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07 / 2010

Safety Criteria for Design of Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm System in Onshore Facilities

The CONTEC - Authoring Subcommittee provides guidance on the interpretation of this Standard when questions arise regarding its contents. The Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard is responsible for adopting and applying the sections, subsections and enumerates thereof.

Comisso de Normalizao Tcnica

Technical Requirement: A provision established as the most adequate and which shall be used strictly in accordance with this Standard. If a decision is taken not to follow the requirement (non-conformity to this Standard) it shall be based on well-founded economic and management reasons, and be approved and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized by imperative nature. Recommended Practice: A provision that may be adopted under the conditions of this Standard, but which admits (and draws attention to) the possibility of there being a more adequate alternative (not written in this Standard) to the particular application. The alternative adopted shall be approved and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized by verbs of a nonmandatory nature. It is indicated by the expression: [Recommended Practice]. Copies of the registered non-conformities to this Standard that may contribute to the improvement thereof shall be submitted to the CONTEC - Authoring Subcommittee. Proposed revisions to this Standard shall be submitted to the CONTEC Authoring Subcommittee, indicating the alphanumeric identification and revision of the Standard, the section, subsection and enumerate to be revised, the proposed text, and technical/economic justification for revision. The proposals are evaluated during the work for alteration of this Standard. The present Standard is the exclusive property of PETRLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS, for internal use in the Company, and any reproduction for external use or disclosure, without previous and express authorization from the owner, will imply an unlawful act pursuant to the relevant legislation through which the applicable responsibilities shall be imputed. External circulation shall be regulated by a specific clause of Secrecy and Confidentiality pursuant to the terms of intellectual and industrial property law.

SC - 16
Industrial Safety

PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared by Working Groups - WG (consisting specialized of Technical Collaborators from Company and its Subsidiaries), are commented by Company Units and its Subsidiaries, are approved by the Authoring Subcommittees SCs (consisting of technicians from the same specialty, representing the various Company Units and its Subsidiaries), and ratified by the Executive Nucleus (consisting of representatives of the Company Units and its Subsidiaries). A PETROBRAS Technical Standard is subject to revision at any time by its Authoring Subcommittee and shall be reviewed every 5 years to be revalidated, revised or cancelled. PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared in accordance with PETROBRAS Technical Standard N-1. For complete information about PETROBRAS Technical Standards see PETROBRAS Technical Standards Catalog. . PROPERTY OF PETROBRAS 9 pages and WG



07 / 2010

This Standard is the English version (issued in 07/2010) of PETROBRAS N-2914 07/2010. In case of doubt, the Portuguese version, which is the valid document for all intents and purposes, shall be used.

1 Scope
1.1 This Standard establishes the safety criteria for the design of detection and alarm systems for fire and flammable and toxic gases and vapors in onshore facilities.

1.2 This Standard applies to designs started as of its date of issuance.

1.3 The application of this Standard in the case of companies of the PETROBRAS System headquartered abroad shall be based on respect for local legislation, as well as for the other applicable requirements. It shall be understood that all existing Brazilian legislations or references pointed out in this Standard may serve as input to its adaptation process.

1.4 This Standard contains Technical Requirements and Recommended Practices.

2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. PETROBRAS N-1645 - Safety Criteria to Project of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Storage Fixed Facilities; PETROBRAS N-1997 - Electrical Networks in Cable Tray Systems - Design, Installation, and Inspection; PETROBRAS N-2595 - Design and Maintenance Criteria for Safety Instrumented Systems in Industrial Units; PETROBRAS N-2675 - Safety in Chemical Laboratory Design; ABNT NBR 9441 - Execuo de Sistemas de Deteco e Alarme de Incndio; ABNT NBR 11836 - Detectores Automticos de Fumaa para Proteo Contra Incndio; ABNR NBR 13231 - Proteo Contra Incndio em Subestaes Eltricas de Gerao, Transmisso e Distribuio; ABNT NBR 13295 - Cloro Lquido - Distribuio, Manuseio e Transporte a Granel e em Cilindros; ABNT NBR 13848 - Acionador Manual para Utilizao em Sistemas de Deteco e Alarme de Incndio; NFPA 45 - Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals; NFPA 72H - National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code Handbook; API RP 55 - Recommended Practice for Oil and Gas Producing and Gas Processing Plant Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide; 2



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API RP 751 - Safe Operation of Hydrofluoric Acid Alkylation Units; API PUBL 2510A - Fire-Protection Considerations for the Design and Operation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Storage Facilities. NOTE For documents referred in this Standard and for which only the Portuguese version is available, the PETROBRAS department that uses this Standard should be consulted for any information required for the specific application.

3 Terms and Definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

3.1 class A detection circuit according to ABNT NBR 9441, every circuit in which there is wiring returning to the center, so that an eventual interruption at any point of this circuit does not result in partial or total suspension of its operation NOTE The path of the circuit returning to the center should be different from the one coming from the center. [Recommended Practice]

3.2 addressable detector a detector that allows remote identification of the point or space where detection occurs

3.3 Safety Instrumented System (SIS) according to PETROBRAS N-2595, an instrumented protection layer comprised of one or more safety loops intended to place the process in a safe state when certain preset conditions are reached

4 General Conditions
4.1 As a general rule, this Standard assumes that detection and alarm systems shall not generate automatic actions in the SIS and operational processes block, except for the items which are permitted in this Standard.

4.2 Systems shall be installed in onshore facilities so as to allow detection and alarm, in a reasonable time, the occurrence of fires and accumulation of flammable and toxic gases and vapors in dangerous concentrations, in order to allow actions aimed at protecting the integrity of people, the environment and the property.

4.3 An abnormal condition in the detection and alarm system, whether as a result of malfunction, or the occurrence of a fire or accumulation of gases or vapors, shall be identified through sound and visual signals in the Integrated Control Center (CIC, with its abbreviature in Portuguese).

4.4 In case that the detection of gas, vapor or fire is confirmed, annunciation shall also occur in the area involved or adjacent areas (sound or visual emergency alarms).

4.5 The electrical circuits of devices for activation, alarm and signaling of the safety systems described as following shall have continuous monitoring, indicating the opening of the circuit, short circuit, detector defects, power outage etc. on the operators console of the area involved: 3

a) b) c) d) e)


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manual push-button stations for emergency alarm activation; manual push-button stations for triggering and blocking CO 2 release system; fire and flammable and toxic gas and vapors detectors; sound alarms; visual alarms.

4.6 The selection of detector systems shall consider the following criteria: a) compatibility with the Distributed Control Digital System (SDCD, with its abbreviature in Portuguese) or similar existing systems; b) selectivity in relation to the monitored gas, vapor and smoke; c) response time; d) operation range; e) ease of testing, calibration and maintenance; f) availability; g) reliability; h) useful life of the sensing element; i) operating cost; j) certification by a recognized entity by INMETRO; k) conditions of local power supply, such as: variation of amperage, tension and frequency; l) environmental conditions, such as: wind, temperature, humidity, salinity, corrosiveness, dust, vibration, electromagnetic interference and radiofrequency.

4.7 For selecting the types of detectors by area, it is recommended the use of Annex A of this Standard. [Recommended Practice]

4.8 The systems shall indicate the gas or vapor concentration at any time in the CIC, besides allowing graphic visualization of the concentration evolution over time. NOTE The storage of alarm data and concentration evolution over time shall be implemented in the supervisory system.

4.9 Detection and alarms systems shall be interconnected to the emergency electrical power supply system so as to keep the operating system with an autonomy of at least 2 hours. NOTE 1 In the buildings, according to ABNT NBR 9441, alarm and detection systems shall be sized so that the supply source is constituted of rectified unit and electrical accumulators battery, both compatible with each other, with the system and with the installation site. NOTE 2 For the case described in Note 1, the supply source shall be controlled and sized to the system installed capacity, and the battery shall have an autonomy of at least 24 hours of system functioning, in regimen of supervision, included in this period, 15 minutes in regimen of fire alarm, with simultaneous drive of all sound and visual indications external to the center of the biggest area supervised until the external exits of the building, without supply in alternating current at the less temperature that the area can reach during the year.

4.10 Fire detectors shall not be installed in the processing units, except if those units are identified in the risks analysis studies. NOTE For the units identified in the risks analysis studies, it is recommended that the detectors be restricted to the equipment that operate with product at temperature above or near the auto ignition (until 27 C below the auto-ignition temperature). [Recommended Practice]

4.11 Facilities shall be provided for periodic testing, calibration and maintenance of detectors and alarms, such as connections for testing, lighting and maintenance accesses for those that are hard to access.



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NOTE 1 It is recommended the use of equipments which calibration is of self-calibrated type. [Recommended Practice] NOTE 2 When the intervention for calibration is necessary, the calibration shall be made in a nonintrusive way, which means, through devices (infrared, magnetic switch, sealed button etc.) which not require the enclosure opening. [Recommended Practice]

4.12 Electrical and electronic networks of the detection and alarms systems, which are disposed in cable tray systems, shall comply with the requirements of PETROBRAS N-1997.

4.13 Flammable and toxic gases and vapors detectors shall be suitable for operation in hazardous areas. NOTE In the case of use of calibration equipments in the area, these equipments shall comply with the requirements for hazardous areas.

5 Fire Detection And Alarm Systems

5.1 Fire detectors shall fulfill the following conditions: a) after being activated, the detectors shall allow normal operating conditions to be restored without requiring replacement of any component; b) the detectors shall have visual and sound indication on the console of the involved area to show that they have been activated and in such a manner as to allow identification of the affected location or zone; the visual indication shall remain until the system has been manually restored.

5.2 The type of detector for each area shall be selected according to the fuel present, besides the conditions specified in 4.6 of this Standard.

5.3 Smoke type fire detectors shall be installed at the following locations: a) control rooms with SDCD and CIC; b) spaces confined by false floors or ceilings where electrical cables are installed; c) electrical equipment rooms, such as: electrical control panel rooms and Closed Circuit TV Control Rooms (CFTV, with its abbreviature in Portuguese); d) telecommunications rooms; e) data processing centers; f) rooms for the safekeeping of technical and legal documentation; g) laboratories (according to standards PETROBRAS N-2675 and NFPA 45). NOTE 1 Heat sensitive cable type detectors, particle analysis systems with laser chamber or other technologies may be applied as an alternative in 5.3 b). [Recommended Practice] NOTE 2 In the case of electrical substations, the ABNT NBR 13231 shall be observed.

5.4 If required by local legislation or risk analysis, fire detection and alarm systems in other spaces shall be designed besides those specified in this Standard.

5.5 Fire detectors shall be of the addressable type so as to allow remote identification of the point or space where detection occurs.

5.6 Fire detectors and alarms shall be located and installed according to the manufacturers recommendations and according to the ABNT NBR 9441, ABNT NBR 11836 and NFPA 72H. In the positioning of detectors the following factors, in particular, those which may affect their sensitivity and operation, shall be considered: 5

a) b) c) d) geometry of installation area; presence of obstacles to heat or smoke propagation; area ventilation; sources interfering with detection.


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5.7 The actions indicated by the fire detection and alarm system depend on the considered risk area and shall include at least the following measures: a) interruption of ventilation flow and isolation of the area by closing of dampers in ventilation ducts; b) fire alarm on the console of the area involved and emergency alarm at the location.

5.8 Manual fire alarms shall comply with BREAK GLASS AND PRESS BUTTON type.

ABNT NBR 13848






5.9 Fire alarm signaling on consoles shall be audiovisual. Visual signaling shall remain activated until the affected system is reset.

6 Gases and Vapors Detection and Alarm System

6.1 Systems shall be installed to allow continuous monitoring of the facilities for detection and alarm of flammable and toxic gases and vapors leaks at the locations indicated in this Standard.

6.2 The quantification and location of flammable and toxic gases and vapors detectors, installed in outdoor areas, shall be defined considering: a) points indicated in gases an vapors dispersion studies, such as: areas with deficiency of natural ventilation, where there are potential sources of flammable gases or vapors leaks in the atmosphere and at points where these vapors are likely to accumulate; b) process areas defined in risk analysis studies, such as: covered pump yards; compressors houses; LPG storage areas; c) outside air intakes of forced ventilation and air conditioning systems.

6.3 For locating flammable and toxic gases and vapors detectors, in open and closed areas, the following factors shall be taken into account: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) relative density to the air of potentially present flammable gases and vapors; location of probable leak sources; natural or mechanical ventilation flow lines; zones where gases or vapors accumulation may occur; protection against mechanical damages; protection against detection inhibiting agents; frequency of leaks; quantity and process conditions of released gas or vapor.

6.4 Flammable and toxic gases and vapors detectors shall provide signals corresponding to the gas concentration levels detected in the monitored area.



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6.5 In the case of flammable gases and vapors detectors, alarms shall occur on the console of the operator of the area involved, whenever gas concentration levels of 20 % (alert) and 60 % (high) of the Lower Flammable Limit (LII, with its abbreviature in Portuguese) are found for spot detectors and one and two LII linear meter for open-path gas detectors. NOTE Examples of gas concentration readings for open-path gas detectors are described in Table 1.

Table 1 - Gas Concentration Readings for Open-Path Gas Detectors

Gas cloud concentration 100 % LII 50 % LII 50 % LII 60 % LII 20 % LII Section of the open-path gas line sensitized by the gas cloud 2m 2m 4m 10 m 10 m Calculation of gas concentration reading 100 % LII * 2 m = 2 LII.m 50 % LII * 2 m = 1 LII.m 50 % LII * 4 m = 2 LII.m 60 % LII * 10 m = 6 LII.m 20 % LII * 10 m = 2 LII.m

6.6 In battery rooms hydrogen detectors shall be installed, regarding in its localization the influence of the exhaust system.

6.7 The activation of a detector at 20 % of the LII confirms the gas leak, causing an alarm on the console of the operator of the area involved.

6.8 In the case of ducts of control rooms, substations and buildings near process areas, spot type flammable gases and vapors detectors shall use the two by three voting philosophy, forming a detection point. The simultaneous activation of two detectors from the same duct at 60 % of the LII shall cause associated automatic safety actions, which may include, as the case may be, the following: a) gas alarm confirmed at 60 % on the console of the area involved and local emergency alarm; b) disconnection of forced ventilation and air conditioning system and closing of dampers in the ventilation ducts of the area; c) interruption of pressurization system of electrical panels; d) de-energization of electrical equipment without suitable protection for operating in areas with the presence of gas or vapor.

6.9 Toxic gases and vapors detectors shall provide signals corresponding to the gases and vapors concentration levels detected in the monitored area. Alarms shall occur on the console of the area involved whenever the levels described in Table 2 are detected.

TABLE 2 - Gas Concentration Levels Detected in the Monitored Area

Gas Chlorine Hydrogen sulfide Ammonia Alarm level 1 ppm 8 ppm 20 ppm High level 3 ppm 20 ppm 40 ppm

NOTE 1 For chlorine, the ABNT NBR 13295 shall be consulted. NOTE 2 For hydrogen sulfide, the API RP 55 shall be consulted.

Annex A - Table


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Table A-1 - Recommendations for Types of Detectors by Area

Area Unit Liquid wastes treatment station Storage and Tankage of Products and Raw Materials Recommendation flammable gas detector; hydrogen sulfide detector; benzene detector (for products with high percentage of benzene). flammable gas detector calibrated for butane and propane in the LPG storage area, in places such as: under spheres and cylinders, near LPG pumps, open water drainage system and containment basin (see NOTE 1). chlorine detector (according to ABNT NBR 13295). carbon monoxide detector. smoke detector. smoke detector. smoke detector; hydrogen detector. flammable gas detector; hydrogen sulfide detector (if there is risk of intake of the substance in the case of a leak in nearby facilities).

LPG, butane and propane storage areas

Water treatment station with chlorine CO Boiler Panels and cables Substations Utilities Battery room

Instrument air compressors Turbogenerators

smoke detector. flammable gas detector; hydrogen sulfide detector; detector for other relevant gases and vapors identified in risks analysis studies. smoke detector. smoke detector. smoke detector. smoke detector (e.g.: class materials); flame detector (e.g.: cylinders). according to PETROBRAS N-2675 NFPA 45. A

Integrated Control Center (CIC) and Local Control Rooms

At intake of pressurization air

False roof and floor Location with concentration of people (see NOTE 2) Rooms for the safekeeping of technical and legal documentation Locations for storage of combustible and flammable products Rooms for tests with flammable products, combustible and flammable product storage area (e.g.: sample room, reagent room etc.)

Administrative Areas



standards and



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Table A-1 - Recommendations for Types of Detectors by Area (Continuation) Area Unit Aviation gasoline unit Recommendation flammable gas detector calibrated for butane or propane; fluoridric acid detector (according to API RP 751). benzene detector; hydrogen sulfide detector. benzene detector. hydrogen sulfide detector; hydrogen detector; flammable gases detector. hydrogen sulfide detector. hydrogen sulfide detector. flammable gases detector calibrated for toluene and xylene. hydrogen sulfide detector; hydrogen detector; flammable gases detector. hydrogen sulfide detector in the venting pipe; flammable gases detector in the cooling basin or accumulation basin; chlorine detector in the cylinders warehouse, when there is chlorine injection in the water (according to ABNT NBR 13295). according to the type of gas, vapor and concentration of oxygen; smoke detector. according to the risk analysis studies.

Catalytic reforming unit Aromatic recovery unit Instable diesel hydrotreating unit Sulfur recovery unit Acid water treatment unit Solvents production units Process Naphtha hydrotreating unit

Cooling tower

Chromatograph house Other units

NOTE 1 The requirements established in PETROBRAS N-1645 and API PUBL 2510A shall be observed. NOTE 2 The local criteria of the unit and the current legislation shall be observed.

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