as the lead UN agency or one of
funds are withdrawn. Part-financing by the a small joint agency team;
government typically results in much better
design and national ownership; • a catalysing and supporting role to other UN
agencies; or
2. International aid funding for Sudan has its limits, • a tracking role for recommendations that do
and urgent humanitarian needs will continue to not require substantive UN input.
draw the bulk of the available funds. It will
simply not be possible to raise all the required On the government side, the environment and wildlife
finances from international donors; and ministries and authorities will also need to determine
their specific role for each recommendation, and
3. Many of the recommendations focus on policy engage the appropriate line ministries if required.
and governance, so the direct costs are limited
and internal to government civil services. UNEP country programme
Some sectors such as industry, urban development The UNEP Sudan country programme is still
and forestry have a high potential for part- under development as of early 2007, but an
financing by the private sector, but any revenue- outline can be presented.
generating option, such as license fees and royalty
agreements, should be designed and introduced Funds permitting, UNEP will establish more
with care to avoid governance problems. permanent project offices in Khartoum and
Juba, to implement a core programme for the
15.4 The way forward period 2007-2009. In 2009, the possibility of
an extension will be reviewed against a set of exit
Establishing roles and responsibilities criteria based on the situation in the country and
in GONU, GOSS and the UN progress on addressing the environmental issues
listed in this report. Key themes for the UNEP
UNEP’s recommendations envisage a key role programme are anticipated to be the same as the
for several government ministries within GONU recommendation themes:
and GOSS, as well as for over ten different
UN agencies. Their wholehearted support • governance (with a focus on legislation de-
is required for the implementation of many velopment);
recommendations. technical assistance and capacity-building;

UNEP and its government counterparts in the • awareness-raising and advocacy;
GONU and GOSS environment ministries cannot assessment; and
play the roles of the other parties, as they do not •
have the mandate or the capacity to do so. They • practical action.
can, however, catalyse action from their counterparts
to pick up the recommendations and assist them The exception is the recommendation category of
throughout the process. The first stage in the government investment, as this is considered to
implementation of the recommendations has in fact be a role for the GONU and GOSS only.
already occurred, as the respective ministries and
UN agencies were asked for their views and support Advocacy, and awareness- and
in the report drafting process. The recommendations fund-raising
in this final report reflect that input.
The funding and political support required to
UNEP proposes to maintain a central role implement the recommendations will need to be
through the establishment of a Sudan country found through an organized process of advocacy
programme for the period of at least 2007-2009 and awareness-raising. This effort will by default
(funds permitting). For each recommendation be led in the first instance by UNEP and its
listed, UNEP will have one of three positions: government counterparts in GONU and GOSS.

332 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

UNEP has developed a range of assessment Annual and three-year progress review
products to assist this process and will lead fund-
raising within the international community. The This UNEP assessment project has been a major
government counterparts will direct fund-raising and relatively costly undertaking. Its first phase
within their respective governments, using normal has now been successfully completed. The real
annual budgetary mechanisms and all other test, however, will be the rate of implementation
avenues for extra-budgetary funding. The existing of its recommendations, which will only be
National Plan for Environmental Management possible to accurately evaluate some time after the
(NPEM) process could be utilized to this end public launch of the report and other assessment
by the GONU Ministry of Environment and products.
Physical Development.
It is therefore recommended that UNEP and
It is anticipated that awareness- and fund-raising partners conduct an evaluation of the status
will take a minimum of one year to complete of the recommendations at the end of 2009.
substantially. Some projects will start much sooner Interim assessments should be conducted on
than this, but major items, such as line ministry an annual basis, starting in December 2007.
policy shifts and infrastructure investments, will
probably require one to three years. 15.5 Concluding remarks
Development of national, regional and Sudan is now at a crossroads. While the country
sectoral plans and action programmes clearly faces many severe environmental challenges,
the combination of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace
Once the agreed partners are on board and funds Agreement and the oil-driven economic boom
have been allocated, the recommendations list can represents a major opportunity for positive change.
be converted into a number of national, regional,
sectoral and project plans for implementation. The sustainable management of the country’s natural
Wherever possible, these plans should be resources is part of the solution for achieving social
integrated into general development and poverty stability, sustainable livelihoods and development
reduction strategies rather than be stand-alone in the country. For this goal to be reached,
initiatives. however, it will be necessary to deeply embed a
comprehensive understanding of environmental
In the water sector, for example, individual states issues in the culture, policies, plans and programmes
have the responsibility to develop five-year State of the Government of Sudan and its international
Water Master Plans; this represents an ideal partners, such as the United Nations.
opportunity to mainstream environment and
sustainability issues into concrete policy and This will require a long-term process and a multi-
investment programmes at the intermediate level. year commitment from both the Government
At the international level, UNEP will be working of Sudan and its international partners. As the
to integrate environmental issues into the UN environmental expert of the United Nations,
Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) UNEP is ready to assist the Government and
process, planned for late 2007, and the joint people of Sudan, as well as their international
government-UN Poverty Reduction Strategy partners, in taking forward the recommendations
Papers (PRSPs). developed from this assessment.

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 333

Appendix I
List of acronyms and abbreviations
AMCEN African Ministerial Conference on the Environment
AMIS African Union Mission in Sudan
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
°C Degrees Celsius
CAR Central African Republic
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
CPA Comprehensive Peace Agreement
DEA Department of Environmental Affairs (GONU MEPD)
DFID Department for International Development (UK)
DPA Darfur Peace Agreement
DRC Democratic Republic of Congo
DSS Department of Safety and Security (UN)
EC European Commission
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ERW Explosive Remnants of War
ESPA Eastern Sudan Peace Agreement
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FNC Forests National Corporation
FRA Forest Resources Assessment
FSD Fondation Suisse de Déminage
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GEF Global Environment Facility
GNP Gross National Product
GONU Government of National Unity
GOS Government of Sudan
GOSS Government of Southern Sudan
GRASP Great Apes Survival Project
GRID Global Resource Information Database (UNEP)
GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (German Technical Cooperation)
HCE Higher Council for Environment
HCENR Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
ICRAF International Centre for Research in Agroforestry
ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management
IDP Internally Displaced Person
IGAD Inter-government Authority on Drought
INGO International Non-Governmental Organization
IOM International Organization for Migration
IUCN The World Conservation Union
IWRM Integrated Water Resource Management
JEM Justice and Equality Movement
km Kilometre (measurement)
km² Kilometres squared (area)
km³ Kilometres cubed (volume)
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LRA Lord’s Resistance Army
m Metre (measurement)
m² Metres squared (area)
m³ Metres cubed (volume)
MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (GONU/GOSS)
MAR Ministry of Animal Resources (GONU)
MARF Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries (GOSS)
MDG Millennium Development Goal
MEA Multilateral Environmental Agreement
MEPD Ministry of Environment and Physical Development (GONU)
MEWCT Ministry of Environment, Wildlife Conservation and Tourism (GOSS)
MFA Marine Fisheries Administration (GONU)
MI Ministry of Interior (GONU)
MIM Ministry of Industry and Mining (GOSS)

336 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

MIWR Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources (GONU)

MEM Ministry of Energy and Mining (GONU)
MEPA Marine Environment Protection Authority (Red Sea state)
MoF Ministry of Finance (GONU)
MoI Ministry of Industry (GONU)
MOSS Minimum Operating Security Standard
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MPA Marine Protected Area
MTR Ministry of Transport and Roads (GOSS)
MTW Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife (GONU)
MWRI Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (GOSS)
NAPA National Adaptation Programme of Action
NBI Nile Basin Initiative
NCP National Congress Party
NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetative Index
NCSA National Capacity Self-Assessment
NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development
NFI Non-Food Item
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NPEM National Plan for Environmental Management
NSAS Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System
NSWCO New Sudan Wildlife Conservation Organization
NTEAP Nile Transboundary Environment Action Project
NWA Nile Water Agreement
OCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
OLS Operation Lifeline Sudan
PCDMB Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch
PCEA Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment
PERSGA Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden
POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants
PPD Plant Protection Directorate (GONU MAF)
ppm Parts per Million
PRSPs Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
SCE State Council for Environment (Red Sea state)
SECS Sudanese Environment Conservation Society
SPLA Sudan People’s Liberation Army
SPLM Sudan People’s Liberation Movement
SSARP Southern Sudan Agricultural Revitalization Programme
SSCSE South Sudan Centre for Statistics and Evaluation
SSNEA South Sudan National Environment Association
UN United Nations
UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework
UNDG United Nations Development Group
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNDPKO United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UNMAS United Nations Emergency Mine Action Programme in Sudan
UNMIS United Nations Mission in Sudan
UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services
UNRCHC United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator
USAID United States Agency for International Development
UXO Unexploded Ordnance
WFP World Food Programme
WHC UNESCO World Heritage Convention
WHO World Health Organization
WUA Water Use Associations

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 337

Appendix II
List of references
Chapter 2: Country Context
1. United Nations and Partners Work Plan for Sudan 2007
2. United Nations and Partners Work Plan for Sudan 2006
3. The Economist Intelligence Unit (2006). Country Report: Sudan (December 2006), London: EIU
4. The World Bank 2007 Sudan Country Data Profile (2003 data)
5. Khartoum Department of Statistics (1993). 1993 Population Census [in Arabic]
6. CBS/UNFPA 2004 Population Data Sheet
7. South Sudan Centre for Statistics and Evaluation (2004)
8. Sulaiman, S. and A. Ahmed (2006). Urban Environmental Issues in Khartoum. Sudanese
Environment Conservation Society Report to UNEP
9. Government of Sudan and United Nations Country Team (2004). Sudan Millennium
Development Goals: Interim Unified Report 2004
10. The World Bank (2003). Sudan Development Outcomes and Pro-poor Reforms
11. UNDP (2006). The Human Development Report 2006
12. Chapin Metz, H. (1991). Sudan: A Country Study. Washington, DC: Library of Congress
13. The International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook Database 2007
14. The World Bank (2001). Country Economic Memorandum
15. FAO Aquastat Information System on Water and Agriculture. Sudan Country Profile (2005)
16. Harrison M.N. and J.K. Jackson (1958). ‘Ecological Classification of the Vegetation of the
Sudan’ in Forest Bulletin 2
17. Bashir, M. et al (2001). Sudan Country Study on Biodiversity. Khartoum: Ministry of
Environment and Tourism
18. FAO Multipurpose Africover Databases on Environmental Resources
19. Itto, A. (2001). Agriculture and Natural Resources of New Sudan. A Report to the SPLM/A
20. United Nations Sudan Joint Assessment Mission Report 2005

Chapter 3: Natural Disasters and Desertification

1. Government of Sudan (2003). Ministry of Environment and Physical Development. Sudan’s First
National Communications under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
2. Zeng, N. (2003). ‘Drought in the Sahel’ in Science, November 2003
3. Sudan Rainfall Station Data Tables, provided by the Sudan Meteorological Department
4. Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Climate Change in West Africa: Eastern Sahel

338 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

5. Held I. M et al. (2005). Simulation of Sahel Drought in the 20th and 21st Century (Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 102, No. 50)
6. Thornton P.K. et al (2006). Mapping Climate Vulnerability and Poverty in Africa. Report to
International Livestock Research Institute
7. Government of Sudan (undated). National Plan for Combating Desertification in the Republic of Sudan
8. Stebbing E.P. (1953). The Creeping Desert in the Sudan and Elsewhere in Africa. Khartoum:
McCorquodale & Co
9. Communication with the Northern State Ministry of Water and Irrigation, August 2006

Chapter 4: Conflict and the Environment

1. Johnson, Douglas H. (2003). The Root Causes of Sudan’s Civil Wars. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
2. Deng, Francis (1995). War of Visions: Conflict of Identities in Sudan. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution
3. Wadi, A.I. (1998). Perspectives on Tribal Conflicts in the Sudan. University of Khartoum: IAAS
4. United Nations Sudan Joint Assessment Mission Report 2005
5. Bashar, Z.M. (2003). Mechanisms for Peaceful Co-Existence among Tribal Groups in Darfur [MA
Thesis in Arabic]. University of Khartoum
6. United Nations and Partners Work Plan for Sudan 2006
7. Christian Aid (2001). The Scorched Earth: Oil and Water in Sudan
8. Alier, Abel (1990). Southern Sudan: Too Many Agreements Dishonoured. Exeter: Ithaca Press
9. An Naim, Abdullahi and Peter Kok (1991). Fundamentalism and Militarism: A Report on the Root
Causes of Human Rights Violations in the Sudan. New York: The Fund for Peace
10. Beck, Kent (1996). ‘Nomads of Northern Kordofan and the State: From Violence to Pacification’
in Nomadic Peoples 38
11. Braukamper, Ulrich (2000). ‘Management of Conflicts over Pastures and Fields among the
Baggara Arabs of the Sudan Belt’ in Nomadic Peoples Volume 4
12. Lind, J. and K. Sturman (2002). Scarcity and Surfeit: The Ecology of Africa’s Conflicts. African
Centre for Technology Studies and Institute for Security Studies
13. Diehl, P.F. and N.P. Gleditsch (eds.) (2001). Environmental Conflict. Boulder: Westview Press
14. Suliman, M. (ed.) (1999). Ecology, Politics and Violent Conflict. London: Zed Books
15. Homer-Dixon, T.F. (1999). Environment, Scarcity and Violence. Princeton: Princeton University Press
16. Fadul, A.A. (2004). ‘Natural Resources Management for Sustainable Peace in Darfur’ in Conference
Proceedings: Environmental Degradation as a Cause of Conflict in Darfur (December 2004)
17. GONU Ministry of Animal Resources Published Statistics, 2005
18. UNEP/FAO/ICRAF (2006). Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment of the Rural Environment for
Sudan (Draft). Nairobi, Kenya
19. Feinstein International Famine Centre (2005). Darfur: Livelihoods under Siege. Cambridge: Tufts University
20. University for Peace (2004). Conference Proceedings: Environmental Degradation as a Cause of
Conflict in Darfur (December 2004)
21. African Union Mission in Sudan
22. Tobiolo, M. L. et al. (2006). A Report on the Status of the Forest Reserves in Greater Yei County,
South Sudan. Kagelu Forestry Training Centre

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 339

23. UN Information Gateway on Sudan
24. USAID Sudan Strategy Paper 2006-2008

Chapter 5: Population Displacement and the Environment

1. UNHCR (2006). 2005 Global Refugee Trends
2. UNHCR (1994). Populations of Concern to UNHCR: A Statistical Overview
3. UNHCR (2001). Statistical Yearbook 2001
4. UNHCR (2006). Sudan Country Operations Plan
5. Norwegian Refugee Council Global IDP Project (2005). Profile of Internal Displacement: Sudan
(29 October 2005)
6. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (2006). Internal Displacement: Global Overview of
Trends and Developments in 2005
7. United Nations and Partners Work Plan for Sudan 2005
8. Kelly, C. (2004). Summary Report: Darfur Rapid Environmental Assessment. CARE International
and Benfield Hazard Research Centre
9. Women’s Commission on Refugee Women and Children (2006). Beyond Firewood: Fuel
Alternatives and Protection Strategies for Displaced Women and Girls
10. BBC Press Release (21/1/01): ‘New Appeal for Drought-hit Sudan’
11. International Committee for the Red Cross (2004). ‘Darfur’s Turbulent Times’ in The Red Cross
Magazine, December 2004
12. Malik, S. (2005). ‘Sustainable Return Depends on Collaborative Approach’ in Forced Migration
Review 24. Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre
13. McCallum, J. and Willow, G. Y. (2005). ‘Challenges Facing Returnees in Sudan’ in Forced
Migration Review 24. Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre
14. OCHA Press Release (23/2/01): ‘Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Warns of
Sudan Disaster: 600,000 People at Immediate Risk of Starvation’
15. OCHA Press Release (17/8/06): ‘Sudan: the UN Expresses Concerns at Forced Relocation of
12,000 Displaced People in Greater Khartoum’
16. UNHCR (2006). The State of the World’s Refugees: Human Displacement in the New Millennium.
Oxford: Oxford University Press
17. UNHCR (2006). Global Appeal 2006
18. Tearfund (2007). Darfur: Relief in a Vulnerable Environment

Chapter 6: Urban Environment and Environmental Health

1. Khartoum Department of Statistics (1993). 1993 Population Census [in Arabic]
2. El Amin Abdel El Rahman, M. and M. Osman El Sammani (2006). Natural Resources and
Socio-Economic Parameters (Workshop on the Post-Conflict National Plan for Environmental
Management in Sudan, Khartoum, July 2006)

340 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

3. Creative Associates International, Inc. (2005). Juba Assessment: Town Planning and Administration
4. Ahmed, A.E.M. (1998). The Prevailing Situation of Urban Housing in Sudan [in Arabic].
Conference on Housing in the Arab World (Khartoum, Sudan)
5. Sulaiman, S. and A. Ahmed (2006). Urban Environmental Issues in Khartoum. Sudanese
Environment Conservation Society Report to UNEP
6. Burhan Eltayeb Bushra Elghazali (2006). Urban Intensification in Metropolitan Khartoum:
Influential Factors, Benefits and Applicability [Doctoral Thesis]. Stockholm: Royal Institute of
7. Khartoum Department of Statistics (1993). 1993 Population Census [in Arabic]
8. United Nations and Partners Work Plan for Sudan 2007
9. United Nations and Partners Work Plan for Sudan 2005
10. Government of Sudan and United Nations Country Team (2004). Sudan Millennium
Development Goals: Interim Unified Report 2004
11. United Nations Sudan Joint Assessment Mission (2005). Volume III Cluster Report
12. Nile Basin Initiative (2005). National Nile Basin Water Quality Monitoring Baseline Report for Sudan
13. World Health Organization (2004). Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Links to Health
14. World Health Organization Sudan (2006). ‘Cholera’ in Sudan Update 4
15. World Health Organization verbal report of a Juba UN Country Team Meeting, May 2006
16. Abdelgani M.E. and Z.E. Alabjar (2006). Environmental Research Capacity in Sudan (Workshop on
the Post-Conflict National Plan for Environmental Management in Sudan, Khartoum, July 2006)
17. Norwegian Refugee Council Global IDP Project (2005). Profile of Internal Displacement: Sudan
(29 October 2005)
18. Al Adam, E. et al (2001). Compressed Stabilized Earth Block Manufacture in Sudan. Paris: UNESCO
19. Al Adam, E. et al (2006). Urban Environment: Low-Cost Buildings (Workshop on the Post-
Conflict National Plan for Environmental Management in Sudan, Khartoum, July 2006)

Chapter 7: Industry and the Environment

1. Sudan Update (2001). Raising the Stakes: Oil and Conflict in Sudan
2. PennWell Petroleum Group (2001 and 2006 editions). International Petroleum Encyclopedia
3. Sudan Oil and Gas Conference, London, November 2006
4. Reuters Press Release (14/8/06): ‘Sudan to Ship 400,000 Barrels of Crude’
5. US Energy Information Administration. Annual Energy Outlook 2006
6. The Economist Intelligence Unit (2006). Country Report: Sudan (December 2006), London: EIU
7. United Nations Joint Logistics Centre (2006). Fuels 2006: A Survey of the Humanitarian Fuels
Situation in the Context of Humanitarian and Peacekeeping Operations in the Republic of the Sudan
8. US Energy Information Administration. World Proved Reserves of Oil and Natural Gas, Most
Recent Estimates

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 341

9. ‘Oil Flow Starts at Sudan’s Thar Jath Field’ in Oil and Gas Journal, June 29 2006
10. ‘Sudan - Oil and Gas: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction’
11. Sudan News Archive. Gulf Oil and Gas 2007
12. Switzer, J. (2002). Oil and Violence in Sudan. International Institute for Sustainable Development
13. International Crisis Group (2002). God, War and Oil: Changing the Logic of War in Sudan
14. Gagnan, G. and J. Ryle (2001). Report of an Investigation in Oil Development, Conflict and
Displacement in Western Upper Nile, Sudan
15. European Coalition on Oil in Sudan (2006). Oil Development in Upper Nile
16. Sudan National Oil Spill Response Contingency Plan 2000-2004
17. Human Rights Watch (2003). Sudan, Oil, and Human Rights

Chapter 8: Agriculture and the Environment

1. FAO Aquastat Information System on Water and Agriculture. Sudan Country Profile (2005)
2. Chapin Metz, H. (1991). Sudan: A Country Study. Washington, DC: Library of Congress
3. Government of Sudan (undated). Sudan National Report to the Conference of Parties on the
Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
4. Abbadi, K and A. Ahmed (2006). A Brief Overview of Sudan’s Economy and Future Prospects for
Agricultural Development. Khartoum Food Aid Forum (WFP)
5. Mohammed, H. and Hamid (2006). Range Management and Conservation in Sudan (Workshop on
the Post-Conflict National Plan for Environmental Management in Sudan, Khartoum, July 2006)
6. Agaemi, O. (undated). Towards a State Environmental Action Plan (for Gedaref ). Gedaref:
Gedaref Ministry of Environment and Tourism
7. UNEP (2002.) Global Environment Outlook 3 (GEO-3)
8. El Faki, A. (undated). The Problem of Land Use: The Issue and Future Vision [in Arabic]. Gedaref:
Gedaref State Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Irrigation
9. Abdel Nour, H. ‘Gum Arabic in Sudan: Production and Socio-Economic Aspects’ in Medicinal, Culinary
and Aromatic Plants in the Near East (FAO - Proceedings of the International Expert Meeting, Cairo)
10. Harragin, S. (2003). Nuba Mountains Land and Natural Resources Study (Part I – Land Study).
11. Manger, F. The Issue of Land in the Nuba Mountains. UNDP-NMPACT
12. Gezira State Board (undated). An Introduction to the Gezira Scheme [Arabic]
13. Hindi, A. et al. (2003). Management of Public Health Pesticides in Sudan (Inter-Country
Workshop on Public Health Pesticides Management in the Context of the Stockholm
Convention of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Amman, Jordan)
14. Sirag, A. et al. (2004). ‘Identification and Concentration of Organochlorine Residues in the
Blood of Sudanese Workers at the Gezira Agricultural Scheme’ in International Research on Food
Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development (Peter, K. ed.). Berlin: Humboldt-
Universität zu Berlin

342 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

15. KSC (2006). Kenana Corporate Environment Strategy

16. FAO (1995). Prevention and Disposal of Obsolete and Unwanted Pesticide Stocks in Africa and the Near East
17. Dukeen, M. et al. (2006). Vector Control Situation within the Context of Sectoral Coordination in
Sudan (The First Regional Meeting of the Global Environmental Facility-supported countries in
the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Muscat, Oman)
18. Gedaref SCENR (undated). Report of the Environment Secretariat on the Pesticide Warehouse in the
City of El Fao [in Arabic]
19. Northern State Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Irrigation (undated). Northern
State [in Arabic]
20. Lahmeyer International (2002). Environmental Assessment Report for Merowe Dam Project.
Khartoum: Merowe Dam Project Implementation Unit
21. FAO Multipurpose Africover Databases on Environmental Resources
22. UNEP (1998). Mutsambiwa, F. and F. Ali. Community Forestry Project, Ed Debba, Sudan
23. UNEP/FAO/ICRAF (2006). Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment of the Rural Environment for
Sudan (Draft). Nairobi, Kenya
24. UNICEF (2003). Analysis of Nine Conflicts in Sudan
25. Zaroug, M. (2000, updated 2002). FAO Sudan Pasture/Forage Resource Profile
26. Elsiddig, E. (2002). Developments in Forestry Education in the Sudan (VITRI Inauguration
Workshop on Tropical Dryland Rehabilitation June 2002, University of Helsinki, Hyytiälä
Forestry Field Station).
27. Suttie, J. et al (2005). Grasslands of the World. Rome: FAO
28. International Fund for Agricultural Development (2004). Report and Recommendation of the
President for the Western Sudan Resources Management Programme
29. Europa (1964). The Middle East and North Africa 1964-65. London: Europa Publications
30. HCENR/WCGA/UNDP (2004). Management Plan for Dinder National Park
31. Sudan Ministry of Environment and Tourism/HCENR/SECS/Friedrich Ebert Foundation
(1996). Toward a National Environmental Action Plan for Sudan [in Arabic]
32. Wallach, B. (2004 revised). ‘Improving Traditional Grassland Agriculture in Sudan’ in
Geographical Review
33. Gedaref State Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Irrigation (undated). Gedaref State
Land Uses [in Arabic]
34. Northern State Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Irrigation (undated). State
Preparations for the Winter Season 2006-2007 [in Arabic]
35. Ayoub, A. Linkages between food security and natural resources conditions. (Workshop on the Post-
Conflict National Plan for Environmental Management in Sudan, Khartoum, July 2006).
36. Government of Sudan (undated). National Plan for Combating Desertification in the Republic of
Sudan [in Arabic]
37. International Fund for Agricultural Development (2003). Gash Sustainable Livelihoods
Regeneration Project
38. International Fund for Agricultural Development (2004). Local Governance to Secure Access to
Land and Water in the Lower Gash Watershed

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 343

39. Bashar, K. et al. (2005). Watershed Erosion and Sediment Transport. Nile Basin Capacity-Building
Network, Khartoum
40. El Rahman, M. and M. El Sammani (2006). Natural Resources and Socio-Economic Parameters
(Workshop on the Post-Conflict National Plan for Environmental Management in Sudan,
Khartoum, July 2006).
41. Musnad, H. and N. Nasr (2004). Experience-Sharing Tour and Workshop on Shelterbelts and
Fuelwood Substitutes in Sudan. NORAD/NORAGRIC
42. McNeil, M. (1972). ‘Lateritic Soils in Distinct Tropical Environments: Southern Sudan and
Brazil’ in The Careless Technology: Ecology and International Development (Farvar, T. and J. Milton,
eds.). Garden City: The Natural History Press

Chapter 9: Forest Resources

1. FAO Forestry Department. Sudan Country Profile
2. Gaafar Mohamed, A. (2005). ‘Improvement of Traditional Acacia Senegal Agroforestry’ in
Tropical Forestry Reports 26
3. El Taib, A. A. and C. Holding (1988). Forestry and the Development of a National Forestry
Extension Service: A Sudanese Case Study
4. Sudan Forests National Corporation (1994). Studies on Consumption of Forest Products
5. El Warrag, E.A., El Shiekh and A.A. El Feel (2002). Forest Genetic Resources Conservation in
Sudan. Khartoum: University of Khartoum
6. FAO (2005). Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005
7. UNEP/FAO/ICRAF (2006). Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment of the Rural Environment for
Sudan (Draft). Nairobi, Kenya
8. Tobiolo, M. L. et al. (2006). A Report on the Status of the Forest Reserves in Greater Yei County,
South Sudan. Kagelu Forestry Training Centre
9. Government of Sudan (2003). Ministry of Environment and Physical Development. Sudan’s First
National Communications under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
10. Badi, K. H and A.M. Ibrahim (2006). Forest Management and Conservation in Sudan
(Workshop on the Post-Conflict National Plan for Environmental Management in Sudan,
Khartoum, July 2006)
11. Gorashi, A.R. (2001). State of Forest Genetics in Sudan. FAO/IPGRI/ICRAF
12. Ibrahim, A.M. (2004). National Report to the Fifth Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests.
Khartoum: FNC
13. Van Noordwijk, M. (1984). The Ecology Textbook for the Sudan. Khartoum: Khartoum University
14. Raddad, E.Y.A. (2006). ‘Tropical Dryland Agroforestry on Clay Soils’ in Tropical Forestry Reports 30
15. FAO Multipurpose Africover Databases on Environmental Resources

Chapter 10: Freshwater Resources

1. FAO Aquastat Information System on Water and Agriculture. Sudan Country Profile 2005

2. GONU Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources: unpublished data and UNEP interviews
during field missions in 2006

344 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

3. GONU Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources (undated). Irrigation and Water Resources of
the Sudan (Past, Present and Future)
4. Hassan, H. and M. Osman (2006). Gaps in Natural Resources Management in North Sudan
States (Workshop on the Post-Conflict National Plan for Environmental Management in Sudan,
Khartoum, July 2006)
5. Mahboub, E. and K. Riak (2006). Wetland Management (Workshop on the Post-Conflict
National Plan for Environmental Management in Sudan, Khartoum, July 2006)
6. Lahmeyer International (2002). Environmental Assessment Report for Merowe Dam Project.
Khartoum: Merowe Dam Project Implementation Unit
7. Teodoru, C., Wüest, A., and B. Wehrli (2006). Independent Review of the Environmental Impact
Assessment for the Merowe Dam Project. Kastanienbaum: EAWAG Aquatic Research Group
8. Giles, J. (23/3/06). ‘Tide of censure for African dams’. Nature Publishing Group News Release
9. International Rivers Network Merowe Campaign
10. Mohammed, Y (2005). The Nile Hydroclimatology: Impact of the Sudd Wetland [PhD Thesis].
Delft: Delft University of Technology/UNESCO-IHE, Balkelma Publishers
11. Liabwel, I. (2006). Water Management in Southern Sudan (Workshop on the Post-Conflict
National Plan for Environmental Management in Sudan, Khartoum, July 2006)
12. Mefit, Babtie (1983). ‘Development Studies in the Jonglei Canal Area: Final Report, Vol. 5’ in
Wildlife Studies, April 1983
13. Winter, P. (1997). ‘Southern Sudan’ in Antelope Survey Update 5
14. Moghray, A. et al (1982). ‘The Jonglei Canal: A needed Development or Potential Ecodisaster’ in
Environmental Conservation 9
15. World Commission on Dams (2000). Dams and Development: A New Framework for Decision-
Making. London: Earthscan Publications
16. UN Sudan Transition and Recovery Database (July 2004 data). Southern Kordofan State
17. Ramsar Convention (2006). Ramsar Information Sheet for the Sudd Wetlands
18. Thieme, M. et al. (2005). Freshwater Ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar: A Conservation
Assessment. Washington, DC: Island Press
19. PERSGA (2003). Status of Mangroves in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, Technical Series No.11
20. Bashir, M. et al (2001). Sudan Country Study on Biodiversity. Khartoum: Ministry of
Environment and Tourism
21. Blower, J.R. (1977). Wildlife Conservation and management in the Southern Sudan (UNDP/ FAO
Sudan Project Findings and Recommendations)
22. Navarro, Luis A. and George Phiri (eds.) (2000). Water Hyacinth in Africa and the Middle East. A
Survey of Problems and Solutions. International Development Research Centre
23. Agaemi, O. (undated). Towards a State Environmental Action Plan (for Gedaref ). Gedaref: Gedaref
Ministry of Environment and Tourism
24. Al Sunut Development Company
25. International Fund for Agricultural Development Exploitation of Groundwater Resources Website
http://www.International Fund for Agricultural
26. Tearfund (2007). Darfur: Relief in a Vulnerable Environment

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 345

27. Abu Zeid, K. (2002). The Transboundary Nubian Groundwater Basin. CEDARE
28. South Valley Development Project (Toshka and East Oweinat)
29. Action Programme for the Integrated Management of the Shared Nubian Aquifer
30. Report of the Symposium on Aquaculture in Africa in Accra, Ghana, 30 September – 2 October 1975.
Reviews and Experience Papers: CIFA Technical Paper No. 4 (Supplement 1)
31. Murakami, Masahiro (1995). Managing Water for Peace in the Middle East: Alternative Strategies.
Tokyo: United Nations University Press
32. UNICEF Sudan Country Statistics (2002)
33. HCENR/WCGA/UNDP (2004). Management Plan for Dinder National Park
34. Sudan Ministry of Environment and Tourism/HCENR/SECS/Friedrich Ebert Foundation
(1996). Toward a National Environmental Action Plan for Sudan [in Arabic]
35. The Juba Post Press Release (10/8/06): ‘Digging Jonglei Canal Resumes with Egypt’

Chapter 11: Wildlife and Protected Area Management

1. Sudan Ministry of Environment and Physical Development (2003). Assessment of Capacity-Building
Needs and Country-Specific Priorities in Biodiversity Management and Conservation in Sudan
2. Boma Wildlife Training Centre (2006). UNEP PCEA Wildlife Conservation and Protected Areas (Draft)
3. Sudanese Environmental Conservation Society (2006). Sudan Wildlife Status Report (Draft)
4. Hillman, J.C. (1985). Wildlife Research in the Sudan in Relation to Conservation and Management
(Proceedings of the Seminar on Wildlife Conservation in the Sudan, Khartoum, March 1985)
5. Kemp, R. and J. (1984). Survival Anglia. The Mysterious Journey [Film Documentary]
6. Hillman, J.C. (1982). Wildlife Information Booklet. Sudan Ministry of Wildlife Conservation and
Tourism, Department of Wildlife Management
7. Bashir, M. et al (2001). Sudan Country Study on Biodiversity. Khartoum: Ministry of
Environment and Tourism
8. Blower, J.R. (1977). Wildlife Conservation and management in the Southern Sudan (UNDP/ FAO
Sudan Project Findings and Recommendations)
9. Cave et al (1958). Birds of Sudan, their Identification and Distribution. UK: Oliver and Boy
10. Robertson, P. (2001). ‘Sudan’ in Important Bird Areas in Africa and its Associated Islands: Priority
Sites for Conservation. Fishpool, L.D.C. and M.I. Evans (eds). Birdlife International Series 11
11. Setzer, H.W. (1956). Mammals of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (Proceedings US Natural History Museum 106)
12. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2006
13. Abdel Salam, Mohammed Younis (2006). Marine and Costal Environmental Conservation in
Sudan: The Role of Marine Protected Areas (Workshop on the Post-Conflict National Plan for
Environmental Management in Sudan, Khartoum, July 2006)
14. Mackinnon J. and K. (1986). Reviews of the Protected Areas System in the Afrotropical Realm.
15. World Resources Institute (1995). Twelfth Annual Report
16. Birdlife International

346 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

17. Seymour, C. (2001). Saharan Flooded Grassland. WWF
18. Stuart, S.N. and R.J. Adams (1990). Biodiversity in Sub-Saharan Africa and its Islands:
Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use
19. Winter, P. (1997). ‘Southern Sudan’ in Antelope Survey Update 5
20. East, R. (1998). African Antelope Database 1998. IUCN/SSC Antelope Specialist Group
21. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1981). Forest Resources of Tropical
Africa (Part II: Country briefs – Sudan). FAO Tropical Forest resources Assessment project
22. Hammerton, D. (1964). Hydrological Research in Sudan (Sudan Phl. Soc. 12th Annual
Symposium, Khartoum)
23. Hughes, R.H. and J.S. (1991). Directory of African Wetlands. IUCN/UNEP
24. Moghray, A. et al (1982). ‘The Jonglei Canal: A needed Development or Potential Ecodisaster’ in
Environmental Conservation 9
25. Nikolaus, G. (1985). Necessary Conservation and Education Programmes, Protection of Wetlands of
International Importance and Migratory Birds in Sudan (Proceedings of the Seminar on Wildlife
Conservation and Management in the Sudan, March 1985, Khartoum)
26. Ojok, L.I., Morjan, M.D., and B.B. Nicholas (2001). The Impact of Conflict on Wildlife and Food
Security in South Sudan: the Survey of Boma National Park, South Sudan (Draft)
27. Ramsar Convention. Sudd Nomination Document

Chapter 12: Marine Environments and Resources

1. Hassan, M. (2006). Sudan Marine and Coastal Environment (Draft)
2. Abdel Salam, Mohammed Younis (2006). Marine and Costal Environmental Conservation in
Sudan: The Role of Marine Protected Areas (Workshop on the Post-Conflict National Plan for
Environmental Management in Sudan, Khartoum, July 2006)
3. UNEP/IUCN (1988). Coral Reefs of the World Vol. 2: Indian Ocean, Red Sea and the Gulf. UNEP
Regional Seas Directories and Bibliographies
4. PERSGA/GEF (1998). Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Country
Report: Republic of the Sudan
5. UNEP-WCMC (2006). World Database on Protected Areas
6. African Parks Foundation (2006). Expedition to Sanganeb and Dongonab National Parks
7. PERSGA (2003). Status of Mangroves in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, Technical Series No.11
8. Government of Sudan. 2004 Marine Fisheries Statistics

Chapter 13: Environmental Governance and Awareness

1. Government of Sudan (2005). The Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of the
Republic of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army, Nairobi, 9 January 2005
2. Government of Sudan (2005). The Interim National Constitution of Sudan
3. Government of Southern Sudan (2005). The Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan
4. UNEP (2006). Assessment of Environmental Policy, Institutions and Legal Framework in North and
South Sudan (Draft)

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 347

5. Sudan National Environmental Action Plan (2007) (Draft)

6. Scholte, P. and M. Babiker (2005). Terminal Evaluation for the Conservation, Management of Habitat,
Species and Sustainable Community Use of Biodiversity in Dinder National Park (Report to UNDP-GEF)
7. UNEP (2002). Capacity-Building for Sustainable Development. An Overview of UNEP
Environmental Capacity Development Activities
8. Abdel Ati, Hassan A. (ed.) (2002). Sustainable Development in Sudan, Ten Years after the Rio
Summit. A Civil Society Perspective. Environmentalists Society, EDGE for Consultancy and
Research and Heinrich Boll Foundation Regional Office Horn of Africa
9. Bashir, M. et al (2001). Sudan Country Study on Biodiversity. Khartoum: Ministry of
Environment and Tourism
10. Government of Sudan, Secretariat for Wildlife Conservation and Tourism (2004). Draft Frame
Document, The New Site – South Sudan, January 2004
11. UNEP (2005). Ridding the World of POPs: A Guide to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent
Organic Pollutants
12. IUCN (2004). An Introduction to the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources. Environmental Policy and Law Paper No. 56
13. Government of Sudan (2003). Ministry of Environment and Physical Development. Sudan’s First
National Communications under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
14. Convention on Biological Diversity. Three Sudan National Reports to the Conference of the Parties
15. Government of Sudan (undated). Sudan National Report to the Conference of Parties on the
Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
16. Government of Sudan. Sudan’s Ninth Report to the Conference of the Parties of the Ramsar
17. The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
18. Ramsar Convention
19. The Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of
Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa
20. The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal

Chapter 14: International Aid and the Environment

1. United Nations and Partners Work Plan for Sudan 2006
2. UN Mission in Sudan
3. Sphere Standards, Sphere Project Website
4. UNEP-ETB (2002). Environmental Impact Assessment Resource Manual
5. Chapin Metz, H. (1991). Sudan: A Country Study. Washington, DC: Library of Congress
6. The Economist Intelligence Unit (2006). Country Report: Sudan (December 2006), London: EIU
7. Andrews F.W. (1950). The Flowering Plants of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Arbroath, T. Buncle and
Co. Ltd for the Sudan Government

348 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

8. Tearfund (2007). Darfur: Relief in a Vulnerable Environment

9. USAID Interim Strategic Plan for Sudan 2004-2006
10. USAID Sudan Strategy Paper 2006-2008
11. USAID Sudan Transitional Environment Programme (2006). Programmatic Environmental
Assessment of Road Rehabilitation Activities in Southern Sudan
12. The Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy in Africa, Faculty of Natural and
Agricultural Sciences, University of Pretoria (2006). Environmental Impact Assessment of the Bor
Counties’ Dyke Rehabilitation Project, South Sudan: Integrated Assessment Report
13. Sustainable Options for Livelihood Security in Eastern Sudan (SOLSES) Project Website
14. Global Environmental Facility Projects Website

Special note: In the course of the assessment in 2006, UNEP sponsored two major
environmental workshops, one held in Khartoum in July and the other in Juba in November.
At these events, technical papers were presented on the environmental issues of Sudan
as input to both the UNEP report and the forthcoming government-owned National Plan
for Environmental Management. The full list of these papers is offered below. Individual
papers have been included in the chapter references where appropriate.

Proceedings of the Khartoum Workshop on the Post-Conflict National Plan

for Environmental Management in Sudan, July 2006
• Abdelgani, M.E. and Z.E. Alabjar. Environmental Research Capacity in Sudan.
• Kitundo, M. Environmental Education and Public Participation in Sudan.
• Mohamed, Y.A. Public Participation in Natural Resources Management in Sudan.
• El Tayeb, G. and N. Kuku. The Role of Environmental Societies in Post-Conflict Sudan.
• Bashir, M. and F. Tong. Sudan Protected Areas
• Mahgoub, E.F.E.T and K. M. Riak. Wetland Management in Sudan
• Ibrahim, A.M and K. H. Badi. Forest Management and Conservation
• Mohamed, H.M. and A. R.M. Hamid. Range Management and Conservation in Sudan
• Abdel Rahman, M.E.A. and M. O. El Sammani. Natural Resources and Socio-economic Parameters
• Abdel Salam, M.Y. Marine and Coastal Environment Conservation in Sudan.
• Omwenga, J.M. Global Management of Freshwater Resources – The Nile Basin – A Perspective
• Liabwel, I. Water Management in Southern Sudan

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 349

• Ayoub, A.T. Linkages between Food Security and Natural Resource Conditions
• Awad, N.M. International and Regional Agreements
• Satti, M. Partnership for Sustainable Development on the Red Sea Coast
• El Hassan, H.M. and M. Osman. Gaps in Natural Resources Management in North Sudan States
• El Hassan, B.A. Resource-Based Conflicts and Land Use Systems
• Abdelbagi, A.O., Mohamed, A.A., El Hindi, A.M. and A.M. Ali. Impact of Pesticides and Other
Chemicals on the Environment
• Murkaz Ali, E.T. Overview of Relevant Policies, Strategies and Legislation Related to Environment
and their Relevancy under the CPA
• Ibnoaf, M. A Pro-Poor Post-Conflict Participatory Approach
• El Moghraby, A.I. Management of Natural Resources in the Sudan
• Desertification Control and Mitigation of Drought Effects in Sudan
Proceedings of the Juba Workshop on the Post-Conflict National Plan
for Environmental Management in Sudan, November 2006
• Hassan, K.I. The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security
• Bojoi, M. Wildlife Tourism and Poverty. Present State and Strategy for Development in South Sudan
• Dima, S.J. Land Use Systems in South Sudan and their Impact on Land Degradation
• Wurda, V. The Current Development of Instructional and Regulatory Framework for Environmental
Management in South Sudan
• Badawi Bashir M. K. Management of the Environment in the Sudan’s Oil Industry
• Dhol, J.C. Sustainable Agricultural Development in Sudan
• Abate, A.L. Livestock Production Challenges in the Rangelands Ecosystem of South Sudan
• Udo, M.G. Sustainable Livestock/Range Management Systems – A Way Forward to Progressive
Development of South Sudan
• Riak, K.K. Sudd Area as a Ramsar Site: Biophysical Features
• Liabwel, I. Water Resources in Southern Sudan
• Tier, A.M. The State and Capacity of Environment Institutions: Legal and Structural
• Gore, P. A Demographic Profile of Southern Sudan

350 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Appendix III
List of contributors
Members of the UNEP Assessment Team
UNEP Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch – Senior Management
Mr. Henrik Slotte, Chief
Mr. Muralee Thummarukudy, Operations Manager
Mr. David Jensen, Policy and Planning Coordinator

UNEP Assessment Team

Mr. Andrew Morton, Sudan Project Coordinator
Mr. Hassan Partow, Senior Environment Expert
Mr. Grant Wroe-Street, Project Coordinator
Mr. Joseph Bartel, Natural Resources Expert
Mr. David Meadows, Programme Officer
Mr. Edward Wilson, Wildlife Consultant
Mr. David Stone, Consultant
Mr. John Carstensen, Environmental Law Expert
Mr. Mahgoub Hassan, Marine Expert
Ms. Silja Halle, Report Editor

UNEP Regional Office for Africa and Headquarters

Mr. Sekou Toure, Director, Regional Office for Africa
Mr. Nehemiah Rotich, Programme Officer (Biodiversity), Regional Office for Africa
Mr. Mohammed Abdel Monem, Programme Officer (Natural Resources), Regional Office for Africa
Mr. Serge Bounda, Chief Librarian
Mr. Steve Jackson, Head of Audiovisual

Special Thanks
Ministry of Environment and Physical Development (GONU)
H.E. Ahmed Babikir Nahar, Minister
H.E. Ms. Teresa Siricio Iro, State Minister
Mr. El Fadil Ali Adam, Undersecretary
Mr. Saadeldin Izzeldin, Secretary General, Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources
Mr. Mamoun Abdel Kader, Director, Directorate of Environment
Mr. Mahgoub Hassan, Deputy Secretary General, Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources
Ms. Mona Abdel Hafeez, Directorate of Environment
Mr. Bashir Omar, Directorate of Environment
Ms. Samyah Ibrahim, Secretary, Environment Council Secretariat, Gedaref State
Mr. Ahmed El Rashid Said, Secretary General, State Council for Environment and Natural Resources, Nile State
Mr. Yacoub Salih, Secretary General, State Council for Environment and Natural Resources, Northern State
Mr. Ghassan Ahmed, Marine Environment Protection Authority

Ministry of Environment, Wildlife Conservation and Tourism (GOSS)

H.E. James Loro Siricio, Minister
Major General Alfred Akwoch Omoli, Permanent Undersecretary
Mr. Victor Wurda LoTombe, Director General for Environment
Mr. George Modi, Environment Information Centre
Ms. Kapuki Tognun, Librarian, Environment Information Centre
Mr. Moses Gogonya, Environmental Inspector
Mr. Alex Gubek, Environmental Inspector

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 351

Government of Southern Sudan Cabinet and Line Ministries

H.E. Luka Biong Deng, Minister of the Office of the President
Hon. Gabriel Matur Malek, Chairman of the Committee for Land, Natural Resources and Environment
Mr. Waragak Gatluak Fequir, Undersecretary, Agriculture
Mr. Jaden Tongun Emilio, Undersecretary, Forestry
Mr. Raymond Pitia, Undersecretary, Housing, Land and Public Utilities
Mr. Francis Latio, Undersecretary, Economic Planning
Dr. Cirino Hiteng Ofuho, Undersecretary, Regional Cooperation
Dr. Majok Yak, Undersecretary, Health
Mr. Chour Deng Mareng, Undersecretary, Industry and Mining
Dr. Daniel Wani, Undersecretary, Transport and Roads
Dr. Makuei Malual Kaang, Undersecretary, Animal Resources and Fisheries
Mr. Bortel Mori Nyombe, Undersecretary, Cooperatives and Rural Development
Mr. Isaac Liabwel, Undersecretary, Water Resources and Irrigation

Other Sudan Government Agencies

Mr. Ismail Jelab, Governor, Southern Kordofan State
Mr. Ahmed Saad, Governor, Sennar State
Mr. Azhari Abdel Rahman, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gezira State
Mr. Mustapha El Khalil, Minister of Health, Gedaref State
Mr. Jaafer Salih, Minister of Planning and Public Works, White Nile State
Mr. Ahmed Gamal Dawood, Minister of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Irrigation, Northern State
Mr. Abdallah Mohammed Edam, General Director, Ministry of Health, Northern Kordofan State
Mr. Saoud Mohammed, Director, Office of the Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gezira State
Mr. Abdel Adhim Tayfoor, Deputy Director, Ministry of Agriculture, Nile State
Ms. Amna Hamid, Director, Remote Sensing Authority
Dr. Salwa Abdel Hameed, Director, Wildlife Research Centre and Ramsar Focal Point, Ministry of Science
and Technology
Mr. Mohammed Ballal, Director, Gum Arabic Research Station Office, Agricultural Research Corporation
Mr. Salah El Din, General Director, Ministry of Energy and Mining
Mr. Mukhtar Ali Mutkhtar, Environment and Sustainable Development Advisor, Dams Implementation Unit
Mr. Muawia Salih Elbager, Environmental Affairs Director, Dams Implementation Unit
Mr. Haidar Bekhit, Director, Nile Water Directorate, Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources
Mr. Muatism Al Awadh, Director, Sennar Dam
Mr. Ahmed Abbas, Assistant Director, Roseires Dam
Mr. Sameer Ahmed, Director, Khashm El Girba Dam
Mr. El Hadi Adam, Research Engineer, Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources, Sennar
Mr. El Tayib El Alam, Director, Agricultural Directorate, Gezira Scheme
Mr. Abel Adhim Banaga, Director, Occupational Health and Saftey, Gezira Scheme
Mr. Hassan Kambal, Director, Directorate of Planning and Social and Economic Research, Gezira Scheme
Mr. El Tayib El Feel, Director, Irrigation Unit, Gezira Scheme
Mr. Amr Hassan, Deputy Director, New Halfa Agricultural Scheme
Mr. Tabayq Tabayq, Acting Director, Ministry of Agriculture, Sennar State
Mr. El Nour El Nour, Director, Forest National Corporation, Southern Kordofan State
Mr. Mohammed El Jaak, Director, Forestry Directorate, Gezira State
Mr. Ibrahim Daoka, Director, Forestry Directorate, Gezira State
Mr. Youssif Obeid, Director, Forestry Directorate, Nile State
Mr. Awadh Adam, Forestry Director, El Shuwak
Mr. El Tijani Hussein Abdallah, Forestry Inspector, Talodi
Mr. Jamal El Deen Mohammed, Forestry Inspector, Kadugli
Mr. Muhayi Adam Othman, Assistant Forestry Director, Abu Jubayhah
Mr. Adam Jadallah Ardeeb, Forestry Inspector, Dilling
Mr. El Sheikh Dein Hussein, Forestry Inspector, Umm Rawaba
Mr. Abdullah Hamid, Director, Marine Fisheries Association, Ministry of Animal and Fish Resources
Mr. Maknoon Othman, Ministry of Agriculture, El Hasahesa

352 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

Mr. Merghani El Sayid, Director, Plant Protection Directorate, Gedaref State

Ms. Samiha Ishaq, Director, Rangelands and Fodder Directorate, Gedaref State
Mr. Ousama Ibrahim, Deputy Director, Forestry Department, Khartoum
Mr. Abdellah Harun, Wildlife Conservation General Administration, Ministry of Interior, Red Sea State
Mr. Asam Qassem, Manager, Suba Wastewater Treatment Station, Khartoum
Colonel Sanad Bin Suleiman, Dinder National Park, Wildlife Conservation General Administration, Ministry of Interior
Mr. Mubarak Ibrahim, Wildlife Research Centre

Sudan Civil Society and Private Sector

Mr. Muawia Shadad, Chairman, Sudan Environment Conservation Society
Ms. Suad M. Sulaiman, Director, Sudan Environment Conservation Society
Ms. Huda Khogali, Environment Expert, Sudan Environment Conservation Society
Mr. Taalat Abd El Majed, Environment Expert, Sudan Environment Conservation Society
Mr. Sumaia M. Elsayed, Sudan Environment Conservation Society
Ms. Salma El Tayb, Deputy Director, Sudan Environment Conservation Society, Kosti
Mr. Hussein Musa, Director, Sudan Environment Conservation Society, Wad Medani
Mr. Abel Latif, Jawdan, Sudan Environment Conservation Society, Wad Medani
Mr. El Nayir Suleiman, Sudan Environment Conservation Society, Gedaref
Mr. Izat Taha, Consultant
Ms. Susan Ayot, Consultant
Mr. Malik Marjan, Principal, Boma Wildlife Training Centre
Captain Abdel Helim bin Abdel Helim, Red Seas Enterprise
Ms. Somaya Mohammed, Head, Department of Biological Oceanography, Red Sea University
Ms. Nahid Osman, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Red Sea University
Mr. Suliman Suliman, HSE Consultant, Shell Sudan
Mr. Hamza Ibrahim, Deputy General Manager, Nile Cement Co.
Mr. Samuel Mule, Concern, Southern Kordofan State
Ms. Nidal Ibrahim, Jamiyat Ro’ait El Kheir
Mr. Ahmed El Bashir, Deputy Dean, Wadi El Neel University
Mr. Alex Murray, Field Coordinator, ADRA, Um Jawasir
Mr. Nasser Bur, Section Head Environment, HSE Department, GNPOC
Mr. Fatih Youssif, HSE Supervisor, Heglig, GNPOC
Mr. Mohammed Abdullah, Director, Administration Department, Gezira Tanneries
Mr. Hamza Fath El Rahman, Deputy Director General, El Rabak Cement Factory
Mr. Siddiq Abdul Rahman, Chemical Engineer, El Rabak Cement Factory
Mr. Muawia Ali, General Manager, Kenana Sugar Company
Mr. Mohammed El Sheikh, General Director, Assalaya Sugar Factory
Mr. Mohammed Abou Raouf, President of the Pastoralist Union and Leader of the Al Rifaa Tribe, Sennar State
Mr. Mahmood Khalid, President, Farmers Union, Nile State

United Nations in Sudan

Mr. Omer Egemi, Head of Environmental Section, UNDP
Ms. Hanan Mutwakil, Senior Programme Associate, UNDP
Mr. Thomas Carter, UNDP Juba
Mr. John Fox, UNDP Juba
Mr. Sadig Ibrahim Elamin, Sudan Interagency Mapping, OCHA
Mr. George Okech, Head of Office, FAO Juba
Mr. Mohammed Hussein, FAO Khartoum
Mr. John Smith, Livestock Officer, FAO
Mr. Greg Wilson, Country Director, UNOPS
Mr. Akuila Buadromo, Project Manager, UNOPS
Mr. Steve Crosskey, Roads Programme Manager, WFP
Ms. Malar Smith, Head of Office, UNHCR Bor
Mr. Tom Hockley, Deputy Head, RCO Khartoum
Mr. Marcus Culley, UNDSS Juba
Mr. Kakuca Mladen, OIM Juba

• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • 353

International Organizations and Individuals

Mr. Yves Barthélemy, Remote Sensing Expert
Mr. Dominique Del Pietro, UNEP DEWA GRID-Europe
Mr. Brendan Bromwich, Tearfund
Mr. Azene Tesemma Bekele, Project Manager, ICRAF
Mr. Sean White, Winrock International
Mr. Douglas Varchol, DZAP Productions
Mr. Philip Winter, Rift Valley Institute
Mr. Thomas Catterson, USAID
Mr. Paul Symonds, European Commission
Mr. Gedion Asfaw, NTEAP Manager, Nile Basin Initiative
Ms. Astrid Hillers, World Bank
Mr. Jörn Laxén, University of Helsinki
Mr. Steve McCann, MMackintosh
Mr. Jon Bennett, Oxford Development Consultants
Mr. Evert Van Walsum, Consultant
Ms. Jane Upperton, Consultant
Ms. Mette Møglestue, Consultant
Mr. Laks Akella, Consultant

UNEP Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch

Mr. Henrik Slotte, Chief
Mr. Muralee Thummarukudy, Operations Manager
Mr. Andrew Morton, Country Operations Coordinator
Mr. David Jensen, Policy and Planning Coordinator
Mr. Joseph Bartel, Natural Resources Expert
Mr. Mario Burger, Senior Scientific Advisor
Ms. Rachel Dolores, Project Assistant
Ms. Silja Halle, Communications Advisor
Mr. David Meadows, Programme Officer
Ms. Cecilia Morales, Advisor
Ms. Mani Nair, Project Assistant
Ms. Satu Ojaluoma, Administrative Officer
Ms. Elena Orlyk, Project Assistant
Mr. Hassan Partow, Senior Environment Expert
Mr. Matija Potočnik, Media Assistant
Mr. Gabriel Rocha, Systems Administrator
Ms. Joanne Stutz, Programme Assistant
Mr. Koen Toonen, Project Coordinator
Ms. Maliza van Eeden, Associate Programme Officer
Ms. Anne-Cécile Vialle, Operations and Research Assistant
Mr. Richard Wood, Technical Coordinator
Mr. Grant Wroe-Street, Project Coordinator
Mr. Dawit Yared, Project Assistant

354 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •
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The Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in January 2005 by the

Sudanese Government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army put
an end to more than two decades of continuous civil war. With peace
and a fast-growing economy fueled by its emerging oil industry,
most of the country can now focus on recovery and development.

Sudan, however, faces a number of challenges. Among these

are critical environmental issues – including land degradation,
deforestation and the impacts of climate change – that threaten the
Sudanese people’s prospects for long-term peace, food security and
sustainable development. In addition, complex but clear linkages
exist between environmental problems and the ongoing conflict in
Darfur, as well as other historical and current conflicts in Sudan.

With a view to catalysing action to address the country’s key

environmental problems, the Government of National Unity and
the Government of Southern Sudan requested UNEP to conduct
a comprehensive assessment of Sudan’s environment. Extensive
fieldwork was carried out in 2006 by different teams of experts who
spent a total of 150 days in the field, on ten separate field missions.
The sectors investigated include natural disasters and desertification,
linkages between conflict and environment, the impacts of
population displacement, urban environment and environmental
health, industry, agriculture, forest resources, freshwater resources,
wildlife and protected areas, marine environments, environmental
governance and international aid.

This report by UNEP presents the findings of the post-conflict

environmental assessment of Sudan and detailed recommendations
for follow-up action.

ISBN: 978-92-807-2702-9
Job No.: DEP/0816/GE

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