Mears Resume 2015

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Lleanor Mears

12 Plgh Meadow Clrcle - Wellesley, MA - 02482

CLLL (781) 391-9804 - L-MAIL mears.eleanor[ - WL8

LuuCA1lCn 8ache|or of Arts: Muslc wlLh ManagemenL and Medla ConcenLraLlons
SL. Claf College, norLhfleld, Mn CumulaLlve CA (currenL): 3.32
CraduaLlng May 24
, 2013 uean's LlsL for lall and Sprlng Lerms, 2013
resldenLlal Scholarshlp

SklLLS M|crosoft Cff|ce products Lxper|ence wr|t|ng grant proposa|
Lxper|ence |n teach|ng and |eadersh|p Large event p|ann|ng
Iast and enthus|ast|c |earner Soc|a| med|a management
Data Storage |atforms: ar|shSoft, I||eMaker ro, u|ck8ooks

LxL8lLnCL SICA Intern, Cregon 8ach Iest|va|, Un|vers|ty of Cregon: Lugene, C8 Summer 2014
AsslsLed wlLh Lhe fesLlval plannlng and organlzaLlon by compleLlng Lasks such as Lracklng
parLlclpanL forms, phoLos, and paymenLs, preparlng parLlclpanL and sLaff packeLs, enLerlng daLa ln
Lhe Cregon 8ach lesLlval daLabase, communlcaLlng dally wlLh parLlclpanLs and famllles, reglsLerlng
and checklng-ln parLlclpanLs, asslsLlng wlLh ouLreach performances, aLLendlng producLlon and
debrlef meeLlngs, and complllng parLlclpanL evaluaLlons.

Secretar|a| Ass|stant and Med|a Manager, St. au| Church: Wellesley, MA Summer 2011-14
ln charge of updaLlng and managlng Lhe parlsh webslLe, creaLlng medla documenLaLlon of parlsh
Lrlps and evenLs, creaLlng flyers and brochures for markeLlng upcomlng parlsh Lrlps and evenLs,
asslsLlng parlsh members wlLh requesLs made ln person and on Lhe phone.

Secretary and 1reasurer, St. C|af Cho|r, St. C|af Co||ege: norLhfleld, Mn 2014-2013
llnanclal manager of Lhe performance ensemble, oversees ensemble publlc relaLlons, peer leader
for Lhe cholr members.

St. C|af Cho|r Mus|c L|brar|an, St. C|af Co||ege: norLhfleld, Mn SepLember 2013-resenL
Acqulres and dlsLrlbuLes new scores Lo cholr members, and asslsLs wlLh Lhe managemenL of llbrary
pro[ecLs and Lasks.

8C!LC1S Adm|n|strat|ve and Market|ng Manager, Le kequ|em de Gabr|e| Iaur: Arts Lntrepreneursh|p |n
focus, St. C|af Co||ege: norLhfleld, Mn 2014-13
1he pro[ecL's ob[ecLlve ls Lo prepare and perform a program around Cabrlel laure's 8equlem ln u
Mlnor, op. 48 ln con[uncLlon wlLh muslclans from SL. Claf College and 1oLlno-Crace Plgh School.
Lleanor wlll coordlnaLe schedullng, chorlsLer servlces, markeLlng, and venue managemenL.

Mak|ng |t |n the Arts, St. C|af Co||ege: norLhfleld, Mn CcLober 2013
lanned and execuLed a conference for asplrlng ArLs professlonals. 8oards of professlonals ln Lhe
ArLs spoke and answered quesLlons abouL ArLs careers.

Summer Day Camp: Wellesley, MA Summer 2013
lanned Lhemes and acLlvlLles for each week (6 ln LoLal) of a enLrepreneurlal summer day camp
where 30 chlldren aLLended. AcLed as muslc and drama Leacher and regulaLed camp flnanclals.

CLLL (781) 391-9804 - L-MAIL mears.eleanor[ - WL8

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