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Directions (1-15) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of. the questions. Though the last twenty-five years have seen China dazzle the world with its excellent economic performance it has shied away from playing the kind of active role in international affairs that would seem commensurate with its economic weight. This is because traditionally China's politics have been defined by the need for economic development above all else. In the past China's authorities have tended to downplay the country's international clout, choosing to stress instead its developing country status and limited military capabilities. Such modest rhetoric was intended to allay the fears that China's rise was causing across its immediate neighbourhood. That Beijing is finally acknowledging its status as a major player in the international system is evidenced by the fact that the President has formally developed a theory of international relations; the concept of harmonious world. The concept, encompassing broad notions of multilateralism, prosperity for all through common development and tolerance for diversity has left world opinion perplexed. These are commendable objectives but the theory is short on specifics regarding the means to achieve them. China's recent willingness to be a more, active player internationally stems from complex factors. The country's economic strength-having acquired the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world - is undeniable and reports favour it to be the largest economy in the next quarter of a cen] tury. For sustained double digit ecoI nomic growth China thus has no choice but to become more active internationally. Moreover as a major proportion of the oil and other natural resources that China needs to feed its growing economy are imported. Beijing has to aggressively woo the countries rich in energy resources, which also represent emerging markets for Chinese products. To ensure a stable security environment within the region and thus facilitate economic growth China played an active role in facilitating negotiations with North Korea. Destabilization of a potential flashpoint like the Korean peninsula would lead to a flood of refugees crossing the border, interrupting careful plans of economic rejuvenation of China's North - East. China's growing influence has caused a shift in the geopolitical status quo and its influence is beginning to replace that of the United States and European powers in Africa. China's new diplomacy though has had its share of critics who have expressed their unease at China's military modernization programme and its willingness to deal with regimes widely condemned as corrupt and oppressive. Despite this when the Africa was in need of aid and infrastructure or the US needed help in negotiating with Korea they turned to China. By taking a lead in a variety of international and regional forums, initiating bilateratl and military exchanges and dispensing aid and technical assistance in parts of the world where traditional powers are cautious to tread China has signaled that its days of sitting on the sidelines, content to let others shape world affairs are emphatically over. 1. Why has China traditionally been a passive spectator in global affairs ? (l)To safeguard its oil resources (2) To maintain security in its vicinity (3) To conceal its economic predicament (4) To focus on domestic economic growth (5) Economic dominance of the US 2. Which of the following best describes China's current international status? (1) Cause of insecurity among developing nations (2) Largest economy in the world (3) Largest donor of aid to developing countries (4) Pioneer of implementing a "harmonious world" philosophy (5) None of these 3. What has been the fallout of China's increased participation in world affairs ? (1) International scrutiny of its economic policies (2) Growth of corruption among its politicians (3) Its influence and prestige have grown substantially (4) Its growth rate has stabilized (5) None of these 4. On which of the following factors is China's economic growth dependent ? (A) Increased supply of oil and other natural resources to developed countries. (B)Success of harmonious world policy. (C)Political stability in Africa. (l)Only(C) (2) Only (A) (3) Both (A) and (B) (4) All (A), (B) and (C) (5)None of these 5. Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage ? (1) China's current political standing internationally is disproportionate to its financial strength (2) China is a reluctant participant in military dialogues

(3) The harmonious world theory is the only utilitarian remedy to the current challenges facing the world (4) The US has recognized and acknowledged China's growing international reputation (5) China has stopped dealing with corrupt countries because of international pressure 6. The main purpose behind Beijing's intervention in North Korea is to (1) ensure that the US acknowledges China's growing military influence'' (2) prevent any hindrances to its domestic economic development programmes (3) protect its financial investment in neighbouring countries. (4) provide humanitarian assistance to one of its strongest allies Korea (5) None of these 7. Which of the following CANNOT be said about China's international relations theory ? (l)The theory is ambiguous in nature ., (2) The theory reflects China's realization that it occupies a vital place in global affairs (3) It promotes the concept of common development for all nations (4) It is a theory which explains China's sustained growth rate (5) It emphasizes achieving prosperity through universal development 8. Which of the following is NOT a step taken by China to cement its role as a world leader ? (A) Providing aid to countries when other nations are unwilling to do so (B)Curtailing its military modernization programme to reassure neighbouring countries (C)Negotiating bilateral treaties only with countries with good human rights records

(1) Only (A) (2) Both (A) and (B) (3) Both (B) and (C) (4) Only (B) (5) None of these 9. Which of the following is an outcome of Beijing's role in Africa ? (1) America's influence in the region has reduced (2) Instability in the region (3) The amount of aid from Europe and other countries has doubled (4) The balance of power in Africa has shifted in favour of Europe over the US (5) None of these 10. Which of the following is / are responsible for China's active international participation ? (A) Rapid economic growth as a result of selling its surplus foreign exchange reserves (B)The need to explore and expand to new markets (C)The need to modernize its armed forces (1) Only (A) (2) Both(A) and (B) (3)Only(B) (4) Both (B) and (C) (5) None of these Directions (11-13): Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 11. Sustained: (1) sporadic (2) confirmed (3) steady (4) supported (5) encouraging 12. Potential (1) promise (2) talent (3) opportunity (4) capable (5) possible 13. Encompassing (1) surrounding (2) incorporating (3) enveloping (4) accepting (5) dealing Directions (14-15): Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

14. Commendable (1) valuable (2) unreliable (3)undeserved (4)unworthy (5) deficient 15. Allay (1) strengthen (2) alleviate (3) grow (4) expedite (5) discourage Directions (16-25): In each question below, a sentence is given with a part of it printed in bold type. That part may contain a grammatical error. Each sentence is followed by phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4). Find out ' which phrase should replace the phrase given in bold to correct the error, if there is any, and to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence ii> correct as it is and 'No correction is required.' mark (5) as the answer. 16. A nation that had been once tried to kill him was the first to embrace him. (1) had once been trying to (2) had once tried to (3) once had been tried to (4) had to once try and (5) No correction required 17. Had he known more about the policies of the company, he might not have accepted the offer. (1) He had known more (2) Did he know more (3) Since not more was known (4) If he would know more (5) No correction required 18. His life is an example of how the human will can flourish even in harsh conditions. (1) what the human will can . (2) how the human can and will (3) when the human will can (4) where the human will can (5) No correction required 19. The social worker passionately stroked the annoyed passenger in order that be pacified. (1) to pacify him (2) that to pacify (3) to be pacified for (4) that to be pacified with (5). No correction required 20. They were no longer able to provide the help their children need.






helped their children need help their children needed help that their children need help that their children would need (5) No correction required You man be well organized in your thoughts but what would you propose may not be necessarily acceptable on all occasions. (1) what you would propose (2) that you would propose (3) what you propose (4) what you would have proposed (5) No correction required The striking difference between the two contestants compatible with each other for the match was related to their age. (1) compatible with one another (2) compatible against one another (3) competing with the other (4) competing with each other (5) No correction required Market research and market communication is so far being confined to a handful of consumer goods like soaps, cosmetics, etc. (1) is thus far being confined to (2) have so far been confined to (3) are so far being confined to (4) have so far been confined with (.5) No correction required If we rely on others for technology upgradation, potential serious damage may be caused. (1) potentially serious damage may (2) serious potentially damage may (3) seriously potential damage may (4) seriously potential damage might (5) No correction required The load-shedding, however justifiable it may be, has been aggravating the problems. (1) has been aggravated (2) have aggravated (3) have been aggravating

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(4) would have been aggravated (5) No correction required Directions (26-30): In each question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are numbered as (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of these four words may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the four words are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark(5) i.e. 'All Correct' as your answer. 26. The economic imperative (1)/for acquiring {2)1 technological strengths do not warrant (3)/ repeatition (4)/ here. All Correct (5) 27. The combination of a base of imported technology and capabilities (1)/ built up indigenous {2)1 led initially (3)/ to product and process involvement (4)/ All Correct (5) 28. If a country does not learn to master these new realities of life, (1)/ our aspirations to {2)1 ensure the prosperity of people (3)/ may come to not.(4)/All Correct (5) 29. Since vegetable and fruit consumption will increase in future, (l)/an appropriate choice {2)1 considering agro-climate input needs and economic (3)/returns should be arrived at for every region. (4)/All Correct(5) 30. An environmental (1)/ concern that is likely to have {2)1 implications for (3)/ Indian agriculture is the emission of gases like methane and carbon dioxide (4)/All Correct (5) Directions (31-35) : Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them. (A) There are a number of items in the atomic energy programme which are being made indigenously. (B) Given the overall energy situation in India, the use of nuclear power in some measure is inescap-

able even while thermal and hydro power continue to be the dominant elements. (C) However, commercial aspects of exploiting nuclear capabilities, especially for power-generation programmes, have been recently given high priority. (D) Atomic energy programmes have been subject to severe restrictions for every obvious reasons as the Department of Atomic Energy is becoming self-reliant in areas in which only a few countries have such capability. (E) Even to meet these nuclear power requirements, India critically requires a commercial-level powergeneration capability, with its commensurate safety and nuclear waste management arrangements. (F) Thus, in Indian context energy security is also crucial, perhaps much more than it is for the U.S.A., because India imports a good part of its crude oil requirements, paying for it with precious foreign exchange. 31. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement? (1) (A) (2) (B) (3) (C) (4) (D) (5) (E) 32. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement? (1) (A) (2) (B) (3) (C) (4) (D) (5) (E) 33. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement? (1) (A) (2) (B) (3) (C) (4) (D) (5) (E) 34. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement? (1) (A) (2) (B) (3) (C) (4) (D) (5) (E) 35. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement? (1) (A) (2) (B) (3) (C) (4) (D) (5) (E)

Directions (36-50): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. With the U.S. military tied down on two fronts and the rest of the world growing (361 to American power, the challenges for Rice are as (37) as they have been for any Secretary of State in the past three decades. After six years of tussling with others on Bush's national-security team, Rice has seen off her rivals and (38) as the principal spokesperson for Bush's foreign (39). Her reward has been to (40) responsibility for selling a failed policy in Iraq and (41) a legacy for Bush at a time when (42) in the world are in the mood to help her. "Bush is severely (43) and has very little (44) or support at home or abroad," says Leslie Gelb, former president of the Council on Foreign Relations. "That is 451 true for his Secretary of State. So they are (46) flailing around." That's a grim assessment, since the (47) to international order are (48) today than at any other time since the end of the cold war. The most immediate source of (49) emanates from Iraq, where the country's civil war risks (501 a region-wide conflict. 36. (1) resistant (2) subservient (3) immune (4) cordial (5) indifference 37. CI) obvious (2) trivial (3) superfluous (4) daunting (5) rewarding 38. (1) renamed (2) emerged (3) appointed (4) entrusted (5) visited 39. (1) aid (2) recognition (3) policy (4) acceptability (5) minister 40. (1) shirk (2) avoid (3) transfer (4) visualize (5) inherit

41. (1) focusing (2) framing (3) escaping (4) salvage (5) demolishing 42. (1) people (2) few (3) diplomats (4) autocrats (5) most 43. (1) intensified (2) master-minded (3) weakened (4) projected (5) supported 44. (1) credibility (2) difficulty (3) majority (4) power (5) enthusiasm 45. (1) not (2) uniformly (3) remotely (4) partially (5) also 46. (1) effectively (2) inadvertently (3) basically (4) aimlessly (5) not 47. (1) admirations (2)threats (3) pleasantries (4) demands (5) accolades 48. (1) louder (2) fewer (3) magnificent (4) most (5) bigger 49. (1) instability (2) fuel (3) energy (4) peace (5) atrocity 50. (1) defusing (2) demolishing (3) terminating (4) igniting (5) extinguishing GENERAL AWARENESS, MARKETING & COMPUTER 51. The Supreme Court, on May 9, 2011, stayed the Allahabad High Court verdict that directed division of acres of land of the disputed Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid site in Ayodhya. (1)2.77 (2)3.25. (3) 3.85 (4) 4.50 (5) None of these 52. The Supreme Court, on May 14, 2011, directed the Centre to release five million tonnes of

foodgrains immediately for distribution in most povertystricken districts. .(1)50. (2)100 (3) 150 (4) 200 (5) None of these 53. India and , in May 2011, signed 34 pacts in New Delhi, involving the private sector on the economic side, especially in IT & telecom, pharma, textiles, leather and chemicals. (1) Ukraine (2) Tajikistan (3) Uzbekistan(4) Belarus (5) None of these 54. At the 58th National Film Awards announced in New Delhi in May 2011, _ film Adaminte Makan Abu was chosen as the best feature film. (l)Telugu (2) Tamil (3) Kannada (4) Malayalam (5) None of these 55. India, on May 21,2011, successfully test-fired the indigenously developed Astra interceptor missile twice from Chandipur in Orissa. (1) air-to-air (2) land-to-land (3) land-to-air (4) water-to-air (5) None of these 56. Which country, in May 2011, saw protests and counter-protests against the soaring prices after the government allowed the currency, the Riifiyaa, to float in a 20 per cent band? (1) Nepal (2) Saudi Arabia (3) Kuwait (4) Maldives (5) None of these 57. , the billionaire investor who once ran one of the world's largest hedge funds, as found guilty of fraud and conspiracy by a federal jury in Manhattan in May 2011. (l)Rajnish Sharma (2) Raj Rajaratnam (3) Roger Mathews (4) Ray Burgess (5) None of these 58. , in April 2011, lifted an emergency law in force for 48 years and abolished the state

security court an unpopular institution where political prisoners were tried. (l)Iraq (2) Syria (3) Iran (4) Egypt (5) None of these 59. Scholar Lobsang Sangay was, on April 27, 2011, elected "prime minister" of "Tibetan government-in-exile" to take over the political duties relinquished by Dalai Lama. (1) Cambridge (2) Oxford (3) Harvard (4) Berlin (5) None of these 60. The Conference of Parties to the Stockholm Convention in , on April 29, 2011, approved elimination of production and use. of Endosulfan and its isomers worldwide. (1) Geneva (2) Vienna (3) Warsaw (4) Oslo (5) None of these 51. As per the Economist Intelligence Unit in May 2011, the emerging-market share of Gulf Cooperation Council trade reached per cent by 2009, up from 15 per cent in 1980. (1)25 (2)35 (3)45 (4)55 (5) None of these 62. India, on May 9, 2011, announced to fast track the FTA negotiations with towards taking the total bilateral trade to $3 billion by 2014 from the present $1 billion. (1) Australia (2) New Zealand (3) Kenya (4) Malaysia (5) None of these 63. The CCEA, on May 11,2011, allowed FDI in LLP firms, beginning with the 'open' sectors such as where monitoring is not required. (1) Mining (2) Power (3) Airports (4) All of the above (5) None of these 64. Nokia and Vodafone, on May 12, 2011, joined hands to launch

Nokia Life Tools services targeted at providing Indian consumers with access to relevant content on . (1) Agriculture (2) Education and healthcare (3) Entertainment (4) All of the above (5) None of these 65. The RBI, on May 16, 2011, said only companies with a net worth of Rs. crore could use derivatives to hedge against risk of volatility in currency rates. (1)100 (2)200 (3) 300 (4) 500 (5) None of these 66. Bank of America, on May 17, 2011, gave fresh shares worth over Rs.72 lakh to as part of his annual fee for being a director of the U.S. banking major. (DRatanTata (2) Aditya Birla (3) Mukesh Ambani (4) Anil Ambani (5) None of these 67. Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), in May 2011, formed a consortium of 15 Indian mining and steel companies to make foray into the iron ore mines sector in . (1) South Africa (2) Colombia (3) Zaire (4) Afghanistan (5) None of these 68. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on May 20, 2011, dedicated the world-class, 6 million tonnes per annum refinery to the nation. (l)Surat (2)Bina (3)Panipat (4)Nagpur . (5) None of these 69. The Central Government, in . May 2011, hiked the fuel subsidy outgo burden of state-owned ONGC from one-third to per cent for 2010-11 fiscal. (1)34.7 (2)35.6 (3)36.9 (4)38.8 (5) None of these 70. The Union Government, in May 2011, decided to revive the sick public sector undertaking Scoot-

ers India Limited, , by selling its entire stake and its takeover. (l)Nasik (2) Aran tsar (3) Lucknow (4) Chandigarh 71. The Centre sm May 23, 2011, spelled out its major initiative to sell per cent stake in engineering and electrical giant BHEL to raise around,Rs.4,500 crore. (1)5 (2)10 (3)15 (4)20 (5) None of these 72. The Union Cabinet on , 2011, cleared the proposal for setting up Rs.5,907-crore lignite-based thermal power project by Neyveli Lignite Corporation in Tamil Nadu. (l)May 17 (2) May 19 (3) May 16 (4) May 18 (5) None of these 73. Asian Development Bank, on May 23, 2011. announced plans to invest $60 million in three venture capital funds to promote development of clean energy in (1) India (2) China (3) Indonesia (4) Only 1 and 2 (5) None of these 74. The Reserve Bank of India, on April 29, 2011, raised the limit on FII investment in listed nonconvertible debentures and bonds issued by core segment companies by $ billion. (1)5 (2)10 (3)15 (4)20 (5) None of these 75. The new Index of Industrial Production with base year , was approved by the Committee of Secretaries in May 2011. (1) 2004-05 (2) 2005-06 (3)2006-07 (4)2010-11 (5) None of these 76. Cognizant, a leading provider of services, on May 6, 2011, joined the Fortune 500, ranked by Fortune Magazine. (1) information technology (2) consulting (3) business process outsourcing (4) all of the above (5) None of these


77. On which date in 2011 did the CCI notify the Competition Commission of India (Procedure in regard to the transaction of business relating to combinations) Regulations, 2011? (1) May 11 (2) May 12 (3) May 4 (4) May. 7 (5) None of these 78. After entering Serbia last quarter with its Solis range of tractors, International Tractors Ltd., part of the Rs.5,000-crore -Sonalika group, entered in May 2011. (1) Croatia (2) Latvia (3) Belarus (4) Turkey (5) None of these 79. The Prime Minister's Trade and Economic Relations Committee, on April 30, 2011, gave its nod for laimching free trade agreement negotiations with (1) Argentina (2) Chile (3) Australia (4) Kenya (5) None of these 80. Alastair Cook and were, on May 5, 2011, appointed as the new captains of England's oneday international and Twenty20 teams respectively. (1) Paul Collingwood (2) Stuart Broad (3) Andrew Strauss (4) Kevin Pietersen (5) None of these 81. UEFA, on May 6, 2011, handed a three-match ban to Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho after he made allegations of favouritism towards . (1) Barcelona (2) Toledo (3) Pamplona (4) Vizcaya (5) None of these 82. The AHF-MHC Hockey Academy was inaugurated by Sultan Azlan Shah, President, Asian Hockey Federation, in on May 9, 2011. (1) Kuala Lumpur (2)Ipoh (3) Manila (4) Jakarta (5) None of these 83. Joseph Galibardy, the oldest living Olympic hockey player who had donned the India colours at the 1936 Olympics in 1936, passed away in Walthamstow in May 2011. (1) Moscow (2) Berlin (3) London (4) New York (5) None of these 84. The Basketball Federation of India, in May 2011, hired Kenny Natt, Pete Gaudet and _ three American coaches to guide the National men's and women's teams. (1) Jim Richardson (2) Tim May (3) Philip Huxley (4) Zak Penwell (5) None of these 85. Australian seamer and former Test player , on May 18, 2011, announced his retirement from international and State cricket. (1) Sean Tait (2) Brett Lee (3) Stuart Clark (4) John Hopes (5) None of these 86. Which one of the following is not a computer language? (1) BASIC (2) COBOL (3) LOTUS (4) FORTRAN (5) None of these 87. The individual within the operations group who ordinarily uses a variety of keyboard devices, is the (1) Data Clerk (2) Keypunch Operator (3) Data Entry Clerk (4) Computer Operator (5) None of these . 88. An advantage of a distributed word processing network is (1) increased number of reports handled (2) less delay in inter-office communications (3) greater corporate control over outputs (4) All of these (5) None of these 89. Which of the following terms could be used to describe the concurrent processing of computer programs via CRTs, on one computer system? (1) Time sharing (2) On-line processing (3) Interactive processing (4) All of these (5) None of these 90. The daily processing of corrections to customer accounts best exemplifies the processing mode of (1) batch processing (2) real-time processing (3) time-sharing (4) off-line processing (5) None of these 91. Network components are connected to the same cable in the topology. (1) star (2) ring (3) bus (4) mesh (5) mixed 92. Two or more computers connected to each other for sharing information form a (1) network (2) router ,(3) server (4) tunnel (5) pipeline 93. A computer checks the of user names and passwords for a match before granting access. (1) website (2) network (3) backup file (4) database (5) None of these 94. What is one of the methods of Sales promotion? (1) Consumer Promotion Method (2) Dealer Promotion Method (3) Market Method (4) Competitor Method (5) Only 1 and 2 95. Free samples can be distributed as (1) Door-to-Door (2) Through Retail shop (3) With another product (4) Under some competition (5) All of above 96. A certificate which enables a consumer to get a certain reduction in price on next purchase of particular product is called . , (1) Discount (2) Discount coupon (3) Cash Discount (4) Trade Discount (5) None of these


20% to 30% discount on all products of Gandhi Ashram on Gandhi Jayanti is an example of (!) Discount (2) Reduction in Price (3) Trade Fair (4) Free Gift (5) Sold 98. Under which method producer announce that with the purchase of a particular product, another product will be given at a very cheap rate ? (1) Cheap Bargain (2) Trade Discount (3) Reduction in Price (4) Free Gift (5) After Discount 99. Under which method consumer gives a guarantee to maintain the product in proper condition till a limited period from the date of purchase ? (1) After sale service (2) Discount (3) Discount coupon (4) Discounted Rate.' (5)Advertisement 100. Which method is used to encourage dealers to sell more product? (1) Dealer Promotion Method (2) Consumer Promotion Method (3) Product Promotion Method (4) Market Promotion Method (5) Sales Promotion Method DATA ANALYSIS & DATA INTERPRETATION Directions (101-105) : Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions that follow : Number of televisions (in thousands) manufactured by three different companies in six different years

101. If 25 per cent of the number of televisions manufactured by company A over all the years together were black and white, then what was the number of coloured televisions manufactured by company-A over all the years together ? (1) 1.4 lacs (2) 14,000 (3) 1.8 lacs (4) 18,000 ' ' (5) 1.5 lacs 102. If the cost of manufacturing one television in the year 2008 was ^ 12,000, then what was the total expenditure of company G for manufacturing all the televisions in the same year ? (1). ? 40 crore (2) f 52 crore (3) f 5.2 crore (4) f 4 crore (5) f 42 crore 103. What was percentage increase in the number of televisions

manufactured by company-C in year 2008 as compared to the previous year ? (1 )40 (2)45 (3)30 (4)35 (5) None of these 104. What was the approximate average number of televisions manufactured by company B over all the years together ? (1)30677 (2)30566 (3)40566 (4)40833 (5) 43055 105. What was the respective ratio between the number of televisions manufactured by company-B in year 2006 and the number of televisions manufactured by company-A in year 2005 ? (1)5:4 (2)9:5 " (3)4:3 (4)9:7 (5) None of these

Directions (106-110) : Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow : Number of trees planted (in Hundreds) by five different NGOs in six different years in two different states
NGO Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 14.2 21.6 13.5 12.4 10.8 12.2 A State-A State-B 8.5 5.4 8.8 9.6 12.4 14.2 State-A 14.2 7.9 7.7 10.4 12.6 7.5 B State-B 4.4 7.2 4.8 6.4 6.2 4.2 C State-A State-B 4.5 6.9 5.4 7.2 8.6 11.3 4.4 4.4 3.8 8.2 6.4 9.3 D State-A State-B State-A 4.5 5.4 6.3 9.6 8.4 6.3 2.1 4.3 6.3 4.4 5.2 5.4 9.4 7.2 7.4 5.6 6.9 12,8 E State-E 3.5 4.7 3.2 4.2 3.8 6.4

106. What was the respective ratio between the number of trees planted by NGO-A in the year 2006 in state-A and the number of trees planted by NGO-E in the year 2008 in state-B ? (1)36:11 (2) 36 : 7 (3) 11 : 7 (4) 14 : 9 (5) None of these 107. What was the average number of trees planted by NGO-B in the state-A over all the years together ? (1) 1005 (2) 1050 (3)1015 (4)1205 (5) None of these 108. What was the approximate percentage decrease in the number of trees planted by NGO-C in state-B in the year 2009 as compared to the previous year ?

(1)28 (2)22 (3)26 . (4) 16 (5)20 109. Which NGO planted the second lowest number of trees in both the states together in the year 2009? U)A (2)B (3)C (4)D (5)E 110. Number of trees planted by NGO-D in the state-B in the year 2007 was approximately what percentage of the number of trees planted by NGO-A in the state-A in the year 2009 ? (1)46 (2)52 (3)70 (4)58 (5)64 Directions (111- 115) : Study the following table carefully to answer the questions that follow :

Number of flights cancelled by five different airlines in six different years Airlines Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 P 240 420 600 160 140 290 Q 450 600 680 208 640 363

305 470 546 708 656 880

S 365 446 430 550 250 195

T 640 258 610 586 654 483

111. What was the difference between the highest number of flights cancelled by airlines-Q and the lowest number of flight's cancelled by airlines-T out of all the six years ? (1)446 (2)456 (3)432 (4) 442 (5) None of these 112. What was the approximate per cent increase in number of flights cancelled by airlines S in the year 2008 as compared to previous year ? (1)127 (2)28 (3)150 (4)45 (5)117 113. What was the average number of flights cancelled by the airlines P, R, S and T in the year 2008 ? (1)551.5 (2)501 (3)405 (4)442.4 (5)"None of these 114. If 40 per cent of flights in the year 2010 by airlines-R were cancelled due to bad weather conditions and rest were cancelled due to technical fault. What was the number of flights cancelled due to technical fault? (1)528 (2)568 (3)468 . (4)548 (5) None of these 115. Number of flights cancelled by airlines-P and R together in the year 2007 was approximately what percentage of number of flights cancelled by airlines-S in the year 2005 ? (1)356 (2)280 (3)265 (4)340 (5)314

Directions (116-120) : Study the information carefully to answer the questions that follow. In a sports event there are 5 sports viz. Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Badminton and Baseball. There is a total number of 800 players in the sports event. The ratio between female and male players is 1': 3 respectively. Twenty five per cent of the total players are in Cricket. There are '110 badminton players. 10 per cent of the total players are in Tennis. Hockey players are double the number of badminton players. Remaining players are in Baseball. 30 per cent of cricket players are female. Half the female cricketers are equal to female badminton players. 10 per cent of total hockey players are equal to the number of female players in Tennis. There are equal number of females in Hockey and Baseball. 116. What is the respective ratio between the female players in Hockey and the male players in Badminton ? (1)20:13 (2)11:20 (3) 13 : 20 (4) 11 : 23 (5) None of these 117. What is the total number of males in Hockey, Cricket and Baseball together ? (1)464 (2)454 (3)462 (4)432 (5) None of these 118. Number of female players in Base ball is what percent of male players in Hockey ? (1)25 (2)34 (3)24 (4)15 (5) None of these 119. What is the difference between the male players in Baseball and total number of players in Tennis ? (1)58 (2)76 (3)56 (4)68 (5) None of these 120. In which sports female players are maximum and male players are minimum respectively? (1) Cricket and Badminton (2) Cricket and Hockey (3) Baseball and Cricket (4) Cricket and Tennis (5) Tennis and Hockey

Directions (121- 125) : Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions. Amounts invested (in ? thousands) by three people in schemes over the years

YEARS 121. What is the average amount invested in the year 2009 by all the three people together ? (1)` 28,350

(4) ` 45,000 (5) None of these 122. What is the per cent decrease in the amount invested by C in the year 2007 from the previous year ? (1) 11.3 (2) 13.5 (3)12.5 (4)14.3 (5) None of these 123. What is the respective ratio of total amount invested by B in the years 2008 and 2010 together to the total amount invested by C in those two years together ? (1) 7 : 8 (2) 14 : 15 (3) 6 : 7 (4) 12 : 13 (5)'None of these 124. The amount invested by A in the year 2006 is approximately what per cent of the total amount invested by him over all the years together ? (1)15 (2)19 (3)21 (4)8' (5) 11 . 125. What was the total amount invested by all the three people together in the year 2005 ?

(D)` 10,000 (2)` 10,00,000 (3)` 1,000 (4) ` 100 (5) None of these Directions (126-130) : Study the information given below and answer the questions that follow. A building consists of men and women who spend their leisure time in watching movies, learning dance and learning singing. 8 men, who form ten percent of the total number of men in the building, learn to dance. The total number of women in the building is 62.5 per cent of the total number of men in the building. Twenty four per cent of the total number of women learn to sing. One-fifth of the total number of women watch movies. The ratio of the number of men watching movies to the number of women doing the same is 13 : 2 respectively. 126. What is the respective ratio of the number of men learning dance to the number of women doing the same ? (1) 8 : 11 (2) 5 : 9 (3) 2 : 7 (4) 3 : 5 (5) None of these 127. The total number of women in the building is approximately what percent ot the total number of members (men and women together) in the building ? (1)45 (2)33 (3)42 (4)27 (5)38 128. What is the number of women learning dance ? (1)28 (2)22 (3) 30 (4) 24 (5) None of these 129. The number of men who like watching movies is what percent of the total number of men in the building ? (1)79.75 (2) 83.45 (3) 81.25 (4) 72.15 ' (5) None of these 130. What is the total number of members (men and women together) learning singing ? (1)21 (2) 13 (3) 18 (4) 15 (5) None of these

Directions (131-135) : Each of the questions given below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and Give answer (1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question. Give answer (2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question. Give answer (3) if the data in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question. Give answer (4) if the data in both the statements I and II are not sufficient to answer the question. Give answer (5) if the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question. 131. What is the salary of C, in a group of A, B, C, D and E whose average salary is X 48,250 ? I. C's sa&ry is 1.5 times B's salary. II. Average salary of A and B is ` 23,500. 132. What is the per cent profit earned by selling a car for f 6,40,000 ? I. The amount of profit earned on selling the car was ` 3,20,000. II. The selling price of the car was twice the cost price. 133. What is the rate of interest p.c.p.a. ? I. An amount of ` 14,350 gives a simple interest of ` 11,480 in four years. II. The amount doubles itself in 5 years with simple interest. 134. What is the two digit number ? I. The difference between the two digits of the number is9 II. The product of the two digits of the number is 0. 135. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?

I. The area of the rectangle is 252 sq. rats. II. The ratio of length to breadth of the rectangle is 9 : 7 respectively. Directions (136-140) : Study the following table carefully to answer the questions that follow : Number of people (in hundreds) participating in the Annual Fair from six different towns over the years Town Year P Q R 2005 4.2 5.5 4.5 2006 5.1 5.3 6.2 2007 6.3 5.1 6.5 2008 4.4 5.0 5.9 2009 5.8 5.4 5.4 2010 6.2 6.8 4.9 S 5.8 5.7 5.3 5.1 4.9 4.8 T 6.0 6.1 5.9 5.3 5.5 5.7 U 5.7 6.2 6.6 5.1 4.4 4.3

136. Number of people participating in the Fair from town P in the year 2010 forms approximately what per cent of the total number of people participating in the Fair from that town over all the years together ? (1) 19 (2) 24 (3) 27 (4)12 (5) 15 137. What is the respective ratio of total number of people participating in the Fair from town S in the years 2006 and 2007 together to the number of people participating in the Fair from town R in the same years ? (1)8:9 (2)110:127 (3) 136 : 143 (4) 11 : 12 (5) None of these 138. What is the per cent increase in the number of people participating in the Fair from town T in the year 2009 from the previous year ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal) (1)4.15 (2) 3.77 (3) 1:68 (4) 2.83 (5) None of these 139. What is the average number of people participating in the Fair from town U over all the years together ? (rounded off the nearest integer)

(1)515 (2)523 (3) 567 (4) 541 (5) 538 140. How many people participated in the Fair from all the towns together in the year 2005 ? (1)3290 (2) 3100 (3) 3240 (4) 3170 (5) None of these Directions (141-145) : Study the following pie-charts carefully to answer the questions that follow : Percentage break-up of number of children in five different villages and breakup of children attending school from those villages Total Number of Children = 2040

(1)69 (2)56 (2)76 (4)63 (5) None of these 144. What is the total number of children from villages P and M together ? (1) 1422 (2) 1142 (3) 1122 (4) 1211 (5) None of these t 145. The number of children attending school from village L is approximately what per cent of the total number of children from that village ? (1)78 (2)72 . (3) 57 (4) 84 (5) 66 Directions (146-150) : Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given below it: Number of candidates appearing for an interview for a post in various Banks and percentage of candidates qualifying Banks %of Candidates Appearing Candidates Qualifying 1500 2200 3000 980 1200 2500 14 26 17 20 28 21

149. What" was the difference between the number of candidates who qualified in banks I and J together and the number of candidates who did not qualify in the same banks? (1) 3028 (2) 3040 (3) 3036 (4) 3032 (5) None of these. 150. What was the total number of candidates qualifying in banks K, L and M together? (1) 1042 (2) 1057 (3) 1050 (4) 1045 (5) None of these REASONING (HIGH LEVEL) Directions (151 - 1 5 5 ) : In the following questions, the symbols @, , $, % and are used with the following meaning as illustrated below: 'P Q' means 'P is not smaller than Q'. 'P % Q' means 'P is not greater than Q'. 'P Q' means 'P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q'. 'P @ Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q'. 'P $ Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor equal to Q'. Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusions I, .11 and III given below them is/are definitely true ? 151. Statements: F% T, T @ J, J W Conclusions: I. J @ F II. "J F III. W $ T (1) Only I is true (2) Only II is true (3) Only III is true (4) Only either I or II is true (5) Only either I or II and III are true 152. Statements: R D, D K, K $ M Conclusions: I. M R II. K $ R III. D M (1) None is true (2) Only I is true (3) Only II is true (4) Only III is true (5) Only II and III are true

Total Children attending School = 1450


141. What is the respective ratio of total number of children from village O to the number of children attending school from the same village ? (1)204 : 145 (2) 179 : 131 (3) .167 : 111 (4) 266 : 137 (5) None of these 142. What is the number of children attending school from village N ? (1) 145 (2) 159 (3) .170 (4) 164 (5) None of these 143. What is the total number of children not attending school from villages M and N together ?

146. The number of candidates who did not qualify in bank K was approximately what percent of the candidates who did not , qualify in bank I? (1)48 (2)51 (3) 42 (4) 44 (5) 53 147. What was the respective ratio of the number of candidates who qualified in bank H to the number of candidates who qualified in bank L? (1) 2 : 5 (2) 5 : 6 (3)3:7 (4)5:8 (5) None of these 148. What was the average number of candidates who appeared for the interview in bank H, J and L together? (1) 1800 (2) 2000 (3) 1500 (4) 1700 (5) None of these

153. Statements: Z F, F $ M, M % K Conclusions: I. K F II.ZM III.KZ (1) Only I is true (2) Only II is true (3) Only III is true (4) Only II and III are true (5) None of these 154. Statements: H @ B , B R, A $ R Conclusions: I. B A II. R % H III.A$H " (1) Only I- and II are true (2) Only I and III are true (3) Only II and III are true (4) All I, II and III are true (5) None of these 155. Statements: M$J, JT, KT Conclusions: I. K J II. M $ T III. M $ K (1) None is true (2) Only I is true (3) Only II is true (4) Only III is true (5) Only II and III are true Directions (156-160) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below : B, D, M, K, P, Q, W and H are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. M is to the immediate right of B who is fourth to the right of K. P is second to the left of B and is fourth to the right of W. Q is second to the right of D' who is second to the right of H. 156. Who is third to the right of B ? (1)W (2)M (3)K (4 )H (5) None of these 157. Which of the following represents the immediate neighbours of D ? (1)PQ (2)KH (3) PH, (4) KQ (5 )PK 158. Who is third to the right of W ? (DP (2)D (3)K . (4 )R (5) Data, inadequate

159. Who is second to the left of P ? (DD (2)H (3)K (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these 160. Who is to the immediate left of B? (1)Q (2)P (3)W (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these 161. If the first 6 letters of the English Alphabet series are written in reversed order, then the next 6 letters are written in reversed order and so on, and at the end Y is interchanged by Z, then which letter is fourth letter to the right of 13th letter from the left? (DM (2)N (3) Q (4) P (5) None of these 162. If the English Alphabet series is written in the reverse order and every alternate letter starting from Y is dropped, which letter will be exactly in the middle of the remaining letters of the Alphabet series? (1)L (2)0 (3)M (4 )N (5) None of these 163. If the letters in each of the following five groups of letters are first rearranged in the alphabetical order and then the groups of letters so formed are rearranged as in a dictionary, which letter group would have its group ofletters in the MIDDLE among the five lettergroups? MEET, DEAF, ROAD, CODE, LACK (l)LACK (2) MEET (3) ROAD (4) DEAF (5) None of these 164. The letters skipped in between the adjacent letters in the series are followed by equal space. Which of the following series observes this rule? (l)HKNGSW (2)EIMQVZ (3) SUXADF (4) RVZDHL (5) None of these

165. Select the series in which the letters skipped in between adjacent letters do not decrease in order (DMGVFK (2)PJXHM (3) EQZFI (4) GWIQIJ (5) None of these 166. A cow runs 20 metres towards East and turns to right, runs 10 metres and turns to right, runs 9 metres and again turns to left, runs 5 metres and then turns to left, runs 12 metres and finally turns to left and runs 6 metres. Now which direction is the cow facing? (1) North (2) East (3) South (4.) West (5) None of these 167. A boy started walking positioning his back towards the sun. After sometimes, he turned left, then turned right and then towards the left again. In which direction is he going now? (1) East or West (2) North or West (3) South or West (4) North or South (5) None of these 168. If Thursday was the day after the day before yesterday five days ago, what is the least .number of days ago when Sunday was three days before the day after tomorrow? (1)1 (2)2 (3)3 (4)4 (5) None of these 169. In a row of boys facing North, a boy is thirteen from the left. When shifted to his right by three places, he becomes seventeenth from right end of the row. How many boys are there in the row? (1)32 ! (2)31 (3)33 (4)30 (5) None of these 170. 136 vehicles are parked in aparking lot in a single row. After the first car there is one scooter. After the second car, there are two scooters. After the third car, there are three scooters and so on. Work out the number of scooters in the second half of the row.

(1) Only I, II and III follow (1)61 (2)62 (2) Only I, II and IV follow (3)63 (4)64 (3) Only II, III and IV follow (5) None of these (4) All follow Directions (171 - 1 7 6 ) : In each question below are four statements (5) None of these follovvod by four conclusions num174. Statements: bered I, II, III and IV. You have to take Some birds are goats. the four given statements to be true Some goats are horses. even if they seem to be at variance Some horses are lions. from commonly known facts and then Some lions are tigers. decide which of the given conclusions Conclusions: logically follows from the four given I. Some tigers are goats. statements disregarding commonly II. No tiger is goat. known facts. Then decide which of the . III. Some lions are birds. answers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) is corIV. No lion is bird. rect, (1) Only either I or II follows 171. Statements: (2) Only either III or IV follows All belts are rollers. (3) Only either I or II and either Some rollers are wheels. III or IV follow All wheels are mats. (4) Only I and II follow Some mats are cars. (5) None of these Conclusions: 175. Statements: I. Some mats are rollers. All papers are bottles. II. Some mats are belts. All bottles are cups. III. Some cars are rollers. Some cups are jugs. IV. Some rollers are belts. Some jugs are plates. (1) Only I and II follow Conclusions: (2) Only I, III and IV follow I. Some plates are cups. (3) Only I and IV follow II. Some plates are bottles. (4) Only II, III and IV follow Ill Some cups are papers. (5) None of these IV. Some bottles are papers. 172. Statements: (1) Only III and IV follow Some tyres are rains. (2) Only I and II follow Some rains are flowers. (3) Only I and III follow All flowers are jungles. (4) Only II and IV follow All jungles are tubes. Conclusions (5) None of these 176. Statements: I. Some jungles are tyres. All bulbs are wires. II. Some tubes are rains. No wire is cable. III. Some jungles are rains. Some cables are brushes. IV. Some tubes are flowers. All brushes are paints (1) Only I, II and III follow Conclusions: (2) Only II, III and IV follow (3) Only I, III and IV follow I. Some paints are cables. (4) All follow II. Some wires are bulbs. (5) None of these III. Some brushes are wires. 173. Statements: IV. Some cables are bulbs. All desks are chairs. (1) None follows All chairs are tables. (2) Only I and II follow All tables are boxes. (3) Only II follows All boxes are trunks. (4) Only III follows Conclusions: (5) Only IV follows I. Some trunks are tables. Directions (177-182) : A word II. All chairs are boxes. and number arrangement machine III.Some boxes are desks. when given an input line of words and IV. All desks are trunks. numbers rearranges them following

a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. Input : but 32 71 glory fair south 65 84 Step I : south but 32 71 glory fair 65 84 Step II : south 84 but 32 71 glory fair 65 StepIII: south 84 glory but 32 71 fair 65 StepIV : south 84 glory 71 but 32 fair 65 StepV : south 84 glory 71 fair but 32 65 StepVI : south 84 glory 71 fair 65 but 32 and Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input. 177. Step III of an input is : year 92 ultra 15 23 strive house 39 How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement ? (1) Three (2) Four (3) Two (4) Five (5) None of these 178. Input : any how 49 24 far wide 34 69 Which of the following steps will be the last but one ? (1)VI (2) VII (3) V (4) VIII (5) None of these 179. Step II of an input is : town 74 pair 15 31 nice job 42 Which of the following is definitely the input ? (1) pair 15 31 town nice job 42 74 (2) pair 15 town 31 74 nice job 42 (3) pair 15 town 74 31 nice job 42 (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these 180. Input : play over 49 37 12 match now 81 Which of the following will be step IV ?

(1) play 81 over 49 37 match now (2) play 8 over 49 37 12 match now (3) play 81 over 49 now 37 match 12 (4) There will be no such step (5) None of these 181. Step II of an input is : war 58 box cart 33 49 star 24 Which of the following steps will be the last ? (DV (2) VI (3) IV (4) VII (5) None of these 182. Input : shower fall water 34 51 67 98 goal How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement ? (1) Three (2) Four (3) Six (4) Five (5) None of these Directions (183-185) : In each question below is given a group of letters followed by four combinations of digits/symbols numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). You have to find out which of the combinations correctly represents the group of letters based on the following coding system and the conditions that follow and mark the number of that combination as your answer. If none of the combinations correctly represents the group of letters, mark (5) i.e. 'None of these' as your answer.
Letter R D A E J M K T a u i P W H F Digit/ Symbol Code 4 8 5 $ 1 2 6 % 7 @ 3 9 #

Conditions: (i) If the first letter is a consonant and the last letter is a vowel both are to be coded as 8. (ii) If both the first and the last letters are consonants both are to be coded as the Code for the last letter. (iii) If the first letter is a vowel and the last letter is a consonant their codes are to be interchanged. 183. HIFMJU (1) 7#1 9 (2) 97#1 9 (3) 7#1 (4) S7#l 5 (5) None of these 184. AKTRBW (1) 3264%5 (2) 3264%3 (3) 324%65 (4) 5264%3 (5) None of these

185. EBPDRI (1) 7%@847 (2) 7%@84$ (3) $%@847 (4) $%8@47 (5) None of these Directions (186 - 1 9 0 ) : Below is given a passage followed by several possible inferences which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity. Mark answer (1) if the inference is "definitely true" i.e. it properly follows from the statement of facts given. Mark answer (2) if the inference is "probably true" though not "definitely true" in the light of the facts given. Mark answer (3) if the "data are inadequate" i.e. from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false. Mark answer (4) if the inference is "probably false" though not "definitely false" in the light of the facts given. Mark answer (5) if the inference is "definitely false" i.e. it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the given facts. A recent report that satellite data shows groundwater levels in northern India depleting by as much as a foot per year, over the past decade, is a matter of concern. The clear writing on the wall is that India faces a turbulent water future and veritable crisis without proactive policy and sustainable practices. Besides the poor monsoon this season and the resultant drought situation pan-India calls for sustained policy focus on the water economy. A whole series of glaring anomalies do need to be addressed. For one, there's far too much reliance on groundwater. For another our water infrastructure for storage and supply is sorely inadequate. Worse, policy distortions in artificially under pricing key agri-inputs like power have perversely incentivised cultivation of water intensive crops like paddy in-traditionally wheat growing areas.

186. India has failed to take measures to recharge groundwater adequately in northern part. 187. Wheat cultivation in India requires comparatively more water than paddy. 188. Water level in other parts of India is stable during the last decade. 189. India has now put in place a system to reduce over dependence on groundwater. 190. Adequate monsoon helps in drawing less ground water for cultivation and thus preserve balance. Directions ( 191-195) : In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between "strong" arguments and "weak" arguments. "Strong" arguments must be both important and directly related to bh e question. "Weak" arguments may net be directly related to the question and may be of minor importance or may be related to the trivial aspects of the question. Each question below is followed by three arguments numbered I, II and III. You have to decide which of the argument(s) is/are "strong". 191. Should the Government restrict use of electricity fo> each household depending tipon the requirement ? Arguments: I. Yes, this will help government tide over the problem of inadequate generation of electricity. II. No, every citizen has right to consume electricity as per their requirement as they pay for using electricity. III. No, the Government does not have the machinery to put such a restriction on use of electricity. (1) Only I is strong (2) Only II is strong (3) Only I and II are strong (4) Only II and III are strong (5) All I, II and III are strong 192. Should the Government order closure of all educational institutions for a month to avoid fast spreading of the contagious viral infection ?

Arguments: I. No, closure of educational institution alone is not the solution for curbing spread of viral infection. II. No, students will visit crowded places like malls, markets, playgrounds etc. in more numbers and spread the disease, as they will have lot of spare time at their disposal. III. Yes, young persons are more prone to get affected by the viral infection and hence they should remain indoors. (1) None is strong (2) Only I is strong (3) Only III is strong (4) Only 1 and II are strong (5) All 1, II and III are strong 193. Should the Government ban export of all types of food grains for' the next one year to tide over the unprotected drought situation in the the country ? Arguments: I. Yes, there is no other way to provide food to its citizen during the year. II. No, the Government does not have its jurisdiction over private exporters for banning exporters. III. Yes, the Go\ eminent should not allow the exporters to export food grains and procure all the food grains held by such exporters and make it available for home consumption. (1) Only I and II are strong (2) Only II and III are strong (3) Only I and III are strong (4) All I, II and III are strong (5) None of these 194. Should there be a common syllabus for all subjects in graduate courses in all the universities across the country ? Arguments: I. Yes, this is the only way to spring in uniformity in the education system in the country. II. Yes, it will help standardise the quality of graduation certificates being given by different universities in the country. III. No, each university should have the autonomy to decide its syl-

labus based on the specific requirement of the university. (1) None is strong (2) Only I is strong (3) Only II is strong (4) Only I and II are strong (5) Only II and III are strong 195. Should all those students who failed in one or two subjects in HSC be allowed to take admission in degree courses and continue their study subject to their successfully passing in the supplementary examination ? Arguments: I. Yes, this will help the students to complete their education without a break of one year. II. Yes, this is a forward looking strategy to help the students and motivate them for higher studies. II. No, such students do not choose to continue their- studies without having passed in all the subjects in HSC. (1) Only I is strong (2) Only II is strong (3) Only III is strong (4) Only either II or III and I are strong (5) None of these 196. A, B, C, D and E are five students in a class. D did not enter along with A or E but entered before C. B did not enter before C but entered along with A. E was not the last to enter. Which of the following is definitely true ? ( l ) C entered the class only after D (2) D entered the class only after E (3) B entered the class after A (4) A entered the class after D (5) None of these 197. D is brother of K. M is sister of K. T is father of R who is brother of M. F is mother of K. At least how many sons does T and F have? (l)Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these

198. Statement : In a move thai could provide some respite to ailing airline companies, the government is looking at allowing them to import jet fuel on their own. Which of the following can be definitely concluded from the above statement ? (1) Airline companies in the past have imported jet fuel (2) The price of imported jet fuel is less than the price of jet fuel available in the local market. (3) Central Government will lose huge amount of money if jet fuel is imported. (4) Airline companies are making considerable profit in the recent months (5) None of these 199. Statement : Some of the country's largest food beverage and pharma companies may be forced to import sugar directly as the government plans to improve stock limits on industrial consumers to ease the shortage in grocery shops and cool down prices that are at a 28 month high. Which of the following substantiates the views expressed in the above statement ? (1) Food, beverage and pharma companies were not allowed in the past to import sugar. (2) Sugar prices have been fluctuating for the past seven months. (3) Government does not have authority to restrict purchase of sugar from the open market. (4) Import of sugar for commercial use will help lowering down the sugar price in the retail market. (5) None of these 200. Statement: A recent review reported that India's fashion industry has bees severely affected due to a slump in demand for luxury apparel, leather goods; besides'. gems and jewellery in domestic as well international markets.

Which of the following contradicts the views expressed in the above statement ? (1) India's fashion industry has been growing till last year (2) Government has helped India's fashion industry to grow in the past (3) Domestic market of fashion goods reflects the sentiments of international market. (4) Share of fashion goods manufactured by India is negligible in the international market. (5) None of these

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