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O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD


Scope of Work

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

1.1 General
A Special purpose vehicle viz “Andaman Public Works Department (APWD)” is createdto
deliver several Pan City and Area Based Development solutions envisaged under Smart City
Mission initiatives of GoI for the Port Blair city.

“Design, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and O&M for Storm water Network,
including Storm water Pumping etc. for ABD Areaon EPC Basis with Five year O&M after
issue of completion certificate”

The scope under this contract comprises of Data collection and studies, Design, Engineering,
Manufacture, Supply, Transportation to site, Storage, Construction, Installation/Erection,
Testing, Commissioning and putting into successful operation of the complete Facility on
EPC basis with Five year O&M basis including all Civil, Structural and Architectural,
Mechanical, Electrical, Control & Instrumentation and all Infrastructural work covering site
development, lighting, drains, all preparatory & temporary works for the purpose of
meeting the entire scope of works.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible to ensure that the whole of the Works, including
each individual component, is designed and constructed in a manner so that the System as a
whole operates as a fully integrated system which is capable of achieving the required
output in an efficient and economical manner, and to include all plant, equipment and
accessories required for the safe and satisfactory operation of the facilities. To achieve this,
the Contractor shall ensure that each individual component performs in a manner which is
complimentary to that of all other components. Any accessories which are not specifically
mentioned in the specifications, but which are usual or necessary for completion of the
Works and successful performance of the System and facilities shall be provided by the
successful Contractor within the tendered cost.

The Contractor shall, to the maximum extent practical and feasible, endeavour to
standardize on the manufacture and supply of plant and equipment so as to minimize the
operation and maintenance requirements. The Contractor shall ensure that his designs are
"maintenance-friendly" and that all items of plant and equipment are designed and installed
in a manner which will facilitate routine and periodic maintenance operations.

1.2 Scope of Work

The Bidder shall be responsible for the Design, engineering, manufacturing, shop
fabrication, assembly, testing and inspection at supplier’s works, packing, dispatch,
shipping, delivery at site, unloading and storing at site, insurance up to time of take -
over/hand over by Employer at the need of O&M period, handling at site, complete
erection, start-up, commissioning, successful performance, testing and handing over of the
O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

full Package, warranty, and defect liability period on EPC basis with Five (5) years
Operation and Maintenance for the complete drainage network in ABD area.

The Contractor shall carry out and be responsible for Design and Construction of the Storm
water Network includingbox drains, pipe network and all allied appurtenant structures,
Pumping Station etc and be responsible for its performance. The Contractor’s work and
services shall cover all necessary and/or desirable services / activities for the design and all
allied works in accordance with and as contemplated by the Tender Documents and the
Technical Standards including,

The Contractor shall make his/their own arrangements for water and power required for
the work during Construction and nothing extra will be paid for the same. This will be
subject to the conditions that the water used by the Contractor (s) shall be fit for construction
purposes to the satisfaction of the Employers.

Upon completion of the Performance Test and issue of Completion Certificate, the contractor
is responsible for Carrying out Operation and Maintenance of Storm water Network,
Pumping Station, collection network, etc for a period of 5 years from the date of issue of
Completion Certificate, inclusive of all manpower, machine and material cost.

The contractor shall include in its scope all the equipment, works and services necessary for
complete, safe and reliable operation and maintenance of the facility in accordance with the
terms of the Contract, even if certain works are not expressly stated in any part of the Tender
Documents. The contractor’s proposal shall include details and references of the
recordedoperational reliability of the key equipment and systems to be provided.

The installation layout and system design shall not allow any item of plant to be so
positioned that danger to operating personnel could arise during normal operation and
maintenance. Particular attention shall be paid to the position of pipes, air vents, electrical
cables and rotating machinery.

All rotating shafts, couplings, gears, flywheels, belt drives or other moving parts shall be
fully guarded. Guards shall be designed to provide ready access to bearings, grease points,
thermometer sockets/instrument probes and other check points and to allow safe routine
observation and servicing to be executed without the need to dismantle any part of their

All pressure containing equipment and components shall be designed, fabricated, tested,
and inspected in accordance with project specification and ASME Section VIII, Div 1.
Material certification to BS-EN-10204:2004 shall be supplied for all items.

The contractor shall provide Training of Employers Staff Operating and Maintenance

However, prior to commencement of the work, the Contractor shall submit thefollowing:

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

1. Layouts, general arrangements, dimensional elevations, L-Sections and cross-

sectionaldrawing for all the project components, equipment, structures and facilities
ofthe works.
2. Flow diagrams, hydraulic gradient diagram, Process & InstrumentationDiagrams,
Piping isometric, composite layout and fabrication drawings,Piping engineering
Diagrams, pipe and fittings schedules, valve schedules, pipesupport schedules.
3. Technical data sheets and calculations for all bought out and manufactured item
4. Detailed design calculations including sizing calculations for all system
andequipment like but not limited to pump, pumping station equipment’s, piping,
valves,Electrical systems, Control and Instrumentation systems and civil works.
5. Characteristic Curves/ Performance Correction Curves.
6. Hydraulic & Mechanical design calculations
7. Comprehensive list of all terminal points which interface with Employer’s facilities,
giving details of location, terminal pressure, temperature, fluid handled & end
connection details, forces, moments etc.,
8. Power distribution scheme indicating the equipment’s rating
9. Protection system diagrams.
10. Cables schedules, termination and interconnection diagrams
11. Instrument schedule, measuring point list, I/O list, Interconnection & wiring
diagram, functional write-ups, and installation drawings for field mounted
instruments, logic diagrams, control schematics, wiring and tubing diagrams of
panels and enclosures etc. Drawings for open loop and close loop controls (both
hardware and software).
12. List, type, data sheets and valve schedule of motors and actuators, Alarm and
annunciation/Sequence of Event (SOE) list and alarms & trip set points.
13. Sequence and protection interlock schemes
14. Type test reports
15. Control system configuration diagrams and card circuit diagrams and maintenance
16. Detailed software manuals & source software listing
17. Detailed flow chart for digital control system and Mimic diagram layout, Inputs
18. Foundation Plan and Loading Data for Civil Design and drawings.
19. Model study reports wherever applicable
20. Functional & guarantee test procedures and test reports
21. Documentation in respect of Quality Assurance System as listed out elsewhere in this
22. Single line Diagram, Schematic, control, wiring, duty cycle diagram and relay
settings of all electrical panels/cubicles/cabinets

1.3 Brief of works

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

(a) Storm Water Drainage System is designed for 100-year Return Period.
(b) Rational Method is adopted for designing of Storm Water Drainage System.
(c) Drains to be designed as per CPHEEO Manual and other design Standards.
(d) Drains to be designed to discharge storm run-off at 16 Nos. different locations into
the sea. Flap valves of required sizing are scope of works under the Contract.
Screens to be proposed at outfall locations to avoid debris, polythene or any other
solid material to directly dispose-off into sea. Screens shall be manual and in SS 304
Construction with Cathodic protection.

(e) 01 No. Pump Station fully automated with Retention Tank is proposed near Phoenix
Bay to discharge generated run-off of nearby are and control the back flow from sea
with Flap Gates during High Tides. For modelling the sump sizing for the worst-case
scenario, the combined effect from tide and runoff from the extreme rainfall is
considered. For this scenario, retention sump with pumping arrangement is
proposed. The hydrograph was routed for 24 hours durations through the channel
for the rainfall intensity of 150mm/hr and for tidal effect, the worst-case tide for 24
hours is considered. Highest Astronomical Tide of 2.4m is considered from Tidal
Data received and the Lowest Astronomical Tide is considered as the highest of low
tide i.e. 0.90 m. However bidder needs to verify the said data and the data given is
only for reference purpose. The power for the same shall be responsibility of the
Contractor from the nearest power station/ substation. The scope also includes
lighting of the pump station with LED and Solar lights only. The scope also includes
providing DG for complete back up of the pump station.

All the Transformer, cables, panels, DG set etc required for the same are scope of the
(f) Required number of Silt Collection Chamber are proposed in the network to trap silt
and remove before storm water discharge to sea.
(g) Required Number of new culverts are proposed to connect drainages at road
(h) De-siltation and De-sludging of existing drains are covered in the proposal.
(i) Rejuvenation and rehabilitation of existing water bodies viz., water body behind
Aberdeen Bazaar Fire Station, a storage to be constructed near APWD office near
Bengali Junction to reduce the velocity of storm water before entering to PBMC area
nearby drains and existing Dhobi Ghat Pond in Ward No. 4.
(j) Rehabilitation and Repair of old drains, nallah within ABD area is under the scope of
(k) Special structures like Energy Dissipators, Sedimentation Traps, Weirs to be
proposed as per requirement.

(l) The city is prone to cyclonic conditions and storm surge is a prevailing condition
during those periods. For the cyclonic condition, an intensity of 122mm/hr is
calculated with wind velocity matching the cyclonic extreme of year 2016. The peak

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

velocity of 130 km/hr was informed by IMD for the Cyclone. Therefore, the value of
150 mm/hr is considered in designing the drainage network. Bidder needs to
consider this as minimum.

1.4 Existing Storm water System ABD

The project area for storm water drainage is the defined ABD area. This area lies under ward
2, 3, 4 & 5. Most of the drains under the project area are Lined drains. However, at few
places, some drains are unlined. These drains are covering all the areas. Since, the city is
developing and the run-off is increasing, the storm network needs up-gradation. The issues
facing by the city are already discussed with the technical experts of the stakeholders.
The entire major drainage system network of the ABD area is having distributed outfall
system. These drainages are discharging towards the northern sea face between Chatham
and JNRM College area. There are 15 nos. of Major Outfalls catering the storm water flow of
these 4 wards of the ABD area.

S. No Wards Major Outfalls

1 Ward 02 04
2 Ward 03 04
3 Ward 04 03
4 Ward 05 08

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

Figure 1: Major Outfalls in ABD Area

The city of Port Blair is one of its unique kind of city having very undulated terrain receiving
rainfall round the year. The terrain of Port Blair is hilly; rising from sea level to almost 137.5
m. All the storm water drains are carrying the combined storm water and sewerage load and
draining into the sea. Important areas of Port Blair city get badly flooded during rainy
season. Major reasons behind this situation are siltation of bed, non-availability of smooth
gradient for water to be drained out in various areas due to the flat terrain. These locations
are situated in the area where the gradient is very less and surrounded by a saucer like
terrain area. The water comes from the surrounding higher elevation.

Port Blair is characterized by undulating and rolling topography compared to relatively

large valleys as seen in Diglipur and Betapur region in the north. Sewerage and Drainage
system in Port Blair and surrounding region throws lot of challenges in terms of land
availability, rainfall run-off to the sea, possibilities of Storm Surge and Cyclone, its terrain
and other prevailing ground conditions due to human interventions.
The city of Port Blair has good density of storm drainage networks. The Major drainage
network of the ABD area are silted and have reduced carrying capacity. While monsoon,
various area gets large amount of runoff water coming from the hilly part of the
surrounding area. This water gets trapped in this shallow area due to congested or silted
O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

drains with reduced carrying capacity. This water gets drained out from the existing system,
but with a lag time, depending upon the situation of drains and the amount of rainfall
received in that area.
Due to the uniqueness of the natural topography, individual wards of Port Blair forms small
catchments in itself and drains out towards sea.

1.5 Meteorological Data

1.5.1.Rainfall & Cyclones
As per the records1 of on analysing the rainfall recorded at Port Blair from 1949 to 2006, the
lowest rainfall recorded was 1541.4 mm during 1979 and the highest rainfall recorded was
4362.4 mm during 1961. The Normal Rainfall at Port Blair is 3180 mm. On analysing the
Rainfall recorded in the Andaman District from 1967 to 2006, the lowest average rainfall was
1774.3 mm during 1979 and the highest average rainfall was 3651.1 mm during 1972. During
2007 to 2009 the lowest average rainfall in North & Middle Andaman district was 2849.8 mm
in 2007 and that in South Andaman District was 2325.3mm in 2009. Further the average
rainfall was highest in both the District during 2008. The average annual rainfall is around
300 to 350 cm. Rainfall is received both from the South- West and North-East monsoon. May
to August is the rainiest months and April is the warmest month is this region. It is observed
that it is only the South-West monsoon that brings in most of the rainfall. During May-June,
onset of the monsoon and in September- October withdrawal of monsoon is observed. The
North East monsoons beginning in November continue till the end of February. March is
observed to be the driest of the months. Rainfall Analysis

A daily rainfall series has been taken for Port Blair for a period of 28-years between 1989-
2018 from IMD. The maximum daily rainfalls for the Port Blair area tabulated below. It is
observed that the maximum daily rainfall observed at Port Blair is 144.2 mm in 1976.

Tidal data has also been considered from Survey of India in the format of daily high and low
tide values each day having two high tides and two low tides. It was observed the high tide
goes up to 2.4m and low tide to -0.5m. The highest of low tide is 0.9m. High tides are
generally seen in the months of December, January and February.

1.6 Surveys, Topographical Survey and Soil

Investigation Agency
The Employer does not warrant either the sufficiency or accuracy of site data provided in
the Bid Documents or elsewhere. This is for reference only and a detailed investigation shall

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

be performed at the Site before starting works by the Bidder. Bidders needs to carry out its
topographical survey for the project.

The Bidder is required to verify the sub-soil strata including the SBC value by performing its
own site investigation prior to developing the civil/structural design. The geotechnical
parameters necessary for the detailed foundation designs would depend on the findings of
site specific ground investigation.

Any Site data in Employer’s possession that is not included in the Bid Documents will be
available for inspection at the Employer’s addresses provided in conditions of Contract.

The contractor should be ready with the qualified agencies he intends to use for the purpose
and ensure that the work starts within a fortnight of the Letter to Proceed.

1.7 Field Laboratories

The Contractor will be required to establish a field laboratory as approved by Employers
Representative/Engineer, suitably equipped to carry out tests as stipulated in the QA/QC
Manual, including all specialized equipment which will be required for testing the material
and equipment being supplied under the Contract. Suitable trained laboratory staff will
have to be posted with full facility of computerized record keeping. The minimum
equipment to be provided in the laboratory shall be as listed below in the Table 1.
Additional equipment as may be deemed necessary may be added to the same in due course
on requirement of the Employer/Contractor. The Contractor shall provide a laboratory as
approved by Employer’s Representative for the testing of materials.

In addition to the equipment in the laboratory, the Contractor will also provide field testing
equipment as directed by the Employer’s Representative on sites where work is in progress.

The contractor shall put a concrete batching plant of required capacity within the site area
for efficient working.

Arrangement can be made by the Contractor to have the cubes tested in an approved
laboratory in lieu of a testing machine at site at his expense, with the prior consent of the

The outside laboratory shall also be used for routine testing of cement, reinforcement, coarse
and fine aggregate and other items.

1.8 Temporary Works

Not less than 14 days before commencing any portion of the Works, the Contractor shall
submit to the Employer’s Representative for his approval comprehensive drawings and
calculations for all Temporary Works which the Contractor proposes for the construction of
that part of the Works.

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

Notwithstanding approval by the Employer’s Representative of any design for the

Temporary Works, the Contractor shall be entirely responsible for their safety, efficiency,
security and maintenance and for all obligations and risks in regard to such Temporary
Works specified or implied in the Contract.

1.9 Workability and Maintenance

Facilities and equipment shall be arranged and spaced sufficiently to enable satisfactory
operation and maintenance of the Plant. Access around all equipment shall be provided, in
accordance with Good Utility Practices, to allow effective inspection, maintenance and
removal of equipment.

Aisle ways adjacent to equipment and lay-down areas shall be sufficient to facilitate all
aspects of major maintenance and Plant overhaul. General arrangement drawings shall be
provided, clearly identifying the outline of all major Plant equipment, their weights and
associated floor loading capacity and lay down location.

Space should be provided at the front and rear of the skid to allow the use of mobile
equipment and access to pressure vessels for membrane replacement or leakages repairs.

Permanent lifting devices should be provided for maintenance of heavy equipment, they
should be sized to lift the heaviest equipment in the said process unit.

The lay down areas for all major facilities shall have adequate space for direct heavy
transport, as well as trailer access and direct mobile crane access. Platforms shall be
provided around equipment as required for maintenance work, testing, inspection and safe
operation. Platforms where provided, shall be sized to facilitate safe ergonomic operation of
manual valves and equipment between waist and shoulder level of an average height man.
Those parts of the facility where maintenance activities will be performed shall be provided
with permanent arrangements for slinging or handling during maintenance and overhaul.

All automatic valves and major equipment should be at ground level or accessible by
permanent platforms. The marking and test specification of safe working load values on
lifting equipment shall be in SI units.

All platforms to be visited on a daily basis shall be provided with stairways, except where a
permanent access ladder is the only feasible means of access. All interior and exterior
platforms gratings and/or checker plate shall be of FRP/GRP. Handrails shall be GRP/FRP
Industrial grade, made of minimum 32NB pipes/tubes with top and intermediate rows of
pipes running parallel to each other and the height of railing not less than 1100mm.The

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

distance between 2 vertical posts shall not be more than 1.5 meters. The post shall also be of
32 NB.

Platforms shall be constructed using a suitable grade of FRP/GRP grating, to the relevant
ISO, British Standards or ASME Standards and shall cater for the relevant loadings for
maintenance. Generally, no frequently accessed platform shall be less than 1m wide and all
platforms shall be extended up to the equipment, valves and instrumentation that they
serve. All edges of floors, platforms and walkways shall be provided with curbs or kicking

Sufficient space should be provided to ensure easy inspections and maintenance of all the

1.10 Design Criteria - Storm water collection network

and Disposal

All the design has to comply with applicable standards, norms, guidelines (such as NBC,
CPHEEO, IEC, IS etc.), manufacturer’s instructions, recommendations, industry best
practices and subject to approvals by relevant authorities. Where Indian Standards are not
available, International Standards such as ASTM, BS Code, and European Code will be used.

Architectural design criteria are as per architectural specifications for amenities buildings
and Civil and structural design criteria are as per civil, structural specifications, unless
otherwise specified, design has been done considering adverse climate and site conditions.
Design has been done to achieve most feasible, workable, efficient, optimal, energy efficient
and sustainable solution. Designs, calculations, modelling, simulations etc. has been carried-
out using latest available CAD and GIS enable software.

All works and installations etc. such as sump, pumping stations, utility
buildings/areas/campuses, installations, Substation/Compact substation, DG sets, feeder
pillars, chamber/manhole covers, street/area lights etc. has to be designed complementing
the surrounding aesthetics.

1.11 Scope
The Scope of Work shall include:

 Detailed Design, plans, L sections and construction drawings of storm water system
of the project area
 Submission of design calculations, plans and drawings for approval to the client
 Construction of storm water Network as per approved design and plans

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

 Erection, Testing, Commission and O&M of the System

Mosary objective of flood control /drainage design is to protect the area from flooding and
efficient operation of systems during the design storm events. The drainage system is
designed to collect storm water run-off from roadway surface and right-of-way along with
runoff from plots and convey it along and through the storm water network and discharge
into a receiving body without causing adverse site impacts.

Storm water collection systems shall be designed to provide adequate surface drainage.
Surface drainage is a function of transverse and longitudinal pavement roughness, inlet
spacing and inlet capacity.

The discharge design facilities for storm water collection and conveyance systems include
consideration of storm water quantity and quality. The general considerations in design of
storm water drain shall be:

 Drains shall be design for appropriate design frequency/return period depending

on importance of development and economic considerations.

 Drains shall be planned taking into consideration the ground levels, slope of the
ground, valley and ridges and also the land uses planned for urban development.

 Drains shall be planned to get good longitudinal slope, considering the nature of
soil and subsoil water level. Drainage of large area can be better achieved by
subdividing it into small grids to avoid a long main drain. Aim should be to get a
high velocity for the dominant flow.

 Efficiency in maintenance of drainage system is an important consideration in

selecting the size, shape and the location. The specification of the drain shall also
aim at preventing the possibility of ingress of other extraneous materials, debris,
vegetation etc. where grating are provided on drains, they shall be so located as to
attract attention of maintenance staff, easy to approach, inspect and clean it.

Storm Frequency/ Return Period

The components of proposed storm water drainage system shall be designed for the
following design standards based on the national and international best practices:

 Once in 5 year event flows for storm water pipelines/channels;

 Once in 25 year event flows for minor culverts

 Once in 100 year event flows for drainage channels within the site

1.12 Rainfall Intensity

The Bidder needs to purchase the last 25 years rainfall data for the city f Port Blair and
calculate the intensity based on IDF curves. However, it shall not be less than 150

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

1.13 Maximum velocity under drain

To ensure self-cleaning of the drain, a minimum velocity of 0.8 m/ s may be
desirable. (Ref: CPHEEO)

However, as per IRC SP 50, 0.75 m/sec is proposed, as pipe network is proposed for
storm water network.

The velocity of flow in a drain shall not be too great to cause excessive
scouring or hydraulic jumps.

Hence as per IRC SP 50 maximum velocities shall be limited to 1.8m/sec.

1.14 Minimum Longitudinal Gradient

A minimum longitudinal gradient of 0.3 percent shall be provided for satisfactory
drainage as per Ref: IRC:SP: 50-2013. Steeper gradient as per site requirement shall
be calculated and submitted for Employer Engineer approval.

1.15 Inlet Spacing

The spacing of inlets depends on condition of road surface size and type of inlet and
rainfall. They shall be provided at closer intervals near junctions and valley curves;
however maximum spacing shall not be more than 15 m. (Ref: IRC:SP:50-2013)
However intermediate catch basin should be provided.

1.16 Freeboard
Freeboard refers to the depth from the top of the drain (cope/bank) to the top of the
water surface in the drain at design flow condition. Sufficient freeboard shall be
provided to prevent waves or fluctuation of the water surface from
overflowing the cope/bank. Free board shall be as per IRC SP 50 as below :

Table 1: Minimum Free Board

S. No. Drain Size Free Board

1. Beyond 300 mm bed width 10 cm

2. Beyond 300 mm &upto 900 mm bed width 15 cm

3. Beyond 900 mm &upto 1500 mm bed width 30 cm

Minimum size of pipe and box drain shall be as per relevant IRC.

1.17 Cover Frame

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

 As per IS-4111: 1986, the size of manhole covers should be such that there should be clear
opening of not less than 560 mm diameter for manholes exceeding 0.9 m depth.

 Manhole cover and frame will be SFRC (Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete) conforming to
the IS 12592.

Table 2: Manhole Cover Details as per IS 12592

Manhole Type Load withstanding capacity Suitable Locations

L.D (Light Duty) 2.50 MT Footpaths, Two


M.D (Medium Duty) 10.00 MT Light four wheelers

H.D (Heavy Duty) 20.00 MT Heavy vehicles

E.H.D (Extra Heavy 35.00 MT Heavy traffic roads


1.18 Design Methodology

1.18.1. Rational Method
Storm runoff is that portion of the precipitation which drains over the ground
surface. Estimation of such runoff is dependent on the intensity and duration of
rainfall, characteristics of tributary area and the time required for such flow to reach
the drain. The usual case for urban drainage system, the Rational method is widely
used for estimating the peak runoff rates. The formula is:

Q = 0.00278 CIA


Q = flow, m3/s

C = weighted runoff coefficient

I = rainfall intensity in mm/hr

A = drainage area in hectares


Assumptions inherent in the Rational Formula are that:

 Peak flow occurs when the entire watershed is contributing to the flow.

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

 Rainfall intensity is the same over the entire drainage area.

 The frequency of the computed peak flow is the same as that of the rainfall intensity,

 The coefficient of runoff is the same for all storms of all recurrence probabilities.

1.18.2. Time of concentration

The storm duration chosen for design is equal to the time of concentration.
Maximum discharge in drainage system occurs when the entire catchment is
contributing to the flow. The time of concentration, (tc) is the time required for a
given drop of water from the most remote part of watershed to reach the point of

The concentration time depends on (1) the distance from the critical point to the
structure; and (2) the average velocity of flow. As per IRC:SP:13-2004 suggested
following relationship for time of concentration.

Tc = [0.87 x (L3/H)] 0.385


Tc = the concentration time in hours

L = the distance from critical point to the structure in km

H = the fall in level from the critical point to the structure in meter

1.4.1. Critical Intensity

The critical intensity for a catchment is that maximum intensity which can occur in a
time interval equal to the concentration time tc of the catchment during the severest
storm (in the region) of a given frequency Ic, Since each catchment has its own tc, it
will have its own Ic

Ic = Io(2/(tc+1)) Ref: IRC -SP 13:2004

1.18.3. Runoff Coefficient

The runoff coefficient, C, in Equation is a function of the ground cover and a host of
other hydrologic abstractions. It relates the estimated peak discharge to a theoretical
maximum of 100 percent runoff. Typical values for C are given in table below. If the

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

basin contains varying amounts of different land cover or other abstractions, a

composite coefficient can be calculated through area weighing using Equation below:

Weighted C = Σ(Cx*Ax)/Atotal


x = subscript designating values for incremental areas with consistent land cover

Table 1: Runoff Coefficients for Rational Formula

Type of Drainage Area Runoff Coefficient, C

Playgrounds 0.30 – 0.40
Non concrete 0.30 – 0.40
Asphaltic 0.90 – 0.95
Concrete Pavements 0.90 – 0.95
Brick 0.80 – 0.85
Roofs 0.90 – 0.95
1.18.4. Hydraulics
The size of the drains shall be determined using Manning’s formula. The Manning’s
equation is given below:

Q = (A R2/3 S1/2)/n


Q = discharge capacity of the drain in m3/s

N = manning’s roughness coefficient

A = flow area in m2

R = A/P = hydraulic radius in m

P = wetted perimeter in m

S = channel slope

1.19 Pipe Network and Box Drains for Storm Water

A separate dedicated collection network is proposed for collection of storm water
comprising of box drains, NP3 RCC pipes and for road crossing RCC NP4, as per IS
458. The drains may be piped or box drains with covers.

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

Collection Network shall be planned considering natural topography and planned

grade levels. The network is designed on the assumption that although silting might
occur at minimum flow, however it should be flushed out during peak flows.
Connection from the side/plot shall not be less than 200 mm OD HDPE/UPVC pipe.

1.20 Storm water Pumping Stations

Pumping stations are included in the scope of contract and laying of storm water
drain/ pipeline up to Inlet of Pumping station and outfall is under the present scope
of services. The pump houses shall be of adequate size to house the pumps of
required capacity and other allied electrical and mechanical equipment, also
designing and providing all PLC/SCADA/Automation requirements for required

The pumping station shall be designed with given below specifications:

1. Pipe Material for Rising Main shall be DI pipe K 7 as per (IS 8329) with sulfate
resistant cement internal CC lining.
2. The rising main shall be provided with isolation valves, Air Release valves, scour
valves etc. in complete. All valves shall be automated/actuated except scour and
air release valves.
3. The Pumps shall be of submersible type/ Vertical Turbine/ Horizontal
Centrifugal pumps with open impeller. Detailed specification of the pumps shall
be referred in below in the tender.
4. Mechanical coarse screens of minimum 25 mm c/c Spacing in SS 304 ( Cathodic
Protection) Construction with min. 50% stand by shall be provided, to prevent
clogging and deposition of silt in the wet well.
5. The Pump house shall be in RCC construction of required grade as called in the

1.21 Other Civil Works

1.21.1. Roads & Pathways
Suitable Internal Roads & Pathways shall be provided inside the pumping station
plant as required for approach to all Units and as per the Layout as prepared and
submitted by the Bidder and duly approved by the client.

All Internal Roads shall be laid inside the plot boundary of pumping station plot and

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

shall be designed for easy movements of transport vehicles, loading and unloading
of materials, equipment etc. and shall comprise of:

1) A Carriage Width of not less than 3.5 m with a 0.75 m berm on each
side with precast Kerb Stones on each side for peripheral roads and
internal roads.
2) The Road shall have a Drain provided all along the periphery within
the plant boundary as required. All the drains within plot area are in
the Contractor’s scope of work.

1.21.2. Compound Wall & Gates

The Bidder shall provide Compound Wall to the entire pumping station plant as
approved by Client. The compound wall shall comprise of RCC footings, columns,
beams, brickwork if required, coping at top, finished with plaster from both sides
and painted complete. Necessary foundation, either open or precast pre-bored piles
shall be provided.

In addition to the above, the Compound Wall shall have:

 Entry/Exit Points/ gates to the site.

 Wrought Iron decorative type Sliding Gates of 5.5 m width with a height of
1.8 m, one at each entry point to the plot.There shall be a Security Cabin of
minimum 6 m2 area.

1.21.3. Site Grading and Levelling

Site level and grading is part of the Contractors Scope.

1.21.4. Other Items

Any other item which is required to make the system complete shall be deemed to be
included by the Bidder price irrespective of the fact whether it has been specifically
mentioned / specified above and the Bidder shall supply / construct / provide the same if
called upon to do during detail engineering or if so, required by the client.

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

1.22 List of Standards and Specifications

The design and Construction of storm water drainage network and the outfalls shall
conform to design requirements and Construction specifications set out in the
following Indian and International Standards, latest editions.

 IS - 456 Code of practice for Plain & Reinforced concrete;

 IRC SP-50-1999 - Guidelines on Urban Drainage

 IS - 458 Pre-cast Concrete Pipes (with and without reinforcement);

 IS 783 -1985 Width and depth of trench for R.C.C. Pipes;

 IS 1726 Specification for Cast Iron Manhole Covers and Frames;

 IRC SP-42-1994 - Guidelines on Road Drainage

 IS 4985-2000 Unplasticized PVC pipes for potable water supplies - specification;

 IS 12235- (Parts 1 to 19)Thermoplastics pipes and fittings - methods of test; and

 IS 12592 Pre-cast Concrete Manhole Covers and Frames – Specifications.

 Schedule of specifications of Govt. Of Maharashtra and C.P.W.D. specifications

(Govt. of India) 2009 with all latest amendments issued from time to time;

 CPHEEO Manual for Sewerage and Drainage -2014 - MoUD, GoI

 SP 35:1987 - Hand book of Water Supply and Drainage, Bureau of Indian


 Manual on artificial recharge of ground water by Central groundwater Board

Ministry of Water-Resources Government of India;

 Rain water harvesting and conservation Manual by consultancy services

organization CPWD, New Delhi, India;

 Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage by Public Utilities Board, Singapore;


 Managing Urban Runoff Drainage Handbook by Public Utilities Board,


O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

O-Nil Contractor EE ,SAD

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