Fiqh Us-Sunnah The Book of Hajj
Fiqh Us-Sunnah The Book of Hajj
Fiqh Us-Sunnah The Book of Hajj
Fiqh us-Sunnah
Chapter One:
Pilgrimage: A General Definition, Its Excellence and
Definition of Hajj:
The majority of the scholars hold that Hajj was prescribed in the
sixth year after Hijrah (Migration of the Prophet (peace be upon
him) from Makkah to Madinah) for it was then that the following
verse concerning it was revealed:
“And complete the Hajj and ‘Umrah in the service of Al-
lah” (Qur’an 2.194).
This conclusion is based on the understanding that the “comple-
tion” in the above verse in fact refers to the time when it was
first made obligatory. This view is also supported by ‘Alqamah,
Masrouq, and Ibrahim An-Nakh’i, who substitute “And estab-
lish” for “And complete” in the above verse, as reported by At-
Tabarani on sound authority. Ibn-al-Qayyim, however, is inclined
to the view that Hajj was made obligatory in the ninth or the
tenth year of Hijrah.
Excellence of Hajj:
The Divine Law Giver exhorted Muslims to perform Hajj. In this
regard we may refer to the following:
Chapter Two:
The Ability To Perform Hajj - What Does It Imply?
that many of the people (in his time) were able to go for
Hajj on foot. Similarly the words of Allah:
“Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah - those
who can afford the journey…”
…underline the fact that ability and power are the necessary
prerequisite for all forms of worship. It signifies the un-
specified power or a little bit more than what may be neces-
sary. In the case of sawm (fasting) and salah (obligatory
prayers) the financial ability is superfluous and is not speci-
fied in the Qur’an, unlike Hajj for which it is an important
requirement. Similarly, Hajj is a form of worship which in-
volves traveling for which one must be in possession of suf-
ficient means to support oneself (and one’s family), as well
as be able to shoulder the cost of the journey as in jihad.
In this regard we may refer to the Qur’anic verse (9.91-92)
“Nor is there any blame on those who find no resources
to spend, nor is there (blame) on those who come to you
to be provided with mounts, and when you said, ‘I can
find no mounts for you.”’
In Al-Muhadhib we read: “If someone has the money to buy
provisions and the passage to Hajj but he needs it to pay his
debts, Hajj is not binding on him, whether the settlement of
the debt is required immediately or is due after a time. The
debts that are due for immediate settlement must be paid at
once, whereas the Hajj may be performed later on in life.
But if he spends all that he has on Hajj he may not be in a
position to pay off his debt.”
Similarly, if one is in need of a dwelling or a servant to help him,
he may be classified as unable to perform Hajj. Likewise, if one
needs to take a wife because he fears he may not be able to avoid
Hajj of a Woman
Hajj is obligatory both for women and men alike; they must per-
form it whenever they meet the above mentioned prerequisites
for it. In the case of a woman it is essential that she be accompa-
nied by her husband or some other mahram (Al-Hafiz said in his
Al-Fath: “According to the scholars. the condition for being
Chapter Three:
The Hajj Of The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)
A Detailed Account:
Muslim reports:
“Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shaibah and Ishaq bin Ibrahim told
us that Hatem bin Isma’il al-Madani reported of Ja’far
bin Mohammad and he of his father, saying, ‘We visited
Jabir bin Abdullah (he was blind) and he began inquir-
ing about the people (who had come to see him) till it
was my turn. I said: “I am Mohammad ibn Ali ibn Hus-
sein.” He placed his hand on my head and opened my
upper button and then the lower one, and then placed
his hand on my chest (in order to bless me). I was dur-
ing those days a young boy, and then he said: “You are
welcome, my nephew. Ask whatever you want to ask.” I
asked him a question but it was time for prayer. He
stood up covering himself in his mantle. Whenever he
placed its ends upon his shoulders they slipped down
because it was short (in size). Another mantle was, how-
ever, Iying on the clothes rack nearby (and he put it on)
and led the prayer. I said to him: “Tell me about the
Hajj of the Prophet (peace be upon him).” He held up
his nine fingers and said: “The Prophet (peace be upon
him) stayed in Madinah for nine years but did not per-
form Hajj. Then, in the tenth year he made a public an-
nouncement to the effect that Allah’s Messenger was
about to perform the Hajj. A large number of people
came to Madinah, and all of them were eager to emulate
the Prophet (peace be upon him) and follow his actions.
too have rights over them, in that they should not allow
anyone to sit on your bed whom you do not like. But if
they do that, you can chastise them but not severely.
Their rights upon you are that you should provide them
with food and clothing in a fitting manner.
I have left among you the Book of Allah, and if you hold
fast to it, you will never go astray. And you will be asked
about me (on the Day of Resurrection), (now tell me)
what would you say? They (the audience) said: “We will
bear witness that you have conveyed (the message), dis-
charged (the ministry of Prophethood) and given wise
(sincere) counsel.” He (the narrator) said: “He (the Holy
Prophet) then raised his forefinger towards the sky and
pointing it at the people (said): ‘O Allah, be witness. O
Allah be witness,’ saying it thrice’ .”
“Then azhan was pronounced and later on iqama and
the Prophet (peace be upon him) led the noon prayer.
Then another Iqama was pronounced and the Prophet
(peace be upon him) led the afternoon prayer and he ob-
served no other prayer in between the two. (This proves
the validity of joining Zuhr and ‘Asr prayer on this day,
at this place. There is consensus on it, but there is dis-
agreement as to its cause. Abu Hanifah and some Shafi’i
scholars hold that it is a part of Hajj, but the majority of
Shafi’i scholars hold it is due to journey) The Messenger
of Allah (peace be upon him) then mounted his camel
and came to the place where he was to stay. He made
his she-camel, al-Qaswa, turn towards the rocky side,
with the pedestrian path Iying in front of him. He faced
the Qiblah, and stood there until the sun set, and the yel-
low light diminished somewhat, and the disc of the sun
It is also sunnah not to leave Mina for ‘Arafah until after the sun-
rise, and not to enter ‘Arafah until the sun begins to decline, and
after ot’fering both Zuhr and ‘Asr prayers, which the Prophet
(peace be upon him) offered at Namira which is not a part of
‘Arafah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) did not enter his quar-
ters at ‘Arafah until after otfering Zuhr and ‘Asr prayers. More-
over, it is also sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to of-
fer some supererogatory (nawafil) prayers in between these two
The imam should give a sermon before the prayer, which is one
of the sunnah sermons in pilgrimage. The second sermon is given
by the imam on the 7th of Zhul-Hijjah after Zuhr prayer in the
Ka’bah. The third of these sunnah sermons is delivered on the
10th of Zhul-Hijjah, the day of slaughtering. And the fourth ser-
mon is given on the day the people leave (yawm an-nafr)--the
11th day of Zhul-Hijjah.
This hadith also contains some important manners and etiquette
for performing Hajj and ‘Umrah:
-2- It is better to spend the time at ‘Arafah riding one’s mount.
-3- It is better to stand by the rocks or close to them as the
Prophet (peace be upon him) did.
-4- One should face Qiblah while in ‘Arafah.
-5- One must stay at one’s quarters in ‘Arafah until sunset.
-6- One should make supplications to Allah, raising one’s hands
to one’s chest, and after the sunset calmly and quietly leave
‘Arafah. And if one is in a leading position one should ask others
to do likewise.
-7- Upon arriving at Al-Muzdalifah, one should combine Maghrib
and ‘Isha prayers with one azhan and two iqamahs.
-8- One may not offer any nawafil prayers in between these two
prayers. There is consensus among Muslim scholars about com-
bining these two prayers. They differ, however, concerning the
reason for it. Some claim that it is a part of the rites of the Hajj,
while others say it is a permission granted to them, because they
are traveling.
-9- Spending the night at Al-Muzdalifah is also sunnah. All schol-
ars agree that it is part of the Hajj rites. They do, however, differ
on whether spending the night there is obligatory or sunnah.
-10- It is also sunnah to offer Fajr prayer at Al-Muzdalifah, and
then depart from it for Al-Mash’ar Al-Haram to stop there and
make supplications. Stopping there is a part of the Hajj rite.
-11- It is sunnah to leave Al-Mash ‘ar Al-Haram when dawn is
well advanced and go to the bottom of Mohassir valley. When in
this valley one should walk fast because this is the place where
Allah’s wrath descended upon the Companions of the Elephant.
-12- On reaching the jamarah--jamarah al ‘aqabah--one should
throw seven pebbles at it, and with each throw say Allahu Akbar.
The pebbles should be no more than the size of a cereal seed
-13- After this one should offer his sacrifice, if one has one,
slaughtering it with one’s own hands. After slaughtering one may
shave one’s head.
-14- Now one must go to Makkah to perform Tawaf ifadah also
known as Tawaf az-ziyarah or circumambulation of visit.
One is thereafter permitted to engage in any lawful activity that
was unlawful for him while in the state of ihram, including sexual
intercourse with one’s wife. A person who has thrown pebbles at
Jamarah al- ‘Aqabah, but has not performed the circumambula-
tion of if adah (or ziyarah) may engage in any lawful activity ex-
cept sexual intercourse with his wife.
That is the guidance of the Prophet (peace be upon him) con-
cerning Hajj. It explains what he meant when, according to a
hadith, he said:
“Take your rites from me,”
…for his Hajj alone is the real and true Hajj.
In the following pages we will deal in detail with all these rites,
and the opinions of various scholars concerning them.
Chapter Four:
Mawaqit: Fixed Times And Places For Ihram
Fixed Times:
This refers to the specific period of time when the rites of Hajj
have to be performed to be valid. This is clear from the words of
“They Ask You Concerning The New Moons. Say: They
Are But Signs To Mark Fixed Periods Of Time (In The
Affairs Of) Men, And For Hajj”
“For Hajj are the months well-known.” (Qur’an 2.197)
The Muslim scholars are agreed that the months of Hajj are the
months of Shawwal and Dhul-Qui’dah. They differ about the
month of Dhul-Hijjah, whether only the first ten days of it are
included in the months of Hajj or the entire month. Ibn ‘Umar,
Ibn ‘Abbas, Ibn Mas’ud, the Hanafi and Shafi’i school, and
Ahmad are of the opinion that only its first ten days are included
in the months of Hajj, while Malik holds the entire month of
DhulHijjah as one of the Hajj months. Ibn Hazm supports
Malik’s opinion, saying that the words, “For Hajj are the
months well-known,” does not mean two months and a part of
other months.
Similarly we know that of the rites of Hajj, the throwing of peb-
bles at jamarah takes place on the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah, while the
scholars agree that the circumambulation of Ifadah, which is one
of the essential rites of Hajj, may be performed anytime in the
month of Dhul-Hijjah. There is no disagreement on this point. It
is, therefore, quite correct to say that all three months are the
months of Hajj.
The effects of disagreement are apparent mainly in the rites per-
formed after slaughtering the sacrificial animal. Those who con-
sider the entire month of Dhul-Hijjah a Hajj month, hold there is
no penalty for delay in slaughtering an animal. On the other hand,
those who hold that only its first ten days are included in the pe-
riod of Hajj are of the opinion that such a person must offer a
penalty and offer a sacrifice for delay.
The Hanafites, Malik, and Ahmad are of the opinion that to put
on ihram for Hajj before its months is permissible but disliked.
Ash-Shawkani, however, preferred the first opinion. He observes:
“Allah, the Exalted One, has named specific months for
Hajj rites, of which ihram is one. So whosoever claims that
it is permissible to put on ihram even before these months
must produce evidence to support his claim.”
Ihram is the intention to perform either Hajj or ‘Umrah, or to
make intention of performing both. Intention is an important
element of both. Allah says:
“And they have been commanded no more than this: to
worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion.” (Qur’an
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“The actions will be rewarded according to the inten-
tions behind them, and every person will have what he
had intended.”
We have dealt with the subject of intention in Fiqh us-Sunnah,
Vol.1 (See the chapter on Wudu in Fiqh us-Sunnah vol. 1). The
human heart is its seat. Al-Kamal bin al-Homam reported, “We
are unaware of anyone among the narrators reporting about
the rites performed by the Prophet (peace be upon him) and
saying that he (the Prophet) declared his intention to per-
form Hajj or ‘Umrah aloud saying, “I have made the inten-
tion to make ‘Umrah or Hajj.”
Etiquette of Ihram
There are certain etiquette which one must observe while in a
state of ihram:
1) Cleanliness:
Kinds of Ihram:
Ihram is of three kinds:
1. Qiran (combining both ‘Umrah and Hajj).
2. Tamattu’ (combining both Hajj and ‘Umrah with a break in
between), and
3. Ifrad (Hajj only).
There is consensus among scholars that all these three kinds are
legitimate. ‘Aishah reported:
“We left (Madinah) with Allah’s Messenger (peace be
upon him) to perform the Farewell Hajj. Some of us de-
clared ihram to perlorm ‘Umrah, while others declared
their intentions to perform both Hajj and ‘Umrah. Yet
others declared their ihram to perform Hajj only. The
Prophet (peace be upon him) declared ihram for Hajj
As for those who intended ‘Umrah, they terminated their
ihram as soon as they finished the rituals of ‘Umrah.
Those who intended to combine Hajj with ‘Umrah or
those who intended to perform Hajj only, they did not
terminate their ihram until the Slaughtering Day (Yawm
Tawaf and Sa’i for those Performing Qiran and Tamattu’ - The
People Living Within the Sacred Precincts of Ka’bah May Per-
form Ifrad (Hajj only).:
Ibn ‘Abbas was once asked about the break between ‘Umrah and
Hajj to which he replied:
“The Muhajirun (immigrants from Makkah), the Ansar
(people of Madinah), and the wives of the Prophet
(peace be upon him) declared their intention to perform
the Farewell Hajj. So we also declared our intention to
do the same. Upon arrival in Makkah, the Prophet
(peace be upon him) said: “Make your declaration of in-
tention for ‘Umrah only, except for those who have al-
ready designated their sacrificial animals, and brought
them along with them.” We made Tawaf of Ka’bah,
walked seven times between Safa and Marwah. Then we
consorted with our wives and wore our regular clothes.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) further told us:
“Those who have garlanded (i.e., marked) their sacrifi-
cial animals, they must not break their state of ihram un-
til the animal reaches the slaughter house to be offered
in sacrifice. Then we were commanded by the Prophet
(peace be upon him) to declare our intention for Hajj on
the night of the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah. After completing all
the rites of Hajj, we went and circumambulated around
the Kabbah, walked between Safa and Marwah, and thus
we completed Hajj and we offered the sacrifice as Allah
“If anyone wishes to continue the ‘Umrah onto the Hajj,
he must make an offering such as he can afford, but if he
cannot afford it, he should fast three days during the
Hajj and seven days on his return ... (to his country).”
(Qur’an 2.196)
Offering a sheep in sacrifice is enough for this purpose.
These Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
combined two worships in one year: Hajj and ‘Umrah.
Allah has mentioned it in His Book and (reinforced it)
by the practice of His Prophet (peace be upon him),
making it permissible for all people, excepting the resi-
dents of Makkah. Allah says:
“This is for those whose household is not in (the pre-
cincts of) the Sacred Mosque.” (Qur’an 2.136)
The Hajj months referred to are Shawwal, Dhul-Qa’dah
and Dhul-Hijjah. So whosoever combines an ‘Umrah
and Hajj during these months has to offer a sacrifice, or
observe fast.” (Bukhari)
This hadith proves that the residents of Makkah can neither per-
form qiran nor tamattu’. They may perform if rad only--a single
fast three days during the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah before the Day
of ‘Arafah. Some scholars such as Taw’us and Mujahid, however,
hold that such a pilgrim may fast at the beginning of the month
of Shawwal. Ibn ‘Umar, on the other hand, is of the opinion that
such a pilgrim may fast a day before the 8th, and the 8th as well
as 9th of Dhul-Hijjah (Day of ‘Arafah). If such a pilgrim failed to
fast these three days, or fasted some of them before ‘Eid, then he
may observe fast during the tashriq days (i.e., the I Ith, 12th and
13th of Dhul-Hijjah). This is based on a report from ‘Aishah and
Ibn ‘Umar who said:
“Fasting is not permitted on the 11 th, 12th and 13th of
DhulHijjah except for those who are obligated to fast
because they cannot afford the sacrifice.”
This is reported by Bukhari. If one fails to fast these three days
during Hajj, then one must make them up later.
As for the seven days of fasting, according to some scholars, one
may fast them upon arriving at his home town. Others, like Mu-
jahid and ‘Ata, say one may do so after arriving at one’s stopover.
According to them one may fast these seven days on the way
back home. These ten days of fasting do not necessarily have to
be fasted consecutively.
Once a person makes intention (for Hajj or ‘Umrah) and dons
the ihram, he must make talbiyah.
Chapter Six:
Its Legality:
There is consensus among the scholars that talbiyah is a pre-
scribed practice. Umm Salamah reported:
“I heard Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) saying:
“O Family of Muhammad! Whoso among you intends to
perform Hajj must raise his voice while uttering talbi-
This is reported by Ahmad and Ibn Hibban.
The scholars disagree, however, on its legal status, timing, and the
position of one who delays it. Ash-Shafi’i and Ahmad hold that it
is sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him); it is desirable to
utter it when putting on the garb of ihram. Thus, if a person in-
tended to perform Hajj but did not utter talbiyah, his Hajj would
still be valid, and he is not required to do anything, because ac-
cording to them, such a person enters the state of ihram just by
making intention to perform Hajj.
Hanafi scholars hold that talbiyah or any substitute for it - such as
containing praise or glorification of Allah. and bringing an animal
for sacrifice -is a requisite condition for the validity of ihram. If
someone puts on the garb of ihram without uttering talbiyah or
glorifying Allah or bringing a sacrificial animal, his ihram is not
valid, because ihram, according to them, is a combination of in-
tention and one of the rites of Hajj. Thus, if one declares his in-
tention for ihram and performs any of the rites of Hajj, for ex-
ample if he glorifies Allah or declares, “There is no deity wor-
thy of worship but Allah alone,” or if he brought his sacrificial
animal along with him but did not utter talbiyah, his ihram will be
valid but he will be required to sacrifice an animal as a penalty for
failing to do so.
According to the well-known position of Imam Malik, uttering
talbiyah is obligatory and in cases where one fails to do so or does
not utter it upon donning the garb of ihram but utters it later on,
one must slaughter an animal in atonement.
Words of Talbiyah:
Malik reported from Nafi’ that Ibn ‘Umar said:
“The Prophet (peace be upon him) made his talbiyah in
these words: ‘Lab-baika Allahumma Lab-baik. Lab-
baika la-Sharika laka lab-baik. In-nal Hamda wan-ni
‘mata laka wal mulk. La Sharika lak (Here I am at Your
service, O Allah! You have no partner, Here I am at Your
service, O Allah. Verily, all the praise, the grace belong
to You, and the kingdom. You have no partner)’”
Nafi’ said that Ibn ‘Umar used to add,
“I am at Your service, I am at Your service. I am at Your
service and at Your call. All good is in Your hands, I am
at Your service. Our desire is for You, and also our
The scholars, however, prefer to restrict the words of talbiyah to
the words used by the Prophet (peace be upon him), and there is
disagreement among them concerning any addition to them. The
majority, however, holds that there is no harm in adding other
words to them as Ibn ‘Umar and other Companions of the
Prophet (peace be upon him) did. The Prophet (peace be upon
him) heard them and did not say anything to them.(Reported by
Abu Da’wud and Al-Baihaqi) Malik and Abu Yusuf disliked add-
ing to the talbiyah of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Excellence of Talbiyah:
Jabir reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Whosoever makes intention to perform Hajj and pro-
nounces talbiyah all day until sunset, Allah the Almighty
will forgive his sins, and he will be free of sin as he was
the day his mother gave birth to him.” (Ibn Majah)
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him)
“He who declares, ‘There is no God but Allah’ will get
the good news of reward (for him), and he who magni-
fies Allah (or, says Allahu Akbar - Allah is the greatest)
will receive the good news of reward (for him).” They
asked: “O Prophet of Allah, is it the (good news of)
Paradise?” He replied, “Yes.” (Narrated by At-Tabarani
and Sa’id bin Mansur)
Sahl ibn Sa’ad reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him)
“When any Muslim utters talbiyah, everything - every
stone or every tree or every pebble - on his right side and
on his left side responds with a (similar) talbiyah, until
the whole earth resounds with it.” (Reported by Ibn Ma-
jah, Al-Baihaqi, Tirmidhi, Al-Hakim, who considers it a
sound hadith)
Timings of Talbiyah:
A pilgrim should begin his talbiyah from the time he wears his
ihram and continue it until throwing the first pebble at the Aqa-
bah Jamarah on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah, the Day of Nahr (sacri-
fice). Then he should stop saying talbiyah, as the Prophet (peace
be upon him) did, according to a hadith transmitted by the
Group. Ath-Thawri, the Hanafi school, Ash-Shafi’i, and the ma-
jority of scholars also hold this view. Ahmad and Ishaq, however,
are of the view that a pilgrim must continue talbiyah until he has
stoned all the three jamarahs. After that he may stop saying talbi-
yah. Malik holds that a pilgrim must continue talbiyah until the
end of the Day of ‘Arafah (the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah). This applies
only to those performing Hajj.
As for those performing ‘Umrah, they may discontinue talbiyah
after kissing the Black Stone and starting their tawaf. Ibn ‘Abbas
reports that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to discontinue
talbiyah after kissing the Black Stone (at the start of his tawaf).
(Reported by Tirmidhi who considers it a sound hadith. When a
Chapter Seven:
What Is Permitted To A Muhrim
Using Henna:
The Hanbali school holds that using henna for dyeing any part of
the body, except the head, is not forbidden for a muhrim, male or
female. The Shafi’i school holds that a male muhrim may use
henna for dying any part of the body, except hands and feet, dy-
ing of which without any genuine cause is not permissible in the
state of ihram. Also covering one’ s head with thick (layers of)
henna is not permissible. They also hold that it is not desirable
for a woman in the state of ihram to use henna, and that it is
unlawful for her to do so if she is in ‘iddah after the death of her
The Hanafi and the Maliki schools on the other hand, hold that a
muhrim, male or a female, is not permitted to use henna for dye-
ing any part of the body because it is a perfume, and a muhrim is
not allowed to wear perfume during the state of ihram. Khawlah
bint Hakim reported from her mother that the Prophet (peace be
upon him) told Umm Salamah:
“Do not wear perfume while you are in the state of
ihram. nor touch henna, because it is a perfume.” (Re-
ported by At-Tabarani in Al-Kabir, Al-Baihaqi in his Al-
Ma ‘rifah, and by Ibn Abdul-Barr in his work At-
Killing the Five Vicious Animals and Others that are Harm-
‘Aishah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Five of the animals are vicious and they may be killed
in the sacred precincts of Haram: the crow, the kite, the
scorpion, the mouse, and the ravenous dog.”
This is reported by Muslim and Bukhari, who added
“(and) the snake.”
There is consensus among the scholars that the small crow which
eats the seeds, is not included in the category of the above ani-
mals. Under the ravenous dog is included one that bites people
and frightens them and all other similar vicious animals that at-
tack humans such as the lion, tiger, leopard and wolf.
Thus Allah said:
“They ask you what is lawful to them (as food). Say:
‘Lawful to you, are (all) things good and pure: And what
you have taught your trained hunting animals 8 (to
catch) in the manner directed to you by Allah”’ (Qur’an
The Hanafi scholars hold, however, that the word “vicious dog”
in this case applies only to dogs and wolves.
Ibn Taimiyyah is of the opinion that a muhrim may kill any harm-
ful creature that usually causes harm to humans, such as snake,
scorpion, mouse, crow, and a vicious dog. He is also permitted to
defend himself against whatever harms him, whether animals or
people; if they assault him, he should fight them back. The
Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
Chapter Eight:
Restrictions Of Ihram
The Law Giver forbids certain things for a muhrim after he dons
the ihram garb:
1. Sexual intercourse and all matters leading to it such as kissing,
touching, or talking with one’s wife about intercourse or related
2. Committing sins that cause a man to deviate from the path of
obedience to Allah.
3. Disputing, arguing or fighting with companions, servants or
The basis of this prohibition are the words of Allah:
“Let there be no obscenity nor wickedness nor wran-
gling in the Hajj” (Qur’an 2.197)
Both Bukhari and Muslim reported on the authority of Abu
Hurairah that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“He who performs Hajj, committing no obscenity, nor
wickedness, nor wrangling, will return home free of sins
as the day his mother bore him.”
4. Wearing any sewn clothes, such as a shirt, hooded robes, cloak,
underpants or wrapping anything around the head, a cap or a fez,
etc. Likewise one is not permitted to wear clothes dyed with a
nice fragrant dye or to wear shoes or sewn slippers.
Ibn ‘Umar reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“A person in a state of ihram is not allowed to wear a
sewn shirt, a turban, a hooded robe, underpants, a cloth
(This is in the case of a man who finds these things are either not
available, or he has no extra money to buy them) This is reported
by Ahmad, Bukhari and Muslim. In Ahmad’s narration from ‘Ata
ibn Dinar we read that Aba Al-Sha’sha informed him that Ibn
‘Abbas heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) saying,
“He who finds no garb (for ihram), but has trousers, he
may wear them, and he who finds no (suitable) slippers
but has shoes, he may wear them.” At this I (Aba Al-
Sha’sha) asked him: “And did he say anything about cut-
ting them?” Ibn ‘Abbas said: “No.”
Ahmad, therefore, holds that a muhrim who finds no proper garb
or slippers may wear his trousers and shoes, as shown by the
hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas, without being required to make any atone-
ment for doing so. (Ibn Qayyim also prefers this view)
“Do not cover his head, nor perfume his body, because
on the Day of Resurrection he will be raised with talbi-
yah on his lips.”
There is no harm, however, if some of the perfume used by a
muhrim on his body or clothes before entering the state of ihram
is left over.
It is permissible, however, to smell the things that are not planted
for their scent such as apples and quince. These plants are similar
to other plants that are not planted for their scent, nor is it ex-
tracted from them.
As for the perfume that one may acquire from touching the
Ka’bah, there is no harm. Sa’id bin Mansur reported that Salih
bin Kaisan said:
“I have seen Anas bin Malik in the state of ihram, while
some perfume from the Ka’bah was rubbed on his Hajj
garb, but he did not wash it off.”
‘Ata said: “Such a person does not have to wash it off, nor
does he need to make any atonement.” The Shafi’i school
holds that if someone purposely did so (applied perfume), or was
accidently perfumed, and he could wash it off, but he did not do
so, he would be committing a wrong for which he will have to
pay a penalty.
Engaging in Hunting:
A muhrim may fish, eat sea game, or mention any kind of sea
food. It is forbidden, however, for a muhrim to hunt on land, by
killing or by slaughtering. It is also forbidden for a muhrim to
Eating Game-Meat:
A muhrim is forbidden to partake of any land game prepared for
his sake, at his suggestion or with his help. Abu Qatadah reported
that Allah’ s Messenger (peace be upon him) went for Hajj and
they also went with him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) dis-
patched a group, including Abu Qatadah, and told them:
“Follow the seashore until we meet again.”
All of them except Abu Qatadah were in the state of ihram. On
the way, they saw a herd of zebras. Abu Qatadah attacked them
and killed a female zebra. They all ate of its meat but said:
“Is it permissible for us to partake of this land game in
the state of ihram?”
Then they carried the rest of the meat to the Prophet (peace be
upon him), and told him the whole story. The Prophet (peace be
upon him) said to them:
“Did any one of you ask Abu Qatadah to attack the herd,
or point it out to him?” They said: “No.” He said,
“Then, you may eat what is left of the quarry.”
this see the following pages) he may do so, but he will have to
slaughter a sheep, or feed six needy people, (Each needy person
should be given at least the equivalent of half sa in measure) or
fast three days to atone for it.
Violation of restrictions of ihram other than sexual intercourse
does not invalidate Hajj or ‘Umrah. Sexual intercourse with one’s
wife invalidates Hajj or ‘Umrah. Abdur Rahman bin Abi Laila
reported from K’ab bin ‘Ujrah that Allah’s Messenger (peace be
upon him) passed by him while in Hudaibiyah and said,
“Are the lice in your head bothering you?” He said,
“Yes.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Shave
your head and slaughter a sheep, or fast three days or
give a measure of three sa’ of dates to six needy people.”
(Reported by Bukhari, Muslim and Abu Daw’ud)
In another report the same narrator says:
“Lice infested my hair and bothered me, while I was
with Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) during
Hudaibiyah. It got so bad that I was afraid of losing my
sight. Then Allah, the Almighty revealed the Qur’anic
verse (2.196) “And if any of you is ill or has an ailment in
his scalp (necessitating shaving) (he should) in compen-
sation either fast or feed the poor or otfer sacrifice.”
Upon this Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) called
me and said: “Shave your head, or fast three days or feed
six poor persons one farq (A measure commonly used in
Madinah at the time of the Prophet, it is roughly equiva-
lent to sixteen Iraqi rotl) of raisins, or slaughter a
sheep.” So I shaved my head and slaughtered a sheep.”
With regard to penalty Ash-Shafi’i makes no distinction between
a muhrim who is compelled to violate ihram by some genuine
need, and one who does so without any genuine cause. In either
case penalty must be paid to atone tor violation. Abu Hanifah
holds that a person who violates the ihram restrictions without
genuine cause must offer a sheep to compensate for his violation,
if he can afford it. A person who cannot afford this does not
have to make any atonement as mentioned above.
Chapter Nine:
Killing A Game In The State Of Ihram
Allah says:
“O You Who Believe, kill not game while in the Sacred
Precincts or in Pilgrim garb. If any of you doeth so in-
tentionally, the compensation is an offering, brought to
the Ka’bah, of a domestic animal equivalent to the one
he killed, as adjudged by two just men among you; or by
way of atonement, the feeding of the indigent; or its
equivalent in fasts; that he may taste of the penalty of his
deed. Allah forgives what is past: For repetition, Allah
will exact from him the penalty. For Allah is Exalted,
and Lord of Retribution.” (Qur’an 5.95)
Ibn Kathir said: “The majority holds that as far as the penalty
is concerned there is no difference between one who delib-
erately kills a game and he who does so forgetfully.” Az-
Zuhri said: “The Qur’an imposed a penalty only on the in-
tentional killer of the game, while the sunnah includes those
who kill a game forgetfully.” In other words the Qur’an im-
poses a penalty on an intentional killer for his sin, as is indicated
by the words of Allah
“...that he may taste the penalty of his deed.”
The sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the judg-
ments of his Companions show that he who kills a game by mis-
take must also pay a penalty. Killing a game is a destructive act,
and therefore, whether it is inflicted intentionally or forgetfully,
makes little difference, though a deliberate killer is guilty of a sin,
whereas one who does so by mistake commits no sin.
Both Ibn Shihab and Ibn Hazm hold entering Makkah without
the ihram garb permissible. The Prophet (peace be upon him) set
the markers (Mawaqit) around Makkah only for those who in-
tended to perform Hajj or ‘Umrah.
Wearing ihram is not compulsory for those who pass these mark-
ers if they do not intend Hajj or ‘Umrah. Allah and His Prophet
(peace be upon him) did not forbid entering Makkah without
ihram. To insist on it is obligating people to which they are not
obligated by Shari’ah.
Chapter Eleven:
Tawaf - Circumambulation Around Ka’bah
Performing Tawaf:
1. One must begin tawaf (circumambulation) with one’s right
shoulder uncovered, and the Ka’bah on one’s left side, while fac-
ing the Black Stone, kissing it, if possible, or touching it with
one’s hand, or pointing in its direction, and saying, “Bismillah
wallahak baalla humma imanan bika wa tasdiqan bikitabika
wa wafa’an bi ‘ahdika wa ittiba’an li sunnati nabbiyyi salla-
lahu ‘alaihi wa sallam (In the Name of Allah. Allah is the
Greatest. O Allah! [I begin this tawafl believing in You, af-
firming the truth of Your Book, fulfilling my covenant with
You, and following the example of the Prophet, peace be
upon him).”
2. Jogging lightly through the first three rounds around Ka’bah is
encouraged. One should walk fast, keep close to Ka’bah as much
as possible, and take short steps. In the next four rounds one
should walk at normal pace. If one is unable to jog or get closer
to Ka’bah, because of overcrowding around it, one may perform
one’s tawaf in any way possible.
Touching the Yemeni corner (Ar-Ruknul Yemeni) is encouraged,
and so is kissing or touching the Black Stone in each of the seven
rounds of tawaf, if possible.
3. Making remembrance of Allah and supplicating to Him as
much as possible is also encouraged. For this purpose one may
choose any supplications that one feels comfortable with, without
restricting oneself to any supplications or repeating what others
(around one may be saying). There are no set supplications pre-
scribed for this purpose. The supplications that some people take
as prescribed for various rounds of tawaf have no authenticity.
No such supplications are reported from the Prophet (peace be
upon him). One should pray for oneself, for one’s family and
one’ s Muslim brethren for anything good in this life or in the
Some of the supplications that are reported in this regard are
given below:
1. Upon facing the Black Stone the Prophet (peace be upon him)
“Allahumma imanan bika wa tasdiqan bikitabik wa wafa
‘an bi’ahadika wa Itba’an li sunnat nabbiyyika bismillahi
wallahu akbar (This is reported directly from the Prophet
(peace be upon him)) (O Allah! I begin this tawaf believ-
ing in You, affirming the truth of Your Book, fulfilling
my covenant with You, and following the example of
Your Prophet, peace be upon him. In the Name of Allah!
Allah is the Greatest!)”
2. Upon commencing the tawaf the Prophet (peace be on him)
“Subhan Allah wal hamdu lillah wa la ilaha illallah wal-
lahu akbar wa la haula wa la quwwata illa billah (Glory
to Allah, All praise is due to Allah, there is no god but Al-
lah. Allah is the Greatest. There is no might nor power
except with Allah).” (Ibn Majah)
3. Upon reaching the Yemeni corner the Prophet (peace be upon
him) said:
“Rabbana aatina fid dunniyya hasanatan wa fil akhirati
hasanatan wa qina ‘adhaban nar (Our Lord! Grant us
Excellence of Tawaf:
Ibn ‘Abbas reported that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him)
“Every day Allah descends a hundred and twenty folds
of His Mercy to His slaves who perform Hajj (to His
House). Sixty-fold of these are specified for people per-
forming tawaf, forty-fold for those who pray there, and
twenty for those who look at the Ka’bah.”
5. Upon completing one’s tawaf, one must offer a two rak’ah
prayer at the Station of Ibrahim, reciting the verse of the Qur’an
“And take the Station of Abraham as a place of prayer.”
This will complete one tawaf around the Ka’bah.
This tawaf is called Tawafal Qudum (Arrival Circumambulation),
if a pilgrim is performing a mufrid (single) Hajj. Otherwise it is
called Tawaf al Tahayya (Circumambulation of Greeting), or
Tawafad Dakhul (Circumambulation of Entry). It is neither an
essential condition nor an obligation. For a pilgrim performing
Hajj Tamattu’ (combining Hajj and ‘Umrah with a break), or per-
forming Hajj Qiran (combining Hajj and ‘Umrah without a
Kinds of Tawaf:
1. Tawafal Qudum (Arrival Circumambulation).
2. Tawafal Ifada (Return from Mina Circumambulation).
3. Tawafal Wida’ (Farewell Circumambulation). We will deal with
it separately at its place.
4. Tawafat Tatawwu’ (Supererogatory Circumambulation).
The pilgrim should make full use of his stay at Makkah perform-
ing as much supererogatory tauaf and prayers in the Sacred
Mosque as possible. A prayer in it is better than a hundred thou-
sand prayers in any other mosque. In a supererogatory tawaf one
may not uncover one’s shoulder or jog. It is sunnah to perform a
tawaf of Ka’bah as a salutation to the Sacred Mosque upon enter-
ing it, unlike other mosques where on entering them a two rakah
prayer is offered as a salutation to the mosque.
Prerequisites of Tawaf:
1) Cleanliness from all major or minor physical impurities.:
The Hanafi school holds that cleanliness from impurities is not a
necessary condition, but an obligation which, if not found, may
be compensated by a sacrifice. Thus if somone performs a Tawaf
in a state of minor impurity his tawaf will be valid, but he will
completes a Tawaf and then finds oneself not so sure about the
number of rounds performed, one incurs no penalty nor is re-
quired to do anything.
4) One Must Begin and End One’s Tawaf at the Black Stone.
5)When Making Tawaf the Ka’bah Should Be to the Left of the
Person Performing Tawaf.
Circumambulating with the Ka bah on one’s right is invalid. Jabir
(may Allah be pleased with him) reported:
“When Allah’s Messenger arrived in Makkah, he went to
the Black Stone, kissed it, and then walked on its right
side. He jogged three rounds and walked the remaining
four.” (Muslim)
6) Tawaf Must Be Performed Outside and Around the Ka’bah:
Thus if someone were to walk within the Hijr (Commonly known
as Hijr Isma’il, and situated to the north of Ka’bah, it is sur-
rounded by a semicircular wall. Of this, only an area of six cubits
(three metres approximately) extending from the Ka’bah is its
part) his tawaf will not be valid, because both Hijr and Al-
Shazarwan (Al-Shazarwan is the construction contiguous to the
Ka’bah to which are fixed the rings holding the Ka’bah cover) are
a part of the Ka’bah. Allah has commanded us to circumambulate
around the Ka’bah and not inside it, saying:
“...and circumambulate the Ancient House.” (Qur’an
It is preferable, however, to remain close to the Ka’bah, if one
can do so easily.
7) Tawaf (circumambulation) should be immediately followed by
Sa’i (between Safa and Marwah):
Sunnah of Tawaf:
It is Sunnah to perform certain acts in tawaf as given below:
1. Facing the Black Stone at the start of the tawaf while uttering a
takbir (Allahu-Akbar), and a tahlil (La ilaha illahlah), and raising
one’s hands as they are raised in prayers, and if possible touching
it with both hands and kissing it quietly, or placing one’s cheek
on it. Otherwise. one may touch it with one’s hand and kiss the
hand, or touch it with something, and then kiss it, or if even that
is not possible, one may just point to it with a stick, etc. as is
mentioned in some of the ahadith given below.
Ibn ‘Umar said:
“Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) faced the Black
Stone, touched it, and then placed his lips on it and wept
for a long time.”
‘Umar also wept for a long time. The Prophet (peace be upon
him) said:
“O ‘Umar, this is the place where one should shed
tears.” (Reported by Al-Hakim, who considers it a sound
hadith with a sound chain of authorities)
It is reported by Ibn ‘Abbas that ‘Umar bent down towards the
Black Stone and said:
“By Allah! I know that you are a mere stone, and if I had
not seen my beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) kiss-
ing you and touching you I would have never done so.”
The Qur’an says:
“You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful
pattern (of conduct).”’ (Qur’an 33.32)
1This hadeeth has been declared extremely weak by great scholars such as
Sheikh Al-Albani and Sheikh ibn Taymiyyah.
nor did he see anyone doing so. There is consensus that it is un-
desirable in the tawaf prayer (salatul tawaf).
2) Ramal or Jogging:
Ramal means walking fast, vigorously moving the shoulders and
taking small steps, giving a sense of strength and energy. Ibn
‘Umar reported that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him)
jogged from the Black Stone to the Black Stone three times, and
walked the remaining four rounds. (Muslim and Ahmad) If a per-
son does not jog in the first three rounds, then he is not required
to make it up in the last four rounds. Ramal (Jogging) and idtiba’
(uncovering one’s right shoulder) are prescribed for men only
while making tawaffor ‘Umrah. In case of a pilgrim performing
Hajj, tawaf is always followed by Sa’i (walking between Safa and
Marwah). Shafi’i school holds that a pilgrim, who does make id-
tiba’ (i.e., uncovers his right shoulder) and performs ramal (i.e.,
jogs), while making Tawaf al Qudum on arrival and then making
Sa’i between Safa and Marwah, is not required to repeat idtiba’
and ramal in his Tawaf al Ifada (after returning from ‘Arafah). If
one does not perform Sa’i after making tawaf and postpones it till
after Tawaf az-Ziarah (Tawaf of Visit), he should make idtiba’
(uncover his right shoulder) and perform ramal (jog) while mak-
ing Tawaf az-Ziarah.
Women are not obligated to jog or uncover their right shoulder,
because they must properly cover themselves. Ibn ‘Umar said:
camel, and touched the Black Stone with a stick (that he carried).
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim)
Jabir reported that during the Farewell Pilgrimage the Prophet
(peace be upon him) performed tawaf and made Sa’i between
Safa and Marwah while riding on his mount, so as to show it to
the people, to draw their attention, and (to give them an oppor-
tunity) to ask him any questions (they had), and the people were
crowding around him.
Upon completion of the seven rounds of the tawaf; and after of-
fering the two rak’ahs by the Station of Ibrahim, it is encouraged
to drink water from the well of Zamzam.
Both Bukhari and Muslim confirm that the Prophet (peace be
upon him) drank of Zamzam water, and said,
“It is blessed (water); it is food for the hungry, and a
healing for the sick.”
It is reported that the angel Gabriel had washed the heart of the
Prophet (peace be upon him) with its water on the Night Journey.
At-Tabarani in his Al-Kabir, and Ibn Hibban have reported from
Ibn ‘Abbas that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“The best water on earth is the water of Zamzam. It is
food for the hungry, and a healing for the sick.” (Al-
Mundhri said that the chain of narrators of this hadith is
Chapter Twelve:
Sa’i Between Safa And Marwah
Historical Background:
Ibn ‘Abbas said:
‘Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) brought Hajar,
his wife, and her son Isma’il (peace be upon them),
whom she was still nursing, and left them at (the site of)
the House of Allah under a tree above the Zamzam.
Makkah at that time was a place where there was neither
water nor any dweller. He left a bag of dates and a con-
tainer of water for them. Then Ibrahim (peace be upon
him) turned to go away. Isma’il’s mother said to him, “O
Ibrahim! Where are you going? And who are you leaving
us to in this valley without a companion or a thing?” She
repeated this several times but he did not respond. At
last she asked him, “Has Allah commanded you to do
so?” He answered, “Yes.” Thereupon she said, “Then
He will not let us perish!”’ (Bukhari)
In another narration we read:
“She asked him, ‘Who are you leaving us to?’ He an-
swered, ‘To Allah’ whereupon she responded, ‘I am sat-
isfied,’ and turned back.”
Ibrahim left and when he reached a mountain pass where he
could no longer see them, he turned his face toward the Ka’bah
and with his hands raised, supplicated,
“O Our Lord! I have made of my offspring to dwell in a
valley without cultivation by your Sacred House; in order
2. Ibn ‘Abbas, Anas, Ibn Al-Zubair, Ibn Sirin, and Ahmad - ac-
cording to one narration from him - hold that Sa’i is sunnah,
which if not performed, no penalty is incurred by the person ne-
glecting it.
It is reported that the Mushaf of Ubaiy and Ibn Mas’ud read
“ ..if those who visit the House in the season or at other
times, should not compass them, it is no sin in them.”
This is not the Qur’anic text, but it does convey an important
piece of information and an interpretation of the Qur’anic text.
3. Abu Hanifah, Thawri and Hasan hold that Sa’i between Safa
and Marwah is an essential rite (wajib), but it is not obligatory for
Hajj and ‘Umrah. Therefore, if a pilgrim failed to perform it, he
must pay a penalty (slaughter a sheep in sacrifice).
The author of Al-Mughni prefers this opinion, and says:
1. This is preferable, because the argument of those holding
it to be wajib supports the absoluteness of the obligation
rather than the principle that anything needed to fulfill an
obligation (wajib) is also obligatory (wajib).
2. ‘Aishah’s statement in this respect is different from what
other Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) have
3. The hadith of the daughter of Abi Tajrah has among its
narrators one called Abdullah bin Al-Mu’mal, who is con-
troversial. According to him it is obligatory, whereas it is
only wajib.
4. The verse quoted above was revealed concerning those
people who feared they would be committing a sin if they
walked between Safa and Marwah as they used to do in the
days of Jahiliyya while two idols were set on top of Safa and
the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to ‘Aishah once when she
menstruated. He told her,
“You may perform all rites (of Hajj ) as other pilgrims
do, except performing tawaf around the Ka’bah which
you may do after you are clean and no longer menstruat-
ing.” (Muslim)
‘Aishah and Umm Salamah said,
“A woman who performs the tawaf, offers a two rak’ah
prayer (by the Station of Ibrahim), and then finds that
her period has started, may perform Sa’i between Safa
and Marwah.” (Reported by Sa’id bin Mansur)
It is preferable, however, to be in a state of complete purity while
performing various rites of Hajj or ‘Umrah, because cleanliness is
commendable in Islam.
Moving to Arafat:
After the sunrise of the 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah, it is sunnah to
leave for Arafah by way of Dhabb while uttering takbir (Allahu
Akbar), tahlil (La ilaha il-lal-lah), and talbiyah (Labaika Alla-
humma lab-baik). Mohammed bin Abi Bakr Al-Thaqafi said:
“I asked Anas bin Malik regarding talbiyah, while we
were on our way to Arafah from Mina, ‘How did you do
it while you were with the Prophet (peace be upon
him)?’ Anas answered, ‘Some (of us) said talbiyah, while
others said takbir, and yet others repeated La ilaha il-lal-
lah. And the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not dis-
approve of any of them.”’
This is reported by Bukhari and others.
It is desirable to stop at Namira and take an ablution or bath in
preparation for one’s stay at Arafah. Furthermore, it is liked that
one should enter Arafah at the time appointed for staying there
which is after midday.
leaves Arafah. Abu Hanifah and Malik hold that the Hajj of such
people is valid.
Ash-Shafi’i, Ahmad, Al-Hasan, Abu Thawr, Ishaq, and Ibn Al-
Mundhir hold that such a person’s Hajj is invalid, because it is an
essential part of Hajj, and a person in a coma cannot perform this
or any other rites of Hajj.
After reporting the above hadith of Ibn Ya’mur, Tirmidhi re-
marks: “Sufyan Al-Thawri said that the knowledgeable
Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and others
followed this hadith and held that a person failing to spend
the day or a portion thereof at Arafah before the dawn of the
10th of Dhul-Hijjah, or arriving there after the sunrise,
misses Hajj. Such a person should consider his present Hajj
as an ‘Umrah, and must repeat it the next year. This is the
opinion of Ash-Shafi’i, Ahmad, and others.”
Taking a Bath:
It is desirable that one should take a bath before encamping in
Arafah. Ibn ‘Umar used to take a bath on the eve of the Day of
Arafah, as reported by Malik. Similarly ‘Umar (may Allah be
pleased with him) used to take a bath in Arafah while he was in
the state of ihram.
Tirmidhi also reported from Ali that the supplication used most
of the time by the Prophet (peace be upon him) during his stay in
Arafah was:
“Allahumma lakal hamdu kalladhi naqulu wa khairam
mimma naqulu, Allahumma laka salati wa nusuki wa
mahyaya wa mamati wa ilaika ma’abi wa laka rabbi tura-
thi allahumma inni a’udhubika min ‘adhabil qabri wa
waswasatis sadri wa shatatil amri allahumma inni
a’udhubika min sharri ma tahubbu bihi riyhu (All praise
belongs to You, O Allah! as we say, and better than what
we can say. O Allah! My prayers, my worship, my life
and my death are all for You. O Allah! To You is my re-
turn, to You belong what I own. O Allah! I seek refuge
with You from the torment of the grave, the evil whis-
pers, confusion, and from whatever the wind may bring.)
went to Mina he would shorten his prayers. ‘Amr bin Dinar re-
ported that Jabil bin Zaid told him:
“Shorten your prayers at Arafah.”
This is reported by Sa’id bin Mansur.
then you must realize that this thought itself is from Satan,
who suggests it to make you think there is no benefit in it,
and so weaken your resolve and prevent you from throw-
ing pebbles. Fight against these evil whispers with firm-
ness, resolution and by throwing pebbles despite these
suggestions. You must also realize that although you are
apparently throwing pebbles at the Jamarahs, in reality
you are hurling these in the face of Satan and thereby
breaking his backbone. This is not possible except by
submitting to the commandments of Allah, in submission
to Him, and without seeking gratification of any personal
Its Legality:
The majority of scholars is of the opinion that throwing the peb-
bles is necessary (wajib), but it is not obligatory. Anyone failing to
throw pebbles is required to offer a sacrifice as reported by
Ahmad, Muslim, and Nasa’i from Jabir who said,
“I saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) riding his
mount and throwing pebbles on the Day of Nahr (10th of
Dhul-Hijjah), and saying, ‘Take your rituals from me. I
do not know whether I will be able to perform another
Hajj after this one’.”
Abdur Rahman Al-Taimi said:
“The Prophet (peace be upon him) commanded us in
the Farewell Hajj to use small pebbles (the size of a
This was reported by At-Tabarani in his Al-Kabir with a sound
chain of authorities.
“There is no harm.”
This was reported by Bukhari.
Ibn Majah has reported from Ibn ‘Abbas that after throwing
pebbles at the Jamarah al-Aqabah, the Prophet (peace be upon
him) used to leave, and not stop (for supplications).
Sacrificial Animals:
These are animals brought to the Haram, the Sacred Mosque,
seeking the closeness and pleasure of Allah, Who says in the
Qur’an (22.36),
“The sacrificial camels We have made for you as among
the symbols from Allah: in them is (much ) good for you:
then pronounce the name of Allah over them as they line
up (tor sacrifice) when they are down on their sides (af-
ter slaughter), eat you thereof, and feed such as beg with
due humility: thus have We made animals subject to
you, that you may be grateful. It is not their meat nor
their blood, that reaches Allah: it is your piety that
reaches Him.”
‘Umar said,
“Sacrifice animals, for Allah loves sacrifice. The Prophet
(peace be upon him) offered one hundred camels in sac-
rifice for the pleasure of Allah.”
This offering by him was supererogatory.
Kinds of Sacrifice:
Sacrifice may be divided into two categories, one that is desirable,
and the other that is obligatory.
As for the desirable one, an example of it is that which is required
of pilgrims who perform Hajj only (Hajj Ifrad), or who perform
‘Umrah only. As to the obligatory sacrifice it may be one of the
-1- That which is obligatory for those performing Hajj Iqran
(combining Hajj and ‘Umrah without a break in between),
-2- or Hajj Tamattu’ (combining Hajj and ‘Umrah but with a
break in between).
-3- That which is obligatory for a pilgrim who misses out an es-
sential ritual of Hajj, e.g., throwing pebbles, or putting on ihram
from a miqat (a place designated for entering into a state of
ihram), or combining day and night while camping at Arafah, or
spending the night at Muzdalifah or Mina or departing Makkah
without performing Tawaf al-Wida’ (Farewell circumambulation).
-4- That which is obligatory for a pilgrim committing something
forbidden in the state of ihram, other than sexual intercourse,
wearing perfume or shaving.
-5- That which is obligatory for committing a crime within the
sacred precincts of Haram, like hunting or cutting trees within the
Sacred precincts of Haram. All these have been explained above
in their respective sections.
Time of Slaughtering:
There is disagreement among scholars about the time of slaugh-
tering. According to Ash-Shafi’i it should be done on the Day of
Nahr, 10th of Zhul-Hijjah, and during Ayyam at-Tashriq (the
11th, 12th or 13th of Zhul-Hijjah) in light of the Prophet’s words
“All the Tashriq days (10th, 12th and 13th of Zhul-
Hijjah) are Days for Slaughtering”
as reported by Ahmad.
If one missed slaughtering during these days, then one may
slaughter an animal later on to make up for it.
Malik and Ahmad hold that regardless of whether the slaughter-
ing of the animal is obligatory or a supererogatory act of worship
it must be done during the appointed days. The Hanafi school
also holds the same view concerning a pilgrim pertorming Hajj
Tamattu’ or Hajj Qiran. Such a pilgrim must slaughter the animal
during the appointed (tashriq) days.
As opposed to this, a sacrifice in fullfilment of a vow, atonement
of sins, and offered as a supererogatory act of worship may be
offered any time during the year.
Abu Salmah bin Abdul Rahman and An-Nakh’i reported that the
time for slaughtering is from the Day of Nahr to the end of Zhul-
Place of Slaughtering:
A sacrifice whether it is obligatory (wajib) or voluntary cannot be
done except within the Sacred Precincts of Haram. Anywhere
within these precincts one may offer the intended sacrifice.
-2- Abu Daw’ud reported from Jabir that the Prophet (peace be
upon him) and his companions used to slaughter their sacrificial
camels with their left legs tied and standing on three legs.
-3- Hakim reported from Ibn ‘Abbas concerning the Qur’anic
verse (22.36)
“then pronounce the name of Allah over them as they
line up (for sacrifice)”
he interpreted it to mean
“as they line up and stand on three legs.”
As for cows and sheep it is preferable to slaughter them in a lying
position. According to some it is disliked to slaughter an animal
standing that is to be slaughtered lying down and vice-versa. Oth-
ers disagree and hold it is not disliked. It is preferable to slaughter
one’ s animal with one’ s own hands, if possible, otherwise one
may assign someone else to do it on one’s behalf, but one must
be present there.
Time of Shaving:
A pilgrim may shave or cut his hair short right after throwing the
first pebbles at Jamarah Al-Aqabah on the Day of Nahr - the
10th of Zhul-Hijjah. If, however, a pilgrim has with him animals
to be slaughtered then he can shave or cut his hair short only af-
ter having slaughtered these animals.
In a hadith reported by Ma’mar bin Abdullah we read that the
Prophet (peace be upon him) slaughtered his sacrificial animal at
Mina and said,
“He has commanded me to shave (my head).”
This was reported by Ahmad and At-Tabarani.
The time to shave or cut one’s hair short while performing ‘Um-
rah is right after completing Sa’i - seven rounds - between Safa
and Marwah. As for those who bring their sacrifical animals with
them, they may shave right after they slaughter them.
At the time of shaving or cutting one’ s hair short, according to
Abu Hanifah and Malik, one must be in Haram (within the
prencincts of the Sacred Mosque) and it must be during the Days
of Nahrm - 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of Zhul-Hijjah. A narration
from Ahmad, based on the above hadith, supports this opinion.
Ash-Shafi’i, Mohammad bin Al-Hasan, and, according to his well
known position, Ahmad, are of the view that shaving or cutting
of one’s hair short must be done within the Sacred Precincts of
the Haram, but not necessarily during the Days of Nahr. If one
delays shaving one’s head until after these days one may do so
without any harm or incurring any penalty.
Tawaf Al-Ifadah:
There is consensus among the Muslims that Tawaf AI-lfadah is
one of the essentials of Hajj, and if someone fails to observe it his
Hajj is void. The Qur’an (22.29) says:
“Then, let them complete the rites prescribed for them,
perform their vows, and (again) circumambulate the An-
cient House”.
According to Ahmad a pilgrim must make a definite intention for
its performance.
All the other three Imams hold that having the intention to per-
form Hajj covers and applies to all its rites including Tawaf Al-
The majority of scholars holds that Tawaf AI-lfadah is comprised
of seven rounds of the Ka’bah. Abu Hanifah, however, is of the
view that only four of the seven rounds are essential in Hajj, and
if these (four) are missed the Hajj of a person becomes void. The
remaining three rounds are necessary (wajib) but not essential. A
pilgrim abandoning one or all of these three rounds misses a nec-
essary part, but it does not invalidate his Hajj, although he is re-
quired to offer a sacrifice of an animal in atonement for it.
Chapter Fourteen:
Bukhari has reported that Zaid bin Jubair came to Ibn ‘Umar and
asked him,
“Wherefrom should I declare my intention to perform
He replied,
“The Prophet (peace be upon him) has set Qarna as the
miqat for the people of Najd (from where they must de-
clare their ihram), and similarly for the people of
Madinah he set Dhul Hulaifah, and for the people of
Syria Al-Johfah as their miqats.”
One who is already well within the confines of the miqat area -
even if one is within the Sacred Precincts of Haram itself - must
go out to the miqat and declare ihram from there, as is obvious
from the above hadith of Bukhari which says that ‘Aishah was
commanded by the Prophet (peace be upon him) to go to Tan’im
(the miqat) and put on her ihram for ‘Umrah from there.
Farewell Tawaf:
This is called the Farewell Tawaf because by this a pilgrim bids
farewell to Ka’bah, the House of Allah. It is also known as Tawaf
As-Sadr (Tawaf Before Departing) because it marks the departing
of pilgrims from Makkah. In this there is no jogging (ramal), and
it is the last rite performed by a nonresident pilgrim in Makkah
before leaving for his home. Malik has reported in Al-Muwatta
that ‘Umar said,
“The last rite of Hajj is tawaf around the Ka’bah.”
As for residents of Makkah, and the menstruating women (pil-
grims), they are not obligated to perform it, nor to pay any
During this stay one should face the direction of Qiblah, glorify
Allah and remember Him, and supplicate to Him as much as pos-
sible until nightfall.
After nightfall the pilgrims must leave for Muzdalifah, and reach-
ing there, offer Maghrib and ‘Isha prayers, combining them and
offering them toward the the end of the usual time, and then
spend the night there. At dawn the pilgrims stand by Al-Mash’ar
al Haram (the Sacred Monument), and remember and glorify Al-
lah until it is broad daylight. Thereafter they should return to
Mina after picking up their pebbles from Muzdalifah.
Standing by the Sacred Monument is essential (wajib), and anyone
failing to do so is required to offer a sacrifice in atonement.
After the sunrise, a pilgrim must throw seven pebbles at Jamarah
Al-Aqabah. Then he should slaughter his sacrificial animal, if
possible, shave off or cut his hair short. This will release him
frolll the restrictions of ihram. and he may engage in any normal
activity except sexual intercourse with his wite. He must then re-
turn to Makkah to perform Tawaf Al-Itadah an essential part of
Hajj, and also known as Tawaf Az-Ziyarah. He should perform it
in the same manner as he had earlier performed Tawaf Al-
Qudum. If the pilgrim is performing Hajj Tamattu’, he must per-
form a Sa’i after this Tawaf Al-Ifadah. For a pilgrim performing
Hajj Qiran or Ifrad, this second Sa’i is not essential, if on arriving
in Makkah he had performed a Tawaf Al-Qudum.
After this tawaf - Tawaf-Al-Ifadah - a pilgrim may engage in all
normal lawful activities including sexual intercourse with his wife.
The pilgrim must now return to Mina and stay overnight there.
This overnight stay at Mina is essential and for abandoning it one
must atone by offering a sacrifice. After midday on the 11th of
Dhul-Hijjah, the pilgrim must throw pebbles at the three Ja-
marahs, starting with the one nearest to Mina, then the middle
one, and stand for a while invoking and supplicating to Allah.
Then he should go to the last Jamarah, throw pebbles at it, and
leave without stopping there. A pilgrim should finish throwing
pebbles at the three Jamarahs well before the sunset. On the 12th
of Dhul-Hijjah he should repeat the rites of the previous day.
Having thrown the pebbles a pilgrim is free either to return to
Makkah before the sunset of the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah, or spend
the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah as well in Mina, and throw pebbles at the
Jamarahs. Throwing pebbles is an essential rite of Hajj and for
failing to do so one must offer a sacrifice. After returning to
Makkah if the pilgrim desires to return to his home country he
must perform TawafAI-Wida’ or Farewell Tawaf, which is also an
essential rite of Hajj. In case he is unable to perform it, and if he
has not crossed the miqat, he should return to Makkah and per-
form it, or else sacrifice a sheep. In short, the essential rites of
Hajj and ‘Umrah are: declaring ihram from miqat, tawaf, Sa’i, halq
(shaving one’ s hair) or qasr (or cutting one’ s hair short). With
these the rituals of ‘Umrah are completed. In the case of Hajj one
has to perform certain additional rites. The essential rites of Hajj
are spending a Day at Arafah, throwing pebbles at Jamarahs,
Tawaf Al-lfadah, staying in Mina, slaughtering an animal, shaving
or cutting one’s hair short. This is a brief summary of all the rites
of Hajj and ‘Umrah.
Invasion of Ka’bah:
Bukhari and Muslim reported from ‘Aishah that the Prophet
(peace be upon him) said,
“An army will attack the Ka’bah. When they reach a de-
sert they will all be caused to be swallowed up by the
earth, to the last man.”
‘Aishah asked,
“O Messenger of Allah, how is that, because among
them there may be some pious and good people and oth-
ers who are not with them?”
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said.
“They will all be swallowed up by the earth, but then
they will be restored to life (on the Judgment Day) ac-
cording to their intentions.”
house, and that is where he was buried) and offer there two
rak’ahs as greetings to the Mosque with calm and humility.
3. After this one should head toward the grave of the Prophet
(peace be upon him) face it, and with the back to the Qiblah, give
greetings of peace to the Prophet (peace be upon him), saying:
Assalamu ‘alaika ya rasulallah. Assalamu ‘alaika ya nabiyallah. As-
salamu ‘alaika ya khiyrata khalqillah min khalqihi. Assalamu ‘alaika
ya khaira khalqillah. Assalamu ‘alaika ya habiballah. Assalamu
‘alaika ya sayyidil mursaleen. Assalamu ‘alaika ya rasullallah rabal
‘alameen. Assalamu ‘alaika ya qa ‘idal ghirril muhajjaleen. Ash-
hadu alla-ilaha illallah, wa ash-hadu annaka ‘abduhu wa rasuluhu
wa ameen uhu wa khiyratuhu min khcllyihi, wa ash-hadu annaka
qad ballaghtar rasalata wa addaital amanata wa nasahtal ummata
wa jahdta fillahi haqa jihadihi. “Peace be on you, O the Mes-
senger of Allah. Peace be on you, O, the Prophet of Allah.
Peace be on you, O, the chosen one of Allah’s creation.
Peace be on you, O, the beloved one of Allah. Peace be on
you, O, the Chief of the Messengers of (Allah). Peace be on
you, O, the Messenger of the Lord of the universe. Peace be
on you, O, the Chief of the unique generation. I bear wit-
ness that there is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that
you are His slave, messenger, trustee, and the chosen one of
His creation. I bear witness that you indeed delivered the
message (of Allah). discharged your trust, counseled the
Muslim community, and strove hard tor the cause of Allah.”
4. Now moving about a yard to the right, the visitor should offer
his greetings to Abu Baker As-Siddiq, and then moving further
another yard in the same direction, offer greetings to ‘Umar bin
Excellence of Madinah:
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him)
“Verily, belief returns and comes back to Madinah as a
snake returns and comes back to its hole (when in dan-
At-Tabarani has reported from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet
(peace be upon him) said,