Water Purification Discussion

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Whats water purification? Water purification means water free from any impurities it contains, such as contaminants or microorganisms.

Water purification is not a process that is very unfair, contains much step purification process. The steps that need to be expanded depending on the type of impurities in the water. This can be very different for different types of water. In what sort of ways is polluted water treated? Settling Before starting the cleaning process some contaminants, such as oil, can be solved in the tank settles. They can then be easily removed, after they have reached the bottom of the tank. Removal of dangerous microorganisms Often contaminated water should be released from microorganisms. Water is from bacteria, usually through chlorination. Removal of dissolved solids Microorganisms are not only a threat to the water, they can also be an advantage when it comes to water purification process. They can convert harmful substances into harmless substances. This biological cleaning process usually takes a long time and it is only used to water contaminated with pollutants that microorganisms, usually bacteria, can change. Physical/ chemical techniques When treatment by microorganisms is not an option we often use the techniques of different treatments, called physical therapy techniques / chemicals. Chemical treatment often deal with the addition of certain chemicals, to ensure that the structural changes in contaminants and can then be removed more easily. Fertilizers such as nitrates produced in this way. Removal of materials can also be done through a specific chemical process that much more difficult. It requires a lot of education to understand the cleaning steps. Physical treatment usually associated with cleaning steps such as filtration.

Effluent Treatment

Water pollution treatment process

How can bacteria be removed from water? Bacteria and other microorganisms removed from the water through disinfection. This means that certain ingredients added to kill bacteria, this is called biocides. Sometimes disinfection can also be done with UV light. Whats aerobic water treatment? When the bacteria used for water purification are two types of transfers, one of which is the transfer of aerobics. This means that oxygen-dependent bacteria will convert the materials in the water. Aerobic bacteria can only be changed when a lot of oxygen compounds are present, as they have to perform any chemical conversion. Usually the products that they changed the materials to carbon dioxide and water are. Whats anaerobic water treatment? When the bacteria used for water purification are two types of conversion, one of which is the transfer of anaerobic. This means that the bacteria are NOT dependent oxygen will convert substances in the water. Anaerobic bacteria can only change when oxygen levels are low, because they use different types of materials to perform chemical conversions. Anaerobic bacteria do not just develop carbon dioxide and water during the conversion, but also methane. This can be used to ensure that the machinery that supports continuous cleaning. Anaerobic conversion of the substances that require more aerobic conversion steps, but the end result is often less than satisfactory. After switching anaerobic bacteria typically aerobic (bacteria that do not use oxygen) still need to complete the process, because the water is not clean enough yet. How are fertilizers removed from water? Fertilizers such as phosphate released by the addition of another chemical substance, usually iron. Materials from a solid to precipitate, which can be filtered from the water. Removal of ammonia and nitrate is a little more complicated, it is a cleansing process that takes conversion both aerobic and anaerobic to remove them. In the aerobic conversion of two

bacterial species involved. Nitrosomonas bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrite and Nitrobacter bacteria that convert nitrite to nitrate after that. Although nitrate does not represent a health threat continues to most fish, the level is still undesirable. Besides promoting algae growth that many normal, it is now believed that high nitrate levels are associated with a number of fish diseases. This means that the process can not be stopped here. Anaerobic bacteria take over, they convert nitrate to nitrogen gas atmosphere. This process only occurs in the absence of oxygen. The first stage is behind the nitrification process, it converts nitrate back to nitrite. The second stage of denitrification converts nitrate to nitrogen gas (N2). This gas can be freely released into the atmosphere without causing environmental damage.

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