Heat Exchanger

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SUMMARY Heat exchangers are devices that facilitate the exchange of heat between two fluids that are at different temperatures while keeping them from mixing with each other. This experiment is carried out in order to demonstrate the working principles of a concentric tube heat exchanger operating under both parallel and counter flow conditions. Also to demonstrate the effect of hot water temperature variation and effect of flow rate variation on the performance characteristic of tube heat exchanger. By comparing the first and second experiment (HT4-1 and HT4-2), the parallel flow is better than counter flow since the efficiency is higher that is 100% and no power loss. From the experiment HT4-3, as the temperature increases when the hot and cold water is maintained at 2000 cm3/min, the power emitted and power absorbed also increases. From the experiment HT4-4, when the controlled hot water temperature and cold water flow rate, Q C is maintained at 60oC and 2000 cm3/min, as the hot water flow rate, Q H increases, the power emitted and power absorbed also increases and the overall heat transfer coefficient also increases. Therefore, the objective of this experiment is achieved.


INTRODUCTION Heat exchangers are devices that facilitate the exchange of heat between two fluids that are at different temperatures while keeping them from mixing with each other. Heat exchangers are commonly used in practice in a wide range of applications, from heating and air-conditioning systems in a household, to chemical processing and power production in large plants. Heat transfer in a heat exchanger usually involves convection in each fluids and conduction through the wall separating the two fluids. In the analysis in heat exchangers, it is convenient to work with an overall heat transfer coefficient U that accounts for the contribution of all these effects on heat transfer. The rate of heat transfer between the two fluids at a location in a heat exchanger depends on the magnitude of temperature difference at that location, which varies along the heat exchanger. It is also convenient to work with the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD), which is an equivalent mean temperature difference between the two fluids for the entire heat exchanger. Heat exchangers are manufactured in a variety of types, the simplest being the double-pipe heat exchanger. In a parallel flow type, both the hot and cold fluids enter the heat exchanger at the same end and move in the same direction, whereas in a counter flow type, the hot and cold fluids enter the heat exchanger at opposite ends and flow in opposite directions. In compact heat exchangers, the two fluids move perpendicular to each other, and such a flow configuration is called cross-flow. Other common types of heat exchangers in industrial applications are the plate and the shell-and-tube heat exchangers. This experiment is carried out in order to demonstrate the working principles of a concentric tube heat exchanger operating under both parallel and counter flow conditions. Besides, it also has been done to demonstrate the effect of hot water temperature variation and effect of flow rate variation on the performance characteristic of tube heat exchanger.


OBJECTIVES This experiment has been carried out to demonstrate the working principles of a concentric tube heat exchanger operating under both parallel flow conditions and counter flow conditions beside to demonstrate the effect of hot water temperature variation and the effect of flow rate variation on the performance characteristic of a concentric tube heat exchanger operating under counter flow conditions. THEORY A heat exchanger is used to transfer heat from one fluid to another without mixing the fluids. There are two types of heat exchangers which are parallel flow and counter flow. The parallel flow heat exchanger has the hot and cold fluids flowing in the same direction whereas the two fluids flow in the opposite direction with a counter flow exchanger

Figure : Fluid Flow Direction (Up: Parallel Flow, Down: Counter Flow)


In this experiment, the following terms are used in order to calculate the required data.

Heat power emitted Heat power absorbed Heat power lost Efficiency

= QH H CpH (tHin - tHout) = QC C CpC (tCin - tCout) = heat power emitted - heat power absorbed = (heat power absorbed / heat power emitted) x 100 = (t1 - t2)/ ln (t1/t2) = Heat power absorbed (Heat transmission area x LMTD)

Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) Overall heat transfer coefficient U

Temperature efficiencies of the heat exchanger are: For the cold medium, C For the hot medium, H = = tCout - tCin x 100 tHin - tCin tHin tHout x 100 tHin - tCin

Mean temperature efficiency, mean = C + H 2


PROCEDURE Parallel and Counter Flow Arrangement 1. The power was switched on and the temperature controller was set to the desired temperature (60 oC). 2. Both of the control valves were tuned off to allow the holding tank to heat without losing heat through the exchanger. The cold water at the faucet was turned on. 3. The following initial conditions was set up : Controlled heat water temperature = 60 oC Hot water flow rate QH = 2000cm3/min Cold water flow QC = 1000cm3/min 4. The apparatus was configured for parallel flow. The hot and cold temperatures at the inlet, mid-point, and outlet were read after the conditions have stabilized. 5. The apparatus was set up for counter flow in such a condition that : Controlled heat water temperature = 60 oC Hot water flow rate QH = 2000 cm3/min Cold water flow QC = 1000cm3/min 6. The hot and cold temperatures at the inlet, mid-point and outlet were read after the conditions have stabilized. 7. The power emitted, power absorbed, power lost, log mean temperature difference, overall heat transfer coefficient, and the efficiency was calculated.


HT4-3: CONCENTRIC TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER WATER TEMPERATURE VARIATION 1. The following initial conditions were set up: Hot water flow rate QH = 2000cm3/min Cold water flow rate = 2000cm3/min 2. The apparatus was set up for counter flow. The hot and cold temperatures at inlet, mid-point and outlet were read for the following temperature 50, 60, 70 and 80 (C) when the conditions above is maintained. 3. The power emitted, power absorbed, power lost, efficiency, log mean temperature difference and overall heat transfer coefficient was calculated. HT4-4: CONCENTRIC TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER FLOW RATE VARIATION 1. The following initial conditions was set up : Controlled hot water temperature = 60 oC Cold water flow rate QC = 2000 cm3/min 2. The apparatus was set up for counter flow. All water temperature readings for hot and cold temperatures at inlet, mid-point and outlet were recorded for the following hot water flow rates: 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 cm 3/min. when the cold water flow rate was maintained. 3. The power emitted, power absorbed, power lost, efficiency, log mean temperature difference and overall heat transfer coefficient ware calculated.



The apparatus for this experiment was the Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger. This apparatus has a tank with a heater inside to heat water to a specified temperature. The temperature setting was adjusted at the thermostat on the front panel. Once the water is heated to the desired temperature, it is transferred by a water pump next to the tank. On the pump, there is a knob, which varies the pump pressure. The hot water was pumped through a pipe to an insulated tube for which heat will be exchanged. The actual heat exchange takes place in the insulated tubing for which cold water flow concentricity around the hot water tube in two different flow arrangements. These two arrangements, parallel and counter flow, can be changed by opening and closing certain valves within the network of hot and cold water tubing. Each flow arrangement is shown on a diagram located on the front panel. It is worthwhile to note that the temperature at cold-in changes to temperature at cold-out when a counter flow arrangement is used. The same situation applies to the temperature at cold-out, which changes to temperature cold-in for the counter flow. The other readings remain the same. The flow rates can be adjusted for both cold and hot water by turning the valve knobs on the right side of the panel. Thermometers are located at the inlet, exit and middle of the insulated heat exchanger tubing for both hot and cold water.


Concentric Tube of Heat Exchanger


RESULTS Experiment: HT4-1 PARALLEL FLOW ARRANGEMENT Controlled heat water temperature = 60 oC Hot water flow rate QH = 2000cm3/min Cold water flow QC = 1000cm3/min tHin (C) 62 Parallel: tHmid (C) 58 tHout (C) 55 tCin (C) 27 tCmid (C) 37 tCout (C) 43

t1 = tHin tCin= 33.5 C Power Absorbed (W) 1114 Power Lost (W) -139

t2 = tHout tCout = 11.5 C Efficiency % 114.25 tm ( C) 21.48 U (W/m2 C) 774.06

Power Emitted (W) 975

Experiment: HT4-2 COUNTER FLOW ARRANGEMENT Controlled heat water temperature = 60 oC Hot water flow rate QH = 2000 cm3/min Cold water flow QC = 1000cm3/min tHin (C) 63 Counter: tHmid (C) 59 tHout (C) 35 tCin (C) 27 tCmid (C) 35 tCout (C) 43

t1 = tHin tCout = 33(C) Power Absorbed (W) 1114.66 Power Lost (W) 0

t2 = tHout tCin = 11(C) Efficiency % 100 tm ( C) 21.84 U (W/m2 C) 761.30

Power Emitted (W) 1114.66



Hot water flow rate QH = 2000cm3/min Cold water flow rate QC= 2000cm3/min

Contr set tHin (C) tHmid (C) 50 60 70 80 53 63 71 75 (C) 50 58 65 68

tHout (C) 45 53 58 60

tCin (C) 24 27 28.6 29.2

tCmid (C) 29 31 33 34

tCout (C) 34 37 40 41

t1 (C) 29 36 42.4 45.8

t2 (C) 11 16 18 19

Contr set (C) 50 60 70 80

Power (W) 1114.66 1393.33 1811.33 2090

Power (W) 1393.33 1393.33 1588.4 1644.13

Power (W) -278.6 0 222.93 445.87

Efficiency tm % (C)

U (W/m2 C) 1120.4 7 676.95 832.72 805.88 C

H mean

Emitted Absorbed Lost

125 100 87.69 78.66

18.56 30.72 28.47 30.45

34.48 27.77 26.88 25.76

27.5 8 27.7 7 30.6 6 32.7 5

31.03 27.77 28.77 29.25



Hot water temperature = 60 oC Cold water flow rate QC = 2000 cm3/min. QH (cm3/min) 1000 2000 3000 4000 tHin (C) 61 63 65 68 tHmid (C) 54 58 60 62 tHout (C) 48 53 55 58 tCin (C) 27 29 31 34 tCmid (C) 29 32 33 35 tCout (C) 34 37 38 40 t1 (C) 34 34 34 34 t2 (C) 14 16 17 18

QH (cm3/min) 1000 2000 3000 4000

Power Emitted (W) 975.33 1393.33 2090 2786.66

Power Absorbed (W) 905.66 1114.66 1463 1672

Power Lost (W) 69.67 278.67 627 1114.66

Efficiency % 92.85 79.99 70 60

tm ( C) 22.54 23.87 24.52 25.15

U (W/m2 C) 599.70 696.97 890.53 992.25

CALCULATIONS Experiment: HT4-1 PARALLEL FLOW ARRANGEMENT Controlled hot water temperature = 60C


Hot water flow rate, QH Cold water flow rate, QC Power emitted = QHHcpH(tHin - tHout)

= 2000cm3/min = 1000cm3/min

= (2000cm3) x (1g) x (4.18kJ) x (62C-55C) x (1kg) x (1min) x (1kW) min = 975W cm3 kg.C 1000g 60s 1kJ/s

Power absorbed

= QCHcpC(tCout tCin) = (1000cm3) x (1g) x (4.18kJ) x (43C-27C) x (1kg) x (1min) x (1kW) min = 1114 W cm3 kg.C 1000g 60s 1kJ/s

Power loss

= Power emitted power absorbed = 975 W 1114 W = -139

Efficiency, = power absorbed x 100 power emitted = 1114 W x 100 975 W


= 114.25% t1 = tHin tCin= 35C t2 = tHout tCout = 12C

Log mean temperature difference, tm = (t1 - t2)/ ln(t1/t2) = (35 12) / ln (35/12) = 21.48 C

Overall heat transfer coefficient, U = =

power absorbed Heat transmission x tm 1114 W 0.067m2 x 21.48 C

= 774.06 W/m2. C

Experiment: HT4-2 COUNTER FLOW ARRANGEMENT Controlled hot water temperature Hot water flow rate, QH Cold water flow rate, QC = 60C = 2000cm3/min = 1000cm3/min


Power emitted

= QHHcpH(tHin - tHout) = (2000cm3) x (1g) x (4.18kJ) x (63C-55C) x (1kg) x (1min) x (1kW) min = 1114 W cm3 kg.C 1000g 60s 1kJ/s

Power absorbed

= QCHcpC(tCout tCin) = (1000cm3) x (1g) x (4.18kJ) x (43C-27C) x (1kg) x (1min) x (1kW) min = 1114 W cm3 kg.C 1000g 60s 1kJ/s

Power loss

= Power emitted power absorbed = 1114 W 1114 W =0W

Efficiency, = power absorbed x 100 power emitted = 1114 W x 100 1114 W


= 100 % t1 = tHin tCin= 36C t2 = tHout tCout = 12C

Log mean temperature difference tm = (t1 - t2)/ ln(t1/t2) = (36 12) / ln (36/12) = 21.84 C

Overall heat transfer coefficient U =

power absorbed Heat transmission x tm

1114 W 0.067m2 x 21.84C

761.30 W/m2. C

Experiment: HT4-3 WATER TEMPERATURE VARIATION Controlled hot water temperature Hot water flow rate, QH Cold water flow rate, QC = 60C = 2000cm3/min = 2000cm3min


Power emitted

= QHHcpH(tHin - tHout) = (2000cm3) x (1g) x (4.18kJ) x (63C-53C) x (1kg) x (1min) x (1kW) min = 1393.33 W cm3 kg.C 1000g 60s 1kJ/s

Power absorbed

= QCHcpC(tCout tCin) = (2000cm3) x (1g) x (4.18kJ) x (37C-27C) x (1kg) x (1min) x (1kW) min = 1393.33 W cm3 kg.C 1000g 60s 1kJ/s

Power loss

= Power emitted power absorbed = 1393.33 W 1393.33 W =0W

Efficiency, = power absorbed x 100 power emitted = 1393.33 W x 100 1393.33 W = 100% t1 = tHin tCin= 36C t2 = tHout tCout = 26C

Log mean temperature difference, tm = (t1 - t2)/ ln(t1/t2) = (36 26) / ln (36/26)


= 30.72 Overall heat transfer coefficient, U = = power absorbed Heat transmission x tm 1393.33W 0.067m2 x 30.72C = 676.95 W/m2C

Temperature efficiency of the heat exchanger: a) For the cold medium, C = tCout tCic x 100 tHin tCin = 37 27 x 100 63 27 = 27.77% b) For the hot medium, H = tHin tHout x 100 tHin tCin = 63 53 x 100 63 27 = 27.77 % c) Mean temperature efficiency, mean = C + H 2 = 27.77 + 27.77 2 = 27.77%


Experiment: HT4-4 FLOW RATE VARIATION Sample of Calculation Controlled hot water temperature Cold water flow rate, QC Hot water flow rate, QH = 60C = 2000cm3/min = 1000cm3/min

Power emitted

= QHHcpH(tHin - tHout) = (1000cm3) x (1g) x (4.18kJ) x (61C-48C) x (1kg) x (1min) x (1kW) min =905.66 W cm3 kg.C 1000g 60s 1kJ/s

Power absorbed

= QCHcpC(tCout tCin) = (2000cm3) x (1g) x (4.18kJ) x (34C-27C) x (1kg) x (1min) x (1kW) min = 975.33 W cm3 kg.C 1000g 60s 1kJ/s

Power loss

= Power emitted power absorbed = 975.33 W 905.66 W = 69.67 W


Efficiency, = power absorbed x 100 power emitted = 905.66 W x 100 975.33W = 92.85% t1 = tHin tCin= 34C t2 = tHout tCout = 14C

Log mean temperature difference, tm = (t1 - t2)/ ln(t1/t2) = (34 14) / ln (34/14) = 22.54 C Overall heat transfer coefficient, U = power absorbed Heat transmission x tm = 905.66 W 0.067m2 x 22.54 C = 599.70 W/m2. C DISCUSSION In this experiment, there 4 objectives that must be accomplish. For the experiment 1 and 2, we have to study the working principles of a concentric tube heat exchanger operating under parallel and counter current flow conditions. From the results obtain, we


can calculate for the power emitted, power absorbed, power loss, efficiency, log mean temperature different (LMTD) and also overall heat transfer coefficient. From the data calculated our experiment mostly successful. It is because most of our experiments get nearly to 100% efficiency. Only one or two reading that has been mistaken. For the overall, we can see that most of the performance characteristics values for the parallel and counter current flows did not vary very much. The efficiencies for parallel flow and counter flow are 114 % and 100 %. This efficiency represent as indicator either the heat exchangers was operating with highest efficiencies. The highest efficiencies meaning rate of energy transfer from hot to cold water was highest for counter and parallel flow conditions. The effectiveness of the heat exchanger shows how much heat was released to the surroundings during heat transfer. The higher the effectiveness, the less heat was released to the surroundings. Data from the tables show that the highest efficiency is at 500C and 2000cm3/min. The table also show that efficiency for water temperature variation which is at 60 0C and flow rate variation at 4000cm3/min is relatively low. The efficiency is 60%. The reason for this occurrence maybe because its power lost to surrounding is greater.

CONCLUSION From the results, by comparing the first and second experiment (HT4-1 and HT42), we can see that in HT4-1 which in a parallel flow condition, the efficiency is 114.25 % compared to the HT4-2 experiment which in a counter flow condition the efficiency is 100 %. Therefore, the parallel flow is better than counter flow since the


efficiency is higher that is 114.25 % and the power loss from the system is less which -139 W. From the experiment HT4-3, as the temperature increases when the hot and cold water is maintained at 2000 cm3/min, the power emitted and power absorbed also increases. From the experiment HT4-4, when the controlled hot water temperature and cold water flow rate, QC is maintained at 60oC and 2000 cm3/min, as the hot water flow rate, QH increases, the power emitted and power absorbed also increases and the overall heat transfer coefficient also increases. Therefore, the objectives of these experiments are achieved. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The major error in this experiment is the thermometer reading. As a suggestion, we must use the digital thermometer. This type of thermometer can give the accurate results. 2. If we change the temperature in this experiment, mostly in water temperature variation experiment, we must wait for a few minute to make sure the temperature reading is constant. 3. For flow rate variation experiment, it is difficult to control the flow rate. In some cases, if we change the hot water flow rate, it will affect the cold water flow rate. It is so difficult to get the specific flow rate for hot and cold water. As a suggestion, we should use the digital controller to get the accurate value for that flow rate.

REFERENCES 1. Laboratory Manual, CPE554, Engineering Chemistry Lab


2. Yunus A. Cengel, Heat Transfer A Practical Approach, 2 nd edition, New York, McGraw Hill, 2003 3. http://www.wikipedia.org 4. http://www.engr.iupui.edu


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