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MEANING AND DEFINITION: Bank is an institution that deals in money and its substitutes and provides crucial financial services. The principal type of baking in the modern industrial world is commercial banking & central banking.

Banking Means "Accepting Deposits for the purpose of lending or Investment of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise and withdraw by cheque, draft or otherwise." -Banking Companies (Regulation) Act,1949

The concise oxford dictionary has defined a bank as "Establishment for custody of money which it pays out on customers order." Infact this is the function which the bank performed when banking originated.

"Banking in the most general sense, is meant the business of receving, conserving & utilizing the funds of community or of any special section of it." -By H.Wills & J. Bogan

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"A banker of bank is a person, a firm, or a company having a place of business where credits are opened by deposits or collection of money or currency or where money is advanced and waned. -By Findlay Sheras Thus A Bank : Accept deposits of money from public, Pays interest on money deposited with it. Lends or invests money Repays the amount on demand, Allow the money deposited to be with drawn by cheque or draft.

ORIGIN OF WORD BANK: The origin of the word bank is shrouded in mystery. According to one view point the Italian business house carrying on crude from of banking were called banchi bancheri" According to another viewpoint banking is derived from German word "Branck" which mean heap or mound. In England, the issue of paper money by the government was referred to as a raising a bank.

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ORIGIN OF BANKING : Its origin in the simplest form can be traced to the origin of authentic history. After recognizing the benefit of money as a medium of exchange, the importance of banking was developed as it provides the safer place to store the money. This safe place ultimately evolved in to financial institutions that accepts deposits and make loans i.e., modern commercial banks.

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A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE : We can identify there distinct phases in the history of Indian banking: 1. 2. Early phase from 1786-1969. Nationalization of banks and up to 1991 prior to banking sector reforms. 3. New phase of Indian banking with the advent of financial banking. Banking in India has its origin as early or Vedic period. It is believed that the transitions from many lending to banking must have occurred even before Manu, the great Hindu furriest, who has devoted a section of his work to deposit and advances and laid down rules relating to the rate of interest. During the mogul period, the indigenious banker played a very important role in lending money and financing foreign trade and commerce. During the days of the East India Company it was the turn of agency house to carry on the banking business. The General Bank of India was the first joint stock bank to be established in the year 1786. The other which followed was the Bank of Hindustan and Bengal Bank. The Bank of Hindustan is reported to have continued till 1906. While other two failed in the meantime. In the first half of the 19th century

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the East India Company established there banks, The bank of Bengal in 1809, the Bank of Bombay in 1840 and the Bank of Bombay in1843. These three banks also known as the Presidency banks were the independent units and functioned well. These three banks were amalgamated in 1920 and new bank, the Imperial Bank of India was established on 27th January, 1921.

With the passing of the State Bank of India Act in 1955 the undertaking of the Imperial Bank of India was taken over by the newly constituted SBI. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) which is the Central bank was established in April, 1935 by passing Reserve bank of India act 1935. The Central office of RBI is in Mumbai and it controls all the other banks in the country.

In the wake of Swadeshi Movement, number of banks with the Indian management were established in the country namely, Punjab National Bank Ltd., Bank of India Ltd., Bank of Baroda Ltd., Canara Bank. Ltd. on 19th July 1969, 14 major banks of the country were nationalized and on 15th April 1980, 6 more commercial private sector banks were taken over by the government.

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PRIMARY FUNCTIONS Acceptance of Deposits Making loans & advances Loans Overdraft Cash Credit Discounting of bills of exchange

SECONDARY FUNCTIONS Agency functions Collection of cheques & Bills etc. Collection of interest and dividends. Making payment on behalf of customers Purchase & sale of securities Facility of transfer of funds To act as trustee & executor.

UTILITY FUNCTIONS : Safe custody of customers valuable articles & securities. Underwriting facility

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Issuing of traveller's cheque letter of credit. Facility of foreign exchanges Providing trade information Provide information regarding credit worthiness of their customer.

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On the basis of ownership banks are of the following types :


PUBLIC SECTOR BANK Public sector banks are those banks which are owned by the Government. The Govt. runs these Banks. In India 14 banks were nationalized in 1969 & in 1980 another 6 banks were also nationalized. Therefore in 1980 the number of nationalized bank 20. But at present there are 9 banks are nationalized. All these banks are belonging to public sector category. Welfare is their principle objective.


PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS These banks are owned and run by the private sector. Various banks in the country such as ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank etc. An individual has control over there banks in preparation to the share of the banks held by him.


CO-OPERATIVE BANKS Co-operative banks are those financial institutions. They provide short term & medium term loans to there members. Co-operative

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banks are in every state in India. Its branches at district level are known as the central co-operative bank. The central co-operative bank in turn has its branches both in the urban & rural areas. Every state co-operative bank is an apex bank which provides credit facilities to the central co-operative bank. It mobilized financial resources from richer section of urban population by accepting deposit and creating the credit like commercial bank and borrowing from the money mkt. It also gets funds from RBI.

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Banks are classified into following two categories son the basis of reserve bank Act. 1934.


SCHEDULED BANK These banks have paid up capital of at least Rs. 5 lacks. These are like a joint stock company. It is a co-operative organization. These banks find their mention in the second schedule of the reserve bank.


NON SCHEDULED BANK These banks are not mentioned in the second schedule of reserve bank paid up capital of these banks is less then Rs.5 lacs. The no. such bank is gradually tolling in India.



On the basis of functions banks are classified as under :1. COMMERCIAL BANKS The commercial banks generally extend short-term loans to businessmen & traders. Since their deposits are for a short-period only. They cannot lend money for a long period. These banks

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reform various types or agency job for their customers. These banks are not in a position to grant long-term loans to industries because their deposits are only for a short period. The majority of joint stock banks in India are commercial banks which finance trade & commerce only.


SAVING BANKS The principle function of these banks is to collect small saving across the country and put them into productive use. These banks have shown marked development in Germany & Japan. These banks are established in HAMBURG City of Germany in 1765. In India a department of post offices functions as a saving banks.


FOREIGN EXCHANGE BANKS These are special types of banks which specialize in financing foreign trade. Their main function is to make international payments through purchase & sale of exchange bills. As it well known, the exporters of a country prefer to receive the payments for exports in their own currency. Thus these banks convert home currency into foreign currency and vice versa. It is on this account that these banks have to keep with themselves stock of the currency of various

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countries. Along with that, they have to open branches in foreign countries to carry on their business.


INDUSTIRAL BANKS The industrial banks extends long term loans to industries. In fact, they also help industrials firms to sell their debentures and shares. Some times, they even underwrite the debentures & shares of big industrial concerns.


INDIGENIOUS BANKS These banks found their origin in India. These banks made a significant contribution to the development of agricultural and industries before independence. Mahajans, rural moneylenders and jweelers have been the forerunner of these banks in India.


CENTRAL BANK The central bank occupies a pivotal position in the monetary and banking structure of the country. The central bank is the undisputed leader of the money market. As such it supervises controls and regulates the activities of commercial banks affiliated with it. The central bank is also the higher monetary institution in the country charged with the duty & responsibility of carrying out the monetary

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policy formulated by the government. India's central bank known as the reserve bank of India was set up in 1935.


AGRICULTURAL BANK The commercial and the industrial banks are not in a position to meet the credit requirements of agriculture. Hence, there arises the need for setting up special type of banks of finance agriculture. The credit requirement of the farmers are two types. Firstly the farmers require short term loans to buy seeds, fertilizers, ploughs and other inputs. Secondly, the farmers require long-term loans to purchase land, to effect permanent improvements on the land to buy equipment and to provide for irrigation works. There are two types of agriculture banks.

1. 2.

Agriculture co-operative banks, and Land mortgage banks. The farmer provide short-term credit, while the letter extend long-term loans to the farmers.

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INTRODUCTION The housing development finance corporation limited (HDFC) was amongst the first to receive an"in-principle" approval from the reserve bank of India (RBI) to set up a bank in the private sector, as part of RBI liberalization of Indian banking industry in 1994. The bank was in corporate in Aug. 1994 in the name of HDFC Bank Ltd. With its registered office in Mumbai, India, HDFC Bank commenced operations as scheduled commercial bank in January 1995.

PROMOTOR HDFC is India's premier housing finance company and enjoys an impeccable track record in India as well as in international markets. Since its inception in 1997, the corporation has maintained a consistent and healthy growth in its operations to remain a market leader in mortgage. Its outstanding loan portfolio covers well over a million dwelling units. HDFC has developed significant expertise in retail mortgage loans to different market segments and also has a large corporate client base for its housing related credit facilities. With its experience in the financial markets, a strong franchise,

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HDFC was ideally positioned to promote a bank in the Indian environment.

BUSINESS FOCUS HDFC bank's mission is to be a world class Indian bank. The bank has aim to build sound customer franchises across district business so as to be the prefer provider of banking services in the segment that the bank operates in and to achieve healthy growth in profitability, consistent with the bank's risk appetite. The bank is committed to maintain the highest level of ethical standards, professional integrity and regulatory compliance. HDFC bank's business philosophy is based on four core values: 1. 2. 3. 4. Operational Excellence Customer Focus Product Leadership People.

CAPITAL STRUCTURE The authorized capital of HDFC bank is Rs. 45000 lacks. The issued, subscribed and paid-up capital is divided into 836,46 lacks equity shares @ Rs.10/- each.

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The Shares are listed to the stock exchange Mumbai and National Stock Exchange. The banks American Depositary shares are listed on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol "HDB" SHAREHOLDERS HOLDING MORE THAN 1% OF THE SHARE CAPITAL OF THE BANK AS AT MARCH 31, 2006 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of the Shareholders ADS Depository (J P No. of Shares % of Share Holder Morgan 6,03,38,247 finance 3,88,60,000 3,00,00,000 1,54,89,634 1,16,20,886 95,18,096 88,49,929 61,88,781 Capital 19.27 12.41 9.58 4.95 3.71 3.04 2.83 1.98

Chase Bank) Housing Development

Corporation Limited HDFC Investments Limited Crown Capital Limited DBS Bank Limited Life Insurance Corporation of India Bennett Coleman & Company Limited FID Funds (Mauritius) Limited

TIMES BANKS AMALGAMATION In a mile stone transaction in Indian banking industry, Times bank limited (another new private sector bank promoted by Bennett, Coleman & Co. times group) was merged with HDFC bank ltd., effective February 26, 2000. As per the scheme of amalgamation approved by the share holders of both banks and Reserve bank of India.

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DISTRIBUTION NETWORK HDFC bank has its Headqarters in Mumbai. The bank at present has an enviable network of 535branches spread over 312 cities across the country. All branches are linked on an online real time basis. Customer in 189 locations are also serviced through phone banking. The banks expansion plans take into account the need to have a presence in all major industrial and commercial centers where its corporate customers are located as well as the need to build a strong retail customer base for both deposits and loans products. Being a clearing settlement bank to various leading stock exchanges, the bank has branches in centers where the NSE/BSE have a strong and active member base. The bank also have a network of 1323ATM's across there cities.

TECHNOLOGY HDFC bank operates in a highly automated environment in terms of information technology and communication systems. All the bank's branches have connectivity which enables the bank to offer speedy funds transfer facility to its customers. Multi branch access is also provided to retail customers through the branch network and automated teller machines (ATMs)

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The bank has made substantial efforts and investments in acquiring the best technology available internationally to build the

infrastructure for a world class bank has prioritized its engagement in technology and the internet as one of its key goals and has already made significant progress in web enabling its core business. In each office its business, the Bank has succeeded in leveraging its market position, expertise and technology to create a competitive advantage and build market share.

BUSINESS PROFILE HDFC Bank caters to wide range of banking services covering both commercial and investment banking on the wholesale side and transactional branch banking on the retail side. The bank three key business areas


WHOLESALE BANKING SERVICES The Bank's target is primary large blue-chip manufacturing companies in the Indian corporate sector and to a lesser extent, emerging mid sized corporate. For these corporate the Bank provides a wide range of commercial and transactional Banking services including working capital finance trade services,

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transactional services, cash management etc. The Bank is also a leading provider of structure solution which combine cash management services with vendors and distributor finance for facilitating superior supply chain management for its corporate customers. Based on its superior product delivery service levels and strong customer orientation, the Bank has made significant in roads into the Banking consortia of a number of leading India corporate including Multinationals, Companies from the domestic business house and prime public sector companies. It is recognized as a leading provider of cash management and transactional Banking solutions to corporate customers, Mutual Funds, Stock Exchange Members and Bank.


RETAIL BANKING SERVICES: The objective of retail bank is to provide its target market customer a full range of financial products and banking service, giving the customer a one-stop window for all his/her banking requirements. The products are backed by world-class services and delivered to the customers through the growing branch network as well as though alternative delivery channels like ATMs, phone banking, net banking and mobile banking. The HDFC bank preferred programs for high net worth individuals, the HDFC bank plus and the

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investment advisory services program have been designed keeping in mind heads of customers who seek distinct financial solutions information and advice on various investment avenues. The also had a wide array of retail ban products including auto loans, loans against marketable securities, personal loans and loans for two wheelers. It is also a leading provider of depository service to retail customers offering customers the facility to hold their investments in electronic form. HDFC Bank was the first bank in India to launch an international debit card in association with VISA ( Visa election) and issue the master card Maestro debit card as well. The debit card allows the use to directly debit his account at the point of purchase at a merchant establishment, in India and overseas. The bank launch its credit card in association with VISA in November 2002. The bank is also one of the leading players in the "merchant acquiring" business with 26,400 point of sale (pos) terminals for debit/credit cards acceptance at merchant establishments. The bank is well positioned as a leader in various net based B2C opportunities including a wide range of interest banking services for fixed deposit, loans, bill payments etc.



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Within this business the bank has three main product areas foreign exchange and derivative, local currency, money market & debt securities and equities. With the liberalization of the financial market in India, corporate need more sophisticated risk management information advice and product structure. These and find pricing on various treasury product are provided through the bank treasury team.

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Mr. Jagdish Capoor, (Chairman) Mr. Aditya Puri, (Managing Director) Mr. Keki Mistry Dr. Venkat Rao Gadwal Dr. Vineet Jain Mrs. Renu Karnad Mr. Arvind Pande Mr. Ranjan Kapoor (Resigned w.e.f. 29th March, 2006) Mr. Bobby Parikh (w.e.f. Jan. 9, 2004) Mr. Ashim Samanta VICE PRESIDENT AND COMPANY SECRETARY Mr. Sanjany Dongre AUDITOR M/s P.C Hansotia & Co. Chartered Accountant REGISTERED OFFICE HDFC BANK HOUSE Senapati Bapat Mart, Lower Parel, Mumbai Tel. No. Fax No. 40013 66521000 24960737

Website : www.

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"Best Bank in India' - 2005 Business Today- KPMG Survey. "Best Domestic commercial Bank' & "Best Cash Management Bank" India - Asiamoney Awards for Corporate Excellence 2004 -05. "Best Bank" - India- Finance Asia "Company of the Year"- The Economic Times Awards for Corporate Excellence 2004-05. "Best Domestic Bank in India"- The Asset Triple a Country Awards 2005. Most Customer Responsive company - Banking and Financial Services" - The Economic Times - Avaya Global connect customer responsiveness Awards 2005.

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1. Profit after tax up by 665, 56 to Rs. 870,78 lacks. 2. Earnings per share increases from Rs.22.92 to Rs.27.92. 3. Dividend per share increases from Rs. 4.50 to Rs. 5.50 (proposed) 4. Branch network up from 231 to 535 outlets. 5. ATM network up from 732 to 1323. 6. Phone banking coverage in 189 cities. 7. Point of sale (pos) teminals at merchant outlet up from 21800 to 26400. 8. Balance sheet size up from Rs.73, 506, 39 crores to Rs. 51, 42,9,00 crores.

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Profit After Tax (Rs. Crore) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2004 2005 2006 510 666 East West North


Findings: Average annual growth rate is increased by 180.5% per year

Dividend Per Share (Rs.)

600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2004 2005 2006 350 450 East West North 550

Findings: DPS is increase by 100% per year

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Dividend Per Share (Rs.)

600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2004 2005 2006 350 450 East West North 550

Saving Deposit (Rs. Crore)

20000 15000 11418 10000 5000 0 7804 16186 East West North




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1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1323 1147 910 East West North




1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1323 1147 910 East West North




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(Rs. Lacs) Capital & Liabilities Capital Reserve & Surplus Employees stock options (grants) outstanding Deposits Borrowings Subordinated debt Other liabilities & provisions Total Assets: Cash & balance with RBI Balances with Bank & money at call & short notice Investments Advances Fixed Assets Other Assets Total Contingent liabilities Bills for collection 12 8 9 10 11 2839396 3506126 85508 227709 7350639 21478234 282889 1934981 2556630 70832 133057 5142900 14077715 254968 6 7 7350639 330661 361239 5142900 265013 182387 Schedule 1 2 As at 31-3-06 31314 498639 7 5579682 285848 170200 784949 As at 31-03-05 30988 420997 43 3635425 479001 50000 526446

3 4 5

SOURCE: Annual Report of HDFC BANK (2005-06)

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To study awareness regarding HDFC Bank, Ynr. To explore various schemes offered by HDFC Bank. To know which is the most popular scheme of the bank. To know promotional efforts made by the bank to attract customers. To know problems faced by the customers in the bank. To find out awareness level & reaction of customers towards direct banking channels provided by bank. To find causes of dissatisfaction, if any, about Direct Banking Channels. To provide suggestions for improvement in different schemes provided by HDFC Bank.

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"Research comprises of defining & redefining hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing & evaluating data making deductions & reaching conclusion"-Cliford Woody. The term research Methodology here comprises of all research activities carried on in connection with the "Analysis of various schemes under Saving, FD and Demat account provided by HDFC Bank". The basic purpose of research methodology is to describe the research procedure. It helps the researches to adopt the right way to move on for carrying the study.

STEP IN RESEARCH PROCEDURE Defining and analyzing the problem. Determining sources of information Preparing data collection format Collection of data Analysis of data Interpretation of data Preparation of report

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RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is like arrangement of conditions for collections & analysis of data in a manual that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedures. A research design is purely & simply the framework of plans for a study that guides the collections & analysis of data the research design is the conceptual structure within which the research is conducted. It constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement & analysis of the data.

The research design with help to answer the following questions : Why the study is being made ? From where the data needed can be collected ? What time is required for the study to be competed & how much material is needed. What will be the technique for data collections? How the data can be analyzed? How the answers to above questions can be found with minimum efforts, time & money?

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TYPES OF RESEARCH DESIGN Exploratory Research Design These designs are the first step to start any research & are absolutely essential to obtain the proper definition of the problem. It helps in classifying the concepts of the study. The major emphasis is the discovery of ideas and insights by study the available information.

DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN These are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particulars phenomenon in detail the descriptive study requires a clear specifications of who, what, when, where, why & how aspects of research. The methodology adopted to achieve the project objective involved descriptive research method.

SAMPLE DESIGN The stratified sampling technique was used divided for collecting stratas

information in this

technique population is


(homogenous group) and then sample is obtained from each group by simple random method. Somewhere convenient sampling was also used where the sample is selected by the researches on the basis of his or her convenience.

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BANK CONSULTED : HDFC Bank No of persons consulted 100

RESPONDENTS INCLUDED : HDFC staff, customers, persons from Yamuna Nagar & Jagadhri.

RESPONDENTS BELONG TO DIFFERENT PROFESSIONS Chartered Accountant Lecturers & Teachers Doctors Others

AREA COVERED Schools & colleges Offices Market places Hotels & Restaurants.

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SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION To make the research complete it is very necessary to have useful and authentic data there are two types of data collection sources.

PRIMARY SOURCE OF DATA COLLECTION Primary data are those which are collected afresh & for the first time, & this happens to be original in character. Simple well drafted questionnaire was circulated among all respondents. Full freedom was provided to an individual to answer the questions. Personal & Telephonic Interviews, observation, personal opinion & viewpoints of the respondents about the various schemes helped in completion of the project.

SECONDARY SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION: These are those which are collected by someone else & which have been passed through statically process. Brochures, Manuals, Journals, Magazines, Site of HDFC Bank and various Articles provided lot many inputs for successful completion of project

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(Saving Accounts Current Accounts Fixed Deposit, Kids Advantages Account Credit Card)

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It is running and account which may be operated upon any number of times during a working day. There is no restriction on the number and the amount of the withdrawals from a current account. As the banker is under an obligation to reply these deposit on demand, they are called demand liability of a banker.

Thus the business needs are constantly evolving and it also require time and money. To fulfill the needs of the customers HDFC bank provides a choice of current account option. The current account of HDFC is of four types, which are as follows : Regular current account Premium current account HDFC Bank Trade HDFC Bank Plus

REGULAR CURRENT ACCOUNT FEATURES A minimum average quarterly balance is Rs.10,000/-. First Cheque book is free

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Free ATM card, phone banking, net banking and mobile banking Any body can open this account except minor 30 transaction through ATM per month are free The charges for non-maintains of AQB are Rs. 750 per quarter. The charges for issuing the new Cheque book is Rs.2/- per leaf. Monthly statements are send free to customers.

PREMIUM CURRENT ACCOUNT FEATURES A minimum Avg. quarterly balance is Rs.25,000 All Cheque books are free Free service One ATM card per account (only for individual/proprietorship A/c) Replacement incase of damaged card Monthly statement Net banking, phone banking & mobile banking For non-maintenance of AQB Rs.900 per quarter are charged.

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COMPARATIVE TABLE (Regular & Premium current A/c)


Current A/c Regular

Current A/c premium

Who can open Initial deposit required Minimum Avg. Quarterly Balance (AQB) Service charges for

Anybody except minor Rs.10,000 Rs.10,000

Anybody exceptminor Rs.25,000 Rs.25,000

Rs.750/- per quarter

Rs.900 per quarter All Cheque book free

non maintains of AQB Cheque book One book free containing 50 leaves additional Cheque ATM Card Interest payable leaf at Rs.2/For individual /sole proprietorship A/c NIL

For individual / sole proprietorship A/c Nil

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HDFC BANK TRADE It is a current account ideal for small funds transfer across varies cities in the country. Trade account is suitable for small businessman & traders.

FEATURES Minimum average quarterly balance is Rs.40,000 At par payable Cheuqe books are free Free pay order payable in each location. To be issued from home branch. Free demand drafts payable at HDFC Location up to 30 per quarter. Free ATM card for individual/sole proprietorship Free online, real-time net banking All Cheque books are free Free intercity fund transfer up to Rs.25 lacs In case of non-maintains of AQB charges are Rs.1200 per quarter. Cheque book is issued @Rs. 5 per leaf for those accounts which are not maintaining the AQB.

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HDFC BANK PLUS The product is a current account which is based on the concept of signal account, most location banking. With this one account one can access cities in the country. In other words the power of a single account and multi city banking is providing through this account. This result in huge savings on intercity movements of funds and their service charge.

FEATURES Minimum average quarterly balance is Rs. 1,00,000/- per quarter. Fund transfer between the other locations is free up to 100 lacs per month. Free pay order and demand drafts of HDFC Bank location. Free phone banking, net banking and mobile banking. At per Cheque facility. Cheque book will be issued @ Rs.5 per leaf for accounts which are not maintaining the required AQB.

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comprehensive range of products and services. All one needs to deposit minimum balance of Rs.5000 and open saving balance account which allows to issue cheques and use on ATM/Debit card for withdrawls.

FEATURES INTEREST RATE It is calculated at the sale of 3.5% per annum, credited to customer's account at quarterly intervals interest is based on the minimum balance in the account between the 10th and last day of the month and is credited to the customers account on March 31st June 30th Setp. 30th and Dec. 31st.

QUARTERLY STATEMENT The statements are sent to the mailing address of account holders on March 31st, June 30th, Sept. 30th and December 31st of every year. The monthly statements, duplicate statements, certificate of balance are available at a free.

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COLLECTION OF CHEQUES Third day credit in local clearing. 11th day credit in outstation collection if HDFC location is free (charge Rs.1000 Min 50 Rs.) Minimum of 21 days with charges in non HDFC location

ISSUANCE OF CHEQUE BOOK First 25 cheque leaves are free then further are requested through ATM or Branch.

AQB CHARGES You have to maintain average quarterly balance of Rs.5000 else Rs. 750 per quarter are charged.

PERSONALIZED CHEQUE BOOK To provide added security saving account cheque book comes with customers name printed on it at no extra cost. In case of joint account, both account holders name will be printed on the cheque book.

DD CHARGES Upto Rs.1,00,000 : Upto Rs.2,50,000

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Upto Rs.1,00,000 CLOSING CHARGES

Upto Rs.2,00/1000

If saving account is closed before 6 months, then 100 Rs, are charged else no charges.

WHO CAN OPEN ? Resident Individual (sole or joint) Minor Hindu Undivided Family Trust, Association & Society.

WHO CANNOT OPEN? Firms and Companies

Joint Account Maximum of 3 can jointly open saving balance account

TDS No TDS on saving account interest irrespective of the amount.

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SERVICES Free 24 hours ATM Free Net banking International Debit Card Intercity/ Interbranch banking Bill pay Free phone banking Insta alert service

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Free ATM card is provided with your saving balance account and you can access your account 24 hours a day,365 days a year. On can have instant access to the account throughout the country round the clock.

FEATURES OF ATM The maximum limit of withdrawal is Rs.10,000 per day. Deposit cash/ cheques Get mini statement of last 10 transactions Request a cheque book : Cheque book is issued within working days through ATM while in 11 working days through branch. Transfer funds :- Inter branch through ATMSs is free. Get in account balance 30 Transactions are free per month at ATM but if AQB is not maintained then transaction is charged.

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HDFC Bank International debit card lakhs your shop and also withdraw money from ATM Network.

LIMIT : You can shop Upto a maximum limit of Rs.25,000 per day at 15,000 establishments in India and over 80 lakh establishments in 140 countries. You can withdraw cash upto Rs.15,000 per day from over 1600 VISA/ PLUS ATMs in Inida and 5.3 lakh ATMs in 140 countries.

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HDFC Bank allows safe & secure way to bank over the internet facilities available. Features New FD Request One can open FD Amount on interest TDS Enquiry One can make TDS enquiry on the funds Get Demand Draft DD can be requested without coming to branch & it will be couriered at mailing address. Funds transfer within your account One can transfer funds between your account in different branches or cities through interest. Request for a new cheque book Request for a new cheque book can be done online which will be couriered at the mailing address. Check Demat Account One can check status of demat account on the net free of cost.

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There are no charges for getting various information on net while Rs. 100/- are charged for getting same information from branch. CHARGES

Annual fee per card Replacement of damaged card Replacement of lost card

: : :

Rs.100/ p.a. Free Rs.100/-

TRANSACTION CHARGES There are no charges for using the card at merchant locations for shopping & for use of the card at DFC Bank ATMs. However, at ATM networking of other banks Rs.55 per transaction are charged (Rs. 18 in case of SBI).

INSURANCE In case card is cost/stolen, one is covered for any liability exceeding Rs.500/- after you report the loss to the bank.

ADDITIONAL CARD Additional cards are available to joint account holder at an annual fee of Rs. 100 per card. Annual fee has been waived for the first year on one additional card.

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Bank technology enables customers to access customer account from any of banks branches in any city.

FEATURES : Access your account from any branch Withdraw cash from any branch Transfer funds Cash transactions upto 50,000 per day are free. Further Rs.2.90 thousand are charged the service is freed for all non-cash transaction. Local cheque deposit and credit to your account in another city. Cash withdrawal/ deposit by third party is strictly disallowed in non -home branches in saving account such transaction can only be done by the account holder. Saving cheque book is not at par. Inter branch banking through ATM is free

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MOBILE BANKING Mobile banking is free service provided by HDFC bank one can access the bank account on the mobile phone screen anytime, any where through sms one can do all banking transactions through mobile phone.

FEATURES One can check account balance Request cheque book Open or enquire FD Get DD Transfer fund Stop cheque payment View last three transactions. There are no charges for subscribers of Reliance and Escotel else Insta. Alert charges are there @ Rs.35 p.m. with insta Alert service one can get regular updates on your account via sms of e-mail.

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With Insta Alert service one doesn't have to wait for account information but gets regular updates on bank account via SMS or e-mail one can pick & choose the mode e-mails or SMS or both to receive alerts. Insta Alert provides alerts for he following.

SALARY CREDIT For salary account holders, its an eager wait till there salary comes into the bank. But with Insta alert facility one gets on e-mail or SMS the minute your salary gets credited.

UTILITY BILLS PAYMENT DUE One gets instant SMS /e-mail reminders when your utility bill are due. Debit/Credit transactions greater than Rs.5000/ 10,000/ 20,000/ 50,000. Weekly balance alert Alert on balance below Rs. Rs.5000/ 10,000/ 20,000/ 50,000.

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CHARGES This facility is free for new savings account holder for first year. Just application form overleaf is to be filled to get registered for availing this facility and there is need to maker an effort to find out What's happening on account because HDFC Bank will reach with every transaction information as it happens when it happens.

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ZERO balance saving account with FD of Rs. 25,000 If you open super saver account with a nominal sum of Rs. 25,000, you need not maintain average quarter balance of Rs.5,000 in your saving balance account you get access to zero balance savings account this after opening super saver are account even in case one doesn't maintain AQB of Rs.5,000 in saving balance account service charges of Rs.750 per quarter are not applicable.


Zero balance saving account with DF of Rs.50,000 If one open sweep in account with of Rs. 50,000/- which is automatically linked to savings account he/she gets an access to zero balance saving account i.e. on doesn't have the need to maintain average quarterly balance of Rs.5,000/- is saving balance account an even in case of non maintenance of AQB no service charges of Rs. 750/- per quarter are applicable one needs to maintain a minimum FD of Rs.50,000/ at all times to avoid service charges.


Salary A/c When one company opts for the HDFC Bank corporate salary program, employee gets more than first a savings account. The account holders get a superior banking experience and a host of

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value added services. An e-age banking account that is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week & 365 days a year. Through free net banking, Mobile banking, phone banking, wide network of ATMs & branches across the country employees get the convenience of having their salaries credited directly a free international debit card, O/D facility plus free Demand draft & preferential interest rates on personal loans.

Who it eligible ? Avg. monthly salary : Rs.7,500 plus 15

Minimum number of employees :

FEATRUES Zero balance saving account Interest @ 3.5 p.a Free intercity/ branch banking Cash withdrawl Cash deposit DD Insurance Cheque deposit Free fund transfer.

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Discount on Loans Free Demand Draft Salary account holders can avail of free DDs upto Rs.25000/- only from Home Branch. This offer can be availed of through the Phone Banking or Net Banking at the branch. The amount of the DD will be debited from the salary account. Demat A/c For first year Rs.100 p.a., then Rs.300 p.a. Free net banking, mobile banking phone banking Personalized cheque book


DEFENCE PERSONNEL ACCOUNT The corporate defence salary program is targeted at all serving

defense personnel (Indian Air Force, Indian Army, Indian Navy) this program offers a host of world class services & benefits to defense personnel as free debit card free collection of outstation cheques, directly cradling salary free DDs, preferential interest rates on loans.

FEATURES Zero international debit card

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Free international debit card Free DDs upto Rs.25,000 per instrument at home branch Discounted rates of interest for asset products Credit card at preferential rats Locker facility offered at a 25% discount Free bill pay facility Free inter city banking Personalized cheque book Free net banking, mobile & phone banking


TRUST ACCOUNT Trust and societies enjoy the opportunities of opening savings

accounts that earn higher interest as compared to the confessional current accounts which offer zero interest besides this a host of other advantages so far available only on current accounts can now be enjoyed by trusts.

FEATURES Free Net banking Free Phone Banking

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Demat Account Quarterly Statement of accounts Intercity banking Structured Cross-sell of Mutual Funds/ RBI Bonds & other financial instruments.

HOW TO OPEN ? 1. One needs to open a savings account with a minimum initial pay in of Rs 5,000. 2. Maintain an AQB of Rs.5,000. 3. Alternatively one can have a FD of Rs. 2 lakh which gives an access to a zero balance savings account


ZERO BALANCE KIDS ADVANTAGES SCHEME HDFC Bank looks after your child's financial growth and values your child future.

How to open? To open kids advantage account child one of the parents should have savings account with the bank and need to invest a sum of Rs. 25,000 in a fixed deposit in child's name of a minimum duration of "6 months one day". With this zero balance kids advantage saving account linked to the fixed deposit will be opened in the child's name.

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HOW TO OPERATE? 1. Standing interactions are given to transfer any amount from parents saving account to kids saving account to kid's saving account every month subject to a minimum of Rs.500. 2. Once the balance in kids advantage account exceeds Rs.10,000, the amount in excess of Rs.500 will be transferred into an FD chosen by the parent in child's name.

FEATURES : 1. Free insurance cover of Rs.1,00,000. 2. Option for systematic investment in mutual funds to plan for kid's future. 3. For children of age 7 years and above an ATM or Debit card will be issued in the child's name with parents permission child can withdraw upto Rs.1500 per day from ATM or shop upto maximum, of Rs.1000 per day at merchant locations. 4. Personalized cheque book is issued for the child. 5. Quarterly statement of accounts is mailed in the child's name. 6. Free net banking for monitoring child's and parent's accounts.

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7. Free transfer of funds between child's and parents HDFC Bank saving accounts.


FAMILY SAVING ACCOUNT With HDFC bank family saving account family members can hold

individual accounts with the bank and these will be linked to give family members more privileges maximum, of four accounts can be clubbed under one group.

ADVANTAGE OF FAMILY SAVINGS ACCOUNT: Individual family members accounts will be linked and treated as one family savings accounts. One need to maintain average quarterly balance (AQB) of just Rs. 25,000. thus one will be saved from monitoring individual AQBs.

FEATURES Free International Debit card for all group members till the lifetime. 2 free DDs/MCs on HDFC Bank locations per month. Cheque bounce protection (that it savings Account to savings Account Sweep in from a nominated account). Free standing instructions for investment into MFs.

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Cash delivery @ Rs.50/- per delivery upto Rs. 1 lakh against the normal charge of Rs.100/ Free one view to access all accounts. Free mobile banking Free insta Alerts Free bill pay

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ATM CARDS Free cards per account Replacement of damaged card Replacement of lost card : : : 1 Free Rs.100

Anyone or survivor accounts are eligible for two cards DEBIT CARDS Annual fee per card : Free

(Annual fee waived for the First Year for one Additional Card. All subsequent cards will be charged). Replacement of damaged card Replacement of lost card : : : + 12.24 Service Tax Free Rs.100

CHARGES FOR NON HDFC BANK ATMS: Balance Inquiry Cash Withdrawal Domestic Rs.15 - 18/Rs.55/International Rs.15 - 18/Rs.100/BOI/Canara Bank N.A Rs.100/SBI N.A. Rs.20 Anyone or survivor accounts are eligible for one card per account holder.

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STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT Quarterly Duplicate Statement : : Free Rs.100 per statement

For of statement free through phone banking.

ACCOUNT CLOSURE Before 6 months After 6 months : : Rs.100 No charge

INTERBRANCH BANKING THROUGH ATMs : Free access across all branches Through tellers : Non cash transactions Cash Transactions : Upto Rs.50,000 per day Above Rs.50,000 per day : : Free Free : Free

DRAFT CHARGES Drawn on branch locations Upto Rs.25,000 : Rs.50

Above Rs. 25,000 & upto Rs. 1 lakh : Rs. 2.50 per Rs. 1000 (min Rs.50)

We Understand your world

Above Rs. 1,00,000 5.000)

Rs. 2 per Rs. 1000 (min Rs. -250, Max Rs.

DRAWN ON NON BRANCH LOCATION : Rs.50+ charges as below : upto Rs.500 Above Rs.500 to Rs.1000 1000 -5000 5000 -10000 Above Rs.10,000 to Rs. 1 Lakh Above Rs. 1 laksh Draft cancellation charges : : : : : : : Rs.10 Rs.15 Rs.25 Rs.30 Rs. 3 per/Rs. 1000 Rs. 2 per 1000 (min Rs. 300) Rs.50


CHEQUE RETURN CHARGES Rs. 250 - Insufficient FUNDS Rs.300 - Insufficient Funds + Non Maintenance of AQB Rs.50- Presenting Party.

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1. 2. TRANSACTION Reorder of cheque book Cash transactions at the branch (deposits + withdrawls) 3. Cash Transaction at the ATM Deposits + withdrawls CHARGES Rs. 5 per charge leaf 3 free in the quarter Rs.60/- per Transactions for additional transactions 5 free in the quarter Rs.30/- per Transaction for additional

transactions 4 Phone banking Rs. 30 per transaction These charges will apply in the current quarter based on the AQB maintained in the account in the pervious quarter *NET BANKING :- No Charges

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These are the deposits with the bank for fixed period which is specified at the time of making the deposits. These are repayable on the expiry of the specified period chosen be the depositor. Bank as follows : Simple FD Sweep in Super saver

SIMPLE FD The is simple fixed deposit the nominal balance for this is Rs. 10,000 for the first time. Further one can open simple FD from nominal balance of Rs.5,000. One can choose any account plan between 15 days of 5 years. Interest is forfeited if the FD is broken before 15 days but there are no penality charges. Interest is charged from the day when FD is open.

SUPER SAVER ACCOUNT It is an overdraft facility with super saver account. One earns a high interest on FD and at the same time enjoys the liquidity associated with

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savings account. Super saver account allows to issue cheques and an ATM card for withdrawls just like savings account. One gets money whenever needed from any of the extensive network of312 branches in 163 cities & over 910 ATM across the country but even in this case FD is not broken and one continues to earn interest on full amount deposited in super save account.

OPERATION One can open super saver account with nominal balance of just Rs.25000 an enjoys a temporary withdrawal of limit of upto 75% the deposit. Even after withdrawal of a part of limit entire deposit continues to earn a high rate of interest i.e. deposit is not broken. One is required to pay an overdraft interest that is 2% more than the interest earned by the fixe deposit for the amount of overdraft and only for the period for which one uses the money. One can take an overdraft simply by using a cheque or through an ATM for overdraft limits greater than Rs.2 lakh overdract interest will be charged at the bank's prime lending rate (PLR) One can choose any account plan between 6 months and 5 years for super saver account even if one withdraws upto 70% of super saver account on day one an do not put it back for a year, still earns more that he/she earns through saving account.

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In fact on opeening super saver account with nominal balance of Rs.5,000, one need no maintain AQB of Rs. 5000 in savings Accounts no service charges of Rs. 750/- are applicable. Higher the balance in super saver account, and shorter the period for which one withdraws the money, higher the returns.

FEATURES One can open super saver account with nominal balance of just Rs.25000 an enjoys a temporary withdrawal of limit of upto 75% the deposit. Even after withdrawal of a part of limit entire deposit continues to earn a high rate of interest i.e. deposit is not broken. One is required to pay an overdraft interest that is 2% more than the interest earned by the fixed deposit for the amount of overdraft and only for the period for which one uses the money. One can take an overdraft simply by using a cheque or through an ATM for overdraft limits greater than 2 lakh overdraft interest will be charged at the bank's prime lending rate (PLR).S One can choose any account plan between 6 months and 5 years for super saver account even if one withdraws upto 70% of super account on day one an do not put it back for a year still earns more that he/she earns through saving account.

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In fact on opening super saver account with nominal balance of Rs.25000, one need no maintain AQB of Rs. 5000 in savings Accounts even if AQB of Rs. 5000 is not maintained in savings account no service charges of Rs. 750/- are applicable. Higher the balance in super saver account, and shorter the period for which one withdraws the money, highest the returns.

Free ATM card Personalized cheque book Overdraft on current account against your FD One gets an overdraft on current account against fixed deposits with the bank. Eligibility Super saver account should be offered to Individual or HUF saving account holders.

SWEEP IN ACCOUNT In this scheme the fixed deposit is linked to a zero balance savings account. In the event customers saving account is short of funds, the FD is broken and the required fund is transferred into the savings account and one can withdraw this amount through ATM card or cheque.

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There when one wants his/her money to earn high interest, it work like a fixed Deposit & when one wants to withdraw money is a hurry, it works like a savings account.

OPENING OF SWEEP IN ACCOUNT One can open sweep in account with minimum amount of Rs. 50,000 and thus gets access to zero balance saving account i.e. no service charges are applicable in case of non maintenance of AQB of Rs.5000 in saving account. One needs to maintain a minimum FD of Rs.50000 at all times to avoid service charges. In case of non maintenance of Rs.50,000 in FD, saving Account will be subject to service charges of Rs.750 per quarter in case of non maintained of AQB saving account needs to be opened with an initial amount of Rs.5000. When one opens sweep in account , FD is automatically linked to a savings account. So, whenever one is short of funds in savings account and money is "blocked" in a fixed Deposit, one just have to issue a chaque or use ATM, money automatically gets transferred i.e. swept in from fixed deposit into savings accounts. Sweep in account ensures that customers never have to face the embarrassment of a returned cheque or insufficient funds is their account

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based on their instructions, HDFC Bank automatically transfer required amount from FD to saving account.

SWEEP IN WITH CURRENT ACCOUNT In this case current accounts is linked to Fixed Deposit but AQB balance applicable to the current account needs to be maintained irrespective of the value of the fixed deposit. Service charge applicable would be as per the current account selected. Only in case of short of funds in current account required amount is transferred from fixed deposit to current account.

FEATURES : Fixed Deposit are maintained in units of Rs.1/If one require funds in savings account the exact amount needed is swept into savings account, thus minimizing interest loss.

Not Penalty Charges There are no penalty charges for breaking Fixed Deposit to savings account.

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Full Interest Amount swept in earns interest for the tenure it has completed without any penalty. Also rest of the deposit continues to earn the original interest rate till maturity.

Linking of new Fixed deposits and savings account Every time one opens a new deposit of Rs.5000 or above one he/she can request it to be linked to sweep in facility. But fixed deposits are broken in the order in which they are opened i.e. the earliest fixed deposit is broken first and the latest fixed deposit is broken last.

Reinvestment One has the choice of rolling over the principal only or principal plus interest i.e. reinvest the interest the automatic rollover will be for the same tenure & at interest rate applicable on the maturity date.

Eligibility An individual (single as joint) can open this account

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INTEREST RATES FOR FIXED DEPOSIT Period Year & Above 15-29 days 30-45 days 46-60 days 61-90 days 91-180 days 6 Months 1 day -1 year 1 year 1day - 2 yrs. 2 years 1 day- 3 yrs 3 yrs 1 day - 5 yrs 5 yrs 1 day - 8 yrs Amt. Below Rs. 15 Lacs Below Rs. 15 Lacs Below Rs. 15 Lacs Below Rs. 15 Lacs Below Rs. 15 Lacs Below Rs. 15 Lacs Below Rs. 15 Lacs Below Rs. 15 Lacs Below Rs. 15 Lacs Below Rs. 15 Lacs General 5.50% 5.50% 5.50% 5.50% 6.00% 6.50% 7.00% 7.00% 7.25% 7.25% Senior Citizen (60 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 6.00% 6.25% 6.75% 7.25% 7.25% 7.50% 7.50%


Isn't wonderful that some one is looking after your child's financial growth? There is HDFC Bank which looks after your child's future.

ADVANTAGES OR FEATURES OF KID ADVANTAGE A/c 1. Free education insurance cover of Rs.1,00,000. 2. One can opt for systematic investment in mutual funds to plan for the kids future. 3. For children of age 7 years & above, an ATM/ International Debit Card will be issued in the child's name with guardian permission.

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4. The amount your child is able to withdraw or spend on the ATM/ International Debit Card is Rs. 2500 per day (Rs.1500 at ATMs), Rs. 1000 at merchant locations. 5. Personalized Cheque book for your child 6. Quarterly statement A/c in your child's name. 7. Free fund transfer of funds between HDFC Bank saving A/c and KID's Advantage Account. 8. Free Net Banking Monitoring Childs and parent's account

FEES If the balance in child's FD A/c fall below Rs.25000, nonmaintenance changes as applicable in the regular saving with the will be apply.

HOW TO OPEN KAA To open kids advantages A/c for child, one of the parents should have saving A/c with the bad and need to invest a save of Rs. 25000 in a fixed deposit in child's name of a minimum duration of "6 month one day". With this Zero balance kid's advantages A/c liked to the FD will be opened in the child's name.


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Standing instruction are give to bank to transfer any amount from parent/ guardian A/c to his kid's adv. A/c every month, subject to a minimum of Rs.500. Once the balance in the kid's adv. A/c exceeds Rs.10,000 the out in excess of Rs.5000 will be transferred into FD for 1 year 1 day in parents/ guardian's child name.

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The HDFC Bank provides two types of credit card : 1. International Silver Credit Card 2. International Gold Credit Card

INTERNATIONAL SILVER CREDIT CARD : The HDFC Bank international silver credit card is design keeping the customer in mind. It is loaded with features that will not only make a difference to customer life but also indulge with offer, pre villages, reward points, low interest rate & more.

The following are the main feature the silver credit card : World Wise Acceptance : The card is accepted at over 18 million VISA merchant establishment around the world (including 1,10,000 VISA merchant establishment in India)

Cash Advances : The customer can withdraw upto 30% of credit limit as & when required. The facility is available at any of the HDFC Bank ATMs from any VISA ATMs, at any time of the day or night.

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Comprehensive Insurance : With the credit card the customer can get an unmatched feeling or security. It's carefully crafted insurance package offers comprehensive coverage against the significant risk the customer exposed to:

Lost Card Liability : The customer can protected against any misuse your card is lost or stolen simply by putting his liability NIL from movement he report the loss to the bank.

Tele Ticketing & Travel Benefits : The customer comes with thoughtful travel features such as attractive discount of 5.5% on International and 3.5% on domestic airline tickets and delivery of your air and rail tickets at your doorstep.

24 Hours Customer Call Center : If the customer works any clarification of information, during and time of the day or night just call at 24 hour customer call center.

Reward Programme The reward programme is very attractive feature provided by HDFC Bank on international silver credit card. The customer is provided a facility

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to earn 2 reward points for every Rs.100 the customer spend on his card, with this exciting reward programme which can be accumulated and redeemed at a later date.

INTERNATIONAL GOLD CREDIT CARD Limit Rs.40,000 Accepted the World Over : The HDFC Bank International Gold Card is accepted at over 18 million VISA merchant establishment around the world, including 1,10,000 merchant establishment in India. Rs.3,00,000

Cash Advance : The customer can withdrawal 40% of the limit at a very nominal charges.

Credit Period : Our card now gets you the highest interest free credit period of up to 55 days from the date of purchase.

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Reward Programme : The customer can earn 2 rewards point for every Rs.100 that he spends with this card. He can accumulate & redeem these reward points at a later date.

Lost Card Liability : The card holder is also protected against any misuse in case your card is lost or stolen. This liability Nil from the movement he report the loss to the bank.

Comprehensive Insurance : The International Gold Credit Card provides the sense of security to the customer by providing the following type of insurance package: Nature of Risks Air Accident Road/railway account Hospitalized due to accident House hold Purchase protection Insurance coverage Rs. 25 lacs Rs. 3 lacs Upto Rs. 50,000 Upto Rs. 75,000 Upto Rs.50,000 for 180 days

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Travel made convenient : This card offer a host related benefits so that one can travel with easy comfort. Tele Ticketing : One can now book his air & railway ticket from the comfort of his home & get them delivered at his doorstep. He also get attractive discount of 3.5% on domestic and 5.5% on international air tickets. Global travel related Insurance : For a hassle free travel there are a host of travel-related insurance covers on your card. Delayed Flight : If the holder's flight gets delayed beyond 12 hours from its scheduled departure time then he would be reimbursed up to Rs.15000 for international flight and upto Rs. 5000 for domestic flights. Loss of Passport/Visa : During international travel if you happen to loss your passprot/Visa you would be reimbursed expenses incurred in obtaining to a limit of Rs.25,000.

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Add-On - Card : Share the various benefits and they joy of owing our card with loved ones by availing upto 3 add on cards.

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ALALYSIS & INTERPRETATION Q.1. How did you come to know about HDFC Bank?

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

40 35

15 10 10






Q. 2. Whom did you contact first in HDFC Bank.

We Understand your world

% of Respondents

Marketing Exec. 40%

HDC Branch 55%

Others 5%

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Which factor plays an important role while opening an account?

% of Respondents
Cred. Of Bank 20% ADV 20%

ADV Sp. Offer

Comp. Power 15% Sp. Staff 15%

Sp. Staff
Sp. Offer 30%

Comp. Power Cred. Of Bank


Which product do you use the most?

Other 6% FD 28%

% of Respondents
Saving 44%

Current 22%

Saving Current FD Other

We Understand your world


Which FD Scheme is most popular?

% of Respondents
50 40 30 20 10 0 Reinsvestment Super Saver Sweepin 30 25 45

3-D Column 1


Are you able to maintain AQB of Rs. 5000 in saving account?

We Understand your world
% of Respondents


Yes No

We Understand your world


Which of the following facilities Direct Banking Channels (DBC) you avail the most?
% of Respondents
50 40 30 20 10 0 ATM Phone Net Banking Mobile Banking 45 35 20 10 3-D Colum n 1 3-D Colum n 2 3-D Colum n 3 3-D Colum n 4


What are the causes for not using any of the Direct Banking Channels?
% of Respondents

Face More 21% Lack of Knowledge 42% Un 5%

Face More Un Unaware Lack of Knowledge

Unaware 32%

We Understand your world


How will you rate performance of direct banking channels you are using?
10 10

% of Respondents



5 4 3 2 1



How would you rate performance of HDFC Bank?

% of Respondents 10 10



5 4 3 2 1


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Did you face any problems while maintaining your account at bank? I 'Yes' please mention what problems you faced.
% of Respondents
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 45 Yes No 55




Why do you prefer HDFC Bank?

% of Respondents
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 30 20 10 10 30






We Understand your world


Do you think private sector banks are better than public sector banks?
% of Respondents

Yes No



What extra service would you like to avail form the bank?
% of Respondents

10 20

Online Trading of Shares Phone Banking Bills Pay

40 30


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We Understand your world

SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGHTS : It has an extensive distribution network comprising of 319 branches in 166 cities & one international office in Dubai this provides a competitive edge over the competitions. The Bank has a strong retail depository base & has more than million customers. Bank boasts of a strong brand equity. ISO 9001 certification for its depository & custody operations & for its backend processing of retail operation & direct banking operatiosn. The bank has a near competitive edge in area of operations. The bank has a market leader in cash settlement service for the major stock exchanges in its country. HDFC Bank is one of the largest private sector bank working in India. It has a highly automated environment in terms of information technology & communication system. Infrastructure is best. It has many innovative products like kids Advantage scheme, NRI services.

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WEAKNESS : Account opening and delivery of cheque book take comparatively more time. Lack of availability of different credit products like CC Limit, Bill discounting facilities.

OPPORTUNITY : Branch expansion Door step services Greater liberalization in foreign ownership via FDI in Indian Pvt. Sector Banks. CC/ OF Facilities. Infrastructure improvements & better systems for trading & settlement in the govt. securities & foreign exchange markets.

THREATS: The bank has started facing competition from players like SBI, PNB Bank in the finance market itself. This reduce the profit margins in the future. Some Pvt. Banks have 7 days banking.

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We Understand your world


Promotional efforts like advertisement canopies, increase in number of marketing executive, distribution of brochures, sponsoring various shows & function should be increased to increase awareness about HDFC Bank and its products and attract customers. Online trading of shares should be started for Demat A/c holders. Service charges for non maintenance of AQB in savings account should be decreased. To demonstrate the use of direct banking channels (DBC) Like ATM, phone banking, net banking, Mobile banking to the customers to remove their queries and problems regarding DBC. For account opening and delivery of welcome kit, time should be reduced. The bank should provide for regular and frequent calls to their profitable customers to retain clientele & to make them feel more comfortable and attached to the bank (CRM) HDFC Bank should also bring a new feature of CC (Cash credit) limit.

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We Understand your world


Due to constraints of time & resources the present study is likely to suffer from certain limitations some of these are mentioned so that study can be understood in a proper respective : Area covered under the report is sample size was very small. The research was carried out in a short period of 7-8 weeks as a part of summer training. The project was completed within the given time frame. Some of the respondents of the survey were unwilling to give information. Sometimes wrong information was provided by respondents which needed to be cross checked & verified. Chances of biasness are there because of the use of convenient sampling. Some respondents were not available and thus needed data could not be found. It is fully computerized bank everything is centralized at there Bombay Headquarter. Each & every formality is justified on the request from Bombay Headquarter such as PIN request for ATM, TIN for phone Banking using new cheque book, any problem in account etc.

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We Understand your world


35% of respondents came to know about bank through friends while 5% through marketing executives 10% through ads and exhibitions. 40% of respondents contracted marketing executives for the first time in the bank while 55% contracted directly HDFC Branch. 80% of respondents received introductory calls by the bank. 40% of respondents agreed that they interacted 2 times while opening their account while 20% agreed that they interacted zero and grater than 3 times respectively. Special offer with the products played an important role while opining an account as 30% respondents and credibility of bank to which 20% of respondents agreed respectively while 15% of respondents agreed operational staff and convincing power of executives play important role. Saving account is the most important product Next comes FD, then current and lastly Demat. Super saver scheme is the most popular scheme in FD. Around 65% of respondents are able to maintain their AQB of Rs.5000 in savings account. ATM facility is used the most among all direct banking channels 45% respondents agreed to this.

We Understand your world

Lack of knowledge about DBC is the most important reason for not using DBC. Also unawareness about them is the reason DBC performance is rated as satisfactory. HDFC Bank's performance is rated as satisfactory. Executives have satisfactory knowledge about products. 55% of respondents faced no problem while maintaining their account. HDFC Bank is preferred the most because of higher returns and better plans and services. 85% of respondents agree that private sector banks are better than public sector banks. Respondents require new facilities as bills pay, phone banking, online trading of shares.

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We Understand your world


How did you come to know about HDFC Bank? Friends Marketing Ads Exhibitions Other


Whom did you contact first is HDFC Bank? Marketing Executives HDFC Bank Other


Did you receive any introductory call by the Bank? Yes No


How many times did you interact while opening an account? Zero One Two Three More than three


Which factor plays an important role while opening an account? Advertisement Special Offers Operational Staff Credibility of bank

Convincing power of executives 6. Which product do you use the most? Saving Account Others 7. Which FD scheme is most popular? FD 8. Super saver a/c Current Account


Sweep in account

Are you able to maintain AQB of Rs. 5000 in savings account? Yes No

We Understand your world


Which of the following facilities Direct Banking Channels (DBC) you avail the most? ATM Net Banking Phone Banking Mobile Banking


What are the causes for not using any of the Direct Banking channels? Unawareness Unsatisfied Feel more secure while banking personally Lack of knowledge about use Others


How will you rate performance of direct banking channels you are using? Excellent 5 4 3 2 1 Poor


How would you rate clarify of products by executive in the bank? Excellent 5 4 3 2 1 Poor


How would you rate performance of HDFC bank? Excellent 5 4 3 2 1 Poor


Did you face any problems while maintaining your account at bank? If 'yes' please mention what problems you faced. Yes No

We Understand your world


Why do you prefer HDFC Bank? Better services Attractive Plans Better returns Agent Known Others


Do you think private sector banks are better than public sector banks? Yes No


What extra service would you like to avail from the bank? ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________.


Suggestion: ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________.

PLACE:_________________ DATE:__________________

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Books : Research Methodology Business Research and Methods Marketing Management -By Kothari, C.R. -By cooper, Donal R.& Schindler -By Kotler, Philip

Magazine: India Today Business Today Business World

Annual Report of HDFC Bank Manuals Brochures Websites

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The successful completion of this project report would not have been possible but for the help and guidance of a number of people. I avail this opportunity to convey my sincere gratitude to these people. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Rohit Garg (Branch Manager-HDFC Bank Ltd., Yamuna Nagar) for allowing me to carry out the project work and use all the facilities and documents required for the same. My heartful gratitude goes to Mr. Lokesh Datt (Deputy Manager) for their valuable guidance and suggestions for the project. My sincere thanks to all HDFC Bank employees for their kind support and co-operation throughout the project.


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PREFACE The Vocational Training in any organization is an integral part of M.B.A. programme because it exposFUes students to the problem area and provides knowledge as how to solve these problems. There is a gap between these theories and practices and the training is aimed at removing gap and to increase the process of communication between futures manages and industrial scene. I had my summer training in HDFC Bank in its branch at Yamuna Nagar. A bank is only as strong as its infrastructure and its process. HDFC Bank has, right from its inception, invested in a robust technology platform that is seamlessly integrated with centralized and audited processes. This has enabled it to expand rapidly and grow manifold while maintaining acceptable service standards. ISO 9002 certifications of its cash management, retail centralized processing and custody and depository operations are indicative of its achievement in this regard. HDFC Bank endeavors to create an environment that values people and the work that they do. I have assimilated the project information from personal

observation, questionnaire, study of documents and discussions held with the officers at different level and concerned persons. (HARSH VARDHAN TULI)

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In the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of MBA (Master of Business


Mr. Lokesh Datt Deputy Manager HDFC Bank Ltd. Yamuna Nagar

Submitted by : GINNI MIGLANI ROLL NO. ........... MBA

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