The Generation of Rough and Medium Vacuum
The Generation of Rough and Medium Vacuum
The Generation of Rough and Medium Vacuum
Ejector Pumps
Generation of rough and medium vacuum
1 1 Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps
1.1 Design and Function.......................................................................... 4
1.2 Accessories ........................................................................................ 9
2 Roots Vacuum Pumps
2.1 Design and Function ...................................................................... 12
2.2 Design and Function of the Circulatory Gas Cooled
Roots Vacuum Pumps (WGK) ........................................................ 15
2.3 Special Equipment and Accessories .............................................. 17
3 Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps
3.1 Design and Function ...................................................................... 20
3.2 Fresh Fluid Operations .................................................................... 20
3.3 Combined Fluid Operations............................................................ 21
3.4 Closed – Circuit Fluid Operations .................................................. 21
4 Condensers
4.1 Design and Function........................................................................ 22
4.2 Condenser Calculations .................................................................. 23
5 Heat Exchangers
5.1 Design and Function........................................................................ 24
5.2 Heat Exchanger Calculations .......................................................... 25
6 Backing Pump Selection ................................................................ 26
7 Calculations
7.1 Power Consumption of a Roots Vacuum Pump............................ 29
7.2 Volume Flow Rate of a Roots Vacuum Pumping Station ............ 30
7.2.1 Calculating the Volume Flow Rate of a
WOD 220 A Pumping Station ........................................................ 31
7.3 Volumetric Efficiency Rating .......................................................... 33
7.4 Conductance Calculations .............................................................. 33
7.5 Pump Down Times .......................................................................... 36
7.6 The Influence of Leaks on Pump Down Times
and End Vacuum (Leak Rate) .......................................................... 38
7.7 Drying Process ................................................................................ 39
7.8 Boyle-Mariotte Law ........................................................................ 40
7.9 Selecting a Vacuum Pumping Station .......................................... 40
8 Appendix
8.1 Graphical Symbols in Vacuum Technology .................................. 44
8.2 Definition of terms in Vacuum Technology .................................. 46
8.3 Operating medium .......................................................................... 50
8.4 Conversion Tables .......................................................................... 51
8.5 Data on Various Substances .......................................................... 52
8.6 Desorption Rates on Clean Surfaces.............................................. 54
8.7 Correction Factor a .......................................................................... 54
8.8 Technical Data, Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps................................ 55
8.9 Technical Data, Roots Vacuum Pumps WKP ................................ 58
8.10 Technical Data, Roots Vacuum Pumping Stations ........................ 60
9 Technical Formulas.......................................................................... 62
Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps
Single and two-stage rotary vane vacuum The decrease in chamber volume com-
pumps with volume flow rates from 2.5 m3/h presses the enclosed gases. The compres-
to 630 m3/h, with ultimate pressures of up to sion at approximately 200 mbar above
< 6 ·10-3 mbar are used for all vacuum pro- atmospheric pressure allows for the gas
cesses in the rough and medium vacuum pressure to be higher than the opening
range. They can run as stand alone units or pressure of the exhaust valve. Rotary vane
be utilized as a backing pump for vacuum vacuum pumps are available in single and
pumps which do not compress against two-stage models. Two-stage pumps have
atmosphere, such as Roots vacuum pumps a lower ultimate pressure than single-
or turbomolecular pumps. stage pumps. Rotary vane vacuum pumps
can be used without problem whenever
the medium to be pumped is a gas that
cannot condense at the operating tempe-
rature of the pump and at atmospheric
pressure. In the chemical industry, with its
numerous distillation and drying proces-
ses, vapors also have to be pumped,
which may condense completely or partly
in the pump during the compression
Fig.1: Function diagram of a rotary vane vacuum pump of single-
phase. Such condensation in the pump is
and two-stage design (Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH).
always undesirable. It may speed up deg-
1 Pump cylinder, 2 Compression chamber, 3 Rotor, 4 Vane, radation of the operating medium or cor-
5 Gas ballast inlet, 6 Exhaust, 7 Valve, 8 Oil level, 9 Vacuum rosion inside the pump. In addition, a
connection, 10 Connecting passage deterioration of the attainable ultimate
pressure must be expected when the con-
1.1 Design and function densate and the operating medium get
The rotary vane vacuum pump is a typical mixed.
example of an oil-immersed positive dis- Vapors with a sufficiently high vapor pres-
placement pump. sure, which do not decompose the pump
The central component of a rotary vane oil, can be pumped with the rotary vane
vacuum pump is the pumping system. It vacuum pump. If, however, substances
consists of a cylinder with ports leading to are pumped which chemically attack and
the outside. These ports are used to take decompose the pump oil or have such a
in and exhaust the gases to be pumped. low vapor pressure that condensation in
Inside the cylinder, there is an eccentrical- the pump cannot be avoided despite gas
ly-arranged rotor. The vanes are fitted into ballast, another type of backing pump
slots on the rotor. The vanes, which glide should be chosen.
along the cylinder wall, divide the availa- Gas ballast
ble inner space into working chambers. Rotary vane pumps have to be equipped
During one full rotation of the rotor, the with a device which facilitates pumping of
chamber volume increases from zero to certain quantities of process gases in che-
the maximum volume and then decreases mical vacuum applications. The most fea-
continually until it reaches the minimum sible solution to this is the gas ballast
value. Actual pumping is effected by the principle. With the gas ballast method
increase and decrease in size of the sickle- devolved by G a e d e, a metered quantity
shaped chambers of the working space. of gas is admitted continuously into the
expansion chamber of the pump. Therefo- - Higher backpressure (on exhaust side):
re, the outlet valve is open before conden- the max. tolerable water vapor inlet
sation can occur. The inlet of gas, usually pressure drops.
atmospheric air, starts immediately after
- Higher permanent gas quantity with
the vanes fitted into the rotor shut off the
equal water vapor quantity: the max.
expansion chamber from the intake port.
tolerable water vapor inlet pressure
This reduces the negative effect which
may cause a deterioration of the ultimate
pressure. - Reduced gas ballast quantity:
the max. tolerable water vapor inlet
Maximum tolerable water vapor inlet
pressure drops.
(to DIN 28 426 or PNEUROP) - Increasing water vapor content in the
gas ballast: the max. tolerable water
“The maximum tolerable water vapor
vapor inlet pressure drops.
inlet pressure is the highest water vapor
pressure at which a vacuum pump, under
normal ambient conditions (20°C, Assuming a ratio of gas ballast volume to
1013 mbar), can pump and exhaust water volume flow rate of 10%, this results in the
vapor in continuous operation. It is given max. tolerable vapor inlet pressures given
in mbar.” in table 1 for different operating tempera-
tures. The opening pressure of the outlet
The maximum tolerable water vapor inlet
valve in this example is 1200 mbar. It can
pressure changes with:
be clearly seen that the max. tolerable
- Higher ambient temperature:
vapor inlet pressure depends on the ope-
the max tolerable water vapor inlet
rating temperature to a very high degree.
pressure rises.
High max. tolerable vapor inlet pressures
- Higher pump temperature: can only be reached with operating pres-
the max. tolerable water vapor inlet sures which are clearly above 70°C. The
pressure rises. upper limit temperatures are determined
by the oil temperature and seal materials
Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps
ps (mbar)
Saturation vapor pressure of the water vapor
B 1333 (ps-pa) pumped at the pump’s operating temperature
pWo= –––– · ––––––––––––– [mbar]
S 1333 – ps
pa (mbar)
Water vapor partial pressure of atmospheric air
Equation 1 (value in practical operation pa = 13 mbar)
pv (mbar)
Max. tolerable inlet pressures for other Pressure in exhaust port of the pump
vapors are defined in DIN 28 426.
pSD (mbar)
Saturation vapor pressure
Generally, the following equation is used
for calculation: pAD (mbar)
Partial pressure of vaporized substance in atmos-
pheric air
B pv (pSD – pAD) pSD – pL
pD = –––– · –––––––––––––– + –––––––– [mbar] pL (mbar)
S pv – pSD pv – pSD
Permanent gas partial pressure at intake port
Equation 2 pD (mbar)
Maximum tolerable vapor inlet pressure
qpv TB (°C)
S Operating temperature of the pump
Ratio of gas ballast inlet volume to volume flow
rate of backing pump TS (°C)
Boiling temperature of the substance pumped off
pwo (mbar) at the pressure in the exhaust port of the pump
Maximum tolerable water vapor inlet pressure
Operating temperature (° C) qpv Max. tolerable water vapor Max. tolerable styrene vapor
S inlet pressure (mbar) inlet pressure (mbar)
50 0,1 10 3
60 0,1 18 5
70 0,1 34 7
80 0,1 63 12
90 0,1 134 18
Table 1
Fig. 2 Section through a two-stage rotary vane vacuum pump
(Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH).
Depending on their size, the pumps are
equipped with single or three-phase
motors. The three-phase motors have PTC
resistor temperature sensors fitted into the
windings. To utilize these temperature sen-
sors, a tripping device is required. All
motors have the starting torque required
by PNEUROP for cold starting at 12°C.
Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps
Magnetic-coupled Silencer
rotary vane vacuum pumps The silencer provides a quiet running
The new drive concept - “the integrated pump. For this, small quantities of gas are
magnetic coupling“ - is the latest innovati- continuously admitted to the oil circuit.
on within the rotary vane pump market. The silencer has been designed so that
The separation of the rotor and motor only the pumped gas is fed into the oil cir-
shaft eliminates the problem of the radial cuit. This prevents any contamination of
shaft seal providing a hermeticalled sealed expensive or sensitive gases by atmosphe-
pump. The wear-free drive prevents leaks ric air. The silencing device is accessible
(no contamination from leaking oil), mini- from outside. If necessary, it can be read-
mizes maintenance and increases the justed while the pump is running.
MTTF (meantime to failure): providing low
cost of ownership. (Figure 3)
“vacuum“ “vacuum“
rotor shaft motor shaft ”environment“ rotor shaft motor shaft ”environment“
“vacuum“ “vacuum“
outer magnet
sleeve can
Fig. 3 Traditional drive concept New, wear free drive concept with magnetic coupling
Fig. 4
Accessories ORF – Oil return device
FAK – Activated carbon filter STP – Dust separator
FBL – Clay filter STR – Dust separator
KAS – Condensate separator STZ – Dust separator
KLF – Cold trap URB – Catalyzer trap
KWK – Crystallization cooler ZFH – Heating rod
ONF – Oil mist filter ZFO – Zeolite trap
Outlet Inlet
Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps
Magnetic coupled
Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump
Roots Vacuum Pumps
Fig. 5 Sectional representation of a Roots vacuum pump
(WKP 500 A, Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH).
1 Motor 6 Gears 11 Sealing gas connection
2 Moveable bearing 7 Overflow valve 12 Discharge connection
3 Intake connection 8 Pumping chamber 13 Fixed bearing
4 Roots vacuum pump 9 Sight glass
5 Labyrinth seal 10 Oil return line
The drawing shows a longitudinal view of lubricated by immersing gears and splash
a Roots vacuum pump. The direction of rings into oil reservoires. Labyrinth sea-
delivery is vertical, from top to bottom, ling system, centrifugal rings and oil
so that any particles suspended in the return channels, fitted between bearing
suction stream can be carried out of the and pumping chamber, prevent the lubri-
pump. cating oil from entering into the pumping
chamber. In the standard design, the
The rotor shaft bearings are fitted on both
extension of the drive shaft to the outside
ends: On one end as a fixed bearing and
is sealed with oil lubricated radial shaft
on the other with a moveable inner ring to
seals. The radial shaft seals run on a
allow for the unequal expansion between
special bushing to protect the shaft.
the housing and rotors. The bearings are
Roots Vacuum Pumps
S [m3/h]
➁ ➂
WKP 1000 A ➂
➀ ➃
UNO 120A
10–3 10–2 10–1 100 101 102 103
p [mbar]
Fig. 6
1) Volume flow rate curve of the backing pump
2) Volume flow rate curve of the Roots vacuum pump (cutting in at 7 mbar)
3) Volume flow rate curve of the Roots vacuum pump with overflow valve
4) Gain in volume flow rate through 3
Fig. 7 Sectional representation of a circulatory gas cooled Roots vacuum pump
(WGK, Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH).
1 Intake connection 6 Cooling gas inlet 11 Sealing gas connection
2 Moveable bearing 7 Rotor 12 Oil return line
3 Labyrinth seal 8 Pumping chamber 13 Fixed bearing
4 Gears 9 Gas cooler
5 Sight glass 10 Discharge connection
2.2 Design and Function circulation system. This means that this
of the Circulatory Gas Cooled version can be operated under conditions
Roots Vacuum Pumps where the conventional Roots vacuum
The circulatory gas cooled Roots vacuum pump can not be used. Due to their design
pump (WGK) has been designed for extre- the rotors are able to control the tronsport
me applications. There are no restrictions of the rocess gas and of the cooling gas.
where high differential pressures and The pump cannot overheat, even during
compression ratios are involved. During final pressure operations with closed
the compression and discharge phases, intake line.
the heat is dispersed by an efficient gas
Roots Vacuum Pumps
5 p1 5 p1 5 p1 5 p1 5 p1
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7
p2 p2 p2 p2 p2
Fig. 8 Principle of the circulatory gas cooled Roots vacuum pumps (WGK, Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH).
Space 3 is connected to intake port 5 and Space 3 is closed to both cold gas inlet 4
sucks in gas at a pressure of p1 when and discharge port 6.
rotors 1 and 2 turn.
PHASE II Space 3 is connected to discharge port 6
Space 3 is sealed off from both intake port and the sucked- in gas mixture from intake
5 and from cold gas inlet 4. port 5 and cold gas inlet 4 is expelled.
Behind cooler 7 some of the gas, represen-
ting the gas volume sucked in at intake
Cold gas streams into space 3 via the cold
port 5, streams into the next pump in
gas circulation until counter pressure p2 is
series (or is released).
2.3 Special Equipment and Accessories
Roots Vacuum Pumps
Roots Vacuum Pump WKP 500 A
Roots Vacuum Pumping Station
Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps
In principle, this pump is a combination of ting fluid of the pump can be matched to
an “isotherm” compressing vacuum pump the medium being pumped. The combina-
and a contact condenser. Compression tion of Roots vacuum pump, gas jet and
generated heat is largely carried away by liquid ring vacuum pump attains a final
the operating fluid. Corrosive gases and pressure of approx. 0.2 mbar. If lower
vapors which condense in liquid ring pressures are required, an additional
pumps can be pumped without any pro- Roots vacuum pump will be necessary.
blem when utilizing materials such as The running wheel is seated eccentrically
stainless steel. in the housing. When the running wheel
turns, the operating fluid in the housing
forms a circulating liquid ring which rises
up from the hub of the wheel. The pum-
ped gas enters the resulting vacuum
through the intake aperture. After almost
one whole revolution, the liquid ring
approaches the wheel hub and pushes the
pumping gas out through the pressure
3.3 Combined Fluid Operations 2
In this type of operation, the “new” opera-
ting fluid in the liquid ring vacuum pump
is continuously being mixed with the ope-
1 3 4
rating fluid discharged from the separator.
The residual fluid from the separator is
disposed of.
1 “Fresh“ operating fluid
2 Gas “ON“
3 Liquid ring
TA – TB vacuum pump
KB = FB –––––––––– 4 Gas “OFF“
TA – TF 6 5 Separator
Fig. 11 Fresh fluid operations 6 „Used“ operating fluid
Equation 3
KB (m3/h)
Fresh fluid requirements in combined
FB (m3/h)
Operating fluid flow
1 Mixed operating fluid
TA (°C) 1 5 2 Gas “ON“
Temperature of the returned “circulating” 3 Liquid ring
operating fluid = discharge temperature at pump vacuum pump
outlet port 4 Gas “OFF“
5 Separator
TB (°C) 7
6 Condensate discharge
Temperature of the operating fluid
7 “Used“ operating fluid
TF (°C) 8 8 “Fresh“ operating
Temperature of the fresh fluid Fig. 12 Combined fluid operations fluid
3.4 Closed – Circuit Fluid Operations
In this type of operation, used operating
fluid, in a closed circuit, is cooled contin- 3 4
uously via a heat exchanger. From time to 1 Operating fluid
time, operating fluid lost to evaporation 2 Gas “ON“
must be replaced. 5 3 Liquid ring
1 vacuum pump
Closed – circuit fluid type of operation is 4 Gas “OFF“
5 Separator
used especially where the pumping of 7
6 Condensate
hazardous or environmentally damaging 6
gases is involved. 7 Heat exchanger
8 Cooling Water
8 9 Cooling Water
10 “ON“
10 Operating fluid
Fig. 13 Closed-circuit fluid operations supplement
4 Condensers
( ) kJ
h · m2 · K
Heat exchange coefficient
Tm (K)
Mean temperature difference
4.2 Condenser Calculations Water/vapor volume to be condensed
QH2O = 100 kg/h
Example 1: Inert gas part (air) in water vapor
a) Calculating the required volume flow ·
QL = 10 kg/h
rate of a pumping station:
Gas inlet temperature
TGas Q1 Q2 Q TGAS = 40 °C
S = R · –––– · –– + ––– + ··· –––n [m3/h]
p M1 M2 Mn Cooling water temperature
TW in = 25 °C
Equation 4
Cooling water temperature
313 100 10
S = 83.14 · –––– · –––– + –––
18 29 [m3/h]
TW out = 35 °C
Working pressure
S = 1535 m3/h pA = 100 mbar
b) Calculating the cooling surface of a Molar mass of water
If TS is smaller than
condenser: M1 = 18 kg/kmol
TW in or TW out
Molar mass of air no condensation
A = ––––– [m2] M2 = 29 kg/kmol is possible.
k·T m
Equation 5
QW = QH2O · qH2O ––
Equation 6
∆Thigh + ∆Tsmall
Tm = ––––––––––––––– [k]
Equation 7
∆Thigh = Ts – TK in
∆Tsmall = Ts – TK out
W kJ
k ~ 1000 –––– ≠ 3600 ––––––––
m2 K h · m2 K
∆Thigh = 318 – 298 = 20 K
Fig. 15 Layout of a Roots vacuum pumping station
∆Tsmall = 318 – 308 = 10 K
(Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH).
20 + 10
Tm = ––––––– = 15 K
2 1 Pre-condenser 7 Roots vacuum 11 High vacuum
2 Condensate pump safety valve
QW = 100 · 2257 = 225700 kJ/h
2 collecting vessel 8 Overflow valve 12 Oil mist filter
225700 3 Venting valve 9 Intermediate 13 Drain screw
A = ––––––––– ~ 4.5 m2
3600 · 15 4 Float switch condenser
is the required cooling surface of the 5 Drain valve 10 Rotary vane
condenser 6 Shut off valve vacuum pump
Heat Exchangers
5 Heat Exchangers
P (kW)
Calculated required motor power
Tm (K)
Mean temperature difference between gas and
cooling medium
TG in (K)
Gas inlet temperature
TW out (K)
Gas outlet temperature
TW in (K)
Cooling water inlet temperature
TW out (K)
Cooling water outlet temperature
5.2 Heat Exchanger Calculations
The motor power for a particular working 1 W = 1 J/s
range of a circulatory gas cooled Roots 1 kW = 3600 kJ/h
vacuum pump (WGK) has been calculated
to be P = 15 kW.
Because the calculated motor power is the (TG in – TW out) – (TG out – TW in)
∆ Tm = –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– [K]
basis for establishing the amount of heat TG in – TW out
which has to be conducted away from the (
In ––––––––––––
TG out – TW in)
circulatory gas cooled Roots vacuum
pump, such heat must be dispersed by the Equation 8
heat exchanger to prevent overheating.
Q = 15 · 3600 = 54.000 kJ/h
Example 2 (393 – 313) – (323 – 303)
∆Tm = ––––––––––––––––––––––– ~ 43 K
Motor power 393 – 313
P = 15 kW (
In ––––––––––
323 – 303 )
Gas inlet temperature for finned coolers where k ~ 50:
TG in = 120 °C = 393 K
Gas outlet temperature AL = ––––––– ~ 25 m2 exchange surface
50 · 43
TG out = 50 °C = 323 K for tubular coolers where k ~ 180:
Cooling water inlet temperature 54.000
AR = –––––––– ~ 7 m2 exchange surface
TW in = 30 °C = 303 K 180 · 43
Cooling water inlet temperature
TW out = 40 °C = 313 K
A = –––––– [m2]
k · Tm
Q = P · 3600 [kJ/h]
Backing Pump Selection
Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps Liquid ring vacuum pumps with gas jet
The rotary vane vacuum pump represents The combination of Roots vacuum pump,
the ideal backing pump for Roots vacuum gas jet and liquid ring vacuum pump
pumping stations. It has consistant pum- attains a final pressure of approx. 0.2
ping speed over a wide pressure range. mbar. If lower pressures are required, an
The single stage rotary vane vacuum additional Roots vacuum pump will be
pump can compress from approximately necessary.
0.5 mbar to 1000 mbar even with an open
When pumping environmentally hazar-
gas ballast valve. This means that with this
dous substances, liquid ring vacuum
backing pump, a Roots vacuum pumping
pumps must not be operated with fresh
station can attain a final pressure of 10-2
water. A closed circuit must be provided in
mbar and lower with open gas ballast
which an appropriate operating fluid is
used to remove the heat of compression
Water vapor, various solvents and other via a heat exchanger.
vapors e.g. alcohols, paraffin and many
Circulatory gas cooled Roots vacuum
others can be pumped by the rotary vane
vacuum pump providing they have a suffi-
The circulatory gas cooled version of the
ciently high vapor pressure and do not
Roots vacuum pump is another type of
chemically decompose the pump oil.
backing pump used for situations where
Liquid ring vacuum pumps high pressure differentials are involved.
Situations arise where substances have to Because the Roots is a completely dry
be pumped which attack and decompose operating vacuum pump, it can be recom-
the backing pump oil or which have such a mended for those situations where liquid
low vapor pressure that condensation in compressing working chamber pumps are
the pump is unavoidable. In such cases, excluded. Specific applications include:
the liquid ring vacuum pump represents a
- Pumping off and compressing helium
viable alternative as a backing pump.
on cryostats
Compared to rotary vane vacuum pumps,
- Pumping off and compressing SF6
the liquid ring vacuum pump has the dis-
advantage of a relatively poor final pres- - Clean reclamation of diverse gases in
sure. At an operational temperature of technological processes, e.g. distilla-
15°C, the liquid ring vacuum pump attains tion, pumping off of molecular sieves
a final pressure of approx. 20 mbar. etc.
A liquid ring vacuum pump, operating
- Pumping toxic substances in closed
cavitation free as result of the introduction
of air will attain 25-30 mbar at best. A
combination of Roots vacuum pump and - Pumping down very large vessels
liquid ring vacuum pump will attain a final
pressure of approx. 1 mbar.
Roots vacuum pumping stations with cir- Stage V IV III II I
culatory gas cooled Roots vacuum pumps Final pressure < 10-3 mbar 2·10-2 mbar 1 mbar 20-30 mbar 100-200 mbar
present very different pumping characteri- Working- ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞
1000 mbar
stics. In extreme cases, an almost constant pressure 5·10-3 mbar 5·10-2 mbar 2 mbar 30-50 mbar 300 mbar
volume flow rate is attainable over the
whole pressure range from 1 bar to 10-3
mbar. Naturally, the Roots vacuum pumps
must be provided with correct motors and
with outlet valves to atmosphere instead
of overflow valves. (WKP)
Figure 16 shows the number of stages
required for a particular working pressure. Fig. 16 Relationship between attainable
The values are valid for air and most gases final pressure/working pressure and
and vapors. Additional stages are neces- number of stages when evacuating with
sary if the pumping of helium and hydro- Roots vacuum pumps (for air).
gen is involved.
marily evacuates large volumes. Figure 17
shows the volume flow rate of such a
pumping station. 4
10-1 100 101 102 103
p [mbar]
1 WGK 1500
2 WGK 4000 – WGK 1500
3 WGK 8000 – WGK 4000 – WGK 1500
4 WGK 18000 – WGK 8000 – WGK 4000 –
WGK 1500
Backing Pump Selection
7 Calculations
WGK 1500
WGK 500
Mechanical efficiency rate of the pump
(η ~ 0.85 for Roots vacuum pumps)
8000 · 4.5
P (kW) P = –––––––––––– = 1.18 kW drive power
Power requirements/motor power 36000 · 0.85
S = Sth · ––––––––––––––– [m3/h] p a
Sth Sv 1.5
( )
Km +––– – ––– ( p Km )
S = Sth · 1 – –––v · ––– [m3/h]
Sv Sth
Equation 10 Equation 12
and the assigned intake pressure to:
––– = < 2.5 → a = 1
Sv · p v
p = –––––– [mbar]
PV pv3 – p3
––– = < 2.5 → a =–––––––––– [mbar]
Equation 11 p 0.963 · pv3
S (m3/h)
Volume flow rate of the Roots vacuum pump at the
intake port Equation 13
Sth (m /h)
Theoretical volume flow rate of the Roots vacuum
pump The volume flow rate can only be calcula-
Sv (m3/h) ted according to equations 10 or 12 provi-
Volume flow rate of the backing pump at a ding the overflow valve of the Roots vacu-
pressure of pv
um pump is closed. That is, pv-p is smaller
than the pressure differential set at the
overflow valve. In the response range of Km-value according to Fig. 18
the overflow valve, the volume flow rate for pv = 20 mbar → Km = 34
can be calculated according to:
pv · a
S = Sth · 1 – ––––––
p · Km )
Sv · (p + ∆p) p
S = –––––––––––– [m3/h] For –––v = 4 derived from equation 12
p p
Equation 14
20 · 1
In this equation, ∆ p denotes the set pres-
( )
S = 4000 · 1 – –––––– = 3529 m3/h
5 · 34
sure differential at the Roots vacuum at 5 mbar.
pump overflow valve. In case of doubt, the
calculation must be worked via the Km 7.2.1 Calculating the Volume Flow Rate of
value (equation 10 or 12) and the overflow a WOD 220 A Pumping Station
valve (equation 14) where the lower of the
values produced is the right one. The WOD 220 A comprises a single stage
rotary vane vacuum pump UNO 30 A and
a Roots vacuum pump WKP 250 A.
Example 5
(please also refer to Figure 20)
Example 4 Calculation of the pressure range of
A Roots vacuum pump WKP 4000 a closed overflow valve on the Roots
(Sth= 4000 m3/h) should compress from vacuum pump (as per equations 10
5 mbar to 20 mbar. and 11).
Required is the volume flow rate.
Volume flow rate [m3/h]
Sv1 = 34 m3/h 30
S6 = 270 ––––––––––––––––––––1.5= 96 m3/h
pv1 = 100 mbar 270 12
30 + –––––– – ––––
5 270 )
(volume flow rate Sv1 at a backing pump
pressure of Pv1) 5 · 0.02
p6 = ––––––––– = 0.001 mbar
12 96
S1 = 270 –––––––––––––––––––– = 163 m3/h = 1 · 10-3 mbar
270 34
34 (
12 + –––––– – ––––
270 ) Sv7 = 1.0 m3/h
pv7 = 0.012 mbar
34 · 100
p1 = ––––––––– = 21 mbar
163 30
S7 = 270 ––––––––––––––––––––1.5= 27 m3/h
270 1.0
Sv2 = 34 m3/h 1.0 (
30 + –––––– – ––––
270 )
pv2 = 10 mbar 1.0 · 0.012
p7 = ––––––––––– = 0.00044 mbar
33 27
S2 = 270 ––––––––––––––––––––1.5= 218 m3/h = 4.4 · 10-4 mbar
270 34
34 (
33 + –––––– – ––––
270 ) Sv8 = 0.1 m3/h
pv8 = 0.01 mbar
34 · 10
p2 = ––––––––– = 1.5 mbar
218 30
S8 = 270 ––––––––––––––––––––1.5= 3 m3/h
270 0.1
Sv3 = 30 m3/h 0.1 (
30 + –––––– – ––––
270 )
pv3 = 0.75 mbar
0.1 · 0.01
47 p8 = ––––––––– = 0.00033 mbar
S3 = 270 ––––––––––––––––––––1.5= 277 m3/h 3
270 30 = 3.3 · 10-4 mbar
47 + –––––– – ––––
30 270 )
Calculation for the (pressure) range of an
30 · 0.75
p3 = ––––––––– = 0.1 mbar open overflow valve on the Roots vacuum
227 = 1.0 x 10-1 mbar pump (as per equation 14).
Sv4 = 20 m3/h
34 (1000 + 53)
pv4 = 0.1 mbar S∆1 = ––––––––––––––– = 36 m3/h
38 at 1000 mbar
S4 = 270 ––––––––––––––––––––1.5= 199 m3/h
270 20
38 + –––––– – ––––
20 270 ) 34 (300 + 53)
S∆2 = ––––––––––––––– = 40 m3/h
20 · 0.1 at 300 mbar
p4 = ––––––––– = 0.01 mbar
= 1.0 · 10-2 mbar 34 (100 + 53)
S∆3 = ––––––––––––––– = 52 m3/h
Sv5 = 12 m3/h at 100 mbar
pv5 = 0.04 mbar
34 (30 + 53)
30 S∆4 = ––––––––––––– = 94 m3/h
S5 = 270 ––––––––––––––––––––1.5= 154 m3/h 30
270 12
30 + –––––– – ––––
12 270 ) at 30 mbar
34 (20 + 53)
12 · 0.04 S∆5 = ––––––––––––– = 124 m3/h
p5 = ––––––––– = 0.0031 mbar 20
154 at 20 mbar
= 3.1 · 10-3 mbar
Sv6 = 5 m3/h 34 (7 + 53)
S∆6 = ––––––––––––– = 291 m3/h
pv6 = 0.02 mbar 7
at 7 mbar
7.3 Volumetric Efficiency Rating 7.4 Conductance Calculations
The volumetric efficiency rating ηvol is The volume flow rate of a vacuum pum-
often used when calculating the volume ping station is reduced by piping and com-
flow rate: ponents such as valves and bellows fitted
upstream of the recipient. The longer the
piping and the smaller the diameter the
S greater the losses.
ηvol = –––––
The conductance value L is used to deter-
mine the extent of line losses. The value is
dependent not only on the length and dia-
Equation 15
meter of the piping, but also on the type of
flow and the nature of the substance2) 2)
Please note:
being pumped. In vacuum technology, it is data on substances
ηvol = –––––––––––––––– y laminar and molecular flow which are can be found in
Sth Sv . 1.5
Km + ––– – ––– mainly involved. In the laminar flow range Appendix Section
Sv Sth
the conductance value is pressure depen- 8.5, page 52
dent; in the molecular flow range, conduc-
Equation 16 tance value is pressure independent.
T (K)
Gas temperature
M ––––––
k mol
Gas molar mass
η (Pa · s)
Gas viscosity
√ M––T )
3.6 · r3 r · pm conductance values, the following is valid:
L = ––––– · (0.039 –––––– + 30
l η
[m3/h] 1
L = ––––––––––– [m3/h]
1 1 1
–– + –– + ––
Equation 17 L1 L2 L3
L = L1 + L2 + L3...[m3/h]
Equation 18
Equation 19
1 L·S
Air, laminary, at 20°C Seff = –––––– = ––––– [m3/h]
1 1 L+S
–– + ––
Molecular flow range
Equation 23
In the molecular flow (Figure 21) the
second term in parentheses can be and
omitted, yielding a simplified formula
for air:
peff = ––––– [mbar]
L = 340 ––– [m3/h]
Equation 24
Equation 20
Air, molecular, at 20°C
d [ cm ]
transition range
10 Fig. 21
of pressure/pipe
dependent flow
molecular range
10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103
p [ mbar ]
Example 6 Total conductance value:
A pumping station connected to a non
3.6 · 103
stop operating drier will attain a pressure L = –––––––– · (2150 · 10 · 0.17 + 95)
of 0.15 mbar due to the gas volume at the
L = 10670 m3/h
pumping port. The volume flow rate is
3500m3/h. The piping has a diameter of 3500 · 10670
Seff = ––––––––––––– = 2635 m3/h
200 mm and is 10 m long with three 90° 3500 + 10670
bends and includes an angle valve.
3500 · 10978
Seff = ––––––––––––– = 2655 m3/h
3500 + 10978
3500 · 0.15
peff = ––––––––––––– = 0.198 ~ 0.2 mbar
Nominal width (mm) 10 25 40 63 100 160 200 250 350 500 1000
Table 3
Y valve
0.12 0.25 0.35 0.35 0.6 1.10 1.35 – – – – Equivalent pipe
lengths in m for
Angle valve 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.60 0.85 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.9
various vacuum
Elbow 90°, D = 3d 0.03 0.07 0.12 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.75 1.0 1.4 2.8
For what volume flow rate S and what If the volume flow rate S for the pressure
intake pressure p should the pumping range p1 to be calculated is constant, the
station be configured? pump down time can be expressed as:
By transposing Example 8
A recipient of 12 m3 should be evacuated
S·L L · Seff
Seff = ––––– → S = ––––––– from 1000 mbar (atmospheric pressure)
S+L L – Seff
to 15 mbar in 0.3 h. What is the required
volume flow rate?
10670 · 2900
S = ––––––––––––– = 3982 m3/h
10670 – 2900 By transforming equation 25, the
following is obtained:
and from
V p1
S = –– In –––
S · peff t p2
peff = –––––––
12 1000
Seff · p S = ––– In ––––– = 168 m3/h
p = ––––––– 0.3 15
V (m3/h)
2900 · 0.2 Volume of the recipient
p = –––––––––– = 0.146 mbar
3982 S (m3/h)
Volume flow rate of the pumping station at the
0.2 + 0.146 intake port
pm = ––––––––––– = 0.173 mbar
Sv (m3/h)
Volume flow rate of the backing pump
Owing to the minimal deviation from the p1,2 (mbar)
applied value (0.17 mbar), a correction Pressure (pressure range from p1 and p2)
calculation is unnecessary. ∆p (mbar)
Set pressure differential at the overflow valve of
7.5 Pump Down Times the Roots vacuum pump
The pump down time is determined pri-
t (h)
marily by the pumping station volume
Pump down time
flow rate and the recipient. Pump down
time is also influenced by other factors
such as the tightness of the complete
This calculation shows that a volume flow
rate of 168 m3/h at the recipient must be
constant throughout the range 1000 mbar V p1 + ∆p
t = –– In –––––––– = [h]
S p2 + ∆p
to 15 mbar. More often than not, pumping
stations have volume flow rates that differ
over the pressure range. In these cases Equation 26
there are a number of ways in which the
pump down time can be determined.
Example 9
Procedure Figure 22 shows the combined pump
The method most commonly used in indi- down time calculation of a tight, clean
vidual cases involves dividing the volume 200m3 chamber from 1000 mbar to 10-2
flow rate curve over the pressure in sever- mbar according to a given volume flow
al partial ranges of pressure in which there rate curve.
is little variation in volume flow rate. For
these individual pressure ranges, the par- For the pressure range 1000 to 10 mbar
tial pump down times with their respective (in Figure 22, Section 1) the partial pump
mean volume flow rate must be calculated down time t1 is calculated as per equation
individually according to equation 25 and 26. For the pressure range 10 to 10-2 mbar
added to arrive at the total pump down equation 25 is applied in as much the
time. An example of this is given in Figure volume flow rate is divided in the pressure
22, partial range 2 – 5. range 2 to 5 and the individual pump
down times t2 to t5 calculated.
Sometimes the volume flow rate for a par-
ticular pressure range can be expressed by The total pump down time of tges ~ 3.3
an equation. This is, for example, the case hours under ideal conditions is arrived
with a Roots vacuum pump with open at by adding all partial pump down times
overflow valve. Depending on the staging t1 to t5.
to the backing pump, the range approx.
1000 to 10/20 mbar. An approximation to
the volume flow rate here is:
S [m3/h]
Serf (m3/h)
5000 Required volume flow rate of the pumping station
at the recipient
4000 p (mbar)
Working pressure
( )
mbar l
qL = ––––
Example 10
given: leak rate qL = 11.68 mbar l/s
2 Required: volume flow rate at 1 mbar,
0 10-1 and 10-2 mbar
10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103
p [mbar] 3.6 · qL 3.6 · 11.68
Fig. 23 Serf = –––––––– = –––––––––– = 42 m3/h
p 1
The influence of the leak rate on the volume flow rate of a Roots
vacuum pump.
at 1·10-1 mbar:
1 Volume flow rate without taking the leak rate into account
Serf = 420 m3/h
(as per example 9).
at 1·10-2 mbar:
2 Volume flow rate taking the leak rate into account
Serf = 4200 m3/h
(as per Example 10).
7.6 The Influence of Leaks on Pump Down If the volume flow rate curve resulting
Times and End Vacuum (Leak Rate) from example 9 is compared with the
Lack of tightness (leaks) in the whole curve which takes the leak rate into
system must be taken into account when account (see Fig. 23), one can see that:
the configuration of a vacuum pumping
– at 1 mbar the leak rate is negligible
station is under consideration. The leak
rate, which is expressed in mbar I/s, is – at 10-1 the volume flow rate is reduced
calculated on the basis of known leak by approx. 10%
locations in feedthroughs and seals, etc.
– at 10-2 the volume flow rate is reduced
or by means of the pressure rise method.
by approx. 96%.
Taking the leak rate into account, the
required volume flow rate at a specific If the pump down time is now recalculated
pressure. using this leak rate, there is an increase in
pump down time of approx. 50% from
0.205 h to 0.31 h between 1 and 10-2 mbar.
3.6 · qL The attainable final pressure of the
Serf = ––––––– = [m3/h]
p pumping station according to example 9
(Figure 22) is limited to 9.4 x 10-3 mbar due
to this leak rate.
Equation 27
7.7 Drying Process Explanation:
In a drying process, 40 kg of water, which Pressure p is assumed to be 10 mbar
evaporates at 20°C, has to be pumped off. because at this pressure and at a tempera-
In addition, 50 kg of air enters through ture of 20°C water evaporates (see water
a leak in the recipient. vapor pressure curve in Figure 24).
V (m3) 293 40 10
(Gas-) volume V = 83.14 –––– ––– + –––
10 18 29
( )
T (K) V = 6253 m3
( )
Molar mass of each component
Q (kg) 103
water vapor pressure [mbar]
( mbar · m3
kmol · K ) 102
Universal gas constant (R = 83.14)
Example 11
Calculating the volume to be pumped melting
off and the required volume flow rate at 101
the intake port of the pumping station.
triple point
Molar mass of water (0.01° C, 6.09mbar)
M1 = 18 kg/kmol 100
Molar mass of air
M2 = 29 kg/kmol sublimation
T = 293 K 10-2
(selected according to the diagram)
p = 10 mbar
Amount of water
Q1 = 40 kg
Leaked air
Q2 = 10 kg
T Q1 Q2 Q3
V = R –– –– + –– +
p M1 M2 …Mn
––– = [m3] 10-5
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
temperature [°C]
Fig. 24
Equation 28 Vapor pressure curve of water (for example 11).
p1 (mbar)
V p1
(Start/atmospheric) pressure t = –– · In ––– = [m3/h]
S p2
V1 (m3)
Volume of gas at p1 t (h)
Pump down time
p2 (mbar)
Pressure (in vacuum) V (m3)
Volume of the recipient
V2 (m3)
Volume of gas atp2 S (m3/h)
Volume flow rate
Example 12
p1 (mbar)
p1 = 1000 mbar (Start/atmospheric) pressure
V1 = 1 m 3
p2 (mbar)
V2 = ? (Working/final) pressure
Variables p2 V p1
S = –– · In ––– = [m3/h]
t p2
a) p2 = 100 mbar
b) pv = 10 mbar 1.6 1013
S = ––––– · In –––––– = 332 m3/h
0.06 0.001
c) p2 = 1 mbar
d) p2 = 0.1 mbar
Selection of the vacuum pumping station
p1 · V1 Explanation:
→ V2 = ––––––– = [m3]
S is the constant required volume flow
rate of the vacuum pumping station over
1000 mbar · 1 m3
a) V2 = –––––––––––––––– = 10 m3 the whole pressure range of 1013 mbar
100 mbar
(atmospheric) to 1 x 10 -3 mbar (Working/
1000 mbar · 1 m3 final pressure). On the basis of the prece-
b) V2 = –––––––––––––––– = 100 m3 ding calculation, a WOD 412 B (Figure 25)
10 mbar
is selected.
1000 mbar · 1 m3
c) V2 = –––––––––––––––– = 1000 m3
1 mbar
1000 mbar · 1 m3
d) V2 = –––––––––––––––– = 10000 m3
0.1 mbar
Checking the pump down time Caution!
Pressure p2 (10 mbar) should be selected
V p1 + ∆p so that the overflow valve of the Roots
t1 = ––– · In –––––––– = [h]
Sv p2 + ∆p vacuum pump (∆p = 53 mbar) is closed at
the selected pressure ∆p.
t (h)
Pump down time 1.6 1013 + 53
t1 = ––– · In ––––––––– = 0.0665 h
V (m ) 3 68 10 + 53
Volume of the recipient t1 = 0.0665 h - t1 = 4 min*
Sv (m3/h)
*) Based on the parameters, the pump
Volume flow rate of the backing pump
down time for the vessel amounts to
p1 (mbar)
t = 4 min, that is, the volume flow rate
(Start/atmospheric) pressure p1
of the backing pump .
p2 (mbar) (S = 68 m3/h) is so small that t1 = t2.
(Compressed to) pressure p2
∆p (mbar)
Differential pressure at the overflow valve
s [m3/h]
332 D
S ≈ 250m3/h
S ≈ 300m3/h
S ≈ 400m3/h
S ≈ 350m3/h
S ≈ 300m3/h
Sv = 68m3/h
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103
Intake pressure p [mbar]
V p1 Adding:
t1 = ––– · In ––– = [h]
Sn p2 tges = t1 + ... tn
p1 (mbar)
(from) pressure p1 Comparison
p2 (mbar) Required pump down time/theoretical,
(to) pressure p2 calculable pump down time
Required pump down time: t = 4 min
Calculated pump down time: t = 6.6 min
1.6 10
t2 = –––– · In ––– = 0.0049 h Selected vacuum pumping station
300 4
WOD 412 B:
1.6 4 WKP 500 A –
t3 = –––– · In –– = 0.0063 h
350 1 Nominal volume flow rate: Sn = 490 m3/h
1.6 1 DUO 65 –
t4 = –––– · In ––––– = 0.0156 h
400 0.02 Nominal volume flow rate: Sn = 68 m3/h
8 Appendix
Vacuum chamber
Separators with heat exchanger
(e. g. cooled)
Vacuum bell jar
Gas filters, general
Shut-off devices
Filters, filter systems, general
Symbols for shut-off devices are not posi-
tion dependent. In flow diagrams, each
attachment for connecting lines must be
Baffles, general
placed in the middle of the vertically
drawn line. Symbols for angle valves must
be entered in the diagram according to
Vapor traps, general
their actual position in the system.
Shut-off valve
Cooling traps with coolant reservoir
Pipe Connections
Flange connection
Three way Stopcock
M Branch-off point
Electric motor drive
Directional signs
Weight driven
Gas ballast
Inlet of a controlled quantity of gas, M Mass flow
Mass flow is the mass of a gas flowing
usually into the compression chamber of through a cross section of a pipe in a
a positive displacement pump, so as to given time and the time span. It is
prevent condensation within the pump. equivalent to throughput.
P Partial pressure
The partial pressure is the pressure due R Reynolds number
Non-dimensional quantity
to a specified gas or vapor component of ρ·v·l
Re = –––––––
a gaseous and/or vapor mixture. η
ρ = density of fluid
Particle density
v = average flow velocity
Particle density is the quotient from the
l = characteristic length
number of particles contained in a given
= (e.g. pipe diameter)
η = dynamic viscosity
Permeation Re < 2300 : laminar flow
Permeation is the passage of gas through Re > 4000 : turbulent flow
a solid barrier or a liquid of finite thick-
ness. Permeation involves diffusion and
surface phenomena.
S Saturation vapor pressure
The saturation vapor pressure is the pres-
sure exerted by a vapor which is in ther-
Pressure modynamic equilibrium with one of its
The pressure of a gas on a boundary sur- condensed phases at the prevailing tem-
face is the normal component of the force perature.
exerted by the gas on an area of a real
surface divided by that area.
Sorption is the attraction of a gas (sor-
Pressure units bate) by a solid or a liquid (sorbent). Sor-
The legal pressure units are Pascal as the bents are also called sorption agents.
SI unit, abbreviation Pa, and bar as a spe-
cial unit designation for 105 Pa. T Throughput rate
Throughput rate of a vacuum pump is the
1 Pa = 1 Nm2 pV flow of the pumped gas. Units of
throughput rate are
1 bar = 1000 mbar = 105 Nm-2 = 105 Pa.
m3 · s-1, l · s-1, m3 · h-1.
The unit commonly used in vacuum tech-
nology is the millibar. Total pressure
The total pressure is the sum of all partial
pV throughput
pressures present. This term is used in
pV throughout is the quotient from the pV
contexts where the shorter term “pres-
value of a gas which in a given time span
sure” might not clearly distinguish
flows through the cross section of a pump
between the individual partial pressure
at the prevailing temperature and the time
and their sum.
pV value
A trap is a device in which the partial
The pV value is the product of the pres-
pressure of an undesirable residue in a
sure and the volume of a specified volume
mixture of gas and/or vapors which is
of a gas at the prevailing temperature. If
reduced by physical or chemical means.
the pV value is to be used as a measure
for the volume of substance or gas, this
must be an ideal gas at a specified tem-
Ultimate pressure
U Ultimate pressure is the value which the
Vacuum ranges mbar particle density mean free
path (l)
pressure approaches asymptotically in a rough vacuum (GV) 1000 – 1 2.5 · 1025 - 2.5 · 1022 m-3 ld
vacuum pump. medium vacuum (FV) 1 – 10 -3
2.5 · 10 - 2.5 · 10 m
22 19 -3
high vacuum (HV) 10-3 –10-7 2.5 · 1019 - 2.5 · 1015 m-3 ld
V Vacuum pump oil
Vacuum pump oil is an oil used in oil ultra high vacuum (UHV) <10 -7
< 2.5 · 10 m 15 -3
sealed vacuum pumps to seal, cool and Particle density figures are valid for a temperature of 20 °C.
lubricate. d = pipeline diameter
Vapor pressure
The vapor pressure is the partial pressure
of the vapor.
A555 Synthetic oil on ester- application with high 5 · 10-2 525 0.96
basis viscosity operating temperatures
ISO-VG 100, > 100°C
high thermal,
oxidative and
chemical stability,
wear protection,
high corrosion
Table 4 1)
Applications involving other chemicals/substances
Operating medium 1)
available on request.
With two-stage rotary vane vacuum pump
8.4 Conversion Tables
8.4.1 Pressure Conversion Table
mbar bar torr Pa (Nm-2) atm Ibf in-2 PSI kgf cm-2 in Hg mm Hg in H20 mm H20
. -3 2 . -4 . -2
1 mbar = 1 1 10 0.75 10 9.869 10 1.45 10 1.02 . 10-3 2.953 .10-2 0.75 0.402 10.197
1 bar = 103 1 7.5 .102 1 . 103 0.987 14.5 1.02 29.53 7.5 . 102 4.015 . 102 1.02 . 104
1 torr = 1.333 1.333 . 10-3 1 1.333 . 102 1.316 . 10-3 1.934 . 10-2 1.36 . 10-3 1.36 . 10-2 1 0.535 13.59
1 Pa (Nm-2) = 0.01 1 . 10-5 7.5 . 10-3 1 9.87 . 10-6 1.45 . 10-4 1.02 . 10-5 2.953 . 10-4 7.5 . 10-3 4.015 . 10-3 0.102
1 atm = 1.013 . 103 1.013 7.6 . 102 1.013 . 105 1 14.7 1.033 29.92 7.6 . 102 4.068 . 102 1.033 . 104
1 Ibf in-2 PSI = 68.95 6.895 . 10-2 51.71 6.895 . 103 6.805 . 10-2 1 7.03 . 10-2 2.036 51.71 27.68 7.03 . 102
1 kgf cm-2 = 9.807 . 102 0.981 7.356 . 102 9.807 . 104 0.968 14.22 1 28.96 7.356 . 102 3.937 . 102 104
1 in Hg = 33.86 3.386 . 10-2 25.4 3.386 . 103 3.342 . 10-2 0.491 3.453 . 10-2 1 25.4 13.6 3.45 . 102
1 mm Hg = 1.333 1.333 . 10-3 1 1.333 . 102 1.316 . 10-3 1.934 . 10-2 1.36 . 10-3 3.937 . 10-2 1 0.535 13.59
1 in H20 = 2.491 2.491 . 10-3 1.868 2.491 . 102 2.458 . 10-3 3.613 . 10-2 2.54 . 10-3 7.356 . 10-2 1.868 1 25.4
1 mm H20 = 9.807 . 10-2 9.807 . 10-5 7.354 . 10-2 9.807 9.677 . 10-5 1.42 . 10-3 10-4 2.896 . 10-3 7.354 . 10-2 3.394 . 10-2 1
mbar l/s-1 torr l/s-1 atm cm3 s-1 lusec atm ft3 min-1 1 kg/h air (20 °C)
1 mbar l/s-1 = 1 0.75 0.987 7.5 . 102 2.097 . 10-3 4.3 . 10-3
-1 3 . -3
1 torr l/s = 1.333 1 1.316 10 2.795 10 5.7 . 10-3
3 -1 . 2 . -3
1 atm cm s = 1.013 0.76 1 7.6 10 2.12 10 4.3 . 10-3
1 lusec = 1.333 . 10-3 0.001 1.32 . 10-3 1 2.79 . 10-6 5.7 . 10-6
1 atm ft3 min-1 = 4.78 . 102 3.58 . 102 4.72 . 102 3.58 . 105 1 -
1 kg/h air (20 °C) = 230 175 230 1.75 . 10-1 - 1
Table 6
8.5 Data on Various Substances (Table 8)
Mol.- Standard Melting Melting Boiling Evaporation Critical Data
at 1 bar
Compound Formula Weight Concentration point Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Pressure Specific Weight
mol kg/m3 °C kJ/kg °C kJ/kg °C bar kg/l
Helium He 4.00 0.18 -270.7 3.52 -268.9 20.94 -267.9 2.38 0.065
Neon Ne 20.18 0.90 -248.6 16.75 -246.1 104.70 -228.4 27.8 0.484
Argon A 39.94 1.78 -189.3 29.31 -185.9 159.14 -117.6 52.3 0.531
Air 28.96 1.29 -213 -192.3 196.83 -140.7 38.4 0.310
Hydrogen H2 2.02 0.09 -259.2 58.63 -252.8 460.66 -239.9 13.2 0.031
Nitrogen N2 28.02 1.25 -210.5 25.75 -195.7 201.01 -147.1 32.5 0.311
Oxygen O2 32.00 1.43 -218.8 13.82 -182.9 213.58 -118.0 50.5 0.441
Fluorine F2 38.00 1.70 -220.0 37.69 -188.0 159.14 -129.0 55.0
Chlorine Cl2 70.91 3.17 -100.5 188.45 - 34.0 259.64 146.0 78.4 0.573
Hyrofluoric Acid HF 20.01 0.98 - 83.1 228.65 19.9 1289.84 230.2
Hydrochoric Acid HCl 36.47 1.63 -1 1 1 .2 56.12 -84.8 443.91 51.0 84.1 0.610
Hydrobromic Acid HBr 80.92 3.64 - 87.0 30.99 -66.5 217.77 91.9 86.8 0.807
Hydrogen Iodide HJ 127.93 5.79 - 51.0 23.03 -35.1 154.95 150.8 84.7
Hydrocyanic Acid HCN 27.03 (1.21) - 14.2 31 1 .57 25.7 975.76 183.5 54.8 0.195
Water H2O 18.02 0.77 0.00 332.51 100.00 2257.22 374.2 225.6 0.329
Hydrogen Sulfide H2S 34.08 1.54 - 85.6 69.52 -60.4 548.60 99.6 95.0
Ammonia NH3 17.03 0.77 - 77.9 339.31 -33.4 1369.41 132.4 115.0 0.235
Nitrous Oxide NO 30.01 1.34 -163.5 77.06 -151.7 460.66 -92.0 67.2 0.520
Nitrous Oxide N2O 44.02 1.97 - 90.8 148.67 - 88.7 376.90 35.4 74.2 0.459
Nitrogen Tetroxyde N2O4 92.02 (4.11) - 1 1 .2 159.14 21.1 414.59 158.2 103.3 0.507
Cyanogen C2N2 52.04 (2.32) - 27.9 156.20 -21.2 448.09 126.5 60.1
Carbon Monoxide CO 28.01 1.25 -205.0 30.15 -191.6 217.77 -138.7 35.7 0.311
Carbon Dioxide CO2 44.01 1.97 - 56.6 184.26 -78.21) 573.73 31.0 75.3 0.468
Carbon Disulfide CS2 76.13 (3.40) -1 1 1 .5 57.79 46.3 351.78 277.7 75.5 0.441
Sulfur Dioxide SO2 64.06 2.92 - 75.5 116.84 -10.0 402.03 157.6 80.4 0.524
Sulfur Hexaflouride SF6 146.06 (6.52) - 50.7 34.34 -63.51) 114.75
Methyl Fluoride CH3F 34.03 1.52 -78.1 519.29 44.9 59.9
Methylene Fluoride CH2F2 52.03 (2.32) -52.0
Fluoroform CHF3 70.02 (3.13) -160 -84.2 262.58
Tetraflouralmethane CF4 87.99 (3.93) -183.6 7.96 -127.7 137.36 -45.5 38.1 0.618
Methyl Chloride CH3CI 50.49 2.31 - 97.7 127.73 -23.7 427.16 141.5 68.0 0.353
Methylene Chloride CH2CI2 84.94 (3.79) - 96.7 54.44 40.1 329.58 237.5 62.9
Chloroform CHCI3 119.39 (5.33) - 63.5 79.99 61.2 253.78 260.0 55.6 0.496
Diflourochloromethane CHF2CI 86.48 (3.86) -160 -40.8 247.08 96.0 50.3
Fluorotrichloromethane CHFCI2 102.93 (4.59) -135 8.9 259.64 178.5 52.7 0.522
Trifluorochloromethane CF3CI 104.47 (4.66) -181 -81.5 150.76 28.7 39.4
Difluorodichloromethane CF2CI2 120.92 (5.40) -155.0 34.34 -29.8 167.51 111.5 40.9 0.555
Fluorotrichloromethane CHFCI3 137.38 (6.13) -1 1 0.5 50.25 23.7 182.59 198.0 44.6 0.554
Ethyl Fluoride C2H5F 48.06 (2.15) -32.0 102.2 51.2
Ethyl Chloride C2H5CI 64.50 (2.88) -136.4 69.10 12.4 382.35 187.2 54.3 0.330
Ethyl Bromide C2H5Br 108.98 (4.86) -1 1 8.7 54.02 38.4 280.58 230.8 63.5 0.507
Trifluorotrichloroethane C3F3CI3 187.39 (8.37) - 36.5 47.6 144.06 214.1 34.8
Tetrafluorodichloroethane C2F4CI2 170.93 (7.63) - 94.0 4.1 127.73 146.0
Trifluorochloroethylene C2F3CI 116.48 (5.20) -157.5 -27.9 195.15 107.0 40.3 0.575
Vinyl chloride C2H3CI 62.50 (2.79) -159.7 -13.9 368.53 0.91
11-Dichloroethylene C2H2CI2 96.95 (4.33) -122.5 31.7 272.21
Trichloroethylene C2HCI3 131.40 (5.86) - 86.4 87.2 242.05
Tetrachlroethylene C2CI4 165.85 (7.40) - 22.4 62.82 120.8 209.39
Fluorbenzene C2H5F 96.10 (4.29) - 41.9 108.46 84.8 286.5 46.1 0.354
Chlorobenzene C6H5CI 112.56 (5.02) - 45.2 85.85 132.2 324.97 359.2 46.1 0.365
Benzyl chloride C7H7CI 126.58 (5.65) - 39.2 179.4
Methane CH4 16.04 0.72 -182.5 58.63 -161.5 510.49 -81.5 47.1 0.162
Ethane C2H6 30.07 1.35 -183.3 92.97 -88.6 489.97 32.1 50.4 0.213
Propan C8H8 44.09 2.01 -187.7 79.99 -42.1 426.32 95.6 43.5 0.226
Butane C4H10 58.12 2.70 -138.4 77.47 -0.5 385.70 153.2 38.7 0.231
Pentane C5H12 72.14 3.45 -129.7 116.42 36.1 357.64 197.2 34.1 0.232
Hexane C6H14 86.17 (3.85) - 95.3 147.83 68.7 335.02 234.5 30.6 0.233
Heptane C7H16 100.19 4.46 - 90.6 141.55 98.4 316.60 267.0 27.8 0.234
Octane C8H18 114.22 5.03 - 56.8 180.91 125.7 301.10 296.2 25.4 0.235
Benzene C6H6 78.11 (3.49) 5.5 127.73 80.1 394.49 288.1 49.5 0.304
Toluol C7H8 92.13 (4.11) - 95 72.03 110.6 355.96 319.9 41.6 0.291
Ethylbenzene C8H10 106.16 (4.74) - 94.9 86.27 136.2 339.63 344.0 38.0 0.284
o-Xylol C8H10 106.16 (4.74) - 25.3 129.82 144.4 347.59 358.0 36.8 0.288
m-Xylol C8H10 106.16 (4.74) - 47.9 108.88 139.2 343.40 349.0 35.9 0.282
p-Xylol C8H10 106.16 (4.74) 13.3 160.39 138.4 339.21 348.5 35.0 0.281
Styrolene (Beinyl Benzene) C8H8 104.14 (4.65) - 30.6 145.21)
i-Propyl Benzene C9H12 120.19 (5.36) - 96.0 80.82 152.4 312.83 362.7 32.2
Diphenyl C12H10 154.20 (6.88) 70.5 121.45 256.1 309.90 495.6 32.9 0.343
Naphtalin C10H8 128.16 (5.72) 80.2 146.99 217.9 314.09 478.5 40.5 0.314
Methanol CH4O 32.04 (1.43) - 97.6 103.02 64.7 1101.39 232.8 81.3 0.275
Aethanol C2H6O 46.07 (2.06) -114.2 108.05 78.3 845.94 234.3 64.4 0.276
Propanol C3H8O 60.09 (2.68) -126.1 86.69 97.2 753.80 265.8 51.8 0.273
Butanol C4H10O 74.12 (3.31) - 89.8 125.22 1 17.9 590.48 287.1 50.0
Pentanol C5H12O 88.14 (3.93) - 78.9 111 .81 137.8 515.10 315.0
Hexanol C8H14O 102.17 (4.56) - 47.3 150.76 157.7 636.55
Heptanol C7H18O 116.19 (5.22) - 34.3 175.8 439.72 365.3
Octanol C8H18O 130.22 (5.81) - 16.7 195.2 410.40 385.5
i-Propanol C3H8O 60.09 (2.68) - 89.5 89.20 82.3 670.05 273.5 54.9
i-Butanol C4H10O 74.12 (3.31) -108.0 108.0 577.92 277.6 49.8
i-Pentanol C5H12O 88.14 (3.93) -1 1 7.2 130.6 502.54 306.6
Ethylene Glycol C2H6O2 62.07 (2.77) - 12.6 188.45 197.3 812.43
13-Propylene Glycol C3H8O2 76.09 (3.40) 214.2
Glycerin C3H8O3 92.09 (4.11) - 18.0 200.60 290.0 825.00
Benzyl Alcohol C7H8O 108.13 (4.83) - 15.3 82.92 205.4 466.94
Phenol C6H6O 94.11 (4.20) 40.9 120.61 182.20 510.91 419.2 62.5
Formic Acid CH2O2 46.03 (2.05) 8.4 276.39 100.7 494.16
Acetic Acid C2H4O2 60.05 (2.68) 16.6 195.15 118.1 406.22 321.5 59.0 0.351
Monochloracetic Acid C2H3O2CI 94.50 (4.21) 61.3 205.20 189.5 265.93
Dichloracetic Acid C2H2O2CI2 94.50 (4.21) 9.7 81.24 194.4 322.88
Trichloracetic Acid C2H2O2CI3 94.50 (4.21) 57.0 62.40 195.6
Ketene C2H2O 42.04 (1.88) -151.0 -56.0
Acetone C3H6O 58.08 (2.59) - 94.8 96.32 56.2 523.48 235.0 48.6 0.252
Formaldehyde CH2O 30.03 (1.34) - 92.0 -21.0 711.93
Acetaldehyde C2H4O 44.05 (1.97) - 123.5 73.71 20.2 573.73 188.0
Furfurol C5H4O2 96.08 (4.29) - 36.5 161.7 452.28
Specific Temperature of
Boiling Temperature at Various Pressure in °C Vapors Under Constant Pressure Dynamic viscosity of the Vapors
Within Range of 0 - 1 bar kJ/kg °C in 10-5 Pa·s
Formula Pressure in mbar Temperature in °C Temperature in °C
1 5 10 20 40 100 200 500 1000 50 0 25 100 200 -50 0 25 100 200
He -271.73 -271.54 -271.38 -271.18 -270.88 -270.45 -269.97 269.35 -268.9 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 1.66 1.89 2.01 2.34 2.75
Ne -257.53 -255.9 -255 -254 -253 -251.5 -250.2 -248.2 -246.1 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 2.64 3.05 3.18 3.72 4.34
A -218.93 -214.7 -212.1 -209.2 -206.2 -202 -197.8 -191.2 -185.9 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 1.83 2.16 2.32 2.76 3.27
-192.3 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.49 1.74 1.87 2.22 2.64
H2 -263.43 -262 -261.4 -260.5 -259.7 -258 -256.4 -254.5 -252.8 13.51 14.05 14.34 14.41 14.41 0.744 0.856 0.908 1.05 1.23
N2 -226.83 -222.25 -220 -216.7 -215.2 -211 -207.4 -201.5 -195.7 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.44 1.69 1.81 2.12 2.51
O2 -220.00 -214.5 -212 -209 -205.5 -200.4 -196 -189.2 -182.9 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.93 0.96 1.66 1.96 2.09 2.49 2.96
F2 -223.93 -218.1 -215.3 -212.25 -209.7 -204.3 -200 -193.9 -188 0.80 0.82 0.82 0.86 0.90
CI2 -120.00 -108.8 -103.5 - 96.7 - 88.0 - 75.5 - 64.6 - 48.1 - 34 0.46 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.51 1.25 1.37 1.71 2.14
HF (app.-96.3) - 78.5 - 69.5 - 60.0 - 49.7 - 33.5 - 19.2 1.5 19.9 1.44 1.46 1.46
HCI -152.53 -142.6 -137.8 -132.4 -126.5 -117 -109 - 96.2 - 84.8 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 1.34 1.48 1.87 2.35
HBr -140.63 -129.7 -124.2 -118 -111.2 -101 - 92.1 - 79 - 66.5 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 1.73 1.89 2.39
HJ -125.23 -112.2 -105.3 - 98 - 89.5 - 76.5 - 65.4 - 49.5 - 35.1 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 1.76 1.93 2.43 2.99
HCN - 73.33 - 58.2 - 50.9 - 43 - 34.5 - 22 - 10.6 9 25.7 1.23 1.29 1.33 1.41 1.52 0.67 0.76 1.00 1.33
H2O - 20.00 - 2.7 6.9 17.7 29.2 45.9 60 81.8 100 1.84 1.84 1.88 1.94 0.92 1.01 1.31 1.69
H2S -136.00 -124.7 -119 -112.5 -105.4 - 95 - 86.2 - 72.8 - 60.4 0.98 0.99 1.01 1.03 1.08 1.19 1.29 1.62
NH3 -110.83 - 99.6 - 94.2 - 88.5 - 81.9 - 72 - 61.7 - 46.5 - 33.4 1.99 2.06 2.09 2.22 2.37 0.775 0.948 1.02 1.31 1.68
NO -185.23 -181.2 -179.2 -176.5 -173.3 -167.9 -164 -157.3 -151.7 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.98 1.01 1.83 1.96 2.32 2.73
N2O -144.80 -135.2 -130.7 -125.9 -120.7 -112.8 -106.3 - 96.7 - 88.7 0.82 0.86 0.88 0.95 1.02 1.39 1.52 1.87 2.29
N2O4 - 57.60 - 45 - 39.2 - 33 - 26.6 - 17.5 - 8.8 7 21.1 0.82 0.86 0.95 1.05
C2N2 - 97.83 - 85.5 - 79.5 - 73 - 65.8 - 55.4 - 46.4 - 33.7 - 21.2 1.07 1.10 1.17 1.17 0.948 1.02 1.29
CO -222.73 -218.2 -215.9 -213.6 -211.1 -207.1 -203.2 -196.9 -191.6 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.06 1.45 1.69 1.81 2.14 2.52
CO2 -135.93 -126.3 -121.7 -116.5 -111.1 -102.9 - 96 - 86.4 - 78.2 0.77 0.82 0.85 0.93 1.00 1.17 1.41 1.51 1.89 2.34
CS2 - 76.73 - 57.9 - 48.9 - 38.8 - 27.5 - 10.5 4.2 26.1 46.3 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.64 0.68 0.92 0.99 1.28 1.63
SO2 - 97.53 - 85.4 - 79.3 - 72.7 - 64.5 - 51.3 - 40.5 - 24 - 10 0.59 0.61 0.66 0.71 0.96 1.19 1.31 1.66 2.11
SF6 -134.53 -122.9 -117 -111.2 -104.5 - 94.3 - 86.3 - 73.7 - 63.5 0.50 0.60 0.64 0.75
CH3F -148.93 -139.2 -133.8 -128.4 -122.1 -112.2 -103.6 - 90.4 - 78.1
CH2F2 - 52 1.10 1.24 1.45
CHF3 - 84.2 0.84 0.96 1.11
CF4 -186.53 -176.2 -171.4 -166.7 -161.1 -153.3 -146.5 -136.2 -127.7 0.72 0.76 0.87 1.00
CH3CI -102.53 - 95.4 - 88 - 80 - 67 - 56 - 39 - 23.7 0.77 0.81 0.92 1.06 0.989 1.10 1.39 1.79
CH2CI2 - 72.63 - 55.5 - 47 - 37.3 - 26.7 - 11.5 2.3 22.7 40.1 0.53 0.59 0.61 0.69 0.78 0.938 1.03 1.29 1.63
CHCI3 - 61.00 - 42.5 - 33.5 - 23.2 - 12 4.9 19.5 41 61.2 0.53 0.55 0.61 0.67 0.955 1.05 1.32 1.63
CHF2CI -124.73 -112.6 -106.5 - 99.5 - 91.8 - 80.4 - 70.3 - 54.7 - 40.8 0.55 0.64 0.67 0.75 0.85 0.983 1.19 1.29 1.60
CHFCI2 - 93.83 - 78.5 - 71 - 62.2 - 52.8 - 38.6 - 26.3 - 7.5 8.9 0.50 0.57 0.59 0.67 0.74 0.923 1.08 1.15 1.39
CF3CI -151.13 -141.2 -136.2 -131 -124.7 -114.8 -106.2 - 93.5 - 81.5
CF2CI2 -120.73 -107.3 -100.6 - 93.2 - 85.3 - 72.8 - 61.7 - 45 - 29.8 0.49 0.55 0.57 0.64 0.71 1.01 1.18 1.26 1.52
CFCI3 - 86.83 - 70.8 - 62.5 - 53.8 - 43.8 - 28 - 14.9 5.5 23.7 0.51 0.54 0.56 0.61 0.67 0.865 1.03 1.11 1.36
C2H5F -119.13 -106.5 -100.3 - 93.3 - 85.3 - 73.3 - 62.8 - 46.8 - 32
C2H5CI - 92.23 - 77 - 69.5 - 60.7 - 51.2 - 36.8 - 24.5 - 5.3 12.4 1.27 1.31 1.47 0.955 1.05 1.32 1.63
C2H5Br - 77.00 - 60 - 51.4 - 41.8 - 31.5 - 15 - 1.5 19.3 38.4 0.59 0.62 0.72 0.95
C2F3CI3 - 70.93 - 53 - 44 - 33.9 - 23.2 - 7.5 7 28.5 47.6 0.58 0.62 0.64 0.70 0.872 0.986 1.05 1.22
C2F4CI2 - 97.93 - 82.9 - 75.5 - 67 - 58 - 43.8 - 31.9 - 14 4.1 0.59 0.64 0.66 0.74 0.937 1.09 1.17 1.41
C2F3CI -118.00 -105.2 - 98.7 - 91.5 - 83.3 - 71 - 60 - 43 - 27.9
C2H3CI -108.00 - 93.7 - 86.5 - 79.1 - 70.7 - 57.5 - 46.3 - 29.1 - 13.9 0.81 0.86 1.00 1.16
C2H2CI2 - 80 - 63.3 - 55 - 45.8 - 35.5 - 20.1 - 6.7 13.5 31.7 0.67 0.71 0.80 0.89
C2HCI3 - 46.83 - 26.8 - 16.8 - 5.6 6.3 24.9 41 65.5 87.2 0.60 0.63 0.70 0.76
C2CI4 - 24.00 - 2 8.8 21 34.5 54.2 72 98 120.8 0.58 0.60 0.64 0.69
C6H5F - 46.53 - 26.8 - 16.8 - 6 6.2 24.5 40 63.8 84.8
C6H5CI - 16.73 6 17.5 30 43.5 63.8 81.5 108.3 132.2
C7H7CI - 18.00 43 55.5 69 84 106.3 125.6 154 179.4
CH4 -206.93 -200.3 -197 -193.3 -189.4 -183.5 - 178 -169.4 -161.5 2.07 2.17 2.23 2.45 2.81 0.862 1.04 1.12 1.36 1.64
C2H6 -161.23 -150.7 -145.2 -139.3 -132.7 -122.8 -114 -100.7 - 88.6 1.48 1.65 1.75 2.07 2.49 0.729 0.877 0.953 1.17 1.45
C3H8 -130.93 -118.1 -111.5 -104.1 - 96 - 83.8 - 73.1 - 57 - 42.1 1.31 1.55 1.67 2.02 2.46 0.765 0.831 1.03 1.28
C4H10 -103.93 - 88.7 - 81 - 72.7 - 63.3 - 49 - 36.5 - 17.8 - 0.5 1.26 1.60 1.70 2.03 2.45 0.703 0.759 0.969
C5H12 - 78.93 - 65.1 - 55.2 - 44.3 - 33.9 - 17.7 - 4.2 16.7 36.1 1.22 1.60 1.70 2.03 2.45 0.632 0.694 0.877 1.11
C6H14 - 56.23 - 38 - 29 - 18.6 - 7.3 10 25 46.8 68.7 1.19 1.61 1.70 2.03 2.44 0.601 0.663 0.838 1.06
C7H18 - 37.23 - 16.7 - 6.7 4.6 16.8 35.6 51.7 76 98.4 1.17 1.61 1.70 2.03 2.44 0.731 0.938
C8H16 - 17.33 6 14.7 26.5 39.5 59 76.3 102 125.7 1.15 1.61 1.71 2.03 2.44 0.689 0.862
C6H6 - 39.53 - 22.8 - 14.8 - 6 3.3 20 35.5 58.7 80.1 0.95 1.05 1.34 1.68 0.714 0.826 0.970 1.22
C7H6 - 30.00 - 9 1.8 13.3 26.2 45.3 61.8 87.7 110.6 1.03 1.13 1.42 1.76 0.704 0.908 1.14
C8H8 - 13.53 9.3 21 33.5 46.7 67.6 85.3 111.7 136.2 1.11 1.21 1.51 2.06
C8H10 - 7.53 15.6 27 39.5 53.30 74 92 120 144.4 1.16 1.26 1.52 1.86
C8H10 - 10.53 12.2 23.5 35.5 49.5 70 88 114.5 139.2 1.11 1.20 1.48 1.83
C8H10 - 11.63 10.5 22.2 34.7 48.2 68.7 86.8 113.7 138.4 1.11 1.20 1.47 1.81
C8H8 - 10.73 13.3 25.5 38.8 53.5 75 93.5 121 145.2 1.08 1.17 1.45 1.77
C8H12 - 0.63 22 33.6 46 60 81 99 127 152.4 1.16 1.26 1.57 1.93
C12H12 65.83 96 110.5 127 144.5 171.1 194 227.2 256.1
C10H8 - 49.23 70 81 95 111.5 136.5 158 190 217.9
CH4O - 46.83 - 28.9 - 20 - 10.5 0.3 16 29.8 48.2 64.7 1.34 1.41 1.60 1.84 0.887 0.975 1.24 1.59
C2H6O - 34.73 - 15.5 - 6.4 3.5 14 29.5 42.5 61 78.3 1.52 1.60 1.83 2.11 0.765 0.850 1.11 1.41
C3H8O - 18.00 1.1 10.2 20.5 31.8 47.5 61 80.5 97.2 1.38 1.49 1.80 2.17 0.694 0.762 0.949 1.26
C4H10O - 4.533 16 26 36.7 48.2 64.5 78.3 99.8 117.9
C5H12O - 10.23 30.5 40.3 51 62.8 80.2 95 118.5 137.8
C8H14O 20.93 42.9 53.5 65.2 78.1 96.5 112.5 136 157.7
C7H18O 393 60 70 81.2 93.9 113.3 129.4 154 175.8
C8H18O 50.33 72 83.3 95.9 109.3 129 145 172 195.5
C3H8O - 29.13 - 10.8 - 1.4 8.2 19.1 34.7 47.3 66.4 82.3 1.43 1.52 1.82 2.17 0.714 0.772 0.970 1.28
C4H10O - 12 7.1 17 27.8 39 55.6 70 90 108
C5H12O 6.8 26.9 36.6 47.2 58 75 89.9 111.8 130.6
C2H6O2 49.2 74.5 86.8 100 114 135 151.5 176.5 197.3
C3H8O2 55 82 95 109 124.5 146 164.5 191.5 214.2
C3H8O3 121.3 148.2 161.5 176 191.3 213. 231.5 261 290
C7H8O 54.5 76.2 87.5 100 113.9 134.7 152 181 205.4
C6H6O 36.7 58.3 69 81 94 114.5 131.5 158 182 4.44 4.50
CH2O2 - 22.5 - 7.9 - 0.7 7 18.3 37.3 54 78.5 100.7
C2H4O2 - 20.8 1.7 12.7 24.6 37.3 56.3 73 97 118.1 4.63 6.17 3.96 0.877 1.38
C2H3O2CI 39.1 63.5 75.5 88.5 102.5 123.8 141.5 167.2 189.5
C2H2O2CI2 40 64.9 77.3 90.5 105.2 127 145 171.9 194.4
C2HO2CI3 47.2 71.3 83 96 110 130.5 148.1 173 195.6
C2H2O (-131.8) (-120.3) (-114.3) (-108)(-101) (-90.6) (-81.8)(-68.2) - 56 1.09 1.14 1.29 1.46
C3H6O - 62.2 - 44 - 35.2 - 25.1 - 14.1 2.3 16.2 37 56.2 1.24 1.32 1.56 1.84 0.673 0.739 0.949 1.23
CH2O - 113.3 - 98.5 - 91.2 - 83 - 74.4 61.5 - 50.6 - 34.3 - 21 1.15 1.17 1.26 1.41
C2H4O - 83.8 - 68.4 - 60.4 - 51.5 - 42 - 27.4 - 15 3.5 20.2 1.18 1.24 1.42 1.68
C5H4O2 14.8 38 49.5 62 76 96.5 114 140 161.7
Desorption rates1)
qDes [mbar · l
s · cm2 ]
Material Surface- Surface 1h 4h 10h
quality condition
Stainless steel blank cleaned 2.7 . 10-7 5.4 . 10-8 2.7 . 10-8
Stainless steel polished cleaned 2 . 10-8 4 . 10-9 2 . 10-10
Stainless steel pickled heated for 1 hour, 1.4 . 10-9 2.8 . 10-10 1.4 . 10-10
Stainless steel bead blasted vented with normal air 3 . 10-10 6.5 . 10-11 4 . 10-11
Steel Ni plated polished cleaned 2 . 10-7 1.5 . 10-8 5 . 10-9
Steel Cr plated polished cleaned 1.3 . 10-8 2.2 . 10-9 1.2 . 10-9
Steel rusted 6 . 10-7 1.6 . 10-7 1 . 10-7
Steel blank cleaned 5 . 10-7 1 . 10-7 5 . 10-8
Steel bead blasted cleaned 4 . 10-7 8 . 10-8 3.8 . 10-8
Aluminium cleaned 6 . 10-8 1.7 . 10-8 1.1 . 10-8
Brass cleaned 1.6 . 10-6 5.6 . 10-7 4 . 10-7
Copper cleaned 3.5 . 10-7 9.5 . 10-8 5.5 . 10-8
Porcelain glazed 8.7 . 10-7 4 . 10-7 2.8 . 10-7
Glass cleaned 4.5 . 10-9 1.1 . 10-9 5.5 . 10-10
Acrylic glass 1.6 . 10-6 5.6 . 10-7 4 . 10-7
Neoprene 4 . 10-5 2.2 . 10-5 1.5 . 10-5
Perbunan 4 . 10-6 1.7 . 10-6 1.3 . 10-6
Viton 1.2 . 10-6 3.6 . 10-7 2.2 . 10-7
Viton heated for 4 hours at 100 °C 1.2 . 10-7 5 . 10-8 2.8 . 10-8
Viton heated for 4 hours at 150 °C 1.2 . 10-9 3.3 . 10-10 2.5 . 10-10
Teflon degassed 8 . 10-7 2.3 . 10-7 1.5 . 10-7
Table 9 1)
The desorption rates can be disproved by different types of
Desorption rates for clean surfaces pretreatment (e.g. annealing for hydrogen removal).
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
pv /p
Fig. 26:
Correction Factor a
Calculation of the fore vacuum dependent
volumetric efficiency rating for a Roots
vacuum pump.
8.8 Technical Data, Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps
8.8.1 Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps UNO 2.5 and UNO 5
Single-stage UNO 2.5 UNO 5 A
Connection nominal diameter
Inlet DN 16 ISO-KF DN 16 ISO-KF
Outlet DN 16 ISO-KF DN 16 ISO-KF
Volume flow rate
50 Hz m3/h 2.5 4.6
60 Hz m3/h 2.9 5.1
Ultimate pressure
total without gas ballast mbar <5 .10-2 <5 .10-2
total with gas ballast mbar <1 <1
Water vapor tolerance mbar 15 20
Water vapor capacity g/h 37 75
without gas ballast dB(A) 53 53
with gas ballast dB(A) 55 55
Operating temperature1) °C 80 80
Operating medium quantity I 0.45 0.45
Rotation speed
50 Hz rpm 2800 2800
60 Hz rpm 3355 3355
Motor rating kW 0.13 0.13
Weight kg 10.2 11
Data compilation
8.8.5 Rotary vane vacuum pumps PacLine
Pump PAC 20 PAC 60 PAC 90 PAC 200 PAC 250 PAC 400 PAC 630
Connection nominal diameter
Inlet DN 25 ISO-KF DN 40 ISO-KF DN 40 ISO-KF DN 63 ISO-F DN 63 ISO-F DN 100 ISO-F DN 100 ISO-F
Outlet DN G2" DN G2" DN 63 G 21/2" DN 63 G 21/2"
Volume flow rate
50 Hz m3/h 18 54 81 180 230 400 600
60 Hz m3/h 64 94 210 270 460 680
Ultimate pressure
total without gas ballast mbar <2 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5
without gas ballast dB(A) 70 70 75 80 80 80 80
Operating medium quantity l 0.5 2 2 6 6 17 17
Rotation speed
50 Hz rpm 2800 1450 1450 1450 1450 960 975
60 Hz rpm 1700 1700 1740 1740 1150 1170
Motor rating 50/60 Hz KW 0.75 1.5/2.2 2.2/3 5.5/6.5 7.5/9 11/13.2 15/18
Weight kg 20 58 76 170 185 420 540
Data compilation
Pumps WKP 250 A WKP 500 A WKP 1000 A/AD WKP 2000 A/AD
Nominal volume flow rate
50 Hz m3/h 270 490 1070 2065
60 Hz m3/h 324 590 1284 2478
Starting pressure mbar 1013 1013 1013 1013
Differential pressure at overflow valve mbar 53 53 43 35
Leak rate
Pump with radial shaft seals mbar . l/s <1 . 10-2 <1 . 10-2 <1 . 10-2 <1 . 10-2
Pump with canned motor mbar . l/s <1 . 10-5 <1 . 10-5 <1 . 10-5 <1 . 10-5
Rotation speed
50 Hz rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000
60 Hz rpm 3600 3600 3600 3600
Motor rating
50 Hz kW 0.75 1.5 3 5.5
60 Hz kW 1.1 2.2 4 7.5
Motor rating with canned motor
50 Hz kW 1.5 1.5 5 5.5
60 Hz kW 1.7 1.7 5.7 5.7
Materials – rotor and casing GGG/GGL GGG/GGL GGL(A) GGG/GGL (A)
GGG/GGG 40.3 (AD) GGG/GGG 40.3 (AD)
Oil filling l 1.5 1.5 3 5
Weight with motor, approx. kg 95 125 250 370
A: Standard pump with standard motor
AD: Pressure surge-protected model with
WKP 4000 A/AD WKP 6000 A/AD WKP 8000 WKP 12000 WKP 18000 WKP 25000
<1 . 10-2 <1 . 10-2 <1 . 10-2 <1 . 10-2 <1 . 10-2 <1 . 10-2
– – – – – –
11 15 22 30 45 55
15 18.5 30 30 55 55
GGG/GGG 40.3 (AD) GGG/GGG 40.3 (AD)
5 6.8 21 21 68 68
380 850 1600 1950 3100 4000
Data compilation
8.10.3 Series WOD-B
WOD 222 B WOD 412 B WOD 900 B WOD 1800 B WOD 3000 B
Volume flow rate at 10-1 mbar
50 Hz m3/h 220 410 900 1800 3000
60 Hz m3/h 265 490 1080 2160 3600
Pumping station components
Roots vacuum pump WKP 250 A WKP 500 A WKP 1000 A WKP 2000 A WKP 4000 A
Two-stage rotary vane
vacuum pump DUO 35 DUO 65 DUO 120 DUO 250 DUO 250
Total pressure
without gas ballast mbar 1 · 10-4 1 · 10-4 1 · 10-4 1 · 10-4 1 · 10-4
with gas ballast mbar 1 · 10-4 1 · 10-4 1 · 10-4 1 · 10-4 1 · 10-4
Water vapor
compatibility mbar 20 20 20 30 30
Installed power output1)
50 Hz kW 1.85 3.7 7 13 18.5
60 Hz kW 2.2 4.4 8 15 22.5
Air cooling yes yes yes yes yes
Oil filling, complete l 4.2 5.7 16 28 28
Weight kg 220 250 530 980 1180
1) Depending
on the operating condition, the power input may be reducted by as much as 70%,
Technical formulas
9 Technical formulas
1 10
1333 (ps-pa)
B p a
pWo= –––– · ––––––––––––– [mbar] S = Sth · 1 – –––v · ––– [m3/h]
S 1333 – ps p Km
2 11
TGes Q1 Q2 Q PV pv3 – p3
S = R · –––– · –– + ––– + ··· –––n [m3/h] ––– = < 2.5 → a =–––––––––– [mbar]
p M1 M2 Mn p 0.963 · pv3
3 12
A = ––––– [m2] Sv · (p + ∆p)
k · Tm S = –––––––––––– [m3/h]
4 13
· · S
QW = QH2O · qH2O ––
h[ ] ηvol = –––––
5 14 Km
∆Thigh + ∆Tsmall ηvol = –––––––––––––––– y
Tm = ––––––––––––––– [k] Sth S 1.5
2 Km + ––– – –––v
Sv Sth
Mean temperature differential (condenser) Volumetric efficiency rate (WKP/WGK)
√ ––)
(TG in – TW out) – (TG out – TW in) 15 3.6 · r3 r · pm T
∆ Tm = –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– [K] L = ––––– · (0.039 –––––– + 30
TG in – TW out l M
In ––––––––––––
6 TG out – TW in [m3/h]
Mean temperature differential (heat exchanger) Conductance value (universal)
7 16
Sth · ∆p
P = –––––––––––– [kW] 3.6 · r3
3600 · mech L = –––––– (2150 · r · pm + 95) [m3/h]
8 Km 17
S = Sth · ––––––––––––––– [m3/h] r4 · pm
Sth Sv 1.5 L = 7750 ––––––– [m3/h]
Km +––– – ––– l
Sv Sth
Volume flow rate (WKP/WGK) Conductance value air (laminar flow range 20°C)
9 18
Sv · p v r3
p = –––––– [mbar] L = 340 ––– [m3/h]
S l
Intake pressure (WKP/WGK) Conductance value air (molecular flow range 20°C)
19 1
L = ––––––––––– [m3/h]
1 1 1
–– + –– + ––
L1 L2 L3
Conductance value (in series)
L = L1 + L2 + L3...[m3/h]
21 1 L·S
Seff = –––––– = ––––– [m3/h]
1 1 L+S
–– + ––
Volume flow rate (at the vacuum chamber)
peff = ––––– [mbar]
V p1
t = –– In ––– [h]
S p2
V p1 + ∆p
t = –– In –––––––– = [h]
S p2 + ∆p
3.6 · qL
Serf = ––––––– = [m3/h]
T Q1 Q2 Q3
V = R –– –– + –– +
p M1 M2 )
––– = [m3]
p1 . V1 = p2 . V2 at T = constant
Boyle-Mariotte law
Technical formulas
kJ pv (mbar) Fore-vacuum
k ––––––––––
h · m2 · K ) Heat transmission coefficient
p1 (mbar) (Starting/atmospheric)
L (m3/h) Conductance value pressure (to equation 27)
KB (m3/h) Fresh liquid requirement in p2 (mbar) Pressure (in vacuum)
combined operation (to equation 27)
Km Maximum compression ratio pwo (mbar) Water vapor tolarance as
of the Roots Vacuum Pump per PNEUROP
at pv Q (kg/h) Material component through-
put per hour
l (cm) Pipe length
Q (kg) Throughput of each
M (kg/mol) Molar mass component
M –––––– Molar mass of the gas ·
k mol QH2O (––kgh–) Water vapor volume to
be condensed per hour
P (kW) Power consumption/
motor power Qw (––kJh– ) Condensation heat/volume
per hour
p (mbar) (to equation 9)
Intake pressure of the kJ
Roots vacuum pump
qH2O (––kg–) Evaporation heat
mbar · m3
R –––––––––– Universal gas constant
kmol · K
R = 83.14
TGas (K)
TG out (K)
Gas temperature
Serf (m3/h) Required volume flow rate TW in (K) Cooling water inlet
of the pumping station at temperature
the vacuum chamber TW out (K) Cooling water outlet
Sth (m3/h) Theoretical volume flow rate temperature
of the Roots vacuum pump Tm (K) Mean temperature differential
between gas and cooling
Sv (m3/h) Volume flow rate of the
backing pump (at pressure pv) TS (K) Boiling temperature under
condensation pressure
T (K) Gas temperature (in Example 1,
TA (°C) Temperature of the fed-back page 22, TS = TS H2O)
“revolving” t (h) Pump down time
operating liquid = emission
temperature in the pump V (m3) Volume of the vacuum
ports chamber
Technical formulas
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Rough and medium vacuum
Leak detectors
Installation parts
Gas analysis
Technical modifications reserved. Ordering number: PW 0013 PE (December 2002)
Systems technology:
Coating and Leak Detection systems