Revised TS Sallu

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Part-2: Works Requirements Section VI C

Technical Specifications for Hydro-Mechanical Works








These Specifications are part of the requirements for various items related to the work, which are to
be provided according to the stipulations of the contract. Hence, the instructions given herein form
an integral part of, and are applicable to the Bidding Documents issued for the Works. Addendum
to these Specifications may be issued, as required, during bidding and construction phases.

These Specifications shall be read in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract, the specification
documents, Drawings & specification. The Contractor shall comply with all provisions contained
within the Bidding Documents and instructions of the Employer.

Certain performance requirements, materials, features, design requirements and basic arrangement
for different types of gates, hoists, stop logs, and gantry crane are indicated herein. It is not the
intention in these specifications to specify the complete details of the various components of the
equipment. This is left to the experience and practice of Contractor who shall perform the complete
design of all the equipment structure and furnish equipment, which shall meet in all respects the
specified requirements in regard to performance, durability and satisfactory operation. However,
certain features, materials and design requirements are specified and are intended to establish
minimum standard for the work and to enable the bidder to submit a well-planned bid.

It is the intent of these specifications to establish acceptable standards of quality. Deviation from
these specifications shall be considered for acceptance provided that, in the opinion of the
Employer, the proposed substitutions are equal or superior in quality to those specified.

All works shall be executed according to the Technical Specifications and Specification Drawings
and requirements specified by the Employer, in a professional and diligent manner. All supplies and
works shall comply with the quality requirements defined in the relevant specifications and other
Bidding Documents. The Contractor shall endeavor to provide all such necessary efforts in order to
comply with the intent of these Specifications to the satisfaction of the Employer.

The Contractor and the subcontractor for Hydro-mechanical works shall be jointly, severally and
equally responsible for the complete works as specified under this specification and terms of

1.2.1 Submittal of documents/drawings shall be as per general technical specification

"Schedule of Distribution of Documents" under section VI-A-4. (5.0). they shall be
complete enough to illustrate adequately the problem of the aspect concerned for the
understanding of the Employer/Consultant.

1.2.2 At any time the Employer may call either for additional information, completion of the
submittals or request the Contractor not to submit some of them.

1.2.3 Submittal shall follow as agreed between Contractor and Employer and shall follow
provisions of general technical specification "Design and Planning" under section VI-A-



All Works and supplies shall confer with the requirements of latest version of the applicable IS.
Use of International codes/ standards shall follow the provision of specification "Codes, Standard
and References" Homogeneity of codes, standards and specifications shall be maintained as per
general technical specifications "Codes, Standard and References".


It is the Contractor's duty to acquaint himself with all national codes, standards, laws and
regulations related to the works in any way and he shall procure and keep at his works at the site a
copy of each of such applicable documents.


The SI system of units has been used throughout the duration of Contract for all technical or
contractual purposes.

1.4.1 General

These specifications cover the requirements of design, engineering, fabrication, shop assembly,
painting, testing at the works, transportation, supply, erection, testing and commissioning, including
insurance of hydro mechanical works at site complete in all respects for project in accordance with
these Technical Specifications and Specification Drawings. Operation & maintenance of the hydro
mechanical components in the project shall also be, carried out by the Contractor for six months
after commissioning of all the four units and additional unit in the powerhouse. The materials,
workmanship, technical requirements, equipment, accessories, supplies and service required, shall be
as set forth in these Technical Specifications.

While designing the gates, Contractor's attention is invited to adopt best engineering practice in
design. Special care is required to be taken for problems associated with silt abrasion and silt
deposition at critical locations.

For the purpose of the safety an automatic alarm system shall be generated in the operation
mechanism to warn the public nearby whenever the gates are being opened.

The scope of work also covers unloading, stacking operation, storage and preservation of
components of gates and their hoisting arrangement, stoplogs, lifting beams and their accessories in
the stockyard of the Contractor at the project site before they are transported, installed, tested and
commissioned at their respective Sites.

A complete list of hydro-mechanical works in project as per location and tentative numbers are
given in specification Section-IF'Table Showing Hydro mechanical Works Proposed." These
works and their components shall conform to their respective technical specifications. The table
showing the various details for hydro-mechanical works is indicative only. Actual numbers, type of
gates/operating conditions shall be decided by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for
approval. All the spillway gates shall be checked for maximum head during PMF condition with
one gate inoperative when water level in the reservoir exceeds the MWL of 275m, 33% higher
stress might be allowed during the above said condition subject to the upper limit of 85 percent of
yield stress.

1.4.2 Mandatory Spare parts

Contractor shall submit cost of all mandatory spare parts for all hydro mechanical works as per list
given under specifications of each gate, hoist, cranes and other equipment. The cost shall include
each item or sub-assemblies, which may require completing the work/item as required. These are to
be included in bid cost.

All parts furnished by the Contractor shall be interchangeable and shall be made of the same
material and workmanship as the corresponding part of equipment furnished under these
1.4.3 Recommended Spare Parts

The Contractor, while bidding the tender, shall submit an item wise list of recommended
spare parts indicating their cost of each item or sub-assemblies, which may require replacement for
5 years operation of hydro-mechanical equipment. The Employer shall have an option to order the
Contractor to supply the recommended spare parts.

All spare parts furnished by the Contractor shall be interchangeable and shall be made of the same
material and workmanship as the corresponding part of the equipment furnished under these


a. Dry as well as wet tests as per specification are to be carried out for all the gates and
stoplogs by the supplier free of cost and rectification of defects noticed during tests or
during the guarantee period are within the scope of supply.

b. Shop as well as field painting is included in the scope of supply.

c. Concreting in 2nd stage embedded parts block-out shall be done under the supervision of
gate manufacturing agency. The responsibility of correctness and accuracy of alignments
would rest with the Contractor.


All supplies shall be subject to inspection and test by the Employer to the extent practicable at all
times and places. Shop tests shall also be subject to inspection and test by the Employer as per
these specifications. Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with relevant Indian standards
or equivalent International standards where Indian standards are not available or as described
elsewhere in these specifications. The cost of carrying out the test/inspection shall be borne by the
Contractor. Contractor shall follow provisions of "QUALITY ASSURANCE."


Within 60(sixty) calendar days from the date of signing of the contract agreement, the Contractor
shall submit to the Employer for his approval the schedule of designs, drawings, fabrication and
transportation of the equipment so as to ensure its delivery within the specified period. The
schedules shall clearly state all the stages of fabrication to enable the Employer to plan his
inspection accordingly as stated in these specifications. The Contractor shall also (during the
course of fabrications) submit monthly progress report along with photographs of fabrications done
to the Employer, apprising him of the progress of equipment for the preceding month.

The Contractor shall submit along with his bid a detailed program based on the dates indicated in the
tender document or alternatively his own time schedule giving delivery/ erection period taking into
consideration the compatibility with the erection front and civil works. The schedules shall be in
the form of a detailed PERT network within the time frame agreed above consisting of adequate
number of activities covering various key phases of the work such as designs, drawings,
procurement, manufacturing, shop assembly (gate wise), sand blasting and painting, shipment, field
erection and testing activities. This network also indicates the interface facilities and the dates by
which such facilities are needed. It shall also indicate the details of resources like
manpower/machinery to be mobilized by the Contractor for all stages of erection.

The Contractor shall so organize his resources and perform his work as to complete it not later
than the date agreed to by him.

From time to time during manufacture and installation, manufacturer shall photograph the
equipment to depict the actual progress by supplying minimum 3 views per location per month, size
of the print shall not be less than 18cm x 24cm.
Contractor shall follow provision of general technical specification "INTERFACE & SCHEDULE"
under section VI-A-2.

The Contractor shall indicate the delivery period of different Hydro-mechanical equipment as
per agreed schedule and shall be responsible for the compatibility of the time of delivery with the
main civil works. The delivery schedule shall be furnished in tabulated format for each equipment
separately. The main contents of schedule given are design of works/equipment (1 st stage and 2 nd
stage) supply of all (1 st stage) embedded parts including anchorages, supply of all 2nd stage
embedded parts including anchorage, erection of all 1st stage and 2nd stage embedded parts, supply of
equipment including components, erection of works/equipment.


The Contractor shall be responsible for:

a. The quality of materials and workmanship in all the items of works.

b. Strict adherence to the dimensions of parts shown on approved drawings

unless deviations are specifically authorized in writing by the Employer.

c. Strength of all parts of gates and hoists when operated under the worst
conditions of load, silt and under conditions of closure during periods of
maximum flow/discharge as applicable.

d. It is Contractor's responsibility to ensure that all components supplied in

accordance with these specifications shall fit correctly to each other. In the
event of any field modifications being required due to errors in shop
fabrication, Contractor shall bear the full cost of such modifications. Any
such changes shall be shown on the drawings and accepted in writing by
Employer, before being made by Contractor.

e. Satisfactory performance of the entire work under all operating conditions without
signs of undue strain, and without damage, breakdown or deterioration of any of
the parts due to faulty or incorrect or unsuitable material, workmanship or design.

f. Freedom from vibrations of any part or parts under the most severe operating condition
beyond permissible limits.

g. The water tightness of the gate seals, oil and water tightness of hoist cylinders,
oil tanks, all pipes and joints, valves, bearings, stuffing boxes, pumps and controls.

h. The strength, accuracy and adequacy in all respects.

The contract documents and specifications do not specify in complete detail the various components
of the equipment and only indicate a basic arrangement for the gates, hoists, cranes and stop logs.
It is the Contractor's responsibility to perform the complete design of all the equipment, structure and
fabrication within the parameters laid down in the specifications. The Contractor shall supply and
erect all equipment in a complete shape, which will meet the requirements regarding
performance, durability and satisfactory operation.

The principal parts of the equipment are mentioned in their respective specifications, which outline
the general features to be adopted in design. Any deviations from the specified requirements shall
be done only with the approval of the Employer. However any deviations intended by the bidder
shall be filled in the respective schedule. The Bidder shall visit and carefully examine the site of
work and the adjacent premises and shall conduct necessary investigations to acquaint himself
thoroughly with the facilities for handling the specified equipment at the site. A thorough
investigation shall be made of potential interference and difficulties that may be encountered in the
proper and complete execution of the work specified. No plea of ignorance of existing or for
seeable conditions, that create difficulties or encumbrances in the execution of the work, will be
acceptable as an excuse for any failure on the part of the Contractor to fulfill in every detail the
requirements of the Contract Document. Furthermore, a plea of ignorance will not be accepted
as a basis for any claim whatsoever.

Contractor shall also follow the provision of general technical specification "Interface and
Schedule" under section VI-A-2.



The Bidder shall carefully study the Technical Specifications and Specification Drawings and
shall intimate the Employer in case any error/omission or likely deviation is discovered. As a
result of such interaction, if some corrections/modifications are required, the same shall be,
brought to the notice of all the Bidders by, the Employer before the date of submission of the



a. All preliminary Calculations and Studies required to justify and support the proposed
technical solutions for provision of gates, trashrack, trashrack cleaning etc.

b. Preliminary Design of all the works viz. gates, trashrack etc., consistent with the
Employer's requirements.

c. Detailed method statements for all components clearly indicating installation and
operating procedures.

d. Delivery schedule of equipment.

e. List of projects, where similar equipment have been supplied and installed by the
Bidder along with their particulars and performance test reports.

f. General arrangement drawings showing overall dimensions, weights, materials,

sealing arrangement, makes and specifications for all fabricated or bought out items,
etc. for all hydro-mechanical works as specified in scope of work for hydro-
mechanical works.

a. All Calculations and studies required justifying and supporting the proposed
technical solutions.

b. Detailed design, drawings for all hydro-mechanical works as per their functional and
structural requirements along with the copy of references/codes used.

c. Detailed method statements for all components clearly indicating installation procure.

d. Test certificates (Inspection, Material) as and when required.

e. Calibration certificates as and when required.

f. Certificates of personnel wherever required (Welder's certificate etc.)

g. Welding Procedure wherever called for.

h. Erection, Fabrication Procedure wherever called for.

i. Instruction Manual.

j. Requirements of recommended spare parts.

k. Delivery schedule of equipment.

l. List of projects, where similar equipment have been supplied and installed by the
Bidder along with their particulars and performance test reports.
SECTION-VI-C-2 : Table Showing

SI No. Design Data Barrage Intake Head race Surge Powerhouse

Tunnel Shaft & Complex
A Gates: Barrage Trash rack Gate Plug Gate Gate
1 No.of bays 6 1 1
2 Clear width of
opening (mm)
3 Clear height
of opening
4 Max. Water 275.0m 275.0m 275.0m
Level (m)
5 F.R.L(m) 275.0m 275.0m 275.0m
6 MDDL (m) 272.0m 272.0m 272.0m
7 Max.surge N.A.
level (m)
8 Min.surge N.A.
level (m)
9 Sill Level (m) 245.0m
10 Type of Gate Radial
11 No. of Gates 1
12 Type of Hydraulic
operating Hoist
13 No. of Twin
operating cylinder
14 Design Head 67.2
15 Hoisting 2 X100
capacity each
16 Drawing

#. N .A. = Not Applicable.

B. Other Hydro-mechanical Works

(a). 14 sets of Trashracks including 2 spare
sets with 12 sets of embedments, and
operating equipment of suitable capacity (b). 1
No. Trashrack cleaning machine


3.1.1 All the materials shall be of tested quality, new, unused, free from defects, and of the
grade / classification envisaged in the designs. The Contractor shall furnish the test
certificates for each lot of materials, if so required by the Employer. Plates with
laminations discovered during welding or during inspection shall be rejected. Materials
not supplied according to the approved designs/drawings shall be rejected, removed and
replaced by Contractor. Approval of Employer shall not relieve the Manufacturer
/Contractor from the responsibility of supply of suitable materials.

3.1.2 The Contractor shall furnish a list of names of manufacturer(s) of the bought out
complete equipment, which are contemplated for incorporation in the work, together
with performance characteristics and other pertinent information pertaining to the
equipment, for the approval of the Employer. Samples of materials, if desired and so
directed shall be submitted for approval. Any equipment, materials and articles used or
installed without the prior approval of the Employer shall be at the risk and cost to the

3.1.3 If for any reason, the Contractor desires to deviate from these standards he shall submit a
statement stating the exact nature of the deviations or substitutions along with complete
and detailed specifications and test reports for the materials, which are proposed to be
used. In all such cases the prior approval of the Employer has to be obtained before the
fabrication work is taken in hands. All the materials supplies and articles not
manufactured by the Contractor shall be products of recognized and reputed
manufacturers approved by the Employer.

3.1.4 Recommended materials for the components of different type of hydro-mechanical work
are specified in respective specifications. Where any material has not been specified it
shall be the best available for the purpose for which it is used considering strength,
density & best engineering practice & shall conform to latest applicable Standards and
BIS or other equivalent Standards as approved by the Employer.


4.1.1 All fabrication work under this contract shall be done in accordance with the
specification, which meets with the Employer's approval. All work shall be
performed and completed in thorough workman like manner as per latest practice in
the manufacture and fabrication of materials of the type covered by these
specifications. The work shall in all cases, be of the highest quality and carefully
performed to the satisfaction of the Employer.

4.1.2 All members shall be free of twists, bends or other deformations and all surfaces that
will be in contact, shall be thoroughly cleaned before assembling parts shall be
adjusted to line and fit and shall be firmly bolted or otherwise held securely together
so that surfaces are in close contact before drilling, reaming or welding is

4.1.3 Plates with lamination discovered during cutting welding or at any other time shall
be rejected. Minor surface imperfections can be repaired wherever possible with the
prior approval of the Employer. Materials not supplied or workmanship not
performed in accordance with approved drawings or specification shall be rejected
and replaced. If the weight limitations and transport clearances do not permit, the
anchorages and miscellaneous embedded parts shall be fabricated into sub-
assemblies. The Contractor shall submit with his bid, a drawing showing the sub-
assemblies into which he proposes to fabricate the gates, stoplogs, anchorages,
miscellaneous assemblies and embedded parts for transporting them to the site.

4.1.4 All the parts of the gates and stop logs shall be fabricated in accordance with these
specifications and drawings. The manufacturer shall take special care in fabrication
of the parts affecting strength rigidity and water tightness of the gates and stop logs.
Attention is directed to the fact that rolled edged plates are not suitable for caulking.
The seal bores shall be finished after the plates have been welded to the skin plates
and the finished surfaces of the seal bases shall be in the same plane within a
tolerance as specified in Appendix 'E' of IS: 4623 for radial gates and as per
Appendix H of IS: 4622 for vertical gates/stoplogs.

4.1.5 The Contractor may submit for the approval of the Employer an alternative
procedure for finishing the seal bases or for fastening them to the gates provided that
the suggested method produces a water tight seal arrangement and that the final
shape and size of plate meet the dimensional and tolerance requirements, shown on
the drawing or shown in these specifications.
4.1.6 Holes for the wheel pins shall be bored and counter bored, in pairs to a common axis
after the leaf has been assembled and all the shop welding has been completed. The
axis of these holes shall be in a common plane, which shall be parallel to the finished
surface of the seal bases with specified tolerances. The seal rings provided in the
wheel assembly shall be products of established manufacturers and must be perfectly
watertight. All holes shall be accurately spaced, cylindrical and perpendicular to the
members. All counter shanking shall be true and square with holes.


Where tolerance or fits are not specified on the drawings, the Contractor shall follow the best
modern shop practice for apparatus of the type covered by these specifications and drawings,
due considerations being given to the special nature of function of the parts and to the corresponding
accuracy required to secure proper operation.


All components shall be fabricated in accordance with the relevant IS codes on gates and hoists
except as noted below. All dimensions under 400 mm shall be within a tolerance of ± 0.8 mm
unless otherwise specified and non-cumulative. All other dimensions shall be within a
tolerance of ± 1.5mm.The machined surfaces of the seal seats, seal bases, roller tracks etc. shall be
straight within ± 0.5 mm per m and level with ±1.0 mm over the whole length with a straight edge.


Installation tolerances shall not exceed 1.5 times the corresponding fabrication tolerances or the
tolerance specified in relevant codes on gates and hoists, whichever is more stringent. Design and
fabrication of the gates hoists and embedded parts shall be suitable for the achievement of such
tolerance during installation.


The type of finish, unless otherwise specified shall be that most suitable for the part to which it
applies and shall be smooth average or rough as defined under IS: 3073. In general a very smooth
finish (Three delta i.e., 0.200 to 1.6 microns) will be required for all surfaces in sliding/ rolling
contact, an average or commercial finish (two delta i.e., 1.6 to 6.3 microns) for surfaces in contact
where a tight joint is required and a rough finish (single delta i.e., 6.3 to 18 microns) for all other
machine surfaces where selective assembly for matching parts is required. The parts shall be ground
if necessary to obtain the limiting tolerances.

4.4.1 While making patterns for the castings, care shall be taken to avoid sharp corners or
abrupt changes in cross section and ample fillets shall be used. All casting shall be
true to patterns and the thickness of the metal shall not vary at any point by more
than 5 mm from that shown on the drawings. Care shall be taken in the foundry to
cool the castings properly so that they will not warp or twist. No castings will be
accepted if it is warped or twisted to such an extent that machined surfaces cannot be
properly finished to the dimensions shown on the drawings.

4.4.2 All castings shall be sound clean and free from cracks holes or sand holes and other
defects. These shall have a workman like finish. Castings shall not be repaired,
plugged or welded without the permission of the Employer. Such permission shall be
given only when the defects are small and do not affect the strength use or
machinability of the castings. No welding shall be done after the castings are finally
annealed. No defect shall be removed and paint or oil be applied to the surface of any
casting until it has been inspected by the Employer. The treatment for casting
involves heating slowly up to a temperature of about 40°C above its upper critical
temperature, holding it at the temperature just only enough for a uniform temperature
to be attained throughout the casting and then allowing it cool slowly in furnace.
During the process the requisite annealing temperature shall not exceed and
overheating shall be avoided. End products shall conform to the requirements of
Indian Standards. All castings shall be ultrasonically tested to ascertain soundness of
casting. Acceptance criteria as required by Employer shall be binding.


4.5.1 Forging, unless otherwise specified shall be in accordance with IS: 2004. The ingots
from which the forgings are made shall be metal moulds. The workmanship shall be
first class in every respect and the forging shall be free from all defects affecting
strength and durability including seams, pipes, flows, cracks, scales, fins, porosity,
hard spots, excessive non-metallic inclusions and segregations.

4.5.2 All forging shall be given such uniform heat treatment as required to produce
materials conforming to the requirements of these specifications, and shall be
annealed or normalized and tempered as final heat treatment. In the case of shafts
forged solid, which are required to be bored the final heat treatment shall be
performed after the forging has been rough bored.

4.5.3 In each heat treatment the forging shall be held at the desired temperature for a
sufficient length of time to ensure penetration of the heat and proper grain refinement
throughout the whole forging. A record of the heat treatments to which the forgings
have been submitted shall be supplied to Employer.

4.5.4 In case of shaft-forged solid, which required boring the final heat treatment should
be performed after the forging has been rough machined. The largest fillets
Compatible with the design shall be incorporated wherever a change in section
occurs. Tool marks or tearing of the metal by the finishing tool will not be acceptable
on the surface of fillets. Such marks, if they occur, shall be, removed by grinding or
polishing. All finished surfaces or forging shall be smooth and free from tool marks.
4.5.5 All-important forging like hoisting drum, gears, crane wheels etc., shall be
ultrasonically tested. The acceptance limit of ultrasonic testing of forging shall be as
per SA 388 of ASME section 5.


The Contractor is expected to perform fabrication in the best possible manner to meet the
requirements of design and drawings. However, some specific guidelines are given herein.


Before being laid off or worked in any manner, structural steel shall be straight,
without twists, bends or kinks and if straightening is necessary it shall be done by a
method which shall not injure the metal to ensure good welding and fittings of
members. All steel shall be cleaned of dirt mill scale and rust prior to fabrication.


Shearing chipping and gas cutting shall be performed carefully and all portions of the
work, which will be exposed to view, shall present a neat appearance. Finishing of
sheared or cut edges of plates or shapes will not be required except as noted in these


Edges of plates and shapes to be joined by welding shall be properly formed to suit
the type of welding selected. Where plates and shapes have been sheared, edges to be
joined by welding shall be machined or chipped to sound metal. Plates and shapes to
be field welded shall have their edges prepared in the shop for the type of weld


Where bending or forming of plates or shapes is required, the plates or shapes shall
be, bent by cold forming. Heating and hammering to correct bends will not be

4.7.1 WELDING TECHNIQUE Care shall be taken in designs that the welds when being made are well accessible.
Overhead welding is to be avoided, if possible and flat position is to be
strived for. Drawing should clearly indicate the joint position, shop or field welding, type of
welding, welding sizes and other required points. Symbols shown on the
drawing should conform to relevant Indian Standards. All welding shall be done by the electric are method by a process which will exclude
the atmosphere from the molten metal, except where otherwise
specifically permitted. All welding electrodes, required shall be, furnished
by the Contractor. Correct selection of electrodes shall be done taking due
care of welding method and base metals of components. The welding
electrodes shall be of the heavily coated type designed for all position
welding. The make type and size of all welding electrodes shall be subject
to the approval of Employer. In assembling and during welding the component parts of built up members shall be
held in place by sufficient clamps or other adequate means to keep all parts in
proper position. The surface to be welded shall be cleared of scale, slag, rust
and other foreign matter. Where weld metal is deposited in two or more layers
each layer shall be brushed with a wire brush or otherwise cleaned before the
subsequent layer is deposited. In welding precautions shall be taken to
minimize stresses due to heat by using the proper sequence in welding. Upon completion the welds shall be brushed with wire brush and shall show uniform
section smoothness of weld metal. Edges and ends of fillets and butt joint
welds shall indicate good fusion and penetration into base metal. Specific
requirements for butt joints and fillet joints are given below: Radiographic tests shall be carried out for all critical full strength butt welds. Welded
joints requiring radiographic testing shall be, decided by the Employer.

4.7.2 BUTT JOINT In principle butt joints should be made with back run. Should it be not possible to do
the back run either a backing strip should be placed and welding should be so
made that the melted metal fully penetrates to the backing strip or the slide
butt welding should be executed so that melted metal reaches the back of
the groove and a full penetration is achieved. Dye-penetration test shall be
carried out after each of the weld. The joints in the skin plate shall be staggered and preferably located near the point of
contra flexure. The edges of skin plate shall be prepared in shop. Skin plate
joined by butt-welding shall be without any back plate so as to facilitate
radiography. Joints if required in horizontal girders and hoist bridge girders
shall be located sufficiently away from location of maximum bending
moments. They shall also be butt welded in such a way as to facilitate
radiographic testing of welding joints.


All fillet welds shall be continuous. For the main members no fillet welding should be made on
members whose thickness differ substantially. Fillet welds at T joints should be made as a rule on
each side of the joint, unless it is otherwise agreed due to some practical reasons. Radiographic test is
not normally required for fillet welds. However, all fillet welds shall be checked by dye penetration
test for soundness. Minimum size of fillet welds shall be 6 mm.


A specification of the welding process, that is proposed to be used, shall be established and
recorded and if required a copy of such specification together with a certified copy of report of results
of tests made in accordance with the process and specifications shall be furnished.

The qualification of the welding process shall be at least equal to that required by Standard
Qualification Procedure of the Indian Standards and the minimum requirement of the test shall
be at least as stated in the said Standard Qualification Procedure.


The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the work performed by his welding staff. All
welders assigned to the work shall have passed qualification tests for welders. If at any time the
work of any welder appears questionable, the welders shall be required to pass additional
qualification tests to determine his ability to perform the type of work on which he is engaged.

Rivets shall be, driven by power riveters, employing pneumatic, hydraulic or electric power. After
driving, their finished heads shall be of approximately hemispherical shape of uniform size
throughout the work for the same size rivet, neatly finished and heated uniformly to a
temperature not exceeding 1065°C. They shall not be driven after their temperature has fallen
below 528°C. All shop driven rivets within a distance of 425 mm from a shop welded joint shall be
driven after the welding is completed. Recapping and caulking of loose or defective rivets will not be
permitted. While removing units care shall be taken not to injure the adjacent metal and if
necessary they shall be drilled out.


In case where bolts have to be used but strength of a riveted connection is required this can be
obtained by using special bolts in special holes to a driving fit. The bolts are specially made from
black round bars and turned down to the exact diameter. The inside of the head and flat face of the
nut should be machined. The hole must be accurately drilled or reamed to H8 tolerance. The holes
after assembly of the parts must be true throughout the thickness of all parts and perpendicular to
axis of the member. Washers for tuned and fitted bolts should be machined on both faces.
All setscrews shall be provided with case hardened cup points and shall be safety type. They
shall not be used for transmitting torsion.


Holes shall be accurately located and drilled or reamed perpendicular to the face of the member and
if necessary shall be drilled to a template. Counter sinking where required, shall be done carefully
and to the full depth of head. Open holes in material of 18 mm or less in thickness shall be sub
drilled or sub punched before assembly and reamed during assembly. Holes in structural steel of
more than 18 mm in thickness shall be drilled 3 mm smaller than the nominal diameter of the rivet
or bolt before assembly and reamed to the full size during assembly. All members shall be shop
assembled before reaming or drilling holes for field connections.

For sub punching the diameter of the punch shall be 4.5 mm smaller than the nominal diameter
of the rivet or bolt and holes shall be clean cut without torn or ragged edges.


Stress relieving of welded parts shall be done where required after all the welding is completed.
Machined surfaces of parts requiring stress relief shall be machined to final dimensions after the
parts have been stress relieved. Localized stress relieving will not be permitted for shop-welded
parts. The procedure for stress relief shall conform to IS: 2825.


All paints/ painting materials and accessories for painting shall be supplied by the Contractor and
shall be included in the price bid. The paints proposed by, the Contractor must be approved by,
Employer/Employer before application of the same. The analysis in respect of paint properties,
paint composition and performance requirements of the paints shall be, submitted by the Contractor
for examination and approval of Employer. The painting and surface preparation shall also conform
to IS: 14177.


Surface preparation shall be in accordance with the following procedure:

a. Weld spatters or any other surface irregularity shall be removed by any suitable means
before cleaning.
b. All oil, grease and dirt shall be removed from the surface by the use of clean mineral
spirits, xylol or gasoline (lead free) and clean wiping materials.
c. Following the solvent cleaning the surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned of all rust mill
scale and other lightly adhering objectionable substances by sand blasting or grit blasting
or grit blasting to uniform bright base metal. Any grit or dust remaining after
the cleaning operation shall be, completely removed from the surface before it is
d. Surface of stainless steel, nickel, bronze and machined surface adjacent to metal work
being cleaned or painted shall be protected by masking tape or by other suitable means
during the cleaning and painting operations.
e. Primers shall be applied as soon as the surface preparation is complete and prior to the
development of surface rusting. The time gap between the application of the primer and
surface preparation shall normally not exceed 6 hrs. In case there is considerable time
gap the surface should be re-blasted prior to priming.


a. Stainless steel and bronze surface shall be cleaned only but not painted.

b. All surfaces of the embedded parts, which are to come in contact with concrete shall
be cleaned as mentioned above and given two coats of cement latex to prevent
rusting during shipping and while awaiting installation.

c. Over the prepared surfaces of embedded parts, gates and stoplogs one coat of
inorganic zinc silicate (preferably airless spray) should be applied giving a dry film
thickness of 75 microns. Alternatively, two coats of zinc rich primer (containing not
less than 85% of zinc as dry film) should be applied to give dry film thickness of 75
microns. The primer coat shall be followed by finishing coat, which shall consist of
two coats of solvent less coat tar epoxy paint. These should be applied at an interval
of 24 hrs. Each coat should give a minimum dry film thickness of 150 microns. The
total dry film thickness of all the coats including primer coating should not be less
than 350 microns.

d. All exposed surfaces of the hoist machinery structure should be given two coats of
zinc phosphate primer to obtain dry film thickness of 40 microns per coat, which
shall be followed by one coat of alkyd based micaceous iron oxide paint to obtain
dry film of 65 microns followed by two coats of synthetic enamel paint conforming
to IS: 2932 to give dry film thickness of 25 microns per coat of synthetic enamel
paint. The interval between two coats should be 24 hrs. The total dry film thickness
of all the coats including primer coat should not be less than 175 microns.

e. Except machined surface, all surfaces of the machinery including gearing, housing,
shafting, bearing pedestals etc., should be given one coat of zinc phosphate priming
paint to give a minimum dry film thickness of 50 microns. Motors and other bought
out items should also be painted if necessary. The finish paint should consist of three
coats of aluminum paint conforming to IS: 2339 or synthetic enamel conforming to
IS: 2932 to give a dry film thickness of 25 mic rons per coat. Over the prepared
surfaces of lifting beams, two coats of zinc phosphate primer should be applied
giving a dry film thickness of 40 microns per coat which shall be followed by
finishing coat consisting of two coats of alkyd based micaceous iron oxide paint.
Each coat of paint should give a minimum dry film thickness of 65 microns. The
interval between coats should not be less than 24 hours. The total dry film thickness
of all coats including primer coats should not be less than 200 microns.

f. All finished surface of ferrous metal including bolts, screw threads etc. that will be
exposed during shipment or while awaiting installation shall be cleaned and given a
heavy uniform coating of gasoline soluble rust preventive compound or equivalent.

a. Any bare spots or holidays shall be recoated with additional application of primer.

b. All runs, sags, floods or dips shall be, removed by scrapping and cleaning. The
cleaned area should be retouched or all such defects shall be remedied by reblasting
or re-priming.

c. Special attention should be given to good coverage on rivets, welds and sharp edges
and covers.

d. Suitable measures shall be taken to protect the applied primer from contract with
rain, fog, mist, dust or other foreign matter until completely hardened and next coat
is applied.

e. The air temperature at the time of application must not be below 10° C and relative
humidity must not be above 90%.


All painting and coating materials shall be in homogenously mixed condition at the time of
application and shall not be thinned except as hereinafter specifically provided. Warming of the
paint shall be applied immediately after cleaning and except otherwise specifically provided shall
be applied by airless spray. When paint is applied by spraying, a mechanical agitator type of paint
pot shall be used. Means shall be provided for removing all free oil and moisture from the air
supply line of ally spraying equipment. Each coat of paint shall completely cover the surfaces and
shall be free from runs, sags, pinholes and holidays. Each coat of paint shall be allowed to dry or
harden thoroughly before the succeeding coat is applied.

All paints shall be, applied by skilled workers in a workmanlike manner. Paint shall not be applied
during damp weather and on the surfaces, which are not entirely free from moisture. Rust
preventive compound shall be applied by any convenient method to ensure complete coverage of
heavy coating. After the final application the paint film shall be allowed to cure at least for 7 days.


The painted metal work shall be handled with care so as to preserve the shop coats. The area of the
shop paint, which has been damaged during transport shall be cleared to base metal and repainted.
Paint applied to such areas shall be of the same type as used originally in shop painting.
For guidance during the installation of the work and subsequently for guidance of the plant operating
and maintenance staff, Contractor shall prepare manuals.
The manuals shall include a separate and complete section describing the normal and emergency
operating procedures for the gates and control equipment and shall include easily read
diagrammatic drawings of the equipment to facilitate understanding of the descriptive
The manuals shall describe and illustrate the procedure for assembling, adjusting, operating and
dismantling of each component and control system besides identification of parts for ordering
the replacement. The management of each component shall be described, including the
recommended frequency of inspection and lubrication.
Manuals shall also describe and illustrate procedures for installation, storage, handling,
unloading, reloading, unpacking and up keeping of each component and of the system.
Manufacturer shall ensure that his installation supervisor has a copy of all approved drawings and
the manuals in his site office.


For seeking Employer’s approval for transportation of any equipment/materials/components, the
Contractor shall submit all relevant inspection and test records in quadruplicate, duly signed and
accepted by manufacturer's Quality Assurance Group and by Employer, whenever required to be
Contractor after final test and acceptance of equipment at site shall submit 10 (ten) complete sets of
abridged inspection and records for all equipment supplied.


For handling equipment, assembly and maintenance of gates and stoplogs, hydraulic hoist, gate seals,
gantry crane, the manufacturer shall supply a list of all special tools required for assembly
/dismantling and alignments.
Handling equipment required for installation of gates, hoist, cranes and embedded parts should also
be, arranged by the Contractor.


All gauges meters and other instruments etc. shall have dials or scales calibrated in metric system.
All nameplates, instruction plates, warning signs, etc. shall be in English. All equipment shall be
provided by a securely fastened name plate showing the maker name, model, serial numbers, year of
manufacture, main characteristics data of the respective equipment and further relevant information
specified in the applicable standards or necessary for the proper identification of the equipment
The Contractor shall supply and also install label plates and other labeling, (of the screw-on type)
on control boards, control desks, panels and other places where required for operational functional
and safety reasons. The labeling size of the plates and their locations shall be subject to approval by
the Employer. A sample of label plates (with indication of the material used) with lettering shall be
submitted for this purpose. The number and sizes of the plates shall be optimum.


4.14.1 The sub-assemblies and parts shall be assembled and tested in shop to ensure that parts are
correctly fabricated and properly aligned. Prior to shop assembly and testing, the Contractor
shall submit for review an outline of the procedures and tests, which are planned to be
performed to demonstrate the fulfillment of the requirement of these specifications. The cost
of carrying out the test shall be borne by the Contractor However, shop assembly testing and
test of bought out items would be carried out at the instruction and discretion of the
Employer or his authorized representative.

4.14.2 All gate frames and appurtenances shall be shop assembled so as to allow for
adjustment of various dimensions to make them conform to the designed dimensions,
fits, tolerances, surface finishes, clearance etc. In the event it is not possible to
complete the gate leaf or any other equipment/component in the shop, they will be
accurately assembled in the shop using temporary connections, and various critical
dimensions shall be verified.

4.14.2 The embedded metalwork to be furnished under these specifications shall be shop
assembled to the extent possible. Special care shall be taken in all phases of work affecting
the strength and rigidity of anchorages and embedded tie flats (if provided) since the correct
operation and stability of gates are largely dependent upon the strength and accuracy of
these parts. The trunnion girders (if provided) shall be completely fabricated in the shop.
The cost of carrying out the tests shall be borne by the Contractor and included in the lump
sum price bid in the schedule. However, at the discretion of the Employer the above tests
shall be carried out by the Contractor on the shop assembled parts and brought out items to
the extent and in accordance with the instructions of the Employer. The trunnion girders
shall be suitably stress relieved in an annealing furnace in accordance with standard practice.
The fabricated parts and assembly of gates / gate frames and other equipment shall be
inspected and operational tests observed by the Employer or his authorized representative.

The assembly of each wheel trackside, guide tracks seal seat and sill beam
assemblies should be made for full length. The dimensions finish and accuracy of
machining shall be checked in the shops. The side seal assemblies and top seal seat
assembly shall be assembled to ensure that the seal seats are in plane as required and
conforms with the designed dimensions, fits, tolerances, surface finishes, clearance


Pullies, shafts, shafts bracket bushing/ bearing assembly shall be carried out in the
shop and checked for dimensional accuracy, fits and tolerances of mating


All radial gates shall be fabricated on the jig & fixtures. All gates, frames and
appurtenances shall be assembled in the shops to assure accurate fit and proper
alignment of all parts and that the overall dimensions and clearance are as covered
by these specifications. While the units are assembled the holes for field connections
shall be reamed to full size.


The stoplogs shall be shop assembled so as to allow for adjustment of various

dimensions to make it conform to the designed dimensions, fits, tolerances, surface
finishes, clearances etc. In the event it is not possible to complete the assembly of
stoplogs unit or such other components in the shop, they will be accurately
assembled in the shop using temporary connections and various critical dimensions
shall be verified.


The hydraulic cylinders, the power pack and the interconnecting pipe, valves etc.
along with the control panel is to be assembled on the shop floor and tested. Each
cabinet assembly, complete with electro-hydraulic valves shall be tested.


The gantry crane shall be centered and supported by two parallel and level rails
spaced suitably between centers to form the runway after accurately aligning all shaft
couplings, bearings and gears. They shall be doweled with pin and straightened by
shear blocks if necessary. The hoist and gantry drive shall be operated by power to
check the operation of the gearing. The hoist shall be operated for 15 to 30 minute in
slowest speed to demonstrate that the equipment has been designed for continuous
duty. The gantry shall be made to travel for distance of about 20 meter if space
permits. Alternatively driving wheel shall be rotated under power to demonstrate
satisfactory operations. Concentricity of each wheel of gantry shall be checked by
dial gauge.

The Contractor shall have to carryout the full load and 25 percent over load tests at
the manufacturer's works for these hoisting motions of the cranes/ hoists as per
relevant IS.


5.1.1 The equipment covered by these specifications and specification drawings shall be
furnished and erected by the Contractor completely at the project site. The Contractor
shall prepare a complete erection procedure which shall describe the sequence of
operations to be carried out, the method to be used, the measurements to be taken and
the tolerances to be met in the erection and alignment of the equipment. Such procedure
shall have the approval of the Employer prior to the commencement of fabrication and
when approved, shall form a part of the specification furnished by the Contractor.

5.1.2 This specification does not cover the provision for generally structure steel work.


5.2.1 Erection tolerances for embedded parts in 1st stage shall be as specified or as per
relevant IS code.

5.2.2 The Contractor should be prepared to accept reasonable inaccuracy in the location of 1st
stage anchors installed by the other Contractor if any without asking for compensation.


Gate frames, guides, tracks and seal seats, yoke girders; anchor girders; tie plates and
Stoplog frames etc., as applicable, shall be assembled and installed, brought to line
grade and plumb within the erection tolerance and secured in place by anchorages as
shown on the drawings or otherwise according to the best method in practice and as may
be necessary for successful functioning of these units. The erection tolerance for the
frames and guides shall be as specified or as per latest relevant IS code. Extreme care
shall be taken to ensure that their surfaces be in a true plane within the tolerance
throughout their entire length. The 2nd stage anchorages shall be strong enough to hold
the frames and guides securely in position while concrete is being placed.


All the components of the gates, hoists and operating mechanism for the whole plant
shall be erected perfectly giving due cognizance to the unit and match marks on the
components. All components shall be designed and assembled to fit snugly and shall be
watertight. In case of gates, which are exposed to floods, it is desirable to avoid the
flood period to perform erection of gate. Should it be necessary to do so, due
precautions should be taken for measures against floods, since the gate may be
submerged in water sustaining damages or the half erected gate may disturb the water
flow causing damages to the civil structure. One of the measures may be that the hoists
should be erected first and when the flood forecast is made the half executed gates
should be hoisted above the flooding water.


a) The equipment shall be erected by the manufacturer in accordance with these
specifications to the satisfaction of the Employer using most modern techniques
under the directions of the supervisory erection personnel to be provided by the
manufacturer and agreed by the Employer.
b) Any required tool or equipment which is not normally available at the work site,
as well as any, jigs or fixtures required for proper erection shall be furnished by
the Contractor. A list of such tools shall be, supplied by the Contractor.
c) Erection tolerance shall conform to BIS Standards and / or those values specified
by the Employer.
d) Erection bolts, nuts, washers and other fasteners shall be furnished for complete
installation of equipment.
e) Bolts in tension shall have a net section at root of thread 15% in excess of the net
section required in tension.


Concreting shall be done by the Civil contractor after getting a detailed programme of
fixing and aligning the embedded parts from manufacturer. Before placing the concrete
in any one lift and between placements of successive lifts, alignment tolerances shall be
checked and remedial action taken by the Contractor, if any displacement has occurred.


Except for the concreting, skilled as well as unskilled personnel shall be arranged by the
Contractor for erection of the equipment covered in these specifications.


The Contractor shall submit at the time of tender, a list of all tools and tackles that he
proposes to supply for erection, testing and maintenance of his equipment.


The Contractor shall make his own survey for transportation limitation to site. The
weights and dimensions of gates, hoists and associated equipment covered under these
specifications should be taken into consideration while planning the gate/hoist
components and suitable splicing/site assembly and jointing provided to enable
transportation up to site. The Contractor shall be held responsible for damage and
security of the equipment during transportation.


The Contractor should visualize the accessibility for erection from civil data / drawings
provided in these Technical Specifications/Specification Drawings and should ensure
proper transportation of gates, hoists and associated equipment.




The guidelines/recommendations for inspection, testing and maintenance of gates and

hoists as contained in the relevant Indian Standards viz. IS: 7718, IS: 10096, IS: 13053,
but not limited to, shall be applicable at different stages of the work viz. at the
manufacturer's stage, at the time of erection as well as after erection.


The Bidder shall state in his basic design package the place of manufacture, testing and
inspection of various portions of the work included in the contract. Employer may be
present at the time of any or all tests and the Contractor shall provide all necessary
facilities for the same. Employer shall also be entitled to access to Contractor's / Sub-
Contractor's work at any time during the manufacture of equipment and materials.

All materials entering into work shall be subject to inspection by Employer and all
purchase orders for materials and supplies carry a notation to this effect. Copies of all
purchase orders and sub-contracts shall be submitted to Employer at the time of placing
the order. Waiving of inspection by Employer shall not relieve the Contractor from the
responsibility of supplying materials and workmanship acceptable to Employer. The
Contractor shall be responsible for proving quality of material and workmanship either
by records of inspection or by immediate inspection.


All supplies (which include without limitation raw materials, components, intermediate
assemblies and end products) shall be subject to inspection and test by the Employer to
the extent practicable at all times and places. Inspection shall be carried out in
accordance with relevant Indian Standards.

If any inspection or test is made, by the Employer, in the premises of the Contractor or
Sub-Contractor, the Contractor without additional charge shall provide all reasonable.
performance of their duties. If on the request of the Employer, inspection or test is made
at a point other than the premises of the contractor or sub-contractor of the contractor it
shall be at the expenses of the Employer except as otherwise provided in the contract,
provided that in case of rejection the Employer shall not be liable for any reduction in
value of sample and used in connection with such inspection and test. All inspections
and tests by the Employer shall be performed in such a manner as not to unduly delay
the work. The Employer reserves the right to charge the Contractor any additional cost
of inspection and tests when supplies are not ready at the time of such inspection and
test. Acceptance or rejection of the supplies shall be made as promptly as practicable
except as otherwise provided in the contact but failure to inspect and accept or reject
supplies shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for such supplies to be in
accordance with the contract requirements.

The inspection and test by the Employer of any supplies or lots thereof does not relieve
the Contractor from any responsibility regarding defects or other failure to meet the
contract requirements, which may be discovered prior to the acceptance. Except as
otherwise provided in the contract, acceptance shall be conclusive except as regards
latest defects or such gross mistakes as amount to fraud.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain the inspection system acceptable to the
Employer covering the supplies hereunder. Records of all such inspection work shall be
kept complete by the Contractor and made available to the Employer during the
performance of the contract and for such longer period as may be specified elsewhere in
the Contracts.


The Employer will depute qualified Engineers for the following purposes:
Witnessing Model Test, Shop inspection and test.
The Employer shall be free to even use third party inspection for witnessing Model tests
and inspection.

The Employer shall have free access to the software(s) used or being utilized by the
Contractor for Planning and Design of hydro mechanical works both at his office
premises and at his shop premises. The Employer or his representative shall be free to
check the design and drawings etc. on his software at any time.

The Contractor shall have to impart training to 4 Employer's Engineers for about 1
month on various aspects associated with the system and equipment to be supplied, as
well as on Software Programs used in designs and preparation of drawings for the hydro
mechanical works so as to enable them to become familiar with the same.

The full expenditure in respect of travel, lodging and boarding of the Employer's
engineers for witnessing shop inspection and tests at the manufacturer's work and
training of Employer's Engineers at the office of the contractor or sub-contractor shall
be borne by the Employer.



The Contractor shall carry out in the presence of the Engineers-in-charge such tests on
the hydro mechanical equipment to determine that the hydro mechanical will fulfill the
functions for which it has been designed. Tests shall be repeated, if necessary until
successfully carried out to the satisfaction of the Employer. Leakage tests and
operational tests shall be carried out after completion of other portions of the work and
when the reservoir is at its full level. The Employer shall have the right to carry out such
tests also when the reservoir is at a level other than the Full Reservoir Level.

6.3.2 DRY TEST

Operation tests in dry shall be carried out as soon as possible after completion of
erection where all controls and permanent power supply have been connected. The tests
shall include at least two complete traverses from the maximum raised position to the
full closed/seating position. All adjustments, clearances, brakes etc. shall be checked for
proper operation.

6.3.3 WET TEST

These tests should simulate the actual operating conditions as closely as possible. At
least two complete traverses will be made from the fully closed position to the normal
raised position as follows:

When gate/ Stoplog is closed, raise gate / Stoplog to its normally open position in steps
and observe the performance including vibration.

Lower the gate/ Stoplog to the fully closed position in steps and observe the
performance including vibration.

Operation of filling valve shall be tested.

Checkup proper operation of limit switches.

Any other wet test as per technical specification of works.

Leakage tests shall be carried out with the gate lowered on to the sill. Before measuring
the leakage, the gate shall be raised and lowered several times by a meter or so in order
to dislodge any debris that may have lodged in the side seal seats. The leakage shall then
be measured and recorded. The maximum permissible leakage shall not exceed the
values specified below.

Low head gates = 2.51iters/min/meter length of the seal.

Medium head gates = 5 liters/min/meter length of the seal.
High head gates =10 liters/min/meter length of the seal. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTS


The non-destructive tests shall be carried out as specified in SNT-TC-IA Recommended

practice for non-destructive testing, personnel qualifications and certification" of the
American Society for Non-Destructive Tests or other similar International Standards. Radiographic Examination

i. Radiographic and Ultrasonic Inspection

a. All butt welds shall be 100% radio graphically examined irrespective of plate
thickness. Where radiographic examination is not practicable, UT examination may be
carried out.

b. The radiographic examination shall also be done for all class castings. All
radiographic examination shall be carried out by the manufacturer as directed by and to
the satisfaction of the Employer. The radiographic examinations shall conform to IS:
2595 and IS: 2825. The quality of butt-welding brought out by the radiographic
examination shall obtain a minimum of 5 marks corresponding to International Institute
of Welding (IIW). Black Color in accordance with IS 2825 (latest edition) Isolated films
getting lower marks may however, be accepted with the approval of the Employer in
each individual case. In addition the Employer may demand radiographic test checking
of any of the important butt weld. This shall be, carried out by the Employer. Any retake
of radiographic after rectification or defects shall also be free of charge to the Employer.

c. Whenever, dissimilar materials are butt-welded together, at least one x-ray

radiographic examination for each component of sub assembly shall be carried out at the
selected points. The number of points to be taken would depend upon the results
obtained after the first series of test are carried out. Prior to making radiographic of butt
welds the manufacturer shall place suitable identification markers adjacent to the welds.
Each marker shall be so designed and located that the image will appear in the
radiographs. The markers shall be painted stamped or fastened as directed by the
Employer and shall not be removed until all welds have been accepted. All radiographs
of welded joints shall become property of the Employer. The radiographic test shall be
carried out by the qualified technician and at such time as decided by the Employer. The
technician's interpretation reports on the radiographic examination shall be, furnished
by the manufacturer to the Employer. All precautions shall be taken to minimize
radiation hazards.

ii. Ultrasonic Examination

a. Ultrasonic examination shall be performed in accordance with the Article-5 of

ASME Boiler and pressure vessels code section V. The relevant references from ASTM
specification E-164-74 shall be also taken. The ultrasonic examinatio n shall be
performed and supervised by experienced and qualified personnel. If necessary special
type of transducers and /or higher test frequency etc. shall be adopted to improve the
reliability of the test. The equipment with recording facility shall be used for ultrasonic

b. All indications which produce a response greater that 20% of the reference level
shall be investigated to the extent that the operator can determine the shape, identify and
locations of all such reflectors and evaluate them in terms of the acceptance standard
given below:

C. Discontinuities shall be unacceptable if the amplitude exceeds the reference level

and discontinuities have length, which exceeds 1/3 t where ‘t’ is the thickness of
weld being examined. Where discontinuities are interpreted to be crack, lack of fusion
or incomplete penetration, they shall be unacceptable regardless of discontinuity of
signal amplitude.

d. The marker shall not be removed until and the welds have been accepted.

e. Defective welds shall be are gouged or chipped out, re-welded, re-rayed and the
cycle repeated until satisfactory results are obtained.

iii. Magnetic particle inspection / Dye penetration test

All fillet welds joining diaphragm plates, rings, lugs, etc. shall have smooth transactions
into the sides of plates with toes of the welds made before depositing the major bead.
The surfaces shall be ground to merge smoothly into the plate surface. The fillet joints
are subjected to magnetic particle testing / dye penetration test. The procedure of
carrying out the above test shall be as per relevant standards.

iv. Additional Examination

The Employer may direct the use of visual, dye-penetrant flux and ultrasonic methods
and equipment to supplement the radiographic examination. These additional methods
will be used to ensure that welds do not contain unacceptable defects.

The Contractor shall make available continuously throughout the contract, technicians
and all equipment necessary for ultrasonic examination of the welds.



The gates shall be completely assembled in the shop for inspection and to ensure that all
parts to be connected are fitted properly and that all the dimensions, clearance and
tolerances called for in these specifications and /or shown on the drawings have been
obtained. The gate shall be assembled in a horizontal position to ensure proper
alignment and holes of field connections shall be carefully drilled or reamed while the
gates are being assembled. The gates would be carefully match marked to facilitate re-
erection at site.

The following checks shall be carried out in the assembled gate.

a. The radius of the gate shall be measured along the height of the gate and across the
width at 1.0m both vertically and horizontally. The radius shall be within the specified

b. The clearance between the inclined arms and the load carrying anchors shall be

The gap in the skin plate between different erection marks is to be ensured to be


When the gate is fabricated in more than one unit, all the units are to be assembled in
the horizontal position such that the machined seal bases of all the units lie in a common
horizontal plane. In this position, holes for locating pins are to be drilled and reamed in
the girders of different units to ensure the same condition when erected at site. The holes
in the skin plate for the splice plates shall be drilled using the splice plates as templates.
Similarly, the holes for fixing the rubber seals are to be drilled using the seal clamps as
templates. The important dimensions i.e. c/c wheels, c/c of seal bases, distance from the
bottom edge of the skin plate and the top seal base is to be checked. Dimension from the
machined surface of the seal base to the centerline of the wheel bore is to be checked
and should be within the tolerance specified in the drawing.

In the case of gates, when each wheel is carefully located on the wheel pin, a plane
passing through any wheel, perpendicular to the pin axis and intersecting the tread at
mid-point shall coincide with similar planes through all other wheels in the same site of
the gates within a tolerance of 0.4 mm and shall be parallel to the corresponding plane
through the wheels on the other side of the gates. These planes, through the mid point of
treads shall be perpendicular to the finished surfaces of the seal bases and shall be
rotated 3600 to ensure satisfactory adjustment in all positions and to ensure even
distribution of the bearing lubricant.


The following dimensions are to be checked.

a. The C/C of bearing pads

b. C/C of seal bases.

c. Height of each unit.

d. The dimension from the top of bearing plate to the top of seal base.

In the case to top unit, the filler valve (if provided) has to be assembled with the top unit
and its functioning has to be checked.


All the equipment shall be shop assembled so as to allow for adjustment of various
dimensions to make them conform to the designed dimensions, fits, tolerances, surface,
finishes, clearances etc. In the event it is not possible to complete the equipment or such
other components in the shop, they will be accurately assembled in the shop using
temporary connections and various critical dimensions shall be verified. Under such
test, the hoist shall run smoothly without under friction, noise or chatter to the
satisfaction of the Employer. The cost of carrying out the test excluding the cost of
inspection by the personnel shall be borne by the Contractor and included in the prices.
However, at the discretion of the Employer the above test shall be carried out by the
Contractor on the shop assembled parts and bought out items to the extent and in
accordance with the instructions of the Employer.

As much permanent wiring as possible shall be completed during shop assembly. Rigid
conduits shall be permanently installed and firmly supported in so far as practicable.
Shop assembly and tests shall be carried out as per technical specification.

The Contractor shall have to carryout the full load and 25 percent over load tests at the
Employer works for the hoisting motions of the cranes/ hoists as per relevant IS.


The hydraulic cylinders, the power pack and the interconnecting pipe, valves etc. along
with the control panel is to be assembled on the shop floor and tested. Each cabinet
assembly, complete with electro-hydraulic valves shall be tested.


The field test shall be carried out under the supervision of the Contractor or his
representative and the Employer. The labor, materials, tests load and necessary lifting
tackles required for the field tests shall be arranged, provided by the Contractor and
shall be included in the price bid.


After the gantry has been erected, adjusted, lubricated and otherwise made ready for
operation, it will be tested as follows:

a. The crane shall be operated through cycles of placing and removing the stoplogs
units. The crane shall raise, lower, held in any position and transport the Stoplog unit at
rated speed.

b. The crane shall also operate with a test load of 125% of the rated capacity. The
overload test will constitute the demonstration that the hoist can raise, lower or hold in
any position without damage or excessive deflection or vibration. The test will be made
under supervision of the Contractor or his representatives and Employer.


The final acceptance of the equipment shall be based on the following:

a. Quality and workmanship of the equipment.

b. Satisfactory operation of the equipment after erection as required under these


c. Acceptance of various tests by the Employer as mentioned at para's, operation tests,

shop assembly tests and field tests.

All tests may be witnessed by, the Contractor/ Employer or his authorized
representative. On successful completion of all tests the equipment shall be accepted but
all the responsibility shall remain with the supplier within the guarantee period.


Within Defects Liability Period after acceptance of the equipment if any part of the gate
/ embedded parts are found defective because of workmanship or material or otherwise
the Contractor shall at his own expense furnish and install new parts and materials
approved by the Employer.


Should any part of equipment fail to meet the guarantee or other requirement of the
Technical Specifications within the time covered by the guarantee, the Employer may
direct the Contractor to proceed at once to make alterations or furnish new part as may
be necessary to meet the requirements. All expenses of furnishing, delivering and
installing new parts and test made necessary by failure of the equipment to meet the
guarantee and other requirements of Technical Specifications shall be borne by the
Contractor. If after due notice, the Contractor shall refuse to correct any failure of the
equipment to meet the requirement of the Technical Specification during the guarantee
period, the Employer may proceed at his own expense to correct such failure and to
collect from the Contractor an amount equal to actual expenses so incurred including
overheads and all other incidental expenses.


In case any part of the equipment is found to be defective in materials or workmanship

or develop defects or does not otherwise meet the requirements of the specifications
including errors or omissions on the part of the Contractor, the following shall apply.

a. Defects disclosed prior to final acceptance

Any defect in materials or workmanship or other failure to meet the requirements of

these specifications including errors or omissions on the part of the Contractor, which
are disclosed prior to final payment or prior to final acceptance tests, whichever occurs
at a later date, shall if so directed by the Employer be corrected entirely at the expenses
of Contractor.

b. Defects disclosed after final acceptance

Any latest defects not disclosed before date of final acceptance shall be, corrected
promptly by the Contractor entirely at his expense provided that the total period during
which the Contractor is liable for replacement due to latent defects shall not exceed
Defect Liability Period after date of final acceptance of the equipment.




S.No. Description Design Data (Tentative)

1. Clear Span 10750 mm
2. Number spans 1
3. Full Reservoir Level EL. 1029.0 m
4. Maximum water level EL. 1029.0 m
5. EL of centre line of Trunnion 1022.50 m
6. Sill level 1010.40 m
7. Crest level 1012.50 m
8. Design head at Sill level 18.60 m corresponding to FRL
9. Inside radius of skin plate 20000 mm ( within a tolerance of ± 10
mm measured on the inner surface of
skin plate)
10. Level of bottom of the gate in fully 1029.30 m
raised position
11. Operation The gates shall be used for flood control
and periodically flushing to pass logs
etc.(operation schedule for the gates
shall be submitted by the Contractor)
12. Type of arms Inclined arms
13. Type of hoist Hydraulic hoist
14. Minimum thickness of skin plate 10 mm
15. Minimum thickness of stainless steel 10 mm
side seal seat (after machining)
16. Minimum thickness of bottom seal seat 10 mm
of Stainless steel (after machining)
17. Type of side seal 'Z' type (rubber)
18. Type of bottom seal Wedge type (rubber)
19. Governing Indian Standard Codes IS:4623
20. Permissible stresses (i). Skin plate Wet and Inaccessible
and Embedded Parts (ii). All other Dry and accessible As
structural components (iii). Hoist per IS: 800
supporting structure
21. Permissible deflection l/800th span
22. Permissible bearing and shearing As per IS: 456
stresses in concrete

23. Grades of concrete to used: (i). 1st Around wall plates, Sill beam, Trunnion
stage concrete M 25 min (ii). 2nd bracket etc.
stage concrete M 30 min
24. Lubrication of Trunnion Self lubricating Bronze Bush.

S. No. Description Design Data (Tentative)

1. Clear Span 10750 mm
2. Number spans 5
Full Reservoir Level EL. 1029.0 m
4. Maximum water level EL. 1029.0 m
5. EL of centre line of Trunnion 996.30 m
6. Sill level 984.70 m
7. Crest level 985.00 m
8. Design head at Sill level 44.30 m
9. Inside radius of skin plate ( within a tolerance of ± 10 mm
measured on the inner surface of skin
10. Level of bottom of the gate in fully 999.50 m
raised position
11. Operation The gates shall be used for flood
control & periodically flushing of
sediments out of the reservoir,
(operation schedule for the gates shall
be submitted by the Contractor)
12. Type of arms Parallel arms
13. Type of hoist Hydraulic hoist
14. Minimum thickness of skin plate 10 mm
15. Minimum thickness of stainless steel 10 mm
side seal seat (after machining)
16. Minimum thickness of bottom seal seat 10 mm
of Stainless steel (after machining)
17. Type of side seal 'Z' type (rubber)
18. Type of bottom seal Wedge type (rubber)
19. Governing Indian Standard Codes IS:4623
20. Permissible stresses (i). Skin plate Wet and Inaccessible
and Embedded Parts (ii). All other Dry and accessible As
structural components (iii). Hoist Per IS: 800
supporting structure
21. Permissible deflection l/800th span

22. Permissible bearing and shearing As per IS: 456

stresses in concrete
23. Grades of concrete to used: (i). 1st Around wall plates, Sill beam, Trunnion
stage concrete M 25 min (ii). 2nd bracket.
stage concrete M 30 min
24. Lubrication of Trunnion Self lubricating Bronze Bush



The radial gates shall consist of curved skin plate supported on suitably spaced
vertical stiffeners, which are supported on horizontal girders. The horizontal girders
shall be supported by radial arms emanating from the Trunnion hubs located at the
axis of the skin plate cylinder. The arms shall transmit the water thrust to concrete
support beams spanning between two piers through trunnion brackets. Suitable
sealing arrangement shall be provided. The seals shall be fixed with the help of
M16 stainless steel bolts so as to ensure positive pressure between seal and gate leaf
to bear tightly on the seal seats to prevent leakage. The provisions for connecting the
gate with hoist shall be made. The gate shall be designed for full hydrostatic heads
corresponding to FRL with normal permissible stresses. The permissible stresses in
the skin plate, embedded parts shall be as applicable to wet and inaccessible
condition as given in IS: 4623. For other gate components the permissible stresses
shall be applicable to dry and accessible condition given in IS: 4623.

Under no circumstances shall the arms of the gate come into direct contact with
the water discharged by the gate. Under no circumstances shall the gate leaf be
allowed to come into direct contact with the lateral fixed parts during normal

No ballast shall be permitted. If necessary, the weight of the metal structure shall be
increased by increasing the thickness of the steel plates.


The skin plate and stiffeners shall be designed together in a composite manner for
the following two conditions.
a. In bending across the stiffeners, horizontal girders or as panels and
b. In bending co-acting with stiffeners and / or horizontal girders.

The co-acting width of skin plate should also satisfy the criteria stipulated in IS: 800.

The stress in the skin plate for any of the above conditions shall be, worked out in
accordance with the clause of IS: 4623. The minimum thickness of skin plate shall
be less than as specified in design data. Corrosion allowance to skin plate shall be taken
as 1.5 mm.

All skin plate splices shall be full penetration welds and smooth transitions shall be
provided at splices between plates of different thickness.


The horizontal girders may be so spaced that the bending moments in the vertical
stiffeners at the horizontal girders as a continuous beam are approximately equal. When
more than three girders are provided, the bending moment in the vertical stiffener at the
top most girders, of a higher value than at the other girders may be allowed so as to
adequately stress the skin plate. The girders shall be designed considering the fixity at
arms support. Girders shall be checked for shear at the points where they are supported
by arms. The spacing and design of the bearing and intermediate stiffeners shall be,
governed by relevant portions of IS: 800 and maintenance consideration. Drain holes
with smooth edge should be provided in the girder webs at locations, most appropriate
for drainage.

7.3.4 ARMS

As many pairs of arms as the number of horizontal girders shall be used unless vertical
end girders are provided. The arms shall be designed as columns for the axial load and
bending moment transmitted by the horizontal girders in accordance with the provisions
contained in IS: 800 taking into consideration the type of fixity to the girder.

The total compressive stress shall not exceed the permissible limit of such stress as
given in IS: 800 for various values of L/R where 1 is the effective length and r is the least
radius of gyration.

Arms shall be, suitably braced by bracing in between the arms. The bracing shall be so
spaced, that the slenderness ratio of the arms in both the Longitudinal and Transverse
direction is nearly equal.

These stresses shall be further reduced by an appropriate factor depending upon the
permissible stresses as adopted from Annex. B of IS: 4623 since the stresses in IS: 800
are based on permissible stresses of 0.66 of yield strength for bending stresses; the
stresses specified in Annexure-3 of IS: 4623 shall apply.


The arms of the gate shall be rigidly connected to the hubs to ensure full transfer of
loads. The hubs shall be sufficiently long so as to allow arms of the gate to be fixed to
the respective limbs of the hubs without having to cut and shape the flanges of the arms.
The limbs of the hubs shall be on the apex of a cone with the base of the cone along with
joints of the arms and the horizontal girders. The thickness of the webs and flanges of
each of the limbs of the hub shall be greater to the extent so as to provide adequate space
for the weld. Sufficient ribs and stiffeners shall be provided in between its webs and
flanges to ensure rigidity of the Trunnion hubs. The min. thickness of hub shall be as per
IS: 4623 clause 6.9.5.


The Trunnion pins of Corrosion Resistant steel conforming to IS: 1570 (part 5) shall be
supported at both ends on the Trunnion brackets, which are fixed to the support girders.
The Trunnions pins shall be designed for bending for the total load transferred through
the Trunnion hub. The load shall be taken as uniformly distributed over the length of the
pin bearing against the bearing. The pin shall be checked for shearing and bearing also
for the same load. The Trunnion shall be locked against rotation.


Trunnion bush/ bearing shall be self lubricating Aluminium Bronze.


The Trunnion brackets shall be rigidly fixed to the support beams by bolts and shall
transfer the total load from the Trunnion to the beam.
The arms of the bracket shall be designed to transfer the load from each Trunnion in
bearing. The arms of the bracket shall also be designed to resist any bending which may
be, encountered by them due to the component of the load parallel to the base of the
Trunnion bracket. Ribs and stiffeners shall be provided on the Trunnion bracket to
ensure sufficient structural rigidity. The bearing stress and bending stress shall not
exceed the values specified in Appendix 'B' of IS: 4623. Stainless steel bearing pads are
to be provided on the sides of the bracket to transfer load to the pier. Similarly stainless
steel pads are to be provided at the bottom of the bracket to allow the movement of the

7.3.9 SEALS

The 'Z' Type seals for radial gates conforming to IS: 11855 shall be fixed to the gate
leaf by means of counter sunk bolts made of stainless steel. The bolts shall be designed
to take up full shear likely to develop during raising or lowering the gate under
maximum head of water between the seal and bearing plates. The bolts shall be
adequately tightened to a constant torque and locked by punch mark. The seal material/
coating should be capable of withstanding the high abrasive action of the quartz charged
suspended silt laden water.

The minimum thickness of seal seats shall be as specified in design data.

The seal seat bases shall be made of plates or any structural section on which the seal
seat is fixed.

The sill beam shall be provided with the stainless steel plates for seal seats. The surface
of the sill beam shall be machined smooth and made flush with the surrounding
concrete. The section of the sill beam shall be fabricated to suit surface slope.


Guide Roller shall be provided to the sides of radial gate to limit the lateral motion or
sway of the gate to not more than 6 mm. At least two guide rollers on each side shall
remain with wall plate area when gate is in fully raised condition. Roller shall be
adjustable and removable. These shall travel on wall plate but the portion of wall plates
on which they travel shall be made of structural steel. Roller shall be provided with
Aluminum Bronze Bushing turning on fixed steel pins. Suitable provision for greasing
shall also be made. The permissible stresses in design shall be as given in Appendix 'B'
ofIS: 4623.


a. Each gate shall be capable of operating in moving water. Each gate shall be able to
shut off the maximum flow in the sluice under gravity and then close, irrespective of
its initial position.

b. In the absence of external energy, each gate shall be capable of being held in any
intermediate position.

c. Direct manual operation of the operating systems shall allow the gate to close
naturally without any energy being required. In the absence of external energy, each
gate shall be capable of opening by a back-up operating system (DG set).

d. The form of gate spillway and sill shall be selected to provide a stable nappe flow for
all regimes (flow, pressure) by fixing a shedding point, preventing damaging
cavitations and ensuring that the spilling water is aerated.

e. All the equipments supplied shall ensure that the hydrodynamic loads do not cause
vibrations that might cause damage.

Recommended materials for the components of gate are appended below:

s. Component Recommended Reference

No Materials
1. All structural members such as Structural steel IS: 2062
horizontal girders, arms, bracings,
skin plate, thrust blocks, vertical
stiffeners, hoist brackets, dogging
device, seal seat bases, wall plates
and seal clamps etc.
2. Guide rollers, Trunnion hubs Cast steel or forged IS:1030
steel IS:1875
Trunnion pins, Roller pin, Lifting Stainless steel IS:1570
pins etc. (part-5)
4 Trunnion Bush/Bearings Self Lubricating Devaglide /
bronze bushes Lubrite

5. Seal seats Stainless steel IS:1570

6. Seals Natural or synthetic IS:11855
a. Side seal "Z" type
b. Bottom seal Wedge/ flat type
c. Bolts for seal Stainless steel IS:1570
(part-5) 04Cr
7. Bearing plates at bottom of Stainless steel IS:1570
Trunnion Bracket (refer section A- (part5)
A, B-B, fig 5 of IS: 4623) 04Crl9Ni9


The hoist capacity shall be worked out on the algebraic sum of the worst combination
of the following forces during either raising or lowering cycle of the gates. The
hoist capacity thus arrived at shall be increased by 20%.

a. All weights of the moving parts duly considering the centre of gravity of the moving

b. Frictional forces including the Trunnion friction, seal friction, guide roller friction
c. Hydrodynamic forces.

d. Silt or ice load if any.

e. Any other consideration.

While calculating the frictional forces at Trunnion, the co-efficient of friction between
the self lubricating bronze bush and the pin shall be taken as 0.20 or as recommended by
manufacturer, whichever is more.

Each radial gate shall be operated by two nos. of single acting hydraulic cylinders, one
on each side of the gate. The cylinders shall be mounted at its mid point or near about its
midpoint on Trunnions. The Trunnions shall be mounted on self-lubricated bearings
protected by grease filling and rubber seals. The cylinder rod shall have a spherical, self
lubricated head / spherical plain bearing protected by grease filling and rubber seals,
connected directly to the gate. The cylinders shall be mounted on two cantilever frames
from the pier through Trunnion pedestals. The pedestals may be cast steel or of welded
construction, stress relieved prior to machining. The correct position of the assembly
shall be, ensured by stainless steel dowel pins.
The hoist cantilever frame base plate shall be bolted to the anchorage bars and plates,
installed in first stage concrete.

The scope includes the anchoring rods, as well as templates and or stiffeners to ensure a
correct alignment when embedding in the first stage concrete. The frame will be
embedded in second stage concrete.

Stainless steel hydraulic piping shall be provided from both cylinders to the hydraulic
units. The connection between the fixed and moving parts shall be by non-ageing
flexible hoses with stainless steel or other types of non-corroding integrated

The piping will partly be located on concrete face, partly in covered trench or through a
protection pipe in the concrete.

Hydraulic pipe exposed to mechanical damage or trampling shall be protected by

galvanized half-pipes, bolted to the concrete or steel structure.

The scope of work shall include the cylinders, the hydraulic power-pack, local electrical
control panel (compatible with the remote control/ indication panel), pipe and fittings
between the power pack and the cylinder, limit switches, position indicator, provision
for manual operation etc complete in all respect.

The scope of work shall also include a standby power supply with the help of a DG set
of adequate capacity.

s. Description Design data (Tentative)/ Allowable

1. Hoist capacity To be calculated by Contractor
2. No. Of hydraulic cylinders per Two
3. Type of mounting Trunnion mounting near about
midway of cylinder.
4. Operating speed 0.3 to 0.6 m/min.
5. Total vertical lift of gate Height of gate
6. Working pressure of oil As per Provisions in Section -11
7. Test pressure As per Provisions in Section -11

The hydraulic hoist shall be as per provision in specification "Hydraulic Hoist"


• Five complete sets of rubber seals including fasteners for radial gates.

• Two sets of bearing / bush and washers for a pair of Trunnion assembly of radial

• Five set of bush and washers for guide roller assembly of radial gates.

• Five set of seals for hydraulic cylinder.

• Five sets of bushes for electric motors of hydraulic units.

• Five sets of clevis end bearing of hydraulic hoist.

• Five sets of Gaskets (O-rings) for each hydraulic unit.

• Five sets of fuses, auxiliary contactors, push buttons, indication lamps, switches,
timer / relay for hydraulic hoist.

• Five sets of filters for radial gate hydraulic hoist.

• Two sets of control valves, pressure gauge, pressure switches for radial gate
hydraulic hoist.

• One set of filter for gasoline engine operated hydraulic unit.

One set of control valves, pressure gauge, pressure switches, fuses, auxiliary
contractors, push buttons, indication lamps etc., for gasoline engine operated
hydraulic unit.

One set of bushes for electric motors of portable oil filter unit. One

set of filters / papers for portable oil filter unit.

One set of fuses, auxiliary contactors, push buttons, indication lamps etc., for
portable oil filter & low vacuum dehydration and degasification unit.



S. No. Description Design data (Tentative)

1 No. of openings
2 No. of stoplogs required
3 Stoplog consisting of no. of
4 Size (overall)
5 Size of each unit
6 Crest level
7 Full reservoir level (FRL)
8 Maximum water level (MWL)
9 Top of track plate
10 Sill level
11 Clear width of opening
12 Center of Center distance of
side seal seats
13 Center to Center distance of
track plates
14 Height of each unit By Contractor
15 Design head
16 Governing standards IS: 5620, IS: 800
17 Permissible stresses (leaf) Dry and accessible condition as per IS: 5620
18 Permissible stresses Wet and Inaccessible

The stoplogs shall be of sliding type consisting of down stream skin plate and
d/s sealing arrangement supported on horizontal girders, vertical stiffeners and
end verticals. The seals shall be fixed with the help of Ml6 stainless steel bolts
so as to ensure positive water pressure between seals and Stoplog leaf to bear
tightly on the seal seats to prevent the leakage. Stoplogs shall consist of one no
non-interchangeable top unit. Other units shall be interchangeable. The stoplogs
are operated under balanced head conditions to be achieved by providing a filling
valve arrangement in the top unit. The permissible stresses in the skin plate and
other gate components shall be as applicable to dry and accessible condition as
given in IS: 5620 and for embedded parts the permissible stresses shall be as
applicable to wet and in accessible condition as given in IS: 5620. The stoplogs
shall only operate in still water and are able to close by gravity. The stoplogs shall
be designed for full hydrostatic pressure of water head corresponding to FRL with
normal permissible stresses.


The skin plate and stiffeners shall be designed together in a composite manner for the
following conditions.

a. In bending across the stiffeners or as panels and

b. In bending co-acting with the stiffeners.

The co-acting width of skin plate should also satisfy the criteria stipulated in IS: 800.
The stresses in skin plate for any of the above cited conditions shall be, worked out in
accordance with the applicable clauses of IS: 5620. The minimum thickness of skin
plate shall not be less than 10 mm inclusive of corrosion allowance. To take care of
corrosion, the actual thickness of skin plate shall be, provided by adding 1.5 mm more
than the theoretically computed thickness.


The horizontal girders and vertical stiffeners shall be designed as simply supported or
continuous beams as may be the framing adoption. The spacing between the girders
shall preferably be such that all girders carry almost equal loads. The deflection of
stoplogs shall not exceed 1/800 of span. The thickness of the horizontal girder web must
be minimum 10mm. There shall be minimum two numbers of horizontal girders in each
unit of stoplog.

The end vertical girders shall be designed as continuous beams with concentrated loads,
coming from horizontal girders, at points, where they meet the end vertical girder. The
thickness of the end vertical girder shall be minimum 20mm.


The slide blocks shall be made of Carbon Steel 40C8 conforming to IS: 1570. The slide
blocks shall have suitable curvature at the point of contact with track. The slide block is
to be welded on the gate leaf.


a. Bearing Plates

Track/ bearing plates shall be made of Corrosion Resistant steel 30Crl3/ 20Crl3
conforming to IS: 1570(5). These plates shall be fixed on the track bases by welding.
The minimum thickness of track plate shall not be less than 16mm after machining.
The width of track plate shall be minimum 120mm. The dispersion of load from slide
Block shall be at 45 degree on either side of the slide block to concrete under full
design load.

b. Bearing Plate Bases

The track bases shall be made of structural steel rolled or built up sections in welded
construction conforming to IS: 2062. These shall be embedded in 2nd stage concrete
which shall not be lesser than M-25 grade conforming to IS: 456(latest edition). The
edge distance of the track base from the groove face shall be determined on the basis
of shear strength of concrete. However, the minimum edge distance shall not be less
than 300mm from the centre of track.

The track base shall be designed as a beam on elastic foundation. The track base
shall be checked for bending stress and shear stress and its flanges for lateral
bending. The web of the track base shall be checked for compression and the
permissible stress in compression shall not be more than 85% of yield stress of the
material. The track bases shall also be checked for shear stress in concrete under the
base. The bearing and shear stresses for concrete shall not exceed those specified in
IS: 456 (latest edition). The permissible stresses in track base shall not exceeded
those specified in IS: 4622 and IS: 5620.

The lifting arrangement for the stoplogs shall be provided with respect to the true centre
of gravity of the Stoplog units in such a manner that when the gates are hung freely,
shall remain in true vertical plane. In case the lifting lugs are welded on the web of the
top horizontal girder the hoisting forces shall be dispersed through suitable diaphragms
to one or more horizontal girder below the top one. The extra stresses, if any, arising
due to this arrangement shall be combined with other stresses to ensure that the stress
does not exceed the permissible limit.


The minimum thickness of seal seats shall be 8mm after machining.

The seal seat bases shall be made of plates or any structural section on which the seal
seat is fixed.
The sill beam shall be provided with the stainless steel plates for seal seats. The surface
of the sill beam shall be machined smooth and made flush with the surrounding
concrete. The min. section of the sill beam shall be half cut ISMB 400 or fabricated 'T'
section. If fabricated 'T' section is used the thickness of the web shall not be less than
10mm and that of flange shall not be less than 16mm.

The seal material/ coating should be capable of withstanding the high abrasive action of
the quartz charged suspended silt laden water.


Guide Plates for stoplogs shall be fixed and embedded in the concrete. The
thickness of guide plate shall not be less than 32mm. The guides shall be effective
in longitudinal as well as transverse directions. The clearance between guide plate
and guide shoe shall be 4.0mm to 6.0mm in each direction.

Guide shoe for stoplogs shall be fixed on end vertical girders of the gate leafs.
The guide shoes shall be made of structural steel. The guide shoes shall be fixed
with the help of M20 bolts.


a. Contractor shall ensure that equipment supplied with Stoplog (especially the
beam) is consistent with the gantry crane design.
b. It shall be possible to install and /or remove the stoplogs from any sluice at
reservoir elevation within the reservoir operating range, and with the other
gates in any operating position or condition.

c. The stoplogs shall be installed and /or removed one by one. If shall be
possible to
lower each stoplogs into the grooves and allow it to rest on the stoplog
whatever its initial position.


Arrangement is to be made for storing the Stoplog units on the top of the
structure above FRL without encroaching on the normal road width.


The following minimum thickness is to be provided for the Stoplog units and the
embedded parts.

S. No. Description Minimum thickness

1. Skin plate 16 mm
2. Horizontal girder webs 10 mm
3. End girder webs 20 mm
4. Stiffeners 10 mm if plate or flats are used 8
mm if rolled sections are used.


The material specification for the various components of Stoplog shall be as follows.

S. No. Component Recommended Reference

1. Structural members of the Structural steel IS: 2062
stoplogs such as skin
plate, stiffeners,
horizontal girders and
vertical girders etc.
2. Lifting brackets, guide- Structural steel IS:2062
shoes, etc.
3. Track bases, seal bases Structural steel IS:2062
4. Anchor plates and Structural steel IS: 2062
anchorages etc.
5. IS: 1570 (part 5)
(a). Track plates Stainless steel 30Crl3/20Crl3
IS:1570(part 5),
(b). Seal seats Stainless steel 04Crl9Ni9
6. Bearing pad 40C8 IS: 1875
7. Seals Natural or IS:11855
a. Side seal b. Synthetic rubber
Bottom seal Music note type
Wedge / Flat type
8. Bolts for seals Stainless steel IS:1570(part 5),
9. Lifting pin Stainless steel IS:1570(Part5)


The Stoplog units are to be operated through an automatic lifting beam and an
electrically operated gantry cranes. The height of the crane shall be of sufficient
height to accommodate the Stoplog unit and the lifting beam with a clearance of
about 0.8m between the bottom of the Stoplog unit and the top of the concrete


The hoist capacity shall be worked out on the algebraic sum of the following forces
developed during the lifting of the Stoplog units. The hoist capacity thus calculated
shall be increased by 20%.

a. All weights of the moving parts of the heaviest stoplog unit

b. Sliding friction and seal frication developed due to a differential head of

1.0 m
between the u/s and d/s of stoplog

c. Weight of lifting beam.


One no. of lifting beam has to be provided along with the gantry crane. The lifting
beam shall have the automatic engaging and disengaging device. The lifting beam
shall be designed as per IS 13591.


s. Description Design data (Tentative)

1. No. of cranes required One
2. Duty class of crane Class II, out door type
Crane structure IS: 807 and IS: 3177
4. Main hoist Rope drum hoist
5. Hoisting speed 1 to 1.5m/min
6. Crane travel speed 3 to 5m /min
7. C/C of rails, height of crane, wheel To be decided by Contractor
base etc.
8. Operator's cabin To be decided by Contractor

The gantry crane shall be as per provision in specification "Gantry Crane".


• One complete set of rubber seals (not drilled) including fasteners for

• Two sets of fuses, auxiliary contactors, push buttons, indication lamps,

• switches and limit switches for gantry crane.

• Two sets of bush / bearings for electric motors for gantry crane.

• One set of all types of grease nipples.

• 2 complete wheel, bearing and axle assembly.

• 1 set of wheel bearings.

• 2 set of brakes, blocks (or packet of discs) per brake.

• One set of hoisting wire ropes.

• 1 brake magnet or electro hydraulic thrusters of each type.

• 1 relay of each type (if any).


For inspection and maintenance of the radial gate, the set of stoplogs provided for the
lower level spillway shall be utilized on upstream side groove provided in the upper
level spillway. Gantry crane provided for the operation of stoplogs of lower level shall
be utilized for use of the stoplogs for the maintenance of the upper level radial gate as


Trash racks are to be provided on the u/s of the intake tunnels. The trash rack
panels are to be designed in convenient heights and are to be removable type.
The trash racks are to be designed as per IS: 11388. The removable trash rack
panel shall be operated by Trash-rack cleaning machine.

The scope of work shall comprise the design, manufacture, testing, transport,
erection, surface treatment and commissioning of the following.

9.2 a. Complete trash rack panel sets.

b. the trash racks.
c. Set of spare parts.
d. Trash rack cleaning machine.
e. Handling structure.
fra All components, devices, items and equipment not mentioned above but necessary for the
safe and proper manufacture, transport, testing, operation and maintenance of the trash
mes rack.

s. Description Design Data (Tentative)

1. Nos. of sets

2. Overall size of trash rack (w x h)

3. Bar Spacing

4. Inclination
5. Sill level
6. Top of deck (Deck Level)
7. Design head for vertical bars
8. Design head for supporting members
9 Allowable stresses & deflection As per IS: 11388
10. Type Removable - operated by Trash Rack
Cleaning Machine
11. Minimum thickness of vertical bars 12 m


S.No. Description Design Data (Tentative)

1) Nos. of sets
2) Type Removable - operated by Trash Rack Cleaning
3) Overall size of trash
rack (w x h)
4) Bar Spacing

5) Inclination 15 to vertical
6) Sill Level
7) Top of deck (Deck

Each Trash rack panel is to be provided with two nos. of lifting lugs and two nos.
of locating pins. Holes shall be provided in the webs of bottom horizontal girders at
the corresponding locations.

The trash rack bars are to be checked for buckling. Suitable bracings are to be
provided on the d/s of the horizontal girders to ensure rigidity of the panels during

The trash rack bars shall facilitate an active cleaning of all parts of the rack area by
the trash rack cleaning machine. The horizontal bars (if provided) shall allow the
teeth of the rack cleaner to enter at least 25 mm in between the vertical bars.

The vertical bars are to be checked for resonance.

The embedded parts of guide frames and sill beams shall be provided with erection
bolts for accurate setting and leveling prior to placing of 2nd stage concreting.

The embedded frames are to be designed to limit the bearing stress in concrete
within the permissible limits.



The trash rack cleaning machine runs on rails along the intake. The rake will
serve every intake trash rack, and will be used without interrupting the power
generation. During normal operation, the maximum water velocity through the
intake trash rack is below 1.0 m/s.

The trash rack cleaner shall have a pleasant appearance. The operator's cabin shall
be located to provide full vision of the rack movements.

The reference list describing previous deliveries shall be included with the Tender.

The specification is made under the assumption that a wheel guided; wire operated
rake will be offered. The Bidder might, however, offer a hydraulic operated rake,
using a telescopic hoist cylinder and a hydraulic operated, rocking frame. If so
lateral guides are necessary, the rake width might be reduced to 2.0m. This
alternative will only be considered if the Bidder can prove successful installations
of similar trash rack cleaners.


The supply shall comprise the design, manufacture, testing, transport, erection,
welding, surface treatment and commissioning of the following:

• 1 (one) Trash rack cleaning machine, complete with rake, rake hoist and controller.

• 1 (one) Hoist boom with electrical wire hoist.

• 1 (one) Set of rails and power supply

• 1 (one) Trolley for the transportation of trash.

All necessary anchors, bolts, ribs, foundation plates, feet, lugs, temporary internal
strengthening structures and any device for alignment and fixing to concrete.

All components, devices, items and equipment not mentioned above, but
necessary for the safe and proper manufacture, transport, testing, operation and
maintenance of the supply.


Sr. Description Design Data (Tentative)

1. Operation deck
2. Length of rails, electric supply
Traveling speed
4. Racking width, approximately
5. Lowest rake position To be decided by Contractor
6. Rake guides, inclination 15° to vertical
7. Rake free opening during lowering To be decided by Contractor
8. Rake net capacity 2.0 t
9. Rake hoisting speed 5 m/min.
10. Max. Transverse velocity during raking 1.0 m/s

11. Max. Transverse velocity, design flood 1.5 m/s

12. Wind velocity As per relevant IS code
13. Seismic factor, horizontal As per revised Seismic Report
14. Seismic factor, vertical As per revised Seismic Report

9.8 All information concerning elevations, lengths, etc. must be confirmed by the
Contractor prior to the manufacture.

9.9 In designing, all relevant factors that have a bearing on the calculations and design must be
considered, e.g. water transverse velocity, gross and net loads, erection procedures.

The most unfavorable situation shall be taken as the basis and governing factor for the
final design of the structure.

The trash rack cleaning machine shall as far as applicable shall be designed according to IS:
6938, IS: 807, IS: 3177as used for cranes of class II.


Tolerances on dimensions and shape shall be as specified under the relevant codes.

9.10 Materials

The materials to be used for construction of the structural parts shall be as per IS: 2062.


9.12 Trash rack Cleaning Machine

The supply shall include a complete trash rack cleaning machine including hoist,
rake, controllers and rails.

The rake shall travel along the height of the trash racks by galvanized wires. No
part of the structure shall interfere with the trash rack itself. The rake shall be
guided in the slots, and shall be designed to operate at moderate transverse water
velocities and being safely held at higher transverse velocities. Hoist and traveling
mechanism shall be electrically motored, but the positioning of the rake, except
for the top and bottom position, and the operation of the cleaner shall be manually

The rake guides shall be designed to avoid running out of the lower part of the
guides, being open to prevent accumulation of sediments. The teeth shall protrude
about 25 mm between the bars.
The cleaner frame shall be rigid and dimensioned to carry the load of the hoist
machinery, the maximum rake load. If the cleaner frame is subdivided during
transportation, major joints shall be doweled and bolted.

The wheels shall have double flanges and wheel carriages shall have buffers at the outer
side as well as sturdy retainers to prevent the cleaner from tilting at adverse conditions,
i.e., maximum rake load. Sufficient counterweights for the maximum rake load shall be

The Bidder shall include a description of the working action of the rake mechanism and
its hoisting machinery. Collected trash shall be firmly held by the rake bucket when the
rake is running upwards. The buckets shall close automatically when the rake reaches
the lowest point of each run, either initiated by the upward movement of the rake itself,
or by separate wires or other means.

At the upper position, the rake shall be above a horizontal /inclined plate welded to the
plate forming an elongation of the concrete face. The plate shall protect the rail and the
power supply, and the length shall be sufficient so that the trash can easily be raked into
the trolley.

All hinged joints, wheel spindles, gears, etc. on the rake shall be equipped with self-
lubricating bushing, well protected against the Silt-Laden water. All spindles shall be
made from stainless steel. The rake teeth shall be replaceable, made of hardened, or
abrasion resistant steel.

The main hoist of the cleaner shall be, protected by a well-ventilated steel sheet cabinet.
The cabinet shall contain all parts of the operating machinery, electrical components
and ample room for inspection and maintenance. Electrical light shall be included, as
well as door locks.

The trash rack cleaner shall be operated from a platform with rails and a light roof at
one side, giving a good view for the operator. The control cabinet, protection class IP
44, shall have easy operated controllers and an accurate and reliable indicator of the
rake position. The tripping of the overload protection for the rake as well as at slack rate
hoisting wire shall be clearly indicated. The cabinet shall have a switch for automatic
rake stopping at the bottom of the intake trash racks.

Electric power for the trash-rack cleaner shall be supplied through an insulated
conductor rail along the front concrete, and with a lockable main switch at the cleaner

9.13 Rails and Electrical Supply

The rails shall be erected on the intake breast wall and on the deck, with anchorage to
withstand possible uplifting forces from the trash rack cleaner or the hoist. The rails
shall be provided with sturdy brackets and /or buffers at each end.
The heavy duty, corrosion resistant hand safe electrical supply, protected at least to IP
44, shall run along the breast wall, being partly protected against mechanical damage by
the concrete.

At the downstream side there shall be an electrical terminal box, protection class IP 44,
with an emergency switch in front. Electrical supply up to this box is a part of the
Electrical Works.

The rails and the electrical conductor will cross expansion/ contraction joints in the
concrete, which must to be considered during the design.

There may be adjustments on the lengths of the rails and the electrical connector.


The supply includes a trolley, designed for running between the cleaner frame legs,
below the trash rack cleaner raking board. The trolley shall have rubber tires with ball
bearings, and shall have standard connections for pulling or pushing by a tractor, the
latter not being part of the supply. The flooring shall be designed to allow easy, manual
emptying to both sides and one rear side. The trolley shall be pin connected to the
cleaner frame so that both travel simultaneously along the intake length. Disconnecting
the pin or pins frees the trolleys to be pulled by a tractor.


The supply shall as far as possible be shop primed and given 2 finishing coats before
transportation from works. The paint system selected shall be according to the
Specifications. Touching up and a final finishing coat shall be, done by the Contractor
after erection.


Spare parts shall be supplied as listed below:

• Two sets of detachable stainless steel combing rake teeth strip with fasteners.
• Two sets of wheel assembly.
• One set of control relays
• One set of motor protector.
• One set of terminal switch.
• Three sets of limit switches of each type.
• One set of push button.
• One set of brake linings for each type of brakes.
• One set of motor carbon brushes.
• Ten sets of fuse elements, lamps, indicators etc.,
• Two sets of 10 % of all nuts, bolts and washers.
• Two sets of bearing / bushes of all motors.
• One set of all types of grease nipples.
• One set of electronic print cards of each type.
• For hydraulic system of TRCM & Grappler.
• One set of gaskets, packing seals etc.,
• One set of overload switch.
• One set of solenoid, valves, pressure gauge, and pressure switch of each type.
• One set of terminal switch
• One set of relays.
• One set of self-lubricating bearing / bushes of each type.
• Two sets of fuse elements.
• Two sets of oil filter.

Spare parts not mentioned, but deemed necessary by the Bidder for a minimum of 5
years of operation, shall be included.

All spare parts shall be clearly marked and properly packed for long time storage.


The trash rack cleaner with equipment shall be delivered at the storage yard close to the
construction area. The Contractor shall clearly state where and how the supply items are
manufactured and transported to the site.

All parts shall be finished and ready for erection before the transportation. Parts to be
assembled at site shall have ready made weld groves and holes for bolted connections
shall be drilled. All parts shall be match-marked and doweled as necessary.

The local transport, site erection and field welding of all parts of the supply shall be
undertaken and carried out by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all the erections done by him, including
alignment of the rails and the electrical supply, welding tests, compliance with tolerance
requirements, anchorage, time schedule for erection, etc.

The supply shall be subject to the relevant tests specified under Inspection and testing in
the General Specification "MANUFACTURE" both in the workshop and at Site.


The steel plates as well as the workshop weld seams shall be tested according to the
section-VI-C-6 "Inspection, Testing and Final Acceptance" of these specification.


Fixed wheel types of gates are provided at intake tunnels.

The type of operating equipment, operating condition of each gate and the design
head and other details of the gates are given in the table given under section 2.
"Gates and other Hydro-mechanical works".


S.No. Description Design Data

1 Number of openings
2 Number of gates
3 Clear width of opening
4 Clear height of gate opening
5 Gate Type Fixed Wheel
6 Slope of gate guides Vertical
7 Sill elevation
8 Deck and dogging elevation
9 Gate operating platform elevation
10 Gate hoist type Rope Drum Hoist
11 Hoist capacity
12 Full Reservoir Level (FRL)
13 Design head

14 Maximum Water Level (gate crack

15 Lifting speed 0.5m/min± 10%
16 Lowering speed 0.5m/min± 10%


Fixed wheel type, gate shall be designed as per IS: 4622. The bottom of the gate
has to be suitably shaped to get the best hydraulic performance. Suitable down pull
and uplift forces are to be considered for calculating the hoist capacity and self-
closing of the gate. The values so considered in the design are to be
substantiated with necessary documents. The gate is to be designed and
fabricated in convenient units with the horizontal joints, which are to be bolted
together at site to form a single piece. 10% of the bolts are to be turned and fitted
bolts conforming to IS: 3640. The joints between the units are to be flexible enough
so that the wheels of all the units are free to deflect and to have contact with the
roller track.

The gates are to be designed for maximum head under the FRL on the upstream
side with the tunnel on the d/s being dry. The normal permissible stresses in the
gate elements and the embedded parts under this condition shall be as applicable to
wet and inaccessible condition as given under Annex B of IS: 4622. A corrosion
allowance of 1.5 mm is to be provided for the skin plate.
The gates are to be checked for the stresses with water level on u/s being at FRL
combined with effect of earthquake.


Each unit shall have four wheels (2 on either side) and each wheel is to be fitted with a
spherical roller bearing mounted on eccentric pin. The eccentricity is to be 5 mm. The
bearings are to be protected against the entry of water by providing oils seals, O-rings
and gaskets. Provision shall be made for the lubrication of the bearings. Surfaces
coming in contact with the oil seals and having relative motion with the contact surface
shall be of stainless steel to avoid damage to the oil seal. The holes in the end girder to
receive the wheel pins are to be bored and the centre line of the hole shall be at the
specified distance from the machined surface of the seal base. The material of the
wheels, pins etc shall be as specified


The gates are to be provided with seals on skin plate. The side seals and top seals are to
be musical note type seals as shown on the drawings and the bottom seal shall be a
rectangular section. The corner seals are to be separately moulded and the joints
between the corner seals and the side and top seals are to be vulcanized at site.
Provision shall be made to pressurize the top seal from the back of the seal. The seals
are to be mounted on seal bases, which are to be, machined after complete fabrication of
gate, so that when assembled, the seal bases of all the units will lie in a common plane
within a tolerance of ±1 mm. The seals are to be clamped on to the skin plate by using
stainless steel bolts and nuts. The thickness of the clamp plate shall be 16mm and the
size of the bolt shall be M 16. If the holes for fixing the seals are through the skin plate,
in addition to standard punch washer, lead or neoprene washers are to be provided under
the head of each bolt to arrest the leakage through the boltholes. The spacing of the
bolts should not be more than 80 mm c/c approx. The corners of the seal bases and seal
clamps are to be ground to a smooth radius to avoid the damage to the seals. The top
and side seals are to be Teflon cladded wherever specified and should be of approved
quality. The seals should conform to IS: 11855.

The seal material / coating should be capable of withstanding the high abrasive action of
the quartz charged suspended silt laden water.


Each gate is provided with two nos. of guide shoes / guide rollers on either side of the
gate. The clearance between the guide and the guide shoe / guide roller shall not be
more than 6mm in all the directions. Each guide shoe / guide roller is to be fitted with M
20 bolts. Provision shall be made for the adjustment of the gap between the guide and
the guide shoes.


Lifting lugs are to be provided on the top horizontal girder. The centre line of lifting
should lie on the centre of gravity of the assembled gate. The actual centre of gravity of
the gate has to be located on the shop floor or at the site before welding the lifting lugs.
At the location of the gate lifting, all the horizontal girders are to be connected to each
other by full depth diaphragms. The thickness of the diaphragm plates shall not be less
than 10 mm. The lifting lugs are to be designed for the rope tension under brake down
condition of the motor.


The thickness of the roller track shall be calculated as per IS: 4622. The minimum width
of the track plate shall be equal to the width of the wheel plus 50 mm. The hardness of
the track shall be minimum 50 BHN more than the hardness of the wheel. The roller
track shall be provided up to the height equal to twice the height of the gate opening
from the sill level. The track plate shall be tapered at the top for the smooth entry of the
roller. The roller track had to be checked for the longitudinal bending, lateral bending of
the flanges, bearing pressure on web, bearing pressure on concrete etc. for calculating
the bearing pressure on web, the load is considered to be, dispersed through the flanges
at 45 deg. The shear stress in concrete under the track has to be checked which has to be
within the permissible value for the grade of concrete used. The weld between the u/s
flange of the track and the web shall be a full strength K- weld. The roller tracks are to
be machined to three-delta finish. Alignment bolts of 16 0 are to be provided along the
height of the roller track at a spacing of not more than 500 mm c/c both in the direction
of flow and in the lateral direction. These alignment rods are to be provided with double
nuts and washers. To match with these alignment rods, necessary inserts are to be
provided in the 1st stage concrete. The material of the track and track base shall be as
specified in the table below.


The min. sill beam section shall be a half cut ISMB 400 or a fabricated T section. If
fabricated T is used the thickness of the web shall not be less than 10 mm and that of the
flange shall not be less than 16 mm. A stainless steel plate of 100 mm width is to be
welded on the top of the sill beam. The thickness of the stainless steel plate shall not be
less than 8 mm after machining.

The sill beams are to be machined to three-delta finish. Alignment bolts of 16 0 are to
be provided along the length of the sill beam at a spacing of not more than 500 mm c/c
both in the direction of floor and in the lateral direction. These alignment rods are to be
provided with double nuts and washers. To match with these alignment rods, necessary
inserts are to be provided in the 1st stage concrete. The material of the sill beam and seal
seat shall be as specified in the table below.


Stainless steel seal seats are to be provided on the sides of the opening and at the
top to receive the side and top seals. The width of the side seal seat shall be
minimum 80 mm and for the top seal seat the width shall be minimum 100 mm.
The thickness of the seal seat shall be minimum 8 mm after machining. The top seal
seat shall a smooth taper for the easy entry of the rubber seal. The seal seats are to
be welded on the seal seat bases. The seal seat bases shall be minimum of angles
sizes 130 x 130 xlO. The seal seats are to be machined to three-delta finish.
Alignment bolts of 16 dia are to be provided along the length of the seal seats
at a spacing of not more than 500 mm c/c both in the directions. These alignment
rods are to be provided with double nuts and washers. To match with these
alignment rods, necessary inserts are to be provided in the 1 st stage concrete. The
material of seal seat shall be as specified in the table below.

10.13 GUIDE

The guides shall extend from the sill level up to the top of concrete structure. The
guide shall be from plates of minimum 32 mm thick. The embedded length in the
concrete shall be minimum 60 mm. The guides can be fabricated in convenient
lengths and they are to be aligned to be vertical in both the directions within the
specified tolerances. The guide shall have a taper at the top for the smooth entry of
the gate.

Alignment bolts of 16 0 are to be provided along the length of the guide at a

spacing of not more than 500 mm c/c in the vertical direction. These alignment
rods are to be provided with double nuts and washers. To match with these
alignment rods, necessary inserts are to be provided in the 1 st stage concrete. The
material of the guide shall be IS: 2062.


Dogging beams are to be provided at the top of the concrete structure to dog the
gate during maintenance and inspection periods.


The following minimum thickness is to be provided for the gate and embedded parts

s. Description Minimum thickness

1. Skin plate 16 mm
2. Horizontal girder webs 10 mm
3. End girder webs 20 mm
4. Stiffeners 10 mm if plate or flats are used 8 mm
if rolled sections are used.



The material specification for the various components shall be as follows.

s. Component Material Relevant Indian


1. Skin plate, stiffeners, Structural steel IS: 2062

girders and other
structural elements
2. Wheels Cast steel / forged IS:1030
steel IS:2004
3. Wheel pin, wheel track Stainless steel 30Crl3/20Crl3,
4. Seal seats and seal Stainless steel 04 Cr 19 Ni 9,
fixing bolts IS:1570(Part5)
5. Wheel bearing Spherical roller SKF
6. Guide shoes / Guide Structural steel IS: 2062
7. Side seals Musical note type IS:11855
8. Top seal Double stem IS:11855
9. Bottom seal Rectangular section IS:11855


The gates are proposed to be operated, by using rope drum hoist as specified in the
table of gates and other hydro-mechanical work, given under section 2. The rope
drum hoist shall be adequate capacity, the hoist shall be provided on a hoist
platform provided above the gates. The hoists are electrically operated. The
steel platform shall be designed as per IS: 800.

The scope of work shall include the rope drum, electrical motor, pulleys,
electrical control covers, panel, etc. complete.

The rope drum hoist shall be as per provision in specification of "Rope Drum Hoist"


a. For Gates:

• Two (2) sets of rubber seals (not drilled) along with 50% fasteners.
• Two (2) sets of complete wheel assembly of each type.

• Two (2) sets of bearing / bushes of each type

• Two (2) sets of guide shoe / guide roller assembly.

• Two (2) sets of bush and washers of guide roller assembly.

• Two (2) grease nipples and cups of each type of size to be used.

b. For Rope Drum Hoist:

• Two sets of fuses, auxiliary contactors, push buttons, indication lamps, switches,
limit switches and relays.

• One set of bearing for electric motors.

• One set of brake, brake magnet or electro hydraulic thrusters of each type.

• One (1) set electric motor of each type used in the hoist.

• One (1) set of circuit breaker for motor.

• One (1) set of hoisting wire ropes.





Dam lower level spillway Radial gates and upper level spillway Radial gates shall be
equipped with hydraulic hoists as mentioned under scope. The hoists shall be designed
to perform their intended function in accordance with the requirements of the
specifications as per IS: 10210.

All aspects of hydraulic hoists, which are not covered in the specifications, shall
conform to the applicable requirements of JIC Standards or any equivalent standard for
industrial hydraulics.

All hydraulic hoists parts and components, such as seals, gaskets, pumps, valves and
hoses that are normally or may accidentally come in contact with hydraulic fluid shall
be compatible with the hydraulic fluid employed. All hydraulic hoist parts and
components that are permanently or occasionally submerged in water or that might be
exposed to splash water or humid weather shall be adequate to resist without damage
the acting water pressure and the corrosive and other effects of submergence and
exposure. To prevent galvanic corrosion, non-metallic insulators shall be between
dissimilar metals.

Hydraulic arrangement shall ensure that the cylinders and piping are permanently and
completely full of hydraulic fluid under normal working conditions at all times, to avoid
internal corrosion effects of moisture and other corrosive agents contained in air.

Hydraulic arrangement shall ensure, insofar as possible, that there is a positive fluid
pressure within cylinders and piping, so that in the event of any lack of tightness, no air
water shall enter the hydraulic system.

Shut off valves shall be provided at all hose connections and other suitable locations in
the hydraulic system to enable convenience of those replacement and other parts
without the need to drain all oil through the system


All parts, components, and accessories that are specified herein, or that are required for
the hoists intended function shall be furnished, even if they are not described herein.
Employer shall provide power up to control room; all wiring from control room to
various hoist locations etc shall be, done by the contractor. The items to be supplied by
the tender shall include all field piping and field wiring and conduit including all pipe
hangers and supports between the various terminals of the hoist control module and
terminals of any separate hoist components (such as position transmitters) and wiring to
all components installed for remote control.

Each hydraulic hoist shall include one or more of the following major subassemblies,
which are described in the subsequent paragraphs of this section.

• Hydraulic cylinder assembly, gate position indicator.

• Cylinder assembly mounting and support structure.
• Connecting piping.
• Hoist control module, including hydraulic power unit, electrical control cabinet,
frame, housing accessories and appurtenances and
• Hydraulic fluids.


i. General

A hydraulic cylinder assembly shall include a cylinder tube, cylinder heads, piston,
piston rod, seals, accessories, and appurtenances.

ii. Design Stroke

Hydraulic cylinder assemblies shall be designed so that when the gate and hoist
assembly are erected exactly to the nominal design geometry, the piston rod shall have
an available over stroke in addition to the stroke required for complete rod extension to
fully lower the gate. This over stroke measured along the piston and travel shall he not
less than 40mm. Similarly when the gate is completely raised (to fully open position),
the hoist will have an available over stroke of 25mm minimum. Actual extent of over
stroke shall take into consideration all manufacturing and erection tolerances and other
factors like bottom seat compression for gates.

iii. Standards

In addition to other required specifications, hydraulic cylinder assemblies shall conform

to all applicable requirements of IS-2825. JS-102 10, and section VIII division I of the
ASME code. The cylinder shall be fabricated by a manufacture, which is in the cylinder
manufacturing business for minimum 5 years.
iv. Cylinder body

a. Construction: All cylinders shall be of standard mill type construction.

Cylinder body (cylinder tube) shall be manufactured from a single piece of
material and then machined in one piece. The cylinder shall be straight and
true and shall be of sufficient wall thickness to resist maximum operating
pressure and all possible forces that could be imposed upon it.
b. Interior Surface Finish: Interior surface of the cylinder tube comes in contact
with piston seals shall be continuous and without detectable offsets. Surface
shall be uniformly honed to a surface finish commensurate with the specified
maximum leakage limit and long seal life. In any case, finish shall not be
coarser than 0.33 microns.
c. Exterior Surface Finish: Outer surface of cylinder shall be sand blasted and
preserved in accordance with standard practice for surface protection.
d. Ports: Ports shall preferably be located in the cylinder heads. If located on the
cylinder tube, their edges shall be at least 6mm from the piston seal contact
line in all positions of the piston.

v. Cylinder head

a. Each cylinder assembly shall have a blind end cap and rod end head each
fastened to the cylinder tube by bolted connection. Cylinder heads shall have
machined contact surfaces for resisting the thrust of the piston and rod
assembly without exceeding normally allowable stresses, in the event of a
limit switch failure or other malfunction.

b. A gland shall be provided in the rod-head. The gland shall include a piston
rod guide bushing, piston rod seal, and a heavy-duty scraper/wiper ring,
which shall prevent the entry of foreign material into the cylinder. Guide
bushing shall be of fiber-reinforced phenolic material.

c. Design of the rod head shall permit servicing of the piston rod seal(s)
without disassembling the cylinder and while the cylinder remains in its
normal working position.

d. Water exclusion seals shall be provided as necessary to prevent the entry of

water into the cylinder.

vi. Piston

Piston shall be of steel, forged or cast in one piece and shall be equipped with seals and
guide rings. Guide rings shall be of bronze and fibre-reinforced phenolic material.
Design of the piston shall permit easy replacement of seals and guide rings.
vii. Piston rod

a. The material for piston rod shall be selected from one of the following. Solid
bar of corrosion-resistant steel of IS 1570 or ASTM A 276, type 316 or
seamless tube of corrosion-resistant steel of IS 1570 or ASTM A-276, type
316, with hard chrome plated outer surface of excellent quality.

b. Outer surface of the piston rod shall be hard-chromium plated with a

minimum plating thickness of 75 microns after machining. The chrome
plating shall be done in at least 2 stages. The thickness for each stage shall
not exceed 0.05mm.

c Outer surface of the piston rod, which contacts the piston rod guide hushing
and seals, shall be ground and polished to a uniformly concentric finish
having a surface roughness equal to, or better than 0.2 microns.

d Connection of the piston rod to the piston shall be a rigid attachment and
shall permit disassembly for maintenance.

e Piston rod eye, when used, shall be in one piece and shall have a bushed hole
for pin connection to the links leading to the gate. The eye shall be of rolled
or forged steel, rigidly attached to the piston rod by threaded or bolted
connection. Guide surface and shoulders shall be provided for proper
alignment of the eye with the rod.

f Connecting pin where used, shall be of corrosion resistant steel of IS 1570 or

ASTM A 276 type 316 or ASTM A 564, type 630. The pin shall be positively
secured against axial movement by either a shoulder on one end and a washer
and retaining pin on the other end, or by a washer and retaining pin on both
ends, or by bolted retaining plates. Use of snap-type retaining rings will not
be permitted.

viii. Seals

Piston seals and piston rod seals shall be of the chevron type packing seals for piston
and for piston rod, mechanically locked in place. Seals shall resist roll, turn and
extrusion. On hoist cylinder designed for fluid pressure acting from either side, a
separate set of piston seals shall be provided on each side.

ix. Packing

Packing or state seals such as rings shall be provided between all connected parts where
leak-tight joints are required such as between cylinder tube and head or between piston
and piston rod.
x. Speed Limiting Orifice

Cylinder shall have a permanently mounted speed-limiting orifice to limit the

downward speed of the gate not more than 3.5m/min. in case of emergence
closure/rupture in the connecting pipes.

xi. Bosses, Drains, Vents and Test Connection

a. Bosses: If bosses are provided at the hydraulic cylinder ports, they shall be

b. Drains: All necessary drains shall be provided.

c. Air Bleed Valves: Cylinder shall be furnished with at least 2 air bleed valves
for complete removal of Trapped Air. All air bleed valves shall be of
stainless steel.

d. Test connections: Cylinder shall be furnished with one test connection in

each of the fluid ports for attaching a pressure gauge or transducer.
Additional test connections shall be provided on the cylinder as required. All
test connections shall be provided with corrosion resistant steel minimum
type connectors equipped with check valves; no shut off valves shall be used.

xii. Cylinder Mounted Components:

Except for pipe connectors, pipe supports, air bleed, valves, test connections, plugs and
the necessary pressure piping, no other components shall be mounted on the hydraulic
cylinder. However, from safety consideration a control plate with at least one shut off
valve, lock valve and pressure release valve may be flanged on to the cylinder directly.

xiii. Handling Eyes

Each cylinder shall be equipped with handling eyes to facilitate easy handling during
transportation and erection.

xiv. Proximity Switches

Each cylinder shall be equipped with proximity switches, one at each end to switch off
the power unit at the end positions of the gate. Connection between the proximity
switches and the control wiring shall be weatherproof. Also the seller-supplied conduit
(including flexible conduit) up to the terminal board shall be weather proof.
xv. Gate Position Indicator

Each gate shall be equipped with a gravity activated gate position transmitter mounted
at suitable place on the gate. It shall be shockproof, weatherproof and waterproof. The
transmitter shall transmit a gate position signal to a digital meter (position indicator)
installed on the gate control panel and to the terminal blocks for connection to the
remote control panel. The indicator shall be calibrated to read openings of the gate (at
gate skin plate downstream face).


11.4.1 General

Each cylinder assembly shall be provided with two mountings, a cylinder end and a
cylinder rod end mounting, and with a support structure.

11.4.2 Cylinder End and Cylinder Rod End Mounting

a. The cylinder end shall connect the cylinder tube to the support structure
which will transfer the loads to the concrete work in accordance with the
arrangement shown on the Tender Drawings or specified in subsequent
sections of these specifications.
b. The cylinder shall be in a true vertical plane as the gate moves along its
vertical stroke.
c. Counterbalancing weights shall be provided or the pivoting point on the hoist
cylinder shall be arranged so as to minimize bearing pressures on the piston
and piston guide rings caused by the weight of the hoist assembly and
contained hydraulic fluid.
d. The hoist cylinder mounting components shall be attached to the cylinder
independently of all working parts of the cylinder assembly so that the
cylinder assembly will remain integral and operable (for testing) when the
mounting is disassembled. The bolting required to connect the cylinder heads
to the tube shall not be used connecting any mounting components.
e. Cylinder mountings and support structures shall not interfere with servicing
of the hoist cylinder.
f. Where the mounting is attached, the cylinder tube shall be provided with
reinforcing flanges and/or braces to minimize cylinder deformation under
load. All reinforcing flanges and /or braces shall be welded to the cylinder
tube before final machining of the inside diameter.
g. The cylinder mountings shall prevent the rotation of the hoist cylinder about
its longitudinal axis.
11.4.3 Cylinder Support Structures
a. Cylinder support structures shall be designed to allow adjustment and
leveling during erection. The support structures shall be adjustable in either
direction at least 16mm after it is set to the nominally correct position.
b. The support structure shall not interfere with servicing or inspection of the
hoist and gate equipment during normal maintenance.
c. The support structure, or its parts, shall be removable as necessary to allow
removal of all parts of the hoist or gate equipment.
d. The location of all removable support structures shall be fixed by position
lugs or dowels which shall position the removable components on the
embedded or permanently installed parts. These position lugs or dowels will
be, installed by others in the field after final adjustment.


11.5.1 General

a. All piping on the hoist control module and between the control module and
the hydraulic cylinder as well as on the hoist cylinders shall conform to the
requirements specified in subsequent paragraphs. Insulators shall be used to
isolate all dissimilar metals at the connection points.

b. The piping and appurtenances shall conform to the applicable requirements

of ANSI-B31.1 or equivalent standard.

c. All piping in the hoist control module shall be completely installed in the
shop before shop testing and shipping. The piping between the hoist control
module and hoist cylinder shall be finished in the shop to obtain transportable
(in no case longer than 6m) sections with all bolting in flanges or couplings
welded to the sections. Piping sections where dimensions may require
adjustment at field installation shall be prepared in the shop without welding
the flange or coupling on one or both ends of the piping sections, and cutting
the pipe to 200mm over length at each of these ends.

d. All pipe sections to be connected in the field shall be flanged using shop or
field welded flanges or shall be designed for connection in the field with
socket-welded couplings. Pipe section shall not be designed for butt-welding
in the field.

11.5.2 Piping Arrangement

a. The general arrangement of all piping shall be in accordance with the space
and clearances available from gate and operation chamber.
b. The piping shall allow easy removal and reinstallation of the hydraulic
cylinders and hoist control module. For this purpose, all hydraulic lines
connecting the hydraulic cylinders to the hoist control module shall be
provided with flexible connections at the cylinders and if necessary the
control modules. Both ends of all flexible connections shall be connected
with corrosion resistant steel shut off valves so that piping; cylinder, and
hydraulic power unit can be shut off when the connections are removed.

c. Rigid piping installed on the cylinders shall be kept to an absolute minimum,

shall be of corrosion resistant steel and shall not be welded to the cylinder.
Also no compression fitting shall be used. All connections shall be screwed

d. Manual vent valve shall be provided at all high points and wherever else
required in the system for the complete removal of trapped air. The valves
shall have threaded female ends and shall be of corrosion resistant steel or
bronze. The outlet ports of all vent valves shall be plugged with threaded
bronze plugs.

e. Piping shall not be designed for embedment in concrete.

f. Piping in the hoist control module shall be laid out such that it shall not
obstruct access to, or removal of hydraulic components for maintenance or

g. Piping shall be adequately sized to permit fluid flow and functioning of the
system without significant pressure drop between the power unit and the
farthest cylinder. The minimum size of the piping for pressure and return
piping shall be 16mm inside diameter.


a. All pipe fittings shall be of the socket welding type conforming to the
applicable requirements of ANSI B 16.1 J or equivalent.

b. All pipe flanges shall be of the weld neck type conforming to the applicable
requirements of ANSI B 165 or equivalent.


11.6.1 General

The flexible connections shall allow reconnection to the hydraulic power unit or hoist
cylinder without realignment and shall also permit the necessary freedom of movement
of the cylinder in its mounting.
11.6.2 Flexible Hoses
• All flexible hoses shall be corrugated, flexible metal hose.
• All flexible hoses shall be furnished with factory-installed fittings, which shall be
of corrosion resistant materials.

11.6.3 Pipe Supports

All pipe supports such as pipe, hangers, anchors, girders, clamps, etc. shall conform to
the applicable requirements of ANSI B31.1 MSS SP-58 and MSS SP-69 or equivalent


a. The hoist control module shall be furnished complete with all appurtenances
to provide pressurized hydraulic fluid for the operation and control of the
hydraulic hoist cylinders.
b. The hoist control module shall include a hydraulic power unit and an
electrical control cabinet. These parts shall form a single integrated
equipment package mounted on a common frame and installed in a single
housing. The hoist control module shall also include all interconnecting
wiring between these 2 sub assemblies, the required housings and all other
c. The hoist module shall be provided with separate sets of hydraulic control
and power components for each gate arranged on a common hydraulic
reservoir and separate sets of electrical control components for each gate built
in a common electrical control cabinet. The hydraulic and electrical control
and power components shall be interconnected to enable the operation of the
hoist cylinders of one gate by the pumps of the other gates.
d. The control module will be housed in the operation chamber to be provided
by the supplier. Sufficient space (at least 600mm) shall be provided all
around the control module to facilitate operation and maintenance. The
location of the control module shall not interfere with the free movement of
the men and material through operation chamber.


11.8.1 General

The hydraulic power unit shall include a hydraulic reservoir, electric motor driven pump
(for each hydraulic hoist one stand by motor pump set), manual pump, automatic
controls, pressure relief, check, flow control and directional control valves, pressure and
temperature gages, fluid level switch, filters and strainers, piping, and all accessories, appurtenances
and wiring required to provide an operational fluid power system for the operation of the hoist
according to the requirement of these specifications. AU of the components shall be mounted on the
hydraulic reservoir.

11.8.2 Hydraulic System Layout

1. Motor Driven Pumps: The number of electric motor pumps for each hydraulic
hoist shall be as described in (a) above.

2. Manual Pump: One manual pump each shall be provided for all hoists. The
manual pump shall be arranged in parallel with the motor driven pump.

3. Suction Strainers: No suction strainer shall be provided.

4. Pressure Filters: All hydraulic fluid being discharged from each pump shall
pass through its own pressure filter before entering the rest of the hydraulic
5. Return Line Filters: Hydraulic fluid returning from the system to the hydraulic
reservoir shall pass through a return line filter. A separate return line filter shall
be provided.
6. Check Valves: One check valve shall be provided in the pressure line of each
pump between the pressure line filter and the rest of the system to prevent
backpressure on the pumps when they are not in operation. Other check valves
shall be arranged in the hydraulic system as required.

7. Pressure Relief Valves:

(a) One pressure relief valve sized to pass the full discharged of one motor-
driven pump shall be arranged in the pressure line of each motor driven

(b) Pressure Relief Valves to limit pressure due to heat expansion or to limit
hoist capacity in one direction shall be provided as required.

8. Surge Suppressors: Surge suppressors (hydraulic accumulators used as shock

dampers) shall be provided in the cylinder pressure line(s) and elsewhere as
required to dampen pulsations, surges and pressure shocks in the hydraulic
system resulting from valve operation.

9. Pressure Gauges: One pressure gauge shall be provided on the common

pressure line of one or more pumps and on the hoist cylinder pressure and return
line between the hoist cylinder and hydraulic control components within the
hydraulic power unit. Additional pressure gages shall be provided as per standard
practice or as otherwise required.
10. Test Connections: Test connections shall be provided suitably.

10. Pressure Switches: All pressure switches shall be heavy-duty piston type.
(Reference may also be made to IS: 10210).

11.8.3 Fluid Reservoir:

The hydraulic fluid reservoir shall conform to IS-10210. A single reservoir with
compartments for separate fluid supply for the operation of each gate shall he provided.
Also, provision shall be made so that 3 compartments can overflow into each other.

Each compartment shall be provided with baffle plates and an access opening at each
end for cleans out. The reservoir shall be equipped with a sight fluid level gage,
minimum oil level, indicating device, dial type thermometer to indicate fluid
temperature, valve drain connection, a magnetic plug-type drain arranged to permit
complete drainage, a filler pipe provided with a strainer, a desiccant-filled breather cap
with filter, and pipe connections to a fluid purification device furnished by others. The
desiccant breather cap shall be of the silica gel type and shall be mounted directly on the
hydraulic reservoir. The breather shall function as an air filter to eliminate moisture and
particulate contamination within the reservoir. The reservoir shall be provided with
lifting and jacking lugs as required for its handlings.

11.8.4 Motor Driven Pumps

The motor driven hydraulic pumps shall be of the self-priming, positive and
constantdisplacement type. The pumps shall be driven by direct coupled electric motors
and shall be equipped with individual "Manual auto switches" and "Start-Stop" push
buttons for operating the pump in the "Manual" mode.

11.8.5 Manual Pump

The manual pump shall be of lever operated piston type. The pump shall be mounted on
the front of the hydraulic fluid reservoir, shall be operable from a standing position, and
shall not require more than 14kg, of force on the pump lever to reach nominal design
system pressure.

11.8.6 Hydraulic Control Panel

The hydraulic control panel shall be mounted on top of the hydraulic reservoir in the
plane of the front face of reservoir. All hydraulic components, which need to be
accessible for manual operation and all gages, shall be mounted on the hydraulic control
panel. Strainers and filters shall also b easily accessible for maintenance, their location
shall be such that the elements shall not spoil the instrumentation including pressure
gages and pressure switches and other critical items. All components shall be arranged
in an orderly and functional manner, and they shall be removable without removing the
surrounding components and piping.
11.8.7 Hydraulic Valves


(i) All valves shall have JIC or equivalent ratings not less than the maximum
system pressure. All pressure relief and flow control valves shall be preset in
the shop to their operational setting. All electrically operated valves shall be
furnished with suitable provisions for standby manual operation. Each valve
shall be furnished with a corrosion resistant tag suitably engraves or stamped
to identify the valve according to its designation on the hydraulic circuit
drawing and according to its function in the system.

(ii) Shut-off valves: all shut-off valves shall be ball valves.

(iii) Check valves: all check valves shall be spring loaded for closure with
minimum shock unless otherwise specified. Pilot operated check valves shall
be provided where the check valves has to open against pressure.

(iv) Directional control valves: all directional control valves shall be of

standard manufacture and nominally rated for zero leakage.

(v) Press tires relief valves: all pressure relief valves shall be of the hydraulically
operated type. The valves shall be adjustable and maintain the pressure
within 5% of the preset value.

(vi) Flow control valves: all flow control valves shall be of the adjustable
pressure and temperature compensated type with an integral check valve
for free return. All valves shall be shop tested to pass the required flow within

11.8.8 Accumulators:

Hydraulic accumulators, if any, shall be of the bladder type. The accumulators shall be
recharge with nitrogen. Each accumulator shall be furnished with an integral pressure
relief valve, shut-off valves for isolation, removal, and drainage, and a valve charging

11.8.9 Filters and Strainers

(1) Filters shall be disposable, replaceable element type. Strainers shall be of the
cleanable, replaceable element type. Elements of all filters and strainers shall
be stainless steel or Monel woven or wound wire.
(2) All filters shall be constructed and installed to permit servicing of the filter
elements without disturbing the piping and without draining the hydraulic
system and the fluid reservoir. Shut off valves shall be provided where
(3) Each filter shall be furnished with a by pass valve which shall open to pass the
flow when the pressure drop across the filter element exceeds the allowable
(4) Each filter shall be provided with a means to indicate the condition of the filter
element by visual inspection.
(5) Each filter and strainer shall be furnished with a differential pressure or
minimum pressure switch to energize a warning light when the pressure drop
across the filter or strainer reaches a predetermined value.
(6) Filter Media Rating Requirements, filter elements shall be screw on type and
shall be furnished with the following absolute ratings.

■ Low pressure line strainers 160 microns.

■ Pressure filters 10 microns.

■ Return line filters 40 microns.

(7) Pressure Drop Requirement. The maximum pressure drop across any clean
filter or strainer at normal flow shall not exceed the following values in the
normal operating temperature range.

■ 0.0703 kg/cm2 for low- pressure line strainers.

■ 0.3515 kg/cm2 for pressure filters.

(8) By-pass values: The filters shall be provided with bypass valves which shall be
set to open when the pressure drop across the filter elements exceeds 1.0545

11.8.10 Pressure Gages:

All pressure gages shall be of the Bourdon the tube type with glycerin filled housing.
The accuracy of pressure gages shall conform to Grade A of ANSI B 40.1. All pressure
gage dials shall be at least 100 mm diameter and shall have dial graduations equal to
their accuracy. The total measuring range of the gage shall be between II 0 and 200%
the maximum pressure expected. All pressure gages shall be provided with corrosion
resistant shut off valves and snubbers.

11.8.11 Test Connection:

The power unit shall be furnished with test connection at appropriate locations for
attaching a pressure gage or transducer. Each test connection shall be provided with a
corrosion resistant steel minimum type connector equipped with check valves, no shut
off valves shall be used.
11.8.12 Electrical Connections

1. All internal wiring required for the electrical equipment of the hydraulic power unit
shall be provided. All wiring shall be installed in conduits. Wiring and conduits shall
be installed so as not to interfere with access and maintenance of any part of the
power unit.

2. The hydraulic power unit and the electrical control cabinet shall be completely wired
to terminals in the shop for field interconnection by others.

3. Electrical control cabinet and the electrical control Cabinet shall be shop installed on
the common base frame of the hoist control module. (It may be removed for

4. Control Module Base Frame and Housing

a. The base frame shall have the strength and rigidity necessary to support the
weight of the equipment when lifted as a unit by cable slings.

b. The base frame shall be furnished complete with all bolts, nuts, washers,
anchor bolts, embedded anchor rails or frames and other necessary
accessories and appurtenances as required.

c. Suitable lifting beams, slings and spreaders shall also be furnished for use in
handling each hoist control module as unit during transportation and


Flushing fluid shall be supplied separate from the hydraulic working fluid to flush and
clean the complete hydraulic system of each hoist. The flushing fluid shall be
compatible with the hydraulic working fluid.


11.10.1 Piping

The piping supplied for field installation shall be free of all scale, dirt, grit, and other
foreign matter. The piping shall be cleaned at the source of its fabrication and then
sealed to prevent accumulation of foreign matter during transportation to the site. The
suppliers installation instructions shall state that the piping shall remain sealed during
storage at the site, that the seal shall be removed just prior to installation, and that after
installation has been completed, the entire system shall be free of chips of wood, dirt,
grit, waste and other foreign matter.
11.10.2 Others

The cylinders, hydraulic power units, and manifolds shall be clean and free of foreign
matter, which occurs as result of manufacture, assembly, and transportation to and
storage at the site.


(i) General:

Procedures for flushing the hydraulic system (including the list of equipment to
be supplied for this purpose and method to ensure cleanliness) shall be submitted
as part of the installation instructions. The instructions shall conform to ASME
LOS-5CI and shall include the criteria specified below.

(ii) Flushing Hydraulic Cylinders:

Immediately before the operating cylinders for the gate are connected to the
hydraulic system, the cylinders must be filled with hydraulic oil, and both head
and rod ends of the cylinder must be flushed to remove the foreign matter by
mechanically moving the piston back and forth for remove the foreign matter by
mechanically moving the piston back and forth for its full stroke. The cylinders
must not be connected to the hydraulic system until the engineer is satisfied that
the cylinders have been cleaned of foreign matter Oil used in flushing must not
be used to fill the hydraulic system.

(iii) Flushing Piping:

Before installation of hydraulic power unit, cylinders and manifold, all hydraulic
piping must be flushed. By pass loops of piping must be installed in place of
cylinders, manifolds, and the power units. Hydraulic oil must be circulated
through each and every pipe until returning oil meets NAS 1638, class 8
requirements or equivalent.

(iv) Flushing Hydraulic Power Unit:

After cleaning and prior to shipment, each hydraulic power unit shall be flushed
in the supplier's shop. The hydraulic tank shall be filled with hydraulic oil as
specified and the oil filtration system actuated with a 10-micron element in the
filter. The oil shall be circulated and filters changed as they become clogged until
the unit runs for 24 hrs without becoming clogged. After flushing of the fluid in
the tank is complete, a by-pass loop with filter shall be installed on the pressure
and tank lines of the unit and the pumps shall be alternately until the return oil
line has no foreign particles grater than 10 microns in size.
(v) Flushing Valve Manifolds:

After cleaning and prior to installation, each valve manifold must be flushed by
circulating hydraulic oil through all ports until (he cleanliness of the return meets
NAS 1638, Class 8 requirements.


(i) General:

The following specification referring to miscellaneous design details shall be

applied to all equipment specified in the contract documents.

(ii) Locking of Bolted Connection:

All screws, bolts, and nuts shall be provided with a locking device. Selection of
means shall consider service conditions according to the following guidelines.

On parts which may be subject to vibration and on connections which require

repeated adjustment or which are not readily accessible (such as bolts or nuts
inside of a hoist cylinder), a positive and reusable locking device shall be
provided on all bolts, such as a castellated nut with cotter pin or a soft copper
locking plate or washer hint over the nut and a fixed point on the structure.

On all other part, either a positive reusable locking device or spring steel lock
washers shall be used on all bolts. Lock washers shall be used in combination
with a chemical thread-1 cocking compound when required. The selection of the
compound shall consider the requirements for disassembly and maintenance.

(iii) Handling Provision:

All parts, components, and assemblies which are heavier than 12kg shall be
provided with suitable provisions for handling, such as eyebolts, lugs, hooks,
tapped holes for eyebolts, or hole with rounded corners for passing slings.


11.13.1 General

Design criteria used for hoist design shall ensure that the hoist can perform all
operations as specified and can be safely operated under any loading condition in the
environment for which it is intended.
11.13.2 Hoist Rating

a. General:

Hoist rated and overload capacities, which are dependent on the hoist design,
shall satisfy the following conditions stated with respect to required forces.

b. Hoist Rated Capacity:

Hoist rated capacity shall be pull and push the hoist will exert in rated conditions
of speed, power, pressure, etc.

c. Hoist Overload Capacity:

Hoist overload capacity shall be the exceptional pull/push capacity the hoist can
exert within stress and other limits specified for overload conditions.

11.13.3 Excessive or irregular hoisting forces

a. General:

Hoist connections mountings, and other parts of the equipment subject to such
forces shall withstand without damage the maximum output pressure of the

b. Maximum Hoisting Forces with Symmetrical Reactions

In this overload condition of the gate, the portion of the maximum pull of the
hoist, which is in excess of the required normal pull force, shall be resisted by 2
equal "blocking forces" acting at the guiding devices on either side of the gate.

c. Maximum Hoisting Forces with Unsymmetrical Reaction:

The gate shall be evaluated for single cylinder holding or lowering.

11.13.4 Standard:

Unless otherwise specified, all applicable requirements of ASME code, section VIII
division I shall apply for hoist cylinders and hydraulic accumulators. HC standards shall
apply for piping and accessories, and AISC specifications shall apply for cylinder
mounting, structures and base frames.

11.13.5 Allowable stresses:

Allowable stresses in mechanical components and related steel structures (including

cylinders and cylinder support structures) and bearing pressure shall be those specified
under IS: 10210 or equivalent International standards. As a guideline following is
stipulated: Working stresses, bearing pressure and other design criteria for mechanical
components including hydraulic cylinders, shafts, pins shall be based on the
consideration of functional requirement, dynamic loading, impact and stress connection
effects. Stresses computed for normal load conditions shall not exceed 20% of UTS or
33%of the yield points of materials involved. Working stresses for the overhead may be
increased to 80% of the minimum yield strength or elastic limit of material used.

11.13.6 Required Cylinder Pressures:

The required fluid pressure in the cylinder on either side of the piston shall be based on
the required operating forces. The effects of pressure intensification shall be considered
when determining required fluid pressures

11.13.7 Nominal System Design Pressure:

Nominal system design pressure shall be the discharge pressure of pumps when
functioning at the specified normal hoist pull capacity, considering pressure losses in
the hydraulic system between the pump and cylinder. Nominal system design pressure
shall be selected such that it is in the range of 100 to 200 kg/cm2'

11.13.8 Maximum System Pressure:

Maximum system pressure shall be the maximum pump output pressure or the pressure
resulting from single cylinder holding force whichever is greater. The pressure shall be
selected so as to be higher than the pressure to which the main pressure relief valves are
set the setting pressure of the main relief valves shall be 10% higher than the nominal
system design pressure.

11.13.9 Minimum Effective Pressure:

Minimum effective pressure in any part of the hydraulic system shall not be lower than
0.73 kg/cm2 (lOpsi) absolute pressure during normal hoist operating conditions.

11.13.10 Hydrostatic Test Pressure:

Hydrostatic test pressure shall be the higher of the following pressures as applicable for
the hydraulic system, or parts of the hydraulic system.
• 1.5 times the nominal system design pressure.
• 1.1 times maximum system pressure


11.14.1 Piston Position:

When checking design of various parts of the hoist cylinder assembly, including piston
rod, piston rod eye, and cylinder support structure, it shall be assumed that the piston is

in the most unfavorable position (extended, retracted, or between end positions) and that
the gate connected to the piston rod is either blocked or the piston is driven against
either one of the cylinder heads.

11.14.2 Normal Load:

Normal load on hoist members shall be calculated using nominal system design pressure
acting, as applicable, on either side of the piston.

11.14.3 Overload:

Design of hoist members shall consider an overload corresponding to hydrostatic test

pressure, as applicable for the rod side chamber and the cap side chamber, acting on
either of the piston.

11.14.4 Piston Rod

a. General:

(i). Length to diameter ratio of the piston rod shall not exceed 45. the rod and
the cylinder assembly shall be designed against buckling with the piston rod
fully extended.

(ii). Bending due to cylinder weight, oil weight and piston rod weight shall be
added to piston rod compressive loading with the cylinder assembly in
vertical or inclined position.

(iii). Bending due to mounting resistance shall be added to piston rod loading.

(iv). Piston rod weight component shall be considered when calculating tension
in piston rod.

b. Normal Load:

Normal load shall be calculated using the nominal system design pressure acting
on either side of the piston.

c. Overload:

Overload shall be calculated using the maximum control capacities for tension.


11.15.1 General:

Cylinder mounting support structure shall be designed based on allowable stresses for a
dynamically loaded structure. Weight of the cylinder tube with oil shall be added to or
deducted from the loads, as applicable.
11.15.2 Normal Load:

Normal load shall be assumed as 125% of the load corresponding to the nominal system
design pressure on either side of the piston as applicable.

11.15.3 Overload:

Maximum Control Force.

11.16 PIPING

Design criteria for piping shall be in accordance with 11 C standards or equivalent.


11.17.1 Hydraulic design criteria:

Pump Ratings of each pump shall have capacity sufficient to operate the hoist cylinder
at the rated sped and at a discharge pressure equal to the nominal system design

11.17.2 Reservoir / Volume:

Useful volume (between highest and lowest working level) of the hydraulic fluid
reservoir shall not be less than 200% of the active fluid volume (piston rod displacement
volume during compete hoist stroke of piston rods of all the hydraulic cylinders served
by the reservoir.

11.17.3 Structural Design Criteria

The hydraulic power unit shall be self-supporting Lifting lugs, jacking lugs,and other
handling devices shall be designed to handle the hydraulic power unit as one unit,
including nominal weight due to the rill up volume of hydraulic fluid.


11.18.1 Fluid Velocity:

Under normal hoist operational conditions, fluid, velocity in all parts of the system shall
be limited to 4.5m/sec. except in the pump suction lines where it shall be limited to

11.18.2 Fluid temperature:

Minimum fluid temperature shall be the same as the minimum ambient temperature.
Maximum fluid temperature shall be limited to 55° C.
a. Hydraulic fluid:

Hydraulic fluid shall be assumed to have the least favorable temperature

between minimum and maximum temperatures when verifying the rated hoist
capacity and speed of operation.

b. All hydraulic equipment shall be suitable for use at temperature down to -100C.

c. Tolerance for operating speed:

Specified gate opening and closing speed shall not vary more than ±10% between the
maximum and minimum ambient temperature.

11.18.3 Maximum allowable Drift:

For gate hoist, the combined leakage of the hoist of the cylinder, piping and control
valves shall not exceed an amount which will cause the automatic gate position resetting
circuit to start up the pumps more than twice in any 24 hr period.

11.18.4 Speed Changes:

Shutting of ports for speed changes shall be progressive so that the peak value of gate
deceleration during normal closing shall not be greater than 0.3m/sec 2 except in case of
emergency /rupture of hoist piping when deceleration shall not be greater than 1.6

11.18.5 Auxiliary power Unit:

An auxiliary power equipment comprising a diesel generator set of capacity 150% of

hoisting requirement of one hoist plus lighting load with one standby unit shall be
supplied and commissioned by the gate contractor. The auxiliary power equipment shall
be pressed into service in the event of failure of firm power source.


(i) All equipment for local control of the gates shall be supplied as specified
equipment on remote control panels shall also be supplied.

(ii) Local gate control cabinets shall provide an electrical interface for remote
controls including remote position indication. These features shall be furnished
for each individual gate. All interface wiring shall be wired to one terminal block
for each individual gate.


Mechanical computations based on life expectancy shall consider an equivalent

service of 5,000 hr referred to nominal (rated or design) loads; 10,000 starts shall be
the basis of design for those parts whose design is governed by the number of starting
and stopping operations.
11.21 11.21.1 MATERIALS General

Materials shall comply with the latest applicable specifications of the BIS,
DIN, ASTM or equivalent.

Defective material shall not be repaired and used in the construction of the
equipment without prior approval No peening, caulking, or filling shall be
permitted in repairing crack, pinholes. Defects in welds shall be repaired by,
chipping out to sound metal and rewelding. For defects in castings, the method
of repair shall be, mutually agreed upon by both the seller and the Engineer.

Materials not listed herein may be used subject to review of their

acceptability, application, and the maximum allowable design stresses
established by the manufacturer. Materials standards including grade, class or
type shall be shown on the appropriate detailed drawings submitted for review.
If equivalent material standards are to be used, compete details of the
standards shall be submitted for review, including a list of the materials,
their ASTM equivalents, and the identification of components of equipment
for which they are to be used.

11.21.2 Material Specifications

Structural steel IS: 2062 or DIN 17100 1100 ASTM

A 36/A 36M or ASTM A 572/A
General purpose corrosion Resisting IS: 1570 or DIN 17100 or ASTM A
(or Resistant) steel 276, type series 300.
Corrosion Resisting (or corrosion IS: 1570 or DIN 17100 ASTM A
resistant) steel for machinery use 276, Type Series
and for bolts, nuts and bars
Hardened corrosion- resisting (or IS: 1570 or DIN 17100 or ASTM
corrosion-resistant) steel for 564, Type
machinery use, for high strength
Corrosion resisting (or corrosion- 630 IS: 1570 or DIN 17100 or
resistant) steel for over welded ASTMB 166

Forged steel IS- 1875 or ASTM A 668 or

Steel bolts and nuts ASTM A 307, ASTM A 325, ASTM
A 490 or equivalent
Cast steel IS-1030 or DIN 17100 ASTM A 27/
A 27M. Grade 65-35 and ASTM A
486 A/ 486 M, Class-70
Brass or bronze IS-305 ASTM B 21, alloy no. 464
half hard (naval brass)
Chromium plating with a minimum ASTMB 177
thickness of plating not less than 50
microns after finish grinding and
Lock washers Spring E proportion regular series
Expansion anchors of reputed make ... Do —
Adhesive Anchors
Concrete anchors studs of reputed — Do —
make. Lubricating Fittings
Steel pipe flanges and flanged Flanges ANSI BJ6.5 or equivalent
Epoxy grout of reputed make
Seal washers Seal washer of plated steel with
nitrile sealing element
Fluoro-carbon (PTEE) bushing Of reputed make
lubricating grease lubricating oil
Hydraulic oil Mobil-D.T.E.IO series or equivalent

11.21.3 Standard Products

a. All equipment and materials shall be new and shall be essentially standard products
of manufactures regularly engaged in the production of the type of equipment and
materials specified in the contract document. Like items shall be product of a single

b. The sizes, ratings capacities and dimensions of the various standard equipment
items listed in the contract documents are based on currently available standard
products. Reasonable deviations will be allowed to permit supply of standard
equipment. In no case the capacity furnished be less than specified, unless approved.

11.21.4 Threaded Fasteners, Pipe, Anti-Friction Bearings and Gears

All bolts, screws, rivets, threads, pipe, ball and roller gages and gears shall conform
to US/BIS/DIN standards. Screw threads for screws, bolts, nuts, and other
threaded hardware shall conform to ANSI B 1.1.
11.21.5 Asbestos

Equipment and materials shall contain no asbestos products (e.g. gaskets, peaking brake
pads, etc.


(i). One control cabinet shall serve each gate. The electrical control cabinet shall
contain all relays, time delay relays, motor starters, disconnecting switches
control transformer contactors, convenience outlet and lighting receptacles, and
any additional electrical equipment required to provide proper and safe operation
of the hoists. The convenience outlet shall be installed 'outside the cabinet, on
the sidewall. All other electrical control components shall be mounted inside the
control cabinet. A main disconnect switch shall be mounted in each control
cabinet. The controls may be conventional (hard wiring), or an electronic
programmable controller may be used.

(ii). The control cabinet shall have-3 doors. Local control panel, for the gate shall be
arranged on the outside of the doors of the electrical control cabinet. The
control panel for each gate shall be arranged on a separate door. The control
panel for gate shall be separate and clearly segregated and identified.

(iii). The gates shall be controlled by means of momentary push buttons. Gates shall
operate in the opening or closing direction continuously until stopped by either
the stop push button or applicable limit switch.

(iv) The control cabinet shall be fully wired in the shop. The only wiring required
in the field should be the wiring between the cabinet terminal blocks and the
components located outside the cabinet.


(i). The enclosure of the local control cabinet shall be NEMA type4 IP 66 or
equivalent cabinet constructed of heavy gauge steel not less than 3mm, thick.
This cabinet shall be provided with hinged and gasketed doors on the front for
full access to the equipment. Tamper-proof locks shall be provided on the doors
of the enclosure.

(ii). The control cabinets shall be provided with spaces for conduits entering from
below as required.


(i). Contactors for the control system of each of the gates shall be provided in each
control cabinet.
(ii). Contactors shall be of 1.2.3 or 4 poles and of appropriate current and voltage
rating for the application. The contactors shall be of the normally open,
magnetically held type.

(iii). The contractors shall be rated in amperes for all classes of loads, interrupting
capacity shall be 6 times rated current. No de-rating shall be necessary when used
on high inrush current loads. Each pole of the contactors shall be furnished
with magnetic blowouts.

(iv). Control Panel: The control panel shall contain all the pushbuttons, indicating
lights, selectors and transfer switches, meters, and other indicating devices
required for proper and complete operational control of the hoist. All control
items shall be functionally in appropriate locations.


11.25.1 Lighting:

The control cabinet shall be provided with lighting to facilitate operation and
maintenance. The lighting circuit shall include an ON-OFF switch.

11.25.2 Outlets:
One duplex convenience outlet shall be provided with each control cabinet for
maintenance tools. They shall be rated IS: A2 pole, 3 wires. The outlet shall be
installed, complete, outside the cabinet, mounted on the sidewall of the cabinet.

11.25.3 Lighting and outlet circuits

Shall be obtained from separately fused circuits derived from the common control

11.25.4 Common Control Transformer:

A control transformer shall be provided in each of the control modules. The transformer
shall have sufficient volt-ampere capacity to continuously carry the control circuit load
required for the control module plus the load of space heaters lighting and outlets. A
fuse shall be provided in each ungrounded leg of the control transformer secondary and
primary. The minimum control transformer rating shall be of 2500 VA.

11.25.5 Grounding:
Control assemblies shall include a 6mm by 25mm copper ground bus. The housing
framework and other noncurrent carrying metallic parts of all equipment shall be
securely conducted to the ground bus. Holes shall be drilled at each end of the bus to
accommodate equivalent standard 2 bolt lugs furnished by others.
11.25.6 Instruments:

Instruments shall be calibrated in the IS customary system of units.


(i). The control panel for each gate shall be furnished with a large permanent main
name plate affixed to the control cabinet in a conspicuous location, showing the
Employer's identification number and designation of the hoist and the year of

(ii). Additional nameplates shall be provided to indicate main operating instructions,

caution or warning for personnel, and operational safety. In addition, each panel
mounted instrument, pressure gage, position indicator, pushbutton, switch, light
and other device related to the gate operation shall be identified by a permanently
affixed nameplate describing the control functions. Each item of the control
panel and each pump, motor, relief valve, flow and directional control valve,
flow and directional control valve, check valve, and so on shall be assigned a
designation (to be shown on the supplier's control panel drawing) and labeled
accordingly, clearly identifying the gate to which it belongs. Electrical wiring
and instruments including relays shall also be labeled to correspond to the
numbers assigned on the electrical control schematic.

(iii). Each major and auxiliary component of the control system shall have a
nameplate permanently affixed thereto showing in legible and durable manner
the serial number, name and address of the manufacturer, rated capacity, speed,
setting, electrical characteristics, and other significant information, as applicable.
Nameplates or distributing agents only will not be acceptable.

(iv). In addition to the hoists, other items of the gate equipment shall also be provided
with nameplates containing operating instruction, warnings, or other information
essential to the proper use of the equipment.

(v). The above general nameplate requirements are also for use in preparing name
plate lists and drawings to be submitted for review. Drawings for nameplates, as
they will appear on the finished equipment shall be submitted for review.

(vi) All nameplates shall be in English and shall be suitably engraved and shall be
weather resistant. All nameplates shall be permanently attached to the
respective parts, components, or equipment items in clearly visible locations.
Nameplates for control equipment shall be screw mounted laminated plastic,
white with black cores, with engraved capital letters of 6 mm minimum height.

(vii). Cable and wire markers shall be identified with adhesive, self- laminating type
markers. The markers shall be printed with the cable designation or with the
conductor designation shown on the drawings. The clear laminate shall overlap
the legend and shall be resistant to oils, abrasion and high temperatures.


Following publications referred for the above for the basic designation only, form a part
of these specifications. Latest editions of these standards shall be referred.






IS: 305

DIN-19704 DIN 17440 DIN-17100

ASME code div. I Section-VIII-Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. ANSI-B 1.1- Unified
Inch Screw Threads.

ANSI-B 16.5 - "Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings". ANSI-B6.11

- "Forged Steel Fittings, Socket Welding Threaded". ANSI-B31.1-

"Power Piping".

ANSI-B93.18 - "Non Integral Industrial Fluid Power Hydraulic Reservoir". ANSI

C1/NFPA70- "National Electrical Code".

ANSI C37.90a - "Standard Relays and Relays System Associated with Electrical Power

ASME code LOS-5C1, ASTM-ASME " Recommended Practices for the Flushing and
Cleaning of Oil Systems for Lubrication and Control of Hydro Electric Equipment."

ASTM A27/A27M- "Specifications for Steel Castings. Carbon for General


ASTM A 36/A36M - Specifications for Structural Steel".

ASTM A 123- " Specifications for Zinc (Hot Dip Galvanized) Coating for Iron and
Steel Hardware."

ASTM A 153- "Specification for Stainless and Heat Resisting Bars and Shapes."

ASTM A276 - "Specification for Stainless and Heat Resisting Bars and Shapes".

ASTM A325 - "Specification for High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Units".

ASTM A490- " Specification for Heat Treated Structural Bolts 150 Ksi (1035 MPa)
tensile strength."

ASTM A564- "Specifications for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Age Hardening.
Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars, Wires and Shapes".

ASTM A 572/A572M- "Specification for High Strength, Low Alloy Columbium-

Vanadium Steel of Structural Quality" JIC Standards- "Hydraulic Standards for
Industrial Equipments.

NAS 1638- "Cleanliness Requirements of Parts used in Hydraulic System".

NEMA MGI - "Motors and Generators".

ASTM A 668 - " Specifications for Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy for General
Industrial use.



The crane shall be class 2 as per IS: 807, of the Outdoor traveling Type with cross travel
rope drum hoist at the top of the crane structure. The operation of the crane shall be
completely electrical with 400/440 volts, 3 phase, 50 Hertz and the power supply shall
be made available from the plug receptacles located at suitable intervals along with the
crane runway. To facilitate a better control of the crane, an operator's cabin shall be
provided with the crane. All the controls required for the electrical equipment on the
crane shall be provided in the operator's cabin along with the control panel having
indicating lights for the various operations. The crane shall be capable of being stopped
at the centre of each bay with the help of limit switches provided along the travels.

The design calculations shall be done by adopting the best engineering practices and
shall be clear and easily understandable. All relevant references quoted in the
calculations shall be supplied along with the design. Views of Employer for any
procedural dispute regarding practices to be adopted in the design shall be binding on
the Contractor and he will have to modify the design based on that if warranted, at no
extra cost whatsoever.


Design data for cranes required for gates are mentioned under the relevant


The crane and the structural members shall be proportioned in such away that the actual
calculated stresses for the combination of loading causing most adverse effect on the
members, arrived at by any of the accepted methods of calculations, shall not be
allowed to exceed the permissible stresses specified in IS: 807 and IS: 3177.

The design of the component parts of the mechanism relating to crane motion shall
include due allowance of the effects of the duty which the mechanism will perform in

The overall design and fabrication of gantry crane shall conform to IS: 3177, IS: 807,
IS: 800, IS: 806, IS: 816,IS: 822 and IS: 9595.

All structural loads shall be computed as follows:

a. The dead load shall include the weights of the legs and horizontal members of
the crane, crane drives/hoist mechanism and operating cabin. The effect of the
eccentricity of the location of the crane drive mechanism, hoisting mechanism
and operator's cabin shall be included in the design.
b. The tractive force on each wheel shall be considered as 5% of the resultant
maximum wheel load considering the weight of the crane and live load equal to
hoist capacity.
c. The live load shall include the weight of hooks, blocks, ropes and attachments.
The live load shall be multiplied by the impact factor as per IS: 807.
d. The wind load on the crane shall be taken in accordance with IS: 875 and IS:
807. The wind area of the crane shall be taken as the vertical projection of the
structure, normal to the direction of the wind. While applying wind pressure,
appropriate form factors in accordance with IS: 807 shall be considered.


Considering load under breakdown conditions of motor and steady wind pressure of in
accordance with IS: 875 and IS: 807, the stability factor must be greater or equal to 1.3.

Considering live load under service conditions with stable wind pressure of 50 kg per
sq. m., the stability factor must be greater or equal to 1.8.

In case of crane without load and not operating and considering storm wind pressure of
150 kg/m2, the stability factor must be greater or equal to 1.5.


The slenderness ratio shall not exceed 180 for main compression members and 240
bracing and subsidiary members. The ratio of the unsupported length of horizontal
projection of any riveted tension members to the least radius of gyration shall not
exceed 150. The ratio of length/ width for any beam or girder shall not exceed the
following limits:

Welded box plate girder: 1/b < = 60.


All rolled sections used as beams shall have a depth of not less than one sixteenth of the
span and where used in pair shall have full depth separators not more than 1.5 m centre
to centre. Stiffeners shall be provided on the webs of the rolled steel beams at the ends
and at points of concentrated loads, if necessary, to resist buckling.


Care shall be taken in the design to produce a pleasing appearance of the crane.
Streamlined appearance and general architectural treatment that are considered as
essential features of the design and are required to be incorporated in the design and

12.9 FRAME

The gantry shall be fabricated from structural steel sections and plates and shall be of
welded construction. The legs shall be of box type or rolled section with all angles on
the inside of the leg. Field welding will not be accepted. Diaphragms shall be provided
to distribute the loads properly to the two sides of the legs. Plate stiffeners shall be
provided where necessary. Bearing surface of joints designed to transmit stress by
bearing shall be machine finished to provide full contact. Shop connection in the frame
shall be welded so that the surface of the crane including the outside of the frame cabin
and hoist housing when viewed along the runway, will be a plane surface. The
structures shall be designed to be adequate for each of the following load combinations:

a. Dead and live loads with wind load on the crane and impact loads.
b. Dead and live loads with wind load on the crane and tractive forces.
c. Dead loads with no load on lifting blocks and storm load.
d. Actual breakdown torque of motor.
e. Collision of buffers and track stops.

12.10 LEGS

The gantry legs shall be connected to the crane members by heavy gussets in a manner
that will prevent skewing and ensure rigidity and strength. Diaphragms shall be
provided to distribute properly the loads from the cross members to the side of the legs.
If the centre lines of the legs are not matching with the centre lines of the crane runway
rails, the eccentricity shall be considered in determining the stresses.


A weather tight housing constructed of structural steel sections and plates (not less than
3 mm thick) shall be provided. The floor shall be constructed of reinforced chequred
steel plates not less than 8 mm thick and shall be welded to the framework. Clearance
between the machinery floor and the roof framing shall not be less than the requirement
as per relevant IS. Codes.

The cabin shall be of closed type of for outdoor services made of structural steel and
shall be provided with sufficient ventilating type window to allow the operator to a clear
view of all operations and the cabin shall have ample space for the operation and
maintenance of the equipment located in it. The floor of the cabin shall be made of steel
plates fastened securely to the frame of the cabin and covered with 'Transite' having not
less than 12 mm thickness or any other approved flooring material suitable for the
intended purpose. A foot operated rotary alarm gong of at least 300mm 0 shall be
provided and shall be arranged for the operation from the cabin. Provision shall be made
for access to the cabin by means of walkway from the ladders. Glazing provided to all
windows shall be toughened glass.


All ladders, platforms and walkways necessary to provide access to the various crane
drive mechanisms, shall be provided. The platform and walkways shall be designed for
a live load of at least 500 kg/m sq. and shall consist of suitable non-slip steel plates
resisted or welded together and riveted or bolted to the steel frame work except that the
walkway on the top deck of the gantry shall be constructed of floor grating. The ladders
shall be not less than 400mm width between side parts and shall have round rungs
20mm in diameter spaced at 300mm centres. The walkways shall provide clearance of
not less than 600mm between machinery and /or the structure and the handrails. Clips
shall be provided on all open edges of the walkways and platforms. Handrails shall
completely enclose all walkways. The platforms are required to be proportioned for a
moving single load of 300 kg. Railing to be proportioned for a traveling horizontal
single load of 30 kg acting on the rail iron.


The spring/rubber buffers shall be provided at either end of the travel of gantry crane
/trolley and shall be capable of bringing the crane/trolley to a gradual stop in a distance
of not more than 200mm when traveling in either direction at rated speed while power
off and brakes not applied, without producing excessive stress or damage in the
structure. The buffer stops shall be of cast or structural steel, accurately mounted to
meet the buffer squarely. The centre line of contact shall not be more than the centre
line of wheelbase. The design of the buffers shall provide minimum factor of safety of
six. Alternatively rubber buffers of standard and reputed make could also hardness of
rubber shall in the range of 70 to 80.

In addition, suitably designed stoppers on rails shall be provided for the wheels of
long/cross traveling mechanism.

The hoist shall be designed in accordance with IS: 6938 and IS: 3177. All the
mechanical equipment shall be simple and substantial in design and capable of being
easily erected, inspected, painted and taken apart. The hoist shall be single motor twin
drum type, connected through gearing and shafting. The capacity of motor shall be such
that the specific performance of the hoist at rate load will not demand more than full
load torque. The shaft connecting the end gear trains shall be provided with flexible
coupling of the geared type, or any other approved arrangement, which will permit one
drum to be rotated with respect to the other drum and keeps the lifting beam in a level
position. All shaft loads shall be transmitted by suitable keys, splices or pins, The
transmission of loads by press fit only will not be permitted. A factor of safety of Five
over UTS based on the rated capacity of the crane (exclusive of duty factor, impact
factor, acceleration and retardation) shall be used in design of all mechanical parts
provided that all parts of the equipment shall have sufficient strength to resist the forces
produced by the rated breakdown torque of the motor without exceeding 66% YP of the
material as per IS: 3177. Ratio of motor pullout torque to the rated output torque shall
be as per standard catalogue of motor manufacturer and any change in standard
catalogued specifications is not permissible.

Duty factor shall also be considered in B.D.T. condition or the stresses shall be limited
to those under B.D.T. condition as per IS: 3177. In case of any ambiguity, opinion of
the Employer shall prevail. The hoist shall be so designed as to limit the maximum rope
fleet angles to one in twelve, unless otherwise approved. The grooving on the main hoist
drum shall be such as to allow the lifting beam to travel vertically. The hoist shall be
provided with an Electro-magnetic brake and means for position control of the lowering
movements of the hooks.


The crane shall be carried on not less than eight wheels, four wheels in tandem, fully
equalized and provided for each crane travel base. The wheels shall be heat treated
properly and certified copies of the test of the head treatment shall be furnished by the
wheel manufacturer. The tread width shall have the proper clearance for the railhead
and shall be of sufficient size to withstand satisfactorily maximum standing and rolling
loads. In no case shall be tread diameter of the crane wheels be less than given in IS:
3177. The wheels shall be turned or ground to true and uniform diameter concentric
with the bore. The wheel axles shall be made of forged carbon or alloy steel and shall be
accurately turned, ground and polished at journals. All axles shall be forced into the
wheels at a force of not less than 3200kg per cm of axle diameter and driving wheel
shall be keyed to the axles in addition to the forced fit.

All wheel journal boxes shall be drip proof and shall be provided with roller bearings
with high-pressure grease lubrication. The wheel assemblies shall be designed to
facilitate removal of wheels, bearings and journals compensated in order to maintain the
drive gears in proper mesh. The size of the journal shall be ample to carry the load at the
specified speed without excessive heating during continuous operation. Track sweeps
on each end shall be provided and shall extend below the top of the rail on both sides.


12.17.1 Long Travel Drive

The gantry crane motion shall be affected by means of motors and shall be designed to
move the crane at a rated speed while supporting the rated hook load. Not less than 50%
of the wheels on each track shall be connected for driving. Each motor shall be mounted
at one end of the gantry crane and shall be arranged to drive on truck on each side of the
crane through gears. The drive shall be free from vibrations while moving and in no
case; there shall be any tendency for gantry crane structure to get misaligned.

12.17.2 Brakes

Following brakes shall be provided on the gantry crane.

(i). Hoist brake

The hoist shall be provided with an automatic electromagnetic brake of suitable

capacity. The electromagnetic brake shall be mounted on the same base as the hoist
motor and shall be electrically operated, spring set, solenoid release, shoe type brake
and shall be equally effective in both directions of motor rotation. The brakes shall have
capacity equal to one and half times the rated full load torque of the motor. The brake
shall be rated on continuous duty basis and shall be capable of withstanding not less
than four operations per minute. The brake shall be equipped with manual release,
which must be held by hand and cannot be left in the released position or one which will
automatically reset at all times when the power is disconnected. The terminals of brake
magnet shall be protected from accidental contact. The connections and windings shall
be effectively protected from mechanical damages. When necessary, magnet shall be
provided within efficient conditioning device.

In addition, a mechanical load brake or a hydraulic thruster brake is to be interposed

between the winding drum and the source of power. It shall have a capacity to hold one
and a half times the rated load and shall be designed to prevent the load from moving
downward unless the hoist motor are revolving under power in the lowering direction.
The mechanical brake shall preferably be of suitable multiple disc type and shall run in
a bath of oil. The casings shall have sufficient heat dissipating capacity to maintain the
temperature of bath below 93° centigrade when lowering the rated load with the electric
brake in operation, and if required, an external cooling device shall be provided to
prevent this maximum temperature from being exceeded.
(ii) Gantry motion and parking brakes
Long travel: A shoe type mechanically or hydraulically operated brake controlled
through a foot pedal in the operator's cabin shall be provided to control the crane travel
in both directions of motion. The brake shall have a capacity equal to one and a half
times rated full load torque of driving motors and shall be so designed that if may be
secured in the set position. The foot brake shall require a force not more than 25 kg. at
pedal and the pedal stroke shall not exceed 250 mm. Electromagnetic brakes shall be
provided for parking of crane, which shall apply automatically when the current supply
to the mains is switched off. Suitable anchoring arrangement shall also be provided to
hold the crane during storm wind.

12.17.3 WIRE ROPE

The wire rope shall be made of special improved plough steel of 6x37 / 6x36
construction, lang's lay, fibre core, galvanized and shall conform to IS: 2266.

While calculating the diameter of wire rope, stipulation of cl. of IS: 6938, shall
be fulfilled and the overall efficiency of the system including gearbox, open gears,
pulleys, sheaves and drums shall be considered. For calculating the rope tension, the
pulley efficiency shall be taken into account the adequacy of wire rope shall be checked
for B.D.T. condition of the motor.

12.17.4 ROPE DRUM

The drum design, shape of grooves etc. shall conform to IS:6938 and IS:3177.


Spur gears of 20 degrees pressure angle full depth involutes system conforming to IS:
3681 shall be provided in end reduction gear unit. While designing the gears and
pinions, in accordance with IS: 6938 and IS: 4460, the correction factor for peripheral
speeds and the efficiency shall also be considered. The teeth of gears and pinions shall
be cut from solid metal and shall be free from chatter marks and other imperfections.
The pitch line shall be scribed on all gears and pinions to facilitate erection, such that
gears and pinions shall have a common tangent to P.CD. In the design of gears, due
consideration should be given for duty factor for appropriate class of mechanism. The
materials for pinions shall be harder than that of gears by at 50 B.H.N.


It shall consist of worm and worm wheel type gear reducer or helical type gear reducer
and whole assembly housed in a dust proof steel casing with suitable lubrication facility.
The gearbox shall have self-locking characteristic. The shaft shall extend through
housing for a sufficient length to permit the attachment of flexible couplings in proper
alignment and shall be designed and rated in accordance with the accepted Indian
Standard Code of practice.


The shafts shall be designed for combined torsion and bending and the angle of twist
shall be taken into account, as detailed in the IS: 6938. The shaft for drum shall
preferably be stationary.


The rope sheaves shall conform to IS: 3177. All pulleys shall be in true running balance
and shall be provided with antifriction bearing with pressure greasing arrangement.

12.17.9 BEARINGS

All the running shafts shall be provided with ball or roller bearings. The selection of the
bearings shall be done on considerations of duty. Bearing shall be weatherproof drip
proof and shall be protected against the entrance of rain, dust or any other foreign
matter. The bearings shall be SKF make or equivalent and shall comply with all design
requirements by the Employer. If bush bearings are provided, the permissible stress
shall not exceed 70 kg per sq. cm.


Flexible couplings shall be all metallic, fully enclosed, dust proof, self oiling type and
shall be bored for tight fits on the shafts. Straight square keys shall be provided for
fitting the couplings on shafts. All couplings shall fit true on shafts and shall be fitted
accurately on shafts. The flange couplings between motors and worm gear reduce shall
be provided for both angular and offset misalignment of the coupled shafts.


The block shall be arranged to lift the stoplogs without twisting. The hook shall be
mounted on thrust bearing. The blocks shall be so designed and constructed as to guide
the hoisting ropes fully and prevent them from leaving the sheaves under any operating
conditions. A locking arrangement shall be provided to the hook to prevent the rope
from leaving the hook due to any jerk.


The sockets may be cast, forged or machined. Molten zinc shall be used to socket the

ropes. Each socket shall be tested subjected to proof load in accordance with the
procedure laid down in IS: 2485.

Gearbox covers shall be of grid construction fitted with inspection covers and lifting
handles. The covers shall be so shaped that the gears can be easily removed or replaced.
Facilities for lubrication, oil draining, oil level indicator etc. shall be provided wherever
necessary. The thickness of metal sheet for cover shall be not less than 3mm.


Suitable counter weight shall be provided to make the crane stable.


The size of the keys shall be such as to be within safe bearing and shear limits for the
materials in the contact and, in general shall conform to the relevant IS: codes. Where
round end keys are used, the total cross sectional area may be considered in effective
shear. But in calculating bearing stresses in keys and key ways, the projected area of the
rounded ends shall not be included in the effective bearing area of he rounded ends shall
not be included in the effective bearing area. If two keys are used, they shall be placed
120 degree apart. The design shall be such as to hold all keys effectively in place.
Further, keys and keyways shall be rounded ends having tight fits in the seats keyways
shall not be extended into the bearings.


A suitable grease gun and a complete set of wrenches and tools in a pressed toolbox
shall be furnished for the crane. Sufficient quantity and variety of tools shall be
furnished to cover all ordinary maintenance work of the crane. Operating instructions in
a suitable metal frame covered with glass shall be mounted at a convenient location in
operator's cabin.


All electrical equipment furnished under these specifications will be subjected to severe
moisture condition and shall be designed to prevent deterioration from corrosion and
shall be enclosed insulated accordingly. All wiring of the electrical equipment shall be
in accordance with the Indian Electricity Act in force and the relevant IS Code. The
wiring shall be in hot dipped galvanized metal conduits. Conductors having nominal
equivalent copper area of cross section required to be, designed by Contractor shall be
used for power wiring and those having 1.5mm sq. for control circuits and auxiliary

wiring. Conductors shall normally be insulated for not less than 600 volts and shall have
standard moisture resisting, double braided insulation cover.


Motors shall be of totally enclosed with or without fan cooling slip ring type design for
operation on 3 phase, 415 volts, 50 cycles per sec. A.C. conforming to IS: 325 of rated
capacity. Each motor shall be equipped with heater to prevent condensation of moisture
drawn into the motor during shut down periods.

The Contractor shall clearly specify in his bid the breakdown torque of the motor. The
important hoist components e.g. drum, shafts, gears and wire ropes etc including
structural components of the crane shall be checked for their stress value under break
down torque condition of motors.

Selection of motor shall be as per IS: 3177. Motors of 40 H.P. or less shall be rated in
accordance with IS: 325. Service factor of 1.15 shall be accounted in deciding the
capacity of motor. It shall be of S-4 class having 150 stars/hr. Motors shall be B.I.S. or
equivalent international standard and of reputed make like Siemens, Kirloskar,
Crompton Greaves, Greaves Cotton, G.E.C. etc.


Master control equipment shall be so placed in the operator's cabin that the operator
may control all the functions of the crane from there. The operator's stand shall be
placed in such a convenient position that enough room is available for various
operations of gantry crane and operator may have unrestricted view of the load. All
motor controls shall be fully magnetic, reversing with definite time limit and equipped
with frequency controlled acceleration devices, instantaneous over current, over loads
and low voltage protections. They shall be designed so that it will be possible to limit
the vertical movement of the hook, with full rated load, when starting from complete
standstill to within 10mm from main hook. All hoist motor controllers shall have at least
six speed control points in each direction of operation. The contact of protection relays
of any motor shall be so wired that the operation of the relay will trip the motor primary
conductor, thus making it necessary to return all control to the 'OFF' position before the
motor can be started. The control shall be so interlocked that only one operation can be
conducted at a time.

The instantaneous relays shall be adjustable from 200% to 300% of motor full load
current. The power supply from the main connections, shall be protected by three pole
415 V.A.C. totally enclosed air circuit breaker equipped with three time relays, direct
acting overload tripping element and one shunt trip coil located in the operator's cabin
for emergency tripping. A circuit breaker shall be provided to control and protect the
control circuit for each motor and all control circuit is healthy. All switches, conductors
and relays shall be enclosed in suitable cabinets and placed in accessible location to
facilitate inspection and maintenance. All motor controls shall have master switches

with vertical handles. Changes in speed while lowering the load shall be under the direct
control of the operator and shall permit him to stop the motor without time delay from
any position by the master switches. All resistors shall be non-breakable corrosion
resisting type and shall have a low temperature coefficient. Where practicable,
controller handle should move into the direction of the resultant movement. Each
controller shall be marked in a permanent manner to show the motion concluded and
wherever practicable of the direction of the movement. The notching for the controller
handle in "OFF" position shall be more positive than the notching in other position. The
control lever shall be provided with stop and / or latches, to ensure safety and facility of
The resistor shall be placed in accessible places outside the cabin and in well-ventilated
non-combustible cabinets, which will not emit flame. Each main supply circuit breaker
shall have interrupting capacity of not less than 10000 amps. All switches, conductor's
primary relays and preliminary circuits on controllers shall have a thermal capacity of
10000 amps, for one second without injury. The resistor shall preferably be
intermittently rated and their rating will be as per IS: 3177. Allowable temperature rise
during operation of the crane under service condition shall not exceed the limits
specified in relevant IS code. The Contractor shall state in his tender the make and types
of all electrical equipment, which he proposes to furnish. All switches, controller levers
and other operating mechanism and electrical devices shall be subject to the approval of
the Employer.


The rubber insulated cable or polyvinyl chloride insulated cables used for crane wiring
should comply with the relevant Indian Standard. The gantry crane shall be equipped
with an automatic spring actuated device to take up cable reel. Power will be obtained
from plug receptacles placed at convenient places in each bay the runway. The cables
and reels shall be provided with sufficient length of flexible cable and with limit
switches arranged to cut off the power supply to the cable of the motors, were all but
two turns of the cable are unreeled. The attachment plug for the receptacle and of the
cable shall be, furnished by the Contractor.


The manufacturer shall fit a main isolating switch in the cabin or adjacent to it, capable
of disconnecting the supply for power driven and associated equipment on the crane but
not the auxiliary loads such as lighting and heating circuit. In the case of main isolating
switches being combined with the crane protective panel, it shall be mechanically
interlocked with the door giving access to the panel, and the terminal shall be screwed
to prevent accidental contact when the door is opened. When so combined a suitably
worded red warning plate shall be attached to the cover of the protective gear and all
other panels and controllers, not fitted with interlocked isolators. The main isolating
switch and the additional isolating switches should be so situated that it will be possible

to carry out any maintenance work of functional testing on them without danger.


Iron clad electric protective gear in accordance with IS: 3177 shall be provided
except that if the aggregate power of the two largest motors is less than 30 kW,
and their aggregate current rating is less than 60 amps, a manually operated
equipment as per IS: 3177 may be used.


A push button emergency stop shall be so located as to be readily available for

prompt use by the operator in case of emergency. This emergency push button
shall be connected in the operating coil circuit in case of contractor and in the
under voltage release circuit in the case of a circuit breaker.


The permanent 220 volt lighting system on the crane shall consist of four five
hundred watts high bay lighting units to illuminate the area under the crane, one
five hundred watt high lighting unit to illuminate the area under the crane and two
40w florescent tubes in the operator's cabin. The system shall be supplied from
415V crane power system through a 415V circuit breaker with a convenient outlet in
the operator's cabin. One branch circuit system shall be connected for lighting hoist
mechanism through flexible conduit with four 100W lighting units. Each of the two
500W high bay lights and another branch circuit shall be connected to give
convenient outlets. The wiring shall be done in accordance with the Indian
Electricity Rules 1937. The 400/440V circuit breakers shall be enclosed, two-pole
type with an over load tripping element for each pole.


Off position interlocking, Earthing and other electrical equipment shall be provided as
per IS: 3177.


S.No. Materials BIS Specification
1. Steel and castings IS: 2062
Structural steel IS:1030
Cast steel
2. Threaded fasteners IS: 1367, IS: 1363, IS: 2389,
IS: 1365,IS: 3640
Wire Ropes IS:2266, IS: 2365 6x 36 or 6 13/13
x 37 construction
4. Steel Forging IS: 2004,IS: 1875
5. Shafts IS: 1875, IS: 2062, IS: 1570
6. Key ways and Keys IS: 2048, IS: 2292, IS: 2291
7. Bronze Bushing IS: 305
8. Gears IS: 3681, IS: 4058, IS: 4460
IS: 4702,IS: 4725
9. Ball and roller bearings SKF/FAG
10. Special steels (a). Steel for Carbon content: 0.25%(max.)
welded Gear Rings Elongation: As per IS: 1608-0.25%)
(b). Wheels and sheaves Reduction in area: as per IS: 1608-
15%. These physical properties shall
apply after the gears have been
annealed for stress relief. The gear
teeth minimum BHN value of 170.
In general shall have chemical
composition as under: Carbon: 0.55%
to 0.80% Manganese- 0.50% to
0.80%, Phosphorous: not more than
0.06%, Sulphur: not more than 0.06%,
BHN: not less than 250, IS: 1030, IS:

11. Motor IS: 434, IS: 900, IS: 1231 and IS:
12. Cables and conductors IS: 434,IS: 693 and IS: 2982
13. Conduits IS: 1653, IS: 2509
14. Switch gear IS: 1822. IS: 5124 and IS: 2147
15 Earthing IS: 3043



Rope drum hoists are required for operation of fixed wheel intake gates.

Electrically operated rope drum hoists of adequate capacities shall be installed

individually for all the gates required for fixed wheel intake gates.

Each hoist mechanism shall include a driving motor, worm reducer, rope drum, wire
ropes, shafts, gears, couplings, brakes, emergency manual operation arrangement, limit
switches, gate position indicator etc., all mounted on a fabricated steel frame. Electrical
controls and necessary electrical and mechanical accessories shall be provided for the
satisfactory operation of the hoist. All machinery is to be supported on hoist supporting
structure. The hoisting mechanism shall be provided with covers to protect it from dust,
dirt and direct exposure to moisture. Standard clearances, tolerances and finishes shall
be adopted. All accessories and equipment shown on the drawing or required by the
specification, but not definitely designated as to manufacturer's trademark, type, ratings,
shall be high class equipment, suitable and applicable for the duty or function that the
particular accessory or equipment will be required to perform in the operation of the
hoist and shall conform to the general dimensions of the associated parts, within
sufficiently close limits to avoid other than minor changes, approved by the Employer to
permit them to be introduced into the assemblies.

The hoist shall be capable of fully opening/closing the gates and holding the gate in its
fully opened position or as may be required. Suitable ladder rungs for access shall be
provided to approach the hoist components and sufficient space shall be provided
around them for repair/maintenance.


The hoist capacity shall be based on the algebraic sum of the worst combination of the
following forces developed during either rising or lowering cycle of the gates. The hoist
capacity thus calculated shall be increased by 20% as reserve.

a) All weights consisting of

(i). Gate leaf along with all its components including horizontal girders,
vertical stiffeners and vertical girders, diaphragm plates, wheel
assemblies, lifting lugs etc.

(iiTotal water load acting on the gate components including buoyancy.

b) Any hydrodynamic force like hydraulic down pull/uplift. The Contractor will
submit his calculations for hydrodynamic forces as per prevailing practice.

c) All frictional forces comprising.

(i). Wheel friction

(ii). Guide friction
(iii). Seal friction,
(iv) Silt load, if any

d) Seating load

e) Any other consideration, like debris breaking force etc.


Governing Indian Standard Code IS: 6938. For other design data the table giving details
of gates etc. may be referred to.


The hoisting speed shall be between 0.3 m to 0.5 m per minute.


The hoist supporting structure shall be made of structural steel conforming to IS: 2062
and shall be designed to withstand the hoisting load, wind load, seismic loads, dead
weight of hoist and its all components as well as vibrations caused due to operation.
Suitable anchorages for the hoist frame shall be provided to take the worst combination
of all loads under which the gates and hoists are in operation. Ample walking space,
ladders, railing, decking etc. should be provided for hoist platform for attending to hoist
machinery. The chequred plate of hoist platform should be not be less than 8 mm
thickness and should be reinforced.


Each hoist shall comprise following components: -

a. Central drive unit

Central drive unit shall comprise an electric motor, 1 st stage reduction gearbox, electro-
magnetic brakes, gate position indicator and manual drive unit etc.
b. End gear reduction unit

The end gear reduction unit shall comprise gears, pinions, Plummer blocks, shafts,
pedestals, rope drums, bearings couplings and all other such accessories, which may
form in-separable components for the satisfactory operations. Drum supports shall be of
fabricated type with adequate stiffening for carrying drum shaft reactions.
Gearboxes/worm reducer (self locking) should be sufficiently rigid and strong.

c. Control equipment

The control equipment shall comprise electric motor, switchgears, limit switches,
control panel, and various electrical relays required for satisfactory operation of motors
and brakes etc.

d. Miscellaneous parts

Miscellaneous parts like wire ropes sockets, equalizers, turn buckles, pulleys/sheaves,
hoist base frames, cover boxes and hoist supporting structure etc.



a. General

The wire ropes shall be made of special improved plough steel o f 6 x 3 6 o r 6 x 3 7

construction Lang's Lay and fibre core and shall conform to IS: 2266-(latest). While
selecting the diameter of the wire ropes the efficiency of pulleys, sheaves and drums
shall be taken into account.

The wire ropes shall be provided with a device to take care of unequal stretch of rope.
Wire ropes shall be guided over as few pulleys as possible. Reverse "S" shaped bends
shall be avoided as far as possible. The ends of rope shall not be subjected to undue
twists and turns. The wire rope stands fastened with the rope drum should not step away
under maximum load.

b. Breaking Strength

The breaking strength of wire ropes, if not specified by the wire rope manufacturer,
shall be taken on the basis of IS: 2266-(latest).
c. Factor of Safety

The minimum factor of safety based on breaking strength and safe working load of the
wire ropes shall not be less than 6 (six) under normal conditions and not less than
3(three) under breakdown torque condition of electric motor selected.


The drum shall be strong enough to withstand the crushing as well as bending. The
crushing strength of the drum shall be calculated as per Para 4.3.3 of IS: 6938. The
minimum pitch diameter of the drum shall be 20(twenty) times the diameter of the wire
rope of 6x36 or 6x37 construction.

The length of the drum shall be such that each lead off rope has minimum 2(two) full
turns on the drum, when the gate is at its lowest i.e. closed position, and 1 (one) spare
groove for each lead off the drum, when the gate is at its highest position.

The drum may be a flanged end. The flanges shall be projected to a height of not less
than 2(two) times the rope diameter above the rope. A gear secured to the drum may be
regarded as forming one of the flanges.

The drum shall be machine grooved and the contour at the bottom of the groove shall be
circular over an angle of at least 120°. The radius of the groove shall be 0.53 times the
diameter of the wire rope duly rounded off to next full millimeter. The depth of the
groove of the drum shall be so pitched that there is a clearance between adjacent turns
of the rope as under: -

a. 1.50 mm for ropes up to and including 12.0mm 0.

b. 2.50 mm for ropes over 12.0mm ad including 30.0mm 0.

c. 3.00 mm for ropes over 30.0 mm 0.

The lead angle i.e. fleet angle of the rope shall not be more than 5° or 1 in 12 on either
side of helix angle of the groove in the drum. The drum shall be strong enough to
withstand the crushing as well as bending.

13.7.3 GEARS

Spur gears

Spur gears of 20° full depths in volute systems shall be provided in end reduction units.
The correction factor for peripheral speeds and the efficiency shall also be considered.
The gears and pinions shall be made of two different grades of materials. The material
of pinions shall be harder than that of gears and shall be free from imperfections such as
chatter marks and blowholes etc. The gears shall be machine cut and shall be designed as per IS:
6938-(latest) or other relevant Indian Standards. The face width of gears shall not be less than two
times of circular pitch. Duty factor of appropriate class of mechanism shall be taken into
account in the design calculations. The keys in gear trains shall be tight fit and should not become
loose in service.


The gate position indicators shall be provided to show the position of the gates, when
these are being raised or being lowered. The indicator dial shall be made of non-rusting
metal or enameled plates. The markings on the dial in operating range shall have
minimum readability of l/20 th of metre. The metre marking shall be very bold. The
word 'CLOSED,' OPEN' and 'FULLY RAISED' shall also be engraved or permanently

The dial shall be located at a convenient place from where it can be read easily. The
indicator points shall be made of non-rusting metal. Electro-plated or digital type
indicator may also be provided.


The shafts shall be solid shafts made of Forged / Rolled steel and shall be designed for
appropriate load/torque that is being transmitted by them. The shafts shall have ample
strength, rigidity and adequate bearing surfaces. These shall be finished smooth and, if
shouldered, shall be provided with fillets of large radius. DIMENSIONING OF SHAFTS

In dimensioning of shafts with the ratio of length to diameter > 50, the angle of twist
and the rev/min shall be taken into account, in addition to, simple bending, pure torsion
or the combined effect of bending and torsion. The twist angle, that shall be permitted,
is from 1/4° to 1/3° per metre. The linear deflection in the shaft shall not exceed
1.0(one) mm per metre length of shaft. ALLOWABLE STRESSES

The allowable stresses for solid shafts shall be, as per IS: 6938-(latest).

All sheaves or pulleys shall be in true running balance and shall be provided with
pressure grease arrangements. The ratio of sheaves/ pulleys pitch diameter and the rope
diameter shall be as per table 3 of IS: 6938. Their material shall conform to cast steel of
IS: 1030. The sheaves or pulleys shall be machine grooved to a depth of not less than
1.5 times the diameter or rope. The grooves shall be finished smooth and shall be free
from the surface defects, which may injure the ropes. The contour at the bottom of the
groove shall be circular over an angle of approximately 1300 ± 50. The radius of the
groove shall be 0.53 times the diameter of rope. The included angle, which is the angle
between the straight slopes at the sides of grooves, shall be approximately 520. The
diameter at the bottom of the grooves of the equivalizing sheaves shall not be less than
62% of minimum pulley diameter. The sheave/ pulleys shall be provided with guard
plates in order to retain the rope with in the groove. All pulleys should be fitted with
roller bearings.


The sockets ends shall be slightly stronger than the wire rope. The ends of the wire rope
shall be secured against twisting. Molten zinc shall be used to socket the ropes. The
material for wire rope sockets shall conform IS: 2485. Such specimen shall be subjected
to destructive tensile test in which rope fail not the socket or joints.


Tumbuckles shall be provided to adjust the elongation of wire ropes and equalizer bars
shall be provided to ensure equal loading on both sides of the equalizer bars.


All the running shafts shall be provided with ball or roller bearings. The selection of the
bearings shall be done on consideration of duty, load and speed of the shafts as
recommended by the manufacturer. All bearings shall be weather proof, drip proof and
shall be protected against the entrance of rain, dust or any other foreign matter. The
bearings shall be SKF/FAG make and shall comply with all design requirements
required by the Employer. The life of bearings shall be determined in accordance with
the recommendations of their manufacturer.

If bush bearings are provided, the permissible stress shall not exceed 70 Kg per cm 2.
The thickness of bush bearings shall be calculated as per IS: 6938-(latest).

The bearings shall be easily accessible for lubrication and /or replacement. Every
bearing shall be provided with individual lubrication arrangement.

All couplings shall be of Forged or Cast steel and shall be designed to transmit the
maximum torque that may be developed. All couplings shall be bored for tight fits on
the shafts. Straight square keys shall be provided for fitting the couplings on shafts. All
coupling shall fit true on shafts and shall be fitted accurately on shafts. Solid coupling
shall be aligned in such away that these meet accurately. Flexible coupling shall be
initially aligned with the same accuracy as in case of solid couplings. Flexible couplings
shall be fitted between the motor shafts and extension shafts.


All electrical equipment and wiring shall meet all the requirements and shall be in
accordance with IS: 6938-(latest) and other relevant Indian Standard Specifications
unless otherwise specifically called for in the specifications. Nuts, railings, screws and
other accessories which are external to the apparatus, but which may be required to meet
the codes for installed equipment shall be furnished by the contractor. All electrical
wiring shall meet the relevant provisions of Indian Electricity Act. The power supply
shall be 3(three), phase, A.C. 400/ 440 volts, 50 cycles. All electrical equipment shall be
designed suitable for continuous operations under tropical conditions.


The usual values of efficiencies adopted for the various elements of hoisting mechanism
shall be adopted as given in Table 5 of IS: 6938-(latest). The overall efficiency of the
system, which is the product of individual efficiency of elements, shall then be worked
out. The overall efficiency of the system shall be used in calculating the capacity of the
electric motor. The ratio of overall running efficiency to the overall starting efficiency
shall be less than the ratio of starting torque to running torque of motor.

13.8.2 MOTORS

The motor shall be totally enclosed fan cooled, high starting torque squirrel cage, 3
(three) phase induction electric motor of rated capacity suitable for operation on
400/440 volts. 3 phase, 50 cycles/sec. A.C. power supply, 40% CDF, 150 starts/hr and
outdoor type duty conforming to IS: 325 or equivalent. The motor shall be suitable for
reversing frequent acceleration and mechanical braking. The r.p.m. of motor chosen
shall not be more than 1000 but shall be capable of withstanding a maximum speed of
2.5 times the rated speed. The breakdown torque of the motor at rated voltage shall not
be less than 2.25 times i.e. 225% of the rated torque. During this condition, for checking
the components of hoist and the hoist supporting structure, the starting efficiency of the
system shall be taken into account. The motors shall be braced and insulated to
withstand plugging service and heavy shocks and vibrations transmitted to them by the
driven machinery. The motors shall be provided with class-F insulation.
In case the stoppage of motion of the hoist occurs due to the electric braking, the motor
shall be suitable to withstand this duty. Roller or Ball bearings provided with the motor
shall be suitable to withstand the heavy vibrations and shocks. All bearing shall be
sealed to prevent leakage of oil and Lubricants and entrance of dust etc. Motor leads
shall be brought out from the motor frame to terminals in the Terminal box fixed to the
motor frame. The motor shall be so located that the terminals are accessible for
inspection and maintenance with unrestricted ventilations. The contractor shall enclose
the full technical particulars of each motor including the valves of the locked motor
currents, breakdown torque etc. with the tender. The motor chosen shall be of standard
make easily available in the market. Motors especially designed for the purpose shall
not be accepted.


The hoist shall be provided with an automatic DC electro-magnetic brake. The brake
shall be mounted on the same base as the hoist motor. The electro-magnetic brakes shall
be of spring set, shoe type solenoid operated and of continuously rating. These shall be
equally effective in both direction of travel and shall be capable of overcoming at least
150% of the full load torque exerted by the motor.

The brake shall set automatically, when the current is cut off from the motor and shall
be electrically released, when the current is applied to the motor. The terminals of the
brake magnet shall be protected from accidental contact. The connections and winding
shall be effectively protected from mechanical damage. The magnet shall be provided
with an efficient cushioning device. In case the gear box selected does not have self-
locking characteristic, one additional electro-hydraulic Thruster brake shall be provided
for safety. The additional brake shall have same rating but shall be arranged in such a
way that service brake shall apply first and additional brake lag in application.

The electro-magnetic brake shall be of DC type complete with rectifier equipment to

convert the available AC supply. However, the electro-hydraulic thruster brakes shall be
of AC type.

The brake shall be equipped with a hand operated release lever and a weatherproof
cover complete with heaters to prevent the condensation on moving parts. Hydraulically
operated thruster brakes may also be used.


a. General

The limit switches, after being tripped, shall automatically reset themselves with a
reasonable distance traveled in opposite direction. This does not prevent the use of
changeover type limit switches, where resetting is achieved by moving in opposite
direction. These may be mechanically driven from the shaft.
b. Hoist Limit Switch

It is a device provided to cut off the current and to stop the motion of the hoist
mechanism and to apply the brake, when the gate has risen to the pre-determined level.
Limit switches shall be weatherproof type. An inter-locking arrangement shall be
provided to isolate the power supply, when the hoist is being operated manually. Limit
switches for intermediate position of travel and crack opening position if needed shall
also be provided. Adequate adjustment shall also be provided to compensate for rope

c. Control Equipment

The hoist mechanism shall be complete with one control panel with push buttons, which
shall be suitably labeled as 'Raise', Stop' and 'Lower'. Lamps to indicate the condition
of the control circuits and directions of motion may be provided.

The hoist shall be provided with all necessary relays, starters, heaters, if required, fuses,
limit switches, indicating lights complete with suitable wiring so that all the functions
are carried out smoothly. All the controls shall be so inter-locked that the proper
functioning of individual parts for the purpose is ensured. Hoist motion shall be done
with the help of standard push button type switches. The push button control voltage
shall not be more than 110 volts. All push button control switches shall be capable of
withstanding rough handling without being damaged and the cover shall be effectively

Necessary provision shall be made in the control equipment for remote indication of
various parameters like open, close etc., of the hoist control and the gate position.

13.8.5 WIRING

All wiring shall be laid in hot dipped galvanized metal conduit. All conductors for
primary power lighting and control circuit shall be insulated for not less than 1100 volts
and shall have standard moist resisting double braided covering. All conductors between
the secondary of the motor conductor and resistors shall have sufficient current carrying
capacity in accordance with Indian Standard and shall be insulated with 1100 volts class
asbestos. The primary conductor to the motor shall have standard continuous current
carrying capacity of not less than 100% of the rated full load primary current of the
motor. Cables having conductors smaller than 2.5 sq. mm nominal equivalent copper
areas of the cross sections shall not be used for the power wiring for any of the motors.
For control circuits and auxiliary wiring, cables having a sectional area smaller than
1.5mm sq. nominal equivalent copper area of the cross section shall not be used. All
cables shall be adequately protected against mechanical damage and metal trunking may
be used if desired. Electrical conduit shall comply with the relevant Indian Standard.
For outdoor cranes except where flexible unarmored cables are essential, cables shall be
either armoured or enclosed throughout their length in galvanized trunking or conduit,
either flexible or rigid. A flexible metallic tube or duct may not form an effective earth
connection and shall not be used for that purpose. Tapped and braided varnished
cambric insulated cables shall not be used for outdoor duty.


The manual operation shall be provided for emergency operations of the gates in the
event of power supply failure. An electric inter-lock shall be provided to prevent the
operation due to restoration of power supply, when the manual operation is engaged.

The manual operation should be designed in such a manner that the continuous effort
per man does not exceed a crank force of 100 N with 400 mm of crank radius at a
continuous rating of 24 rev./min. the maximum number of persons shall not exceed


'Off position interlocking Earthing and other electrical equipment shall be provided in
terms of provisions contained in IS: 3043 (latest).


i. Wrenches and Tools

A suitable grease gun and a complete set of wrenches and tools in a pressed toolbox
shall be furnished for the hoist. Sufficient quantity and variety of tools shall be
furnished to cover all ordinary maintenance work of the hoist. Operating instruction in a
suitable metal frame covered with glass shall be mounted at convenient location.

ii. Machinery Housing

A weatherproof housing, construction of structural steel sections and plates conforming

to IS: 2062 shall be provided. The floor shall be constructed of reinforced chequred
steel floor plates of welded constructions. The thickness of plates used in chequred plate
shall not be less than 8 mm.



The hoist supporting structure and trestles shall be made of structural steel (weldable)
conforming to IS: 2062 (latest) and shall be designed to withstand the dead weight of
the hoist, hoisting load as well as vibrations coming on the hoist, while in operation in
accordance with IS: 800 (latest). Suitable anchorages for the hoist frame shall be
provided to take the worst combinations of all loads under which the gates and hoists
are under operation. The hoist supporting structure and trestles shall be either in riveted
or welded construction. The frame shall be of the box type. Diaphragms shall be
provided to distribute the loads to the sides properly. The structure shall be designed for
each of the following combinations. The hoist bridge shall be provided with
fixed/sliding bearings, hand railing, uncovered stairs. Anchorages and all other bolts and
fixture etc. as may be, required for satisfactory operations of gates and hoists.

(i). Dead loads plus live load, impact load, wind load @ 50 kg/m 2 and crowd load
@ 500 kg/m2 on entire area of hoist bridge.

(ii). Dead load with no hoisting load plus effect of storm wind load @ 150 kg/m2.

(iii). Breakdown torque equal to actual breakdown torque of the motor, as specified in
the manufacturer's catalogue whichever is more and the permissible stresses as
specified in IS: 800 (latest) for normal operating condition, shall be increased by

The impact factor for the design of Hoist Bridge shall be taken is 1.3. The deflection of
cross beams as well as main beams workmanship of the hoist bridge and trestle shall
conform to relevant clause of IS: 800 (latest) in general. However, deflection of main
beams shall not exceed 1/1000 of effective span.




All Equipment / material shall be carefully packed and wedged to avoid any damage
during shipment, inland transport, storage at the site and handling according to
applicable Indian Standards (IS), instructions given in this specification and / or as per
internationally accepted specifications after approval from Employer.

The Guarantees given in specifications shall be complied with. These guarantees shall
not be affected or voided by any inspections performed by Customs department, or by
packing list checking performed upon arrival on site. Packing shall allow all necessary
Customs department inspections while protecting part characteristics. Hatch closed with
bolted wooden slabs, and waterproof transparent paper / plastic film shall be installed to
this end.

The Employer / Consultant may require inspecting and approving the packing before the
items are dispatched. However, the Contractor shall be entirely responsible for ensuring
that the packing is suitable for the mode of shipment and such inspection will not
exonerate the Contractor from any loss or damage due to faulty packing.

The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the Equipment during transit due
to improper and inadequate packing.

Any material found short upon opening the intact packing cases, shall be supplied by
the Contractor at no extra cost to the Employer.

Only packages constructed out of sound material and of dimensions proportional to the
size and weight of contents shall be used.

All packing cover and packing material shall become the property of the Employer.

In the case of large and bulky Equipment, the Contractor shall be responsible for
ascertaining transport limitations and supply the Equipment in the minimum number of
components or sub-assemblies, with in the framework of transport limitations like size
of railway wagon etc.

For Ocean transport Containers shall be used as far as possible. Dimensions of packages
and kind of packaging must be chosen to fully utilize the size of containers so that they
do not damage the contents. In particular they shall be systematically arranged.
Before dispatch it shall be ensured that complete processing and manufacture of
components is carried out at shop only restricted by transport limitations in order to
ensure that site works like grinding, welding, cutting and pre-assembly to a bare

The use of wooden wedges to wedge machined surfaces shall be prohibited. High-
density polyethylene (HDPE) or equivalent material may be used for small wedges.
Polystyrene shall be preferred for large wedges.

All rotating and / or mobile parts such as mobile parts of pumps, filters etc. shall be
wedged and immobilized for shipping. All shafts shall be wedged next to their bearings
in order to avoid any damage of the bearing surfaces such as those that may be caused
by vibration or prolonged contact adequate measures shall ensure that wedges have been
removed before equipment commissioning.

All Equipment shall be protected for the entire period of dispatch, storage and erection,
against corrosion, incidental damage due to vermin, sunlight, rain, high temperature,
humid atmosphere, rough handling in transit and storage in open including possible
delays in transit.

Material and Equipment shipped across the sea shall be packed to withstand without
damage, the effects of saline atmosphere. All machined and plated parts shall be
protected with anti-rust grease.

Precautions shall be taken to protect shafts and journals where they rest on wooden or
other supports likely to contain moisture. At such points, wrappings impregnated with
antirust composition or vapours phase inhibitors shall be used. These shall have
sufficient strength to resist chafing and indentation due to the movement, which is likely
to occur in transit. The protective wrappings and impregnation shall last for a minimum
period of three months or transport time whichever is more.

The packing of parts destined for assembly and / or use at later dates shall have a
lifetime of at least 2 years after arrival on site. The lifetime for the packing used for
spare parts mandatory / recommended shall be without limitations.

All electrical parts shall be carefully protected from damage by sand, moisture, heat or
humid atmospheric conditions by packing them in high-pressure polyethylene foil.
Where equipments / parts may be affected by vibration, they shall be carefully protected
and packed to ensure that no damage will occur while they are being transported and

All openings in the Equipment shall be tightly covered, plugged or capped to prevent
foreign material from entering into the equipment.

The contents of the packages shall be sealed in thick polythene sheets. The inside walls
of the packages shall be lined with waterproof material to protect the Equipment from
damage due to dust and moisture.
Adequate provision of skids or pallets shall be made to keep the packages above the
ground drain water. Crates and other large containers should have drain holes in the
bottom to prevent collection of water within the packing. This is especially important
where the cargo itself is subjected to condensation (cargo sweat).

Silica-gel or approved equivalent moisture absorbing material in small cotton bags shall
be placed and tied at various points on the Equipment, wherever necessary.

The contents of the package shall be punched on non-corrosive metal plate and nailed to
the package on a prominently visible place. If the number of items in the package is too
many, a typed list in transparent waterproof bag shall be kept inside a galvanized sheet
steel pocket nailed on to the outside of package at prominently visible location.

Copies of the packing list, in triplicate, shall be forwarded to the Employer prior to
dispatch. All items of material shall be clearly marked for easy identification against
the packing list.

Fragile materials shall be securely braced within the package or otherwise amply
fastened and packed to prevent shifting or rattling. Soft non-hygroscopic packaging
materials shall be placed between the hard packing materials and the fragile equipment.
Articles which do not completely fill the selected package / container must be
cushioned, braced, fastened or blocked to prevent damage to the article itself or
destruction of the package. Inner bracing or blocking must be such that the content's
weight is distributed over interior surfaces rather than concentrated at one or two points.

Components containing glass shall be carefully covered with shock absorbing protective
material such as expanded polystyrene ("Thermocole").

All flanges, taps, threads etc., which are prone to scratching shall be provided with
either metal or wooden or plastic blanks bolted in place. Metal blanks should have a
minimum thickness of 3 mm and wooden blanks should be made from two layers of
wood, each of 10 mm thickness, nailed together with the grain of each layer located at
right angles to one another.

Loose material, e.g. bolts, nuts, etc. shall be packed and sealed in polythene bags with
proper tagging and packed in cases.

Batteries except those of the sealed type shall be shipped in dry, uncharged condition.
Appropriate quantity of acid of the correct specific gravity shall be shipped separately in
non-returnable porcelain jars packed in steel wire baskets.

Cables shall be shipped in non-returnable drums, adequately braced, and with cable
ends adequately sealed to avoid ingress of moisture.

Electronic equipment shall be packaged, shipped and stored in anti-static packing. For
every package, the Contractor shall indicate whether it is preferable to keep the
equipment with power supplied I air-conditioned during shipping and storage. If
needed, the Contractor shall provide power supply accordingly.
\The Contractor shall supply all the required accessories (slings, hooks, rings, temporary
protection, etc) for loading, handling in transit areas, unloading and storage of cases and
packages. The Contractor shall record the necessary information for package handling
on each package.


All packages shall be clearly, legibly and durably marked with uniform block letters
preferably with waterproof paint) on at least three sides with:

a. Destination address as communicated.

b. Contract No and Date.

i. Contractor's / Sub-Contractor's Name,

ii. Port of Destination, iii. Consignment
SI. No.

c. Overall Dimensions.
d. Net and gross weights.
e. Sign showing "side up".
f Sign showing "fragile" marks in case of delicate equipment.
g. Sign showing slinging and sling position.
h. Any handling and unpacking instructions, if considered necessary.
i. Identification marking relating to the appropriate shipping documents.
j. In case of spare parts, each spare part shall be clearly marked and labeled on the
outside of its packing with its description and catalogue / part number and item
number of main equipment to which it relates.


All Equipment comprising multipart assemblies, e.g. steel frameworks, piping, gate
assemblies etc., shall be marked with identifying numbers and/or letters corresponding
to those of the approved drawings or material lists. These erection marks shall be clearly

Colour banding to an approved code shall be employed to identify members of similar

shape or type but of different strengths or grades.


The Contractor shall analyse conditions of access to the project site and adapt all cases,
convoys, packages and weights etc. to these conditions.

The Contractor shall submit a shipping schedule to the Employer, which shall stipulate
ex-works dates, arrival dates on site and storage conditions. Deliveries shall be
scheduled such as to ensure smooth running of the works onsite.
No Equipment / material shall be dispatched without prior consent of the Employer.

Depending upon the equipment and the mode of transport the Contractor may propose
to deliver the equipment in container or as Break Bulk i.e. in components or sub-
assembly form.

In the event of Contractor proposing to deliver the equipment in Break bulk form, he
shall furnish full particulars of the quantity and approximate size of each item. All sub-
assemblies shall be match marked to facilitate assembly at Site.

In case of ocean shipment, the Contractor shall send an advance "Advice of Shipment"
to the Employer and Site separately at least seven (7) days in advance for foreign supply
and three (3) days in advance for domestic supply. This advice shall state the CIF (cost
including freight and insurance) value of the consignment, the details of the transport
and the probable date of its departure and arrival. Copies of packing list shall also be
sent along with the advance intimation.

Immediately after the shipment has been effected, the shipping documents comprising
Bill of loading, Freight Invoice, FOB / FAS / FOR / FOT / FAT / FAR Invoice, Packing
list, Certificate of Origin, letter to Insurers and Certificates of Inspection shall be issued
by the Contractor in accordance with the instructions of the Employer / Consultant
These documents shall reach the Purchaser before the arrival of ship. Responsibility for
delays, loss or damages of shipping documents shall rest with the Contractor.

In case of inland dispatch by rail or truck, similar equivalent procedures as applicable to

rail or truck transportation shall be adopted.



Upon arrival to site, the Contractor shall formally identify his equipment and shall
verify the condition of the equipment and goods and the compliance with the packing
list. After this verification, equipment shall be stored in compliance with storage

The Contractor shall inform the Employer of any problem observed during equipment
inspection or storage, and in particular if any problem observed may affect the overall
project deadline.

Unless otherwise specified, to Employer supplied plant, equipment, materials the

Contractor shall be responsible for all on site unloading and handling of equipment,
adequate storage space as per specifications.

The Contractor shall transmit all necessary instructions for correct storage of parts on
site, they shall define all precautions required to maintain the packing in good condition,
a copy of these instructions shall be attached to each package, and shall be accessible
when parts are stored in their storage areas, these instructions shall also appear in the
equipment operation and maintenance guide.

The Contractor may use the handling equipment supplied under this contract for initial
erection of equipment. The Contractor may also use other handling equipment. If the
Employer posses the extra handling equipment required, he may place it at the
Contractor's disposal. If not, the Contractor shall procure the extra equipment required
by him.

When the handling equipment is provided by Employer, the Contractor shall be

responsible for performing operations, and maintaining, the handling equipment in good
condition during operation and at the time of handing over to Employer. For Employer
supplied handling equipment a certificate of delivery shall, be signed by the Employer
and Contractor at the time of handing over and taking over. If required, the Contractor
may ask for descriptive manual of the handling equipment.

The Contractor shall set up plans and schedules for occupation of equipment storage
and erection areas. These documents shall clearly show a) the list of parts concerned, b)
arrival dates on site, and duration of storage and erection area occupation c) zones
occupied in the storage and erection areas.

These documents shall be submitted to the Employer.

The Contractor shall provide all the necessary instructions for unloading, unpacking and
handling these parts, (descriptive manual, drawings and diagrams etc.) as well as a list
of required tools.

The Contractor shall provide all the necessary drawings for part handling during
maintenance, as well as the tools or accessories required.



15.1 SCOPE

The Specification covers general requirements of maintenance of plant by

Contractor during Guarantee / Defects Liability Period for different types of


The expression Guarantee / Defects Liability Period in respect of different types of

Contracts shall mean the Defects Liability Period specified as follows, unless
otherwise specified.


Guarantee/Defects liability period shall be 12 months from the date of guarantee

tests/acceptance tests on completion or commissioning of all the four units and the
additional unit in power house, whichever is later.


15.4.1 Contractor shall, during the Guarantee / Defects Liability Period subject to the Scope
of Works under the Contract be responsible for the following:

a. Complete any outstanding work as on the date of Taking over Certificate, or

are permitted by Employer to be completed during Defects Liability Period,
within the time schedule agreed with Employer.

b. Execute all work of amendment, reconstruction and rectification of all

unacceptable work or faults like shrinkage and other defects arising out of
faulty / defective materials, bad workmanship, Contractor's faulty design
and any act or omission of Contractor, except those which, in the opinion of
Employer are due to wear and tear and hence not attributable to Contractor.

c. Carry out any other responsibilities such as running and / or routine

maintenance, operation of the Plant, training of Employer's personnel in
Operation and Maintenance and such other responsibilities, which are
assigned to Contractor.
15.4.2 All works referred to in sub-clause (b) above, shall be executed by Contractor at his
own cost if in the opinion of Employer, such work is attributable to Contractor due

a. The use of material, plants or workmanship not in accordance with Contract,

b. Where the Contractor is responsible for the design of any part of Works, any
fault in such design or
c. The neglect or failure on the part of Contractor to comply with any obligation
under Contract.

If, in the opinion of Employer, such work is due to any other cause, he shall
determine addition to Contract Price as per provisions of Contract, and notify
Contractor accordingly.

15.4.3 In case of a default on the part of Contractor in carrying out such instructions within
a reasonable time, the Employer, after 28 days notice to the Contractor, shall be
entitled to carry out the work himself or by employing others at the risk and cost of
Contractor if, in the opinion of the Employer, the Contractor is liable for such
works. All costs consequent thereon, or incidental thereto shall be determined by
and recovered, from Contractor from any money due to be paid to him or by law.
Employer shall notify the Contractor for the same.

15.4.4 The Guarantee / Defects Liability Period shall be extended by a period equal to the
period during which the Works cannot be used, by reason of a defect or damage
attributable to Contractor. If only a part is affected, the Guarantee / Defects Liability
Period shall be extended for that part. For all parts, replaced or renewed by
Contractor, the Defects Liability Period shall be reckoned as if such works were
taken over from the date of such replacement and renewal, provided always that the
Defects Liability period shall not extend beyond 24 months since the start of the
Defects Liability period.

15.4.5 If the replacement / renewals are of such nature, which, in the opinion of Employer,
may affect the performance of Works, the Employer may require the Contractor to
repeat the 'Performance Tests" again, to the extent necessary by a notice within 28
days of such renewal / replacement.

15.4.6 If any defect, shrinkage or other fault in the Works appears at any time prior to the
end of Defects Liability period, the Employer may instruct the Contractor to search
under the directions of him for the cause thereof. If such defect detected consequent
to Contractor's search is one for which he is liable, the cost of the work in searching
as aforesaid shall be borne by the Contractor, and he shall, in such cases, remedy
such defect at his own cost. In other cases of defects not attributable to Contractor,
Employer, after due consultation with Contractor, shall determine the amounts in
respect of the costs of such search and any rectification incurred by the Contractor,
which shall be added to the Contract Price, and notified to the Contractor.

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