Love Newsletter 2009-07

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Mumena Missions

Mumena, Zambia
Rick and Karen Love
July 2009 Newsletter
Prayer Requests Everything has Still after being attacked, Gladson has
slowed down a bit here since refused to go to the police. He has
Kankuwa Church most of the visitors from America left forgiven his father and brothers and
during the first part of July. Our family continues to pray that they can change
Pray for the Christians
has moved where the Bruingtons used to their hearts and come back to God.
to continue growing live before they left. The bigger house Gladson has lost all of his possessions and
and teaching others has been a great blessing to us now that continues to love those who attacked
we have three children. The people who him. His example has truly been a blessing
Campande come to the weekly Bible studies are to the Kankuwa church.
continuing to grow in understanding and
Church At the same time while building his new
love for others.
Pray that the men will house, he has continued to help lead the
become faithful Kankuwa Church Update church. They have completed the new
leaders church building, organized a seminar for
August, and continue teaching and
inviting everybody in the area to learn
Preaching Points about Jesus.
Pray that the people
In the past three months, they have gone
coming to the Bible
from 8 people to about 40. About 20
studies will continue to people have returned and many visitors
learn are now regularly attending. These people
have seen the love of God through
Servant Hood Kankuwa church members preparing for the Gladson and now they are also following
August Seminar
Jesus without fear.
Leadership In the last newsletter, I mentioned a man
Because everyone has heard what has
Training named Gladson. He had been persecuted
happened to Gladson, many Christians
Pray for the young by his family because of his father
from the other churches in Mumena want
church leaders who will Sawanda. Well, about a week after
to help him. They have arranged a work
writing the last newsletter, Gladson was
be coming in September day on August 29th where they will be
physically attacked by his brothers with
making mud bricks for his house.
the support of Sawanda, his father. He
Language Learning escaped by fleeing from his village. Since
All of this has shown how God can turn an
Pray for us as we learn then, he has been renting a house in a evil situation into a blessing for His family.
the language and nearby village, while getting ready to John 13:35 “By this all people will know
develop friendships with build a new house. that you are My disciples, if you have love
for one another.” - HCSB
the Kaonde people
Family News strength back.
This month we moved into our new
This is a time of wind and dust here in
house. In addition to moving, I also have
Northwest Zambia and it affects the
been building some furnishings that were
people with colds and flu. This year was a
unfinished. Now we have a place for
cold one and as you can imagine the
everything and can organize our house.
homes they live in are cold. The only
This really helps us feel at home here.
Matthew’s birthday party warmth they have are from small
Also, Matthew’s birthday was last month.
charcoal braziers and of course during the
He was glad to have some of his friends,
day the sun. I visited several members of
the Bruces, visit from Solwezi. We played
the Lunsala congregation today and found
many games like bobbing for apples and
several to be sick with cold and flu
musical chairs.
symptoms. The good news is some have
With the campaigners gone, there are recovered and plan to attend worship
four families remaining: Don & Rita Boyd, service tomorrow. Both Lunsala and
Matthew playing with Emily Brian & Sondra Davis, Phil & Paula Konkwa seem to be doing well from a
Sullivan, and us. Phil & Paula are here for spiritual point of view. We are planning a
six months to help the team and work weekend fellowship the last weekend of
with different projects like well drilling this month. Lunsala will visit the Konkwa
and education. More than that, Paula has congregation from Saturday morning with
been a great help for Karen with the fellowship, singing and worship until after
children. the Sunday AM service. This will
encourage both groups. Our prayer is
We are glad to be a part of this team and that Konkwa will be encouraged to be
Lydia playing with Emily can see how God is blessing the Kaonde more evangelistic with outreach and
through our combined efforts. Lunsala will see a more mature church
and strive to become the same. Please
May God bless you and your family, pray for this meeting. We had a good
Rick and Karen Love team meeting today with a focus on next
year’s campaigns. Rita and I thank you for
all of your prayers and support. It is
comforting just knowing you are there for
Matthew & Lydia in the new us.

Contact us: In His Name,

[email protected] Don & Rita

Mailing Address:
Rick and Karen Love
P/Bag S-42
Solwezi From Don & Rita Boyd
Zambia Hello to our friends at Cedar Hill,

Supporting Rita and I seem to be mending. She is

Congregation: doing well it seems with her hip problem
Cedar Hill Church of Christ and I am over the flu and getting my
535 S Clark Rd
Cedar Hill, TX 75104

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