Research Methodology: Johnsons and Jonhson

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JOHNSONS AND JONHSON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY MEANING "Research and experimental development (R&D) comprise creative work undertaken

on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications." (OECD (2002) Frascati Manual: proposed standard practice for surveys on research and experimental development, 6th edition.)[1] It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. A research project may also be an expansion on past work in the field. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects, or the project as a whole. The primary purposes of basic research (as opposed to applied research) are documentation, discovery, interpretation, or the research and development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge. Approaches to research depend on epistemologies, which vary considerably both within and between humanities and sciences. There are several forms of research: scientific, humanities, artistic, economic, social, business, marketing, practitioner research, etc. DEFINITION

Another definition of research is given by Creswell who states - "Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue". It consists of three steps: Pose a question, collect data to answer the question, and present an answer to the question.

JOHNSONS AND JONHSON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The goal of the research process is to produce new knowledge or deepen understanding of a topic or issue. This process takes three main forms (although, as previously discussed, the boundaries between them may be obscure): Exploratory research, which helps to identify and define a problem or question. Constructive research, which tests theories and proposes solutions to a problem or question. Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence. There are two major types of research design: qualitative research and quantitative research. Researchers choose qualitative or quantitative methods according to the nature of the research topic they want to investigate and the research questions they aim to answer: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. Asking a broad question and collecting data in the form of words, images, video etc that is analyzed searching for themes. This type of research aims to investigate a question without attempting to quantifiably measure variables or look to potential relationships between variables. It is viewed as more restrictive in testing hypotheses because it can be expensive and time consuming, and typically limited to a single set of research subjects[citation needed]. Qualitative research is often used as a method of exploratory research as a basis for later quantitative research hypotheses[citation needed]. Qualitative research is linked with the philosophical and theoretical stance of social constructionism.

JOHNSONS AND JONHSON QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Systematic empirical investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships. Asking a narrow question and collecting numerical data to analyze utilizing statistical methods. The quantitative research designs are experimental, correlational, and survey (or descriptive).Statistics derived from quantitative research can be used to establish the existence of associative or causal relationships between variables. Quantitative research is linked with the philosophical and theoretical stance of positivism. The Quantitative data collection methods rely on random sampling and structured data collection instruments that fit diverse experiences into predetermined response categories. These methods produce results that are easy to summarize, compare, and generalize. Quantitative research is concerned with testing hypotheses derived from theory and/or being able to estimate the size of a phenomenon of interest. Depending on the research question, participants may be randomly assigned to different treatments (this is the only way that a quantitative study can be considered a true experiment). If this is not feasible, the researcher may collect data on participant and situational characteristics in order to statistically control for their influence on the dependent, or outcome, variable. If the intent is to generalize from the research participants to a larger population, the researcher will employ probability sampling to select participants. In either qualitative or quantitative research, the researcher(s) may collect primary or secondary data. Primary data is data collected specifically for the research, such as through interviews or questionnaires. Secondary data is data that already exists, such as census data, which can be re-used for the research. It is good ethical research practice to use secondary data wherever possible. Mixed-method research, i.e. research that includes qualitative and quantitative elements, using both primary and secondary data, is becoming more common.


CHARACTERISTICS OF RESEARCH Meaning of Research Research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that lines an individuals speculation with reality. Characteristics of Research 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher. Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles. Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment. Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable

problem. whether historical, descriptive, experimental and case study.

systematic method and procedures. the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results. Qualities of a Good Researcher 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Research-oriented Efficient Scientific Effective Active Resourceful Creative Honest Economical

10. Religious



Step 1: Identify the Problem

The first step in the process is to identify a problem or develop a research question. The research problem may be something the agency identifies as a problem, some knowledge or information that is needed by the agency, or the desire to identify a Recreation trend nationally.

Step 2: Review the Literature

Now that the problem has been identified, the researcher must learn more about the topic under investigation. To do this, the researcher must review the literature related to the research problem. This step provides foundational knowledge about the problem area.

Step 3: Clarify the Problem

Many times the initial problem identified in the first step of the process is too large or broad in scope. In step 3 of the process, the researcher clarifies the problem and narrows the scope of the study. This can only be done after the literature has been reviewed. The knowledge gained through the review of literature guides the researcher in clarifying and narrowing the research project.

Step 4: Clearly Define Terms and Concepts

Terms and concepts are words or phrases used in the purpose statement of the study or the description of the study. These items need to be specifically defined as they apply to the study. Terms or concepts often have different definitions depending on who is reading the study. To minimize confusion about what the terms and phrases mean, the researcher must 5








Step 5: Define the Population

Research projects can focus on a specific group of people, facilities, park development, employee evaluations, programs, financial status, marketing efforts, or the integration of technology into the operations.

Step 6: Develop the Instrumentation Plan

The plan for the study is referred to as the instrumentation plan. The instrumentation plan serves as the road map for the entire study, specifying who will participate in the study; how, when, and where data will be collected; and the content of the program.

Step 7: Collect Data

Once the instrumentation plan is completed, the actual study begins with the collection of data. The collection of data is a critical step in providing the information needed to answer the research question.

Step 8: Analyze the Data

All the time, effort, and resources dedicated to steps 1 through 7 of the research process culminate in this final step. The researcher finally has data to analyze so that the research question can be answered


INTRODUCTION One of America's most admired companies, Johnson & Johnson (J & J) is one of the largest healthcare firms in the world and one of the most diversified. Its operations are organized into three business segments: pharmaceutical, which generates 39 percent of revenues and 61 percent of operating income; professional, which accounts for 36 percent of revenues and 27 percent of operating income; and consumer, which contributes 25 percent of revenues and 12 percent of operating income. J & J's pharmaceutical products--which are sold under such brands as Janssen Pharmaceutica, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, and Centocor--include drugs for family planning, mental illness, gastroenterology, oncology, pain management, and other areas. The professional segment includes surgical and patient care equipment and devices, diagnostic products, joint replacements, and disposable contact lenses. The company's well-known line of consumer products includes the Johnson's baby care line, the Neutrogena skin and hair care line, Tylenol and Motrin pain relievers, o.b. and Stayfree feminine hygiene products, the Reach oral care line, Band-Aid brand adhesive bandages, Imodium A-D diarrhea treatment, Mylanta gastrointestinal products, and Pepcid AC acid controller. J & J generates about half of its revenues outside the United States, through its network of 190 operating companies in 51 countries and its marketing organization that sells in more than 175 countries. Johnson & Johnson was founded more than 120 years ago on a revolutionary idea: Doctors and nurses should use sterile sutures, dressings and bandages to treat peoples wounds. Since then, the company brought the world new ideas and products that have transformed human health and well-being. Every invention, every product, every breakthrough has been powered by generations of employees who are inspired to make a difference.

Explore the rich history as well as the recent advances from the company: Since the founding in 1886, the company has grown to meet the health care needs of people worldwide. Through mergers, acquisitions and the formation of new companies, they have become the worlds largest and most broadly based health care company. Here are some highlights of the historical growth


1886 1926: Johnson & Johnson Founded With Surgical and Wound Care Products In 1886, the founders Robert Wood Johnson, James Wood Johnson and Edward Mead Johnson started a small medical products company in New Brunswick, New Jersey. They made the first-ever commercial sterile surgical dressings, which helped save the lives of patients. Headquarters Johnson & Johnson has historically been located on the Delaware and Raritan Canal, in New Brunswick. The company considered moving its headquarters out of New Brunswick in the 1960s, but decided to stay in town after city officials promised to gentrify downtown New Brunswick by demolishing old buildings and constructing new ones. While New Brunswick lost at least one historic edifice (the inn where Rutgers University began) to the redevelopment, the gentrification did attract people back to New Brunswick. Johnson & Johnson hired Henry N. Cobb from Pei Cobb Freed & Partners to design an addition to its headquarters, which took the form of a white tower in a park across the Northeast Corridor railroad tracks from the older portion of the headquarters. The stretch of Delaware and Raritan canal by the company's headquarters was replaced by a stretch of New Jersey Route 18 in the late 1970s after a lengthy dispute. Product Background Every day, millions of people around the world enjoy the benefits of products from the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies. Very likely, someone in our family is one of them. According to companys saying -Your familys health and well-being is our passion, thats why the Johnson & Johnson companies offer the worlds broadest range of health care products. Whether we have a skin blemish or sniffles or a serious medical condition , the health professionals we trust can turn to Johnson & Johnson companies products for comfort and care.


In our home, products from Johnson & Johnson consumer health companies brighten our smile, add luster to our hair and ease that nagging headache . Consumers can rely on Johnson & Johnson to help keep baby fresh, sooth an irritating itch, or relieve an aching muscle. In operating rooms and laboratories, doctors and nurses, too, rely on products from Johnson & Johnson medical technology companies. They use these products to perform hip replacements, implant coronary stents, and run tests for metastatic breast cancer that give people hope for a longer, more active life. These products help people conquer lifethreatening obesity, ward off colon cancer, and control their diabetes. The list goes on. These prescription medicines treat a wide array of conditions, ranging from migraines and rheumatoid at our side. HISTORY Since its inception, Johnson & Johnson India has stayed ahead thanks to it constant marketing initiatives that have at all points in time understood the needs of and opportunities in a changing nation. Johnson & Johnson spread its roots to the worlds largest democracy , India, during the endemic post-independence turmoil of 1947. It was Mr. Patrick Whaley who set about with confidence and determination during this period of turbulence to begin the work of establishing Johnson & Johnson in the subcontinent. Things progressed quickly and by 1948, Johnsons Baby Powder was being manufactured by British Drug House in Prabhadevi, Bombay, and marketed by the company. Other consumer products like TEK toothbrushes, Johnsons Baby Cream and Prickly Heat Powder followed suit. However, highly specialized products like Belladonna plasters, pharmaceuticals and Permacel Tapes were imported from the parent company. It was only ten 9 arthritis to cancer and serious infections. Whatever our familys health care needs, the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies is

JOHNSONS AND JONHSON years later that the company twelve began to manufacture on its own its products. rolls.

In September 1957, a new company, Johnson & Johnson India Ltd. was created and registered with employees In the 50 years since its establishment as a modest 12-employee outfit, Johnson & Johnson Ltd. has gained a reputation for delivering high-quality products at competitive prices. Our success, we believe, stems from our staunch commitment to caring for and catering to the needs of our customers and employees. If we explore the rich history as well as the recent advances from the company we can find the following:Since the founding in 1886, the company has grown to meet the health care needs of people worldwide. Through mergers, acquisitions and the formation of new companies, they have become the worlds largest and most broadly based health care company. Here are some highlights of the historical growth. To be clean and clear, I undertake that all the findings and research process was conducted by me and any fallacies one may find in the report is mine and no one else. To sum up I can say, The only way to attract the consumer towards its products is to provide them scientifically sound, high quality products and services to help heal, cure disease and improve the quality of life."

Major Brands: AVEENO (Skin Care Products) BAND-AID (Brand Adhesive Bandages) CLEAN & CLEAR (Teen Skin Care Products) JOHNSONS BABY (Baby Products) NEUTROGENA (Skin and Hair Care Products) REMBRANDT (Brand of Oral Care Products) SPLENDA (No Calorie Sweetener)



Overview: Johnson & Johnson has interests in a broad spectrum of the health care market, and takes a decentralized approach to managing its 250 operating companies and franchises. In the company's continuing effort to diversify its business and increase profits, Johnson & Johnson is constantly acquiring new companies, including 8 in the last year alone. In 2009, worldwide sales totalled $61.9 billion, making Johnson & Johnson the second largest manufacturer of health care products, behind Pfizer. Johnson & Johnson's 2009 second quarter net income fell by 3.5% to $3.21 billion compared to $3.33 billion a year ago. Quarterly sales fell by 7.4 percent to $15.24 billion, down from $16.45 billion the year before but above expectations of $15 billion. The decline is partially attributable to two major patent expiries (Risperdal and Topamax), as well as a decline 4.5% in consumer products revenue. [1] Johnson & Johnson's 2009 struggle continued in Q3, as sales ($15.1 billion) decreased 5.3% from Q3 2008.[2] J&J's poor domestic performance (8.1% sales decline) was the reason for the sales decline, as the firm is still trying to handle "tough economic conditions."[2]. JNJ is optimistic for the rest of it's fiscal year, however, as it made two acquisitions and had four new drugs become FDA approved.[2] In Q4 of 2009, Johnson & Johnson reported total sales of $16.55 billion, a growth of 9% over the same quarter of 2008. Net earnings, however, only amounted to $2.2 billion, a decrease of 18.8%. The profits decrease was largely due to a $850 million restructuring charge that the company took. Earnings generally beat analyst estimates for the quarter. J&J also announced its 2010 projections, which forecast earnings growth of 7%, a modest projection relative to analyst estimates.




Johnson & Johnson Baby: The gentleness found in JOHNSON Baby Care Products come in many forms. Here is the portfolio of the company for baby product types.

Baby Bath Products: Watch out, here comes rubber ducky! Bath time offers a wonderful opportunity for bonding with your baby, and the right baby washes can make baby bathtime even more special. JOHNSON'S offers mild, gentle baby products containing NO MORE TEARS formula just for babies, which are mild to the skin and as gentle to the eyes as pure water. 1) Gentlest Baby Care Cleansers Are:

JOHNSON'S HEAD-TO-TOE Baby Wash An ultra-mild cleanser for baby's entire body and hair. Soap-free, dye-free, hypoallergenic, pH balanced and dermatologist-tested. The #1 choice of hospitals.

JOHNSON'S Baby Bubble Bath & Wash The first and only bubble bath mild enough for baby girls and boys. Dermatologist and paediatrician-tested NO MORE TEARS formula is gentle enough to use every day.

JOHNSON'S Baby BEDTIME Bubble Bath & Wash Combines NATURALCALM essences with lots of bubbles and our NO MORE TEARS formula, extra gentle baby wash.



JOHNSON'S Vanilla Oatmeal Baby Wash This gentle cleanser combines oatmeal, an ingredient long known to help moisturize, with an essence of vanilla for baby soft skin.

JOHNSON'S Cucumber Melon Baby Wash This creamy formula gently cleanses while helping to nourish, soften and protect skin from dryness. Enriched with cucumber and melon extracts.

and body.

JOHNSON'S Baby Bar Form-fitting easy-to-grip bar makes it even easier to bathe babies. Cleanses baby's face

2) To gently moisturize baby's skin while cleansing: JOHNSON'S Moisture Care Baby Wash Everything which is needed to make bath time magical and create memories that will last forever. 3) To provide soothing comfort when babies catch cold: JOHNSON'S Soothing Vapor Baby Bath A gentle cleanser enriched with rosemary, eucalyptus and menthol, natural ingredients known for their aromatherapy benefits. 4) To help calm babies before bed: JOHNSON'S BEDTIME BATH A nightly 3-step routine, including a warm bath with JOHNSON'S BEDTIME BATH, is clinically proven to help babies fall asleep easier and sleep through the night better.



JOHNSON'S BEDTIME WASHCLOTHS Contains the JOHNSON'S BEDTIME BATH gentle cleaners easy to use cloth. A nightly 3-step routine, including a warm bath with this disposable cloth, clinically proven to help babies fall asleep easier and sleep through the night better. Each disposable cloth has a unique textured pattern for improved, convenient cleansing.

5) Cleansers for growing toddler: JOHNSON'S BUDDIES Easy-grip Sudzing Bar Makes bath time mess-free and easy. Non-slip bar is designed for little hands and produces a rich, easy-rinse lather. JOHNSON'S BUDDIES Clean-you-can-see Foam Hand Wash Foams instantly and rubs easily into the hands or onto the face. Rinses away quickly.

JOHNSON'S BUDDIES clean-you-can see BODY WASH NO MORE TEARS body wash gently cleans with added skin moisturizers.

Cotton Products: Baby soft skin deserves baby soft cotton. JOHNSON'S cotton products are great for baby care and applying ointments, cleansing around newborn's eyes, keeping your baby's ears clean, keeping the umbilical cord area clean, and more. They're also great for grown ups. JOHNSON'S cotton product is also used to apply makeup, astringents, and lotions, or to remove makeup and nail polish. JOHNSON'S 100 percent pure, high-quality cotton has just the right

combination of softness and strength. 14

JOHNSONS AND JONHSON 1) To gently clean your baby's ears: JOHNSON'S Safety Swabs Cotton swabs that are uniquely designed with the EAR SAFE BULB. Clinically proven to be safer for children. 2) To gently clean all those little folds and creases: JOHNSON'S Cotton Swabs Great for umbilical cord care or for applying ointments. 3) To apply astringents, cleansers and more: JOHNSON'S Pure Cotton Rounds Great for applying ointments or cleaning gently around your baby's eyes. JOHNSON'S Pure Cotton Balls 100 percent cotton. Great for applying ointments to your baby, and great for adults as it can be used to apply make-up and astringents or for removing make-up and nail polish.

Diaper Rash Care:

DESITIN diaper rash treatments are the #1 choice of both paediatricians and moms, offering a range of products to help meet your treatment and protection needs. DESITIN Rapid Relief Cream This hypoallergenic, dermatologist-tested cream forms a protective layer on baby's skin to soothe and relieve diaper rash discomfort, providing relief from the very first use. Over 88% of moms agree that nothing works faster.



DESITIN Maximum Strength Original Paste The only leading brand that contains the maximum level of zinc oxide, immediately forming a protective barrier to help heal and soothe diaper rash discomfort. There's no stronger treatment available without a prescription.

DESITIN Multi-Purpose Ointment This hypoallergenic ointment forms a protective layer on skin to immediately soothe and start to relieve minor skin irritations, such as dry, chapped skin and minor cuts and burns, and rash discomfort.

Baby Lotions and Creams: Baby's skin is different from yours-it's can lose thinner, moisture creams more more are susceptible to irritants, and quickly. JOHNSON'S baby lotions unique and skin, specially made for baby's providing essential moisture to help keep skin soft, supple, and healthy.

1) Gentlest moisturizers: JOHNSON'S HEAD-TO-TOE Fragrance Free Baby Lotion Paraben free, dye free, and fragrance free, this ultra-mild lotion is designed gentle enough for a newborn's skin.


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON JOHNSON'S Baby Lotion Mild and gentle: the #1 choice of hospitals. Moisturizes to help protect from dry skin, keeping baby's skin feeling soft and smooth. Plus, it has that wonderful baby smell. 2) To gently nourish and relieve dry skin: JOHNSON'S Shea & Cocoa Butter Baby Lotion Rich, nourishing shea and cocoa butters, ingredients known to soothe and relieve dry skin, combine with hydrating emollients to provide gentle moisture for baby. JOHNSON'S Vanilla Oatmeal Baby Lotion Unique lotion combines skin-soothing properties of oatmeal with the comforting essence of vanilla. Non-greasy and fast absorbing, it moisturizes for 24 hours.

JOHNSON'S Cucumber Melon Baby Lotion Gentle formula is enriched with cool cucumber and melon extracts, long known to moisturize and freshen the skin. Fast absorbing, gentle and mild.

JOHNSON'S Baby Lotion with Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Unique formula is enriched with natural aloe vera, known for its soothing qualities, and vitamin E, a natural skin conditioner. Keeps skin soft and moisturized.

JOHNSON'S Baby Cream Enriched with a blend of essential emollients to help keep babys skin feeling softer, longer. Provides 24-hour moisturization. Rich and creamy non-greasy formula.

3) To help protect baby's delicate skin from the sun: JOHNSON'S Baby Daily Face & Body Lotion SPF 40 With 100% naturally sourced sunscreen ingredients, our broad-spectrum, NO MORE TEARS formula sunscreen is fragrance, paraben and salicylate free.


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON 4) To calm and relax before bed: JOHNSON'S BEDTIME LOTION Helps calm and relax your baby or toddler. A nightly routine that includes JOHNSON'S BEDTIME BATH, JOHNSON'S BEDTIME LOTION, and quiet time, is clinically proven to help babies fall asleep easier and sleep through the night better.

Baby Oils: JOHNSON'S baby oils, with their clinically proven mild formulas, help lock in moisture with the smooth, silky feel that only an oil can provide. Plus, these easy-to-spread moisturizers provide a unique opportunity for you to bond with your baby when you use them for infant or baby massage. JOHNSON'S Baby Oil is also great for adult skin, locking in up to 10 times more moisture on wet skin than an ordinary lotion can on dry skin, leaving skin feeling baby soft.

1) To gently nourish and relieve dry skin: JOHNSON'S Baby Oil - Baby Skin Care Locks in up to 10 times more moisture on wet skin than an ordinary lotion can on dry skin. Ideal for baby massage. Pure mineral oil forms a silky barrier to help prevent excess moisture loss. JOHNSON'S Baby Oil with Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Unique formula is enriched with natural aloe vera, known for skin soothing qualities, and vitamin E, a natural skin conditioner. Ideal for infant massage.


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON 2) For lasting protection: JOHNSON'S Baby Oil Gel Provides extra miniaturization to help nourish and protect skin from dryness. Dermatologist and allergy-tested, this formula is clinically proven mild and gentle. JOHNSON'S Baby Oil Gel with Shea and Cocoa Butter This concentrated gel contains Cocoa Butter, known for its skin nourishing properties, as well as Shea, known for its skin conditioning. Using it daily to help lock in moisture and leave skin feeling soft and smooth.

JOHNSON'S Baby Oil Gel with Aloe Vera & Vitamin E With Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, this concentrated gel formula is a long-lasting way to help nourish and protect skin.

Baby Powders: JOHNSON'S baby powders help keep skin feeling soft and comfortable and dry while helping to eliminate friction which can irritate skin. They have a classic scent of JOHNSON'S Baby Powder, or the fresh scents of JOHNSON'S Baby Powder Comforting Vanilla & Jasmine.

1) Classic baby fresh scent: JOHNSON'S Baby Powder Keeps skin soft, fresh and comfortable while helping to eliminate friction. Clinically proven gentle and mild. Allergy and dermatologist-tested.


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON 2) Calming and comforting scent: JOHNSON'S Baby Powder Calming Lavender & Chamomile Calms and relaxes the senses while keeping skin dry and baby soft. Clinically proven gentle and mild. Allergy and dermatologist-tested. Enjoy the fresh scents of lavender & chamomile.

Baby Hair Care:

1) Classic shampoo:

JOHNSONS Baby Shampoo NO MORE TEARS formula is as gentle to eyes as pure water.

2) To soothe, calm and relax:

JOHNSONS Baby Shampoo with Natural Lavender Use in a warm bath to help calm and relax, with lavender and chamomile. JOHNSON AND JOHNSON Health Care Products

Johnson & Johnson Health: The gentleness found in JOHNSONS products comes in many forms. Here is the portfolio of the company for Health product types. 20


Savlon: SAVLON antiseptic helps heal without hurting. It contains a powerful combination of chlorhexidine gluconate and cetrimide, which together not only kill germs but also prevent their regrowth. Band-Aid: BAND-AID is the worlds first medicated dressing. It contains Benzakonium Chloride, which kills prevents re-growth of germs, acts as a cleansing agent and is gentle on the skin. BAND-AID is the only sterilized medicated dressing in India and has a delnet to prevent the medicated pad from sticking to the wound. It is available in regular and wash proof forms.

Adult Toiletries: SHOWER TO SHOWER PRICKLY HEAT POWDER: Shower To Shower effectively absorbs sweat, keeping prickly heat bay. The powder contains Salicylic Acid and Boric Acid, which act against bacteria that cause prickly heat. Shower To Shower comes four fragrances - Cologne Cool, Morning Fresh, Sandal and Plain. Skincare Products: Clean & Clear: Clean & Clear includes a range of genuine face-care products that works on the skin in ways that enhance its natural beauty. As a result, 21 in at

JOHNSONS AND JONHSON a Clean & Clear face can always be spotted, fresh and glowing! Clean & Clear Moisturiser and Face Wash are the two products available.


Johnson & Johnson, a global company, posts that "The fundamental objective of Johnson & Johnson is to provide scientifically sound, high quality products and services to help heal, cure disease and improve the quality of life." They believe their first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services. In meeting their needs everything we do must be of high quality. Their vision is to deliver solid results, which make the India unit stand out. Build an outstanding bench strength, which is sought after across the world. And contribute back to our country. Johnson & Johnson comes into the lives of many consumers at the most delicate and joyful moments in their liveswhen they give a birth. Unfortunately in India, many of these moments turn into tragic moments. Our Infant Mortality Rate is one of the highest for the level of technological and economical development of our country. Swami Raote, MD, Johnson & Johnson Consumer, India Says he would like their company to work with medical professionals and Government infrastructure to upskill the health care workers and reduce infant mortality. That would be the best way of thanking consumers for placing trust in the company for over 50 year




Johnson & Johnson is involved with many causes and advertising campaigns that encourage healthy lifestyles and support those people who care for the health of others. A key initiative includes: The Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing's Future This U.S. initiative has championed the nursing profession and helped recruit and retain nurses. Strength for Caring This is a comprehensive online resource and community developed to help family caregivers care for their loved ones and themselves. Safe Kids Worldwide Children die from accidents more than any other cause. They work to put an end to childhood injury and death. Because We Care, We Act This advertising campaign currently running in China celebrates the unsung heroes who dedicate themselves to caring for others. Having a Baby Changes Everything


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON This campaign uses real moms and dads in real situations to celebrate the joys of parenthood.

MANAGEMENT APPROACH Johnson & Johnson is a company of enduring strength. They play a role in helping millions of people the world over be well and stay well through more than a century of change. As the science of human health and well-being has grown, theyve been able to grow along with it. Even more important, theyve helped shape and define what health and well-being means in every day lives. The company credits their strength and endurance to a consistent approach to managing business, and to the character of people. The company is guided in everything they do by Our Credo, a management document authored more than 60 years ago by Robert Wood Johnson, former chairman from 1932 to 1963, and by four strategic principles. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The values embodied in Our Credo guide the actions of the people of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies at all levels and in all parts of the world. They have done so for more than 60 years. These Credo values extend to their accounting and financial reporting responsibilities. Management is responsible for timely, accurate, reliable and objective financial statements and related information. As such: 1. controls. 2. from our Board of 3. choices. 4. They focus on financial stewardship. They encourage strong and effective corporate governance Directors. They continuously review our business results and strategic They maintain a well-designed system of internal accounting




As a manufacturer of health care products, as well as a provider of related services, every division of J&J works towards making their positive contribution to the relevant industries. Recognition and awards have poured in acknowledgement of this fact, both from within the company, and externally.

J&J India is Best Company to work for in Healthcare sector: Johnson & Johnson Limited India has been ranked as the Best Company to Work for amongst Healthcare companies in India and as one of the top 10 MNCs in India. The Company got an overall ranking of 22 in a study by the Great Places to Work Institute in partnership with The Economic Times, India's No 1 business daily. This was the biggest study of 2009 and more than 373 companies participated in it. Only 50 made it to the Best Companies to Work For list, making it one of the toughest contests of this kind globally. This is a tribute to all J&J India Employees and stands testimony to the strong CREDO culture and HR programs. Around 360 employees participated in the Survey conducted by the Great Places to Work Institute. GROWTH AND PROFIBILTY Three New Units to Focus on Convergence and New Opportunities

A new Office of Strategy and Growth will identify opportunities for future growth that are 25

JOHNSONS AND JONHSON distinct from those being pursued by the Company's existing businesses; a Surgical Care Group will focus on advancing technologies, solutions and services to enhance patient care in the surgical setting; and a Comprehensive Care Group will create portfolios to address some of the worlds most chronic and pervasive conditions, such as metabolic disorders, through the convergence of technologies, products and services. "These decisions recognize that a new environment is emerging in human health and wellbeing," said William C. Weldon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Johnson & Johnson. "They reflect our assessment of the best way for us to capture and develop the opportunities associated with those changes and they capitalize on the unique, broadly-based, decentralized approach of Johnson & Johnson."

Each of the new organizations and appointments become effective, January 1, 2008. "Much of the change in health care reflects the coming together of parts of the system that were at one time separate," Mr. Weldon said. "The very solutions that the health care system most needs those coming from the convergence of science, technology and services are the ones we are most capable of providing. We have the know-how across our pharmaceutical, biologics, devices, diagnostics and consumer businesses to bring completely new solutions to market. And we believe we can accelerate growth through a dedicated focus on the intersection of our existing capabilities, customer needs and emerging trends." Johnson & Johnson's Consumer businesses are not directly impacted by today's announcements. Under the guidance of Colleen Goggins, Worldwide Chairman, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Group, the integration of the Pfizer Consumer Healthcare business continues to track ahead of the original acquisition plan. Johnson & Johnson is the world's most comprehensive and broadly-based manufacturer of health care products, as well as a provider of related services, for the consumer, pharmaceutical, and medical devices and diagnostics markets. The more than 250 Johnson & Johnson operating companies employ approximately 120,000 men and women in 57 countries and sell products throughout the world. GLOBAL RECOGNITION


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON Johnson & Johnson is recognized by important organizations and publications for the many ways they have embraced diversity as a part of the cultures of their Family of Companies. This recognition includes:

Johnson & Johnson continues to be a member company of the FTSE4Good Index, the responsible investment index calculated by global index provider FTSE Group. Johnson & Johnson was ranked #2 by DiversityInc magazine on its 2010 DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity list. Working Mother magazine has named Johnson & Johnson one of the Top 100 Companies for Working Mothers every year since the list was initiated 24 years ago. Barrons magazine, in 2010, ranked Johnson & Johnson #2 in the World's Most Respected Companies list, a survey of top investors to rank the world's largest companies on strength of management, business strategy, ethical business practices, competitive edge, shareholder orientation, and consistent revenue/profit growth and One of the Best Places to Work by the Human Rights Campaign. Leaders throughout the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies have also been recognized through the years for their contributions and initiative in the area of diversity and inclusion.


Any brand is a set of perceptions and images that represent a company, product or service. While many people refer to a brand as a logo, tag line or audio jingle, a brand is actually much larger. A brand is the essence or promise of what will be delivered or experienced. Importantly, brands enable a buyer to easily identify the offerings of a particular company. Brands are generally developed over time through:

Advertisements containing consistent messaging Recommendations from friends, family members or colleagues Interactions with a company and its representatives Real-life experiences using a product or service (generally considered the most important element of establishing a brand)


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON Once developed, brands provide an umbrella under which many different products can be offered--providing a company tremendous economic leverage and strategic advantage in generating awareness of their offerings in the marketplace. Johnson & Johnson Brand is the world's most comprehensive and broadly-based

manufacturer of health care products as well as a provider of related services for the consumer. Thousands of products across a wide range of categories are constantly innovated, manufactured and marketed to help families all over the world lead healthy, happy lives.


Brand publicity:


Publicity is the attempt to manage the public's perception . The subjects of publicity include people (for example, politicians and performing artists), goods and services, organizations of all kinds, and works of art or entertainment.


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON From a marketing perspective, publicity is one component of promotion which is one component of marketing. The other elements of the promotional mix are advertising, sales promotion, and personal selling. Promotion But the publicist cannot wait around for the news to present opportunities. Johnson and Johnson must also try to create their own news. Examples of this include:

Art exhibitions Event sponsorship Arrange a speech or talk Make an analysis or prediction Conduct a poll or survey Dasavataram Robot Anniyan Announce an appointment Invent then present an award Stage a debate Organize a tour of your business or projects Issue a commendation

The advantages of publicity are low cost, and credibility (particularly if the publicity is aired in between news stories like on evening TV news casts). New technologies such as weblogs, web cameras, web affiliates, and convergence (phone-camera posting of pictures and videos to websites) are changing the cost-structure. The disadvantages are lack of control over how your releases will be used, and frustration over the low percentage of releases that are taken up by the media. Publicity draws on several key themes including birth, love, and death. Johnson & Johnson Enjoys One Of The Strongest Reputations In The World




J&J Corporation has a very good perception of India. This has been supported by good results in the country. The outlook is bullish, and is supported by a high level of confidence in the Indian management team and more investments likely in the coming years. Double-digit growth is forecast for the India operations. India would be a key growth driver for J&J worldwide. J&J is also exploring the opportunities for setting up BPO operations in the country. 30



Introduction A systematic investigation into and study of Johnson & Johnson baby products was made in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. This research is also a program to analyse quality, fragrance and performance, brand image and prices of Johnson & Johnson baby care products.

Survey technique is used to secure one or more items of information from a sample of respondents who represent a large group and the information are collected through questionnaire.

A sample is a selection of units from the entire group called the population. In marketing a sample is a particular segment or part of the market and it is focused for taking marketing decision which can be applied to the entire market.

Recommendations are supported by necessary analysis and are submitted in the form of printed report. The report has clearly and effectively point out the relationship among the data, the interpretations and the recommendations.



Analysis of consumers survey The total numbers of users interviewed were 50 respondents who were selected randomly in each area of Shimoga town. Survey analysis is made as per the information of questionnaire. It also gives detailed survey analysis and comments by using tables and graphs. Following paragraphs will describe the survey analysis.

1. Table showing the respondents according to Qualification:

Qualification SSLC PUC Graduate Post Graduate Others Total

No. of Respondents 05 10 13 10 12 50

Percentage 10 20 26 20 24 100



Source: Survey result This table shows that out of the total respondents 26% are from Graduate background and they are the maximum users of Johnson & Johnson baby care products followed by others 24% who stand next to Graduates. Only 10% of the respondents are from SSLC background. It clearly indicates that that education level of the respondents have played a major role while selecting the Johnson & Johnson baby care products.

Graph showing the respondents according to Qualification

Others 24%

SSLC 10% PUC 20%

Post Graduate 20%

Graduate 26%



2. Table showing the respondents according to Occupation Occupation House wife Businessmen Employee Others Total No. of Respondents 15 05 20 10 50 Source: Survey result Percentage 30 10 40 20 100

This table shows that out of the total respondents 40% are from Employee group and they are the maximum users of Johnson & Johnson baby care products followed by housewives accounting for 30% and the least users are from business group respondents accounting only for 10%. It clearly indicates that housewives and employees groups are the major buyers of Johnson & Johnson baby care products.



Graph showing the respondents according to Occupation

Others 20%

House wife 30%

Employee 40%

Businessmen 10%



3. Table showing the respondents according to Annual income: Annual income Below Rs 50000 Rs 50000 to Rs 100000 Rs 100000 - Rs 200000 Above Rs 200000 Total No. of Respondents 05 15 20 10 50 Source: Survey result Percentage 10 30 40 20 100

This table shows that out of the total respondents 40% are from the income group of Rs. 100000 200000 per annum followed by Rs. 50000 100000 accounting for 30% and the least users are from income group below Rs. 50000. It clearly indicates that the company has to attract the low income group as well as the high income group towards Johnson & Johnson baby care products.



Graph showing the respondents according to Annual income








0 Below Rs 50000 Rs 50000 to Rs 100000 Rs 100000 - Rs 200000 Above Rs 200000



4. Table showing number of respondents who use Johnson and Johnson baby care products.

Response Used Not used Total

No. of Respondents 25 25 50 Source: Survey result

Percentage 50 50 100

This table shows that 50% of respondents are using Johnson & Johnson baby care products and rest of 50% are non-users of Johnson & Johnson baby care products.

Graph showing number of respondents who use Johnson and Johnson baby care products

Not used 50%

Used 50%



5. Table showing duration since respondents have been Johnson & Johnson baby care products. Duration Last one year Last two years Last three years More than 3 years Total No. of respondents 06 14 16 14 50 Source: Survey result From the above table we can see that, out of 50 respondent 12 % of them are using Johnson & Johnson products from the last one year, 28% of them are using from last two years, 32% of them are using from last three years and remaining 28 % are using for more than three years. Therefore it clearly indicates that every year the company has been attracting new users towards its products. Percentage 12 28 32 28 100



Graph showing duration since respondents have been Johnson & Johnson baby care products.

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Last one year Last tw o year

8 7 7

Last three year

More than 3 year



6. Table and Graph showing respondents who liked fragrance of Johnson & Johnson baby care products. Opinion Like Dislike Total No. of respondents 50 00 50 Source: Survey result From the table we can clearly say that all the respondents have liked the fragrance of Johnson & Johnson baby care products. Therefore it indicates that the fragrance of Johnson & Johnson care products is good. Percentage 100 00 100

Dislike 0%

Like 100%



7. Table showing rate of satisfaction with the quality of Johnson & Johnson baby care products Level of satisfaction Satisfied Not satisfied Total No. of respondents 46 04 50 Source: Survey result From the above table we can say that, 92 % of the respondents have satisfied with the quality of Johnson & Johnson baby care products and rest of all not satisfied with it. It indicates that Johnson & Johnson baby care products enjoy a very high level of satisfaction among the users, Graph showing rate of satisfaction with the quality of Johnson & Johnson baby care products Percentage 92 08 100

Not satisfied 8%

Satisfied 92%



8. Table showing the reaction about Johnson & Johnson baby care brand.

Opinion Excellent Average Poor Total

No. of respondents 26 24 00 50 Source: Survey result

Percentage 52 48 00 100

This table shows that 52% of the respondents have opined that the brand of Johnson & Johnson baby care products is excellent, 48% of respondents have opined average and no users have opined that the Johnson & Johnson baby care products is poor. It indicates that the users have very good opinion about the Johnson & Johnson products.



Graph showing the reaction about Johnson & Johnson baby care brand.

1 4 1 2 1 0 8 6 4 2 0

1 3

1 2



P oor



9. Table showing respondents reaction about price of Johnson & Johnson baby care products. Reaction Costly Reasonable Low Total No. of respondents 02 46 02 50 Source: Survey result This table shows that only 4% of respondents felt that it is costly, 92% of the respondents have reacted it as reasonable and remaining 4% of them have felt that its price is low. It is clearly indication that majority of the users felt that the price is reasonable. Graph showing respondents reaction about price of Johnson & Johnson baby care products Percentage 04 92 04 100

25 23 20


10 1 1

0 Costly Reasonable




10. Table showing respondents who are aware of Johnson & Johnson baby care products. Awareness Urban Rural Total No. of respondents 48 02 50 Source: Survey result This table shows 96% of the respondents are aware of Johnson & Johnson baby products in urban areas and 4% in rural areas indicating the awareness level of Johnson & Johnson baby products is very high in Urban areas and very less in rural areas. Therefore the publicity campaign of Johnson and Johnson baby care productions must be improved in rural areas. Graph showing respondents who are aware of Johnson & Johnson baby care products.
Rural 4%

Percentage 96 04 100

Urban 96% 46


11. Table and Graph showing the availability of Johnson & Johnson baby care products in retail shop. Availability Available Not available Total No. of respondents 50 00 50 Source: Survey result This table clearly shows that Johnson & Johnson baby care products are available to almost of all the respondents in their near by retail shops. So the respondents do not face any difficulty to purchase the Johnson & Johnson baby care products and the availability is very good. Percentage 100 00 100

Not available 0%

Available 100%



12. Table showing the media in which respondents watched Johnson and Johnson baby care products advertisement.

Media News paper Magazine T.V. Internet Wall painting Others Total

No. of respondents 02 02 40 00 04 02 50 Source: Survey result

Percentage 04 04 80 00 08 04 100

This table shows that 80% of the respondents have watched the advertisements of Johnson and Johnson baby care products in Televisions 8% of the respondents have watched through wall painting and 4 % of the respondents have watched through news papers, magazines and others respectively. It clearly shows that a large percentage of customer ( more than 75% ) have come across about Johnson and Johnson products through Television which enjoys a lions share and others share is very meagre. Graph showing the media in which respondents watched Johnson and Johnson baby care products advertisement. 48


20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 News paper Magazine 1 1


2 0 T.V. Internet Wall painting

1 Others



13. Table showing the reasons for adapting to Johnson and Johnson baby care products.

Attributes Quality Brand image Quantity Fragrance Impact of advt Price Total

No. of respondents 24 04 06 04 04 08 50 Source: Survey result

Percentage 48 08 12 08 08 16 100

The above table shows 48% of respondents have adapted Johnson and Johnson baby care products for its quality, 8% for its brand name, 12% for its quantity and for its fragrance and impact of advertisement and remaining 16% for its price. Here, the quality plays an important role in its sale. About half of the customers have attributed their preference to Johnson and Johnson because of quality image only and the necessity of maintaining the same quality always.



Graph showing the reasons for adapting to Johnson and Johnson baby care products

12 10 8 6 4 2 0


4 3 2 2 2


Brand image



Impactof add




14. Table showing no of respondents using different brands of baby care products.

Brands Johnson and Johnson Himalayas Mysore Sandal Total

No. of respondents 35

Percentage 70

10 05 50 Source: Survey result

20 10 100

This table shows out of 50 respondents, 70% are using Johnson and Johnson brand and 20 % are using Himalayas and 10% using Mysore Sandal Therefore, Johnson and Johnson brand have good image in the minds of the majority of customers and are able to face its competitors effectively as it has won the hearts of nearly three fourths of the respondents.



Graph showing no of respondents using different brands of baby care products

y s o r e

S a n d a l

Mysore Sandal 1 0% Himalayas 20%

J ohnson and J ohnson 70%



During the study it was observed that the Johnson & Johnson care products has got a high brand image in the market. It was also observed that its performance, quality and other attributes have attracted a good number of customers.

Through study, it has been very clear that even though Johnson & Johnson baby care products are good in quality, its fragrance is not upto the mark. Some of the respondents have felt that fragrance has to be improved. It was also noticed that Johnson & Johnson baby care products are also getting severe competition from other brands at present. SUGGESTIONS Following are some of the suggestions offered for achieving better performance in sales of Johnson & Johnson baby care products in general.

Product Johnson & Johnson baby care is one of the oldest manufacturers of baby care products in India. Even though it is the ultimate market leader, some of the respondents have expressed their opinions and suggestion, which are as follows. Fragrance is not good enough, it has to be improved.

Price Regarding price there is no question to rise. Almost all the respondents have praised its pricing strategy. Its price is reasonable when compared to others brands. 54

JOHNSONS AND JONHSON Promotion and Distribution strategy This is very important factor which influences the sales of any product. The manufacturer has taken wide publicity campaign for the product through sales officer and different media of advertisements like T.V, Radio, Newspapers, and Magazines etc. Even though it has good sales due to competition, it has reduced. Now a days, the sales of Johnson & Johnson baby care products are extremely reduced in villages, but has a record sales in cities and towns. So, promotion strategy of this baby care products has to be improved to increase sales particularly in rural areas.



RESEARCH METHODOLOGY As the purpose of the project report is to analyse the consumable products successfully launched in the last three years. The data was collected with the help of Secondary Data sources. The questionnaire method was useda) b) To get first and relevant and unbiased information Questionnaire provides versatility and solutions can be obtained by just asking the questions. c) d) Questioning is usually faster and cheaper. Moreover, there is more control over data gathering activities.

Secondary data was also collected personally by me, which the company has furnished for the general public. The secondary data was gathered with the help of various magazines, newspapers, journals, brochures and also through the internet. For secondary sources no field work was employed.


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON CONCLUSION The results of the survey are enough to prove that Johnson & Johnson baby care products ranks high in their quality, composition etc. It was observed that Johnson & Johnson baby care products have maintained better product image among the people who have used it and are using it. The company has also a vast network of salesmanship. No doubt, these things will go a long way in improving not only product image, but also the corporate image but in competitive fields, one should not be satisfied with present performance. In order to maintain higher competitive efficiency there should be continuous product planning and market improvement.

It was also observed during survey that Johnson & Johnson baby care products are facing competition from a number of other baby care products both in price and quality. Therefore, it is immensely necessary for both producers and dealers to see that competitive efficiency of product is kept high. Producers have to act on production, pricing, promotion and distribution according to consumer preferences. Dealers have got the responsibility in this direction in the promotion and distribution in their areas. Regular market research will help in ascertaining the preference and acting accordingly in the field of production, distribution etc. Consumer orientation of marketing is immensely necessary for creating and maintaining the brand image in the minds of people.




Dear Respondent I, pursuing M.Phil in Vinayaka Missions Univerity, Salem and preparing a project on Consumer attitude towards Johnson & Johnson baby care products.

I shall be grateful to you could spare a couple of minutes to answer these questions.

PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. Name 2. Sex 3. Age : : : Male [] Female []

Below 20 yrs [ ] 30 yrs to 40 yrs 20 yrs to 30 yrs 40 yrs & above [] [] []

4. Address for communication


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON 5. Qualification: S.S.L.C PUC Graduate Post Graduate [ ] Others 6. Occupation: House wife Businessmen Employee Others 7. Annual income: Below Rs 50,000 Rs 50,000 to Rs 1,00,000 Rs 1,00,000 - Rs 2,00,000 Above Rs 2,00,000 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

PRODUCT DETAILS 8. Do you use baby care products? Yes No [] [] 59

JOHNSONS AND JONHSON 9. If yes, which brand of baby care products do you use? Johnson & Johnson [ ] Himalaya Mysore Sandal Others [] [ ] []

10. If yes, since how long you have been using it? Last 1 year Last 2 years [ ] Last 3 years [ ] More than 3 years [] []

11. What attributes made you to adopt Johnson & Johnson baby care products? Quality Fragrance Brand Image [ ] Impact of AD Quantity Price [] [] [] [] []

12. Do you like fragrance of Johnson & Johnson baby care products? Yes No [] []

13. Are you satisfied with the quality of Johnson & Johnson baby care products? Satisfied Dissatisfied [] []

14. What is your opinion about Brand Image of Johnson & Johnson baby care Products? 60

JOHNSONS AND JONHSON Excellent Average Poor [] [] []

15. Are you aware of Johnson & Johnson baby care products Advertisement? Yes No [] []

16. What is your opinion about price of Johnson & Johnson baby care products? Costly Reasonable Low [] [] []

17. Is it always available in your retail store? Yes No [] []

18. If No, in the absence of Johnson & Johnson baby care products, which brand of baby care products do you prefer? 19. Do you watch the advertisement of Johnson & Johnson baby care products? Yes No [] []

20. If Yes, through which media? News Papers [ ] Internet Magazine Wall Painting Television [] [] [] []

21. How is the AD campaign of Johnson & Johnson baby care products?


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON Attractive Create desire [ ] Entertaining No impact [] [] []

22. Comments if any regarding Johnson & Johnson baby care products, please mention them below 23. Suggestion if any to improve the baby care products please mention them below 24. Who influenced you to purchase Johnson & Johnson baby care products? Retailer Friend [] [] [ ] []

Advertisement Relatives

25. Rank the following baby care products on the basis of the following attributes. Quality Brands image Johnson & Johnson Himalaya Mysore Sandal Others Worth paying Brand

26. What is your opinion about following baby care products?


JOHNSONS AND JONHSON Baby care products Level of satisfaction Very good Good Johnson & Johnson Himalaya Mysore Sandal Thank you for your kind information and co-operation Average

Signature Date: Place:




The information included in this project is taken from the reference:




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