Elec Wiring Regs 2007 Rev 01

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Electricity Wiring
Regulations 2007

Issued by:
the Regulation and Supervision Bureau
for the Water, Wastewater and Electricity Sector
in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Revision 1
January 2009
Regulation and Supervision Bureau
the Water, Wastewater and Electricity Sector
in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Tel: +971 2 642 6777 Fax: +971 2 642 4217

P.O. Box: 32800 Abu Dhabi, U.A.E
e-mail: [email protected]
The Regulation and Supervision Bureau (the Bureau) is established
in Abu Dhabi law to oversee the economic and technical activities
of electricity and water companies that are licensed to operate in the
Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

In addition to its duties over licensed companies, the Bureau has certain
responsibilities towards the general public, including the assurance of
safe and efficient electricity and water supplies to customers and these
Regulations have been produced with this primary aim in mind.

The Regulations promote the installation and operation of safe electricity

wiring systems in customers’ premises and are based on the general
principles defined in British Standard BS 7671 (otherwise known as the
IEE Wiring Regulations, UK), which are also similar to the International
Standard IEC 60364. Such principles have been common practice in
Abu Dhabi and were adopted in previous documents, including the first
Wiring Regulations issued by the old Water and Electricity Department
(WED) in 1972.

The new Regulations are less prescriptive than previous documents,

but provide a closer definition of technical parameters compared with
BS 7671. In addition they take account of the physical environment in
Abu Dhabi and the skills and language diversity of the region.

Following feedback from various parties the Bureau issued an

Amendment to the Regulations in November 2008 which is now
incorporated in Revision 1 of the Regulations, effective 1 January 2009.
The Amendment (No.1) is also available as a separate document that
may be downloaded from the Bureau’s website, www.rsb.gov.ae.

Nicholas Carter
Director General

1 January 2009

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 3

The Bureau gratefully acknowledges the contributions and comments
provided by the following organisations:

Government organisations:
Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority
Al Ain Distribution Company
Abu Dhabi Distribution Company
Abu Dhabi Municipality
Al Mirfa Power Company
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)
Dubai Municipality (Central Laboratory)
Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority (SEWA)
Federal Electricity and Water Authority (FEWA)
Emirates Standardisation and Metrology Authority (ESMA)

Private organisations:
Benchmark Electrical Safety Technology Ltd
Parsons International Ltd
Schneider Electric FZE
Voltas Limited, UAE
Ian Banham Associates
Pell Frischmann Consultants
Gibb Ltd
Power Economy Middle East
WSP Middle East Ltd
GHD Ltd (Aust/UAE)
ABB Industries LLC (Dubai)
Power Connections Ltd
Reed Smith Richards Butler
British Standards Institute
Electrium Ltd

In particular, the Bureau wishes to acknowledge permission granted

by the Institute of Engineering Technology and the British Standards
Institute for the use in this document of data and information taken
from BS 7671 (The Electricity Wiring Regulations, UK).

4 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Document numbering
These Regulations use the following numbering system:

Chapters: are referenced by integers (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc)

Regulations: are referenced by one full stop between numbers
(e.g. 1.1, 1.2, etc)
Clauses: are referenced by two full stops between numbers
(e.g. 3.1.2, etc)
Notes: are indicated below the clause in square brackets and
italic text. For example, [Note: this clause does not apply
to Installations that have been …]
Amendments: amended text is highlighted by a red margin (as
amended in Revision 1, January 2009)





Amended text
(Revision 1)

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 5

List of revisions

Revision Date Prepared Checked Issued to:

Number by: by:

Dec 2007 T Khan L Hill Publication
Issue 1

Jan 2009 T Khan L Hill Publication
Revision 1

6 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Table of contents 1
Foreword 3
Acknowledgements 4
Document numbering 5
List of revisions 6

1 Introduction 11
1.1 Citation and commencement 11
1.2 Purpose and document structure 11
1.3 Scope and enforcement 12

2 Definitions 15
2.1 Interpretation 15

3 General principles and safety

requirements 27
3.1 Technical standards, materials and
workmanship 27
3.2 Approval of installations 28
3.3 Extensions, alterations and repairs 29
3.4 Licensed contractors 29
3.5 Requirements for safety 30
3.6 Labelling and identification 31
3.7 Environmental conditions 33

4 Electricity supply intake and supply

parameters 35
4.1 Electricity supply parameters 35
4.2 Electricity supply intake 36
4.3 The customer connection point 38
4.4 Multiple occupancy premises 39
4.5 Metering requirements 39

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 7

5 Protection 41
5.1 General principles 41
5.2 Overload and short-circuit protection 41
5.3 Electric shock protection 43
5.4 Earth leakage protected systems 44
5.5 Earthed equipotential bonded systems 47
5.6 Isolation and switching 50
5.7 Insulation 51

6 Earthing 53
6.1 General principles 53
6.2 Systems of earthing 53
6.3 Main earth terminal 54
6.4 Earth electrodes 55
6.5 Earth conductors 56
6.6 Exposed-metallic-parts 58
6.7 Earth fault loop impedance 59
6.8 Lightning protection 60
6.9 Functional earthing and high
leakage currents 61

7 Selection of components and installation

requirements 63
7.1 Plugs and socket-outlets 63
7.2 Switches and isolators 65
7.3 Lighting 66
7.4 Conduit, trunking and cable trays 68
7.5 Cables 71
7.6 Final circuits 75
7.7 Busways, bus ducts and busbar risers 76
7.8 Distribution boards 77
7.9 LV switchboards 80

8 Inspection, testing and certification 83

8.1 Electrical installation certificates 83
8.2 Routine inspection and testing 85

8 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

9 Special locations and systems 87
9.1 Separated extra-low voltage (SELV) 87
9.2 Protective extra-low voltage (PELV) 88
9.3 Bathrooms and similar locations 88
9.4 Swimming pools 90
9.5 Water fountains 91
9.6 Construction sites and outdoor supplies 93
9.7 Street lighting 94

10 Capacitors and motors 95

10.1 General requirements 95
10.2 Specifications for capacitors 96
10.3 Electric motors and starters 98
10.4 Standby generators 99

Appendices 101

Guidance Notes 191

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 9

10 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)
Introduction 1
1.1 Citation and commencement

1.1.1 These Regulations shall be cited as the Electricity Wiring

Regulations 2007 (Revision 1).

1.1.2 These Regulations take effect from 1 January 2008, and for
amendments incorporated in Revision 1, from 1 January

1.1.3 These Regulations are issued by the Regulation and

Supervision Bureau through the powers vested in it under
Article 62 of Law No (2) of 1998 (including amendments and
re-enactments thereof ).

1.1.4 These Regulations supersede the following regulations:

(a) ADWEA Wiring Rules and Regulations (3rd Edition
(b) WED Regulations for Electrical Installation Works
(1980); and
(c) Earth Leakage Protection Regulations (2001).

1.2 Purpose and document structure

1.2.1 The purpose of these Regulations is to establish standards

and principles that promote the design, construction and
operation of safe and efficient systems of wiring in buildings
and other Premises.

1.2.2 The main part of this document is structured into

chapters, regulations and clauses, see illustration on
page 5. Regulations and clauses are mandatory. Notes which
are included below clauses, in italic text, are for guidance,
clarification or provide supporting technical information.

1.2.3 The second part of this document consists of Appendices,

which contain mandatory information, and Guidance
Notes which contain supporting information.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 11

1.3 Scope and enforcement
1.3.1 These Regulations apply to all Distribution Companies,
Customers, property Owners, Licensed Contractors, or
any other persons involved in the design, construction,
installation, maintenance or operation of Electrical
Installations in any Premises or other place where there is
an electricity supply provided by a Distribution Company.
Such locations include, but are not limited to, domestic,
commercial and industrial premises, public buildings, parks,
farms, temporary supplies, construction sites, wedding tents,
outbuildings, caravans, street lighting and traffic signs.

1.3.2 The scope of these Regulations does not include the

electricity distribution networks belonging to Distribution
Companies, except such equipment that is required at the
interface with Customers, as detailed in these Regulations.
[Note: requirements governing Distribution Companies’
networks are covered under the Electricity Supply Regulations
2007, as well as other relevant Licences, codes and standards.]

1.3.3 These Regulations shall apply to all new Electrical

Installations constructed following the commencement
date (clause ‎1.1.2). Requirements for extensions, alterations
and repairs to existing Installations are covered under
Regulation ‎3.3.
[Note: where the design of an Installation has been completed
before the date of commencement of these Regulations advice must
be sought from the Distribution Company before construction is

1.3.4 For Electrical Installations constructed before the date of

commencement, the clauses listed in Appendix A4(a) shall
either not apply, or shall apply after 1 January 2010 or, if
earlier, at the time of any extension work or re-certification
of a Premises, as indicated in Appendix A4(a).

12 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

1.3.5 These Regulations shall be enforced by the relevant
Distribution Companies in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, in 1
accordance with procedures which shall be published by
the Distribution Company and approved by the Bureau.
See Regulation 3‎ .2.

1.3.6 Compliance with these Regulations requires compliance

with other relevant technical standards, see Regulation ‎3.1.
References to British Standards or other standards means
the current edition of the standard cited or its replacement.
For existing Installations clause ‎1.3.4 applies.

1.3.7 Failure to comply with these Regulations, or any part

thereof, shall be deemed as contrary to the Law and subject
to punishment by the imposition of a fine. Any such failures
will be addressed in accordance with the Law under Article
65(5) (notices served by the Bureau) and Article 66 (failure
to comply and imposition of fines). Action may be taken
against any Distribution Company, Customer, Owner,
Licensed Contractor or other person to which these
Regulations apply.
[Note: see Appendix A4(b) for a list of relevant Articles of Law
No (2) of 1998.]

1.3.8 Relaxation of any of the requirements of the Regulations

shall be approved by the Bureau upon written request by
any Distribution Company, Customer, property Owner,
Licensed Contractor or other person. Such requests may
be referred to a dispensation panel established for such
purpose by the Bureau.

1.3.9 In the event of a dispute between any parties mentioned in

clause ‎1.3.1, the matter may be referred to the Bureau to
advise a solution or recommended action. This does not
preclude any party referring a matter to the relevant Court
of Abu Dhabi.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 13

1 1.3.10 These Regulations and the rights and duties of any parties
thereunder shall be governed by, construed and applied
in accordance with the Laws of Abu Dhabi Emirate and
the Federal Laws of the UAE as applied by the Courts of
Abu Dhabi.

14 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Definitions 2
2.1 Interpretation

Words which are defined under this section are used in the Regulations
beginning with capital letters. For example, “all Earth Conductors
within a Premises shall be ...”.

Terms in common use are not defined here and normal dictionary
definitions apply (e.g. circuit-breaker, plug, conduit).

Words and expressions other than those described in this section, which
are defined in the Law, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in
the Law.

Words using the singular or plural number also include the plural or
singular number, respectively.

2.1.1 Accessory: a device, other than current-using equipment,

associated with an Electrical Installation.

2.1.2 Appliance: an item of current-using equipment.

2.1.3 Arm’s Reach: a zone of accessibility to touch, extending

from any point on a surface where a person may stand or
move about, to the limits which such person may reach
without assistance (i.e. without any tool or ladder, etc).
Such a distance may be taken as 2.5 m height from the
standing surface, and 1.25 m horizontally from the standing

2.1.4 Bonding Conductor: see Equipotential Bonding


2.1.5 Bureau: the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the

Water, Wastewater and Electricity Sector in the Emirate of
Abu Dhabi, as established under the Law.

2.1.6 Cable Tray: a cable support consisting of a continuous

base with raised edges and no covering. A cable tray is
considered to be perforated where more than 30% of the
material is removed from the base.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 15

2.1.7 Cable Trunking: a manufactured enclosure for the
protection of cables, normally of rectangular cross-section,
of which one side is removable or hinged.

2.1.8 Category 1 Circuit: a Circuit (other than a fire alarm or

2 emergency lighting Circuit) operating at LV and supplied
from the Distribution Company.

2.1.9 Category 2 Circuit: a Circuit (other than a fire

alarm or emergency lighting Circuit) which supplies
telecommunications equipment (such as telephones,
intruder alarms, data transmission, call bells, etc).

2.1.10 Category 3 Circuit: a fire alarm or emergency lighting


2.1.11 Circuit: a set of phase and neutral conductors installed as

a group to supply power to a location, and which originate
from one Protective Device. The following are related
(a) Ring Circuit: a Circuit which is wired from a
single Protective Device, being run through an
area to be supplied (via appropriate socket-outlets,
connectors, etc) and returning back to the same
Protective Device, thus forming an electrically
continuous loop;
(b) Radial Circuit: a Circuit which is wired in a
‘radial’ or ‘branch’ configuration, emanating from
a Protective Device, to the area to be supplied;
(c) Spur Circuit: a Circuit which is wired in a ‘radial’
or ‘branch’ configuration from any point on a Ring
(d) Final Circuit: a Circuit which supplies Appliances
(normally via socket-outlets or other types of
connectors); and

16 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

(e) Distribution Circuit: a Circuit connecting between
Distribution Boards (may also be referred to as a

2.1.12 Circuit Protective Conductor: see Earth Conductor.

2.1.13 Class I Equipment: equipment which includes a means for
connection of Exposed-Metallic-Parts of the equipment
to the Earth Conductor, thus providing protection against
electric shock in case of failure of the basic insulation of the
equipment or other fault condition.

2.1.14 Class II Equipment: equipment which does not include a

means for connection to an Earth Conductor, and which
provides supplementary insulation in addition to the basic
insulation of the equipment such that a breakdown of the
basic insulation will not present a dangerous voltage on
Exposed-Metallic-Parts (also known as Double Insulated
equipment). Class II Equipment is required to comply with
BS 2754. See Appendix A18(b).

2.1.15 Class III Equipment: equipment in which protection

against electric shock relies on supply at SELV and in
which voltages higher than SELV are not generated in the
equipment, see BS 2754.

2.1.16 Competency Licence: a licence issued by a Distribution

Company to a Licenced Contractor assessed as competent
for work on Electrical Installations.

2.1.17 Connected Load: the aggregate load of Appliances and

other electrical equipment at a Premises, summated using
the method described under clause ‎3.2.5. See Guidance
Note G2.

2.1.18 Consumer Unit: an integrated unit which accepts the

incoming supply to a domestic Premises, or other similar
installation, and contains the main isolating device.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 17

2.1.19 Customer: any person, corporate body, or company who
has an agreement with a Distribution Company for the
supply of electricity.

2.1.20 Customer Connection Point (CCP): the point which defines

2 the boundary between the Customer’s Installation and that
of the Distribution Company (also known as the Point of
Supply). This point will normally be at the incoming cable
of the Main Distribution Board and before the main circuit-
breaker, see Appendix A13. In special cases, an alternative
definition of the Connection Point may be agreed between
the Customer and the Distribution Company.

2.1.21 Danger: risk of injury to people or animals from fire, electric

shock, burns, explosion or from mechanical movement of
electrically controlled equipment, or the risk of damage to

2.1.22 Direct Contact: the contact with electricity by a person

(accidental or otherwise) through the phase or neutral
conductors of an Installation or Appliance, leading to an
electric shock, see Guidance Note G4(a).

2.1.23 Distribution Company: a company or body holding a

Licence from the Bureau, pursuant to the Law.

2.1.24 Distribution Board: an assembly designed for housing

isolation switches and Protective Devices and for connecting
multiple Circuits, including their associated neutral and
Earth Conductors. The following are related definitions:
(a) Main Distribution Board (MDB): the Distribution
Board which accepts the main incoming LV supply
from the Distribution Company or Customer’s
(b) Sub Distribution Board (SDB): any Distribution
Board which is neither a Main Distribution Board
nor a Final Distribution Board; and
(c) Final Distribution Board (FDB): a Distribution
Board which supplies Final Circuits only.

18 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

2.1.25 Diversified Load: the load at a Distribution Board, at
the Supply Intake or at any other point in an Installation,
calculated using diversity factors as illustrated in Appendix
A20(f) and Guidance Note G2.

2.1.26 Double Insulated Equipment: see Class II Equipment. 2

2.1.27 Earth: the conductive mass of Earth, whose electrical
potential (voltage) at any point is conventionally taken as
zero. The following are related definitions:
(a) Customer Earthed System (TT): a system of
supply where the Customer provides a Main Earth
Terminal for the Installation, which is connected
to a sufficient number of local Earth Electrodes to
provide a maximum Earth Resistance measured at
the Customer’s Main Earth Terminal of not more
than 10 Ohms.
(b) Distribution Company Earthed System (TN-S): a
system of supply where the Distribution Company
provides a connection to the Customer’s Main Earth
Terminal, using the distribution network Earthing
system, normally via the armouring or metallic sheath
of the main incoming supply cable.
(c) Distribution Company Earthed System with
additional Customer Earth (TN–S–TT): a system
of supply where the Distribution Company provides
an Earth connection to the Customer’s Main Earth
Terminal and a local Earth provided by the Customer
is also connected to the same MET, having an Earth
Resistance value of not more than 10 Ohms.

2.1.28 Earthing or Earthed: a general term used to describe the

connection of metallic parts of an Electrical Installation or
an Appliance to Earth.
[Note: the terms ‘Grounding’ or ‘Grounded’ are sometimes used
outside these Regulations to mean the same as the above.]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 19

2.1.29 Earth Conductor: a conductor used to connect Exposed-
Metallic-Parts of an Electrical Installation and associated
Appliances to Earth, and providing a means for the safe
passage of earth fault current. This includes the following
defined terms:
(a) Main Earth Conductor (MEC): conductors
connected between Distribution Boards, Earth
Electrodes and Main Earth Terminals; and
(b) Circuit Earth Conductor (CEC): conductors
connected from Final Distribution Boards and
associated with Final Circuits, including Appliance
Earth Conductors such as within a flexible cord.
Outside these Regulations these may also be known
as the Circuit Protective Conductor (CPC) or Earth
Continuity Conductor (ECC).

2.1.30 Earth Electrode: a conductor or group of conductors

in intimate contact with Earth, providing an electrical
connection to Earth, and normally having a known and
measurable value of Earth Resistance (may also be known
outside these Regulations as ‘Earth Rod’, or ‘Grounding

2.1.31 Earthed Equipotential Bonding (EEB): the connection

of Extraneous-Metallic-Parts within a Premises using
designated conductors such that potential Touch Voltages
are kept to a safe value during the passage of earth fault
current (also known outside these Regulations as ‘PME
Bonding’). This definition includes the following:

(a) Main Equipotential Bonding: the connection

of major Extraneous-Metallic-Parts, such as pipe
services and metallic structures, at their point of entry
into a Premises to the Main Earth Terminal in an
Installation, using designated conductors; and

20 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

(b) Supplementary Equipotential Bonding: the
connection of Extraneous-Metallic-Parts with each
other or with Exposed-Metallic-Parts within an area
where such parts are simultaneously accessible to
persons, such that the potential Touch Voltage during
an earth fault is kept to safe limits. 2
[Note: for disconnection times greater than 0.4 seconds
a safe Touch Voltage limit may be taken as 50 V for dry
conditions and 25 V for wet conditions.]

2.1.32 Earthed Equipotential Bonded System (EEBS): a system

where protection against electric shock due to Indirect
Contact is achieved by the provision of Earthed Equipotential
Bonding conductors, in association with Protective Devices
for the automatic disconnection of supply.

2.1.33 Earth Leakage Protection (ELP): the provision of

protection against electric shock due to Indirect Contact by
the use of RCDs or other sensitive earth fault protective
devices which automatically disconnect the supply
sufficiently quickly so as to prevent danger to persons.

2.1.34 Earth Leakage Protected System (ELPS): a system of

supply where Earth Leakage Protection is provided on
Final Circuits and back-up ELP is provided at the Supply

2.1.35 Earth Resistance: the resistance (in Ohms) from any

point on an Installation to Earth, being measured using an
approved testing device and approved procedure.

2.1.36 Earth Fault Loop Impedance (Zs): the total impedance

presented to an earth fault current, comprising the
impedance of the following parts of a system, illustrated in
Appendix A5(g):

(a) the Circuit Earth Conductor;

(b) the Main Earth Terminal;

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 21

(c) the main Earth Conductors connecting to Earth
Electrodes or the Distribution Company Earth;
(d) the path of earth fault current through the general mass
of Earth, or through the earth sheath or armouring of
the Distribution Company cable;
(e) the neutral earth connection at the Distribution
Company transformer;
(f) the distribution transformer winding; and
(g) the phase conductor of the Circuit back to the point of

2.1.37 Earth Leakage Circuit-Breaker (ELCB): see Residual

Current Device.
[Note: the term ELCB is commonly used interchangeably with
the term RCD.]

2.1.38 Electrical Installation (abbrv: Installation): an Electrical

Installation comprises any fixed or temporary cable,
switchgear, transformer or other electrical equipment or
apparatus within a Premises or other place where there is
an electricity supply (including outdoor locations). Fixed
or portable electrical Appliances are not considered part
of the Electrical Installation, although these Regulations
do include requirements for the connection of Appliances
(e.g. plugs and socket-outlets).

2.1.39 Electrical Installation Certificate: a certificate in the format

indicated in these Regulations which is issued by a Licensed
Contractor after completion of work on an Installation and
provided to the Customer or Owner of the Premises.

2.1.40 Exposed-Metallic-Part: a metallic part of an Installation

or Appliance which can be touched by persons and which
is not normally live but may become live due to a fault
condition. Exposed-Metallic-Parts are required to be
connected to Earth, see Regulation ‎6.6.

22 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

2.1.41 Extraneous-Metallic-Part: a metallic part, structure or
any metalwork within a Premises which is not part of, and
is unrelated to, the electrical Installation and which is not
designed to carry current, but which may become live
due to a fault condition. Extraneous-Metallic-Parts are
required to be connected to Earth for Installations or parts 2
of Installations classified as Earthed Equipotential Bonded
Systems, see Regulation 5‎ .5.

2.1.42 Extra-Low Voltage (ELV): see Voltage.

2.1.43 Final Circuit: see Circuit.

2.1.44 Functional Earth: an Earth or Earthing system which is

provided for special functions (such as reduction of radio
frequency interference, noise filtering for computers, etc)
and which is separate from other Earth Conductors in an
Installation but is connected to the Main Earth Terminal.

2.1.45 High Voltage: see Voltage.

2.1.46 Indirect Contact: contact of a person with electricity

through Exposed-Metallic-Parts of an Installation or
Appliance, or through Extraneous-Metallic-Parts in a
Premises which have become live during fault conditions,
see Guidance Note G4(b).

2.1.47 Installation: see Electrical Installation.

2.1.48 Law: means Law No (2) of 1998 Concerning the Regulation

of the Water, Wastewater and Electricity Sector in the
Emirate of Abu Dhabi (as amended by Law No (19) of

2.1.49 Licensed Contractor: a company which has been assessed

by the Distribution Company as competent to work on
Electrical Installations and issued a Competency Licence.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 23

2.1.50 Low Voltage: see Voltage.

2.1.51 Luminaire: equipment which is designed to house one

or more electric lamps and which may include diffusers,
fixtures, transformers and auxiliary Circuits but is taken to
2 exclude the lamps themselves. Outside of these Regulations
a Luminaire may commonly be referred to as a ‘light

2.1.52 Main Distribution Board: see Distribution Board.

2.1.52 Main Earth Terminal (MET): the main connection point

at which the nominal value of Earth Resistance for an
installation is taken, and to which Earth Conductors from
Earth Electrodes or the Distribution Company Earth are
connected. This will normally be at or close to the Customer
Connection Point. The Main Earth Terminal may also be
known as the ‘main earth bar’.

2.1.54 Owner: the legal owner of a building or property in which

an Electrical Installation is installed and connected to a
supply of electricity.
[Note: in some cases an Owner may also be a Customer.]

2.1.55 Premises: any occupied or unoccupied building or

enclosure or other place where there is an electricity supply.
Such locations would include, but are not limited to, domestic
premises, commercial premises, industrial premises, public
buildings, parks, farms, temporary supplies, construction
sites, wedding tents, outbuildings, caravans, street lighting
and traffic signs.

2.1.56 Prospective Fault Current: the value of current that would

flow due to a short-circuit fault of negligible impedance
between live phase conductors, or between phase conductors
and Earth, also known as ‘fault level’. The maximum
Prospective Fault Current for an installation is normally
taken at the Customer Connection Point.

24 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

2.1.57 Protective Conductor: see Earth Conductor.

2.1.58 Protective Device: a device installed at the start of a Circuit

which will automatically disconnect the input of electricity
in the event of a fault or overload occurring on that Circuit.
Such devices include, but are not limited to, fuses, fuse links, 2
miniature circuit-breakers (MCB), moulded case circuit-
breakers (MCCB), earth leakage circuit-breakers (ELCB),
and residual current devices (RCD).

2.1.59 Radial Circuit: see Circuit.

2.1.60 Residual Current Device (RCD): a Protective Device which

is installed to automatically isolate the supply to a Circuit
or Distribution Board when the vector sum of currents in
the phase and neutral conductors reaches a preset value
(referred to as the residual operating current or residual
current rating).

2.1.61 Ring Circuit: see Circuit.

2.1.62 Sub Distribution Board: see Distribution Board.

2.1.63 Supply Intake: a term used to describe the location or

room housing the main cable and equipment provided by
a Distribution Company to provision a supply of electricity
to a Premises (includes the Customer Connection Point).

2.1.64 Spur Circuit: see Circuit.

2.1.65 Touch Voltage: the Voltage that would appear during an

earth fault condition between Exposed-Metallic-Parts
and Extraneous-Metallic-Parts which are simultaneously
accessible to persons.
[Note: this term is used only in connection with protection
against Indirect Contact and is not used to refer to Direct
Contact with electricity. The seriousness of impact of Touch
Voltage on a person will depend on the body resistance
and the immediate surroundings, in particular the
presence of water. See Guidance Note G4(h) and G5(b).]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 25

2.1.66 Voltage:
(a) High Voltage (HV): an a.c. voltage greater
than Low Voltage and less than 36 kV between
phases or 21 kV between any phase and Earth
(internationally referred to as Medium Voltage);
(b) Low Voltage (LV): an a.c. voltage below
1000 V between phases, or below 600 V between
any phase and Earth or, a d.c. voltage below
1500 V between conductors, or below 900 V
between any conductor and Earth;
(c) Extra-Low Voltage (ELV): a voltage not exceeding
50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c. whether between live
conductors or between live conductors and Earth;
(d) Separated Extra-Low Voltage (SELV): an Extra-
low Voltage system which is electrically separated
from Earth in such a way that a single fault cannot
give rise to the risk of electric shock;
(e) Protective Extra-Low Voltage (PELV): a system
which has the same features as SELV except that
connection of Exposed-Metallic-Parts to Earth is
allowed; and
(f) Reduced Low Voltage (RLV): a voltage which does
not exceed 55 V a.c. between phase and Earth or
110 V a.c. between phases.

26 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

General principles and safety
requirements 3
3.1 Technical standards, materials and

3.1.1 These Regulations provide guidelines and technical

standards which are consistent with the principles contained
in BS 7671:2001 (also known as the IEE Wiring Regulations
16th Edition). Where any provision in these Regulations
contradicts any provision in BS 7671, the requirements,
standards or specifications under these Regulations shall
[Note: these Regulations are in some aspects more prescriptive
than BS 7671, and take account of the physical environment of
Abu Dhabi Emirate, as well as the typical skills and language
diversity in the region.]

3.1.2 Where a provision or technical requirement is not covered

by these Regulations, BS 7671 may be used as a guideline
or specification, with prior approval from the Distribution
Company and the Bureau.

3.1.3 All materials used in Electrical Installations shall be of good

quality and installed in a neat and orderly manner.

3.1.4 All materials and equipment shall comply with relevant

international standards which shall be mainly BS (British
Standards) or IEC (International Electrotechnical
Commission) standards, as referenced in these Regulations.
Other international standards may be used, in particular
where none are specified in these Regulations, with the prior
approval of the Distribution Company and the Bureau.
A list of BS and IEC standards applying to the main types
of equipment is given in Appendix A3.

3.1.5 The Distribution Company may issue specifications and

requirements in addition to these Regulations, which will
be endorsed or approved by the Bureau, and provided to
interested parties on request.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 27

3.1.6 Reference must be made, where relevant, to UAE or
Gulf standards which may be issued from time to time by
the Emirates Standardisation and Metrology Authority

3.2 Approval of installations

3.2.1 Any Customer requiring a new supply or alteration to an

existing supply must make an application to the Distribution
3 Company using the appropriate forms and procedure
published by the Company.

3.2.2 The proposed design of an Installation must be approved

by the Distribution Company before commencement
of construction. Details of the proposed design must be
submitted, together with appropriate calculations and
wiring diagrams, using the standard symbols shown in
Appendix A11.

3.2.3 New Installations must be inspected and tested by the

Distribution Company in accordance with the requirements
of Chapter 8 of these Regulations, prior to providing an
electricity supply.

3.2.4 The Distribution Company may, where appropriate, seek

evidence of compliance against relevant standards of
equipment and components used in the Installation.

3.2.5 The Customer must provide an estimate of the Connected

Load at the Premises, including at each Distribution Board.
In addition, the Diversified Load for the whole Premises
and at each Distribution Board, must be calculated by the
Customer’s appointed Licensed Contractor, design engineer
or other qualified person and submitted in the format given
in Appendix A20(e), see Guidance Note G2.

28 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

3.3 Extensions, alterations and repairs

3.3.1 No extension or alteration to an Electrical Installation

may be made without prior notification to the Distribution

Company or without approval, testing and certification in
accordance with Regulation ‎3.2.

3.3.2 All extensions or alterations to an existing Installation must

comply with the requirements of these Regulations.
3.3.3 Not withstanding clause 3.3.1 and ‎3.3.2, repairs to existing
installations may be made using standards of equipment
compliant with the old installation, but limited to work of
an essential nature on a like-for-like basis. Work on any
part of the Installation other than Final Circuits, including
any Distribution Board and any items at the Supply Intake,
must be notified to the Distribution Company.

3.3.4 Any proposed increase greater than 10% of the total

Connected Load at a Premises, or greater than 10% of
the Connected Load at any Distribution Board, must be
approved by the Distribution Company.

3.4 Licensed contractors

3.4.1 Work on Electrical Installations may only be carried out by

Licensed Contractors who have been assessed and approved
by the Distribution Company and issued a Competency

3.4.2 The process for approval of Licensed Contractors shall be

published by the Distribution Company and approved by
the Bureau.

3.4.3 A register of Licensed Contractors shall be kept up-to-date

by the Distribution Company and provided on request to
any person.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 29

3.5 Requirements for safety

3.5.1 The provisions of these Regulations require that all Electrical

Installations are designed and constructed so as to ensure
the safety of all persons who may operate, maintain or
otherwise use or be affected by any part of an Installation.
In addition to the requirements detailed under the relevant
sections of these Regulations, the following general safety
principles shall apply.
3 [Note: these Regulations do not include detailed requirements for
the maintenance of Installations. However, the maintainability of
Installations must be adequately catered for in their design and
construction. In addition the requirements for periodic inspection
and testing, as detailed in Chapter ‎8, may give rise to the need for
maintenance and repair work.]

3.5.2 All parts of an Electrical Installation shall be designed and

constructed so as to prevent Danger.

3.5.3 All parts of an Electrical Installation shall be sufficiently

sized and rated to safely carry out the function for which
they are required.

3.5.4 All parts of an Electrical Installation shall be insulated

appropriate to the function they serve, in consideration
of the expected operating environment, so as to prevent
Danger, see Regulation ‎5.7.

3.5.5 All Exposed-Metallic-Parts of an Installation and of

Appliances must be connected to Earth via appropriate
Earth Conductors, so as to protect against electric shock,
see Regulation 6‎ .6.

3.5.6 Except in specified circumstances, all Electrical Installations

shall be provided with Earth Leakage Protection at
the source of supply, at all Final Circuits and at other
appropriate points, see Regulation ‎5.3.4. Where Earth
Leakage Protection is not provided the requirements
for Earthed Equipotential Bonding shall apply, see
Regulation ‎5.5.

30 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

3.5.7 All Electrical Installations must be protected against
damage caused by excess current due to a fault or overload
by suitable Protective Devices, see Regulation ‎5.2.

3.5.8 All Electrical Installations must be provided with a means
of isolating the electricity supply at suitable sections,
subsections and Circuits, and at points where Appliances
are used, see Regulation ‎5.6.

3.5.9 All parts of an Electrical Installation must be suitably located 3

so as to provide safe access for operation, maintenance
and repair and must be protected against accidental or
deliberate interference or damage.

3.5.10 Electrical Installations must be designed and constructed

with particular consideration given to the risk of fire due to
electrical faults and the propagation of fire through parts
of the Installation. See clauses 6.1.1(c), 7.2.4, 7.4.5, 7.4.15,
7.5.3, 7.5.4, 8.1.4(g) and 10.3.2.

3.5.11 All Electrical Installations must be inspected and tested

at the time of first commissioning and at regular intervals
thereafter to ensure ongoing safety, as detailed under
Chapter 8‎ of these Regulations.

3.5.12 Additional requirements for safety in special locations are

covered in Chapter ‎9.

3.6 Labelling and identification

3.6.1 All Electrical Installations must be suitably labelled so as to

give information on the electricity supply parameters, the
source of supply, location in relation to other Installations,
and any special precautions to be taken.
[Note: such information would normally be provided at
the Supply Intake room; special precautions would include
information on other sources of supply such as local generation
or interconnection with other Premises.]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 31

3.6.2 The means of isolation of the main source of supply must
be clearly labelled and accessible to authorised persons, see
Regulation ‎5.6.

3.6.3 The provision of Earth Leakage Protection (as required

under Regulation ‎5.3.4) must be clearly indicated at
appropriate isolation points, including a notice informing
Customers of the need for regular testing of RCD devices,
see Appendix A12(c).
3.6.4 Individual Circuits (including neutral and Earth
Conductors) must be identified by numbering at the source
end and, where appropriate, at intervals along the route,
see Guidance Note G7(f).

3.6.5 For non-domestic Installations, all accessories and fittings

must be marked with Circuit identification numbers.
[Note: Circuit identification numbers must indicate the
Distribution Board from which an Accessory or fitting is
supplied, and may be fixed externally or internally, i.e. either
outside or inside cover plates.]

3.6.6 Load distribution schedules, as shown in Appendix A20(e),

must be provided at each Distribution Board. An overall
wiring diagram showing the location and interconnection
of Distribution Boards must be provided at the Supply

3.6.7 Where parts of an Installation are accessible or visible to

the general public they must be labelled with a warning:
similar wording. This warning must be written in English
and Arabic, see example in Appendix A12(a). However,
parts of final Circuits and other points of normal use may
be excluded from this requirement.

32 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

3.7 Environmental conditions

3.7.1 All parts of an Electrical Installation must be suitably

designed, constructed and maintained so as to operate

safely and carry out their designed function in the expected
operating environment. The following environmental
conditions may be used as a guide if no other special factors

(a) maximum ground temperature (at 1 m depth): 35˚C; 3
(b) soil resistivity: according to local conditions;
(c) weather: mainly sunny, occasional fog (causing
condensation on outdoor equipment), and occasional
(d) air quality: frequently dusty;
(e) maximum humidity: 100%;
(f) maximum ambient (air) temperatures:
• outdoor (shaded): 50˚C
• outdoor (unshaded): temperature rise due to solar
gain must be calculated for the relevant equipment
or the maximum ‘black bulb’ temperature may be
used (typically 10 ˚C above ambient temperature)
• indoor (not air conditioned): 40˚C
• indoor (air conditioned): 30˚C
[Note: in some situations the ambient temperature for indoor
non-air-conditioned situations may reach the outdoor shaded
temperature e.g. a small prefabricated building with little
ventilation, or a garage which is open to the atmosphere.]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 33


34 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Electricity supply intake and
supply parameters 4
4.1 Electricity supply parameters

4.1.1 The parameters for electricity supplies provided to

Customers in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi are defined in the
Electricity Supply Regulations 2007, issued by the Bureau.
These are repeated below.

Declared voltage and frequency

4.1.2 The declared supply voltage provided to Customers

connected at LV shall be 230 V single-phase or 400 V
[Note: this is a change to the previous supply voltage declared
by Distribution Companies of 240/415 V. See Guidance
Note G1.]

4.1.3 The permissible variation of the supply voltage shall be kept

within + 10% and - 6% of the declared supply voltage.

4.1.4 The declared supply frequency provided to Customers shall

be 50 Hz.

4.1.5 The permissible variation of supply frequency shall be

+/-  0.1% (i.e. +/- 0.05 Hz).

4.1.6 For Customers supplied at voltages above LV the permitted

variation of supply voltage shall be +/- 10% and the
permitted variation of frequency shall be +/- 0.1%.

Harmonics, voltage disturbances and power factor

4.1.7 Customers’ Installations, and the use of electrical equipment

therein, must be designed to avoid the generation of
disturbances in the electricity supply. These may include
voltage fluctuations, voltage dips, voltage unbalance and
harmonics, which are of a magnitude that adversely affect
other Customers.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 35

4.1.8 The permitted limits of such disturbances are given in the
Electricity Distribution Code, Annex 1. Customers will
be required to install filters or other equipment to mitigate
against such disturbances that are outside the permitted
limits (as explained in the Electricity Distribution Code).

4.1.9 The power factor at the Connection Point between the

Distribution Company and the Customer’s Installation
must be maintained at 0.9 lagging or higher. Power factor
correction equipment must be used where required to
achieve this value, see Chapter 1‎ 0.

Prospective fault current

4.1.10 The maximum three-phase Prospective Fault Current (fault
level) for LV supplies shall be 46 kA (1 second) at the LV
busbar of the Distribution Company’s HV/LV substation,
or 30 kA (1 second) at a LV feeder pillar, or 25 kA
(1 second) at a LV service turret.

4.1.11 The maximum 3-phase Prospective Fault Current for HV

supplies shall be 31.5 kA (for 3 seconds) or such lower value
as otherwise agreed between the Distribution Company
and the Customer.

4.2 Electricity supply intake

4.2.1 The electricity Supply Intake must be positioned in a

dedicated room or housing.

4.2.2 Other than in exceptional circumstances, and with prior

approval from the Distribution Company, there shall be
only one electricity Supply Intake for any Premises.

4.2.3 The Supply Intake must be positioned in an area which is

readily accessible to Distribution Company staff and other
authorised persons, particularly in an emergency, and must
be at or close to the outside perimeter of a Premises.

36 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

4.2.4 The Supply Intake must not be positioned in an area
controlled by one of the tenants in a multi-occupancy

4.2.5 Equipment at the electricity Supply Intake must be located

in a safe and accessible position, and kept clear of hindrance
at all times.

Supply Intake
4.2.6 The use of Supply Intake rooms as storage rooms for any
tools, equipment or other materials is prohibited.

4.2.7 The Supply Intake must not be located on the reverse side
of a bathroom or kitchen wall, or below a bathroom or
kitchen. The Supply Intake must not be located below any 4
water services or pipes, such as mains water supply, storage
tanks, air conditioning chillers, or other liquids or hazardous

4.2.8 The Supply Intake room must be well ventilated, preferably

without the need for forced air circulation. Where air
conditioning is required in the Supply Intake room the
requirement for fresh air circulation must also be provided
to avoid condensation.

4.2.9 At least one emergency lighting unit must be fitted in all

Supply Intake rooms, which must be provided with a battery
rated for minimum 2 hours illumination, and subject to
adequate routine maintenance.

4.2.10 Doors to Supply Intake rooms must be arranged to open

outwards, be kept free from obstructions, and be capable of
being opened from the inside without the use of a key.

4.2.11 The need for delivery of heavy equipment to the Supply

Intake room during construction and for future repair or
alterations must be taken into account in the location of the
Supply Intake room.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 37

4.2.12 For Supply Intake rooms of greater than 6 m in length more
than one door shall be provided as a means of emergency

4.2.13 Installation layouts and minimum sizes of the electricity

Supply Intake are given in Appendix A12(b) and A12(d).

4.2.14 For large Installations the Supply Intake may consist of one
or more LV switchboards, the requirements for which are
given in Regulation ‎7.9.

4.2.15 Where a HV/LV substation is required for the supply of

Premises, the design and construction requirements for the
4 substation will be specified by the Distribution Company.

4.3 The customer connection point

4.3.1 Except where an alternative definition of the Customer

Connection Point (CCP) has been agreed between the
Customer and the Distribution Company, the CCP is
deemed to be at the incoming cable connection from the
Distribution Company. This is most commonly at the Main
Distribution Board and before the main circuit-breaker.
Metering equipment may be connected through a current
transformer at a position remote from the Customer
Connection Point.

4.3.2 Equipment at the Customer Connection Point must be

locked or sealed by the Distribution Company to prevent
deliberate or accidental interference. Such locks or seals
will include those for metering equipment, etc.

4.3.3 The Customer Connection Point must always include

a means of emergency isolation in the case of a fault or
breakdown (e.g. main circuit-breaker) which is readily
accessible and clearly labelled so as to be easily operated
by the Customer. Such means of emergency isolation
must be left unlocked at all times, except when locked in

38 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

the open position to allow access to the Installation (e.g. for

4.4 Multiple occupancy premises

4.4.1 Multiple occupancy Premises may be supplied by rising

Supply Intake
and lateral mains (cabling or busbars) which are connected
directly to the Supply Intake from the Distribution
Company. Rising and lateral mains will normally be
owned and operated by the building Owner on behalf of
all Customers in a Premises.

4.4.2 The electricity metering for individual Customers for a

rising or lateral mains system will normally be at the point
nearest to each Customer, remote from the main Supply

4.5 Metering requirements

4.5.1 The requirements for Customer metering are contained

in the Customer Metering Regulations 2005, issued by the
Bureau. Additional detailed requirements and procedures
will be provided by the Distribution Company where

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 39


40 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Protection 5
5.1 General principles

5.1.1 All Electrical Installations must be designed, constructed and

maintained to provide protection against the following:

(a) overload;
(b) short-circuits (phase to phase or phase to Earth); and
(c) electric shock (due to Direct or Indirect Contact with

5.1.2 Protection against conditions of overload and short-circuit

will normally be provided by MCBs, MCCBs or similar
devices, see Regulation 5‎ .2 below.

5.1.3 Protection of persons against electric shock due to Direct

Contact or Indirect Contact must be provided by one of the
methods detailed in Regulation 5‎ .3 below.
[Note: see Guidance Note G4(a) and G4(b) for explanation of
Direct and Indirect Contact.]

5.2 Overload and short-circuit protection

5.2.1 All Electrical Installations must be provided with devices

that protect against thermal, electromagnetic and other
detrimental effects caused by overload and short-circuits.
Such devices must be located at suitable sections and
Circuits so as to give effective automatic disconnection in
such conditions.

5.2.2 The main circuit-breaker at the Customer Connection

Point must be of MCB or MCCB type and adequately
rated for the maximum Prospective Fault Current. Fused
cutouts must not be used except in special circumstances
approved by the Distribution Company (e.g. street lighting

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 41

5.2.3 All Circuits must be individually protected against overloads
and short-circuits by suitable devices. Replaceable or
re-wireable fuse links are not permitted for this purpose
(except in the case of capacitor banks, see Regulation

5.2.4 The time-current performance characteristics of Protective

Devices must conform to the relevant reference standards
listed in Appendix A3.
[Note: the time-current performance curves for MCBs are shown
in Appendix A6(a) – (d).]

5.2.5 To ensure protection against overload, Circuit conductors

must be sized taking into account the time-current
characteristic of the Protective Device.
[Note: in order to provide adequate protection against overload
the Protective Device nominal rating must be not more than the
5 maximum rating of the Circuit for which overload protection is
required, see Appendix A6(f).]

5.2.6 Protective Devices at the Main Distribution Board must

have a maximum Prospective Fault Current rating above
that declared by the Distribution Company for the relevant
Customer Connection Point.

5.2.7 Protective Devices downstream of the Main Distribution

Board may have a reduced Prospective Fault Current rating,
taking into account the ‘energy let-through’ characteristic
(I2t) of the upstream Protective Device, see Appendix A6(e).
Where appropriate, an allowance may also be made for the
attenuation of Prospective Fault Current due to the Circuit

42 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

5.3 Electric shock protection

Direct contact

5.3.1 Protection of persons against the risk of Direct Contact with

electricity must be provided by either physically preventing
contact or by an inherently safe systems of supply, using one
or more of the following measures:

(a) insulated conductors, see Regulation ‎5.7;

(b) secure enclosures, barriers or covers on live parts;
(c) Separate Extra-Low voltage (SELV) system; or

(d) Protective Extra-Low Voltage (PELV) system.
[Note: SELV conductors at voltages of 12 V a.c. or 30 V d.c. may
be un-insulated but must be provided with overload and short
circuit protection.]
5.3.2 Residual Current Devices with a residual current rating of
30 mA and complying with BS EN 61008 and BS 4293 may
be used as a means of supplementary protection against
Direct Contact. However, RCDs may not be used as the
sole means of protection against Direct Contact i.e. one
of items (a) to (d) above must be used in addition to RCD
[Note: RCD devices with a residual current rating above 30 mA
are not considered to provide adequate protection against Direct
Contact but may be used to provide protection against Indirect
Contact – see Regulation ‎5.4. It should be noted that RCD devices
do not protect against electric shock between phase conductors
or between phase conductors and neutral.]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 43

Indirect Contact

5.3.3 Indirect Contact with electricity can occur when a voltage

appears on Earthed parts of an Installation or Appliance
due to the passage of earth fault current and whilst a person
is in contact with either:
(a) an Exposed-Metallic-Part and an Extraneous-
Metallic-Part; or
(b) an Exposed-Metallic-Part and Earth; or
(c) an Extraneous-Metallic-Part and Earth.

5.3.4 Protection against the risk of electric shock in the above

cases must be provided by either:
(a) an Earth Leakage Protected System, where RCDs
or similar devices are provided at Final Circuits and
back-up RCDs or other sensitive earth fault protection
5 is provided at the Supply Intake, see Regulation ‎5.4;
(b) in parts of Premises where Earth Leakage Protection
is not provided, or other specified circumstances,
an Earthed Equipotential Bonded System, see
Regulation ‎5.5.

5.3.5 Not withstanding clause ‎5.3.4(b) the requirement for Earth

Leakage Protection on all Final Circuits where Appliances
may be used by any person is made compulsory by these

5.4 Earth leakage protected systems

5.4.1 An Earth Leakage Protected System (ELPS) is defined as

one where protection against Indirect Contact is provided
by the use of RCDs or other sensitive earth fault devices
on all Final Circuits and back-up ELP is provided at the
Supply Intake. Such a system is required to automatically
disconnect the supply at a Final Circuit or at the Supply
Intake sufficiently quickly so as to prevent Danger.

44 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

5.4.2 For Final Circuits ELP devices must be of the RCD type
whereby the device will trip if the vector sum of currents
carried by the phase and neutral conductors is above a
preset value, see Guidance Note G5(c). Voltage-operated
earth leakage devices (ELCB) are not permitted.
[Note: modern RCDs are magnetically actuated whilst the
older type of ELCB devices operate by detecting fault voltage
and require a connection between a Main Earth Conductor and
an Earth Electrode; these devices are therefore vulnerable to
maloperation due to parallel earth paths.]

5.4.3 RCD devices for Final Circuits must have a time-current

performance characteristic complying with BS EN 61008
and BS 4293. This requires that the device must operate within
200 milliseconds at its residual current rating and within
40 milliseconds at 5 times its residual current rating. It
must not operate below 50% of its residual current rating,
see Guidance Note G5(a). 5
5.4.4 For Final Circuits which are liable to carry pulsating or d.c.
currents RCD devices must be of type A (pulsating d.c.
sensitivity) and for RCD devices requiring time-delayed
operation type S devices must be used, see Guidance
Note G5(d).

5.4.5 Earth Leakage Protection provided at the Supply Intake

must be set to discriminate with ELP devices at Final Circuits
(i.e. earth faults on Final Circuits must be automatically
disconnected by the closest ELP device, except in the case
of back-up operation of devices at the Supply Intake). See
Appendix A5(m) and Guidance Note G4(e).
[Note: such discrimination may be provided by time-delayed
RCD’s, earth fault relays or other suitable devices at each LV
panel or circuit breaker at the Supply Intake. ELP is not required
at Sub Distribution Boards but, if provided, must discriminate
with ELP devices on upstream and downstream Circuits.]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 45

5.4.6 The operating current setting for ELP devices at the Supply
Intake must take into account the nature of the Installation
(e.g. commercial, industrial, etc), the likelihood and
magnitude of earth fault currents, and the requirement for
protection against Indirect Contact, see Appendix A5(m)
and Guidance Note G4(f).
[Note: where the Supply Intake consists of a multi-panel LV
switchboard, each panel or circuit breaker should be fitted with
ELP devices in order to limit the extent of power interruptions.
The ELP device for the incomer panel must discriminate with the
outgoing panels / circuits.]

5.4.7 Earthed Equipotential Bonding is not required in an ELP

system, although it may be provided as supplementary
protection against Indirect Contact, see Guidance
Note G4(d).
[Note: Earth Leakage Protection devices provide protection
5 against electric shock by limiting the time that current may
pass through the body of a person to Earth; they do not limit
the magnitude of current, except by the feature of early cut-off
for a rising current. In addition, ELP devices provide protection
against ‘high resistance’ earth faults that may persist in an
installation if the fault current is too low to operate overcurrent
devices such as MCBs. Such faults may cause overheating of
Circuits or connections and lead to a fire.]

5.4.8 At each Distribution Board or other point where an RCD

is provided a suitable label must be affixed to inform the
Customer of the characteristics and mode of operation
of the device and the need for routine testing, see
Appendix A12(c).

5.4.9 For domestic Premises the residual current rating for

ELP devices must be 100 mA for Final Circuits supplying
fixed equipment (e.g. lighting and air conditioning) and
30 mA for Final Circuits where Appliances may be used
by persons (e.g. all socket-outlets, all kitchen Appliances,
other Appliances accessible to persons), and 30 mA for
all Circuits in a bathroom, see Regulation ‎9.3. A full list

46 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

of applications and residual current ratings is provided in
Appendix A5(m).

5.4.10 Special Circuits within a Premises, where there would be

significant detriment or danger from the tripping of the
Earth Leakage Protection, may be excluded from the zone
of Earth Leakage Protection. Such instances may include
Circuits supplying fire protection equipment or safety
alarms (not security alarms) or unoccupied sites (such as
telecommunications stations, water pumping stations, etc).
All such cases must be declared in the Electrical Installation
Certificate for the site and approved by the Distribution

Company. In these cases the requirements for an Earthed
Equipotential Bonded System must be met for the relevant
Circuits, see Regulation ‎5.5.

5.4.11 Circuits with high earth leakage currents (e.g. electronic

equipment or industrial machinery) may be provided with 5
ELP devices with higher residual current ratings, up to
500 mA. These must be clearly stated on the Electrical
Installation Certificate.

5.4.12 Notwithstanding clauses ‎5.4.10 and ‎5.4.11, all Circuits from

which portable Appliances may be used, or any outdoor
equipment accessible to persons, must be provided with
Earth Leakage Protection devices with a residual current
rating no greater than 30 mA.

5.4.13 An earth leakage alarm may be provided for Circuits which

are excluded from the zone of Earth Leakage Protection
(e.g. an alarm that does not cause tripping of the Circuit but
gives an audible and visible warning to appropriate persons
in the Premises).

5.5 Earthed equipotential bonded systems

5.5.1 An Earthed Equipotential Bonded System (EEBS) is

defined as one where protection against Indirect contact
is provided by the installation of Earthed Equipotential

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 47

Bonding such that voltage rises between Exposed-Metallic-
Parts and Extraneous-Metallic-Parts are kept to a safe value
for the duration of an earth fault (i.e. the time it takes for
the relevant Protective Device to trip).
[Note: an EEB system relies on the principle that all Exposed-
Metallic-Parts and Extraneous-Metallic-Parts which are
accessible to persons are connected to the Main Earth Terminal
and therefore the prospective Touch Voltage between them is
limited to a value which is safe when taking into account the
operating time of the relevant Protective Device. In addition, it
is assumed that a person cannot be in contact with Earth whilst
touching any Metallic Part in a Premises – see Guidance Note
G4(b) and G4(h).]

5.5.2 For an EEB system the operating characteristics of Protective

Devices must limit the duration of any earth fault to less
than 0.4 seconds for Circuits supplying Appliances which
5 are accessible to people, and less than 5 seconds for all other
parts of the Installation.

5.5.3 The most commonly used method for checking the

prospective fault duration is by reference to data on
the limiting values of earth loop impedance for the
Protective Device concerned. For MCBs this is provided in
Appendix A5(h), taken from BS 7671.

5.5.4 Main Equipotential Bonding Conductors must be installed

from the Main Earth Terminal to connect metallic service
pipes and other Extraneous-Metallic-Parts at points closest
to the entry of such parts to a Premises.

5.5.5 In high risk areas Supplementary Equipotential Bonding

must be provided so that the Touch Voltage between
Exposed-Metallic-Parts and Extraneous-Metallic-Parts is
kept to safe limits for the duration of an earth fault.
[Note: high risk areas may include bathrooms, kitchens,
laboratories, garages, confined spaces or other locations where
the normal resistance of the body is reduced or the consequence
of an electric shock may lead to another accident, such as fall
from a height. For disconnection times greater than 0.4 seconds

48 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

safe Touch Voltage limits may be taken as 50 V for dry conditions
and 25 V for wet conditions.]

5.5.6 The method for calculation of Touch Voltage between

Exposed-Conductive-Parts and Extraneous-Metallic-Parts
is illustrated in Guidance Note G4(h).

5.5.7 Items requiring Equipotential Bonding may include metallic

pipes (particularly those connected to underground services
such as water supply), steel beams, water tanks, baths, sinks
and washbasins, etc. An illustration of typical Equipotential
Bonding arrangements is given in Guidance Note G4(c).

5.5.8 It is not necessary to provide Equipotential Bonding for
standalone metallic items which:
(a) do not pose any risk of providing a conductive path to
Earth (are isolated from Earth); or
(b) do not pose any risk of providing a conductive path to
any other Earthed part of the Installation; or
(c) do not pose any risk of becoming live as a result of an
electrical fault in the Installation (i.e. are sufficiently
remote from any Circuit or Appliance); or
(d) are out of reach of any person.
[Note: such items may include metal doors, window frames,
inaccessible structural beams, small metallic fixings such as
screws and brackets, etc.]

5.5.9 Where Circuit conductors are installed close to or within

items of metalwork (such as mentioned in clause ‎5.5.7)
consideration must be given to provide additional protection
or double insulation of such conductors.
[Note: examples include situations where cables pass through
walls containing steel frames, metal door frames, metallic floor
grids, suspended ceilings, etc.]

5.5.10 The sizing of Equipotential Bonding Conductors is given in

Appendix A5(j).

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 49

5.5.11 The point of connection of an Equipotential Bonding
Conductor to any item must be labelled: SAFETY EARTH
BONDING – DO NOT REMOVE, as illustrated in
Appendix A5(d).

5.6 Isolation and switching

5.6.1 All Electrical Installations must be provided with a means of

safe isolation at the Supply Intake, which must be lockable or
otherwise provided with a means of preventing interference
(e.g. by the removal of operating handles into the safe
custody of a responsible person). Isolation for maintenance
or other work may be provided by the Protective Device if
it is lockable (except for HV equipment).
[Note: mechanical equipment should be provided with a means
of isolation close to the equipment which can be locked and kept
under the control of the person performing maintenance.]
5.6.2 An Installation must be further sectionalised by means of
isolation at the origin of each Circuit, in order to provide
ease of access for safe working.

5.6.3 Each socket-outlet or other connection point to an

Appliance or other electrical equipment must be provided
with a switch as a means of isolation. Such switches must be
provided with a neon indicator where it is desirable to have
a visual indication of the presence or absence of power (e.g.
fridge, fire alarm, gas or smoke alarm, and water heater).

5.6.4 Emergency switching (e.g. push-button switch) must

be provided for moving machinery which may require
immediate manual disconnection from the supply in the
case of an accident or other situation to avoid Danger.
Such equipment may include large motors, ventilation
equipment, industrial machinery, etc. Emergency push
switches must operate on all phases and neutral of the
supply, must be clearly marked and must be located in an
easily accessible position.

50 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

5.6.5 Emergency switches must be designed so that their operation
retains the switch in the off position until it is intentionally
unlocked or reset. The release of the emergency switch
must not automatically restart the related Appliance or

5.6.6 Functional switching devices required for control or

operation of equipment and not for safety reasons need not
comply with the requirements of clauses ‎5.6.1 to ‎5.6.5.

5.6.7 Semiconductor devices cannot be used as a means of

isolation for safety.

5.6.8 Water heaters, air conditioning units, fan-coil units, motors
and other similar items must be provided with double pole
isolation (or 4 pole isolation for 3-phase items) to ensure safe
access for the purpose of maintenance and repair.
[Note: double pole isolation may be provided by a plug and 5
socket-outlet arrangement.]

5.7 Insulation

5.7.1 All Electrical Installations must be sufficiently insulated

to protect against electric shock from Direct Contact by
any person (clause ‎5.3.1). Such insulation must be capable
of withstanding wear and tear during normal use of the
equipment. Supplementary insulation or ‘double insulation’
may be used where additional robustness is required.

5.7.2 The application of paints, resins, varnishes and similar

materials is not considered to satisfy the requirements of
clause ‎5.7.1 and additional insulation, barriers or obstacles
are required to prevent Direct Contact by any person.
[Note: an example may be a motor winding which is enamelled
or resin coated and therefore must be guarded against Direct
Contact by persons.]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 51

5.7.3 Live conductors are required to be inaccessible without the
use of a special key or tool, available only to authorised
persons and only for the purpose of testing, using special
equipment and procedures.

5.7.4 Uninsulated equipment may be used at voltages not

exceeding 12 V a.c. or 30 V d.c. and only where supplied
by a SELV source, see Regulation 9‎ .1.

5.7.5 The insulation resistance of Circuit conductors must

be measured as part of the test procedures given in
Chapter ‎8 and must be greater than the values given in
Appendix A19(f).

5.7.6 Where an Installation is supplied by underground cables

no special provisions are required for protection against
over-voltages arising from atmospheric origin or from
5 switching. Where an Installation is supplied by overhead
lines advice should be sought from the Distribution
Company or the requirements of BS 7671 – Chapter 44
may be used.

52 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Earthing 6
6.1 General principles

6.1.1 Earthing of Exposed-Metallic-Parts of an Installation and

of Appliances in a Premises is required to serve the following
functions of safety:

(a) allow the passage of fault current in the event of a

live conductor touching an Exposed-Metallic-Part;
(b) ensure that the magnitude of fault current is
sufficient to operate Protective Devices, including
Earth Leakage Protection devices, within 0.4 seconds
for Final Circuits supplying Appliances which are
accessible to any person and within 5 seconds for all
other parts of an Installation; and
(c) ensure that, in association with Protective Devices, a
‘high resistance’ fault to Earth does not persist so as to
cause overheating or fire.

6.1.2 The necessary requirements to achieve the above functions

of safety are detailed in the following sections.

6.2 Systems of earthing

6.2.1 Customers must be provided with a supply operating under

either of the following earthing systems:
(a) Customer Earthed System (TT): the Customer
provides a Main Earth Terminal for the Installation,
which is connected to a sufficient number of local
Earth Electrodes to provide a maximum Earth
Resistance measured at the Customer’s Main Earth
Terminal of no greater than 10 Ohms (referred to in
BS 7671 as a ‘TT’ system);
(b) Distribution Company Earthed System (TN-S): the
Distribution Company provides a connection to
the Customer’s Main Earth Terminal, using the
distribution network Earthing system, normally via
the armouring or metallic sheath of the incoming
supply cable (referred to in BS 7671 as a TN-S system).

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 53

The Distribution Company system is earthed at the
distribution transformer (11kV/400V) and separate
earth and neutral conductors are used throughout the
distribution network; or
(c) Distribution Company Earthed System with additional
Customer Earth (TN-S-TT): the Distribution
Company provides an earth connection to the
Customer’s Main Earth Terminal and a local Earth
provided by the Customer is also connected to the
same MET, having an Earth Resistance value of no
greater than 10 Ohms.
[Note: These types of earthing systems are illustrated in
Appendix A5(a) – A5(c). Earth resistance values of less than
10 Ohms may be specified by the designer for purposes such as
Functional Earthing or for specialist installations such as petrol
stations, telecommunications sites, etc.]

6.2.2 The preferred earthing system to be used in Abu Dhabi

Emirate is TN-S-TT. However, either TN-S or TT systems
may be used where agreed between the Distribution
Company and the Customer. The type of earthing system
6 must be stated on the Electrical Installation Certificate and
clearly labelled at the Main Distribution Board.

6.2.3 In all cases the neutral and Earth Conductors must be kept
separate and not connected together at the MET or at any
other point in the Customer’s Installation.

6.3 Main earth terminal

6.3.1 The Main Earth Terminal must be provided close to or

within the Main Distribution Board or other switchgear at
the Supply Intake.

6.3.2 A means of removing the connection to Earth (such as

by a detachable metal link) must be provided at the Main
Earth Terminal to facilitate testing of the earthing of the
installation and the source of supply, see Appendix A5(e).

54 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

6.3.3 The Earth Resistance measured at the MET must be
recorded on the Installation Certificate in accordance
with the procedures described in Chapter ‎8. Methods
of measuring Earth Resistance are shown in
Appendix A19(a).

6.4 Earth electrodes

6.4.1 Earth Electrodes must be provided at Premises which

are supplied by a Customer Earthed System (TT) or a
Distribution Company Earthed System with additional
Customer Earths (TN-S-TT).

6.4.2 For Premises consisting of more than one building, where

either a TT or TN-S-TT system is used, Earth Electrodes
must be provided at each building that is more than 30 m

distance from the Supply Intake.

6.4.3 Earth Electrodes will normally comprise of 15 mm diameter

steel-cored copper rods driven to a minimum depth of
3 m. The top of each Earth Electrode must be housed
inside a 300 mm x 300 mm x 300 mm inspection pit which 6
is clearly labelled and accessible for routine testing, see
Appendix A5(d). Alternative types of Earth Electrodes may
be used with prior approval of the Distribution Company
(e.g. plate or wire mesh type, or structural steelwork in a
[Note: where it is proposed to use structural steel or reinforcing
steel as an Earth Electrode, suitable testing points must be

6.4.4 Where more than one Earth Electrode is required to

achieve the required Earth Resistance value these must be
separated at a distance greater than their mutual resistance
[Note: a minimum separation of twice the earth electrode
depth is considered to give adequate separation of the mutual

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 55

resistance zones. See BS 7430 for further advice on spacing of
Earth Electrodes.]

6.4.5 The condition of the ground in which an Earth Electrode

is placed must be taken into account to ensure its long-
term performance. In particular, potential corrosion effects
and ground moisture content is of critical importance.
Proprietary chemical or salt materials may be used around
the Earth Electrode to maintain moisture content but these
must be stable and sustain their chemical properties over

6.4.6 For supplies of 500 A rating and above, at least two

independent Earth Electrodes must be provided, regardless
of the Resistance Value achieved for each Earth Electrode,
and connected to the same Main Earth Terminal, see
Appendix A5(k).

6.4.7 Metallic service pipes (such as water, gas, etc) must not be
used as Earth Electrodes.

6 6.5 Earth conductors

6.5.1 In these Regulations the following terminology is used to

refer to Earth Conductors in an installation, see illustration
in Appendix A5(f):
(a) Main Earth Conductors (MEC): conductors
connected between Distribution Boards, Earth
Electrodes and Main Earth Terminals; and
(b) Circuit Earth Conductors (CEC): conductors
connected from Final Distribution Boards and
associated with Final Circuits, including Appliance
Earth Conductors such as within a flexible cord.
Outside these Regulations these may also be known
as the Circuit Protective Conductor (CPC) or Earth
Continuity Conductor (ECC).

56 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

6.5.2 All Earth Conductors must be covered with green/yellow
PVC insulation and terminated with purpose made lugs or

6.5.3 Where associated with Circuits, all Earth Conductors

must be labelled at their termination points with Circuit
identification numbers, see Guidance Note G7(f).

6.5.4 The connection of Earth Conductors to Earth Electrodes

must be made using corrosion resistant clamps.

6.5.5 Where Earth Conductors are buried below ground they

must be mechanically protected (e.g. in plastic or metal
duct or pipe) and, where necessary, with additional tiles or
plates laid above the duct or pipe, see Appendix A5(d) and
Guidance Note G6.

6.5.6 The connection of Earth Conductors to the Main Earthing
Terminal must be made using purpose made lugs or other
fixings and the connection must be clearly labelled as shown
in Appendix A5(d).

6.5.7 All Circuits must have a Circuit Earth Conductor sized in 6

accordance with Appendix A5(j).

6.5.8 Circuit Earth Conductors must, where practicable, run

alongside the associated phase and neutral conductors.
[Note: this minimises the risk of a Circuit Earth Conductor being
damaged or disconnected without any damage or fault indication
being detected via the phase conductors.]

6.5.9 For metal sheathed or armoured cables, the sheath or

armouring may be used as the Earth Conductor where
it is rated to the equivalent of the conductor sizes shown
in Appendix A5(j). The metal sheath or armouring must
be terminated by suitable cable glands with appropriate
connection to an Earth Condutor, see Guidance
Note G7(i). However, where such cables are installed
underground a separate Earth Conductor must be laid
alongside the power cable.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 57

6.5.10 The use of metal conduit, trunking, busbar trunking or
switchgear metal enclosures as Earth Conductors is not
permitted without the prior approval of the Distribution
Company. In such cases, the provision of additional
measures such as resistance measurements or supplementary
Earth Conductors will normally be required.
[Note: metal conduit, although not to be used as an Earth
Conductor, must nevertheless be effectively connected to Earth
since it comprises an Exposed-Metallic-Part. See Guidance
Note G7(j).]

6.5.11 No switches, isolators or circuit-breakers may be installed

in the electrical path of any Earth Conductor. Removable
links may be installed to allow testing at the Main Earth

6.6 Exposed-metallic-parts

6.6.1 All Exposed-Metallic-Parts of an Installation, including

Appliances, must be connected to Earth via Earth
Conductors in accordance with the requirements of
6 Regulation ‎6.5.

6.6.2 Exceptions to clause ‎6.6.1 may include internal parts of

equipment or Appliances which cannot be accessed without
first disconnecting the electricity supply.

6.6.3 Class I Appliances having Exposed-Metallic-Parts must be

provided with a suitable connection point or plug & socket
arrangement which includes connection to the Circuit
Earth Conductor. Class II Appliances do not require an
Earth connection, see illustrations in Appendix A18(a)
and A18(b).

6.6.4 All connection points in an Installation must include an

Earth Conductor for future use.
[Note: an example would be a plastic light switch which does not
require a Circuit Earth Conductor but one must be provided in
any case for future use – see Guidance Note G7(d).]

58 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

6.6.5 Items within an Installation where it is mandatory for a
connection to be made to an Earth Conductor are listed in
Appendix A5(l).

6.6.6 The requirement for connection of Extraneous-Metalic-

Parts to Earth Conductors depends on the type of
protection system used in an Installation, as explained under
Regulation 5.5.

6.7 Earth fault loop impedance

6.7.1 The Earth Fault Loop Impedance (Zs) is defined as the total
impedance presented to an earth fault current, comprising
the impedance of the following parts of a system, illustrated
in Appendix A5(g):

(a) the Circuit Earth Conductor (including the Appliance
Earth Conductor);
(b) the Main Earth Terminal;
(c) the main Earth Conductors connecting to local Earth
Electrodes (TT system) or the Distribution Company 6
Earth (TN-S system);
(d) the path of earth fault current through the general
mass of Earth, or through the earth sheath or
armouring of the Distribution Company cable;
(e) in the case of a Customer Earthed System (TT system)
the neutral earth connection at the Distribution
Company transformer;
(f) the distribution transformer winding; and
(g) the phase conductors of the Circuit back to the point
of fault.

6.7.2 All Installations must be designed and tested such that the
Earth Fault Loop Impedance at any point in the Installation
is of a sufficient value to operate Protective Devices within
0.4 seconds for Final Circuits supplying Appliances which

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 59

are accessible to any person and within 5 seconds for all
other parts of an Installation.
[Note: this requirement is important for parts of Installations
where protection against Indirect Contact is provided by Earthed
Equipotential Bonding rather than by Earth Leakage Protection,
see Regulations 5‎ .4 and ‎5.5.]

6.7.3 The maximum Earth Fault Loop Impedance values

required to meet the disconnection times in clause 6.7.2 for
MCB devices are given in Appendix A5(h).

6.7.4 The method for testing Earth Fault Loop Impedance

(including the external earth fault loop impedance) is given
in Appendix A19(b) and A19(c).

6.8 Lightning protection

6.8.1 Lightning protection systems and associated earth electrodes

must be separate from the electrical Installation earthing
6.8.2 A minimum distance of 7 m must be provided between
lightning protection earth electrodes and the Installation
Earth Electrodes.

6.8.3 Lightning protection systems must be designed,

constructed and maintained in accordance with BS EN
62305, except that the lightning protection system is not
to be bonded to the Installation Main Earth Terminal.
[See clause ‎5.7.6 for requirements for protection against over-

6.8.4 The use of structural steel in place of, or in connection

with, lightning down conductors is not permitted unless
approved by the Distribution Company. Where such
approval is given provision must be made for regular testing
of the structural earth system from roof level to ground
(e.g. via a separate test cable installed through the building).

60 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Structural foundations or piles may be used as lightning
earth electrodes if sufficiently separated from the Main
Earth Electrodes and where inspection / testing points are
provided for future maintenance.

6.9 Functional earthing and high leakage


6.9.1 Functional Earth conductors may be required for purposes

such as, but not limited to, radio frequency noise reduction,
filters for computers and other equipment with high earth
leakage currents.

6.9.2 Functional Earth conductors must be separate from other

parts of the Installation Earthing system, except at their
connection to the Main Earth Terminal where a suitable
label must be provided, see Appenix A5(f).

6.9.3 Equipment which produces high earth leakage currents
(above 10 mA) may be provided with a Functional Earth
and in any case must be provided with duplicate Circuit
Earth Conductors to the Main Earth Terminal. Such 6
equipment must remain connected to Earth at all times to
avoid the risk of electric shock from Exposed-Metallic-Parts
of the equipment.
[Note: metallic conduit may be considered as one of the duplicate
Earth Conductors required for high leakage equipment.
Alternatively, Circuit Earth Conductors in a Ring Circuit are also
accepted as providing a duplicate earth path. This requirement
safeguards against electric shock due to Indirect Contact if only
one Circuit Earth was provided and was damaged or broken.]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 61


62 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Selection of components
and installation requirements 7
7.1 Plugs and socket-outlets

7.1.1 For domestic Installations all single-phase plugs and socket-

outlets must comply with BS 1363 and be fitted with a
switch. The use of any other type of single-phase plugs
and sockets-outlets, such as BS 546 (3 round pins) is not
[Note: BS 1363 requires plugs to have partly insulated live and
neutral pins and include a fuse complying with BS 1362. Socket-
outlets are required to have tamper-proof shutters on the live,
neutral and Earth connections.]

7.1.2 For single-phase applications in non-domestic Installations

either BS 1363 or BS 546 type plugs and socket-outlets are
permitted. However, BS 546 plugs and socket-outlets must
be restricted to specialist applications such as high load
Appliances (BS 546 15 A plug) or where it is desirable not
to intermix certain Appliances, see Appendix A17(a).
[Note: examples of the use of BS 546 plugs include table lamps in
hotel rooms which are switched from a dedicated lighting Circuit
(3 A or 5 A) or self contained air conditioning units (15 A).
In the latter case 15 A BS 546 socket-outlets must be supplied
from a dedicated Radial Circuit.]

7.1.3 The use of 'Shuko' CEE7/7 2-pin type plugs is strictly

prohibited. The use of 'Euro' CEE7/16 plugs is permitted
only where used with an approved adaptor converting such
plugs for use on BS 1363 type socket-outlets, see Appendix
[Note: adapters must be approved by a recognised international
approvals authority such as KEMA, NSAI, ASTA, etc.]

7.1.4 An allowable exception to clause ‎7.1.1 is the use of shaver

supply units in bathrooms, complying with BS 3535. For
these types of socket-outlet, which are supplied by a SELV
safety isolating transformer, 2-pin unearthed type plugs
may be used. See Appendix A17(c).

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 63

7.1.5 No socket-outlets shall be installed in a bathroom except
for a socket-outlet complying with BS 3535 (shaver socket-
outlet including a safety isolating transformer).

7.1.6 Three-phase and industrial plugs and socket-outlets must

comply with BS 4343 and BS EN 60309, see Appendix
A17(b). The rating of three-phase socket-outlets must
be selected according to the load of the Appliance or
equipment to be connected.
[Note: BS  4343 plugs and socket-outlets are not fused and are
not shuttered and therefore must not be used in any domestic

7.1.7 Socket-outlets for normal use must be positioned

at a standard height of 300 mm or 450 mm above
floor level or 100 mm above work surfaces, see
Appendix A16. Where required, low level or skirting
height may be used (e.g. in offices) at a minimum of
100 mm above the floor level, and where adequate
precautions are taken against damage. Access for limited
ability persons must be given due consideration in such
cases (e.g. alternative socket-outlets provided).

7.1.8 Floor socket-outlets may be used where there is no undue

risk of water ingress or flooding and which are designed to
7 relevant international standards.

7.1.9 Socket-outlets in kitchens must be positioned at least 1.0 m

away from sources of water (e.g. sinks, basins, filter units,
supply taps).

7.1.10 The recommended minimum number of socket-outlets for

domestic Installations is given in Appendix A15.

7.1.11 All socket-outlets in one room or service area shall be

connected to the same phase.

7.1.12 The maximum number of single-phase socket-outlets on

each Ring or Radial Circuit shall be determined according

64 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

to the anticipated load and usage of Appliances. The
assumed loads given in Guidance Note G2 may be used in
the absence of other loading information.

7.1.13 Three-phase socket-outlets must be connected on individual

Radial Circuits.

7.1.14 Outdoor socket-outlets must be of the weather protected

type (IP55) and incorporate a 30 mA RCD, see Guidance
Note G7(c).
[Note: where a number of outdoor socket-outlets are installed in
close proximity, the above requirement may be met by one RCD
device serving the group of outlets, provided that the RCD device
is readily accessible and visible to persons using the socket-
outlets and is clearly labelled.]

7.2 Switches and isolators

7.2.1 All switches provided for local isolation of Appliances
and equipment (including lighting) must comply with
BS 3676. The rating of switches must be selected based
on the expected load, taking into account any capacitive or
inductive effects.

7.2.2 For outdoor locations, damp or wet areas, weather-

protected switches must be used (BS 3676). 7

7.2.3 Wall-mounted switches must not be installed in bathrooms,

shower rooms or other locations where normal body
resistance is reduced due to the presence of water. In such
locations, ceiling mounted cord-pull switches may be used
or wall-mounted switches may be used outside the room.
Wall-mounted switches may be used in kitchens but at least
2 m from a sink or other source of water.

7.2.4 For areas with higher than normal risk of fire or explosion
gas-sealed switches must be used (BS 5345). For example, in
gas storage areas, battery rooms, etc.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 65

7.2.5 The normal mounting height for switches shall be 1.3 m
from floor level. Other mounting heights may be used
where there is a specific need, such as, but not limited to,
the prevention of access by children or the requirement for
access by disabled persons.

7.2.6 Switches with neon indicators must be provided for

Appliances such as water heaters, air conditioning units,
fridges and freezers, where a visual indication of the
presence of power is desirable.

7.2.7 Double-pole switches must be provided for water heaters,

air conditioning units and other fixed Appliances operating
with or near water supplies.

7.2.8 Cooker control units (isolators) for domestic Installations

must comply with BS 4177. The use of cooker control
units with an integral 3-pin socket-outlet is prohibited
except where the Final Circuit supplying the cooker control
unit is protected by an RCD with a residual current rating
of 30 mA, in accordance with clause 5‎ .4.9.
[Note: in addition to the above restriction it is considered
undesirable to use cooker control units with integral socket-
outlets where there is a risk of Appliances or flexible cables
supplied by the socket-outlet being damaged by heat from the
7.2.9 Flexible cables from switches or isolators to fixed Appliances
(such as water heaters, cookers, etc) must be adequately
rated and securely fixed with a purpose-made flex outlet
plate (which may be integral with or separate from the
switch or isolator unit).

7.3 Lighting

7.3.1 Lighting Circuits will normally be fed from 6 A, 10 A or

16 A  MCBs from a Final Distribution Board.

66 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

7.3.2 The rating of lighting Circuits shall be selected in
accordance with the number of connection points to be
supplied, the type and rating of luminaires to be used, and
the Connected Load for the Circuit. A standard method of
calculating Connected Load is given in Guidance Note G2
and illustrated in Appendix A20(f).

7.3.3 Lighting Circuits supplying small Edison screw (SES) or

small bayonet cap (SBC) fittings must be supplied from
Protective Devices of nominal current rating no greater
than 6 A.

7.3.4 Switching of Circuits containing discharge lighting or

other lighting with high inductance may require special
consideration due to high switching voltages that may occur.
In order to accommodate the switching voltage in discharge
lighting Circuits, the rating of the switch shall be suited to
the conditions expected and shall not be less than twice the
load current.

7.3.5 High voltage discharge lighting (such as neon signs) must
comply with BS 559 and be provided with an emergency
isolation switch which must be clearly marked and located
in an easily accessible position.
[Note: such switches may be marked “Fireman’s Switch for Neon
Sign” or similar wording.]
7.3.6 The connection of mains-operated clocks to lighting
Circuits other than through a clock connector unit is

7.3.7 All Luminaires must be connected to Final Circuits using

a ceiling rose or other purpose made connection point
and not directly to such Circuits. Where cables are run
within Luminaires they shall be of the heat resistant type,
or protected by heat resistant sleeving. See Guidance
Note G7(b).

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 67

7.3.8 Lighting Circuits in false ceilings or voids must be installed
in conduit or trunking in compliance with clauses ‎7.5.12 and
‎7.5.13. However, short lengths (less than 3 m) of flexible
or sheathed cables may be provided between a lighting
connection point or ceiling rose and a Luminaire, provided
that provision is made for future access and maintenance.
In addition, the use of purpose made plug and socket
connection systems for Luminaires is not precluded,
provided that approval is sought from the Distribution
Company. See Guidance Note G7(h).

7.3.9 Luminaires and other light fittings must be installed with due
consideration to the weight taken by fixings and supports,
and the need for adequate ventilation and heat dissipation.

7.3.10 Heat resistant cables and flexible cords should be used

for the connection of high temperature luminaires. See
Guidance Note G7(b).

7.3.11 Where light switch boxes contain more than one phase (for
large groups of lighting) they must be labelled to indicate
the presence of a 400 V supply, and suitable phase barriers
should be provided inside the box.

7.3.12 Outdoor lighting should be of suitable weatherproof

construction with appropriate connection points and
7 fittings.

7.3.13 Underwater lighting must be supplied by a Separated

Extra-Low Voltage System (SELV) not exceeding 12 V a.c.
or 30 V d.c.

7.3.14 Emergency light fittings must comply with BS 5266 and

shall be provided with a battery of minimum 2 hours

7.4 Conduit, trunking and cable trays

7.4.1 All plastic conduit and trunking must comply with BS 4607
and be suitable for the ambient conditions expected.

68 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

7.4.2 All metal conduit and trunking must comply with either
BS 4568, BS EN 60423 or BS EN 50086. Cable tray must
comply with BS EN 61537.

7.4.3 Flexible conduit must be of metal construction, PVC

covered and comply with BS 731 part 1. Flexible conduit
may be of plastic construction only in indoor locations,
where damage is unlikely and where it contains only
sheathed conductors or Earth Conductors.

7.4.4 Metal conduit, trunking or cable tray may not, on their

own, be used as Circuit Earth Conductors; separate
Circuit Earth Conductors must be run inside the conduit,
trunking or cable tray, see also clause ‎6.5.10. This does
not obviate the requirement to comply with clause ‎6.6.1
(i.e. metal conduits are required to be Earthed), see
Guidance Note G7(j).

7.4.5 Plastic conduit or trunking must not be used in situations

subject to higher than normal temperatures or fire risk
(e.g. near industrial machinery, generator rooms,
workshops, petrol stations, etc). Where plastic conduit is
installed outdoors it should be suitable for exposure to solar

7.4.6 Where conduit is installed within a wall, floor or ceiling it

must be at a minimum depth of 50 mm from the surface. If
it is installed at a shallower depth then metal conduit must
be used. See Guidance Note G7(e).
[Note: for a solid wall, floor or ceiling the above required depth
may be reduced to 25 mm for lengths of conduit which are
within 4 m of a visible Accessory or connection point, or where
the Circuits contained in the conduit are protected by a 30 mA

7.4.7 Conduit, trunking and cable tray must be installed so as

to provide ease of access to cable Circuits throughout the
route. Sufficient inspection plates and pulling points must
be provided to enable inspection, repair and drawing out of
cables throughout the life of the Installation.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 69

7.4.8 The ends of conduit, trunking and cable tray shall
be provided with bushes or other finished ends such
that cables do not sustain damage during installation
or throughout the life of the Installation, and must be
suitably sealed against the ingress of water. Where such
bushes or ends are not provided any sharp angles, burrs
or projections must be removed, see Guidance Note
G7(g). Care must be taken not to leave sections of cable
exposed at ends of conduit or trunking. See Guidance
Note G7(a).

7.4.9 Plastic conduit boxes for accessories shall be provided

with copper or brass earth terminals. See Guidance Note

7.4.10 Single-insulated cables may not be installed in slotted

(perforated) trunking or cable trays.

7.4.11 The minimum internal radius of any bend or elbow fitting

in a conduit shall be 2.5 times the diameter of the conduit.

7.4.12 Elbow fittings of trunking may be 90º formation only

where the cover is removable so that cables may be installed
without the need for pulling through.

7.4.13 Conduit shall be installed with a maximum of two 90º

7 bends or three 120º bends between inspection or pulling

7.4.14 Cable trunking and cable tray shall be run exposed or

otherwise accessible after installation, throughout its length,
for the purpose of removing or installing cables.

7.4.15 Where cable trunking or cable tray passes through walls,

floors or other barriers it shall be provided with a continuous
cover and an internal fire barrier where fire separation is
specified for the Premises. See Guidance Note G3(a).

7.4.16 Where trunking or cable tray is used for the combined

provision of power, telecommunications and other Circuits

70 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

adequate segregation must be provided, together with
suitably sealed service boxes and connection boxes.

7.4.17 Category 3 Circuits (fire and emergency lighting) may

not be installed in the same conduit or trunking as
Category 1 (mains supplied) Circuits or Category 2
(telecommunications) Circuits.
7.4.18 Category 1 and Category 2 Circuits may only be installed
in the same conduit or trunking if the latter are insulated to
the level of Category 1 Circuits.
[Note: trunking or conduit referred to in clauses ‎7.4.17 and
‎7.4.18 may be metallic or non-metallic.]

7.4.19 Under floor cable trunking shall be used only in areas

which are not susceptible to water ingress or flooding.
Suitable junction boxes, flush service boxes and inspection
compartments shall be provided according to the design of
the under floor trunking system.

7.4.20 The maximum number of cables for typical sizes of conduit
and trunking are given in Appendix A9.

7.4.21 Where conduit or trunking is installed on the Distribution

Company’s side of the Customer Connection Point, these
must be provided with a means of locking or sealing against
unauthorised interference. 7

7.5 Cables

7.5.1 For fixed wiring within Premises PVC (thermoplastic),

rubber (thermosetting) or XLPE insulated cables with
stranded copper conductors must be used, complying with
the reference standards given in Appendix A3. Solid-core
or Aluminium conductor cables are not permitted.

7.5.2 For locations subject to a higher than normal risk

of interference or damage armoured cables are

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 71

7.5.3 For locations with higher than normal fire risk either cables
must be installed in metal conduit or mineral-insulated-
copper-clad (MICC) cables must be used (complying with
BS 6207). In addition, safety Circuits such as fire alarms,
emergency lighting and control Circuits, which are required
to remain operational in the event of a fire, must be installed
in metal conduit or supplied by MICC cables.

7.5.4 The location and selection of cables must take into

consideration any special requirements for the prevention of
spread of fire. Fire barriers, low smoke insulation or other
measures may be required (relevant building regulations
should be referenced).

7.5.5 General-purpose flexible cables and cords for Appliances

must be PVC insulated, with a PVC oversheath, stranded
copper conductors, and comply with BS 6500.

7.5.6 Cables for high temperature Appliances (e.g. electric heaters,

irons, pendant lighting, connections within luminaries)
must be heat resistant rubber insulated, with oversheath,
stranded copper conductors, and comply with BS 6141.

7.5.7 Cables under repetitive mechanical strain (e.g. lifts, heavy

outdoor machinery, etc) must comply with BS 6977.

7 7.5.8 Where cables are installed underground they must be

installed in ducts to protect against mechanical damage and
enable future removal, see Guidance Note G6.

7.5.9 Cables for meter tails (at 230 V) shall be single-core, PVC
insulated, with oversheath, and comply with BS 6004.

7.5.10 The cross-section of cables must be selected according

to the expected load, voltage drop, ambient temperature
and installation conditions using Appendix A7(a) - A7(h)
including appropriate grouping factors. The maximum
voltage drop from the Customer Connection Point to the
remote end of any Final Circuit must not exceed 4%,
except in special cases where equipment has been designed

72 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

to operate under a greater voltage drop (such cases must be
clearly stated in the Installation design and approved by the
Distribution Company).
[Note: the sizing of Final Circuits and Circuits feeding FDBs
must be in accordance with the Connected Load. Other Circuits
may be sized in accordance with the Diversified Load, with
allowance made for future load growth where appropriate. See
clause 7.6.1, 7.7.7 and Guidance Note G2.]

7.5.11 The use of single-core armoured cables should be avoided

due to the possibility of induced heating effects. However,
such cables may be used where there is an exceptional need,
with the written consent of the Distribution Company
and where adequate precautions are taken to avoid
induced heating effects. Such precautions may include the
appropriate spacing of phases to balance induced currents,
Earthing at one end only and the use of non-ferromagnetic
armouring, cable glands, and switchgear gland plates, see
Guidance Note G7(l).

7.5.12 Other than as allowed under clause ‎7.5.15, all cables that
are not armoured, or that do not have a metallic sheath
or screen, must be installed in plastic or metal conduit or
trunking throughout their entire length.

7.5.13 Cables running through inaccessible areas such as walls, 7

floors and solid ceilings shall be installed, without exception,
in conduit or trunking so as to be withdrawable in the
future. In such cases, suitable inspection plates and pulling
out points must be provided.

7.5.14 Non-sheathed cables must not be installed in concrete


7.5.15 Exceptions to clause ‎7.5.12 may be allowed only for

sheathed or flexible cables which will remain accessible but
in locations free from undue risk of damage or interference
(e.g. above head height, or in unoccupied areas). Such
cables must be securely supported by cable clips, cable tray
or other fixings at suitable intervals.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 73

[Note: although flexible cords must not be used as fixed wiring
this clause covers Appliance connection cables which should be
limited to 3 m in length where practicable. In addition, proprietary
plug and fit connection systems may be installed from a suitable
connection point in the fixed wiring system, provided they are
suitably supported, mechanically protected, or otherwise located
in areas where there is minimal risk of damage or interference.
See Guidance Note G7(h).]

7.5.16 All cables must be installed between purpose-made

termination points (switches, junction boxes, Distribution
Boards) and be terminated with purpose-made lugs, crimps,
screw connectors or other connectors. Joints between
such points are strictly prohibited. Termination points
and junction boxes must remain accessible to facilitate
future inspection, repair and alteration. See Guidance
Note G7(k).
[Note: terminations for MICC cables must be suitably sealed
against the ingress of moisture.]

7.5.17 Where cables are terminated at high temperature

Appliances their insulation must be suitable for the
expected operating temperature or, where necessary, shall
be protected by heat resistant material. See Guidance Note
7 7.5.18 Armoured cables must be terminated using suitable cable
glands which incorporate a suitably rated Earth tag or
other purpose-made connection to the armouring of the
cable and to the metallic sheath if present. See Guidance
Note G7(i).

7.5.19 Cables must not be installed in lift shafts other than those
serving lift functions.
[Note: although a lift shaft may be a convenient means of
providing a cable route through a building this creates
unwarranted risk when accessing such Circuits for maintenance
and also provides a vulnerable route for the propagation of

74 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

7.5.20 The colour identification for cables is given in
Appendix A8.
[Note: although the identification colours for cables has recently
been changed in European countries a similar change is not
currently proposed for Abu Dhabi Emirate. For fixed wiring in
an Installation the phase colours remain as red, yellow and blue
whilst neutral remains as black. However, for flexible sheathed
cables supplying single-phase Appliances brown is used for live
and blue is used for neutral – see Appendix A8.]

7.6 Final circuits

7.6.1 The sizing of Final Circuits must be in accordance with the

Connected Load on each Circuit (see Guidance Note G2),
whilst taking account of ambient temperature, grouping
factors and power factor, see Appendix A7(a) - A7(h).

7.6.2 Radial Circuits should be provided to large Appliances,

particularly those in continuous or near continuous

operation, or those of importance for safety or other priority
functions within a Premises. Examples include main water
pumps, air conditioning units, water heaters, room heating,
fire or intruder alarms, cookers and ovens, etc.

7.6.3 Ring Circuits should be provided to areas within a
property which can be most economically served by several 7
Appliances sharing the same cable feed, arranged in a loop,
from one circuit-breaker on the Final Distribution Board.
This is particularly suitable where Appliances are expected
to operate at diverse times of the day. Ring Circuits would
typically be installed in bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens
(except major Appliances such as cookers), partitioned
office areas, etc.

7.6.4 Circuits supplying a kitchen must not be used to supply

any other area. However, ceiling lighting Circuits from a
kitchen may be common to other areas.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 75

7.6.5 For domestic Premises all Circuits supplying one room
must be on the same phase, other than for kitchens, and for
ceiling lighting.

7.6.6 Typical Radial and Ring Circuit arrangements for domestic

Premises are shown in Appendix A14.

7.7 Busways, bus ducts and busbar risers

7.7.1 Busways, bus ducts, busbar risers or other similar systems

may be used in Premises for the supply of large loads where
they provide a more economic or practical option than

7.7.2 Busways, bus ducts and busbar risers shall comply with the
relevant reference standards given in Appendix A3.

7.7.3 Busways, bus ducts and busbar risers shall be totally enclosed
(non-perforated) for protection against mechanical damage,
moisture, dust and other environmental effects.

7.7.4 Busways, bus ducts and busbar risers shall not be located
in areas prone to mechanical damage or where they may
be exposed to hazardous materials, liquids or gases, unless
special precautions are taken.
7.7.5 Busways, bus ducts and busbar risers shall be located so
that they are accessible for future maintenance and repair
throughout their length. They shall not be installed in
habitable areas such as flats, offices, shops, etc (a separate
riser shaft or room must be provided).

7.7.6 Busways, bus ducts and busbar risers shall have neutral
conductors of equal size to the phase conductors and shall
have a dedicated Earth Conductor. The use of the metal
casing as an Earth Conductor permitted only for Earth
Leakage Protected Installations, and with the prior approval
of the Distribution Company.

76 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

[Note: Aluminium metal casings should be used in preference to
steel due to the risk of corrosion and high resistance joints. In
either case the sizing of such conductors must meet the values
equivalent to copper conductors given in Appendix A5(j).]

7.7.7 The current rating of busways, bus ducts and busbar risers
shall be based on the Diversified Load of the relevant part
of the Installation being supplied, with allowance made
for future load growth where appropriate. Diversity factors
must be justified and submitted with the design for approval
by the Distribution Company, see Regulation 3.2 and
Guidance Note G2.

7.7.8 Purpose made plug-in circuit-breaker units may be used

with busbar risers systems where they are mechanically
interlocked to prevent removal whilst energised. See
Guidance Note G3(a).

7.7.9 The number of busways, bus ducts or busbar risers required

for a high-rise building and the number of floors served by
each must be selected by taking due account of the future
accessibility, maintainability and safety of the system, whilst
limiting the extent of power outage to serviced areas.
[Note: a typical arrangement may be to serve each 10 floors
of a 30 storey building by a separate bus riser; however, other
arrangements are not precluded.] 7

7.8 Distribution boards

7.8.1 All Distribution Boards must be factory assembled,

type-tested and comply with BS EN 60439.

7.8.2 Distribution Boards must be of robust construction,

capable of withstanding expected electrical, thermal, and
environmental stresses in normal service and during faults.
[Note: Final Distribution Boards, including the incoming cable,
will normally be rated for the Connected Load of the Circuits
supplied; other Distribution Boards and Distribution Circuits

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 77

may be rated for the Diversified load, using appropriate diversity
factors, and with allowance made for future load growth where
appropriate - see Guidance Note G2.]

7.8.3 Apparatus forming part of the assembly of Distribution

Boards shall have electrical isolation clearances sufficient to
withstand normal voltages, surge voltages and creepages as
defined in BS EN 60439-1.

7.8.4 Each Distribution Board must have a neutral bar which is

mounted on insulators and which has a sufficient number
of terminal points of adequate size for the largest cable
expected to be used.

7.8.5 Each Distribution Board must have an Earth bar which has
a means of connection to the incoming Earth Conductor
and cable gland of the incoming cable, see Appendix A5(e)
and A12(c).

7.8.6 All Final Distribution Boards must, be arranged so as to

provide for at least two zones of Earth Leakage Protection
(e.g. 100mA and 30mA) and to avoid complete disconnection
of power to the area being served, in the event of an earth
fault. This may be achieved by either of the following
(a) two or more busbar sections, each protected by an
7 RCD;
(b) one busbar section, with individual RCBOs fitted on
all Final Circuits (the incomer device may be a time-
delayed RCD or an isolator switch where adequate
fault protection is provided by an upstream Protective
(c) two or more FDBs installed together to serve an area,
each having one busbar section protected by an RCD
of appropriate rating (e.g. one DB with an incomer
100mA RCD for lighting and another DB with
incomer 30mA RCD for power circuits)
[Note: either solid busbar or removable ('comb') busbar DB's are
acceptable (horizontal or vertical type) if factory assembled and

78 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

where the manufacturer's type tests are provided. Single phase
DBs up to 12 ways, serving a limited area, may be provided with
one busbar section, and one incomer RCD of appropriate rating,
e.g. hotel rooms, pump room, central a/c room, etc.]

7.8.7 Other than for small 2-storey buildings each floor of

a Premises shall be provided with at least one Final
Distribution Board installed in an easily accessible

7.8.8 The number of Final Distribution Boards and Sub

Distribution Boards provided in a Premises shall take into
account the future accessibility, maintainability and safety
of the system, whilst limiting the extent of possible power
outages to serviced areas.
[Note: to meet the above requirement Final Distribution Boards
should be limited to a maximum capacity of 14 ways 3-phase (or
42 ways single phase) and Sub Distribution Boards should be
limited to 18 ways 3-phase.]

7.8.9 Single-phase Distribution Boards may be permitted in a
Premises where adequate provision is made for balancing
the total load at the Supply Intake between the three
[Note: single-phase Distribution Boards would normally be used
for small load applications such as hotel rooms, garages, small 7
out buildings.]

7.8.10 The phase and neutral busbars in all Distribution Boards

shall be identified by the colours given in Appendix A8.

7.8.11 The phase and neutral conductors in all Distribution Boards

shall be of the same cross sectional area.

7.8.12 Neon indicators, voltmeters and ammeters must be provided

for Distribution Boards rated at 400 A and above, and where
reasonably practicable for other Distribution Boards.
[Note: where practicable, maximum demand meters and power
factor meters should also be provided.]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 79

7.8.13 All outgoing circuits of Distribution Boards must be
provided with only circuit-breakers (such as CBs, MCBs,
MCCBs, RCDs, RCBOs, etc) and shall not contain fuses of
any kind, except for capacitor banks. See Regulation 10.2.
[Note: the incoming device of a DB may be an isolator switch,
where adequate fault protection is provided by an upstream
Protective Device.]

7.8.14 All Distribution Boards must be installed in locations easily

accessible for inspection, operation and maintenance,
preferably at the entrance to the area they serve. Such
locations must be secured from unauthorised interference.

7.8.15 Distribution Boards of rating above 200 A shall be installed

in a dedicated room. Distribution Boards of rating 200 A
and below may be installed in a cupboard or other suitable
enclosure complying with clause 7.8.14 and clause 3.5.9.
[Note: Main Distribution Boards of rating 200 A and above must
be located in a Supply Intake room, see Appendix A12(b).]

7.8.16 Distribution Boards shall not be installed in locations where

water is used (e.g. kitchens, bathrooms, pump rooms),
within 2 metres of any pipe or other source of water, or in
difficult-to-access positions (such as stairways).

7.8.17 Distribution Boards must be provided with sufficient

7 numbers of Protective Devices so as to enable every
outgoing Circuit to be connected to an individual Protective
Device and shall include not less than 10% spare Protective
Devices or blank positions.

7.9 LV switchboards

7.9.1 Where prefabricated Distribution Boards of sufficient rating

are not available, LV switchboards, consisting of cubicle
panel switchgear, may be provided. LV switchboards
must consist of type-tested assemblies which satisfy the
requirements of BS 5486 or BS EN 60439.

80 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

7.9.2 Switchboards must be located in a dedicated room to
provide for safe access and egress at all times, including
during maintenance, repair and replacement work.

7.9.3 LV switchrooms must meet the requirements of Supply

Intake rooms listed in Regulation ‎4.2. Typical layouts and
minimum space requirements for LV switchrooms are given
in Appendix A12(d).

7.9.4 Switchboards rated above 400 A must be provided with

instruments for voltage, current, maximum demand and
power factor measurement, as well as phase indicating

7.9.5 Where more than one incoming supply cable is provided

at the Supply Intake these must be connected to separate
switchboards (or separate sections of the same switchboard)
which have the facility for interconnection through a bus
coupler circuit-breaker or switch. In order to prevent
parallel connection of the incoming supply cables the bus

coupler circuit-breaker or switch must be interlocked to
prevent its closure when both incoming supply cables are
live. Bus switches and circuit-breakers must be capable
of closure onto a fault unless interlocked so as to only be
operated whilst dead.

7.9.6 All busbars in switchboards must be tinned copper and 7

rigidly supported throughout their length. The neutral
and earth busbars must run throughout the length of the
switchboard. The neutral busbar must be of the same cross-
sectional area as the phase busbars.

7.9.7 The main incomer circuit-breaker(s) must be clearly

marked and left unlocked to allow immediate operation in
an emergency, see clause 4‎ .3.3.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 81


82 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Inspection, testing and
certification 8
8.1 Electrical installation certificates

8.1.1 Every new Installation shall, on completion and before

being energised, be inspected and tested by a Licensed
Contractor who shall duly complete the relevant test reports
and submit these to the Distribution Company (with the
exception of tests that can only be done after energising).
[Note: see Regulation 3.4 for details of contractor licencing.]

8.1.2 In order to verify compliance with these Regulations

the Licensed Contractor shall complete and sign an
Electrical Installation Certificate in the format shown in
Appendix A20(a), as shall the designer and installer of the
Installation (may be the same person or company).

8.1.3 Two original copies of the Electrical Installation Certificate

and associated test results shall be provided, one to the
Customer or Owner of the Premises, and one to the
Distribution Company. An additional copy must be affixed
at the Main Distribution Board or Supply Intake position,
see Appendix A12(b).

8.1.4 The Distribution Company shall verify on site the test

results for Earth Resistance at the Main Earth Terminal and
inspect or test other items as deemed appropriate, including
as a minimum:
(a) connection of conductors;
(b) identification of conductors and labelling of
(c) routing of cables and their protection against
mechanical damage;
(d) cross-sectional area of conductors for current-
carrying capacity and voltage drop;
(e) connection of single-pole devices for protection or
switching in phase conductors only;

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 83

(f) correct positioning and connection of accessories and
(g) presence of fire barriers and protection against
thermal effects;
(h) methods of protection against electric shock, both
Direct and Indirect Contact;
(i) inspection of integrity of Main Earth Conductors
and Earth Electrodes;
(j) presence and correct location of devices for
isolation; and
(k) measurement of Earth Fault Loop Impedance.

8.1.5 The Distribution Company may carry out intermediate

inspection(s) prior to the final inspection mentioned in
clause ‎8.1.4. This is to verify compliance of concealed parts
of the Installation (e.g. conduit, buried cables and Earth

8.1.6 Internal checks and inspection shall be carried out on a

10% sample of the Installation, relevant to the items listed
under clause 8.1.4.

8.1.7 After any extension or alteration to an electrical Installation

a Licensed Contractor is required to issue an amended
Electrical Installation Certificate, together with a copy of
the original certificate, and stating the details of the work
carried out, see Regulation 3.2 and 3.3.

84 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

8.2 Routine inspection and testing

8.2.1 The responsibility for routine inspection and testing of

Electrical Installations lies with the Owner of the Premises
who shall request the services of a Licensed Contractor
at the intervals shown in the table below. The Owner
must also ensure that any neccessary rectification work is
carried out.

Internal External
Installation Installation

Domestic 5 years 5 years

3 years 3 years
(commercial, industrial, farms, etc)

Premises used by the public

(schools, hospitals, hotels, malls, 3 years 2 years
parks, wedding tents, mosques)

Special locations
1 year 1 year
(construction sites, swimming
pools and fountains, street lighting)

8.2.2 Electrical Installations which were constructed before the
date of commencement of these Regulations (clause ‎1.1.2)
shall be inspected and tested within the time indicated
above from the date of commencement.

8.2.3 Routine inspection and testing shall be recorded on the 8

standard forms shown in Appendices A20(b) – A20(d) and
shall include:
(a) continuity of Ring and Final Circuit conductors;
(b) continuity of Earth Conductors including
Equipotential Bonding Conductors;
(c) insulation resistance;

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 85

(d) protection against Direct Contact;
(e) protection against Indirect Contact;
(f) polarity of Circuits;
(g) Earth Fault Loop Impedance;
(h) Earth Electrode Resistance; and
(i) operation of Earth Leakage Protection devices.
[Note: see Appendix A19(a) to A19(g) for relevant test

8.2.4 The continuity test shall be carried out with an instrument

having a no-load voltage between 4 V and 24 V d.c or
a.c. and a short-circuit current not less than 200 mA, in
accordance with the procedure in Appendix A19(d).

8.2.5 The insulation resistance tests between live conductors and

between each live conductor and Earth shall be measured
with a test voltage of 500 V d.c, in accordance with the
procedure in Appendix A19(f).

86 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Special locations and systems 9
9.1 Separated extra-low voltage (SELV)

9.1.1 SELV systems are used where an inherently safe system

of supply is required such that a breakdown of primary
insulation will not lead to the risk of electric shock. This
is achieved by electrical separation of the Final Circuit
from the source of energy, typically using a safety isolating
transformer, see illustration in Appendix A18(c).

9.1.2 For a Separated Extra-Low Voltage system the Final Circuit

voltage shall not exceed “extra-low voltage” i.e. 50 V a.c. or
120 V d.c. between conductors or to Earth.

9.1.3 The source of SELV power shall be provided by either:

(a) a safety isolating transformer complying with

BS 3535, in which there is no connection between
the output winding and the body or with the Circuit
Earth Conductor, if any; or
(b) a battery source.

9.1.4 All components of a SELV system (including conductors,

switches, relays, etc) shall be physically separated from those
of any other live system.

9.1.5 No Exposed-Metallic-Part of a SELV system shall be

connected to any of the following:

(a) Earth;
(b) any Earthed Metallic Part of another system or
Extraneous-Metallic-Part; or
(c) an Earth Conductor of any system.

9.1.6 Insulation against Direct Contact of the conductive parts of

a SELV system is required if the operating voltage exceeds
12 V a.c. or 30 V d.c. Insulation is not required if the
operating voltage is at or below these values.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 87

9.2 Protective extra-low voltage (PELV)

9.2.1 A PELV system is one where the same provision for

electrical separation is provided as for SELV, i.e. between
the source of energy and the Final Circuit. However, in a
PELV system the connection to Earth of Exposed-Metallic-
Parts is permitted. See Appendix A18(d).

9.3 Bathrooms and similar locations

9.3.1 Special provisions are required for the protection against

electric shock of persons in locations containing a bath or
shower. Such provisions, as listed in the following clauses,
must also be applied in other similar situations where
persons are likely to be partly clothed and in contact with
water, with or without footwear.
[Note: similar locations would include washrooms, toilets, wudu
areas in mosques, etc. The requirements for swimming pools are
listed in Regulation 9.4.]

9.3.2 The following principal requirements must be met for

bathrooms and similar locations:

(a) all Final Circuits must be protected by an RCD

of residual current rating 30 mA and complying
with BS EN 61008 and BS 4293. Such protection
may be grouped across several Circuits at the Final
Distribution Board. However, fan-coil units mounted
in a ceiling void in a bathroom may be provided with
100mA RCD protection.
(b) no socket-outlets are permitted except those supplied
by an isolating transformer and complying with
BS 3535 (e.g. ‘shaver’ socket-outlet);
(c) all Appliances, Luminares and other Accessories must
have a minimum level of moisture ingress protection
of IPX4;
(d) Appliances, Luminares or other Accessories may not

88 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

be installed within Arm’s Reach from a bath, shower
or similar facility. However, such items are permitted
within the room containing a bath or shower at a
distance greater than Arm’s Reach from the bath,
provided that the requirements of clauses ‎9.3.2(a)
to ‎9.3.2(c) above are complied with. In addition, all
switches associated with such equipment must be
installed outside the bathroom or provided with a
cord-pull switch; and
(e) Appliances, Luminares or Accessories which are
within Arm’s Reach from a bath, shower or similar
facility must be supplied by SELV or PELV and
have a minimum level of ingress protection of IPX4.
Underwater lighting must be supplied by SELV at a
maximum voltage of 12 V a.c. or 30 V d.c. and with
ingress protection IPX8.
[Note: items which are within a distance of Arm’s Reach but are
inaccessible to persons need not comply with clause ‎9.3.2(e).
For example, water pumps installed under a bath which are not
accessible without removal of covers requiring a tool.]

9.3.3 The provision of Earthed Equipotential Bonding is not

required in a bathroom or similar location where the
Installation is classified as an Earth Leakage Protected
System, as described under Regulation 5.4. In particular,

Special Locations
the requirement for Earth Leakage Protection on Final
Circuits, along with back-up earth fault protection at the
Supply Intake must be met. Earthed Equipotential Bonding
and Supplementary Equipotential Bonding are required
where back-up earth fault protection is not provided, even
where RCD protection has been provided at the Final
Distribution board supplying the bathroom or similar

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 89

9.4 Swimming pools

9.4.1 The requirements for protection against electric shock for

swimming pools are similar to those of bathrooms, with
some exceptions, as follows:

(a) all Final Circuits must be protected by an RCD

of residual current rating 30 mA and complying
with BS EN 61008 and BS 4293. Such protection
may be grouped across several Circuits at the Final
Distribution Board. Exceptions may be allowed for
high current applications where RCD protection
of 100 mA residual current rating may be allowed,
but only where such equipment is out of reach of
[Note: an example of Circuits where 30 mA RCD protection
may not be practical is floodlighting or large water pumps.
Such items must be out of reach of any person using the
swimming pool or any associated washing areas.]

(b) no socket-outlets are permitted within Arm’s Reach

from a swimming pool. Socket-outlets may be
provided outside this distance for purposes such as
cleaning of the pool, which must have a minimum
ingress protection of IPX6 and must have an integral
RCD of residual current rating 30 mA, see Guidance
Note G7(c);

(c) all Appliances, Luminares and other Accessories must

have a minimum level of moisture ingress protection
of IPX4;

(d) no Appliances, Luminares or other Accessories may

be installed within Arm’s Reach from a swimming
9 pool. However, such items are permitted within the
swimming pool area (but not shower room area) at
a distance greater than Arm’s Reach from the pool,
provided that the requirements of clauses ‎‎9.4.1(a) to
‎9.4.1(c) above are complied with; and

90 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

(e) Appliances, Luminares or Accessories which are
within Arm’s Reach from a swimming pool must be
supplied by SELV or PELV and have a minimum level
of ingress protection of IPX7. Underwater lighting
must be supplied by SELV at a maximum voltage of
12 V a.c. or 30 V d.c. and with ingress protection

9.4.2 The provision of Earthed Equipotential Bonding is not

required in swimming pools and associated wash facilities
where the Installation is classified as an Earth Leakage
Protected System, as described under Regulation 5.4. In
particular the requirement for Earth Leakage Protection on
Final Circuits, along with back-up earth fault protection at
the Supply Intake, must be met. EEB and Supplementary
Equipotential Bonding will be required where back-up
earth fault protection has not been provided, even where
RCD protection has been provided at the Final Distribution
Board supplying the swimming pool and associated areas.

9.5 Water fountains

9.5.1 The requirements for protection against electric shock for

water fountains are similar to those required for swimming
pools, with some exceptions, as follows:
[Note: it is assumed that persons may enter a water fountain for Special Locations
the purpose of maintenance, or other reason, and the exposure to
electric shock is therefore similar to that of swimming pools.]

(a) all Final Circuits must be protected by an RCD

of residual current rating 30 mA and complying
with BS EN 61008 and BS 4293. Such protection
may be grouped across several Circuits at the Final
Distribution Board. Exceptions may be allowed for 9
high current applications where RCD protection of
100 mA residual current rating may be allowed, but
only where such equipment is out of reach of any

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 91

[Note: an example of Circuits where 30 mA RCD protection
may not be practical is floodlighting or large water pumps.
Such items must be out of reach of persons whilst standing
within the water fountain.]
(b) no socket-outlets are permitted within Arm’s Reach
from a water fountain. Socket-outlets may be
provided outside this distance for purposes such as
cleaning of the water fountain, which must have a
minimum ingress protection of IPX6 and must have
an integral RCD of residual current rating 30 mA,
see Guidance Note G7(c);
(c) all Appliances, Luminares and other Accessories must
have a minimum level of moisture ingress protection
of IPX4;
(d) no Appliances, Luminares or other Accessories
may be installed within Arm’s Reach from a water
fountain. However, such items are permitted at a
distance greater than Arm’s Reach from the water
fountain, provided that the requirements of clauses
‎‎9.5.1(a) to 9‎ .5.1(c) above are complied with; and
(e) Appliances, Luminares or Accessories which are
within Arm’s Reach from a water fountain must be
supplied by SELV or PELV and have a minimum
level of ingress protection of IPX7. Underwater
lighting must be supplied by SELV at a maximum
voltage of 12 V a.c. or 30 V d.c. and with ingress
protection IPX8.

9.5.2 The provision of Earthed Equipotential Bonding is not

required for water fountains where the Installation is
classified as an Earth Leakage Protected System, as
described under Regulation 5.4. In particular the
requirement for Earth Leakage Protection on Final
9 Circuits, along with back-up earth fault protection at the
Supply Intake, must be met. EEB and Supplementary
Equipotential Bonding will be required where back-up
earth fault protection has not been provided, even where
RCD protection has been provided at the Final Distribution
Board supplying the water fountain and associated areas.

92 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

9.6 Construction sites and outdoor supplies

9.6.1 This Regulation applies to construction sites and other

permanent or temporary outdoor supplies such as
exhibitions, wedding tents, parks, gardens, etc.

9.6.2 Due to the additional risks of damage and interference to

outdoor installations the following precautions should be
catered for in the design and construction of such systems:

(a) all cables which are not installed in conduit or trunking

must be armoured and adequately protected against
accidental or deliberate interference by persons, and
against the effects of weather;
[Note: type HO7 RN-F braided or armoured cables
complying with BS 6007 are recommended.]
(b) outdoor Electrical Installations must have a
minimum ingress protection level of IP53 and
switchgear assemblies must comply with BS 4363 and
BS EN 60439-4;
(c) cables passing on or over walkways and access roads
must be adequately enclosed to avoid Danger. Buried
cables must be installed so as to afford adequate
protection against damage, see Guidance Note G6;

Special Locations
(d) particular attention should be given to the location,
signing and protection of equipment where the public
may have access, in particular children;
(e) equipment should be located and adequate notices
displayed so that emergency disconnection of the
electricity supply can be effected without delay.
Locking arrangements should be such that these can
be removed in an emergency (e.g. panic bar or keys
available in break-out box); 9
(f) the requirements for periodic inspection and testing
must be strictly complied with (Regulation ‎8.2); and
(g) an Earth Leakage Protected System must be provided
in line with Regulation ‎5.4. In addition, outdoor

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 93

socket-outlets must be provided with integral RCD
protection with a residual operating current of 30 mA
or less.
[Note: water coolers and drinking fountains must be
provided with individual RCD protection, in addition to
that provided at the Final Distribution Board.]

9.6.3 Consideration should be given to the use of a reduced

voltage supply (RLV) for portable tools where there is a
high exposure to potential damage, or where persons are
required to operate such equipment in confined spaces or
other hazardous circumstances.
[Note: RLV may be preferred on construction sites compared
with supply by ELPS to avoid nuisance tripping and the potential
failure of RCDs in harsh outdoor environments.]

9.7 Street lighting

9.7.1 The detailed installation requirements for supplies to street

lighting and other street equipment (traffic signals, signs,
etc) shall be specified by the Distribution Company.

9.7.2 Protection against electric shock for street lighting shall

be provided by either an Earth Leakage Protected System
(Regulation ‎5.4) or by an Earthed Equipotential Bonded
System (Regulation ‎5.5). In the latter case, the street light
column or other structure shall be connected to a means
of Earthing, which will normally be from the Distribution
Company supply cable.

9.7.3 Temporary supplies taken from street lights, such as for

decorative lighting or signboards, must be provided with
9 Earth Leakage Protection using RCDs of residual current
rating no greater than 30 mA where within reach of persons,
or 100 mA where not within reach of persons. Time
delayed devices may be used to avoid nuisance tripping.
Alternatively, such supplies may be provided by SELV or

94 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Capacitors and motors 10
10.1 General requirements

10.1.1 The power factor of every Installation shall be controlled

to between 0.9 lagging and unity by means of power factor
correction capacitors. These may be connected so as to
provide individual compensation, group compensation, or
centralised compensation.

10.1.2 Power factor correction capacitors shall normally be of

dry or oil-filled, encapsulated, sealed type. The use of
oil containing PCB (poly-chlorinated biphenyls) is strictly

10.1.3 Power factor correction capacitors shall be provided with a

means of prompt discharge on disconnection of the supply
voltage. The discharge Circuit shall be permanently or
automatically connected to the capacitor. Manual means
of switching or connecting the discharge circuit is not

10.1.4 Air conditioning units, motors, large electrical machines,

fluorescent or discharge lighting, etc, shall be provided with
integral power factor correction.

10.1.5 For group compensation, automatically regulated capacitor

banks shall be used which provide, as far as reasonably
practicable, a smoothed power factor throughout the range
of operation. The rating of each capacitor step shall be such
that the initial steps have less kVAr rating and the rating
of subsequent steps increase progressively to the desired
maximum kVAr.

10.1.6 For induction motors, the capacitor rating must not exceed
90% of the no-load reactive power of the motor.
[Note: this is required in order to avoid the high overvoltage
across the terminals due to the occurrence of self excitation on
run-down condition of the motor.]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 95

10.1.7 The occurrence of harmonics while employing variable
speed drives, welding machines or similar devices in
Circuits can lead to disturbances in the system and may
cause capacitor failure. To minimise this risk harmonic
filters must be employed in series with capacitors.

10.2 Specifications for capacitors

10.2.1 Capacitors shall be capable of continuous operation

provided that none of the following limitations is

(a) 135% of the rated reactive power;

(b) 110% of the rated voltage (rms), including harmonics
but excluding transients; and
(c) 180% of the rated current (rms), including
fundamental and harmonic current.

10.2.2 Built-in discharge resistors for capacitors shall be sized to

ensure safe discharge of the capacitor to less than 50 V in
one minute after a switch off.

10.2.3 Each capacitor shall be provided with a permanent

nameplate, which includes the following information:

(a) name of the Manufacturer;

(b) serial No;
(c) year of Manufacture;
(d) rated reactive power;
(e) rated voltage (rms);
(f) number of phases;
(g) rated frequency;
(h) statement of discharge device;
(i) short-circuit current; and
(j) statement of liquid fill (if any).

96 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

10.2.4 Capacitors shall be able to withstand up to 30 times In
caused by harmonics.

10.2.5 Capacitors shall have provision for effective Earth

connection of the case to the capacitor mounting frame
and to the Circuit Earth Conductor.

10.2.6 Capacitors and related components such as regulators,

indicating instruments, contactors, etc, shall be capable of
withstanding local environmental conditions.

10.2.7 Contactors shall be designed for capacitive switching and

be able to withstand switching surges. Contactors shall be
rated for 1.5 to 1.8 times the normal rated current of the
capacitor and shall isolate all three phases on switch off.

10.2.8 Each capacitor step shall be protected by means of HRC

fuses (current limiting type).

10.2.9 The capacitor panel must be provided with a suitably rated

main incomer isolating switch. This shall be a three-pole
isolator or MCCB as the case may be. The handle of the
incomer isolator shall be interlocked with the door to ensure
that the capacitor bank is de-energized when the door is

10.2.10 A capacitor bank shall not be a part of the motor control Capacitors and Motors
centre, main LV panel or sub-main panel, but it shall be
accommodated in a separate cubicle.


The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 97

10.2.11 Capacitor banks shall conform to the latest relevant
international standards, including the following:

Relevant international standards for capacitors

LV switchboard IEC 60439-1

Degree of protection IEC 60529

LV circuit-breaker and disconnector IEC 60947 (1-5)

Power factor correction capacitors IEC 60831 (1-2)

Power factor regulator IEC 60664 and IEC 1010-1

Capacitor switching contactors IEC 60070 and IEC 60831

Detuning reactors IEC 60289 and IEC 60076

10.3 Electric motors and starters

10.3.1 The installation of electric motors supplied from the LV

distribution system is permitted up to a maximum of
5 HP (3.7 kW) for single-phase and 150 HP (110 kW) for
three-phase. Where it is proposed to install more than one
motor of rating 150 HP the relevant diagrams, operation
information, protection arrangements, etc. must be
provided to the Distribution Company to gain approval for

10.3.2 All electric motors shall be adequately protected against

overload, short-circuit, loss of one or more phases and
voltage dips, etc. as appropriate for each application.
Emergency fire fighting motors or pumps are excluded from
this clause as they may be required to operate to failure
without the provision of protective devices.
[Note: motor control and protection equipment must be arranged
so that re-starting is not automatic after automatic tripping due
10 to a fault or other disturbance mentioned in clause 10.3.2 above.

98 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

It is recommended that air conditioning units above 3kW should
be provided with under-voltage tripping relays operating at 75%
of the nominal supply voltage and with an auto-reset timer set at
between 5 and 10 minutes.]

10.3.3 All electric motors above 5 HP must be provided with

protection against mechanical overload.

10.3.4 All single-phase motors above 1 HP and three-phase motors

above 3 HP shall be provided with current limiting starting
equipment to effectively keep the starting current within
the following limits:

Rating of motor Maximum permissible

starting current

1 HP to 5 HP 5 x full-load current

Above 5 HP and up to 50 HP 2 x full-load current

Above 50 HP and up to 150 HP 1.5 x full-load current

[Note: any form of motor starter may be used to achieve the

values in the table above, including direct on-line starter, primary
resistance starter, auto transformer or electronic soft starter.]

10.3.5 Wiring and control diagrams must be permanently fixed

adjacent to motors. Capacitors and Motors

10.4 Standby generators

10.4.1 Installation and connection of standby generators in any

Installation, for the purpose of maintaining power in the
case of a failure of the incoming supply, shall be permitted
only with the prior approval of the Distribution Company.

10.4.2 The changeover circuit-breaker shall have 4 poles for a

three-phase generator and 2 poles for a single-phase
generator, to ensure that all live and neutral conductors are 10
disconnected at the same time.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 99

10.4.3 The installation and changeover arrangements must ensure
that there is no possibility of paralleling the generator and
incoming mains supply. If paralleling arrangements are
required these must be specifically assessed and approved
by the Distribution Company. The requirements for
such arrangements (including earthing arrangements) are
provided in the Electricity Distribution Code – Annex 1:
“Engineering Recommendation No. 3 – Connection of
Embedded Generation Plant up to 5 MW”.


100 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)


Capacitors and Motors


The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 101


102 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A1. Glossary of terms and abbreviations 107

A2. Recomended books and references 110

A3. Reference standards 113

A4. Legal references

(a) List of regulations and clauses which do not
apply to existing installations 116
(b) Relevant extracts of Law No (2) of 1998 118

A5. Earthing
(a) Distribution company earthed system (TN-S) 125
(b) Customer earthed system (TT) 126
(c) Distribution company earthed system with
additional earth (TN-S-TT) 127
(d) Earth electrode pit and standard labels 128
(e) Main earth terminal (MET) at main
distribution board (MDB) 129
(f) Main earth conductors (MEC) and circuit earth
conductors (CEC) 130
(g) Components of earth fault loop impedance 131
(h) Earth fault loop impendance values required for
MCBs (at 230 V) 132
(i) Resistance per metre of copper conductors for
calculation of R1+R2 133
(j) Sizing of earth conductors and equipotential
bonding conductors 134
(k) Minimum number of earth electrodes 136
(l) Mandatory connections to earth
conductors 137

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 103

(m) Residual operating current settings for RCDs
and ELP devices 138

A6. MBC characteristics

(a) Time-current characteristic of MCBs as multiple
of rated current 140
(b) Time-current characteristic of Type B MCBs 141
(c) Time-current characteristic of Type C MCBs 142
(d) Time-current characteristic of Type D MCBs 143
(e) Typical energy let-through characteristics of
MCBs 144
(f) MCBs selection criteria 145
(g) Internal construction of MCB 147

A7. Current ratings for cables

(a) Current ratings for PVC single core cables
(non-armoured) 148
(b) Current ratings for PVC multi-core cables
(non-armoured) 149
(c) Current ratings for PVC multi-core cables
(armoured) 151
(d) Current ratings for thermo-setting (XLPE) multi-core
cables (armoured) 152
(e) Current ratings for MICC cable 153
(f) Cable ratings and voltage drop for flexible cords 154
(g) Temperature correction factors for cables 155
(h) Grouping factors for cables 156

A8. Colour identification for cables 157

A9. Capacity of conduits and trunking 158

104 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A10. IP coding for ingress protection 159

A11. Standard wiring diagram symbols 160

A12. Supply intake

(a) Danger of death sign 162
(b) Typical layout of supply intake room 163
(c) Typical layout of final distribution board (FDB)
and RCD label 164
(d) Typical layout of LV switchroom 165

A13. Boundary of customer connection point

and scope of the Regulations 166

A14. Typical layout for ring circuits and

radial circuits 167

A15. Minimum number of socket-outlets and

connection points 168

A16. Mounting height for accessories and

socket-outlets 169

A17. Plugs and socket outlets

(a) Approved and prohibited plugs and
socket-outlets (domestic) 170
(b) Industrial plugs and socket-outlets 171
(c) BS 3535 shaver socket-outlets for bathrooms 172

A18. Special systems

(a) Class I equipment (earthed metallic parts) 173
(b) Class II equipment (double insulated) 174
(c) Separated extra-low voltage (SELV) supply 175
(d) Protective extra-low voltage (PELV) supply 176

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 105

(e) Reduced low voltage (RLV) supply 177

A19. Test procedures

(a) Measurement of earth electrode resistance 178
(b) Measurement of external earth fault loop
impedance 179
(c) Measurement of internal earth fault loop
impedance 180
(d) Circuit continuity tests 181
(e) Circuit polarity tests 182
(f) Insulation resistance tests 183
(g) Sequence of testing for new installations 184

A20. Forms and certificates

(a) Electrical Installation certificate 185
(b) Inspection report (front) 186
(c) Inspection report (back) 187
(d) Installation testing report 188
(e) Load distribution schedule 189
(f) Load distribution schedule - sample 190

106 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A1. Glossary of terms and abbreviations

A Amps or Amperes
ACB Air Circuit Breaker
a.c. alternating current
a/c air conditioning
ADWEA Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority
ASTA The Association of Short-circuit Testing Authorities
BS British Standard
BS EN British Standard which has been published under
the European Normalisation procedure
BSI British Standards Institute
CB Circuit-Breaker
CCP Customer Connection Point (see definitions)
CEC Circuit Earth Conductor (see definitions)
CPC Circuit Protective Conductor (see definition for
d.c. direct current
ECC Earth Continuity Conductor (see definition for
EEB Earthed Equipotential Bonding (see definitions)
EEBS Earthed Equipotential Bonded System (see
E/F Earth Fault (protective device)
ELCB Earth Leakage Circuit-Breaker (see definitions)
ELP Earth Leakage Protection (see definitions)
ELV Extra-Low Voltage (see definitions)
EN European Normalisation standard document
ELPS Earth Leakage Protected System (see definitions)
ESMA Emirates Standardisation & Metrology Authority

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 107

A1. continued...

A1 FCU Fan Coil Unit

FDB Final Distribution Board (see definitions)
HP Horse-Power (= 0.746 kW)
HRC High Rupture Capacity (fuse)
HV High Voltage (see definitions)
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
In Nominal current rating or current setting of a
Protective Device
kA kilo-Amps
KEMA Testing Laboratory of Netherlands
kV kilo-Volts
LV Low Voltage (see definitions)
m metres
MCB Miniature Circuit-Breaker
MCCB Moulded Case Circuit-Breaker
MDB Main Distribution Board (see definitions)
MEC Main Earth Conductor (see definitions)
MET Main Earth Terminal (see definitions)
MICC Mineral Insulated Copper-Clad (type of cable)
ms milli-seconds
NSAI National Standards Authority of Ireland
˚C degrees Celsius
PELV Protective Extra-Low Voltage (see definitions)
PVC Poly-vinyl Chloride (insulation for LV cables)
r.m.s root-mean-square (value of voltage, current etc)
RCBO Residual Current Breaker (with) Overcurrent

108 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A1. continued...

RCCB Residual Current Circuit-Breaker A1

RCD Residual Current Device (see definitions)
RLV Reduced Low Voltage (see definitions)
s seconds
S cross-sectional area (of conductors, mm²)
SDB Sub Distribution Board (see definitions)
SELV Separated Extra-Low Voltage (see definitions)
TN-S a Distribution Company earthed Installation (see
TN-S-TT a Distribution Company earthed Installation with
additional Customer Earths (see definitions)
TT a Customer Earthed Installation (see definitions)
Uo nominal phase voltage
WED Water and Electricity Department (Abu Dhabi)
Ze External Earth Fault Loop Impedance
Zs Total Earth Fault Loop Impedance (see definitions)
Zr1+R2 Internal Loop Impedance (R1 = resistance of circuit
conductor, R2 = resistance of earth conductor)

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 109

A2. Recomended books and references

(1) Requirements for Electrical Installations (BS 7671: 2001)
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (formerly the
Institution of Electrical Engineers)

(2) IEE Guidance Note 8 - Earthing & Bonding

The Institution of Engineering and Technology

(3) IEE Guidance Note 7 – Special Locations

The Institution of Engineering and Technology

(4) IEE Guidance Note 5 – Protection Against Electric Shock

The Institution of Engineering and Technology

(5) Exam Success – The IEE Wiring Regulations 2381

The Institution of Engineering and Technology,
City & Guilds

(6) The IEE On-site Guide to BS 7671:2001

The Institution of Engineering and Technology

(7) The Electricians Guide – 8th Edition

John Whitfield, EPA Press

(8) Testing Electrical Installations

A Hinsley, Castleknight Publications

(9) Advanced Testing Techniques

A Hinsley, Castleknight Publications

(10) Inspection, Testing and Certification

The Electrical Safety Council (NICEIC)

(11) Snags and Solutions Part 1 – Earthing & Bonding

The National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation
Contracting (NICEIC)

(l2) Snags and Solutions Part 2 – Wiring Systems

The National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation
Contracting (NICEIC)

110 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A2. Continued...

(13) Domestic Electrical Installation Guide

The National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation A2
Contracting (NICEIC)


(14) ADWEA Wiring Rules and Regulations for LV Installations

2003, Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority

(15) Regulations for Electrical Installation Works 1980

Water and Electricity Department (WED) of Abu Dhabi

(16) The Earth Leakage Protection Regulations 2001

The Regulation and Supervision Bureau

(17) Regulations for Electrical Installations 1997

Dubai Electricity Authority

(18) Rules and Regulations of Electrical Connections

Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority

(19) The Australian & New Zealand Wiring Rules AS/NZS

Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand

(20) The Electricity Safety (Installations) Regulations 1999

Government of Victoria (Australia)

(21) The Electricity Safety (Network Assets) Regulations 1999

Government of Victoria (Australia)

(22) Industry Standard for Electrical Installations on Construction

Sites Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector, Victoria

(23) New Zealand Code of Practice for Homeowner / Occupier’s

Electrical Wiring Work,
Energy Safety Service, Wellington, New Zealand

(24) Code of Practice for Safe Electrical Work

Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector, Victoria (Australia)

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 111

A2. Continued...

(25) The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations

A2 2002
Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, UK

(26) The Plugs and Sockets etc. (Safety) Regulations 1994

Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, UK

(27) The Low Voltage Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations

1989 (Adoption of the Low Voltage Directive No. 73/23/EEC)
Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, UK

(28) The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994

Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, UK

Reference Papers:

(29) Cahier Technique no. 172 – Earthing Systems in LV

B Lacroix, R Calvas, Schneider Electric

(30) Cahier Technique no. 173 – Earthing Systems Worldwide

B Lacroix, R Calvas, Schneider Electric

(31) Neutral Earthing in LV Networks

A Robert, J Hoeffelman, CIRED Conference June 2001

(32) Plugs and Sockets Around the World

Conrad H. McGregor, World Standards

(33) The Distribution Code – Annex 1 – E/R 1 – Limits for

Harmonics in the Electricity Supply System
Approved by the Regulation and Supervision Bureau

(34) The Distribution Code – Annex 1 – E/R 7 – Limits for Voltage

Fluctuations in the Electricity Supply System
Approved by the Regulation and Supervision Bureau

(35) The Distribution Code – Annex 1 – E/R 10 – Limits for

Voltage Unbalance in the Electricity Supply System
Approved by the Regulation and Supervision Bureau

(36) Designing for Low Resistance Grounding

Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc

112 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A3. Reference standards

Components BS IEC A3

Power & lighting (70˚C PVC,
6004 502
Power and lighting (90˚C rubber,
6007, 7889
Mineral insulated (copper-clad) 6207 702
Flexible cables & cords (domestic) 6500 227
Flexible cables & cords (industrial) 7919 245
Flexible cables (high temperature) 6141
Armoured cables (70˚C PVC,
Low smoke (90˚C rubber, 7486, 7211,
thermosetting) 6724, 7629
Armoured cables (90˚C rubber,
Switchgear and control wiring 6231
Flexible cables for lifts 6977
Cable glands, crimp connectors 6121, 4579
Conduits & trunking
4568, 60423*,
Steel 423, 614
50086*, 31
PVC 4607
Flexible Steel 731
Cable tray 61537*
Trunking 4678
Electrical accessories
General 5733
Ceiling roses 67
Cooker Control Units 4177

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 113

A3. Continued...

A3 Components BS IEC

Accessories continued...
Household Appliances 3456, 60355*
546, 196, 1363,
Plugs & Socket-outlets (domestic)
Plugs & Socket-outlets (industrial) 4343, 60309*
Switches (domestic) 3676, 60669*
Lighting 4533, 60598*
Emergency lighting 5266
Signs and discharge lighting 559
3535, 60742*,
Isolating (safety) transformers
LV switchgear & assemblies
General 60439*, 5486 439
Contactors & motor starters 60947* 947
Circuit-Breakers (MCB, MCCB) 60898*, 3871 898
4293, 61008*,
Circuit-Breakers (RCD, RCBO) 755
88, 1361,
Busbar trunking systems 60439-2 439-2
Fire / combustibility test 476, 6458
Degrees of protection & ingress 60529* 529
Assemblies for construction Sites 4363 364-7-704
5345, 60079*,
Hazardous areas
50014*, 5501
Lightning protection 6651
Earthing 7430, 951, 4444 364-5-54
Wiring diagram symbols 60617*
Identification and marking of the
man-machine interface

RCD socket-outlets BS EN 7288

114 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A3. Continued...

Note: 1: British Standards marked with an asterix * are also issued as European
Standards under the same number (labelled as BS EN). A3
Note: 2: For compliance requirements under the Regulations see clause 3.1.2 and

Note: 3: Reference standards for capacitors are given under Regulation 10.2

British Standards are issued by the British Standards Institute (BSI),

a UK National Standards body. The UK Wiring Regulations (BS
7671) are published jointly by BSI and the IET (formerly known as the
IEE). The BSI represents UK international standards work through the
British Electrotechnical Committee (BEC) which is a member of the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and also a member
of the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation
(CENELEC). There are 24 member countries of CENLEC (formed
in 1973) whose role is to prepare standards for the European market.
CENELEC issues ‘EN’ standards which are adopted by the member
countries, and ‘HD’ standards which are adopted in their general
technical content by member countries. The IEC (formed in 1906) has
48 member countries and IEC standards may be adopted voluntarily
by any country.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 115

A4(a) List of regulations and clauses which do
not apply to existing installations

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (2007) are effective from 1 January

A4(a) 2008. For any installations which were constructed prior to this date,
the following Regulations and clauses either:

(a) do not apply; or

(b) shall apply by 1 January 2010, or the date of the next
inspection or re-certification, whichever is the earlier.

Clause or Regulation Reason Application

Clause 3.1.4 Installation components Does not apply

to meet international retrospectively (see also
standards Clause 3.3.3 referring
to repairs to existing
Clause 3.5.6 Requirement for Earth ELP is a requirement
Clause 5.3.4 Leakage Protection from 1 January 2008 for
Clause 5.3.5 (ELP) and/or Earthed all Final Circuits where
Equipotential Bonding Appliances may be used
(EEB) by persons (see note 1);
the requirement for
ELP or EEB at the main
Supply Intake shall be
met by 1 January 2010
Regulation 3.6 Requirement for Shall be met by 1st
Clause 5.4.8 labelling of parts of the January 2010, or at
Clause 6.5.3 Installation the date of the next
inspection, whichever is
the earlier
Clause 4.2.9 Emergency lighting in Does not apply
Supply Intake rooms retrospectively.
Clause 7.1.1 Prohibition of BS 546 Does not apply
plugs and socket-outlets retrospectively but it
in domestic premised is recommended to
replace BS 546 socket-
outlets with BS 1363

116 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A4(a) Continued ...

Clause / Regulation Reason / Comment Application

Clause 7.8.6 Final Distribution Boards Does not apply
to have split busbars to retrospectively if a
allow for minimum of 2 single RCD of residual
RCDs operating current
100 mA is fitted to cover
the whole DB.
Clause 9.3.2(a) 30 mA Earth Leakage Does not apply
Protection for all retrospectively where
bathroom Circuits. Final Circuits are
covered by 100 mA
RCD protection

Note 1: The requirement for Earth Leakage Protection was introduced in Abu
Dhabi Emirate in 2001 by implementation of the Earth Leakage Protection
Regulations (issued by the Bureau). The Electricity Wiring Regulations
reiterate this same requirement and replace the ELP Regulations.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 117

A4(b) Relevant extracts of Law No (2) of 1998

Relevant Extracts of Law No (2) of 1998 Concerning the

A4(b) Regulation of the Water, Wastewater and Electricity Sector
(as amended by Law No (19) of 2007)

Article (54) - General Duties

The Regulation and Supervision Bureau shall have the duty to exercise
its functions under this Law in the manner which it considers best
calculated to –

(1) ensure the security of the supply of water and electricity in the

(2) ensure the connection and supply of water and electricity to all
consumers on reasonable demand;

(3) ensure the availability of health and safety guidance in relation

to water and electricity supply to the public;

(6) have special regard to the interestes of those persons whose

lives may be endangered by the lack of potable water and/or
electricity and others with special needs in connection with the
cost and method of supply of water and electricity and the use
of appliances and fittings;

Article (55) - Functions of the Regulation and Supervision


(3) the establishment, maintenance, review and amendment as

appropriate of technical and performance standards for the
water and electricity sector and the monitoring and enforcement
of compliance with such technical standards;

Article (60) - Inspectors

(1) The Regulation and Supervision Bureau may appoint qualified

persons whose duties shall include duties to –

(c) inspect and test, where required, such plant and equipment
at the consumer's premises;

118 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A4(b) Continued...

Article (62) - Powers to make regulation

The Regulation and Supervision Bureau may, in consultation with the
Authority, make such regulations as it sees fit for the purposes set out in
Articles (63) and (68) of this Law1.

Article (63) - Supply regulations

Regulations made pursuant to Article (62) of this Law may be made for
the following purposes, namely to –

(1) secure regular and efficient supplies of water and electricity;

(2) protect the general public from danger related to electrical and
water works and installations;

(3) eliminate or reduce the risk of personal injury;

(8) ensure water and electricity fittings installed and used by persons
to whom water and electricity are to be supplied are safe; and

(9) promote the conservation of water and the efficient use of

water and electricity.

Article (65) - Contents of supply regulations - specific

Regulations made under Article (62) of this Law may –

(1) prohibit transmission or supply in specified circumstances;

(2) require notification of accidents, failures of supply and/or

transmission or distribution facilities;

(3) require plans, maps etc to be kept and made available for
inspection and copying;

(4) relieve the Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Company and
classes of licensed operators specified in the regulations
from obligations to supply water and electricity in specified
Article 68 relates to Street Works and Access Regulations

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 119

A4(b) Continued...

(5) require compliance with notices served by the Regulation and

A4(b) Supervision Bureau which –

are intended to prevent or end a breach of regulations made

under Chapter Three of Part Four of this Law; or

eliminate/reduce risk of personal injury or property damage or

interference with property;

(6) provide for deemed compliance with technical standards and


(7) provide for exemptions from the requirements of regulations

made under Chapter Three of Part Four of this Law;

(8) restrict or require the use of certain, products, substances

or processes or forbid unapproved substances, products and

(9) require substances, products and processes to comply with

standards or other requirements established by the regulations;

(10) provide for certain persons/organisations to give approvals

required by the regulations and for such approvals to be subject
to conditions or modification and revocation;

(11) require the provision of information to prescribed persons;

(12) require the publication of water quality information;

(13) forbid the use or installation of fittings which have not been

(14) require electricity or water fittings to be of a prescribed size,

nature, strength or workmanship;

(15) impose requirements as to installation, arrangement,

connection, testing, disconnection, alteration and repair;

(16) impose requirements regarding earthing of electrical

installations, electrical voltage and frequency; and

120 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A4(b) Continued...

(17) enable the Regulation and Supervision Bureau to authorise

any departures from the regulations as may be required and to A4(b)
make those departures subject to conditions.

Article (66) - Failure to comply with regulations

[Note: amended by Article (18) of Law No (19) of 2007, see overleaf.]

Article (67) - Regulations disputes

The court with the appropriate jurisdiction shall hear disputes relating
to regulations made under Article (62) of this Law.

Article (106) - Duty to enforce by final order

Subject to Article (107) of this Law, where the Regulation and Supervision
Bureau is satisfied that a licensed operator is contravening or is likely to
contravene any condition of its licence, the Regulation and Supervision
Bureau shall as soon as practicable by a final order make such provision
as appears to the Regulation and Supervision Bureau to be requisite so
as to secure compliance with that condition.

Article (114) - Power to fine

A final order may include a requirement on the licence holder to pay

a fine of such amount, being not less than Dirhams 50,000, as the
Regulation and Supervision Bureau determines to be appropriate.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 121

A4(b) Continued...

The following are relevant Articles of Law No (19) of 2007

A4(b) Concerning the amendment of some provisions of
Law No (2) of 1998 (unofficial translation)

Article 12

Article (54) of Law No. (2) of 1998 is replaced by the following


The Bureau, when performing its functions and duties under this Law,
is committed to execute in its best ways, functions that achieve the

(1) Ensure the security of supply of water, wastewater and

electricity services in the Emirate.

(2) Supply customers with water and electricity and connecting

them to sewerage grids.

(3) Provision of special regulations of health and safety related

to supply of water, electricity and wastewater services to the
general public.

(4) Publish information related to the performance level of licensed


(5) Take account of local and international standards for the

environment which can have an effect on the water, wastewater
and electricity sector. In addition to, coordination with
concerned parties of environment in the Emirate and the
Country, for the benefit of the Consumer and the Sector.

(6) Take account of people with special needs who can be threatened
by lack of potable water or unavailability of electricity, whether
it was a cost or supply method of water and electricity, or
through use of devices and installations.

(7) Promote competition in the water, wastewater and electricity


122 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A4(b) Continued...

(8) Operation and development of a safe, efficient and economic

sector for the water, wastewater, and electricity in the Emirate. A4(b)

(9) Protect the interest of consumers of water and electricity as to

terms and conditions and price of supply (whether consumption
is domestic, commercial or industrial).

(10) Protect the interests of users of sewerage services in the


Article (13)

Paragraphs (1), (4), (6), (7) and (8) of Article (55) of Law No. (2) of 1998,
shall be replaced by the following paragraphs:

(1) Revision of Provision Plans of water, wastewater and electricity

in the Emirate.

(4) Establishment, maintenance, revision and supervision of

safety standards for the water, electricity and sewerage services
supervision of compliance with such safety standards.

(6) Regulation of tariff applied on water and electricity customers

and consumers of sewerage services, and the methodology of
applying and collecting such tariff.

(7) Approval of conditions and special statements concerning the

supply of water, electricity and sewerage services to domestic
customers and supervision on compliance with such condition
and statements and amending them.

(8) Approval of modifications to water and electricity transmission

and distribution codes, and operating codes of providing
sewerage services.

Article (15)

"In consultation with the Authority" in Article (62) of Law No. (2) of
1998, is replaced by "in consultation with who sees appropriate".

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 123

A4(b) Continued...

Article (16)
Paragraphs (1), and (2) of Article (63) of Law No. (2) of 1998, is replaced
by the following two paragraphs:

(1) Ensure supply of water and electricity and provision of regular

and efficient sewerage services.

(2) Protect the general public from danger resulted from electricity,
water and wastewater works and installations.

A new paragraph given number (10) shall be added to this article as


(10) Ensure compliance of sewerage connections with standards

determined by the Regulation and Supervision Bureau.

Article (17)

Provisions of Paragraphs (2), and (4), and (14) of Article (65) of Law No.
(2) of 1998, is replaced by the following paragraphs:

(2) Notification of any accidents, failures of supply or transport or

distribution of water and electricity when providing sewerage
(4) Relieving ADWEC, in certain circumstances, or any licensed
body from obligations to supply water, electricity and sewerage
(14) Require electricity, water and wastewater installations to be of
a prescribed size, nature, strength and quality.

Article (18)

Article (66) of Law No. (2) of 1998 is replaced by the following:

"Failure of any person to comply with regulations stated under this

Article (62) of this Law shall be punished with a fine of not less than
AED 250,000. In case the same failure is repeated by such person, the
fine is doubled".

124 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A5(a) Distribution company earthed
system (TN-S)

[ see Regulation 6.2 ]

Distribution Distribution
Company Network
Transformer Conductors


Earth fault current

through Distribution Earth sheath or armour of
Company cable Distribution Company Cable
is connected to
Customers Installation
Neutral Point Earth

Earth fault
Main Earth in Appliance
Earth fault current

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 125

A5(b) Customer earthed system (TT)

[ see Regulation 6.2 ]

Distribution Distribution
Company Network
Transformer Conductors


Neutral Point Earth

Earth sheath or armour of

Distribution Company Cable
not connected to
A Customers Installation
Earth fault current
through ground / soil Customer’s

Earth fault
A in Appliance
Earth fault current
Main Earth

Earth Electrode

Insulated cable

126 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A5(c) Distribution company earthed system
with additional earth (TN-S-TT)

[ see Regulation 6.2 ]

Distribution Distribution
Company Network
Transformer Conductors

Earth fault current

Neutral Point Earth

Earth sheath or armour of

Distribution Company Cable
is connected to
A Customers Installation
Earth fault current
shared between
Customer Earth
Electrode and
Company Earth

Earth fault
A in Appliance
Earth fault current
Main Earth

Earth Electrode

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 127

A5(d) Earth electrode pit and
standard labels


Main Earth Conductor 300 x 300mm

Inspection cover



Standard safety label for

Main Earth Connections



Standard safety label for main and

supplementary bonding connections

[ see clause 6.4.3, 6.5.6, 5.5.11 ]

128 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A5(e) Main earth terminal (MET) at main
distribution board (MDB)

Earth Conductors
for sub-main CEC To SDB1


A Main Circuit

Neutral Bar

MEC to Customer
Earth Electrode Earth connection
to metal door

Earth conductor
labels at MET





Test Link



Company Earth

Note: Illustration shows Distribution Company Earthed System with additional

Customer Earth (TN-S-TT)

[ see Regulation 6.3 and 6.2 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 129

A5(f) Main earth conductors (MEC) and
circuit earth conductors (CEC)

A5(f) CEC to switches and


CEC to fixed Appliance


CEC in metal or
plastic conduit



CEC in appliance
Main Earth
flexible cord
Terminal Functional Earth
(see clause 6.9.2)

Main Earth
Conductor to
Earth Electrode

Company Earth

Note: Common terminology (outside these Regulations) includes CPC (Circuit Protective Conductor)
and ECC (Earth Continuity Conductor ) in place of CEC illustrated above.
[ see Regulation 6.2 ]

130 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A5(g) Components of earth fault loop

[ see Regulation 6.7 ]

Distribution Company 10
9 L1
6 11
Transformer Neutral 8
Supply Intake
Point Earth
X Circuit Breaker

1 N
4 MET 3 Earth fault
Main Earth in Appliance

1 Impedance of Circuit phase conductor

Internal earth loop Resistance of fault
3 Impedance of Circuit Earth Conductor (CEC)

4 Impedance of Local Earth Electrode

5 Impedance of fault path through ground

6 Impedance of transformer neutral earth point

7 Impedance of supply cable earth conductor / armouring

8 Impedance of network cable earth conductor / armouring

Source earth loop
impedance, Ze Distribution Company transformer winding

10 Live conductor of distribution network cable

11 Live conductor of Supply cable

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 131

A5(h) Earth fault loop impendance values
required for MCBs (at 230 V)

A5(h) Maximum earth fault loop impedance (Ohms)

(for instantaneous tripping)


rating (A) type1 type 2 type 3 type B type D
type C

5 12.00 6.86 4.80 - -

6 10.00 5.71 4.00 8.00 2.00

10 6.00 3.43 2.40 4.80 1.20

15 4.00 2.29 1.60 - -

16 3.75 2.14 1.50 3.00 0.75

20 3.00 1.71 1.20 2.40 0.60

25 2.40 1.37 0.96 1.92 0.48

30 2.00 1.14 0.80 - -

32 1.88 1.07 0.75 1.50 0.38

40 1.5 0.86 0.60 1.20 0.30

[from table 41B2 of BS 7671]

Note 1: The above values are given for conductor temperatures of 70˚C. As
measurements are normally taken at room temperature the measured
values must be approximately 20% less than tabulated above.

Note 2: The above values are used as an alternative to calculating the disconnection
time for each specific situation. i.e. MCBs will operate in the instantaneous
mode if the Earth Fault Loop Impedance value is kept below the above
levels. For EFL Impedance values higher than shown above it is still
possible to comply with the requirement of 0.4 s disconnection for Circuits
accessible to persons, and 5 s for other Circuits (clause 5.5.2) if a check is
made against the manufacturer’s time-current performance chart.

Note 3: Circuit-breakers types 1, 2 and 3 to BS 3871 were known as Miniature

Circuit-Breakers (MCBs). Since the 1990s these have been superseded
by devices to BS EN 60898, i.e. Types B, C and D, which are now simply
called Circuit-Breakers (CBs). The term MCB is commonly used to apply
to both types of devices, and is used in this context in these Regulations.

132 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A5(i) Resistance per metre of copper
conductors for calculation of R1+R2

Conductor cross-sectional area Resistance per metre A5(i)

(mm²) (milli-ohms)

1.0 18.1

1.5 12.1

2.5 7.41

4.0 4.61

6.0 3.08

10.0 1.83

16.0 1.15

25.0 0.73

[above values at 20˚C]

Note: To allow for the increase in resistance with increased temperature under
fault conditions these values must be multiplied by 1.2 for PVC insulated

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 133

A5(j) Sizing of earth conductors and
equipotential bonding conductors

A5(j) Minimum cross- Minimum cross-

Cross sectional area
sectional area of earth sectional area of
of phase and neutral
conductors equipotential bonding
conductors (S)
[see note 1] conductors
(mm2) (mm2)

S S/2
S <= 16 (not less than 2.5 (not less than 4 or
see note 2) 6, see note 3)

16 < S <= 35 16 10

S > 35 S/2
(but not exceeding 25)

[from table 54G of BS 7671]

Note 1: For Main Earth Conductors between Earth Electrodes and the Main Earth
Terminal of an Installation, S should be taken as the cross-sectional area of
the conductors of the incoming supply cable. For other Earth Conductors
S should be taken as the cross-sectional area of the circuit phase

Note 2: Note 2: Earth Conductors must always be insulated and a cross-sectional

area of less than 1.5 mm2 must not be used unless they are an integral part
of a sheathed cable (e.g. an Appliance flexible cord).

Note 3: Main Equipotential Bonding Conductors should be sized according to the

live conductors of the incoming supply, but should not be less than 6 mm2.
Supplementary Bonding Conductors should be sized according to the live
conductors of the circuit to which they are connected but should not be
less than 4 mm2.

134 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A5(j) Continued...

Note 4: As an alternative to using the above selection table, the sizing

of Earth Conductors and Equipotential Bonding Conductors A5(j)
may be calculated using the adiabatic equation provided in the
IEE Wiring Regulations BS7671:2001 paragraph 543-01-03. This normally
allows smaller sizes of Earth Conductor to be used.

For example: 4.0 mm2 earth for 6 mm2 circuit conductor

2.5 mm2 earth for 4 mm2 circuit conductor
1.5 mm2 earth for 2.5 mm2 circuit conductor

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 135

A5(k) Minimum number of earth electrodes

The number of Earth Electrodes required at a Premises will be

A5(k) determined primarily by the value of Earth Resistance that can be
achieved from each. However, the minimum number in any case shall
be as shown below:

Main incoming circuit- Minimum Minimum size of main

breaker rating (Amps) number earth conductor (mm2)
of earth

60/100 1 16

200 1 50

300 1 50

400 1 70

500 2 70

600 2 70

800 2 70

1000 2 70

1600 2 70

2000 2 150

2500 2 150

Note 1: Standard earth electrode diameters are 9 mm, 12.5 mm or 15 mm for
copper-clad steel, or 16 mm for stainless steel. Standard lengths are
1.2 m or 1.5 m (see also BS 7430).

Note 2: Structural foundations of large buildings may be used as Earth Electrodes,

see clause 6.4.3 and 6.8.4.

136 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A5(l) Mandatory connections to earth

The following items must be connected to the Circuit Earth Conductor,

which should be provided separately for each Final Circuit, insulated A5(l)
with green/yellow PVC sheath, be of the appropriate size (Appendix
A5(j)) and be installed in the same conduits or routes as the phase and
neutral conductors.

Items where connections must be made to the

Circuit Earth Conductor

Distribution Boards: exposed-metallic-parts

(frame, door etc)

Metal conduits and trunking: at start and end of runs, at

pulling points and inspection boxes

Switchgear: exposed-metallic-parts
(frame, door etc)

Luminaires: exposed-metallic-parts

Switches: exposed-metallic-parts (mounting

boxes, cover plates)

Socket-outlets: exposed-metallic-parts (mounting

boxes, cover plates)

Fixed appliances and exposed-metallic-parts

machinery: (metal casing etc)

Note 1: The earthing of cover plates should not rely solely on the connection
of fixing screws to an earthed mounting box (due to the possibility
of poor connections, corrosion etc); a short flexible Earth Conductor
should be connected between the mounting box and the plate.
See Guidance Note G7(d).

Note 2: The circuit Earth Conductor should be terminated in the connection

box for a Luminaire even if it is plastic (to provide for future use).
See Guidance Note G7(d).

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 137

A5(m) Residual operating current settings for
RCDs and ELP devices

A5(m) Residual operating

current settings (mA)

13 A switched-socket outlets 30

Water heaters 30

Kitchen fixed Appliances

(e.g. washing machine)

Domestic water pumps 30

Swimming pool pumps, or jacuzzi 30

Underwater lighting SELV only

General fixed lighting 100

Floodlighting 100 - 300

Window or split type air conditioning 100

Air handling, a/c fan coils etc 100

Central or package a/c units 100 - 300

Irrigation pump 100

Electric Cooker (not provided with a

13 A socket-outlet)

Industrial machines etc 100 - 300

Elevators, escalators, lifts 300 - 500

Neon signs 300

School areas (e.g. laboratory for


LV main circuit breakers or

See Note 4
switchboards (Supply Intake)

Note 1: where two values are indicated the higher value is allowed only where the
equipment is not normally accessible to any person.

Note 2: all Final Circuits in a bathroom (including lighting, but excluding FCUs in
a ceiling void) must be provided with 30 mA RCD protection. See clause

138 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A5(m) Continued...

Note 3: where a circuit supplies more than one type of equipment the lower value
must be used for RCD protection (e.g. a circuit supplying bedroom lighting A5(m)
and bathroom lighting must be protected by a 30 mA RCD).

Note 4: the selection of ELP devices at main switchboards must take into account
the requirement for discrimination with downstream protective devices
(clause 5.4.5 and 5.4.6). For small supplies (200A or less) a 300mA
RCD device may be used, with time delay of 200ms. For larger supplies
(above 200A) earth fault relays may be used in conjunction with MCCBs
(e.g. 1A, 3A, 5A with time delay up to 400ms) or ACBs with integral earth
fault setting. In the latter case the earth fault setting must trip the ACB
within 400ms, taking into account the Earth Fault Loop Impedance of the

The table opposite shows the required residual operating current values
for RCDs and other Earth Leakage Protection devices. These are
intended to provide for electric shock protection (Direct and Indirect
Contact), particularly in high-risk areas, as well as protection against
high resistance earth faults which may not operate overcurrent devices
and pose a risk of overheating or fire, see Regulation 5.4.

All Final Circuits where Appliances may be used by any person must
be provided with Earth Leakage Protection (clause 5.3.5 ) and back-
up Earth Leakage Protection must be provide at the main Supply
intake for Installations classed as an Earth Leakage Protected System,
see Regulation 5.4.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 139

A6(a) Time-current characteristic of MCBs as
multiple of rated current



1 HR






Type Type Type


1 3 5 10 20 100 1,000


Reproduced with permission

of Crabtree / Electrium Ltd.

[see notes to A6 (f)]

140 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A6(b) Time-current characteristic of Type B MCBs

10 A
16 A
20 A
25 A
32 A
40 A
50 A
63 A
80 A
100 A
125 A
10 000 Time / current characteristics for Type B
circuit-breakers to BS EN 60898
and RCBOs to BS EN 61009
Current for time 0.1 sec to 5 secs
Rating Current
6A 30 A
10 A 50 A
16 A 80 A
20 A 100 A
25 A 125 A
32 A 160 A
40 A 200 A
50 A 250 A
10 63 A 315 A
80 A 400 A
100 A 500 A
125 A 625 A


The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)


For prospective fault currents in excess

of those providing instantaneous operation
refer to the manufacturer’s let-through energy data.
1 10 100 1 000 10 000


[ from fig. 3.4 of BS 7671 ]


A6(c) Time-current characteristic of Type C MCBs

10 A
16 A
20 A
25 A
32 A
40 A
50 A
63 A
80 A
100 A
125 A
10 000 Time / current characteristics for Type C
circuit-breakers to BS EN 60898
and RCBOs to BS EN 61009
Current for time 0.1 sec to 5 secs
Rating Current
6A 60 A
10 A 100 A
16 A 160 A
20 A 200 A
25 A 250 A
32 A 320 A
40 A 400 A
50 A 500 A
10 63 A 630 A
80 A 800 A
100 A 1000 A
125 A 1250 A


The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)


For prospective fault currents in excess

of those providing instantaneous operation
refer to the manufacturer’s let-through energy data.
1 10 100 1 000 10 000


[ from fig. 3.5 of BS 7671 ]
A6(d) Time-current characteristic of Type D MCBs

10 A
16 A
20 A
25 A
32 A
40 A
50 A
63 A
80 A
100 A
125 A
10 000 Time / current characteristics for Type D
circuit-breakers to BS EN 60898
and RCBOs to BS EN 61009
Current for time 0.1 sec to 5 secs
Rating Current
6A 120 A
10 A 200 A
16 A 320 A
20 A 400 A
25 A 500 A
32 A 640 A
40 A 800 A
50 A 1000 A
10 63 A 1260 A
80 A 1600 A
100 A 2000 A
125 A 2500 A


The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)


For prospective fault currents in excess

of those providing instantaneous operation
refer to the manufacturer’s let-through energy data.
1 10 100 1 000 10 000


[ from fig. 3.6 of BS 7671 ]

A6(e) Typical energy let-through
characteristics of MCBs


I2t energy let-through in A2s 32A
(50Hz sine wave) 20A
one complete 1/2 cycle 16A





0.1 1.0 10 16 100.0


Reproduced with permission

of Crabtree / Electrium Ltd.

144 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A6(f) MCBs selection criteria

Operating characteristics of MCB types and the required earth fault

loop impedance values are given in Appendix A6(a) to A6(d) and A6(f)
Appendix A5(h). MCBs for common cable sizes and Circuits are shown
in the following table:

MCB Cable Cable

nominal Cable size rating at rating at Typical circuit
rating mm2 30˚C, PVC 40˚C, PVC application
Amps Amps, (kW) Amps, (kW)

17.5 15.2 Lighting

6 1.5
(3.4) (3.0) (light load)

24.0 20.9 Lighting

10 2.5
(4.7) (4.1) (heavy load)

24.0 20.9 Radial Circuit to

16 2.5
(4.7) (4.1) socket-outlets

32.0 27.8 Radial Circuit to

20 4.0
(6.3) (5.4) fixed appliance

Ring Circuit to
32 2 x 4.0 48 (9.3) 41.7 (8.1)

Radial Circuit to
41.0 35.7
32 6.0 large Appliance
(8.0) (7.0)
(e.g. cooker)

Radial Circuit to
57.0 49.6
40 10.0 machinery (e.g.
(11.1) (9.7)
chiller unit)

Note 1: cable ratings are taken from Appendix A7(a), assuming one circuit in
conduit, with temperature correction factors applied from Appendix A7(g).
Power factor of 0.85 is assumed to calculate kW ratings at 230V.

Note 2: selection of MCBs for overload protection of cables must take account
of the device characteristics given in Appendix A6(b) to A6(d). These are
based on minimum MCB operating currents of 1.45 times the MCB nominal
rating (In) and a maximum 'non-tripping' current of 1.15 times In. Hence,
cables must be selected with ratings at least 1.15 times the MCB nominal
rating (see IEE Guidance Note 6 - section 2).

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 145

A6(f) Continued...

Circuit-breakers types 1, 2 and 3 to BS 3871 were previously known

A6(f) as Miniature Circuit-Breakers (MCBs). These are now superseded
by Types B, C and D in BS EN 60898. However, the term MCB is
commonly used to apply to both types of devices, and is used in this
context in these Regulations.

The classification of Types B, C or D is based on the fault current rating

at which magnetic operation occurs and their ability to handle surge
currents without tripping. See Appendix A6(a).

• Type B devices are designed to trip at fault currents of 3-5 times

rated current (In). For example a 10 A device will trip at 30-50 A
• Type C devices are designed to trip at 5-10 times In
• Type D devices are designed to trip at 10-20 times In

Type B devices are generally suitable for domestic applications. Type C

devices are the normal choice for commercial and industrial applications
where large groups of fluorescent lighting, motors, etc are used.
Type D devices have more limited applications, where high inrush
currents may be expected. For example, large battery systems, motors,
transformers, etc.

Sometimes failure of tungsten filament lamps can trip Type B circuit-

breakers in domestic and retail environments. This is caused by high
arcing currents occurring at the time of failure and is generally associated
with inferior quality lamps. A Type C device may be substituted for a
Type B device where unwanted tripping persists, especially in commercial
applications. A change from Type C to Type D devices should only
be taken after careful consideration of the installation conditions, in
particular the operating times required by Regulation 5.5.

(Referenced from www.voltimum.co.uk)

146 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A6(g) Internal construction of MCB


Arc runner 25mm2 max


15 plate Moving
arc chamber contact

Arc runner Latch


Thermo-metal contact


DIN rail Coil

mounting assembly

25mm2 max Trip

‘Jaw’ terminal bar

Reproduced with permission

of Wylex / Electrium.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 147

A7(a) Current ratings for PVC single core
cables (non-armoured)

Standard cable ratings and Voltage drop for single core, PVC (70˚C
A7(a) thermoplastic), non-armoured, stranded copper conductor (BS 6004
and BS 6346), with or without sheath, installed in buried or surface
conduit or trunking.

In conduit in In conduit on wall

Cross Voltage drop
thermal insulation or in concrete
sectional (mV/A/m)
(A) (A)
2 3 or 4 2 3 or 4 2 3 or 4
cables cables cables cables cables cables

1.0 11 10.5 13.5 12 44 38

1.5 14.5 13.5 17.5 15.5 29 25

2.5 19.5 18 24 21 18 15

4.0 26 24 32 28 11 9.5

6.0 34 31 41 36 7.3 6.4

10 46 42 57 50 4.4 3.8

16 61 56 76 68 2.8 2.4

25 80 73 101 89 - -

35 99 89 125 110 - -

50 119 108 151 134 - -

70 151 136 192 171 - -

At 30˚C ambient temperature [see Appendix A7(g) for grouping factors]

Note 1: Data from table 4D1A and 4D1B of BS 7671.

Note 2: For voltage drop for cables above 25 mm2 refer to BS 7671.

148 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A7(b) Current ratings for PVC multi-core
cables (non-armoured)

Standard cable ratings and voltage drop for PVC (70˚C thermoplastic)
multi-core cables (sheathed), non-armoured, stranded copper conductor A7(b)
(BS 6004), installed in buried or surface mounted conduit or trunking,
or on exposed, perforated cable tray.

On perforated
In conduit on wall Clipped direct
Cross cable tray or in
or in concrete to a wall
sectional free air
(A) (A)
area (A)
2 core 3 or 4 2 core 3 or 4 2 core 3 or 4
core core core

1.0 13 11.5 15 13.5 17 14.5

1.5 16.5 15 19.5 17.5 22 18.5

2.5 23 20 27 24 30 25

4 30 27 36 32 40 34

6 38 34 46 41 51 43

10 52 46 63 57 70 60

16 69 62 85 76 94 80

25 90 80 112 96 119 101

35 111 99 138 119 148 126

50 133 118 168 144 180 153

70 168 149 213 184 232 196

95 201 179 258 223 282 238

120 232 206 299 259 328 276

150 258 225 344 299 379 319

At 30˚C ambient temperature [see Appendix A7(g) for grouping factors]

Note 1: Data taken from table 4D2A and 4D2B of BS 7671.

Note 2: 2-core refers to single-phase circuits, 3 or 4-core refers to three-phase


The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 149

A7(b) Continued...

A7(b) Cable size (mm²)

Voltage drop
1.0 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16

2 core 44 29 18 11 7.3 4.4 2.8

3 or 4 core 38 25 15 9.5 6.4 3.4 2.4

Note 1: For voltage drop for cables above 16 mm² refer to BS 7671.

150 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A7(c) Current ratings for PVC multi-core
cables (armoured)

Standard cable ratings and Voltage drop for multi-core armoured, PVC
(70˚C thermoplastic) cables, stranded copper conductor (BS 6346 and A7(c)
BS 5467), installed exposed (clipped to a wall) or on perforated cable

Clipped direct On perforated

Cross Voltage drop
to a wall cable tray
sectional (mV/A/m)
(A) (A)
2 core 3 or 4 2 core 3 or 4 2 core 3 or 4
core core core
1.5 21 18 22 19 29 25
2.5 28 25 31 26 18 15
4 38 33 41 35 11 9.5
6 49 42 53 45 7.3 6.4
10 67 58 72 62 4.4 3.8
16 89 77 97 83 2.8 2.4
25 118 102 128 110 - -
35 145 125 157 135 - -
50 175 151 190 163 - -
70 222 192 241 207 - -
95 269 231 291 251 - -
120 310 267 336 290 - -
150 356 306 386 332 - -
185 405 348 439 378 - -
240 476 409 516 445 - -
300 547 469 592 510 - -

At 30˚C ambient temperature [see Appendix A7(g) for grouping factors]

Note 1: Data taken from table 4D4A and 4D4B of BS 7671.

Note 2: 2 core refers to single-phase circuits, 3 or 4 core refers to three-phase
Note 3: For voltage drop for cables above 16 mm² refer to BS 7671.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 151

A7(d) Current ratings for thermo-setting (XLPE)
multi-core cables (armoured)

Standard cable ratings and voltage drop for multi-core, 90˚C

A7(d) thermosetting plastic insulated (XLPE), armoured cable, stranded
copper conductor (BS6004), surface mounted or on cable tray

Clipped direct On perforated

Cross Voltage drop
to a wall cable tray
sectional (mV/A/m)
(A) (A)
2 core 3 or 4 2 core 3 or 4 2 core 3 or 4
core core core
1.5 27 23 29 25 31 27
2.5 36 31 39 33 19 16
4 49 42 52 44 12 10
6 62 53 66 56 7.9 6.8
10 85 73 90 78 4.7 4.0
16 110 94 115 99 2.9 2.5
25 146 124 152 131 - -
35 180 154 188 162 - -
50 219 187 228 197 - -
70 279 238 291 251 - -
95 338 289 354 304 - -
120 392 335 410 353 - -
150 451 386 472 406 - -
185 515 441 539 463 - -
240 607 520 636 546 - -
300 698 599 732 628 - -

At 30˚C ambient temperature [see Appendix A7(g) for grouping factors]

Note 1: From table 4E4A and 4E4B of BS 7671]

[2 core refers to single-phase circuits, 3 or 4 core refers to three-phase

Note 2: For voltage drop for cables above 16 mm² refer to BS 7671.

152 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A7(e) Current ratings for MICC cable

Standard cable ratings and voltage drop for mineral insulated copper-
clad cables installed on a wall (clipped direct). PVC sheathed cable A7(e)
assumes 70˚C sheath temperature, bare copper-clad cable assumes
105˚C sheath temperature.

Bare sheath 105˚C

Bare sheath 105˚C

PVC sheath (70˚C)

PVC sheath (70˚C)

2 x single or twin

2 x single

3 x single
3 core

(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A)

1.0 18.5 15 22 19
Light 1.5 23 19 28 24
2.5 31 26 38 33
500 V
4 40 35 51 44
1 19.5 16 24 20
1.5 25 21 31 26
2.5 34 28 42 35
4 45 37 55 47
Heavy 6 57 48 70 59
10 77 65 96 81
750 V
16 102 86 127 107
25 133 112 166 140
35 163 137 203 171
50 202 169 251 212

At 30˚C ambient temperature [see Appendix A7(g) for grouping factors]

Note 1: For MICC cable installed in perforated cable tray the current rating is
approximately 5 - 10% greater than shown above, see BS 7671 table 4J1A
and 4J2A.

Note 2: Where the sheath temperature may be above 70˚C care should be taken that
the cable is not within reach of any person or in contact with combustible

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 153

A7(f) Cable ratings and voltage drop for
flexible cords

Standard current ratings and voltage drop for flexible cords, 60˚C
A7(f) conductor temperature (PVC or rubber insulated), stranded copper
conductors to BS 6500 (domestic applications).

Voltage Voltage Mass

Single Three drop drop supportable
phase phase (single- (three- by twin
phase) phase) flexible cord

(mm²) (A) (A) (mV/A/m) (mV/A/m) (kg)

0.5 3 3 93 80 2

0.75 6 6 62 54 3

1.0 10 10 46 40 5

1.25 13 - 37 - 5

1.5 16 16 32 27 5

2.5 25 20 19 16 5

4.0 32 25 12 10 5

At 30˚C ambient temperature [from table 4H3A of BS 7671]

For Ambient temperatures above 30˚C the following correction factors

may be applied for flexible cords:

Ambient temperature (°C) 35 40 45 50 55

Correction factor 0.91 0.82 0.71 0.58 0.41

154 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A7(g) Temperature correction factors for

Ambient temperature correction factors (relative to 30°C) for cable

ratings shown in Appendices A7(a) to A7(e). A7(g)

Type of cable insulation

90°C mineral mineral

Ambient 70°C
thermosetting insulated insulated
temperature PVC
plastic (70°C sheath) (105°C sheath)

25 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.02

30 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

35 0.94 0.96 0.93 0.96

40 0.87 0.91 0.85 0.92

45 0.79 0.87 0.77 0.88

50 0.71 0.82 0.67 0.84

55 0.61 0.76 0.57 0.80

60 0.50 0.71 0.45 0.75

[from table 4C1 of BS7671:2001]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 155

A7(h) Grouping factors for cables

Because of mutual heating effects the following correction factors should

A7(h) be applied to the tables in Appendix A7(a) to A7(e) for situations where
a number of cables are installed close together. These factors assume
all cables are fully loaded; however, if an individual cable is loaded
below 30% of its rating it may be excluded from the total number in
the group.

Method of installation

Enclosed Single layer, Single layer Single

in conduit clipped to a multi-core on layer single-
(surface or non-metallic a perforated core on a
buried) or surface cable tray cable tray
Number of bunched (touching)
cables on a non-





2 0.80 0.85 0.94 0.86 0.91 0.90 0.85
3 0.70 0.79 0.90 0.81 0.89 0.85 -
4 0.65 0.75 0.90 0.77 0.88 - -
5 0.60 0.73 0.90 0.75 0.87 - -
6 0.57 0.72 0.90 0.74 0.87 - -
7 0.54 0.72 0.90 0.73 - - -
8 0.52 0.71 0.90 0.73 - - -
9 0.50 0.70 0.90 0.72 - - -
10 0.48 - 0.90 0.71 - - -
12 0.45 - 0.90 0.70 - - -
14 0.43 - 0.90 - - - -
16 0.41 - 0.90 - - - -
18 0.39 - 0.90 - - - -
20 0.38 - 0.90 - - - -

[ - correction factor not tabulated] [taken from table 4B1 of BS 7671]

156 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A8. Colour identification for cables

Conductor Colour A8
Non-flexible fixed wiring and all three-phase cables:

Phase 1 Red

Phase 2 Yellow

Phase 3 Blue

Neutral Black

Earth conductors Green / yellow

Functional Earth Cream

Flexible cables for single-phase Appliances:

Phase 1 Brown

Neutral Blue

Earth conductors Green / yellow

Functional Earth Cream

Note: The harmonised cable colours now implemented in Europe

(BS EN  60446 effective from Jan 2006) of Brown, Black and Grey for
phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3 respectively have not been adopted for the
Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 157

A9. Capacity of conduits and trunking

A9 Diameter of Conduit (mm2)

( mm2 ) 20 25 32

Maximum number of conductors

1.5 7 12 -

2.5 5 9 12

4.0 3 6 9

6.0 - 5 8

10.0 - 3 6

16.0 - - 4

25.0 - - 3

Note: For cable trays and trunking the space factor (total cross-sectional area of
cables compared with the interior cross-sectional area of trunking) must
not exceed 50%.

158 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A10. IP coding for ingress protection

Ingress protection : IP codes A10

First digit : protection against ingress Second digit : protection against

by solid objects ingress of water

X Not tested or not applicable X Not tested or not


0 No protection 0 No protection

1 Human hand or objects > 1 Vertically falling water


2 Human finger or objects > 2 Sprays of water < 15˚ from

12mm vertical

3 Objects > 2.5mm (e.g. tools or 3 Sprays of water < 60˚ from
wires) vertical

4 Objects > 1.0mm (e.g. small 4 Splashes of water (from

wires) any direction)

5 Limited protection against dust 5 Low pressure jets of water

(to the extent that does not (from any direction)
harm the equipment or impair

6 Strong jets of water (from

6 Totally protected against dust
any direction)

7 Temporary immersion

8 Total immersion

The IP coding system is specified in BS EN 60529: 1992 (adopted from

IEC 529: 1989). The first digit specifies protection against ingress of
foreign objects of varying size, ranging from human hands or fingers to
fine dust particles. The second digit specifies protection against ingress
of water, ranging from free falling water, to immersion in water.

BS EN 60529 does not specify protection against the risk of explosion,

humidity or corrosive gases. If enclosures of equipment are drilled or
knockouts removed, suitable measures should be taken to restore the
equipment to the original IP rating.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 159

A11. Standard wiring diagram symbols

A11 Symbol Description

Main Distribution Board (MDB)

Sub Main Distribution Board (SMDB)

Distribution Board (DB)

Air Circuit Breaker (ACB)

Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)

Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)

Earth Leakage Protective Device (RCD)



kWh meter (direct reading)

kWh meter (ct operated)

Switched line (e.g. connecting all outlets

controlled by one switch)
Circuit line (e.g. connecting all outlets on
the same circuit)

13 A switched socket outlet

15 A switched socket outlet

20 A double pole switch with neon indicator

30 A double pole switch

Shaver socket to BS 3535

Cooker control unit

Note: Additional wiring symbols may be taken from BS EN 60617

160 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A11. Continued...


Symbol Description

Note: Additional wiring symbols may be taken from BS EN 60617

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 161

A12(a) Danger of death sign


162 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A12(b) Typical layout of supply intake room

Copy of Installation
Certificate and
Wiring Diagram Board

[ see clause 8.1.3 ]

13A socket
outlet Capacitor
Main Supply

Main Earth
Main cable
pulling pit
600 x 600

Earth cable pit

300 x 300
Louvered door (for
non-air conditioned room

[ see Regulation 4.2 ]

Standard size of supply intake rooms

Main circuit breaker rating Intake room dimensions

(A) (m)

1600 - 2500 3.5 x 3.5

1000 - 1200 3.0 x 3.0

600 - 800 2.5 x 2.5

400 - 500 2.5 x 2.0

200 - 300 2.0 x 2.0

Note : the above rooms sizes are given for guidance and other
requirements for access and safety should be taken into account
(see Regulation 3.5)

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 163

A12(c) Typical layout of final distribution
board (FDB) and RCD label

Load distribution schedule

A12(c) fixed to door



100mA 30mA

“earth tail’
RCD Operation & Test for door

Customer Notice
buried conduits
This Distribution Board is fitted
with Residual Current Devices
(RCDs) which will detect any fault
current to earth and switch off the
device. Note this Distribution Board
is fitted with ____ number RCDs. If
the device will not switch on after
RCD Operation Label
tripping consult a licensed electrical
contractor or your local Electricity [ see clause 5.4.8 ]
Supply Company.

164 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A12(d) Typical layout of LV switchroom

Outgoing Emergency light
busbar risers (2 hour battery)

min 0.75 m

Outgoing circuits


min 0.75 m
rear clearance OF
2 SD
OM capacitor bank
INC automatic
control panel

min 1.5 m
front clearance

Incoming cables
from Distribution Company

Access doors for

equipment delivery
2nd access door for
personnel if switchroom
is greater than 6 m in length

Note:: LV Switchroom
LV Switchroom to be
to be sized sized to accommodate
to accomodate the number
the number of panels of panels required
(including spare positions)
(including with minimum
spare positions) withaccess clearances
minimum shown
access above. show above.
Headroom clearance should be sufficient to allow safe access for operation,
maintenance and repairs in compliance with clause 3.5.9.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 165

A13. Boundary of customer connection point
and scope of the Regulations



LV Feeder Pillar MDB FDB

To Distribution Company Transformer

11 kV/400V

Distribution Network Customer’s Installation

“Electricity Supply Regulations 2007” “Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007”

[ see Regulation 4.3 and clause 1.3.2 ]

166 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A14. Typical layout for ring circuits and
radial circuits


Flex outlet to
fixed appliance

Spur socket-outlet

15A BS 546
premises only)

[ see clause 7.6.2 , 7.6.3 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 167

A15. Minimum number of socket-outlets
and connection points

A15 Minimum number of outlets for

domestic premises


13 A switched socket-outlets Minimum 2 double, plus every 2 m of

(worktops) worktop

13 A switched socket-outlets Minimum 1 single, plus as required for

(Appliances) free standing Appliances (e.g. fridge)

Minimum 1, plus as required for number

Connection points
of items installed (flex outlets or socket-
(for washing machine, dryer etc)

Cooker control unit 1

Bedrooms 2 double, 1 single

Lounge or dining 3 double, 1 single

Hall or corridor 1 single

Bathrooms only BS 3535 shaver socket (if required)

Note 1: in general, double socket-outlets should be used in preference to single

socket-outlets wherever possible
Note 2: socket-outlets should be conveniently located to avoid the need for
extension cables and adapters (which introduce risk of overheating and
Note 3: 15A BS 546 socket-outlets are not permitted in domestic premises (see
clause 7.1.1)
Note 4: the maximum number of socket-outlets on a Circuit is not limited and is
dependent on the load supplied and the wire size (see Appendix A6(f) and
Guidance Note G2)

168 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A16. Mounting height for accessories and


Min. 1.0 m
Min from sink

control unit



Note: Mounting height may be varied for special circumtances such as access for disabled
persons or children, etc.
[ see clause 7.1.7 , 7.2.5 and 7.1.9 ]

Min. 100mm
from worktop

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 169

A17(a) Approved and prohibited plugs and
socket-outlets (domestic)

[ see Regulation 7.1 ]


Approved BS 1363 plug and socket (13 A fused)

Approved BS 546 plug and socket (15 A or 5 A unfused)


Prohibited CEE7/7
EE7/7 ‘shuko’ plug and socket

Type CEE7/16 ‘europlug’ permitted only with a correct adapter

170 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A17(b) Industrial plugs and socket-outlets


[ BS 4343 and BS EN 60309 ]

[ see clause 7.1.6 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 171

A17(c) BS 3535 shaver socket-outlets for


230V 230V


Isolating transformer
complying with BS 3535

shavers only

[ see Regulation 9.3 and clause 7.1.4 ]

172 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A18(a) Class I equipment (earthed metallic


Earth fault

Earth fault

[ see clause 6.6.3 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 173

A18(b) Class II equipment (double insulated)

Dummy (plastic)
earth pin

Live conductors
are double insulated
or enclosed in plastic case

Unearthed metallic
part (see note)

Plastic Case

Live conductors
are double insulated
or enclosed in plastic case

2-pin plug for use

in BS 3535 socket-outlet
(see A17c)

Note: Metallic parts of Class II appliances are sufficiently remote from live
conductors so as not to require a connection to earth.

(see clause 6.6.3)

174 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A18(c) Separated extra-low voltage (SELV)


Isolated metallic parts

max 50V a.c.

230V or 120V d.c.


overcurrent protection

Symbol for safety

isolating transformer complying
with BS EN 60742 or BS 3535

[ see clause 5.3.1 , 5.7.4 , 7.3.13 and 9.1.1 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 175

A18(d) Protective extra-low voltage (PELV)


Earthed metallic parts

max 50V a.c.
or 120V d.c.

[ see clause 9.2.1 ]

176 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A18(e) Reduced low voltage (RLV) supply





[ see clause 5.3.1 and 9.6.3 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 177

A19(a) Measurement of earth electrode

P Green

5 - 10m 5 - 10m
Electrode Auxilliary
under test Earth Spikes

(i) a proprietary earth electrode test device should be used

(ii) auxiliary earth spikes should be applied at least 5 m apart and 5 m distant from the
electrode under test
(iii) an earth resistance value of less than 10 ohms is required for a Customer Earthed
System [ see Regulation 6.2 ].
(iv) an additional number of electrodes may be required (or deeper electrodes) to
achieve the required earth resistance value
(v) due consideration should be given to future changes in soil condition (e.g. drying
(vi) sufficient time should be allowed if special chemicals or salts are added to the
ground to improve the earth resistance values


Earth Pit Earth Test Spike

178 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A19(b) Measurement of external earth fault
loop impedance

Main Distribution Board


+ +

External Earth Loop

Impedance Tester

Main Earth

Main Earthed
Equipotential Bonding

To Earth Electrode
A Earth Bar
Test Link removed
and Earth Electrode
Connection removed

1. Caution: this test is carried out under live conditions but with the main isolator secured in the
off position.
2. Ze may be measured directly at the Supply Intake with a specialist Earth Loop Impedance
tester. Such devices apply a resistance (typically 10 ohms) between a phase conductor and
the earth conductor of the incoming supply. The test draws a current of around 20A but is
only applied for a few cycles (e.g. 40ms). The device measures the drawn current and
divides this into the measured supply voltage to give the loop impedance (the test resistance
applied by the device is subtracted).
3. As an alternative Ze may be calculated from measurement of the total earth fault loop
impedance measured within the installation (see A19c) using the formula:

ZS = Ze + ZR1+R2

Zs = total Earth Fault Loop Impedance
Ze = Distribution Company supply impedance
ZR1+R2 = impedance of the longest circuit in the Installation, taken by measuring a circuit
phase conductor impedance R1, and the same circuit’s Earthing Conductor impedance
4. For further advice see reference book “ Advanced Testing Technique”.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 179

A19(c) Measurement of internal earth fault
loop impedance


Final Distribution Board


Main Distribution Board Y



CECs remain

to switch
(must be ON)

Bonding Conductors

to Test
Earth Electrode Instrument

Incoming Supply Cable

to light
(bulb removed from pendant)

1. Caution: this test is carried out under live conditions with the circuits under test energised but
no load is connected. The Main Earth Conductor to the local earth electrode (if any) is
disconnected and the Main Equipotential Bonding Conductors are also disconnected.
2. A specialist instrument is used which measures the total Earth Loop Impedance Zs using a
similar principle as described in A19(b). The instrument must not operate any RCD in circuit.
3. The instrument may be directly connected to a socket-outlet (using the test plug provided) and
should be used at the farthest point on a radial circuit or the mid point of a ring circuit.
Alternatively, the instrument may be used at an accessory connection point (e.g. lighting ceiling
rose) with the appropriate test probes.
4. For further advice see reference book “Testing Electrical Installations”.

180 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A19(d) Circuit continuity tests

Final DB A

Neutral Bar

Test Instrument

Earth Bar

Ring Circuit Radial Circuit

1. This test is carried out on dead circuits. The main isolator must be secured in the off position.
2. Circuit continuity tests must be measured for all circuits and the resistance values recorded
on the test report, see Appendix A20(d). Alternative methods are illustrated as above.
3. Method A tests the combined phase and earth resistance (R1 + R2) for each circuit by
shorting together the two conductors at the distribution board, and measuring from the
terminals of the farthest connection point or socket-outlet. For ring circuits the two phase
and earth conductors from the ring are cross connected as illustrated above.
4. In method B a shorting cable is applied between the neutral and earth bar at the distribution
board. Measurement at any connection point gives a value Rn + R2 (neutral conductor
resistance + circuit earth conductor) which approximates to R1 + R2.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 181

A19(e) Circuit polarity tests

To Final To switch
DB (must be ON)

To Light holder

Final DB

to Test


Earth Bar Shorting cable applied at Final

DB between phase conductor
and earth conductor of circuit
under test


1. This test is carried out on dead circuits. The main isolator must be secured in the OFF
2. The polarity test is required to confirm that all single pole devices, and lamp holders with an
outer neutral contact (i.e. ES screw type) are correctly connected
3. Single pole devices ( eg. light switches ) must only be connected in the live conductor.
4. The test is carried out by measuring continuity between the earth terminal and live terminal
at an accessory such as an ES pendant light fitting , after a shorting cable has been applied
between the relevant phase conductor and earth bar at the Final Distribution Board.

182 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

A19(f) Insulation resistance tests

Circuit Nominal Test Voltage Minimum insulation A19(f)

Voltage (d.c.) resistance (M ohms)

SELV and PELV 250 0.25

up to 500 V 500 0.5

1. Insulation resistance should be checked between all live conductors, and

between live conductors and Earth. For SELV and PELV systems insulation
resistance should be measured between the extra-low voltage and higher
voltage conductors at 500 V.

2. The test instrument should be capable of producing a d.c. test voltage

of 500 V when loaded to 1 mA and be capable of measurement of up to
200 M ohm.

3. The minimum acceptable value of insulation resistance for any test is

0.5 M ohm for LV systems and 0.25 M ohm for SELV and PELV systems.

4. The supply should be disconnected and all current-using equipment

switched off (including neon indicator lamps, voltmeters, electronic devices
such as dimmer switches, starters, RCDs with amplifiers etc). Alternatively,
a limited test can be carried with the phase and neutral conductors
connected together and testing to earth.

5. Insulation measurements should be made at each Distribution Board

between each pair of phases in turn, between each phase and neutral, and
between each phase and Earth.

6. A final test should be made between the neutral bar and Earth; if a reading
of less than 2 M ohm is observed, then each neutral conductor should be
tested separately to Earth.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 183

A19(g) Sequence of testing for new

A19(g) Correct sequence for safe testing

Before supply is connected:

1. Continuity of earth conductors (Main Earth Conductors and

Circuit Earth Conductors)
2. Continuity of main and supplementary bonding conductors
3. Continuity of Ring Circuit conductors
4. Insulation resistance
5. Polarity tests
6. Earth electrode resistance

After supply is connected:

1. External earth fault loop impedance test

2. Re-confirm polarity
3. Earth fault loop impedance
4. Operation of RCD and earth fault devices
5. Operation of switches and isolators
6. Prospective fault current measurement

Note 1: Safety precautions must be observed during testing, including locking off
isolators and switches, safeguarding against contact with test voltages,
replacement of test links and removal of tools after completion. The order of
test sequence must be observed, in particular testing of Earth Conductors
(dangerous test voltages can appear on the installation metalwork if Earth
Conductors are inadvertently disconnected or broken).
Note 2: testing of RCDs must include measurement of the operating time (ms) at In
and at 5 x In, as well as check of non-operation at 50% x In.

184 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Electrical installation certificate

Project / Building Name:................................................................................ Certificate No. / Ref:

Address / Location: .............................................................................................. ………………….......

Details of Client / Customer: ……………………………………………………………………………...................

Electricity account no. / contact details: ……………………………………………………………………………...

New or modified installation: New:  Modification:  Existing: 

Brief description of work carried out: ……………………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………. Previous Certificate number:.........................

Supply Characteristics:

Earthing System: (TT, TN-S, TN-S-TT); .........………… Earth Electrode(s )Resistance: ............………

Incoming Cable Size & Type: .........………… Earth Electrode(s) Location: ............………

Main CB type & rating: .........………… Main Earth Conductor Size: ............………

Protective System (ELPS, EEBS); .........………… Earth Fault Loop Impedance: ............………

Max Prospective Fault Current: .........………… Total Connected Load: ............………

Meter ref. no’s and type: ..............................................................................................…………

Total Diversified Load: ...................... Total Floor area: ......................

Details of Designer: ……………………………………………………………………………...................................

Contact Details: ……………………………………………………………………………...................................

We hereby declare that the work completed by us in relation to the above named installation, and detailed
in the reference drawings and documents listed below, has been carried out with due skill and care, and
in accordance with the Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) published by the Regulation &
Supervision Bureau for the Water, Wastewater and Electricity Sector in Abu Dhabi:

Authorised signatory & name: ……………………………..…..…… Date: …………………….....................


Reference drawings and schedules: ………………………….. Company Stamp: …………................

Details of Installer: ...............…………………………… Licence Number: ………………….....................

Contact Details: ……………………………………………………………………..…………………..................

We hereby declare that the work completed by us in relation to the above named installation, and detailed
in the reference drawings and documents listed below, has been carried out with due skill and care, and in
accordance with the Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) published by the Regulation & Supervision
Bureau for the Water, Wastewater and Electricity Sector in Abu Dhabi:

Authorised signature & name: ………………………………………… Date: ……………….…....................


Reference drawings and schedules: .....……………………………… Company Stamp: ……………............

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 185

Inspection report (front)
Project / Building Name:................................................................................ Report No

Address / Location: ..............................................................................................

Details of Client / Customer: ……………………………………………………………………………...................

Electricity account no. / contact details: ……………………………………………………………………………...

New or modified installation: New:  Modification:  Existing: 

Reason for Inspection (first inspection, routine inspection, other): .....................................................................

............................................................................................... Installation Certificate number: …………..

Supply Characteristics:

Earthing System: (TT, TN-S, TN-S-TT); .........……… Earth Electrode(s) Resistance: ............………..

Incoming Cable Size & Type: .........……… Earth Electrode(s) Location: ............………..

Main CB type & rating: .........……… Main Earth Conductor Size: ............………..

Protective System (ELPS, EEBS): .........……… Earth Fault Loop Impedance: ............………..

Max Prospective Fault Current: .........……… Total Connected Load: ............………..

Meter ref. no’s and type: .............................................................................................................................

Total Diversified Load: .............................................................................................................................

General Details of Inspection & Testing:

Date of last inspection & test: .......................................................................................................

Any modifications noted: No  Yes  Details: ........................................................................

Estimated age of installation & estimated age of modifications: ...............................................................

Date of next planned inspection: .......................................................................................................

Any dangerous conditions or urgent work required (give details over leaf): No  Yes 

Any work or improvements recommended (give details over leaf): No  Yes 

Extent of inspection: All:  Part:  Areas not tested / inspected:...........................................................

Inspection carried out by: .…………………………………………………………………………................

Contact Details: …………………………………………………………………………….............

We hereby declare that the inspection and testing completed by us in relation to the above named installation,
and detailed over leaf, has been carried out with due skill and care, and in accordance with the Electricity Wiring
Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) published by the Regulation & Supervision Bureau for the Water, Wastewater
and Electricity Sector in Abu Dhabi:

Authorised signature & name: ……………………………..…..…… Date:……………………....................

………………………………………….………………………..…… Company Stamp: .............................

186 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Inspection report (back)
Equipment Inspected:  satisfactory  not satisfactory (give details /comments)

 not applicable  urgent work required

Main intake room condition: .......................................................................................   A20(c)

Metering Equipment: .......................................................................................  
Main Distribution Board: .......................................................................................  
Main Isolation Device (CB): .......................................................................................  
Main LV switchboard (if any): .......................................................................................  
Incoming supply cable(s): .......................................................................................  
Main earth conductor, earth pits,
and MET;
.......................................................................................  
Sub Distribution Boards (give ref. no’s): .......................................................................................  

.......................................................................................  
Distribution Cables (between DBs): .......................................................................................  
.......................................................................................  
Main Earth Leakage Protective
.......................................................................................  
Circuit cables (where visible): .......................................................................................  
Power factor correction equipment: .......................................................................................  
Standby generation equipment: .......................................................................................  
Power points & socket outlets: .......................................................................................  
.......................................................................................  
Internal Inspection of sample points (10% sample):

List circuits/connections inspected .......................................................................................  

.......................................................................................  

.......................................................................................  

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 187


Installation testing report

Project/Building Name: ................................................................................ Document No./Ref................................... Test Instruments ( serial no.s)

Address/Location: ................................................................................ Tested by................................................. Loop impedance tester:.................

Distribution Board No./Ref: ................................................................................ Date:....................................................... Continuity tester:............................

Fed from: ................................................................................ Date:....................................................... Insulation tester:.............................

Busbar CCT MCB Phase Earth Continuity Test Insulation Resistance Total Functional
section ref. rating & size (ohms) (M ohms) Earth Test
No. (A) Neutral mm2 Loop
size Circuit name Remarks
R1 R2 Ring L-L Live-Earth Impen- RCD Other

2 ance time
mm + R2
see note 1 see note 1 (zs) (ms)

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

Section 2 ............. Section 1 ...........
Deviation from Wiring Regulations & Special Notes: Testing carried out by: .................................................................................
Company name/stamp: .................................................................................
Date: .................................................................................

Note1: for L-L or L-E insulation resistance tests enter the lowest value measured for either R-Y, Y-B, R-B.
Load distribution schedule
Project/Building Name: ..................................................... Main Contractor: ...............................................................
Address/Location: ............................................................. Electrical Contractor: ........................................................
Distribution Board No./Ref: ............................................... Incoming Cable size / type: ............................................... Date: ...................................................
Fed from: ........................................................................... Main breaker type & rating: ............................................... Document No. .....................................

Phase & Cable rating No. of Circuit

Busbar CCT MCB Earth Connected Circuit Load in Watts
Neutral A (kW) points Diversity load after
section / ref. rating size Circuit name / Point reference Load per
Size [see notes] (double / factors diversity
point (kW)

RCD No. (A) mm2 R Y B
mm2 single) (kW)

Section 1 ...........

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)


Section 2 .............

GROSS FLOOR = ........ sq m TOTAL CONNECTED LOAD = ...... kW

Notes: 1. Cable ratings taken at ...... C and ..... power factor, installed as single circuits in conduit
2. Cable rating must be above circuit Connected Load and at least 1.15 times MCB nominal rating

A20(f )

Load Distribution Schedule - sample
Project/Building Name: Mr Mubarak Al Hosni Villas Main Contractor: Sedmand Construction LLC...........
Address/Location: Sector ME-10 Plot C-96, Abu Dhabi Electrical Contractor: Al Ramal EC .........................
Distribution Board No./Ref: FDB-2 second floor apartment.......... Incoming Cable size / type: 4C x 16mm XLPE with SWA-earth Date: 4-7-08
Fed from: MDB-1 (intake room)........... Main breaker type & rating: 63A isolator + 2 RCD (see below) Document No. ARE-34-8.

Phase & Cable rating No. of Circuit

Busbar CCT MCB Earth Connected Circuit Load in (kw)
Neutral A (kW) points Diversity load after
section / ref. rating size Circuit name / Point reference Load per
Size [see notes] (double / factors diversity
point (kW)

RCD No. (A) mm2 R Y B
mm2 single) (kW)
R1 6 1.5 1.5 17.5 (3.4) Lighting, bedrooms 1, 2, 3 10 0.1 1.0 0.75 0.75
Y1 6 1.5 1.5 17.5 (3.4) Lighting (fluorescent) - kitchen 10 0.05 0.50 0.75 0.38
B1 6 1.5 1.5 17.5 (3.4) Lighting - lounge (inc. chandelier 500W) 11 0.1/0.5 1.5 0.75 1.13
R2 6 1.5 1.5 17.5 (3.4) Smoke detectors 3 0.02 0.06 1.0 0.06
Y2 10 2.5 1.5 24.0 (4.7) FCU-1, FCU-2, FCU-3 3 0.6 1.8 0.9 1.62
B2 10 2.5 1.5 24.0 (4.7) FCU-4 1 1.6 1.6 0.9 1.44

Section 1-
R3 32 6.0 2.5 41.0 (8.0) Cooker 1 3.0 3.0 0.5 1.50
Y3 spare

100mA RCD 40A 3ph

B3 spare
R4 16 2.5 1.5 24.0 (4.7) Water heater: kitchen 1 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.75
Y4 16 2.5 1.5 24.0 (4.7) Water heater: bathrooms 1 and 2 2 1.2 2.4 0.5 1.20

63 A isolator
B4 6 1.5 1.5 17.5 (3.4) Lighting (fl) + shaver socket - bathrooms 1, 2 6 0.05 0.3 0.75 0.23
R5 32 2 x 4.0 2 x 2.5 48.0 (9.3) Socket-outlets - kitchen ring (inc. fridge) 3d + 1s 1.0 / 0.2 2.2 0.5 1.10
Y5 16 2.5 1.5 24.0 (4.7) Socket-outlets: maid's room + corridor 1d + 2s 1.0 / 0.2 1.6 0.5 0.80

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)

B5 20 4.0 2.5 32.0 (6.3) Flex-outlets - dishwasher, dryer 2 1.5 3.0 0.5 1.50

Section 2 -
R6 16 2.5 1.5 24.0 (4.7) Flex outlet – washing machine 1 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.75

30mA RCD 40A 3ph

R7 32 2 x 2.5 2 x 1.5 36.0 (7.0) Socket-outlets (ring) - lounge 4d + 3s 1.0 / 0.2 3.0 0.5 1.50
R8 32 2 x 4.0 2 x 2.5 48.0 (9.3) Socket-outlets (ring) - bedrooms 1, 2, 3 8d + 3s 1.0 / 0.2 4.6 0.5 2.30
GROSS FLOOR = 200 sq m TOTAL CONNECTED LOAD = 29.6 kW 9.3 9.3 11.0

Notes: 1. Cable ratings taken at 30 C and 0.85 power factor, installed as single circuits in conduit
2. Cable rating must be above circuit Connected Load and at least 1.15 times MCB nominal rating
Guidance notes

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1) 191

192 The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 (Revision 1)
Guidance notes G
G1. Guidance note on supply voltage change 195

G2. Estimation of connected load and

diversity factors 196

G3. Photographs
(a) Photograph of busbar riser 198
(b) Photograph of final distribution
(horizontal DIN rail with 'comb' bus-bar) 199
(c) Photograph of final distribution board
(vertical, split busbar type) 200

G4. Electric shock, ELP and EEB systems

(a) Direct contact with electricity 201
(b) Indirect contact with electricity 202
(c) Main and supplementary earthed
equipotential bonding (EEB) 203
(d) Illustration of earth leakage protected
system (ELPS) 204
(e) Grading of RCDs in an ELP system 205
(f) ELP system supplied from LV switchroom 206
(g) Calculation of touch voltage (ELP system) 207
(h) Calculation of touch voltage (EEB system) 208

G5. Electric shock and RCD characteristics

(a) RCD operating characteristics and electric shock 209
(b) Typical values of body resistance and
physiological effects 210
(c) RCD operating principle 211
(d) Types of RCDs 212
(e) Sources of nuisance tripping of RCDs 213

The Electricity Wiring Regulations 2007 193

G6. Protection of buried cables 214

G7. Common errors

(a) Exposed unsheathed cables at termination points 215
(b) Protection of high temperature connections 216
(c) Weather protected outdoor socket-outlets 217
(d) Earth tails in accessories and connection boxes 218
(e) Minimum depth of buried plastic conduit 219
(f) Circuit identification numbers on accessories
and earth conductors 220
(g) Missing grommets and sharp edges on cable
tray 221
(h) Cables in ceiling-voids 222
(i) Cable glands for earthing of armoured cable 223
(j) Earth continuity connections across cable
tray and conduit 224
(k) Prohibited terminal blocks and taped connections 225
(l) Slotting of steel gland plates for single core cables 226
(m) Flex-outlets 227

G8. Amendment No. 1 (Nov 2008) 228

194 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G1 Guidance note on supply voltage change

Distribution Companies in the UAE have traditionally based the design

of their networks on the UK power system. Previously, the voltage of
supply was declared to be 240 V single-phase or 415 V three phase, with
an allowed variation in voltage of +/- 6%. With the harmonization of
supply voltages in Europe (in line with IEC 38) the UK has adopted a
supply voltage of 230 / 400 V +/- 10% . G1

These Regulations have adopted the same nominal voltage of supply,

but with a narrower range of +10% - 6% (clause 4.1.3). This range has
been adopted to allow existing distribution network assets to continue
to operate without modification, and also provides a superior voltage
range to Customers. With an allowed voltage drop of 4% within a
Customer's Installation (clause 7.5.10) this ensures the total voltage
drop to Appliances will not exceed 10% of the nominal voltage of
230/400 V.

225.6 240 254.4

-6% +6%
Old UK supply voltage range
previously used in Abu Dhabi

207.0 230 253.0

-10% +10% IEC.38 supply voltage

216.2 230 253.0 IEC.38 supply voltage operated under

-6% +10%
a restricted range as adopted in the
Wiring Regulations (2007)

200 210 220 230 240 250 260

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 195

G2 Estimation of connected load and
diversity factors

Estimation of Connected Load and Diversified Load for domestic premises

diversity factor
Type of load Assumed connected load
G2 [see notes 3
and 7]

• sum of wattage of all luminaries or assume 100 W

for each lighting point (except chandelier points)
Lighting 75%
• chandelier lighting points – 500W
• 1.8 x lamp wattage for fluorescent lighting

• 1,000 W for first socket-outlet plus 200 W for

13A socket-
remainder socket-outlets (including kitchen ring 50%
circuits), [see note 2]

• kitchen appliance connection points - assume

1,500 W each or actual rating of appliance (e.g.
Kitchen power washing machine, dryer, dish washer etc)
points • cooker – assume 3,000 W or actual rating of oven
plus the largest ring
• fridge – assume 300 W or actual rating

Other power • water heater – 1,500 W or actual rating

points • motors (e.g. lifts) – actual rating

• split air conditioning units – full rating

Air conditioning • window air conditioning units – full rating 90%
• central a/c units, (see note 2)

Note 1: the Connected Load values shown above are based on typical Appliances
and connection points. Specific site information should be used where

Note 2: the Connected Load (and cable rating) for Circuits supplying socket-outlets
should be based on 1,000 W for the first socket-outlet, plus 200 W for the
remainder, where a double socket outlet is counted as 2 (e.g. circuit rating
for 5 x double socket-outlets = 1kW + 9 x 0.2kW = 2.8kW).

196 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G2 Continued...

Note 3: typical diversity factors for domestic premises are shown above but the
designer may select a different value representing the intensity of usage
(e.g. higher value for high usage Circuits, such as communal kitchens,
lower value for lower occupancy dwellings, etc)

Note 4: additional diversity factors may be applied at Sub Distribution Boards and
Main Distribution Boards, typically 0.9. Hence, the expected demand G2
at the Supply Intake may be 0.81 times the sum of the FDB Diversified

Note 5: a 90% diversity factor may be applied for split or window type air
conditioning units; diversity factors for central a/c units should be based
on manufacturers data or load data taken from other similar installations
(during summer temperature conditions)

Note 6: the calculated Diversified Load for Premises should be checked against
electricity usage data for similar Premises (typically 30 - 80 W / sq m for
domestic Premises and 100 – 150 W / sq m for offices and shops, including
air conditioning).

Note 7: for non-domestic Premises an assessment of diversity factors must be

made by a qualified designer or engineer with knowledge of the proposed
usage of the Installation. For offices and shops diversity factors of 80% –
90% may be typical for lighting and power Circuits. However, for industrial
equipment (e.g. machinery, water pumps, etc) diversity factors may range
from 20% to 100%, depending on the operating cycle of the equipment.

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 197

G3(a) Photograph of busbar riser


Typical busbar riser system including plug-in circuit breaker

198 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G3(b) Photograph of final distribution board
(horizontal DIN rail with 'comb' bus-bar)


The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 199

G3(c) Photograph of final distribution board
(vertical, split busbar type)



200 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G4(a) Direct contact with electricity


[ see Regulation 5.3 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 201

G4(b) Indirect contact with electricity

1. Contact between Exposed-Metallic-Part and Extraneous-Metallic-Part

2. Contact with Exposed-Metallic-Part
3. Contact with Extraneous-Metallic-Part

G4(b) FDB


EEB Conductor

Supply CEC

Earth Fault

Extraneous Extraneous
Metallic Part Metallic Part
(water pipe) (building structure)

Note: Illustration shows TN-S supply system i.e. Distribution Company Earthed with Earthed
Equipotential Bonding (EEB) of Extraneous metalwork. Live conductors are not shown
for clarity.

[ see Regulation 5.3 and 5.5 ]

202 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G4(c) Main and supplementary earthed
equipotential bonding (EEB)

Distribution Circuits




Supplementary EEB

Main EEB


Note 1. Live conductors are not shown for clarity.

Note 2. Characteristics of MCBs for Final Distribution Boards must be coordinated against earth
loop impedance values to give a maximum of 0.4 sec tripping for circuit A (socket-outlet
supplying portable appliances) and 5 sec for circuit B (fixed appliances only). Also,
MCCBs must coordinate to give a maximum of 5 sec tripping time for distribution circuits.
( see clause 5.5.2 and 5.5.3 )

[ see Regulation 5.5 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 203

G4(d) Illustration of earth leakage protected
system (ELPS)




+ +



Main Supply

Note: Main Distribution Board includes MCCB with sensitive earth fault setting (provides
backup to RCDs in Final Distribution Board). Live conductors are not shown for clarity.

[ see Regulation 5.4, clause 5.4.7 ]

204 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G4(e) Grading of RCDs in an ELP system



type S 100mA
(see Note 1)

RCD 30mA
socket-outlet with
30mA RCD

Note 1: Type S RCDs provide time delayed operation in order to discriminate with RCDs at the Final
Distribution Board. Alternatively, for high current applications a MCCB with sensitive earth
fault (E/F) relay may be used.

Note 2: 30mA RCD protection is required for socket-outlets serving portable appliances; 100mA
RCD protection is required for fixed appliances and circuits

[ see Regulation 5.4, clause, 5.4.5, 5.4.6 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 205

G4(f) ELP system supplied from LV

with MCCBs




100mA 30mA

Final DB with 100mA

and 30mA RCDs

Earth Leakage Protection


Main Circuit Breaker

IIncoming Supply Cables

[ see clause 5.4.5 and 5.4.6 ]

206 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G4(g) Calculation of touch voltage (ELP

N Metallic Part




Vt = IF (R2 + Ze)

1.Touch Voltage Vt is approximately equal to the fault voltage Vf assuming that the
Extraneous-Metallic-Part is in good contact with Earth.

2. Ze is the resistance of the earth electrode (TT system) or the incoming supply earth fault
loop impedance (TN-S) system.

3.The illustration shows unbonded Extraneous-Metallic-Parts, such as in an Earth Leakage

Protected System (ELPS).

[ see Regulation 5.5 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 207

G4(h) Calculation of touch voltage
(EEB system)

N Extraneous
L Metallic Part
G4(h) R1 V
VR2 Supplementary EEB

Main EEB
Vt VR2



Without supplementary EEB the touch voltage Vt is approximately equal to the voltage drop across
the Circuit Earth Conductor resistance R2 .

To calculate Vt :

Vt VR2 = IF x R2 = Uo x R 2
Where :
UO = supply voltage to earth
Zs = total earth fault loop impedance


For an appliance supplied by an MCB (type C) of nominal rating 16A the maximum
earth fault loop impedance to give a 0.4 sec disconnection time, given under appendix A5(h)
is 1.5 Ohms. R2 is measured as 0.9 Ohms.

Hence: Vt = 230 x R2 = 138 V

If the measured earth loop impedance is higher than 1.5 Ohms the time-current characteristic of the
MCB will need to be checked to see if a disconnection time of 0.4sec can be achieved (the touch
voltage will be higher), otherwise RCD protection will be required. If supplementary bonding is
applied then the touch voltage is dramatically reduced (the voltage drop equates to the current
passing through the supplementary bonding times the resistance of the supplementary bonding

208 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G5(a) RCD operating characteristics and
electric shock

These Regulations include a compulsory requirement for provision of

Earth Leakage Protection (ELP) on all Final Circuits where Appliances
may be used by any persons (clause 5.3.5). This is normally achieved
with RCD devices complying with BS EN 61008 and BS 4293 which
must operate within 200 ms at their residual current rating (tripping
current) and within 40 ms at 5 times their residual current rating.
RCDs must not operate at below 50% of their residual current rating.
RCD devices with a residual operating current of 30 mA or less may be
used for supplementary protection against Direct Contact, whilst devices
rated above this value provide protection against Indirect Contact only
(see clause 5.3.2).
ELP devices do not protect against electric shock between phase conductors
or between phase and neutral. The response of the human body depends
on the time and magnitude of current that may pass at the time of an
electric shock incident. The ‘low risk’ and ‘high risk’ range of current
against time is illustrated below, along with the operating times of typical
RCD devices (from IEC 60479).
A B C1 C2 C3 IEC 60479



Time in milliseconds

1 2 3 4




0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50 100 200 300 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000
Current in milliamperes (RMS)
Typical current limits
due to body resistance at 230V.
30mA RCD 100mA RCD

Response of human body vs. RCD characteristics:

Zone 1: usually no reaction
Zone 2: shock sensation, but usually no harmful effects
Zone 3: likelihood of muscular contraction, and temporary cardiac arrest without ventricular
Zone 4: in addition to the effects of zone 3, the probability of ventricular fibrillation is increased
by 5% for curve C2 and 50% for curve C3; harmful effects such as cardiac arrest,
breathing arrest and burns are likely to occur

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 209

G5(b) Typical values of body resistance and
physiological effects

Human Resistance for Various Skin Contact Conditions (k Ohms)

Touch area Dry Wet

Finger touch 40 – 1,000 4 – 15

Hand hold on wire 15 – 50 3–6

Hand hold on pipe 1–3 0.5 – 1.5

Palm touch 3–8 1–2

Internal body resistance (including skin) = 0.2 – 1 k Ohms

Voltage required to produce

Electric Current the current with assumed
(1 second Physiological Effect body resistance:
contact) 100 k Ohms 1 k Ohms
(dry fingar) (wet hand)

Threshold of feeling,
1 mA 100 V 1V
tingling sensation

Accepted as maximum
5 mA 500 V 5V
harmless current

Beginning of sustained
10-20 mA muscular contraction 1000 V 10 V
("Can't let go" current.)

Ventricular fibrillation,
fatal if continued.
100-300 mA 10000 V 100 V
Respiratory function

210 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G5(c) RCD operating principle

RCD devices measure the vector sum of currents passing through

the phase and neutral conductors in a circuit, via a magnetic coil and
electronic amplifier. The device will trip if these are out of balance
by more than the residual operating current, in accordance with the
manufacturer's time-current performance curve. See Guidance Note
G5(a). G5(c)

The older type of voltage-operated earth leakage devices (ELCB) are

not permitted (clause 5.4.2) since they operate by detecting fault voltage
and require a connection between a Main Earth Conductor and an
Earth Electrode; these devices are therefore vulnerable to maloperation
due to parallel earth paths.

Three-phase RCD:
Test button

Test resistor

L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3


Single-phase RCD:
Test button

Test resistor




The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 211

G5(d) Types of RCDs

Because of the use of semiconductor devices in an Installation there

may be situations when an earth fault current is not purely sinusoidal but
contains a d.c. or ‘chopped’ waveform. This may de-sensitise or disable
standard a.c. operated RCDs. Special devices are available which are
designed to continue to function for non-sinusoidal supply waveforms,
G5(d) complying with IEC1008, IEC1009 (indicated by the symbols shown

For RCD devices installed at a Main Distribution Boards time delayed

operation is usually required to avoid tripping when a fault occurs in
a Final Circuit (the FDB RCD should trip first). Time delayed RCD
devices are labelled 'S type'.

normal ac sensitivity pulsating dc sensitivity


32A 100m SGA 30m

WRs122 WR5102

Reproduced with permission

of Wylex / Electrium.

212 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G5(e) Sources of nuisance tripping of RCDs

Type of fault Reason

• Direct contact by persons

• Indirect contact (during earth fault) G5(e)
• Incorrect discrimination with series
connected RCDs (e.g. between MDB and FDB)
• Loose connections
• Crossed neutral connections on split
busbar distribution board
• Neutral to earth fault

Downstream of • High earth conductor currents (e.g. IT

RCD equipment, filters, etc)
• Moisture in circuit conductors
(especially joints in MICC cables)
• Moisture in appliances (e.g. cooker
heating element)
• Double pole switching (capacitive effects)
• Transient voltages caused by large
inductive loads (e.g. industrial motors)
• Damaged circuits (e.g. nails in walls)

• Loose connections
• Mains borne disturbances (e.g. surges,
lightning, transients from overhead lines)
Upstream of RCD
• Disturbing loads (e.g. machinery, lift
motor, etc)

Note: RCDs may also trip (correctly) because of Direct Contact by a person or
Indirect Contact (during earth fault)

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 213

G6 Protection of buried cables

Cable marker plate

Concrete or steel
protective tiles
Min 600mm in footpath
Min 750mm in road

Min 100mm

Note: cables should be installed in ducts to allow for future removal (clause 7.5.8)

214 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G7(a) Exposed unsheathed cables at
termination points


[ see clause 7.4.8 and 7.5.12 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 215

G7(b) Protection of high temperature


Heat resistant sleeve required for

high temperature connections
[ see clause 7.5.17 ]

216 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G7(c) Weather protected outdoor socket-




IP55 weather protected socket

outlet with 30mA RCD

[ see clause 7.1.14, 9.4.1(b), 9.5.1(b), 9.6.2(g) ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 217

G7(d) Earth tails in accessories and
connection boxes


Double socket-outlet

Plastic light switch

[ see clause 6.6.4 ]

218 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G7(e) Minimum depth of buried plastic


Min 50mm

Buried plastic conduits in walls or ceilings must be min 50mm depth or metal conduit
must be used (see clause 7.4.6 )

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 219

G7(f) Circuit identification numbers on
accessories and earth conductors


(Circuit identification numbers,

See clause 3.6.4 , 3.6.5)

[ see clause 6.5.3 ]

220 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G7(g) Missing grommets and sharp edges on
cable tray


[ see clause 7.4.8 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 221

G7(h) Cables in ceiling-voids


See clause 7.3.8 and 7.5.15

(flexible connections to be limited to 3m in length and

securely fixed; ‘plug & fit’ connection systems may
be used after the main supply connection)

222 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G7(i) Cable glands for earthing of
armoured cable


Earth conductor size

must be in accordance with
Appendix A5(j)

[ see clause 7.5.18 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 223

G7(j) Earth continuity connections across
cable tray and conduit


[ see clause 6.6.1 and 7.4.4 ]

224 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G7(k) Prohibited terminal blocks and taped


[ see clause 7.5.16 ]

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 225

G7(l) Slotting of steel gland plates for single
core cables


Steel Plate


Note: Single core cables in a steel enclosure will cause electromagnetic currents
in the steel and possible overheating. This can be avoided by ensuring that a
non-ferromagnetic material is used around the cables (e.g. brass plate) or slots
are cut in the steel between the phase conductors.

[ see clause 7.5.11 ]

226 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G7(m) Flex-outlets

G7m Flex-outlets


(with switch and fuse)

Flex-outlet plate

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 227

G8 Amendment No 1 (Nov 2008)

The following table lists the clauses that were changed under Amendment
No 1 of the Electricity Wiring Regulations, published by the Bureau in
November 2008. These are now incorporated into Revision 1 of the
Electricity Wiring Regulations (indicated by a red line throughout this

Clause Subject Reason for change

1.1.2 Commencement date Amended text

1.2.2 Notes Clarification

1.3.8 Dispensations Added text

2.1.25 Diversified Load New definition

3.2.5 Diversified Load Added text

4.1.10 Terminology (HV/LV) Typographic error

4.2.15 Terminology (HV/LV) Typographic error

5.3.2 Reference to BS EN Typographic error

5.3.2 note Terminology (RCD) Correction

5.4.3 Reference to BS EN Typographic error

5.4.5 Reference to A5(m) Added text

5.4.5 note Protection discrimination Clarification

5.4.6 note Supply Intake ELP devices Clarification

5.5.9 Reference to 5.5.7 Correction

5.6.8 Double pole isolation Added clause

6.2.1 Terminology (11kV/400V) Typographic error

6.2.1 note Earth resistance Clarification

6.4.3 note Structural steel earthing Clarification

6.6.1 Earth conductors ‘which’ Typographical error

6.8.3 Reference to BS EN Correction

6.8.4 Structural steel earthing New clause

7.1.3 Use of Euro CEE7/16 plugs Amended text

228 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G8 continued...

Clause Subject Reason for change

7.1.4 Use of Euro CEE7/16 plugs Amended text

7.1.7 Standard height of socket- Amended text

outlets G8
7.1.9 Splash-proof socket-outlets Deleted text

7.1.14 note Outdoor socket-outlets Added text

7.3.2 Calculation of Connected Load Added text

7.4.6 note Depth of buried conduit New note

7.5.10 Sizing of Final Circuits and FDBs New note

7.5.12 Un-armoured cables Amended text

7.6.1 Sizing of Final Circuits Amended text

7.7.6 Metal casing of busways Amended text

7.7.6 note Metal casing of busways Amended text

7.7.7 Current rating of busways Amended text

7.8.2 note Rating of Final Distribution New note


7.8.6 Options for Final Distribution New text


7.8.6 note ‘Comb’ type FDBs and number Amended note

of ways

7.8.8 note No of ways on sub DBs Amended note

7.8.13 Outgoing circuits of FDBs Amended text

7.8.13 note Incomer device for DBs New note

7.8.15 Enclosures for DBs Amended text

9.3.2 (a) Reference to BS EN and 100mA Amended text

RCD for fan-coil units

9.3.2 (e) Reference to IPX Amended text

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 229

G8 continued...

Clause Subject Reason for change

9.4.1 (a) Reference to BS EN Correction

9.5.1 (e) Reference to IPX Amended text

G8 A3 Reference for RCDs BS EN Added text

A5 (j) note Size of earth conductors Correction

A5 (k) note Structural foundations for Added text


A5 (m) note RCD residual operating currents Added notes

A6 (f) Cable and MCB ratings Amended table and


A12 (b) Dimensions for Supply Intake Amended table and note

A12 (c) Diagram of Final Distribution Amended diagram

Board (split busbar added)

A12 (d) Diagram of LV switchroom Correction

(position of outgoing cables)

A14 Diagram of typical ring circuits Amended

A15 Minimum no. of socket-oulets Amended tables and


A16 Diagram of mounting height of Amended


A19 (g) note Testing of RCDs New note

A20 (a) Electrical Installation Certificate Amended text

A20 (b) Inspection report Amended text

A20 (d) Installation testing report Amended text

A20 (e) Load distribution schedule Amended text

A20 (f) Load distribution schedule – New


G1 Reference 230/400V Correction

230 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)

G8 continued...

Clause Subject Reason for change

G2 Estimation of Diversified Load Amended table and


G5 (a) Reference to BS EN Correction G8

G7 (c) Reference to IP55 Correction

The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 231


232 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)


The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 233


234 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)


The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 235


236 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)


The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 237


238 The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1)


The Electricity Wiring Regulations (Revision 1) 239

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