This document provides guidance on simple record keeping for fish farmers in Vietnam. It explains that record keeping can help farmers better manage their fish cage farms and increase productivity and profits by tracking inputs, outputs, costs, sales and income. The document outlines a simple record keeping book to help farmers monitor environmental conditions like water quality, as well as economic information about their operations. It provides sample forms for recording water quality data, fish stocking, and monthly and yearly cage farming activities and expenses. The goal is to help farmers farm more sustainably while improving food security and reducing poverty.
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Fresh Water Fish Cage Culture Techniques: Simple Record Keeping For Fish Farmers
This document provides guidance on simple record keeping for fish farmers in Vietnam. It explains that record keeping can help farmers better manage their fish cage farms and increase productivity and profits by tracking inputs, outputs, costs, sales and income. The document outlines a simple record keeping book to help farmers monitor environmental conditions like water quality, as well as economic information about their operations. It provides sample forms for recording water quality data, fish stocking, and monthly and yearly cage farming activities and expenses. The goal is to help farmers farm more sustainably while improving food security and reducing poverty.
This document provides guidance on simple record keeping for fish farmers in Vietnam. It explains that record keeping can help farmers better manage their fish cage farms and increase productivity and profits by tracking inputs, outputs, costs, sales and income. The document outlines a simple record keeping book to help farmers monitor environmental conditions like water quality, as well as economic information about their operations. It provides sample forms for recording water quality data, fish stocking, and monthly and yearly cage farming activities and expenses. The goal is to help farmers farm more sustainably while improving food security and reducing poverty.
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Fresh Water Fish Cage Culture Techniques: Simple Record Keeping For Fish Farmers
This document provides guidance on simple record keeping for fish farmers in Vietnam. It explains that record keeping can help farmers better manage their fish cage farms and increase productivity and profits by tracking inputs, outputs, costs, sales and income. The document outlines a simple record keeping book to help farmers monitor environmental conditions like water quality, as well as economic information about their operations. It provides sample forms for recording water quality data, fish stocking, and monthly and yearly cage farming activities and expenses. The goal is to help farmers farm more sustainably while improving food security and reducing poverty.
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Simple Record Keeping For Fish Farmers
DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES (DOFI), THUA THIEN HUE, VIETNAM DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION (DGDC), ITALY FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO) OF THE UNITED NATIONS INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF LAGOON ACTIVITIES (IMOLA) PROVINCIAL PEOPLE'S COMMITTEE (PPC), THUA THIEN HUE, VIETNAM 2 In recent years, the coastal and Tam Giang lagoon fisheries resources in Hue have been decreasing rapidly. Illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing and aquaculture practices are widespread, causing coastal degradation, decline in wild fish stocks, and poverty within coastal fishing communes. Fishing communes that are already vulnerable to natural disasters and other shocks recognize the need for better management plan and for adopting wise practices that are more appropriate for the ecosystemand the people. In 1998, the Government of Vietnamand the Provincial People's Committee of the Thua Thien Hue Province, located in central Vietnam, requested technical assistance from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the sustainable management of the aquatic resources of the Tam Giang lagoon. In 2005, with financial support fromthe Italian Government, FAOstarted implementation of a project aiming at improving the livelihoods of the people dependent on the Tam Giang Lagoon by promoting a participatory sustainable management of the hydro- biological resources. Based on the existing socio-economic and production systems, and with particular emphasis on the gender roles, the project aims at enhancing people's food security and the reduction of poverty in the lagoon area. The project is entitled Integrated Management of Lagoon Activities in Thua Thien Hue Province or the IMOLA Hue project (GCP/VIE/029/ITA). This field tested Simple Record Keeping Book is prepared as a part of the activities by the IMOLAHue project to assist local fish farmers to record and monitor environmental and economic conditions of their aquaculture activities more efficiently and sustainably. ABOUT THE PRODUCERAND BACKGROUND OF THIS SIMPLE RECORD KEEPING BOOK 3 WHY KEEPING RECORD? A small-scale fresh water fish cage farm should be managed efficiently to maintain and increase productivity and profitability. Fish farmers should keep track of all their inputs and outputs so that production costs, sales, and net income can be easily calculated to evaluate the overall economic performance of the fish cage farms. Also to sustain productivity, the environmental conditions need tobe monitored closely toavoid pollution and fish diseases. It is a good hands-on practice to maintain farm management records. Records are needful to identify problems in the cage environment and fish health and to minimize these constraints at the earliest during the production cycle. Record keeping also helps the fish farmers to learn frompast mistakes, thus reducing risk, hazards and costs of production in subsequent crops. Records are useful to plan the entire crop cycle including stocking densities for each cage, well ahead of its start. Farm records ideally should contain details on cage preparation, fingerlings and its stocking, feed management, water quality parameters and its management, cage bottommanagement, fish health and harvest. By reviewing the data in the record keeping book, fish farmers can determine the ways of increasing productivity of their fish cages for the next crop cycle, based on the lesson learned from the previous cycles. At the same time, the farmers can assess the causes of environmental pollution and their relationship with their production activities. This simple record keeping book can assist the farmers to monitor the environmental and economic conditions of their cage production in a simple and easy way. This record keeping book would be most useful for the farmers with a fewsmall fresh water fish cages (1-3). THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THE RECORD KEEPING IS TO: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Enable fish farmers to develop their production in an environmentally sustainable way (by monitoring water environment and water quality of fish cages as daily/weekly/yearly basis), i.e., what kinds of environmental changes are occurring in the production area and what would be the potential reasons? Assist fish farmers to understand the economic conditions of their culture facility (fresh water fish cages) better and accurately, i.e., how much cost (cage materials, fingerlings, feeds, medicine, etc.), sales, net profit, etc. the production requires/makes? Help fish farmers manage their cage farms better by keeping a daily/monthly/yearly record of culture activities and transactions over a culture period, which enable farmers to evaluate performance of their activities and determine ways and means of further improvement economically and environmentally. Enable fish farmers to increase the quality and efficiency of their production and income while maintaining environmental conditions. Use the record keeping book for monitoring of cage farming activities and support for fish farmers by the government extensionists. Maintain production records for accessing credit, micro-finance,or insurance services from financial institutions (as these institutions often ask for the records of production, which cannot be prepared overnight). Ensure the traceability of the products although most of the products are currently for local market, processors and exporters these days request the information on production, especially for foreign market. Note: This Simple Record Keeping Book is developed principally for the use by local fish farmers. However, the provision of clear guidance to local fish farmers through regular monitoring visits by government extensionists is essential to maintain the effectiveness and accuracy of record keeping. Government extensionists need to assist the fish farmers to check their record keeping book and provide further suggestions for improvement based on the finding and discussion with local fish farmers. 4 5 This record keeping book has three main components: You will register your personal and household profiles here. Please make sure you fill this sheet before start using the record keeping book. In this part, you will record the result of your periodic water quality monitoring. This part contains the following three sheets to assist you: Water quality monitoring sheet (daily/weekly) Water quality monitoring sheet (monthly) Water quality monitoring sheet (yearly) In this part, you will record the economic information about your culture activities. This part contains the following three sheets to assist you: Fish stocking record sheet Cage farming record sheet (monthly) Cage farming record sheet (yearly) It is very important that you keep record of all required items carefully. Good record keeping will give you good advice and suggestions for further improvement!! The next four slides provide you with some instruction about howtouse this record keeping book. (1) General Information of the Fish Farmer (2) Monitoring Water Quality (3) Basic Accounting and Economic Record Keeping ? ? ? ? ? ? WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THIS RECORD KEEPING BOOK? 6 Regular record keeping book maintenance by the fish farmers would enhance the fish production. 7 Water quality monitoring helps fish farmers to reduce the risk of fish diseases and maintain good water conditions. Poor water quality, e.g., lack of oxygen, can cause a loss of cultured fish in cages. The above picture shows low Secchi disc transparency, which indicates potential depletion of oxygen in water (see Chapter 7 of the Extension Manual for more information). Good water quality can maintain the good growth of cultured fish. Water quality monitoring is essential toensure good water quality. 8 It is important that fish farmers discuss their record keeping books with government extensionists during their field visit. Each fish farmer should store the record keeping book in a visible place (e.g., on the wall) at home so that the farmer is always reminded to fill it regularly. 9 10 GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE FISH FARMER Note: Name, age, sex, and education are only required for household head. The number of workers is the number of people working in/for the culture facilities. This may include non-family members. Name:................................ ....... .. Address: Age: Sex (Male/Female): Education: Number of Family Members: Number of Workers: Number of : Size of Each : .............................................................................. .................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... Cages ........................................................................................................................................ Cage ...................................................................................................................................... 11 (WATER QUALITY MONITORING) PART I Please take note of any observation (e.g., smell or color change), event that may affect water quality (e.g., natural hazards), or remedial action you took in fish cages. 12 WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (DAILY/WEEKLY) A Week from through (Use Lunar Calendar) 01/04/2008 (Mon) 07/04/2008 (Sun) MONDAY 01/04/2008 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Day/Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Observation/ Remedial Measures Taken Feeding Time (Write feeding time) Morning Noon Afternoon [Example] Duckweed 50kg (locally harvested) x 3times Water color reddish, water smell fishy [Example: use of medicine (KMnO4, Salt water (Nacl), Bronze sulphate, Sulphate (CuSO4), Formalin, Erythromycin, Vitamin C, KN-04-12, Vaccine Reovirus, Chinese herbal medicine: berry leaves (l xoan), lime, etc.] Cage Number:..................... 07:00 13:00 17:00 Feeding Record (Type, Quantity, and Source) Whenever you feed your fish, please record feed type, quantity, and source as well as feeding time. 13 MONTH & YEAR: (Use Lunar Calendar) March 2008 Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) 6 15 ppm 2.0 m Reddish Reddish Reddish Reddish 5 14 ppm 2.0 m 5.5 16 ppm 2.0 m 5.0 17 ppm 2.0 m 5.37 15.5 ppm 2.0 m Constant / Change 51.7 cm (Example) 24 C 23 C 25 C 26 C 24.5 C 57 cm 51 cm 50 cm 49 cm WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 1. Water quality monitoring is necessary once a week, desirably on the same day of the week (e.g., every Monday). 2. 3. At the end of the final week of a month, calculate the average for the month. For the last column for water color, state if there is any change in color during the month. 14 WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (YEARLY) Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Ave. Water quality parameters Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) o Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) 5.37 15.5 ppm 24.5 o C 2.0 m Constant 51.7 cm (Example) Constant / Change YEAR: (Use Lunar Calendar) 2008 Cage Number:..................... pH 1. Copy monthly average data from monthly monitoring sheet (previous page). 2. At the end of a year, calculate the average for the year. 3. For the last column for water color, state if there is any change in color during the year. 15 PART II (BASIC ACCOUNTING AND ECONOMIC RECORD KEEPING) 16 Date of Stocking Status of Fingerling Stocked Cage # FISH STOCKING RECORD SHEET (Example) 1 10 April 2008 Standard Fingerling Size (cm) (1) 25-30cm (2) >10cm Source of Fingerling (1)Hue Fish station (2)District hatchery (1) Bright color, fast movement (2) Pale color, sluggish movement * For species stocked, see also the illustrations of fish species on the following page. Number of Fingerlings Stocked (1) 20-30 fingerlings/m (2) 40-50 fingerlings/m 3 3 Species Stocked (1) Grass carp (2) Common carp Common carp / C chp ( ) Cyprinus carpio Nile tilapia / C r phi vn ( ) Oreochromis niloticus Grass carp / C trm c (Ctenopharyngodon idella) 17 Fish Illustration Tam Giang carp / C dy (Cyprinus centralus) COMMONLY CULTURED FISH SPECIES IN FRESH WATER FISH CAGES Fish Species (English/Vernacular/Latin Names) Vietnamese mud carp / C tri Vit (Cirrhinus molitorella) 18 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: January 2008 (Use Lunar Calendar) Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Remaining Fish Balance in Cages Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) (Example) 1 2 10 26 Set up the cage #1 Fingerling stocking cage #1 Wages for hiring a worker to repair cage (#1) net Family consumption 100,000 50,000 100,000 100 20kg 600,000 5 145 45 250,000 Total 100 20kg 600,000 5 1. Enter data when any activity/action is taken (if you are stocking several species in one cage, divide the columns or assign ID for each species as you like so that you can record data for each species separately). 2. At the end of every month, calculate the total for each item. Examples of Variable Costs: ? ? ? ? Fingerlings Feed (natural, supplementary, and factory-made) Fish cage materials Medicine for fish ? ? ? ? Harvesting tools Wages for hiring worker Transportation of fingerling and fish for sale Miscellaneous 31 Sell fish in the market 45 150 Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) If you have more than 3 cages, add extra column(s) next to Cage 3 19 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (YEARLY) YEAR: (Use Lunar Calendar) 2008 1. Copy monthly average data from monthly record sheet (previous page). 2. Calculate net profit using the sales and cost (=money spent) data. 3. At the end of a year, calculate total for the year. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Grand Total Month (Example) 250,000 Money Spent (A) Total Cost (VND) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales (B) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total (#) Total (VND) Remaining Fish Balance in Cages Net Profit (B-A) 350,000 45 600,000 100 (20kg) 5 Net Profit = Sales (B) - Money Spent (A) Non-Sales 20 DISCUSS AND SHARE YOUR RECORDS WITH OTHERS During and at the end of the record keeping for a year (or even at the beginning of the next production cycle), have a discussion and share findings with others including your family members, other fish farmers, government extensionists, and others. For instance, you can talk of: Is the net profit increased compared to the last season/year? Is the environmental conditions improved compared tothe last season/year? Is there any identifiable problems environmentally or economically? What would be the reason(s)? Can the cost be reduced in the next production cycle? Is there any other way toenhance net profit? Is there any significant change in environmental conditions? If yes, what would be the potential reason(s) for the change? Is there any issue that farmers can solve jointly? What is your/group strategy for the next production cycle? Good discussion ensures good strategy and improvement for the future!! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 21 ANNEX 22 WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (DAILY/WEEKLY) A Week from through (Use Lunar Calendar) MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Day/Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Feeding Time (Write feeding time) Morning Noon Afternoon Cage Number:..................... Observation/ Remedial Measures Taken [Example: use of medicine (KMnO4, Salt water (Nacl), Bronze sulphate, Sulphate (CuSO4), Formalin, Erythromycin, Vitamin C, KN-04-12, Vaccine Reovirus, Chinese herbal medicine: berry leaves (l xoan), lime, etc.] Feeding Record (Type, Quantity, and Source) 23 WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (DAILY/WEEKLY) A Week from through (Use Lunar Calendar) MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Day/Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Feeding Time ( ) Write feeding time Morning Noon Afternoon Cage Number:..................... Observation/ Remedial Measures Taken [Example: use of medicine (KMnO4, Salt water (Nacl), Bronze sulphate, Sulphate (CuSO4), Formalin, Erythromycin, Vitamin C, KN-04-12, Vaccine Reovirus, Chinese herbal medicine: berry leaves (l xoan), lime, etc.] Feeding Record (Type, Quantity, and Source) 24 WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (DAILY/WEEKLY) A Week from through (Use ar Calendar) Lun MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Day/Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Feeding Time ( ) Write feeding time Morning Noon Afternoon Cage Number:..................... Observation/ Remedial Measures Taken [Example: use of medicine (KMnO4, Salt water (Nacl), Bronze sulphate, Sulphate (CuSO4), Formalin, Erythromycin, Vitamin C, KN-04-12, Vaccine Reovirus, Chinese herbal medicine: berry leaves (l xoan), lime, etc.] Feeding Record (Type, Quantity, and Source) 25 WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (DAILY/WEEKLY) A Week from through (Use ar Calendar) Lun MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Day/Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Feeding Time ( ) Write feeding time Morning Noon Afternoon Cage Number:..................... Observation/ Remedial Measures Taken [Example: use of medicine (KMnO4, Salt water (Nacl), Bronze sulphate, Sulphate (CuSO4), Formalin, Erythromycin, Vitamin C, KN-04-12, Vaccine Reovirus, Chinese herbal medicine: berry leaves (l xoan), lime, etc.] Feeding Record (Type, Quantity, and Source) 26 WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (DAILY/WEEKLY) A Week from through (Use ar Calendar) Lun MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Day/Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Feeding Time ( ) Write feeding time Morning Noon Afternoon Cage Number:..................... Observation/ Remedial Measures Taken [Example: use of medicine (KMnO4, Salt water (Nacl), Bronze sulphate, Sulphate (CuSO4), Formalin, Erythromycin, Vitamin C, KN-04-12, Vaccine Reovirus, Chinese herbal medicine: berry leaves (l xoan), lime, etc.] Feeding Record (Type, Quantity, and Source) 27 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 28 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 29 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 30 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 31 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 32 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 33 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 34 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 35 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 36 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 37 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 38 MONTH & YEAR: ___________________ (Use ar Calendar) Lun Week 1 2 3 4 5 Ave. Water quality parameters pH Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Constant / Change WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (MONTHLY) Cage Number:..................... 39 WATER QUALITY MONITORING SHEET (YEARLY) Month Water quality parameters Alkalinity (ppm) Temperature ( C) o Water level (m) Water color Transparency (cm) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Ave. Constant / Change YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Cage Number:..................... pH 40 Date of Stocking Status of Fingerling Stocked Cage # FISH STOCKING RECORD SHEET Standard Fingerling Size (cm) Source of Fingerling Number of Fingerlings Stocked Species Stocked 41 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 42 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 43 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 44 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 45 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 46 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 47 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 48 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 49 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 50 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 51 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 52 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (MONTHLY) MONTH & YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Date Activities/Actions Taken Money Spent (Variable Costs) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales Non-Sales Total Cost (VND) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total Remaining Fish Balance in Cages 53 CAGE FARMING RECORD SHEET (YEARLY) YEAR: (Use ar Calendar) Lun Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Grand Total Month Money Spent (A) Total Cost (VND) Fish Harvest / Loss Sales (B) Quantity (# & kg) Income (VND) (e.g., family use, given free, loss) (#) Cage 1 (#) Cage 2 (#) Cage 3 (#) Total (#) Total (VND) Remaining Fish Balance in Cages Net Profit (B-A) Net Profit = Sales (B) - Money Spent (A) Non-Sales SIMPLE RECORD KEEPING FOR FISH FARMERS (Fresh Water Fish Cage Culture Techniques) Publishing Date: February 2008 (First Edition) Published by: IMOLA/FAO, GCP/VIE/029/ITA Email: Website: [email protected] Cover photo courtesy of Kibria and Hai: A series of typical bamboo made fresh water fish cages operating in the Quang Thai commune Preparation of This Simple Record Keeping For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as: DOFI/DGDC/FAO/IMOLA/PPC, GCP/VIE/029/ITA (2008). SIMPLE RECORD KEEPING FOR FISH FARMERS (Fresh Water Fish Cage Culture Techniques): 54pp. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES (DOFI), THUA THIEN HUE DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION (DGDC), ITALY FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO) OF THE UNITED NATIONS INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF LAGOON ACTIVITIES (IMOLA) PROVINCIAL PEOPLE'S COMMITTEE (PPC), THUA THIEN HUE 53 Nguyen Hue Street, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Piazzale della Farnesina 1, Rome, Italy Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome, Italy 53 Nguyen Hue Street, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam 14 Le Loi Street, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam The preparation of this Simple Record Keeping Book has mobilized the IMOLAproject team as well as several experts fromgovernmental, non-governmental, and academic institutions. The preparation was initially coordinated byArie Pieter van Dujin and later by BakuTakahashi under the overall supervision by The drafts were prepared by Ho Bich Huong Giang and Le Xuan Hoang, and drawings and layout design were prepared by Special thanks also go to Massimo Sarti. Md. Ghulam Kibria, Nguyen Quang Linh, and Vo Thi Tuyet Hong. Translation was undertaken by Tran Vu Hai. Nguyen Thi Phuoc Lai, Flavio Corsin, Nguyen Nhu Tiep, and Raymon vanAnrooy who provided useful comments on this Simple Record Keeping Book.
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