Occupation, Industry, or Season of Taking Fish or Other Sea Animals (Such As Sponges, Shrimp, or Seals) : FISHING
Occupation, Industry, or Season of Taking Fish or Other Sea Animals (Such As Sponges, Shrimp, or Seals) : FISHING
Occupation, Industry, or Season of Taking Fish or Other Sea Animals (Such As Sponges, Shrimp, or Seals) : FISHING
Smith et al. (1993) identify the lack of clearly defined management objectives as one of the main impediments to establishing
and adhering to Reference Points. As described above there may be many societal objectives in managing a fishery, and each
may correspond to the interests of a particular user group. Thus the stakeholders in a fishery need to agree on the management
objectives for the fishery. In order to reach agreement on a conceptual reference point users must understand the relationships
between the objectives, and the characteristics of the fishery: they must be able to appreciate the trade-offs among the various
possible reference points in real, even if only relative, terms: whether expressed as fishing mortality rates, catch rates, mean fish
sizes, etc. Various means of simplifying these relationships must be explored, in order to facilitate the participation of all users