I Say, "Yes" To Him.: PNG Tattoos

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Nazarene Bible

 Brownington, ETN AUGUST 2010 Geneva Silvernail
 Jackson, Ohio
 Zenia, Ohio I say, “Yes” to Him.
 Gallatin, TN
read and write well in Tok Pisin. Her
 Knoxville, TN husband had left her. Why would God
 Olathe, KS think about her for such a calling?
 Indiana
Finally, she said, “Yes” to God’s leading
 Nashville, TN
and entered the lay ministry program at
 Oliver Springs, E
MNBC. The first semester, she struggled
with reading until another student began
 Sulphur, LA
tutoring her. Daux caught on quickly,
 Thompsons Sta-
and we all rejoiced with her progress.
tion, TN
Her testimonies are always filled with her
 Vivian, LA
praise to God and for the Bible College.
Daux desires to improve her study skills
and Tok Pisin so that she can enter the
program that prepares students for ordi-
nation as pastors in the Church of the
Inside this Nazarene. Will you pray for her as she
issue: When God spoke to Daux about preparing for ministry, she
looks for sponsors? Will you pray for
couldn’t understand why. She was uneducated. She couldn’t
Rugs from Rags 2 her as she prepares to be a pastor?

Shall We Gather 2
at the River?

Bible Story Cloths 2

Arrive Tribal tattoos of women in Papua New
Toys for Good 3 Guinea are known for their rich historical
Behavior background. In earlier days most of the
I Heard NO Com- 3 women were heavily tat-
plaints tooed from head to toe.
Contact Informa- 4 Some of the women at
tion the Bible College say
Scheduled Meet- 4
that their parents did
ings for 2011- their tattoos to make
2012 them beautiful in prepa-
Bragging Rights 4 ration for marriage.
Some tattoo artist choose to hand-tap
Actually the tattoos are ashes or tree resin into the skin using
scars caused by ashes being rubbed into a sharpened stick or thorn. Generally, the longer
a fresh cut by a sharp razor blade. “The for a wound to heal, the more pronounced the
process is painful and sometimes we tell scar will be. Thus, in order to have pronounced
them to stop for a short while,” explains scars, the wound may be kept open and irritated
Anna who had her daughter’s name tat- with toothpaste or lemon juice. Most of our Bi-
tooed on her hand. “But I did it so that ble College women refrain from tattooing their
my daughter will know I love her.” bodies or tattooing their children.
P a g e 2


MNBC ladies in the lay some in the shape of a butterfly.
ministry program take They made them better than what
classes in home econom- I had taught them! The students
ics, literacy, as well as sold their rugs to faculty and visi-
Bible and practical theol- tors in order to purchase cloth for
ogy. They learn to cook, their up coming sewing projects for
sew, and keep house as graduation.
well as how to teach a
Pray for these ladies as they strive
Sunday school class and
to be better Christian wives and
start a preaching point.
mothers as well as good home-
Last semester I taught makers. Pray for Lero as she di-
Director Lero Kui how to rects the program.
make Tennessee rag
Would you like to assist with the
rugs. She then taught her students. All the
Rev. Lero Kui, above in the purchase of a sewing machine, a
women caught on quickly and made beautiful
striped shirt, teaches in the lay stove, or a refrigerator for the
rag rugs—some oval, others round, and even
home economics classroom?

Shall We Gather at the River

Kumi, one of our carpenters and maintenance workers,
stopped by my house to say goodbye. He told me that he
I need to
would not be able to work for the Bible College for awhile. “I
spend more
need to spend more of my time studying for my baptism
of my time
studying classes, he explained. “I need to make sure that my Christian
for my life is up-to-date and that I understand the Bible.” Of course,
baptism we let him temporarily resign.
Pray for Kumi and others in Papua New Guinea who take bap-
tism as a serious undertaking and a testimony of salvation in
preparation for joining the church. Pray for Kumi as he re-
turns to work that he will be a witness to others.

Bible Story Cloths Arrive

Under the leadership of Children’s Pastor Greg Nash, children
at Gallatin First Church of the Nazarene in Tennessee raised
$2000 to purchase Bible Story Cloths for Melanesia Nazarene
Bible College. After a long time in storage and shipping over
land and ocean, the story cloths finally arrived and are al-
ready being used in Papua New Guinea.

Bible College students were divided into small groups during

one chapel service and taught how to use the cloths in teach-
Dorothy Anda, on the right, with her students.
ing Sunday school and in evangelistic services. “I never real-
ized the difference a colored picture would make,” exclaimed one student. “I have always used black
and white charts of stick figures and found them very helpful. But the Bible Story Cloths grab the at-
tention of both adults and children in a way I could never imagine.” Pray for our students as they use
the Bible Story Cloths in their internships. Pray for the children at Gallatin First Church and their pastor
Greg Nash that they will continue being mission-minded. Thank you Gallatin First Church!
A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 P a g e 3


What do you do when the local church does not have a chil-
dren’s church for the over 100 children attending? What do
you do when children walk in and out of the service, go
from one care-taker to another, and throw rocks down the
aisle during the sermon.

Over 110 children received a toy for good behavior.

After encouraging the church leaders to train children work- small stuffed animal, a ball, or a toy sent by various
ers, I announced that each child that came to church would friends and churches in the US. For some of the chil-
receive a special card. At the end of the service, those who dren, this was the first toy that they had ever re-
still had their card would receive a gift. Three people helped ceived.
to monitor the children during the church service. Parents
For the three children who did not receive a card,
sat with their children. Fathers helped the mothers. Older
they were given one more chance to improve their
children started motioning to younger children to be quiet
behavior in church. Pray that parents and church
and sit still. And you know what—it worked.
leaders will remember working with children is as an
Afterwards, over 110 children lined up in front of the princi- important ministry to God and the church. Pray that
pal’s house to exchange their good behavior card for a the church pastor will appoint workers with the chil-
dren for the worship services.

I Heard NO Complaints . . .
Look at all the boxes piled up in the dining room. Boxes
holding supplies for the Lee Eby Elementary School. There
is hardly room for the chairs. But not once did Michele com-
plain as my son David began to gather supplies and materi-
als. She and the boys just joined in the fun and didn’t argue
about what guests would think if they came for a visit.

Now look at the students from the Lee Eby Elementary

school. They have received the boxes and are carrying them to
their school. Not once did I hear them complaining how heavy
the boxes were, or how their backs ached from carrying the
boxes. No one complained of getting too much.

Thank you, Churches, who sent school supplies once again for
our schools. Not once have I heard you complain about giving
to God and the ministries in PNG.
P a g e 4
Thank you for those who
scheduled a service. I look
forward to being with you. May 1 AM/PM Sparta, MI
May 6-11 Nampa, ID
May 15 Sitka, Alaska
May 17-18 Ketchican, AK
May 19 Juneau, AK
May 20 Cordova, AK
May 22 AM Anchorage Jewel Lake, AK
May 22 PM Anc Hillcrest/Samoan, AK
May 23 Kodiak, AK
Melanesia Nazarene Bible College May 24 Palmer/Eagle River/Wasilla, AK
May 25 Chapel/Souljourn, AK
PO Box 376
May 26 Seward, AK
Mt. Hagen, WHP 281
Available Sundays: May 27 Nikiski/Soldotna, AK
Cell Phone 675-7264-8288 2011 May 29 PM Fairbanks First/North Pole, AK
(To call from US December 11, 18 June 2 ALASKA District NMI Convention
June 5 AM Lebanon First, E TN
DIAL 011 before the number)
June 11-12 Dalhart, TX
[email protected]
[email protected] 20122 June 15
June 17-18
CANADA West District NMI Convention
Chicago Central District NMI Convention
January 8, 15, 22, June 18-19 Chicago Calvary, Chicago Central IL
29 June 25 -26 AM Potomac, Chicago Central IL
February 5, 12 June 26 PM Paxton, Chicago Central IL
July 3 AM Sweetwater, ETN
March 4, 25
July 5 Iowa District Convention
July 10 AM Knoxville First, ETN
US Contact Information July 10 PM Jasper, E TN
July 17 AM/PM Chattanooga Grace, E TN
July 22 PM Carthage, E TN
1617 Woodhaven Ct. July 24 AM/PM Cleveland, E TN
Lebanon, TN 37087 USA July 25-August 2 Reserved
SKYPE 1-615-692-1651 Aug. 3-14 Georgia Tour
Aug. 6-7 AM Sandersville, GA
Aug. 7 PM Good Shepherd, Tennille
Aug. 20-21 AM Mercy Hill, N AL
August 26 Manchester, ETN
Aug. 27-28 AM Cookeville, E TN

Bragging Rights . . . August 28 PM

August 31
LaVergne, ETN
Chattanooga First, E TN
September 3 Chattanooga Calvary, E TN
Sept. 4 AM Crossroads, E TN
Sept 7 PM Doyle, E TN
Sept 10-11 Oak Ridge New Life, E TN
Sept. 14 Kingsport, E TN
Sept. 18 AM/PM Auburn, IN
Sept. 24-25 Spring Arbor, MI
Oct. 2 AM Alva, NW Oklahoma
Oct. 9-16 South Texas Tour
Oct. 19-30 Kansas Tour
Oct. 24 Hutchinson First, KS
Nov 5-6 AM/PM Winter Haven, Central FL
November 9-20 West Texas Tour
Feb 17-19 Georgia Youth Quake
Front row: Gay. Back row: Carolyn, Linda, Geneva, and Larry. Feb 20-26 Georgia Tour
Feb. 28-Mar. 9 Central Ohio Tour
Sometimes I just can’t help but brag about my brothers and sis- March 11-18 Indianapolis District Tour
ters and the way they pray for me and support my ministry. April 1 AM/PM Tennessee District
April 15 AM/PM Tennessee District
They are the ones who know who I really am and whether my
April 22 AM/PM Tennessee District
life rings true as a Christian. And knowing all my faults and mis-
takes—they still believe in me. I am so thankful that God has
brought them into my life. I just don’t understand why they are
all retired, and I am still working!

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