2008 Actual + 2009 Estimated Canadian Online Advertising Revenue Survey Detailed Report

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2008 Actual + 2009 Estimated

Canadian Online Advertising Revenue Survey
An industry survey conducted by Ernst & Young and
sponsored by the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

Table of Contents

A. Background 3

B. Executive Summary 4

C. Detailed Findings

- 2008 Canadian Online Revenue: Total Canada, French Canada 5

- 2009 Canadian Online Revenue Forecast

- Canadian Online Advertising Revenues Over Time: 1999-2008

- Concentration Of Online Advertising Revenues 6

- Revenue Growth Trends By Advertising Vehicle

- Share of Total Canadian Online Ad Revenue By Advertising Vehicle 8

- Percent of Online Revenue By Advertising Category 9

- Comparing Online Ad Revenue Growth/Share To Other Major Media 10

- Online Revenue Share Versus All-Media: Canada/US/UK 12

- Respondent Commentary On Industry Challenges/Opportunities 12

D. Appendix

- Survey Scope And Methodology 13

- Definitions Of Advertising Formats 14

- About IAB Canada 16

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

A. Background

About the 2008-09 Canadian Online Advertising Revenue Report…

First commissioned in 1998 by the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada (IAB), the Canadian Online
Advertising Revenue Report is now in its 11th consecutive year of publication. From 1999-2001, the study
was conducted by PriceWaterhouseCooper. From 2002 onward, the study was conducted by Ernst &
Young LLP.

The results of IAB Canada’s Annual Canadian Online Publisher Advertising Revenue Survey are
considered the most accurate measurement of Canadian Online advertising revenues, as the data is
compiled directly from information supplied by Canadian Online Publishers who sell advertising on
Canadian Websites, and Ad Networks, who sell advertising on both Canadian and U.S. Websites they

It should be noted that Ernst & Young does not formally audit the information supplied by participants in
their Survey responses, and provides no opinion or other form of assurance with respect to the
information. Results of individual respondent submissions are held in strict confidence by Ernst & Young
and are released in aggregate form only, to maintain individual Online Publisher/Ad Network

The technical summary at the end of this Report contains basic Survey Methodology and the Definitions
of the various Online advertising vehicles (ad formats) reported on.

Martin Lundie
Ernst & Young LLP

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

B. Executive Summary

2008 Full-Year Highlights and 2009 Forecast

Revenue Trends
Online advertising revenues in Canada have more than quadrupled over the past five years, and grew to
$1.6 billion (net) in 2008, up 29% from the $1.241 million reported in 2007.

Online’s $1.6 billion in advertising revenue for 2008 has now surpassed that for Radio ($1.55 billion); is
64% of Daily Newspaper ad revenue and over 47% of Television ad revenues.

French language advertising revenues grew by 22% in 2008 to $317 million (net), and accounted for 20%
of total Online ad revenues in Canada during 2008.

Respondents to IAB Canada’s 2008 Survey have forecast that Online advertising revenue in Canada will
grow to $1.75 billion in 2009 – an estimated 9.2% increase over 2008 actuals. This forecast includes a
7.8% increase to $342 million for French Publishers’ Online advertising revenue.

Concentration of Advertising Revenues

The Top 10 Advertising Earners in this Survey brought in a full 77% of all Canadian Online advertising
revenues in 2008, while the Top 20 Earners accounted for 86%.

Revenue By Advertising Vehicle (Ad Format)

Search advertising continues to lead in terms of share of dollars booked by Online Publishers ($602
million/38%), followed by Display ($490 million/31%) and Classifieds ($480 million/30%). Online Video
advertising grew from $9 million in 2007 to $12 million in 2008, while Email advertising stayed stable at
$18 million.

Revenue By Advertising Category

Automotive advertising accounted for 13% of all 2008 Online Publisher ad revenues in Canada, closely
followed by Financial (11%), Technology (10%), Telecommunications (9%) and Packaged Goods (8%).

Online Advertising Growth as Compared to Growth in Other Media

The overall 29% increase in Online advertising from 2007 to 2008, was almost 8 times more than the
3.8% combined net increase experienced by all reported media in Canada.

Online Revenue Share Versus All-Media Ad Revenue: Canada/US/UK

Canada’s Online advertising market, with an 11% share of total domestic advertising revenue, is only
slightly outperformed by the US at 12.5%. In the UK, Online has more than twice the Canadian medium’s
share at 23.1% of total advertising revenue.

Challenges + Opportunities Going Forward

Similar to last year, Online Publishers cite their main challenges/opportunities going forward into 2009 as:
coping with the severity of the economic downturn; demonstrating Display advertising’s return-on-
investment (with or without a click) in response to growing Advertiser emphasis on performance-based
(CPC/CPA) pricing models; training offline media sales forces to effectively integrate Online into cross-
media sales proposals; and the commoditization of Online media by the growing number and increased
market share of Advertising Networks.

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

C. Detailed Online Advertising Revenue Findings

Canadian Online Advertising Revenues Top $1.6 Billion in 2008

Online advertising revenues rose to $1.6 billion in 2008, up 29% compared to $1.24 billion in 2007.

Total 2008 Online Advertising Revenue

2007 2008 % growth
Millions ($) 1,241 1,602 29%

French language advertising revenues grew by 22% in 2008, accounting for 20% of total Online ad
revenues in Canada in 2008.

Total French 2008 Online Advertising Revenue

2007 2008 % growth
Millions ($) 260 317 22%
Share of Total 0.21 0.20

$1.75 Billion Total Online Revenues Projected for 2009

Online ad revenues are forecast to grow 9.2% during 2009, rising to $1.75 billion. French ad revenues are
forecast to increase by 7.8% to $342 million.

Projected Total 2009 Online Advertising Revenue

Actual Forecast
2008 2009 % growth
Total Online (Mil $) 1,602 1,750 9.2%
French Online (Mil $) 317 342 7.8%

Canadian Online Advertising Revenues Over Time: 1999-2008

Total Canadian Online advertising revenues have increased substantially in all but one of the 10
consecutive years 1999-2008. Publisher revenue from Online advertising in Canada has more than
quadrupled over the past five years, building from $364 million in 2004 to just over the $1.6 billion mark in

Ten-year Growth Trend of Actual Online Advertising Revenues: 1999-2008

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Total Cda Millions ($) 50 98 86 176 237 364 562 900 1241 1602
% growth/yr 96% -12% 105% 35% 54% 54% 60% 38% 29%
French Cda Millions ($) -- -- -- -- -- 65.5 124 189 260 317
% growth/yr 89% 52% 38% 22%

*NOTE: Online Advertising Revenues for French Canada were not able to be determined accurately until 2004.

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

Concentration Of Online Advertising Revenues

The Top 10 Advertising Earners in this Survey, brought in a full 77% of all Canadian Online advertising
revenues in 2008, while the Top 20 Earners accounted for 86%.

NOTE: IAB Canada’s Annual Online Advertising Revenue Survey has a 100% response rate for the Top
10 Earners, and a 95% response rate for the Top 20 Earners.

Year… 2006 2007 2008

% Total Annual Survey
Revenue …
Top 10 Earners 78% 77% 77%
Top 20 Earners 87% 85% 86%

Revenue And Rate Of Revenue Growth By Online Vehicle (Ad Format) In 2008
Both Search and Display slowed their annual growth rate in 2008 to 26% and 13% respectively. Search
had previously grown by 39% between 2006 and 2007; while Display grew 38% in that same time.

Classifieds/Directories revenues continued their increase -- growing 57% between 2007 and 2008 -- BUT,
it should be noted that it’s estimated that half of the 57% growth in Classifieds/Directories revenues in the
2008 numbers was a result of revised classification of revenue by two leading respondents, who re-
classified revenue which had previously been in Display and Search into the Classifieds/Directories
format. This must therefore be taken into account, when understanding the rate of growth in the
Classifieds/Directories ad format in 2008.

Video, while still a small percent of the total Online Publisher advertising revenues in Canada,
nevertheless grew by 33% over 2007 numbers.

Online Revenue Growth by Advertising Vehicle

2007 2008 %
$ (millions) $ (millions) change
Search 478 602 26%
Display 432 490 13%
Classifieds/Directories 305 480 57%
Email 17 18 6%
Video 9 12 33%
Total 1241 1602 29%

Although Email advertising revenues continue to represent only a small fraction of the total Online
advertising revenue within the annual IAB Canada Survey, it should be noted that these sums represent
only the revenue that is associated with ads placed within participating Publisher Email advertising
newsletters and individual email sends. As such, it does NOT capture the full sum of dollars spent on
Email marketing by Advertisers within the Canadian marketing industry, and therefore, Email’s low share
within IAB Canada’s Survey should NOT be assumed to be indicative of any declining importance of
Email within the overall Online advertising “toolbox”.

Similarly, although the growth in Display appears to be slowing at a substantial rate, it should be noted
that Video advertising was pulled out of the Display total starting in 2007. In addition, Display advertising
is actually occurring on various Search engines (as part contextual targeting programs/revenues within
Paid Search) and within the real estate on various Classifieds/Directories providers. However, in order to
be able to compare IAB Canada revenue numbers with IAB US numbers, IAB Canada has chosen to
keep Canadian Online Ad Definitions in line with those in the US.

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

Revenue Growth By Online Advertising Vehicle Over Past Five Years: 2004-2008
During the five-year period of 2004-2008, the steep growth of paid Search and Classifieds advertising
revenues is evident.

Five-year Trend 2004-2008: Online Ad Revenue Growth By Advertising Vehicle

2004 2005 % 2006 % 2007 % 2008 %
$ (millions) $ (millions) change $ (millions) change $ (millions) change $ (millions) change

Search 109 197 80% 343 74% 478 39% 602 26%
Display 189 230 22% 314 37% 432 38% 490 13%
Directories 55 124 127% 223 80% 305 37% 480 57%
Email 11 11 1% 20 82% 17 ‐15% 18 6%
Video na na -- na -- 9 -- 12 33%
Total 364 562 54% 900 60% 1241 38% 1602 29%

The changes in actual dollars earned by Publishers for Search, Display and the other Online vehicles (ad
formats) over time, are shown graphically in the following column chart:

Five‐year Trend 2004‐2008: Online Ad Revenue Growth By Vehicle
$ net revenue (000) 602
Search Display Classified/ Directory Email Video
478 490

$360 343
314 305

230 223
189 197

$120 109
11 11 20 17 9 18 12
Year: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

The change in actual dollar allocation by vehicle (ad format) can be re-presented effectively as a line
graph as well, as shown below:

$ net Five‐year Trend 2004‐2008: Online Ad Revenue Growth By Vehicle

rev (000)
$600 602 Search

478 490
$480 Classified/ 
432 Email
189 197

109 124

11 20 17 18
$0 12
Year: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Share of Total Canadian Online Ad Revenue By Advertising Vehicle (Ad Format)

Search surpassed Display in 2006 and in 2008 accounts for 38% of Total Canadian Online advertising
revenue compared to Display’s 31% share, with Classifieds/Directories revenues inching closer to those
of Display each year. Advertising revenues for Classifieds/Directories have hovered around 22-25% of
Total Canadian Online advertising revenues over the past three years, but jumped up to 30% in 2008 in
response to a continued transfer of Classified linage/revenues from Newspapers and Magazines, and the
resultant higher revenues garnered by both pure-play Classifieds/Directories Publishers, as well other
Publishers with Classifieds within their total suite of ad offerings. Again, it should be noted that it’s
estimated that a full 50% of the 57% growth in Classifieds/Directories revenues in the 2008 numbers was
a result of revised segmentation of revenue by two respondents (please see pg. 6 for more info).

5-year Trend 2004-08: Share of Total Online Ad Revenue By Vehicle

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
% revenue % revenue % revenue % revenue % revenue
Search 30% 35% 38% 39% 38%
Display 52% 41% 35% 35% 31%
Classifieds/ Directories 15% 22% 25% 25% 30%
Email 3% 2% 2% 1% 1%
Video -- -- -- < 1% < 1%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
note - percentages are rounded

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

Expressed as a line graph, the change in Share of Total Online Ad Revenue by Advertising Vehicle (Ad
Format) over the past 5 years is even more visible:

60% Percent Share of Total Canadian Online Ad Revenue By Vehicle

(all percentages are rounded)
40% 38% 39% 38%
35% Search
30% 35% 35% 31%
20% 25% 25% Classifieds/ 
15% Email

3% 2% 2% 1% 1% Video
0% < 1% < 1%
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Percentage of Online Ad Revenue By Advertising Category 2008 vs. 2007

While most advertising categories varied by only one or two percent from their 2007 scores, according to
the Publishers surveyed for this study, percent of Publisher ad revenue from the Automotive category
decreased from 16% in 2007 to 13% in 2008, but still leads all Online ad categories. Financial and
Technology revenues (at 11% and 10% respectively) stayed the same as levels recorded in 2007, while
share of revenue from the Telecommunications sector increased from 7% to 9%, and Packaged Goods
increased from 6% to 8% in 2008.

           Distribution of Total Canadian Online Ad Revenue by Major Product/Service Category: 2008 vs 2007
Total Auto- Entertain- Packaged Tech- Telecom-
Online motive Financial Leisure ment Goods Retail nology munications Other
2008 % ad revenue 100% 13% 11% 6% 6% 8% 5% 10% 9% 32%
2007 % ad revenue 100% 16% 11% 7% 8% 6% 9% 10% 7% 26%
Difference (points) -3 pts -- -1 pts -2 pts +2 pts -4 pts -- +2pts +6 pts
Leisure = travel, hotel, hospitality

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

The Percent Distribution of Total Canadian Online Ad Revenue by Major Product/Service Category for
2008 is also graphically expressed in the following pie chart:

Online Advertising Growth As Compared To Growth In Other Media

The overall 29.1% rate of increase in Online advertising from 2007 to 2008 was almost 8-times steeper
than the 3.8% increase in net advertising volume for Canada as a whole during the same period.

Online’s $1.6 billion in advertising revenue in 2008 surpassed that of Radio at $1.55 billion, which means
that the Internet has moved up from fourth to third place, in terms of net total annual Canadian advertising

Advertising Revenue by Major Medium in Canada: 2007‐08 Comparison
2007 2008 %
Rank $ Millions $ Millions change
1 Television $3,299 $3,391 2.8%
2 Daily Newspaper $2,572 $2,503 ‐2.7%
3 Internet $1,241 $1,602 29.1%
4 Radio $1,467 $1,547 5.5%
5 Magazines $718 $692 ‐3.6%
6 Out-of-home $422 $463 9.7%
Other Media $4,360 $4,422 1.4%
Total - all media $14,079 $14,620 3.8%
Source: TVB

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

Canadian Internet advertising revenue now represents a full 11% (up from 8.8% in 2007) of the estimated
$14.6 billion total 2008 media revenue in Canada for all media combined per the table below:

Share of Advertising Revenue by Major Medium in Canada: 2007-08

2007 2008
Rank $ Millions % of total $ Millions % of total
1 Television $3,299 23.4% $3,391 23.2%
2 Daily Newspaper $2,572 18.3% $2,503 17.1%
3 Internet $1,241 8.8% $1,602 11.0%
4 Radio $1,467 10.4% $1,547 10.6%
5 Magazines $718 5.1% $692 4.7%
6 Out-of-home $422 3.0% $463 3.2%
Other $4,360 31.0% $4,422 30.2%
Total - all media $14,079 100.0% $14,620 100.0%
Source: TVB

Internet advertising revenues were also trended back 10 years in comparison to the three other top major
media of Television, Daily Newspapers and Radio. In just a decade, Online net advertising revenues have
grown from a tiny fraction to 64% of Daily Newspaper’s, 47% of Television’s ad revenues, and 104% of
Radio, as seen in the table below:

Net Ad Revenue Growth Trend 1999-2008 : Internet versus Canada's 3 other top media - TV, Dailies & Radio Index
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 of Size
Internet $ Millions $56 $110 $97 $176 $237 $364 $562 $900 $1,241 $1,602 100
% change 96% -12% 81% 35% 54% 54% 60% 38% 29%
Television $ Millions $2,370 $2,450 $2,553 $2,593 $2,827 $2,964 $3,014 $3,241 $3,299 $3,391 47
% change 3% 4% 2% 9% 5% 2% 8% 2% 3%
Daily Nwspr $ Millions $2,428 $2,581 $2,501 $2,510 $2,529 $2,611 $2,659 $2,635 $2,572 $2,503 64
% change 6% -3% 0% 1% 3% 2% -1% -2% -3%
Radio $ Millions $953 $1,001 $1,048 $1,080 $1,171 $1,209 $1,313 $1,388 $1,467 $1,547 104
Source: TVB

The Internet’s steep revenue growth curve becomes dramatically evident in the following line graph:

$ Millions Net Advertising Growth Trend: Internet vs TV, Dailies, Radio

Daily Nws
$2,503 Internet
$2,400 Radio
$1,602 2008:
$1,600 Internet
$1,547  surpasses

$800 $953

Year: 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

Comparison of Canada/US/UK Online Share of Total 2008 Media Advertising Revenues

Canada’s Online advertising market, with an 11% share of total domestic advertising revenue, is only
slightly outperformed by the US at 12.5%. In the UK, Online has more than twice the Canadian medium’s
share at 23.1% of total advertising revenue. (Note: Differing media robustness and differing survey
methodologies and research providers may affect some of the observed differences between countries).

Online As A Percentage
  Of All Media Spend By Country - 2008

Denmark  24.4%
UK 23.1%
Norway 21.1%
Sweden 19.5%
Netherlands 18.0%
France  16.1%
Germany  15.2%
United States  12.5%
Finland  11.5%
Canada 11.0%
10.5%  Sources: IAB Canada / Ernst &Young,
Spain 8.9%
Italy  8.7% 
Austria 6.8% 
Greece  2.1%

Challenges + Opportunities Going Forward

The following reflects commentary from Survey respondents about the biggest challenges, changes and
opportunities they individually encountered in the past 12 months, and their expectations for the next 12
months. The top-six issues summarized below are anecdotal in nature and reflect respondents’ particular
business scenarios, but are prioritized by frequency of mentions.

In summary, Online Publishers cite their main challenges/opportunities going forward into 2009 as coping
with the severity of the economic downturn; demonstrating Display advertising’s return-on-investment
(with or without a click) in response to growing Advertiser emphasis on performance-based (CPC/CPA)
pricing models; training offline media sales forces to effectively integrate Online into cross-media sales
proposals; and the commoditization of Online media by the growing number and increased market share
of Advertising Networks.

Perceived Challenges / Opportunities 12 12
Months Months
1. Negative impact on budgets and CPMs due to the recession
2. Demonstrating ROI of Display Advertising, Branded Entertainment and
Membership Databases
3. Growing emphasis by Advertisers on performance-based CPC /CPA
pricing models
4. Training offline sales forces to effectively market Interactive products
and opportunities on an integrated basis
5. Commoditization of Online medium due to growth of Ad Networks
6. Building Agency/Advertiser appreciation of Online’s importance to cross-
media marketing campaigns

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

D. APPENDIX - Survey Scope and Methodology

Survey Scope
The Canadian Online Advertising Revenue Report is a part of the IAB Canada’s ongoing mission to
provide an accurate barometer of Interactive, and specifically, Online advertising growth in Canada.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada (IAB), has retained Ernst and Young to jointly establish,
maintain and continuously update comprehensive Survey standards for measuring the growth of Online
advertising revenues in Canada.

To achieve and sustain industry-wide acceptance, key aspects of IAB Canada’s annual Canadian Online
Advertising Revenue Survey include:

- Making the Survey as inclusive as possible, encompassing direct data results from Publishers of
all sizes, for all forms of Online advertising;

- Ensuring and maintaining a confidential process, both in terms of methodology, and in terms of
releasing only aggregate data; and,

- Analyzing historical Survey data from within the Survey, to identify broader trends over time.

Survey Methodology
Ernst and Young and IAB Canada work jointly to:

- Compile a database of potential Canadian Online Publishers and Online Ad Networks to survey
annually, in relation to Online advertising revenues -- in both the Total, and French Canadian
- Conduct an annual quantitative mailing Survey with the above industry players;
- Acquire supplemental data through the use of publicly-disclosed information.

- Request and compile several specific data items:

o These include total annual Gross commissionable advertising revenue, and total annual
Net advertising revenue. Net revenue is calculated by subtracting the following from the
Gross figure: (a) Agency commissions, (b) Publisher revenues derived from Ad Networks
and (c) Ad Network revenues derived from other Ad Networks.

o Annual Net revenues are requested to be broken down by advertising vehicle (Display,
Search, Email, etc.), along with a percentage breakdown for each vehicle based on
English and French Canada.

o Percentage breakdown of annual Net revenues is also requested across nine different
advertiser product/service categories that sum back to 100% of the Net revenue:
examples include Automotive, Financial, Technology etc.

- Identify incomplete responses from actual respondent returns and apply a conservative revenue
estimate for missing answers.

- Identify non-participating Publishers and Ad Networks, and apply a conservative revenue

estimate for these companies, based on available public sources.

- Report the aggregate findings of the Survey, and report key trends within the Survey responses.

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

Confidentiality Procedure
All the information submitted by respondents within IAB Canada’s annual Canadian Online Advertising
Revenue Survey is completely confidential, due to the “double-blind” data collection methodology that is
rigorously employed by IAB Canada and Ernst + Young. 

IAB Canada’s role is simply to …

(a) Identify industry participants who sell Internet/Online advertising;
(b) Assign a unique, non-identifying, anonymous, alpha-numeric code to potential Survey participants;
(c) Send out the anonymously-coded Surveys to potential participants;
(d) Report on the results of the Survey, as tabulated and reported in aggregate by Ernst + Young.

Double-blind Methodology
1. Online Publishers and Ad Networks to be surveyed are derived from IAB Canada Member lists, and
from comScore Media Metrix’s AdFocus list (a list of Web properties selling Online advertising in
2. Each Online Publisher or Ad Network selected for surveying is assigned a unique alpha-numeric code
that only the IAB President is aware of, and sent an IAB Canada Revenue Survey with only this
unique alpha-numeric code on it.
3. Once completed, respondents return their anonymously-coded survey in the postage-paid envelope
provided, addressed to Ernst + Young.
4. Martin Lundie, CA Partner Technology, Communications and Entertainment Assurance and Advisory
Business Services, Ernst + Young, receives the Surveys, and gives weekly reports back to the IAB
President, about which alpha-numeric codes have and have not been received to date.
5. Once all the Surveys are in, responses are recorded, averaged and extrapolated by segment to the
total Canadian Publishing market.
6. Aggregated Canadian market totals are sent to the IAB President for verification, and then presented
to the IAB Canada Board for final approval. The IAB Board confirms that the Survey methodology is
sound and the tabulations are correct, and votes to approve the publication of the Revenue Survey
numbers.The IAB Canada Revenue Survey Comte. is asked to validate the Board’s decision before
final publication of the numbers.
7. A Report detailing final Survey actuals and estimated next year’s Canadian Online advertising
revenues (for both English and French markets), is created. The Report also includes estimates of
percent revenues by Advertising Vehicle (i.e. Display, Search, etc.), and by Advertiser Category
(Finance, Packaged Goods, etc.).

Definitions of Online Advertising Formats

The following advertising revenue definitions figures are provided to each Survey recipient so that each
respondent submits compatible revenue calculations that are suitable for aggregation by Ernst + Young.
The Online ad revenues reported in this Survey do not include revenues from any unpaid media.

Display Advertising – Advertiser pays an Online Publisher for space to display a static or rich media
hyper-linked banner, big-box, skyscraper, over-the-page unit, button, etc., on one or more of the
Publisher’s Webpages.

Sponsorship/Contest/Flat Fee/Advertorial Advertising – Advertiser sponsors targeted Online

Publisher Website (e.g., entire Website, site area, an event, etc.). Sponsorships may contain a display
advertising component, but are usually negotiated on a flat fee basis. Contests/Advertorials are those
created for the Advertiser, and often contain listing fees, as well as contest/microsite creation revenue.
Direct Response Advertising – Fees Advertisers pay to Online Publishers that refer qualified purchase

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

inquiries (e.g., auto dealers who pay a fee in exchange for receiving a qualified purchase inquiry Online)
or provide consumer information (demographic, contact, behavioral), where the consumer opts into being
contacted by a marketer (email, postal, telephone, fax). These processes are priced on a performance
basis (e.g., cost-per-action (CPA), cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-lead or cost-per-inquiry), and can
include user applications for service (e.g. applying for credit card, mortgage or insurance), surveys or

**NOTE: In final report, Display = Display + Sponsorship/Contest + Direct Response, added


In-Stream Video Advertising (CPM only) – Pre-, Mid-, Post-Roll, Overlay format, etc. NOTE:
Companion ad revenue is NOT to be included in this figure, unless the Video package is sold in such a
way that one cannot separate the revenue (i.e. companion ad revenue should NOT be recorded in both
Video and Display).

E-mail – Banner ads, links or Advertiser sponsorships that appear in Online Publisher’s E-mail
newsletters, E-mail marketing campaigns and other commercial E-mail communications. Includes all
types of electronic mail (e.g. basic text or HTML-enabled).

Search – Fees Advertisers pay Online Publishers to list and/or link their company site/domain name to a
specific Search word or phrase via paid listings, paid contextual search or paid inclusion programmes.

Search categories include:

• Paid listings – Text links appear at the top, bottom or side of search results for specific
keywords. The more a marketer pays, the higher the position it gets. Marketers only pay when a
user clicks on the text link.

• Contextual search – Text links appear in an article based on the context of the content, instead
of a user-submitted keyword. Payment only occurs when the link is clicked.

• Paid inclusion – Guarantees that a marketer’s URL is indexed by a search engine. The listing is
determined by the Search engine's algorithms.

Classifieds and Auctions – Revenue Online Publishers get to list specific Advertiser products or
services (e.g. in Online job boards and employment listings, real estate listings, automotive listings,
personals listings, auction-based listings and merchandise).

Directories – Revenues Online Publishers get to list specific Advertiser products or services on city sites,
yellow pages, white pages, etc.

**NOTE: In final report, Classifieds/Directories = Classifieds + Directories, added together.**

Overall Survey And Report Guidance Provided by IAB Canada

Online Revenue Methodology Committee

This specially-convened committee, representing a selection of Canada’s leading Online Publishers, was
created to recommend and oversee updates to IAB Canada’s Annual Canadian Online Advertising
revenue Survey design, when needed, and in response to changing conditions within the Canadian
Online advertising market.

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

About IAB Canada

Who We Are
The Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada is a not-for-profit association representing a membership
composed of Interactive Advertisers, Agencies, Publishers and Service associates.

Our Vision
To be the national voice and de facto thought leader for the Interactive marketing industry.

Mission Statement
Working with Advertisers, Agencies, Publishers, and Service Associates, IAB Canada will establish and
communicate Interactive advertising best practices that optimize Advertiser investment, leading to
increased stakeholder value.

We do this by:

• Being the pre-eminent source of Canadian cross-media (CMOST) and other Interactive
advertising research;
• Setting standards and guidelines that make Interactive media easier for Advertisers and Agencies
to plan, buy, design, execute, track and evaluate;
• Promoting research, standards and the overall effectiveness of Interactive advertising to
Advertisers, Agencies, Publishers and the press, via various types of educational courses,
events, and through the IAB Website;
• Assisting the industry in attracting, training and motivating human resources;
• Being an advocate for the Canadian Interactive advertising industry to the Canadian government;
• Expanding the breadth and depth of IAB membership, to increase communication and networking
between industry stakeholders, and to provide direct value to members.

Have A Question About IAB Canada’s Annual Online Advertising Revenue Survey?

Please don’t hesitate to Contact Us!

IAB Canada: 2 Carlton Street, Suite 820, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Phone: 416.598.3400 Fax: 416.598.3500 www.iabcanada.com

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