A Project Report: Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement For The Award of The Degree
A Project Report: Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement For The Award of The Degree
This is to certify that the Dissertation / On the Job / project titled . is an academic work with industrial intent done by .. submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor Of Business Administration from Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research under my guidance & direction. To the best of my knowledge and belief the data & information presented by him/her in the project has not been submitted elsewhere.
This is to declare that the report titled which is submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor Of Business Administration to Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research, Delhi comprises only my original work and has not been submitted in part or full for any other degree or diploma of any university.
This report has been made possible due to valuable and support of a number of people to whom I own my heartfelt gratitude and without whose help I may not have been able to complete this report. I would like to acknowledge the support of my faculty guide, . Asst Professor, Delhi School of Professional Studies & Research, Delhi for her/him constant guidance in this project and for providing me the necessary information whenever required. Heartfelt thanks to other faculty members of Delhi School of Professional Studies & Research, Delhi for their support and co-operation. Finally I would like to give special thanks to my family and my friends who make it all happen and make it worthwhile.
Student Name
PREAMBLE While utmost attention must be paid to the content of the Dissertation / Off the Job / On the Job / Summer Training Project / Research Paper Writing, which is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the PGDM / BBA, it is imperative that a standard format be prescribed. The same format shall be followed in preparation of the final soft and hard copies to be submitted to the Institute.
This dissertation shall be presented in a number of chapters, starting with introduction and ending with summary and conclusions. Each of the other chapters will have precise title reflecting the contents of the chapter. A chapter can be subdivided into sections, subsections and sub-sub-section so as to present the content discretely and with due emphasis. When the work comprises two or more mutually independent investigations, the Project Report may be divided into two or more parts, each with an appropriate title. Sequence of items in Project Report The following sequence may be followed in the preparation of the final Training report: Cover Page (On cover of the spiral bound report) Declaration by the candidate Certificate from the Industry Guide (wherever applicable) Certificate from the Faculty Guide Acknowledgements (Detailed) Table of Contents (with page numbers). List of Figures (with figure number, figure titles and page numbers) List of Tables with table number, table title and page number, List of Abbreviations 9. Scheme of Chapters (Point No. 2 9, should have page numbers in roman, for e.g., i, ii, ix. Kindly not that the cover page should not bear the page number.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Chapter 1: Introduction (Page No.1 should start with Chapter 1) Executive study Problem statement Scope of the study Conceptualization Research Methodology o Sampling Design o Research Design o Data Collection o Data Analysis Techniques to be used Review of Literature Limitations of the study
Chapter 2: Profile of the Company Special focus on the area of the study
Chapter 3: Data Analysis, Interpretation and Results While important derivations/formulae should normally be presented in the text of these chapters, extensive and long treatments and information, detailed results in tabular and graphical forms may be presented in Appendices.
Chapter 4: Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations It shall include a thorough evaluation of the investigation carried out and bring out the contributions/findings from the study followed by a brief report of the work carried out. Conclusions derived from the logical analysis presented in the Results and Discussions Chapter shall be presented and clearly enumerated, each point stated separately. End Appendices (detailed information, lengthy derivations, raw experimental observations etc. are to be presented in the separate appendices, which shall be numbered in Roman Capitals (e.g. Appendix IV, case study.) Questionnaire
Bibliography/References As per APA Style Book by one author Chakraborty, S.K. (1987). Managerial Effectiveness and Quality of Worklife: Indian Insight. New Delhi: TataMcGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, pp.219-224. Book by two authors
Kurosawa, J., & Armistead, Q. (1972). Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Canada: McMaster University Press, pp.219-224.
Article Chakraborty, S.K. (1983).The Giving Model and Corporate Excellence: A Field Report. Decision, Vol.20, No.2 (Oct.), pp.219-224. Website Complete Address, i.e., URL, along with date of accessing the website. Landsberger, J. (Date published if available; n.d.--no date-- if not). In Study Guides and Strategies. Retrieved May 13, 2005, from http://www.studygs.net/citation.htm.
General Guidelines for preparing for Project Report All students are required to follow the guidelines given below for preparing the report: Guidelines: Size: International standard paper size A4 (297x210mm) should be used. Page number: Page should be numbered consecutively and clearly. From declaration to list of abbreviation Roman numbers (e.g. i. ii) should be used. From main text to end of report Arabic numerals (1, 2) should be used. All the page numbering should be done at the bottom centre of the paper. Margin: Top 1.0, Bottom 1.0 Left 1.5 Right 1.0 Line spacing: 1.5 Font: Times new roman, size 12 for text, larger fonts may be used for headings & subheadings. All text should be properly given in justified format. Format of the Project: As enclosed Title cover page and Declaration format: As enclosed In- Text Citations: Any information derived from an external source of information quotes, paraphrases, data, statistics, images, etc.- must be cited within the text of the paper. Bibliography/ References style: As enclosed CD-ROM: All report should include soft copy on CD-ROM accompanied with thesis/report in packet pasted inside, on the back cover. Text: Before producing the final copies of a project report the candidate should ensure that all the spelling, grammar, punctuation and bibliography is complete and exact.