Emergency Gate Specification

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Specification For Emergency Gate

1.0 Emergency Gate

The Contractor shall design, install, commission, the emergency gate for intake
tower closure during emergence. The emergency gate shall be able to isolate
the flow in the intake tower from entering the raw water pipe. The emergency
gate shall be able to lower to completely water tight by its self-weight without any
undesired vibration, and the necessity of having any additional aids by electro-
mechanical means.

The design of the emergency gate shall be based on latest guidelines of United
State Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) or other international guidelines and
standards, and the performance of the emergency gate during closure shall be
assessed using computational fluid dynamic coupled with fluid structural
analysis. The design of the emergency gate shall be endorsed by the
Contractor’s professional engineer having a valid professional registration with
the Board of Engineer.

The Contractor shall carry out an engineering study by engaging qualified

personnel in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) to ensure that the
emergency gate can be closed by overcoming the friction resisting force on seals
and support, hydrodynamic force on the gate body, cavity oscillation, the
vibration caused by the underflow, etc.

The objective of model study is to determine the optimum configuration for a

single piece spindle-operated vertical gate to block flow through the dam intakes
pipe during emergency closure under maximum flow condition. In such
emergency situations, gate segments are subjected to complex three-
dimensional flows that vary with gate openings.

The contractor shall utilize the software analysis to define the gate geometry to
meet criteria for gate closing and thus reduce the down pull force and uplift force.
The gate shall be designed so that vibration will not occur during operation. The
gate shall be able to close with the gate own weight without external forces or
ballasts. Only the established and proven numerical modeling approaches, finite
element, finite difference finite volume method, etc, shall be carried out by the
gate specialist to assess the risk of gate vibration, the down pull force and up lift
force for the emergency gate design.
The CFD model selected shall incorporate a comprehensive experimental setup
data acquisition and visualization software allowing real-time measurement and
visualization of the forces during gate deployment.

The CFD model shall be suitable to simulate the flow in conduit with emergency
gate operated from fully open to fully closed position. The model shall be able to
simulate dynamic and steady state behavior of liquid and gases in three
dimensions. The model shall also be able to simulate free surface flow and
handle transition between subcritical and supercritical flow in single model set up.
The drag and lift forces acting on the emergency gate shall be able to be
computed based on the interaction between the water velocity vectors and the
gate orientation.

The model shall be carried out for different gate openings (5%, 10%, 20%, 40%,
60% 80% and 100%) under the maximum water level in the dam. The results of
the model shall be used as guidance for resolving the following technical issues
in emergency gate design:

1. Identify velocity vectors at the gate for computation of gate down pull
2. Simulate of 3D flow pattern at the gate openings with maximum flow
3. Refinement of gate geometries
4. Refinement of gate opening and groove designs
5. Refinement of gate lifting requirement
6. Estimating gate vibration level
7. Hydro dynamic pressure acting on skin plate and gate wheels
8. Addressing hydraulic-structure related problems

The cost for the CFD analysis shall be allowed in the tender. CFD analysis report
shall be submitted for S.O. review.
1.1 CFD Modeler
The Contractor shall submit the proposed qualified personnel to undertake the
hydraulic gate engineering study. The Contractor’s modeler shall submit the
Method Statement outlining the CFD approach, structural analysis approach and
details of the case evaluation for the S.O.’s approval.

The Contractor shall submit his Method Statement detailing the program of the
proposed CFD study within fourteenth (28) calendar days of the Date of Award.
The Method Statement shall specify its recommended Modeler for the S.O’s
approval. The Modeler is referring to the hydraulic research laboratory and the
personnel in-charge for the CFD model simulation (herein after referred to as
Modeler) who are responsible for the CFD modeling works. The Method
Statement shall specify the facilities, capacity and relevant job experiences in
CFD modeling, in particular the emergency gate closure. The curriculum vitae of
the Modeler and his key staff shall be submitted in the Method Statement for
approval. The Contractor shall be fully liable for the modeling works carrying out
by the Modeler, and the S.O shall have the right to ask the Contractor to re-carry
out the CFD modeling if the works of the Contractor’s selected Modeler is inferior
and not able to meet the international accepted standards and the S.O’s
satisfaction. The cost of re-carrying out the model testing shall be borne by the
Contractor and no extra claim shall be entitled by the Contractor.

The scope of work in the Method Statement shall be prepared to meet the
Specification. The S.O.’s Representative shall have the right to revise the
Method Proposal in order the scope of works is meeting the objectives of the
CFD modeling testing..

Upon the completion of the model testing, the Contractor shall submit a final
report which shall confirm the Works actually done based on the Method
Statement and cover additional information obtained during the execution of the
Works. All the raw and processed data shall become the property of S.O, and no
publication shall make without prior approval from S.O.
All calculations for the parameters in the CFD modeling shall be clearly provided
in the Method Statement. All equations used in the derivation of the parameters
shall be properly cited with international citation standards. The Method
Statement shall clearly define the assumptions, limitation, and relaxation in the
model parameters. For each of the testing carried out, the main model
parameters and the assumptions shall be clearly defined.

Simplifications in the experiment shall be justified with convincing arguments.

For example, the simplification in the upstream and downstream boundaries shall
be explained. The methodology to stabilize the tailwater conditions (during
closure where partially submerged condition occurs) and the adjacent hydraulic
jump in the CFD model shall be explained in details.

1.2 The S.O. shall have the right to instruct the Contractor to revise the Method
Statement to reschedule the Master Project Schedule in order to achieve the Key
Event on or before the Key Date. Any additional cost as a result of revising the
program in the Method Statement and rescheduling the Master Project Schedule
(MPS) shall be deemed to have been included in the Contractor’s price.
1.3 The S.O may approve the Method Statement in principal and instruct the
Contractor’s Modeler to proceed with the Works after the award of the Contract.
However, the approval in principal does not relieve the responsibility of the
Contractor and his Modeler to complete the works to the satisfaction of the S.O.
and Specification requirements

1.4 Proprietary Software

Unless otherwise approved by the S.O, the Contractor shall only use the
proprietary computation fluid dynamic Software. The CFD software shall be able
to couple with structural analysis software to analyze the fluid structural
interaction. Any deviation from the requirements of this Specification shall not
release the responsibility if the emergency gate is unable to be closed completely
and stalling and fluttering of the hydraulic gate are occurring during testing and
commissioning. All cost incurred to rectify the emergency gate and CFD re-
modeling works shall be borne by the Contractor. The hydro-elastic behavior of
the gate under various flow conditions, such as turbulence, gate opening, gate
lowering speed, shear layer and the vortex shedding, instability-induced
excitation gate movement-induced excitation, shall be modeled and
recommendations shall be made to mitigate all these undesired flow phenomena.

The computational results of the computational fluid dynamic modeling shall be

used as the input for the finite element structural analysis, and the response of
the hydraulic gate and its feedback effects d on the flow field due to fluid
structural interaction shall be modeled.

1.5 Turbulence Closure and Fluid Structural Interaction

The Contractor’s CFD modeler shall provide justification on the use of
recommended turbulence closure methods (e.g., RNG k-ε, Reynolds Stress
Method, Large Eddy Simulation, etc.) to simulate the flow phenomena. The
selection of the time and spatial scale shall be able to simulate the flow field and
capture the dominant vortices and structural vibration of the gate. The results
shall be verified with published empirical equations on the flow induced gate

The Contractor’s Modeler shall provide justification for the proposed turbulence
closure and fluid structural analysis. The time transient and the spatial
distribution force on surface of gate surface and the derivative dynamic
displacement of the gate components, such as leaf, skin plate, seal, etc. The
dynamic force on the other auxiliary components, be it submerged and above
water level, such as gantry crane, dogging device, lifting beam, lifting lug,
counterweight, roller, hook, etc, shall be considered for a complete gate closure

The Strouhal number of the vortices shedding, impinging shear layer, share layer
interface instability shall be evaluated and mitigation measures shall be
recommended in the hydraulic gate design. The results shall be used to modify
the design of the gate leaf, the slot, procedure of gate closure, mass weight of
the hydraulic gate. The CFD modeler shall also provide the design forces
(pseudo-static and dynamic) for the stability and strength analysis of the intake
tower. The simulation domain shall cover sufficient distance of the upstream and
downstream flow conditions so that a stabilized flow conditions can be achieved
at distance away from the emergency gate during closure,

1.6 Turbulent Time and Spatial Scale

The selection of a suitable time interval and spatial grids in the CFD domain
should consider the turbulence time scale, and eddy size. This will ensure the
effects of large and small eddies of interest to be captured in the derived time
series loading. It is understood that quite impossible to have a time and length
scale capable of capturing all the transient nature and energy of the turbulence
(certainly not based on Kolmogoroff time and velocity scale). The selection of
unreasonably too large time-step will result in a loss of significant transient
information, and low wave number resolution. This will result in CFD modeling
with less energy than actually exists in the flow. A wave number is defined by the
angular sampling frequency over the mean velocity and is usually non-
dimensionalized by the size of the turbulence boundary layer. The CFD modeler
shall justify the time and spatial scale selection is able to comply with the Nyquist
criterion for the frequency interval for the derivation of the frequency domain

1.7 Natural Period and Critical Period Range of Interest

The selection of the period of interest should be based on the natural period or
frequency of the global gate structure, or at least each individual structural
component. It is understood that the simulation for the behavior of the gate
structure for frequency near the natural period is impossible. However, any
potential dynamic amplification on the gate structure shall be investigated, and
recommendation shall be made to mitigate the phenomena.

1.8 Testing Procedures, Sequence and Experimental Plan

The Method Statement shall detail the testing procedures for each of the cases.
The varying and controlling parameters shall be tabulated systematically for each
of the cases.

The Modeler shall provide a complete experimental plan, which shall cover the
design of factorial experiments, and the methodology of screening the
experimental cases for the main governing parameters.

The Modeler shall provide a complete testing case with hydraulic parameters
(turbulent parameters, gate opening, etc) in its experimental plan. Any deviation
from the experimental plan shall be subject to the approval of the S.O.

1.8 Emergency Gate Operation Procedure and Emergency Gate Design Report
In addition to the CFD modeling report, the Contractor and its Modeler shall
prepare the emergency gate operation procedure based on the guidelines of the
CFD modeling results. The Emergency Gate Operation Procedure shall be
confirmed and fine-tined during testing and commissioning. All necessary
preparation and logistic supports shall be provided by the Contractor.

Based on the USBR and other international standards and guidelines, the
Contractor shall submit an Emergency Gate Design Report for the S.O’s
approval three (3) weeks before the commencing the fabrication of the
emergency gate. The Emergency Gate Design Report shall be prepared in a
due diligence manner. Any delay in the reviewing and rectifying the poor quality
emergency gate design report shall be the responsibility of the contractor.

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