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♦S 10, 2020

Montgomery Bap st Priori es: We will priori ze the…

 Gospel above all by mee ng human need and plan ng gospel seed
 Star ng and replan ng of churches for all people
 Equipping and sending of pastors and missionaries to the River Region and the ends of the earth.

Henry Blackaby often reminded us from scripture Cameron and Tara Bell
that “we should look for where God is and join Cameron and Tara obediently
Him there.” More than ever before, the Lord is followed the Lord to the
bringing godly couples to the River Region to start Cloverdale area from Opelika.
new churches. This has not been a recruitment Knowing that God was leading
effort on our part, just a God thing. These church them to start a new work in this
planting missionaries have come from Alabama, eclectic part of town, the Bell’s
Mississippi, and California in obedience to God’s bought a home in that
Neal Hughes voice, who said, “Go the Gaza Road” (Acts 8:26). community, then wisely got
Director of Missions Please pray for these families, as they are now here under the leadership and
and ready to take the next steps for Jesus: mentorship of Pastor Terrence
Jones and the Strong Tower
Dawson and Joyce Zhang
Church. Terrence is not only
Dawson called me two years ago
one of our leading pastors of a multicultural SBC church in the city,
with a vision of continuing his
he also serves on the church planting staff of the Alabama Baptist
Chinese Baptist church planting
State Board of Missions. Cameron is soon to finish his internship
network (that he had formed in
with Strong Tower and will be launching toward God’s next steps
Mississippi) by coming to the
most needed place for a Chinese
church – Montgomery, Alabama. Davey and Amber Lyon
Since that day, the Pike Road Davey comes out of the Benton
Baptist Church has partnered Baptist Church near Selma,
with the new congregation. under the faithful leadership of
Recently, Dawson and church took PRBC’s old sanctuary and long-time pastor Lee Tate. He
renovated it to a beautiful place for worship. The Church also gave works for the State of Alabama
the Zhang family access to their old pastorium. Now that is and has been a bi-vocational
partnership! The Lord is at work, even in the COVID-19, as many pastor in the River Region. A
Chinese worshippers are beginning to gather to worship the triune resident of Lowndes County,
God. Davey, and Amber pass by
Whitehall every day on their
Jason and Mary Powell
way to work. The Holy Spirit
Jason called me six months ago
has spoken to them and said,
with a vision straight out of
“Start a new church in
heaven. God was leading this
Whitehall along Highway 80.”
young and famous evangelist
They are now obedient to the
(Jason was on Greg Laurie’s
task. The church planting couple is receiving strong counsel from
staff with Harvest America)
our Alabama Baptist Church Planting leadership, seeking God for the
from Riverside, California to
next steps. In the next few years, another church will be birthed in
the River Region of Alabama.
Lowndes County.
He had only been in
Montgomery once and Alabama twice. Yet Jason, Mary, Zechariah, Wouldn’t you agree that God is up to something? Place these
and Zephaniah began to make their way across the country with couples on your prayer list. As the Holy Spirit directs, I will be
nothing more than the Holy Spirit in their heart and the Bible in their happy to tell you more how your church can support these kingdom
hand. They have since purchased a house on South Hull Street and efforts. Mary and I love you and continually stand amazed at what
will soon transition from the Elmore Baptist Missionary Residence to the Lord is doing through Montgomery Baptists.
their new home. With listening ears and obedient hearts, they are
ready to take the next steps our Savior has for them. Together We Can! Neal

Montgomery Baptist Association • 20 Interstate Park Dr. • Montgomery, Alabama 36109 • 334-271-6227 • www.mgmbaptists.org
This publication is made possible by your churches’ contributions to Associational Missions.

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