Lesson 6.5 Physics F5

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LESSON 5 Analysing diffraction of waves

Diffraction of waves The spreading or bending of waves as they pass through an aperture or round the edge of a barrier. The amount the wave bends depends on the size of the aperture or barrier. The smaller the aperture by comparison , the more wave bends. When the diffraction of a wave happened , the wavelength ,,the frequency, f and the speed , v do not change but the amplitude of the waves decrease. The direction of propagation and the pattern of the wave change. Diffraction of water waves To investigate the diffraction of water waves an obstacle is placed at the centre of a ripple tank.. The following figure shows two examples pattern of the diffraction of the water waves. (a) Size of aperture >


Edge of a obstacle


Small obstacle

The experiment to investigate the relationship between the size of aperture and the angle of bent Hypothesis: The angle of bent increases as the size of aperture decreases Aim of the experiment : To investigate the relationship between the angle of bent and the size of aperture Variables in the experiment: Manipulated variable: size of aperture Responding variable: angle of bent Fixed variable: frequency of vibrator List of apparatus and materials: Ripple tank, lamp, motor ,wooden bar , power supply white paper , two pieces metal bar ,metre rule protractor and mechanical stroboscope.

(b) Size of aperture


Arrangement of the apparatus:

The wider middle bright fringe shows that the light waves diffracted after pass through a small slit. The experiment to investigate the relationship between the size of slit and the wide of the middle bright fringe Hypothesis: The wide of the middle bright fringe increases as the size of slit decreases Aim of the experiment : To investigate the relationship the wide of the middle bright fringe increases and the size of slit decreases Variables in the experiment: Manipulated variable: size of slit Responding variable: the wide of the middle bright fringe Fixed variable: the monochromatic light (one wavelength only) List of apparatus and materials: Monochromatic light source, single slit plate, metre rule Arrangement of the apparatus:

The procedure of the experiment which include the method of controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable. By using a metre rule , the width of the slit is measured = a The power supply is switched on to produce plane waves which propagate towards the aperture. The waves are freeze by a mechanical stroboscope. The waves are sketched on the screen. By using a protractor , the angle of bent = The experiment is repeated 5 times for with different widths of slit. Tabulate the data: a Analysis the data: Plot the graph against a

Diffraction of light waves The diffraction of light waves occur when the light waves pass through a small slit or small pin hole. Diffraction occurs at all edges where waves can spread round into the shadow region. Thus a narrow object like a fine wire or a human hair can show the diffraction fringes at its edges similar to those produced by a small single slit. The diagram shows the diffraction fringes.


The procedure of the experiment which include the method of controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable. The width of the slit is recorded = a The light beam from the source is directed towards the slit.. By using a metre rule , measure the wide of the middle bright fringe = x The experiment is repeated 5 times for with different widths of slit. Tabulate the data: a x Analysis the data: Plot the graph x against a

Diffraction of sound waves Sound diffracts very readily. This is why we can hear sound round a corner , or behind an obstacle. The reason is the sound waves have long wavelengths in air, ranging from a few centimetres up to several metres. As we have already seen, long wavelength waves diffract more readily than those with short wavelengths. To investigate the diffraction of sound waves the following experiment can be done:

A listener is requested to stand on the other side of the corner of the wall so that the radio is beyond his vision. The listener is able to hear the sound of the radio although it is behind the wall. It is because the sound of the radio spreads around the corner of the wall due to diffraction of sound.


1 Which of the following figure is true to show the diffraction of a water wave? 4 A driver is able to hear the sound of another car although the car beyond his vision . The phenomenon involved is A C 5 Refraction Diffraction B D Interference Reflection

The figure show a listener a student is requested to stand the other side of the corner of the wall of high building. The student is able to hear the sound of the radio.

How do the frequency and wavelength change when waves in a ripple tank pass through a narrow gap in a barrier? A B C Frequency increase decrease unchanged Wavelength increase decrease unchanged

The phenomenon involved is A C 6 Refraction Diffraction B D Interference Reflection

The figure shows plane water waves approaching a slit between two obstacles.

The figure shows an observation that occur when a razor blade illuminated by a point source of monochromatic light.

The phenomenon involved is The angle of increases when________________ A B C the size of slit increases the frequency of the wave increases the wavelength of the wave increases A C Refraction Diffraction B D Interference Reflection


The effect of diffraction of a light waves passes through a slit is very obvious when A B C D the distance between the source of light and the slit is increased the distance between the source of light and the slit is decreased the size of slit is increased the size of slit is decreased

The figure shows the pattern of formed on a screen when a monochromatic light is passed through a slit. 10 Sound waves are more easily diffracted in comparison to the light waves because A B Which of the following diagram occurs when the size of the slit is decreased? 11 C the amplitude of sound wave is much bigger than the amplitude of light wave the frequency of sound wave is much higher than the frequency of light waves the wavelength of sound wave is much bigger than the wavelength of light waves

Figure 1 shows a plane water waves of passing through a small slit. Figure 2 shows a plane water waves passing through a small obstacle.

Figure 1 9 Which of the following diagram shows the patterns of diffraction of light waves when a monochoromatic light source is passed through a small pin hole.

Figure 2

(a) Observe Figure 1 and Figure 2 and state two similarities of the wave patterns. (b) Relate your answers in (a) to deduce a relevant physics concept and name the concept. (c) The figure shows the cross-sectional of the water waves in Figure 1.


(i) (ii)

Complete the figure to shows the wave pattern after pass through the slit. Explain your answer in (c)(i).


The figure shows the bright and dark bands of the wave patterns formed on the screen when plane waves pass through narrow and wide slits.

Observe the figure. Compare the wave patterns and the wavelengths of the waves before and after they pass through the slits. Relate the size of slits, the wave patterns and the wavelengths to deduce a relevant physics concept. Name the wave phenomenon shown in the figure.


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